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tfti IT
Mr-1  (fii 1-1 • r o/ .Tui rr ,-. i-1' br-'ai-;' -nrt :


No.                 No.                No.                  R».                ft,

;500R2                3255             R3937          7,10,n^7         3,74,Byi

81377                343fi             nfl3l2          7.^2,001         3,47,STi,

—1105              —ISO           —1375         —2.rt,m         -; «fi,Rnj

J. P. fiJNGH

Jnapprfor General of Ihgixtmlion,  rttrtf


Xntire is hew-by crjven to the electorate speoifiod
Jn nib If,/) f'<;) of Schedule A of Hie U. P. Slate Medi-
cal .Faculty Lllcetiuu Rules, that A vacancy will occur
on the State Medical Faculty on SoptejiLe/2«t, 1955 Ji.o
to expiry of • *•? term of office of /Jj1. Haleiia Lai
David, 26 Cantonment Road, LncknoTT.

Candidates for election should be nominal eel by
means of nomination papers., which will be supplied
to electors on application to the Secretary of the (J.P.
State Medical Faculty, at his office in Luoknow.

Nomination papers duly subscribed by two elec-
tors as proposer and seconder should be returned to
the Secretary of the U. P. State Medical Faculty
(the"Returning Officer) befoic, 12 noon on July 19,1955.
Nomination papers which ai e not received by the
"Returning Officer at his office at Luclmow before 12
noon on July 10, 1955, shrill be rejected. The
Returning Officer who i«* the Secretary of the U. P.
.State Faculty, r.-jll unAev the rules for t'la-'tioiw,
,-criitiniEP aril e::.uiiine the nomination papers ni! all
candidate- vvhii-h iia\e beer* :*oceived by him as nforo-


ADVERTISEMENT  No.   27                                 :

ArriTC\TioN'=i nrn invited for the undprmnntinnrrl pnsts frnrJ
Tnrlun nihiznrR find pci'Rons migratprl from Pnkistnn -wHh inlr-utiui '
nf perui.uii'iifcly srMlins?in India or rniOijocts ofN( jjnl, Rikkim nr Pm ,
tugueso   or   foruifr   French   possessions     in   Indu;     Uppfi apt
limit Telcxable by 5 ypars    for Scheduled  Canton nnd abon
niiiLil conimumtic>H and   up to 4,1 ynnrs for displafcd persons froj,
Pakistan and non liberated QITUM  of   Jummn   and   Kfislinjir.   1ft,
relaztionfoT othurA ,savc in. exci-ptional ciihct  and -nill in nn raj1
berolaxed bcj'ond tliren years.    Particulars  tmd .'pphcntion form- ,
from Secretary, "Union Public Service CommisMon,ruflt Bos no. IfiC, '
TSTpw   Dehli.   Eequchta   for foimn must specify name   o,f post nnd

tJiL- u3i-L or  ilu* IT. P. State
-i,t 12


neon on July 19. 1953. Any duly
nominated i.iiiriy-'iU'o.-.Ti withdraw his candidature by
The AU.-US -i Ijt.","., ~jy sending a v.rilton lotter to
i \ c EpliiniiiiH Officor i'or the same.

In  Llic ever't ol' more- tlian  one candidate being
to I'll the vad.'injy voting papers will he

issue* I to (til eleciOiK.; concerned nut latei than
Septc-mbcr 4, 1055. Any elector who does nut
receive Iris voting papei- by thiit date, should apply
for it to tLc- EetiiTjiia^ Otftcor. All voting papers
duly .'HiHi in -nupl I'f.^oli tlie Retiuning Officer at Uie
nftiw of the IT. P. Sraio Medical Faculi-y at Lur-lcaow,
not lalti1 thin: 1 ' ^..a. 01: ^ejjLeiaber ^0, 1055, on which
(Iritis ami time ths-y \vill lie exai^.ined l>y him and the
nvnlt of the ekM'Uun

p & 9-7-.15.}

A. >T. t'HO^A,
. U. f, ttoti. Medical Faculty.

should bo accompanied by aelf-addreaacd um-tHznprd cnvr-lojir fat I
each post nt least of si/e 0"X4" indictilmg Iheri on name of prst}
fnr which forms are required. Closing date for recr-ipt of tipplirp f
tionwith treasury roreipt or Crossed Indian Pngtal Oi der for RsT 0
(Ee.1-14 for Scheduled Cnstcs nnd Tribe?.) 30th July, 1955 (13f.
August, l(15.j for applicants frnm abroad). CnmmiKnion may reimr
ijcnuiiicly indigent and boi\a fide displaced persons' fee. Sepn
rsitp applirntiou \rilh frp.vr.iir Tee required lor each post. Candi '
dates abroad may apply on plain paper if forms not available, anil
deposit fco with local Indi.m Embassy. If reqiTired candidates f
must appear for personal interview

1.    One Commimtty Project Officer (Gottrn/e Industries) CDinW'\
nitjf Project Administration, Pit nnititj Cnnimi^ton—Po*t |
but likely to continue indefinitely   Pay : Ee.i»0f—40—1,000—1,001.
—1,0,10—1,100—1,100—1,150. Higher initial pay to specially quali-
heuandoxperieiicodcandidate.  _lge—Bolow 40yeara. Qualificationi:
Essential :(i) Degree of rceogni^edUmversity     (u) About five year,
oxparience   in responsible   cap.icity    in the   field   of co-operator s
and /or small scale  and Cottage- Industries,    (ui)   Adequate espen.
cm o of collecting  and   collating   atatigtical  data  and preparatioi-
of si hemea and scrutiny thereof, (iv) Some administrative experiencf
cap ->ci illy in the field of co-ordination of work.    Qualifications reins-
Fibl* at Commiasion'>a dincrction in case of coiididotes othenriŁe^t?ll.
quiilified.                                                                                        :

2.    One Director Forensic Sftence Laboratory,   Mwishy of Ecu"'
Affitirs—Post temporary butlikc-lytopontinupund made permanent!
evejitually.    Other things beinn equal preference gix-eiito Schrdnlfil'
Ca&tes/Tnbes candidates.   Pay : Ba.1,000—."0—1,400.   Higher ini-j
tial pay to specially qualified   and   experienced candidate.   A(1t:\
Below 45 years.    Relctxable for Governmtnt servants. QvoJifitfi^tif
Essential : (i) At laas=t Second class Master's or equivalent degree in
Chemistry of rornstniycd University,    (ii) Training in modem method"
of tin.ilyaia.    (ui) About 10 year's research ci-perii-nt-o in ChcniktiJ-
Copies of publi-sliedpapersshouldbesuhmittccl Jsevidcncr of reaeait'l.
(iv) Bxperienun of controllins; laboratory.    Qualifications relaxahle
at Commigsion's discretion in case of candidati-H otliprwisc well-qoali

3.    One Assistant Director (Physics Section),   Forensic
Lnbftrntoryi Ministry of Home Affairs.   Post   trmporaiy but
to coutmno and madu permanent I'ventutilly.    Otlu-r   things
nqual pruforinco given to Schednod Castes/ Tribes candiilaliA-i. if ~>v&
-suitable   candidates   available.    Pay : Es-COO— 40— 1,000— l.OOfl-
1,050—1,050— 1,100— 1,100— 1150- Higher initial pay to special
lififtl nnd expeiienced candidate.    Age : Below 40 years.    Bc&x
for Government    sen-ants,   QvaJificatictif : Bsscntir 1 : (i)   Al- lv&&
second class Master's or equivalent degree in Phyaios of recognized i
University,   (ii) About 5 year's experience of research in  Physics, j
( 'jpiVa ofpuhliwhed pnpers should bo pubmitted na evidence of refiedrph
QitolifjcationBretsMcablu at Oomrnisaiou'B discru'tion in easr- of condi-
ifatP'S otherwise wtill-qttalififcl,                                                       *