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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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1-), 1955

Advertisement no.   30

APPT.IC iTioirS .ire invited for the undermentioned posts from
Indian citizens and per?onr-migrated from Pakistan with intention
of permanently settling in India or sub]octs of Nepal, Sikkim or
Portuguese or former French possessions in India. Upper age-limit
relaxable by 5 years for Scheduled Castes, tribal and aboriginal
eummnnities and up to 45 years for displaced persons from
Pakistan and non-liberated areas of Jammu and Kashmir. No
relaxation for others, save in exceptional cases and -will in no caao
l»o relaxed beyond three years. Particulars and application forma
frnm Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Post Box no 186,
Xew Delhi. "Requests for forms must specify name of post and
should bo ticrompanied by self-addressed unstamped envelope for
o.ich post at lenst of FI'ZO 9" X 4" indicating thereon name of
post for which fonn-3 are required. Closing date for receipt of
applications with treasury receipt or Crossed Indian Postal
Order for R-5.7-R (Re.l-14 for Scheduled Castes and tribes)
August 13, 1935 (Au^u&t 27, 1955 for applicants from abroad).
Commission may remit genuinely indigent and bona fide displaced
parsons'fee Separata application with separate fee required for
each post. Candidates abroad may apply on plain paper if forms
not available, and deposit fee with local Indian Embassy. If re-
quired candidates must appear for personal interview.

1.    One Assistant Directcr of Statistics,   Central Tractor Organi-
sation,   Ministry  of Food  and Agriculture—Temporary but likely
to continue.   Reserved for Scheduled Caste    candidate     if such
suitable candidate is available, otherwise reserved for    Scheduled
Tribe candidate if such suitable candidate is available.   If  neither,
a Scheduled Caste nor a   Scheduled Tribe candidate is   available
treated   as   unreserved.    Pay :   Rs.275—25—500—30—650—E.B.
—30—SOO.   Higher initial pay maybe granted to specially quali-
fied and experienced candidate.    Age : Between 25 and   40 jears.
Relaxable for   Government   servants.    Qualifications :   Essential—
(i) Masters or   equivalent Honours,   degree m    Mathematics   or
Statistics,    (ii) About 2 years'  experience of statistical work in an
organiation  of repute.    Qualifications relaxable   at  Commission's
discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

2.    One Automobile Engineer, Transport Department, Himachal

Pradesh, Himachal  Pradesh  Transport Services,   Class II__Post

temporary but likely to become permanent.    Pay : Rs.OOO—30—
800.   Higher initial pay may be granted to specially qualified and
experienced candidate.    Age : Between 25 and 45 years.   Relaxalle
for Government   servants.    Qualifications : Essen'anl—(i) Degree or
Diploma in Automobile Engineering from a recognised University/
Institution,    (u) About 3 years' experience in a responsible capacity
in a transport undertaking of repute,   (iii) Adequate practical train-
ing in Automobile Engineering and experience of automobile major
repairs to be  done m workshops and in   attending to minor faults
that may arise on the road,    (iv) Familiarity with and knowledge
of local conditions  of Himachal Pradesh.    Qualifications relaxable
at Commission's discretion in case of candiates otherwise well quali-

3.    Four Tourists Reception and Information {Assistant Rtgio~
nal     Tourists Officers,   Ministry of Transport—Temporary  but
likely to continue indefinitely.    Two posts    reserved for Scheduled
Castes and    Scheduled Trites candidates but   will be treated as
unreserved if no such suitable    candidates are forthcoming.    Pay:
Rs. 350—25—500—E.B.—30—650.    Higher   intial   pay may be
granted    to    specially    qualified    and    experienced    candidates.
Age : Between 21   and   40 years.    Qualifications : Essential—(i)
Decree of  recognised University,   (ii) Public relations and organi-
zational   experience/training, (iii) Good   general   knowledge   and
familiarity with places of tourists interest in India.    Qualifications
rela&iibld at Commisgion'e discretion in case of candidates otherwibe
well qualified.

4.    Lecturer in Geography, Central Institute of Education, Delhi —
Post permanent.   Pay : Rs.300—25—500—30—560.- Higher initial
pay   may   be   granted   to  specially  qualified    and   experienced
candidate (5).    Age :  Below 35 jears.    Relaxable for   Government
servants.   Qualifications   :   Essential—(i) Fust class    Master's or
equivalent Honours, degree of recognised University in Geography,
(ii) Degree or Diploma in Education,    (iii) About 3   years'   expe.
rionca of teaching   at   a recognised Institution.    Qualifications re-
laxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise
well qualified.

5.    Lecturer in Commerce, Delhi Polytechnic.   Post permanent.
Reservad for Scheduled Tribes if such suitable candidate available.
Otherwise to be treated as  unreaorved.    Pay : Ra.SOO—25—500—
30—560.   Higher initial pay may be granted to a specially qualified
and experienced   candidates,    Ag& :   Below 35 years.   Relaxable
for Government servants.   Qualifications ; Essential—(i) First class
Master's or  equivalent Honours  degree of a recognised Univernty
in Commerce or Economics,   (ii)  About 3   years'   experience of
teaching Commerce in a recognised educational Instituion or about
3 years' expereince of work in a responsible capacity in a Commercial
Organization.   Qualifications relaxable  at Commission's discretion
in case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

6.    One Publicity Officer under the National Malaria Control
Programme at  the   Malaria Institute of India, Delhi, Ministry of
Health,—Temporary but likely to continue.   Reserved for Scheduled
Caate candidate if such suitable candiate available •   otherwise to
be fitted by   a Scheduled Tribe  candidate if one is available.   In
ease neither a Scheduled Caste ttor a Scheduled Tribe   candidate is
available, it will be treated as unreserved.   Pay : Rs,600—30—710.
If a nodical graduate is appointed, he will be debarred from private

tee.   Higher initial pay may be granted to a specially qualified

and experienced candidate. Age between 25 and 35 years. Relax-
able for Government Servants. Quahficaticns : Essential— Adequate"
experience of publicity work preferably with medical background
including writing of feature articles, pamphlets otc. NOTE — Candi-
dates should submit copies of published articles.

7.    One, Assistant Editor [English Magazines) in  the Publication
Division Ministry of Information^ and Broadcasting Poat  temporary
up to February 29, 1956.    Candidates who are called   for interview
may have to sit for a written test, details of which will follow. Pay •
Rs.350— 25— 500— E.B —30—620.    Higher     initial   pay   may 'ha
granted to a specially qualified and experienced candidate.    Age ;
Between 25   and    35    years.    Relaxable   for   Government   servants'
Qualifications   :   Essential— -(i)   At    least Second    Class     degree  of
recognised   University,    (ii)    Experience    of   editorial   work in an
English   Language   periodical,    (iii) Acquaintance with Indian and
World Affairs   as   evidenced   by published   articles   (copies to be
furnished with application).  Qualifications relaxable at Commiaaion'g
discretion in cse of candidates otherwise well qualified.

8.    TILO   Assistant   Editors,   Publications   Divisions,    Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting.    Temporary but likely to continua,
Candidates who are called for interview may have to sit also for
a written test, details of which will follow.    Pay : Rs.350 — 25 — 500—
E.B. — 30 — 620.   Higher initial pay may be  grantod to a spcially
qualified a nd experienced candidate.    (5).    Age :  Below 35 years.
Relaacablefor Government Servants.    Qualifications • Essentials — (i) At
least Second class degree from recognised University,    (ii) Experience
of production  of pamphlets, magazines,   etc. of    writing   feature
articles,    (iii) Good  general knowledge  with  special   reference   to
Indian Geography, History and Culture.    Qualifications relaxable at
Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise wall-qualified .
Desirable : Travel  in  India   and/or   special  knowledge   of places
of tourists interest i   India.

Under Secretary.


. 13/55

APPLICATIONS (in duplicate) invited for undermentioned post
from Indian citizens and persons migrated from Pakistan with
intention of permanently settling in India or subject of Nepal,
Sikkim or Portuguese possession in India. Higher initial pay to
specially qualified and experienced candidates. Particulars and
application forms from Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology,
Kharagpur. Requests for forms nmet specify name of poet and
should be accompanied by self-addressed unstamped envelope at
least of size 9" X 4* indicating thereon name of post for which
forms are required. Closing date for receipt of applications to-
gether with treasury receipt or crossed Indian Po&tnl Order for Re.7-8
(Rs.1-14 for Scheduled Castes and Tribes). Marked payable to
Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, at New Dclli Post
Office August 6, 1955 (August 20, 1955, for applicants abroad).
Union Public Service Commission may remit genuine indigent and
bona fide displaced persons' fee. Candidates abroad may apply on
plain paper, if forms are not available and deposit fee with local
Embassy. If required candidates mu&t appear for personal inter-
view. Qualifications relaxable at Commission's discretion in the
case of candidates otherwise well qualified.

One Post of Lecturer in Geology -. Post permanent nnd pension-
able Age : Preferably above 26 years. Pay : Rs.350 — 350—
380— 380— 30— 590— EB.— 30— 770— 40— 850.

Qualifications : Essential - (i) First Class Master's Degree in
Geology or Applied Geology or equivalent ; (ii) Training in the
methods of under-ground mining and prospecting ; (m) Experience
in beneficaition of ores and minerals. Desirable ; (i) Teaching
and_ research experience ; (ii) Field experience of under-gronnd
mining and prospecting.

Candidates selected for appointment will be required to join
duty immediately after selection.


Present : Sm MOHD. TTTBAII- AHMAD, Judqe

Insolvency Case no. 83 of 1954
In the matter of— >

Sri Jagdish Saran, son of L, Sukh Lai, Voiah
Agarwal, resident of Chondausi (debtor)              . .    Applicant .


Sri Har Prasad, Proprietor, Firm Sheo Lai Ram
Kiahan,  resident of Amritsar and others (creditors)      Opposite-

IT is informed that the aboyenomed applicant has beon adjudicat-
ed an insolvent by this Court on April 19, 1955 and fiya
years' time has been given to him to apply for discharge. Official
Receiver has been appointed to take over his assets.

Issued today, the Uth of July, 1065, with my Real and signature.

By order,