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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Tnc Government Promissory note no DH 000478 of tha 3 per
ppnt. six year Defence Bonds (1st series) for Ra.100 originally standing
in the name of Imperial Bank of India and lust endorsed to Bam
Prasa'1. the proprietor, bjT whom it was never endorsed to any other
pprson having been lost, notice is horfiby given that payment of the
above* note and the interest thereupon have been stopped at the
Public Dfbt Office, Eeberve Bank of India, Delhi, and that appli-
cation i« about to bo made for the issue of duplicate in favour of the
proprietor. The public are cautioned apainat purchasing or other-
wise dealing with the abovemeutioned security.

Signature  of the   nduTtiser—RAM PBASAD,
R'fiifamc—Dsputy Central Intelligence Offi'.-ar, B'kaner.
[9, 16 & 23-7-'53.]


Notice id hereby pivt-n that Sahu Ram Prakash has gone out
of the partnership styled as Messrs. Bam Prakash SB Sons with
etfectfrom Dasehra 2011 corresponding to October 7, 10,14 and
tho partnership now consista of the following*

]   Mil

S. Onkar ftaran                                         -      040

ti. rTauard&n fciarau                                     .      040

S. Ramushwar Sarau                .                ,040

S. Gapal Saran                       ..                 .      U    4   (I

admitted to the benefits of partnership.

Partnei, Messrs Ram PffknsJi
&3ons, Mfwdi Buna,

The Government Promissory notes noa. DHO16167/71 of tho"
per cont loan of 1049—52 for Tte.1,000 each originally standing inth''
name of Bcsorve Bank of India and last endorsed to Imperial Bank,
of India, tho proprietor(s), by whom thoy wure n^vor endorsed to anv
other person, having beon doatroyed, notice ia hereby given that tha '
payment of tho abovo noto(a) and the intorcst thereupon has been \
stopped at the Public   Debt Office, .Reserve Bank of India, Delhi   f
and that application IB about to be made for the payment of tha f
discharge value m favour of the proprietor(a).    The public are Pftu.
tioned against purchasing or otherwise dealing with the abovemen-
tioned   securities.

Name of advertiser—(ILLEGIBLE), Apenf,                                      j

Place—Dehia Dan.                          For Imperial Bank of India.

[9, 16&23-7-'5S.]

In the matter of the Indian Companies  Act and the Dayalbagh
Manufactures Trading Co., Limited, Dayalbagh (Agra).

At an extra ordinary meeting of tho above named
company duly convened and hold at Dayalbagh on tho 14th day
of July, 105fi, the following resolution was duly passed as a Special
Resolution:                                                                                «

RESOLVED unanimously that the Company bo wound up volun-
tarily and that Hn Kunj Bohari Lai Haksona, be and is ,herehy
appointed Liquidator for the purposes of sur-h winding up.

RESOLVED further that   tho remuneration of the Liquidator ha I
and ia hereby fixed at Rs.400.      (Four hundred) only lump-sum.


14ifc July, 1955.


. (B)—i^gfi.

Barted «md puhliahed by the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P. Allahabad, India.