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FORM NO. A. I. T. l(a)

rfl TJNDKU ,sECTJoy I.MI) oi'1 THE TT. JJ



Assessment year 19S5-53

1,     in pursu ',nce uf the pr jviruona r>f sec-Lion 15(JJ
of  the  U.   P.   Agricultural  Income  Tax Act, 1948,
I,   S.  P.   Watal,    Collector   of   Farrukhabad    Dis-
trict,  do hereby call upon every person, firm, undi-
vided Hindu family, society, trust or association other
than a company    as defined in the Indian Income
Tax Act, 1923 (XI of 1922), whose agricultural income
exceeds  Us. 4,200  to  prepare  a  return  and   correct
statement  of his  or its agricultural    income during
the previous year beginning from July 1,   1954, and
ending on June 30, 1955, in Form no. A. I. T.-3, and
to deliver the same, where the income exceeds one
lakh, at my office otherwise   at the office of the 8ub-
DivisioneJ Officer of the sub-division in wliich such
person, firm, undivided Hindu family, society, trust
or association, as the case nie-y be, resides or carries
on business, or is situate, duly signed and verified in
the manner indicated in the said  form by him or it
within thirty-five days of the publication of this notice.

2.    The   income  to   be   re burned   is   the   " total
agricultural income'' as defined in section 2(16)  of
the U. P. Agrieultiuv.l  Income Tax Act, 1048.

". The form contains instructions required for
the preparation of the return. If i\ny fiu-thoi1 in-
formation is desired, it can be obtained tit the office
of the Assessing Officer concerned.

-i. If any claim for depreciation is to be made,
necessary particulars in Form Annexure E to Farm
no. A. I. T.-3 should be furnished.

5.    In accordance with the pro visions of section
29 of the Act, a return should }jt- furnished —

(a)  in the case of a rirm in Form no. A.I.T.-10
showing the names of the partners of the jirm
with their addresses.

(b)  in the case of an undivided Hindu family.
in  Form no.  A.  I.  T.-ll   showing   the names
of the Manager or Jiarta along with the names
of all indiilt male members of the family with
their relationship and their addresses, or

(c)  in Form no. A. I. T.-l:i showing the names
of any persons for or on behalf of whom you
are  a   trustee,   mutiv.valli,   guardian,   agent   or
representative,   with   their   addresses.

6.    Thii return should be r.ccomp ined by a deol-vra,"
tion in Form A.I.T.-2 indicating the option* &B to the
method of c^rnput- ,tion of your income under section 6.

'        Nora— Tha forma specified above ran bo had from the   office of
] the Assessing Officer concerned

FORM NO. A. I. T. l(a)

TJ;r<: i& r;n;.;.™ji>; r.(n r«tt TOE u. p


Amassment yea?  i9W-53

I.      It.   C      "     "H"   ''J    l'1'   l«UVr!'«j(IK  III' ..L'CMo'i   J5(lj

uf tho U. 1'. A^iciill.u.^1 Jm-^io T',x Ar-.l-, 1948,1,
Tlsjeabnr lji<v-ui, (JolJector of I^jiii-i'diL J^i^.'-.cii, do
hewby cJ.ll u])OM t\^ry JKM'S-U']), firm, unJividerl
H'nrlit f jnily, H..L-: 'tv, Imnl. or iiMH.-tpin,!.;-«ni otil-or ihwi
A cn'mp .iiyftHck-rin.J in tho fiidbii Timccn^ TEI.X Aut.
10;!2 (XT •>!' V.)"21), whosj i.^ncjnHiu1 .1 ''inoim i'\c;,?ds
I{.a.4-.'i»(> to jiiV|)L.i\- :'. lu^u-n Mid r-a.-j-od.
nf hi.b! i»v its {^L'iculturfj! inroiiK* durjn^ tho prcvidus
iri-r,r bL'^inaing froin July 13 I0,r>i. i.,ivl onding on
June .'JlOjinri, in Form nn! A. 1 T.-S, niwl !••) Ll.hver
L1, \v\\ '»'e tho iticojii'.' c> <•(•(•( In one- l.>/k}», r,i ]ny

iS ib-Di v


dJfitv othe-'K isc ftt   tho   office

Officer uf tlie snb-flivisinn in wTHiiii MUCH HIYIJOI:, inn,
.tndivirl'ti Hindu frvmiiy, Hoc'oty, i<ni;it <v jiKflocidtion,
^,s l.!r L'.i'UP urny b'\ rowidew or c ,rri vi on business or
is witunlo, ('ply sigir'd and vorified JIT the innnnor
jndicftfc'.'d Li tilt-Hiiid'fii.'iii by him or it within thu-ly-
five cluyn of tho public-i-Mo?) of this notice.

2.    Tho income to bo returned is fcho " total agri-
cultural income " i',s drained in HcatLon  2(16) of the
U.  P. Agricultural  hiL'umc1 Tax Act,  1948.

3.    Tho  foi'in   c<int<iiinH   instnicijioiiK   required  for
tho proprntioi)  of the rt'tiiin.   If uny further infor-
mation w dosirod, it can bo obtf.inocl at the office uf
the Ass'jHsiug Officer co'icernod.

4.    If any claim for clc-ipj'oaiation is to be made,
neccHFMry pnrticulnrM in  Form Annoxuro E to Form
no. A. 1. T.-3 should be furjiished.

G. 'Ju accoj-danco with tho provisions of section
29 of tho Act, a return should be furnished—

(a) hi tho cane of ti firm in Form no. A. I. T.-10
allowing tho names of the partners of the firm
with their addresses,

(6) Jn the cfi,se» of r-n undivided Hindu family,
in Fonn no. A. 1. T.-ll showing the namefi
of the Mi<-nager or Karta along with the names
of all adult male members of tlie family with
their relationship and their addresses, or

(c) in Form no. A. I. T.-J2 showing the named
of any person for or on behalf of whom you are
a trustee, mutawftlli, guardian, agent or repre-
sentative, with their addresses.

6. . This return should be accompainod by a
decl lotion in Form A. I. T.-2 indicating the option
as to the method of computation of your income under
section G.

NOTE—Tha fonna specified above oan be had from fcha offioa of
Hie Assessing Officer concGtaod.



, 1955,

