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324                                             UTTR PRADESH GAZETTE, AHCIUST 6, 1955                          [PAHTVHI

First; "Five-Year Flan—Price Rs.6-10 f JJe.l and ay 3).       31.    Payment   of  Wages   (Procedures)   Rules,  1937,

1.    Courses  of  Tr'imng  at   Civil  .-/dation Turning  Price annas 3 (a. 1).

Centre, Allahabad,    i'lice ""annas 5 ''/. 1 px. 6).                     32.    Indiau Electricity "Rules.    Price Re.1-6 (as.2).

2.    Constitution uf luilia, with correction slips modified     33.    Audit Manual.    Price Re.l-J. (as.6).

up to 1st Sep.ember, IC'51.    Price KB. 1-10 <as.S),                34.    While  Paper on Jamnni  ind Kashmir.   Price

3.    Constitution  erf India in  Hmai.    Price  ilo.l-lU   annas 8 (as.2).

(Q3.S}.                                                                                         35.    Economic   Development  with    Stability.   Price

4.    Audit Code, First Edition    incorporating   coirec-  Rs.2-8 frur.3).

lion &iin^ nos. 1 io -j.    Price Pie 1-4  ''csvl).                        36.    Impoiu Trade Control Policy for the licensing

5.    Indian Pen id Cede as modified up to 1st J\7aruh,  period January—-Tune, 1954.    Price Pis.2-8 (as.4).
11)51     Prce Bs.2-6   (••,<.'.7).                                                    37.    Avard    on   iLe   Indu&inal   Disputes    between

G.    Ancient India  Bulletin no.  1 of the Archae^b-  Central    Banking   Companies     and    their    workmen,

gioal  Survey of India.    Price  Es.2   i'r^.6).                       Price Re.1-6  (as.4).

7.     Civil Service  (Classification,  Control  and Appeal      38.    Programmes of Industrial Development 1951-52.
Rules), corrected up to 1st October, 1051.    Price anntis 3   Price Bs.4-8 (as.l%\.                                             *

(a.l).                                                                                                  NOTE—The amounts in parentheses are for packing and pontage.

8.    Information for the Students de?nn:<r to proceed--------------------------------------------------------------—~—

Overseas   for the   Advanced  Studies,    1047-48.' Price       i5ai;V?iTANT SANSKRIT ilTER^TUBE
annas 3 (a. 1 jig. 6).                                                                                           ______

9.    Factories Act no. LXIII of 1948, as modified up to                             The Princess of Wales

1st April, 1951.   Price tomas 4 (j. 1 pa. 6).                           ?/-F? A^VATI FF-' k^ANA    T17YT

10.    First Report of the National Income Committee,         &M'-A3 V A11 tola A V AJS A    1 HA ft
April, 1951.    Price Re.1-0 (a*. 2 ps. 6).                                                            EDITED BY

11.    Criminal   Pi-oc.-dure  Code LB   modified  up   10           Dr.  L! AN GAL DEYA  SHASTRI,   M.A.
June 1, 1951.    Price Bs.2-S (as.7).                                                            D.Phil.   lOxon ),

12.    Indian Boilers Act as modinel    up   to    Novem-                Principal, Government Sanskrit College, Banaras
ber 1, 1940, Price anna? 7 (as.2).                                                                              ---------

13.     Co-opernLive    Societies    Act as modified   up to  'JV°J' 1 *° ea and 73 fitod *» MM- Pi   ^pmaih, Eawaj, M.A)

July 1. 1952.     Price annas 4 (a.l).                                                          (Fibres m pareNt/i»u indicate postage)

14.     Payment of Wages Act as modified up to Tvlay !•",      (1) The Kir-navnh  Ebaskara,     (VaiBbeahita),     a     Commentary on
"lO^I       PVI^A -mna« 4.   \n 1^                                               '          Uflayana'a Tuiauivali, Diavya Beciann, by Padmanabha Miaia.   Edited

i-'     mt     -D  -         \   4.             J£  j             ^r       -,    -mm    Wltl1 Production,  and Index,  by  Gopmuth  Kaviiii],   M.A.   (Deduced

lo.    The Poi^n Act as modified up TO May 1, 1949. iinue As Uj (4ojr.).
Pl'iCf   ann.iS   °    ]\irkinfr   aud   pi>Tanp" (»I   1)    "                       '2) TllQ Ailraita Chmtamam (VedJnta), by Eiingo]i Bbatta, Edited

1. U. P. ZamiiKlari Abolition "and Land Eefonns 5*,,^^; tj' ^T.frayana ^"^ Ehiate B^«*«y.
'•\meudment) Act no. XArI uf 1953 in English. Price (3) The Essaeara" (Vaishesbika), Commentary on Udayana's
anna? 2 (/7.1 m 6)                                                                     Kuji-ayah, Gnao section, by BLwta Va'Tindra. Edited mth Introdue-

->      rr   -D   n-        '             T   -n   i        -1,1-1         j         i      ^i      fclon-- etc-' ^7 'jnpiuatn Kavnaj, MA   (Reduced puce As.9)  (3u,s.).

± U. P. CnitlU^rogiaph EllleS, I'.l.jl. made under the Part II.—The Bhavana Viveka (Mimansa), by Mandana Misra, with
('jnematograph Act, 1018 m El"l°ll&h. Price annas 13 a C"iiunentarv by Bhatta Umhekc. Edited with Introduction, etc., by
/„., ^v                                                                                           Mi'3' imaLoparih\.'ya Gan^anatha Jba, II.A , D. LITT. (Reduced price

lfli—;>                                                                                           As6)   (2,M.)-

16.     The     Evidence    Act    modified    up    to      (& Part I.—Toginibridayadipika  (Tantra),  by Amntananda Natha,
\UOTlst 1   19-V7      Price anna« 6 (as 13)                                    bem=   a   Commentary  on   Yoginihidaya,   a  part   of    VamakeBb.varn,

-•>         '       •   '        ',      tt""i- y       .              ,.^                    Tanlaia.   Edited    by     Gopuiath     Eavjrai,     MA.     (Reduced    nrice

17.    Workmen    Compensation Act    ^edified    np to AH.TS) (So*   e/i*).                                              i^aucea   pnce

May 1, 1052.     Price Pnnas 6  (a. 1 pS.  G)                                  IB) The Kavradakmi  (Alankara), by Ganpananda Kavmdra    Edited

IS.    Industrial    LVpute   fAppeUp.te    Tribunal)    Act ^ay^edSed £?« A7a s^ySS')1* ShaStn H°ShlDg SllMtyopa-

HO. XLYIII of 1Q50.     Price annas 4  (f7.11.                               (15J Part I—The Bhakti Chandrlka (Bhakti Shastra), a Commentary

19.     Indian   L"ort.ation    ^ct   no    IX   of   1^)08     modi-   S1   S'iniillyals   Bhaktigutra-3,   by   Narayana   Putba     Edited   with   a

fied up to Febiuary 1. 1952.   Price annas 6 (a. 1 ps. e). S^S.,"0*8' * G°Pmath ^"^ ""'   (EedUC6d *** ^

20.    Land Acquisition Act no.  I oL' 1S98 as modi-    Pillt IT'   (Keflnced pnce As. 12)   (5as.).

fied up to April 1, 195-2.    Price annas 6 (a.l).                  vJl^VrT?^  ,Siddhuan1an Eat^' ^ . Bakde^a   VidyabhuBan

21.    Indian    Efectnc,,y    Act    IX  of    1910.    Price S)^!). ^^-. ^ ^-th K^a]j M.A    (Reduced rrice

annas 12  (as3).                                                                                  -Part  II.    (Reduced  price  Re.1-6)   (4as ).

00       W-VWICT        *-»       ?1*T', Pvr.-Q -Ra O O  fn* T\           •             fSl Th"   Hwi">natijpa   fAlankara),   by   Prabhakara   Bhatta.   Edited

:t     «-          A   *"     "•^')FllLe>s-2-2 (QS-7).                    witn Introduction,  etc.,  by Naiayana  Bhwrtii Ehiste   Sahityacharya.

23.    Cinematograph Act no. XXXVII of 1952, mndi- (Reduced pnre AB 0) (*«*.).                                           y      *
fied up to September 1, 1953.    Price annas 2 (n.l).           bv^Jw,?311"1'^???11 Swjh* WBthi«n of Gorakhanafe Sect),

CM       TVT +       TT 1 • i        ^   *. T-VT     £  mnrv          -> e   3          ,       y ^"•^"hadnra     Edited with Introduction bv Gopmath Eavirai. M.A.,

24.     Motor   Vehicles  Act IV  of  193P,  modified up  to  (Reduucd pnce As 71   (2ns.)                           '

November 1, 1952.     Price P-e. 1-10 (as.3 pS.&).                         (ln1 Tlle Tiivemka   (AlankanO, hy  Asadrara  Bhatta.    Edited  with

modlfied llp to Mirch '• Sr'^-'^C^^t^^^^    ^-*ai


r>  „„ *    „   j   -n  i                                         T Part   ^T-~Tbe   T"P"ra  Rahasva   (Jnanji   Khanda).   Edited    with

Reports and Rules                                    Introduction and Table of Contents, by MahamahopadhTaya Gopinath

rt-r      -P-      -s?         -™         -^                                                         Kaviraj, MA     (Reduced pnce As.12)   (gas.).

27.    iive-Year   Pian   Progress   Eeport for the years _,p]iThe I?avraviia8    (Ainnicnm), by   Chaii-anjiva   Bhatuch-lrya.

1951-52 and 1952-53.     Price Ee.1-4  (fls 4)                            Ed,1ied TOth introduction, etc., by Batukanatha Shanna, M.A., Sahityo-

28.    Beport of the Bearness Allowance Gomniittw. ^^"^^^                                                 Uioduced

Price annas 7 (<W.2).                                                                        a3) The   Nyaya   Kalika   TNyaya),   Bbatta   Tayanta.    Edited   ^vith

29.    Beport on the Efficient Conduct of Plates Inter- SSS3^ ^^T^7'' G^natha **' M-A- D^'

price 1U51.    Price aijnaS 10 (<W.2).                                             ^ far* T-~The Vorakaa Bidhanta RanKraha (Natbisra of Gornkhv

50.   Minimum Wages OeaWBote, UBQ.   Price $^i*^-^ft*t"J Hote'^ ^^ &^'"^

10 <&!),                                                    V               aSSf?? ^H^.Stfrftai   Prakaaha   by   Vararuchi    M   1**

Waknta Sanjivam, by Baaanta Baja    and BubodWm by