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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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30 and 4.1 V.TV Ril>t<nlilt fa,- floi'cfii'inrtit KCIcunts. Qualifica-
tions : 77<i-,wn7 : (ij P"M. cU^i .Main's degree in Hmdi nr
m EnijlHi with workma knowledge nf Hindi, (ii) About
two yi-'rir'^ t. M'jhinn oxp'-i'u'nr t in "English/Hindi Qunlififatioiifi
r-laxjU* at CnmmWir,iL\ rli-iir. li'm 'ii" cn*r Of c-antlidAteb nthri-

13.    Two Inspectors  for   the    Wool,    Brittlea  and   Chat-Haii
fttndi,irt Scheme, Directorate nf Marketing and Inspection -undtr tlic
Miitifti'ii  of Food nnrl Agriculture.   Posts tempoiary and likely
to   continue   indefinitely.    Pmj   :    Rs.   230—10—300—15—450—
2,1/2—500     Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experi-
enced  ca.udid.itea.    A/je : B<-low 35 years     Rclaxrtble for Govern-
ment   ficrrants.    Q"n1ifirati<inf<   :     Essential   (i)   Degree    of   re-
ca^iiizod unlvel"sl*y  iivludmy  decree in  Agriculture,  Veterinary
Science a*id Ti-xtile T^hnnlony etc- ,  (ii)   Acquainteiice with the
quilities ami trade d,^c-ription>!3 of Wool, Bristleq and Goat-Hair.
OR Prantieal expenem'ii  of handling rhfTorent  qualities  of Wool
in  textile  laboratory  for   about  two   years.    Qualifications rela-
x\ble at Commi'asioii'H ilisi-rctmn ni i a-r  nf candidates otherwise

14.    One Junior Fvftl Offu-er, Automobiles,in thn Dcvelnpnimt
WinS,   Ministry nf   C'nininutr nnd Industry     pc^t   tempoiary,
but lifcelv to c ont i mit.    Oihtr things being oquul preferenre  given
tr>  Scheduled   Cantos/Tribes   candidates    "Pay :   Rs 2oO—10—300

__13__15—4.10—2;i/3—,100     Hiahcr      initial   pay   to      specially

qiiiil'fiTl   and   fxperieneed   ennrlidate.      Age :    Below   35   years.
Reliable for   (rivernm"m servant^     Qualifications \   Essential •
fi) Degree   or  diploma iri Muchanical/Automobile Engineering of
recognized   Oniversity/Institution.    (n) About  3  year's practical
expsrii-nce   in  reputable    automobile    workshop.    Qualifications
ralaxatale at Commission'1! discretion in caso of candidates oterwiee

1,1. Four Assistant Botanists in the Scheme for Improvement of
the Sssnntial-Oil VieWng planta, Ministry of Food and Agriculture
post temporary up to SUt Mu-ch, 1960 Other things being equal.
Preference given co Sch°dulecl Cartes/Tribes candidates. Pai/ •
R3275—25—500—E*B—30—G50—ELB.—30—800. Higher initial
piy ta rfp?eiilly qualified and experienced candidates. Age -,
B*low 35 yanrs. Belmenblefor Governments?Wants. Qualifications :
Essential: (i) Botany with specialization in Plant Breed-
ing arid Genetics OJJB.Se. in Botany or Agriculture and Diploma
of A«oeiateship of I. A. R. I. with Plant Breeding and Genetics
as special subjects, (ii) About three years' research experience in
Breeding and Genetics of prop plants aa evidence by published
pap3r-J. Qunlificntions relaxablr* nt Commission's discretion in
eass of ean'lidateg otherwisu well-qualified.

16. Fifteen, Esitaa Assist ant Directors Central Water and Pomo?
' QowuiiiWtm (Powtr ir*ng), Ministry oflirigat'inn and Power, posts
temporary but likely to continue. Tvo posts reserved for Scheduled
Caste anil one- for Scheduled Tribe candidates, if such suitable
candidates availabtej otherwise all posts treated as unreserved
Pay i Ri 275—25—riOO—E B — 30—C50—E.B.—30—800. Higher
initial p iy to specially quahfipd and experienced candidates. Aye :
B -'low SoVi.u'a. Relaxablt for Govtrnme,nt&crv'tiitts. Qiialificatirni, ;
Essential: fi) Decree in Electrical Engineering or Electrical and
Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualifications (n) About 2
years' practical experience after graduation in pubhe electric
utility concerns either in tlm design, layout and cogt estimation
r>r hydro sbeam turbine or cliesel engine power stations orH T. and
I,.T- Transmission and dis>tnbution flyatema or operation andmam-
t'snanca thereof) nr in Eleetru-al or Mechanical Manufacturing con-
cern of repute. Qualifications relaxablc at Commis&ion'& discretion
in ca-ie of c-anrlidates otherwise well-qualified.

years. Rrln^aMe for finiwnrnc-nt &Liic,i<1* (ft^ihfuniir^f • £w
tiaJ: (i) At least Second Claws Mast< r'a or equivalent Honouis drorrr"
in Economics, Commerce or Mathematics with Statistics HN Rubiert
(11) Abiml two years' cxpeiu-nce of handling official Statistics and
cnnrliiitiutf field suiveys. (in) Rome administrative oxijericiur
Qaalifittitions rclaxabk- at C'omiuitfMon'H discretion in cnso of can h
dates otherwise, well.qualified.

21. Assistant Director, Gcvcmmrittof India Tourist Office
Prtris. Post trmpoimybut likely to continue Pay : Ra 35C'__op_^
500—E-B —30—GOO Highci initial pay to specially quahfipcfand
experienced candidate Aye . Between 21 nnd 40 ycai& Jje
laxable foi Government servants. Qunhficatictis . JSs&Fniia'l: \i]
Degree of recognized University (n) Capacity to Rpeok, irpcl ond
write French correctly and fluently (in) Travel in India 'with

17- One riiviJ Assistant Surgeon, Grade I, (Female)
Department. BJiojial Post temporaly but likely to be made per-
m'inent. Pa,/ : R-, 223—225—250—20—350—E:B —15—SCJO—500
E B.—20—600 Hmher initial pay to specially qualified and
experienced candidate. Aqc •. Below 35 years. Relaxable for
Government serrimts. Qualification* : Essential — (i) MBBS of
recognized University, (ii) Post-graduate qualifications in Oba-
tatrics and Gynaecology, {iii) About three years* expcriencein
hoapitil for women. Qualifications relaxable at Commiasion's
disctireon in case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

IS. One Civil Assistant Surgeon, Grade I (Gazetted], (Female),
Delhi State. Post temporary but likey to be permanent. Pay :
Bs.2GO—15—440—20—500 plus 25 per cent of pay as non-prac-
tising allowance if private practice is not allowed. Higher initial
pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age :
B=ilow 35 yaara. Relaviiblefor Government servants Qualifications :
Essential: (i) M.B.B S. or equivalent qualifications, (ii) Aboiitthree
years' exp?ricncp in hospitals and dispensaries, Qualifications re.
• Uxxblo at Commisaion'n .liaerrtion in case of candidates otherwise

19.    One  AnaastJieitst (Female), Medical Department. BJtopaL
Post temporary but likely to be made permanent.    Pay : Ptfi.225—
225—250—20—350—E.B.—15—i500—500—E.B.—20—600. Higher
initial pay to specially qnnlifiecl nnd experienced candidate.    Age :
' B'Iow33yf»Af^ Rdnjcablefar Government servants,    Qualiftecftci,*:
'    Etaentifil i (i) M, B. B- S. of recognized University, (ii) peat-gradu-
ate qualifications in Amegthesia.
!        2>.  Dirertor of E«onnmic8 nnd Statistics, HimarJtal Pradesh.

; Temporary but likely to becoma permanent.    Pay ; Ra.250—25—         -,_____,_____,-„„.   _„„_,   „„___   „_.   ^ „„-__.-.,   -,_____

1^800—30—510/30-600—40—800—50—860.   Higher initial pay to    and experienced candidate.    Age  * Below 50 years.     Kelaxable
iipAeUny qaihfied an'l   experienpo  oandidntp.   Age:   Below 35    far   Government servants.    Qualifications t Essential -. (i)  Medical

discretion in   case   of candidates  otherwise  well-qualified.

22.    Senior Accountant, Deep  Sea F^s^l^nf| Station, -Bom&n,,
Temporary   but  likely    to   continue.    Reserverd   for   Scheduled
Castes or Scheduled Tribes ]f fiuch suitable candidates available

otherwise to be treated ns unreserved.    Pay ;Rs.200__]5__390__

E.B.—20—500     Higher   initial   pay   to   specially  qualified  and
experienced   candidate     Age : Between   25   and   45   yeara.   Re-
lavable for Government savants. Qualifications : E^^ential • (i) As-
sociateahip of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants, London
or of the Indian Institute of Cost and Works Accountants,    (n)
About threo yeais1  experience of accounts.  Qualifications relaxablr
at Commission's discretion in ease of candidates otherwise well-

23.    Oyie- Accounts Officer for Internal Audit,  Government cf
BJmpal.    Temporary but likely to be made permanent eventually
Pay :Rs-250—250—25—400—E B.—20—€00     Higher initinl pay
to specially qualified  and experienced candidate.    Age : Between
25  and 45 years.    Relaxable for  Government servants.    Quahfica-
tions :   Essential: (i) Degree  of recognized -[jmveisity pieftnbly
in   Commerce,    (n)   About  three   years'   practical   experience  in
maintenance and/or examination of Government accounts.    Can-
didates -will be expected to   possess at least working knowledge
of Government Financial RU!PS  and Regulations     Qualifications
rclaxuble at Commission's discretion in case of candidates other-
wise well-qualified.

10 24. Tu-n Block Development Officers, Deljn State pctt tcir-
porary but likely to continue Pay : Rs.250—IE—400. Higher
initial pay to specially qualified end experienced candidates. Age :
Below 25 years. Relaxable -up to 35 years for Government servants
Qualifications : Essential • fi) Degree in Agriculture from recognized
University. (11) Training in Extension work at recognized centre,
(iii) Experience of rural development and extension work. Quali-
fications relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates
otherwise well-qualified.

23. Assistant Director nf ArcMvcs (Pubhcaticn) Pctt Prr-
manent but appointment to be made on temporary basis. Re-
served for Scheduled Tribes/Scheduled Castes candidates if such
suitable candidates available; otheiwite to be treated as un-
reserved. Pay : Rs 500—25—600—40—1,000- Higher initial pay
to specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age • Belciw
40 years. Eelayalle for Government servants, Qvahficaiicns •.
Essential: (i) At least second class Master's or equivalent Honours
degree m History (ii) Research -work m Indo-Bntish period of
Indian History, (iii) Experience of editing historical publications.
Qualifications relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of can.
diclates otherwise well-qualified.

26.    Public  Relations  Officer,  Films  Division-.  Minify  of
Information   and   Broadcasting.    Post   temporary   but  likely  to
continue.    Appointment to be made on five-years contract     Priy •.
Rs.720—40—1,000.   Higher initial pay to specially qualified and
experienced    candidate.    Age: Below    45    years.    ItelaxaUe   far
froverntncnt se-rtvants.    Qualifications •.   Essential :   (i)  Degree   of
recognized  University,    (ii)  About  5   years'  experience  of jour-
nalism or Public Relations work.    Qualifications relavxable at Com-
mission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.
Desirable : (i)   Knowledge   of   documentary film*,   find   newsieels.
(") Adequate contracts with film produceis, distributors and ex-
hibitors.    (iii) Experience  in  responsible  position  in  newspaper
or news agency of standing.

27.    Two Information Officers, Ministry of Infcimaiiofi and
Broadcasting.   Posts temporary but likely to continue.    Reseived
for Schedules Castes/Scheduled Tribes, if such suitable candidates
available, otherwise to be treated as unreserved.    Pay :  Rs.720—
40—1.000,   Higher initial pay to specially qualified' and experi-
enced  candidates.    Age; Between   30   and  45     years.   Selaxable
for    Qovenwnent   servants.   Qiialificaticrifi : JSeffttliff • fi)    Degree
of  recognized   University,    (ii)   About   5 years'   journalistic   ex-
perience in responsible position on ne-wspaper or newsagency of
standing or experience of publicity and public relntirns   in res-
ponsible capacity in official or non-official publicity oiganization.
Qualifications relaxable at CojumiBsion's diecieticn in case of csn-
didates   otherwise   well-qualified.

28.    Director  of Ecaltli  Services,   Tripura.    Temporary but
likely to continue.    Pay : Rs,600—40—1,000—1,000—l.OBO—1,080
—1,100—1,100—1,150.   Higher initial pay to specially qualified

i experienced, candidate.    Age  • Below 50 years.     Belaxable