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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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4'ialitiurl anil r-sjjL-riouu^d candiatus. Age : Below 45 years. Re-
ltt< fitrGwrrninritt-H'reant". Qualifications. Et-wtinl . (') Post-
graduate ill i;rL-'nrilijjlomainPhy^iolnyy. (ft) About 3yean*' teach-
mij; ta.perit?n"C in Phyniologvat, Medical College. Duties : Teaching
of Physiology fro-students for Medical Degree. Probation . One year.
Herulqumit.ia : Bhnpal.

J One Pr-ifcdsor of Physiology, Medicnl College, Ehopal.—Post
permanent. Other things being equal prefeience given to members
nf St-h .-duled Castes and Shceduled Ti ihp*. Pay -. Rs. 1,1UO—40—
1.3 4n Fn\ at uprai'tiK--not allowed Higher initial pay to specially
qualified ami experienced i andidtes. Aye : Below 45 years. fte-
lufiible for (Jor*rnment set-nuts Qualifications: Es^tntial: (i>) Post
graduate dejjrt-L* or diploma in Physiology, (if) About 5 years'
tcacluny evpurcicni'i' til Physiology at Medical College. Dutien'
Teat-lung Phsy.'iulogy to students foi Medical Degree. Probation \
One year. Heunyitartfru -. Bhopal.

3. One Reader-in Bio-Che/nistiy, Medical College, Bhopal. Post
permanent. Other things being cuqal preference giventn Scheduled
Castt^ and Scheduled Tribes eandiatcs Pair : Rs. 600—30—noo.
Privut!.1 practifo not allowed. Higher initial pay to specially quali-
fii'd nnd experienced candiate^. Age : Below 45 years. Relax-
ablr for (Jrieernment HP riant*. Qualifications: Essential: (i) Post-
Graduate degree or diploma m Bio-Chemistry. (11) About 3 years'
teaching experience in Bio-Chemistry at Medical College. Duties:
To teach Bio-Chemistr.'- to sbudents for Medical Degree. Probat-
ion : One year. Headquarters: Bhopal.


Four Assistant Information Officers (Engteh), Press Information .
Bureu, Ministry of Information and Broadcating.—In partial modi-
fication of item 2 of Commission's advertisement no. 28, which ap-
pcn.rod on 9bh July, 1955, it is notifid for general information that
number of vacancies !b now increased to seven . Three posts re-
served for Srheduled Castra oandidatpa and one for Scheduled Tribe
candidate, if auch suitable candiatcs available ; otheiwibe posts
treated as unreserved. Closing date extended to 20th August, 1955.
All other term's remain unchanged.

Indian Navy Examination

The Union Public Service Commission will hold an examination at
Allahabad, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Jammu,, Ludhiana, Madras
and Shillong. sometime in December, 1935, for selection of Special
Entry Catleth for the Indian Navy, Age limits : Candidates must
have bpfn born not earlier than 2nd January, 1937, and not later
than 1st January, 1939. These, age.lim'ta can in no case, be relaxed-
Qualifications ' Intermediate or equivalent. Applications from
candidates who have appeared or intend to appear at Intermediate
or equivalent examination acceptable, provisionally. Applicat"cn
forms and full particular* obtainable from Secretary, \jnion Public
Service Commission, Dholpur House, New Delhi, by remitting Re. 1
by Money Oi'der or on cash payment at the counter. Candidates
must nlearly state on Money Order coupons "Indian Navy Examina-
tion. December, 1935 and afro give their name and, full postal address
in block letters Postal Orders or cheques or currency notes will not
be accepted in lieu of money orders. Application forms ad connected
pnpers are also obtainable free from the nearest Naval Office Com-

Eleted implications must reach Union Public Service Commission,
y 1st October, 1H55 (15th October, 1955, for candiatcs abroad).

Army Medical Corps Examination, 1955.

The examination for recruitment of Civilian Molr Doctois for
Dirert Permanent Regular Commissions m the Aixny Medical Corps
to be- conducted by the Union Public Service Commibfeion, iide their
notice no. F. 13/1/55-E.L, dated the 18th June, 1955, will commence
fioin the 3th Dci-umbur, 1035, inbtead of 28th SeptLtnber, 1055, a&
preMOusly announced.

The Idbt datr for the receipt of npplipationb ha& also been extended
fromthp SOth July, 1H55 (13th August, 1055. for candidatts abroad),
to 31bt August, l!)5u, lUth Septmbcr 1955, for randidatc& abioad).

No aatiafactory cause, having been shown, the certifi-^ «.
registration of the Bazar Karamchari Union, Gorakhpur ,s ^ v°f
cancelledundci section 1U (6) of the Indian Trade Unions"!

The President of the Union, Sri Madhukar Disha  »nA   ^    ,
ary/General  Secretary,   Sri Mata  Prasad Pandev are     ,he Js''c-

Dated the VJth July, 1955.



To all concerned—

Please note  that my borther    Radhov Shiam JC n       ,
started a brassware buBincHs under   the    sLln nf^T         UWa1'    h^
Metal Work. Co., Moradabad, tabA^^^f- **** «d
the sole proprietor    thereof.    Tho8e   daaSgl ^g hmT   ^ J" »-
no^c aim on me and my mmor son and  the




NOTICE is hereby given for the information of the general publir
that there has been a complete partition in the H. U. F. of which
Bn Earn Niwaa was the Karta on 14th June, 1 055 by which the
entire property has been devided amongst the parties named
below and the family has also disrupted with effect from that date.
Sn Ram Kumar after partition haa opened another shop stylad as
National Cycle Stores in partnership with others and Ram Niwas
and Knshan Kumar haa started the old firm styled as Ram Niwojs

Ram Kumar   in   partnership with effect   from   15th  June, 195J.

Both the firms and their partners   have  nothing  to do with  each

other and are liable for  their   own   businets   independently.    The

namei of the disrupting members are as follows :




It if> hereby notified for all to whom it concerns that (1) Sri
Sohan Lai, son of L. Bnj Narain, (2) Sri Ram Kumar Mahor, son
ofL. Ganeshi Lai, (3) Pn Kishori Lai Mahawar, son of L. Behari
Lai, withdrew themselves from the firm Messrs. Harbhagat Eoi
Jnwahar Lai, Commission Agents, Chandausi, district Moradabad,
on March, 31 1 055 and Sri Madan Lai, son of L. Narain Das stepped
in on April, 1, 1935.


Partners and Commission Aflentft, Chandauai
Avyiist 2, 1955.


Deputy  Secretary.


[Xoffce untkr section \(i(b) of the Indian Trade, Union  Act 1926]

Whereas the Bazar Karamchari Union Gorakhpur, registered
undfTno. i8l of 1D4S-49 as a Trade Union under section 8 of
the Indian Trade Union* Art. 1926 (XVI of 1926) contravened
the provisinna of section i>8 of the t,aid Act by failing to submit
to the undersigned its annual returns for the year endine OD
3l8t March, IJI-l-t, bv 31it July, 1954, the date prescribed bv
regulation 17 of the Regulations framed under the Indian Trade
Unions Act 1«26, » notice uner seution 10 (6) of the said Act
WBH issued to the sa,id Union to show cause, within two months
of the aerviee of the notice, why the qertificate of its
taration should not be cancelled, Th« period of the
aspired on 8th March, 1955. The Annual B»turn fwtB
eacribed above haa »ot hwn furnished even up to this date.

PRESENT : Sri SACHIPANAND, Munsif, Alniora.

Insolvency Case no. 2 of 1955
In tk* matter of :

Sri Pratap Singh, son of Sri Prem Singh, re&ident
of village Thikalna, Patti Talla Rithagarh, district
Almora, Debtor ..               ..             e.               ., Applicant.

To all the Creditors--

WHEREAS the abovenamed applicant has applied to this Court
by a petition dated the 9th July, 1955, to be declared insolvent
under sections 10/13 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, V of 1920,
it is hereby notified that the Court has fixed the 3rd (Third)
day of September» 1955, for hearing of the aforesaid application,

Dated this, the, Nth July, 1955,

By order*
