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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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M.    (") OneExrcutim Ofjiur on the Tt tunin

t-'nita, and

1, Oitnl'Ttricijuil, V*nknttiitiii>HiilCt,tl,-iii,E<:iin, Vm
TX-LnnoiMry but hJsjly to bi> ia'adi p. Una in, at Pen/ : R* 2~\U _ 15
_l!)U— E.U — i.!0— i 5UU. Higher iiuual p,,y to bpLCially qualified
and expL'HcnLvd ca.nLlid.iti. Aye : Jji-low 10 ycais,. liilaa.allc for
lloot'fnniLntairvants. QualiJiciiTtOiu, £m,c,tUtil • (i) Mastei'w dogieo
111 Sanskrit from lecogni/fd Uuueisity/Ii&Ulutiuii or equivalent
i. g. pJit-ALUJ-i'M. I") About IAV yiLii«' LxpLin-iuL' of teaching
Sj.iv-ki.-it. Qualification-, ml. ixablo ut um-
uoae ot L'audi dates otherwise wtll-

Cummia-iou 9    discietic

e Unnaycr, P. & T, J/ufu/- &\,-vt

i'i, Humba;;, Alin^tiij oj
h lnb'-'.uiiid'- p< iinaiit.iit.

eventually. llL'servcd for Seh.-duLd Cladi'i^Tnl.^ (anditlatr if
buch»iiita.lilu candidate avail 'Oik .utliL-n^L putt United aj uniVtieiv Lil.
faij : Ud. J7;>— :Jj— jUU— EB — 3U— lijli— li.U — Mll—Suil. Hu-hor
muUl pay to dpjtially ciualiJiL-a and expi-ttLUted
Age : Below 33 years. HelujLiiMv Ji>r Uofi utinmt ttervtititt
fwittoiis . Exstntiul : (i) Dipluju.. iiLili'Lliu.uii ,,1/Aatumol.iIt
mg from n-cojruized Institute. (u) Abuul J jLarj/ appicntiLe&hip
in big niLiuufaemimg woiknhnjj and about :j yeai«,' experience in
ik wuikahop ot leputi . QuulniLaiiui^iLldSablc ut Coiii-
dweretion in ca^ • oi cdmluldU-h oihuiwi^o

, £/,cc7.f. Ctl

(I) one. Executive OJJicer the Ratings' Tiami^g Eu^lt i
,<icnt, NftvltlJi't. (Sainiibtrn).    pohl  Of    Executive Officer Tmiiiin
rflup, Bh.ulr.i, is peim-inent. and tliu pofat of Executive Ofl'CLi m th"
J^ ituiLjn" Tii'iiuug E^t.iblinluuLiit, NdiliiUn temporally but hkuljti, ,
roiitiuuv.      Pnil         (i)    Pit,     SOO — 40 — 1UOO — 1000 — 1050— Ifl5fj_
EB— 1,1(10 — 1.100 — 1.150 — GO — J.JOO     For those  holding FOILIC? '
(Juiug   MJbti i b   Ci'itificdte.    (11)    Es     350 — 3GO_-3&(*_3SL'"-3t'— ,
-j'JO— E U — 30 — 770 — 4U — 850.    For thoho having fiibt Mute's. Tirkt t '
and liaMn^ f-'.TVul t's   Chief OflipLi1 111 Foreign Gomy   Ship.   MI ^ '
.illuWdii-JL of Rs. 3-4 pur dii'm admissible.    No   City C'captnfcatoi;
AHoWdUfL' it. aflm^Sdzbk' 111 addition.   Free furnished acucn»moilatjiii
onboarrlthi'TrainingShipprovHkdifiLquiixdto fat ay on boaidund '
not uthciAM&e.    Hiyh«riuitialpl'3'- to specially  qualjfiLd Liid cij.
L'lKncL'd candidiiUs.    'Age- Below "40 years. Be1aa.alh for Coicnwwt ;
acrxuits : Qnalifwittumi . JBm,cntial : C'ertificato   of  CcnjpetLiiL-y Jt !
Ma.^lur Foreijrn (juing Voasul.    Qualifit-ationa rolaxublc at Ctjnunu- t
siojfti discretion in case of candidates  with   Foreign    Going Fii&t '
Mati-'bTifket and experience  oi Chief Ofliter in o Poieign Qoirp '

0. One Factory Inspector, Government of Tripuia. Post um '
pui'aiy, but likely to buce^ue peimancnt. Pay : Rb'. 25C — 10— J5"
— Jrl— 5i,j. Higher initial pny to specially qualified ard txpciitiit
od uandidate. Age : Below 35 years, Belaxable foi Goveiwitt'H
sari'qntft Qualification* • JStBc-ntial : (i) Digite or DiplcmainMicK'
nicul Engmecmig of reuogmzed University or equivalent. (11)
About two ycvuB1 i-xpeiieuce in responsible capacity in f attoiy icquii-
my bUpL-iviaion of labour, machinery, etc. Qualifications lehi
ut Cojuniitjdion'u diecretioii in cage of candidates otherwise

', ctdtf,it!&iny I?tc>iii.h, J
'. .Foattoupouiiy, butlik-ly

__         _—3ill»—E.B—jll—JL)__G2U.

illy qualified and experienced  candidate.    Age :

E&suiiiitl: (i) About three yiars' exptriLiiLe mjeapoiiMblc capacity
of priiiiiugaiidpioductionof poatLia, foldus, and other forms uf dib-
play publicity matuiial iu piiuting preas or adveitiaing agency of

education.   QuahFiL-ationss rLlaxaLile at Coniiui!=&ioij',b ditcietiou in

4. EeacarJt, Ojfwt-f, Industtti* Dcjjait,,i<nt, VnM^a 2J>c>tlit/,
tfi>L-irit)iteiit. Pciit tLmptnaiy but likely to hi ctiu* peiu.'-fi'i'ilt.
1'uj : RH. -Jj—-I'H—^U_3oU—E.U—]j_^Ud—E-D—JO—GUI)
iuitial pay to specially qualified , ud .'ipLiaiiLxd caudiiUitL
,., ... »-: „. ...^ Eiiaofbli Jur Uovifiimmt *cit'anto. Quati.
Jicntiitiin . Li&acnii'ii ' (i) At Kaai tjutuud tlath Alchln'Sj de»iLe in
jiLoniiiiiiLij ComiQeiLO or StaiiatiL-s oi ouuivaitu.1 iee} dc^-reu
trom ft.utilized university, e.g., U.We. (Tt-'oh ). (iij About 2 yeoifc'

Qualifications lelaxable at L'oiauLiibbioii'& dibcrction in case of
candidates othcrwi«>Q w ell-quahfit d.

10.    Echtuf o/ the Kafka-ing Journal, Dirti-toiate of  Ma)lm»j
and Iimjjiitttin, Ministry oj and dgrhultwu.   pcbttLmpciraij
but likely to ooutmuo.    othur things being equal, candidates beloDe"
my to Scheduled Castes pi'Lierietl     Pay : Rb. 350— 25— 500— EB— 1
30 — UJO.   Higher initial pay to bpeciully qualified and epenenuil .
oaiididati'.   dge : Beluw 35 yeais.   RdaxuMefor Oovernyntntsctvaiilt- >
QuuliJtcacioHS  :    Essential  ;  (i) Degree of recognized TJmvertitj.  -
(u) About three yeui-h' journalistic. expc-iiLiice- mtludii'ts LS-pcuciAL
of wilting   popular  articles  on   agriculture   and allied bubj

relaxablo a
well- qualified.

on  marketing ^uspects   of Agriculture).   Qualification
's discretion in case of candidates otherwise

Under Secretary,

3. OiiB Mediculli^ oj Jfavlonu,, S.JMC* State. I'L fet Un:-
poiury but likely to become peiinanml. I'uy : K,y 2fiO _ 15 _ 44
— 20 — 3UU. Higher mitialpoy tu spCLially qualified andL-xpL'iiuiicLd
uandidiite. Age : Boluw 35 yoai'b. licfaxablc Jar Government scr-
itanti. (jualijieatittii* : Essential : (i) McdiLdlqululifiLdtlon included
iiiuao oi'dohedulodto Indian Mfdii-dl Council Act, 1935. (li) About
i years' protussionaliinduStrialcxperieiiLC iiieludiuyhoufci &urgL«oii&liip/
PjiydiuidUduip' Qualifications rulaxable at Commicisicn'a distiu-
tiun in. case ot candidatofa otherwise well

i>. One Assistant Director of Archive (Persian), National Ar-
uliiv ca oj India. ljobt temporary but likely to bcroniu purmancnt.
KjaJcvud fovSohiidulud Castes/B LilicduledTribc-B candidatL-s if sucli
suitable oiindidatea uvailublL* ; otLtLXiyisu to be tiviiled as unrc-Beivcd
Pay i KssOOU— 33— OOU— iO— -1,UOO. Uifibei initial i^ay to gpucinlly
qiutified and experienced oandidatu. jj/i- : Bolow 45 years. Re.
laCJtble far Gfavarn/nent servant*. Qualifications : Etalntial : (i)
At lJJ»6 siiv-ond dads Mastur'B degree in Pewian from recognized
Utiivoraity, (ii) At ii>ust Biicond Class Maater'e Uvgreu in Modern
ilidbvul ladian History, (iii) Adequate knowledge of perwan. and
Urdu eeriptrf uaod ia diplomatic uorruapondenuo in IStL. und ifltli



(Notice under sectionlb(b)of thelndianTrade Unions  Act,  1926)

WHEBEAS the Burhwal Sugar JUillb Me»dcor Unicn, PuiLvnJ.
district Bara Banki, regjBtoud as a TIOC'L Union under 719, of th?
year 1049-50 eubmitttd lists of the Uniont,1 Executive Eody Tide
letter, dated 20th .February, 1053, 23rd June, 1954 and Sth AftA,
1955, which were not in con! .rmity with 01 tide 35 of the Union'?
registered constitution.

AND whereas the aforesaid Union was advised to get articlee
20,21,38 and 45 of its constitution amended but tho Union neither
got the articles amended nor sent a coirect list of executive in con-
tinuity with its registered constituticn.

Am WHBBBAB the said Union has thus contravened the pro-
A uiontj of section 2S oi thelndian TrodcUniona Act, 1926, read witli
mle 13 of tho U. P. Trado Unions Regulations 1927

cadO of


HS.   (Ja^ificutiona raiaxables at UommiaBionTB dx&oretion in
caadidatuB otherwise wolUqualificd.

NOTICE under section 10 (6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
1926 is therefore, hereby given to thu Burhwal Sugar Mills Mazdcwr
Union Burhwal, district Bora Banki, to show cause to tho under-

•lon or before tlit-expiry of two month, ftom the date of receipt
nolace,whythe cortifieate of Kogurtration granted to it be not

Statistical ^tZpwer, Indian Owwil of Agricultural
po «t temporary, btrt likely to coatinue,   Other  tMngs
-                                   to Schaduled TriJ)«;Scaeduled


tignedon or before t]


ancoll cd.


M. 0, PANT,