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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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AI-PLT- VTI IN* .in- im-it" I in bb' pivji ubud ioimfn
•ji-1-tit, uf LtUr J'iLi,U-,h luL'liulnif. ih-pluLud IKI'MMIS vlio haMi-
iuiMlu,l iniin i'.ik' .1.111 aiul Ei-ttlcd in Ihi-s titati', for the folkromp
inUiiL the -Rtilooi p iy u'lt^il nsaiiLafc uo-i'Siior tjarahuati Bhuwniii
iu'aij, -A Quvi;iuiii-nt H-iiukrib l!nUo(zp, B.uiuma.

1.    tfuur   poaLi  uL   Oula.logUL'iv,iiitin s^alu- of Ra.lUO—J—12.)—
,B.—J—1UU — li U.—1U—:iOU pui m-'ii^m

2.    One port of A«i~IAut Eauur in thu bLalu oi P,t, IUU—3—123—
3.—5—1UI»—13.13.—1U— r!Uli per nionbrm.

:{. T\vu pu^ib of'copyiata in the autilo ut Kd.BU—3—90—li.B.—i—
11(1 JILT mi iiHcm

4 On" pu&t- uf A*3isL,uiL Libiariau, Lending Kectjun of thu dw-
iriliututn blanch in lUv BL-ah- uf lU.dtl—3—OU—E.B.—4—110 ]iw

The pn-t,, aiL- poimriii'-ut ami ^oiiBionablo.   Canulidutca mu^,t
p-hio. ,3 the folluwmg qualiiiLation-s.

CiilrtloyuEiii—An Ai harj a DCUILC in Vjakuiwn or S.ilutya
or Pui'au 01 Dardlian uf Oovcrioiiunt Saubkrjt Colluye, Bii-
na.ta.-i or Bauura^ Huulu Um\ LTaity, Laiiaras.

Artist i nil Ediiin—An Ai'hurja Dugice in Vyakaraii or
ri.ihity.i or I'lii-aii or Dart<hun of GovLTimiL-ut Sanski'it,
i lolloge, B inariis or Bauaras llmdu LTmvoi&ity.

liuuaraa or Ilunaras Hindu University. Candidateb fur thu^o
pnsta inuit have LL ncvit ami gu«jd handtv liting.

At&iatitiit Libi'i'iutii—A Sha&tii Dcgiru of Cio\crnment
Sanskrit College, Banarat, or Bauaras Hindu University.
LVmdidftteb for tlna pobt should m addition poBSL-Hi. \\ orkvng
kuowledgo of English.

AIJC—Thcc.LudiJa.tLemudinot bu h-M than '21 year* mid
mtuethaii SUyoaia of age un August 1, 1933. One post of
(J'ltaloguur i.i reserved for a Scheduled Caste candidutua iur
vhum maxmiuin ay..--liinit, la 35 ycais1. provided a suitable
i audu Latu d& available. Prescribed forma of upplicatioiiH
may bu obtaiiiL-d f iee of coat from tliu office of the Director
of lilduculioa, Uttar Pradesh. Allahabad and should be sunt
b.ii k duly filled in to tho Additional Director of Education,
Uttar Prade-,h, Alluhabud, ao cu to ivach him on or licfore
Si iJtuniljLi- ao, 1!J55, toiii-thcr with a tivu&ury Lhalaii of
II,-.1 tu be credited muU.r the Head '"XXVI—Eclucution-E—


BE it known to [ill that the buainoss blylod Meaaru. Rank Ram
Cliai and being tijrried on by tho Hindu Joint Faniiiy by San'eri
tta,sik Ram, Rum Milan unrl Darbari Lai, boi.a of &IM B.ti,],i Ram La»
Ijcjn divided snd with effect from 4th August, 1955, haa been con-
veiled into n partnership concern with the following constitution.

Additional Director oj Education,
Uttar Pradesh.


.PUBLIC NOIICE is> haruby given thai; 1, the uuderdignod, htiving
hoen .idmitftid to the benefits of partnerahip bubbittinfibetween Samai
DJ.S, B.ibu Lil, and BJ! Ki-ahan carrying on busincnu at. Coniniisbion
Amenta at Jav\iliLirgauj, Slathura under tLu nim name Itlctsfarb. Samal
Dad, Mool Cnaud and IMVUIJI now attained mEijority on the 12tliday
ot August, 1SI3.", ilo hcroby elect to beuqme a partner in the said part-
nor ship

Daibd tue lath day of Auguau, IDoj.




NOTICE irf hereby given to the general public tnat the buaincjsa
hitherto run under tho names and style of Me&&it3. Dwarka Prasad
AyiU'wal, BiiokijlL'rs and Sta.tioo.erSj at Rani Mahal, Jhniisi, ianow
,i pjirtnewhip concern and is being run as a partnership concern under
< he name and style of Messrs. Dwarka Prasad Agarwal and Brothers,
at the sains pliiu'e with effect from 16th August, 1955, withthefollow-
ing pai'tners;

1.    Dwarka Praaad Agarwal.

2.    Bishambhar Dayal Agarwal.

3.    Draupadi Devi.

The partnora have also admitted Maheah Prasad Agarwal being
A minor to the benefits of partnerships.                                  *

The printing press styled as "Educational Prehe" at Jhansi
3. wad u brauch of Meaara. JDwarka Prasad Agarwal, has become
Meswa.DwBi'ka Prsisad Agarwal

e prnng press styed as "Educational Prehe" at
ad u brauch of HWMH. JDwarkaProsad Agarwal, has b
rt br«oL>h of the partnership concern Mesgre.DwBrka Prtisad Ac
i  aaa Brolliers,                                            '                         *

(1)    Eisik Ram, one-third &haro,

(2)    fuiim Mila-n, ono-lhii'd share and

(3)    Ddrbjn Lai, ono-third share.

RASIK RAM.Purf'icr

V   Klmljohjot, P. 0.            ,

ttTiilu, District Gonda


THU Hiivuninu'iii- Pi-omi.^ory Note no. WHO lldUU of the 3
I.IT uenl IUAU uf Ibt Development 1 Ji7tl— 75 for fib.GUO (Rupees five
huadrud only) origiiiLtlly stajulmg 111 the na,me of Receive Bank of
lurla and Ifi^t endoraed to Ganga Sahai Govil. the piopwclor, by
\vhom it way never endorsed tu auy other perbon, having been lost,
tolon. NoTice la hereby given that tho payment of the above note
.ijidthu mtorohl thereupon haa been btopp'eil «-t tho Public Debt
Of li'uo, Be^ierveBtiuk of India, Delhi aurl Unit- application it, about
to be made for Lho iasuo of duplicate in favour of tho proprietor
Tht' pubhr ar.f iMuUmiod ayaiiiidtparchaainti or othorwi&e dealing
wilhtliL>abo\r mentioned security.

Nittiti: ;f the Advertiser — Gunga fcialuii Go\il
Rtisidw'<'—U2, ajrci\\giun Struol,  Etah (U. P )



BE it knmvii that tho busiiicua ut,atita of tho Hindu Undivided
F'ljuily uaj|lL(l mid atyh'd IIH Mctais. Stilig Ram DwarUaclaa of
Lnlagaiij, Mathuva, wmc- petitioned 011 llarrh 31, IDSfi- The Raid
busmCbH with nil its ut-suts tiiul liabilituy )tt'8 bun tpLin i r by a
part ne ralnp concern consifatuifr of Dwaikadas, Kanhaiyalal and
Hapuro Dovi; ami Murunlul, Bunkclnl and Nandlal alias Kallu,
minor sona of Dw^rkadan have been admitted to tho benefits of

orahip.    The p artiicrahip firm &lyo named and atylcd as Meesrs,
Eam Dwarkadaw, commenced   its   busmeea fiom April 1,

Dated 6th August, 1055.



Meagre. Solig Earn Dwarkadas,
Lalaganj, Mathura.


NOTICE IB hereby given for the information of all concerned
tlint the cloth business styled na Messrs. Shyamlal, Sukhdeo Prasad,
Mtihajan Toli, G-hazipur, is due to disruption in the family being
carried on with effect from August 8, 1055, by tho dusrupted mem-
bers in the status of a firm constituted by the following partners : —



BE it known to all concornod that the Saraffa business styled as
Sri ViHhwniiath fcieth, Kaseribazar, Jaunpur, owing to disruption
in the family, is with effect from tha 1st day of August, 19S5, being
carried on by the disrupted moufbeis in the status of a film consti-
tuted by the following partners :





(4)  CHHOTEY LAL-T Minors admitted to the

(5)  LALJI                   ^benefits of partnership

(6)  CHHAGAN LAL j         only.



X, BiMhambhiirnath Gupta, a partner of the firm
Shyam Sunder hereby give notice of the   dissolution of the said
firm which took effect from the 6th day of November, 1953'


Mohalla Lohri, Farrukhabad,

ABriitbid, M,.