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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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ArpLiL'ATruis are mvitod for the undernaontioued posts from
Indian citizens and persons migrated from Pakistan T\ith intention
of permanently settling m India or subjects of Nepal, Sikkim
or Portuguese or Forinei1 Ficiifh po.ssest.ioni in India. CJppi'i
ligp-linutH rota table by five years lor Scheduled Caster Tiibal
and aboriginal communities ami up tu 4."» for displaced i\fr-
Kuns from Pakistan ciml nnn-laberatcd areas at Jummn .md Kashmir.
No relaxation for others. *.d\pm exceptional eases and will m no
east.11 be relaxed beyond throe \ears. Particulars and application
fonns from Ser-ivtarj , Union Publu Service CuimniHbuui, Pout Box
no. 1SB, New Delhi ' Bequests, for Jornw must specify name of post
.md MhouliL be' accompanied by .sell addressed unstamped envelope
for i-'fich pu&t ,it least of si/e J)' 4' indicating rheron mime of post
lor Mhi'-h forma arc required f'losmn date tor icceipt of applica-
tions uith treasury iceeipt i>r (_'i insert Lndiau Postal Ordei", for Jin 7-W
(Re. 1-14 fttv Shmlulerl Castes .md Tnlies) Lst Octoln-r 1!>J'>
(loth Uftobei, li),").' frji aupIiLdc.inta from iinrnad). t'oinmiasinn
may remit genuinely indigent and bonn ftJr displaced peisoiis' fee
Speuratu application with separate tee jcquirod foi each post. Candi-
dates abioad may apply cm plain paper if form1* not available, and
deposit fer with local Indian Embassy. If required candidates must,
appear for personal interview

i. One -Li>wattint Dim tor \Tnnlff}. Xtinoiinl Buihftmjh, Oigu-
tnyntion. Ministry of Work*, Hnu±iny find Sitjipljf Post temporary
and likely to continue indefinitely. Reserved for Scheduled Tribe/
Caste candidate if such suitable candidate1 available. Put/ • Ks. 275
—'25—500—E.B.—30— UoO—E.B.—30—S0t>. Higher p.iy
to Hpecialy qualified and experienced candidate. »lf/r • JJeloM
33 years, Relaxable fur Government Nrrmnttt (Jiirtlijtvnttan v:
Essential : (i) Decree or equivalent qunlificMtii)ii in Forestry of ro-
t-ogniqed Institutions (n) About tivo ye,u=f experience in responsible
capacity in Timber Industry with sound knowledge of timber tech-
nique QI-. identification,, ulussifiL'ation. seasoning and preservation
uf timber u^ed for building construction and design of timbei s'trur-
turub. Qualifications mltixable sit Commissions' discretion in I'aat;
of c-iuidicUites otherwjhe wi-ll-quahtied.

'2. Chief Prorlnrci IDoniinentunei,), Fdiiih JJtut&ioii, Ministry
o/Info}mutton unti Broadcasting. Post temporary, but appointment
made in five years' renewable contract. Pay. -Rs.J.OUU—1:13—2S25U.
Higher initial pay to specially qualified and cxpcreinced candidate.
Aye : Between 31)'and oU yaart). Relay nbtc. foi Ooecriunent servants.
(Jualificutionx : Ettxential (i) Abuut ten years1 experience- in pro-
,duction of ^ood quality films, (n) Good educational and cultural back-
ground, (in) Terhmcul knowledge of different asp nets oJ film
making, (iv) Background of current affaus. QuahfieationB relax-
able at Commission's discretion m ease of candidates otherwise

3. Stores Officer, Indian .Li/rtcultui'til liewarch Institute Pott
temporary, but likely to continue. Other things being equal fciche.
dulcd C'aates/ycheduled Tribes candidates pieferied. Pa\i : Ha. 275
—-23—500—E.B.—30—U5U—E.B.—30—«UO. Higher initial pay to
specially qualified and experienced candidates. Age • Bolow 35 years.
RclajL'able for Government servants. Qualifications : Essential : (i)
Dgree of recognised University, (it) Experience of stores provisioning
and stores accounting in Mizable institute/organisation. Qualifica-
tions) relaxable at Commission's duacurction in case of candidates
otherwise well-qualified.

•±. ^Medical Officer, Directorate of Mnrtiie Enyineering Train-
iny Calcutta. Post temporary, but likely to become permanent.
Other things being equal Hcheduled Cast'e/ycheduled Tribe candi-
dates preferred. Pay : Ea. 2tiU—15—i40—20—SOU plua non-
prautibing allowance equal to 25 per eent of pay Private prac-
tice- of uiiy kind not allowed. Rent free unfurnished accommoda-
tion, to be provided if candidates required to reside on premises of
Marine Engineering College. Higher initial pay to specially quali-
fied and experienced candidate. Age : Belwo 35 years RelaxaUe
for Government sercants. Qualifications Essential: (i) Medical
qualifications included ia one of schedules to Indian Medical Council
Act, 1933. (M) About two years' professional experience Quali-
fications relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates
otherwise well-qualified.

5. Two Medical Officers of Health under Government of Vindhya
PradeaJi. Posts permanent and pensionable. Other things being
equal, reference may be given to Scheduled Castes candidates. Pay
Hs. 225—225—350—20—350—E.B.—15—500—500—E.B—20—600i
plus 25 per cent of pay aa non-practising allowance. Special pay of
Rs.50 per mensem in addition for candidates possessing diploma m
public health. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidates. Age. \ Below 30 years. R&laxable, for Government
servants. Qualifications -. Essential: (i) Medici qualifications includ-
ed in one of the schedules to Indian Medical Council Act, 1933. (n)
Diploma in Public Health or expereinee of pubhe health work,m
municipality or Government institution. (Hi) Adequate knowledge

] of Hindi.   Qualifications relaxable at Commission's discretion in case

'' of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

1 •& One, Surgeon, Bhopal State. Post permanent. Preference
1 given to members of Scheduled Castes ad Scheduled Tribes candi-
iI dates if each candidates available. Pay : Es, 350—350—380—380
If—30—890—E.B.—30—770-40—860 plus specialised pay of
[IBB. 100. Jtwrte practice allowd. Higher initial pa-y-to specially

qualified and experienced canddate Age : Below 43 years
Eelaxnlle for Government servants. Qualifications • M&sential • (A qualificatioinn Sui'gery ; P.RC S. oi- M.S. (u) About
Five years' hospital experience as Surgeon. Qunhfic ations relnxablc
at CommiHaion'a disci'otion in case of candidates otherwiuc well-

7. Two ftrwtich Officers, Minitln/ of Defence. Poata
jjoiMry, but likdy to beeomc permanent Pni/ : RR fjQO—40—1 QOO
—50/2—1,150. Higher intitial pay to specially qualified and'ex-
periencinl eandidatca. Jr/r 15 plow 45 yeai'H. Qunltficationa
Essential • Dot-tor ate in Economir,s or Politics or History. Or
Maater'rt degree m Economics or Politics nr History with ahout
five yearn1 research experience QualifmitionH relaxable nt. C'oni-
ini^sions dian'etiuii m ruwe of candidates otherui&e well-quuhfir>d

S. Onr tit'moi Jiiklruflni, Xui'ttfiilion, in C'n>ii Aviation Tiain-
itirf t'citlrr, .4Rnhabf«l, Minutlrti ('J Communicationf,. Post tem-
porary huthkeljrto continue. Heaervuil IDJ- Sehcdnled Castr-H candi-
date of such suitable candidate available, otherwise post treated as
unreserved. Pai/ : RM, u'OO—40—1,000—1,000—1,0,10—1,030—1,101)
—1,100—1 .IHO.'Highor mtital ]3iiy .to speedy qufthfiud and experienced
t-anriidatc. Age, : Below 40 yenvs. llelttfiiblr for Government ,ter-
uauts. Quulificnlionu EMrntinl (i) Degree oi rcco^niHed Univer-
sitiep in Rngneenng, Blathi-maticH, or Physics, (u) Training in
Air Niivigat'on in Jnatitution given Civil Aircrew licences or in Insti-
tution nigaiiiicd by Air Force.s. (in) Plight Navigator's Liconrp
issued by Ministry of Civil Aviation in U.K or equivalent quali-
fications. Qualifications rclaxnblo at Commismon'a discretion m
case of randidutes otherwise ivcll-qunhlied.


Jlii-ruitiiivnt uj our Athn!nttitrtitit<i' Ufjicci, (.'ctilral Marine Fwhenu,
[{ewnrrli Elation, MiDidnpimi t.'tiiiii>, JfriniHtrif nf Food and Ayricul-
litrc In partial moditiention of Item iiu I] of Commission's Ad-
M-rtiriement no. ',} which appeared on 1.1th January, H)nn, it in noti-
fied for general information that recruilmeiit JH ulso to be made for
one post of Ailministnitive Officer at Central £nftmt1 ffi*hen?st Itc-
wardi titiit'on, C'alcultn Pont reserved for Hcheduled Castos/Tribcs
candidate Terms are mime aa for post at Mandapam. vr*. Pay :
KH. .273—lio—500. Higher iutitml p:iy to spenully qualified tmd
experienced candidate. Ayr : Uelow 3I> years; (35 yuarti for
tSchcduled Castes/Ti-ibes mid uboriguinl communitieti candidates
and 4,5 yearw foi diaphicud pei-honH from PukiHtan and non-hberated
areas of Jammn and Kashmir and employooH of Oovernrnpnt of
Burma diachared owing 1o conHtitubional changes in that country.)
For others, afle-lumt strictly adhered to nave in exceptional circums-
ances and will in no case be relaxed beyond hunt of three years.
Qualifications . Exafniiul . (i) Degree of recogiiiaed University,
(i*) About five years exepnenco of admmiytration, accounts and 03-
tablishmeiit work in Government departments, preferably in scienti-
fic inhtitutionn. (ni) KnoMlodgo of Government rules and regulation.
QuahfcationH relaxabln at CommissiOn'H discroton in" uayo of candi-
dates otherwise well-qualifier I. Apphctiona may be .submitted on
plain paper fumiHhmg; following particulars , (i) Name (n) Address.
(in) Place arid date nf bii-th. (in) Present position and salary.
(*') Educational qualifications (Matric upwardw). (oi) Experience.
(fit) full details (with dates and salary drawn) of previous em-
ployment, if any. (um) Minimum salary acceptable, (tx) Names
and addresses of three persons as references. They should be holders
of responsible positioiia and niuat not be relations Closing date for
receipt of tTppJications 17th September, 1055. CandicdateH who
have already applied in response to Commission's earlier adver-
tisement for Mandapam pout need uot apply again

9.    Editor (English Mayasines), Publication Division, JUinutry
af   Information    and    Broadca&ting.   Post   temporary   but  likely
tn continue.    Appointment may lie made on fiva years' renewable
contract.    Candidates who arc called for interview may have to sit
also for written test details of which   will   follow.    Pay. .Rs.720—
40—1,000.    Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidate.    Age—Between 30 and 45 years.    Relaxable for Govern-
itieiit   servants.      Qualifications'. Essential', fa)    At   least     second
class degree  of recongnised  Umveraity.    (M) Adequate experience
of editorial work,    (ni) Wide general knowledge and acquaintance
with Indian and World affairs, literary ability and critical appre-
ciation of art.    (Copies of pubhahed papers   to be forwarded with
application).    Qualifications  relaxable   at   Commission's  discretion
incase of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

10.  Seven Medical Referees, Employees' State Insurance Corpoffltion,
Minstry of Labour—Posts temporary but likely to continue.    Other
things being equal preference given to Scheduled Castes candidates
for two posts and Scheduled Tribes candidates for one post, if such
suitable  candidates available.    Pay; Ea.350—25—500—E.B —30—
800 plus 25 per cent, of pay as non-practising allowance subject to

maximum of Us. 150 per month. Higher initial pay to specially quali-
fied and experienced candidates. Age; Below 40 years. Relaxable
for Government servants. Qualifications'. Essential: (i) Medical
qualifications included in 0110 of schedules of Indian Medical Council
Act, 1933. (ii) About five years professional experience. Qualifi-
cations relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates
otherwise well-qualified.

s: a, DEVGAN,

U nder Secretary.