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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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WHHBHAS thf> Kanpur, Lolm Milla Knruichivi Union. K.inpui
roistered an a Trndn Union undor no. I|72 nftho year 1947-18 {ma
committed n hrcaoh ol section 28 of the Indian Trarln Uninna \cl
1926 (XVI of 1026), read with lapilatiou 17 nf 1iho RPRniatinna
under the aaid Act by failing tn nubmit In the underpinned a
,orrect annual rnturn fnr tho your ondrrl will, U1H 31st "March,
I9ljfi, by the prescribed dato, viz. tho Slab of July, 10D5, notii-e
under section. 10(6) of tho Indian Trade Unions Ad, 1926, is hereby
given to the Kanpur Loha Mills Knrmchari Union, Kanpur to ahow
cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from
the date of receipt of this notice, why the Certificate of Registra-
tion granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEHEAS tho Rarab vu Sfikkar Mill Mazdoor Sangh, TJnnno
i-Ggiflfcerod aa LI Trade TTninn under no. 1272 of the year
1964-55 has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Unions Act, 1{)2G (XVI of 1920), read with regulation 17 of
the Regulations undor tho Raid Act by failing to submit to tho
undersigned a correct annual return for the y«ar ended with the
!Uat March, 1955, by the prescribed data, viz. the 31st of July,
1955, notice undor section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 192C, la hereby given to the Surab va Sakkar Mill Mazdoor
Singh. Unnao, to show c-auso to the undersigned on or before the
expiry of two months from the data of receipt of this notice,
, why the Cerbificati) of Registration granted to it should not be

Wheroaa the Harness find Snildlnry Factory EmploypoR1
Union, Kanpur, roistered afl n Trade Union under no. 225 of the
year 1946-47 hns committed a broach of section 23 of the Indian
Trade Unions Ant, 1920 (XVI of 1926), road with regulation 17 of
the Regulations under the aaid Act by failing to submit to the
undersigned a correct annual return fur the year unded with the
Slat. Maruh, 1955, by the proscribed date, viz. the Slsb July, It rift,
notice under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
1926, is hereby given to tho Harness and Saddlery Factory
Employees1 Union, Kanpur to show onuse to the undersigned on
or before the o^pity of two months from, the date of receipt of this
notice, why the Certificate of Registration granted to it should
not be cancelled.

Dated ] atffeptemlmr, 1905.





ppoATiotfs aro invited for the undermentioned posts from
Indian citiznns and persona migrated from Pakistan with intention
of permanently settling in India or subjects of Nepal, Sikkirn or
Portuguese or For,mflr French possessions in India. Upper age.
limit ralftxable by fi yearn for Scheduled Castes, Tribal and aboriginal
rommunities ami up to 45 years for displaced persona from Pakistan
and non-hbnratad areaa of Jammn and Kashmir. No relaxation
fur ofchnra. aavo in exceptional cases and will m no case be relaxed
tiL'yond throe yi»arn. particulars and application forms from Sec-
retary, Union Public Service Commission, P°8t Box no- 186' N"ew
Re quiets for forms must specify name of post and should

inrmH are required. CUosing date ior receipt 01 ^ppiiuawuua wim
treasury receipt or Crossed Indian Postal Orders for Ea. 7-S (He. l.]4
for Schedule-el C-iatoa ami Triboa) 8th October, 1935 (22nd October,
1953 foe applicants from abroad). Commission may remit genuinely
indigent and bonrtfide displaced parsons' fee. Separate application
with a^parate foe required for each post. Candidates abroad may
apply on plain papor if forma not available, and deposit fee with local
Indian Embassy If re-quired uandidates must appear for personal

1. On* Daouty Assistant Director. (Training), Malaria Institute
"J Tnd in, Deffii. Post temporary but likely to lust for .1 years. Be-
Harved for Scheduled Ooate candidate, if such suitable candidate
available, 'otherwise poat treated aa unreserved. Pay : Ks. 3oO—
3i>0-380-380—30—590-E.B.-30-770-40—8SO Higher mi-
tial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age •
Bstwaon 27 arid 35 vears RelcKQable for Government servants. Qua-
UftoMow.aMntitilt (i) Medical qualifications included m one
of (MwduleH to Indian Medical Council Act, 1933. Or At least
3nrl ni-,c,,, TI/T „„ A _ ,,1,,, ~« ,»„,,iTvcilA-n-f-. Vinnnnrfl denrree in Zoology wiwi


2.   One Entomology (Seed  Testing)   &™<i*tril J
rultun.   Post   temporary, for   5   ym   Other
Pr3farenc3    givw to t AB dided         abe

-ir/p.: En-low -in yr>ar,. /Mr/rv/rJ- }nt !{>„ , < .>,„ -,i '>-,--;-u,i fytinl',-
fimtinH*. fiwiiUnl; (!) M.i-tci - ,,i ,.,,,UT „(, UI Hnuour- i|n..i, i-
in Znnlocy with Emuuiolu^v .1- -p > MI -ut'i'-i f>i ]n--«t-ui1 <di.rtt''
trainiuc in Knlnmnlnay "H UPLM - in Si ,m--. ur A£.i,,'a!mi. iMii
A-HoonlLhip f,f A^i'n .iitiuvl Jl.-. .n, K Tn-uliii.- in Ei.t >
rnfloav \ii) V.l»nii1 .'i v.-.n-1 i.-- n, li <•-<,„ uoi, iu u<m
Entt>lU,,liiyV «•« i \hlrij.p.l l,v |,nl,li-l, ,| },.,;,. t, ij,i.,jiii. n.m,,
i-eln^ il.lp ,n (' ,lllinis0iim - ill- ivti.m m , ,i .r r,t , ,unliiK.t. - ml,, n. sr-
wll-qunlififd .

3 Onf Ai^sftmf rifu* P«tltf>l<»n-.i. M;,n*ii't <>i Twl mul A.jti-
aulturp, Po->t reiiiporaiy fni ,"i v.iia Otb-i riniiL- ^«-:u2 i'<n,:il
prefr'ivnRt- tfivr-n to SrhPilulnil C,i-ti <-Tu)i. - r-,iu,li,[,ite-.. Ftfi, •
P^. i7.]_Jn—,-jrj|)_E.B.—Pjli—fi.Hi —E B—50— suit. Hieh"' ini-
tial piy in «4p?ridllv quiilifn-fl ami i'Xp>Mn i!< fil i .irnlnlr>tr An,"
Bslow 3"5 yi?'iM, Il-lrfmJilefijr rtaif-iHiHu.t <-ntn<t>>. iJHvliJ'crt*',,, = '.
Eiiitditi'tl • (i) Miist"r's nr erju-VJl^ut tfnnoiii - <li -.i.-f in Ilnt-my
with])o-st-uro.dnat*' trammirin PLint P^ilmln^vn i.'h n n'"c
to Pknt Viriiv-h OK A-aoiM-iti-dhip ut \iu R«- .in h
Institute iu Plnnt pdtlmlnL-y \i ith -pi-f ul ivf.-n m , to pl.uit A"n un s
(iz'ij About 3 y.Mis' rt-M-.u-i h i-xpi'i'i*-111 .> on |»inlilin.^ •.'l,Uii3ir to
virus diseases .is i-\ uK-nrr'H li> publialn-d jiapn- Ou.ilifn-.itjim>

wcll-qiuilifn-d. J1

4. One Etomologlitt (lindtr, Ttmfi Xtt'iJ.t*}, 3Ii.,-*tii, ij Furd
null AgrirvltUff. Pu=.t ti-niporaiy inr ." y» ii.-. Oth*-r tlniij.s Ic-inti


H— 3SU— 38U— 30—590 — B.B — gli — T7l»— 40 — 85H.
Hujlinr initial p-iy to sp-cMlly qu.ihfietl and exin-iiuiuvd i-andulntea
Age : B'low 41) Relnjrnhh far Goi-£Tit9,tn<t se*n(«^. Qitti'i-
ficationtt: E-tirntitil • (i) ^l.istcr^ or equivalent honour? drip HI; in
Zuolo^v with Eatojnolngv .is ^p.-t -siibji'rt nr •po-.t-yividuute train-
ing in Entomology. OP DeajiMv m f«i-ii'n ..... « Aitfii ultuif-Bith A^o-
ciat-slup of Ititliun Aurirultuul lit'st'uivh In^titnie in Eutoinnlu^y.
(ti) About 3 ypari,' iv^au-li .-xpiniVm-i- m Jnsprt Anatomy and/or
Phyniology in ri-l itiun to .nrnr-ultiual iJ- st^, ,w »'\ nh-ut-i-d by pub-
lished pdp^in Quulifii ntion-. r<*laxabl»' ut f uirimi"->inn"s (fiscii--
tion in CU=!L> uf (Mndul.iTp=, otherwise- vpll-quuhfuil

. 3, Onr AynMtniit Vnvi Einmnoluiji^. 3Iu-i*ti-i uj Foul tt ml
Aiirirulture. Poist Temporary for o years. Othei tlung-s br-ing preference given to Scheduled CastPs /Tribes r.-mrlidatfa. Fan :
Rs. 273— 25— 500— E B — 30— 650— E.B — 30— 8UO. Higher ini-
tial pay to appL'ially qualified and experieiued candidRtc. Aye :
Below 3-1 yeirs. RelnxuUe for Qoi-eruwnt Mj?''i/(fw. (luulifit'nn.i>s :
Essential: (i) master1* or equivalent Hoiioui^ degree m Zuology
with post-giaduate training in Entomology with special rvfrwucV
to plant virus vector^. OR Abaooiateship of I.A.Fi.I.. inEntomol^gj'
with special reference to plant virus vectors. (11) About 3 yi-ai~ct"
research experioncc on probelms relating to inweLt vt-rturs of virus
diseases as evidenced by published paptrs. QiialifiL-atioiis ivltiyaltk-
at Cotnmissious discretion in CUSP of <Mndid«iles, otherwise wll.

6.    One Aa&istunt Entomologist (Bee-Ketpivg), Ministry of food
and AgricultUTf:   Post tHmporary for 5 years.    OthCT things bfhig given to Schedulffl CastesiTribes candidates.    Pan :
Ra. 273—23— 300— E.B — 30— 650— E.B — 30— 800.    Higher     ini-
tial pay to  specially  qualficd and experienced  candidate.    Age :
Below 33 years.    RelaxibkfoT Govern mfnf eefrautv-    QualifiattioHl :
Essential : ( t } Master's  or  cquivalfiit  Honoui.>   ilegrte iu  Zuolu^y
with Entomology as «tper-ml dulijpct orpoat.gradu.itotrammg inEntp-
mology     OR 13?yree m Sciem t- »r ApriL-uhur** with AHHoriiitediip
of Endian Agricultural Re«earr-h JnKtitutP in Entomology     (it \ About
3 yaari" research experient'e in Applied Entomology jireferahly hep-
keeping as evidenced by published papi-rH.    Qualitications icluxable
at Commission's discretion in CMSC of rundidflti'S  others iW -wi'll.

7.    2 Dspwty A-iniatnnt Coal f*ouimit>*iunen> in the Coal C<wi<nii*-
aioner' 8 Organisation, Ministry of Pfathti-ttQH.    Posts trauporarj' but
likely to continue.   JR?served for Scheduled Castes candidates, if
such* suitable candidates available* othprwiae posts treated as un-
reserved.  Pay, Hs.330— 350— 3BO— SgO— 30— 5'JO— E.B __ 30— 77Ck-
40—93(1.   Higher initial pay to specially  qualified  and experienced
candidate-    Age:  Between 22 and 26 years,    lieluxubl? for Govern-
wenttttrvants.   Qualification* : Essential : (i) Degree af recognised
University,   (fi) General knowledge   of coal  an<l its   trdniqiort.

8.    Awistont Editor (Drdu), Publication*   ftipwion,  Jt fin if try
of Information and Broadcast iny.    Post temporary, but likely to
continue.   (Ciudiclatpa who .ire called for int*Tviow may have to
sit also for written test, details of which will follow.    Pay ; Ks.STiiU-
—25— 500— E.B— 30— 620    Higher initial pay to specially quali-
fied and experienced candidate.    Age : Bt'low  35  years.   Rela?.
auls   for    Government   «cru«nf*.    Qitalifiratiun* :    Mustmtial : K)
Degree of rct-ognised University with Urdu as subject or o(|uiv«l,
ont qualifications iu Urdu with English us subject,    (ii) About
tliree y«ar«" exp-rient'i? of editorial work in TJnlu.    it*i) ExperieiiC4?
of translating English into good, literary    Urdu.   Qualification
relaxable at L1 aiamia^ion'n dUcretion iu case of candidates other.

Ultnl pay to

9. One Stores Officer, EHreftontff of Plant protection Qitarnnthtf
n-i Storage. Post tsmporary hut lik«ly to continue. OthPt tl«inK»
mmff BdualnrefprencB given tu fcjchedul*'d Cartes or Scheduled TrUii-u
cSid«W Pry Kfl. 273— 25— 300^E.B.^-30— 650-K.B.-»0
Higher i^tinl pay to upeeially qualified ftnd