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candidate. Age : H Iwinn 23 and 3~> years. BtltrenMt for Qowrn-
msnt servant*. ''QitnltfuMttiotia : Bsmntial : (t) Deg'ei- nl ri-coguinud
Univaraity, (*<•) About rwo yenn' Pxpenoncn of handling mffh-
anical and flloctrical nr,ores in Commercial conrern, U'chnic-al
institute or Government D3}i-irtuVM\t dialing with Engineering
Stovi. Qailifinfions relaxabln At O'ommissirm.'& iHeriftmn m
iM-n nf candid'it.s obhprwi6 ' well-quiiMied

10.    Oiip> J&OKiniiiier of personnel (training and liccnnimi) w Cufll
Ivi'ttion Department. Mwiitry nf Oonununiontions. P_oat permanent,
but appointmsnt will lio mi'd" inituly   on officiating basis only.
Other things being equal preference    given   to candidatew belong-
ing     to    Scheduled    Castes/Tribes.    PH!I •   Rs.fiOO—40—1,000—
—1,01)0—1,050—1,050—1,100—1,100—1,150, plus   spi-oul pay   of
Rfl.lOO p^r month     Higher initial pay to xpncuiHy qualified and ex-
perienced candidate.    Age : Between -1 and 40 year*.    Jtehtwtblr.
for   Qywrnmtnt   nwwatits.    Qunltfirntioita : Essential :    (i)     Firrt
plvn British oi1  Cndiaa Navm-itor'n  i*r Britwli Flight ut'fl
lii-eiwe with not less thnu 100 hours an' experience.

11.    Elnmthn nffifur (1'nnipi),  MiHMtftf  of Erfm-tilion     Post
temporary but likely to continue.    R-^ervoil foi  Scheduled Castr
candidate, failing that for Scheduled Tribe candidate if such suitable
e&ndidatG available, to be fronted tib unreserved.    Candj-
dttss who hwa alrjady applied in ivspnuse to C'omm'union's Adver-
tisement no. 31 whioh appeared o i 23rd July, l9R.r> need not apply
aij-iin.    Pat/ : Rs.GOO—10—SOO.    Higher    initial pay to specially
q nl if led   and   experienced   candidate.    Age : Below   35   years-
R'-lixibl", forGfjvernnient affmints.    Qualification* : Essential • (i)
At least 2nd class Master's degree of rftuognined University or t;qin-
valent.    (ii) About three yearn1 experience of teaching and/or cdu- administration.   Qualifications relaxable at Commission's
discretion in caso of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

12.    One Assistant Locust Entomologist in the nirtetornte of Plant
Protection Quarantine and Storage.   Post temporary but likely to
continue.    Other things being equal preference given to Scheduled
Osta  or Scheduled Tribes candidates.    Pay : Rs.2"5—25—500—
E B—30—550—E.B.—30—SOO       Higher   initial pay to specially
qualified and experienced candidate.    Age , Between 25  and 35
yeaiy     Relaxablej'orGovern mentaetvant^. Qualification*, ; Essential^
(*)'Master's or oqmlvent honours degree in Zoology with Entomo-
logy as special subject or degree in Agriculture with Entomology
as one of the subjects from recogniaed University,    (it) General
knowledge of th'" pests of cultivated plants and training in their
control  method*},    (iii)   An out   2   year's   practical   experience  in
locust woifc.    (!'«)  Rom'1 administrative experience.    Qualifications
relaxable at Comniission'h di&crntion in caye of candidates otherwise

13.    One Assistant Research Officer (Pasteurisation), at National
Dairy Research Institute     post temporary for   3 years at present
taut hkaly to continue.    Reserved for Scheduled Castes/Tribea, candi-
dates if such suitable candidates available, otherwise post treated
as    unreserved.     Pay :   Ita 275—25—500—E.B.—30—650—E B
3U—SOO     Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidate.    Age : B^low 35 years.    Relaxable for Government ser-
vants.    Qualifications : Essential -. (i)   Master's      or     equivalent
honours degree in Microbiology, Bacteriology or Chemistry of re-
cognised University.    (n) About  3 years'  research  experience  in
Bacteriology m relation to milk and milk products in n recognised
laboratory,    Qualifications ivletxablo  at  Commis«ion's    discretion
incase of candidates otherwise well-qualified

U. One Stud Testing Officer, (Botany), MinuHry of Far.d and
Agriculture. Post temporary for 5 years Other things beiny
equal preference given to Scheduled Castes/Tnbea candiduti'w
Pay : Rs.350—350—380—380—30—590—E.B._30—770—40—
—S50. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
oandidato. Age : Below 40 years. Relaxable for Government
servants. Qualifications : Essential : (i) Master's or equivalent
honours degree. In Botany or Agriculture- with spcciahatation in
plant breeding oi1 horticulture. OR Asaocinteship of 1. A. R. I. in
Genetics and plant breeding. (ii)About 5 years' research experi-
ence in plant breeding with special reference to vegetable crops

------! J"~T,c^d by published papers.   Qualifications relaxable at Com-

i discretion in casn of candidates otherwise well-qualified •

15.    One Deputy Director (Cloth and Yajn)   in the. Office of Tea-
file aouvmutinner.  Bombay, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Poat temporary but likely to continue.    Pay :   Rs.600—40__1 000

1,000—1,050—1,050—1,100—1,100—1,150.    Higher     initial     pay
to   specially    qualified     and     experienced     candidate.      Age •
Between. 35  and 45 years.    Relaysabh for  Government    servants.
Qualifications : Essential : (i) Degree   of   recognised   University.
(ii) About 5 years* experience m responsible capacity in Textiles
fnduBtry or in Government Dapartment or organisation of rpputo
dealing with textiles,    (hi) Administrative experience.    Qunlifica-
tiona relaxablo at CommiBsion's discretion in case of candidatch
otherwise well-qualified.

16.    O ke Supervisor of Workshop Training. Directorate of Marine
Engi-M&ring Training,  Ministry of Transport   Post temporary but
lik?ly to b? mad<* permanent.   Other things being equal preference

giventoSaheduledQ^steg/TribeBcandidate.    Pay : Rs.SOO__30__800

Higher initial pay to npjciaUy qualified and experienced candidate'
Age : Bilow^oy^ars,   Relaxable for Government Serwnts,   Quali
/Awiivw: Efftenttel: (i) Degree in Meohanioal Engineering of reco-

I. tToivewity or  equivalent,   (ii) About I' years' Wo?kahop

apprenticeship or experience in firm of repute OR About r~2 v6B.i*\
praolical mdiiutnal experience in senior capacity. Qualification
relaxablo at Comimssion'a discretion in cage of candidates atherwigp

17.    On" A fulfil,if Engineer ,Ct>nlr<ilTiwl<n- Onjatdantion, Man
fry of Food and Auriaulture.  Pnwt tPinpornry Ijnl, likely to be I-HHI,"
nl on permanent basis.    Ronorvod for Si-hudulod Tribes oaudidaLM    '
If no Hiich suitable candidate available, post treated as reserved for    •
iSuhoduled Castes candidate.    If 110 Scheduled  CasLes candidatw
available, post treated  as unreserved.    Pay -. Rs 275—23—500—
30—(150—E B.—30—SOO.   Pay of persons in permanent Govprn
m-mt fl3r\-jco will be regulated under Fundamental Rules. Higier
initial   piy   to   specially quUifiod   and    experienced  candidate
A'IJ    BiLwei'n 25 and   40 yer^r^^     Relnnable fni    Government see',
muts     Qunlificatian-i :    JSasenlwl :    (i) Det>i-ep in Mechanical  or
A.^'iJiill.Li-il   Ba^iufljriag   of  locognizerl   University, or diploma
in Alechntucal or Automobile Engineering from recognized Institute    '
(ii) Practical training in repair and maintenance of petrol and diesel   >
tractors, dfcaf mnery Diesel Endues or Cravvlor Tracturw.    OR   jielj
experience in operation of heavy Diesel Crawler Traitors, Heavy   i
Agricultural  Implements  nnd    earth    moving    machinery.   f)fi   }
Practical expormtioe in ropan of electric moloru, dieflcl s«'nern.toj>.,   j
magnots and automobile electric equipment or general mechanical   j
wnrkNhop trtiiumg in liools or forging work.                                     I

18.    One   Viriin   Pntholoi/ist  under   Go-ordinntrd  Plant   Vint,   ,
Scheme for JSrtbterii Zone,    Ministry nf Jfood nnd Agriculture..   Post   i
tamporaryup to 31st March, 1000         Other things being equal pre.
ference given to Scheduled CiistD.s/TribQHCfindidatPf!. Pay   Rs.IlGO—
350—380—3SO—30—590—E.B.—30—770—40—830. Higher initial   \
pay to specially qualified and uxpereinccd candidate.    Age, : Below
33 years.     Relaxable   for   Government   servants.    Qualifications.
Essential:   (i)    Mastor'H or equivalent honourn degree in Botany
withpotit-grEiduato Iramng in Plant Pathology with special reference
to Plant Viruses or B.So. degree m Botany or Agriculture with diplo-
ma of the Associateslup of Indian Agricultural Institute m Plant    i
Pathology with special reference to Plant.    Viruses       (ii)    About

6 yaarH1 research experience after poBt-graduntu training or probleim
relating to Virus Diseases as evidenced by published papem.
Qualifications relaxable at Commission's •discretion 111 rahe of candi-
dates otherwise well-qualified.

19.    One Virus Entomologist under    co-ordinated   Plant Tina
Scheme for Eastern Zone, Ministery of Food anil Ayiicullure.   Post
temporary up to 31st March, I960.    Other thing being   equal pre-
ference  given  to     Scheduled     Castes/Tribes     candidates     Puy:
R.s.275—25— SOO—30— 630—BB—30—800.    Higher initial pay to
specially   qualified   and   experienced     candidate.       Age:   Below
3(5   years.    Relaxable  for   Government    servants.    Qualifications:
Essential:    (i) Master's or equivalent honours degree m Zoology of
recognized University.    012 B. So. degree in Zoology or Agriculture
with diploma of Aasociateship of the Indian Agricultural  Research
Institute m    Entomology with special reference to   Plant   Virus
rectors.        (ii) About 3 year's research experience after  posts-

f graduate training on problems relating to insect vectors of virus
diseases as evidenced by published papers. QualidcatiouS relaxable
at Commission's discretion m case of candidates otherwise well-

20 One Insect PhysioLog t&t, Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
Post temporary for 5 years . Other things being equal preference
given to Scheduled Castes/Tribes candidate. Pay: Rs.000—40—
1,000—1,000—1,050—1,050—1,100—1,100—1,150- Higher initial pay
to specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age: Below 4u'
years. Belaxablefor CfovernniLntservants. Qualifications: Essential:
fi) Master's or equivalent, honours degree Zoology, with Entomo-
logy an special subject or post-graduate training in Entomology.
Ofi Degree in Science or Agriculture with Associateahiji of Indian
Agricultural Research Institute in. Entomology, (ii) About 7
years' research experience in Insect Physiology in relation to
agricultural posts as evidenced by published papers. Qualifications
relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise

21.    One   permanent   Engineer,   Indian    Veterinary   JSesearcli
Institute, M-uliteawnr.  Reserved for Scheduled Castes or Scheduled
Tribes candidate if such suitable candidate available     Otherwise
post   treated   as    unreserved.    Pay -.    RB.275—25—500—E.B.—
30—650—E.B—30—800.   Pay of permanent Government   officers
if recruited will bo fixed according to fundamental rules.   Higher
initial pay to specially qualified and experienced  candidate.    Age :
Between 25 and 35 years.    Relaoiable for  Government set Mints,
Qualifications :    Essential  :    (i) Degree in  Electrical   Engineer-
ing of recognized University, or equivalent,    (ii) Adequate experi-
ence of generation and distribution of electricity and running   and
maintenance of diesel engines.

22.    Assistant Economic Adviser,   Ministry of Cowmen? and
Industry.    Post temporary, but likely to become permanent. Pay :
Rs.1,000—50—1,400. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and
experienced candidate.    Age  :    Below* 00   years,    Relaxable for
Government   servants.   Quatifwations:     Essential:    (i)    At  Jeasl
2nd class Master's  or equivalent  Honours Degree  in   Economics
or Commerce of recognized University,    ((ii)   About five yeara1
experience of conducting and guiding economic investigations or
teBBaicch.   Qualifications relaxable at Comirusflion's discretion ifl
case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.