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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Ten 3 J per rent U. P E. E. Act Bond no. C/E B007000 for
R-s. I, GGli uriL'inally standing in thi« name of Debi Dayal and G'hhottsy
Lil ami Ust Qiidui-od to The Chief Amounts Officer, E. I. R ,
L'ali uttti, by whom it v n^ ne\ or endorsed to any other person, hav-
ing burn Ir^l , notice is hereby given that thr payment of the above
noti1 and the intercut thereupon has been stopped at the Publiu
DcJit I mire, Kpacrvi* Bank of India. Delhi, dad that application
14 at>uut to bo made1 for tho issue of duplicate iu favour of G'ho-
ttiy Lai Gupta. The public tiro eautiour-d aj^aiiiht purchasing or
othuTwisi.1 dealing with the abovementioned seLuiity.

o of the itdoc


Rtnidenw— HaihTciy Ciuuj, H«ii'doi% U. P.
O-15 ifc 22-lO-'53.]


The Government Proiuiaaory noLo no. DH02890B of 3 porcnm
Vii lory Loan of 1U37 for Ks.IGG oi'igmally standing in the name of
Reserve Bank of India, and ItHl endorsed to Abdul Mojocd, tin-
Proprietor, by whom it wan never endorsed to any other peisuii,
having been lo^t, notice is hereby given that the payment of tlul
abovu note and the! interest thereupon has been stopped at thp
Public DobtOfflcL', ILe&Gi-ve Bank of India. Delhi, and that applica-
tion is about to be made for the itisue of duplicate in favour ofthi-
Proprietor. The pnbho are cautioned against purchasmg or othc-i.
•\\iao doalmy with the abovementioned security.

jVfTMic of the rrdi-orKsci'—3£AHEUHWAR1_LAL, Truuuf'jitJJi,,,,
[1-S & 15-10-'55.1


THE Clcivomm-nit Promisnory Nnto no. DH001101 of the
3 per cent, loan of 1010—52 for Rs.lUO originally standing in the
namo of He-serve Hank of India and last endorsed to Ximak
Chund the Proprietor by \vhom it ^as never endored to any other
person, having been lost, notice is hereby given that the

Saymont of the aho\e noto ami the intel'e&t thereupon
•id lieen stopped at, the Public Dtht Office, Reserve Bank of India,
Delhi, und that applientioii ia about tu be made for paymtnt of
thf dist'luirge value m favour of the Pioprietor. The public are
cautioned against purchasing or otherwise dealing with the aho-\ c-
meiitioned security.

.      N<i"ic of the  advertiser—XANAK CHAND,

ItesiJence— '201 Nanak Niwas Lajpaf Nagar, Kanpui1, U. P.
[3-15 &22-10-'35,]


THE following fj-overmuont uf India "Five Year inturost fui-
Prizo Bonds 194.LJ, for tho face value of Ra.150 (rupees one hiinnliu.1
and fifty only) havmy bpeii stolon, notine ia hereby given that .in
application, has been made to the Manager, Reserve Bank of lurlu.
Public Debt Office. ISombiiy, forthoisaua of duplicate in favour ,nf
the underBigned •





Name of person notifying with address—S. D. Smgh Chaurasu,
Advocate, Lalkunwa, Lucknuw.

[8 & 15-10/55.]

P8UP-27 Qaz, (fi)—IfiSfi,

Printed *qa OTbUshed by the Bupwistendeni, Printing and Stitiowry, U5 P. Allihabftd, India.