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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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[PART Till


The following statement showing seizes and deaths from plague, cholera ancI   small-
Uttar £ ulesh, during the week ending 0 'tnber 1, 1955. i, pubhslied for general .afonn-tum .

all-pox reported ,n

Districts and Cities

Allahabad District




Seizure*      Deifchs

DeoriA Distriut
Etawah District



0 -I Her 0, 105,-),

A. N. CHOPRA,  Director.



APPLICATIONS are invited for the undermentioned posta from
Indian citizens and persona migrated from Pakistan -with mten-
tioa of p.Tm.inantly sectling in India or subjects of Sfepal, Sikkim or
Portuguese ur F jrmer French possessions m India,. Upper age-limit
relj.xj.Llt> by 3 years for Scheduled Caatea, Tribal, and Aboriginal com-
nninitie& and up to 43 years for displaced persona from Pakistan
and noii-hberatud areas of Jammu and Kashmir. No relaxation
for others, save in exceptional cases and will in no caae he relaxed
beyond three years. Particulars and application forma from Sec-
retary, Union" Public Service Commission, Post Box no. 186
3Tew Delhi. Requests for forms must specify name of post and
should be acGompanied by self-addressed unstamped envelop
for each post at least of size 9 " X 4 ' indicating thereon name of
post for which forms are required. Closing dote for receipt of
applications with Treasury receipt or Crossed Indian Postal Orders,
for Rs 7-S (Ra. 1-14 for Scheduled Castes and Tribes) 5th November,
19,55 (lt)th Xovember, 1H55 for applicants from abroad). Commia-
bion may remit genuinely indigent and bone fide displaced persons'
fee. Separate application with separate fee required for each post.
Candidate^ abroad may apply on plain paper if forms not available
and Jdposit fee with local Indian Embassy. If required candidates
must appear for personal interview.

1. 13 Assistant Aerodrome Officers in Oiril At'i'ition D&.
jjartm2 it D'recfaiufe Gdiernl of Civil Ana, ion. PuMs temporary but
likely to L-untmuo indefinitely. Four posts reserved for members
of .Scheduled Castes and 2 posts for Scheduled Tribes, if such suitable
candidates available, otherwise all posts may he treated as unre-
served. Patj- Rs.27a—25—500—E.B.—30—630—E.B__30—800

after the sUL-t'e^fiil completion of the training for period of 8 months
during wlui h -stipend at the rate of Rs. 150 per month will be paid
.4yp; Bptw-'Ln 111 and 25 years. Qualifications, Essential'. Can-
didate must either (1) be graduate in Engineering of recognised
University or A.M.I.E. (India) possess equivalent qualifications;
f2) pcrsae^aB. A. or B.SC. degree of recognized University with
Physics or Mathematics as one of the subjects OR (3) hold the
diploma of die Indian Institute of Science in Tele-Communications
ur posses Bat-biers degree with "wireless" ag special subject or
PIWJSS qualifications m Radio or Telr-Commuaie^tions equivalent to
degree, or (4) hold or have held 'B' Pilot, Licence with not legs than
2()0 hours solo flying us pilot or have held Air Navigator's Licences
and have had not leas than 1,000 hours air experience as Navigator
rtiitl havo passed the Intermediate - Examination, of recognized
Umve.'.sltr or the Senior Cambridge Examination OR (3) hold
or have ht'ltl L'umini&aionud rank for not letss than' four years in
thi* General Duties Branch of the T.A.F. Qualifications relaxable at
CuramU-you'rt discretion in ease of candidates otherwise well-

2.    AHsintnnt Research Officer, Research and    Reference   Diri-
stow,   Mtnhtrif of Information and Broadcasting.—foat   temporal-

but    hkely   to continue. Pay; RS,  330—25—500—E.B__30—6°0

Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced candi-
date*. Agf. Between 30 and 40 years. Relaxatfe for Government
servant*. Qwt'tfifationa: Esseniial~(i) At least 2nd class degree of
recogauH TTuirmltF. fUJ About thre* years' experienca of research
or rrfEwnce work in reaeawh institution, newspaper or publishing
house of at&ndinfr Qoalificaticjna reUwtable at Commission's
diicretion Ju raae of <*wirtidat<|« otherwise well-qualined.

3.    Twelve Settlement Offirers, Ministnj ttf Rehabilitation. Posts   j
temporary but likely to continue.    Two   posts reserved   for  Bete-   ;
rluled CaateH and one for (Scheduled Tribes   candidates, if such suit-   j
able candidates available ; otherwise treated as   unreserved.  Pay,    '
Rg.jOU — 31) — 710.    Higher initial pay to    specially qualified and    '
experienced    candidates.    Age' Between 30    and 40    years.   Re-    '
lay-able   for    Government   servants.     Qualifications;    Essential— (\]    ,
Degree of recognized University.    (11) About three years' experience    !
in Government department in  responsible capacity.    Qualifications    1
reLi table nt Commission's discretion m   case of   candidates other-    '
wise well-qualified.

4.    One. Entomologist, Malaria Institute of India,   Ministry
of HtuWi.    Po^t permanent but  appointment will be made on   a
temporary   basis    at   present     Pay   Rs.UOO — 40 — 1 000 — 1 000—
1,030— 1,050— 1,100— 1,100— 1,150    Pay    of   persons   already   in
permanent Government will be fixed according   to    Fundamental
Hulua.    Higher initial pay to specially   qualified    and   experienced
candidate.    Age\ Below    40    years.     Relaxable   for     Government
seraantt,.   Qualifications   E^ontial — (i) Medical    qualification inclu-
ded in one uf   schedules   to   Indian   Medical    Council   Act,    1933
OR Master's degree in Science uith Doctorate in   Medical   Entomo-
logy.    (ii) Training in Malarial ogy.    (111) About 5 years' experience
in Malaria research with special reference to    Entomological prob-
lems     Qualifications relaxable at Commission's     discretion in case
of ,-andidatea  otherwise well-qualified.

a. Two Assistant Directors (dmdp I), Central Marketing Qr-
arwnritioii,, All-India Hnndloom Board, Mitmtiy of Commerce
and Itirlu&tri/. Posta temporary but likely to continue- Other
things being equal, Scheduled Castps/ycheduled Tribes candidates
preferred; Pay: Rs.330— 350— 380— 380— 30— 590— E.B.— 30— 770
— 40 — 850. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidates. A(je\ Below 33 years. SelaTable for Government
servants. Qualifications- Essential— About three years' experi-
ence in responsible position in Government, commercial or other
organization dealing with textiles. Qualifications relaxable at
Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise well-

6. Director of Education, North- East Frontier Agency,
Ministry of External Affairs Post temporary but likely to become
permanent Pay Pvs.GOO— 40— 1,000— 1,050—1,100— 1,100— 1,150
plus special pay of Rs 150 per mensem for direct recruits) and sub-
stantive pay plus deputation allowance not exceeding 25 per cent pf
pay or Rs.250 per mpnsem whichever is more: plus special pay of
Rs.150 per mensem (for personswho havebeeniii continuous Govern-
ment employ since iSthJuly, 1931. Higher initial pay to sponially
qualified and experienced candidate. Age; Below 45 years. Quali-
/imfiowjt. Ewrntiul. — (ij At least 2nd class Master's or equivalent
Hono^i's ilPgree of recognized Univeristy. (h) Degree or Diploma
m Eduration. (lii) Training in Basic " uuduuation. (iv) About 7
years' expperience of teaching including about two years' expe-
rinee in administrative eapncity. Qualifictiona relaxable at Com-
mission's discretion in caso of candidate?! otherwise well-qualified.

7. Librarian, Central Statistical Organisation (Cabinet Sec-
retariat). Post temporary but likely to continue. Pay : Ra.275—
25 — 300. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidates. Aqn : Below 40 years. Relaxable, for Government
»ervnnta. Qualifications •. Essential— (i) Degree of recognized
University, (ii) Degree Diploma in Library Science from recog-
nized Institute, (ih) About three yews' experience in responsible

capacity in library of standing. Qualifications ralaxablo at Comrois-
ion> discretion   in case of candidates

otherwise woll-quaJifled.