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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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The following statement showing seizures and deaths from plague, cholera and    small-pox reported in
Gttar PratlMh, during the week ending October 15, 1955, is published for general information :

Districts and Cities

JaunpUT District


Seizures    Deaths


Seizures      Deaths

Seizures        DBatha


A. N. CHOPRA, Director,

0:toFer 20, 1935.



AFPucATI DN& are invited for the undermentioned posts ficm Indian
citizens and per&ons migrated from Pakistan with mttntirn of per-
manently settling m India or subjects of Nepal, Sikkim or Portuguese
or Former French pos&eFFicns in India. Upper age limit relaxable
by f ivo years for scheduled castes, tribal, and aboriginal communities
and up to -43 years for displaced persona from Pakistan and non-
liberated areas* of Jammu and Kashmir. No relaxation for others
^ save in exceptional cases and will in no case bo relaxed
beyond three years Particulars and application forms from Secre-
tary, Union Public Service Commission, Post Box no. ]86, New
Delhi. Requests for forms must specify name of po&t and should be
accompanied by self-addressed unstamped envelope for each post
dt leagt of size "9* X 4" indicating thereon name of post for which
forms are required. Closing date for receipt of applications with
treasury receipt or Crossed Indian Postal Orders for Rs. 7/8.
(Re. 1/14 for scheduled castes and tribes) 19th November, 19513
(3rd December, 1955 for applicants from abroad). Commission may
remit genuinely indigent and bona fide, displaced persons' fee.
Separate application with separate fee required for each post. Can-
didates abroad may apply on plain paper if forms not available
and deposit fee with local Indian Embassy If required, candidates
must appear for personal mteivicw.

1. One PivfeuBor of Metal Mining and Mimeyinff, Indian School
of Alines and Applied Geology, Dhunbad, Minufry of Natural
Behources and Scientific RevearcJt. Post permanent. Pay:
Rs.1,000—50—1,400 Higher initial pay to specially qualified
and experienced candidate. Arje . Below 45 years. BelaaaVle for
Government stn'itnts. Qualifications : Essential—(i) Master's degree
jn Mining Engineering of recognised University, (n) Post-graduate
research in &ubieeth related to timing Engineering with published
papers. Copies to be submitted, (in) About 5 years' experience
of .Metalliferous Mining both surface and underground in respon-
sible cpacity . Qualifications relaxable at Commission's discre-
tion in case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

•2. One Prvfesaor of Anatomy, Qaiidl\i Medical C allege,Bhopul.
Post permanent. Other things being equal, preference given to Sch-
duled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates. Pay :Rs. 1.100—40—1,340.
Private piactice not allowed, Higher initial pay to specially
qualified and experienced candidate. Age : Below 45 years.
Itelarable for Government tenants. Qualification*: Essential;
(i) Po&t graduate degree in Anatcmy, M. S. and /or F. R. C. S.
(ii) A-bout 5 years' teaching experience m Anatomy, in medical
college. Qualifications relaxablti at Commission's discretion in
cat>e of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

3.    District Medical Officer, Public   Health Department, Kutch.
Post temporary but likely to become permanent.    Pay • Rs 950—
15—400—E.B.—25—300—E.B.—25—650.     Higher    initial       pay
to specially qualified and experienced candidate.    Age -. BeW 3fl
years.    Relaxable, for  Government sen ants.    Qualifications;   Essen-
tial—(i) Medical qualifications included m crc of schedules to Indian
Medico!   Council   Act,    1933.    (li)    Diploma   in     Public   Health,
(iii) About two years' professional experience including some ex-
perience of Public Health work.   Qualificationb relaxable at Commis-
sion's discretion in-c-ase   of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

4.    Port Medical Officer, Kandla.   Post temporary but likely
to    bcecire      permanent.      Pay   :       Rs.260-^16-r-440—20—500,
High&r initial pay to specially qualiffad and experienced candidate.
Age; Below 40 years.    Jtelcucable for Government    servants     Qua-
Uficatkn* t, Mn&Miul— (i) Medical qualification included in   one of
schedules ta Indian 'Medical   Ccuncil Act, 1833.   (ii) About three
years'  prpfesaional  experience.   Qualifications relaxable   at Com-
nafesion'* ^isdrcti&a W case of eaix&dates otherwifip iron-qualified.

6.   Four    Cfei*nm'n   (Newareel),    F$m   Division,    Mimrtn
and Biwttcatffag.   Post temporary but likely   to

continue- for about two years Those who apphrd in ret,ponne fa
Commission's Advertisement No 54, item 4 need not apply agajn '
Pan : Rs.500—30—620. Higher initial pay to specially qualififj '
and experienced candidate. Age • Below 45 years Qualification <
Essential—About 7 years' experience as motion picture cameraman i
Qualifications relaxable at Commission's discretion in case of uandi- '
dates otherwise well-qualified.                                                        i

S. S. DEVGAN, Under Secreary,    \



APPLICATIONS (in    duplicate) are invited for    imdernientione'l
posts from Indian citizens    and persons migrated from Pakistan
with intention of  permanently settling in India or subject of Nejnl .
Sikkun or Portuguese possession    in Inrtui     Paiticulars and aprli j
cation forms  from   Registrar,    Indian   Institute-    of Technologj. ,
Kharagpur.   Requests for    foims must  specify name of the nc'.-' '
and should be accompanied by self-addressed unstamped   enveW '
at least of size 9" x 4." indicating-   thereon name of post for Triiih
form? are required.    Closing    date for receipt of applications to;..
•Lher with treasury receipt or crossed Indian    Postal    Older  fj ,
Rs.7-8  (Rs.l--14 for scheduled    castes and tribes). Mai I ed payat's '
to Secretary, Union Public Service   Commission at   NEW   Delf,i Po  :
Office,    19th   November,    1955    (3rd   December.    1955   for appli ,
cants     abroad).      Union     Public      Service      Commission     HUT
remit genuine, indigent   and bona ftde displaced person's fee.   Con" \
didates abroad may apply on plain paper if forma arc not available
and deposit fee with Local   embassy.    If required, the candidate
must appear for personal interview.      Qualifications relaxable at
Commission's discretion in case of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

Posts permanent and pensionable, probation one year. Tic
appointment may be terminated under conditions as provide
under Central Services Rules.

(A)  One Aasiistnnt   Professor   in  Foundry    Engineering :Agc.^
Prferably above 30   years   but below    45 years   (50     years    for
scheduled   castes, tribal  and   aboriginal   communities   candidate!
Relaxable for    government   servants.   For   others, age-limits, will
be strictly adhered to save in   exceptional circumstances and \vi"
in no case be relaxed beyond a'limit of 3    years.   Pay i Rs.600-,
40—1,000—1,000—1,050—1,050—1,100—1,100—1,] 50.

Qualifications : Essential—(i) First Class Degrcu in Mechanical J
Engineering or Post-Graduate Degree with specialised knowledg'
of theory and practice of Foundary Engineering, of a recognis*! i
University, (ii) About 5 years' Industrial experience.

Desirable -. (i) Knowledge of Metallurgy and some knowledge
of machine shop practice, (ii) Research and Teaching experience.

(B)  One Lecturer in    Mechanical Engineering (Production  Tto-
noloy]i).    Age ;     Preferably above 25 years but    below 38 year8
(43 years for Schedule Castes,    Tribal and Aboriginal   community
candidates and 45 j-eara for displaced   persons   from Pakistan BBC
non-liberated     areas    of    Jammu  and    Kashmir).   Relaxable fcf
government servants.   Incase   of  Indian,  employees of the Govf
ment of Burma discharged owing to constitutional changes    in tlii'
country. The conditions   regarding upper age-limit may   be releM1"
up to 45 years.   For others, age-hnnits   will   be fltrieily adhered tt
save in   exceptional   circumstances and will in no case be relaxc"
beyond a limit of   3 years.   Pay :    Rs.350—350--380—380-30-

Qualifications •. -EBSentialr~-(i) Degree in Mechanii-al Enf
neering with knowledge "of design and production mpthc da. (u)> AD»!
3 years' experience in Leading Industrial works with epecializfttiw
in Machine Shop and Metallurgy.                                                      i

Desirable. •   Experience of Teaching  and research.

Higher initial pay may be granted lo a specially qualified W
experienced candidate. Candidate selected for appointment ^i
he required to join duty immediately after selection.