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It One Dzputy Miiwnd Economist (Intelligence), Indian BUVLUU
of Mines, Ministry of Natufal Eewm'cei, and. Scientific Research,
Poab temporary but likely to continue. Pay : Rs. 600—10—1,000
—30/2—1,150. HiJjhi i' initial pay to Hpje ally qualified and ex-
pinenc.'d canj.nli.ti.'. Ail* Bjlow 41) > Rulazable for gov-
ernment apinn'a. Qualifications. J3i>tti'iitinl • () At least second
class Master \ d.?grve m G^olosy \vi:h specialization in Economic
G-ioLaTV for1 r^^o^.u/.cj ILw Jrsity up equivalent, (iij Adequate
training or p-xpjneiiOi* or kncmKvly in statistical methods and
cla-Hinration of various minerals, (i i) About ij years' experience
m m.n"rjj industry or in G n vernment Department dealing with mines
and muiPraU, Qiulihrationg r?l.ixable ,it CnmmiHhion H discretion
m ciipe ul'uiind'ildtfs otliurvisn well-qualified.

2.    One Deputy Minentl Economist (Stutibtical), Indian Bureau
iif M'u> 'a1,  Ministry of Nntinr,l Ri'HOiirct"* timl   Scientific   Rp.iecnrft
Post temporary but hkelytocuntiuue.    Pm/ -. Ry. 600—40—1.000—
,>0('J—1,150.     Higher initial p 15- tu spi-( ully qualified und expe-
rienced   candidate     Aye :  B^low 40 ve.irn.    Itelcunble Joi   (-ionej)i-
tn tJ HPfcants     QtirilitH-titHinx : S^enfinf    (i) At leant second das*
Master's degree m Statistics   JCc-onomics or   Commerce from recoy-
ni/od University or equivalent     (i ) Training in the   methods of
tabulation and clarification of various   statistical data and m the
methods of interpretation of such datti mthe solution of the problems
of the miner almdustiy     (u ) About fi years' expeiitweiuredpo* aib'e
capacity in private concern or Government  Department in the pro-
cessing of statistical data in   connexion with  industrial problems.
Qualifications reldxable at Commission's discretion m case of candi-
dates otherwise well-qualified,

3.    One Mineral Economist. Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of
Natural  Resources,  rind Scientific    Research     Post temporary but
likely   to   continue.    Pa// • Rs.   1,00 —,30—1,400.    Higher  initial
pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate. Age : Between
35 anl 4,1 yjars     Rilnrublefor Government sermnta     Qualifications :
Essential: (i) At least second class Master's or equwalent honours
ilftiree in Geology or recogmzsd  LTniversity.    Or Degree in Mining
jingineenng of recognized University or Diplonu m Geology or
Mining of the- Indian School of Mines and Applied Geology, Dhanbad,
with mineral economies as th-1  spoeiah'ed .Subject or    equivalent
qualifications     (n) Training in   analysis and interpretation of data
with particular reference to tho Mineral Industry     (-11) About 1J
years  experience of the mineral industry of India and its problems
including the analysis and mterp -etation of mineral atatiatics J Quali-
fications relaxable at Commidsion's discretion in  rase of candidates
otherwise well-qualitied.

4.    One Professor af Geology, Indian School of Mines cmd Applied
Geology, Dhanbad, Ministry of  Natural Resources and Scientific Re-
search. Post permanent. Pay: Rs.1,000—30—1,250. Pay of officers in
Government service wi'l if selected   be fixed according to the rules.
Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate.
Ay* • Below 4o years.    Relaxabhfor Government   servants,    Qualifi-
cation* •    Essential -.   (i)    Doctorate   m   Geology    from r^cognizad
University with special knowledge of economic geology,    (n) About

tiou in case of can..!i,lite-, otherwise ^ell-qualified.
Advertisement no. 46

VFPLICATIOX.S are invited for the undermentioned posts from
liulnii ntuens nnd p'Tinns migrate I *L'om Pakistan with mtentiou
of permanently settling in India or subjects of Nepal, Sikkini
or Portuguese or Former French pors^ssions m India, Upper a ce
limit relaxable by 5 years for M'tie Luled Castes, Tri'jal and Abori-
ginal Communities and up to J-.j years for displaced persons' from
Pakistan and non-liberated areas of Jammu and Kashmir. No
relaxation for ntheis, save in exceptional cases and will in no case
be relaxed beyond thiee yearn. Particulars and Application, forms
from Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Post Box no.
] SB, New Delhi. Requests for forms must specify nimo of post
and should be arnampanipd by self-addressed unstamped envelope
for each post at least of SUB 9" ,c 4" indicating thRreon name
of post for which forms are required. Closing date, for receipt of
applications with treasury re-eipt or Crossed Indian Postal Orders
for Ra.7-8 (Re 1-14 for Scheduled Castes and Trib-s) Decem-
ber 3. 1055 (De.emb^r 17, l!iil5, for applicants from abroad)
Commission may remit gfiuiinily indigent and b<ma ftde displaced
pornoiM1 fee. Soparnte apphcaton with separate fee required for
each pcbt. CandtdnteH abroad may apply cm plain piper if
forma not available and deposit f^e with local Indian. EZI'IBRSV- Tf
required candidates muRt ap|jf-ar for personil in ervi«w

1. TwmtV'tira fnftpe»tan of Mints tn the Mines Department,
Mmiitryttf Ljtb,.i.r, Poets permane.j.t. ;j postd reserved for tic eduled
ra«te8 aad 1 for Srtiriutad MJ« e.tuJidate., if SUch smtable
candidates available. Remain ng poata are unreserved Pan -
Rs.600-40—1,000—1,000—1,0 0 1 >V»-l,lon—1,11.00-l.nO Hiffle-
initial pay tj sppcmlly qaaliiictl and experienced candidates.' Age •'
EelCw 40 yeara. Seljr.iols for ujor,n,rnjnt seivantx, Qualiftcatians '•
S***«al s (i) VinbolwMiimlCaugtt*, Certificate 'of^SpeSoy'
(n) Degree or Diploma m Miniftg of recognised Uaiversity. (ihj
6 ,yw«? Bauuag expeneuce of whiofi Z years ahquld be in ripo^

silile capacity a.s Manager ur under Manayer. Qnalifieations
relaxablc at Commission's discretion in CJSB of candidates othcrwh«

2. One Chemist in *lte Direc'omte of Phint Protection Ouniitntinf
and Storaqe. Post tmipor ry but likely to continue. Other thine*,
bem" equal preference i/ivon to Scheduled Castes candidate. Pai," •
Rs 275— 25— 500— EB.— 30— 650— E.B— 30— 800. Higher mi-
tittl pny to HpL'fia'ly qualified ^nd oxperiencetl candidate. Aye -
Brtn-euii 2-j ,inrl "35 years. -Rr'araWp fnr Goiwnmtnt mranU,
Quttlifientioiii : Mitten hnl . (i) AltiRter's or equivalent HDnour.s
Degree in Chemistry or recognized University, (ii) Post-graduate
training in analytical Chemistry, fin) Knowledge, of organic and
inorganic pesticides and of their possible diluents for pUnt
protection purposes, unrl of accessory wetting and similar other
,iB,eut5. Qnahnt'a-tions relaxablc at Commission 'a discretion in
ciwe of candidates othciwise well-qunhfierl

3.     'tiiK  Att'iit'tttiit  rtujjernileiirlpHt, DefJttiiiHRiit    n\     .-ircluieolo<iy,
Million/ of Etlurntin'i     Post l-nTipurary   but     likely    to   become
permanent.    Pnif .   For direct tecruits  • R.s.350 — 350—380 — 380 —
30 — fiOO— E.B. — SO — 770 — 10 — 850.    For      persons   in   continuous
Government   mnplnv .sin'-D July 115, IR31   Pny    Rs.350 — 400 — 150—
J500— 550— -ilO— «0ll— 650— 700— E B.— 750— SOD— SOO— S50—  900
050 — 1 000.    Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidate.    Afjr :     Between    25     «md   35    years.    Reliable   for
Government aeuwnh.    Qualifications .      Essential :      (i) At     least
Master's nr equivrileiit  Honour's  Degree in Indian   History or Ar-
chaeology.    (n) Api>ro\ed tramiiig ami experience in fi3ld- archaeo-
logy.    QuahficatioiiH relaxable  at   Commission' H  discretion   in ease
of    perfinn^  otherwise  well-qualified   and   having about   10 years'
experience in Aruhaelogical conservation and/or excavation.

4.   One Affi irnlturnf Enij nicer, Arpt culture Department, Government
af Kittch.    PoHt   temporary but hkoy to be retained ori parmnaent
basis.    Pan :     Rs. 2.10- 15 — 400 — E B. — 20 — iQO.    Hi^ier   urtwl
pay to   specially 'jiialfied an  experienced   candidate.    Age : Below
3,") year.s,    Relnralile fm (-tavemment aeimnla.    Qualifications   Efism-
tial    d) Degree   or diploma   in   Civil     Engineering'   of   recognized
University/Institution.      (n) Adequate    prnotical      experience     in
survey, construction of tanks   and wulls   on sanitary   lines including
water supply, drainage   works, etc.    (m) Knowledo of   Agricultural
Engineering and   Agricultural implements.    Qualifications relasable
at CommisHion's    rhscretion in cago of   candidates otherwise well-

5 Ttco AdmmwtratiVB Officers, Oil nml Natiual (las Division,
Mimstn/ of Natural Resouicfx and Scirn+ific Resca'cli, Post tempo-
rary but likely to continue. One posL reserved for Scheduled
Tribes candidate and the other for Scheduled CaateH candidates
if such suitable candidates available , atherwi&e tho posts may be
treated as unreserved. PIIIJ • R-, 400— 25— 500— F..B.— 30— fiGO.
Higher mtial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidates
A'je. : P.elow 40 years. Rrlnwl-lp for (luverninent waniii. Quah-
fi'catioiii, Gt,septial : (i) Degree oi recognized University, (u)
About 5 years' experience in responsible capacity m GovernmeiLt
department or public bodies or commercial concern of repute dealing
with establishment and accounts. Qualicafitions relaxable at
Commiasion'fl discretion m case of candidates otherwise well-quali-

'i For (trnh'itst (Junior), in t1^ Oil und Natural Gas Division,
.lfiiin/r u/ Milum! Rftnu.rM an I .Scientific Restart*. Post tempo-
rary hut hLely tn continue. One post reserved for Scheduled
Tribes and one pnat reserved for Scheduled Castes candidate, if such
suitable candidate available ; otherwise all posts may IIP treated as
unreserved . Pn-i - Rs 350—350— 380— 380— 30— 590— E B.-
30— 770—10— SjD. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and
experienced candidates -iije : Bekuv 35 years. Relaxable^ for
Govirnwmt servants. Qiinl-ficatfons : Essential : (i) Masters or
equivaUnb Honours Degree in Geology or Diplama in Gaology ot
the Tn/Uan Sclioil of Mines aid Applied Ga Jb^y, & m-i"-
(ii) About 5 years' e^cper.onae in any brauh of Chol^f lajlaliiS
g^3l3gical field work. Q.ii!ifi3atbag relaxable at_Oo-nQiLSdijns
discretion m of ca,nJiia,Das ojhar»viia wjll-qualilad.

7. Five Assistant Cteophysicists, Oil and Natural GOB Division'
Ministry of Natural B:s iurces am/2 Scientific Rssearch, Pojts ^P°'
ripy but likely 1 3 continue. One poat is reserved for Scaedolecl
TMaearaaiidibeaal o le poat re-sarvel for Scheduled Caaea oaadi-
di',3, if awli anbibla culiJates available : otherwise all po&ta may
bs treated as unreserved. Patj : Ra. 275— 25— 5JO— E.B.— 30-
650. Higher initi il pay to specially qualifiod and experienced ca.aQ.i-
dates. -Iff-: Below 30 years. Reliable, pr G.vs tim-fi* ser-anta-
Qval fictitious : E*»vitMi (i) Master or equivalent Honours
in Goophysijg or GaobgV or Piy^ic? of rscj^naji Jni« si
D. lona m Gaolog/ of'the laJiai School of 4In»
Gaolosy, Dhanbid, (ii) Ibaali b-v> y3i.'3' e^pe-.'i3
physical field operations, Q lalfiaation? relaxable a o
diacretion. in case of candidates otherwise well- qualified.

S. S. D 3V JAN,