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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Stock   available    with   Superintendent,    Printing   and
Stationery, Uttar Pradesh} Allahabad.

Labour Appeal Cases, January 1954, price Ks.2-8 (aa.3)
Labour Appeal Cases, January 1954, price Us.2-8 (a«j.4>.
Labour Appeal Case?, February 1954, price Es 2-8 (as.4;.
Labour Appeal Cases, March 1954, price Es.2-8 (asA).
Labour Appeal Cases, April 1954. price Rs.2-8 (fls.4..
Labour AppeaJ Cases, Mny W54 price Rs.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Appeal C'uset>. June, 1954, price Es.2-8 (aff.4i.
Labour Appeal Cases. July, 1904, price Es.2-8 (as.4).
fjulxjur Appeal Ua-setf. August 1054, price Es.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Ap] *#il Cases, September 1054, price Es.2-8 (fls.-J).
Labour Appenl C'ase.s. October 1954, price Rs.3-8 (as.4;.
LiLlmiM Appall L'HHHX, November IDoJ. price E^.2-8 lfl$.4.)
Labour Appeal Cases, December 1954, price Es.2-8 (as.4'.
Labour Appeal Cases, January 1955, price Es.2-8 (asA).
Labour Appeal Casey. Februaiy 1955, price Es. 2-8 (asA}.
Labour Appeal Cases, March, 19o5, price Es.2-8 (asA).
Labour  Vppeul Cases, April, 195"). pnue tie.1-32 Jtw 4).
habuur Appeal Ca^ps, .Alay, I!).M, jince Pie.1-12 (asA).
Labour Appeal Crises. June. 1955. j>nce He.1-12 lay. 4).

First KrF-Year Plan—Price Es.3 (Re.l and fli-.B).

I.    Courses of Training at Civil Aviation Training
Centre. Allahabad.    Price annas 5 (al. ys. 6).

±    Constitution of India m Hindi.    Price Re. 1-1


•^i«i     Constitution  uj: ludui  in   English  as modified
up tn 1-5-55.    Price Rc.1-14 fr/.UQ).

3.    Audit   Code,   First Edition incorporating   cor-
rection fllipp nos. I to 25.    Price Re.1-4 (asA).

4.    Indian Penal Code as modified up  to  March 1,
1951.    Price Rs.2-8 («w.7).

o.   Information, for tli3 Students desiring to proceed
Overseas for the Advanced Studies,   1947-48.   Pries
annas 3 (a. I ps. ti).

tt.   Factories Act no. LXIII of 1948 as Modified up
to August, 1954.   Price annas 14 (as.2).

7.    Blrsfc Report  of the National   Income  Oom-
ru;ttee, April,  1951.    Price Re.1-6 (as. 2 ps. 6).

5.    Indian Boileis Act as modified tip to Novem-
ber 1» L949. Price annas 7 (as.'2).

9.    Co-operative  Societies Act an modified up to
July 1,1952.   Price annas 4 («.l).

10.    Payment of Wages Act as modified uo to May
15,1951.    Price annas 4 (fl.l).    '

II.    The Poison Act as modified up to Mav 1, 1949
Price annaa 2, packing and postage (a. 1).

Minimum   Wages   (Amendment)   Act uo.   XXVI
of 19M.   Price ankaa 2 (la,).

13.   The Indian .Evidence Act modified up  to
l, 1952.   Price aimas 6 (as.2).

13.    Workmen   Compensation   Act, modified up tr,
May 1.  J952.    Price annas 6 (a.l ps. 6).

1-1.    Industrial Dispute  (Appellate Tribunal)   \ct
no. XLVIII of 10.30.    Price annas i (a.l).

15.    Indian Limitation Act no. IX of 19US, iiL^[.
fied up to February I, 1952.  Price annas 6 (a. 1 ps^

16.    Land Acquisition Act no. I of 1898 ay lnocij.
fied up to April 1, 1^52. Price annas 6 (oM).

17.    Indian  Electricity Act IX    of   1910.    prjC(J
annas 12 (ns.3).

18.    ^mata 33 H^cTf   Price Rs.2-2  (as. 7).

1 9.    Cinematograph Act no . XXXVII of 1 952, modj.
fieri up to September ],  1958.    Price annas 2 (a.l).

20.    Motor Vehicles Act IV of 1939, modified up to
November ], 1952.    Price E,e. 1-10 (as.2 ps. H).

21     Minimum Wages Act, modified up to March 1,
1952.    Price annas i (a.l).

2?.    Opium Act no. I of 1878, modified up to Aug-
ust 1, 1951.    Price annas 3 (a.l).

-23.    Special Marriage Act no. XLIII 'of 1954     Price
annas 6 (as. "2 ps.Q).

24.    Employees State Insurance   Act no. XXXIV 01

1948 as modified up to 1-5-55.    Price annas 12 (as. 13V

'25.    Code of Criminal Procedure Act no. V of 19^

as )modified up to   27-8-52 in   Hindi.    Price Es. 3-5

(313 srlw flf^ai ) (ffs.ll).

Reports and Rules

26.    Five-Year Plan Progress .Report for the yeais
1951-52 and 1952-53.    Price annas 8 (asA).

27.    Hirakund   Dam  and   after.   Price Re.l (as.3).

28.    Census of India, 1951,  Volume I, India   Part
TI-C.    Economic Tables. Price Ra.3. (Re.l;.

29.    Census of India, Volume I, Part I-B.— Appen-
dices to the Censua Report 1951.    Price  Rs.3 (Re.l-S).

30   Cenaus of India  1951, Volume I, Part IT-B Eco-
nomic Table (General Population). Price Rs.3 (Re.1-8).

31.    Paj-ment of Wages   (Procedures) Rules, 1937.
Price annas 3 (a. 1 ).

3 2.    Indian Electricity Rules.    Price Re.1-6 (as, 2

33.    Award on the Industrial Disputes between
Central    Banking  Companies   and  their workmen.

Price Re. 1-6 (as A).

34.  Programraies of Industrial Development, 1951-52
Price Rs.4-S (as. 12).

35.    Displaced persons L/orupeii8ataon and .RehabJita
tion Rules 1955.    Price annas 10

36.    Report ul Ely.  Corruption   Enquiry   Conimitte
1R5&-65.   Price Re.1-8 (as.®*

37.    Report of State reorganisation commission 1955
Price Rs.2 («.6).

SB.   Industrial   Dispute   (Appellate Tribunal)   Rule
modified up to 1-12-54.    Price annas 7 (a.l ps.Q).

88f.   Income   Tax   Manual   Part 7 amended   up tt
15-5-55.   Price Re.M4 (as.9).

amomita in parentheses are for packing and postage