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The Princess of Wales



D. Phil.   (Oxon ),

Principal, Government Sanskrit College, Banaras

(17)  Parts I and  11— !Nyine  Sulilhairta Mali.  lij   J-ivarai.ia  ',
Pamhanana.    Edited vitb a Trefatory No'e r^d Critic^  Ic:r- -I'" noe
by Dr.  Mangal Deva Shnstii,  u.\., D PHIL.    Psn I      iReJuL'  i pric^
As 9)j  Pan II-    fReduc-ed price Re.l)   lutu.  e;rb)

(18)  The Dhannanuljanilhi   Slolca    Charur.iadhi,  by   ^e*hi Krishna,
with Commentary, by Rama Pandit.    Edited  v.iLb  lni,,cr.iiL't:i.r.  f.c ,
by  Narayana   Shastri   Khiste    Sahitvacnar-a.    (Reluct.;   yrn'j   As t

(19)  The    Navartna    Pradipa,    fay   Nanda Pandit  DLa.rui.',lMJ:.iri.
73 edited by  M M.  Pt,   Gopinath  Kavirai, M.A.}     Edited   with   Introduction,   etc.,   by" Vaidva   Katha   Sliaatn,   Tarkale

_                                                    Dharma  Shaatn.    (Reduced pnce  Re.lj   [3aa ).

(20)  The Ramatapiniyopamsbad with Ramakasbika on tl:e rurmt&pim
and  Anandmdhi on the  Uttai.iUpuii,  bj   Anaoda  Vina.    dlittil  -.uth
Introduction, etc , by Anant Ram Shasta Veti, SahiLji'paJhy.Lya, with
a Foreword by Gopinatb K^viraj, si A.    (Ruduced priLe P.b.l-lii \iai.^

CHi The Sapmd>a Ealpalatika, by SadasbjTa Dev.i ,'cZ:'js Apadeva'j,
with Commentary 'by Narayana Deva. Eihted vith Intro'luttn^i, etc.,
by Jagannatba Sbastn Hoshmg SabiUopadbjaya. |Kedjt:ea rr*-.e
As.10) Was,).

(Figures in parentheses indicate jiostaijt •

(1)  The  Kiranavali  Bbaakara     iVaiabeshika),     a     Comraentaiv  un
Udayana's Kiranavali, Dravya section, by Padmanabba Miara     Edited
with   Introduction,   and  Index,   by   Gopmath   Kavira],   M.A.   (.Heduceil
price As. 14)  (4as )

(2)  The Ad^aita Cbintamam  (Vedanta), by R,mgo]i Bhatta, Edited
with  Introduction,  etc.,  by  Narayana  Sbaatri  Khiste  Sahityacharya.

price As    14)   V3a«.)-

(22) Tbe Mrigankalekha Natika, by Nwajana Da%a Eavi.

(3) The    Rasaaara      (Vaisbeshikal,    Commentary    on    Udayana'a   with  Introduitum, etc.,  by Narayana  Shastri Kindle  Sabt*i
Kiranavali, Guiia section, by Bbatta Vadindra.    Edited with Introduc     (Deduced price  As 8)   Mas.).
tion, etc., by Gopinath Kaviraj, M.*. (Reduced price As.9) m*M.              (23)  Monograph No.    (1).    Tbe     Vidvachdiant,.     tone

Part II.—The Bhavana Viveka (Miraansa), by Mandana Mum. witb    Narayana Sbaatri Khiste Eafaityatharya with a Forewnzd \u
a Commentary by Bhatta Dmbeka.    Edited with Introduction, etc., by    ty Gopmath Kaviraj, M.A.    (Reduced puce Re.H  (gna.i.


Mah.imahopadhyaya  GaoRanatha  Jba, M.A , n   LITT.     (Reduced price
As6)   (2as.).

(4) Part I.—Toginihridayadipika (Tantra), by Amiitananda Natba,
being a Commentary on Yoginihndaya, a pari of Vamakesbvarn
Tantara Edited by Gopinath Kaviraj, M.A. (Reduced price
Aa.12) (3as. &ps ).

(24) Yrata Kosa by Jagannatha  Shastn HnsJing Sa_ ,
late Sadholal Research   Scholar,  Sanskrit College.  Banarai
Foreword, by Sri     Gopinatb Kaviruj,  U.A.,     Principal,
Sanskrit  College,  Banayis.    (Reduced  puce  Rs-2)   (las. .


(25) The "Vntti Dipika, by Mauni Sn Krishna Bhatta.   Edileii with
Intruduuiiun, etc., bv I'ai'du Gan^adh^r Shastri Bhardvaja, ProfeaBor,

(5)  Tbe Kavyadakini (Alankara), by GanRananda Kavindra.   Edited    Government Sanskrit College, Banaras.    (Reduced price As.91  laas.j.

Sya^TReS & S ll)™^*  *"*" ^^  ^™*'       ™ The Pfldartha m**™> ^ Sri Venidatta'    Edlted -Uh ^^
dhyaya.    (Reduced price Aa.5 8)   (Aw.).                                            duction, etc..  by Panoit GopaU thaatn Nene, t'rofeasor, GoTerni»«nt

(6)  Part I.—Tbe Bbakti Chandrika (Bhakti Shastra), a Commentary  Baii^nt   College,   Bacaras.    Ilieduuea pnue As.7)   (ba4).

on   Snndilya'a   Bhaktisutras,   by   Narayana   Putba     Edited   with   a       .„    _      T   _.     -_tlH1_,t_.l   .     -p^w <znr»^ \T,=M     TJ;,.!^

SEW*" by Gopil"tb ***• "'• (Heduced priM As-7'0) ^™*££3E^J£?*£&£&. Au.hd^

i-a*. ops.).                                                                                               Diversity,  Alldbabad.    (KcJated pnct   As.lSj   II,:*;.

Part  II.    (Reduced price  As.  12.)    (5«.J.                                              Part n__The Taatraratna>  by Partha Sarathi ^^    ^M  bv

'7i Part  I.—Tbe    Siddhanta   Ratna,   by    Baladeva    V1dyiLbhut,.in     Pandit Gopal Shastn Nene,  Government Sansiiit  College,   Ban«iritfi.

iited with Introduction, by Gojanath Kaviraj, M.A.    (Reduced price    (Htduted price Re-1-2)  i3ff».).


Part n.   (Reduced  price  Re.1-6)   (4<w.).

(Si Th? Easapnadipa (Alankara), by Prabhakara Bhatta. Edited
witb Introduction, etc , by Narayana Shasta Kbiate Sahityacharya.
(Reduced price Aa.9) (3as.).

(9)  Tbe Siddbasiddbanta Sangraha (Natbiam of Gorakbanathi Sect),
by Biilabfaadura.   -Edited with Introduction by Gopmath Kaviraj, M.A.,
(Seduced price As.7)  (2a,s.).

(10)  The Trivenika  (Alankara), by  Asadrara Bhatta.   Edited with
Introduction   by  Batnkanj.tha   Sharma   Sahltyopadhyaya,     M.A.,   and
Jagannatba  Shastri Hosbbag Sahityopadbyaya.    (Reduced prica As.7)

Ill) Paris I, II and 111.—The Tripura Eahasya (Jnajia Khanda',.
Edited by Gopinatb Kaviraj, M.A. Part III. (Reduced price Re.l)
(Sas. each).

Part TV.—The Tripura Rabasva (Jnana Kbanda). Edited with
Introduction and Table of Contents, by Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath
Kaviraj, M.A. (Reduced price As.12) (3o/O.

(12)  Tbe  Kavyavilas     (Alankara),   by    Cbairanjiva    Bhattach'irya.
Edited with Introduction, etc., by Batukana'ha Sbarma, M.A., Sahltyo-
padhyaya and Jagannatba Shastii Hoshing Sabityopadhyaya.    iltedwed
price As.9) (Baa.).

(13)  The   Nyaya   Kalika   (Nyaya),   Bbatta   Jayanta.   Edited   witb
Introduction by  Mahamafaopadhyaya  Ganganatha  Jha.  M.A.    D.Lm
(Reduced price As.7)   (Bog.}.

(14)  Part I.—The Vorakaa Sidhanta Sanpraha (Nathism of Gorakha-
aatha Beet).   Edited with a Prefatory Note, bv Gopinath Kaviraj, M.A
(Reduced rrice A«.7} PM.J.                            '

Part I.—The   Prakritra   Prakasha   by   Vararncbi   with    tfes
Sanjivani, by Baeanta Baja    and Subodhim by

(28) Tartvasara, by Rakhaldae Nvayaratiia. Edited with Introduc-
tion, etc-., by P. Hanbaj Srastri, Professor, Banaras Hindu University,
Banaras. (Reduced price Aa.81 (3as.).

i29) Pan I.—The Nyavu Kauttubba (Pratyaksa), by Mahadeva-
Puntarobekar. Edited with Introduction, etc., by P. Uniean Miara,
M.A., Allahabad University, Allahabad. (Reduced price Re.1-10) (&a*..

(30)  Fart I.—The Advaita Vidvatilaka, by Samara, Pungava Dikeita,
with Darpana, by Dharmavya Diksita.   Edited with Introduction, by
P. Narayana Shastxi Khiste Scholar, Government  Sanskrit  Librarv,
Baaaraa.    (R&uoed  price  As.10)   (3o«.).

(31)  The Dharma Vijaya Nataka, by Bbudevi Shukla.   Edited with
Introduction, by P.  Narayana. Sbastn Khiste,  Government  Sanskrit
Library. Banaias.    (Seduced price As.10)     (3<u-,).

(321 The Ananda Kanda Cbnmpa, by Mitra Mishru. Edited with
Introduction, by P. Nand Kisbore Sbarma, Sanskrit Cnllege, Banorap.
(Reduced price Re.l-lffi (5ae.).

t^lS) The Upanidana Butra. Edited wuh IntrudnLtiou, Ly Dr. Mangal
Deva Shastri, M.A., D. PHIL., Librarian, Government Sanskrit College,
Banaraa. (Reduced price As.S) (las.).

(31) The Kiranavatiprakasa Didhjti (Guna), by Ragbunath Siromani
(Nyaya). Edited by Pandit Badnnath Bbastri, W.A.', Lueknow Univer-
aity, Lucknow. (Reduced price Aa.14) (Bai.).

\lia\ Tbe Rama Viia^a Mnba Kavra (Epic poem), by Rupanatbi,
Edited by Pandit Ganapati Lai Jba. M.A., late S.ulholal Scholar,
Sanskrit College, Hanaro. (Reduced price Ke.l) (3us.).

(36) Part T.—The Kalatattva, Vivechaaa (Dnarma Pastra), by Haghu-
uatha Bhatta. Edited by Pundit Nand Kishore Sbarma, Sadhfilal
Research Scholar, Sanskrit College, Banarae. (Reduced price Ea2)