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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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WmiBEAS the Tul Mills Karamchan Sangh, Lucknow, registered
as aTrado Union under no. 612 of the year 1948-49- has Committed
abroach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1026 (XVI of
1926), read -with regulation 17 of the Regulations under the said Act
by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual Return for
the year ended with the 31st March, 1955, by the prescribed date,
viz. the 31st of July, 1955, notice under section 10(6) of the
Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, ia hereby given to the Tr-1 Mills
Karamihari S:ingh, Lucknow, to show cause to the undersigned on
or before the expiry of two months from the date of receipt of this
notice, why the certificate of registration granted to it should not
be cancelled.

WHEHEAS the jSTon-Industrial Employees Association, Ord-
nance Parachute Factory, Kanpur, registered as a Trade Union
under no. 1258 of the "year 1954-55, has committed a breach
of auction 28, of the Indian Trade Union* Act, 1926 (XVI of
1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations, under the
slid Act. by failing to submit to the undersigned, a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1955,
by the prescribed date, viz the 31st of July, 1955, notice under
section 10(,h) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given
to the Non-Industrial Employees Association, Ordnance Parachute
Factory, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or before the
espiry of two months from the date of recnipt of this notice, why
tha certificate of registration granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEKEAS the Maheshwari Devi Jute Mill Mazdoor Union,
Kanpur, registered as a Trade Union under no. 1315 of the year
1954-55, has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Ra-
gulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the under-
signed a correct Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st
March, 1955, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955,
notice under section 10(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is
" sby given to the Maheshwari Devi Jube Mill Mazdoor Union,
ipur, to show cause to the undersigned on or before the espiry
of two months from tha date of receipt of this notice, why the
certificate of registration granted to it should not be cancelled

WHEE.EAS the Ordnance Factory Mazdoor Union, Kanpur,
registered as a Trade Union under no. 1296 of the year 1954-55,
has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations
under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1965, by
the prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July, 1955, notice under sec-
tion lfl(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to
the Ordnance Factory Mazdoor Union, Kanpur, to show cause
to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from
the date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration
granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHERPAS the Forward Business Employees Association of
Northern India, Kanpur, registered as a Trade Union under no. 1245
of the year 1953-54, has committed a breach of section 28 of the
Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17
of the Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the
undersigned a correct Annual Return for the year ended with the
31st March, 1955, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955,
notice under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is
hereby given to the Forward Business Employees Association
of Northern India, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned
on or before the expiry of two months from the "date of receipt
of this notice, why the certificate of registration granted to it
should not be cancelled.

WHEHFAS the C. O. D. Mazdoor Panchayat, Kanpur, registered
as a Trade Union under no. 765 of the year 1949-50, has committed
a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI
of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under the
said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual
Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1956, by the pres-
cribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955, notice under section 10(&)
of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, ia hereby given to the C. 0. D.
Mazda or Panchayat, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned
on or before the expiry of two months from the date of receipt
of this notice, why the certificate of registration granted to it
should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Railway Coolie and Porters Union, U. P. regis-
tered as a Trade Union under no. 1379 of the yuar 1954-55, has
committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 192ft), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations
under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31sb March, 1955,
by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1953 notice under
section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Art. 19*6, is hereby given
to the Railway CooKea&d Porters Union, U. P., to show causa
or before the expiry of two months from

WHEREAS the U. P. Motor Karmrhnri Maiidul, Kanpur, rem-\ •
lereJ as a Trarlr Union under no. 1182, of the year 1953-154, ^ •
rommitted a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Uniom.
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1026). read with regulation 17 of the Regulations
under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the Slat March, 19,153
hy the prescribed date vi7 , the 31st of July, 1955, notice' under
hection 10(fa) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, n hereby
ftiven to the U P. Motor Karmchan Mandal, Kanpur, to show
rause to tho undersigned on or before the expiry of two months
from the dnte of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of regis
tration granted to it should not ha cancelled.

WmaiiRAS the Rickshaw Mazdoor Union, 'Kanpur, registered
as a Trade Union under no. 1133, of the year 1952-53, has committed
a breach of section 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 1026 (XVI
of 192R), read with regulation 17 of tho Regulations under the said
Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual
Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1955, hy the
prescribed date viz., the 31st of July, 1955, notice under section 10(M
of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to the Rickshaw
Mazdoor Union, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or
before the expiry of two months from the dato of receipt of this
notice, why the certificate of registration granted to it should not he

WHEREAS the Kila Mazdoor Union,  Kanpur, registered as a
Trade Union under no. 1040 of the year 1952-53,  has committed
a breach of section 28 of the Indian. Trade Uniona Act, 192Q (XVI
of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under the said Act
by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual   Return
for the year ended with the 31st March, 1955, by the prescribed
date, viz., the 31st of July. 1955, notire under section 10(6) of the
Indian Trado Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to the Kila Mazdoor  ,
Union, Kanpur, to show cause to the undersigned on or before the i
expiry of two months from the date of receipt of this notice, why the  j
certificate of registration granted to it should not be cancelled

WHEKEAS the Kanpur Bazar Karmchari Samiti, Kanpur, re-
gistered as a Trade Union under no. 1200 of the year 1953-54,
has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulation*
under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1955, by
the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955, notice under
section 10(&) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given
to the Kanpur Bazar Karmchari Samiti, Kanpur, to show cause
to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from the
date of receipt of this notice, why tha certificate of registration
granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEKEAS   the   U, P. Government Roadways Workers  Union, .
Kanpur,   registered   as a Trade Union under no. 1312 of the year  !
1954-55, has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Be- i
gulations under the uuid Act by failing to submit to the undersigned ,
a correct Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March,
1955, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955, notice under ,
section 10(b) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, IB hereby given
to  the  U.   P.   Government  Roadways   Workers   Union,  Kanpui,
to show cause to tha  undersigned on or before the expiry of tw>
months from the date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate
of registration granted to   it   should  not be   cancelled.

WHEBEAS the Shop and Commercial Workers Union, Kanpur,
registered as a Trade Union under no. 1225 of the year 1953-64
has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions

Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926), read with

_______________._„___ag to submit to the undersigned a correct J

Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1955, by
the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1955, notice under
section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 is hereby
given to the Shop and Commercial Workers Union, Kanpuijto
show cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months
from the date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of reg* :
tration granted to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the W. H. Brady & Company Limited, Staff Union
(Kanpur Branch), Kanpur, registered as a Trade Union under no.
1254 of the year 1954-55 has committed a breach of section 28 of
the Indian Trade Unions Act, 192B (XVI of 1926), read with regula-
tion 17 of I/he Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit
to the undersigned a correct Annual Return for the year ended with
the 31st March, 1955, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of Ju'7
1955, notice under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Uniona Art,
1926 is hereby given to the W, H. Brady & Company Limited.
Staff Union (Kanpur Branch,), Kanpur, to show cause to w
undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from the dftteo1
receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration gran ted V
it should not be cancelled.