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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Wnrurvs Hi- Roadways Emplo\er=. Union, Banaras, registered
:i> ,1 Trn.di-Unii'nimdfM-nn. 137Sof tin- yrai ]!iri4-.j."i, }i&* committed
al.iv,u-h...f*, tioii2SattheTnili,iiiTr,ia»Vnion- A. l,I»2B (X\l ut
I!i2"0,r,',irlw,tl, r'^iliiiinilT uftlu- K.'L'uhitum* under U:e ,aid Act.
by fiihuu' tu submit to the underlie! a r'jHVfi Annual Return
for they > art-mil' 1 with thp 31st Mfiri-|i. lf>,jj, bythe pr.-sicribed date,
vi/.. the 3HE rif Julv, HliJ.1, notioe undnr section HI b) of the Indian
Trrid-'Uiuom A*'t. ll)2(],ig hereby yiventJ the Ruadways Emploji't-s
1'iiiun, Binaras, to show cause to thf uudeiMuned on or J>rtore the
i>xpir\ i)f two month-from the date ot receipt of this notue, why the
fprtuiuaiu of Ri\rurtr.itiQi] granted to it should not lie cancelled.

WHERBAJ- iho ljiu\ incul Cane D-'vi'lupment Kamdrfia Af^ULid.-
tiun, t'tt ar prailezh. Eara Btinki. remstrrud at, a Trade Unmn under
no 12'JS of the y?ar Kl.'Sl-ort. has commilted a brt-.iBli uf wention 2S
.it the Indian Trade Unions Act. I'i2li (XVI nf KIJHj, read with
regulation 17 r>f th • II -.julation^ undi-i the sairi ^ct, by failing to
iii'imit tn th; undemgned a uarreet Annual Return for the yetir
L-iid'l with the 3Ut of Mireh, lU.Ti. b\T Hu- pr.^r-nbe 1 date, vi/
thi'Slstof Jul\ , l!».M,iiotiL'LMindi'i"»fL;tionlUii)ofthe Indian Trade
U ii *'H A -t, IJJ,J, H Ui-r-'bv givjn to th • Provincial Develop-
ment Kam luin AsHnciution , Uttar Pradesh Bar a Banki to show
caube to tho undersigned on or hefoii- the expuy of ti\u months
from the date uf rf-reipt of tins notn c, whv tin- reititii ate uf lle^iss-
tration granted to it should nut be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Cihajidlmd Manufacturers, Association Cihnziabad,
registered as a Trade Unionno 13QD of the year lOui-^i has commit-
ted a brearh of section 28 of the Indian Trade Union* Act, 111^(5
(XVI of 112lij, read withreg ihition 17 of the Regulations under the
said Aft, by fading to submit to tho undersigned a Correct Annual
Hcturn for tho year ended with the 31st of March, ID,"*, by thepie-
hcribed date, viz. the 31st of July, I'l.l.i, notice under sertion 1U(&)
of the Indian Trade Unions Act, li)2(i,i.s hereby given to the Gluizi-
ubil M-uiufa'turers. Association, Ghaiuibad, to ahow cause to thr
un Ipr-iigneil on or before thi'expiry nf two months from the date of
receipt of this notice, why tho certifit ate of Registration granted to
^t should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Rashtriya Karmchari Union, Modi Sugar Mills
Limited, Central Office, Modi Xagar, Moerut, registered as a Trade
Union under nu. l'&3±, of the year 1U54-.J3, has committed a breach
of section 28 of tho Indian Trade Unions Act, 102d (XVI of 19:36),
read with Regulation J 7 of tha regulations under the Haid Act,
liy failing to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual Return
fortheyearendwlwitbtheSlstiofMarch, I!)j5,bythepreacribeddate,
viz. the 31st of July, lUj"i, notice under sectiou 10(1) of the Indian
Trade Unions Ac*, 151^6, is hereby given to the Rashttiya K armchan
Um on- Modi Sugar Mills Lmited, Central Onice, Modi Nagar, Meernt,
tu show causuto the undersigned on or before the expiry of frwo
imnth-s from the iKitn of raciiipt of thih notire, -why the certificate
uf Registration granted to it should not be cancelled.

AViJEKEvs thu Tinpuiitmo Rosm and Bobbin Faotorjea Labour
L'mon, Bare-illy, ii-gi^tcrprl ,is a Trade Umnii uii'ler nn. J22«i nf thu
yu IMIS-,^ h n i-iimuiittp'l ,1 bi-aauh ul sci-tnm Js. of the Iiiih.ui
Tiddi- Utuuiis A'.t. l!»2b (XVI of ID JO), ii-iul with ii-ynlatioii 17
of the Ki-^ulationi under tin1 said Act, by failmy to Hubinit to tla-
nnilcisigncd a r onvL-t Annual Return for thp ypav ended with tin-
3lnt M.u-fh, IDo.'), by the prescribed date, vi/., tiie 31ht of July, 10,1,1
nutuu under Bi-ution K(|i) of the Indian Trndu Unions Act,']Dip. Turpentine Rosin and BobbinFoctori^, Ldboui
Union, BaiL'illy, to hhow cau^e to the imdoi^igimd on or bofure th^
expiry of two months from the date of receipt of tluti notice, why
tliL- cLTtifit-ate of registration granted to it nhould not be cancelled

\Vnni4T3As tliL- Ser-nrity Engineering Workers Union, Guvinrtpur
,Muerut, registered as a Trmlu Union under no. 1372 of the yujr
l!l,34-u,",h is pommitted n breach of st'Ltiuii 2S, uf the Indian Tr.idc
Unions Act,, 1 ll^ti (XVI of 1926), read with icgul atiuii ] 7 uf the _KL.
gulntions uniLui'thc aa.d Act, by fading to submit to the undersign-
ed a eorrect Annual Return for the year oiiiled with the 31&t March
IDoj, by thp preftcribed date, viz., the 31st of July 1955, notice
under section 10(&j of the Indian Trade Unions Act, lf)26, is here-
by given to the Sppimty Engineering Workers' Ll"nion Govindpun,
Meerut, to show citusc to the undersigned on or before the expiry
of two months from the elate of receipt uf tins notico, why the
certificate of registration granted to it ahuuld not be cancelled.

WHEREAS tho Municipal Shiksha K.inuclian A=i.sociatioii, B.UM
Banki, registered aa Trade Union under no !«)S of the year 1U,1||.
,il, has committodabreauhof acction^ti, uf the Indian Trade Unicn-.
Act, 1026 (XVI of 1926), mid with regulation 17 of the Regulation^
under the said Act, by failing to submit to tho undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31&t March, 19.i5,hy
the prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July, 1035, notice under section
Kl(Zi) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, J!)2(i, is hereby given to the
Municipal Shiksha Karmchari Association, Bara Ranki, to show
cause to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months
from the date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of regis.
tration granted to it should not be cancellecd.

WHEREAS the Lachmandaa Barafkhana Karmchari Union, Shah-
umatganj, Bareilly, registered as a Trade Union under no. 1U3
of the year 19o3--"!4, has committed a breach of soetion 28, of the
Indian Trade Unions Act, 192fi(XVI of 102u), road with eregulatiou
17 of tho Regulations under the said Act, by failing to biibnnt
to the undersigned a correct Annual Return for the year endud
with the 31st March, 1955, by the prescribed date, viz., the 31st
of July, 1933, notice under section 1U(6) of the Indian TraJp
Unions Act, 1926, is hereby given to the Ldfhmandas Barafkhana
K armchan Union Shahamatganj, Baredly, to nhow cause to the
undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from the date
of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration grant-
ed to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the L. H. Chini Mill, Muzdoor Sabha, Pihblnt,
rceisterod Uh a Trade Union under no 7yl of the year lil-Hl-50, hat,
uMinmitted a biotiL-h uf section 28 of thp Indian Trade Unions Act,
lf>26 (XVI uf 1D2UJ, rdad with regulation 17 of thu Regulations
iinsler the said Aft, by failing to submit to the nndersingcd a correct
Animal Return for the year ended with the Slat of March, ]9oo,
hytbeprc-icribeddate, viz. thc31st of July, llCiS, notice under section
1(JH 6) of the Indian Trade Unions Ad, Il'l26. is hereby given to the
L- H. Chini Mill MazdoorSabha, Pilibbit,toshoweauseto theundor-
signedoii or before the expiry of two month* from the date of receipt
of thibUotiL-c. whj the certificate of Registration gia'itod to it should
not bu cancelled.

WHEBTSAS the Jai Hind Muzdoor Sabha, Banarafl, registered a's
a Trade Union under no. 1191 of the year 1953-54. has committt-il
a breach of section !i a, of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 11)26 (XVI
of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations under the
said Act, by fading to submit to thp undersigned a correct Annual
Return for the year ended with the Slut March, 1955, by the
prescribed date, viz., the 31st of July 1953, notice under section
10(b)ofthe Indian Trade- Unions Act, 192H, is hereby given to
ulie Jai Hind Mazdoor KaMia, Banar^g, to show pause to the nn-
deraigned on or before the expiry of two months from the date
of receipt ofthu uotice,why the certificate of registration granted
to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Suti Mill Mazdoor Union, Banaras, registered as
11 Trade Union uiulei no. 71 S of the year 1949-5U, lias committed ti
breach of acrtionis of the Indian Trade Unions Art, 1920 (,XVI of
10215), road With regulation 17 of the Regulations undtr the said Act,
by failing bo submit to the undersigned a correct Annual Return
for the year ended with the 3 1st of March, 13.35, by the prescribed
datp, viz., the 31st of July, J935, notice under ssction 10(&) of the
Ind;«n Trade Unions Act, 1926. is hrroby gi-ven to the Suti Mill,
Mazdoor Union. Banaras, to show cau«e to the undersigned on or
baforc the expiry of two months from the data or receipt of this
notice, why the certificate of Registration granted to it should not
bo cancelled,

WHEREAS the Sarojini Naidu Asptal Karmchari Union, Agra,.,
registered a<9 a Trade Union under no. JU21 of fchp year 11151-52, ha
committed a breach of section 28, of the Indian Trade Unions Act.
192G (XVI of 192«), read with regulation 17 of tho Regulations
under the said A< t, by failing to submit to the. undersigned a correct
Annual Pueturn lor the year ended with the 31&t March, 1953, by
the prescribed date, viz , the 31st of July, 1955, notico under section
10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 192fi, is hereby given to the
Sarojmi Nairlu Asptal Karmchari Union, Agra, to show cause to
the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from tho date
of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration granted
to it should not be cancelled.

WHEREAS the Western Railway Licensed Porlers Union, Agra
registered as a Trade Union under no. J 300 of tho year 1954-55 «hag
committed a breach of section 2» of the Indian Trade Unions Act
18'2C (XVI of 192ft), read with rogulation 17 of the Regulal Jons'
under the aaid Aot, by failing to submit to i he undarsigned ft correct
Annual Beturu for the yew ended with the Slat of March 1955
bythe prartcribed dates, viz. thuSlstof July, 1935, uotlaaunder sec-'
tiottl(Ki) of thelndlftn train Unions, A*t, Ifl20»ip horabv EIVTO 1 «

f tworaontha from lhfflat«»

" of

WHEUEAH the Cantonment Board WorkerV Union, Agra, regis-
tered as a Trade Union under no. 793 of the yoaf I94IJ.50, has ijom
mitted a breac'h of section 28, of the Indion. Tradit Unions Act- 1U20
(XVI of 1926), read with regulation. 17 of thp Regulations under
the said Act, by foiling to submit to the undersigned a correct Annual
Return for the yftar rinded with the 31st March, 1055, by the
prescribed dtitu, viz., the 31st of July, 19o5. notit-o under section
Jft(t) of tin- Indicia Trade Unions Art, K12U, i» lurrby given to the
Ctmtmuncnt Board AVorkoi-H1 Union, Atfrn. tn nhow nui*-to tin'
nndorHigtiud on or brfnm the oxpiry of t\v o inonths from tun dati*
of rwi&ipt of thia notice, why the coftificiito of rogUstraiioii granted
to it should not ho cancelled,