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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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tnBtiraacB Corporation, Quahficfttion3 : Etiieaiial ({) Degree of
reeosmuci.' tTtuversity. (iV) About 5 year'i, pspprieuco in responsible
i-api'ity m GnvurnmiMib or quiiai-finvn-umi'iit organisation or public
body or Insurance Company or Scheoulnd Bank or Commercial firm
of repute. QuiliG nations relpxablo at Comini'sinn'* discretion in
I (-1,1=9 of raniidatea otherwise wi-'ll-qunhfiprl.

11     (a)0nz RwJ°r in   Ainto/ny, (7i) One, Lrc!iti\ r in   Anatomy,

Qyti-Va     M'dical    College,     Bhtpnl.    .     Post    permanent.    Other

thii^ bsm? equal preference given to Scheduled Hastes/Scheduled

i   Tribes   oandidates.    Pay : Rg.GOO—30—900 for (a).    Rs 3oO—23—

__g)) for  (6).    HiE^ior  initial pay to  specially    qualified  and  ex-

parieaand candidates. Aye : Bolow 4.1 years. Rflaxnble for Govcrn-
,,i->a,t azruanta. QualiGccttions • Essential • (i) Post-grrduate degree
m Anita 117. M. S. aid/or P. R C. 8 (,"} Abiub 3 yen1'* teaching
nxparianno in Anitomy in. rn3'lical collegf. Qualifications rclaxablo
.it'Co-nnissmn's discretion in oaso of candidates otherwise -well,

;       Clerks (A.F.H.Q. AND D.G.O.F.) Grade Esiininition, 1953

!          T'ie TJiion. Puilio Sirvics Cvnmi'.-lion   wi'l hold an   Pxamina-

tioaaL 41'^hibid, Bom'^y, CaloittEi, D^lhi,   L'lliiana,   lla ira?,
tfagpur, Pitna ani S iillo ig s imsl.ima  in June, 1953, for recruit-
ment to  temaorary  va,'aici33 DC   lower   Duriim  C erics in   baa
Ar.nel  Fareas  Headquarters    and the    Diractorato   General   of
Orlinaneo  Fictorios.    Age-limilB.    Candidates  must have   beea
born not rarlier thin 13th Xovenber,   1034  aid nit  1 t T thin
,'    12th November, 1333.  Up Die T,»e'in     ra'asibla i i fasroir oJ S -lie-
!    duled Castes. Sched  led Tr bes, bonafidi  d apl eel person^   fnin
|    Pikirtan and u i iboratod of Jammu ani  Kashmir aa.t r sideats of
,    Chmdernagar wios3 nndidm of ia=itr>ntion  nas   b'en   French.
•    Quihficrttioni : Matriculation,  or pquivalmt.    Pi^ scala Ea.oo -3
—83—E B.—4—125—5 — 130   ApLJlicaticn form and ful' pf rb eulars
I    ohtiinable   fro-n   tia  Sec -eta y,   Union    Po.b ic    Service   Com-
mission, DliDlpur Houss,  New Delhi, by remit in» E.P.1 bymoniy
order or oa ouli paymsat at tho counte-.   Candidates must clear-
ly state on miney orlercjupons '" chrks (A.F.H Q.  and D.G O-P.)
Unie Examination 195B " nnl also give their name, and Jull potted
a I Ires? in blnsk letter.    Postal orders or  rjh?quos or cnrime^ notes
will not te accepted in I eu oF money orders.    Compl t-d  apphca-
tions mi-'t reach Union Pu lie Service CommiSsnn by 7th January,
1956, (21^t January 1966, for candidates abroad).

Advertisement no. 48

Applications are invited for the undermentioned posts fioin
Indian citizens and persons migrated from Pakistan with inten-
tion of permanently settling in India or eubjects of Nepal. Sikkim
or Portuguese or Former French possessions in India. Upper age
limit relaxablo by C years for Scheduled Ca<rte<?5 tr;bal ond aborigi-
nal comnuniMfia end up to 45 yrprs for displaced persons from Pakis,-
tan and non-liberated areas of Jaminu and Kashmir. No relaxa-
tion for others, save in pxcoptional cases rnd will in no ca&p b*5
i-elaxed beyond three years. Particulars and application foimb
from Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Post Box No.
1S3, Naw Djlhi. Requests for forms must specify name of post
and should be accompanied by self addressed unstamped onvelopp
for each post at least of size 9"x4" idicatmg tViproou namf of post
for whiuh forms are required. Closing date for receipt of applica-
tions with treasury receipt or Crossed Indian Postal Ordeis for
Rs.7-8 (Ra.l-14 for scheduled c-astes and tribes) 17th DiceirUr.
1955 (3Uii Djcambar, 195.J for applicants from abroad). Ccmim--
3ion may remit genuinely indigent and loiiajide diaplacerl rei-
:aa's fee. Separate application with separate lee rcquiutl fcr c^ih
poit. Candidates abroad may apply on plain paper if forms not
available and deposit fee with lor-al Indi >n Em1 fi«sv Tf required
"anrlidates inasb appear for personal mtcvviL-n.

1.    Six Research Ansislnnts, Ministry <>J 7'i/"vi».   Post   tempo-
rary, but likely to become permanent.   Onv post re&rrved for schf-
duled castes and one for scheduled tribes, if siifh suitable <-nnd)da-
tea available.    Otherwise treated as unreserved.   P(t>t-   R-s.'UZQ-
10—300—13—150—23/2—500.    Higher     initial   pay  to  qpecijlly
quahfied   and   experienced   candidates.   Ags.   BL-ICW   3.1   yeais.
Rdaxablz far Government   servants.    Qupltficaticiis.    EsecMtrn,    (i)
At least 2nd Class Master's or a, equivalent Honours Degree of re-
> ogniaed University in Ecomomics, History, Politics or ( onrmerce;
(u)" flipariencB of Rsserarrh (copies of published papers to be for-
wirlai with application).    Qualifications rclaxable at Commi==ion's
discretion in case of candidates otherwise well-quaLned.

2.    Information   Assist'tnf  (Mfulayulam)     in  Press Information
Bureau, Ministry of Information, and Broadcasting*   Poet    tempo-
racy bat liMy to continue.    Other things bwiig pq.ial scheduled
oastes'scheduled tribes candidates prcfcried.    Candidates selected
for interview may   have to appear fur written t^sl, details cf wLich
will   folLiW.       Pny.   Rs.300—20—30f>.   Higher      initial  pay   to
spsaiilly   qaalified   and   experienced  caudidate.   Aye.   Bdiow   33

Siars, ' R taxable for Government sen-ante holding journalist:? past*.
uii'ficntioAB, Essential, (i) Degree of ie"0gnlsecl tJnivcrpity.
(ii) Pcoasienoy in Eiiglish and Malayalnm, (iii) About two yea^»*
joarn-alUtiQr'publirity experifiiice wiih new?pajer news fls;pncy/
pabl'csiby organisation of rppute, including about one year's ex.
psrim'^e wibh Milayalam nowspajjBi- of standing. Quiiifications
relaxable at Oommisaion's discretion in case of r'andidatcn pt>.frr<
wise well-qualified.

3. On? JWUQT Scwitiffy flf/far (Elecfricsl a'#d I
D'fc.ic: Sc/ancj Organization. Mh^&liy nf DtJ.sct'. J
aeut. P(\y. Rj.27.1— 2"5— M)0— E.B. -UO - MO— E.B.—

.        .                            ..                       ..                 .

isrh.--    initial ^ly to  spociaUy qu,-! ii"J nn-1  e.;p":> r.c^-J ".a-ii-
dntp.    A ye.    Pi^frrnbN-   }^],~ ' .'."i   •> car-..    !•>,•. ;.'is   .<..'   f'i; ,r  -
went   ferwii*,.    Q>ir1<T'.-'it>r,-,,. .        E* -r- '. tl     u'   \t    •r'-i-<    -^-.-uri
clnsq dp?rrr  in El>"tii,Ml  1:112111' t "in-i i,:   Jii-.'-imr nf T> ol.::.- Vn^
of ivcocriizorl   Trnivr,^:ty   nr  ••'niivairjE.    (i-* .\-i----n*'   '-p':j. i-

RF? *,f ^"s-p.-ri'li. d-siitn oi* ili-> -lopr-init ri r h i in; f" i . .t L::riy. t-:1
in->trumonti. Qu^lirlV.ition- relf "• .iMr rt VL'7rm:--jrnV .1 • •
tion in (T9'? nf ci-nrMJnrrr ofh.i",-. e n.ll-'-ji^l.fii I.

-: One Sci-'i itf.e Off .re l.ii
"a iiwtiH-,, M!,i>\t,'jf t,f D fn,tr. "P&>t ij-
3,"— jOU— E.B— Si.'— 03J— 30-SUii. "itl
pinlly qualified ani rxp-iiMiirfd '-.
lj:low 3.* Rrlifullt fa? f\ >r"f,iit,c-
fjwrii */(/?.' fi) At Ic t~,t Si?" ind (-'•?-•< n-j
-M'Thaairal Kajia^f-rjjtLi nr cqun nltiit.

prripoi-o in A'riruiitiiMl iv^-ar.'!., nr d -'i;i- m I'^iti-ry ir.' u
tiou of g.nd &tauJitii£ for at'ionaiitM ii1 fnuu>'i-ri'i^ 'v.-jlm tr
three ypa-fl* expTienrn in t»ns-3 oi >fiar l'nni".sl Enu'oi MMI: -i "l-
Qualinuations rolaxablc at C'omi-^triii'-; i[i-i i"tir,it In i,1--' .-f
didatos othcm i^e wr-ll-qnaLfied.

*)  Lny^v Mft\:' 0 -

.-nt. ' Pi,-.   K-iT5 —

mitM    i«"r   tc   -pr-

:••.    A'-.    I': Muir.  I~

'rx,)-.    tjnr?'j'fti'i,t .

,u    .v-ioiu.i'itn'al   ni

Vbi.ut  i^vo yr-r"s'  \>z*


o.    One    Jitahf Fr't                                                                   ,

firtearr Organization. Jrli> ni, ;i ofDefeiif. r^st p«mui«*nr. Pny.
Ra.275— 25— 300— E.B.— 3D— ti 0— E.B.— 30— Win. Hulier ini-
tial pay to specially qualified and expijri.- need ranoulntc1. A'jc.
Preferably below 30 years. Rrtrucallv far Gnjefiimrfi ssriaiX*,
QualiftLotionft. Essential, (ij At least second cl."*s dt^rtr cr pc^t-
gradxiate diploma m Tele-communication EnEjineera ^ n? Electrt*-
nu-s. fu| Adnqiiati1 re^parch fxyvrirnci1 'n telr-rrnir-^r-Kr lliii
onginrpring or electronics. Qualih>Mtionn rpliix^Mp at C'tmrniK-sinV
di.srrrlion in f-as?p of c-anrlirlatrs nthi-rni-c TK'll.Q"..i"ii3rrJ.

15. line Junior f>^cnt(ftf Qfjr,f ii:."ji,if,).'"- iSt.Vnd
Organ •wtioii, Mnii*tf-fnfTJ*Fenrt. Pr««c jjTinnii'-nt. P'j i. Its. £7 Ii —
i3'_ ,H)0— E.D.— 8(1— fldU— E.B.— 3U— H'H'i, Hi_-h«n- nrtnl pay
to specially qnnhfird and experipnreil i'.a»uJjtp. A jr. PTC few.) •-
ly below 1)0 yoais. Rdisrabfa /u/ lir.-c^.fic i! .sr:"f(/ :.<•- C '"•!/- f'-
i-titions. Event int. (i) At ra^t sf».i>nd oLis il, urcu In 3Iecluiuirtft
or Aeronautical Engineering of rtrcogni?(.'d University or equiva-
lent. fh) Aioquati* experience m reaeaith de^ieu or d^vtlcj mt'nt
of intomal combustion engines in rpccgin=r-d liiitituticn or reputed
firm. Qualifications reliable at Commi^ion's, discretion iu en-p
of candidafe^ otherwise-irell-qualifurl.

7. One Junior Scientific Officer (AfiiHMttiil^. 2)'Jt we frttiiCi.
Organization, Mtnjufr j of Defunct. Post permanent, prr i. I»s.i7-l —
i5_5i»n — F.B. — 30 — fi^O — E B. — SO— 8r»). Hlchc-rhutiilpay to fpe-
rially quaiiEi^l ami exp:rii»niMl fantlnl.ite-. Af.r. pitffir.'*-ly
bc-low 30 3-pnr>. Reliralie for Qtr:inn>int "Uiii'l*. Qunl.f.ivl!' ».s,
Effinit'it'.' d) First class 3f. Sr-., in Phyf-irs, nr .it Lent sr-cond <•]»»•«.
ilegic** or post-oraduatp tiisplcnua in JJerhcnkal cr Aeici .tutirU
En»inoerinrf. (ii) Adequate esperieiite of leseiiitli ii tliccictl'Ctl
Physir-p or Enviuocrintj. Quahticaticna relQS£,blc- fit Linir'-^-Lh »
discretion in i*a-«f of candidates others' is*1 •Rtll-c.r.i^ilKd.

fc». Tii-a AuiisfaHt ll'ltcat liteeJer*, Iwllav AgneiiJlutal E.erLtift
Institute, llltiiiiifii of rood awl Agsinlnie. Ic»t tmjci,-^ Lut
likely to continue for about 5 years. OlLcr iUnes 1 1 ii g c i^Uhl TIP.
ference given to- Scheduled "Castts,Tiit> s rnn-Uriatt1^. Jlay,
BH.2T5— 25— 500— KB.— 30—-fiW— E.B.— 3ft— SOIL         Pay         01

persons v. ho have been in continuous Government cr ploy
sinre 15tli July, IP31. will be fi-:cd accordui^ *o nile/*. H^hcr
initial pay to specially qualif-cd and uxperiPi^ed c.irdu.ntce. **&*.
Below 33 years.*: 1ti<artfttt,t.tii4.
Essmtial-. (i> Master's dcgTFe in Eotfily oi Agnculli.iE VilL qe-
ciahzation ia Plant Brredme and Gecctics. (.r AsFCcitttifc-j of
Indian Agricultural Reseqii-li Institute in Plant Bit triug and
Genetics, (ii) 'About thriip years,' researcli expeiknce in Wheat
bre?dmg. Qualifications relaspble at Commission a discretion in
case of candidates otherwise well- qualified.

9.   One Plant Pfy*iolcgi«l for Ctntral fctnti rittr.rtl IttiiMt.
Patua, Ministry of Focd  and Agriculturt.     Pott tcnrporar}   but
likely to b i co itinued up to a period of five years.    < i. her thii ph
*                                    i                                      *-- -

ey to i co inue up o a pero o ve years. . er i ph
U *in« euqttl pn?feEencp given to ^clleduleo Ca^tf*-/Tritet- c-nnmdatp.
Pay : Fa.3r,iiu-s:,0— 38i— 3HO— ««--.'i80- E.fl.-3i — 77( _^ll-^^,rl.
Pay of persons who have bo in coAtinuoii* GoxprLmont finploj,-
since loth July, 1931, will be fixed amirditui to rules. Higher
Lre                       e

snce   o       uy,        ,

initial pay to special y qaulifipd unit expLrietet u <.ar d da

Bt?low 35 years,    Seluatibh'frifGornimet wwiif*.    Qtml

10.   One Applied Phynian at Jndit»< Itatitute if Sugar ytcln*
logy, Kni,pw,2iiini*tty bj And UMI   Agrmuliti.   ttt\  un](itcy
but likely 10 continue.   Prt-fience g'von 10 N;l edulcd Cattes ro S
duledTribtsoanuidi-te, if such Buitfble ctndkuti  fiiaili-He.
Rs. 330— 350— 380— 380— 30— 590— E,B.~ 30— 770— 40— 8SO.
Tant elected will  be fixed   act- or ding  to