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4V i

WHI-HHAS   the    rinpin.i   Wn-k'Ts    L'nioii,   Mnthura   Tai^tem!

„. ,1 Trade Union under mi     1'!^   of thr-y^u LUd4»5.1 IM- Puin.

nutwil til) i-atli  a\ -.i""tnm JS nl (In  Itulidii Tradu UuinnbAi f. l!»"l.

,Xnntl»28j  ri'iidwuliroiriilatjuu 17 ul thf Uonuliibmiibimaer tlin

, .udAotby tdiluu.' to ^ulnuit („ Uiu  uml'Mhigni d u  ..Direct Anuwil

' iieturu lor tho vein tiidudMiththu 3 Util.ircli. UM3,  |jy   tin>   pre.s-

,nbed date, vj/   ihp  31st of July, lOfio. uiitiui-luidri-w tinn lUffc)

,,[  the   Indian Trade  Unions Act, l!l_'lL   is   liiTtsbv given tu   the

i-im-m-i V\uilc, L, Union AJ.ithui,L to ,huw CFMHL-totliu- undesigned

niiorbufore the "xpiry  nf two months   fnun  thp -late- of reLupt

' ut thu   notice,   why   the   i-erliliiMtu   i.l'   rngi stratum cr.mted t\>

it jrtirmld not bi- cancelled

WnritEAS the Zila .Motor JVIozdoor Saiigh. Mathm-i registered
,t) a^Tiudc Union nndnr no. ]Wa of the year 1954-55, 1ms
.jmnuttmla lirnauh of section 28 »f the Indian Tiadle Union'
Act, 19J15 fXVI of 1D2U), rearl with lu^uldtion 17 of tin- HeyultLticm-
imJei the h.url Act by failing In hubuiit In tlu- undersigned j.
••nnuul Annual Return tor tin- VLJV uiiilnd with the 31st March,
JdaJ, by tho rrescriLe'l ddtu, viz tho Slsjt of July, L'jja, notice
uniler -ection 10 (b) oftliL Indian Trade Union- Act, ]fjj(i. i^, he-rrj-
h\ given tn the /da JVljtui1 Mazdonr Snmjh, AI,iUruin to show
raii'.e to tha undur.sigricd on or before thu expiry of i\vo month-,
UJLQ the ddtu of ruLeipt oi this notice, why the furtihcntL- ol
i. .ri,tL',t,hori LjiM.itj I tj IL uhoalil not be cdiieeiled.

WHEREAS the Ordinance Wnrkrrs Union, Mathurd registered
,« a Tridf Union under no 130-j of tho year 1054-55. com-
mitted A breach of section is (if the Indian Trad*1 Unions Act,
liL'ti (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 ot the Re^ula-
tiuiw uud?r thu said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned
,i mrrect Annual Kotnrn for the year ended with the 31st March.
113,1. by the prescribed date, viz. the 15' at of July, 1H33, notice under
-tenon. 10 (6) of tha Indian Trade Unions Act, l't)2d, is hereby given
*u the Or.lmance Workers Uni^n, Matura to show cause "to the
iindersignad on or before the expiry of two months from the date of
u'"i[)li of this notice, \vliy the I'ertifiuate of r^ii'-TMtmu printed to
if jhould not ba can relied.

WHEREAS the Hill Cdqjut Mazdoor Sdblu, Muzupur regis-
tered us a Trade Union under n0. 1115 of the year 1932-53, has>
committed a breach oi a act ion 2H of the Indian Trade Union* Act,
1926 (XVI of 1926). read with icgulatiun 17 of tho .Regulations
under tho aaid Act by failing to submit to the undersigned a correct
Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1953, by the
jjresuribod date, viz. the 31st of July, 195% not ire under section
It) (6) of the Indian Trmln Unions Act, 1UJ6, IB hereby gntn to tha
KII (/'irau', Mazdoor Sabh.i. Minapur. to bhoW cuufao to tha
uuileisigned on or before the expiry of two months from the
•Lite Q{ receipt, of this notice, why tho certificate of 'eyihtrution
ginned to it should not be cancelled.

WHEHEAfa tlw Uvil'O Lli-, id,tiT.-il as ,i Trade Cwui, i.u
	" l']r,-ijf'< ; I'L-< Ulnr-i.

Acl, HlJIj.XAl ul JUib, ruicMi iindfrthi' -,-iil Vi i bi idling t'j
	It! I'-llJ, Tinjj 17 fl

Auuudl JlLturn iur 1 1 u j -..u < nU
 <l>) rif tin' Indian Tradi. L'IU<JII» Hvdr • Klfttrr- EmplovL.- L" uui to UK niidcr-ii-jiiii'I on or briorv date, oi receipt'ot this notii H. \i yrant"d rn it shouM nnt 1> pam
	• •llMltll tJn    MSt.Ui" Jlllv     ]9,V.r,'rTlL"  ,1
 n" L'.'p.'^lMM,,^".!.]/ til-.- < xiiiri ol tv n ni •l.V   tli."   c-iti i- ,,r.

WHERLIA- the- C.u -u^ Mazuuor Inl.m H-j-.. u.s.i-.i • M, .]Jir,|j .jjj,,.!
registered a-- ft TrddeUn ton unUfr no. 41 1" nHn'-y-i.r lfM~-4>. i.t--
L'uuiinitted .1 brput'li of -ection ^"s «J tli. Tr.idt UiJ-jn-
Act, 1926 (XVI oi ]92lij, read mih u^uUti.m 17 ul rlu li-^Tiljtif-i,-
uudur rhu hiiid Act b\ iailuifr to submit to tL. uiuli v-JL»"d ii < cim t
AunudlIvL'turnforthfyi-,ii enduil \- ith iJu- JJl^t M.d. h, l!»3r.. J.y tl <
Hrescriljed dutu. vt/;. tin- .'Jlat oi Julj . I!',"., nutn .- uinlt-r =• r-tjozi
10 (6) of tlw Indian Trud,- Tnion- Aci." iJiiO i<> h*-i. by »i\i^ s, ti,,.
(.'ir-wsi Mazduur Union II •- -. «l -tn, t •sh.-lij.iba'ijt ir. "f -hew cau--»-
tolhe uaderdigned ou ur butnre tho . VIJU>MI t-,\,i TU mtl.- fruin
the data of receipt of rttis notice, why tht- ccrrifi.-it- nf i.^j—
tration granted to it should not be rrWelled.

WHEBEAS the Cliini Mill Mdzdoor Union. A'ra Likluuupur, Kh' n
registered as a Trade Union under no. ll'Jn of tin. jear !M3-r>4-
has committed a breach of section :!& of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of I92ti). pud with rLgulatiun 17 of the
Piegulations under the said Act by failing to submit to thb undersigned
a correct Annual Return for the year ended -with the 3Ut Mnrth.
] 955, by the prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July. ] {135, noiic^1 under
section 1 Of o) of the Indian Trade UniGH--s ALT. ll'Sli. id hereby-
given to the Chini Mill Mi/o-wUci ii,A;ra I^k' imj-i-p. Kheri. to
show cause to the undersigned on on before tJ't expiry of two
months from the date of receipt of this notice, why tliu "iriWcnte
of regi-stration grantprl to it should iiur ^e eaac-llJu.                *

c. the Hindustan Distillery
ivtj i-tnf^d a-  a   Trade U


nath. Khen

year 11132-33. lids tonimitied aliresuhn
Tradi' Union- Act. IHirt iX\Im 1!»2»J», n-.til -witJ-
irm^ umiei  the adul Act. i»> l.ntin.. tn
a currei-t Annual Kt'tmnlnr tho >« .U
by   tLo prf-Liibi-J  date, v't/.


o 1 1)90 nf tbo
oi thd Iutli.Ui
il unt in tin
J-tl \tith the
of .fuly

Illo5. nuticcumlerdj.tidn 10i6) of thi- In«l,.m rlivd- L'wojih Ai'
l!)ili. ibher,3b\ yneutn th. Hin.Justau Iiistill r. Mazdoor Sangh,
Gi>layokranUiith. Khon t.> -ilioAr Lau^c ttt tin1 umlfi'Mynedon orljflijrL
tht oxj«r\ i»i tvj rnoutu- fi'uui tht- ildti1 uf r,-i njit uf ihi» noti<-i. t\hy
the «ortiiii .«L'uf Uemsdatjim graiit.'di^ il -i.fiuld nut ]* •Miii-^IIoij.

WmsniSAib tho (Jhdpr.i Md/,door Sj-blm. Mir/ ipur rugibtured us a
Trade Union under nt. 71 of the year 1040-41, has com-
mitted u, breach of Auction ^8 of the Indian Trade Unions
Act, 1026 (XVI of 1J)26), read with regulation 17 of the
Regulations under the said Act by failing to submit to the under-
signed a coirc-ct Annual ftotura for the year ended with thu 31st
March, 1955, by the prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July, 11155,
rioticu under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Union* Aet,
1U26. w hereby given to the Cluipra Mazdoor Saliha, Mirzupur. to
''how cause to thp undersignod on or befaro tin- oxpii'v nf
•no uionthb from tho dato of receipt of this uutipe, uhythf i-irti-
licatr of regisfjatiun yr.intc-d tn U should not 1.....inn t-llrd.

WMBKEAB thu Inlrrudbiotuil iviibbt-r Mill Emplu\ tn.-.- Imion.
Aleerut'reeistsrad ati a Trade Union under no. l^il of the year 1953-
-U has committed d breach of section 28 of t!4e Indian Trad-
Ij'mcms 4,ct 1D2« (XVI of 192li), road ^ith regulation 17 ol
'he Regulations under the "nd Act by failing 1.0 Hubmit to th«'
undersiSned a correct Annual Jleturnfor tho year unded v ith thu 31 ^t
March, 1953, by the prescribed date, vi/. tliP ,11st of July, 10.*j,
notice under jieetion 10(6) of thu Indian Trade Lmons Aut. 192b.
^ hereby uivon to the Intarnauo-id.! BubbiT Mill Employee,s Union,
Meerut.'to show eauap to th" undersigned on or before* thi-
"xpuy of two months fromthr- .lato of receipt of thin nutu-i-.
why th" oi'itinLMtn of icffiatr-iHim'-il tn it shouH not bo

WUEBI:.^ the Hiiidu^Idu iJuadr HilW Ljljour Union.
Golagokranndtii regi-tt-rod as d Tradt Uiduu under no. 240 uf
tLe year 1040-47. hu* tnmmitiod .1 brrach of =eutiou 2*S of the
Indidn Trad^ Uniui« ALT. iW-'ti (XVJ of lUiOj, redd \utli
r^nlatiniL 17 nf thu1 K-culdtious uuder rln- ^am ^ctt bj fujlmg ici
hiibmit tn th? uuiei*ijne.l u cmr* t-t Aminul Hetnrn for Hie year
ended with ih«- Hl^t «>t Mirt-li, H*:,-. by Uw prL^Lnht-d ilnti-, viz. Julj . l\)."»,1,iiL>tLL-L'uuilL'i •Sft.'ti("inHi1i»ut'tlu' Tiuliun Trade
Unu*n> Ar-r, i^t't. i-, lu-rfliy mvtn ru ilit HiuiluatHii Sugar 3IU1*.
Lalmur Union- Gol.igjkf.iniidth. tu -hu-iv i d-uMi tu the* uuilereigued
uu vt ht-ttin tin i-xpiry «if TMI iiiunth'i irum thf LUtt- of rereipt cf
t lii^ lU'tii'f, why lh«'« i-ilitu-au M* 1!» uistrdtmn iridiiiPLlin it ^huulil
urjl liiMMii-'Ur'fl

\Vnti: I.AS tin. JNlazdoui L'nioii iJUikuiidb<id. Alaiupuri rL'^iAturud
a-, dTrddc L'HIUII imd*«r uu. lUti."< uf thu yeur HKIi-.'ij. hus«Dmrait
U-il .1 l>i-iM.-h 'i\ s-i-ctiun -S uf rhi- lumou Trailr "Tmonti Att, 1W-U
(XVI ot MiL'iiMsMilwrthrLjjaldiiuulTuftlw; Ittijiilatiuii-t imdi rtUi-
>.iid Act, by fdilnm Jo submit tu tin- urnUaraigiufd u fiinvct Annual
I{i-tiunfoTthn>t<iri-iiili-(lvitlitJi>'!llBtof3rurL'h. 1U33, bytuepn>-
f.i-iik\ld.iif, \u. tli- ;!latof July, lliriu, not iiv under section 11(6)
ni tliL- Indian Trait.- Unions Act, 1!»2U, i* h-ixby given to Hit-
.Mu/door l*iiiuii iSfnkohaljtul Main|nifi ti> ^how UUUSB to ilio
uitilrrwiaiu'il on UL nefoic Ihr-tspirj of tivo mouths from tht;
dat» ot'u'triwL ul Miii nmnv, win Hi' •'(iriiH<iilU'

UMWUliO   II   >h'.llld   UU    «!"   IMIl'^ll.'d,

WIIIUUAB    Uie   I3irl MdZour Uniui, XU-   AlKduil..,!   v

ftot bo cancelled.


i~i> 'lie lluituiua hcliuul  uud L'uli>.'!i>'   kuiuichuii t
rt-yi^tured d« u Tra*l»' 1'iuun. uuileruu. 1!K'!*T of tht* year
uu unimnittcil u brtaeh of snctioriiiSs tf thu Indiau Trade
LI, ItKUiXVlof l»2Q)f read with rt^uUtlon 17 of the
a uudi-r tho *>uid Act, by failing tu aubmit; to tht.- under.
-iirrtjft Annual Return for thu yeur ended with tliv 3 leb of
-h, Hlo.1. bj. thi' pieieribed date,  viz. the Slat of July, ISSfi,
"1 uinU-i MH-tina J l'(6) of 1 hu Indian Trade Unions Act, 1U26, is
bv civil i«thf I!«n,uM- Si« uudi.'ulloge Karmchart tfeu»«h,
raa, to Mh-iw fiiutif'to tin- undei^yned on or before the expiry
of two months from thf date of receipt- of tnh notice, why the
H' uf BogiBiniimu yruutcd Lt> u should not lw c