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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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Stock   available   with   Superintendent,   Printing   <md
Stationery, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad.

Labour Appeal Cases, January 1954, price Ra.2-8 (M.8)
Labour Appeal Cases, January 1954, price Rs.2-8 (aaA).
Labour Appeal Cases, February 1954, price Es.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Appeal Cases, March 1954, price Bs.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Appeal Cases, April 1954, price Rs.2-8 (asAt.
Labour Appeal Cases, May 1954 price Bs.2-8 (asA).
Labour Appeal Cases, June, 1954, price Rs.2-8 (asA}.
Labour Appeal Cases, July, 1954, price Bs.2-8 (asA).
Labour Appeal Cases, August 1954, price Bs.2-8 (as.4i.
Labour Appeal Cases, September 1954, price Bs.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Appeal Cases, October 1954, price Bs.2-8 (asA}.
Laboiu Appeal Cases, November 1954, price Bs.2-8 (as.4.,
Labour Appeal Cases, December 1954, price Bs.2-8 (asA^.
Labour Appeal Cases, January 1955, price Bs.2-8 (as.4).
Labour Appeal Cases, February 1955, price Bs. 2-8 (asA}.
Labour Appeal Cases, March, 1955, price Bs.2-8 (as,4)
Labour Appeal Cases, April, 1955, price Be.1-13 (fl*.4).
labour Appeal Cases, May, 1955, price Be.1-12 (asA}.
Labour Appeal Cases, June, 1955, price Be.1-12 (as.4).

First Five-Year Plan—Price Bs.3 (.fifl.l and a-s.S).

1.    Courses of Training at Civil Aviation Training
Centre, Allahabad.    Price annas 5 (al, ps. 6).

2.    Constitution of India in Hindi.   Price Re. 1-1

2-A.    Constitution  oC India in  English as modified
up to May 1, 1955.   Price Be.1-14 (<»*.10).

3.    Audit  Code,  Firsb Edition incorporating   cDi-
rection slips? nos. 1 to 25.    Price Re.I-4 (oa.4-).

4.    Indian Penal Code as modified up to  March 1,
1951.    Price Rs.2-8 (oa.7).

5.    Information for the students desiring to proceed
Overseas for the Advanced Studies,   1947-48.   Price
annas 3 (a. 1 pa. 6).

6.    Factories Act no. LXHl of 1948 as modified up.
to August, 1954.   Price annas 14 (oa.2).

7 Mrst Report of the National Income Com-
mittee, April, 1951. Price Be.1-6 (as. 2 jw. G).

S. Indian Boilers Act as modified up to Novem-
ber 1, 1949. Price annas 7 (cw.2).

9.    Co-operative Societies Act as modified x*p to
July 1,1952.   Price annas 4 (<a).

10.    Payment of Wages Act as modified up to May
15,1951.   Price annas 4 (a.I).

11.    The Poison Act as modified up to May I, 1949.
Price annas 2, packing and postage (a. 1).

ll-A. Minimum Wages (Amendment) Act no. XXVT
of 1954. Pri oe annas 2 (la.)-

T2. The Indian Evidence Act as modified upto.
August 1, 1962. Price annas 6 («*.2),

13.    Workmen  O mvpfiivition   Act, modified up to
May 1, 10o2.    Price annas 6 («.l pa. tt).

14.    Industrial Dispute*  (Appellate Tribunal) Act
no. XLVIII of 10.30.    Price anna-s 4 (a.l).

15.    Tudiiin Limitation Ant no. IX of 19ust modi-
fied up to February I. 19-")-.  Price annas 6 (a. I »s.6).

16.    Land Acquisition Act no, I of 1SOS as modi-
fied up to April 1, 1052. Price tinna? G (tt.l).

17.    Indian Electricity Act IX    of   in 10.    Price
annas li (ffj.3).

18.     VTOifr W dljjcn    Price Rs.2-2   ('W.7J.

19.    Cinematograph Act no. XXXVII of 1932,   as
modified up to September 1, 195I».    Price aiiuti^ 2 (ff-1).

20.    Motor Vehicles Act IV of 19^J, M modified up
to \ovemler 1, 1052.    Price fle.1-10 («a.3/ia. «),

21.    Miniminn VVages Act aa modified up to March
1,1952.    Price annas t(a.l).

22.    Opium Act no. I of 1S7S AS modified up to
August 1, 1951.    Price annas 3 («,]).

23.    Special Mairiage Act no. XLII1 of 1934.    Pric.
annas 6 'las.2 ps.Q),

24.    Employees State Insurance   Act no. XXXI V i
1948 as modified up to May 1, 1955.   Price annas 3

25.    Code of Criminal Procedure Act no. V"*of 19 J
as modified up to August 27, 1952. in Hindi      Prk
RP. 3-8 (OT *fcon tfipl)  (as.ll).

Reports and Rules

26.    Fire-Year Plan Progress Report for the yea*
1951-52 and 1952-53.   Price" annas 8 (as.4),             »

27.    Hirakuml   Dam and  after.  Price Re.l (as.?

28.    Census of India, 1951. Volume I. India   Pa
TI-C.   Economic Tables. Price Pvs.3. CRe.lj.

29.    Census of India, Volume I. Part I-B.— -App
dices to the Census Report 1931.    Price Rs.3 (Re.l-

30.  Census of India   1951, Volume I, Part IT-B B,
nomic Table (General Population). Price Ra.3 (Ee.l

31.    Paj'ment of Wages  (Procedures) Rules, 19?
Price annas 3 (a, 1 J.                                                       tl**~

32.    Indian Electricity Rules.    Price Re. 1-fi (as:

SS.   Award on the Industrial Disputes betw^
Central   Banking Companies   and their    \Vorkm~


34. Programmes of Industrial Development, 195 J

Price Rs.4-S (t&U2).                                              {

35.   Displaced persons Compensation and Rehab:

tion Rules, 1935.   Price aiinas 10  (as.3).

3(3.   Report of Railway  Corruption Enquiry  C]
inittee, 1933—55.   Price Rel-8 (<w.6),

37.    Report of State Reorganization Commission, i
Price Rs.2 (<».«).

38.    Industrial Dibimtes  (Appellate Triburjal)

as modified up to December 1, 1954.   Price ann|

(fl.l   p5.6),>

39.    Income Tax (Manual, Part 1 amended ttj
May 13, 1955,   Price Re.1-14 (<w.9).

3f, H.—The iiiiioimth 111 iiai'ejnlioses me ^or jnctinjj au<l