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The Princess of Wales


D. Phil.   (Oxon ),

Principal, Government Sanskrit College, Banaras

Notes, etc , by PiaitikauaLha Shurma. MA    anj

Baldeva  Upadhyaya     (Reduced price  Ee.1-2)   (4as.).   Part  II. ' (Be.
duced price Ee.1-6)  (ias.).

(16)  The Mamaa Tattva Viveka. by Viahwanath Nyaya Panchanana.
Edited with Introduction, etc., by Jagannatha Shaatn Hoshing Sahityo-
padlnaya with a Foreword by G-opinath Eaviraj, M.A.    (Eeduced pnce
As.G)   <2w.)

(17)  Parts I and II.—Nyaya Siddhanta Mala, by Jayarama Nyaya
Panchanana.   Edited with a Prefatory Note and Critical Introduction
by Dr. Mangal Deva Shastri, M.A., D PHIL.   Part I,     (Eeduced price
As 9), Pait II-    ^Reduced price Ee.l)   (3as. each).

(IB) The Dhannanubandhi  Sloka   Chaturdashi,  by   Seaha Knahna,
with Commentary, by Eama Pandit.    Edited with Introduction, etr.,
Naiayana   Shastri  Khiste    Sahityacharya.    (Eeduced   price Aa.Bl

by N

mil 7)   t.uinl l-'i MM   J'l.   Gf/iiMii'/i Kneiifii, M 1 '

(Figures in parentheses indicate postage\

(1)  The Eiranavali Bhaskara     (Vaisheshika),    a    Commentary on
UJayana's Kiranavali, Dravya section, by Padmanabha Miara.    Edited
with Introduction, and  Index,  by  Gopinalh   Eaviraj,   M.-V.   (Kedu<.ed
pnte As. 14) (4as.),

(2)  The Advaita Ckuitamaiu (Vedanta), by Eangoji Bhatta, Edited
with  Introduction,  etc., by Narayana  Shaatri Khiste  Sahityacharya.
.llwlutc'd pn<-e A<>.  H)   \.3a&.).

(3)  The    Easasaia      (Vaisbeshika),    Commentary    on    Udayana's
Kirjiia\ali, Guna stdim, by Bhatta Vadindra.   Edited with Introduc-
tion, etc., by Gopinath Eaviraj, M.A.  (Reduced price As.9)  (3«,s.j

Part II.—The Bluvana Vireka (Mimansa), by Mandana Miara, with
a Commentary by Bhatla Umbeka. Edited with Introdnction, etc., by
Mahsniabopadbyaya Ganganatha Jha, U v, D LJTT. (Reduced price
,As.6) (2o«.).

(4)  Part I.—Yogiaihridayadipika (Tantra),  by Ainritaaanda Natha,
being a,   Commentary  on   Toginihridaya,  a  pai/,   of   Vamakeshvara
Tantara.   Edited     by     Gopmath     Eaviraj,     M.A.     (Eeduced     price
Asia)   (Sas.  6ps.).

•''   (5) The Kd-vyadakim (Alankara), by Gangananda Bivindra.   Edited
rt.iL  liilMiiuijiin,   I'll ,  In    fiiManuailia   Sli.i-m Ho^h
.dhyaya.    (Eeduced price Aa.5-8)   (2as.).

' '^   (6) Part I.—The BBakti Chandrika (Bhakti Shastra), a Commentary
;,<in   Sandilya'a   Bhaktiautraa,   by   Narayana   Putha     Edited   with   a
Prefatory Note,   by   Gopinath   Eaviraj,' M.4.    (Eeduced  price  Aa.7-6)
('2as. dps.).

Part II.    (Eeduied  pnce As.  12.)   (Sas.).

17) Part I—The Siddhanta Eatna, by Balade\a Vidyabhuaan
Sdited with Introduction, by Gorinath Eavirai, M \ (Eeduced r-nce
iB.9) (3a«-).                                                                                    '

Part  H.   (Reduced price  Re.1-6)   (4o*.).

<8i The llatapnadipa (Alankara), by Prabhakara Bhatta. Edited
nth Introduction, etc., by Narayana Shastri Ehisfe Sahityacharya
Rednced price As.9) (3<w.).                                                   J J

(9)  The Siddhasiddhanta Sangraha (Nathism of Gorakhanatha Beet)

? J^labhadura.^^Edited with Introduction by Gopinath Eaviiaj, M.A.',

(10)  The Tmenika  fAlankara), by Asadrara Bhatta.   -Edifed with



*13) Tie Nyaya EaUka (Nyaya),
production by Mahamahopadhyaya
fdnced rW As.7) (SuJ. *7

(19)  The    Navartna    Pradipa,    by   Nanda Pandit  Dharmadhikan.
Edited   with  Introduction,   etc.,   by  Vaidya.   Natha   Shastri,   Varkale
Dharma Shastri.    (Eeduced price Ee.l)   (3aa.).

(20)  The Ramntapiniyopanishad with Ramakashika on the Purvatspini
and Anandmdhi on the Uttaratapim, by Ananda Vana.    Edited with
Introduction, etc , by Ananl Earn Shaatri Veti, Sahityopadbyaya, with
a Foreword by Gopinath Eaviraj, M.A.    (Reduced price Se.1-14) (4os.)

i'21) The Sapmdya Ealpalatika, by Sadashiva Deva (alias Apadeva),
with Commentary by Narayana Deva. Edited with Introduction, etc.,
by Jagannatha Shastrf Hashing Sahityopadhyaya. (Eeduced price
As 10) (2«s.).

(23) The Mrigankalekha Natika, by Narayana Deva Eavi. Edited
with Introduction, etc., by Narayana Shastri Ehiste Sahityacharya.
(Eeduced price As.8) (2os.).

(23) Monograph No. (1). The Vidvachchanta Panchakam, by
Narayana Shastn Ehiste Sahityacharya with a Foreword (in Sanskrit),
by Gopinath Eaviraj, M.A (Eeduced price Re,l) (3as).

(24) Vrata Eosa fcy Jagannatha Shaatri Hosning Sahityopadhyaya,
late Sadholal*Research Scholar, Sanskrit College, Banaras- with a
Foreword, by Sri Gopinath Eaviraj, M.A., Principal, Government
Sanskrit College, Banaras. (Eeduced price Rs.2) (4a*.t.

(26) The Vntti Dipika, by Mauni Sri Krishna Bhatta. Edited with
Introduction, etc., by Pandit Gangadhar Shaatn Bhardvaja, Professor,
Government Sanskrit College, Banaras. (Eeduced price As.9) (3ns.).

(26)  The Padartha Mandana, by Sri Venidabta.   Edited with Intro-
duction, etc.. by Pandit Gopala Shastn Nene, Professor, Government
Sauskut   (.'ullL'gc.',   Bnuaidb.    (Reduced price AB.'I)   (3as.)

(27)  Part I—The Tantraratna, by Partha Sarathi Misra.   Edited by
MM. Dr. Ganganatha Jha, M.A., D.UTT.    Vice-Chancellor, Allahabad
University,  Allahabad.    (Reduced price As.15)   (las).

Part n.—The Tantraratna, by Partha Sarathi Miara. Edited by
Pandit Gopal Shaatri Nene, Government Sanskrit College, Banaras.
(Eeduced price Ee.1-2) (Sas.).

(28)  Tartvasara, by Eakhaldas Nvayaratna.   Edited with Introduc-
tion, etc , by P. Harihar Bastri, Professor, Banaras Hindu Univeraity,
Banaiaa.    (Eeduced  price  Aa 8)   (3as.).

(29)  Part I.—The Nyaya    Eanstubha     (Pratyaksa),  by Mahadeva
Puntambekar.   Edited with Introduction, etc.,  by P.  Umesb Misra,
M.I,   All.ibabacl C'luveihity, Alldliabad.    (Reduced piico Re.1-10)  (Gas.).

00) Part I.—The Advaita Vidvatilaka, by Samara, Pungava Diksita,
with Darpana, by Dharmavya Diksita. Edited with Introduction, by
P. Narayana, Shastri Ehiste Scholar, Government Sanskrit Library,
Banaras. (Reduced pnce As .10) (3as.).

(31)  The Dharma Vijaya Nataka, by Bhudevi Shukla.   Edited with
Introduction, by P.  Narayana  Shafltri Ehiste,  Government  Sanskrit
Libiary,   Banaraa.    (Eeduced price As.10)      (Sas.).

(32)  The Ananda Eanda Champa, by Mitra Mishra.   Edited with
Introduction, by P. Nand Kishore Shanna, Sanskrit College, Banaraa,
(Eeduced price Ee.1-12)   (Sas.),

(33)  The Dpanidana Sutra.   Edited with Introduction, by Dr. Mangal
Deva Shaatri, M.A., D. PSU,., Librarian, Government Sanskrit College,
Banaraa.    (Eeduced price As.8)  (2os,).

(34)  The Kiranavftliprakasa Didhiti (Guna), by Baghunath Siromani
(Nyaya).   Edited by Pandit Badrinath Shastri, M.A , Lucknow Univer-
sity, Lucknow.    (Eeduced price As.14) (3oa.).

(U6) The Eama Vijaya Maha Kavya (Epic poem), by Bupamatha.
Edited by Pandit Ganapati Lai Jha, M.A., late gadholal Scholar,
fiansknt College, Banaras. (Eeduced price Be.l) (Sas.).

(36) Part I.—The Ealatattva Viveohan» (Dharma Bastea), by
-,fla       BhattH-   Edited by Pandit Nand Eiahore  Shanna,