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APPHC.VTIUNH (in duplicate) invited for luuluuncutiimnl j CM
From Indian Citizens and persons migrated frcm Ttilvi-.t.'ii uul-
munition of permanently settling in India 01 subject oiXi'p.'l.^'Ui'iu
nr Portuguese possession in India. Higher initial jjaj tn ".per j.ilh
qualified andexpenencedrandidatcs. Particular jnYlapiihratiui-
foniis from Registrar, Indian Tndtitutr of Ter-hnoh'sry, Khan->jjpur
R-questa for forms must "specify name of pofcl andshnuldhi-'aiA'om-
paniod by self-addressed unstamped envelope at lea<-4 of f»i/.p H ;w
4 "indicating thereon name of post for -which formi arr required.
Closing datefor receipt of applieationstogetherwithTreasuryli^fPijjt
or, Crossed Indian Postal Order for Rs.7-8, fRg.1-14-0 for Schedule
Castes and Tribes) marked payable to Serrpfa'i'/. Unun fulhr fierrii-L
L'oinmiatcn. at Niw Delhi Post Office, 24th Decrm) tr, ]p;jri i7th-
January, 1956 for applicants abroad). T'liinn Public Sirvire Cum-
yremitgenuinely indigent and bona fide di-placedpei1

WffEisrus the U. T. Hulwiy I'.-.rt ^ Uiuuii. Kaitico mm ,X.u«i-
'I'.il), rfgisterud a= a Trade Union under no. T 7s of th^ y« r,r 1 H41>-5f»
lips committed a brrach of-ectioniJS of the Iradu Union-;
Act, 1U2S (X\I.jf 192GJ rmd with irsulatwn 17 of thy Regulatioi.'.
unner tho *uM Aa by fuJing to submit to tl.p undcra.'iicd a condor
.'nnualietnrn fcrtlii';».-jri'ndi-anilh tL*> ni.tMurchriP*"*. by thi>
prescribed date, \ir. tha 3let uf July. 19,-j.j, noti IL> under ^ection
}(}(b) ufthe Indian TradeUnions Act. 102(5, i? hertbv uiv^n to
the (t T. R.I-IM.IV (•ort-.'iD 1'iiinn, Kathw-lam .Xaid Tal), to show
causa to the unileriiirnc-d on or before the expiry of +^o month*
Irom the date of receipt of this notice, why the certiticare of
"3^i-trition erdnred to it should not L*n cancslla'1..

WHEREAS tl K Muni^jul ^niLs-h-i, A=?cciati-.n. «'himdpar.
iJi-trirt liijnnr. rcyi.-ieitrl us a TrjfK' Union uad^r no. $Z" cf tht^
year IIMQ.,'! hii^ cnmmi1t«fd a bivur h of -Qt-rion iS nf the Indian Umars Art, 192u (XVI nf 1U36|, rt-.i'l irirh reculation 17

Candidates abroad may apply on plain paper if form" arc not

1. One post of Lecturer in Toun and Regional Plitnuihf; — P*<y;
•Rb 350— 350— 350— 380— 30— 590— E.B.— 3C— 770— 40— Rail. Aijr -
Prefereably above 25 years. Qualifications : E*fm1ifil : (i) At
least second class degree in Civil Engmeeringplus Post- Graduate
Degree or Diploma in to-wu and Regional Planning or degree in
Architecture or equivalent qualifications -with Town and Regional
Planning aa special subject ; (ii) About 2 yeara practical experience
in Town Planning Office j (in) Specialisation in one 01 moie of
the following subjects: (a) Regional Planning, (6) Totrn Plsiininn-
(c) Architectural Design and (d) Land Scape Architecture. JJc

given to the Miuii-.iptil Sink?ha Karmt'Lari Ai=snt;ution, i'hondpur,
district Bijnor, to show cau?e to tiip underpigned on or
before tl-u expiry of two month* from thp date of " receipt of this
notitf. r:I.y the c-LTtificnTc of J'^tstratinn jrranted to it fihculj
not be fMnftillnJ.

WHEKEAS      the      Electric        Workers   .   Union,
rcci^iered   a* a   Trade    Union  tmdfr    no.   303    of     the   year
1947-48,     has     committed    a   breath    of     sectirn    2S    of"""

c       ci                                                                            .          -               -               .                               _....__..._   —

nhh-. Corporate membership of a recognised professional institution.     Indian Trade L'nicns Art. 1B2B (XVI  of 1U26),   read with rt-gu-
1                          v             e         r                                     Intion 17 of the Regulations under Uw v id Act by failing to siiTjnjit

< i fiin :     to the xindprsi&nc'd a convet Annual Return for the year ended "with

2.    Tuo Seinor Research Assistants for MccJitanfal      ,,

Pn-r-     Rs.250— 10— 300— 15— 450— 25/2— 500       Ape:       Above    the 31st Maxell, 1955, by the prescnbud datr-. viz. the 31st of July,
22years  (27 years for Scheduled Castes,  Tnhal  and  Aboriginal                                                                                                       *

Communities and 45 years for displaced persons from PaLi.-tar and
non-liba,rated    areas   of   Jammu  and  Kaslimir.    Rt-laxnhle  for

Government servants.   Incase of Indian Employees of the Go\ern-

,         ,                                   .       .                           ,

notice und»-rseuti<tn 10(B) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 192*6,
1S hereLy given to the Ele'tric Workers Union, Bareilly,
to show cr,use to the ur.dorsijmpd on or btfoie the expiry o^,
two months from the date of receipt of this notice, why the


.                                                                                                                                                            ,

msnt of Burma discharged owing to   constitutional   charges upper     certificate of J^gistraticn granted to it should not be cancelled.
age-limit relaxable tip to  45  yeara)    Qunlificatton^ :    £±f>€'irt>uJ •

(i) Pirat class degree in Mechanical Engineering of a recognised                                                  _ ___ _

University,    (ii) Adequate  experience in a Factory or Laboratnry

|iii)   Specialisation  in   (a)   Theory   of  Machines' and   Technical
Dynamics and (6) Applied Mechanics.

Posts permanent arid pensionable.   Probation one year.    C:m-

WHEKEAS the Scientific Insirumcnt Karnnhan ?anab,,
registered as a Trade Union under no. I07S of the year 1V32-53
has committed a breach, of section 2S of the Indian Trade*

didates selected  for appointment wil< be required to Join duty     Unions   Ae"ti   1926    (XVI of   I92H),    read  with   regulation   17*
Immediately after election,                                                             of the   Kegulations  under   the  Paid Act   by failing to   submit^

P. N. SEN GUPTA,           to the undersigned a correct Annual Retuin'for the year ended

with the 31st March, 19^5, by the prescribed dut«, viz. the.
31st of July, 1955, notice under Pection 10 (I) of the Indian
Trade Unions Act, 1926 is hereby given to the .Scientific Tmtna-
inent Ka?rnchari Sangh, Allnhabad, to show'cause to the underaigne*
on or before the expiry of tiro months from the date of receipt
of this notice, why the certificate of Registration granted to it
should not be cancelled.


Notice under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act. 1920

WHTEBEAS the U. P., Bank Employees Union, Ramra5'. regis-
tered as a Trade Union under no. 538 of the year 194S-49. has
committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
1928 (XVI of 1926), read with regulation 17 of the Regulations

WHEBEAS  the Raahtriya  fhini 1HH Mazdoor Sangh, Doiwala

eof Trade Usii

under the said Act by failing to submit to the undersigned it Ddira Dun, registered as a Trade Union under no. 949 oftheyeaj^-
oorreot Annual Return for the year ended with the 31st March, 1951.55, has committed a breach of section 28 of the Indian Trad-1'
1955, by the prescribed date, viz. the 31st of July, 1933, notice rniona Act> 1936 iXVIof 1926), read with regulation 17 of tht
under section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926, is hereby 5^™!^^ ^der the said Act by failing to submit to the under -
given to the U. P. Bank Employees Union. Ba,naras. to show cause Eiglie{i _ correct Annual Return for the year ended with the 114
to the undersigned on or before the expiry of two months from JIarcllf 1U3,-j, by the prescribed date, viz. the 3let of July, 19fi4
the date of receipt of this notice, why the certificate of registration notice un,iBr section 10(6) of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926 1 0
granted to it should not be cancelled.                                               hereby given to the Raslitnya Chini Hill Ma^door San^h, CohraJg*

IVhraDiin to show cause to the undersigned on or before the expirj

of two   months   from   the  date of receipt    of this notice, why tb

Notice under section  10(b) of tJic Indian   Tra»h L*PH>H#-let, I'.Kb      certificate of Registration granted to it should m>t be cancelled.   J,

WHEREAS the Rnshtrya  Chini  Mill Mazdoor Sangh,   Khailda,        .                                                                                               i

Deoria, registered under no. 524 of 1948-49 as a Trade Union hag
contravened the provisions of section 28 of the Indian Trade
Unions Act, 1926 read with Regulation 17 of U. P. Trade Unions
Regulations 1927 by failing to submit to the undersigned its
annual return for the year ending on the 31st March, 1935, by the
Slat July, 1955 ;

And whereas the election to the Executive Committee of the
Union ia not hold m accordance with articles 32 and 34 of its re-
gistered constitution which amounts TO amendment the ' above
articles by the Sangh in an unauthorised manner ami poiwequunt
cantravention of aection 28(3) of the Indian Trade Union* Act
1926 (XVI of 1926) read with regulation H of the U. P. Trarlr?
Unions Regulations 1927.

Notice under section 10(b) of the Indian Trade Unions Act,
1926 is, therefor*, hereby given to Rashtriya Chini Mill itazdoor
Sangh. Khadda, Beoria to show cause to the underwipned ou or
before the expiry of two months from the dote of receipt
of this notice, why the certificate of registration granted to it may
apt be cancelled.


XoiirE is hewby piveu for thu information of ull vonrcmed
Siimmi Saboilra Dovi a pwtncr of firm Blmpwan Dad Kedar 2fa
died on 2lst Oi-toher, 19-W.   The viid firm ifi now eaiwituted by