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Full text of "Government Gazette Of Uttar Pradesh"

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.". Tu-u Li<t1n)i')<3 in Clteuihti if, tjovriniintit Ham id in foM'f/t,
Bhojiui, Po'sti temporary but likely to be niiido ppmiauent
Other thmca bemu equal preference siven tn Scheduled Caster
cuiirlirlatet.." Pa if . tts.2011 —15—350—iifl— 4.")0. Higher initial

Ky to specially qualified rind experienced ctindul.itps. Ayr .
itvpcn 23 and 4r» year*. Rrlmablf for ffni'i-rnmpnt KirnniKt
tfurrhfiunions : Ewenttul . (i) Vt least- scc'ond cKvte Msistn's degree
in Chemistry ot recognised University \\ibh appcialwation in
oryanio Chemistry, (it-) Aliout t.\vn year's Leaching expRneiieo
up (o pnst- graduate standard Qualifications relaxablo at Com-
mission's discretion in ca&e of candidates otherwise well-qualified.

6. Two Lei'turers in nofiiny, Government Hanunn Gollprjc,
BJ\b]>la. PosLs temporary hut likely to be made permanent. Other
thin CM being equal preference given to Scheduled Castes rarulid.ites
PiiH : Rs.2ltO—15—350—20—4-"U. tlifeliw initial pay tn spm-illy
qualified mid experienced candidates Aije Between 2?> .uul 43
yeiu-fa. lielujftdileftit 07oi eminent set runts, Qualification^ Easfiitftl
(i) At leant aet'ond clash M tele. in. of recognised Univoroity
(u) About two year's experience nf teaching 13nt<my up ti> post-
graduate (111) Working knowledge! of Hnnli. Quali-
fications rel.ixnble at (JommisHion'M discretion in i-aso ot e.indi-
dtitcs otherwise well-qualified.

7. Two Lecturem in Zoology, Gorermnent Uunt'ihrt College,
BhopaL Posts temporary but likely tti be made permanent Other
things being equal preference given to Scheduled Castes candi-
dates. Pay : Rs.200—13—350—20—4fiO. Bjgher initial pay to
specially qualified and experienced candidates. Age • Between
23 and 45 years. Eelnxable for Government servants. Qualifications .
Eauential : (i) At least second class degree in Zoology with special-
isation in animal genetics, cytology and general" principles of
Biology, (u) About two year's experience of teaching Zoology upto
post-graduate standard, (("it) Working knowledge of Hindi " '


NOTICE k liercby given to the general public for information tha
tlM-nptum m thn JouiL Hindu Family of Balabux and Hiialn) and Nemi
r-li.ind with Mi.inshyrun and Pirthirn.) has takm placn on Kftlik Rirl
14 S.unwat, J0|^^ to 13th Nnvcmhi»r, 10,1,-; and smci
then tho ruohlilul ion f)rt,ho p.irfcnpcsliip (maiuess Hfcvlocl Chh,v»aiilal earned nn .it Ulinuri L'h.uira, diHtru-t rjnr.iklinuL- -mil tin
sh.iro of tho \'ai-muH p.ii-fciinrri urn as unrlnr •

Profit in
a in pop

a rupee

(3) Sualal           .                                    .030070

(2/Pirtluraj         .                 .                           0    3    fi         U    3   «

( 1) Ciluuishyam                                                 o    ;j    j;         0    3* r,

(41       ,                                  .           0    2    0         II    2    0

.Sn .Taijdish Prasad  II.IN bopn also admittod to the benefit', of
partnership In tlin extent, ot Ri 0-3-(i Jii a rupee

(Sd.)    HUALAL
(Sd.)    OHANHFTyAAr
[17-12- '531.

of candidates


ncations reliable at Cnnimission'B dwmrtum m i
otherwise well-qualified.

£. OneLtiCturfr in ffmrlt for Government Hnnmltn College, Bhn-
pul. Post permanent, but appointment \\ill be made on tempo-
rary basis At present. Other things buing equal preference given
to Scheduled Cahtea raiididateH. Pay : Rg.200—15—330—20—
430. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and experienced
candidate. Age • Between IS and 4.1 years. Rdnxabh for Gfo-
lerntfient sen-twin. Qwilificatioii* . Easpndnl • (1} At lesist sec-
ond class Master's degree in Hindi of recognised University, (u)
About two years1 teaching experience upto post-graduate standard.
Qualifications relaxable at CommiSftSion's dr^cretmn in case of can-
didates othersise well-qualified.

9 One Assistant Chrniist, Grologicrtl Survey of India, Ministry
of Natural Resources and flcinttfic Resenrdi. Post temporary but
likely to continue. Pay : Rs.275—25—50(1—E.B.—30—tnO—
E.B.—30—710. Higher initial pay to specially qualified and ox-
penenced candidate. Age : Below 2S years. Rein-cable for Go-
vernment servants. Qunhficatins • Essential : (i) Master's or

ivalent honours degree in ChemiHtry nf recognised University.

About two years' experience m analytical work relating to
rocks, minerals, ores metals, alloys etc. and assaying of pricioua
metals. Or (i) B Sc , degree of recognised University with Che-
mistry as une of the subjects (n) About 5 years' experience in
analytical work relating to rocks, minoials and assaying of precious
metals. Qualifications relaxahle at Cnmmi&f-iion s discretion m
case of candidates otherwise well-qualified

10. One Assistant Mineral Ti'chnuloqiat {Mineralogiml] Indian
Riirettu of Minci, Ministry of Xutuinl Resources and Scientific Re-
Aearcli. Post temporary but likely to continue. Pay -. Pun 350—
•J50—3SO—3SO—30—390—E.B —SO—770—40—850 Higher ini-
tial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidate. .4f/e :
Below 35 years RelaaMefor ftuveinmentaervaHti, Qualifications :
Essential': (i) Master's or equivalent honours degree in Geology of
recognised University. Or Diplnma in Geology oflndian School
of Minos and Applied fieology, Dhanbad, or equivalent quahficji-
tinns from any recognised Uiuveisity or Institute with speciali-
sation in Mineralogy antl Petrology, (n) Training in all aspects
of innclern mineralopieal nnd chemie.d examination of various ores,
minerals, soils and coals. (111) About 3 years' experience in modern
•\vell-eqxiipped laborntovy ur institute or any industrial establish-
ment. Qualifications relaxable at CammiHEiiou'rt discretion in case
of candidates otherwise -well-qualified.

U. Two Assistant Chief Advisers of Factories, Mini&try oj
Labour. Posts temporary but likely to continue. Pay -. Ra,600—
40—1,000—1,000—1.050—1,050—1,100—1,100-1,150. Higher ini-
tial pay to specially qualified and experienced candidates. :
Between 30 and 45 years. Relaxabh for Government servant*.
Qualifications : JE&mnlial : (i) Degree in MeeJaanical and/or Elec-
trical Engineering of ferogiiiaed University or equix-alent quali-
fications, (ii) About 5 years' training and experience in onginoor-
iag workshop or Government department dealing -with Factories
Act or Indian Dock Labourers' Aut. Qualifications relnxnble at
CoitimiBfiion'B dincrPtion in CHRO nf eaiulidates otherwise •well-qiuili-


The rate of lure of carts for the  touring he.if,on  nf IflfiSfifiin the
Sh.ihjahanpurDistru'tarenH  followw •

(1) For each cart nf 2 bullocks   when  engaged    hy muntlih.
is Us. 150 per month or Rs. ,r» per day.

fl7-12-'55.]                                  Dollfftof, SJiaJisaJinnptir.


The following niti-s of lure nl cart drawn   hy two   bullorks   have
hnen fixed in thn Etawali District, for the tourmy season l

Per            Por

diem         motith

Cjirt drawn by 2


For Collector,


The Government Promi&sory note no. DHO 12236 of the 3
per cent loan of 1070—75 for Ra 500 originally standing m the name
of Reserve Bank of India and last endorsed to Hathi Prasad the
Proprietor by whom it wag never endorsed to any other person, hav-
ing been stolen, notice is hereby given that the payment of the abavo
note and the interest thereupon has been stopped at the Public
Debt Office, Reserve Bank of India, Dolhi and that cxpplicn-
tiun is about to be made for the lasue of duplicate in favour of the
Proprietor. The public are cautioned against purchasing or other-
wine dealing with the abovementioned security.

Nnmeof advertiser—HATTII PRASAD,

Resilient — ViHngr, Hntn, P. O   Lar, rliitncl Donna.

The Bonds nos LK00057944 of Rs.100 and LKOQ057945 of
Us 200 of the9! per oen* U. P- Zammdan Abolition Compen-
sation Bonds originally BtandmB in the name of Safir Ullali Ktinn
by whom they were never endorsed to any other person, hav">g
been lost or stolen, notice is hereby given that the payment of abfn;e
Bonds and the interest thereupon has been stopped at the ruouo


.Donus anu me inueruab umsiouijuii imo HWH au^j-^w^. -,. —, -
Debt Office, Reserve Bank of India, Lucknow, and that application
is about to be made for tho issue of duplicate and in favour or w
Proprietor. The public, aro cautioned against purchasing or otlier-
wise dealing \vith the abovementionud securities.

Nttme of advertiser-Swift ULLAH KHAN,
Rcaidenir—Fazil Mnn^il,

P. 0. Khakhreroo, Fatclipur,

[17-24 & 31-12.'56]