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UTTAR PRADESH GAZETTE, DECEMBER 31,' 1955                   [PABa V1H

ci-opd and house property in tke eastern part* ol the State, particularly
hi the districts oi Ueoria, Gorakhpur, Bu«ti, ^amgaah, Khen, Baia
Binki, HiUpur, BahiMi.-h and Jham.i. I)urmB Beptcniber ttec
were light to modeivUi- rams m a large number of districts and heavy
rams in a few districts, particularly ni the eawLein pads ot the btatc.

•>    Cultivated and Irrigated Areas— Dm- to nuu's i ^nations
tendered by pat™« throughout the States ufiulai KJiauJ, (Babi and
Zazd partulb ouuld not he can-it d out ilurmg the year under note, me
1360 Fasli   hence the statistics icJating to   cultivated and luigatcd
areas  could  not   be  collected  by the District authorities

;}. Natural Calamities and Measures undertaken to Relieyethe
Distress— (4) Bailstowi— Thtie weuc good winter rains in the be-
oinnui* oi the year 1954 throughout the State which proved bene-
ficial tDo standing crops. At «i lew places, however, showeis of rain
were mifortimately accompanied by hailstonns. The worst affected
diatricts in this respect were Bijnor, Banaraa, Jhanfli, Sahaianpur and

(B) Floods — The monsoon this year slmlL-d lather Jate. Ay al-
ready stated earlier, serveral livers in the eastern pait of the State,
viz. Ghagra, Raptij Banganga, Kauua, Rohin, Bari Gaudak, etc.
overflowed their banks causing widespread damage to crops and house
properties m the eastern parts of the titato, particulaiiy in the distiicts
of Deoria, Gorakhpm1, Basti, Gonda, Azamgaih, Kheii, Bara Banki,
Sitapur, Bahi-aich and Jhansi. Though floods are an annual pheno-
menon m these parts of the State and people are not un-accustomed, to
them, the abnormal feature of the floods during 1954 was that almost
all the main rivers swelled suddenly after the outbreak of monsoon.
Th3 protective embankments failed in semal places to resist the
onrush of ttood waters giving way, allowing the water to spread far
and wide.

(U) Dro'iiyhL — Extensive areas in this State were severaly affected
by drought particularly in the distiicts of Mirzapur, Banaras, and
parts of district Jaunpur. In sonic districts while parts suffered from
floods due to abnormally heavy rains up the streams, the uplands
suffered from drought. Due to partial lailurc of crops scarcity con-
ditions also appeared in some areas of the hill districts of Almora,
Garhwal and Tehri-Garhwal.

4. Relief — To uombact these calamities, the State Government
sanctioned the following relief in the shape of gratuitous relief, talcavi,
remissions and suspensions in rent and revenue :

(tt) Gratuitous Relief '.


(1)  To hailstncken people                 . .              . .         40,500

(2)  To flood-stricken, people               . .              ...       4,97,500

(3)  To drdmght-strickeu people           . .              ...      1,09,200

(b) Takavi;

(1) To flood-stricken people               ...              . .    50,00,000

Besides the above relief, the State Government also sanctioned a
sum of Rs.20,43,000 and Rs.3,94,000 respectively for starting test and
relief works in flood and drought affected areas of thu State.

c) R&rnixsions and suspensions ;

The State
of remissions

&rnixsions an  suspensons ;

The State Government also sancLionetl relief in the shape of
remissions a,nd suspensions of land revenue as follows :

Kharif          Mabi

1361 P        1361 I1

Remissions   . .              . ,              . .    33,41,038    14,64,748

Suspensions..              ..              ..    30,75,065         3,218