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tor "Vtftf                       UTTAR PRADESH GAZETTE, DECEMBER ;ji, 1955


A total number uj 7±3 appeals as agtmiht l,2~y laht yeai- nm filed
before the Collectors under the U. P. Land Revenue A*ct. The total
For disposal stood at 1.750 out of -which 9.~>3 appeal:- ^eie deposed oh

Fu ^ti'S ptf'coutoi the appeals disposed of in Collector's Courts
under the U. P. Tenancy Aot, the orders were modified revei&ed
01- L-eimmded. In the appeals disposed ui by t'onmii^iuKMs awl
Additional Commiwsioneis under the U. P. 'Tenancy Act order*
uvru revoised, modified or remanded in about 52*7 per cent of th«'
jqipuals. This depicts a'actoiy pic tin e fiiul. tn the whole, the
quality of UK- work of Cum tu under the U. P. Tenancy Act was tat'n-

As a L'tisult of rideb -1 and o of the Uttai Pradesh ZaniinUari Abolition
and Land Reformy Rules 1952, the ejectment cases instituted by the
ox- intermediaries in respect of land in which they did not possess wrj
khiidka&lii rights or of •which they weie not giove-holdeis werestayrd
and abated.

Includng 0'33 lakhs applications filed tinder r-tUhais :li) and 33
(read with section 73) of the Uttar Pradesh Zainindari Abolition and
Land lleforms Act, 1950, pending at the beginning of the year, the total
fur disposal stood at iJ'QS lakhs as against 1*16 hvkhs in the preceding
y ear, ol which 1'9-i lakhs were disposed of. The number of application*
instituted under sections 202 and 220 of the Act duiing the year under
report stood at 0'12 lakhs a,s against O'OS during the preceding year.
With '03 lakha applications pending in the beginning of the year,
the total for disposal stood at 0-15 lakhs of which O'll lafchs were
disposed of. The total number of applications nnder sections 234
during the year was 93-i and including 105 pending in the beginning
of the year the total at 1,039 of which 542 were disposed of.

20.    Land Acquisition — The areas acquired permanently and tem-
poi-arily under the La,nd Acquisition Act, duiing the ye&r under report
vv-ero 2(i3f)06 and 2,216 acres respectively, the total being 28.S22 acres
as against 213,089 acres  in the preceding year.   The amoiint of com-
pensation paid was  Rs.38'42 lakhs as against Rs. 27-75 lakhs in the
previous year.

21.    Debt Legislations— (i) #. P- JSncumbcrul Etstatts Act, 1934—
.No applicaion was filed under section 4(3) during the year nnder re-
pur U

The total number of cases pending disposal with the Collector at
the beginning of the year was 1673 involving an amount of Rs.6'63
oiores. Six cases involving an amount of Es.30'88 crores were re-
ceived from the SpecialJudges foi execution of decrees under the Act
as against two oases last year. AH the proceedings m the cases were
stayed up to August 31, 1954, no case could be disposed of by the Col-
lectors and all the 1,679 cases involving an amount of Rs.7'00 crorea re-
mained pending at the close of the year under report.

The total amount to be iccovered from the debtor-landlords oil
account of instalment of principal and interesf'dming the year vat,
Ra 31-78 (revised figures), on account of tie arrears of the previous
year, Out of this an amount of Es.17-79 (including Rs.55 thousand-
collected in advance), was collected, leaving a balance of Hs.52-40
lakhs at the close of the year.

Ninety-three appeals were pending at the beginning of the year and
five appeals were filed during the year under report as against one appeal
last year. Out of the total oi 98 appeals only one was disposed of,
leaving a balance of 97 appeals at the close of the year.

The oasBb of liquidation of decrees under the Act remained stayed till
\ucust 31, 1964. The distribution, of bonds also remained stayed except
in the cases in which these were delivered under the oicteis oi Govern-
ment,' The Act was amended during the year and the execution pro-
ceedings have started.

fill Usurious Laorts Aci—ORQ hundred and forty-four casea were
filed during ho year.   Adding 105 cases pending at the beginning of the
t the totalfor disposal stood at 249.   Out of these 148 cas* VWe
of, leaving a balance of 101 pending at the » dope of Uu>
t.   Out of 148 eases dsiposed of during the year, tie