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510                                  OTTAft PRAD1M GAZETTE, DECEMBER 31, 1955

under repml. Survey work in all the villages comprising an
•iron of 1,02,823 acres was completed during the \ear nnd an
expenditure of rls'.82.:{3U-M-9 was incurred.

Seven hundred and tow regular cases nf o'm'outwn of Klutriuuis
wore filed nut of Avhich, 6115 were decided leaving .( luliinc.o of <»7
cOHos at the of the year, 51,677 disputes were decided on
the spot-.

24-. Mutations—Tl«e total number of dwiiy,e< iifiVtiti'd in pro-
prietary 'uglit in tho areas to whicl) Zamiiubm Abolition and Lm.
Reforms Act doos not apply stood at 1!),77;J as against 2fi,i).'»2 in the
proe.edmg year excluding transfers effected under orders of Courts.
Changes were effected in 4Sfl cases iiiidfi'Jtho orders of Court,
S,y;iS cases'Jjy private transfers, and in -1-212'eases by sn<;ession as
against s:)U, 5,806 and 18,47s respectively in the, preucdiiig year.
There were tifi mortgage eases as i\£aiiist US in the preceding your.
Changes were also effected in 58 eases on aeeonnt ol' redemption of
mortgage as against L74 in the previous year. There worn 1,401)
cases of other transfers as against 1,317 to the preceding year.

As regards 1he areas to which Zamindiri Abolition -ind Land
Reforms Act applies, changes wore effected in (iO,S;'>5 cases as^aga'nst
29.SMJ3 in the preceding year.* Changes were made in 0(1-1 eases under
orders of Court and >n ;.JS.77() cases by private transfers as against
4IJ9 and J6,()12 in the prondjiig year. ThtMO appears to bo a gfiionj
tendency on, the part of non-agricidtuilsts small ex-interme-
diaries, who live in urban arou.s to ditsposc of their small sir and kJind
kfttfit holdings in rural areas, which arc uneconomical tn (,h«ni.
There is also an irresistible temptation to sell such land in view of
high market value o± cultivable Jancl. Slight depression in tlus price-
level of agricultural commodities has also boon roMponsible. for tlie,
transfer of newty acquired Bhuiuidhari right in some caacs (Jbangew
were effected in 21,461 other cases as against 12,852 in the preceding
year. In the latter cases the increase may be attributed In tlu'- fact
that in 1360 Faali due to prc-occupation of Lekhpalw with the prepara-
tion of Zamindari Abolition Compensation)} statements, no khattiunin
Were prepared nor was any partal done except in those villagoMn
which crop cutting experiments were carried out. T In 11101 Fasli when
new Miatawnis were prepared a largo number of chuuges duo to
deaths and transfers wore effected.

25. Partitions—At the beginning of the year uudcr re,porl3 2lt-
c'AHes of perfect partitions were pending for disposal in the areas to
which the U. P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Pveforms Act docs not.
apply. In addtion to this 346 application were filed in Ivumami Divi-
sion where the partition proceedings arc .still in progress. Tims tho
total number o± perfect partition cases pending for the disposal during
the year under report was 57S. Out of these, 342 cases were disposed
of leaving a balance of 2156 casos^pending at the close of the year.

Sixty-three impcrfeot partition caaeB "wcio pending at tho beginii,
ing oi the year and the number of institutionw during the year
was 17, leaving a total of 80 caseb for' disposal during tho year under
report. Out of these 19 UECUOS were disposed of, leaving a balance
of til cases at the close of the year.

26. The Governor has much pleasure in recording his apprecia-
tion of the services rendered by th,o Land Reforms CoinimsHionei1,
the Board of Revenue, the Director of Consolidation of Holdings and
the District Officers and District, Staff.

ORDERED—That a copy of this resolution 'be forwarded to tho
Land Reforms Ooininisaioner, Uttar Pradesh, for information.

OBDJJBB'D—-Also that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the
Administrative Member, Board of Revenue, ior the information of th«

OBDBRED—Also that a copy of this resolution bo forwarded to
the-Director of Consolidation of Holdings for information.

OBIHSBED—Also that this resolution be published hi tho-
Uttor Pradesh Gazette.

By order,