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Around the Corner 


"/ come as a thief in the night, my sword drawn in hand, and as the thief that I am, 

I say: Give me your purse, give it to me, rogue, or I'll cut your throat! I say give it to 

the beggars, to the thieves, to the whores, to the pickpockets that are flesh of your 

flesh and that are quite equal to you, those who are ready to die of hunger in 

pestilential prisons and filthy dungeons have everything in common, otherwise the 

scourge of God will cut down all that you have in order to putrefy it and consume it." 

— Abiezer Coppe, 17th century England 

The fire of anti-aircraft guns illuminates each other for years, convinced that their next-door 

the Kabul night, and yet the war did not 
erupt either today or on September 11, 
2001, the day of the destruction of the 
Twin Towers in New York and a good 
part of the Pentagon. This war did not erupt in Afghanistan 
for the sole, valid reason that it had already erupted 
some time ago; for years, the entire world has lived in a 
state of permanent war. 

We did not want to see how close Rwanda and 
Kosovo, Somalia and Bosnia, Algeria and Macedonia 
were to us. But the Boeings of September 11 have 
brought Jalalabad, Baghdad and Jericho into the hearts 
of our cities. Therefore, no one can any longer ignore 
the planetary gangrene that shows no signs of coming 
to an end, the chosen heir of modernity, of the techno- 
logical era. 

The industrial system has poisoned the earth, rendering 
it sterile; the opening of global markets has sent the 
peasant world into ruin; industrial restructuring has 
dismantled the old productive apparati; strategic and 
geopolitical necessities determined by the control of 
resources have unleashed unending conflicts — capital, 
heavy with the immense possibilities that technology 
is providing to it, has broken up every possibility for 
autonomy, every past form of community in a large 
portion of the globe. At our latitudes, this same process 
has brought forth the precariousness that we have been 
tasting for the past few years, the abandonment of the 
old certainties and guarantees to which we were 
accustomed. Distorting the conditions of life for the 
exploited, capital has removed practical knowledge, 
the autonomous capacity to create one's existence 
for oneself. Where it still survives, the means of 
subsistence are mere 
appendages of a 
technological system 
that none of the 
exploited can under- 
stand or dream of 
controlling: no one 
knows what to do 
anymore; no one 
knows how to do 
anything. Goodbye, 
then, to every common 
feeling of the poor, to 
all collective identifi- 
cation, goodbye to the 
dream of appropriating 
this world and driving 
out its masters. 

This is how, over the 
last twenty years, the 
planet has increasingly 
come to resemble a 
refugee camp. One I 
runs from conflict or 
from a wasteland, 
from poverty or from 
dictatorship; one runs 
from a world one no 
longer recognizes. The old ways of life, of being to- 
gether, have vanished irremediably, and nothing can 
be seen on the horizon. All that is left is hatred and fear, 
with more accumulating every day, and it is having diffi- 
culty finding an objective, an enemy to fight. This is why 
— whether hidden or declared — civil war has already 
broken out, everywhere. 

To each their own then, in this macabre exhibition that 
celebrates the decomposition of an entire planet. Led by 
their masters, the exploited Yugoslavs' have slaughtered 





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neighbors were their enemies. The poor of Somalia 
and Rwanda have not acted so very differently. 

Now the huge powder keg of the Islamic world is 
exploding. The poor have every intention and utter 
determination to call in accounts for years of suffering. 
Deprived of every concrete social connection — 
apart from precariousness and fear — most super- 
impose the words of the only common feeling that 
is proposed to them onto their rage, that of religion. 
The identification of a collective enemy causes 
fraternization beyond every boundary and every 
division; the epic poetry of the struggle against Evil 
fills History with meaning — it speaks of a future 
promise and gives a meaning to past tribulations. 
This is why they wage war against the entire western 
world and not, instead, against those specifically 
responsible for their oppression: the masters and 
governors of the east and the west. 

When you read these lines, we don't know what 
will be happening in Afghanistan or Iraq, we don't 
know what will be happening in Palestine. The bombs 
over Kabul precipitate events, increasingly channeling 
revolt in the Islamic world into the narrow path of religious 
war. The bombs over Kabul don't just wreak havoc on 
Afghani civilians, nor do they only cause further surges 
of refugees, nor do they just set the Middle East on fire: 
the bombs over Kabul also fall on our heads, finally giving 
meaning to our fear of the future, putting order into the 
social precariousness of these times. The hypocritical 
"anti-terrorist" rhetoric of the western powers terrorizes 
us and, at the same time, gives a name to our terror; it 
bestows on us a new enemy against whom we can fight: 
the exploited of the Islamic world, who are in Afghanistan 

and in Italy and 
America, instead of 
capitalist society, as was 
beginning to emerge 
in social conflicts. 
Therefore, it is not a 
collision between 
civilizations that is being 
fought. It is the real- 
ization of the civilization 
of capital, its ripest fruit 
— putrefaction, death, 
war between the poor. 

Not a single word of 
peace makes sense 
anymore; no mediation 
is possible when the 
desperation of the poor 
breaks through the doors 
of a world that is falling 
to pieces. All that we can 
oppose to the bombs 
over Kabul is class attack: 
\1 freeing the hatred that 
smolders and hurling it 
against those responsible 
for our oppression and 
that of all of the poor of 
the world. Identifying the common enemy with precision 
— the masters, the rulers, the technological and produc- 
tive network — is the first concrete form of solidarity 
toward the bombed, toward the refugees. Attacking this 
enemy is the only message of fraternity that we can send 
to the exploited of the world, the only tool that we have for 
transforming the war between the poor that is about to set 
the world on fire into a war of liberation from exploitation 
and from authority. 

- Strangers Everywhere, Italy 



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Welcome to Issue #12 of Green Anarchy, our largest issue yet - 32 pages! fls we go to print, another war is 
upon us. We hope that a militant resistance is the response, one that puts the entire system in clanger. We 
hope that the "peace movement", a movement which has shown its ineffectiveness and lack of interest in 
questioning this system fundamentally, does not attempt to control and stifle resistance. In this issue, which 
was to have more of a "tactics" focus, we note that a war is always going on, that being the 1 0,000 year-old 
nightmare known as civilization. It is a war on life itself, and it will not be stopped by symbolic protest or 
good intentions. It requires a war in return. It requires a level of seriousness; often lacking in the scene- 
oriented nature of the anarchist movement. We need to discuss how to proceed tactically and what we are 
moving towards. We hope these discussions continue to happen, but it is also important to shut up and fight! 
It is a massive project to undo civilization, requiring a tremendous social and physical transformation. We 
must deconstruct their institutions and their infrastructure. Good Luck! - The Green Anarchy Collective 

page 1 


Winter is ending in a climate of constant wars, a 
dying biosphere, an increasingly unhealthy social 
existence (in fact, a society less and less social and 
more simply a force-field of the market), and personal 

At the same time, movements of opposition are 
germinating, joining others that have been going for 
centuries. Of special interest are those, from Algeria 
(see p. 19) to Argentina, whose struggles are 
predicated on a conscious withdrawal of support for 
the State, any State. 

In North America (and elsewhere) anarchists were 
almost non-existent just a few years ago. Now 
anarchy is certainly the orientation of most who fight 
for a radical transformation. Even more significant is 
the swing toward a politics based on indictments of 
the technological imperative and of civilization itself. 

In 2003 even academic journals (usually so reluctant 
to recognize or discuss disturbing ideas) are paying 
attention to the primitivist critique/vision. See "The 
State of Nature" in a recent issue of the U.K. eco journal 
Environmental Values, and "Why Primitivism ?" in the 
U.S. theory quarterly TELOS, for example. 

As the U.S. Empire plays its last card, the card of 
force, it's vital to adequately situate our own forces, 
at home and abroad. To put it negatively, it would be 
supremely disadvantageous to keep on recycling an 
approach that has consistently failed, in every time 
and place. The Left has been a mammoth, universal 
disaster. To look for a place in the ranks of the Left is 
to accept that the new movement will go nowhere. 
Who doesn't realize that something different is 
urgently needed? 

An urbanized dis-embeddedness spreads as 
megalopolis cities continue to swell, in perfect 
parallel with the growth of the dis-embodiment of 
cyber-tech. The "advanced" world hurtles toward its 
fateful crash like a space shuttle. But leftist holdovers 
never question why things are headed in this direction, 
orseek the underlying causes of this suicidal trajectory. 

Who besides primitivists (and indigenous insurgents) 
is truly anti-globalization? Does anyone on the left 
oppose the industrial-technological Order? To fail to 
do so is to remain, fundamentally, on the side of capital, 
coercion, and their universalization. Those are the 
dynamics that consign people everywhere to the 
onerous servitude of reproducing the Machine, while 
pushing all of nature to extinction. 

Some go halfway. They grasp the depth of the crisis 
and the unprecedented quality of what is at stake for 
our movement. They make very occasional and vague 
references to civilization, patriarchy, domestication, 
division of labor, etc. But they seem content to 
continue with the old patterns. No amount of 
discourse in any new context will uncover root causes 
or result in inspiring new directions, unless it strives 
to do so. We need to see through and past worn-out 
alternatives, instead of letting them define us. 

The pall cast by 9/11/01 is lifting. A new season of 
contestation is before us. . . 

. . . Lets show what we can do! 



"Fear stalks the 
Streets. Promises that 
nothing evil will befall if 
the ghetto refrains from 
undesirable acts. But 
who knows what is 
desirable, if we are all — 
righteous and wicked 
alike — to suffer the 
same fate... something 
seems about to happen. 
Something is imminent. 
Something significant 
hangs over our heads. 
Hiding places are being 
prepared. Is it possible? 
I strive to show the 
neighbors I am not 
worried about the future. 
Really, trouble is enough 
now... Without noticing 
you adjust to the mood 
of your surroundings, 
you breathe in shock 
from the air. People's 
faces look grim. Eyes 
look out upon vacancy. 
Each man inspires dread 
in his neighbor. I have 
had enough of enduring 
my fate. When I am 
alone there is no trace of 
fear in my heart. Complete 
confidence reigns. Is it 
complacency? No. I 
want to see clearly, and 
above all to tell the Jews 
beyond the ghetto what 
is happening. How does 
the Jewish soul respond 
on whom the heavy hand 
has not rested? What are 
the consequences for the 
life of the community? 
Will a heavy sledge- 
hammer subdue steel?" 
- Zelig Kalmanovitch, 
July 13, 1943, in the 
Vilna ghetto 

*ThTe Women Of 
The West* 13 ci 

It is just past midnight and the woman in black is there again, standing alone in the 
outskirts of the village. As she starts to hurl stones at the soldiers' jeep, flashlights break 
the night sky and there is a warning burst of gunfire. The woman vanishes. Ten minutes 
later, when all is in darkness, she reappears and the stones fly again. She keeps it up for 
two hours. It is the second night she has performed her solitary demonstration. No one in 
the village knows who she is or where she comes from. 

Civilization is 

a Death Camp, 
Resistance is Life 

The First Manifesto 

"Let us not go as sheep to the slaughter. 

Jewish youth, do not place your trust in those who 

I are leading you astray. Of the 80,000 Jews who lived 

in the "Jerusalem of Lithuania," only 20,000 remain 

alive. Before our very eyes our parents, our brothers, 

I and our sisters have been torn from us. 

Where are the hundreds of Jews who were taken t 
| work by the Lithuanian press gangs? 
Where are the naked women, the children, who were takei 
from us on the horrible night of provocation? 
Where are our brothers from Ghetto Number Two? 
Whoever is taken out through the ghetto gates never return 
Every Gestapo route leads to Ponar. And Ponar is death.* 
Hesitators! Throw away your illusions: Your children, you 
wives, and your husbands are no longer alive. 

Ponar is not the name of a concentration camp. Everyon 
there has been shot. 

Hitler is scheming to destroy all the Jews of Europe. It ha 
been Lithuanian Jewry's ill fate to be first in line. 
Let us not go as sheep to the slaughter. 
We may be weak and unprotected but the only answer to 
murderer is self-defense! 

Brothers! It is better to fall fighting as free men than to liv> 
at the mercy of murderers. 

We will defend ourselves! To our last breath we will defen 

—January 1, 1942, Vilna, in the ghetto 

* Ponar was an execution site where Jews from Vilna were murdere 

"Arbeit Macht Freif (German): "Work makes you free? 

The cynical slogan of deceit that flew above th 
gate of the Auschwitz death camp. 

January 1, 1942, Vilna, in the ghetto. Silence again in the room. A silence that no one 
breaks. Yet tears glint in dozens of young eyes. And a wave of feelings washes over their hearts. 
And fists clench. Suddenly a voice breaks out from the corner. Hushed and slow. The song grips 
everyone. Freedom is calling to their hearts and unites them all. No longer is one alone in 
feeling or thinking, for if one sings, sings with all his might, with all his heart, it is as though he 
filled the words with his own blood: 'To stretch out your neck to the sword — no, never!' 

It seems our song will shake the ghetto walls." 
— Ruschka Korchak-Marle, Flames in the Ashes 

This winter marks the 60th anniversary 
of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, the 
largest Jewish resistance to the Nazi 
terror to occur. The survival rate 
among Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto 
was significantly higher then in most 
Jewish ghettos in eastern Europe. This 
stands as a clear reminder, that 
despite the odds and the brutality 
of one's oppressors, physical resistance 
can be the only significant method 
of survival. This is not to say that other 
more passive, but clever, tactics cannot 
stall or thwart immediate circum- 
stances, but for a meaningful shift in 
the conditions of horror, direct physical 
insurgency is necessary. This reality 
has always been the case. It can be 
applied to and learned from every 
liberation movement in history, from 
slave revolts to the current Palestinian 

As the U.S. continues on with their 
plans for "Full Spectrum Domination", 
we must not wait until we are on the 
trains or in the camps before we 
begin to resist. Their goals are clear, 
and in fact, are consistent not only 
with the hegemony of U.S. power, but 
with civilization itself. The process of 
domination and control is reaching its 
ultimate state, and as we look into the 
face of this malignancy and of the 
possible end of all life, we must 
recognize that we have nothing to 
, lose and our lives to save. Protests, 
rallies, and the petitioning of those 
| who want us dead is not only futile, 
t but naive and absurd. We must resist 

J at all costs, even in the face of 
certain death, because unless we do, 
certain death is the best we can hope for. 

8lt is important to remember, however, 
that while we fight against those in 
power, we must also fight against 
power itself. Power and control are 
what civilization is built upon, from 
individuals to institutions. There are 
too many examples of an oppressed 
■ people becoming the oppressor, of 
which the state of Israel is only one 
current example. Unless we challenge 
power fundamentally, the cycle of 
violence and domination will always 
be present, and tear at the fabric of 
life. As we create a resistance to the 
current, and likely most deadly, power 
structure this planet has ever known, 
we must do so by not only challenging 
the contemporary faces of civilization, 
but all that it is built upon. 


The blue sky seems to be filled with flying 
sbjects — stones and rocks, some catapulted by 
an expert eleven-year-old, others thrown a few 

eeble feet by a toddler. Tires are set alight, their 
acrid fumes burning the eyes and nose. The 
soldiers retaliate in a rush of gunfire and tear 
gas. Now everyone is running, but a boy, 
oerhaps ten years old, is caught. His screams 

end the air as the soldiers' wooden truncheon 
smashes into his back and legs. From nowhere, 

i crowd of women come running like the Furies 
at the soldier who has the boy. They surround 

he pair, and the soldier, frightened, ceases beating. 

le tries to ward off the women who are all 
screaming that this is their son. In the confusion 
3ne grabs the boy and hurries him away. 

There is gunfire and shouting in the camp — 

le soldiers are here. The mother kicks her 
;ight-year-old son, sitting absorbed in the 
exchange between his sister and the interpreter. 
The boy jumps up, red-faced, and runs out. The 

iterpreter explains: "She said 'Shame, get out 
and fight with your brothers and sisters.'" 

r his is the Intifada, the uprising 

>y Palestinians begun in October 1987 
against Israeli military occupation of the West 
Jank and the Gaza Strip. One might be 
jrgiven for thinking that the stones and lumps 
jf rock, which constitute the main arsenal of the 
ighters, would not qualify as weapons of 
srror — especially against a well armed and 
rained army. The Israeli soldiers, however, 
lave decreed that anyone who throws a stone 
[ an Israeli soldier is threatening state security. 

The Intifada was temporarily suspended at 
le outbreak of the war against Iraq, when 
'alestinians living in the occupied territories 
vere placed under almost continuous curfew. 
U: the end of the war, however, the Intifada 
vas reborn with a vengeance. 

When I visited in the summer of 1989, it had 
Deen in full swing: everyone appeared to be 
lvolved, from stone-throwing toddlers to 
sight-year-olds, but none more so than the 
vomen. "They are worth ten men," said a camp 
jmmander with a rueful grin. 

Young girls constituted at least half the 

hebab — the army of young people that hurled 

lissiles at the soldiers. They were experts in 

actics of street warfare and were treated as 

quals by the boys. In the Gaza Strip, where 

tie unrest began and where the pure white sand 

vas blackened by fire, girls and boys, eight 

/ears old and upwards, erected roadblocks of 

jurned out cars, oil drums, and debris from the 

amps before a demonstration began. Many 

vere dressed from top to toe in black, their eyes 

gleaming through slits in their hoods. Their 

veapons were sticks and stones, slingshots and 

oicycle chains. These small black figures called 

iiemselves the "Ninja." 

Dawn came on us like a betrayer; it seemed as though 
the new sun rose as an ally of our enemies to assist in our 
destruction. The different emotions that overcame us, of 
resignation, of futile rebellion, of fear, or despair, now joined 
together after a sleepless night in a collective, uncontrolled 
panic. The time for meditation, the time for decision was 
over, and all reason dissolved into a tumult, across which 
flashed the happy memories of our homes, still so near in 
time and space, as painful as the thrusts of a sword." 
— Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz 

Someone will say it lasts but a year, 
Three times four months; 
I say those are days and nights 
That are endless. 
Every day — twelve hours, 
Every night — seven hundred minutes, 
Every minute — sixty seconds, 
Each second with its load of pain and 
— Written in Polish by an unknown Jewish 
girl found at Auschwitz 

"Scrolls of Testimony" is a moving chronicle of the Jewish Holocaust compiled by Abba 
Kovner, who struggled with other Jewish resistance fighters against the Nazis in Vilna 
and the woods of Lithuania. Kovner's testimony is interwoven with others' eyewitness 
accounts, diary entries, poems, and even last wills and testaments. 


page 2 


imiiikmmt A'!!! i 

"The Intifada is my $on." 

Palestinian women are well-aware that they are on the frontline in every 
aspect of the Intifada. As the insurrection developed, and, tens of 
thousands of men were detained by the military, women took over the 
fight. With their men gone, there was no one else to do it,'butit.was more 
than that. The women became aware of their importance, and they were no 
longer prepared to be bystanders or widows. Participation was all. 

They recognized, even as they fought, the similarities between 
themselves. and the Algerian women in the war against French colonial 
rule in 1958-1964. Then, Muslim women also carried weaponry under 
their clothing and sacrificed their freedom and lives for the cause. After 
independence was won, however, the men made sure they went back into 
their home in the traditional role of Muslim wife — even to the extent of 
being forced to wear the veil once more. 

Palestinian women are thoroughly determined that they will not meet 
the same fate once the battle is won... They have the Algerian example, 
and they know their men. They are not prepared to be soldiers now and 
second-class citizens later. Their battle for independence as women has to 
be fought alongside with the Intifada, while they are in a position of power. 

On general strike days, which occurred at least twice a week, the girls joined 
the boys in stoning anyone driving a car or attempting to work. The shebab 
was a fearful force, the girls possessing as deadly an aim with the stone or 
Molotov as their brothers. 

Fatin, a blond, blue-eyed ten year old from Al Jalazoun camp near Ramallah 
on the West Bank mimed a hand-to-hand struggle she had with a soldier the 
previous day. Her family had been given ten minutes to evacuate their home 
before it was demolished as a "terrorist stronghold." Beside Fatin stood her 
twenty-year-old sister, holding up X-rays, which showed two bullets lodged 
in her chest — the result of being outside during a demonstration. 

What of men, I asked her (Nadia). After all, there were thousands who had 
not been detained. She chuckled, "Men, I am afraid to say, by about thirty- 
five, are out of it: they get scared and they have responsibilities. They like to 
talk politics, but they are bad at action." Other Palestinian women said the 
same thing: that men liked to sit and talk and think they ruled the roost, but in 
these days it was the women who acted. 

Nadia gave me examples of women's bravery. One old woman went out 
with the shebab on every demonstration carrying a big basket full of stones, 
which she handed out to the children. Another old woman from Dehaisha 
camp near Bethlehem, had had her home demolished because she sat on the 
roof hurling slabs at soldiers. Then there was the tale of a woman in the same 
camp who saved a four-year-old boy as he fled from the soldiers. The child 
ran into her house, and she gathered him under her dress. When the soldiers 
burst in to search for the boy, all they found was a woman sitting on the floor. 

"You see, everyone does what he or she can. It is our way of life, 
and until we have won, there is nothing else that is important." 

I assume that all anarchists would agree that we want to put an end to every institution, structure and system of domination 
and exploitation. The rejection of these things is, after all, the basic meaning of anarchism. Most would also agree that among 
these institutions, structures and systems are the state, private property, religion, law, the patriarchal family, class rule... 

In recent years, some anarchists have begun to talk in what appears to be broader terms of the need to destroy civilization. 
This has, of course, led to a reaction in defense of civilization. Unfortunately, this debate has been mainly acrimonious, 
consisting of name-calling, mutual misrepresentation and territorial disputes over the ownership of the label "anarchist," 
rather than real argumentation. One of the problems (although probably not the most significant one) behind this incapacity 
to really debate the question is that very few individuals on either side of it have tried to explain precisely what they mean by 
"civilization." Instead, it remains a nebulous term that represents all that is bad for one side and all that is good for the other. 
In order to develop a more precise definition of civilization, it is worthwhile to examine when and where civilization is said 
to have arisen and what differences actually exist between societies currently defined as civilized and those not considered as 
such. Such an examination shows that the existence of animal husbandry, agriculture, a sedentary way of life, a refinement of 
arts, crafts and techniques or even the simple forms of metal smelting are not enough to define a society as civilized (though 
they do comprise the necessary material basis for the rise of civilization) . Rather what arose about ten thousand years ago in 
the "cradle of civilization" and what is shared by all civilized societies but lacking in all those that are defined as "uncivilized" 
is a network of institutions, structures and systems that impose social relationships of domination and exploitation. In other 
words, a civilized society is one comprised of the state, property, religion (or in modern societies, ideology) , law, the patriarchal 
family, commodity exchange, class rule — everything we, as anarchists, oppose. 

To put it another way, what all civilized societies have in common is the systematic expropriation of the lives of those who 
live within them. The critique of domestication (with any moral underpinnings removed) provides a useful tool for 
understanding this. What is domestication if not the expropriation of the life of a being by another who then exploits that life 
for her or his own purposes? Civilization is thus the systematic and institutionalized domestication of the vast majority of 
people in a society by the few who are served by the network of domination. 

Thus the revolutionary process of reappropriating our lives is a process of decivilizing ourselves, of throwing off our 
domestication. This does not mean becoming passive slaves to our instincts (if such even exist) or dissolving ourselves in the 
alleged oneness of Nature. It means becoming uncontrollable individuals capable of making and carrying out the decisions 
that affect our lives in free association with others. 

It should be obvious from this that I reject any models for an ideal world (and distrust any vision that is too perfect — 
I suspect that there the individual has disappeared) . Since the essence of a revolutionary struggle fitting with anarchist ideals 
is the reappropriation of life by individuals who have been exploited, dispossessed and dominated, it would be in the process 
of this struggle that people would decide how they want to create their lives, what in this world they feel they can appropriate 

to increase their freedom, open possibilities and add to their enjoyment, and 
what would only be a burden stealing from the joy of life and undermining 
possibilities for expanding freedom. I don't see how such a process could 
possibly create any single, universal social model. Rather, innumerable ex- 
periments varying drastically from place to place and changing over time 
would reflect the singular needs, desires, dreams and aspirations of each and 
every individual. 

So, indeed, let's destroy civilization, this network of domination, but not in 
the name of any model, of an ascetic morality of sacrifice or of a mystical 
disintegration into a supposedly unalienated oneness with Nature, but rather 
because the reappropriation of our lives, the collective recreation of 
ourselves as uncontrollable and unique individuals is the destruction of 
civilization — of this ten thousand year old network of domination that has 
spread itself over the globe — and the initiation of a marvelous and frightening 
journey into the unknown that is freedom. . m nj ul Disobedience 

from"the (garden of TecuCiarities" 

by Jesus Sepulvida 

iJumSer 9 

The state exists because it territorializes 
itself. It builds itself through colonizing 
territorial expansion. This expansion comes 
about through the forced deterritorialization 
of the original inhabitants from the lands 
that the state has appropriated. This 
appropriation implies the mobilization of 
military force that the state can use to 
expand or maintain its territory. This has meant 
wars and genocide. But the state also has its 
experts to write history; they turn the facts around 
so as to justify their atrocities and obligate 
following generations to repeat the meaningless 
official litanies written by the experts. 

Education, then, is nothing more than the institution- 
alization of disciplines of training and domestication, 
a training ground where children and adolescents are 
taught to perpetuate the dominant system. There they 
learn to give way to the dominant order and they 
begin the process of reification. On these parade 
grounds or schools of social indocrination, the ideology 
that legitimates the system is reproduced. New members 
of society internalize a false consciousness which 
inflates in them like a lung until everyone repeats with 
more or less success the same discourse. Its idea is 
that everyone says, dreams, and thinks that this is the 
best of all possible worlds. And if it has its faults, it 
doesn't matter because it can be made better. Thinking 
anything different is to be part of the anarchistic ranks, 
to go crazy or to call to insurrection. According to 
Adorno, standardization obliges the subject to 
choose between mercantilization or schizophrenia. 
There is no exit from this binary mold. 

In this society, preferring the garden to cement is seen 
with distrust. And depending on the political wind of the 
moment, this preference can cost one's life. When the 
system breaks and sheep escape from the flock, prisons grow 
with criminal efficiency, as well as coups d'etat, raids, tear 
gas, repressive measures, war, etc. While all of this is occurring, 
the state reinforces its propaganda through radio, television 
and newspapers. And so the state materializes itself in the 
minds of individuals. 

Nation states assemble their repressive apparati — police and 
military — to protect the transnationals and expand a lifestyle 
of standardization based on the reduction of humans into 
economic units of production and consumption. With this, 
a new kind of territorialization and labor slavery is produced. 
The technology and the goods that the global minority 
dominant class uses are manufactured in sweatshops that 
operate with the logic of exploitation. Schools and factories 
are centers of control imposed by the state. In order to 
abolish the state, it is necessary to abolish factories and 
schools. The authoritarianism that the civilized order 
reproduces in these institutions is responsible for ethnic 
cleansing, political genocide, and social exploitation. 
In order to construct a world without hierarchies, jails, 
propaganda, or coups, it is necessary to sweep away the state. 
And it depends on us to wipe it off the face of the earth. 

page 3 



Fall of Ro 

"One day shall come of haughty 

Rome, a deserved blow from heaven. 

You will be plundered and destroyed 

and with wailing and gnashing 

of teeth you will pay. " 

- Cybeline Oracle 

In these times I think it is important 
and inspiring to remember the fall of 
Rome, as parable and as analogy. 

Rome is remembered as the greatest of ancient 
civilizations. Its accomplishments are 
celebrated just as the so-called advancements 
of this civilization, at the expense of the 
world, are trumpeted. From the beginning, 
Rome had built its empire by conquest and 
force of arms. It was ruthless in its lust for 
power, and "insatiable in its ambition", 
defining qualities characteristic of all 
civilization itself. Rome was an imperialist 
empire, as they all are, that controlled a great 
part of their known world and expanded 
continually through conquest and coloni- 
zation. The Empire amassed huge armies of 
slaves needed to build up the monster and 
on whose backs the empire was founded. 
But the enslaved and humiliated barbarians 
were tired of it. As Rome waged its wars of 
conquest, rebellion plagued the empire and 
demanded constant repression. 

I do not though make a distinction 
between different or separate civilizations. 
There are different cultures and societies, 
different variations, but there is only one 
civilization. All the civilized societies for 
the last 10,000 years are all part of the 
same monster, the same pathology. I only 
use Rome as an example. For at the time 
it was the most egregious example of 
civilization's destructiveness. 

Just like the US, Rome engendered 
extreme contempt from its neighbors and 
colonies. At the height of its imperial reign, 
dislike for the Roman Empire also reached 
a peak. Resentment festered on the periphery. 
Not only were people degraded by Rome's 
colonization of them, but also Roman officials' 
flaunting of their wealth made them 
contemptuous and jealous. Romans always 
reveled in grandiose displays of power. They 
rode gold plated chariots through the streets 
with gold woven into their clothes attending 
lavish parties celebrating their excess. 
Americans drive around in their SUV's with 
diamond rings and fancy clothes, all created 
from the slave labor of their colonies. 
Americans conquer and slaughter people all 
over the world, then redirect all their riches 
and resources back to US corporations. This 
leaves the people unable to supply themselves 
with what is left and unable to live self- 
sufficiently, forcing them to depend on the 
colonizer. And we wonder why we are hated? 
We, the Romans, are living in plenty off the 
blood soaked stolen riches of our conquered 
and colonized victims. 

"I have no more faith than a grain of 

mustard in the future of 'civilization '. 

I know now it is doomed to destruction — 

probably before very long. What a joy it is 

to think of and how often it consoles me 

to think of barbarism once more flooding 

the world, with real feelings and passions — 

however rudimentary — taking the place 

of our wretched hypocrisies. " 

- William Morris 

It should be no surprise that the local Roman 
viceroy parading his riches through the streets 
would earn the hatred directed against the rulers 
and governors and all they represent. A later 
consequence of this was that the civilized 
rulers of peoples that Rome had colonized 
grew jealous and demanded that Rome share 
its wealth. This led several such non-Roman 
rulers, referred to as barbarians, yet as 
civilized as any Roman governor, to revolt 
and attack Rome demanding a portion of its 
spoils. Coincidentally, this was the situation 
with the famous barbarian group that sacked 
Rome in 410 AD that supposedly started the 
decline of the Roman Empire. The leader of 
that Gaelic tribe, Alaric, was an intellectual, a 
thoroughly civilized man who was well read in 
all the classical works, who spoke Latin 
fluently and was a great respecter of Rome. 

He enjoyed the respect of Roman officials and 
was thought of as noble by them. He thought 
he and his people deserved a slice of the pie of 
Rome's riches. So he ordered his armies to 
attack Rome from the north and surprisingly 
met with little to no resistance. His forces were 
even welcomed at times, as the poor of the 
Roman cities/colonies sided with him and his 
armies hoping for a reprieve from the 
oppressive Roman order. He made it all the 
way to the city of Rome itself and demanded 
huge ransoms of gold, silver, crops, and iron 
when his protests were not heard. His forces 
were held at bay outside the defended city until 
slaves within Rome opened up the gates and 
let the barbarians in. 

It was inconceivable that the very city of 
Rome itself in the heart of the empire could be 
attacked and destroyed. Romans thought the 
capital untouchable and never thought they 
might be vulnerable or that they could be 
victims themselves. It awakened Rome to the 
threat its cruel policies created. This attack was 
an omen of catastrophe. 

As Rome grew so too did the rest of the world's 
hatred of it. Just as Americans do now, Rome faced 
increasing hostility from the rest of the world it 
sought to dominate. Before September 1 1th, anti- 
US sentiment was at an all time high. With 
America's new fumbling puppet ruler, son of a 
former dictator hated for his own bloody rule, 
America's arrogance and brutality were brought to 
the surface and made easier to see for what it is. 

With America's blocking of the Kyoto protocol, 
which was a world wide attempt to slow down 
the industrial emissions of greenhouse gasses, 
(a pitiful liberal reform attempt at using 
legislation techniques to stop industrialism's 
destruction of the planet) world wide frustration 
directed at the Imperial entity that is driving 
life on earth towards death rose to a high 
public pitch. US covert actions and backing 
of ruthless dictators has earned us the reputation 
of brutal overlords, and caused great disliking 
of America for years. Likewise, Rome's 
military conquests built up enemies of Rome 
that grew in ranks as the campaigns of 
conquest continued. These people fought back, 
waging more and more attacks on the evil 
empire. Resistance to Rome became more 
successful when barbarian soldiers who were 
forced to serve in the Roman army returned 
to their home and used their new military 
knowledge against the colonizer they 
learned it from. 

Nature itself seemed to be 
conspiring against the empire. 

Other things of note brought Rome to its 
demise. Rome had other bills to pay. The 
chickens did come home to roost in Rome 
in the various attacks and raids, revolts, 
uprisings and power struggles. But they 
also came from nature, which Rome had 
overtaxed beyond its limits. It was time for 
Rome to pay up on the debt it had borrowed 
from the ecosystem. The aqueducts that are 
acclaimed as so technologically advanced, 
that earned Rome such high respect from 
modern civilization and that set Rome apart 
in history; drained the water reservoirs that 
once quenched its diabolical thirst. These 
water sources that allowed so many to live 
sedentary lives so unnaturally in huge 
numbers, crowded into cities made of dried 
earth, eventually ran out and stopped feeding 
this crazed juggernaut. The natural 
aquifers had been drained, and the 
ecosystems that thrived in them destroyed. 
The roads Rome are famous fori 
destroyed ecosystems across its empire. 
These roads allowed for easy transport of 
military personnel, trade, and the everyday 
managing of the empire. They separated 
intact ecosystems, disrupted animals' 
territories, and created artificial boundaries 
that affected essential animal behavior. 
Furthermore, they created water runoff 
problems and erosion. The roads, which 
allowed Rome to grow and maintain its 
empire, contributed to an ecological disaster. ., 




The needle moves inside the vein, 
piercing the skin, sliding into the 1 

The blood flows around it, 
and is extracted into the tube 
filled with the boiled down mixture: 

feu. u cyua^iymi ^ai u ucyfJciauiuii; 

the mixture of misery 
and loneliness, i 

the search. 

The finger pushes down, 
releasing full force into the lifeblood 
what takes the place of 
broken dreams. 

His eyes roll back, 

the relief is moving through her body,' 

the lust for life subsides 

this is the death of dreams. 

Around this body, 

this frightened and confused soul, 

is a box: 

four walls, a ceiling and a floor. 

The box is a box within a box. 
The whole world of this soul 
is enslaved: without bars, 
without knowing. . 

But the soul knows something 1 
is there. ~ J 

Bars surround, and the soul knows -- 
without knowing. 

The soul searches for a way out, 
But is misguided by what 
it is told, 

buried in the Future 
of the box builders. 

I can't say I know 

what he felt, 

as she injected 

a syringe full of lost hope 

into the desperate veins, 

of the tattered soul. 

I know the box, 
I know the builders, 
I know what the soul 
was told, 

for the message is 


It seeks to destroy 

dreams, hopes: 


page 4 

The boiled down 
5 mixture of cryi 

fear, confusion, lust, 
> desire, angst, and love, 

is just what 

happens to those who 

don't share the 


- in the eyes of the builders. 

The message is built into 
our minds, 
from birth 

to death. 

To the builders, 
death is to be eliminated. 
The builders build 
so that they will exist 

It pushes down 
the dreamers, 
so that they will 
build for the builders. 
It destroys the dreamers 
by creating "Forever". 

The builders think 
only of "Futures. " 

They fear life, 
because life has 
beauty in the moment, 
and all moments end. 

The dreamers dream, 
but the dream is not 
separate. It is 

The dreamers find a 
world of possibilities, 
and exist as is. 

The builders have 
lost their ability 
to dream, and so 
they search the 

"Universe" for 

The search does not 

end at thought, but 
is carried out. 
It builds space ships, 
satellites, pyramids, 

Twin Towers. 

He is in another 
world now, searching 
through a field of 

pills, sitcoms, 

ten-point programs, school, 

excess. . . 

She is hoping 

to find something, 

to believe in, 

because, to them, there is 

nothing left in 

this world. 

(now covered 
with concrete, 
towers, steel, 
plastic. . . . ) 

The escape flows 
through the veins, 
the sacred body, 

has been violated. 

The eyes roll back, 
the body convulses, 



The stories 

he was once told, moved 

through healthy forests, 

(thicker than imaginable) 
under a sky full of passenger pigeons, 
surrounded by thick herds of bison, 
air that never hurt to breathe, 
water that didn't destroy 
your insides as you drank it. 

To her, this world 

is only a tale, 
a Disney movie at best. 

He was never that hunter 
and she never that gatherer. 
Their world is much smaller 
than that. 

The world they had 
heard of, read about, 

dreamed of: 
that place of ! 

possibilities and life 
is not here for them. 

The builders have 

convinced them 
that there is no place for | 

dreams in "real life. " 

Truly, the heritage of Rome is a desert. It 
clear-cut the forests in its colonies just as surely 
as it did its own. Civilization's touch destroys 
nature wherever it goes. Over-hunting, and agri- 
cultural attempts to feed the massive population 

i depleted the "natural resources" (a civilized word 
for plants and animals). Soil erosion and 
salinization by agriculture sometimes led to the 
inability to feed the population, and it contributed 

> in the long run to the collapse of the empire. 

"Words cannot express how bitterly 

we will be hated among foreign 

nations because of the outrageous 

conduct of the men we have sent to 

govern them. All the provinces are 

complaining about Roman greed and 

Roman injustice. I remind you 
gentlemen, Rome will not be able to 
hold out against the whole world. I do 
not mean against its power 

and arms at war, but 
against its groans, tears, 
and lamentations. " 
- Cicero 

Rome was the greatest empire 
in the world because it was ever expanding. 
It grew to encompass all the land bordering the 
Mediterranean Sea, into Africa, the Middle East 
as far as the Caspian Sea. It extended far to the 
north throughout France and deeply into 
England. But the empire overextended itself. It 
grew so big that even with its many tentacles it 
could not maintain control. The empire had 
become unmanageable. Its armies could not be 
everywhere at once, and took too long crossing 
the empire when needed. It became impossible 
to maintain order so far from the capital. 

Rome, as a large and complex society, had a 
huge bureaucracy. Bureaucracies reproduce 
themselves, and are ever growing. Eventually, 
the bureaucracy grew so large that it became 
unmanageable, it grew top heavy, and 
crumbled under its own weight. Getting food 
and provisions to the armies on the frontier 
became harder as the frontiers expanded 
further out. Orders took too long to get to the 
far reaches of the empire and direct control 
'became impossible. When Rome fell it was 
waging wars on all sides, defending all its 
borders. On a parallel note, we are seeing a 
rise in attacks directed against America and 
its symbols and monuments of power. 

I think something that should not go unnoted 
are the slave revolts within Rome. Rome's 
slaves outnumbered its citizens two to one in 
some places, so great attention was needed to 
keep them in control. Slaves were feared by 
the aristocracy who knew that if given the 
chance, many would slit their throats while 
they slept. The truth in the situation was 
expressed in the old proverb "Every slave is 
an enemy", showing that the Romans knew 
they were despised by their slaves. 

Of course, a huge factor in the fall of Rome 
was the struggle for power. Late in Rome's 
history the Empire split between the East and 
the West. It is worth noting that it was in one 
of these struggles for power that emperor 
Constantinople reportedly saw the vision of a 
burning cross in the sky with the words 
"In hoc signo vinces", "By this sign you will 
conquer". He had the cross painted on the 
shield of his army and was victorious against 
his rival for power in a bloody battle outside 
of Rome. This was the first in a long line of 
violent battles fought for power under that sign, 
the cross. When his armies were victorious he 
converted to Christianity and declared it a 
legal religion in Rome, giving it the legitimacy 
and boost it needed to rise to power and 
become the agent of destruction that it did. 
Before this, Christianity was a small unpopular 
cult. This move to make it legally accepted not 
only spelled disaster for the world and its future, 
but also even for Rome itself. 

The largest way in which Christianity 
aided Rome's downfall was the role it played 
in the bureaucratic split between East and West 
Rome. Part of the reason Constantine moved 
the capital to 
Constantinople was 
because Rome was 
still mostly Pagan 
and not Christian. 
The division into 
two empires, really 
undertaken by 
Dioclesian, was an 
attempt to stop the 
decline of the 
empire. The split 
quickened the 
collapse because it 
created a large 
number of addi- 
tional government 
officials and 
b u reaucracies. 
These added to the 
heavy inflation 
weighing on the 
empire. This was 
possibly the only 
time Christian 
missionaries and 
zealots hurt civili- 
zation instead of 
expanding it. 
It wasn't long until Christianity produced the 
first ascetic monks, which should be no 
surprise since in this new religion suffering 
was a mark of holiness. They practiced self- 
deprivation and a rigid renunciation of desire. 
It effectively tamed desire and instinct. 
Christianity directly embodied the values of 
civilization. Constantine later used Christianity 
to unify the empire because it 
preached the values that civilization 
is based on: obedience, discipline, 
and monotheism. Constantine ruled 
with absolute power and saw himself 
as the thirteenth apostle. Soon there 
were over sixty decrees outlawing 
other religions and Christianity took 
no time developing its oppressive 
patterns for years to come. 

The Western Roman Empire 
centered at the original 
capital at Rome fell first 
in 476 AD, followed a 
few centuries later by 
the Rome of the East, 
which degenerated 
and then rose again as 
part of the Byzantine 

While stands the 
Rome shall stand; 
When falls the 
Rome shall fall; 
And when Rome falls 
- the World. 

- Lord Byron 

With their world collapsing into chaos, the 
Roman's thirst for macabre distraction grew. 
Rome celebrated its anniversary and its victory 
over Romania in the most fitting way, with 117 
continuous bloody days of ongoing gladiatorial 
games in the Coliseum in which 9,000 gladiators 
died and countless more animals were slaughtered, 
while barbarians hammered at the walls and 
rebellion broke out in the provinces. In fact, 
distraction was a key feature of Rome. Intent 
to distract themselves, most Romans "did not 
notice the social fabric shredding around 
them". The Roman rulers learned early on the 
value of appeasement in controlling the people, 
and in keeping them distracted. Rome's most 
effective means of doing this was "Bread and 
Circuses". The "Bread and Circuses" was the 
government giving the people what they 
wanted, to keep them happy. The Roman 
government gave out food to the poor to keep 
them content, a daily ration of food and small 
sum of money, and provided lavish entertainment 
to divert their attention. 

The great gladiatorial games of Rome were 
part of Rome's methods of distracting and 
controlling the people. Even the poorest people 
could at least look down on those punished in 
the Coliseum. These games and competitions 
served the purpose that T.V. does now. Most 
emperors spent huge sums of public money 
keeping the people amused. The Coliseum 
itself was built as a gift to the people, and 
admittance was free. It was an attempt to buy 
off the people. The events were ultra spectacles. 
The gladiators, from the word gladus for sword, 
went to great lengths to keep the crowd 
entertained and distracted. When the gladiators 
fought they made it as dramatic as they could 
to increase the spectacle, making large swings 
with their weapons when they weren't necessary. 

It is easy to see how important the games 
were to the rulers; there was an amphitheater 
in every Roman town. In fact, an amphitheater 
was seen as essential to every roman city, 
along with a market place, theater, and courthouse. 
The word coliseum itself comes from the word 
Colossus. The famous arena was actually 
named the Coliseum during the Middle Ages, 
after the colossal statue of Nero that stood 
beside it. But its real name at the time of its 
use was the Flavian Amphitheatre. 

The Coliseum held 60,000 spectators, more 
than most of the modern stadiums. The 
amphitheater in the city of Pompeii held 5 
times more people than its total population. 
But the immense popularity of this form of 
distraction is best exemplified by the size of 
the Circus Maximus. The Circus Maximus was 
the circular racing arena, also in the city of 
Rome, where the chariot races took place. 
It held 200,000 spectators! 

(continued on next page) 

page ^ 


The builders buried their cha 

long ago. 
They started building by 
pushing tools into -toe soil 

manipulating, altering, 
taming. . . 

The builders came from 
millions of years 
of being an evolutionary, 
ecological 1 
a part of the community of 

Its hard to say 
why they began diggi 
pushing, developing, ' 


enslaving. . . 
but we are left with 
this, their legacy, 

their Future. 

The search for life, di 
ends in tragedy, 

only to be me 
by the professional de^ 

They mate movies, sitcom 
internets, entertainm 

Our pain, our death, 

is all potential profit. 
We bond to share an 
experience, this experience. 
We desperately seek 
each other, 

and with all the high tech 

we grab nothing but emptiness 
with the mild sense of hope. . . 

The eyes roll back, 

the fists move, 

the anger is unleashed, 

the stranger has just left 
the scene, leaving only a 
body count. . . 

the professionals are left 
to piece together 

the "real life" tragec 

they are only a part of the pro 

cities are built, people 
ished together so close that they 
have nothing left of them- selves 
anymore, it drives a dreamer crazy, 
but the craziness is actually 

ends" are tidied up. it is gift 
wrapped and sold and exchanged and 
taught to say "thank you" and "appreciate" 
when something "good" is done. 

morals, manners, lessons, 
ethics: all fancy names for obedience, 
law and order. 

The builders start a new thing: 

They are now engineers, leaders, 

TVV1 4+4/Mow «_ hr>«nOrt r\mv\ 

To build an efficient Future, 

ver mind millions of y 
never mind the millions of 
humans have: 

co-existed and dreamed and embraced 
chaos without annihilating each other, 
or enslaving, or oppressing, or creating 
systems, governments, cities, 

a£rTvfr>ii1+.iiT»s. ffinneo. oiVhonl o. ■poado. 

railroads, bikes, jobs, factories, and 

Animals were used extensively in the Coliseum 
games. The animals were there to wonder at, 
to fear, to dominate, and to die. They were wild, 
captivating spectacles from beyond the order 
of civilization, captured at civilization's edges. 
The frontiers had been pushed out so far that 
there was little exposure to the other, the 
savage for the average Roman. So when 
exotic animals were brought back from 
Rome's distant campaigns, it offered a unique 
chance to behold that novelty. It seems 
that the animals represented wildness 
as a whole. Scenery in the Coliseum 
would be changed to replicate the world 
that the beast was from to reenact the 
hunt. This was done to recreate the 
process of conquering the wild, the 
ritual of civilization. 
The crowds had such an appetite for 
exotic animals that many of the animals 
used for coliseum games were hunted 
to extinction. A whole species of 
African elephant was among many 

^iZATlnu^ ma ^ e extinct. In a humorous letter, 
Cicero discusses the shortage of wild 
animals to be captured in the province 
of which he was provincial governor: 
"there is a remarkable shortage of the 
animals, and only a few of 'those 
^ panthers' remain". The stench of death 
at the coliseum became so over- 
whelming that they tried to cover it 
up with a system of sprinklers spraying 
perfume throughout the stadium. I am 
reminded of all the myriad ways in 
which the stench of death that 
civilization carries with it are covered 
over, or ignored. 

An interesting analogy between 
Roman culture and American is that 
the gladiators were seen as sports heroes 
are today. They were admired by children and 
some small toys of gladiators were found. 
Many statues of famous gladiators had figures 
of wild animals as their penis, making clear 
the connection between patriarchy, domination, 
and conquest. 

with civilization. 

They start thinking further ahead, 

"If not now, when?" 
anything is possible, so they will do 


to ensure that they aren't affected: 

nevermind the dreams. . 

What they build are pyramids, 
monuments to themselves. 
And they crown themselves 
and each other, craft 

I fi r.Yl U-.M H31 ■■•TTiTi IT?I U ii 1 1>~«. ».l i 

All things, all distractions. 

The dreamers are a 
potential for labor. 
There's no benefit in 

them to carry on as they were. 

They create slavery, 

they create slaves, 
they justify slavery, 
they convince us that it is good, 

except this time they call it: 
individualism, freedom, quality of life, 

they call this dreams. 

The builders did more than 

Iust plant instead of forage, 
hey created a new being, 

they tried to stop the world 
in its tracks and create a new 
thing, hierarchies form, property 
is created, linear is emerging, life 
is being pushed aside for Future. 

lines are put across the 
planet, and militaries are created 
to enforce them, we stop being one, 
and the world is against us. we fear, 
we make laws, we enforce them, we go 
to war, we make steel tools, weapons, 
and we don't stop, we don't learn, 
we tear apart this planet, our 
home, it starts here. 

it continues: 

nations are drawn up and 
invaded, peoples trying to live are 
buried up to their head in the sand, 
and a game is made of kicking them 
off. whole tribes are torn from each 
other and their home, they are 
overcrowded on ships and sent over to 
be cheaper slaves, auctioned off, 
legalized, illegalized (read: renamed), 
and sacrificed. 

she snorts her dreams, 
he stops eating 

because he thinks he looks fat, 
she is suffering from liver damage, 
he collapsed coming home from work, 
she has breast cancer, 

UC \jO.XX U bJ-CC^ GLXXJT iuv xo 

she can't take it, 

and he beat her up 

because he can't take it either. 

She is locked up 

because her searching wasn't 

the right option 

... in the eyes of the builders. 

She knows he is dying, 
and she doesn't know what to do about it. 
He is confident that her options 
are the best. 

They are convinced that they 

are happy. 

So they roll their joy 

up and burn it into their lungs, 

while their dream world is 

burned into their brain, 

through their eyes, ears, veins. . . 

He doesn't even hear 
the hum of machines any more, 
and she plays music full blast 
because its too quiet. 

they grasP on and ride full speed, 
searching. . . 

The fate of the builders' Future 

is not hard to imagine. 

They can take erode our 

dreams, and push us into History, 
but we can see where their 
story (the anti-myth) ends. 

It has happened before, 
and it will happen again, 
because the builders 
arenDt capable of stopping, 

or wondering, or being, 
they push along, 
pushing all of us along. 

Tacitus said in the 2nd century A.D., 

"Robbery, murder, are all disguised 

under the Name Empire" 

As Rome grew, so too did the gap between 

rich and poor. "A cruel inequality that would 

haunt the empire till its very end". Rome was 

booming from spoils of war and nature. 

If you were rich 

enough to enjoy it, 

life in Rome was 

indeed like the 

Rome we hear of. 

But for most, it was 

a life of squalor. 

Class lines were 

rigidly drawn, and 

hostility between 

the classes was 

intense. There 

were two main 

classes, the Plebian 

class made up 

mostly of Roman 

farmers and the 

poor, and the 

Patrician class 

who were the 


nobles. All the 

officials in Rome 

were from the 

Patrician class. 

The richest were 

wealthy as the 

empire itself, but most of the inhabitants were 

packed into small multi-story apartments. Behind 

the splendor of the Forum where the Senate 

met, there were vast areas of crowded slums. 

The wars of expansion had brought wealth and 
slaves. A half million slaves were taken from 
the conquest of Carthage alone. 10,000 slaves 
a day were brought in through Rome's main 
port. At its peak 1 in 3 people in Rome was a 
slave. Until the 5th century B.C. Rome was 

dotted by family farms, but small family farms 
were driven out by the large estates that started 
developing and came to dominate the landscape. 
The small farmers couldn't compete with the 
large estates that employed slave labor. It was 
also common for some peasants to return from 
compulsory military service to find that their 
land had been bought or stolen by aristocrats. 
Soon the peasants were displaced and drifted 
into the cities, creating a new urban underclass. 
This caused the city of Rome to grow to 7 
million people, the largest city in Europe until 
the Industrial Revolution. No jobs were 
available because the huge slave population 
was used to perform the needed tasks. But 
thousands of hungry citizens would have been 
a threat to the peace of the city. So the government 
set up a program to feed the poor called the 
"dole", a daily ration of food and small sum 
of money. Soon, half the people living in the 
cities were given the grain dole. One-fourth 
of the grain from Africa was given to the 
poor of Rome. 70-80% of the population 
relied on one grain. 

"Our history now plunges from a 
kingdom of gold, to one of Iron and rust" 

- Eutropius, Roman historian, 

end of 3rd century A.D. 

It is very interesting that Rome ultimately fell 
because of civilization itself. In fact, one of 
civilization's most basic tenets led to its 
collapse. The characteristic feature of 
civilization is displacement. Shut out by the 
Chinese landlords, the Huns had no option but 
to move west. As they moved they pushed all 
tribes in their path west as well. This cycle of 
displacement continued and many groups were 
pushed as far west as they could go and were 
pushed up against Rome's eastern borders. 
Expanding civilizations elsewhere displaced 
the famous barbarians that attacked Rome 
in the last few centuries. 

From 235A.D. to 285 A.D., a strong epidemic, 
declining supply of wheat, and barbarian 
invasions marked the beginning of the 
decline of the Roman Empire. The last 
emperor, Romulus Augustulus, was disposed 
of the throne. It is very interesting that the 
first and the last Emperors of Rome were 
named Romulus. The first president of the 
United States was named George, the 
current president is also named George. . . 
might he also be the last? 

The fall of Rome was a magnificent event. 
An event to be celebrated, as it was the 
collapse of what was 
at the time the most 
destructive, alienating, 
and brutal society. 
Rome fell slowly, over 
a period of centuries. 
Civilization is collaps- 
ing, ever degenerating. 
Sometimes slowly, 
sometimes in fits of 
ecological catastrophe 
and social break- 
down. America is also 
falling. But America is 
much larger an empire 
than Rome was, and 
all its vices, habits, 
hierarchies, and 
exploitation dwarf 
Rome in destructive- 
ness. Its obsessions 
with ecological 
destruction make 
the modern techno- 
industrial empire all 
the more unsustainable. 
The fall of Rome 
should be instructive. The contempt, jealousy, 
and hatred from its oppressed and colonized, 
the destruction of its ecological base, its 
over-extended empire, and top heavy 
bureaucracy all led to its fall. I propose that 
modern civilization has surpassed even 
Rome in all these factors. The only thing 
keeping this corpse propped up is its ability, 
superior to any variant of civilization so 
far, to convince its subjects to maintain 
faith in it through over domestication, 


page 6 

and also to achieve more and more technological 
advances that keep its decaying systems alive. 
Technological medicine helped fight the plethora of 
diseases ravaging the citizens of industrial 
civilization that surely would have ended it and yet 
will still bring it to its knees. "Advancements" in 
agriculture, like poisoning the land and water with 
fertilizers and domesticating and manipulating the 
genes that make up the very essence of life, have made 
it possible to feed over-populated human cities with 
an unsustainable food source that is quickly failing. 
The list goes on and on. Without these techno-fixes 
civilization would have ended as it should have, but 
none of these is anything but a quick fix whose shallow 
solutions will fail and lose their glossy image. So, 
yes, this death machine that is western civilization 
will ultimately collapse, it's just a matter of when. 

Kingdoms fall, cities perish, 
And of what Rome once was 
Nothing remains except an empty name. 
Only the fame and honor of those things, 
Sought out in learned books, 
Escape the funeral pyres. 

— Florent Schoonhoven 

Though there is much to learn from the fall of Rome, 
my point here is not to warn us that we must change 
our ways or suffer the same fate as Rome. This is not 
a warning or plea to change when I say that we face 
the same dangers as did Rome. I am instead trying 
to show that there may yet be hope for this awful 
civilization's collapse! 

When Rome collapsed it was followed by the Dark 
Ages. Although labeled such by the prophets of this 
civilization for its backwardness and slow techno- 
logical progress, the Dark Ages were a period of a 
sort of proto-modern civilization, a horrible era not 
any better than what followed or preceded it. Will a 
similar "dark ages" follow the American Empire's 
collapse? We need to work hard to make sure that 
when America and the civilization it leads does 
collapse, we dance on its ashes, to stomp out any 
and all trace of the tendency called civilization to 
ensure that an era of freedom and harmony will follow. 

there is an inherent flaw in civilization, 
and that has brought it down before and will 
again, the builders think that they can remove 
themselves from wildness' our true being, they 
think because they are capable of manipulation, 
that it will last. 

they put up fences, maintain roads, rake 
leaves, mow lawns, put up buildings, pull out 
weeds. . . but wildness does not stop, it knows 
no Time, no Future, no Boundaries, and it will 
continue to seep through the cracks and destroy 
the monuments and empires. 

the silt that brought life to 
the (once) Fertile Crescent 

(cradle of civilization) 
sustained in ways that 
no Science or "Management - 
could ever reproduce. 

the Mesopotamians thought 
it could last forever, 
and so they built, dammed, 

ordered and directed 
the flow of the great Kile, 

just as the hundreds of dams 

infecting the veins of the earth 
do now. 
Their empires grew and fell, 
and the soil gave way. 
It seems Science and Reason 
can never replicate "Nature," 
because it has lost the 

understanding of life. 

Their domesticated animals 

inject their hooves 

onto depraved and overgrazed fields. 

Their diseases 

multiply through their confinement, 

carrying on throughout the wafter 

and infect all of us. 

(depraved of all immunity 
by eating chemicals and 
antibiotics, wiping out 
our ability to cleanse 
and balance) 

I am among 

generations of potential dreamers 

lost to the grinding noise 

of civilizations' death. 

And those who are injecting, 
watching, masturbating, 
plugging in, shooting off, 
drinking and eating it, p^ 

are my brother, my sister, my f riendt!3| 

family, lover, stranger, ^^tesiill 

our planet, our lo8jjl|§|j||j| 

my dreams .• my life. 

I breathe the toxins 
of (union, eco-f riendly) 

I drink the (piss and shit) water 

of industry, 
I eat the (organic) filth 

of agriculture 

The cancer spreads rampantly 

and blindly, 
Destroying anything in 

its path. 

The forests are cleared 

for more grazing land 

the water is destroyed. 

the soil no longer pr 

the people starve and 

power changes hands 
tightens the leash, and 
eventually crumbles. 

I live the death 

while it devours itself, 
around and of me. 

This world, this burden 
pushed upon me 

is eating me alive. 

Killing the dreams of 

Sucking the hope of 
all of us. 

his world, 
t ich has taken my birth 
my dreams' 
[A the community my 
e being once knew. 

see the slaves 

themselves trying to* 
fix it, 

while it can never 
be fixed, only 


I see a world of dreams- 
that await outside its 

I see millions of 
dreamers- waiting: 

for just that one chance 

I see this world 

and I am told to maintain it 

it is my inheritance! 
(it : Future, Legacy, Progress- Civilization) 

(again) to be 
^a nimal 
.e gate 

nd T Say td^i^juilders- 
t.h,^. oi ™JBlt>..fiii death, 

xirn, motherfucker, burn. 

-Keyia Tucker 
for mike. 


I for they are around 
I me, and I am of them, 
I and I too still search. 

ooetyis a plastic flower, plastic flowers do not fade, they melt under heat 

If you like what you just 

read- then contact: 

Coalition Against Civilization 

m. coaHtioragainstcivilization. oig 

Species Traitor 
www. specie straitor, cjb. net 
P. 0, Box 835- Greensburg, PA 

Species Traitor #3 

The primary section in this issue is on symbolic culture. We feel 
very strongly about the subject and feel that it remains a kind of 
academic or fringe obscurity while it is central to understanding 
the existence of civilization. It seems that any act of liberation 
will require a turn on this totalistic world view that we've been 
domesticated to. 

Despite the enormous efforts and focus of anarchists like John 
Zerzan, a critique of symbolic thought/culture tends to get shoved 
to the side when talking about practical means of destroying civili- 
zation and reconnecting to wildness. When we brought up the idea 
of doing a focus on symbolic culture, we were criticized for picking 
a 'timeless' and 'academic' philosophy that had no direct relation 
to dealing with the problems we face. Obviously we feel the opposite. 
How can trying to understand and revolt against the way we 
(the civilized) interact with the world be considered unimportant? 

The topic really couldn't be timelier. In this time of State conflicts 
and seeing how Bush could very well be giving civilization a final 
shove (albeit on a potentially nuclear level) it becomes all the 
more important to question what the protagonist may be. It is 
vital to realize that every bit of propaganda that comes out 
(and my, how surreal that has gotten...) is nothing but a 
complete show of how symbolic culture functions. While capitalism 
is the current face of civilization, the spectacle is the current face 
of symbolic culture. We have the media (consolidated spectacle) 
contorting the way we deal with others and trivializing our 
existence and people eat it up so long as we are preoccupied with 
'material comforts'. 

Our goal here is to draw upon a critique of the totality of civilized 
thought, symbolic culture, as a pivotal part of our relations and movement 
towards liberation. The focus here is to expose all the underlying aspects 
of civilized, and even most 'revolutionary', perception and question at the 
source. The continued existence of civilization carries on through an 
infection of the being from cradle to grave (literally). We hope the 
critiques given here will encourage others to work with these concepts 
and social relations. To destroy civilization, we must seek it out in its 
totality. We hope this issue will be another step towards total liberation. 

The other sections in this issue are ones we hope will remain constants 
and that all you folks reading this will contribute to. Those are: revolution 
and insurrection and explorations of anarchy and anthropology/ 
archaeology. We feel that there is much talk about ideas of destroying 
civilization, but much of the debate has been in the terms of those seeking 
to seize state power, whereas we feel liberation will only come through 
the abolition of power. This section is a starting point to opening up 
practical ideas of bringing this about. 

The 'exploration' section opens questions about the 'sacred cow' of 
anthropology. We realize that the anarcho-primitivist critique of civilization 
is generally considered dependent upon this field. We realize that 
anthropology is a science, and therefore shaped by the problems that come 
with it. This section began with the essay 'anarcho-primitivism beyond 
anthropology and archaeology' from Species Traitor #2, and with an 
interview with anarcho-primitivist archaeologist Theresa Kintz and some 
more about the limits and uses of anthropology. 

All 108 pages are available for $4 N. U$A/$5 World. 

Bulk rates and flat copies are available. 

For more info, check-out: 


page 7 


Godfrey Reggio could be described, simply, as a 
documentarian. However, his experimental, non- 
narrated films go far beyond the simplistic mode of 
information-based moving pictures. Instead of numbers, 
charts and equations we are presented with inscrutable 
human faces, immersed in the technological world 
through which they travel. Stunning natural oases of 
water and land barricade the ominous enormity of 
industrialism, which crashes and storms with the 
surges of Phillip Glass' minimalist orchestral score. 
Challenging, but never high-minded, encompassing 
but never elitist, Reggio has finally concluded the Qatsi 
trilogy (Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi) with 
the theatrical release of Naqoyqatsi. Each film deals 
with, respectively, the perspectives as regards 
technology within the first world, the third world and 
the digital world, to be very brief. 
Founded 33 years ago, Reggio has worked in a 
"non-ideological, mutual aid collective" which 
operated without wage labor and focused on living 
life creatively. Its members have managed to retain 
creative control over their films despite substantial 
contracts with MGM, which has released the Qatsi 
DVDs. He and his teams' creative approach to 
cataloguing and debunking the industrial division of 
labor is unprecedented in the documentary tradition. 
Reggio's work, in particular Koyaanisqatsi, is notable 
to Green Anarchists as one of the first films to question 
technology as a totality. In 
his own words, "The idea 
was to mainline in the 
vascular structure of the 
beast this form, which was 
created by technology, to 
question technology. In 
other words, these are not 
environmental films, these 
are films more about the 
presence of technology as 
a new and comprehensive 
host of life and three different 
points of view about it. " The 
current film, Naqoyqatsi, will 
finish its theatrical run on 
January 24 and arrive in a 
three-DVD set with the rest 
of the films in 2004. Reggio 
has no current plans to create 
films after the end of the 
Qatsi trilogy. 

Ski: Could you give us some 
brief background on your life in the context of what 
brought you to critiquing technological processes 
through film? What experiences, thoughts or words 
influenced your path ? 

Godfrey Reggio: Well, I think for all of us there's a 
line, even though it's quite crooked, that gives, as it were, 
some testament to who we are and what we do. In my 
case, I grew up in a very stratified society of New 
Orleans. At the age of 13/14, I decided to throw in the 
towel, that it was all too crazy, not so interesting. I was 
getting burnt out. At a young age, living in the fat as it 
were, I decided to go away and become a monk. So I 
left home. My parents were not too excited about that, 
and I stayed out for 14 years, having taken final vows as 
a Christian brother. In effect, got to live in the middle ages 
during the 1950s and learned crazy things, like the mean- 
ing of life is to give, not to receive, that we should be in 
the world but not of it. All these things I think, certainly 
influenced me. I'm very grateful for that highly disciplined, 
very rugged way of life, that would make the marine corp 
look like the boy scouts. So I think that had a big 
influence on me. During the course of that time, I saw a 
film called Los Olvidados by Luis Bunuel, the forgotten 
one, so The Young and the Damned, the first film he made 
in Mexico after being kicked out of Franco Spain. It was 
so moving to me that it was the equivalent of a spiritual 
experience. I was at that time working with street gangs. 
This film was about the street gangs in Mexico City, I 
was working with street gangs in Northern New Mexico. 
It moved me to the quick, it wasn't entertainment, it was 
something that was an event that touched me and hundreds 


and hundreds of gang members that saw it. We bought a 
16mm copy and I guess I've seen the film a couple 
hundred times. So that motivated me to look towards 
film as a medium of direct action. Now, film is usually not 
seen as that. I don't see it as entertainment in my case, 
I hope it can be a vehicle for direct action. That's how I 
became involved, it was also during that time that I had 
the good fortune to meet Ivan I Mich , lllich was a priest at 
that time, I don't know if you know who lllich is. 

Ski: I do. 

GR: Ok, he's just passed away by the way, December 
the 2nd. So I had the good fortune to become a confidant 
of his, at a young age I used to do my religious retreats in 
Mexico at his think tank. Got a great appreciation for, I 
guess, being sensitive to different points of view about 
what could be done for social change. His point of view 
was much more radical than, say, the radical left of the 
country, which was anti-war, social justice and a good 
dose of socialism or communism. His radicalism was way 
beyond that, it was much more fundamental. It had to do 
with the very nature of society and institutions, not just 
who controls them, which is kind of the communist mantra. 
So I had the opportunity to be in the presence of a great 
teacher, who was also a great activist. So I think those 
things impelled me to the position I'm in now. 

Ski: One of the influences you've noted at the end 

of Naqoyqatsi 
is Jacques Ellul, 
whose critique 
of technology is 
closely intertwined 
with a Christian 
theology. You, 
yourself, were once 
a Christian monk. 
Do you feel that a 
critique of the 
dominant techno- 
logical order is 
effective in a 
religious context? 

GR: Yes I do, now 
let's talk a little bit 
about his critique. 
This was a man who 
was not accepted by 
either the organized 
religions of his day or 
the left of France. 
He was persona 
non-grata from the left and the right, much like Wilhelm 
Reich was persona non-grata of the left and right of 
Germany. Here was a man who, more than any single 
individual, has contributed to our understanding of the 
nature of technology not as something we use but as 
something we live. For Jacques Ellul, technology is the 
new and comprehensive host of life, the new environment 
of life. The problem with that statement is that our 
language hasn't caught up to the profundity of the thought, 
our language has become assumptive and no longer, in 
my opinion, describes the world in which we live. Ellul 
bore great criticism, if not persecution for his ideas, from 
the left as well as the right, because like Ivan lllich, who 
made statements like "Freedom is the ability to say 'no' 
to technological necessity", Jacques Ellul described our 
greatest act of freedom as to know that which controls 
our behavior. So both of these men were on very similar 
tracts, both of them were way outside the sphere of 
organized right and left, both of them were way to the left 
of the left. His ideas on the environment, you could call 
them Christian, but I wouldn't, certainly he was a theologian 
and he wrote many books on the word of god from his 
own point of view, but his stuff can certainly stand. His 
book for example, The Technological Society, his first 
book, 1949 I think it was really written and released here 
sometime in the mid 50s, that book is a solid philosophical, 
sociological text about the nature of technique. It's light 
years beyond anything being written now. I think, if I'm 
not mistaken, the University of California at Berkeley has 
acquired the rights to his full library, all of his notes, his 
books, and they have in there a great gem. 

Ski: What was the impetus to initiate the Qatsi trilogy? 
What motivations brought you, a person not 
associated with film into the director's chair? 

GR: Street gangs for many years, as a brother. I became 
convinced that, while there are a few loonies that probably 
would hurt anybody under any condition, most people 
are good. I believe that, it's my experience that most 
people are good, it's not something I believe, it's 
something I know. If you tell somebody they're a shit, 
they'll probably behave like a shit. If you tell somebody 
they're great, they might achieve greatness. I think that's 
the fragility of who we are. We live in a world not of this 
or that but this and that. So after working with street gangs 
for quite a long time, I realized that the context in which 
people of poverty have to try to work out how to live in 
this society is very cruel. I didn't start this project to set 
up an institution that would live forever. It was a response 
to an immediate situation, and I left to pursue film as a 
form of direct action, now by that I mean the following; 
since people are at the public trough of cinema, either 
through television or in the theater itself, I felt, what better 
place to put another idea out? Not in the form of language, 
but in the form of image and music. Let me explain that 
it's not for lack of love for the language that my films 
have no words. It's because of my, I guess, tragic thought 
that our language no longer describes the world in which 
we live. Through Ivan lllich, I had the good fortune to 
meet Paulo Freire, in Brazil, in Sao Paulo, before he 
passed on. I had a good time talking with him about this 
enormous book that he wrote, "The Pedagogy of the 
Oppressed." In that, he says that the single most important 
thing a person can do is to begin to rename the world in 
which they live. This was his form of literacy, not teaching 
one how to read a book in the traditional sense, but to 
rename the world, because when you name something, 
you in effect create it. My own thought is that our language 
is bound with antique ideas, old formulas that no longer 
describe the moment in which we are. Therefore, that 
statement, "A picture is worth a thousand words," I tried 
to take it and turn it on its head, and try to give you a 
thousand pictures that can offer the power of one word. 
In the case of each of the three films, Koyaanisqatsi, 
Powaqqatsi, Naqoyqatsi, words that come from an illiterate 
source, a primal source, a wisdom that is beyond our 
ability to describe the world. A wisdom that says that all 
things we call normal are abnormal, all things that we 
call sane are insane. Now I realize that this is a pretty 
intense point of view, but that's the point of view I ended 
up with from my own experience, not from academia but 
from being on the line in the '60s, trying to see the world 
from another point of view. 

Ski: The films were independently funded, avoiding 
governmental grant processes and industrialist 
handouts. You seem conscious of that old Marxist 
adage that the ideology closest to the means of 
production becomes the dominant ideology. Do you 
feel that you were able to avoid the constraints of 
capital influence in the Qatsi trilogy? 

GR:Well, you know, it's hard to say that. I wouldn't want 
to exempt myself from anything, all of money is dirty 
money. Whether I got my money from an angel, and I 
don't know how you get your money but it's as dirty as 
the money I got. The events that I'm talking about are 
way beyond capitalism and communism, which is its 
flipside. Both of those 'isms are much closer together 
than most people believe. They both share the same point 
of view about the instrumentality of life, the mass society, 
the industrialization of society, their only difference is who 
controls it. In the case of capitalists, it's individuals who 
have accumulated wealth on the backs and the injustice 
of millions of people, literally. In the case of the Soviets, 
it's a new class of administrators, bureaucrats, who 
created a class, in my opinion, just as ironclad and 
unjust as the capitalist class. Both really want the same 
thing, they are just concerned about who controls the 
means of production. My question is not who controls 
the means of production, but the nature of production, as 
such. The question is not whether or not workers have 
an equitable pay and a healthy work environment, which 
is the interest of organized labor, or the left that works 
with organized labor. The question, more profoundly, is, 

page 8 

what is the effect of the automobile on society and should 
we have that in the first place? So, we're dealing more 
with fundamental questions. It has become my experience, 
sadly, that human beings become their environment. We 
become what we see, what we hear, what we taste, what 
we touch. Anything that we do without question, in an 
altered state, we become that environment. If the 
environment that we live in today, as Ellul says, is a 
technological milieu or environment, if we no longer live 
with nature, and I'm not parenthetically talking about 
going back to teepees and caves etc., if our environment 
itself is technological, if we don't use technology, if we 
live it, breathe it like the air that is ubiquitous around us, 
then we become that environment. In that sense, whether 
you're communist, capitalist, socialist, primitive, an 
outsider, an artist, a revolutionary, if you live in this world, 
all of us doing that, we become this world. In that sense, 
all of us now are cyborged. 'Cyborg' is not something for 
the future, it is already here. 
We live now in both worlds. 
The old world, the world that 
'nature' replaced, old nature, 
held its unity through the 
mystery of diversity. So there 
are many languages, many 
different environments to 
live in, there's tropical, 
there's semi-tropical, there's 
mountain, there's desert, 
there's savannah, there's 
salva etc. There's not one 
flower, there's uncountable 
flowers. Not one animal, a 
zillion of them, not one human 
being, many. The mantra of 
the old world was divided we 
stand. The new world, the technological order, holds its 
unity through a technological imperative. It creates unity 
through technological homogenization. Its mantra is 
"united we stand." To me, this is the moment we're in. 
We're at that crossroads and the world is becoming 
homogenized, what we're seeing is the Los Angelization 
of the planet through technology. My work has been, in 
effect, to try to shield my eyes from the blinding light of 
the new sun, technology, seeking the darkness, walking 
towards the positive value of negation. Trying to question 
the very structures, the very contexts in which we live, 
not who controls them. 

We become what we see, what we hear, what we taste, 
what we smell, it's so easily said but it's a profound concept 
beyond the simplicity of the words that bear it. We live in 
an environment, as Ellul said, that is, in terms of a social 
event, the most enormous event of the last 5,000 years 
has gone unnoticed, the transitioning of old nature to 
new nature. Environmentalists don't get it, most of the 
environmentalism is how to make this madness safe. How 
to make cars safe, how to make industry safe, how to 
make electricity and war safe for the environment. We 
live in a time where we are like blind people, we don't 
see the moment in which we are. We no longer use 
metaphor as our means of communion or communication 
(i.e. language). Metamorphosis is the form now, where 
the transformation, where the substance of something 
is changed, the transubstantiation of something is a 
metamorphic approach to communion rather than the 
metaphoric, which is the power of language. But language 
is disappearing. At the beginning of the 20th century, there 
were over 30,000 languages and principal dialects in the 
world. Today, with many more people, over double the 
number of people that were present then, we're approaching 
4,000 languages and principal dialects. In other words, 
as the earth is being eaten up by the voracious appetite 
of technology, everything that is local is disappearing. In 
that disappearance, language disappears and when 
language disappears, we are left with a more homogenized 
language to describe the world which, again, does not give 
us access to understanding. It produces more conformity. 

Ski: With Koyaanisqatsi you examined the first world 
in great detail, starting off from stunning wild lakes, 
through constricting cities, the faces of people, 
culminating in the destruction of the space shuttle 
Challenger. Throughout this film, technology is 
portrayed as an acceleratory, agglomerating, 
isolating and destructive force. Many critics would 
charge that it is merely the arrangement of technology 
or the puppeteer behind the scenes controlling 
technology that must be changed. Do you see 
hierarchy as endemic to these systems of control? 
Can we separate technology from domination? 

GR: I don't believe, I think it's a pure myth, right, left, 
upside-down, backward, to think that we control technology. 
I think that's a joke. Technology is in the driver's seat. I 
would go to the very radical writing of Mary Shelley, not 
the Hollywood version, but her original book Frankenstein, 

where we've empowered something that's not in the 
organic realm, we've organized and allowed it to exist, 
and now it has its own life form. Now, that's very hard for 
us to get our mind around, because we give ourselves 
more credit than we're due. We think that our greatest 
attribute is our mind, actually our greatest attribute is what 
is our action, our act, what we do everyday. It's what we've 
become. Marx has this great adage, I think Marx says, 
"Is it the behavior we have that determines our 
consciousness or is it the consciousness that we have 
that determines our behavior?" And of course the answer 
for 8 out of 7 people is that it's the behavior that we involve 
ourselves in that determines our consciousness. The only 
way to avoid that is to do what Joseph Brotsky did, to 
become an outsider to society, all of us have to live in 
this world but we don't have to be of it. Brotsky decided 
not to be of it. He became, for me, a revolutionary poet, 
though he's not seen that way in the communist world. 

Stood outside, answered Marx's questions. He said 
consciousness, or removing oneself, being in the world 
but not of it, would be a way of having your mind determine 
your behavior. So, the thing that I'm railing against, 
technology, is something I use. Some would say this is 
hypocritical or contradictory, let me agree with them, that 
it is contradictory. In the sense I'm trying to communicate, 
and wishing to do so in the contradiction of a mass 
culture, then I have to consciously adopt the tools of that 
culture or the language of that culture in order to 
communicate. So it's the equivalent of fighting fire with 
fire. In that sense, I see the work that I do as direct 
action. Though I certainly use a very high-tech base, 
using that in order to make it available to raise questions 
about the very thing I'm using. 

Ski: The camerawork in city scenes throughout the 
trilogy often creates an industrial claustrophobia, 
giant buildings crowd the viewer into a confrontation 
with urban space as alienation. Living in the desert 
as long as you have, what are your impressions of 
urban civilization? 

GR: Well I grew up in urban 
civilization, in New Orleans, 
then I came out to New Mexico 
which is one of the highest 
deserts in the world. Here, the 
sky you don't look at, you 
breathe it. I've lived here now 
44 years, I consider myself 
fortunate to be out here, it's like 
the Siberia of America. In this 
magnificent beauty is this 
enormous enigma, and the evil 
demon of nuclear technology 
that sits, as the crow flies, 
about 14 miles from my window. 
So it's a place of inscrutable 
beauty and unbelievable 
demonic energy. I'm sure 
that's had an influence on me, 
being here, breathing the sky 
and having the presence of this 

monster. It allows me to have another point of view of the 
world in which I lived. When I shot Koyaanisqatsi with 
my collaborators, the way we did this film was eliminate 
all the foreground of what is a normal theatrical film, the 
plot, the characterization, the acting etc. When you don't 
have the foreground, what's left is the second unit or back- 
ground to the story. Stripping the film of all that foreground 
material, we take the background or second unit, and 
make that the foreground. So, in this case, the building 
becomes like an entity, the traffic becomes like an entity, 
something that has a life of itself. The whole purpose of 
this film was to try to see the ordinary, that which, let's 
say, we are basted in. Being marinated in the environment 
that we live in, it all seems very familiar. And I was trying 
to show that that very thing that we call familiar is itself a 
techno-fascistic way of living. So I tried to see it from 

page 9 

another point of view, I tried to see it as a life-form, albeit 
a non-organic life-form, that has a life absolutely 
independent of our own. Right now, the cities are made 
for the automobile, not for the people. When the automobile 
was brought in as a technology, they said it would just be 
a "faster horse," it wouldn't have any more effect than 
that. But we all know that's ridiculous, we all know that 
we pay a hidden price for our pursuit of technological 
happiness and we call it, instead of war, we call it accident. 
But more people die in vehicular crashes than they do in 
war, if that's even believable. So, it's just the price we're 
willing to pay for the pursuit of our technological 
happiness, and these films are about questioning that 
point of view. 

Ski: Powaqqatsi is defined at the end of the second 
film as "a way of life that consumes the life forces of 
other beings in order to further its own life. " Later you 

are quoted as saying that 
between the third world 
and the first world, 
Powaqqatsi captures "our 
unanimity as a global 
culture." Now, the film 
portrays the third world 
from agriculture to 
commodity trading, 
bartering to industry — a 
narrative is constructed 
that seems to point the 
third world in the direction 
of increasingly intensified 
civilization. To what extent 
are the narratives of 
"development" (in the 
case of the WTO and IMF) 
and "history" (in the case of Marxism) negative factors in 
the lives of people in the third world? Since the definition 
of Powaqqatsi refers to a parasitic sorcerer, is it 
reasonable to characterize the first world as a parasite? 

GR: My answer would be simply, yes. The whole point of 
view of Naqoyqatsi is that through the dogma/religion point 
of view of progress and development, which again, 
parenthetically, is not only a capitalist agenda but also a 
Marxist agenda — that very paradigm consumes, and eats, 
and pulls out of the sockets people who live a handmade 
life. I was criticized when I made that film by leftists in 
Germany, for romanticizing poverty, for trying to eliminate 
industrialization and, therefore, a better way of living. Well 
that's in a point of view, if that's how they see it so be it, but 
that's certainly not my intention. My intention was to say 
that standards of living are ephemeral. The standard of 
living of the world is based on first world norms, of 
consumption, of the institutionalization of life, of giving up 
your own control to the control of others. The very opposite 
is true in the so-called third world or Southern hemisphere, 

where really, the heritage of 
the earth exists not only in 
nature but in human devel- 
opment. Small, convivial, 
decentralized societies of 
handmade living, where 
things can be uniquely 
different, valley to valley, plain 
to plain. The world that we're 
trying to throw, through the 
IMF etc. on the southern 
hemisphere, is a world of 
homogenized value. A world 
where Los Angeles, Jakarta, 
Hong Kong, the Philippines 
etc. all look the same. This is 
in diametric opposition to the 
nature of the development 
of the South, which is dis- 
appearing right now because 
of the norms of development. 
The very founding, for 
example, of the United 
Nations, was founded on the dogma, on the theology, on 
the philosophy of promoting progress and development 
around the world as our guarantee for world peace. Now 
what crazier thought could you have? All of us buy in, in 
some way. Many people buy into the United Nations, but 
their very purpose is to produce this homogenizing event 
all over the world. For me this is the essence of techno- 
fascism, and it's another example of how the Northern 
hemisphere is consuming, without question, the Southern 
hemisphere. The Northern hemisphere has consumed 
most of its own resources already, the Southern hemisphere 
is where the nature bank of our world still exists. If the 
north has its way, that will be consumed to create and 
further develop the technological order, which for me, is a 
fascistic venture, (continued on next page) 


Ski: The latest film, Naqoyqatsi, has shifted the 
focus directly to digital technology and its violent 
consequences. What societal changes, observed in 
the bridge between Powaqqatsi and Naqoyqatsi, did you 
want to integrate into the new film? 

GR: Here's the thing, these films, early on, were 
conceived. It took years to realize them, but the idea was 
that Koyaanisqatsi would deal with northern hemisphere 
or in your terms, first world. The hyper-industrial grids that 
we call societies. The second film deals with the southern 
hemisphere or what you might call the third world. Societies 
of simplicity, where unity is held through the mystery of 
diversity and how those societies are being consumed by 
the myth of progress and development. The third film, 
conceived early on as well, dealt with the globalized 
moment in which we live. How the world is being 
homogenized, how unity is being held together by the new 
divine, the computer. The new divine is the manufactured 
image, which is the subject of Naqoyqatsi and hence, the 
necessity of using digital technology to create it. In the 
case of Koyaanisqatsi and Powaqqatsi, we went to real 
locations to film them. In the case of Naqoyqatsi, we went 
to virtual locations to film them. We took stock and archival 
images that venerated familiar those things we have all 
grown up with through the myth of history, and we've taken 
and revivified them, or tortured them with a computer to 
create a manufactured image which is, as Baudrillard would 
call, the evil demon of image. The purpose of image is to 
produce this monstrous, demonic conformity. Right now, 
image is more important than truth or reality. Look at the 
political spectrum, it's all about the image of something. 
So this third film deals squarely with the image as its 
principal subject matter, the manufactured image in the 
globalization of the world. 

We spoke a bit about the computer, because it plays a 
central role as an entity in Naqoyqatsi. From my point of 
view, the computer is the new divine. When I say that, it 
portends supernatural powers. The computer is not just 
something we use again, it's the very vehicle that's 
remaking the world to its own image or likeness. If one 
were a Christian theologian or a Catholic theologian, the 
highest form of magic in the Catholic universe is the 
sacrament. The sacrament is different from a sign in that 
it produces what it signifies. Unlike a sign, like if one is 
married and wears a ring, that ring is a sign of your fidelity, 
of your union with your spouse. But it doesn't produce it, 
it only reminds you or others that you're married. In the 
case of a sacrament, the sacrament produces what it 
signifies. So if there was a sacrament of unity, it produces 
that unity, it's the very highest form of magic. So I'm saying 
that the computer is the new sacramental magic, it 
produces what it signifies, it remakes the world to its own 
image and likeness. In that sense it is the very driving 
force of what I would call, the techno-fascistic world. As 
the swastika was the image of fascism in the 20th 
century, and there were many other images as well but 
that one prevailed, the new image of techno-fascism is 
the blue planet. Not the reality of the earth, but the image 
of the blue planet. That, to me, is the ubiquitous image of 

Ski: Notably, Naqoyqatsi's framing definition is 
"civilized violence. " Never before in the series has 
the polemic been so searingly presented. Yet, 
throughout Naqoyqatsi, while high technology and 
digital life are critically examined, the film is ambiguous 
as to the fundamental disjunct that enables civilized 
violence. From a primitivist perspective, which views 
the rise of technology parallel to the rise of the 
division of labor, agriculture and symbolic culture, it 
seems like an incomplete critique. How do we undo 
technology, a force we breathe like oxygen, if we have 
no constructive alternative? Is it enough to present 
the case without suggesting a course of action? 

GR: Well, first of all, let me say if there's a course of 
action that someone would recommend that would be 
right for anyone, that very Tightness for everyone would 
make it fascistic. So anything universal for me is fascistic. 
I don't pretend to have the answers, but I know that the 
question is the mother of the answer. Rather than 
presenting answers to people which I think is a fascist 
modus operandi, it's much more important to present 
questions. The question becomes the mother of the 
answer, that which can change things more fundamentally 
than anything is the power of a community example. The 
power of a community in direct action or living an alternative. 
I'm not talking about Utopias, I'm talking about a community 
in struggle, that wishes to present an alternative to the 


slavery to which we've all subjected ourselves through 
mass society. That would be a way out. If you look at it 
from a more comprehensive point of view, perhaps there 
is no exit from technology. This is, itself, a tragedy. On 
the other hand, I believe that there is no destiny that 
human beings can not overcome. How that is done is up 
to the individual, it's not up for any of us to give answers 
to others as to how to remake their world. 

Ski: Many civilized radicals find themselves 
weighed by guilt and alienated from cultures that 
civilization has domesticated. How did you, as a 
person born into American civilization, guide your 
participation in the lives of the Hopi? Why did you 
frame the discourse of all three movies in the context 
of Hopi prophecy? 

GR:Well first of all let me say that I'm not a Hopi devotee, 

I don't spend time over there. All of my contacts have 

died there. This film is not about Hopi, I am not trying to 

go back to a Hopi way of life, nor am I espousing that. 

We can't go back to the teepee, we can't go back to the 

cave. What I tried to do is simply take their point of view, 

because I found it laden with wisdom, I found that they 

understood our world better than we did. That doesn't 

have to be the result of guilt, it has to be the result of 

coming in contact with someone that blows your mind 

with their perspicacity of thought. That's what happened 

to me. It was music to my ears to hear David Menongue, 

an elder who was in his late 90s when I met him, say that 

everything that white people 

call normal we look at as 

abnormal. Everything white 

people call sane we look at as 

insane. Well that was music 

to my ears because that was 

exactly how I felt, they didn't 

give me this idea, it was like 

confirmation. If you have a 

way-out idea and it's so 

way-out that you think you 

might be nuts, which I thought 

for years, if you find some 

other people that actually have 

that same idea in another form, 

it confirms you. So I used it as 

a confirming. I also felt that 

their language has no cultural 

baggage, when you say 

Koyaanisqatsi, no one knows 

what that means, it sounds 

like, perhaps, a Japanese 

word. I'm taking that language, 

that doesn't come from a 

literate form, it actually comes from an illiterate form, 

it's a culture of morality. I'm taking the wisdom of that 

point of view to describe our world. Much like academics 

do in universities, they take their own subjective 

categories of intellectual pursuit and apply them to Indians 

through ethnographic studies, anthropology etc. This is 

turning the tables, it's taking the subjective content, or ideas, 

of Hopi, and applying it to white civilization. And that's 

something that makes some people uncomfortable. 

That's an easy way of getting out of seeing the value 

of other people's cultures and contributions beyond 

your own. 

Ski: One thing that I noticed, after viewing all three 
movies, was the persistent image of the atom 
bomb mushroom cloud. Culturally we've seen that 
everywhere, you could almost say that's a burnt 
out image for a lot of people. And yet, in 
Naqoyqatsi, which just came out, you put it in 
again. Is that something you see as an endpoint? 

GR: No, if it's burnt out, it's only because it's been used 
so often. My whole thing in Naqoyqatsi, was to take all of 
these burnt out images, images that we're surrounded 
with, like the wallpaper of life which we call history, that 
great lie as it were, and re-examine those, put them in 
another context. So this film was a little more difficult than 
the other two, it's taking our familiar, that which we've 
seen ad nauseam, and trying to put it in another context. 
Nuclear is something that, while we think we know 
something about, we have no idea of what it's done to 
us. Much like television, something as ubiquitous as 
television, we have no idea of what it's doing to us. 
Because we keep looking at it from the point of view of 
the subject matter that's on the tube, rather than the 
technology, which is a cathode ray gun aimed directly at 
the viewer that probably changes our genetic structure 
and certainly puts us into a deep comatose state. I made 
a film called Evidence of Children Watching Television, 
and they were watching Dumbo actually, or they could 
have been watching anything, it didn't really matter. Their 
eyes become fixated, their breathing slows down, 
automaticities take place on the face, slobbering comes 
out of the mouth, these kids are on drugs heavier than 
Prozac just by having the television on. It's the same thing 
with nuclear technology, we think it's just something that 
we control, that if we had a "Nuclear Test-ban" treaty, 
everything would be fine. The nuclear war has already 
occurred, all during the 50s. We doubled the background 
radiation of the planet, it's affected all of our genetic 
structures. So, while these things 
have the familiarity of the surface 
image, the profundity of their depth 
is something that we know very little 
about. I think it's Einstein that said 
that the fish would be the last to 
know water, I would say, taking off 
on that context, that human beings 
will be the last to know technology, 
because it's the very water we live in. 

Ski: What advice would you give 
to young people all around the 
world gradually awaking to the 
nightmare of a world out of 
control with the proliferation of 
mass techniques? 

GR: I don't like to give advice, but 
I'll say what I think as to what we 
can do. I think our greatest 
opportunity is to live a creative life. 
Often that means to reject schooling, 
rejecting organized education. For 
many of us, our diploma from college 
becomes our death certificate, because it ingratiates us 
into a way of life that's unquestioned where the principal 
modus operandi is finance, or money. The real meaning 
of life, I think for all of us, in our different ways, is the 
opportunity to live a creative life, to create things, to name 
things. I would say for all of us, the most radical thing we 
can do, and the most practical thing we can do, is to be 
idealistic, to rename the world in which we live. I think we 
do that best through example, not just through using 
words, but using words that we can stand on, the acts 
that we do. Living in the world but not being of the world, 
being an outsider, yet knowing that all of us are insiders. 
Living with the conundrum that life is not this or that, life 
is this and that. It's not black or white, it's black and white. 
So I'll add to that whole recipe humor, and one has the 
possibility of living a meaningful life. 

Ski is a self-identified anarcho-primitivist living in Los 
Angeles, CA. The DVD double pack of Koyaanisqatsi and 
Powaqqatsi is now available. More info on the Qatsi films 
and Godfrey Reggio is available at 

page 10 

Armed Joy 

by Alfredo M. Bonanno 

"People are tired of meetings, the classics, point less 

marches, theoretical discussions that split hairs 
in four, endless distinctions, the monotony and 
poverty of certain political analyses. They prefer 
to make love, smoke, listen to music, go for walks, 
sleep, laugh, play, kill policemen, kill judges, 
blow up barracks. Anathema! The struggle is only 
legitimate when it is incomprehensible to the lead ers 

of the revolution. 

Hurry comrade, shoot the policemen, the judge, 
the boss. Now, before a new police prevent you. 

Hurry to say NO, before the new repression 
convinces you that saying no is pointless, mad, 
and that you should accept the hospitality of the 
mental asylum. 

Hurry to attack Capital before a new ideology 
makes it sacred to you. 

Hurry to refuse work before some new sophist 
tells you once again that "work makes you free. " 
Hurry to play. Hurry to arm yourself." 

- from the text 
In the spirit of insurrection that is now 
exploding around the globe, we want to take the 
time to plug this short but potent pamphlet by 
Alfredo Bonanno who - as well as being someone who 
lives his beliefs - is one of the more cogent 
insurrectional writers and thinkers. This particular 
pamphlet addresses a wide range of topics, from 
the banality of commodity culture to the 
pre-fabricated false "happiness" that capitalism 
tries to sell us. It also rips into and rejects 
"production," the "economy," factory life and 
factory fetishization, reformism, organization and 
all the lies of the capitalist/statist spectacle. 
The insurrectional analysis that Bonanno puts forth 
in this pamphlet - on the poverty of work and the 
illusion of all external authority - clearly 
distinguishes insurrectional anarchism from 
leftism, which it has been inaccurately accused 
of resembling by some. 

Some of my primitivist collaborators exhibit a 
profound lack of understanding with regard to 
what the insurrectionists are saying, which is 
"Rise Up, Take Back Your Lives, This long nightmare 
needs to end NOW!" and I would strongly encourage 
them to actually take the time to read the writings 
of the Italian, Spanish and Argentine insurrection- 
ists before they make any more uninformed, sweeping 
condemnations of what has always been one of the 
most hopeful and inspiring currents in our movement. 
I think they'll find that there is very little in 
the writings of Alfredo Bonanno that stand in 
direct contradiction to "primitivism," the anarchist 
ideology that so many anarchists now support and 
promote. There are many insurrectional anarchists 
who consider themselves at war with civilization, 
and this is because they've read and been influenced 
by the primitivist critique. But primitivism is 
ultimately just a critique, while insurrectional 
anarchism is a practice, or an approach, as well 
as a philosophical and political stance that 
certain anarchists have taken in regard to all 

the barriers and institutions that stand between 
us and our freedom. The two currents - primitivism 
and insurrectional anarchism - are complimentary 
in my mind, and anyone active in the anti- 
civilization movement would do well to learn more 
about insurrectional anarchism, if only for 
spiritual and strategic inspiration. 
Available for $2.00 from the Green Anarchy 
Distro, PO Box 11331 Eugene OR 97440 

Shoot The Women First 

by Eileen MacDonald 

"Shoot the women first!" is the advice given 
by "intelligence" agencies to law enforcement, 
paramilitary squads, and anti -terrorist teams 
dealing in armed-conflicts with revolutionaries 
and terrorists. It is implied by the author that 
when women take on the role of a revolutionary, as 
in other roles in society, it is done so more 
deeply and meaningfully then by men, making them 
more dangerous to their enemies. Eileen MacDonald, 
interested in the dynamics of women and armed 
conflict, travels through Europe, the Middle East, 
and south east Asia to interview and understand 
women involved in armed-resistance movements. She 
talks to women engaged in activities including 
hijacking, bomb-planting, rock-hurling, gun 
battles, assassinations, bank robberies, prison 
breaks, community organizing, and social support. 
She offers a peek into the perspectives of women 
involved with the E.T.A. (an underground Basque 
separatist group), the Palestinian Intifada (see page 2), 
the Irish Republican Army, the Red Brigades (an Italian 
armed Marxist group), and the Baader-Meinhof Group/ 
Red Army Faction. The author's goal is not to 
judge the actions or ideologies behind them, but 
instead, understand the lives of women who are 
moved to the point of becoming armed combatants. 
She draws many interesting parallels between the 
various fighters, but is also clear that the 
specifics of their motivations are deep, historical, 
and personal. Except for Kim Hyon Hui of North 
Korea, who claims to have been brainwashed from 
early childhood by the repressive and cult-like 
Kim II Sung regime, all of the women interviewed 
had been, and many still are, involved in liberation 
struggles. The women interviewed speak about their 
actions, machismo and sexism in their groups, 
motherhood, their thoughts on personal and 
revolutionary violence, and the particular 
aspects of being a woman in a revolution. An 
interesting re-occurring discussion is the view of 
armed women as "double-deviant," not only breaking 
the mold of "good citizen" by taking up arms, but 
also the breaking of the role of a "good woman" and 
all the patriarchal societal expectations which go 
along with it. Despite the datedness of the book 
(1991), and the feeling that the author may not be 
as tactically and morally down with armed-struggle 
as your typical GA reader, it is a very interesting 
and recommended read. 
Available at most book stores and libraries. 

TTesP8LSS@S VOl 1. A Journal of Speculative Cartography 

Trespasses is an annual journal of interdisciplinary writings, visual art, and audio-works. The editorial process is guided by a strong critique 
of colonialism — particularly its settler state forms — capitalism and all forms of oppression. Experimental and marginal works from outside 
canonic orthodoxy are a priority, as are those voices commonly silenced in mainstream discourse. 

The spaces of the settler state are without place, without language and without a past. Its history is one of forgetting; a cover-up across time. 
Sometimes it's a photo found in the archives, without documentation; or a scrap of graffiti seen on a passing freight train where hobos have been 
hiding the last hundred years; the images of warriors in camouflage regalia at a road block defending the people as they reclaim their territories; 
or words and drawings that cross the prison walls to convey the horror and hope. 

Atomization and alienation characterize contemporary society and are found everywhere. However, attacks on the apparatus of repression and micropolitical 
alternatives to it are as old as people and are proliferating. Within the prisons, urban neighborhoods, Jt^t 

reserves, rural communities, etc. eruptions are taking shape — or already have. The documentation of these two 4p P? opposing forces in 
the contemporary and historical contexts are the task at hand. 

The geographic area known as Canada is the primary focus of Trespasses, but submissions from 
across the Americas and the world are welcome and encouraged, as are those from prisoners, 
women, queers, indigenous peoples and members of racialized groups. 
Being published north of the 49th parallel orients the content 
towards those places claimed by the Canadian state, however no ' 
Canadian content restrictions or borders will be imposed on submissions. 
The deadline for all submissions is June 1, 2003. 

Contact: Hungry Ghost Press 
Box 539> 185-911 Yates St. 
Victoria, CST, BC, V8V 4Y9 CANADA 
email: hungryghost. prssfiziplip. com 

Rogue Primate: An Exploration 
of Human Domestication 
by John A. Livingston 

I became interested in John Livingston's book 
after reading his interview in Derrick Jensen's 
Listening to the Land. His theoretical progression 
had really caught my interest when I read that he 
had spent 20 years as the president of the 
Canadian Audubon Society, and other big name 
conservation groups, to come to terms with the 
overall insignificance and pettiness that the 
conservation movement is really all about. He 
chose to seek out more of an encompassing under- 
standing about the relationship between humans 
and the natural world. His resignation took the 
form of the (hard to find) thesis, The Fallacy of 
Wildlife Conservation (1981). 

He begins this book by talking about this move 
and the opposition he faced in making this turn, 
and from there talks of this book being the outcome 
of his realization that he has spent his life 
observing and commenting on other species, and 
that it was time to do the same for his own. His 
conclusions advocate a radically different (at 
the time) understanding of the human animal, and 
how things got this way and ends with a very 
optimistic hope for a return to the wildness that 
dwells in us all . 

This gives a glimpse into the realm of human 
self-domestication and the domestication forced 
upon others. Livingston feels strongly that human 
domestication did not simply begin with agriculture 
(the domestication of plants and animals), but 
more so with the taming of fire. I think that 
something like this makes it more important for 
an understanding of what led to civilization, and 
what we should realistically be targeting; this 
holds true for all critiques of symbolic thought. 
I can't say for sure that Livingston is actually 
suggesting that we give up fire, but I think that 
it is safe to say that is not his objective. He 
does articulately say, however, that his goal is 
to recover the wildness that has been domesticated 
and encaged inside us. 

Livingston's approach is all the more impacting, 
as he is as critical of attempts to "undo" 
domestication as he is of the domestication 
itself. He takes a very understanding approach to 
topics such as animal liberation and offers ways 
to truly liberate the community of life from 
civilization. He holds no punches back on reformist, 
legal movements and even offers substantial 
arguments against the petitioning for extended 
"rights," and the downfall of "rights" movements/ 
advocacy . 

He offers up examples of "exotic transplants," 
the planned exportation and importation of plants 
and animals, which feeds the destruction of 
environments, and that comes with the expansion 
of civilization. He offers examples of intentional 
and unintentional destruction at the hands of 
enlarging agricultural and industrial societies. 
He speaks about the "wrecking crew," the group of 
domesticated animals that have taken on such 
civilized traits that, like civilization, they 
can destroy entire ecosystems. This group includes 
cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, dogs, 
and cats. He gives examples of the kind of hell 
that has come with these animals even as they have 
gone feral. This raises a very pertinent question 
in regards to going feral: how do we know that we 
won't wreak just as much havoc as our domesticated 
selves? To this, Livingston offers up some 
examples that we should be taking interest to. 

Livingston's background is academic, but he 
really found a niche for himself in writing this 
book. It is far more accessible than his other 
similar attempts, such as One Cosmic Instant, and 
discusses situations that need to be addressed in 
the project of moving beyond civilization. He at 
times takes a misanthropic/deep ecologist slant, 
but he is conscious of such, and often reminds the 
reader that this is by no means his intent. The 
truth of which couldn't become any clearer than 
in his closing: "Look at a child gently holding an 
unfledged young robin that has fallen from its 
nest. Look in that child's eyes. The sweet bondage 
of wildness is recoverable." 

Rogue Primate was published by Roberts 

Rinehart Publishers in 1994 (hardback, 

229 pages) and is now out of print. 

(Try combing the used bookstores - 

hunting and gathering is fun!) 

^ '*afr-'- ; ' 

page 11 

Send us your zines, books, or music to review, 
or a review of your own of an anarchist, anti- 
authoritarian, or anti-civilization project. 
|OursPaceislimilBd»sopleaselDebrief. Thanks 


, o > 





My intent for writing this brief article is to explain what I feel is the 
inseparability of the animal and earth liberation movements. I would 
like to think that the connection between these struggles is obvious. 
I would also hope the connection between these movements and the 
struggle against an ever increasingly technological society would 
also be painfully obvious, but I fear this is not so for many. 

No matter how many animals are rescued, no matter how many 
trees are saved, if the current technological state progresses or even 
carries on at the rate it is currently destroying the ecosystems all life 
depends on, life on this planet is doomed. Civilization as we know it 
depends on the domination and exploitation of every type of 
"resource" (whether living or habitat for the living) and cannot exist 
without such exploitation. 
Humans were once mostly 
nomadic, with few exceptions, 
only settling into permanent 
villages as plants and animals 
were domesticated. The 
exploitation of these life 
forms allowed the populations 
of these beginnings of 
civilization to increase which 
in turn called for the "need" 
to further exploit the plant and 
animal populations and the 
ecosystems which these 
lifeforms need to survive. 

Flash 10,000 years into the 
future... today. There are very 
few places on earth where 
humans have not tried to (for 
the most part successfully) 
form a dominating relationship 
over the lifeforms which 
dwell there. The vast majority 
of the so-called civilized 
world has been scarred and/or covered over with concrete. The 
current rate of extinction rivals that of the dinosaurs, and while 
saving a particular grove of trees or all the hostages at a particular 
farm is a noble cause, it is like trying to use a band-aid on a sucking 
chest wound. 

If we could save every animal in the world from suffering in 
factory farms and laboratories, in the long run, what good would it 
do if there were no wild places left to free them into? Conversely, 
what would be the point of protecting the last wild spaces if the 
animals were all domesticated, their wild spirits broken? These 
struggles are inseparable. All the different aspects of civilization 
conspire against all that is wild. It is the totality of it, not just one 
element, that dooms life... that is, if we allow it to continue unabated... 

Our struggles cannot ever hope to be effective as long as we each 
only focus on one aspect of the disease of civilization. We must 
attack the totality of it every single day. We must be relentless in our 
struggles, for civilization is ever-progressing on its death march and 
we cannot allow it to continue to trample over every existing lifeform. 
We must challenge the assumptions that are integral to the everyday 
existence of industrial society. We must attack the hubs of the wheels 
of oppression. The majority of people fighting for the liberation of 
one lifeform unknowingly or unthinkingly support the oppression of 
many others everyday. No? Well then it's safe to assume you don't 
use electricity? I do realize there are necessary evils if we want to be 
effective in our struggles, such as the use of petro-fuels in igniting 
huge bonfires in which we can watch corporations go bankrupt, but 
we must be aware of the negative impacts our actions (and tools) 
have on ecosystems (both local and distant). I hope I don't sound as 
if I'm condemning these activities, by all means, burn the fuckers to 
the ground, just be aware. We cannot carry on with our lives in the 
manner those who condone civilization (and its inherent destructiveness) 
have taught us and ever expect to end any form of domination. 
Civilization from its inception has been rooted in domination, it is 
dependent on it for its continued survival. 

We can continue to debate each other about which being's oppression 
is most valid to fight against, or maybe we should realize single- 
issue politics feeds into the divide-and-conquer of our movement(s). 
Each of us must face the totality and decide whether we want to 
continue to strike at the fingers of the beast that has all life in a 
chokehold, or if we need to strike at the head. Don't get me wrong, 
biting off one of these fingers is never a bad thing, but unless it is 
part of a larger strategy it is not going to put an end to the human 
domination of animals and nature. 

We will never succeed in convincing corporate interests to stop the 
exploitation of animals and the earth, it is against their "nature". We 
want to protect life at all costs, they want to protect a way of life no 
matter what the cost. Their job is to make as much money as 
possible regardless of the suffering, our job is to put the bastards out 
of business because of the suffering. 


lO W8fuS An Effective Praxis: 

Moving Beyond the Violence/Nonviolence Debate 

Praxis-practice, as distinguished 

from theory; application or use, 

as in knowledge or skills 

This article is written in the spirit of sharing, learning, 
and opening up dialogue amongst people around the 
effectiveness of certain direct action tactics and strategy. 
If a movement is unable to critically examine itself, then 
it will stagnate and fail. It is a hope that others will write 
articles in response and addition to this one, furthering 
discussion around such important issues. 

All too often, when people critique the Earth Liberation 
Front (ELF) or other direct action groups, the criticisms 
center around the sacredness of property and the 
"violence" of destroying this property. It becomes an 
issue of righteousness based upon a morality that has been 
learned from the oppressor. This violence/nonviolence 
debate has reared its ugly head to the point of sheer 
redundancy and is not only stuck, but actually holding 
back a dialogue which needs to happen: 

In issue #8 of the zine Antipathy, the effectiveness 
issue is raised, and this is where this article gains its 
inspiration, even though there are many disagreements. 
In an article entitled "Burning the Church of the Sacred 
Arsonist: a few reasons parts of the ELF can kiss my 
ass" (BCSA), the author states, "The only question for 
those who REALLY care for Earth is: Effective or 
Ineffective?" and brings up five critiques of the ELF, 
while making it clear that the actions against the genetics 
industry have been successful and are not what is being 

On the Effectiveness of Arson 

Most opponents of arson hold property sacred and 
because of that, are unable to ask important questions 
such as: Did the attack accomplish its goal? Was the goal 
to shut a place down for good? Is this simply symbolic? 
The whole violence/nonviolence debate helps create a 
situation where public proponents of arson (or any tactic) 
may not criticize it so as not to come across as anti-ELF 
or anti-direct action. This is a major obstacle in looking 
critically at tactics and strategy so as to develop a praxis 
that is effective. 

BCSA argues that the torchings of Vail, Superior Lumber, 
US Timberproducts and Boise Cascade did not really 
slow any of these companies down, while helping to fuel 
anti-environmentalist sentiment and the destruction of 
the Earth. This is based on the idea that these companies 
are insured and will just rebuild and go on with their 
practices while communities will be even more pissed 
off at enviros. Much of that is true. Isolated arsons, like 
most tactics, are like pissing into the sea. There's a ripple, 
but then that ripple is absorbed. Where some of that could 
change is if every time a business was rebuilt, it was 
torched again to the point where no insurance would 
cover it. Some fur farms have been hit like this and 
closed, but some have stayed open too. While BCSA 
brings up many good questions no solutions are proposed. 

Other questions that are relevant are: What tactics do 
slow business/corporations down, or better yet stop them 
by destroying them while not alienating everyone 
around? Is it possible? Until there is a strong enough 
underground movement, the effectiveness right now may 
lie in inspiring others while doing major damage to earth 
killers. This might not be the most effective strategy, 
but what is? 

The arsons mentioned earlier did cause major damage 
and inspire more action which then caused more damage, 
which inspire more actions... and so on with the hope 
that enough could happen to bring down the industry. 
Can an industry be brought down within the bowels of 
capitalism? Will it be bailed out by the government, like 
the timber industry receiving huge subsidies? Yes, there 
are and will be bailouts, but that doesn't mean a tactic is 
ineffective. The oppressor will do whatever it takes to 
keep industry churning and crush inspiration and action. 
This translates into promoting the ELF as unaccountable 
to the people, a fringe group, lunatics who are costing 
taxpayers money. People who are already alienated can 
have a scapegoat to be angry at, never asking what the 
exploitation of the planet is "costing" or who has the 
boot on their necks. Which is why it is so important for 
both the underground and aboveground to communicate 
in ways which are as non-alienating as possible. 

Communiques/Press Releases 
Are a Broken Model 

BCSA says the idea of people caring what "terrorists" 
have to say is flawed because people don't give a shit and 
the communiques sound like some rich college kid from 
Connecticut. This part is not given much attention and 
seems to fall into a defeatist attitude that no one would be 
inspired by the communiques. Some of the problem surely 
lies in the content of the communiques, while much of it 
lies in how many people even read them, not j ust the media's 
extracted portions. There is a whole planet of people who 
have had enough of being exploited and its quite possible 
some words may resonate with them. How this could be 
accomplished seems like a good question for those writing 
communiques and those speaking publicly to be asking 

Media Obsession Reinforces Apathy 

This is an interesting concept which begs the question: 
Is the ELF obsessed with the media or is the media 
obsessed with the ELF? This is not mutually exclusive. 
ELF actions are capitalized upon by the media which 
promotes the dichotomy of performers and spectators that 
is already so prevalent in society. It is always someone 
else who is acting; a hero who will save the day. Which is 
why it is so important to dispel the myth of direct action 
being done by some highly trained commandos (while 
encouraging security and refinement to stay out of jail!). 
Can ELF-style actions occur in a way that doesn't play 
into the media? The media loves arson, but stays very quiet 
around crop pullings, tree spiking, and other sabotage. 
Asking why that is and how actions could play into 
sensationalism needs to be discussed. 

Where the whole spokesperson/media thing becomes 
worrisome is when people begin thinking that only ELF- 
style actions/direct action are worth anything. So unless 
you are going to engage in these actions, you may as well 
not do anything or promote others to take action. Direct 
actions in and of themselves, isolated from any sort of 
movement, would probably accomplish nothing but 
jailtime. That being said, it is questionable that such 
actions would even occur without a movement. When 
people in the radical scene dismiss anything that is not 
militant direct action (as defined by them) as liberal, which 
is equated to worthless, it becomes an excuse to not do 
anything at all. The whole question of "what is radical" 
needs to be redefined in terms other than "what is the most 
extreme action". How many times has it been said: All the 
tools in the box, and certain tools for certain jobs?!? 

Regurgitating Past Failures 

Here BCSA focuses on tree spiking. This is a tactic that 
has publicly reappeared in the last year or two in various 
parts of the country. It seems very fitting to reopen 
dialogue about tree spiking. BCSA brings up "the fact that 
tree spiking itself has never stopped a timber sale in the 
US and was really only an effective public scare tactic 
directed against radical environmentalists by the wise-use/ 
timber industry tag team." It goes on to say that since ALL 
timber mills in Oregon have metal detectors, trees can be 
felled with spikes in them, and tree spiking alone has 
NEVER stopped a sale, that "tree spiking is undeniably a 
tactic with little or no efficacy whatsoever in preserving 

An example is given where in March 2001 the Judie Sale 
outside Cottage Grove, Oregon, was claimed spiked by the 
ELF, demanding that the Forest Service cancel the sale. 
BCSA states that since the feds have NEVER cowtowed to 
the demands of terrorists, they'd be more likely to push 
the sale ahead. Or Seneca Jones, the mill who purchased 
the sale, will file a lawsuit , which will lead to a replacement 
volume sale, which will have even older trees and be a 
larger size than the Judie sale. Which means the ELF helped 
"sound the death knell for the ecosystems unfortunate 
enough to be within the marked units of the Judie sale and 
potentially for ecosystems further away from the reach of 
the urban centric activist scene." Wow! Those are some 
serious charges. 

This brings up many questions and analysis. The first is 
that tree spiking ALONE has never stopped a US sale. What 
tactic alone, in and of itself, has? Lawsuits? Not without 
some pressure from somewhere outside the courtroom. 
Blockades? Treesits? Not without help from a lawsuit. Why 
is tree spiking vehemently deemed ineffective because it 
supposedly hasn't stopped a sale on its own? How is it 
known if tree spiking works or does not? It is very difficult 
to find any info on spiking that is not totally pro 
or totally against. What about times where it may work? 

page 12 

forth Liberation Actions 

"IF we are trespassing, so were the people who broke down the gates oF Hitler's 
death camps; IF we are thieves, so were the members oF the Underground Railroad 

who Freed the slaves oF the south; find if we are vandals, so were those who 
destroyed Forever the gas chambers oF Buchanwald and Auschwitz." - Anonymous 

What would those times be? Like so many tactics, spiking is one more 
tool that can be used to slow down, and if all goes well, stop trees from 
being felled. Maybe in time, people will see how spiking affected the 
Judie sale, and other sales, rather than condemn it right off without 
knowing what will come about in time. Just because a sale is spiked 
does not mean a lawsuit cannot be filed on behalf of that sale. Other 
tactics can possibly work in conjunction with spiking. 

Blaming the ELF for the destruction of ecosystems because Seneca 
Jones or any earth destroyer would push ahead with a sale is ludicrous. 
When would they not push ahead when challenged? And how is the 
ELF responsible for actions taken by Seneca Jones? Many times 
replacement volume sales are awarded after sales are "saved" by 
lawsuits, blockades, and treesits. And why can't people go and spike 
the replacement volume sale while other people publicly denounce 
replacement volume sales and all timber sales? It is similar to the 
comment about mills having metal detectors which means spiking is 
ineffective. Maybe using metal spikes would be ineffective if they were 
all found in the forest, and cut around (which costs a considerable 
amount of money) and the detector at the mill found all the spikes. So 
how to foil a metal detector? Use non metallic spikes. The information 
is out there on how to do this. These would get through metal detectors 
and break blades, if the trees were even logged. This is not an attempt 
to promote a tactic that may not work, it is looking at why tree spiking 
has been discredited and promoted. Yes, it pisses people off. That is 
certain. But just look at what the Bush administration is pushing in 
regards to the forest: death. Does that not piss people off, too? So where 
does one not act because people may be pissed off? 

Ineffective Actions Have Landed Comrades In Jail 

BCSA says that comrades are going to jail for ineffective actions that 
are not worth it. That is such a bold statement which really gets to the 
heart of the questions this article is asking regarding effectiveness. How 
is it measured and defined? Are people in jail for actions that seem 
ineffective? Yes and No. People are being stolen by the State because 
their actions spark something inside people that scares those in power: 
rebellion, which has the potential to be revolution. Whether those 
actions themselves are effective has been mentioned already. Another 
effect is that people will question why someone who torches SUVs 
gets more prison time than a rapist or murderer. It is such a loss to see 
comrades go to prison, taken from their communities. So instead of 
saying what they did was not worth it, creating a movement that makes 
it worth it is much more appealing, because it must have seemed worth 
it to them at the time since they undertook the action. 

Wrappin' It Up 

Having a dialogue about the effectiveness of ELF-type actions that 
moves beyond the violence/nonviolence debate needs to happen. It is 
important to abandon the rhetoric and ask challenging questions which 
lead to creative answers so that effective actions will happen. Do people 
really know what is effective? How? There are many ideas on what 
works and what does not, so what are they? Our lives and the lives to 
come depend on it. 

Editor 's Note: We hope that this article will help people to think more 
deeply and critically about the effectiveness of various forms of direct 
action, tactics, and strategy. While we feel the author of this article brings 
up many valid criticisms of "Burning the Church of the Sacred Arsonist: 
a few reasons parts of the ELF can kiss my ass "from issue #8 of the zine 
Antipathy, we feel that they were not nearly harsh enough. In the past, 
Antipathy has had some interesting anarchist analysis and personal 
reflections, but it has always had a (sometimes humorous, but usually 
annoying) self-righteous, dismissive, and "know it all" approach, 
without offering anything but ridiculous ideas on how to subvert 
authority for an insular and nauseating punk scene. The name of the 
zine could easily be changed to Apathy and most of its inebriated and 
self-centered following would not even notice. While some are 
attempting to build a resistance to the death culture, Antipathy seems 
more interested in building a portfolio as an anarcho-critic and 
gigolo, while dismissing all meaningful action. 

November 26, Pennsylvania: The €LF Claims Credit For 
Two Pinti-Genetix Actions in PI Joint Communique 

In late November 2002, the €LF released a forceful 
communique taking responsibility for a series of powerful 
and effective actions against the fur industry. Although we 
reprinted that communique in its entirety in the UUinter 2002 
issue of Green Rnarchy, we didn't realize that in an 
attachment to the main text, the CLF also claimed 
responsibility for an earlier chain of actions against 
genetically-modified food crops. Since there haven't been 
all that many specifically flnti-Genetix actions in North 
America lately, we thought it would be worth publishing 
this brief statement: 

On behalf of another anonymous cell of the Earth 
Liberation Front, we are also claiming responsibility for 
the destruction of two GMO corn tests / demonstration 
crops in northwestern Pennsylvania. Both crops (BT and 
Roundup-Beady) were destroyed beyond usefulness, and 
kept from producing seed for future planting. The 
proliferation of Genetically Modified Organisms and the 
increased deployment of toxic pesticides into our 
bioregion presents an unrivaled threat to the biological 
integrity and diversity of our ecosystem, and has begun 
to be met with appropriate resistance. RN U GMO/ G€ 
crops planted in this area from this day forth may be 
targeted by eco-activists. 

December 23-24, 2002, Massachusetts: 

Vandals Target SUVs in Campaign against War and 

environmental Devastation 

Newton: Someone spray-painted 1 6 sport utility vehicles 
with anti-war and environmentalist slogans. Police said 
they have no leads about who left messages such as 
"no blood for oil" and "I'm changing the environment" 
in red and black paint on the cars. The vandalism started 
on December 23 with eight late-night incidents. €ach 
of the vehicle owners who reported vandalism owned 
SUVs, including a GMC Yukon, a Lexus SUV and a Chevy 
Blazer. €ach phrase was sprayed on the rear of the vehicle. 
"No Blood for Oil" was sprayed on each of the first eight 
cars, but as Christmas €ve rolled around, the vandal(s) 
expanded the sloganeering. Phrases ranged from "No 
Oil" to "Gas Guzzler" and "I'm changing the environment." 
According to police reports, the vandal chose two vehicles 
in each specific area to vandalize. For example, the vandal 
painted a 1995 Chevy Blazer with "No Blood For Oil" on 
the rear tire cover on Clarendon Street early on the morning 
of December 23, a and a 2000 Honda CRV with the same 
phrase the same night. On Pulsifer Street, also in the 
early morning, a white Ford pickup truck and another 
Honda CRV were painted with the same phrase. Police 
said the only plan of attack would be to increase patrols. 
The vandal, according to police reports, is suspected to 
be an anarchist. Sprayed on two cars, an Acura utility 
vehicle and a Chevy Yukon, was the letter "A" with a 
circle around it: the sign for anarchy. Similar incidents 
were reported in Bloomington, Ind., in 2001 and in 
Richmond, VA, in November. 

December 28, 2002, Pennsylvania: 

C-IF Targets Housing Development in Northeast Phillu 

Philadelphia: In what was likely its final act of 2002, 
the Carth Liberation Front (€LF) has claimed an action in 
Northeast Philadelphia targeting urban sprawl and the 
development of "luxury houses." Construction vehicles 
and a show home were damaged by "long-time residents 
of Philadelphia. ..who are tired of seeing the earth 
destroyed for money." The €LF Press Office received the 
letter of claim (see below) via a Philadelphia newspaper. 
Although the letter does not claim this as an €LF action, 
graffiti at the housing development site indicates that 
this was the work of the CLF. This action took place 
December 28th, 2002. The following is the letter sent 
to the media: Greetings. Recently, we visited a housing 
construction site in Northeast Philadelphia, along Bhawn 
St., to give a Christmas present to the developers. There, 
what was natural land - and a home for birds, squirrels, 
deer, et cetera - is now a sprawling pit of mud. Others' 
attempts at stopping this devastation failed; we felt the 
only thing we could do, and the thing that felt right, was 
to fight back for those who can't. So we went to the site 
and attacked construction vehicles however we were able 
to - glued locks, sugared gas tanks, disconnected hoses, 
spray painted vehicles, broke windows. Rlso we attacked 
the "sample house" on Bhawn St. - the first house built, 
to attract buyers. LUe covered the walls in spray paint, 
glued locks, and broke many windows. LUe are not 
"terrorists. " LUe are not teenage vandals. LUe are 
middle-aged, long-time residents of Philadelphia/the 
suburbs who are tired of seeing the earth destroyed for 
money. New housing units (and these are "luxury houses, " 
starting at $200,000) are not needed; tens of thousands 

of housing units in Philadelphia are vacant, or for sale. 
There is no excuse for the terrorism of developers, 
destroying the little bit of natural land left for money. 
LUe will not sign our names, but we want to. If 
construction is stopped and the woods allowed to grow 
back, we will turn ourselves in gladly. LUe pray the 
destruction of developers in Philadelphia/the suburbs 
is stopped - and that our kids don't grow up in a 
concrete world, built over ashes of the destroyed earth. 

- "Sally and Peter" 


page 13 

January 1,2003: €LF Torches SUVs in €rie, Pennsylvania! 

The Carth Liberation Front, an international under- 
ground movement that uses direct action in the form 
of economic sabotage to stop the destruction of 
the natural environment, has taken credit for their first 
North American action of 2003 with the destruction of 
several SUVs at a Pennsylvania auto dealership. 
Reprinted below is the full communique that was 
released on January 2: 

Rt 5:30 RM on January 7, 2003, the 6arth Liberation 
Front attacked several SUV's at Bob Ferrando Ford 
Lincoln Mercury in 6rie, Pennsylvania. Rt least four 
vehicles were entirely destroyed and several others 
sustained heavy damage, costing an estimated $90,000. 

Despite decades of popular environmental activism, 
the mainstream environmental movement, which began 
arguably in the early 1960s, has failed in its attempts 
to bring about the protection needed to stop the 
destruction of life on this planet. In many ways, it has 
served only to accelerate this destruction. Its occasional 
"victories", reforms or small concessions, have fostered 
hope in a means of social change that has proven unable 
to produce tangible protection of life, time after time. 

By focusing its energy on temporary "solutions", they 
have altogether ignored the roots of the problem at 
hand. Western civilization, with its throwaway 
conveniences, it's status symbols, and its unfathomable 
hoards of financial wealth, is unsustainable, and comes 
at a price. Its pathological decadence, fueled by bru- 
tality and oceans of bloodshed, is quickly devouring all 
life and undermining the very life support systems we 
need to survive. The quality of our air, water and soil 
continues to decrease as more and more life forms on 
the planet suffer and die as a result. LUe are in the 
midst of a global environmental crisis that adversely 
effects and directly threatens every human, every 
animal, every plant, and every other life form on the 
face of the Earth. 

There is absolutely no excuse for any one of us, out 
of greed, to knowingly allow this to continue. There is 
a direct relationship between our irresponsible 
o ver-consumption and lust for luxury products, and the 
poverty and destruction of other people and the Natural 
world. By refusing to acknowledge this simple fact, 
supporting this paradigm with our excessive lifestyles, 
and failing to offer direct resistance, we make ourselves 
accomplices in the greatest crime ever committed. 

Time is running out — change must come, or eventually 
all will be lost. R belief in state sanctioned legal means 
of social change is a sign of faith in the legal system 
of that same state. LUe have absolutely no faith in 
the legal system of the state when it comes to 
protecting life, as it has repeatedly shown itself to 
care far more for the protection of commerce and 
profits than for people and the natural environment. 
Clearly, the State itself causes and profits from many 
of the various atrocities against life that we must 
struggle against. To place faith in that same state as 
though it will act in the interests of justice and life is 
utter foolishness and a grave mistake. 

Therefore, the CLF will continue to fight to remove 
the profit motive from the killing of the natural 
environment, and to draw public attention to that 
which is deliberately concealed from them by the 
forces that control our lives and destroy our home. 

LUe urge our sisters and brothers — let us strive to 
become the revolutionary force we've always spoken 
of being, and begin to take control of our lives out of 
the hands of those who would destroy us. 
Happy New Vear Bob Ferrando - CLF 

editors note: The €LF has been cleaning house in the 
Pennsylvania bioregion For over a year now, beginning 
with (to the best oF our knowledge) their March 1 7, 
2002 action against a road construction site 
(see Green Anarchy # 9 For more details.) It would 
be nice to see CLF actions start to increase in other 
bioregions, though, to take some oF the heat oFF our 
unknown comrades in the northeast. Remember, 
decentralization and unpredictability are the 
greatest advantages we have over our enemy! 


Anarchist Resistance From Around The Planet 

"The claus oF this society are numbered; its reasons and its merits have been weighed in the balance and Found wanting; 

fttS < ts inhabitants are divided into two parties, one oF which wants this society to disappear 

anarchy is not another post-€nlightenment European Qnd proC eedecl on a militant and well-planned march 
philosophy nor is it a Utopian political system born out through the stre ets of the city. Throughout the march, they 
of "liberal" thought. Rnarchy bears no resemblance to targeted a number of symbols of the current capitalist war. 

Guy Debord 

the theories of Marx, Cngels, or to the "Jeffersonian" 
values that are so celebrated by bourgeois historians. 
Rnarchy is, rather, a mode of existence characterized by 
the absence of government, the absence of rulers, the 
absence of domination. The anarchist struggle is one 
between rationalized order and revolutionary chaos, 
between automated technocracy and uncaged wildness. 
It is a power struggle between a mechanistic, efficiency- 
oriented, and profit-geared system and a positive, 
liberating nihilism aimed at breaking down the barriers 
of machines, laws and social customs that divide humans 
from all other organisms around them. It is, in short, a 
war between free life and the forces of control and 
extinction, fill political ideologies have failed us, 
leaving only the growing anti-political anarchistic battle 
for the future of the planet. 

January 1 7, 2003, Italy: Anarchists Smash ATM 
Machines in Solidarity with the Victims of Repression 

Sixty ATMs in dozens of locations throughout northern 
Italy were vandalized. Messages claiming the attacks 
appeared sporadically at the sites of the attacks, sometimes 
in anonymous messages to the Digos (special political 
police). The flyers claiming the attacks spoke of the repressive 
nature of prisons, solidarity with people arrested at anti- 
globalization demonstrations, and various other matters. The 
actions are attributed to individuals of "the extreme area of 
the anarchist archipelago, that to the insurrectionists." 

January 18, 2003, California: Two Thousand Anarchists 
Go On Rampage During Anti-War Demo 

San Francisco: Thousands of protestors marched, danced 
and sprinted through the streets of San Francisco shouting 
slogans against war, racism and capitalism. The protestors 
were part of a breakaway march from the larger permitted 
rally organized by A.N.S.W.CA. (Ret Now to Stop War and 
Gnd Racism) which brought out approximately 200,000 
demonstrators. Rfter the permitted march got to its 
destination, about two thousand demonstrators broke off 

They stopped at the building that holds the San Francisco 

Chronicle, a major newspaper, notorious for its right-wing 

slant. Masked speakers on a megaphone pointed out how 

the coverage from this newspaper, and from the capitalist 

media in general, serve to bolster the US war effort at the 

same time as other masked protestors conveyed this 

message by tagging the building with "weapon of mass 

destruction," among other messages. Next, the building 

that houses the British consulate was tagged, with 

protestors stressing the international nature of the struggle 

against war and capitalism, and calling for similar actions 

by the people of Britain against the capitalists there. 

Protestors are well aware that Tony 

Blair is, as one person at the event 

put it, "Bush's Poodle." Protestors 

punctuated their message by 

smashing a number of windows. 

One spray-painted slogan read "UK 

out of Iraq! Burn the State!" The 

breakaway march wound its way 

through the city, using a number of 

sophisticated tactics to out-maneuver 

the police. Rs they moved along, 

more and more newspaper boxes 

were knocked into the street, and 

through the windows of a Starbucks 

and a Victoria's Secret. The high 

point of the demonstration was in 

attacks on the building that houses 

the Federal government's Immigration 

and Naturalization Service. Numerous windows were broken 

and a cement pylon and a newspaper box were thrown 

through the INS building's glass front doors. After September 

1 1 of last year, media, critics and politicians gloated about 

what they saw as the death of radical street protests in 

the United States. The more conservative elements of the 

anti-globalization movement were frightened by a possible 

confrontation or worse, saw it as a time to stick together 

A gasoline bomb explodes near 

Greek pigs at anti-war protest 

in Athens on Feb 15, 2oo3. 

and offer "critical support" to the United States government. 
Rt the same time the radicals were targeted with stronger 
and more aggressive policing, and international financial 
institutions such as the World Trade Organization held their 
meetings in countries with repressive regimes that do not 
allow protest. But the radicals in the anti-globalization 
movement were never just protesting "globalization"; they 
were opposed to capitalist globalization. This analysis 
has transferred easily into anti-war organizing. Maybe 
smug critics and politicians were wrong. We are witnessing 
a rebirth of the radical street demonstrations in the US. As 
one black-clad and masked protestor said that day, "The 
anti-globalization movement is dead, but the anti- capitalist 
movement is alive and well." 

January 19, 2003, Italy: 
Open Season on Ski Resorts 

On January 19, a fire devastated 
the chairlift of a notorious ski resort 
in Abetone, Pistoia, Italy. Ninety 
cabins burned. Damages were 
estimated at $7,000,000. A slogan 
spray painted at the site said, "Fire 
to Destructors — Free Marco!" 

A communique sent to news 
agencies claimed the action in 
defense of the mountains and in 
solidarity with ecodefence prisoner 
Marco Camenisch, now on hunger 
strike in his jail cell in Switzerland. 
Marco Camenisch has been jailed 
for blast attcks against the nuclear 
industry in Switzerland. He was 
imprisoned but escaped to Italy where he was recaptured 
after several years. He was then accused of damaging 
powerlines. He has been transferred back to Swiss jails to 
finish his years of imprisonment and to await trial where he 
is accused of murder of a border guard. 

On the same night, two more actions, a bomb at a large 
TV antenna and the torching of a mobile phone tower, 
were claimed in solidarity with Marco. 

j Wwtr "lr*tf" R£$f(M 

| We write to all Green Anarchists from a certain valley in Navarre (Basque Country) as 
I activists of the local land squatting scene and as supporters of Faki Garcia Koch, an earth 

■ liberation prisoner, who has been in prison for 18 months in the city of Pamplona. 

I Around 1 943, General Franco 's government in Madrid finally threw out the last traditionally 
J producing peasants from these mountains. Before this date, the vast majority of campesino 
I families and clans had as little contact with modern 'progress' as imaginable in Western 
I Europe. Economically the village communities had definite pre-capitalist 
| subsistence-crop systems. The State could not be felt in these places. On the j 
I other hand, the Catholic Church, as the only institution that managed to ^^H 
I get control over the individuals living there, damaged seriously the jj'f 

■ traditional Basque self-government on the level of village councils. 
After 1959, the WMF and World Bank started to give credits to Jt? 


the fascist government under the condition of the Spanish State 
I producing cellulose (and permitting direct investment in 
I Mediterranean tourism). So, the valleys abandoned by the humans 
| were filled with pine trees. The fascist development program 
I also included megalomaniac infrastructural projects in the 

■ Pyrenees, in our case the huge "ITOIZ" dam project, which the 

■ following governments finally started to build in 1985. The water 

_ reservoirs in the Pyrenees are supposed to deliver uncontaminated 

' water to the Mediterranean coast, parallel to the stinky heavy-metal 

I river Ebro, where Irati's water is heading to naturally. 

1 Since 1980 we have been squatting in these villages, which were 

| abandoned for decades without human attention, in the former buildings ^%,, 

I founded in the 11th century, now ruins. In the 90's a second generation of ii| 

■ mostly urban socialized anarchists started up six more land squatting projects. 

I As we are now re-building the ruins and re-opening the gardens, we try to live 

J anarchist communism - recovering pre-capitalist sustainable production modes. We 

• want to live using technologies, but only together with the struggle for independence I 
I from petrol companies etc. This means that we understand, install, and repair * 
| technologies by ourselves, without paying money to anybody. The big exception to 
| this are some old vans which we use for transports, and that are legally registered. 
1 Since 1 999 we have had eviction orders and the declaration of Navarra's government that they 
■ will be willing to destroy the squatted villages entirely. So far this has not been carried out. 
I Since 1994 we've seen direct action against the Itoiz dam project, in addition to the 

some 800 m long steel cables with Rotaflex motorsaws. The action caused costs of millions of 
Euros and paralyzed the project for 11 months. The activists were filmed during the whole 
action and stood on the site waiting to be arrested and for police boots in their stomachs. 

The politics of public action can be understood in the permanent climate of the War against 
Terrorism which absolutely dominates the media and the repression (torture and isolation) of the 
Spanish State. The 8 activists were condemned to 5 years of prison each by a judicial farce. They 
went underground after the long court process ended in '99. The group then started an action 
tour to prominent monuments in European capitals. 7 are still in exile outside of Spain. 

Only Faki Garcia Koch was caught in June 2001, classified as a terrorist ("FIES-3") and held 

in isolation for 12 months, until the campaign and the lawyer fought the re-classification. There 

is a campaign going on for his freedom and for canceling the 8 penalties. 

Meanwhile the concrete walls near Itoiz are finished. The government is deaf to prominent 

engineers' serious warnings that the dam will BREAK when they fill the reservoir, 

putting thousands of beings in serious danger, as well as the "ASCa" nuclear 

power plant downstream the river Ebro. The next steps are the finishing of 

new roads, the cutting of 1 million trees on the 1 , 1 00 hectares of the planned 

reservoir, and the eviction of the last 2 of the 9 villages that are supposed 

to be underwater. All this is accompanied by the largest militarization 

per inhabitant that is known in Spain, while different forms of 

social-ecologist protest are going on. 

We definitely would like to have more exchange and mutual 
solidarity with other movements. The best for us is collaboration 
with the long-term empowerment of our squatting communities. All 
Green Anarchists are warmly invited to get to know our valley. 
Although it is honest to 
remind you that our com- 
munities function in Spanish 
(and Basque) and that it'll be more easy to 
organize in these languages. 

If you want to distribute the 
videotape, or for any other com- 
ment, contact to us. , 

legal campaigns run since 1985. After a series of non-violent and public actions in 
construction sites, offices, and monuments, on April 6th 1996, 8 "Soliarios con Itoiz" cut 


Grupo de Apoyo a I?aki 

(GAI) Iyaki support group 

address: GAI, Apdo. 35, E- 

31430 Aoiz (Navarra) 

Every morning I wake up and 
wonder what I should do- 


page 14 

February 1 5, 2003, Oregon: 

Anarchists Attack Army Recruiting Station 

Portland: From the communique: In the wee 
morning hours of Saturday the fifteenth, a small 
group of anarchists targeted the huge conglomerate 
recruitment center on S€ 82nd Street. Undaunted 
by the bright lights of the shopping center, the 
group threw bricks at the windows and spray 
painted "no war but the class war" on the concrete. 
The action was in solidarity with the millions of 
people rallying worldwide against the war on 
Saturday, and served to draw attention to 
recruitment's fascist targeting of minorities, young 
people and people living in poverty. The anarchists 
feel that military recruitment is a large and highly 
ignored part of US imperialism, and as we speak 
recruiting centers are sucking the bio-mass from poor 
neighborhoods near you and feeding 
it into the war machine. The action was 
autonomous, spontaneous and 
unaffiliated with any group. 

February 1 5, 2003, Greece: 
Anarchists Up The Ante At Anti-War 

Athens: Riot police fired tear gas at 
demonstrators who threw stones and 
several petrol bombs at them during 
a rally against a U.S.-led war on Iraq. 
Dozens of masked anarchists splintered 
from a main body of up to 50,000 
demonstrators gathered in the Greek 
capital, smashing several windows and 
burning a parked car. In the main 
northern city of Thessaioniki, protesters 
threw stones at the U.S. consulate and 
police also used tear gas. In Rthens, the violence 
broke out in the main Syntagma Square across from 
the Greek parliament, where the windows of several 
banks and shops were broken. Two newspaper 
offices were also attacked. Police fired volleys of 
tear gas, which wafted through the area sending 
shoppers scurrying for safety. In Patras, 4,000 
people demonstrated against the war and a block 
of about 300 anarchists threw yogurt and eggs at 
the British consulate, the courthouse, a bank and a 
local government building. The majority of people 
in Greece strongly oppose American imperialism 
and military action against Iraq. 

February 1 5, 2003, England: 

Anarchists Breach World Service Headquarters 

London: The BBC has instigated a wide-ranging 
security review after up to 50 anarchists barged 
their way into the headquarters of the World Service. 
Some members of the group were said to have 
roamed around Bush House in Rldwych for some 
time before being rounded up. World Service 
managers are said to have been aghast at the 
intrusion, which came less than two years after the 
Real IRR detonated a bomb outside SBC Television 
Center in west London. The incident raised concerns 
that the World Service could be the target of a 
violent attack. The security response to this recent 
incident, which had been kept secret until the BBC 
was contacted by the Guardian, was described as 
"woeful". Sources say 40 to 50 intruders entered 
the Bush House early morning, easily overcoming 

security guards. They are said to have penetrated 
deep into the building, including the offices of one 
of the foreign language services. One source said 
some managed to get on to the roof and replace 
the BBC flag with an anarchist black flag. The ease 
with which the intruders overcame "minimal" security 
at Bush House has caused alarm at the BBC. 
Security measures at the BBC Television Center at 
White City were tight before the Real IRR bomb: 
glass security doors replaced turnstiles after an 
intruder entered the television newsroom in 1999. 

February 16, 2003, California: Anarchists Go On 
the Offensive During International Day of Action 
Against the War 

San Francisco: fl group of demonstrators broke 
away from the huge crowd at the SF Civic Center 
area at the end of a huge anti-war march and 

clashed later with 
police during a 
4-hour confronta- 
tion marked by 
hit-and-run acts 
of destruction. 
Members of the 
group broke win- 
dows at several 
businesses and 
on a pair of police 
cars during their 
rampage. They 
buildings and 
other objects 
with graffiti. They 
burned trash, 
climbed onto a 
cable car, and later tossed bottles and other objects 
at mounted police who were trying to control them. 
fit one point, the group - which began with about 
1,000 people and dwindled to about 200 - took 
over several busy streets in the financial district. 
Police said two officers were injured during the 
confrontation and taken to the hospital, where they 
were treated and released. The breakaway crowd 
was mostly made up of an anarchist Black Bloc. The 
group pulled out of the Civic Center area when the 
main demonstration was all but finished and many 
of the original participants had left the area. Rround 
4 p.m., a group that estimated at around 1,000 
began marching into the financial district. Individuals 
from the group broke windows at McDonald's and Old 
Navy, as well as the window front at Rbercrombie Si 
Fitch in the SF Center. R dozen or so protestors also 
ran through the main entrance to the mall and threw 
rocks at some stores to try and break windows, 
without success. The protestors also broke out the 
windows of two SFPD patrol cars. Using bullhorns, 
police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly, 
warning people they would be arrested if they did 
not disperse. Some protesters left and others began 
throwing objects - bottles, sticks and garbage - 
at police on horseback. The terrified horses began 
bumping against each other and finally, the mounted 
officers galloped away to cheers from the crowd. The 
dwindling group was boxed-in by police into the 
center of the intersection, and police began arresting 
some of them and placing them in sheriff's vans. 

VK>L£AKE" /p NE <E"55ir/ 

Throughout the prison camps known as schools one often hears the age-old adage "sticks and stones 
may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This assertion that words do not hurt operates as a 
front — a fagade which domesticated people use as defense when bullies cut them down. 

Sticks and stones do not hurt much in comparison to the psychological damage inflicted by name-calling. 
People should resort to violence more often as a way to avoid psychological beat-downs for a couple of 
reasons; they are the following: 1 . When you are in a fight your mind slices through the social conditioned 
crap, thus you revert to the primal way of life, becoming an animal (as you know all animals are vastly 
superior to any civilized human). 2. Your senses become enhanced and your mind gets cleansed. 

One must be fully certain that his or her target deserves the act of violence that s/he commits. When 
violence is just, it's beautiful, but when it is not deserved, it's uglier than sin. One must also realize the 
repulsiveness of institutional violence, such as the military; people who serve in the military go to faraway 
places and kill people who they do not know. In these cases violence is not used for self-defense, but rather 
as a method of smoothing problems out in order for the system to run more effectively. For example, the 
U.S. shall attack Iraq for oil, the main resource that keeps the techno-industrial system running. 

Pacifism serves as a tool of the system; the more people are pacified, the better the system operates. 
Violence, when used properly, attacks the all-encompassing system. Bear in mind that any success through 
pacifism (such as Indian resistance to British rule) occurred in an entirely different context than today. 

So, if you desire to fight the powers that be, train yourself in the usage of deadly weapons, and other 
survival skills (e.g. know the wild edible plants in your bioregion). This isn't hard to do. Go to gun shows, 
check out some useful books — more importantly, train yourself, because reading material pales in 
comparison to actual experience. If your library (basically the only good thing that a democratic regime 
produces) does not have any good books, you should use what is called an interlibrary loan. Also, get 
plenty of exercise, and eat healthy. In short, prepare for the fall (it's coming soon). . p a f Rock 

page 15 

1 mum of wmmb 


Despitethe tremendous successes we've had in the past few years, several 
recent anarchist mobilizations have been hijacked by a shrill minority that 
wishes to impose permits, routes, parade marshals (e.g. peace police), zones 
of actions and other such nonsense, turning our rage and creativity into a 
well-ordered media spectacle: or worse, mass arrest The constant and insincere 
calls for "solidarity" and protecting others have turned our once raucous 
resistance into an exercise of well-organized crowd control. 

But it hasn't always been like this... 

Just a few years ago the military's pet think tank RAND organization wrote: 
"Anarchists [in Seattle 1999] using extremely good modern communications, 
including live internet feeds, were able to execute simultaneous actions by 
means of pulsing and swarming tactics coordinated by networked and leaderless 
'affinity groups.' Rather it became an example of the challenges that 
hierarchical organizations face when confronting networked adversaries 
with faster reaction cycles. This loosely organized coalition, embracing network 
organization and tactics, frustrated police efforts to gain the situational 
awareness needed to combat the seemingly chaotic Seatfle disturbance." 

RAND concludes that there is litde that hierarchical organizations like 
the police can do to deal with such chaotic tactics. In addition, they sound 
the alarm that our types of groups facilitate rapid evolution of tactics and 
promote greater recruiting opportunities than traditional demonstrations. 

We gain nothing returning to the tactics of ten years ago: the scripted, 
bland and boring traditional leftist demonstrations of parade routes, leaders, 
speakers, and marshals. What we need is creative, decentralized, and most 
of all, chaotic action. 

One tactic used in Seattle and elsewhere that utilizes chaos is "pulsing." Pulsing 
is the ability of groups of people to come together, disperse to safety and 
reform in new groups. While this is similar to the guerrilla tactic of 
"absorption," there is an important difference. 

Che's notion of "absorption" is simply when a "force attacks the enemy for a 
period of time and then breaks off the attack being absorbed into the community 
or environment" from where it came. Pulsing is a constant flow of people joining, 
breaking up and rejoining, often in new combinations of groups. The most 
successful way this can be done is through small decentralized autonomous 
groups (e.g. affinity groups) that have the decision-making power to decide 
for themselves when and with whom to interact 

RAND points out that pulsing makes crowd control very difficult because 
it keeps "rearranging the threats" and that there is no prearranged pattern 
that police can analyze and neutralize. This unpredictabUity is the cornerstone 
of chaos theory. 

A biological example beloved by chaos theorists is bacteria. Bacteria function 
in pulses, creating ever-new patterns of connections. Chaos thinker Plane wrote, 
"Each pattern is organic and results from random forces in the environment 
The ever-changing collection and density [pulsing] of bacteria makes their 
organizations very durable and adaptable." 

"Swarming" is another way we can inject chaos into our actions. Swarming 
is the tactic of hitting a number of targets at the same time without following 
a pre-set pattern. Decentralized swarming frustrates law enforcement's 
ability to protect targets and disrupt our activities. They are forced into 
"reaction" as opposed to their goal of "controlling the agenda for protests." 
Again, the only way for this to work with thousands of people is for us to 
organize in a radically decentralized manner; decentralizing work and 
actions by the channels of affinity groups to be utilized best, so that the 
groups select actions that match their interests and abilities. 

In demonstrations, hierarchical organizations are quickly overwhelmed 
when their central nervous system is confronted by the chaos caused by 
unpredictable, pulsing swarms. Anarchists can take advantage of these 
matrices of opportunity opened up by autonomous groups, giving us a huge 
advantage over slow reacting, hierarchical groups like police. 

Both pulsing and swarming inject the crucial element of chaos into our 
demonstrations. Police are repulsed by chaos, as are all hierarchical 
organizations, and thus are slower to react. These tactics provide affinity 
groups opportunities that they could have never planned for: like liberating 
an unguarded dumpster next to a checkpoint that can be turned into a 
battering ram or finding an unlocked service entrance into a hotel where 
IMF delegates are staying. 

Chaos also allows small actions to be multiplied and expanded on. Even 
small initial changes can accumulate quickly creating profound and 
unlikely changes just as a butterfly flapping its wings in Argentina may 
cause a hurricane in New York. 

We are not robots, we are not pawns of organizers: we are a pulsing 
swarm of creative and free butterflies. We are fighting for our lives and 

dancing to be free. 

Curious George Brigade 
International Anarchist Cabal 



Anti-Capitalist and Anti-Imperialist Battles 

"The sit-ins, the lie-ins, the crawl-ins, the cry-ins, the beg-ins are all outdated" - Malcolm X 

It's hard to think of another time when there has been such 
a pronounced gulf between armchair intellectuals and activists; 
between the theorists of revolution and its attempted practi- 
tioners. UUriters who for years have been publishing essays 
that sound like position papers for vast 
social movements that do not in fact exist 
seem seized with confusion or worse, 
dismissive contempt, now that real ones are 
emerging everywhere. The rift between 
passively-contemplative academics and 
revolutionaries is nowhere more obvious than 
in the case of what's still, for no particularly 
good reason, referred to as the "anti- 
globalization" movement, one that has in a 
mere two or three years managed to transform 
completely the sense of historical possibilities 
for millions across the planet. 

This may be the result of sheer ignorance, 
or of relying exclusively on what might be 
gleaned from such overtly hostile, pro- 
capitalist "news" sources like the New u ork 
Times; then again, most of what's written in 
supposedly "alternative" papers also seems 
largely to miss the point of what participants 
in the "anti-globalization" movement feel is 
most important and dynamic about it. Much 
of the hesitation to fully embrace the growing 
international anti-capitalist movement lies in 
the reluctance of those who have long fancied 
themselves radicals of some sort to come to 
terms with the fact that they are really liberals: 
interested in expanding individual freedoms 
and pursuing "social justice", but not in ways that would 
seriously challenge reigning institutions like Capital or the State, 
find even many who would like to see revolutionary change are 
not entirely happy about having to accept that most of the 
creative energy for radical politics is now coming from anarchy — 
a tradition and a perspective that they have hitherto mostly 
dismissed — and that taking this new movement seriously will 
necessarily mean a respectful engagement with it. 

What separates the current "anti-globalization" movement 
from previous "protest" movements is its emphasis on direct 
action. The very notion of direct action, with its rejection of a 
politics that appeals to governments to modify their behavior, 
in favor of physical intervention against state power in a form 
that itself prefigures an alternative - all of this emerges 
directly from the anarchist tradition. Anarchy is the heart of 
this new movement, its soul; the source of what's so energizing 
and hopeful about it. 

But however you choose to trace the origins of strategies 
like the "Black Bloc" and economic sabotage, these new tactics 
are perfectly in accord with the general anarchistic inspiration 
of the "anti-globalization" movement, which has nothing to 
do with seizing state power and is more about exposing, 
de-legitimizing and dismantling mechanisms of rule while 
winning ever-larger spaces of autonomy from it. After 
nearly half a century of slumber and dormancy, anarchy 
has reappeared on the world stage just where it had been at 
the end of the 19th century, as an international movement at 
the very center of revolutionary struggle. 

Vet it would be inaccurate and Curo-centric to give anarchists 
all the credit for the present strength and vitality of the "anti- 
globalization" movement, when just as many (and perhaps 
more) contributions to its growth and development have been 
made by indigenous communities of resistance. International 
resistance movements of the past usually ended up exporting 
western organizational models to the rest of the world; in this 
case, the flow if anything has been the other way around. Many 
of the "anti-globalization" movement's signature strategies were 
first developed in the global South. In the long run, this may 
well prove to be the single most radical thing about it. 

November 1 7, 2002, Greece: Greeks Riot against State 
Tyranny at Annual Anti-Fascist March 

Athens: Outnumbering police forces by just two to one, some 
10,000 people took part in the annual march commemorating 
the November 1 7, 1 973, Polytechnic student revolt, which was 
augmented by rioting anarchists and leftists. Police said some 
300 youths joined the main body of marchers, who were 
heading from the Patission St Polytechnic complex to the US 
Embassy. They threw sticks, stones and flares at police out- 
side Parliament, and targeted riot squad officers at the War 
Museum and the Hilton Hotel with Molotov cocktails. Rioters 
set up barricades of chairs seized from local cafes at Mavili 
Square, near the US Cmbassy, smashed the entrances to six 
blocks of flats, broke two car windscreens and burnt down a 
bus company ticket booth before being chased off by police 
using tear gas. In a similar march in Thessaloniki that day, a 
state TV cameraman was injured by rioting youths, several of 
whom were detained. 


December 1 9-20, 2002, Argentina: Protests Mark Anniversary 

Buenos Aires: Thousands of demonstrators marched on 
December 19 to the Plaza de Mayo to commemorate the first 
anniversary of a popular uprising that prompted the resignation 
of President Fernando de la flua and led to 
a wave of violence, looting and state 
repression that killed 25 people. While the 
march and rally remained peaceful, some 
marchers blocked access to banks and 
currency exchange businesses along the 
route, and threw a paint bomb at the 
entrance of the Buenos Aires stock market. 
Demonstrators also burned effigies of President 
Cduardo Duhalde and former President 
Carlos Saul Menem. Thousands of police 
agents were deployed to handle security 
during the activities of December 1 9-20, but 
they kept a low profile. Many banks, stores 
and other businesses closed early and 
boarded up their windows to avoid being 
targeted by protesters. Smaller demon- 
strations also took place on December 20 
in other Argentine cities: some 7,000 
marched in San Salvador de Jujuy, capital of 
the northwestern province of Jujuy. In 
Cordoba, capital of Cordoba Province, some 
1 ,500 marched; one group of marchers broke 
off from the crowd and threw rocks at a 
McDonalds restaurant and the offices of 
Telecom. In Santa Fe Province, thousands 
marched in the provincial capital, where nine 
people were killed in the uprising a year ear- 
lier, and 1 ,000 marched in the city of Rosario. On December 20_ 
in lomas de Zamora in Buenos Aires Provir. 
individuals threw pamphlet bombs at < 
office of the Spanish telecommunicate 
Messages left at both sites referrj 
anniversary and the "struggle of ( 

December 30, 2002, Philipp 

Tuba: A powerful bomb 
deceased dictator Ferdinj 
hillside, blowing off it: 
open a hole and rippefctrr rk MByes, 
the upper part of thfll 00^Rt-hi 
didn't topple it cq^BsMiiJjJjJom th 
the South China 

ces Marcos Bust 

iant stone bus 
n a northern Philj, 

January 23, 2003,1 

Indianapolis: The 1 
anonymously on the 111 
and Rrmy Recruitment] 
painted with "Fuck Vol 
windows were broken, 
painted and the window^ 
economic rulers of the US c 
nothing more or less tharTtfie caplt 
and working people of the world, 
manufacturers capitalize on more starwft 
just as they have in Afghanistan, Cg 
many other parts of the word wfa 
resisting the brutal capitalist^ 
the politicians and genera 
peace. UJe know the peat 
power is based upon the* 
the march to war as we fie 

paint over some of the graffiti, but that some of the billboards 
would have to be re-papered at a cost of thousands of 
dollars. "There's quite a bit of damage back there," Dan Norton 
said. "In one case they shut off the electric so the lights were 
off (while they painted the graffiti). In another case they 
needed a 32-foot ladder to get up there. They did just what 
they needed to do." 

February 4, 2003, Ireland: Plowshare Activists Arrested for 
Disarming US Plane 

Shannon: In late January, an Irish peace activist took a 
hammer to a US Navy plane in Shannon Airport, causing 
hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. She is currently 
on remand awaiting trial for this action. On February 2, five 
Catholic Workers/Ploughshares activists cut their way into the 
airport and poured human blood on the runway that has been 
servicing US military flights, troop and munitions deployments 
to US military bases in Kuwait and Oatar. The five constructed 
a shrine on the runway to Iraqi children killed and threatened 
by the Bush/Blair war machine and sanctions. The shrine 
consisted of religious articles, flowers, and photographs of 
Iraqi children. They then began to take up the destruction of 
the runway, working on its edge with hammers. Having 
disarmed the runway, the activists turned their attention to a 
hanger housing a US Navy plane which was under repair from 
the previous action. The plane was disarmed; the hanger was 
dismantled; and the message "Pit stop of death" was painted 
on the hanger's roller door. At this point all five activists were 
arrested. Since their arrests the five have refused to co-operate 
with bail conditions, have initiated a fast for peace and a call 
for mass nonviolent resistance to Irish complicity in the forth- 
coming war on Iraq. It has also been reported that following 
these two Ploughshares style actions the military has deployed 
kroops to guard its planes at Shannon airport. 
: what's happening at Shannon contact the 
; at: 

ve have serious personal issues with the 
religious o ncTTWBHI ■W/ons of manu activists connected with 
the Plowshare cindwM tMh^tms movements (as well as 
strategic differences co/nH lo% of waiting around to 

be arrested), w&xan 't helpU ho Hj certain degree of respect 
r their te/inc/«Hjk' commi^M H^so hard to deny that the 
esM Hit. is takinjt WU[y approaching war 

usly t/trnH Wtkan anarchists are. 

Vandalism Hits 

support equipment 
train - carrying the milid 
Island for skiMient to th| 
2:30 ^r. os it cfcproaq 
hopc^e-.. vve-stHtorsI 
the fc-crrme'-,!: at 'Mens* 
theH^' co Ja^rMg ex 
sai»-:? :o.Jinclu| 

eveH '2'i '-■■orisBme < 
the mxl'.s anc sJ^fcn firel 

London ice are investigating 
IverMTht to a train carrying 
lOlHlirborne Division. The 
lipmSBp the port at Blount 
an 0M Hyps stopped about 
raiH Ben the incident 
focal po^Bjffe FBI, the Army, 
Errand rAYid police searched 
fiat lAKtolen. Authorities 
lis, HKies, gas cans, and 
: waafl Hn was thrown near 
:mnel 4 5 cpmy Fields found a 

some of them opened, 

i the tracks. CSX officials 

fide special security to 

acks around-the-clock. The 

|oth said they are not the 

tdidn't know who was. 

1 weapon 
io 'Iraqi people . 

5pg are 
sk HbsdH 
D.Cj&^istice and 
■ capl^fsm and^oteU 
\ath g&pany. UJe^%ht 
aqiKkt us. HI ^B 

Ion Billiard 

> sari 

ied addP 
x wat 

January 30, 2003, Ohio: Antjfl Iflpp 

Cincinnati: Cight billboar<Hj °" ; 9 '" iteiHjfce 75 
tional messages for commuter^^BvP"'HW.g 
ing a U.S. war with Iraq. Under a billoi 

was the line: "No time for war, no timjJH^r hate Under a 
"Vote No To Pot ... Roast" billboan 
"Impeach Bush. Stop the oil war." Norto 
of Cincinnati owned four of the billboards. OwneTlUWPNo 
referred to the incidents as "commercial terrorism." Dan Norton, 
vice president of operations, said the company was able to 

trail °^V pedy-to-eaHckQ^ 
leading infWin apartment™mpjj 
said that the railroad police 
military shipments, and pc 
FBI and Jacksonville SherifJ 
lead agency in the investl 

editor's note: UJe failed^ ■Bn'mg further information on 
this unclaimed action, bjU mfelu hope that more dissidents 
here in the states j^fl Kloying tactics like this against 
the militaru-indt^Upl Be. Incidents like this - as well 
demJM Hjovc the world against U.S. 

impeTH^m ■■ highligh^^refact that we are witnessing a 
eriod of frajM H> a Formerly hegemonic world system. 

Vi^M IWrr, the American Empire has been 
embm^b d Kr of small-scale military actions but 
haftt belH ll anywhere with respect to political 
■tA/cM Kr/'on movements — termed "terrorist" 
■ment -- have arisen all over the globe 
th3M ■ba/ice of American power, which is 
cleitkf now ^ t heU m^^Mtical polarization is occurring 
injRe center^of t/i<H H^we// as the peripheries and is 

c&ucial a^kct oH HW/gi/r/ng world system that is 
associated w ith^M H/''on. The "terrorist" networks that 

ha^^alWgecU^t Ued the new post-September 7 7 

culture ofJt^ might HW be understood as part of the 

e world system. Thoughts might 
formerly in the employ of the 
entury, often at the gates, burning 
o~me itself. Could the U.S. now be in a similar 
situation? Utter all, the new "terrorists" are former 
warriors in the employ of empire who have changed sides. 

res ai 
buthe U.f.S^e 
i^fesponse^m i 


The phony "unification" that the U.S. is now so desperately 
promoting has taken the form of a larger international project: 
the 'War on Terrorism." But this is only a unification among 
state elites and the western ruling class, and has nothing to do 
with the actual feelings and desires of the rest of the human 
population. Ule may be approaching the end of €mpire or its 
temporary reinforcement or even expansion, but one thing is pretty 
certain: The empire is impaired and it is our time to strike. 

February 25, 2003, Argentina: Squatters Battle Police 

Buenos Aires: Riot police clashed with hundreds of squatters 
being evicted from an abandoned building in old Buenos Hires. 
Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas as the squatters tore 
down metal barriers and lobbed stones at a nearby police 
station on the cobbled streets of the San Telmo quarter, once 
renowned for its expensive antique shops, cafes and tango 
dancing. Water cannon vehicles and police wielding batons 
blocked off a main artery into the city that runs past the large 
building -- a former children's home -just a ten-minute walk 
from the Presidential Palace. One elderly woman who was 
evicted from the building sobbed, "I don't have thousands of 
pesos to buy a house." City authorities wanted to clear out 
the building and demolish it, arguing it could fall down and 
injure the squatters, some of whom had lived in the deserted 
structure for 15 years. As Argentina struggles with its worst 
economic crisis in a century, squatter settlements have multiplied 
across the city, once dubbed the "Paris of South America." 

February 26, 2003, Argentina: Militant Protests Greet Trial 
for Revolutionaries 

Buenos Aires: Riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets, 
dispersing about 200 demonstrators outside the gates of a 
federal courthouse where four militant activists went on trial 
for inciting violence against the government eight years ago. 
Masked demonstrators responded by throwing rocks and sticks. 
As protestors scrambled to escape billowing clouds of tear 
gas, one television cameraman was hit in the face by a rubber 
bullet. The violence caused the opening of the trial to be 
rescheduled. The four members of "Quebracho," a leftist group 
known for leading anti-government protests, are accused of 
possessing illegal weapons and inciting violent protests. 


March 9, Mexico: Farmers, Anarchists and Students Rip Apart 
Voting Booths During elections In Mexico's Largest State!! 

San Salvador Anteco — Protesters wearing ski masks and 
waving machetes demolished voting booths and fought with 
authorities during municipal elections in Mexico's largest state. 
More than 8 million voters were choosing 1 24 mayors and 45 
lawmakers in the state that borders Mexico City. Violence broke 
out in San Salvador Anteco, the scene of a major clash last 
year with Mexican President Vincente Fox's government over 
the building of a new international airport in this town 15 
miles northeast of Mexico City. The land in question would 
have been used by Fox to make his most important physical 
contribution to modernizing Mexico: an 1 1 ,000-acre international 
airport with six runways. But to the farmers, many of whom 
are Indians, the plan sounded like a modern-day Conquest. 
"Without our land we would be like caged birds. And what 
would happen to our dignity?", said Jorge Cspinoza, whose 
great-grandfather lost his leg fighting alongside Zapata. 
"We want progress that allows us to be owners of our destiny. 
The government wants to make us peons in an airport." 

Protesters claimined Anteco had seceded from the rest of 
Mexico state since the airport dispute. A group of 300 
farmers, anarchists and students ripped apart all three voting 
booths. Fights broke out when election officials tried to keep 
protesters from stealing and burning ballots. Protesters then fired 
a cannon to celebrate the destruction of the voting booths. 
The anti-election festivities left the town "deeply divided" 
and saw many residents head to other areas to "vote". 
In neighboring San Francisco Acuixcomic, local do-gooders 
formed a human chain to protect voting booths, but anti- 
government protesters eventually stormed the village and 
destroyed all voting materials. This incident only illustrates 
how all over the world, from Argentina to Algeria, the State 
as an institution and a political conceptualization is losing all 
credibility and support. 

A toast to democracy^J^jsyM^ufri^^this society 

Sides in the voting game disapear into the same machine... 



It's not at all surprising that news of the insurrection that has been going on in Algeria since April 2001 has not 
been reported in US media. I learned about it through an Italian anarchist website: 

The uprising was provoked when police murdered a high school boy. On April 18, 2001, riots began in Beni- 
Douala, an area of Tizi Ouzou in the region of Kabylia about 70 miles east of Algiers. Riots and demonstrations 
quickly spread to other villages in the region. Rioters attacked police stations and troop detachments with 
stones, molotov cocktails and burning tires, and set fire to police vehicles, government offices and courts. 
Government attempts to quell the uprising failed. From the beginning, the rebels showed an unwillingness to 
negotiate and refused all representation. By the end of April, targets of collective rage broadened to include 
tax offices, all sorts of government offices and the offices of political parties. Rebels blockaded the main 
roads and looted government buildings and other property of the rulers. Within a week the entire region of 
Kabylia was in open insurrection. The state sent in its guard dogs to repress the revolt, leading to open 
conflicts with deaths and injuries on both sides. 

By the end of the first week of May, the insurgent movement began to organize itself in village and neighborhood 
assemblies (the aarch) that coordinate their activities through a system of apparently mandated and 
revocable delegates who would be bound to a very interesting "code of honor" a few months later. The only 
political movement that might have had a chance of recuperating the revolt, the Front of Socialist Forces 
(FFS) very quickly showed its true colors by offering to aid the president of Algeria, Bouteflika, in organizing a 
"democratic transition". 

Since then the coordination of aarch has been organizing demonstrations, general strikes, actions against 
the police and the elections. 

By mid-June, 2001 , the rebellion had spread beyond the borders of Kabylia, and in Kabylia state control had 
been nearly completely routed. Offices of the national police were thoroughly devastated, and the police 
themselves were shunned. Because no one in the region would sell them food and other needs, the government 
was forced to ship in supplies to them by helicopter and heavily armed convoys. 

At the end of June, the coordination of the aarch refused to meet with a government representative, clearly 
expressing the attitude of the insurgents. In mid-July the coordination of Tizi Ouzou adopted the "code of 
honor" which required delegates to pledge themselves "not to carry forward any activities or affairs that aim 
to create direct or indirect links to power and its collaborators", "not to use the movement for partisan ends 
nor to drag it into electoral competitions or any other possibility for the conquest of power", "not to accept 
any political appointments in the institutions of power" among other things. This pledge was put to the test 
almost immediately when unionists and partisans of the left tried to infiltrate the movement for their own 
ends. The failure of this opportunistic attempt to hijack the movement was made evident during a general 
strike on July 26, when demonstrators chanted: "Out with the traitors! Out with the unions!" 

Huge demonstrations continued. In mid-August, the insurgents banned all officials from the Soummam 
valley. This was not just due to a government celebration that was to occur there, but also because government 
officials had begun to contact certain unidentified delegates of the coordination who supported the idea of 
negotiation. Rather than weakening the struggle this government ploy led the insurgents to ban all government 
officials from Kabylia. The minister of the interior was greeted with a rain of stones when he came to install a 
new prefect. 

On October 1 1 , the Inter-Wilayas coordination (of the aarch and other self-organized assemblies and 
committees) decided that they would no longer submit the demands of their Platform to any state representative, 
that the demands were absolutely non-negotiable and that anyone who chose to accept dialogue with the 
government would be banished from the movement. Disobedience is total: taxes and utility bills are not 
paid, calls to military service are ignored, the upcoming elections are refused. 

On December 6, some self-styled "delegates" claiming to represent the aarch planned to meet with the 
head of government. In protest a general strike was called in Kabylia. Sit-ins blockading police barracks 
turned into violent conflicts throughout the region, some of which lasted for three days. Offices of the gas 
company, of taxes and of the National Organization of the Mujaheedin were burned in Amizour. In El Kseur, 
there were looting raids on a court and a judge's house. 

At the end of February, president Bouteflika announced that there would be elections on May 30. The movement 
responded by confiscating and burning ballot boxes and administrative documents. At the beginning of 
March it called for a boycott of the elections throughout Algeria. 

Bouteflika tried to appease the rebels by offering compromises which were refused and by moving police 
forces out of two major cities, but he followed this with mass arrests of delegates of the aarch. After police 
searches many other delegates went into hiding. Soon conflicts broke out. The government issued 400 arrest 
warrants against delegates, leading to further demonstrations. Conflicts continued throughout April. 

Despite government repression, the anti-electoral campaign of the aarch went forward in May with calls to 
action, marches and the destruction of ballot boxes. Students demanding the release of prisoners greeted 
president Bouteflika with a rain of stones when he went to the University of Algiers on May 20. The next day 
the students occupied the university demanding the release of their comrades. 

On May 30, election day, the entire region of Kabylia had less than a 2% voter turn-out! People showed their 
preference for direct action by barricading the streets, occupying the offices of the prefectures and the 
municipalities, and strewing the public ways with the remains of burned ballot boxes. A general strike 
paralyzed the region. There were conflicts with the police and election offices were attacked and destroyed. 
In the whole of Algeria, voter turnout was less than 50%, showing that the refusal of elections had spread 
beyond the borders of Kabylia. 

All through June, rebellion and social conflict continued through out Algeria. By August, violent conflicts and 
an ultimatum issued by the movement forced Bouteflika to pardon all the arrested delegates of the aarch. 
Upon release, the delegates declared that the struggle would continue. 

In October another election was called. The movement met it with a general strike and demonstrations. 
There were conflicts with the police everywhere. Once again, about half of the eligible Algerians boycotted 
the elections. In Kabylia, in spite of the participation of the FFS in the elections, 90% of those eligible refused 
to participate in the elections. 

This insurrection is of great interest to anarchists. There are no leaders, no parties, no charismatic spokespeople 
and no hierarchical or representative organizations of any sort behind it. It has been self-organized by those 
in struggle in a horizontal method and with specific guidelines to prevent the possibility of recuperation by 
parties, unions, politicians or other unscrupulous individuals, and these guidelines have been actively 
reinforced by those in struggle. The movement is equally against all of the contenders for power: the military, 
the government, Islamic fundamentalists, the left, the unions. It has successfully kept police "quarantined" to 
their barracks for long periods of time. It has carried out two election boycotts. It has forced the government 
to release arrested comrades. And it has carried out the daily tasks of an ongoing insurrectionary struggle. 
All through autonomous direct action. .... - . 

edited from an article 

by wolfi 

For another critique of the Algerian uprising, 

check-out the Class Against Class website at: 

6$ tUe veneer of dewitcrtcy 
statts to fade... tke M**rn$ sun 
of tntrcUy iWmmtfes Ike sky! 

page 19 


When Worlds 

Indigenous & Compesino Resistance 

This section is dedicated to Standing Deer: Revolutionary, Native American, and former political prisoner. 

Standing Deer Wilson was stabbed to death by a man he recently befriended in January 2003. Standing Deer was just 

released from prison in September 2001 after a 27-year sentence for armed expropriations. He was also known for 

exposing the plot to kill Leonard Peltier by the US government. To his friends, Standing Deer epitomized kindness, 

warmth, honesty and revolutionary commitment. His death was senseless, but Standing Deer's spirit will live on. 

December 5, 2002, Ecuador: Indigenous flbduct Oil Workers 

PastQza Province: A group of indigenous Achuar people 
from Ecuador's Pastaza Province abducted eight Ecuadoran 
workers from the fuel exploration firm Companfa General 
de Combustibles (CGC) to protest their presence on Achuar 
land. The Achuar released all eight over the December 1 5 
weekend following a week of negotiations between 
representatives of the community, the Ccuadoran government 
and the company. CGC has been operating since 1996 in 
"Block 23" of the Ccuadoran Amazon; the 
majority of the indigenous communities 
in the area object to the company's 
presence, saying it is violating ancestral 
territorial rights. The workers were 
released after the government agreed 
to "urge" CGC to temporarily and 
partially suspend its exploration efforts 
in the area until a consensus is reached 
over the continuation of the work. 
Meanwhile, the Argentine company 
Techint, which is building a new Heavy 
Crude Pipeline (OCP) through Ccuador 
as part of the OCP oil consortium, has 
offered a $40,000 reward for information 
leading to the whereabouts of two pipe- ■w^sHl 
line workers kidnapped last October 2. The company paid a 
ransom, but John Buckley of Britain and Luis Dfaz of G-cuador 
have yet to be released. 

December 1 7, 2002, Mexico: Indian Women Ban Liquor 

San Rafael Tampaxal: As the Corona beer truck with its 
clinking bottles lumbered into this Indian village in the 
mountains of central Mexico, angry women ran out of their 
homes, shouting: "Get out! Get out!" The women, many 
carrying babies in colorful shawls tied around their hips, 
forced the driver back down the mountain before he could 
unload a single bottle — much to the chagrin of their 
husbands, fed up with their men stumbling home drunk or 
falling over in a stupor in their cornfields, the women of 
this remote Indian village in San Luis Potosi state took 
matters into their own hands, refusing to allow any more 
alcohol to be sold in their community of 250 people. 
Huasteco women — whose customs don't allow them to 
own land unless they are widowed or orphaned — 
traditionally don't drink alcohol and rarely hold positions 
of power. The women's defiance has spread like wildfire 
through these lush mountains. Since their bold stand more 
than a year ago, women in at least ten Huasteco Indian 
villages have gotten their leaders to ban alcohol and 
another dozen communities are considering it. "A lot of 
men are not happy with this," said Marcelina Martinez, who 
helped turn back the truck from San Rafael. "They seem 
sad. But, oh well. At least now they spend time with their 
families, so in the end things are better. They didn't want 
to listen to us, so we had to get angry." Over the past 
decade, Huasteco women have taken on a greater role in 
their communities as more men leave to find work, often in 
the United States. Many women now manage the family 
budget — something that may have led to the alcohol bans, 
some say. The region relies heavily on coffee, and growers 
are earning much less amid plummeting world prices. 
"Before, if a man arrived home drunk, his kids could run 
over and find something in his bag. But now, the little bit 
that men make, they spend on drinking and it's affecting 
the children," said one woman, whose village of Santa Rita, 
down the mountain from San Rafael, is considering banning 
alcohol. Liquor is an integral part of Indian ceremonies in 
Mexico. Like many tribes, Huastecos pour alcohol on the 
ground as an offering to Mother Carth before planting. At 
festivals honoring each village's patron saint, men dance 
to the traditional music of violins and guitars and then drink 
until dawn. Women rarely drink, even at festivals, but they 
recognize alcohol as an important part of their traditions. 
Because of that, most dry towns lift their bans during 
celebrations. "If they want to combat alcoholism they should 
fight it at its roots and close down the factories. But they 
pay a lot of taxes, so nobody will touch them." Still, women 
say their bans have made a difference. As darkness fell over 
San Rafael, young men sat on the main plaza, chatting and 
chugging Coca-Colas. "My husband now is home early 
instead of stumbling in at 2 a.m. or falling over drunk on the 
floor in the local store, where I used to find him," Martinez 
said, washing clothes outside her thatched-roofed hut. 



December 1 8, 2002, Canada: 

Nuxalk First Nation Attacks Corporate Fish Farm 

British Columbia: Natives, environmentalists and fishermen 
stormed the construction site for an Atlantic salmon hatchery 
on BC's central coast and tore it apart. Native leaders 
likened introducing Atlantic salmon and the parasites and 
diseases spread by fish farms to the arrival of the first traders 
who spread smallpox up and down the coast killing 90 per 
cent of the native people in some villages. The 60 protesters 
who arrived by boat from the neighboring 
communities tore open a gate 
to the Omega fish 
I hatchery in 
Ocean falls 
and ripped 
down the 
forms for 
newly poured 
concrete. The 
20 fish farms 
operating in 
the Broughton 
near Alert Bay 

are being blamed for destroying the pink salmon runs in 
the area, fewer than 1 50,000 of the more than 3.6 million 
pink salmon that were expected actually returned this year. 
A scientific study of the disaster suggests bloodsucking sea 
lice they picked up on the way past the salmon farms killed 
off the juvenile salmon. Natives raised the alarm even 
before the fish failed to return, fishermen were finding young 
pink salmon covered in the parasites near the fish farms and 
last month demanded the shutdown of all the fish farms in 
the area - to no avail. The B.C. Salmon farmers' Association 
said it would cooperate with a 
"scientific" study into the problem. 

January 1, 2003, Mexico: 
Rebels "Retake" Chiapas City 

Chiapas: Some 15,000- 
20,000 indigenous supporters 
of Mexico's rebel Zapatista 
National Liberation Army (C-ZLN) 
marched in San Cristobal de las 
Casas in the southeastern state 
of Chiapas to mark the ninth 
anniversary of their 1994 
uprising. The huge nighttime 
march was a symbolic, peaceful 
"retaking" of the city, which the 
rebels seized with a surprise 
armed attack on January 1 , 
1994. Carrying machetes and torches, the demonstrators 
listened as seven masked CZLN members denounced 
Mexico's main political parties, the government of President 
Vicente fox Quesada and neo-liberal "globalization," and 
expressed support for the struggles of Mexican campesinos, 
"the political struggle of the Basque people," self- 
determination for Venezuela and "the rebel Argentine 
people." The mobilization was the C-ZLN's largest since 
2001, when the rebels mounted a large campaign for 
indigenous rights legislation, and it also marked the 
official end of the year and a half of silence the rebels 
maintained after Congress passed legislation that was 
unacceptable to the C-ZLN and most indigenous groups. On 
December 30 the C-ZLN's main spokesperson, Insurgent 
Sub-Commander Marcos, set a new, more aggressive tone 
with a letter published in the Mexican daily La Jornada. 
The letter dealt with the government's efforts to remove 
indigenous communities set up over the past few years in 
the Montes Azules ecological reserve in southeastern 
Chiapas. The CZLN talked to representatives of the 
communities, who said they would not leave until all the 
C-ZLN's demands had been met. "We told them we support 
them totally," Marcos wrote. "So it is good for everyone 
to know this, and in time: in the case of Zapatista 
villages, there will be no 'peaceful removals.'" Marcos 
was referring to the "peaceful removal" on December 
19 of one community, Lucio Cabanas, named after a 
rebel leader in Guerrero in the 1970s. 

January 18-23, 2003, Bolivia: 

Guerrillas Cxecute Police & Military Officials Following Wave 

Of Government Repression Against Campesino Groups 

Cochabamba Province: On January 21 , 18-year old army 
recruit Mario Copa Catacora was shot to death in an 
ambush that left two soldiers and two police agents 
wounded in Siete Curves, Cochabamba. Two other soldiers 
were wounded in a similar sniper shooting in Siete Curves 
on January 19. In a Reuters report that emerged January 
22, a reporter filmed, photographed and interviewed a 
group of people claiming to be an armed campesino group 
called the National Dignity Army (C-DN), allegedly operating 
in the Chapare. In a January 23 intelligence report, the 
Bolivian army and police confirmed the existence of the CDN 
and accused the group of responsibility for recent attacks 
on soldiers and police agents. The intelligence report says 
the group is led by Tiburcio Herradas Lamas ("commander 
Loro"), who was arrested in 1 992 for involvement in the Tupac 
Katari Guerrilla Army (C-GTK). Cocalero leader and politician 
C-vo Morales Ayma said of Herradas, "C-veryone knows he's 
an agent of the government, he always talks to you about 
weapons to get information about you." Some speculate 
that the CDN is a group sponsored by the government to 
discredit the Bolivian social movements as "terrorists," while 
others believe that the CDN is a genuine revolutionary force 
which has been organized to retaliate against the police and 
military for the violence perpetrated against exploited classes. 

February 24, 2003, Peru: Farmers Trash Government Agency 
over Coca Policy 

Pucallpa: farmers who grow coca leaf in Peru's central jungle 
sacked the offices of the state anti-drug agency in a violent 
clash with police that left six people injured. Several people 
were arrested in the tangle between the farmers, who have 
been protesting for a week against a state drive to pull up 

coca crops, and police the 
jungle region of Pucallpa, some 
600 miles northeast of the 
capital, Lima. Half of the 16 
lush jungle valleys that make 
up the coca region in Peru have 
been paralyzed by protest 
marches, blocked highways 
and shops locked by business 
owners fearing violence. In the 
jungle town of Aguaytia, 
protestors burned computers, 
furniture and documents that 
they dragged out from the 
local headquarters of govern- 
ment anti-drug agency, 
DC-VIDA. Tension in Pucallpa 
has thickened since february 21 , 
when the government of President Alejandro Toledo arrested 
Nelson Palomino, a chief coca leader, for alleged "terrorist 


tells me: take a pick ax to new car row hack & clear the land 

plant Hopi corn down to the sea 

tells me: break open that zoo buffalo corral 

chase them snorting through the streets 

tells me: put up tipis in every vacant lot 

shelter the poor without rent 

tells me: steal those dogs the pound suffocates 

cook them for Lakota stew 

feed the hungry without words 

Crazy Grandpa supposed to be dead They lock him up 

He withered Not dead I feel him shrivel against my backbone 

when I see anybody behind bars 

Grandpa tells me: take back these cities 

live as your ancestors Sew up the mouths of the enemy 

with their damn beads 

Grandpa I hear you through the walls of my skin 

Grandpa if I obey you they'll lock me up again 

like they did you 

Grandpa it's such a fine 

fine line 

between my instincts & their sanity laws 

I've no time to sew moccasins 

Grandpa I'm still learning how to walk in this world 

without getting caught 

"One does not sell the earth upon which the people walk," -Tashunka Witko (Crazy Horse) 

by Chrystos 

page 20 

Civilization's basic drive towards the complete domination and 
subjugation of all that is wild has resulted in a 1 0,000-year 
war on the earth and her creatures. From property lines to 
concrete, from napalm to barbed wire, civilization has always 
used every tool in its arsenal to subdue that which is ungovernable. 

Though civilized humans might like their cities neatly 
separated from the natural world, the Wild (chaos) is not 
submitting. Wild fauna and flora are reacting and adapting to 
civilization as fast as they can, not just in relation to logging 
and mining and ranching and fishing, but also to the fast-food 
restaurants, golf courses and campgrounds that now occupy so 
much of the earth s surface. Crows and their cousins in the corvid 
family — ravens, jays and magpies — have spent thousands of 
years taking advantage of human "ingenuity" and are now 
having a high time scavenging on the edges of the modern world, 
foraging in dumps and on suburban lawns, and nesting on 
everything from Alaska oil rigs to skyscrapers. 

In cities like Phoenix, hungry javelinas — knee-high wild pigs — 
devour the exotic (and expensive) landscaping of wealthy 
retirees, as Gila woodpeckers hammer away at air-conditioning 
units and peregrine falcons smear pigeon guts on downtown 
law-office windows, find all over the West Coast, from Los 
Angeles to Seattle, you'll find the ever-adaptable coyote, an 
animal so resourceful and crafty that it can learn and remember 
which storm-sewer channels lead to which golf courses, which 
duck ponds and swimming pools offer drinking water when the 
hills are dry, and which dumpsters behind which supermarkets 
are likely to be overflowing with delightfully rancid fish. While 
many species are forced to flee the expanding rings of 
development and "progress", hardier creatures like the 
coyote are rushing in like bargain-hunters on their way to a 
going-out of business sale. Intended or not, city parks and 
college campuses have become effective urban 
wildlife refuge for outlaw species like the coyote 
and serve as guerrilla bases from which they can 
launch their attacks on what has become their single 
most important mammalian prey in the new techno 
logical wasteland: the suburban housecat. 

In fact, it is in the interface between civilization and 
wilderness that an evolutionary showdown is brewing, 
and the odds seem to favor the wild ones (and the few 
humans left that haven't been terminally weakened by 
the easy life furnished by civilization's machines.) The 
system s teeming metropolises, all dependent on artificial 
energy sources to drive the machines which maintain their 
artificial environments, are starting to decay and implode. 
The illusion is crumbling, the masses are panicking, and 
the wild ones are watching, with eyes of green fire, 
biding their time, studying their enemy.. ..and occasionally, 

November 1 9,2002, Pennsylvania: 
Clephant Kills Keeper at Pittsburgh Zoo 

On mornings when weather permits, elephants at the Pittsburgh 
zoo are brought out of their cages to walk with their keepers 
(guards) around the grounds. On November 19, when two 
zookeepers were about halfway around the zoo with a twenty- 
year-old mother elephant and her 3-year-old female calf, the 
mother elephant abruptly stopped near the Northern Shores Cafe 
building. When one of her guards urged her to move along, the 
elephant butted him and pinned him to the ground with her head, 
crushing him. The entire incident lasted about 30 seconds and 
it's believed that the zookeeper, Mike Gatti, died instantly. Connie 
George, a spokeswoman for the zoo, said the elephant's behavior 
that day was atypical. "This is our most docile elephant. She's 
the model we use when we talk to other trainers about elephants. 
She's like a model elephant. She's the most subordinate in the 
group. She's so totally well behaved. She is not stubborn, she's 
very responsive." 

November 20, 2002, Washington: 

Unrequited Love Nearly Kills Rattlesnake Abuser 

YfiCOlT — fl man who was drunkenly showing off for his friends 
by kissing his newly captured rattlesnake was bitten on the 
lip and nearly died. Matt George, 21 , was immediately hospi- 
talized in critical condition after the incident, but within a few 
days his condition had stabilized. George was boastfully 
displaying the snake he had caught on a recent trip to Arizona; 
determined to be seen as the 'life of the party", George kissed 
the 2-foot snake while holding it behind its head. Rebelling 
against this humiliation, the snake took a chunk out of his face. 

"Laughter is the pipe oF Pan whose joyful melodies set skyscrapers ablaze and cause the squirrel, 

the elephant and the yarrow plant to wage massive war on I.B.AA. Laughter is the Flash in the eye oF 

a jaguar pouncing on an unsuspecting game hunter. Laughter is an earthquake hitting every major 

city with its wild abstract graffiti brought by hoary-headed bison coming once again to claim the 

prairies For the wild ones whose purple tears have stained sadistic sidewalks much too long. " 

— The Dances oF the Discordian Dervish 

November 25, 2002, Connecticut: 
Treasonous Turkey Causes Pre-Holiday Havoc 

PLAINFI6LD — fl wild turkey gave some bankers and towns- 
people a run for their money two days before Thanksgiving. 
The hen turkey, weighing 1 5-20 pounds, staked out some turf 
at the Jewett City Savings Bank and cornered customers as 
they tried to enter. The feral bird first charged Dianne Beaulac, 
a customer service representative at the bank. "I got out of 
my car and he just came after me. I threw my keyset it, my hair 
clip," she said. It took hours before town employees, crawling 
along the building's roof and chasing the bird around the 
parking lot, cornered it. 

November 26, 2002, Malaysia: 
"Performing" Snake Kills Charmer 

KUflLfl LUMPUR — fl cobra bit and killed a snake charmer when 
the man tried to coax it out of its box during a "performance." 
The snake charmer, identified as R. flnbarasan, grabbed the 
snake because it disobeyed orders and refused to appear in 
the show. "When the snake refused, flnbarasan pulled its tail 
and placed the cobra on the ground," P. Sivakumar told the 
local newspaper. "Without warning, the snake 
bit his left hand." flnbarasan died 
three hours later in a 

Notable Insect Rebellions In 2002: 

Beyond the daily contributions that termites, carpenter ants 
and cockroaches make towards the destruction of civilization, 
our "animal slave revolt" news staff received word of two other 
incidents of insect-related mayhem in the summer of 2002. 
One occurred in Corn Fork, KV, in July, when Larry Goble's house 
caught fire after an accident caused by Goble's attempt to 
burn a wasp's nest on an outside wall. The other incident 
occurred in August, when Rodrigo Vasquez's mobile home in 
Rockingham County, PA, was nearly destroyed when gas 
appliances ignited the owners' "pest-control" foggers. 

Dec 4, 2002, Oregon: 
Plane Hits Elk during Take Off, 
Crashes off Runway 

ASTORIA — A six-seat airplane hit an elk while taking off 
from Astoria Regional Airport and erupted in a fireball. Four 
people were on board, but no one was injured in the crash, 
said Ron Larsen, airport manager. Interestingly enough, one 
of the passengers was a military official, but airport 
investigators declined to give more details about the plane's 
mission or flight plans. The Learjet 36 was a civilian plane 
under contract to the Canadian military and was leaving on 
some sort of scheduled mission. The rural airport had planned 
to install a fence next summer to keep out the wandering herds 
of elk that migrate through the area. 

January 14, 2003, Philippines: 
Rooster Kills Handler during Cockfight 

ZAMBOANGfl— fl cockfight turned deadly in the Philippines — 
for a handler — when a rooster with razor-sharp steel spikes 
strapped to its legs attacked him. The rooster, about to be 
set loose for a bout in a crowded arena, hit the stunned man's 
thighs and groin with the razor-sharp spikes, causing him to 
bleed profusely in front of the shocked crowd. The man died en 
route to a hospital. Cockfighting is a popular gambling sport in 
the Philippines, especially in rural areas. 

"Laughter is the scream oF a Factory drunk on 
gasoline and matches giving light to a million dancing 
birds oF paradise. Laughter dances on the hillsides 
with witches in lunatic moonbeams as werewolves 
tear robots limb From limb and bury them in boxes 
labeled: For the earthworm." 

— The Dances of the Discordian Dervish 

The Beauty In The Beast: 

Human And Animal Rebels Unite 
Against The Forces Of Control! 

After the last "Animal Uprisings" news section appeared in 
issue #10 (Fall 2002) of Green Anarchy, many of our readers 
wrote us requesting that we carry news items in the future 
dealing with humans and other species working together to 
undermine the tyranny of the system. We haven't heard of 
any recent examples of this sort of thing, but here are a few 
older pieces our hard-working anarcho-investigators were able 
to unearth through their research. If anyone out there knows 
of other instances of animal/ human collaboration, then please 
write us at: P.O. Box 1 1331, Cugene, Oregon, 97440, 
or email us at: 

* In the late 1 °60's, the New York City-based anarchist "street 

gang with analysis," Black Mask, would gather emaciated, 

half-starving dogs and release them in expensive restaurants, 

as one strategy in their almost daily interventions into the 

heart of the American spectacle. 

* On December 12, 1980, around the time of some fairly 

heated battles between squatters and cops in West Berlin, 

600 white mice hidden in cornflake boxes were 

smuggled into Karstadt department store's grocery 

section. After eating their way out of boxes, they proceeded 

to eat their way through the abundance of food which 

now surrounded them. 

The communique issued by the MflF (Mouse Army Faction), 
which claimed credit for this action, stated: "This consumer 
shit has stunk for a long time and me won 't let these American 
colonialist Mickey Mouses make asses out of us anymore. We 
don't want Disneyland, so the future ofHarstadt must be in the 
hands of mice. For us prison walls are only blocks of cheese. 
UJe'll eat up everything that destroys us. " 

A couple of months later, in the middle of February, in a 
coordinated attack on forty banks, the "Rolling Pig 
Kommandos" stuffed bank letter boxes with pig shit and an 
accompanying note reading in part: "Vou shit on the poor 
pigs, but today you are full of shit. Vou made us into piggy 
banks and slaughtered us, but pigs are animals too. UJe won't 
allow you to build us new modern pigsties. Vou shit your money 
into banks. From today onward we shit back. Solidarity with 
the squattersl Freedom for all imprisoned squattersl Revoke 
all charges! Hisses to Mausi from the MRF Hreutzberg!" 

The next day, in an action also credited to the MAF 
(Mouse Army Faction), twelve rats made homeless by a 
squat eviction were released in City Hall. 

page 21 




My hammer 

The meaning of work is once again on the agenda and gaining 
increasing relevance for contemporary struggles. Within 
movements such as ecology, work is being examined from 
novel and challenging perspectives and with a growing sense 
of urgency. Beyond prior theoretical understandings, either 
as the basis for identity (as in classical Marxism) or, conversely, 
as being of no relevance to social transformation, the category 
"jobs" is (re)opened as a crucial site of struggle. "What about 
work?" is returning as a key question for transformative 
politics at the turn of the millennium. 

There are perhaps two principal, but very different, impulses 
for an emergent critique of work: firstly, the anti-productivist 
visions of social relations coming from social movements — 
most significantly ecology — which have encouraged a rethinking 
of the character of work; and secondly the cybernetized 
restructuring of global capital with its jobless recovery and 
institutionalized levels of unemployment. The first impulse 
tends towards radical and critical approaches to the decline or 
end of jobs, while the second is commonly reflected in 
expressions of anxiety, desperation and political reaction. 

Numerous authors (Polanyi, 1958; Black, 1995; Bridges, 
1 995) have discussed the historic emergence of "jobs" — meaning 
"to work for wages" -- as something distinguished from the 
performance of work — specific tasks engaged to meet direct 
needs. This transformation was closely related to enclosure of 
common lands and the separation of home life and work life 
as people left villages to work in the factories of the cities. 
Through industrialism work became transformed into jobs. 
The new job-work gradually contributed to the destruction of 
traditional social relations and served to undermine prior ways 
of living. The job is a social artifact, although it is so deeply 
embedded in our consciousness that most of us have forgotten 
its artificiality or the fact that most 
societies since the beginning of 
time have done fine without jobs. 

According to futurists such as 
Bridges, we have recently entered 
a new period signaled by further 
transformations in what is to be 
meant by jobs. "Now, once again, 
we have come to a turning point at 
which the assumptions about living 
and working that people had grown 
comfortable with are being 
challenged" (Bridges, 1995:45). 
Fellow Nostradamian Jeremy 
Rifkin argues that the global 
economy is in the midst of a trans- 
formation as significant as the 
Industrial Revolution. He suggests 
that we have entered a "new 
e c onomic era"marked by a declining 
need for "mass human labor". As 
computers, robots and tele- 
communications networks and 
other cybernetic technologies 
replace human workers in an 
increasing range of activities we 
have entered the early stages of a 
shift from "mass labor" to highly 
skilled "elite" labor accompanied 
by increasing automation in the 
production of goods and the delivery 
of services" (Rifkin, 1995). 

Bridges suggests that changes in 
technology and the global market 
have transformed work relations in 
such a manner as to suggest the 
disappearance of the very category 
"job". Cybernetization of capital 
has provided a context in which it 
is not unreasonable for workers to 
expect that their jobs will be 
eliminated. Bridges also suggests 
that each increase in productivity 
seems to make jobs redundant. 

Corresponding to this may be a 
shift in peoples' perceptions of 
work. More and more, people are 
"searching for alternatives to jobs 
and job descriptions" (Bridges, 
1995:46). Rifkin suggests that the 
"jobs" question is "likely to be the 
most explosive issue of the 
[present] decade". 

More interesting than the futurists 
are those calling for the outright 
abolition of work in its job form. 
Recognizing that the category 

"job" signifies a dependency relationship disguised as 
independence (the "freedom" to consume), work abolitionists 
call for workers of the world to relax in a gleeful rejection of 
the leftist mantra of full employment (Black, 1995). 


Hardhat hung on a nail, 
all my saws are 

Thirty stories over Seattle, 
In all that haste 

and crazed ringing whine 

of Skilsaws 
what did my hammering count? 

It was 
the grain of fir 
imprisoned in cement 

When I looked at those damned grey walls 
I saw a river 
in there 
I saw mountains 
in there, 
The veins of leaves 

and braided streams of glaciers 
in chips of dried slurry 
trying to 
get OUT. 

Overhead, in the open sky 
The maddened howl of engines 
Turns to thunder 
And carries my heart 
Across ranges and ranges 

of old age hills 
To a high place 

where all the waters are born 

where all the songs 
wake up 

where the dreams begin 

Get somebody else 

to beat the earth into dead shapes; 
I can't do it anymore, foreman, 

-Zac Reisner 

The abolitionist appeal is not a project for further integration 

of the working classes through preservation of jobs at all costs 

and over-reliance upon parliamentary mediation towards that 

end. Rather it expresses traditionally anarchic or libertarian 

sensibilities which journey beyond the reductionist contortion 

which has seen work come to be equated with jobs. This 

unconventional approach is made manifest primarily through 

emphases on creativity, self-determination and conviviality 

of relations. The category "jobs" is understood ^^^^^^k 

as marking a restriction of peoples' capacities 

to care for themselves and those within their 

communal/ecological groupings and is 

therefore rejected as a point for a radical 

activist convergence. 

Work abolitionism suggests a movement 

not "of class" but rather "against class", i.e., 

against the commodification of creativity and 

performance. Jobs or employment within the 

"anti-class" milieu refer to the idea that one 

must sell oneself to any function in order to 

receive sustenance, i.e., the imperative of 

wage labor. The category "jobs" speaks to 

the compulsory character of involvement in 

production - production enforced via relations 

of economic and political control and power. 

Questions of what one is doing are removed 

given this construction, of course. Work is 

no longer done for its own sake but for 

secondary effects, such as wages, which are 

not characteristic of or inherent to the work 

itself. It might be said that jobs form a 

condensation point for complex relations of 
power around the 
trading of time 
for money, or 
what Zimpel, quite 
poignantly, refers to 
as "a transaction of existential 

Jobs, as characterized by an 
extension of organizational control 
over people as workers signify a 
system of domination practiced 
through forms of discipline which 
include surveillance and time- 
management. The regimentation and 
discipline of the job serves to 
habituate workers to hierarchy and 
obedience while also discouraging 
insubordination and autonomy. Jobs 
as regimented roles replace direct, 
creative participation and initiative 
through arrangements of sub- 
servience. Bob Black argues that 
employment is capital's primary and 
most direct coercive formation, one 
which is experienced daily. 

Anti-work themes are not new, 
of course. They find antecedents in 
Fourier, Lafargue, and even (especially?) 
in Marx's critique of alienated labor. 
For radical abolitionists, (see Negri, 
1984) the liquidation of wage labor 
is not a given; it is a question of 
political struggle. 

Here a convergence between anti- 
work theorizing and the analyses 
developed within autonomist Marxism 
are particularly interesting. Drawing 
from Marx's analysis of automation 
within a wage system, autonomist 
Marxists have argued that the 
Cybernetization of capital will not 
usher in a leisure society (who would 
want it anyway?) but would instead 
encourage an enlargement of the 
realm of work as labor displaced from 
primary and secondary industry 
becomes reabsorbed by the tertiary, 
quaternary, or quinary sectors as 
farther and farther flung domains of 
human activity are assimilated within 
the social factory. Cybernetized 
capital, through the commodification 
of expanded and novel realms of 
human activity, can maintain wage 
labor, incessantly recreating its 
proletariat, unless it is forcibly 
interrupted by the organized efforts 

of workers to reclaim their "life-time". 

Projects of both the left and the right, however, have 

maintained an almost devotional commitment to employment 

and job creation as social goals. Differences only emerge over 


details, such as wages, hours, or profitability. Until recently 
there had been little debate around the future of work and 
radical responses to the Cybernetization of production. 

While most activists — feminists, civil rights, labor — have 
sought increased participation in the job market, some greens 
have begun to question participation itself. Perhaps more than 
other activists, abolitionists have increasingly come to 
understand jobs, under the guise of work, as perhaps the most 

basic form of unfreedom, 
one which must be 
overcome in any quest 
towards liberty. Too often, 
previously, the common 
response has been one of 
turning away from 
workers and from 
questions relating to the 
organization of working 
relations. Radical politics 
can no longer ignore 
those questions which 
are posed by the presence 
of jobs, however. Indeed 
it might be said that a 
return to the problematic 
of jobs becomes the 
starting point for a 
reformulation of radical- 
ism, at least along green 

So, what forms has the 
organization of "workers- 
against-work" taken? 
Earlier Wobbly 
(Industrial Workers of 
the World) demands for 
a four-hour-day may 
be understood as an expression of opposition to the extension 
of capitalist control over labor and the reduction of workers 
to one-dimensional class beings. They suggest a movement 
for autonomy wherein labor achieves some distance from 
capital and the extension of control over creativity. The 
shortened workday might be best understood as the opening 
of creative time, outside of capitalist discipline and command, 
and the expansion of time available for such "frivolous" 
undertakings as bringing about the end of industrial capitalism. 
In limiting the duration and intensity of the work day, labor 
asserts its own project counter to that of capital. 

The mythic use of the general strike by Wobblies might also 
be understood in this manner. Anarcho-syndicalists have long 
argued that for co-operative, community-based ways of living 
to endure workers will have to stop producing for Capital and 
State. Given current political economy, this implies that workers 
must stop producing, period! In other words, class is only 
abolished through not working — a general strike. Through 
the general withdrawal of labor might the megamachine be 
ground to a halt and left to rust! 

Historically, unions had responded to technological changes 
and increases to productivity with demands for a shortened 
work-week. However, Rifkin reports that the union officials 
with whom he has spoken are "universally reluctant to deal 
with the notion that mass labor - the very basis of trade unionism 
— will continue to decline and may even disappear altogether." 
Mainstream unionists have been incapable of any radical 
rethinking of their politics which might address the crucial 
transformation in jobs. Such failures to adapt, or even to 
remember their own radical histories, speak to the difficulties 
facing workers within traditional unions in the contemporary 

Rifkin — while not discussing specifically the ecological 
significance of a shortened work-week -- recognizes that such 
a shortening could serve as a rallying point for a powerful 
convergence of social struggles. Rifkin's analysis remains 
productivist (among other things undesirable), however — even 
arguing that a shortened work-week could be beneficial for 
capital in allowing for a doubling or tripling of productivity! 
Rifkin never questions the legitimacy or the desirability of 
capitalist relations. Indeed a major reason for concern over 
"vanishing jobs" is that the transformation threatens a 
capitalist collapse through a weakening of consumer demand. 
Rifkin's main desire is to see an increase in the "purchasing 
power" of workers so that "[ejemployers, workers, the 
economy, and the government all benefit". 

Like sociological "structural-functionalists" of old, Rifkin's 
primary concern is with the possibility of "strain" in the 
system and the alleviation of any such strain. Rifkin (1995b) 
worries that the decline of jobs could threaten the foundations 
of the modern state (Yikes!) through the destabilizing impact 
upon social relations which previously rested upon a shared 
valuing of labor — what he calls the heart of the social 
contract. Rifkin even fears that the crisis in jobs will open the 
door to renewed militancy and to extralegal expressions of 
politics (Oh, horror!). 


page 22 

In like fashion, Bridges optimism over possibilities for the 
transformation of jobs speaks only to the strata of well-skilled, 
well-paid workers in an increasingly polarized workforce. The 
conclusions drawn by Bridges never question the hegemony 
of capital in structuring possible responses to the "death of 
the job", leaving the "employee" as an intact category facing 
such unsatisfactory and increasingly tenuous options as 
freelance work, part-time work, or piecework. The decline of the 
job simply comes to mean that those who are working have 
more work to do. Even limited concerns over what is being 
produced, how, by whom and for what purpose never appear 
on the horizon of Bridges schema. Neither do questions 
regarding what happens to those newly "liberated" — the jobless. 
Among abolitionists, the "end of work" suggests much more 
intriguing possibilities. Far from being irrational responses 
to serious social transformations, workplace rebellion and 
workers' self-determination become ever more reasonable 
responses to the uncertainty and contingency of emerging 
conditions of (un)employment. They offer worker and 
community self-determination as alternatives to neo-liberal 
perspectives on unemployment. Such alternatives provide an 
articulation of the end of work which emphasizes workers 
actively overcoming their own workerness , against pessimistic 
or cynical responses such as mass retraining which simply 
reinforces dependence upon elites. 

An objection might well be raised that abolitionism need 
not imply a transformation of capitalism; after all, the "abolition 
of work" is a reference also employed by some neo-liberal 
post-industrial theorists. There, however, the abolition of work 
is understood as completely realizable under capitalism. The 
possible end of work is conceptualized as coming from the 
application of innovative technological resources within 
capitalist relations - not as a destruction of those relations. At 
its most dramatic, it implies a leisure society enabled through 
the development of artificial intelligence and robotics. 

These are not acceptable alternatives. It is not conceivable 
how any ecological lifestyles could be constituted otherwise 
than with the outright cessation of capitalist production. Only 
the end of production can necessarily imply the end of 
nuclearism, weapons production, clear-cutting, toxic waste 
products — the varieties of harmful applications to which 
nature is commonly subjected (again, Black states this most 
effectively). Among the prerequisites for ecological change 
is a reduction both in the amount of work being done and in 
the character of what is done. Much of work, involving 
massive appropriation of natural elements, is useless. That 
includes the defense and reproduction of work relations in 
political (ownership and control) and economic (circulation 
and consumption) forms. 

Abolitionists envision work being performed through direct, 
democratic, participatory means within which work is 
conceived more as craft or play. Growing concerns over the 
regimentation and alienation of working conditions along with 
the fatal ecological consequences have contributed to the 
emergence of anti-technology/anti-civilization (anti-tech/ 
anti-civ) discourses arguing quite persuasively that humans must 
abandon not only industry and technology, but civilization itself. 

Abolitionist visions are raised against the undermining 
influences of work in contemporary conditions of globalism. 
They offer but one, though perhaps the most interesting, 
contribution to the problem of jobs and to the refusal of 
authoritarian and coercive social relations. 


Black, Bob. 1995. The Abolition of Work and Other Essays. Port Townshend: Loompanics 


Bridges, William. 1995. "The Death of the Job." The National Times September: 4448 

Negri, Antonio. 1 991 . Marx Beyond Marx. New York: Autonomedia 

Polanyi, Karl. 1958. The Great Transformation. Boston: Beacon Press 

Rifkin, Jeremy. 1995a. The End of Work. New York: G.P. Putnamis Sons. 

Thompson, E.P. 1 963 . The Making of the English Working Class. Harmondsworth: Penguin 

Witheford, Nick. 1994. "Autonomist Marxism and the Information Society" Capital and 

Class 52 (Spring): 85-125 

Zimpel, Lloyd (Ed.). 1974. Man Against Work. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 

The Green Anarchy Collective also highly recommends to 
our readers the excellent article, "Work: The Theft Of Life", 
which appeared in the insurrectionary anarchist journal 
Willful Disobedience ; Volume 3, Number 1 (available for two 
dollars from PO Box 31098 Los Angeles, CA 90031) 

flrQAfii/E flriME And proLQfAriAf prAn/rs 

"7b some, the unique one appears to be an anarchist, because he defies authority in all its forms whenever 
it gets in her way. To others, she appears to be an elitist, because he refuses to keep herself down because 

of the weakness or stupidity of others or because of liberal, moralistic demands for mediocre equality. The 
unique one is motivated by a "will to power" — a will to exercise the power of perpetual self-creation for her 

own enjoyment. The social context parodies this will with the will to exercise the power of domination and 
manipulation — the will to control others lives because one lacks the courage to create one's own. The unique 

one knows that social domination is not a form of self-creation, but is merely enslavement to a social role." 

— from The Unique One: a Manifesto by Feral Faun 

Insane. To describe in one word a group of people who come When one of the pigs returned to his car, he noticed that the 

up with some documents that are detailed guides for everyone 
else's behavior (those making the laws surely disregard them 
as often as they open their filthy mouths). It becomes even 
more insane when whole gangs of people are hired and 
trained as robots to defend the ideas in the documents, which 
are only that, ideas. Much more physically tyrannical than 
that are the giant cages and courtrooms that are built to 
demonstrate the tangibility of their abstract documents. These 
"abstract documents" — these laws — have helped create a 
society where life is nothing more than an unending subjugation 
of the individual mind and body to the demands of machines 
and production. One can only be faced with such degrading 
absurdity for so long before destroying oneself or 
fighting back somehow, find indeed, there have always 
been those who refuse to wear their chains like "good" slaves. 

disruptive and rebellious individuals who — with jester-like 
disdain — insist on distinguishing themselves from the 
conformist mass of humanity who have become relegated to 
the status of machines. These are the outlaws, the freelancers, 
the "criminals" who live on the margins of the system, 
independently, by their wits and in defiance of official forces: 
Squatters who tap into stolen electricity, living a hidden life 
out of the eye of the "authorities." Bank robbers and bandits 
who expropriate wealth from the ruling class. Life outside the 
system's laws — that is, choosing an unknown and expansive 
existence over a repressive and constricted one — is always a 
gamble but it is replete with opportunities for those who know 
how to move through this unregulated zone, find hidden 
resources and adapt to its conditions. For it is the free spirits, 
those who cross forbidden zones and go wherever they wish, 
who are living up to their fullest potential and who, through 
their ability to live on the fringes, finally posseses more 
"power" than the so-called powerful. Cheers to all engaged 
in struggle, and maybe those of you on the fence between 
the latter and the former can be inspired to live and become 
a beautiful thorn in the side of the state. 

October 5, 2002, Oregon: Widespread Sabotage of Police 
Department Video Cameras 

€UG€N€: Mechanics working for the Cugene Police Department 
have found themselves repairing video cameras on patrol cars 
over and over lately, in what appears to be a rash of 
uncompromising attacks against the servants of neo-colonial 
rule by local insurgents. The SpectraTek camera systems -- 
installed in 1997 as part of a $90,000 program to put a 
camera in about two dozen police patrol cars -- is apparently 
running into complications due to mysterious "gremlin-like" 
sabotage. In the last three years, pig technicians found that 
a dozen cables, wires or computer-style connections had been 
either broken or disabled. In one patrol car, a camera 
system's wiring was found pulled out of the monitor in the 
passenger compartment and also cut near the VCR in the trunk. 
It's nice to see Cugene dissidents (whomever they might be) 
extending their rebellion against the occupying army (the pigs) 
whose patrol cars, cameras and guns enclose our communities 
and our lives. Our lives and our world are too important to us 
to play by the rules set by those who seek to control us: We 
claim the right to resist by any means we individually or 
collectively choose. 

October 5, 2002, Oregon: 

Local Rebel Arrested in Theft from Police 

€UG€N€: A 20-year-old Springfield man has been charged with 
stealing a computer and a nightstick from a Cugene police 
cruiser. Joshua Lee Sullivan is being held in the Lane County 
Jail on one count of first-degree theft. He was arrested after 
police served a search warrant at his house in the Hayden 
Bridge area of Springfield, where the vindictive pigs found 
the missing computer and baton. The police gear was stolen 
the previous Saturday from a patrol car parked near 19th 
Avenue and Fairview Drive in Cugene. Several pigs had 
responded to complaints of a loud party in the area. 

instruments of oppression had been stolen. The Pigs would 
not disclose how they linked Sullivan to the theft, but most 
likely he took action spontaneously and forgot to wear gloves. 
Actions such as these demonstrate that a new wave of 
mutiny and refusal threatens to undermine the force-propped 
edifice of authoritarian, high-tech capital: Rebellion is on the 
rise, in every segment of the population. Let's be sure to 
support those who dare to revolt! 

October 8, 2002, Oregon: 

Successful Bank Robbery Cast Of Cugene!! 

SPRINGFICLD: Pigs searched in vain for hours for a playful 
trickster who robbed a Springfield bank and drove off in an 
expensive sport utility vehicle, disappearing in a chaotic, 
optical blur that left the pigs frustrated and mystified. Like a 
master magician, the unidentified male (who bank employees 
are not able to give a good physical description of) entered 
the Siuslaw Valley Bank at 11:27 a.m. and in a fascinating 
display of sleight of hand, convinced a teller to hand over an 
undisclosed amount of money without ever displaying a 
weapon. A law-abiding bank customer (snitch) saw a black 
Lincoln Navigator with Washington plates drive away from 
the bank, and like a good robot, reported that information to 
the pigs when they arrived. Springfield police detectives 
searching the area saw the luxury SUV near Lowell and tailed 
it while waiting for backup. But the driver eluded them near 
Goodman Creek Road, misdirecting the pigs through a clever 
transposition of moving objects. The vehicle, which was stolen 
from a car lot in Vancouver, Washington, was later found 
crashed in a ravine where Goodman Creek Road crosses Highway 
58. Both the bank robber and the expropriated cash got away. 

November 2002: City Worker Recused of Robin Hood Crimes 

LAGRANGC, G€ — A city utility employee is accused of stealing 
from the rich to help the poor pay their bills. Cassandra 
Dickerson, 34, was charged with stealing $3,000 from the 
Department of Utilities, where she worked for about a year. 
Internal investigators said she diverted payments from 
businesses to help people who were behind on payments or 
needed deposits to get gas, water or electricity. 

November 26, 2002, Oregon: 
Two Banks Robbed On Same Day! 

ASHLAND — Two Ashland banks were robbed just hours apart — 
the first double bank robbery that this complacent, economi- 
cally privileged city has seen in quite some time. Ashland, a 
sleepwalking citadel of decadence, populated mostly by con- 
formist and politically-sedated yuppies who flaunt their 
wealth, is despised by anarchists all over the west coast for 
its pretentious, plastic ways and for the subdued, drugged 
quality of most of its inhabitants (it's been speculated that 
some sort of "Soma"-like substance is being added to the 
local water supply). It's nice to hear about something "out of 
the ordinary" happening in a town that usually seems as "real" 
as Disneyland or Pleasantville. 

December 23,2002: Rock Burglars Net $20 Million During 
9-Yeor Crime Spree In Arizona 

Arizona's most elusive thieves, dubbed the Rock Burglars, were 
back in high gear in December, smashing into five homes and 
raising their take to about $20 million over the past nine 
years. Frustrated police, who say they have no suspects, are 
no closer to solving the crimes than they were in 1993. The 
burglars have broken in to at least 255 upscale residences in 
the northeast Valley, including the homes of Diamondback 
outfielder Steve Finley in September, 2002 and former Vice 
President Dan Ouayle in 1999. Luxury homes in Paradise 
Valley, where the average house sells for $800,000, have 
been the Rock Burglars favorite prey. More than half of their 
heists, 144, have been committed there. Generally working 
in teams of at least two people per hit, the burglars have 
ranged across 800 square miles, netting mostly jewelry, cash 
and handguns. In two cases, they nabbed valuables worth 
more than $1 million. The busiest year for the Rock Burglars 
was 1999, with 45 break-ins. The burglars almost topped that 
total in 2002, with 44 break-ins. The burglars' spree began in 
1993 in Paradise Valley, home to many of Arizona's richest 
residents, who tightly guard their privacy. The thieves gradually 
branched out into the deep pockets of the northeast Valley's 
other luxury neighborhoods. "We haven't solved it yet 
because they're just good burglars," said Sgt. Alan Laitsch, 
who has been on the case since the beginning. 

January 11, 2003, Greece: 

Gunman Makes Off With Loot on Stolen Motorcycle 

ATH6NS: A gunman made off with 1 7,000 euros after robbing 
a bank in the Athenian district of Halandri. The unidentified 
robber fled on a motorcycle which, police later confirmed, had 
been stolen from the same area a week prior. 

(§xm wis]© mmm im mms m 

Page 23 


■ .; ■ 

November 1 9, 2002, California: 

Man Kills Cop in Protest of "Corporate Irresponsibility" 

RCD BLUFF: A cop was shot and killed while putting gos in his 
car. Andrew McCrea, 23, claimed the shooting, saying he did 
it in protest of growing police state tactics and "corporate 
irresponsibility." We failed to obtain further info. 

December 4, 2002, Netherlands: Bombs Placed in IK€A Stores 

AMST€RDAM: Two bombs were found in outlets of the IK€A 
home goods chain, and two police explosives experts were 
wounded when one of the devices detonated as they tried 
to disarm it. All ten stores in the Netherlands belonging to 
the Swedish-based company were closed while police 
searched for more explosives. 

December 14, 2002, Greece: 

Disgruntled Car Mechanic Attempts to Assassinate Mayor 

ATH€NS: A disgruntled car mechanic shot at Athens Mayor Dora 
Bakoyianni in the back seat of her cor at the foot of the Acropolis, 
but the conservative politician was saved from serious injury 
by an unconscious move to rummage through her handbag. 
As she ducked, the single-bore shotgun bullet passed through 
the neck of Bakoyianni's police driver, who was out of danger 
after being treated at a hospital. Bakoyianni suffered facial 
cuts from flying window shards, but was otherwise uninjured. 
The attacker ran away from the scene of the attack and was 
pursued by a passing policeman who arrested him with the 
help of the police guard outside the Spanish €mbassy, a few 
hundred meters from where the incident took place. Mayor 
Dora Bakoyianni is the daughter of former conservative Prime 
Minister Constantine Mitsotakis and the widow of deputy 
Pavlos Bakoyiannis, who was assassinated by November 17 
revolutionaries in 1989. 

Communique from the 
Universal Liberation Front 

HUMANS! We have had enough of your kind. Vour 
vision of the future, is a continuation of your past — 
one filled with destruction and conquest. We hereby 
quarantine your planet so it no longer contaminates 
the rest of the universe. We will no longer allow your 
mission to proceed as planned. The Columbia was 
our most recent effort to intervene in your attempts 
to "colonize space". It was not the first, however. 
Remember the Challenger ox the Rpollo? We have our 
ways of stopping you. DO NOT FUCK WITH US! We 
mean you no harm, just stay out of space. We are 
convinced that you will not be a hindrance for much 
longer, as your destruction by your own hands seems 
inevitable. We do, however, feel sorrow for the other 
life forms (including those of your species) which also 
inhabit your globe, those which have suffered for 
thousands of years at your brutal hands and machines. 
We wish there was a way to help them, but we may 
not interfere. It is up to you. Stop all progress and 
look inward, for you have become alien to your own 
life. Do not cross the atmospheric line again, or the 
consequences will be most severe. 

For Total Liberation Always! 
— U.LF. 

December 27, 2002, Columbia: Residents Ransack Light Firm 

CORDOBA: Angry residents of San Andres de Sotavento in 
the northern Colombian province of Cordoba smashed up the 
local offices of the electric company Clectrocosta, and caused 
further damages to a payment center for the local drinking 
water authority. Local residents also blocked roads with burning 
tires. Police were sent in to restore order, and the subsequent 
conflict left two police agents and 10 civilians hurt. The 
community had been without drinking water services for a 
month, and had suffered constant electricity rationing in 
recent days. Clectrocosta claimed it had to ration electricity 
because of technical problems and because many users had 
failed to pay their bills. The company responded to the 
i ncident by normalizing energy service; however, residents warned 
they will renew protests if drinking water service is not restored. 

January 19, 2003, California: 

Class War on the Streets after the Super Bowl! 

OAKLAND: After the Oakland Raiders football team lost (48-21 ) 

in the Super Bowl, there was widespread rioting in the streets 

of Oakland. Crowds gathered on International Boulevard in 

Cast Oakland, taking over intersections and blocking the 

street. People danced to hip-hop 

music, hopped on cars, and 

waived Raiders flags. Police, who 

had preemptively shut down 

dozens of blocks of downtown 

Oakland, were quick to respond. 

Hundreds of police in riot gear 

moved in, firing volleys of tear gas 

and wooden bullets in an attempt 

to disperse the crowds. What had 

been a party turned into a pitched 

battle. As one man put it, "Hey 

we're all cool here. It's when the 

fucking pigs come down and start 

shooting at us that the shit starts." 

People threw bottles and rocks at 

police, frequently forcing them to 

retreat. A McDonalds was trashed 

and set on fire. Several cars were 

tipped over and burned. A number 

of police cars had their windows smashed. One police car 

that attempted to drive through an intersection filled with 

people was pelted with projectiles as people chanted "Fuck 

the police!" The rioters came from a diverse cross-section of 

Oakland's working class. Black and white, Asian and Latino, 

joined together against the universally hated Oakland Police 

Department. Children as young as eight could be seen hurling 

rocks toward police lines. "It's like fucking Bethlehem!" said 

one man. In the San Francisco Chronicle, the rioters are 

referred to as "trouble-makers" that "weren't from the 

neighborhood." The rioting lasted well into the night moving 

from place to place in over 50 blocks of Cast Oakland. At a 

late night press conference, the police announced that they 

had arrested more then 25 people. But they were outnumbered 

and outfought for hours. 

January 29, 2003, Texas: Students Riot for Shorter Classes 

A protest by about one thousand high-school students over 
the length of classes turned into a riot. The students walked 
out in protest in the morning. They attacked school security 
guards and cops with rocks and glass bottles. The police used 
tear gas against the crowd; seven pigs were treated for cuts 
and bruises, evidently, the students were protesting a switch 
to block scheduling, which means longer classes. 

February 8, 2003, Pennsylvania: 

Two Marines Charged With Plotting To Bomb Base 

TUNKHANNOCK: Two U.S. Marines from Camp Lejeune, North 
Carolina, are in custody after conspiring to use an explosive 
device at their base. Lance Cpls. Richard Morrison, 21, and 
Richard Thomas Medders, 22, were arrested along with Janna 
Rebecca Lynn Smith, 27, and charged with criminal conspiracy 
to cause or risk a catastrophe, and making terrorist threats 
and bomb threats. According to authorities, the three down- 
loaded information from the Internet on making explosive 
devices and said they were going to use them at Camp Lejeune. 
All three are being held in the Wyoming County Correctional 
Facility. Morrison and Medders served in the 2nd Force Service 
Support Group, which provides combat support. Tunkhannock is 
about 25 miles northwest of Scranton in northern Pennsylvania. 

February 21, 2003, Louisiana: Two Cops Killed & Five 
Others Injured during Kamikaze Attack 

ALCXANDRIA: Two city pigs were killed, three more were 
wounded by gunfire, and several others were injured in a 
three-hour shoot-out with a gunman. The gunman, wanted by 
probation and parole officers, was also slain in the incident. 
Police didn't give the gunman's name, but sources were told 
that he was Shawn Molette, believed to be in his mid-20's. 
Three Special Response Team police cops were injured by 
gunfire as the gunman fired fully automatic weapons as they 
tried entering the house he was in. Residents in the area took 
cover as periodic bursts of gunfire rang out during the tense 
situation, which began shortly after noon and ended about 
3:30 pm. A large crowd gathered to watch from a distance, as 
some of the crowd members yelled obscenities at the cops. 
The shoot-out is believed to have been connected with a 
morning shoot-out the day before, where an officer was 
ambushed but suffered only minor injuries. The gunman in 
both incidents is believed to be the same person, but it is 
unknown what sparked the siege on the police department. 
Prior to this wonderful day, the Alexandria Police Department 
had lost only four officers in the "line of duty" (service to the 
State) since 1 904. The Police Chief 
said about 300 rounds were fired 
in the first shooting exchanges 
between cops and the gunman. 
The incident began when cops 
blocked off a street and moved into 
a home to serve a search warrant. 
The warrant was in connection to 
a February 20 morning ambush on 
the pigs. In that incident, a pig 
answered a 91 1 call of a reported 
robbery in an area several blocks 
from the shootout site. The cop 
couldn't find a victim and was pulling 
out with his vehicle when a shooter 
opened fire. The pig was able to 
dive into the passenger side and 
drive away. His patrol car was 
riddled with bullets. The Chief Pig 
called the attack deliberate and 
deployed his SRT team to protect detectives as they gathered 
evidence. In the February 21 incident, the SRT team, which 
has about 20 members, entered the house of the alleged 
assailant and was met by gunfire. Tear gas was deployed at 
one point during the stand-off. However, the incident did not 
end until the shooter was killed. At about 12:15 p.m., under 
misty skies, police scrambled to try to rescue three wounded 
cops from the scene while still facing the threat of the gunman. 
Two armored cars moved into the area and parked at a church 
near the house where the gunman was inside. Pigs near the 
church parking lot also scrambled to the ground as the gunman 
continued to shoot. About 2:26 p.m., police screamed that 
another cop was down. In all, seven pigs were shot. The 
stand-off continued for nearly another hour before the 
police were sure that the gunman was down. One local 
observer commented, "They should have used that guy 
(the gunman) to kill Osama bin Laden." The motives of the 
gunman are believed by some to be in protest of pig racism 
and brutality. "There is a deep, psychological problem based 
on abuse of young black males and females," a former 
Alexandria City councilman told the press. 'This is a culmination 
of events prior to the Gregory Hunter incident," the former 
councilman said. Hunter is a black man who was beaten by 
off-duty police officers in the 1999 "Lee Street incident." 

February 27, 2003, New Zealand: 

"September 11" Group Threatens Cyanide Attacks 

WCLLINGTON: A group calling itself "September 11" sent 
threats to the US, Australian, and British embassies in New 
Zealand, warning that it had 55 pounds of cyanide to use 
against American interests if Iraq is attacked. A squad of "anti- 
terrorism" police is working to find the author of the threat 
contained in four letters that mentioned the America's Cup 
yacht race in Auckland. One letter contained cyanide 
crystals. This action is reminiscent of another threat of 
cyanide attack made last year in New Zealand, when an 
unidentified person or persons threatened to attack with 
cyanide the wealthy American athlete Tiger Woods, who was 
sponsored by Nike to perform at a New Zealand golf 
tournament. To our knowledge, nothing came of this threat. 


page 24 


*^ TMUsaNka uprisings and revolts 



November 4, 2002, California: Pelican Bay 
Inmates Hold Hunger Strike 

CRCSCCNT CITV: A group of sixty prisoners in the 
Control Unit of the Pelican Boy State Prison 
began o hunger-strike protesting the prison 
system's policy of classifying prisoners as gang 
members based on vogue criteria and then 
indefinitely segregating them. For more info 
on the horrors of Pelican Bay Prison, read Derrick 
Jensen's book The Culture of Make-Believe. 

November 5, 2002, California: Two Pigs 
Stabbed; Inmate-Guard Hostility on the Rise 

LANCASTCR: Inmates at the state prison 
attacked two guards - the second such incident 
in the post three months. The prison guards 
were attacked by two inmates early in the 
day while escorting prisoners to breakfast. 

December 1 6, 2002, El Salvador: Two Cops 
Dead, Over 20 Injured in Salvador Prison Riot 

SflN SALVADOR: Two pigs were killed 
and more than 20 people injured when 
hundreds of prisoners rioted during o 
reorganization of €1 Salvador's main Mariona 
prison in the capital. 23 people were hurt in 
the riot, which broke out when 1,200 police, 
soldiers and prison guards tried to move some 
of the most dangerous inmates to other centers. 
Police and soldiers fired tear gas and rubber 
bullets at the inmates, who were armed. Most 
of the injured were police and guards. By late 
afternoon, the situation was calm and police 
and prisoners were negotiating a solution 
through the state human rights prosecutor. 

December 17-18, 2002, New York: 
Guards Mauled During Shakedown 

Five guards at the Auburn State Prison were 
attacked while searching prisoners' cells for 
weapons. Two guards suffered minor hand 
injuries. The prison was locked down for a 
search on December 17 when a prisoner 
infected with HIV bit a guard on the face. 

December 23-26, 2002, Guatemala: 
1 7 Dead in Prison Riot 

Prisoners launched a bloody uprising on 
December 23 at the Pavoncito prison in 
Guatemala's Fraijanes Municipality, 30 kilo- 
meters from the capital, to demand improved 
food and visiting hours, an investigation of 
corrupt and abusive guards, and the transfer 
of gang leader Cesar Beteta Raymundo to 
another facility. Beteta was said to be 
widely hated by the other prisoners, many 
of them also gang 
members; he allegedly 
controlled the jail's 
"sector 5" by bribing 
guards and meting 
out severe punishment 
to any prisoner who 
defied him. Beteta 
and 16 other prisoners 
were killed in the 
uprising, while some 
30 more were injured. 
Many of the bodies 
were mutilated with 
machetes, and some 
were burned. The 
gang prisoners 
allegedly decapitated Beteta and paraded 
his head around the prison. When police tried 
to regain control of Pavoncito, the prisoners 
fought back; as of December 26, the inside of 
the jail remained under the control of the 
prisoners, while 200 police agents stood 
guard outside to prevent escapes. Prison 
authorities were forced to suspend plans to 
carry out a search on December 26 for weapons 
at the jail, fearing it would be a provocation 
for further violence. 

January 20-21, 2003, Brazil: 
30 Rio Inmates Escape 

RIO DC JRNCIRO: Some 30 prisoners reportedly 
escaped from the Pedro Mello de Silvo 
detention center in the Bangu borough of Rio 
de Janeiro city early on January 20. Twelve of 
the escapees had been recaptured as of 
January 21. Following the breakout, the 
remaining prisoners staged an uprising. 

taking nine guards hostage to demand the 
transfer of prisoners to other facilities, better 
food, and the presence of journalists and 
representatives of human rights organizations. 
The prisoners released nine of the hostages 
and ended their protest on January 21 after 
extensive negotiations; it was unclear which, 
if any, of their demands were met. 

January 21, 2003, Israel: Imperialist 
Repression Intensifies Following Jailbreak 

RAMAUAH: Israeli security forces have been 
scrambling to find two Palestinians who 
escaped from the Ofer 
detention camp near the 
West Bank city of 
Ramallah. The two are 
believed to be members 
of the Popular Front for the 
Liberation of Palestine. 
Israeli forces temporarily 
imposed o curfew on 
Ramallah and were 
conducting comprehensive 
searches of the camp. 
Palestinians at the Ofer 
camp did some rioting in 
the weeks prior to this 
incident, and attempted 
to tear down a fence and 
escape. More than 700 
Palestinians ore held at 
this facility. Following the 
release of some of the 
detainees from this camp, 
Israeli human rights 
organizations began to 
receive information about 
the difficult conditions 
there and about the 
violent treatment of 
Palestinian detainees on 
the way to the camp and during detention. 
Among other things, detainees reported over- 
crowding in the tents where they were held. 
They reported that they were denied food for 
many hours and that some of them were forced 
to sleep outdoors. On April 5, 2002, the 
human rights group received information from 
an Israeli source about torture during 
interrogations in the camp. According to the 
information, investigators broke detainees' 
toes. Meanwhile, Israeli troops arrested 13 
Palestinians in the West Bank. The arrests 
were made in Hebron, Jericho, Noblus and the 
Ramallah area. In a related development, 
Israel razed 62 
shops and market 
stalls in a Pal- 
estinian village 
as troops clashed 
with protesters. 
Israel said the 
shops were built 
illegally. The 
villagers accused 
Israel of waging 
war on the Pales- 
tinian economy. 
Seven bulldozers, 
guarded by some 
300 troops, began 
tearing down 
shops in the village of Nazlat Issa early the 
next day. By midmorning, 62 shops were 
demolished. Dozens of protesters threw 
stones at troops who fired tear gas and 
rubber-coated steel pellets. 

January 22, 2003, Canada: 

Anti-Poverty Committee Rets In Solidarity 

With Persecuted Immigrants 

When Immigration Canada walked an Iranian 
immigrant through the airport they were met 
by about 30 protesters from different groups. 
An unplanned scuffle ensued, and the 
immigrant was pulled free from the guard who 
was escorting her. Some protesters fled with 
her out of the airport. During the action there 
was a car accident, but all in the cor escaped 
police custody. The immigrant turned herself 
in later that night with the accompaniment of 
two lawyers; it is still unclear as to what will 

become of her case. This action bought this 
woman and her son a second chance to stay 
in Canada. The RCMP rounded up five people 
at the airport in connection with the protest 
and released two of them after an hour. Some 
protesters escaped while three were kept in 
jail for a night. It is not known what charges 
the state will bring down on those involved. 
The action wasn't planned to go down the way 
it did, as nobody thought they would even 
get to see the detained immigrants. When 
people saw her in handcuffs, they all reacted 
knowing the deportation endangers her life 

ALL *UTftORn^l*£r* *m f*<*PER TS(^^ 

and that of her son. Immigration Canada is 
threatening to deport over 2,500 British 
Columbians to Iran. Often they do this 
without notice, jailing people and deporting 
them giving no time to pack. Iran is not a safe 
country; many returning refugees are tortured 
or go missing. 

January 22, 2003, Canada: Riot Rocks Jail 

VANCOUVCR ISLAND: A riot by about a dozen 
inmates at the Vancouver Island Regional 
Correctional Center caused $40,000 damage 
to prison property. Three prisoners ore now 
facing charges. The inmates were in a common 
area when the coll came for lockdown at 10 
p.m. But they refused to go back to their cells 
and began trashing the place. Of the 23 
prisoners in the unit, up to half were involved 
i n the riot. Some of the others locked themselves 
inside their cells to avoid being implicated in 
the trouble. Corrections officers negotiated a 
peaceful end to the incident by 1 a.m. The 
corrections spokesperson said the "living unit" 
pig on duty was slightly injured, but managed 
to call other police for help and lock himself in 
an empty cell for protection. The inmates in 
the remand unit have been charged with 
committing an offence, but have not yet been 
tried. Although they have not been determined 
guilty, they are kept in custody to ensure they 
appear in court and cannot commit another 
offence. All remand inmates are housed in 
secure facilities that emphasize control 
and separation. 

January 23-24, 2003, Canada: 

Another Riot Breaks Out fit Detention Center 

MONTRCAL: Three final prisoners were 
returned to their cells on the afternoon of January 
23 following a late night riot at Montreal 
Detention Center. More than 100 corrections 
officers and provincial police were called in 
to control the situation after 131 prisoners 
refused to return to their cells and lit 
mattresses on fire. The trouble began after a 
few prisoners started a fight. After this incident 
some prisoners began throwing things, such 
as billiard balls and other solid objects. The 
prisoners then refused to enter their cells at 
their normal time of 1 0:30 p.m., and went on 
to light fires. Prisoners blocked access to the 

wing with various materials. It took a long time 
to control the fires because the prisoners had 
to be detained before the firefighters could 
go inside. One prison guard hod a minor 
injury to his hand. The riot caused tens of 
thousands of dollars worth of damage in the 
wing. The exact cause of the riot is still 
unknown. The prisoners held in the A-wing 
where the riot occurred are in custody awaiting 
sentencing. They were to be transferred from 
the damaged facility the next day to two prisons 
in Montreal and another in Hull, Ouebec. 

January 25, 2003, Georgia: 
Prisoners Riot at Jail 

TBILISI: Prisoners rioted in a jail in the notion 
of Georgia during a cell check for weapons, 
injuring 10 police and guards. At least 21 
inmates were injured during the uprising. The 
clashes erupted when prisoners resisted the 
search at the Tbilisi detention center, during 
which police confiscated two submachine 
guns, three grenades, knives, drugs and other 
banned items. One riot policeman was in 
serious condition. Video footage that was 
token by the Justice Ministry and aired on 
Georgian television, showed inmates banging 
the bars of their cells and flames shooting out 
a prison window. Riot police cordoned off the 
building where the battle took place, and Interior 
Ministry troops were deployed outside the center. 

January 11-31, 2003, Chile: Political 
Prisoners on Hunger Strike 

SANTIAGO: As of January 31 , Chilean political 
prisoners Jorge Cspinola Robles and Marcelo 
Gaete Mancilla were in the 21st day of a 
liquid-only hunger strike in isolation cells at 
the Colina II prison. They began the fast on 
January 1 1 after prison guards and police 
agents from the "Special Anti-Riot Group" beat 
them, sprayed them with cold water and 
moved them into the isolation cells in retaliation 
for alleged involvement in a riot earlier that 
day in Colina II. Cight social prisoners also 
accused of involvement in the riot were 
temporarily put in the same cell with Cspinola 
and Gaete and were beaten by police and 
guards. Social prisoners were said to have 
plotted the January 1 1 riot to distract guards 
during on escape attempt. No one successfully 
escaped, but one guard and four prisoners 
were wounded, one of them critically. 

February 18, 2003, France: 
Prisoners Riot, Smash Equipment 

Rioting prisoners took control of part of a jail 
in eastern France during the evening, smashing 
equipment and prompting police to seal off 
the prison, the Justice Ministry said. The 
Ministry gave no information about any 
injuries in the riot involving about 50 prisoners 
at the Clairvauxjail in the Aube region. None 
of the prison's 1 56 inmates, all of whom are 
serving lengthy sentences, escaped, the 
Ministry said. It said the riot erupted when 
prisoners, apparently protesting disciplinary 
measures imposed on a detainee, refused 
to enter their cells. The rioters "smashed 
everything up," including security doors, 
surveillance cameras, electrical equipment 
and locks on cell-doors, said a guard and 
union representative at the prison. 

Page 2^ 




State Repression & Political Prisoner News 

December, 2002, Italy: Persecution Of Anarchists Intensifies 

On December 1 2, an incendiary letter arrived at the office of the Spanish newspaper 
€1 Pais. Police defused it. fl statement from a group calling itself Cells Against Capital, 
Prison, the Jailers and their Cells claimed that the action uuasdone in solidarity with 
the struggles of Spanish prisoners against repressive prison policy. 

- On December 1 3, an incendiary letter is sent to an office of the Spanish airline 
Iberia in Rome. It was defused. 

- On December 14, another incendiary letter at the Iberia airlines in Milan's 
airport is defused. On December 16, two incendiary letters, one to Iberia 
airlines in Rome, and one to a national television station in Rome, are defused. 

The police are saying that these incendiary letters were the work of insurrectionary 
anarchists who the cops call "terrorists". So more repression against the Italian 
anarchist movement is likely to take place. Therefore, we need to avoid speculations 
of any sort about "who was really behind these actions", since this could be used 
by Italian authorities against the anarchists they are persecuting. 

- On December 18, after releasing most of those arrested in early December in 
relation to the 2001 G8 summit in Genoa, the court refused to release two 
anarchists being held. The reasons for their continued detention included 
participation in marches in support of prisoners such as Marco Camenisch, 
association with "insurrectionary anarchists" and the like. But probably the most 
absurd of the reasons - the one given as the primary reason for not releasing 
Marina Cugnaschi -- was that she exercised her legal rights not to talk with inter- 
rogators and not to appear at her court hearing. According to the court this proved 
that "she wants to stay in prison in order to become a heroine for her comrades" 

- this in spite of the fact that she had her lawyer request release. 

Many of those arrested at Genoa in 2001 are being charged by the Italian 
State with a new crime called "psychic sharing". In accordance with this charge, 
it is not necessary to show that a certain individual carried out a specific act of 
destruction during a demonstration. It is only necessary to show that they were 
there at the time the event occured, because clearly their mere presence helped 
and supported the masked people who destroyed things. Currently, the court in 
Genoa is issueing hundreds of warrants on this basis. 

Again we want to point out the importance not to publicly speculate in any 
direction about who may have been behind the attacks mentioned above. There 
are currently anarchist comrades -- including the two above and over forty 
comrades charged in the Marini trial - facing serious charges who could be 
affected by such speculation, so this is not a matter for idle chatter. 

January, 2003, Texas: Chicano Political Prisoner Buried Alive In Solitary 

GATGSVILLC: Chicano political prisoner Alvaro Luna Hernandez has been transferred 
to "administrative segregation" as an alleged member of a "security threat group" 
(prison gang). Hernandez points to a prison official conspiracy to remove him from 
the general prison population in order to isolate him from the other prisoners, to 
discredit him in the eyes of the community supporters who have rallied in his 
defense in support of his release from prison on the police frame-up conviction 
and sentence of 50 years imprisonment for defending himself against an armed 
attack on his life by a racist sheriff. Hernandez is a known jailhouse lawyer who 
helps other prisoners with filings against the prison, and has been very vocal in 
exposing racist injustices and brutality against prisoners at the prison unit; he was 
also in the process of uncovering mass guard theft and corruption in the prison's 
operation of the craft shop. A petition seeking a new trial in his case is currently 
pending review in the federal court. For more information about the case log on to or write directly to this freedom fighter: Alvaro Luna 
Hernandez #255735, RT. 2, Box 4400, Gatesville, Texas 76587. 

On January 9, 2003: Aob Thaxton and Brian McCarvill in "the Hole" 

SfllCM: Anarchists Rob Thaxton and Brian McCarvill were sanctioned with 120 
days in the Disciplinary Segregation Unit at Oregon State Penitentiary. The 
offence listed on their Misconduct Reports is "Unauthorized Organization I," but 
the hearings officer told Rob that she had found him "guilty of continuing to be 
involved with the anarchist movement." The Oregon Department of Corrections, 
and Oregon State Prison in particular, have taken it upon themselves to act as 
thought police and punish people for their political views. The act which inspired 
this punishment is so petty as to be laughable: Rob and Brian had asked people 
to send them mail. UJhen people responded by the dozens, the prisoncrats took 
offense and sent them to the hole. 

Political Prisoner 

Dzens, the 


January 15, Brazil: Indigenous Land Bights Activist ArturderedX 

According to Survival International, Marcos Veron, 70, an important leader of the 
Guarani-Kaiowa tribe, was fatally shot by gunmen. He was the head of an indigenous 
community that has been trying for the last 50 years to reclaim their land from cattle 
ranchers. In 2002, Veron toured Curope to publicize the plight of the indigenous peoples 
of Brazil. Most recently, Veron and the Guarani-Kaiowa have been living on the side of 
a highway, after attempts to reoccupy parts of their land have been thwarted by 
armed pigs and soldiers. Veron is the third Brazilian Indian to be murdered since the 
start of the New Year. For more info: 

January 25, Greece: Anarchist Sentenced For Sheltering Fugitive 

ATHCNS: An anarchist who in the summer of 2001 provided refuge for Greece's 
most wanted man was sentenced to six years and nine months in prison for 
sheltering a criminal on the run. Dimitris Polydoropoulos said he hid Costas 
Passaris in his flat after a mutual acquaintance asked for his help. "I agreed, as 
it was in accordance with my ideology to provide a roof to someone hunted by 
the authorities," he told the Athens court. "I had little to do with him, and knew 
neither about the guns nor the drugs he had in the flat." Police, who were seeking 
Passaris for the fatal shooting of two pigs during a dramatic escape from an 
Athens hospital, where he had been taken from prison for medical examinations, 
eventually found out about the hideout and set a trap for Passaris. But seven 
special squad officers positioned in the flat failed to catch him as he entered the 
darkened apartment, and Passaris eventually fled to Romania where he is now 
being tried for murder and armed robbery. 

February 6, Greece: Two Suspected €LA Combatants Arrested 

ATHCNS: The suspected leader of a far-left guerrilla group blamed for more than 100 
bombings was jailed on charges of belonging to a terrorist organization. ChristosTsigaridas, 
64, who has admitted he was a member of the Revolutionary Popular Struggle, or CIA, 
was locked up in maximum security prison in Athens pending trial. The group is believed 
to have worked with lllich Ramirez Sanchez, the Venezuelan-born terrorist also known as 
Carlos the Jackal. Another suspect - the mayor of the tiny Greek holiday island of Kimolos, 
Angeletos Hanas - was also jailed on the same day for the same charges. 


Anarchist Prisoners: 

Frank J. Atwood #62887, Arizona State 
Prison - Eyman, Box 3400 - SMU 2, 
Florence, AZ 85232. Radical involved in 
anti-establishment activities since the 
'60's. He was framed for murder in '84 
and sent to Death Row. 
Jerome White-Bey #37479, Jefferson 
City Correctional Center, PO Box 900 
(5C-146), Jefferson City, MO 65102. 
Social prisoner turned dedicated 
anarchist activist. Founder of "Missouri 
Prison Labor Union." 
James Johnson #8952263, SRCI, 777 
Stanton Blvd., Ontario, OR 97914. 
Anarchist social prisoner active in 
resistance to the repressive policies of 
the prison administration. 
Matthew Lamont #2057039, 550 N. 
Flower St., Santa Ana, CA 92703. 
Presently awaiting trial for allegedly 
planning to make a violent attack on a 
white supremacist gathering. 
Ojure N. Lutalo #59860, POB 861, 
Trenton, NJ 08625. Black liberation 
anarchist. He's serving a lengthy sentence 
for various clandestine actions. 
Robert Middaugh T41137 Bldg 410 
23up, PO Box 8, Avenal, CA 93204. He's 
serving three years for an assault on a 
pig during the 2001 Long Beach May 
Day action. 

Mike Rusniak DOC K88887, Dixon CC, 
2600 Brinton, P0 Box 1200, Dixon, IL 
61021. Serving time for stealing a police 
car, and other acts of anti-government 
Robert Thaxton #1 21 1 271 6, 0SP, 2605 
State Street, Salem, OR 97310. Long-time 
anarchist activist sentenced to seven 
years in prison for throwing a rock at a 
cop at a June 18, 1999 Reclaim the 
Streets protest in Eugene. 
Harold Thompson #93992, Northwest 
Correctional Complex, Route 1 , Box 660, 
TiptonvilleJN 38079. Serving multiple life 
sentences for clandestine resistance. 
Thomas Tripp #1 2032560, TRCI, 8291 1 
Beach Access Rd., Umatilla, OR 97882. 
Social prisoner turned dedicated 
anarchist. His sentence was lengthened 
because of his participation in a jailhouse 
riot aimed at winning concessions from 
the authorities, such as religious rights 
for Native Americans, and better 
educational programs. 

Eco-Oefense & Animal 
Liberation Prisoners: 

Nathan Brasfield #202044100, King 
County Justice Center Detention Facility, 
620 West James St., Kent, WA 98032. 
Arrested for felony theft of telecom- 
munications in relation to the anti- 


Joshua Shwartz #3100201611, NY 
State ID #1900738L, EMTC, 1010 Hazen 
St., EastElmhurst, NY 10013. Sentenced 
to one year for his part in property 
destruction at an an ti-HLS demonstration. 
Fran Thompson #93341 , 1 1 07 Recharge 
Rd., York, NE 68467. Eco-activist serving 
a Life sentence for shooting dead, in self- 
defense, a stalker who had broken into 
her home. 

Helen Woodson #03231-045 FMC 
Carswell, POB 27137, Admin Max Unit, 
Fort Worth, TX 761 27. Serving 27 years 
for robbing a bank and then setting the 
money on fire while reading out a statement 
denouncing greed, capitalism and the 
destruction of the environment. 

Indigenous Prisoners: 

William Burchett (Fire Walker) 

#03655032, West 5852, Federal Prison, 
P0 Box 7000, Fort Dix, NJ 08640. Native 
American activist held under questionable 

Byron Shane Chubbuck #07909051 , US 
Penitentiary, P0 Box 1000, Leavenworth, 
KS 66048. Indigenous rights activist serving 
time for robbing banks in order to acquire 
funds to support the Zapatista rebellion 
in Chiapas, Mexico. 

Eric Hall (Wildcat) BL-5355, Unit l/A 
1 0745, Route 1 8, Albion, PA 1 6475-0002. 
Serving 35-75 years for helping ship arms 
to Central American resisters. 

Eddie Hatcher #0173499, Unit #2, 
anti-HLS p aS quotank Correctional Institute, 527 
campaign. rnmmor™ 

Jennifer Greenberg #31 00201 61 0, Rose 
M. Singer Center, 1919 Hazen St., East 

Elmhurst, NY 11370. Sentenced to one 
year for his part in property destruction 
at an anti-HLS demonstration. 
Charles Hoke #861206, ACH, Indiana 
Department of Correction, Indiana State 
Prison, P0 Box 41, Michigan City, Indiana 
46361 -0041 . Radical farmer serving time 
for robbing banks in order to support him- 
self, and other farmers, who were being 
forced from their homes by developers. 
Ted Kaczynski #04475-046, US 
Pen-Admin Max Facility, P0 Box 8500, 
Florence Colorado 81226. Sentenced to 
multiple lifetimes in prison for the 
"Unabomber" bombing attacks against 
industrialist scum. 

Jeffrey Luers (Free) #13797671, 0SP, 
2605 State Street, Salem, OR 97310. 
Serving 22 years for politically motivated 
arsons on SUVs at Romania Chevrolet and 
an alleged attempted arson at Tyree Oil in 
Eugene, Oregon. Free is a long-time envi- 
ronmental activist who needs your support. «j mav T , 

time that 

Commerce Drive, Elizabeth City, NC 
27906. Native American activist being 
framed for crimes he did not commit. 
Eddie is an incredible individual, and we 
urge you to check out his website at: 
Leonard Peltier #89637-132, P0 Box 
1000, Leavenworth, KS 66048. American 
Indian Movement (AIM) activist, serving 
two Life sentences, having been framed 
for the murder of two FBI agents. 
Andy J. Riendeau (John Two Names) 
Native activist being framed for setting 
schools on fire. Right now he's in transition. 
Email us for his new address. 
Tewahnee Sahme #11186353, TRCI, 
82911 Beach Access Rd., Umatilla, OR 
97882. Dedicated Native rights advocate 
serving time for a prison insurgency. 
David Scalera (Looks Away) 
#13405480, TRCI, 82911 Beach Access 
Rd., Umatilla, OR 97882. Dedicated 
Native rights advocate serving time for a 
prison insurgency 

Craig Marshall (Critter) #13797662, 
SRCI, 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario, OR 
97914. Serving a five-year sentence for 
a politically motivated arson attack 
against a Romania Chevrolet car dealer- 
ship in Eugene^k 

Benjamin Persky #141 021 2600, George 
Vierno Center, 0909 Hazen St., East 
Elmhurst, NY 11370. Sentenced to 2-6 
years for his part in property destruction 
at multiple anti-HLS demonstrations. 
Peter Schnell #99476-1 1 1 , FCI Otisville, 
P0 Box 1 000, Otisville, NY 1 0963. Animal 
liberation activist serving two years for 
being in possession of incendiary devices. 


un, but a] 

Anti Imperialist & 
Anti-Capitalist Prisoners: 

Kathy Boudin #894171, P0 Box 1000, 
Bedford Hills, NY10507. Former Weather 
Underground activist serving time for being 
a passenger in a get-away van during the 
1981 Brinks expropriation attempt in 
New York. Despite her work with 
incarcerated mothers and AIDS victims, 
she is still being denied early release by 
the authorities. 

Marilyn Buck #00482-285, UnitB, 5701 
8th Street, Camp Parks, Dublin, CA 94568. 
Serving 50 years to life for actions taken 
after she escaped prison herself including 
an armed robbery of a Brink's armored 
truck and the liberation of AssataShakur 
from prison. 

Judy Clark #83-G-313, P0 Box 1000, 
Bedford Hills, NY 10507. Former Weather 
Underground member. 
Bill Dunne #1 091 6-086, P0 Box 33, Terra 
Haute, IN 47808. Anti-authoritarian activist 
sentenced to 90 years for the attempted 
liberation of a prisoner in 1979. 
Larry Giddings #10917-086, P0 Box 
1000, Lewisburg, PA 17837. Anti- 
authoritarian prisoner serving 75+ years 
for revolutionary action. 
David Gilbert#83A61 58, Attica Correctional 
Facility, P0 Box 149, Attica, NY 14011. 
Serving time for clandestine actions 
against imperialism and capitalism. 
William Gilday P.O. Box 1218, MCI 
Shirley, Shirley, MA 01464-1218. Jailed 
for the shooting of a cop during a 1970 
bank expropriation intended to fund the 
movement against the Vietnam War. 
Alvaro Luna Hernandez #255735, 
Hughes Unit, Rt. 2, Box 4400, Gatesville, 
TX 76597. Chicano-Mexican freedom- 
fighter serving time for aframe-up to stop 
his effective organizing in the Barrios. 
Yu Kikumura #090008-050, P0 Box 
8500 ADX, Florence, CO 81226. Alleged 
member of the Japanese Red Army. 
Sara Olson W94197, 506-27-1 Low, 
CCWF, P0 Box 1508, Chowchilla, CA 
93610-1508. Serving 20+ years for 
clandestine actions related to the (now 
long defunct) Symbionese Liberation Army 
(SLA). Her & other former SLA associates 
were recently captured by authorities and 
are being persecuted for crimes they 
supposedly committed decades ago. 
Juan Segarra Palmer #15357-077, P0 
Box 819, FCI-Med. A-3/4, Coleman, FL. 
Puerto Rican activst arrested in 1985 and 
accused of seditious conspiracy and 
conspiracy to rob the Wells Fargo Company. 
He was sentenced to 55 years in prison. 
Oscar Lopez Rivera #87651-025, Box 
33, Terre Haute, IN 47808. Puerto Rican 
activist arrested in 1981 and sentenced 
to 55 years for seditious conspiracy. In 
1 988 he was given an additional 1 5 years 
for conspiracy to escape. 

but all the 
I am, Til be 
looking for a stick! A 
defensible position! 
It's never occurred to me 
to lie down and be 
kicked! Its silly! When 
I do that I'm depending on the kicker to grow 
tired. The better tactic is to twist his leg a 
little or pull it off if you can. An intellectual 
argument to an attacker against the logic of his 
violence - or to myself concerning the wisdom of a 
natural counterviolence - borders on, no, it over- 
leaps the absurd!" . Geor ge Jackson, July 28, 1970 

page 26 

United Freedom Front 
(UFF) Prisoners: 

The following three individuals are serving 
huge sentences for their role in actions 
carried out by the (UFF) in the 1 980's. The 
UFF carried out solidarity bombings 
against the US government on a variety 
of issues. All of these individuals are 
excellent people to write to and will 
answer letters. 

Jaan Karl Laaman W41514, Box 100, 
South Walpole, MA 0207. 
Ray Luc Levasseur #10376-016, Box 
PMB, Atlanta, GA 30315. 
Thomas Manning #10372-016, Box 
4000, Springfield, MO 65801. 
Richard Williams #10377-016, 3901 
Klein Blvd., Lompoc, CA 93436. 

Black Liberation Prisoners: 

Most of the following prisoners are serving 
time for "crimes" in the name of black 
liberation. Many of them are former 
members of either the Black Liberation 
Army (BLA), or the Black Panther Party 
(BPP), or both. They are either in prison 
for their clandestine actions against the 
state and the racist pigs, or because they 
have been framed by the authorities. 
Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin #EF492521, 
Georgia State Prison, 100 Georgia Hwy 
1 47 - Reidsville, GA 30499-9701 . Former 
Black Panther and community activist 
being framed for the murder of a cop, 
Jamil is formerly known as H. Rap Brown. 
Sundiata Acoli #39794-066, PO Box 
3000, USP Allenwood, White Deer, PA 
17887, USP Allenwood. He's a BLA POW. 
Zolo Azania #4969, Indiana State Prison, 
PO Box 41 , Michigan City, IN 46361 -0041 . 
Community activist being framed for 
murdering a pig. 

Hanif Shabazz Bey (Beaumont Gereau) 
#295933, Wallens Ridge State Prison, PO 
Box 759, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219. 
Imprisoned foractions carried out against 
US colonialism in the Virgin Islands. 

Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald B-27527, 
Salinas VSP-B21 31 , PO Box 1 040, Soledad, 
CA 93960-1040. Former BPP member 
serving time for the death of a cop. 
Bashir Hameed (J. York) #82A631 3, Box 
149, Attica, NY.14011-0149. BPP & BLA 
POW who has been incarcerated since 
1981 for killing of a cop. 
Robert Seth Hayes #74A2280, Clinton 
Correctional Facility, PO Box 2000, 
Dannemora, NY 12929. Captured and 
convicted in 1973 under a host of charges, 
attributed to membership in the BLA. 
Mumia Abu-Jamal AM8335, SCI Greene, 
1040 East R. Furm an Highway, Waynesburg, 
PA 15370-8090. Framed for the murder of 
a pig. He was recently taken off death 
row and is waiting for re-sentencing. 


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Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bottom) 

#77A4283, Box 338, Napanoch, NY, 
12458. Former Black-Panther who is 
accused of participating in illegal under- 
ground activities. He has been in jail for 
22 years, which makes him one of the 
oldest political prisoners in the U.S. 
Joseph Bowen AM-4272, 1 Kelley Drive, 
Coal Township, PA 17866-1021. Former 
BLA combatant. 

Marshall Edward Conway #116469, 
Box 534, Jessup, MD 20794. Maintains 
his innocence of a police murder in 1 970. 
He asserts that he is one of many politi- 
cal prisoners in the USA as a result of 
F.B.I.'s war against the BPP. 

Mondo We Langa (David Rice) #27768, 
Box 2500, Lincoln, NE, 68542-2500. 
Former BPP member falsely accused of 
killing a pig. 

Abdul Majid (Anthony Laborde) #83-A- 
0483, Upstate Correctional Facility, Box 
2001 Malone, NY 12953. Former BPP 
member serving time for a crime he did 
not commit. Another victim of the 
COINTELPRO wars against the BPP. 
Ruchell Cinque McGee A-92051 , PO Box 
7500, SHU-2-C-233, Crescent City, CA 
95531. Serving time for a courthouse 
action to free incarcerated black 

Sekou Odinga #05228-054, 3901 Klien 
Blvd., Lompoc, CA 93436. Former BLA sen- 
tenced to 25-to-Life for shooting a cop in 
self-defense, and also an additional 20 years 
forthe liberation of comrade AssataShakur 
and the expropriation of an armored truck. 
Ed Poindexter #110403, 7525 4th Ave, 
Lino Lake, MN 55014-1099, Minnesota. 
Correctional Facility. Former BPP member 
falsely accused of killing a pig. 
Mutulu Shakur #83205-01 2, Box PMB, 
Atlanta, GA 3031 5. Sentenced to 60 years 
imprisonment for an alleged conspiracy 
by the BLA & the New Afrikan Freedom 
Fighters against the U.S. government. 
Russel Maroon Shoats #AF-3855, SCI 
Green, 1040 E. Roy Furman Highway 
Waynesburg, PA 15370-8090. BLA POW. 
Keith Thomas CDC-Number T-67081, 
FDAS D-6 Cell-246U, PO Box 7700, 
Wasco, CA 93280. Former gang member 
serving time for threatening to kill 
corrupt authorities. 

Herman Wallace #76759, CCR Upper C 
Cell 1, Louisiana State Penitentiary, 
Angola, LA 70712. Former BPP member 
and one of the infamous "Angola Three". 
Gary Watson #098990, Unit SHU17, 
Delaware Correctional Center, 1 1 81 Paddock 
Rd., Smyrna, DE 19977. Social prisoner 
turned black liberationist. One of the 
infamous "Smyrna Five" (S-5), a group 
of radical Blacks that retaliated against 
authorities for the death of George Jackson. 
Albert Woodfox #72148, CCR Upper B 
Cell 13, Louisiana State Penitentiary, 
Angola, LA 70712. Former BPP member 
and one of the infamous "Angola Three". 

MOVE Prisoners: 

MOVE is a radical, ecological movement 
that has been attacked by the Philadelphia 
Police since its inception. Nine members 
were convicted and sent to prison for life 
following a 1978 siege at their house in 
which one cop was killed by another cop. 
One of those nine, Merle Africa, died in prison 
after not being treated for a health issue. 
Debbie Simms Africa #006307, Janet 
Holloway Africa #006308, Janine 
Philips Africa #006309, SCI Cambridge 
Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge 
Springs, PA 16403-1238. 
Michael Davis Africa AM4973, Charles 
Simms Africa AM4975 SCI Grateford, PO 
Box 244, Grateford, PA 19426-0244. 
Edward Goodman Africa AM4974, SCI 
Camp Hill, PA 17011-0200. 
William Philips Africa AM4984, Delbert 
Orr Africa AM4985, SCI Dallas Drawer 
K.Dallas, PA 18612. 


Some Prisoner Support Groups: 

Anarchist BlackCross Federation/LA Chapter PO Box 3671 , 
Anaheim, CA 92803-3671 . Email: 
Branch of the larger political prisoner support federation ABCF. 
Anarchist Black Cross Network/Austin Chapter PO Box 
1 9733, Austin , TX 78760, Excellent branch of the larger ABCN 
prisoner-support network. Write to them or visit their 
web-site to find out more: 
Anarchists Prisoner Legal Aid Network (APLAN) 818 SW 3rd 
Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Email: 
Very important anarchist &anti-capitalist prisoner support group. 
Break The Chains Prisoner Support Group PO Box 1 1 331 , 
Eugene, OR 97401. Email: 
Visit the web-site at: Organizing 
to support political prisoners in general, West Coast political 
prisoners in particular. 

Chicago Anarchist Black Cross PO Box 721 , Homewood, IL 
60430. A very solid prisoner-support group. 

Free's Defense Network: PO Box 50263, Eugene, OR 97405. 
This is the newly formed support group for Oregon political 
prisoner Jeffrey "Free" Luers. Be sure to check out their 
Friends of MOVE PO Box 9709, Philadelphia, PA 19143. 
Friends & supporters of the MOVE organization and their 

Out Of Control Lesbian Committee 3543-1 8 th St., Box 30, 
San Francisco, CA 94110. Dykes supporting women 
prisoners and political prisoners of all stripes. They publish 
the Out Of Time newsletter, amongst other things. 
Prison Activist Resource Center PO Box 339, Berkeley, CA 
94701 . Web-page: Excellent resource 
for info about anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist prisoners. 
Rob Los Ricos Enterprises PO Box 50634, Eugene, OR 97405, 
Support group for anarchist prisoner Rob Thaxton, 
AKA Rob Los Ricos. 

Your assignment is to divide and 

State Repression & Political Prisoner News 

- Continued - 
February 7, California: Radical Queers Bashed By Cops 

SAN FRANCISCO: Police bashed gay activists protesting Gavin Newsom at the 
San Francisco Lesbian-Gay-Bi-Transgender-Queer Center in the Castro. Police 
attacked 40 members of the radical anti-capitalist queer group Gay Shame 
that gathered to protest the policies of Supervisor Gavin Neuusom. Tujo 
lesbians uuere visibly bleeding from the mouth after being beaten by the San 
Francisco Police Department. Gavin Neuusome uuas ushered in the doors of the 
center by Police escort. People then tried to enter their own center to voice 
their opposition to Gavin's policies. The police began beating back and blocking 
the door to the activists. Police pushed the activists into the oncoming traffic 
on Market Street and began aggressively hitting the queer activists. More 
police arrived and continued striking at queer activists in the street until 
eventually the situation calmed douun and the activists continued to protest 
the policies of Gavin Newsom, who has ushered in an era in San Francisco 
which has declared open warfare on the homeless, and has now manifested 
itself in hate crimes conducted under the cover of the badge. 

March 2, Italy: Woman Held After Train Shoot-out 

ROM€: A woman arrested after a cop was shot dead on a train is believed to 
be a member of the revived far-left Red Brigades group. The woman's companion 
opened fire as police carried out routine checks on the train, going from Rome 
to Florence. He was injured by the police and later died at the hospital. 
The pair are suspected of having links to two recent political killings. 

March 3, Greece: Trial Begins For November 17 Revolutionary Group 

ATHENS: Nineteen alleged members of the November 17 Revolutionary Group 

have gone to trial for assassinations and bombings dating back 30 years. The 

19 are on trial before a special tribunal at a high-security prison, accused of 

killings and bomb and rocket attacks which 

have killed 23 people. The group's alleged 

leader Alexandras Giotopoulos denies 

about 1,000 charges. UJealthy capitalists, 

powerful politicians, and military 

personnel have been attacked by the 

anti-imperialist group. (SeeGFI# Wanclffll) 

Oregon: Jacob Sherman Buckles Under 
Pressure; Tre Arrow Is Still On The Run 

PORTLAND: As has been reported in 
recent issues of GR, during the late 
summer of 2002 the authorities alleged 
that four people, Jacob Sherman, Jeremy 
Rosenbloom, Angela Marie Cesario and 
Tre Arrow had been involved with an 
arson attack against logging trucks in 
Cagle Creek in 2001 . No group has ever 
claimed responsibility for this arson. Be- 
cause of these allegations Jacob, Jeremy 
and Angela were all arrested and charged before being released on bail. 
However, the police failed to locate Tre Arrow who is "on the run". After the 
initial arrests the authorities brought further subsequent charges against Jacob 
Sherman and Tre Arrow, who they blame for another arson in 2001 , this time 
against Ross Island Sand & Gravel trucks in Portland. This arson was claimed 
by the Carth Liberation Front. As a result of these raids/arrests, one of the 
accused, Jacob Sherman, on the 4th of December 2002, pleaded guilty to his 
involvement in the arsons. Jacob was sentenced on February 20, 2003, to 40 
months imprisonment. Jacob Sherman has entered into a "cooperation 
agreement" with the authorities, and unfortunately it appears that he is 
selling out the movement to save his own cowardly ass. 

Support Byron Shane Chubbuck! 

Byron Shane Chubbuck, AKA Oso Blanco, is currently serving 80 years for 
aggravated assault on Federal Agents, escape and bank robbery. Chubbuck, 
also known as "Robin the Hood" by authorities, was robbing banks to funnel 
money to the Zapatista National Liberation Army in Chiapas, Mexico, between 
1988 and 1999. After being caught in late 1999 (after robbing 14 banks), 
Chubbuck escaped from a prison van in New Mexico (his home state) and 
almost immediately began knocking off banks again. Chubbuck, who was well 
known as a polite and courteous robber and never carried a gun, was 
recaptured in 2001 during a shoot out with police. The police, apparently, had 
discovered his whereabouts after Chubbuck attempted to contact a radio show 
host to speak out about indigenous rights and the treatment of prisoners. In an 
newspaper interview, Chubbuck claimed "I am still able to hold my head up and 
feel the gratification for my work in a world where money, power and destructive 
industry are regarded far above humanity, indigenous and impoverished peoples 
and cultures. I cannot help that I got into my work." For more info, write directly to: 
Byron Shane Chubbuck #07909051 , USP, PO Box 1 000, Leavenworth, KS 66048. 

Eddie Hatcher's Statement Of Solidarity With Native Prisoners In Oregon 

" Last year eight Native American prisoners took over and destroyed a housing 
unit at Oregon's newest "super prison" -- Two Rivers Correctional Institution. 
The desperate rebellion was the direct result of oppressive actions and 
conditions by the prison against the Native prisoners. The prison refused to 
allow Native prisoners to peacefully and respectfully practice their religion. 
They were prohibited from possessing and using their religious items. The prison 
staff constantly showed blatant disrespect to the Native American prisoners, 
their religion, their religious practices and their religious items. You would think 
this type of oppressive, genocidal tyrannical conduct would not be taking place 
anywhere in America but especially not in a state that projects itself as so 
progressive. I am calling on everyone to please contact the Oregon Department 
of Corrections and demand that the abusive and unjust treatment of David 
Scalera, Arapaho Nation; Tewahnee Sahme, UJarm Springs Nation and all Native 
American Prisoners in the state of Oregon immediately stop. Please let 
Oregon officials know that we are watching." Contact: Oregon Department of 
Correction Central Administration Office, 2575 Center Street N€ Salem, OR 
97301 -4667. Tel: 503-945-9090. Fax: 503-373-1 1 73. email: 

jf* 1 1 f 

page 27 


Pull the Plug! 

At the moment i happen to be out 
here with y'all — just another 
prisoner of the BIG CAGE! i'm broke 
right this minute cause i was just 
released from one of the little 
cages, all because i had a little 
green (10 kilos = 3 years) — 
i love what you're doing — send 
me a copy of your rag . I want to 
be a part of G.A. I detest the 
Machine - PULL THE PLUG! 

- Green Willow 

An Open letter 
To All Post-Modern Cynics 

Dear GA: 

It's kind of scary that your publication is one of the few who 

actually address the problems with modern reality. I find it hard 

to get my friends to flip through it, I don't think they're used 

to reading vitally important material in a newspaper. I think you 

should have a section devoted to the deaths of cynical pricks 

because they are constantly laughing away the most important 

conversations we could be having. Maybe when their fragmented 

selves begin to feel like shards of glass in their sides, perhaps 

then they'll embrace fundamental change. _ . 

In Resistance, 

A friend 


collective@greenanarchy. org 

Thanks for the feedback. 
' Try to keep them under 500 words 
Sorry, we can not print all you 
letters. . . 

Militant Resistance and Anarchy? 

In this letter I will explain the bare basics of militant anarchist 

organization and critique current delusions so-called militants have 

today. First dump your preconceived notion of what society will look 

like "after the revolution." Admit you have no idea and let's move 

on. This needs to be very clear. It is necessary for anarchists to 

collaborate with people and organizations outside of their box, that 

may have either never heard of anarchism or have serious reservations 

about it. There is a common misconception that if you are not an 

anarchist (or worse, you aren't a part of a sect of 

anarchism! ) , you have this insidious plan to seize 

power from people and execute all dissidents. 

Understand that anarchism came from European thinking 

and, up until recently, it has only been discussed 

among white people. Many people of color are 

communist or simply anti-imperialist. Many of their 

groups aren't opposed to anarchism as much as they 

are trusting white people who have been betraying 

people of color long before Nestor Makno was betrayed by the Bolshevik 

Party and long after. I needn't list these atrocities, but you can 

believe me when I say they are more numerous than communist against 

anarchist. In the last issue of GA John Zerzan commented on 

Subcommandante Marcos' Maoism and 

N17's unclear politics. Both 

organizations have never espoused 

dogmatic or sectarian ideals — 

which are the foundations of 

authoritarianism — but rather they 

have set themselves short-term goals . 

The above organization's actions and 

intentions have clearly been for the 

benefit and liberation of the people, 

and I have yet to see otherwise. 

They are urban and rural guerillas, 

not politicians. Zerzan doesn't have 

hands-on experience in these 

activities, nor with the people of 

those regions (Greece and Chiapas) . 

If you can do better go for it. In 

other words, don't be a hater, be a 

player. Moving on, we have questions 

that deal with the present situation 

that do need answers . In an article 

in the last issue I heard someone 

attack organization. I believe we 

must be organized militarily to 

defeat a well organized enemy. The 

questions however are valid. "What 

are we organizing, whom are we 

organizing, and why are we organizing?" 

I will put it more simply: What are 

we opposing? What we are opposing 

actually complements whom we are 

organizing. We are opposing 

imperialism in all forms. From the 

colonialism in Palestine to the 

neo-colonialism in Chiapas . The British soldiers in Ireland and the 

S.W.A.T. units in Los Angeles, the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Pine 

Ridge and the correctional officer in the state pen. These are the 

muscles the imperialists use to keep the people down. Their occupations 

in our communities, in full force and armed to the teeth, creates an 

illusion of invulnerability around the oppressor. Who are we organizing? 

The oppressed youth in the community. Understand by community, I 

mean communities that are facing imperialism and mass scale oppression. 

Not middle-class suburban areas and student towns, though youth 

activists from these areas, who have yet to ascend privilege of 

middle-class life, can most definitely be recruited and organizational 

skills are needed. What are our goals? Since it's a question of what 

do we as a military organization have to offer the community rather 

than what we want to impose on them, it is the first task of the 

revolutionary to understand who and what is the people's enemy. 

Usually this will mean military goals based on the alleviation/ 

elimination of occupying forces, who the people (especially youth) 

in the area of operation consider oppressive enemies . Alleviating 

poverty, through expropriation of funds from banks and other wealthy 

institutions, help free people's time usually spent laboring for 

small wages (especially single mothers). Thereby creating room for 

active engagement or support in the community by blatantly exposing 

the oppressor's vulnerability, and discouraging enemy operation in 

the community through retaliation by the people. It is the author's 

opinion that it is impossible for a revolutionary community to exist 


But if anarchists refuse to 

work with the authoritarian s> 

who else is there? 

- Barricada #21, pg 12 

unless it is impossible for the enemy to resume offensive operations 
in the community without disruption. It is historically proven that 
the enemy will use violent methods against revolutionary communities, 
and for those who only use defense or no defensive rules, this leads 
to eventual elimination. The best defense is a good offense. The 
current culture of militancy in the anarchist movement is a failure. 
This is due to a lack of training, experience, purpose, recruits, 
popular support, direction, equipment, strategy and an inclusive 
organizational structure. This author is extremely critical of 
decentralized cell structures for use in liberation armies. This 

structure is only useful for 
small-scale sabotage, because 
potential for training, and 
acquiring equipment is extremely 
remote due to the cells ' 
inability to share resources, 
and also because of a lack of 
accountability. Actions 
outside of sabotage would be 
a danger to the community. Offensive operations against forces of 
occupation by anarchists have mostly been in the form of black bloc, 
whose activities are merely vandalism, random hooligan actions, and 
extremely primitive assaults. The tactics they use against the 
well-armed and prepared police/military forces lack any 
surprise, and the weaponry used is outdated over a millennia. 
Clearly all of this must change. In countries where funds 
and equipment are not only abundant, but ridiculously 
underguarded, it is strange indeed to see self -proclaimed 
militants armed with only sticks, while in countries like 
Nepal, at least the Maoist guerrillas have armed themselves 
with muskets. As humorous as it sounds, it has not stopped 
the enemy from taking advantage of the situation — there 
have been three cases of extremely strict punishments for 
crimes most of society would consider petty: Jeffrey Luers ' 
2 3 year sentence for burning three SUVs, his co-defendant 
Craig Marshall's six year sentence, and Robert Thaxton's 
seven years for throwing a rock at a pig. Clearly the 
state saw these individuals as people willing to take the 
situation into their own hands and the magnitude was 
irrelevant. I will not get into favorable guerrilla 
organizational structures, and tactics because that would 
require too much space, especially since it would have to 
cover two different types of terrain (i.e. urban and 
rural) which requires entirely different tactics. This 
letter is purely meant to push people towards that study. 
Many POWs have knowledge and skill in these areas of 
study. I would be a fool if I didn't say these people 
needed support in the forms of money, literature and/or 
being liberated. At the very least they must be heard. 
Lack of prisoner support is not only disturbing, but also 
a waste of valuable skills . If you want to learn about 
illegal skills look to Ojure Lutalo, not Noam Chomsky. So 
I hope you have helped in the right direction . 

—Anonymous Political Prisoner 

Editors' Notes For the word "anarchist" throughout this letter 
substitute "marxist-leninist" (or any of its variants, like 
"Stalinist" or "maoist"). The piece would then make sense, for there is 
little that is anarchist or anti-authoritarian about it. 

In fact, this is an example of the regrettable trend whereby the word 
"anarchist" is losing its meaning. Because opposition today is chiefly 
anarchist, even those on the authoritarian left seem to be willing to cloak 
themselves with the "A" word, incredible as that is. 

Early on, a classic stalinist-style justification for the betrayal and 
murder of anarchists by leftists (a staple of 2oth century history) is 
presented. People of color have suffered horrific oppression well before 
anarchists did, therefore the latter shouldn't complain! 

If this isn't abhorrent enough, the writer goes on to list virtually 
every negative facet of the organisational fetish so dear to many on the 
left. For example, the manipulative practice of "recruiting," which sees 
individuals as so many potential cogs to be fitted to a pre-designed 
machine? the arrogance of knowing what to do "for the benefit and 
liberation of the people", instead of honoring autonomy and self -direction? 
even an exclusive focus on "we as a military organization" - all of this 
is a grotesque list of failed, top-down prescriptions from those who dream 
of assuming state power. 

Fortunately, this anti-anarchist perspective (despite its absurd claim to the 
contrary) is meeting a well-deserved extinction. It is a mini case-study in what to 
avoid, an offensive parody of anarchy. Exactly what Gbre&i Anarch/ is not about. 

page 28 

Ify Struggle, Our Struggle 
It's Very Much the Same 

Hullo. I will try to keep this as short as I 
can. I have questions, and stories, and more 
questions. I'll save the important ones for 
this email . . . 

I could prattle on intelligently, or so it 
may seem, but I'm not going to. I'm going to 
stick to my confusion, and let it take the 
form of a small cry for help, because that's 
what it is . I know that no one can make 
decisions for me, or tell me how to live my 
life, because that's something that I have to 
do for myself, but it just feels like I have 
no direction, nowhere to go, no one to talk 
to who really understands. I practice direct 
action wherever and whenever I can, but I 
feel extremely limited in the things that I 
can do. I have a child. He is about to be 
four. I am 23 years old, and still figuring 
out life for myself. Now I have an added 
responsibility to make sure that my son has 
the means to figure things out for himself, 
but I feel that he needs direction and guidance. . . 
something I feel I am unable to give him. 

My thoughts are increasingly extreme, my 
views on the world, and capitalism and 
*shudder* globalization, even though I am 
relatively uninformed, comparatively. Most of 
my thought comes from speculation, about things 
that I perceive in the system, in the 
unstableness of the market, in the conspiracies 
that surround the tragedy that was last year. . . 
it's these thoughts that set me apart from my 
family, and my son's family, and maybe even 
my son. I feel that if I don't conform, and 
work, and make money like I am encouraged to 
do, then I am letting him down. He will grow 
up thinking that his mother is some wacko and 
he will be alienated from me. But I can't let 
these things go unnoticed! I can't put these 
things out of my head, I have taken the red 
pill and there is no going back. . I cannot 
simply forget these things that I know. . . 

It makes me sad, and angry, that people 
like me who think "outside the 'fucking' BOX," 
people like you who put this magazine out, are 
the ones who have to try and fix what 10,000 
years of civilization has wrought, and 
sometimes I think we will never be rid of it. . . 
I don't know what my question is. I guess 
I was just hoping to vent my frustrations, 
and maybe get some feedback. I am hoping to 
reach someone(s) who can talk with me, 
discuss, help me to get my feelings out so 
that I can get them straight... maybe there 
is someone there... 

Full of rage and hope, 

A note from Oscar 

Companeros/as : 

Thank you for sharing your paper with me. 
Keep up the work and the struggle. 

En resistencia y lucha, 
-Oscar Lopez Rivera #87561-024, 
United States Penitentiary, 
PO Box 33, Terra Haute, 
Indiana 47808. 

Editor's notes Oscar lopez Rivera was drafted into the 
U.S. army and served in Vietnam. When he returned from 
the war in lg67, he found that the conditions in the 
Puerto Rican community had reached dire levels and 
immediately set to work organizing to improve the quality 
of life for his people. He worked in the community against 
drugs and police brutality. He was arrested in I98I and 
sentenced to 55 years for seditious conspiracy. In I988 he 
was given an additional 15 years for conspiracy to 
escape. His release date is 2o21. Since lg86, Oscar has 
been in the most repressive maximum -security prisons in 
the country. Last year Oscar completed 13 years of 
solitary confinement, having been kept in a cell the size 
of the average bathroom for 22 hours every day. In 1998, 
Bill Clinton granted clemency to 11 Puerto Rican political 
prisoners before he stepped down from presidency. Oscar 
was offered a lo-year sentence reduction in exchange for 
an apology to the US government for his acts of sedition. 
He refused the offer. 





Roadkill holds an intriguing place in the collective J 

consciousness of the modern world. An unavoidable result "' 

of car culture, roadkill is so common that most people don't 
notice it anymore as they zoom past it distracted by cell 
phones, radios and clogged highways. We have found that 
it's easy to become desensitized and ignore the violent and 
gruesome slaughter of millions of wild animals every year 

as they try to cross the steadily increasing number of roads 
en route to water sources, and on their migratory paths. 
After beginning to actually eat roadkill, we realized how 
much is really out there that our eyes usually 
gloss over. It is this profound detachment 
from the brutal reality of roadkill (or is it 
subconscious denial?) that sparked our 
desire to eat our first roadside casualty. 

Don't talk to 
me about 


•u're ready 


There are other reasons to eat roadkill besides 

this somewhat esoteric justification: 

It's FREE! 

Wild meat is satisfying, and for many of us 

vegans who don't get enough protein (yes, I 

know the average American gets TOO 

much!) it's a healthful protein fix, minus the 

chemicals and drugs in commercial meat. 

Blood type and ancestry can require more or 

less protein for optimal health. Also, 

significant research is now showing that Vitamin B12 can 

only be found in animal organs, contrary to the previous 

consensus of vegan nutrition experts. 

Energy flows through all living beings, connecting us 

intimately. The food we eat is absorbed into our blood and 

feeds our cells. Eating a wild animal can nourish our cells in 

ways our bodies haven't known in millennia. 

Eating roadkill challenges our society's taboos concerning 
what is fit and unfit to eat. In the same spirit as dumpster- 
diving, we salvage the waste products of our decadent culture, 
while the wealthy turn their noses up at us and purchase 
chemical-laden slaughterhouse products. Conventional meat 
products carry with them the suffering of the factory farm, 
exuding stress and misery in every tissue and cell. This misery 
transfers itself to the plate of the consumer, infecting billions 
worldwide with the same neurotic trauma of domestication. 
At least an animal killed 
on the highway lived 
wild and free until the 
point of impact. 


As for vegan ethics and 
roadkill, we think its all 
about the motivations 
behind your veganism. 
After many years of 
active veganism, we 
feel that while it can 
indeed be the healthiest 
choice for some, for 
others this may not be 
the case, and in fact, veganism is not generally practiced by the horrified eyes of more than a few passerby. I found this 

They drove into the gathering with it strapped to the roof of 
their car, and after some controversy, were relegated to a 
distant hilltop to roast it on a spit. I ate some then, and remember 
thinking little of its ethics. Still, I would never have thought 
of actually stopping a car to pick up roadkill to eat. Thank- 
fully I never killed any animals that I knew of while driving. 
So on spring equinox my partner, Ursus and I were driving 
in the suburbs of a large southeastern city 
and spotted a fox, dead on the roadside. Our 
first thought was what a great fur it would 
make. We scraped it up (it wasn't very 
mangled at all) and took it to our friends' 
house downtown, and Ursus skinned it in 
the backyard while our friends assisted. 
When it was all done and hanging gutless 
and skinless from a tree, it was like some 
collective epiphany: why not eat it? There 
was a great firepit there and several willing 
"freegans", along with a few pretty 
hard-core vegans (including Ursus) who 
raised no protest. After a couple hours on a 
spit (a stick shoved through its anus and out 
its mouth), the gray fox was edible. I guess 
it was something about the start of a new season, it was almost 
ritualistic, without trying to make it so. Some stood by and 
watched while 4 or 5 of us feasted on the fox. Ursus, a 
hard-core vegan, was perhaps the most voracious. There was 
something primal about his eating — like a wild man caged 
for years eating only bagels and bananas. Ursus tanned the 
skin and later wore it around his neck like a scarf. 

Three months later in midsummer, we found a raccoon. Ursus 
skinned it and tanned the hide, and roasted it on a fire, then 
made a delicious stew. He also rendered the fat into oil to 
use for frying. Raccoon is pretty oily. 

Three months later, on fall equinox, we scooped up another 
gray fox and roasted it over a fire. A week after that, we 
found a rabbit on the roadside in another large southeastern 
city and ate rabbit stew with veggies foraged from the urban 

wilds. Just a few 
days later, we found 
a dead pigeon on 
the side of a city 
street in a small 
town. When Ursus 
called my attention 
to it, and I saw the 
look in his eyes, I 
protested: "Oh no 
you don't" - it just 
seemed like too 
much, and pointless 
being so small. He 
grabbed it anyway, 
wrapping it in 
newspaper, beneath 

primitive people, historically or currently. Most primitive 
cultures ate far more wild plant matter than animal, but even 
in the tropics, where edible plants are abundant and the warm 
climates are compatible with a mostly vegetarian diet, people 
regularly ate insects and bird eggs. What we believe strongly 
is that primitive cultures thrived without dairy products, so 
in that respect, we are enthusiastically vegan. Defining 
veganism as a practice rather than an ideology makes the 
most sense to us. At this place and time, it is indeed the more 
ecological choice when choosing between that and domestic 
meat-eating — even organic and free-range. But can we say 
the same for the indigenous of Siberia or the Arctic? In any 
case, where roadkill is concerned, there is really no ecological 
argument against it (well, except for maybe that is steals food 
from vultures and crows! But we leave the really mangled 
stuff for them anyway...). 


Our first feral feast of roadkill was on spring equinox of 2002. 
That past winter we had experimented with skinning and 

rather embarrassing, but Ursus later reminded me of the basic 
truth of the situation: "Fuck 'em". A few steps later we found 
another dead pigeon that was in even better condition than the 
first one. We took them home and made "pigeon-noodle soup", 
and by the way pigeons do have a lot of meat on them 
— and they're really tasty, too. 


To get a copy of "Feral Forager: A guide to living off 
nature 's bounty in urban, rural and wilderness areas" 

tanning, using a possum and a raccoon we had found on Send $3 to Feral Forager, PO BOX 1485, Ashville, NC 
the roadside. Years earlier I had been at an earth first! 28802 or email: 

rendezvous where some folks hit a deer on the way there. 

page 29 


Spiittiag th.% §& T©u? 

January 15, 2003 kicked off the Northwest Speaking Tour for former political 
prisoner, former American Indian Movement activist, survivor of the Attica massacre, 
author of the 650 page autobiography From Attica to Gustafsen Lake, and long- 
time revolutionary, John Hill (AKA Dacajaweiah - Mohawk for Splitting the Sky). 
From a background of orphanages and boarding schools, Dacajeweiah emerged as 
a principal leader of the Attica rebellion at the age of nineteen, and later became a 
major figure in the Native sovereignty movement. 

The Break The Chains collective became acquainted with Splitting the Sky late 
last year, when we were introduced via the internet by a mutual friend. Prior to this 
we hadn't heard of Splitting the Sky. But after doing our research, we found that he 
is a longtime revolutionary who fights to win. After a number of positive exchanges 
with him, we decided that we would like to host him for a series of events in Oregon, 
and later he asked us to arrange a full Northwest speaking tour. Two of the keynote 
speakers who shared lectures with Splitting the Sky on this tour - former political 
prisoners of the George Jackson Brigade, Mark Cook & Ed Mead - came together in 
Seattle 30 years ago for a prisoner-support convention called "Con-vention." 

This tour - which covered Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Ashland, and San Francisco 
- was very successful and members of Break The Chains have written a highly in-depth 
report on this agitational journey and the issues that were addressed throughout the 
course of it all, which is available free of cost upon request from Break The Chains, 
PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440 e-mail: 

Breair The Chains #14 

This issue - our largest and best yet - contains 
new articles by and about West Coast political 
pris oners Jeff "Free" Luers, Rob "Los Ricos" Thaxton, 
Matt "Rampage" Lamont, the Children of the River 
(Native and anarchist prisoners fighting racism and 
brutality from within Oregon's worst prisons), and 
anti-imperialist POW Richard Williams, as well as 
updates about North American political prisoners of 
all stripes, reports on anti-authoritarian, anti- 
capitalist, and anti-prisons activities on the West 
Coast, state repression news, a movement obituary, 
a centerfold about women in prison, and much more! 

This issue is available for $5 postage paid from 
Break The Chains PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440. 
email: Visit our website 
(now regularly updated) at: 
All proceeds from the sale of our newsletter 
will go to covering the costs of the upcoming 
prison a boliton/prisoner-support/anti -repress ion 
conference in Eugene, OR, scheduled for the week- 
end of August 8-11, 2003. Contact Break The Chains 
for more info. 


A warrior society of the indigenous people's movement, is seeking financial contributions for the 
printing costs of an NYM magazine. The purpose of the magazine is to educate and inspire Native 
youth and all indigenous peoples to become part of a larger movement to protect and defend our lands 
and way of life that is becoming severely threatened. NYM focuses much of its energy on building 
community self-sufficiency, relearning and protecting traditional ways, as well as direct action and 
boycott campaigns against destructive industries. Please make donations payable to: 


The Cascades are on fire early this year: 

There won't be any retold stories of the need for change, or any excuses mode for what 
hasn't happened. None of that matters anymore. Definitions are being changed and 
overturned daily. What used to be termed freedom of speech has unveiled itself to be 
super-intelligent thought control. The reality of our enslavement is apparent. The Looters 
from the bloodstained mansion have openly admitted their intent to control our lives, 
down to the D.N.fl. in our blood, that which sustains us. Chances are running out to take 
control of your own life and nothing more desperate must happen! The only way to do this 
is to know what you want - and then do it. We've seen that our corporate sponsors have 
effectively deployed this strategy. Fortunately, we have all of time and the forest on our 
side. There is just one thing though - all of time and the powers of the forest can only be on 
our side if they are still flourishing in their own right, striving for their own interests, and 
existing in a form so untouched that it will never be fully understood. 

Some of us have been out to gain some secret knowledge over the past few years. We have 
learned a lot, we have come a long way. Now is the time to go further. Soon Bush and his 
co-conspirators across the globe will have destroyed the last remaining sacred places on the 
planet. They will be destroyed for the final and only time. Some will be crossed with pipeline: 
others slashed with axes and shipped away to become cereal boxes. The forest has spoken 
and this will not be allowed to happen. In these last moments the people are rising! 

Cascadia Summer is now, it is this summer, and we are all a part of it. Many people have 
been acting on your behalf for your entire life, but now we just want you to be yourself! 
We aren't asking for the logging to stop, we're stopping it. We aren't asking for the 
patriarchal culture that fosters this need to change, we are living our own way, on our own 
time. And when we see them marching with their town-machines and their ugly faces, we'll 
see them turning more quickly than before, if they can even make it out. Once we are no 
longer living in the extreme of the opposition, and that opposition is unnecessary to 
define our existence, every possibility is awaiting us. We are the present. We are creating 
the future in every passing moment. Our fate is within reach and we each must open our 
hands and grasp it. Logging season starts March 1 5. See you in the woods... 
To stop the madness of logging on public lands and the furthering of 
the American-imperialist state's scope, call (541)684-8977. 

QnArchy RAdio 

wife QoAn zQrzAn 

kwQ0 88-1 Fin in 0uGEnE 

QundAys @ li.-ggpm 

l BALL (54lB@46=H645 
Qom cAn LisfEn orioLinE: 


Summer 2oo3 Green Anarchist Gathering 

July lo thru 13, 2oo3 North Central Pennsylvania 

We are currently organizing for a green anarchist gathering this summer 
which will take place in a Pennsylvania state forest yet to be announced. The 
location will have normal park facilities as well as areas for the application and 
practice of wilderness skills. The emphasis of the gathering is two fold: to teach 
wilderness survival abilities and to provide a contextual and practical basis for 
green anarchist theory/action. 

It seems a vital point for green anarchists to have our own convergence 
instead of having a few workshops at other gatherings. We are hoping that 
this environment will be permissive for detailed discussion, debate and exchange 
of experience. This, however, is not for 'green anarchists only' and we hope 
that people will take this chance to learn more about wilderness skills, the 
green anarchist critiques and also develop stronger alliances to further 
insurrectionary action. 

This gathering is for green anarchists and future primitives all over the 
world to gather and get serious about the direction and actions that we are 
a part of and prepare for life beyond civilization. We hope that all people 
who are serious about this will come. For the destruction of civilization 
and the reconnection to life! 

We are currently taking any help we can get. We are in desparate need of 
funds, equipment, field kitchen collective/s, advertisements, people who can 
help with skill sharing and workshops, ideas for discussions, organizers, and any 
other suggestions. 

Black and Green PO Box 835 Greensburg, PA 156ol * 

Just a few contacts: 

The Black and Green Network 

blackandgreen. oig 

Earth Liberation Front Press Office 

earthliberationf ront . 


Asian Revolutionary Movement 

asianrevolutionarymovement. org 

Venemous Butterfly 

PO Box 31098 
Los Angeles* CA 90031 

Green Anarchist 

BCM 1715 
London WCDI 3XX, UK 

Re-Pressed Distro 

c/o CRC 16 Sholebroke ave 

Leeds > ls73hb, England 

repressed@mail. com 


POBox 30557 
Athens 10033 Greece 

Helios E. M 

POBOX 709 

CP 11402 _ Jerez de la Fra. 

Cadiz, Spain 

Terra Selvaggio 
( Silvestre ) 

via del Coure no. 1 
56100 Pisa, Italia 

Don't forget to get your copy of 

Disorderly Conduct #6 

108-pages of incendiary green-insurrectionary fun, 
brought to you by the "Bring On the Ruckus" Society! 

Send $5 to P.O. Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440 

Gathering of Anti-Civilization 
People May 1-4, Barcelona, Spain 

Free and Wild anarchists will be gathering to discuss the complete and 
Total destruction of our enemy, Civilization. This gathering has the potential 
to serve as an invaluable networking hub for anyone involved in the anti- 
civilization movement, and we urge our north american readers to try their best 
to get there, despite the geographical challenges related to its location. 

contact: www. gratisweb/maigdeu 

Bite Back 

Bite Back is an activist association and 
magazine dedicated to the advocacy of those 
caught or currently in the underground for 
animal liberation and the sabotage tactics they 
employ. Bite Back strives to create a culture of 
support for the Animal Liberation Front and 
direct action by means of prisoner support work, 
news reporting and the production of inspirational 
stories, photos and ALF-bolstering merchandise. 
Formed in 2002 to feed an animal rights 
movement hungry for ALF advocacy, Bite Back 
is an all volunteer, grassroots project, and its 
publications are free to everyone. 



write to: Bite Back 222 Lakeview Ave, Ste. 

160-231 West Palm Beach, FL 33401. 


The Break The Chains collective is excited 
to announce that we will be producing issue 
#2 of the Anarchist Black Cross Network 
newsletter. We are now accepting submissions 
for the newsletter from anti-authoritarian 
and anti-capitalist prisoners and prison 
activists - so send us your contributions of 
poetry, artwork, and articles analyzing the 
Prison Industrial Complex, how prison 
relates to and reinforces other forms of 
oppression (racism, gender oppression, etc.), 
articles on prisoner-support and prisoner- 
resistance, critiques of contemporary 
movement trends, and suggestions for how 
anarchist prisoner-aid groups such as the 
ABCN can be more effective at supporting 
prisoners and building a movement to abolish 
prisons and the deranged society that 
continues to build them. We are especially 
interested in hearing from politically 
conscious and active women prisoners, 
whose voices are all too often under- 
represented in the prisoner-solidarity movement. 

Break The Chains PO Box 11331, 

Eugene, OR 97440. 

Deadline for submissions is April 7th 


watching them ag they're watching you 

Because of the drastic upsurge in militarized police 
activities and acts of repression against communities and 
neighborhoods in the Eugene area, especially against 
people who are economically disenfranchised or who are 
racially, ethnically, or politically marginalized, Eugene 
Copwatch is reorganizing to provide an effective means of 
documenting and responding to police violence. 

We support and encourage the formation of other 
autonomous copwatchers within the Eugene area. We want 
as much autonomous and decentralized resistance to 
police violence as possible. With the current expansion 
of law enforcement power and abuse we believe that 
everyone needs to be a copwatcher. 

For additional information: 541-343-8548 

1430 Willamette #506, Eugene, Oregon 97401 



Odds and Ends 

* We apologize for any e-mail f uck-ups since 
our last issue. We have been experiencing 
some technical difficulties lately, which 

we hope are now better. If you have sent us 

any articles* letters* feedback* questions* 

or orders through cyber-means in the past 

three months* and have not yet heard from 

us* please drop us another line. While 

our e-mail at: greenanarchyStao. ca 

should be functioning for some time* we 

have switched our primary e-mail to: 

collective(§greenanarchy. org 

* For various reasons* we are considering 

changing our name to: 

"- fill in the blank -" 
A journal of Green Anarchy 

This is just a small possibility* so tell us 

what you think. If you have any ideas or 

suggestions along these lines* let us know. 

If some one offers us the perfect name* they 

will receive a lifetime subscription. 

* We are also debating the change to a 
magazine format. We have lots of 

re search yet to do so we may weigh the 

benefits and drawbacks. It would 

definitely cost us more money* which 

would cost our readers more* and reduce 

the number we could give away, BUT it 

would make it easier to be carried by 

distributors who could get it places who 

won't carry us in newspaper format. This 

possible change would also make GA a more 

durable and lasting piece of material. So 
let us know any opinions or ideas you have. 

* We are currently seeking possible 
short and long term editors to be a part 
of a focused and dedicated collective of 

insurrectionary green anarchist/ 
anarcho-primitivist propagandists. 
Scene ste rs need not apply. 

Thanks to everyone who has helped make 
this project possible. 

Our deadline for the Summer issue is May 12th. 


page 30 


How to order: 

-Please send well concealed 
cash and checks only (please 
do not send loose change.) 
-Checks can be made out to 
"Green Rnarchu" and mailed to 
POB 1 1 331 , C-ugene, OR 97440. 
-We try to fill orders quickly, but 
we're very busy and delays may 
occur. Please be patient. 
-Put "Attn: Mail Order" on the 
envelope to help us fill the order faster. 
-International orders can take longer 
because we prefer not to ship air mail 
as it is quite expensive. 

Thanks, Gfl 


Against Prisons Catherine Baker $ 1 
A concise and accessible critique of prison, law, 
and the "justice" system from this French radical. 
A Map Chellis Glendinning $3 
The contents of a speech delivered by Chellis at 
the Annual E.F. Schumacher Society Conference. 
Anarchism: The Feminist Connection Peggy 
Kornegger $2 

An intro to the history and ideas behind anarcha- 

Anarchists Are Going To Eat Your Children $2 
A great pamphlet about the "Myths, mis- 
information, and misunderstanding about 
anarchism and the Eugene community." 
Anarchist Survival Guide For Understanding 
Gestapo Swine Interrogation Mind Games 
Harold Thompson $1 
Fairly self explanatory. 

Anti-Mass: Methods Of Organization For 
Collectives $1 

Arguments against mass organization and in 
favor of more autonomous activism. 
Assholes, Politicians, Economists & Cops: 
A Billion Reasons To Oppose "Globalization" 
And The Political And Economic Systems 
Behind it (Spartacus Books) $5 
The title says it all. 

Back From Hell: Black Power And Treason To 
Whiteness Inside Prison Walls Lorenzo K. Ervin $1 
One man's account of resisting racism & white 
supremacy from within prison walls. 
Bring The War Home: vol. 1 Forgotten Heroes; 
The Black Liberation Army And The Weather 
Underground. Anarchist Action Collective $2 
Brief overview of two armed groups within the 
belly of the beast. 

COINTELPRO: The Danger We Face $2 
Basic information about the history and nature 
Colonization Is Always War Zig Zag $2 
Modern resistance to the oppressive forces of 

Consent Or Coercion Ed Stamm $2 
An accessible introduction to anarchism. 
Control Unit Prisons Frank J. Atwood/ABC 
groups $3 

Essays about torture, isolation, and slavery in 
modern prisons. 

Disgust Of Daily Life Kevin Tucker $2 
A creative piece furthering the critique of 
civilization and its totality. 
Earth Liberation Front: Frequently Asked 
Questions ELF Press Office $3 
What is the ELF? Why did they burn down Vail? 
All this and many more questions are answered 
in this new pamphlet about the ELF. 
Enemy Of The State: An Interview With John 
Zerzan by Derrick Jensen $1 
Grand Juries: Tools Of Political Repression 
Craig Rosebraugh $1 

Analysis of the oppressive nature of grand juries 
by someone who's been through them. 
Green Anarchism: Origins And Influences 
Paul Rogers $2 

A good introduction to the different ideas that 
constitute "green anarchism". 

If an Agent Knocks Anonymous $ 1 
All you need to know about visits by the feds. 
A must read. 

Industrial Domestication: Industry As The 
Origins Of Modern Domination Leopold Roc $ 1 
This essay shows why the struggle for workers' 
autonomy must be a struggle to destroy industrialism. 
Industrial Society & It's Future: The 
Unabomber's Manifesto Unambomber $2 
An in depth manifesto against industrialism. 
Lessons Of Easter Island Clive Ponting $1 
Taken from his amazing book A Green History 
of the World. 

Exploring • 
the Moon -'.i» ! 


Benefiting Mankind < 

a: J 

.Benefiting Mankind ■ '. 

* Understanding 
! .% '" the Sun 

; USA 18c 

1 Probing ^L 
■ the Planets 


9 JS/K USA 18c 
USA 18c 

USA 18c 

USA 18c * M 

^H^H^ J]fl 

■ Tzgr \ 

w USA 18c 

the Universe 

USA 18c X« 


Benefiting Mankind ■ 

Benefiting Mankind 

• S *' USAISc 

We All Live In Bhopal David Watson $ 1 
In the technological society, we are all subjected 
to poisonous chemicals and contaminations. 
We Are Everywhere: Writings By Prisoners 
In The Northwest NPPSN S3 
A compilation of essays, rants, songs, poems, and 
artwork from a number of politically-conscious 
prisoners in the Northwest, including Robert 
Thaxton, Free & Critter, Thomas Tripp and many 
others. Important 2002 revised edition now available! 
Writings Of The Vancouver Five $3 
A great compilation of writings by the members 
of the ecology-minded anarcho-feminist 
Canadian urban guerrillas known as 
the Women's Fire Brigade and 
Direct Action. (Soon to be updated 
and expanded upon by the newly 
formed Agitation Press) 


InTERRORgation: The CIA's 
Secret Manual on Coercive 
Questioning. $5 
56-page reprint of the CIA's 
interrogation manual. Describes 
methods of physical and mental 
torture to "induce compliance" 
from "unwilling subjects." 

Let's Get Free! $5 (half going directly to Free) 
28-page zine about Jeff "Free" Luers, earth 
defender, anarchist, and political prisoner currently 
serving almost 23 years for politically-motivated 
arson charges. Contains writings, poetry, and 
artwork by Free, as well as other writings about 
this eco-warrior. 

Listening To The Land: An Interview With 
Ward Churchill by Derrick Jensen $1 
This interview with American Indian Movement 
activist Ward Churchill was reprinted from one 
of Derrick's books, Listening To The Land: 
Conversations About Nature, Culture and Eros. 
Native Resistance To Canada Various native 
solidarity groups $2 

An overview of modern Native struggles against 

Neo-Luddites & Lessons From The Luddites 
Kirkpatrick Sale $2 

Two essays reprinted from his book Rebels 
Against The Future. A very convincing condem- 
nation of industrial civilization. 
Non-Violence & Its Violent Consequences 
William Meyers $2 
Pacifist absurdity debunked. 
Our Enemy, Civilization $2 
Essays against civilization, industrialism, and 

Primitivist Primer John Moore $ 1 
An interesting and very accessible introduction 
to the movement against civilization. 
Prison Abolition Yves Borque $ 1 
A unique critique of the prison system. 
Rebel's Dark Laughter: Writings Of Bruno 
Filippi Venomous Butterfly Publications $3 
Selected writings and poetry by this late Italian 
anarchist insurrectionary. 
Revolutionary Solidarity Pierre Porlecu $1 
A phenomenal essay about the concept of revo- 
lutionary solidarity by an Italian insurrectionary 
anarchist. Back by popular demand! 
Rob The Rich! Robert Thaxton $2 
Jailhouse writings of political prisoner Robert 
Thaxton A.K. A. Rob Los Ricos. 
Society Against The State Pierre Clastres $ 1 
An analysis of the anti-authoritarian nature of 
many indigenous peoples by a French anarchist 

Some Notes On Insurrectionary Anarchism 
Killing King Abacus $ 1 

An introduction to the insurrectionary school of 
anarchist thought. 

Stopping The Industrial Hydra: Revolution 
Against The Megamachine George Bradford $2 
The ecological disasters perpetuated by industrial 
capitalism are not just isolated incidents that can 
be prevented through workers' self-management: 
they are the inevitable consequences of techno- 
logical civilization. 

Technology, Trauma, And The Wild 
Chellis Glendinning $ 1 

An essay on the implications of living in a 
mass society. 

This Is What Democracy Looks Like VBP $2 
A great compilation of essays criticizing the anti- 
globalization movement and the paltry ideal of 

Towards The Creative Nothing: Selected 
Writings Of Renzo Novatore VBP $2 
A great compilation of rants by this obscure 
anarcho-individualist revolutionary. 
Undesirables Venomous Butterfly Publications $2 
Articles about technology and the class struggle 
translated from various Greek and Italian 
anarchist publications. 


Black Clad Messenger. All back issues available 
(#1-30). $3 each. $35 for complete set. 
Now defunct journal of anti-industrial anarchism. 
Break The Chains Current. $2 
Newsletter with writings by prisoners and news 
about anti-capitalist resistance and state 
repression/persecution in the Northwest. 
Disorderly Conduct (DC) Issues #1 and #2 are 
$2 each, #3 and #4 are $3 each, #5 and #6 are $5 
each, and $ 1 8 for the complete set. 
Insurrectionary green-anarchist publication, 
brought to you by the "Bring On The Ruckus" 
Society. Sorry, it almost never makes it into prisons. 


Against Civilization Edited by John Zerzan $15 
A collection of essays against civilization. With 
writings by Kirkpatrick Sale, Chellis Glendinning, 
Barbara Mor, Marshall Sahlins, and many others. 
Anarchy After Leftism Bob Black $5 
A scathing critique of Murray Bookchin and his 
particular form of social anarchism. 
Elements Of Refusal John Zerzan $15 
Johnny Z's extensive research attempts to trace the 
roots of domination. From time, agriculture, 
language, and so on to the various other forms of 
social control to domesticate and dominate all life. 
Running On Emptiness John Zerzan $15 
Including: "Time & Its Discontents," "Whose 
Unabomber," "Abstract Expressionism," John's 
memoir "So, How Did You Become An Anarchist" 
and many other great essays. 
The Ex-Files Edited by Context Book Company $5 
A collection of stories about first loves, 
romance, and relationships. Includes an essay 
by Derrick Jensen. 


Anarchy In Spain Rottin' and Johnny $12 

An account of two Green Anarchists' 200 1 tour of 

Spain, including visits to squats, CNT museums, and 

interviews with contemporary anarchists. 

Breaking the Spell: Anarchy, Eugene and the 

WTO Pick Axe Productions $15 

The most accurate and inspiring documentary of 

the N30 protests in Seattle. 

Fuck The System And More! Anonymous $ 1 5 

A 60-minute music-documentary of anarchist 

uprisings in Eugene and around the world! 

Includes the controversial "Bush Killa" video! 

The tape also includes another hour containing 

sections of "ELF: Green with a Vengeance" and 

"Takin' It Down!". 

U.S. Off The Planet: An Evening With Ward 

Churchill And Chellis Glendinning Pick Axe 

Productions and the C.M.C. $12 

Documentation of two speeches delivered by 

Ward and Chellis on June 1 7th, 200 1 , in Eugene. 


Surplus $12 

An hour-long creative piece of Italian 
independent film-making that takes a hard look 
at the grotesque nature of consumption, 
industry, civilization, and resistance. 


An Anti-Civilization Quarterly Publication 
Featuring: Theoretical and Practical Ideas on 
the "Destruction of Civilization and the 
Re-connection to Life", Analysis of Anarchist 

and other Resistance Movements, Action 
Reports, News, Prisoner Updates, and more! 

* Back issues (# 4- 1 1) of Green Anarchy 
are still available for $3.00 each, 

or $20.00 for the complete set. 

Issue #8 features: 

"Hit Where It Hurts" by Ted Kaczynski, "Same 

Children Playing Revolution In the Park?" by 

Epiphany, "Some People Push Back: On the Justice of 

Roosting Chickens" by Ward Churchill, "Towards a 

Completely Wireless' Society" by Daisy Chung, and 

a "Spotlight On the Greek Anarchist Movement" 

Issue #9 features: 

"Thinking Through the Fall", "Sex Among the 

Zombies" by Arthur Evans, "Go Wild: The Pleasures, 

Benefits, and Ecology of Wildcrafted Foods" by 

Tamarack Song,, "The Revolt of Adam and Eve: 

A Green Anarcha-Feminist Perspective" by Witch 

Hazel, an Interview with Julieta Paredes of the 

Bolivian Anarcha-Feminist group Mujeres Creando, 

" Industrialism Must Go!" by Derrick Jensen, 

and a "What Is Green Anarchy" Primer. 

Issue #10 features: 

"No Membership Required" by Jack Wilde, an 

extensive Update on the Repression of the Greek 

November 1 7th Movement, "What Ails Us" by 

John Zerzan, "International Intifada: an Urgent Call 

to Participate In the Colonizer's Execution", 

An Interview with Ann Hansen of Direct Action, 

"Towards A Paleolithic Existence" by Mountain Goat, 

"Animal Uprisings: The Wild Ones Fight Back", and 
"Taking Children Seriously and Anarchy" by (I) An-ok 

Issue #1 1 features: 

"Science, Civilization's Ally!" by Ran Prieur, 

"Patriarchal Conquest and Industrial Civilization" 

by Brent Taylor, "Beyond Veganism. Beyond the 

Consumption of Domestication", "Not My Vision of 

Liberation: Some thoughts on Organization, 
Federations, and Platformism" by Leaf S. Alone, 

"Gravity" by Susan Griffin, an Interview with 
Vine Deloria by Derrick Jensen, "Repressed But Not 
Destroyed: Recent Developments in the N 1 7 Saga", 

and "An Invitation to Sabotage from Within" 


Here are the rates: 

US 5 Issue Subscription $15 

Canada 5 Issue Subscription $18 

Europe 5 Issue Subscription $22 

Other countries- please contact us for prices 


We are actively seeking distributors of GA 
Here are the prices: 

Quantity of 1 -49 copies $1.75percopy 

Quantity over 50 copies $1.50 per copy 

Sell it for $3 and make extra money for yourself. 

Sending large quantities of Green Anarchy costs a 
lot of money and takes time. We ask that people pay 
the same rates as above but add extra money for 
postage. We will send packages out as cheap as 
possible (usually surface) unless specifically 
requested by you to send it air mail. 

* Write or e-mail us for a complete list of 
pamphlets, zines, videos, and books we 

have in our Distribution Center 

Send well concealed cash, postal 
money orders or checks made 
out to "Green Anarchy " 

Please contact us about specific rates or if 

you are interested in trading zines via 

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Note: Our new email is: 

check-out the updated: 

www. greenanarcby. oig 

Please re-print or translate as much of this as you can. 

page 31 GREEN ANARCHY #12 - SPRING ' 03