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A' Study in the History % of 
Scientific Development 



Professor t National Council of Education, Bengal 
A uthor of “The Positive Background of Hindu 
Sociology," “Chinese Religion through 
Hindu Eyes,” “The Science of 
History and the Ho fie of 
Mankind,” etc. 

longmans/green and co. 




Copyright, 1918 



pneea or « 

BftAUNWOfUH & CO. » 


The main object of this little book is to furnish 
some of the chronological links and logical affinities 
between tfie scientific investigations of the Hindus 
and these of the Greeks, Chinese, and Saracens. 
Details relating to the migration of discoveries have 
been e generally avoided, as they require a treatment 
more technical than the present scope and space 
admit. Nor have all the achievement^ of the 
[Hindu s in any branch of science been treated in an 
exhaustive manner. 

It*Jias been sought to present a comprehensive, 
though very brief account of the entire scientific 
work.of ancient and mediaeval India in the per- 
*spective of developments in other lands. From the 
’ standpoint of modern science a great part of all that 
is desetibed here is too elementary to have* more, 
than S,n anthropological interest. If, however, the* 
facts pf Hindif and •Chinese science were made avail- •' 
able in more extensive volumes than has yet been 
. done, the students of comparative culture-history 
would find that the tendencies of the Oriental mind 



• * 

have not been essentially distinct from those of the 
Occidental. * 

The works that have been frequently consulted 
are given in the Bibliography. Special mention must 
be made of the writings of Professors Nalinbehari 
Mitra and Brajendranath Seal. For some of the 
Sanskrit literature on Hindu scidhce I have made 
use of my “Positive Background of Hindt^ Sociology.” 

I am* indebted to the authorities of Harvard Uni¬ 
versity for the privilege of using its library. 

Benoy Kumar Sarkar 

"Cambridge, Mass. 

April i? IQ17 




Preface. .... * v 

Bibliography ./......ix 

Historical Perspective . i • 

/I. Arithmetic. 8 

v ll. Algebra. 12 

ylll. Geometry..#. 16 

^/IV. Trigonometry. 20 

V. Coordinate Geometry. 21 

* # 

VI. Deferential Calculus. 23 

VII. Kinetics.* • 25 

VIII. Astronomy. 28* 

ytx . Physics.*. 32 

J X. CffiSMISTRY. 39 

XI. Metallurgy and Chemical Arts. 44 

r XII. MEpiCINE. 47 

XHI. Surgery. S 3 

XIV. Anatomy and Physiology. 56 

XV. Embryology... 61 

6tVl. Natural History..*..* 66 

(a) Minerals... ; . 68 

((j) Plants .*..... * . 69 

(c) Animals. 7 1 

Conclusion.-. 75 

Index...'. . t . 79 



N.B. —The figures in the text refer to the numbers onjdiis list. 

1. Aristotle—“On the parts and progressive motion of ani¬ 

mals^ on invisible lines; true arithmetic of infinites, 
etc.” (translated by Taylor), London, 1810. 

2. Bryant—“History of Astronomy,” London, 1907. 

3. Burgess-—‘‘Surya-Siddhanta” (Hindu astronomy), Ameri- 
• can Oriental Society, New Haven, i860. 

4. Cajori—“History of Mathematics,” New York, 1909. 

5. Chatterji—“The Economic Botany of India',” District 

Council of National Education, Malda, Bengal, Lfldia, 

. 1910. 

6. dements—“Introduction to the Study of Indian Music,” 

London, 1913. 

7. Colebrooke—“Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration 
• from the Sanskrit of Brahmagupta and Bhaskara,” 

London, 1817. 

8. Colebrooke—“Essays,” Vol. 2, London, 1873. 

• • 

9. Cressv —“Discoveries and Inventions of the Twentieth. 

Century,” London, rgi4. 

10. Deval—“The Hindu Musical Scale and the Twenty-two 

Slirutees,” Aryabhusan Press, Poona, India, 1910. 

11. Dutt—“The Materia Medica of the Hindus,” Calcutta, 



12. Elson—"The Book of Musical Knowledge,” Boston, 1915. 

♦ • 

13. Encyclopaedia Britannica, eleventh edition (article on 


14. Fox-Strangways—“The Music of Hindostan,” Oxford, 


15. Freind—"History of Physick from the Time of Galen to 

the Beginning of the Sixteenth Ccntfiry,” London, 1727. 

16. Garrison—"History of Medicine,” Philadelpl^a, 1914. 

17. Geddes and Thomson—"Sex,” London, 1914. 

18. Gibbon—“History of the Saracen Empire” (reprint of the 
• fiftieth, fifty-first, and fifty-second chapters of the 

monumental History), London, 1870. • 

19. Gondal—“History of Aryan Medical Science,” ^London, 

1896. . 

20. Greene—“Landmarks of Botanical History,” Washington, 

D. C., 1909. 

21. Ileath—' 11 ArisLarchus of Samos, the Ancient Copernicus,” 

Oxford, 19T3. 

22. Heath—"Diophaotus of Alexandria,” Cambridge, 1910. 

23. Hocrnlc—“Medicine of Ancient India,” Oxford, 1907.^ 

24. Kaye—"Indian Mathematics,” Calcutta, iprs. (This book 

must not be read without Mitra’s criticism on it in 
“Hindu Mathematics.”) * 

25. Leighton—"Embryology,” London, 1914. 

26. Levies—“Aristotle: A Chapter in the History of Science,” 

’ London, 1864. * * 

f- H * 

27. Libby—“History of Science,” Boston, 1917. 

28. Mehta—"Ayurvedic System of Medicine,* Bombay, ^3. 

29. Meryon—“History of Medicine,” London, r86i. 

30. Merz—“History of European Thought in the Nineteenth 

Century,” Edinburgh, 1896. 


• •• 

31. Meyer—j“History of Chemistry” (translated by McGowan 

from German), London, 1891. 

32. Mikami—“Development of Mathematics in China and 

Japan,” Leipzig, 1913. 

^3. Mitra—“Hindu Mathematics,” The Modem Review 
Office, Calcutta, 1916. 

34. Mookerji—“History"of Indian Shipping,” London, 1912. 

35. Muir—“Heroes of Science: Chemists,” London, 1883. 

36. Muir—“The Story of Alchemy,” London, 1902. 

37. Muller—“India: What Can it Teach Us?” London, 1883. • 

38. “The Nineteenth Century: A Record of Progress,” New 

York, 1941. 

39. Oppert-^," Fire-arms and Weapons of the Hindus,” Madras, 


40. Pettigrew—“Superstitions Connected with the History 

add Practice of Medicine and Surgery,” London, 1844. 

41. Playfai*—“ Progress of Mathematical and Physical Sci¬ 

ence,” Edinburgh (undated). 

42. Pliny—“Natural History” (translated by Bostock ancf 

Riley), London, 1855-57. 

43. PoweiL—“History of Natural Philosophy,” London, 1837. 

44. Ray—“History of Hindu Chemistry,” Calcutta, 1902, 


45. 3 tay-Lankester—Article on Zoology in the Encyclopaedia 


46. Reid—“taws of Heredity,” London, 1910. 

47. Rpsen—"The Algebra of Mohammed ben Musa,” London, 


48. Routle 3 ge—“Discoveries and Inventions of the Nine¬ 

teenth Century,” London, 1899. 

49. Roy—.“The Astronomy and Astronomers of the Hindus” 

(in Bengali), Calcutta, 1903. 



50. Roy—“Ratna Pariksa” (Examination of Gems, ill Ben¬ 
gali), Calcutta, 1904. 

$1. Royle—“Antiquity of Hindu Medicine^’ London, 1837. 

52. Royle—“The Arts and Manufactures of India” (Lectures 

on the Results of the Great Exhibition of 1851), London, 

o • «■' 


53. Sachau—"Alberuni's India,” L< melon, iqro. 

54. Sachs—“History of Botany (1530-1860^,” Oxford, rfiqo. 

55. S*arkar—“The Positive Background of Hindu Sociology,” 

Vol. I., Panini Office, Allahabad, India, roi.j. 

56. Sastri—“Tlie Educative Influence of Sanskrit Lileralure,” 

Benares, India, 1916. • 

57. Schoff—“The reriplus of the Erythneau Sea’^(Travel and 

Trade in the Indian Ocean by an Egyptian Greek Mer¬ 
chant of the Eirst Century a.d.), Lonflon, 1012. 

58. Scott—“History of the Moorish Empire, in Europe," 

Philadelphia, 1904. , 

59. Seal—“The Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus,” 

• London, 1916. 

60. Sinha—“The* Vaishcsika Sutras of Kanada” {Hindu 

Democritus), Panini Office, Allahabad, iqir. . 

61. Smith and Karpinski—“Ilindu-Arabic Numerals,” Bos¬ 

ton, 1911. 

• % 

62. Smith and Mikami—“Japanese Mathematics,” Chicago, 


63..Tagore—“Hindu Music: from Various Author^,” Calcutta, 
187 5 - 

64. Takakusu—“Itsing: Records rtf thf Buddhist Religion 

(671-93),” Oxford, 1896. 

65. Thibaut—“On the Sulva-sutras” (Journal of the Asiatic: 

Society of Bengal, Vol. XLJV, Reprint, Calcutta, 1873). 

66. Thompson, D’A. W.—“On Aristotle as Biologist.” 




47 - Thomson, J. A.—“Heredity,” London, 1912. 

68. Thomson, T.—“Histojy of Chemistry,” London, 1831. 

69. Thomson, T.—‘^Progress of Physical Science,” New York, 


70. Thorpe—“History of Chemistry,” New York, 1910. 

7 *- Tilden—“Progress of Scientific Chemistry,” London, 1899. 
72. Venable—“Short History of Chemistry,” Boston, 1894. 

73.. Wallace—“The Wonderful Century,” New York, 1898. 

74. Wallace and Others—“The Progress of the Century,” 
New York, 1901. 

75- Werner—“Chinese Sociology,” London, 1910. • 

76. Wliewell—“The History of the Inductive Sciences,” New 

York, 1858. 

77. Williams—“The Middle Kingdom” (China), New York, ' 


78. Wilson—^‘Essays on Sanskrit Literature,” Vol. I, London, 

1864. • 

79. Wise-y 11 Commentary on the Hindu System of Medicine,” 

Calcutta, 1845. 




Investigations in radioactivity since 1896 have 
effected a marvellous revolution in our knowledge of 
Energy. «The ultimate atoms of matter are now 
believ<itl to possess “sufficient potential energy to 
supply the, uttermost ambitions of the race for 
cosmical epochs of time.” 

Speaking of these new discoveries in connection 
with radioactivity, Professor Soddy remarks in his 
“Matter and Energy”: 

“It is possible to look forward- to a time, which 
may. await the world, when this grimy age of fuel 
will seem as truly a beginning of the mastery of 
energy as the rude stone age of palaeolithic man now 
’appears as the beginning of the mastery of matter.” 

This optimism seems almost to out-Bacon Bacon’s 
prophesy in the “Novum Organum” (1621) relating „ 
to the wonderful achievements he expected from a* 
“new. birth of science.” The “new birth” was • 
inevitable, he declared, “if any one of ripe age, unim- 




paired senses, and well-purged mind, apply himgelf 
anew to experience and particulars.” # 

Becquerel’s discovery of radioactive Substances is 
thus a quarter less than three hundred years from 
Bacon’s first advocacy of experimental and inductive 
methods. The “long and barren period” between 
the scientific activity of ancient Greece and that of 
modern Europe, described by Whewell as ^"“sta¬ 
tionary period of science,” was drawing to a close 
in Bacon’s time. The age was, however, yet “dark” 
enough Yo be condemned by him in the following 

“The lectures and exercises there (at the univer¬ 
sities) are so ordered that to think or speculate, on 
anything out of the common way can hardly occur 
to any man. Thus it happens that hujnan knowl¬ 
edge, as we have it, is a mere medley and ill-digested 
mass, made up of much credulity and much aeddent, 
and also of childish notions which we at first im¬ 

Positive Science is but three hundred years old. 
It is necessary to remember this picture of .the 
intellectual condition of Europe at the beginning of 
the seventeenth century in every historical survey 
of the “exact” sciences (whether deductive-mathe-* 
matical or inductive-physical), as well as in every 
. compaYative estimate of the credit for their growth 
and development due to the different nations of 
' the world. 

Hindu investigations in exact sdence, as briefly 





summarized here, come down to about 1200 a.d. 
Strictly speaking, they cover the period from the 
“Atharva jj/eda’i (c See b.c.), one of the Hindu 
Scriptures, to Bhaskaracharya (c 1150), the mathe¬ 
matician; or rattier to the middle of the fourteenth, 
century, represented by Madhavacharya, the com¬ 
piler of “The Sixteen Systems of Philosophy” (1331), 
Gunaratna (1350), the logician, “ Rasa-ratna-samuch- 
chaya,” the work on chemistry, and Madanapala, 
author of the “Materia Medica” (1374) named after 

• We are living to-day in the midst of the discoveries 
and inventions of the last few years of the twentieth 
century, e.g.f those described in Cressy’s volume. 
To the moderns, therefore, the whole science of the 
Hindus exhibited here belongs to what may be truly 
called e the pre-scientific epoch of the history of 
science. .Its worth should, however, be estimated 
in the light of the parallel developments among their 
coptemporaries, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Graeco; 
Roinans, the Saracens, and the mediaeval Europeans. 

Whewell, according to whom the scientific inquiries 
of the ancients and mediaevals “led to no truths 
of real, or permanent value,” passes the following 
summary and sweeping judgment on all these nations: 

“Almost the whole career of the Greek schools of 
philosophy, of the schoolmen of Europe in the 
Middle Ages, of the Arabian and Indian plxilosophers, 
shows that we may* have extreme ingenuity and 
subtlety, invention and connection, demonstration 




and method; and yet out of these no physical sciense 
may be developed. We may. obtain by .such means 
logic and metaphysics, even geometry ajid afgebra; 
but out of such materials we shall never form optics 
.and mechanics, chemistry, and physiology.” 

Further, “the whole mass of Greek philosophy 
shrinks into an almost imperceptible compass, when 
viewed with reference to the progress of physical 
knowledge.” “The sequel of the ambitious hopes, 
the vast schemes,- the confident undertakings of the 
philosophers of ancient Greece was an entire failure 
in‘the physical knowledge.” 70 

While accepting for general guidance the above • 
estimate of Whewell regarding the "ancients and 
mediarvals, the student of Culture-history would 
find the following noteworthy points in a survey 
of the world’s positive sciences from the. Hindu 

1. The “pure” mathematics of the Hindus was, 
on the whole, not only in advance of that of the 
Greeks, but anticipated in some remarkable instances 
the European discoveries of the sixteenth* seven¬ 
teenth, and eighteenth centuries. That mathematics 
is the basis of the mathematical science known ta 

• modem mankind. * 

2. Like the other races, the Hindus also may be 
taken to have failed to make»any epoch-nfaking dis¬ 
coveries of fundamental “laws,” planetary, inorganic, 
or organic, if judged by the generalizations of to-day. 
But some of their investigations were solid achieve- 



meats in positive knowledge, viz., in materia medica, 
therapeutics, anatomy, embryology, metallurgy, chem¬ 
istry, physics, and descriptive zoology. And in these 
also, generally* speaking, Hindu inquiries were not 
less, if not more definite, exact, and fruitful than 
the Greek and mediseval-European. 

3. Hindu investigations helped forward the sci¬ 
entific developments of mankind through China 
(and Japan) on the east and the Saracens on the 
west of India, and this both in theoretical inquiries 
and industrial arts. 

4. Since ^he publication of Gibbon’s monumental 
history, jthe historians of the sciences have given 
credit to the Saracens for their services in the devel- 
opment of European thought. Much of this credit, 
howe\%r, is really due to the Hindus. Saracen mathe¬ 
matics, 'chemistry, and medicine were mostly direct 
borrowings from Hindu masters. The Greek factqr 
in' Saracen culture is known to every modern scholar; 
the Hindu factor remains yet to be generally rec¬ 
ognized. That recognition would at once establish 
India’s contributions to Europe. 

Every attempt on the part of modern scholars 
to trace the Hellenic or Hellenistic sources of Hindu 
learning has been practically a failure. 

6. But, like every other race, the Plindus also 
got their'art of writing from the Phoenicians. Be¬ 
sides, the Hindus may have derived some inspira¬ 
tion from Greece in astronomy as admitted by their 
own scientists, e.g., by Varahamihira (-505-587 a.d.). 



' India’s indebtedness to foreign peoples for the main 
body of her culture is virtually nil. * 

-7. Hindu intellect has thus independently appre¬ 
ciated the dignity of objective facta, devised the 
methods of observation and experiment, elaborated 
the machinery of logical analysis and truth inves¬ 
tigation, attacked the external universe as a system 
of secrets to be unravelled, and wrung out of Nature 
the knowledge which constitutes the foundations of 

8. The claims of the Hindus to be regarded as 
pioneers of science and contributors to exjjct, positive, 
and material culture rest, therefore, in all respects, 
on the same footing as those of the Greeks, in 
quality, quantity, and variety. An absolute supe¬ 
riority cannot be claimed for either, nor cdh any 
fundamental difference in “Weltanschauung, 1 ’’ mental 
outlook, or angle of vision be demonstrated between 
these two races. 

It has been remarked above that the age of experi¬ 
mental and inductive science is about three hundred 
years. It is this period that has established the 
cultural superiority of the Occident over the*Oriept." 
But this epoch of “superiority” need be analyzed 
a little more closely. 55 . # 

Neither the laws of motion and gravitation (of 
the latter half of the seventeenth century), nor the 
birth of the sciences of modern chemistry and elec¬ 
tricity during the latter half of the eighteenth could 
or did produpe the superiority in any significant 




sense. There was hardly any difference 48 between 
Europe and Asia at the time of the French Revo¬ 
lution ^1789). The real and only cause of the 
parting of ways between the East and the West, 
nay, betweert the mediaeval and the modern, was 
the discovery of steam, or rather its application to 
production and transportation. The steam engine 
effected an industrial revolution during the first 
three decades of the nineteenth century. It is this 
revolution which has ushered in the “modernism” 
of the modern world in social institutions, science, 
and philosophy, 30 as well as brought about the 
supremacy of Eur-America over Asia. 

The^ year 1815 may be conveniently taken to be 
the year I of this modernism, as with the fall of 
Napoleon it marks also the beginning of a new era 
in Vorld-politics, practically the era in which we 
still live. The difference between the Hindu and 
the Eur-American, or between the East and the 
West, is a real difference to-day. But it is not a 
difference in mentality or “ideals” or so-called race- 
genius. It is a difference of one century, the “won¬ 
derful century,” in a more comprehensive sense than 
• Wallace gives to it. 



A general idea of'the achievements of the Hindu 
brain may be had from the following remarks of 

“It is remarkable to what extent Indi;m mathe¬ 
matics enter into the science of our time. Both 
the form and the spirit of the arithmetic and algebra 
of modern times are essentially Indian and not 
Grecian. Think of that most perfect of mathematical 
symbolisms, the Hindu notation, think of the Indian 
arithmetical operations nearly as perfect as our 
own, think of their algebraic methods, and then • 
judge whether the Brahmins on the banks of the 
Ganges are not entitled to some credit. Unfortu¬ 
nately some of the most brilliant of the Hindu dis¬ 
coveries in indeterminate analysis reached Ivutope # 
too late to exert influence they would have exerted, 
had they come two or three centuries earlier.” 

As De Morgan admits, “Hifidu arithmetic is 
greatly superior to any which the Greeks- had. 
Indian arithmetic is that which'we now use.” 

The Hindus were the greatest calculators of an- 



tiquity.. They could raise the numbers to various 
powers. The extraction of square or cube root was 
a child’s play to them. 

The two foundations of arithmetic were discovered 
by the Hindus: 

(r) The-symbols of numbers, or numerals as they 
are called, and 

(2) The decimal system of notation. 

Numerals have been in use in India since at hast 
the third century b.c. They were employed in tire 
Elinor Rock Edicts of Asoka the Great (256 b.c.). 
In modern times the numerals are wrongly known 
as “Arabic” because the European nations got them 
from their Saracen (Arab) teachers. 61 

The decimal system was known to Aryabhata 
(a.d. 4*/6) and Brahmagupta (a.d. 598-660), and 
fully described by Bhaskaracharya (1114). In 
Subandhu’s “Vasavadatta,” a Sanskrit prose romance 
(a.d. 550-606?) the stars are described as 2ero: 
In “V^asa-bhasya,” also, the system is referred to. 
The transformation of substance in chemical fusion 
through the “unequal distribution of forces” is there 
illustrated by a mathematical analogy: “Even as 
the same figure V stands for a hundred in the 
place of hundred, for ten in the place of ten, and for 
a unit in.the place of a unit.” The “Vyasa-bhasya” 
cannot have been Composed later than the sixth 
century a.d. The decimal system was therefore 
known to the Hindus long before its appearance in 

the writings of the. Arabs or Graeco-Syrians. 59 




The Saracens learnt from the Hindus both the 
system of numeration and the method of computa¬ 
tion. Even in the time of Caliph Walid (705-15) 
the Saracens had to depend on alphabetical symbols. 
They had no figures for numbers yet. A Hindu 
scientific mission reached Mansur’s court Prom Sindh 
in 773. This introduced the Moslems to Hindu 
astronomical tables. The Saracen astronomical work 
thus, compiled was abridged by Musa, the Librarian 
of. Caliph Mamun (813-33). “And he studied and 
communicated to his countrymen the Indian com¬ 
pendious method of computation, i.e, their arith¬ 
metic, and their analytic calculus.” 7 # 

This was the first introduction of the decimal 
system among the Saracens (830). They have ever 
since acknowledged their debt to the Hindus. Al- 
beruni (1033) wrote: “The numeral signs which we 
use are derived from the finest forms of the Hindu 

It was probably in the twelfth century fjjat the 
Europeans learnt this Hindu science from their 
Saracen masters. Leonardo of Pisa, 61 an. Italiajj 
merchant, was educated in Barbary, and thus beatme 
acquainted with the so-called Arabic numerals and 
Musa’s work on Algebra based on the* Sanskrit. 
In 1202 was published his “Liber Abbaci.” *This was 
the beginning of modern arithmetic in Europe. The 
pioneering work may have been done by Gerbert, 
a Frenchman, who learnt the Hindu system from 
the Mohammedan teachers at Cordova ih Spain. 



(■c 970-80).®° Musa, the distinguished Moslem 
mathematician, was thus the connecting link be¬ 
tween the algebra and arithmetic of the Hindus 
and the mefliseval European mathematics. 

At the commencement of the Christian era, the 
Chinese “adopted the decimal system of notation 
introduced by the Buddhists, and changed their 
ancient custom of writing figures from top to bot¬ 
tom for the Indian custom of from left to right.” 75 




Algebra is a Hindu science in spite of the Arabic 
name. Cajori suspects that Diophantus (a.d. 360), 
the first Greek algebraist, got the first gliyipscs of 
algebraic knowledge from India. According to 
Heath, the Europeans were anticipated by the 
Hindus in the symbolic form of algebra. Accord¬ 
ing to De Morgan, the work of Diophantus is harfily 
algebraic in the sense in which that term can be 
applied to the science of India. 33 According to 
' Hanliel, the Hindus are the real inventors of algebra 
if we define algebra as the application of arithmetical 
operations to both rational and irrational numbers 
or magnitudes. 4 

The mathematician who systematized the earlier • 
algebraic knowledge of the Hindus and thus became 
the founder of a new science is # Aryabhata .(born 
a.d. 476 at Pataliputra on the Ganges in Eastern 
India). He was thus over a century later 'than 
Diophantus; but Smith proves that neither in 
methods nor in achievements could the Greek be 
the inspirer of the Hindu. 33 





The points in which the Hindu algebra appears 
particularly distinguished from the Greek are thus 
enumerated by Colebrooke: 

1. A better and iSore comprehensive algorithm. 

2. The management of equations involving more than one 

unknown term. (This adds to the two classes noticed 
by the Saracens, viz., simple and compound.) 

3. The resolution of equations of a higher order, in which if 

they achieved little, they had at least the merit of 
the attempt, and anticipated a modern discovery in 
the solution of biquadratics. 

* 4. General methods for the solution of indeterminate prob¬ 
lems of first and second degrees, in which they went 
far be/ond Diophantus, and anticipated the dis¬ 
coveries of modern algebraists. 

5. Application of algebra to astronomical investigation and 
geometrical demonstration, in which also they hit 
upon some methods which have been reinvented in 
later times. 

It was thus not a “primitive” algebra that the, 
Hindus developed. The achievements of Indian 
algebra* from the fifth to twelfth century a.d. have 
in some cases anticipated the discoveries of the 
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Europe. 
Modern algebraists have thus only re-discovered 
the already known truths. 

The Hihdu algebra ef this period was the prin¬ 
cipal feeder of Saracen algebra through Yakub and 
Musa, and indirectly influenced to a certain extent 
mediaeval European mathematics. It may have 
fostered the development of mathematics in China 



also, and through that, of Japan. According to 
Williams, the Hindti processes in algebra vjere known 
to the mathematicians of the Chinese empire, “and 
'are still studied” in the Middle ICyigdom “though 
all intellectual intercourse between the two countries 
has long ceased.” 

The progress of Hindu algebra (mainly in Southern 
India) after Bhaslcara (twelfth century) was, as 
Seal suggests, parallel to the development in China 
and Japan. But this is a subject that awaits fur¬ 
ther research. 

The Hindu discoveries in algebra may be thus 
summarized from the recent investigations of Nalin- 
behari Mitra: 

1. The idea of an absolutely negative quantity. 

2. The first exposition of the complete solution of the quad¬ 

ratic equation (Brahmagupta a.d 598-660) 

3. Rules for finding permutations and combinations Bhas¬ 

lcara, born 1114). These were unknown to the Greeks. 

4. Indeterminate equations: “The glory of having invented 

general methods in this most subtle branch of mathe¬ 
matics belongs to the Indians.” 4 

5. Indeterminate equations of the second degree. 

• • 

In th hght of Comparative Chronology, these 
discoveries are remarkable evidences of the fecundity 
of the Hindu brain in “exact” science. •The three 
great anticipations of modern algebra are enumerated 
and appreciated by Colcbrooke in the following terms: 

1. The demonstration of the noted proposition of Pythag- 

' oras concerning the square of the base o’f a rectangular 



triangle, equal to the squares of the two legs containing 
a rl «£ ht an 8J e - The demonstration is given in two ways 
in Bhaskara’s algebra (twelfth century). The first of 
them is the same which is delivered by Wallis (1616- 
1 7 c> 3 ) in His treatise on angular sections, and as far 
as appears, then given for the first time. 

-■ The general solution of indeterminate problems of the 
first degree. It was first given among moderns by 
Bachet de Meziriac in 1624. 

3. Solution of indeterminate problems of the second degree 
• • . a discovery which among the moderns was 
reserved for Euler (1707-83). To him amon^ the 
moderns we owe the remark which the Hindus had 
made more than a thousand years ago, that the 
. problem was requisite to find all the possible solutions 
of_equations of this sort. 

Bhaskara invented the art of placing the numer¬ 
ator ewer the denominator in a fraction. He invented 
also V (the radical sign). This was not known in 
Europe before Chuquet and Rudolff in the sixteenth 

Bhaskara also proved the following: 

ce-fo = a;; o 2 = o; V / o=o; *4-0= cc 



Tnt earliest geometry of the Hindus is to be 
found in the “ Sulva-sutras ” 05 of Baudhayana and * 
Apastamba. In these treatises, which form parts 
of the Vedic literature, we get the ap'plication of 
mathematical knowledge to the exigencies of religious 
life, sacrifices, rituals, construction of altars, etc. 

At this stage Hindu geometry was quite# inde¬ 
pendent of Greek influence. The following are some 
of the problems , 33 which were solved by the mathe- 
njaticians of the Vedic cycle: 

1. The so-called Pythagorean theorem: The square on the 

hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the 

sum of the squares on the other two sides. 

2. Construction of squares equal to the sum or difference ef 

two squares; 

3. Conversion of oblongs into squares, and vice versa; 

4. Drawing of a perpendicular to a given straight*line at a 

given point of it; 

5. Construction of lengths equal to’ quadratic surds: The 

approximate value of V • 

6. Circling of squares; 

7. Squaring of circles,—“that rock upon which so many 

. 10 



reputations have been destroyed,” both in the East 
and West. The earliest Hindus got w =3.0044; 

8. CoBStruction of successive larger squares from smaller 

ones by addition; 

9. Determination of the area of a trapezium, of an isosceles 

trapezium, at any rate, when the lengths of its parallel 
sides and the distance between them are known. 


The oldest geometrical efforts of the Hindus were 
not entirely empiric. They doubtless “reasoned out 
all or most of their discoveries.” 4 These could not 
have been inspired by the Greeks. 33 

We find Aryabhata (a.d. 476) solving the follow¬ 
ing among other problems, viz., the determination of: 

1. The area of a triangle; 

2. The area of a circle; 

3. The area of a trapezium; 

4. The distance of the point of intersection of the diagonals 

of a trapezium from either of the parallel sides; 

5. The length of the radius of a circle. 

Aryabhata gave also the accurate value of 
7r( = -aoSlro) and the area of the circle as vr 2 . The 
Saracens learnt this from the Hindus. Probably 
"Xakulj (eighth century) was the first to get it when 
the astronomical tables were imported to Bagdad 
from India. The correct value of ir was not known 
in Europe before Purbach (1423-61). 

At this stage also Hindu geometricians were not 
indebted to the Greeks. Their independence is thus 
argued by Mitra: 



“Euclid and his school never meddled with logistics 
which was practically abandoned as hopeless alter 
the time of Apollonius, while the Indian •mathe¬ 
matician’s turn of mind was nothing if it was not 
directed to practical computations. The fact that 
the Indians took the chord of a smaller circular 
arc as equivalent in length to the arc—-a step which 
no sane Greek mathematician with a free conscience 
would have even dreamt of taking—ought to settle 
once for all the question of the dependence of Indian 
geometry on Greek geometry.” 

Fresh contributions 33 to geometry were made by 
Brahmagupta (598-660); viz., those relating to 

-n nf rieht-anglcd triangles with rational 

gilt-angled triangles; 
ateral; * 



Brahmagupta gave the rules 
eter of a circle whcii the height 
t of it are given, and (2) for 
egmeiit of a circle. The first 
y the Hindu was not known in 
learnt both these rules frijm 

ie-third the volume of the cylin- 

as one-third the volume of the 

of uniform bore (prismatic or 



Bhaskara (1114) summarized and methodized the 
results of all previous investigators, e.g., Lata, 
Aryabhata, Lalla (499), Varahamihira (505), Brahm¬ 
agupta, Shreedhara (853), Mahavira (850), Arya¬ 
bhata the Younger (970), and Utpala (970). 

Bhaskara tool: care to explain that though Arya¬ 
bhata and others knew the exact value of w, yet some 
later mathematicians took approximate values only 
for convenience of calculation. “It is not that 
they did not know_.” Thus Brahmagupta took 
tt = 3 roughly (or V10 closely) “for lessening the 
labor of calculation.” 

Among Bhaskara’s original contributions may be 
mentioned the fact that he gave two proofs of the 
so-called Pythagorean theorem. One of them was 
“unknown in Europe till Wallis (16x6-1793) re¬ 
discovered it.” 4 • 

It must be admitted that though Hindu geome¬ 
tricians achieved much the same results as the Greek, 
they did not attain the excellence of Euclid (c 306- 
293 n.c.) in method and system. 


Hindu trigonometry was in advance of the Greek 
in certain particulars. The Hindus anticipated 
modern trigonometry also in a few points. 

Tha mathematicians of India devised (i) the 
table of sines, and (2) the table of versed sines. The 
term “sine” is an Arabic corruption from Sanskrit 

The use" of sines was unknown to the Greeks. 
They calculated by the help of the chords. 

The Hindu table of sines exhibits them to every 
twenty-fourth part of the quadrant, the table of 
versed sines does the same. In each, the sine or 
versed sine is expressed in minutes of the circum¬ 
ference, neglecting fractions. 

The rule for the computation of the sines indi¬ 
cates the method of computing a table by means of 
their second differences. This is a considerable, 
refinement in calculation, and was first practised 
in modern times by the English mathematician 
Briggs (1556-1631). • 

. The astronomical tables of the Hindus prove that 
. they were acquainted with thg' principal theorems 
of spherical trigonometry. 



Vachaspati (a.d. 850), the Doctor of Nyaya (logic), 
"anticipated in a rudimentary way the principle of 
co-ordinate (solid) geometry eight centuries before 
Descartes (1596-1650). 

Vachaspati’s claims are thus presented by Seal: 

“To conceive position in space, Vachaspati takes 
three axes, one proceeding from the point of sunrise 
in the horizon to that of sunset, on any particular 
day (roughly speaking, from the east to the west); 
a second bisecting this line at right angles on the' 
horizontal plane (roughly speaking, from the north 
to the south); and the third proceeding from the 
point of their section up to the meridian section of 
tho sun on that day (roughly speaking, up and 
down). The position of any point in space, relatively 
to another point, may now be given by measuring 
distances, along these three directions, i.e., by ar¬ 
ranging in a numerical series the intervening points 
of contact, the lesser distance being that which 
comes earlier in this series, and the greater which 
comes later. The position of any single atom in 




space with reference to another may be indicat 
in this way with reference to the three axes. 

“But this gives only a geometrical analysis of t 
conception of three-dimensioned 'space, though 
must be admitted in all fairness that by dint of cl< 
thinking it anticipates in a rudimentary manner t 
foundations of solid (co-ordinate) geometry.” 



Bhaskaraciiauya anticipated Newton (1642-1727) 
by over five hundred years (1) in the discovery, of 
' the principles of differential calculus and (2) in its 
application to astronomical problems and computa¬ 
tions. , 

According to Spottiswoode, the formula established 
by Bhaskara and “the method of establishing it 
bear a’strong analogy to the corresponding process 
in modern mathematical astronomy,” 50 viz., the 
determination of the differential of the planet’s 

According to Bapudeva Shastri, 59 Bhaskara’s con¬ 
ception of instantaneous motion and the method of 
determining it indicate that he was acquainted with 
the principle of differential calculus. 

According to Seal, Bhaskara’s claim is indeed far 
stronger. than Archimedes’ to the conception of a 
rudimentary process of integration. 

“Bhaskara, in computing the instantaneous motion 
of a planet compares its successive positions, and 
regards its motion as constant during the interval 
• ' 23 



(which of course cannot be greater than a trutl 
of time, i.e., raVrth part of a second, though it 
may be infinitely less).” * 

This process is not only “analogous to, but vir¬ 
tually identical with, that of the* differential cal¬ 
culus.” As Spottiswoode remarks, mathematicians 
in Europe will be surprised to hear of tho»existence 
of such a process in the age of Bhaskara (twelfth 

The claim for Bhaskara is, however, limited to 
the historically imperfect form of the calculus. 
Bhaskara does not specifically state that the method 
of the calculus is only approximative. But it must 
be remembered that the conception of limit and the 
computation of errors came late in the history of 
the calculi of fluxions and infinitesimals. For the 
rest, Bhaskara introduces his computation expressly 
as a “correction” of Brahmagupta’s rough simplifi¬ 
cation. 50 

• Further, Bhaskara’s formula for the computation 
of a table of sines also implies his use of the prin¬ 
ciple of differential calculus. 



The Hindus analyzed the concept of motion from 
terrestrial and planetary observations. To a 'cer¬ 
tain extent they approached, though, strictly speak¬ 
ing, they did not anticipate, modern mechanics. 

(x) Gravity: In astronomical works, e.g., of Ary¬ 
abhata, Brahmagupta, and Bhaskara, the movement 
of a falling body is known to be caused by gravity. 
They ascribed gravity to the attraction exercised 
by the earth on a material body. But Newton’s 
"law” of gravitation was not anticipated, 

(2) Acceleration: Motion was conceived as a 
change of place in a particle and incapable of pro¬ 
ducing another motion; but “the pressure, impact, 
dor other force which produces the first motion pro¬ 
duces through that motion a samskara or persistent 
tendency to motion (vega), which is the cause of 
continued motion in a straight line, i.e., in the di¬ 
rection "..of the first motion.” 59 A series of sam- - 
skaras each generating the one that succeeded it • 
was also conceived. Acceleration is thus logically 
implied in the writings of Udyotakara, the Doctor 
of Nyaya (logic). 




(3) Law of Motion: The force of samgkard (or 
persistent tendency to motion, i.e., vega ) was known 
to diminish by doing work against g. counteracting 
force; and when the samskara is in this way entirely 
destroyed, the moving body was known to come to 
a rest. Thus “vega corresponds to inertia in some 
respects, and to momentum (impressed motion) in 
others. This is the nearest approach to Newton’s 
First Law of Motion,” 59 in the writings of Shamkara 
Mislira, the Doctor of Vaishesika (atomistic, Demo- , 
critean) philosophy. 

(4) Accelerated motion of falling bodies: .Pras- 
hastapada * (fourth century, A.D.), the Doctor of 
Vaishesika philosophy, believed that in the case of 
a falling body there is the composition of gravity 
with vega (momentum) acting in the same direction 
from the second instant onwards. It is as if the 
two motions coalesced and resulted in one. “Here 
is a good foundation laid for the explanation of the 
accelerated motion of falling bodies; but Galileo’s 
discovery was not anticipated as Galileo’s obser¬ 
vations and measurements of motion are wantijig.” 50 » 

Scientifically considered, Hindu ideas on statics 
do not seem to have made much progress. It is 
interesting to observe that among the Greeks statics 
was more developed than dynamics. Thij is the 
exact opposite of the state of investigation in India, 
where motion was probably understood better than 

Thus the Hindus do not appear to have discov- 


ered the two* celebrated principles of Archimedes 
(287-212 b.c.)j viz., 

(1) That relating to the equilibrium of bodies 
and centre of gravity as determined by the balance— 
the fimt principle of Statics: Those bodies arc of 
equal weight which balance each other at equal arms 
of a straight lever. 

(2) That relating to the floating of bodies on 
liquids and the determination of specific gravity,— 
the first principle of Hydrostatics: A solid body, 
when immersed in a liquid, loses a portion of its 
weight equal to the weight of the liquid it displaces. 


Astronomical lore is probably as old as man¬ 
kind. Elementary knowledge about the celestial 
bodies and meteorological phenomena is common 
to the races of antiquity, e.g., Chaldaeans, Egyptians, 
Chinese, Hindus, and Greeks, as well as to all prim¬ 
itive races of men. That, however, is not to be 
regarded as forming tlite science of astronomy, unless 
the epoch of mere observation be lifted up to the 
level of an epoch of science. 

.The cultivation of astronomy, as science, after it 
began as such, did not make less progress among the 
Hindus than among the Greeks under Hipparchus 
(c 150 b.c.) and Ptolemy (a.d. 139). 

x. Lunar zodiac: The earliest astronomy of the* 
Hindus is believed to have been borrowed from th*e 
Babylonians. This consisted in the conception of 
the lunar zodiac with twenty-seven naksairas (con¬ 
stellations). But this elementary divisionof the 
* sky, suggested by the passago of the moon from 
any point back to the same point, may have been 
original to the Hindu priests, as Colebrooke and 
Max Muller believe. The Saracens, however, learned 



their manzil (twenty-eight constellations) from the 
Hindus in the eighth century. 

2. Dodecameries: Aryabhata (a.d. 476) knew of 
the division of the heavens into twelve equal por¬ 
tions or “ dodecameries.” This zodiacal division 
came down from the Babylonians to the Greeks 
about*700 b.c. (?). But it was only by the first 
century b.c. that the Greeks had twelve separate 
signs for the twelve divisions^. Aryabhata named 
the twelve divisions by words of the samedmport, 
and represented them by the figures of the” same 
animals, as the Greeks. The Hindu zodiac, if it 
is foreign at all, seems thus to have been derived 
from the Greek, rather than from the Babylonian. 

3. Rotation, 4. Eclipses: Aryabhata knew the 
truth that the earth revolves on its axis. The true 
cause of solar and lunar eclipses also was explained 
by him. 

5. Epicycles: The hypothesis of the epicycles in 
accounting for the motions of the planets and' in 
calculating their true places was the greatest general¬ 
ization of Hipparchus. This was discovered by the 
Efindus also. But according to Burgess, “ the dif- 

r .ference in the develpoment of this theory in the Greek 
and the Hindu systems of astronomy precludes the 
idea that one of these peoples derived more than a 
hint respecting it from the other.” 

6. Annual precession of the equinoxes, 7. Relative , 
size of the sun and the moon as compared with the 
earth, 8. The greatest equation of the centre for the 



sun: With regard to these calculations, the Hindus 
“are more nearly correct than the Greeks.” 3 r 

9. Times of the revolutions of the planets: With 
regard to these, the Hindus are “very nearly as cor¬ 
rect” as the Greeks, “it appearing from a com¬ 
parative view of the sidereal revolutions of the 
planets that the Hindus are most nearly correct in 
four items, Ptolemy in six.” 3 

10. The determination of the lunar constants 
entering into the calculation of lunar periods and 
eclipses reached a remarkable degree of approxima¬ 
tion (much above Graeco-Arab computations) to 
the figures in Laplace’s Tables. 30 

The Hindife were acquainted with Greek astronomy 
and its merits. Varaha-mihira’s (a.d. 505-587) can¬ 
did acknowledgment of the fact that this science is 
“ well established ” among the “ barbarian ” Yavanas 
(Ionians, i.e., Greeks) leaves no doubt on the point. 
The only question is about the amount and period 
of influence. 

According to Burgess there was “ very little 
astronomical borrowing between the Hindus and 
the Greeks.” It is difficult to see precisely what 
the Hindus borrowed, “ since in no case do the* 
numerical data and results in the system of the two 
peoples exactly correspond.” 

A certain amount of foreign help may have given 
t an impetus to the science in India. But the loan 
was thoroughly Hinduized. According to Whitney, 3 
the Indians assimilated the Greek astronomy by 



• (i) ^The substitution of sines for chords, and 

(2) The general substitution of an arithmetical 
for a geometrical form. 

On the strength of subsequent developments, Seal 
claims that Hindu astronomy was not less advanced 
than that of Tycho Brahe (1546-1601). 

Werner quotes passages to indicate that Hindu 
astronomical instruments were introduced into China. 
According to Mikarni, Hindu astronomers served 
the Chinese government on the Astronomical -Board, 
sometimes even as President (seventh century and 
after). Chinese translations of Sanskrit works * like 
“ The Brahman Heavenly Theory ” are also recorded. 
Several calendars were modelled on the Hindu, e.g., 
probably the one by Itsing (683-727). During the 
eighth century Hindu astronomy was introduced 
among the Saracens, also, as noticed above. 

* Four Hindu books on astronomy and three on mathematics arc 
scheduled in Book XXXIV of the “ Sui Shoo ” or History of the 
Sui Dynasty ( a . d . 589-618). 




Playfair makes the following remarks with regard 
to Greek physics: “Nothing like the true system 
of natural philosophy was known to the ancients. 
There are nevertheless to be found in their writings 
many brilliant conceptions, several fortunate con¬ 
jectures, and gleams of light, which were afterwards 
to be so generally diffused.” 

The same remarks may be made, generally speak¬ 
ing, about Hindu physics. Both in methodology 
» and achievements it exhibits almost the same strength 
and limitations as the Greek. But probably the 
attempts of the Hindu physicists were more com¬ 
prehensive, and more coordinated with investiga¬ 
tions in other branches of knowledge than those of 
the Greeks. 

Some hypothesis of nature, i.e., of matter and 
energy, constituted the positive basis of each of 
. the principal schools of Hindu philosophy, including 
metaphysics. The idea of a real “natural phil¬ 
osophy ” was never absent from the intellectual horizon 
even of those who believed that “ the proper -study 




.of mankind is man.” There was no system of 
thought without its own physico-chemical theory 
of atom^ its own “ laws of nature,” and so forth. 
The most idealistic school had thus its own “ ma¬ 
terialistic ” background. And the method of in¬ 
vestigation, if not fully that of Baconian “ experi¬ 
mental ” induction, was not less fruitful and “ exper¬ 
iential J, "*than that of Aristotelian speculative logic. 

The problems in natural philosophy, which engaged 
the attention, more or less, of evepy thinker in India, 
were of the kind described below: 

i. The theory of atoms and molecular combina¬ 
tions. It is generally associated with the name of 
Kanada, the founder of Vaishesika philosophy. He 
has therefore been called the Democritus of India. 
Strictly speaking, there were almost as many atomic 
theories as the schools of Hindu thought. One or 
two may be mentioned: 

(i) Vaishesika system: Atoms cannot exist in an 
uncombined state in creation. “ The doctrine of 
atomism did not take its rise in Greece, but in the 
East. It is found in the Indian philosophy. Kanada 

. . . could not believe matter to be infinitely divisible. 

. (Fleming's “ Vocabulary of Philosophy.”) 

•(2) Jaina system: The atoms are not only in¬ 
finitesimal, but also eternal and ultimate. Atomic 
linking, or the mutual attraction (or repulsion) of 
atoms in- the formation of molecules was analyzed 
by Umasvati (a.d. 5°) with a most remarkable effect. 
The Jainas hold that the different classes of ele- 



mentary substances are all evolved from the same 
primordial atoms. “ The intra-atomic forces which 
lead to the formation of chemical .compqjmds - do 
not therefore differ in land from those that explain 
the original linking of atoms to form molecules.” 50 

2. General properties of matter: These were 
analyzed and defined not only by Kanada and his 
school, but also by the Jainas, Buddhists, aifd other 
rivals and contemporaries. A few such concepts 
were elasticity, cqhesiveness, impenetrability, vis¬ 
cosity, fluidity, porosity, etc. Capillary motion, was 
illustrated by the ascent of the sap in plants from 
the root to the stem, and the penetrative diffusion of 
liquids in porous vessels. Upward conduction of 
water in pipes was explained by the pressure of 
air. 59 

3. The doctrine of motion: Motion was conceived 
in almost every school of thought as underlying the 
physical phenomena of sound, light, and heat. This 
motion was known to be not only molar and molec¬ 
ular, but also the subtle motion lodged in the atoms 
themselves, i.e., the very principle of matter-stuff. 

4. Time and Space: In order to be precise and 
definite in their calculations the Hindus conceivejl 
infinitesimally small magnitudes of time and spate. 
The instruments of measurement were crude. The 
attempt to distinguish from one another the varying 
grades of “ least perceptible ” sound, light, heat, time, 
etc., has therefore to be taken for what it is worth. 
An atom (truli) of time was regarded as equal to 



irirf,Tilth of a second. The thickness of the mini¬ 
mum visible {trasa-renu), e.g., the just perceptible 
mote in the sunbeam, was known to be Tr asas th of 
an incfc. Th<* size of an atom was conceived to be 
less than tt^.s" 1 ^ -62 of a cubic inch. “ Curiously 
enough, this is fairly comparable (in order of mag¬ 
nitude) with the three latest determinations of the 
size o£ the hydrogen atom.” 59 No unit of velocity 
seems to have been fixed upon. But average ve¬ 
locity was measured in accordance with the formula 

These measurements were not arbitrary poetic 

guess-works. It is on the basis of these that a 
remarkably accurate measurement of the relative 
pitch of musical tones was made, and the instan¬ 
taneous motion of a planet determined (and thus 
the “ principle ” of the differential calculus dis¬ 
covered) . 

5. The doctrine of conservation: Both matter and 
energy were known to be indestructible. But though 
constant, they were known to be liable to addition 
and subtraction, growth and decay, i.e., to changes 
in collocation. This transformation was known 

to be going on constantly. 

• The following ideas about matter and energy 
may be gleaned from the writings of the Hindus. 59 
Some of these should be regarded as real contribu¬ 
tions to knowledge, though not demonstrated accord¬ 
ing to the modern .methods: 



(а) Heat: 

(1) Light and heat were known to Kanada as different 

forms of the same substance. 

(2) Solar heat was known to Udayana as the source 

of all the stores of heat. 

» «aJ.<v-( 3) Heat and light rays were believed by Vachaspati 
ef_ • ( a . d . 850) to consist of very minute particles 

" emitted rectilineally by the substances. 

(4) Rarefaction in evaporation and the phenomenon 
of ebullition were correctly explained by 
Shamkara Mishra. 

(б) Optics: 

(1) The phenomena of translucency, opacity, shadows, 

* etc., were explained by Udyotakara. 

* (2) The angle of incidence was known to be equal to 
the angle of reflection. This was known to the 
Greeks also. 

(3) Thp phenomenon of refraction was known to 


(4) The chemical effects of light rays were known 

to Jayanta. 

(5) Lens and mirrors of various kinds, spherical and 

oval, were used for purposes of demonstration. 
Light rays were focussed through a lens on a 
. combustible like paper or straw. (The making 

and polishing of glass was a great industry in 
India. According to Pliny the best glass was 
that made by the Hindus.) 

(c) Acoustics: 

(1) Physical basis of sound: Two theories were held • 

about the vehicle or medium of propagation. 
Shabara Swami knew it correctly to be the 
air. But Udyotakara and others knew it to be 

(2) Wave-motion: The sounjl-waves were under- 



• stood by both schools. But Prashastapada 
^ knew them to be transverse; and Udyotakara 

and Shabara Swami understood the transmission 
of sound to be of the nature of longitudinal 

(3) Echoes were analyzed by Vijnana-bhiksu. 

* (4) Sounds were distinguished according to their tones 
and over-tones, volume or massiveness, and 
quality or timbre, by Batsyayana, Udyotakara, 
and Vachaspati ( c. a.d. 850). 

(5) , Musical notes and intervals were analyzed and 
'■ mathematically calculated in the treatises on 

• music, 14 e.g., Sharamgadeva’s “Samgita-ratna- 
kara” (“Ocean of Music”) (12x0-47), Damo- 
dara’s “Samgita-darpana” (“The mirror of 
music”) (1560-1647), etc. The’relative pitch 
of the notes of the diatonic scale was, according 
to Krishnaji Ballal Deval, accurately deter¬ 

(6) The so-called Pythagorean law 12 of the vibration 

of stretched strings was known to the Hindus, 
viz., the number of vibrations (pitch of a note) 
varies inversely as the length of the string. 10 

(7) The Hindus knew that the octave above a note 

has twice as many vibrations as the note itself. 
They had thus arrived at the octave on which 
* modern Eur-American music is based. 

(d) Magnetism: 

(1) Elementary magnetic phenomena could not but 

be observed. The attraction of grass, straw, 
etc., by amber, and the movement of the iron 
needle “towards the magnet, were explained 
by Shamkara Mishra as due to adrista, i.e., 
unknown cause. 

(2) Bhoja (c a.d. 1050) in his directions for ship- 


building gave the warning that no iron should be 
used in holding or joining together idle planks 
of bottoms intended to be sea-going vessels. 
The fear was entertained lest the iron should 
expose the ships to the influence of magnetic 
rocks in the sea, or bring them within a mag¬ 
netic field and so lead them to risks. 8 *« 

(3) Mariner’s compass: Mookerji points out a com¬ 
pass on one of the ships in which the Hindus of 
the early Christian era sailed out to colonize 
Java and other islands in the Indian Ocean. 
The Hindu compass was an iron fish (called in 
Sanskrit matsya-yantra or fish machine). It 
floated in a vessel of oil and pointed to the 

(1 e ) Electricity: Most rudimentary electrical phenomena 
may have been noticed by Umasvali ( a . d . 50). 
His theory of atomic linking was based on the 
idea that the two atoms to be combined must 
have two opposite qualities. He believed that 
atoms attracted and repelled each other accord¬ 
ing as they were heterogeneous (i.e., unlike), 
and homogeneous (i.e., like), respectively. 6a 



Both in the East and the West chemistry was 
at first alchemy. It was principally a handmaifl to 
the science or art of medicine, and subsidiarily allied 
to metallurgy and the industrial arts. Whatever be 
the worth of that chemistry according to ,the modem 
standard, the Hindu investigators could give points 
to their European peers. They were, besides, teachers 
of the Saracens and of the Chinese. 

Leaving aside the chemists or druggists in the 
medical schools of India, two great specialists in 
chemistry as such were Patanjali (second century 
B.c.) and Nagarjuna (early Christian era). Patanjali 
was also a philologist, his commentary on the famous 
grammar of Panini is well known. His “ science of 
’iron A ( loha-shastra ) was a pioneer work on metal¬ 
lurgy. Nagarjuna’s genius also was versatile. He 
’ is the patron-saint of alchemists. He is credited with 
■ having founded or rather systematized the philosophy 
of rasa (mercury). • 

Some of the achievements of the Hindu brain 
have been genuine contributions to chemical science. 

. • 39 



The Hindu chemical investigators of the fifth and 
sixth centuries a.d. (the age of Gupta-Vikramadityan 
Renaissance) were far in advance of Roger Bacon 
(thirteenth century). In fact, they anticipated by 
one millennium the work of Paracelsus (sixteenth 
century) and Libavius (seventeenth century). “ The 
physico-chemical theories as to combustion* heat, 
chemical affinity were clearer, more rational, and 
more original than those of Van Helmont or Stahl.” 
(Seal.)/ 4 

i..According to Prafullachandra Ray, the earliest 
Hindus knew of the distinction between green and 
blue vitriol. But Dioscorides, the Greek, and Pliny, 
the Roman, both belonging to the first century 
a.d., confounded the two. Even Agricola’s ideas 
were not clear (1494-1555). 

2. The scientific pharmacy of Sushruta was almost 
modem. About the preparation of caustic alkali 
he was careful enough to give the special direction 
that the strong lye is to be preserved in an iron 
vessel. It was far superior to the process of a Greek 
writer of the eleventh century who has been eulogized 
by Berthelot. 44 

3. According to Royle, the process of distillation 
was discovered by the Plindus. 

4. By the sixth century the Hihdu chemists were 
masters of the chemical processes of calcination, 

. distillation, sublimation, steaming, fixation, etc. 59 

5. These processes were used by researchers of 
the Patanjali and Nagarjuna cycles in order to 



bring iibout chemical composition and decomposi¬ 
tion, e. g., 

(a) In the preparation of 

w (i) Perchloride of mercury; 

(2) Sulphide of mercury; 

(3) Vermilion from lead, etc. 

(b) In the extraction of 

(1) Copper from sulphate of copper; 

(2) Zinc from calamine; 

(3) Copper from pyrites, etc. 

6. The importance of the apparatus, in chemical 
research is thus described in “ Rasarnava,” a work 
on chemistry, of the eleventh century: 

“ For killing (oxidizing) and coloring mercury, an 
apparatus is indeed a power. Without the use of 
herbs and drugs, mercury can be killed with the 
aid of an apparatus alone; hence an expert must 
not disparage the efficacy of the apparatus.” 44 

With this preamble the author introduced his 
account of the chemical laboratory, instruments, 

* crucibles, etc. 

7. In “ Madanapala-nighantu,” a work on drugs 
(c. 137,4), zinc was distinctly mentioned as a separate 

' metal. Paracelsus (1493-1541) was ^ us anticipated 
in India by about- two hundred years. 

8. The philosophy of mercury was a recognized 
branch of learning during the fourteenth century 
It was 6ne of the celebrated sixteen in Madhavach 
arya’s collection of philosophical “ systems (1331)- 


He mentioned “ Rasarnava ” as a standard work on 

g. “ Rasa-ratna-samuchchaya ” (treatise on mer¬ 
cury and metals) is a comprehensive work of the 
fourteenth century. It embodies practically the 
whole chemical, niineralogical, and metallurgical 
knowledge of the Hindus developed through the 
ages. Like the “ Brihat Samhita ” (sixth century 
A.D.) # by Varaha-mihira, it is a scientific encyclo¬ 
paedia. It is specially remarkable for its section 
on the laboratory, directions for experiments, and 
description of apparatus. 

io. The Hindus had no knowledge of mineral 
acids for a long period. But this defect was made 
up by their use of Vid, which, says Ray, could “ kill 
all metals.” This was a mixture containing aqua 
regia and other mineral acids in polcntia. The sub¬ 
stance had probably been discovered by Patanjali /' 11 
. Mineral acids were discovered almost simultaneously 
both in India and Europe during the sixteenth 

The debt of Europe to Saracen chemistry ol al- * 
chemy is generally acknowledged by historians of 
science . 68 This implies also Europe's debt to the 
Hindus; for they had taught these teachers of 
mediaeval Europe. 

Gebir, the earliest Saracen (Spanish) chemist 
(eighth century), was familiar with Hindu rasayana 
(alchemy and metallurgy, the seventh division of 
the “science of life,” called Ayar-veda). lie called 



carbonate of sod'a “sagimen vitri ” from the Hindu 
name sajji matti. He also knew tulia, the Hindu 
name of copper sulphate. 78 

The Saracens themselves admitted their disciple- 
ship to t^e Hindu professors of medicine. Chemistry 
naturally passed along with the medical science from 
India into the Saracen Empire. The famous Arabic 
encyclopaedia, “ Kitaba al Fihrisi,” by Nadim (c 
950) distinctly mentions the translation of Hindu 
medical works into Arabic under the patronage *of 
Caliphs from Mansur to Mamun (c a.d. 750-850). 
Saracen scholars 51 of the thirteenth century, e.g., 
Haji Khalifa, also acknowledged what their prede¬ 
cessors had learned from the schools of Hindu medi¬ 

The medical practice in China also was considerably 
influenced by Hindu chemistry. In Book XXXIV of 
the Sui Shoo ” (a.d. 589-618) Nagarjuna appear^ 
under the Chinese appellation of Loong (i.e., Dragon) 
Shoo (i.e., Tree), the exact equivalent of the Hindu 
name, as an authority on recipes. The chemistry 
of the* Tantrists was further assimilated by the 
Chinese through treatises like the “ book of recipes 
narrated by Chipo” (Chinese for Shiva, the god of 
the “ Tantras ”). 

The history of science requires, therefore, a re¬ 
vision, ih the department of chemistry as in algebra, 
arithmetic, etc., in the light of facts from the Hindu 
angle. . • 



^ndia was the greatest “ industrial power ” of 
antiquity. It was the manufactures of the Hindus, 
which, backed up by their commercial enterprise, 
served as standing advertisements of India in Egypt, 
Babylonia, Judaea, Persia, etc. To the Romans 
of the Imperial epoch and the Europeans of the 
Middle Ages, also, the Hindus were noted chiefly as 
a nation of industrial experts. 

. Some of the arts 62 for which the people of India 
have had traditional fame are those connected with 
(i) bleaching, (2) dyeing, (3) calico-printing, (4) 
tanning, (5) soap-making, (6) glass-making, (7) 
manufacture of steel, (8) gun-powder and fire-workk, 
and (9) preparation of cements. All these imply 
a knowledge of industrial chemistry. 

1. Patanjali, the founder of Hindu metallurgy, 
(second century b.c.) gave elaborate directions for 
many metallurgic and chemical processes, especially 
the preparation of metallic salts, alloys, amalgams, 
etc., and the extraction, purification, and .assaying 
of metals. 69 



2. During the fourth century the Hindus could 
forge a bar of iron, says Fergusson, “ larger than 
any that have been forged in Europe up to a very 
late date, and not frequently even now.” 44 

3. Gun-powddt “ may have been introduced into 
China from India ” about the fifth or sixth century 
A.D. (Journal of the North China Branch of R. A. S., 
New Series, vi. 82). 

4. The secret of manufacturing the so-called 
Damascus blades was learned by The Saracens from 
the Persians, who had mastered it from the Hindus. 52 
In Persia, the Indian sword was proverbially the' 
best sword, and the phrase jawabee hind (“Indian 
answer ”) meant “ a cut with the sword made of 
Indian steel.” 

5. During the sixth century 59 the Hindu chemists 
could prepare: 

(1) Fixed or coagulated mercury; 

(2) A chemical powder, the inhalation of which would bring 

on sleep or stupor; 

(3) A chemically prepared stick or wick for producing light 

without fire; 

(4) A powder, which, like anaesthetic drugs or curare, para- 
, sensory and motor organs. 

6. The horticulturists of the same period were 
familiar jvith several mixtures and infusions, probably 
struck upon empirically, for supplying the requisite 
nitrogen'compounds, phosphates, etc., to plants. 

7. The metallurgists of the same period were 
familiar with the processes of extraction, purifica- 



tion, “ Tril ling ” (formation of oxides, chlorides, and 
oxy-chlorides), calcination, incineration, powdering, 
solution, distillation, precipitation, rinsing, drying, 
melting, casting, filing, etc. With the help of 
apparatus and reagents they subjected each of the 
known minerals to all these processes. Heat was 
applied in different measures for different ends. 69 

8 . So early as the sixth century the mercurial 
operations alone were nineteen in number. 

Pliny, tile Rom£n of the first century a.d., noticed 
the industrial position of the I-Iindus as paramount 
'in the world. India maintained the same position 
even in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 
when the modern European nations began to come 
into intimate touch with her. This long-standing 
industrial hegemony of the Hindus was due to their 
capacity for harnessing the energies of Nature to 
• minister to the well-being of man. They made sev¬ 
eral important discoveries in chemical technology. 
These may be generalized 59 into three: 

(1) The preparation of fast dyes; 

(2) The extraction of the principle of indigotin from the 

indigo by a process, which, though crude, is essen¬ 
tially an anticipation of modern chemical methods; 

\ (3) The tempering of steel. 




Superstitions die hard. The progress of ration-, 
alism is slow. Hippocrates and Galen held a knowl¬ 
edge of astronomy or rather astrology to be essential 
to physicians. In Europe, even so late *as the fif¬ 
teenth and sixteenth centuries, diseases were regarded 
as punishments of God, and the intervention of 
priests was requisitioned where one should call on 
a physician or a surgeon. 40 Thus, when after the 
return of Columbus’s party from the newly discovered 
America to the Old World, venereal diseases created 
havoc in every country in Europe, people used to 
offer masses and prayers and alms to assuage the 
wrath of God. From the Popes and Cardinals down 
to the soldiers and traders, every rank of the society 
was infected by the disease. It was, therefore, con¬ 
sidered to be a visitation from heaven to punish 
the licentious and rectify the universal ribaldry of 
the times.. 

In fact, the pseudo-science of Galen (second 
century a.d.) continued long to be an incubus upon 
medical ' theory and practice in Eiyope. Absurd 




formulas held the ground in the Christian pharma- 
copaeas of continental Europe down to comparatively 
modern times. And the age of talismans, amulets, 
the fetish of royal touch, etc., is ye*l fresh in human 
memory. Really scientific medicine is very recent. 29 

It is in this perspective of the history of*medicine 
that Hindu contributions to its science and art 
have to be read. Hindu achievements in this field 
as in others have riot only an “ historical ” importance, 
but have some “ absolute ” value also. Besides, 
from the standpoint of comparative chronology, 
Hindu medicine has been ahead of the European 
and has Jpeen of service in its growth and develop¬ 

Two great names in Hindu medicine are Charaka 
{c sixth to fourth century B.c. ?), the physician, and 
Sushruta (early Christian era), the surgeon. They 
were not the founders of their respective sciences, 

• but the premier organizers of the cumulative experi¬ 
ence of previous centuries. In observation lay their 
great strength, the “ natural history of disease ” 
was their special study. Both these schools were 
in existence about 500 B.c. according to Hoernle. 
-By the first and second centuries a.d. surgery was 
a well developed art. Many instruments, were de¬ 
vised, of which 127 are mentioned. The materia 
medica grew from age to age* with the introduction 
of new drugs (vegetable, animal and mineral), of 
which the therapeutic effects were tested by the 
“ experiments ” of researchers. 



(1) The Hindus have had hospitals and dispen¬ 
saries since at least the third century b.c. Asoka the 
Great was an educator and propagandist. Through 
his Rock Inscriptions he popularized, among other 
things, some of the more common medical recipes 
for the treatment* of both men and animals. (The 1 ' 
first Christian hospital was built in the fourth century 
A.D. unde?*Constantine.) 

(2) The smoking of datura leaves in asthma, 
treatment of paralysis and dyspepsia by nux vomica, 
use of croton tiglium, etc., are moclern in Europe, 
but have come down in India since very old times. 51 " 

(3) The Hindus were the first in the world to 
advocate the “ internal ” use of mercury. Pliny 
knew only of its external use (first century A.D.). 
By the sixth century it was well established among 
Hindu practioners as an aphrodisiac and tonic. It 
is mentioned by Varaha-mihira along with iron 
(58 7). 44 

(4) The Greeks and Romans used metallic sub¬ 
stances for external application. The Saracens are 
usually credited with their internal administration 
for the first time in the history of medicine. Ac¬ 
cording to LeClerc, the first physicians in Europe, 
who' used* mercury, lived in the fifteenth century, 
and were induced to do so from reading the works 
of Mesue of.Damascus (750). 

But in this as in other matters the Hindus antici¬ 
pated the Saracens, and, in fact, taught them. As 
Roylembserves, the earliest of the Saracens had access 



to the writings of Charaka and Sushruta, who had 
given directions for the internal use of numerous 
metallic substances. 

(5) In the prescriptions of Dr. Vagbhata mineral 
and natural salts had a conspicuous place. His 
book was translated into Arabic in ftie eighth century. 

(6) From the sixth century on, every Hindu 
treatise on materia medica has more or less recom¬ 
mended metallic preparations for internal use. It 
was only after Paracelsus at the end of the sixteenth 
century that these had a recognized place in European 
science. 44 

Hindu medicine has influenced the medical sys¬ 
tems of other peoples of the world. 51 The work of 
Indian physicians and pharmacologists was known 
in ancient Greece and Rome. The materia medica 
of the Hindus has influenced medieval European 
practice also through the Saracens. 

(1) Hippocrates (450 b.c.), the “ father of medi¬ 
cine,” was familiar with Hindu drugs. Thus he men¬ 
tions pepper, cardamon, ginger, cinnamon, cassia, etc. 
Theophrastus (350 b.c.) mentions ficus indica and 
others among medicinal plants. Dioscorides (first 
centuiy A.D.), the most celebrated compiler of Greek 
materia medica, mentions valeriana hardwickii, cala¬ 
mus aromaticus, etc. /Etius (fifth century) mentions 
collyrium indiarum, santalum, and other charac¬ 
teristic Hindu medicaments. Similarly Paulus 
/Egineta (seventh century)'prescribes the internal 
use of steel, cloves, rhubarb, trypherum, etc. filmy, 

the Roman contemporary of Dioscorides, had also 
mentioned Indian medicinal plants and drugs. 

The preparations of the Hindu pharmaceutical 
laboratories •were thus in use in Greece as well as in 
the Hellenistic and Graeco-Roman world. The Hindu 
inventions v*ere bodily incorporated in the European 
systems. The Indian names, e.g., hardwickii, try- 
pherum, etc., were retained; also, the original Hindu 
uses of the drugs. And all this before the age of 
Saracen intermediaries. 51 

(2) Hindu physicians were superintendents of 
Saracen hospitals at Bagdad. The introduction of 
Indian drugs among Moslems has been acknowledged 
by their own medical men. 

Serapion, the earliest Saracen author of materia 
medica (eighth century), mentions the Hindu 
Charaka. So also his followers, Rhazes and Avi¬ 
cenna. 78 

The Saracen physicians were surprised at the 
boldness with which Hindu practitioners prescribed 
the internal use of powerful metallic drugs. “.Ta- 
leef Shareef ” (Playfair’s translation) is quoted by 
Udoychand Dutt to indicate the Moslem admira¬ 
tion of the Hindu practice: 

y White oxide of arsenic: The Hindu physicians 
find these drugs more effectual, . . . but I usually 
confine them to external application. 

“ Mercury: It is very generally used throughout 
India, ... it is a dangerous drug. 

“Iron: It is commonly used by physicians in 



India, but my advice is to have as little to do with 
it as possible.” 

(3) The Chinese scholar-tourists studied Hindu 

medicine.* Itsing “ made a successful study ” of 
the subject while in India (671-95), though it 
was not liis special mission. 61 - 

(4) The later Greek physicians, e.g., Actuarius 
(twelfth century), Myrepsus, etc., were influenced 
by Saracen doctors. 29 They used Hindu medica¬ 
ments also. Thus like the pre-Saracen Paulus, 
Actuarius mentioned, tri-phala or “three myro- 
balans.” This traditional Hindu drug has a 
place m his materia medica under the name of 
“ tryphera parva.” 

(5) The Persian (post-Caliphate) doctors of the 
fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth 
centuries, also, made use of the original Sanskrit 
treatises as well as of the previous Arabic transla¬ 
tions. Meer Mohammed Moomin has acknowl¬ 
edged his indebtedness to Hindu works in his 
“ Materia Medica.” 61 

* Nine Polmnoi (i.e., Brahman, or Hindu) books on medicine 
arc mentioned in the bibliographical section (Book XXXIV) of 
the “ Sui Shoo” (A.n. 589—6x8). Some of these books are com¬ 
plete in twenty-five volumes, and contain the “ recipes of many 

References to the “ Sui Shoo ” are due to the investigations of 
Mr. T. Y. Leo, late of the Chinese Legation of Washington, IX C. 




The ancient Hindu surgeons gave expressiijn to 
the most modern views about the importance * of 
their science. They declared: 

“ Surgery is the first and best of the medical 
sciences, less liable than any other to* the fallacies 
of conjectural and inferential practices, pure in 
itself, perpetual in its applicability, the worthy 
produce of Heavens, and certain source of Fame.” 

These ideas were prevalent among the medical 
practitioners during the first centuries of the Chris¬ 
tian era, when the investigations of the Sushruta- 
cycle were being organized into a system. 

Another very remarkably modern idea of these 
• surgeons was that “ the first, best, and most im¬ 
portant of all implements is the hand.” 79 

Surgery is one of the oldest branches of medical 
science in India. The Hindu term for it is Shalya 
or the “ art of removing foreign substances from the # 
__ 4 >ody; especially the arrow.” It seems to have had 
its origin in warfare and in the accidents of out¬ 
door work, e.g., hunting and agriculture. 

. ‘ S3 



The Hindu surgeons performed lithotomy, could 
extract the dead foetus, and could remove external 
matter accidentally introduced into the body, e.g., 
iron, stones, hair, bones, wood, etc. They were 
used to paracentesis, thoracis, and abdominis, and 
treated different kinds of inflammation, abbesses, 
and other surgical diseases. Hazardous operations 
and the art of cutting, healing ulcers, setting bones, 
and the use of escharotics, were the forte of a sec¬ 
tion of India’s medical men. 

• ‘Dissection of the human body and venesection 
were normal facts in medical India. The doctors 
of the Sushruta school declared that dissection 
was necessary for a correct knowledge of the inter¬ 
nal structure of the body. Dissection gave them 
an intimate knowledge of the diseases to which 
the body is liable. It also helped them in their 
surgical operations to avoid the vital parts. 79 It 
gave them, besides, an accurate knowledge of the 
human anatomy. 29 

The Hindu surgical laboratory consisted of at 
least 127 instruments. The operators were used 
to the manipulation of saws, lancets, ndbdles,* 
knives, scissors, hooks, pincers, probes, nippers, 
forceps, tongs, catheters, syringes, loadstones, rods, 

For laboratory practice students operated on 
wax, gourds, cucumbers, and other fruits.' T ap -. 
ping and puncturing were demonstrated on a 
leather bag of water or soft mud. Fresh* hides of 


animals, or dead bodies, were used in the demon¬ 
stration of scarification and bleeding. The use 
of the probe was practised on hollow bamboos. 
Flexible models of the human body were in use 
for practice in bandaging. Caustics and cauteries 
were used on animals. 78 

Lest one should smile over this primitive stage of 
the science, it is fair to remember the barber- 
surgeons of Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth 

One need, moreover, resist the temptation of 
comparing dr contrasting this ancient Hindu sur¬ 
gical theory and practice with the marvels of 
modern surgery. By the side of the latest dis- 
• coveries and inventions, any achievements of the 
human brain in the past, whether in the East or 
the West, are but children’s toys. “ So rapid has 
been our surgical progress that a Velpeau, a Sir 
Wjlliam Ferguson or a Pancoast, all of whom died 
within the last thirty years, could not teach modern 
surgical principles nor perform a modern surgical 
operation; . . . Our modern operations on the 
braiji, the chest, the abdomen, and the pelvis, 
would make him wonder whether we had lost all 
our senses, until seeing the almost uniform and 
almost painless recoveries, he would thank God 
for the magnificent progress of the last half-cen¬ 
tury, . which had' vouchsafed such magical, nay, • 
almost divine, power to the surgeon.” 74 



Hippocrates, the founder of Greek medicine, 
w^s *unacquainted with anatomy and physiology. 
His ignorance was due to the superstitious respect 
which the Greeks paid to their dead. 29 But the 
fathers of Hindu medicine were remarkably accu¬ 
rate in some of their observations and descrip- ' 

The Hindus have described 500 muscles—400 in the 
extremities, 66 in the trunk, and 34 in the region 
above the clavicle. They knew of the ligaments, 
sutures, lymphatics, nerve plexuses, fascia, adipose 
tissue, vascular tissue, mucous membrane of the 
digestive canal, synovial membranes, etc. 28 

(a) Osteology 

The anatomical system of the Hindus was almost 
modern. As Hoernle remarks: “ Its extent and 
. accuracy are surprising, when we allow for their, early 
age—probably the sixth century b.c. —and theif «' 
peculiar method of definition.” 




There are about 200 bones in the human body 
according to modern osteology. Charaka counted 
360, and Sushruta 300. The former counted the 32 
sockets of teeth and the 20 nails as separate bones. 
These were not admitted by Sushruta. 

The additional xoo in Sushruta’s count, however, 
has to be explained. This large excess is principally 
due to the fact that, like Charaka, he regarded the 
cartilages and the prominent parts of bones (the 
modern “ processes ” and “ protuberances ”) as if 
they were separate bones. 23 In Europe the first 
correct description of the osseous systeiji was given by 
Vesaliusin 1543. 

(, b ) The Doctrine oj Humors 

The physiology of humors, whatever its worth, is 
older in India than in Greece. At any rate, ’the 
• Hindu and the Greek humoral pathologies are inde¬ 
pendent systems. Hippocrates counted four humors, 
viz., blood, bile, water, and phlegm; but Charaka 
propounded three, viz., air, bile, and phlegm. 

(c) Digestion 

Tlie Hindu physicians knew the digestive system* 
well and described it satisfactorily. 

1. The function of different digestive fluids was 
understood. They were familiar with the acid gas¬ 
tric juice in the stomach. They knew also that in 



the small intestines there is a digestive substance in 
the bile. 

2. They were familiar with, and explained, the 
conversion of the semi-digested food (chyme) into 
chyle, and of that again into blood. 

3. They explained the chemical changes by the 

action of metabolic heat. 


(d) Circulation of Blood 

In Europe, previous to Harvey’s epoch-making 
discovery (1628), “ the movement of the blood was 
believed to be confined to the veins, and was thought 
to be a to-and-from movement.” (Halliburton). 

The Hindus knew that the heart (1) receives the 
chyle-“ essence,” i.e., venous blood, (2) sends it down 
to the liver, where it is transformed into red blood, 
and (3) gets it back as red blood from the liver. 

There was thus the idea of a chakra or wheel, i.e., 
self-returning circle of “ circulation.” 59 

But the Hindus did not understand the process 
clearly. (1) They did not know that the path¬ 
way of the blood round and round the body is a 
“double circle,” i.e., “systemic” circulation and 
“ pulmonary ” circulation. (2) Neither Charaka nor 
-Sushruta, therefore, understood the function o’f the 
lu'ngs in the oxygenation of blood. This was no 4 
known to the ancients in Europe also, e.g., to Galen 
(a.d. 130). 

The Harveyan Circulation was thus not anticipated 



by the Hindus. The Hindu conception of the vas- 
. cular system is given below: 

(1) There are 5 .wo classes of blood-conductors 
(i) shir a or artery (?) and (ii) dhamance. or vein (?), 

(2) Thew heart is connected with the liver by both, 

(3) The dhamanees bring the impure blood (venous) 
from the heart into the liver, and the shiras conduct 
the pure (arterial) blood from the livar into the heart. 

(e) Nervous System 

Neither in India nor in Europe did the ancients 
understand the nervous system. Aristotl*e’s error 
was committed by Charaka and Sushruta also. They 
all regarded the heart to be the central organ and seat 
of consciousness. The nerves (sensory and motor) 
were believed to ascend to and descend from the 

Later investigators, however, corrected this mis¬ 
take both in the East and the West. Like Galen, the 
Greek (second century A.D.), the Tantrists and 
Yogaists of India came to know the truth that the 
brain (and the spinal cord) is the real organ of “ mind.” 

According to Bamandas Basu the nervous system 
is more accurately described in the mystical “ Tan- 
tras ” than in purely medical treatises. We get the 
fallowing from “ Shiva Samhita:” 55 

1. Familiarity with the brain and spinal cord; 

2. The idea that the central nervous system is composed of 

gray and white matters; 



3. Familiarity with the lateral vehtricles of the brain 

(through the fourth and third ventricles); 

4. Familiarity with the ganglia and [jjexuses of the cerebro-' 

spinal system; 

- 5. The idea that the brain is composed of chandra-kala or 
. convolutions resembling half-moons; 

6. The idea that the six chakras are the vital and important 
sympathetic plexuses, presiding over all the functions 
of organic life. Yoga or contemplation means con¬ 
trol over the functions of these plexuses. 


According to Seal, also, the enumeration, by Yoga- 
ists, of the spinal nerves with the connected sym¬ 
pathetic chain and ganglia, is a distinct improve¬ 
ment on the anatomical knowledge of Charaka -and 
Sushruta. 50 Thus, according to the Yoga physi¬ 

(1) The Susumna is the central cord in the verte¬ 
bral column. The two chains of sympathetic ganglia 
on the left and the right are named Ida and Piixgala 
respectively. The sympathetic nerves have their 
main connection with Susumna at the solar plexus. 
There are 700 nerve-cords in the sympathcfic-spihal 

(2) The soul has its special seat within the Brahma- 
randhra above the foramen of Monro and the middle 
commissure, but traverses the whole cerebro-spinal 
axis, up and down, along the Susumna. ' - 


It is. desirable at the outset to remember two facts 
in connection with modern embryology: 

i. It is only in recent years, thanks to the most 
magnifying microscopes, that the science has made 
real progress through the study of cells (" cytology ”). 

2". Even Darwin believed that the children resemble 
their parents because the parents contribute multi¬ 
tudes of minute particles from their own tissues to 
form the cells of their offspring. But this theory of 
“ pan-genesis ” has been subsequently proved to be 
wrong. 67 

In the history of science Hindu embryologists 
deserve recognition (i) as having made precise obser¬ 
vations,, some of which are great approximations to 
the latest demonstrated truths, and (2) as having 
guessed at theories, some of which are eminently 
suggestive. As for pseudo-biological hypotheses, 
India has not been more prolific than Europe from 
Hippocrates to Buffon'. 29 

• Some of the facts observed and explained by 
Charalca and Sushruta are given below: 



(1) All the members of the human organism are 
formed at the same time, but are extremely small, as 
the first sprig of the bamboo contains the leaves, etc., 
of the future plant. 79 This idea of the development 
of the fertilized ovum by “ palingenesis ” survived 
in India after a long struggle with rival theories. It 
is an established truth to-day that though we find 
cells of one type in glands, of another type in the 
brain, of another type in the blood, and so forth, 
nevertheless all *of them sprang from one original 
single cell. 07 

(2) “ The hard substances of the' foetus, as hairs, 
bones, nails, teeth, vessels, ligaments, etc., arc pro¬ 
duced frojn the semen, and resemble the same part as 
in the father; and the soft parts as flesh, blood, fat, 
marrow, heart, navel, liver, spleen, intestines, etc., 
arc formed principally from the blood of the mother, 
and resemble her.” 79 This is virtually the Darwinian 
pangcncsis now exploded. 

(3) Weisman’s theory of “ germinal continuity ” is 
the greatest' discovery of modern embryology. 1\ is 
now held that “ somatic ” cells contribute absolutely 
nothing to the original germ-plasm, that nc} parent 
ever produces a germ cell, that the individual inherits 
nothing from his parents, but both he and they 
obtain their characteristics from a common source, and 
that the line of descent or inheritance is from germ- 
cell to germ-cell, not from parents. 07 This recent 

* idea about the physical basis of inheritance brings 
out the distinction between germ-cells and body-cells 



(somatic). It was guessed, to a certain extent by 
the Hindu biologists also in their controversy regard¬ 
ing the transmission of congenital deformities and 
constitutional diseases of parents to offspring. 

Atreya held that “ the parental seed (germ-plasm) 
contains the whole parental organism in miniature 
(or in poientia), but it is independent of the parents’ 
developed organs, and is not necessarily affected by 
their idosyncrasies or deformities.” . The germ-plasm 
was described as an organic whole independent of 
the developed parental body and its organs. The . 
physiological characters and predispositions of the 
offspring were explained as being determined by the 
constituent elements of this parental seed. The 
continued identity of the germ-plasm from generation 
to generation may be taken as a corollary to this, 
though nowhere expressly stated. 59 

(4) Elementary facts about impregnation, the 
cycle - of sex, menopause, etc., could not but be. 

( i ) The menses continue for seventeen days dur¬ 
ing which the woman may be impregnated, and not 
at* any'other season. This Hindu idea of absolute 
sterility after a certain number of days is still held 
by some modem physiologists, though not a demon¬ 
strated truth. 

(ii) The menses remain till the fiftieth year, when 
the woman is of a weak constitution; but it continues 
longer when the individual is strong. 

(5) Modern physiology would not reject the little 


kernel of truth that there is in the following state¬ 
ment: “The menses, after conception, goes in part 
to form the placenta, and as the blood flows every 
month, it coagulates to form the embryo; an upper 
layer being added every month to the embryo; and 
another portion to the breasts, of the mother, by 
which the mammae are increased in size.” 79 

(6) The stages of foetal development described on 
the basis of post-mortem operations and major opera¬ 
tions in Qbstetric surgery had also much of the truth 
that has been established in recent years. 

“ In the first month the mixture of the semen and 
menses forms a small mass like a pea; seven days 
after conception, it has the form of a bubble or in¬ 
flated bag. On the tenth it is red, and on the fif¬ 
teenth it resembles a small round piece of flesh. At 
one month it has small fibres proceeding from it and 
is animated with life.” 79 

One need not try to compare with this account the 
advanced and definite ideas of modern embryology 
about the development of the successive generations 
of cells, from the original fertilized ovum, e.g., 
“morula,” “blastocyst,” “yolk sac,” “ eiftodefm,” 
“ ectoderm,” “ mesoderm,” etc. But the following 
may be accepted for “ popular ” purposes: 

In the third month five eminences appear, which 
when developed become the. hands, feet-and head. 
In the sixth month all the members of the body are 
formed, etc. 79 

(7) The following observation about* the develop- 



ment of the rudimentary organs of reproduction 
contains a suggestive hint: 

The foetus for a time remains indeterminate, and 
. .then takes on a definite male or female character. 
In the second month the sexual character is indicated 
by the shape of the foetus, the shape of a round joint 
(?) indicating the male sex, and the elongated shape, 
as of a muscle (?), the female sex. 50 

(8) What determines sex? Can sex be produced 
at will? These questions have engaged the attention 
of scientists as well as quacks all through the ages 
both in the East and the West. The following 
Hindu ideas have had their European duplicates: 

( i ) When conception occurs on the unequal days 
of menses, a female child will be born. 

(ii) Should the germ have more of the qualities of 
the semen, a male child will be formed, and of the 

r menses, a female child. 79 

(in) Before the foetus takes on a definite male or 
female character, the development of the sex may be 
modified to some extent by food and drugs. 59 

Modern scientists have advanced several theories 
about sex-determinants. 17 The truth remains yet 
to be discovered. 



Minerals, plants, and animals were objects of 
study among the ancients and meduevals in India as 
in Europe. But nothing approaching the “ sciences ” 
of mineralogy, botany, and zoology was achieved 

The discovery of the microscope in 1683 is the real 
beginning of the study of plant and animal anatomies 
and of the internal structure of minerals. The birth 
of modern chemistry in the work of Priestley and 
Lavoisier at the end of the eighteenth century started 
the physiology of plants and animals as well as the 
determination of the composition and constitution 
of minerals. In 1809 exact measurements o[ crys¬ 
talline forms of many minerals were made. The 
perfection of the microscope in 1867 has given a 
great impetus to all these sciences duriitg" the last 
half-century. 13 

All previous studies in minerals had been under 
the thraldom of alchemy. The researchers were 
swayed by mythological an.d metaphysical notions. 30 
Roger Bacon believed that the “philosopher^.- 

go * 



stone ” was able to transform a million times its 
weight of base metal into gold. It was no unusual 
assertion that the fortunate possessors of the “ elixir 
of life ” had been able to prolong their lives to 400 
years and mjre. 31 Even Libavius (1616), who com¬ 
bated the excesses of Paracelsus and the employment 
of “ secret remedies,” believed in the transmuta¬ 
tion of metals and the efficacy of potable gold. 44 

Studies in plant life from Theophrastus (370-286 
me.), the “ father of botany,” down to the revival of 
learning in the sixteenth century were mere observa¬ 
tions in agriculture, horticulture, “forestry, phar¬ 
macy, etc. 20 The investigations regarding animals 
also did not go beyond the stage of “ bionomics,” i.e., 
the lore of the farmer, gardener, sporlsjnan, and field- 
naturalist, including thremmatology or the science 
of breeding. 45 

In this “ pre-scientific ” mineralogy, botany, and 
zoology the Hindu students of natural history also 
played a part. Considerable power of observation 
was exhibited, as well as remarkable precisioA in 
description, and suggestiveness in expression. Their 
nature study was oriented to the practical’ needs of 
socio-economic life. It was minute and comprehen¬ 
sive, and so far as it went, avoided the fallacies of 
mal-observation and non-observation. Whatever be 
the value of the results achieved, the investigation 
was. carried on in a genuine “ scientific spirit.” 


(a) Minerals 

The principal metals and gems were discovered, 
described, and utilized by the Hindus independently 
of any foreign help. In fact, in this brarfch of knowl¬ 
edge as in many others the people of India were the 

Mining has been in operation in India since the 
earliest times. The use of gems and precious stones 
as well as their identification, 50 also, have a long his¬ 
tory among the^Hindus. 

1. The Hindus were the first to discover gold (Roscoc and 

Schorlemner). 56 

2. The Hindus taught the world the art of extracting iron 

from the ores (Roscoe and Schorlemner). 61 * 

3. Even in the Mosaic period (1491-50 n.c.) precious stones 

and gems were in use in India. (Ball). r,& 

4. Homer mentions tin probably by its Sanskrit name 

' kastira . (Birdwood.) r ' B 

5. The Hindus supplied gold to the Persian Empire in tin; 

• fifth century b.c.; and the story of Indian “ gold-dig- 

, ging ants ” (miners) is famous in Greek literature 
thro.ugh Herodotus and others. 

6. At first the Hindus knew six metals; gold, silver, copper, 

; iron, tin, and lead. They discovered zinc, the seveirtlr 
metal, sometime during the fourteenth century. (It 
is mentioned by name as a separate metal in “ Madana- 
pala-nighanlu,” 1374). In Europe it was discovered 
by Paracelsus in 1540. 

7. The Hindu “ doctrine of seven metals” was not, like-the 
• Greek and Saracen, influenced by the doctrine of- the 

* mystic influence of the seven planets. 4,1 



8. Examination of the genuineness of gems was an art even 

in the first century b.c. (cf. “ The Troy Cart,” a drama 
by Shoodraka). . 

9. There hav^ been different methods of enumeration and 

classification of the precious gems in different periods. 
The last important phase is embodied in the ‘‘doctrine 
of nine gems.” These are ruby, pearl, coral, emerald, 
topaz, diamond, sapphire, gorneda (agate or zirepn), 
and vaidurya (chrysoberyl, or lapis lazuli). This 
doctrine was enunciated probably in the tenth cen¬ 
tury by the astronomer Shreepati. 40 

10. The nine gems are believed to have a ihystic connection 
with nine planets. Shreepati was the first to add Rahoo 
(personification of the ascending node of the moon) 
and Ketoo (moon’s descending node) to the list of 
the generally recognized seven planets." 10 

(b) Plants 

Scientific observation was applied to the phe¬ 
nomena of the vegetable kingdom. The body- of 
knowledge arrived at through the colligation of facts 
consisted, however, in mere guesses or hints of truth. 

^The following ideas of rudimentary plant-physi¬ 
ology have been credited to the experience of the 
“ rhizotomi,” pharmocologists, plant-physicians 
(Briksa-yurvedists) and horticulturists of ancient and 
mediaeval India by Bhimchandra Chatterji: 

1. Sexuality: Flowers are the organs of plants. 

2. Phosphorescence, and exudation of water. 

3. Photo-synthesis: The sun is the source of energy in the 
.' fuel; ( i ) plants assimilate potential energy from the 



sun, (») the less refractive rays (red, yellow, 
of the setting sun are specially adapted to 
by plants. 

4. Plants are' living organisms: They hrve ar 
the following phenomena of life: (a) sap 
(b) power of movement, heliotropic, nyct 
other movements, sensitiveness to touch 
ness”) etc., (c) growth and reproduction. 

Characteristics of,plant life as known to tl 
of Nyaya (logic) are thus given by Seal: 

*(1) Udayana (c a.d. 975) notices in plants the pi 
life, death, sleep, waking, disease, drug 
mission of specific characters by means of 
ment towards what is favorable and away 
is unfavorable. 

(2) Gunaratna (c a.d. T350) enumerates the 
(1) stages of infancy, youth and age; 
growth; (Hi) various kinds of movemen 
connected with sleep, waking, expansio 

. traction in response to touch; also moveni 
a support or prop; (iv) withering on worn 
.lion of organs; ( v ) assimilation of food ; 
the nature of the soil; (vi) growth or deca.' 
lation of suitable or unsuitable food as p 
the science of the diseases of plants and 
ment ( Briksayurvcda ); (vii) disease; (vii 
from diseases or wounds by the applical ii 
(ix) dryness, or the opposite, due to the 
. answers to the chyle (rasa) in animals; am 
food favorable to impregnation. 


Various classifications of plants (into gr 
subdivisions) were attempted. These wen 



system of Jussieus, mostly based on properties. 54 
They were mainly useful hints for practical men inter¬ 
ested in economic botany. Identification was thus 
rendered easier than in the system of the "early Euro¬ 
pean botanists* which, according to Sachs, was too 
vague and insufficient for the purpose. 

(c) Animals 

Animals have had an important place in the med¬ 
icine, dietetics, economic life, fine art§ and religion 
of the Hindus. The people have thus had experience 
of the life-habits, habitats, external characteristics, 
etc., of animals, both domestic and wild. This 
accounts for their intimate familiarity with tire 
topics generally treated of in descriptive zoology. 

1. Like the science of the diseases of plants,, veter¬ 
inary science also is very old in India. The Hindus 
had hospitals for animals in the third century b.c. 

2. The Hindus could set fractures and dislocations 
•in animals. They were perfectly acquainted with the 
anatomy of the goat, sheep, horse, and other animals 
used in sacrifices. 19 

3. They were specialists in the science of horses 
and elephants, the two animals important in warfare. 
Shalihotra is the founder of the science of horses, and 
Palakapya of the science of elephants. There is a 
vast literature on the subject. 

4. Equine dentistry: The changes in the develop¬ 
ment and color of the six incisors of the lower jaw 



constituted, in Hindu practice, the guide to the age 
of the horse. This is modern European practice also. 

5. Snake-poison has been used as an article in 
Occidental lhateria medica during the last two or 
three decades. But it has been a recognized drug in 
India since early times. 

6. The toxicologists of the Sushruta school of 
medicine devoted special attention to the study of 
snakes. That study was followed up in some of the 
“ Purana ” schools. • 

(a) Five different genera or families are described 
by*Sushruta-Nagarjuna. Of these one is non-venom- 
ous, and the others are venomous. One of the venom¬ 
ous families is hybrid. The varieties of each are 
mentioned, a§ well as their longevity and other • 

(. b) The “ Bhavisya Purana ” records that the 
snakes {Naim) copulate in May or June, gestate 
during the rainy months that follow, and bring forth 
about 240 eggs in November. Most of these are 
devoured by the parents, but those that are left break • 
forth from the shell in about two months. By the 
seventh day the young snakes turn dark; in a f 2#-. 
night (or twenty days, according to another account) 
the teeth come out. The poison is formed in the 
fangs in three weeks, and becomes deadly in the 
twenty-fifth night. In six months the snakes shed 
the skin. The joints on the skin-(scales or sdutes) 

* ar.e 240 in number (perhaps the sub-caudals were not 
counted). 59 



7. Various systems of classification were built 
up: (1) according to the nature of generation, e.g., 
from placentalia, or egg, etc. (in the- writings of the 
schools of medicine); (2) according to the habitat 
and mode of life, and usefulness to man; (3) accord¬ 
ing to the number of senses possessed by animals. 
(This was the system of Umasvati, a.d. 40), 59 

8. The Sushruta-school names (1) six varieties of 
ants, (2) six varieties of flies* (3) five varieties of 
mosquitoes (including one marine and one mountain 
kind), (4) eight varieties of centipedes, (5) thirty 
varieties of scorpions, (6) sixteen varieties of 
spiders. 50 

9. Leeches have been used by Hindu surgeons 
since very early times. Sushruta gives a detailed 
account of their varieties, habits, mode of 'applica¬ 
tion, etc. There are twelve varieties of leeches, six 
of which are venomous and six useful. The venom¬ 
ous are found near putrid fish or animals in foul 
water. The good are found in clear deep pools 
which contain water-lilies. 11 

Ladyayana is quoted by Dalvana, the com¬ 
mentator to Sushruta, as a great authority on insects 
and reptiles. According to this ancient specialist, 
the various forms of insects are to be distinguished 
from one another by the following marks: (1) Dot- 
tings, (2) wings,'(3) pedal appendages, (4) mouth,, 
with antennae or nippers, (5) claws, (6) sharp, pointed 
hairs or filaments, (7) stings in the tail, (8) hymenop- 
teroils character, (9) humming or other noise, (10) 



size, (u) structure of the body, (12) sexual org 
(13) poison and its action on bodies. 50 

11. Dalvana’s descriptions of deer and birds 
precise and complete. 

The zoological lore of the Hindus is thus ir 
, respects a good document of their general scien 
interest in the facts and phenomena of the objec 
world. And some of their classifications were 
less remarkable than those of Aristotle. 26 


In conclusion, a few general remarks may be made 
with regard to the cultivation of exact sciences 
among the Hindus: • 

1. Like the Greeks, as Whewell admits, the Hindus 
also “ felt the importunate curiosity with regard to 
the definite application of the idea of cause ^nd effect 
to visible phenomena,” “ drew a strong line between 
a fabulous legend and a reason rendered,” and “ at¬ 
tempted to ascend to a natural cause by classing 
together phenomena of the same kind.” (This 
scientific attitude of mind Whewell does not find 
in any non-Greek except the Hindu! He forgets 
altogether the claims of the Chinese.) 

2. Epoch by epoch, Hindu scientific investigation 
was.nsV.more mixed up with metaphysics and super¬ 
stitious hocus-pocus than the European. I't enlisted 
in its service the devotion of hosts of “ specialists ” 
in succession. Their sole object was the discovery 
of the positive truths of the universe or the laws of 
nature, according to the lights of those days. 

' There thus grew up in India a vast amount of 
specialized scientific literature, each branch with its 
own technical terminology. The positive sciences of 




the Hindus were not mere auxiliaries or hand 
to the “ architectonic ” science of neeti or artht 
politics, economics, and sociology.) The sc 
(. skastras ) on plant and animal life, veterinary t 
metals and gems, chemistry, surgery, embry 
anatomy, symptomology of diseases, arith 
algebra, astronomy, architecture, music (acou 
etc., had independent status. Besides, like I 
“ Natural History,” there have been scientific 
clopaedias in Sanskrit, e.g., the “ Brihat Sam 
(sixth century a.d.). 

4. Scientific investigation was not confined 1 
particular province of India or to any race or c 
the Hindu population. It was a cooperative • 
taking, a process of cumulative effort in intel: 
advance. Thus, among the heroes of Hindu 
icine, 66 Charaka (c 600 b.c.) belongs to the I 
in the N.W., Sushruta (c 100 a.d.) is claimed 
Punjab as well as Benares in the Middle 
Vagbhata (c 700) belongs to Sindh (Western 1 
Vrinda (900) to the Deccan (Middle South), C 
pani (1050) to Bengal (Eastern India), Stefj 
dhara (1350) to Rajputana (Further West), 
deva (1350) to Vijayanagara (Extreme South 
Narahari (seventeenth century) is claime 
Kashmir (Extreme North) but belongs most 
ably to Maharastra (Western Coasts). • • 

5. No one hypothesis or theory dominated 
thought in any age, or monopolized the. resear 
all investigators in successive epochs. The 



lectual universe of the Hindus was “ pluralistic.” 
There were different schools criticising, correcting, 
and modifying one another’s inquiries. 

The schools of abstract philosophy grew ultimately 
to sixteen in the time of Madhavacharya (1350), 

“ though as a southerner,” says Haraprasad Sastri 
“ he omits the two Shaiva schools of Kashmir and 
puts the school of Buddhist philosophy into one.” 
There were 15 different schools of grammar in the 
sixth century B.c., 10 different schools of politics 
and economics in the fourth century b.c., various 
schools 'of dramaturgy and dancing in the second 
century b.c., and also various schools of Kama or 
sexology about the same time. 

T-he diversity of scientific doctrines in India may 
be illustrated by the differences of views regarding 
the nature of life. The Charvakas (materialists 
and sensationalists) held “ that life (as well as con¬ 
sciousness) is a result of peculiar combinations of 
dead mater (or the four elements) in organic forms, 
eveli as the intoxicating property of spirituous liquors 
results from the fermentation of intoxicating rice and 
mol&ssqg.” According to a second school (the Sam- 
khya), life is neither a bio-mechanical force nor any 
mere mechanical motion resulting therefrom. It 
“is in reality a reflex activity, a resultant of the 
various concurrent activities of the sensori-motor, 
the emotional and the* apperceptive reactions of the 
organism.” A third school (the Vedantist) rejects 
both these doctrines. According to this, “ sensa- 



tions do not explain life. Life must be regarded as a 
separate principle . . . prior to the senses.” 59 

Another illustration may be given from Hindu 
physics. This relates to the various hypotheses of 
Sound phenomena. One school held that the physi¬ 
cal basis of audible sound is a specific quality of air, 
and that air-particles flow in currents in all directions. 
"A second school, e.g., that of Shabara Swami held 
that it is not air-currents but air-waves, series of 
conjunctions and* disjunctions of the air-particles or 
molecules, ‘that constitute the sound physical. A 
* third school held that the sound-wave has its sub¬ 
strate not in air but in ether. Further, Prashas- 
tapada held the hypothesis of transverse waves and 
was opposed by Udyotakara who held that of longi¬ 
tudinal waves. 

6 . The story of scientific investigation among the 
Hindus is thus, like that among other nations, the 
story of a growth and development in critical inquiry, 
" sceptical attitude, and rationalism. Historically and 
(statistically speaking, superstition has not hat£ a 
, deeper and more extensive hold on the Oriental 
; intellect than on the Occidental. _ _ 


Actuarius, 52 

Attius, 50 

Agricola, 40 

Albcruni,- 10 

America, 47 

Apastamba, 16 

Apollonius, 18 

Arabic, 9, 12, 19, 43, 50, 52 

Archimedes, 23, 27 

Aristotelian, 33 

ArisLolle, 59, 74 

Aryabhata, the Younger, 19 

Aryabhata, 9, 12, 17, 19, 39 

Asia, 7 • 

Asoka the Great, 9, 49 
“ /ffharva Veda,” 3 
ALreya, 63 
Avicenna, 51 

^Babylonia, 44 
Babylonians, 28, 29 
Bachct dc Meziriac, 15 
Bacon Francis, 1, 2 
Bacon, Roger, 40, 66 
Baconian, 33 
Bagdad, 17,' 51 
BTirbary, 10 
Balsyayatia, 3.7 
Baudluiyanti, 16 

Becquerel^ 2 
Benares, 76 
Bengal, 76 » 

Bhaskaracharya, 3, 9, 14, 1 
19,_ 23, 24, 23 
“Bhavisya Purina,” 72 
Bhoja, 37 

Brahmagupta, 9/14, 18, n 
24, 25 

Brahman ( Polomen ), 52 
“Brahman Heavenly Thcorj 
The,” 31 
Briggs, 20 

“ Brihat Sanrhita,” 42, 76 
Buddhist, n, 34, 77 
Buffon, 61 

Caliph Mamun, 10, 43 
Caliph Walid, 10 
Chakrapani, 76 
Chaldxeans, 28 
Charaka, 48, 50, 51, 57, 5, 
59 , 6°, 61, 72 , 73 . 76 
Charvalca, 77 
China, s, 13, 31, 43, 45 
Chinese, 3, n, 25, 28, 31, 3 
42 , 43 , 52, 57 , 75 
Chipo (Shiva), 43 
Chuquet, 15 



Columbus, 47 
Constantine, 49 
Cordova^ 10 

Dalvana, 73, 74 
Damascus, 45, 49 
Damodara, 37 
Darwin, 61 
Deccan, 76 
Democritus, 33 
Democritean, 26 t 
Descartes, 21 
DiophantuS, 12, 13 
Dioscorides, 40, 50, 51, 64, 65 
Doctor of Nyaya, 21, 25, 70 
Doctor of Vaishesika, 26. 


Egypt, 44 
Egyptians, 28 
English, 20 
Euclid, 18, 19 
Euler, 15 

Eur-America, 7,37 
Europe, 2, 7, 10, 13, 17, 19, 24 
42, 45 , 47 , 49 , 55 , 57 , 58, 
61, 66, 68, 75, 80, 82 

Frenchman, 10 
French Revolution, 7 

Galen, 47, 58, 59 

Galileo, 26 

Gebir, 42 

Gerbert, 10 

Gibbon, 15 

Graeco-Arab, 30 

Graeco-Roman, 3, 51 

Graeco-Syrian, 9 

Greece, 2, 5, 18, 33, 50, 51, 57 

Greek, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 17, 20 
26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 4c 
46, 49, 50, 54 , 59 , 63, 6f 

75 s-82, 89 

Gunaratna, 3, 70 
Gupta-Vilcramadityan Renais 
sance, 40 

Haji Khalifa, 43 
Harvey, 58 
Hellenistic, 5, 51 
Herodotus, 68 
Hipparchus, 28, 29. ' 
Hippocrates, 47, 50', 56, 57, 6 
History of the Sui Dynasty, 3 
Homer, 68 

Indian Ocean, 38 
Italian, 10 
Itsing, 31, 52 

Jaina, 33, 34 
Japan, 5, 13 
Java, 38 
Jayanla, 36 
Judrea, 44 
Jussieus, 41 

Kanada, 33, 34, 36 
Kashmir, 76, 77 
“ Kitaba al l’ihrist,” 43 

Ladyayana, 73 
Lalla, 19 
Laplace, 30 
LaLa, 19 
Lavoisier, 66 
Leonardo of Bisa_, 10 
Libavius, 40, 67 • 



n'ber Abbaci,” 10 

ang Shoo (Nagarjuna), 43 

.danapala, 3 

ladanapala-nighantu,” 41, 

dhavacharya, 3, 41, 7? 
harastra, 76 
havira, 19 
mun, 43 
nsur, 10, 43 
'ateria Medica,” 3, 32 
liieval-European, 3, s, 11, 
13, So 

:r Mohammed Moomin, 52 

.ue, 49 ' • 

die Kingdom, 14 

or Rock Edicts, 9 

lammedan, 10 

iro, 60 

aic period, 68 
lem, 10, ir, 51 
a, 10, 11, 13, iS 
epsus, 52 

; m, 43 •’ 
irjuna, 39, 40, 43 
ileowj 7 
hari, 76 

tural History,” 76 
:on,^s? 25, 26 
vum Organum,” 1 
■’a, 21, 25, 70 

:apya, 71 
ii, 39 

■elsus, 40, 4!, 30, 67, 68 
iputra, 12 ' • 

\jali, 39, 40, 45 

Paulus ASgincta, 30, S 2 
Persia, 44, 43 
Persian Empire, 6S' 

Persian (Post-Caliphate), 32 
Pliny, 36-40, 46, 40, 30,-76 
Pdamcn (Brahman), 32 
Prashastapada, 37, 78 
Priestley, 66 
PLolemy, 2S, 30 
Punjab, 76 
Purbach, 17 
Pythagorean, 16, 19, 37 

Rajputana, 76 

“ Rasa-ratna-samuch-chaya,” 
3 , 42 

“ Rasarnava,” 41, 42 
Rhazes, 31 

Rock Inscriptions, 49 * 
Roman, 40, 45, 46, 49, Si’ 
Rome, 50 
Rudulff, 13 

“ SamgiLa-darpana,” 37 
“ Samgita-ratnakara,” 37 
Sanikhya, 77 

Sanskrit, 9, 10, 20, 31, 38, 

Saracen (Arab), 3, 9, 10, 13’, 
13, 17, 28, 31, 39, 42, 
43 , 45 , 49 , S°, S 1 , S 2 , 68 
Serapion, 31 

Shabara Swami, 36, 37, 78 
Shaiva, 77 
ShalihoLra, 71 

Shamkara Mishra, 26, 36, 37 
Sharamgadeva, 37 
Sharamgadhara, 76 



Shiva, 43 

“ Shiva Samhila,” 59 
Shoodraka-, 69 
Shrccdhara, 19 
Shreepati, 69 
Sindh, ip, 76 

“Sixteen Systems.of Philos 
ophy, The,” 3 
Southern India, 14 
Spain, 10 

Spanish (Saracen), 42 
Stahl, 40 
Subandhu, 9 
“ Sui Shoo,” 43, 52 
“ Sulva-^utras,” 16 
Sushruta, 40, 48, 50, 52, 54, 
57> 58, 59, 60, 61, 72, 
73 , 74 , 75 , 76, 86, 87 
Sushruta-Nagarjuna, 72 

“Taleef Shareef,” 51 
■ “Tantras,” 43, 59 
Tantrist, 43, 59 
Theophrastus, 50, 67 
“ Troy Cart, The,” 69 
Tycho Brahe, 31 

. Udayana, 36, 70 

Udyotakara, 25, 36, 37, 
51, 78, 92 

Umasvati, 33, 38, 73 
Utpala, 19 

Vacliaspati, 21, 36, 37, 

Vagbhata, 50, 76, go 
Vaisliesika, 26, 33, 47 
Van Hclmonl, 40 
Varahn-mihira, 5, 19, 30, 
49 , 63 

“ Vasavadalta,” 9 
Vedanlist, 77 
Vedic, iC. 

Vesalius, 57 
Vijayauagara, 76 
Vijnana-bhiksu, 37 
Visnudeva, 76 
Vrhida, 76 
Vyasa-bhasya, 9 

Wallis, 15, 19 
Weisman, 62 

Yakul, 13-17 
Yavanas (Greeks), 30 
Yoga physiology, 6cu, 
Yogaisl, 59 



Shiva, 43 

“ Shiva Samhila,” 59 
Shoodraka-, 69 
Shrccdhara, 19 
Shreepati, 69 
Sindh, ip, 76 

“Sixteen Systems.of Philos 
ophy, The,” 3 
Southern India, 14 
Spain, 10 

Spanish (Saracen), 42 
Stahl, 40 
Subandhu, 9 
“ Sui Shoo,” 43, 52 
“ Sulva-^utras,” 16 
Sushruta, 40, 48, 50, 52, 54, 
57> 58, 59, 60, 61, 72, 
73 , 74 , 75 , 76, 86, 87 
Sushruta-Nagarjuna, 72 

“Taleef Shareef,” 51 
■ “Tantras,” 43, 59 
Tantrist, 43, 59 
Theophrastus, 50, 67 
“ Troy Cart, The,” 69 
Tycho Brahe, 31 

. Udayana, 36, 70 

Udyotakara, 25, 36, 37, 
51, 78, 92 

Umasvati, 33, 38, 73 
Utpala, 19 

Vacliaspati, 21, 36, 37, 

Vagbhata, 50, 76, go 
Vaisliesika, 26, 33, 47 
Van Hclmonl, 40 
Varahn-mihira, 5, 19, 30, 
49 , 63 

“ Vasavadatla,” 9 
Vedanlist, 77 
Vedic, iC. 

Vesalius, 57 
Vijayauagara, 76 
Vijnana-bhiksu, 37 
Visnudeva, 76 
Vrhida, 76 
Vyasa-bhasya, 9 

Wallis, 15, 19 
Weisman, 62 

Yakul, 13-17 
Yavanas (Greeks), 30 
Yoga physiology, 6cu, 
Yogaisl, 59