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DIOPHANTISCHE APPROXIMATIONS!*, By J. R Koksma. From the Ergebnisse der Mathematik. 1936. 165 pages. 5j4x8}£. Originally published at $7.25. $3.50
FOUNDATIONS OF THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY, By A. Kolmogorov. (English translation). 1950. vi+74 pp. 6x9 in. Cloth binding.                                 $2.50
Almost indispensible for anyone who wishes a thorough understanding of modern statistics, this basic tract develops probability theory on a postulational basis. It is available for the first time in English.
EINFUEHRUNG IN DIE THEORIE DER KONTINUIERLICHEN GRUP-PEN, By G. Kowalewski. 406 pages, ty^y&y^ Originally published at $10.20.             $4.95
"distinctly readable . . . indispensable to workers in its field and generally to be recommended."
—Bulletin of the AMS.
DETERMINANTENTHEORIE EIN-SCHLIESSLICH DER FREDHOLM-SCHEN DETERMINANTEN, By G. Kowalewski. Third edition, 1942. 328 pages. 5^x8.                                                 $4.25
"a classic in its field."— Bulletin of the A. M. S.
IDEALTHEORIE, By W. Krull. 1935. 159
pages. 5j4x8j4. cloth. Originally published
(paper bound) at $7,00.                         $3.50
"highly recommended."— Bulletin of the A. M. S.
FOUNDATIONS OF ANALYSIS, By E. Landau                                              $3.25
"Certainly no clearer treatment of the foundations of the number system can be offered. . . . One can only be thankful to the author for this fundamental piece of exposition which is alive with his vitality and genius."
— /. F. Ritt.
GRUNDLAGEN DER ANALYSIS, By E. Landau. Originally published at $4.00. $2.75
Original German-language version of Foundations of Analysis.
The student who wishes to learn mathematical German will find this book ideally suited to his needs. Less than fifty German words will enable him to read the entire book with only an occasional glance at the vocabulary 1 [A complete German-English vocabulary has been added.]