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DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL CALCULUS, By E. Landau. 1950. 372 pp. 6x9.                                                   $5.00
An English translation of Landau's sparkling Einfuhrung. Completely rigorous, completely self-contained, borrowing not even the fundamental theorem of algebra (of which it gives a rigorous elementary proof), it develops the entire calculus including Fourier series, starting only with the properties of the number system. A masterpiece.
HANDBUCH DER LEHRE VON DER ViERTEILUNG DER PRIMZAHLEN, By E. Landau. 2 vols. Over 1,000 pages. 5^x8*4. With added notes on recent developments, by P. T. Bateman.
ELEMENT ARE ZAHLENTHEORIE, By E. Landau. 1927. vii+180+iv pages. 5j4x8j4.
"Interest is enlisted at once and sustained by the accuracy, skill, and enthusiasm with which Landau marshals .. . facts and simplifies ... details."
—G. D. Birkhoff, Bulletin of the A. M. S.
VORLESUNGEN UBER ZAHLENTHEORIE, By E. Landau. 1937. 864 pages. 5j4x8>£. Originally published at $26.40. Three volumes $15.00
Landau's monumental treatise is a virtual encyclopedia of number theory, and is universally recognized as the standard work on the subject.
Vol. I, Pt. 2. Additive Number Theory. VoL II. Analytic Number Theory. Vol. III. Algebraic Number Theory. [Vol. I, Part I is issued as Elementare Zahlentheorie.]
Landau. Second edition, 1929. 122 pages. 5j4x8. Originally published at $4.00. $2.95
"... a veritable mine of important results."
—/. F. Ritt.
EINFUHRUNG IN DIE ELEMENTARE UND ANALYTISCHE THEORIE DER ALGEBRAISCHEN ZAHLEN UND DER IDE ALE, By E. Landau. Second edn. vii+ 147 pages. 5^x8.                                $2.95
Landau's book covers substantially different material both from that in Hecke's book and that in the third volume of Landau's own famous Vorlesungen Uber Zohlentheorie.