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With an Introduction by 



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Translated from the French by 





















At the beginning of 1940 I wrote a book, Nemesis?, which 
told the story of a man then little known outside Germany, 
Otto Strasser. It described his upbringing and his distin¬ 
guished service in the war we once called Great; his political 
peregrinations in the crazy and turbulent post-war German 
years; his eventual enlistment under Hitler’s flag, his 
disillusionment with, and breakaway from, Hitler; and his 
unremitting struggle, now ten years old, in Germany and 
in exile, against this Hitler whom he thinks guilty of be¬ 
traying the German cause. Nemesis? also described Otto 
Strasser’s most stimulating political philosophy and his plans 
for the re-making of Germany on a juster social basis. 

I felt that both Otto Strasser’s fight against Hitler and his 
political ideas needed to be far better known in Britain, and 
also the importance of the part he yet might play if fate were 
kind — kind to him and to the other enemies of Hitler. 

This book contains Strasser’s own narrative of his work 
for, his encounters with, and his long and lonely fight 
against, Hitler. Some of it covers ground already broken in 
Nemesis?, but this is the man’s own story, in his own style, 
and fascinating it is. Much of it is of permanent historical 
value. No other man could have saved for posterity such 
immortal anecdotes as that of the conspiracy among Hitler’s 
fellow-prisoners at Landsberg in 1923-24, led by Otto’s 
brother Gregor, to get Hitler to write his memoirs, because 
his wordiness was a bore, and that of the convivial party of 
National Socialist leaders, far back in the days before the 
attainment of power, at which the first-comers agreed that 
each newcomer should be asked if he had read Mein Kampf, 
the first to answer ‘Yes’ having to pay the bill — with the 
result that each paid his own bill! 



In another book, Germany Tomorrow , which is to appear 
simultaneously with this, Otto Strasscr expounds at greater 
length and more clearly than I could in a couple of chapters 
of Nemesis?, his remarkable conception of a ‘German 
Socialism' and his proposals for a new Germany in a new 

Much has changed since I wrote Nemesis? Then, at the 
dawn of 1940, I saw with jubilation that we had been given 
an unexpected, perhaps unmerited, but at all events in¬ 
valuable respite of many months and — making an over- 
optimistic assumption for the first time in three books 
in favour of my own country — I calculated that we should 
so use that heaven-sent time that we should in the spring 
be far beyond the reach of defeat, though not within sight 
of victory. 

The eight months were not fully used and their history, 
when it comes to be written, wall be more astounding and 
more difficult to believe than the seven years of ostrichism 
and wishful thinking which led to this war. The result is 
that, as 1 write this introduction, we arc faced with the 
bitterest struggle in our history, and the odds against us have 
lengthened ominously to our disadvantage. 

As Otto Strasscr writes in his forword, Hitler is staking 
everything tut victory before the autumn, and by our own 
faults oi'dilatoriness anti dawdling, prolonged from tire seven 
pre-war years into the first eight months of the very war 
itself, we have gambled away the certainty of his defeat 
which those eight months should have given us. If we can 
holt} out for three or four months, we should, once more, be 
safe; Hitler's downfall would, once more, be certain. 

In these circumstances, the part that Otto Strasser may 
play is, like all else, in the lap of fate. If Hitler’s gigantic 
venture fails, Otto Strasser will once more loom large in the 
picture. We have heard much of the Fifth Column in this 
and other countries. That the biggest Fifth Column, 



potentially, in the world is in Germany has seemingly been 

Whatever impends, these two books belong to history. 

Douglas Reed 



In the early morning of November 9 th,1939, the world was 
startled by the report of an attempt on Hitler’s life, the 
occasion being the traditional reunion in the Burger- 
braukeller of Munich. Responsibility was laid by the Nazi 
propagandists at my door, as Leader of the Black Front, 
and at that of the British Secret Service. Such accusations 
are not worth answering. The incident had quite another 
significance: it was the signal for the opening of the second 
phase of Hitler’s war. 

The first phase was the Polish campaign, which Hitler 
and his General Staff regarded as a mere police action, to 
be accompanied by a peace offensive against the Western 
powers. It was the unexpected failure of this offensive that 
determined Hitler to end the war in the West by a lightning 

In this war he has one objective: to destroy the power 
of Britain. France is a secondary consideration, like Belgium 
important only as a jumping-off ground. But to bring 
Britain to her knees there must be an effective blockade, to 
be followed by the landing of troops and crowned by a 
peace dictated from Buckingham Palace. Peace with France 
would follow as a natural consequence, and Hitler, as 
Emperor of Europe, would have reached the first stage 
towards world domination. 

To secure the submarine and air bases essential for this 
twofold military and economic attack upon Britain, Hitler 
decided upon the invasion of Holland. He reckoned on no 
great military outlay, and was confident that Belgium would 
remain neutral, thus preventing effective Allied assistance. 
The invasion was planned for November 12th, 1939, and 
the Munich explosion was arranged a day or two earlier for 



the purpose of arousing public opinion against perfidious 
Albion. It was thanks to the diplomacy of the Western 
powers, and to an even greater extent to her own enlightened 
self-interest, that on November nth and 12th Belgium 
announced that in the event of an invasion she would fight 
at the side of Holland, thus opening the way for Allied 
assistance to the Low Countries. 

The plan for a minor war therefore had to be abandoned. 
Instead a major war had to be undertaken, and this neces¬ 
sarily demanded several months’ preparation. The first 
step was the invasion of Denmark and Norway, to secure 
the eastern seaboard of the North Sea and to protect 
northern Germany from a British counter-offensive. The 
incidental acquisition of Danish food supplies and Nor¬ 
wegian minerals was of secondary importance, for Germany’s 
internal situation, grave economic and financial difficulties, 
and above all the prospect of America’s entry on the side 
of the Allies, made it imperative for Hitler to end the war, 
'one way or the other’, by the beginning of October 1940. 

The success of Hitler’s Scandinavian venture was a serious 
setback for Britain, and enabled him exactly one month later 
to deliver his next blow, the invasion of Holland and 
Belgium. Fourteen days after the opening of this gigantic 
offensive German tanks had reached Boulogne, driving a 
wedge between the Allied armies and bringing the south 
coast of England within the range of German guns. From 
the bases thus gained in April and May, Hitler unquestion¬ 
ably plans to launch a direct and indirect attack upon 

In this situation the attitude of the German people is a 
crucial factor. Since 1933 no fewer than two million men 
and women have been cast into prisons and concentration 
camps, and thousands more murdered in cold blood. For 
nearly seven years the German opposition has been left alone 
to carry on its struggle against Hitler, while the statesmen 



of the whole world shook his bloodstained hand or accepted 
invitations to the hunting parties of the mass-murderer 
Goering, an attitude which made possible an unbroken 
succession of triumphs in the field of foreign politics. No 
nation, and certainly no army, would revolt against a system 
which produced the Concordat with the Vatican, the Non- 
Aggression Pact with Poland, the Anglo-German Naval 
Treaty, the recovery of the Saar territory, the reconstitution 
of the army, the reoccupation of the Rhineland, the Ansch¬ 
luss with Austria, and even the conquest of Bohemia, Moravia 
and Slovakia ‘without spilling a single drop of blood’. 

Each of these triumphs struck a blow at the German 
opposition. But the latent revolutionary situation in the 
Reich is still maintained. It is the chief reason why Hitler 
must end the war ‘one way or the other’ by October ist, 
1940, and it is the chief hope of all friends of freedom. If it 
is to pass from a latent into an acute revolutionary phase, a 
military defeat is essential. The outbreak of internal unrest 
is possible only after Hitler’s ‘Battle of the Mame’; possible, 
and certain! 

Otto Strasser 

May 1940 



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‘Come and have lunch with us to-morrow and meet 
General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler ... I insist on 
your coming, it’s very important.’ 

These words, spoken by my brother Gregor, came 
to me over the telephone at Deggendorf in Bavaria, 
where I was spending my holidays with my parents in 
October, 1920. Gregor sensed my hesitation, and he 
was aware of my mistrust of Hitler and his pro¬ 
paganda, but he insisted. My acceptance of his 
invitation was a turning-point in my life, affecting my 
whole future. 

What young German officer would not have leapt 
at the chance of meeting General Ludendorff? In the 
chaotic state that Germany was in then, what young 
German could have had so little curiosity as not to 
want to see for himself what Adolf Hitler was like? 
For the youth of Germany, eager to create a new 
future, was then starting to rally round him. 

My brother’s invitation came to me at a crucial 
moment. Not long before I had left the Socialist 
Party, and I was still searching for my way. 

Six months earlier the celebrated Kapp putsch had 
taken place in Berlin, on which occasion I had fought 



valiantly for the Weimar Republic. I had led three 
squads of Berlin working-men against Colonel 
Erhardt’s Brigade and General Luttwitz’s Regiment. 
Erhardt and Luttwitz had wished to seize power and 
set up a reactionary government. Militarily our forces 
(we were known as the ‘Reds’ to distinguish us from 
the reactionary ‘Whites’) had been defeated. Erhardt 
had marched triumphantly into Berlin by the Bran¬ 
denburg Gate, and, with the capital at his feet, had 
said to Kapp, former governor of East Prussia and 
the civil leader of the insurrection, ‘I have put your 
foot in the stirrup, and now it is up to you to govern’. 

The legal Government had fled to Stuttgart, and 
for three days the putschists were able to enjoy their 
ephemeral victory. A general strike was immediately 
declared and was followed by rioting in the streets. 

Bloody fighting took place in the neighbourhood of 
Wesel in the Ruhr. General Luttwitz, Colonel 
Erhardt and Governor Kapp fled to Sweden. The 
Socialists, of whom I was one, declared themselves 
ready to lay down their arms, subject to terms, which 
included the purging of the Army and the socialization 
of heavy industry, and they signed the Bielefeld 
Agreement with the Minister, Herr Severing. The 
Communists, however, did not lay down their arms, 
and carried on a bloodthirsty struggle. In order to 
suppress them the Weimar Government did not 
hesitate to use the decapitated and defeated troops of 
Luttwitz and Erhardt. As soon as the Communists 
were crushed the perjurous Government repudiated 


its promises to the Socialists and announced that 
Severing had had no authority to sign any agreement 
with us. 

It was as a consequence of this shocking state of 
affairs that I left the Socialist Party. I was dis¬ 
heartened by the outcome of events in Germany, and 
felt like a ship without a rudder. I was a young 
student of law and economics, a Left Wing student 
leader, and a leader of ex-soldier students. 

At home with my parents day followed day in 
monotonous succession, as in the days of my childhood. 
My father was still an official of the town court, he 
still went to Mass on Sundays and still talked politics 
on the way home from church regularly every week. 
He had once written an anonymous pamphlet, 
entitled The New Way, an Essay in Social Christianity , 
and this was still his main preoccupation. My mother 
had aged, and the house had gradually emptied. 

My eldest brother Paul had become a Benedictine, 
my younger brother Anton was at boarding-school, 
and Gregor, my senior by five years, and my sister 
were both married. 

Next day’s outing therefore promised to be a wel¬ 
come change, and I looked forward to breathing a 
little fresh air. 

It is about sixty miles from Deggendorf to Landshut, 
in Lower Bavaria, where Gregor was living with his 
young wife. I took an early train, and walked from 
the station under a clear autumn sky. Gregor kept a 
chemist’s shop in the high street, and it was a meeting 



place for all the notables of the town. I expected t 
be early, but I noticed that the iron shutters wer 
down, and a beautiful car was standing in front of th 
house. General Ludendorff and Hitler must hav 
come from Munich by road, and they had arrive 
before me. 

Gregor quickly introduced us. I was first impresse 
with Ludendorff. He had heavy features and a firr 
double chin. There was something compelling abou 
the way he gazed at you from under his bushy browj 
and in spite of his civilian clothes he looked every incl 
a general. One sensed his will-power immediately 
His companion, who wore a blue suit, seemed to b 
trying to occupy as small a place upon his chair a 
possible. He appeared to be trying to shelter unde 
the redoubtable general’s wing. What shall I say c 
Adolf Hitler’s personal appearance? It was thei 
entirely unfamiliar. He was a man of thirty-one, wit! 
regular features and a stubbly moustache. His fac 
was not yet lined with thought. The pouches tha 
were later to appear under his eyes were scarce!' 
visible. That face that has since become familiar ti 
the whole world had not yet assumed its true signi 
ficance. Hitler was a young man like other young men 
His pallor indicated lack of fresh air and physica 

We went in to lunch. Ludendorff kept his inquisi 
torial eye upon me. 

Your brother has spoken to me about you,’ h 
said. ‘How many years’ service have you done?’ 



‘Four-and-a-half years, sir, 5 I replied. ‘I was the 
youngest Bavarian volunteer. I served for three years 
in the ranks, and for a year and a half as second- 
lieutenant and lieutenant. I was in the army from 
August 2, 1914, until June 30, 1919, and was twice 
wounded. 5 

‘Bravo, 5 said Ludendorff. Raising his clear green 
glass, which rested on a massive stem, he offered to 
drink with each of us. We all naturally responded to 
his gesture, but to my astonishment I noticed that 
Hitler’s glass contained nothing but water. 

‘Herr Hitler is a teetotaler, 5 Gregor explained, with 
a host’s smile. ‘He is also a vegetarian, 5 he added, with 
a glance almost of apprehension at his wife. 

The roast had just been brought in. 

‘Herr Hitler will not offend me by refusing my 
cooking, 5 my little sister-in-law said calmly, but at the 
same time challengingly. 

An instinctive dislike of the guest who had been thrust 
on her was perceptible in her eyes and her whole attitude. 

Else never approved of her husband’s intimacy with 
Adolf Hitler. She tolerated him during the years that 
followed without ever daring to express her revulsion 
aloud. But her hostility to Hitler never changed. 

That day Adolf Hitler ate meat. I do not think he 
has done so since. 

Ludendorff pursued his inquiries about my military 

‘And how did you come to be recommended for the 
Order of Max-Joseph? 5 




The decoration to which the general referred was 
an extremely rare one, of which I was deprived by the 
ending of the war. I had been recommended for it as 
a consequence of a deed of arms recorded in the 
Golden Book of the First Regiment of Bavarian Light 
Artillery, a crack regiment in which I was proud of 
having served. Bubbling over with youthful pride and 
enthusiasm, I described the incident to General 
Ludendorff, while Adolf Hitler, suddenly embarrassed 
at having been no more than a corporal and having 
no military exploits of his own to boast about, 
enclosed himself in a hostile silence. 

On several occasions when Ludendorff spoke to him 
he answered with a ‘Yes, your Excellency’, or ‘Exactly, 
your Excellency’. His manner was both obsequious 
and sullen. 

Gregor, who had been an officer too, but was 
already on very close terms with Hitler, felt uncom¬ 
fortable. The harmony of his lunch party seemed to 
be imperilled, and the plans that he had built on it 
appeared to be vanishing into thin air. Gregor, as 
leader of the Nationalist ex-service men of Bavaria, 
had incorporated his followers in the National- 
Socialist movement that spring. He had founded the 
first provincial branch of the Party, and was thus 
Hitler’s first Gauleiter. Thus, both as host and as 
politician, the turn the luncheon was taking was 
naturally displeasing to him. With his innate organiz¬ 
ing gifts and the authority that the chemist shares with 
the doctor and the priest in the provinces, he had 



succeeded in converting the distrustful and uncouth 
Bavarians to Hitler’s cause. Was he to fail with his 
own brother? 

We went into the sitting-room, a dark room with 
heavy oak furniture. 

The general, reclining in a leather arm-chair, 
pondered, a cigar between his lips. Hitler could not 
keep still, but kept pacing up and down with lowered 
head, no doubt meditating his revenge. 

He suddenly turned and made a frontal attack 
upon me. 

‘Herr Strasser,’ he said, ‘I do not understand how 
it is possible for a loyal ex-officer like you to have been 
a Red leader during the Kapp putsch in March.’ 

He must have heard the story from my brother. At 
last he was upon his own ground. 

‘My “Reds”, Herr Hitler,’ I replied, ‘acted in 
support of the legal Government of the country. They 
were not rebels, as you seem to imply, but patriots, 
who were trying to check the rebellious followers of a 
few reactionary generals.’ 

Hitler gradually 'worked up to a high state of 

‘No,’ he replied, ‘one must not be satisfied with the 
letter, one must try to penetrate to the spirit. The 
Kapp putsch was necessary, though it was ineffectively 
carried out. The “Versailles Government” must be 

Never did I hear Hitler talk of the ‘Weimar Re¬ 
public’. He always spoke of the ‘Versailles Govem- 



ment’, and always used the phrase with profound 

I found myself in a somewhat difficult position. 
Had I been alone with Hitler, I should have replied 
with my usual vehemence. But LudendorfF was 
present, and Ludendorff’s role during the famous 
putsch had not been at all clear. He had been in the 
Unter den Linden in Berlin at the very hour of 
Erhardt’s victorious entry. Was he a chance spectator 
or a secret accomplice? I have never found out. 

‘The reactionaries,’ I said, ‘exploited the political 
ignorance of a lot of patriotic officers. During the 
War Kapp was hand-in-glove with Tirpitz, the 
Prussian reactionaries, the Junkers, heavy industry, 
Thyssen and Krupp. The Kapp putsch was no more 
or less than an attempted coup d’itaV 

LudendorfF, whose thoughts had seemed to be else¬ 
where, then intervened and took my part. 

‘He is right,’ he said. ‘The Kapp putsch was sense¬ 
less. One must start by gaining the people, in order 
to be able to dispense with force.’ 

Hitler immediately became outwardly docile and 

‘Yes, your Excellency,’ he said sonorously. 

Then he continued in a monotonous voice: 

‘That is the object of my movement. I wish to 
inflame the people to the idea of revenge. Only the 
people and its total fanaticism can make us win the 
next war.’ 

I was shocked by this idea and opposed it vigorously. 



‘There is no question of revenge and there is no 
question of war/ I replied. ‘Our Socialism must be 
“national” in order to establish a new order in Ger¬ 
many and not to set out on a new policy of conquests.’ 

‘Yes/ said Gregor, who had been listening very 
seriously, ‘from the Right we shall take nationalism, 
which has so disastrously allied itself with capitalism, 
and from the Left we shall take socialism, which has 
made such an unhappy union with internationalism. 
Thus we shall form the National-Socialism which will 
be the motive force of a new Germany and a new 

‘And/ I continued, ‘the emphasis in this amalgama¬ 
tion must be on the socialism. Don’t you call your 
movement Nationalsozialist in a single word, Herr 
Hitler? German grammar tells us that in compound 
words of this kind the first part serves to qualify the 
second, which is the essential part.’ 

I then proceeded to quote some quite undeniable 
examples to illustrate this feature of the German 
language, which is very rich in compounds of this 
kind. I saw Hitler flush, and a vertical line appeared 
on his forehead, intersecting a horizontal line. 

‘But perhaps your Baltic adviser, Herr Rosenberg, 
is too ignorant of the German language to appreciate 
the nuance / I added somewhat maliciously. 

Hitler suddenly lost patience and struck the table 
furiously with his fist. 

‘Enough of this hair-splitting/ he exclaimed. He 
then made an effort to regain his self-control, and with 



a half-serious, half-mocking smile, turned to my 
brother Gregor and said: 

‘I am afraid I shall never get on well with this 
intellectual brother of yours. 5 

I then witnessed one of those exhibitions of rhetori¬ 
cal acrobatics for which Hitler was to become famous. 
Side-stepping an argument on a level at which his 
elementary-standard intelligence could not follow me, 
he launched out into a violent anti-Semitic tirade, 
completely evading the issue. 

‘Playing about with ideas like that is quite useless, 5 
he said, once more addressing himself to me. ‘What 
I am talking about is reality, and reality is Jewry. 
Look at the Communist Jew who was Marx and the 
capitalist Jew who is Rathenau. All evil comes from 
the Jews, who pollute the world. Ever since I have 
got to know them, ever since I have come to under¬ 
stand them, I have been unable to meet a man in the 
street without wondering whether he was a Jew or 
not. Jews control the Social-Democratic Press. They 
conceal their fiendish devices behind a mask of 
reformist ideals. Their aim is the destruction of the 
nation and the obliteration of the differences between 
races. Jews lead the workers and talk of improving 
their lot; in reality they aim at enslaving them, and 
killing their patriotism and their honour in order to 
establish the international dictatorship of Jewry. 
What they cannot achieve by persuasion they will 
try to achieve by force. Their organization is flawless, 
they have their fingers in every pie. They have their 



agents in all the Ministries, and they even pull strings 
in the highest places in the land; and they have the 
support of their co-religionists all over the world; they 
are an ulcer leading to the downfall of nations and 
individuals. 5 

The more persuasive Hitler tried to be, the more 
critical did I become. He paused for breath and saw 
me smile. 

‘You do not know the Jews, Herr Hitler, and permit 
me to tell you that you over-estimate them, 5 1 replied. 
‘The Jew, you see, is above all adaptable. He exploits 
existing possibilities, but creates nothing. He makes 
use of socialism, he utilizes capitalism, he would even 
exploit National-Socialism if you gave him the chance. 
He adapts himself to circumstances with a suppleness 
of which, apart from him, only the Chinese is capable. 
Marx invented nothing. Socialism has always had 
three sides. Marx, in collaboration with the good 
German Engels, studied its economic side, the 
Italian Mazzini examined its national and religious 
implications, and Bakunin, a Russian, developed 
its Nihilist side, from which Bolshevism was bom. 
Thus you see that socialism was not of Jewish origin 
at all. 5 

‘Certainly not, 5 Ludendorff agreed. ‘The old 
economic principles are out-of-date. No regeneration 
is possible apart from National-Socialism properly 
understood. That alone can cause prosperity to return 
to our country. 5 

‘I wish to give the German people a touch of the 



whip to pull them together and make them capable of 
crushing France.’ 

‘You still stress the nationalist side. Once more 
you misunderstand the principle of the thing. I 
certainly don’t approve of the Treaty of Versailles, 
but the idea of fighting France seems stupid to me. 
The day will come when the two countries will have 
to unite to fight Russian Bolshevism.’ 

Hitler made an impatient gesture. 

I suddenly thought of the Red Terror in Munich, 
when I, an ex-officer just come out of hospital, joined 
the force of General von Epp to fight the Bolsheviks in 
Bavaria. Where was Hitler that day? In what corner 
of Munich was the soldier skulking who should have 
been fighting in our ranks? 

As though divining my thoughts, he came over to 
me, tapped me familiarly on the shoulder and sum¬ 
moned up all his charm. 

‘After all,’ he said, ‘I would still rather be hanged 
on a Communist gibbet than become a German Minis¬ 
ter by the grace of France.’ 

Ludendorff rose to say good-bye, and Hitler fol¬ 
lowed him. 

‘Well?’ said my brother when he returned after 
accompanying the two men to the door. 

‘I liked Ludendorff,’ I said. ‘He’s not brilliant, like 
Conrad von Hotzendorf, the unrecognized genius who 
was generalissimo of the Austro-Hungarian armies, 
but he is a man. As for Hitler, I thought him too 
servile towards the general, too quick in argument and 



in the art of isolating his opponent. He has no 
political convictions, he has the eloquence of a loud¬ 

‘Perhaps,’ said Gregor, ‘his corporal’s stripes are 
pinned to his body. All the same there’s something 
about him. He has a magnetic quality which it is 
difficult to resist. What fine things we could do if we 
could use him to express your ideas, employing 
Ludendorff’s energy and my own organizing ability 
to carry them out.’ 




I am not setting out to write a political book. But it 
is impossible to understand Hitler and the tumultuous 
upheavals that carried him to the top of the German 
cauldron without knowing something of the pestilen¬ 
tial atmosphere that prevailed in the conquered and 
ruined Reich, and the obscure forces and the blood¬ 
shed that ravaged it. 

The past was in ruins, the present shattered, the 
future without hope. Such, at least, was our convic¬ 
tion when we finally became aware of the tragic 
impotence of the men put into power by the so-called 
revolution of 1918. 

The Kaiser had fled. The victorious Allies believed 
that they had replaced the hated regime of Wilhelm 

II with a model government more democratic than 
their own. But in reality nothing had changed behind 
the illusory fagade, except that suffering and want 
had turned men into wild beasts. 

I think of my old comrade Moller van den Bruck, the 
Rousseau of the German Revolution (he committed 
suicide on the day he realized that Hitler had betrayed 
his ideas), with whom, immediately after the Treaty of 
Versailles, I founded the June Club for the purpose of 
the resurrection of Germany. ‘We have lost the War, 5 
he said to me, ‘but we shall win the Revolution.’ 



Was it a wretched illusion, this hope of regenerating 
a nation governed by aged bureaucrats and cowardly 
petty bourgeois? 

A malicious caricaturist, desiring to show Germany 
in the meanest and most contemptible light, could 
have done no better than to depict those moral and 
physical bureaucrats Scheidemann, Severing and 
Ebert, and those commonplace, methodical bour¬ 
geois, Erzberger, Fehrenbach and Wirth. 

A government of weak mediocrity, utterly lacking in 
ideas, in faith and in political knowledge, was installed 
over a heap of ruins. It was more like a bankruptcy 
court than a civil government. 

Ebert, the man of the ‘golden mean’, had become 
President of the German Republic in an entirely 
illegal fashion. Those who worked out the new con¬ 
stitution had mistrusted their own work as much as 
they mistrusted the German people. 

They dared not even risk an election. Not that that 
mattered, because there was nothing Republican 
about the German state except in name, and there 
were no Republicans. 

A saying of Ebert’s, which was a revelation to me 
of what the future had in store, is worth repeating in 
this context. ‘I hate the revolution,’ he said one day, 
‘as much as I hate sin.’ I was still young and enthu¬ 
siastic, and I did not admit of compromise. ‘In the 
first place,’ I said to Moller van den Brack, who was 
as profoundly disillusioned as I, ‘he hates the revolution 
because he hates sin. Would Danton have hated sin?’ 



Danton indeed! I smile to-day at having compared the 
t im orous Ebert to the hero of the French Revolution. 

Finally, to return to bankrupt Germany, where the 
word ‘Royal’ on the facades of all the public buildings 
had been erased, or simply covered up, civil disorders 
went on side by side with the stereotyped and unalter¬ 
able routine of the various Ministries. In vain had the 
Allies ordained the suppression of German militarism 
and the influence of the generals, for the old func¬ 
tionaries remained, the Weimar Republic had recog¬ 
nized their ‘well-founded rights’, and they were 

Privy Councillors tyrannized over the ephemeral 
Ministers, and orders were only carried out in so far 
as they served the interests of the bureaucracy. 

After securing my law degree, I entered the Ministry 
of Agriculture and Food Supply. 

Not long afterwards a new Minister, Herr Hermes, 
was appointed. Desiring to retain the services of his 
private secretary in his new office, he informed the 

secret counsellor of the Ministry of the fact. The latter, 
however, declared that there was no vacancy for Herr 
Hermes’ secretary. If Herr Hermes insisted, a special 
Parliamentary vote would be necessary to sanction the 
expense. He left to Herr Hermes the task of justifying 
the proposed appointment before Parliament. 

Poor Hermes obviously never got his secretary, and 
all his most confidential letters, typed in triplicate, 
were submitted to the censorship of the secret and 
irremovable counsellor. 



In the meantime what was happening to the 
country? Germany was seething. Foreigners, little 
desirous of penetrating beneath the surface, reported 
that foul vapours were rising from the German 
cauldon, but they did not feel seriously alarmed. They 
did not realize that the shock of passions and the 
excess of suffering were breeding a monstrous reaction 
that bore within it the seed of an exasperated Prussian- 
ism and another war. 

Hitler and the obscure acolytes who led him into 
power are the products of that seething cauldron. 

Germany had lost the War, but that was not all. 
The people were famished. Agricultural productivity 
had declined throughout Europe. The Empires of 
Central Europe had been bled white by the 
blockade. A hundred and twenty million German 
marks had been invested in war loans. The middle 
class was proletarianized, the small rentiers expro¬ 
priated. I do not believe that in 1922 more than three 
per cent of the German population possessed a fortune 
of five thousand gold marks. Insurance companies had 
ceased all payments. Men and women who had spent 
their lives scratching and saving to provide themselves 
with a modicum of security for their old age were dying 
in complete destitution. Disabled war pensioners drew 
no pensions. And this state of affairs was not, as one 
might suppose, the result of the onerous Treaty of 
Versailles but the immediate consequence of the War 
itself, which had ruined the country’s economic life. 

The immediate problem was that of demobilization. 



Unemployed ex-soldiers frequently rose in insurrection 
in order to prevent the complete annihilation of then- 
world, and still more to escape from hunger, the 
spectre of unemployment, and a hopeless future. 

The soldiers returned from the front. One-and-a- 
half million men were withdrawn from occupied 
Poland, and three hundred thousand officers and 
seven or eight hundred thousand non-commissioned 
officers led aimless and hopeless lives in Berlin and the 
other big cities of Germany. The heroes of the fighting 
in the Baltic, where Germany defended Finland 
against the Russians, returned under the leadership 
of von der Goltz, Captain Stenes and Lieutenant Ross- 
bach. If there is anyone to-day still naive enough to 
believe in Adolf Hitler’s good faith, at least in so far 
as the ideals of the German people are concerned, let 
him think of the sacrifices of the German soldiers in 
that struggle, and then let him consider the Fiihrer’s 
attitude in the Russo-Finnish conflict. Moreover, 
Hitler failed to participate in the spontaneous battles 
that the Germans fought after the War, for their lives 
and for their honour. He was not a member of the 
armed force led by General von Epp which overthrew 
the Red dictatorship of Kurt Eisner in 1919, nor was 
he among the men of von der Goltz. When blood¬ 
thirsty fighting broke out in Upper Silesia, where 
German Freikorps defended the frontiers of Germany 
against the Poles, Hitler, addressing a band of Austrian 
volunteers, tried his hardest to dissuade them from 
fighting. His eloquence failed to convince them or to 


restrain them, and he stayed at home, meditating the 
diabolical plan which, despite all his treachery and 
double-dealing, was to lead him to power. 

Those who retained their sanity in this maelstrom 
tried to combat the ossification of the regime, and to 
reveal the truth behind the hypocritical fagade of this 
bureaucrats’ democracy. At the first Congress of 
Soviets of Workers and Soldiers, attended by the 
Social-Democrats, the Independent German Social- 
Democrats (the U.S.D.P., from which the German 
Communist Party was bom) and the Soldiers’ Frac¬ 
tion, Helferding, a so-called Left Democrat, who later 
became a Minister, made a fantastic speech which 
caused all important decisions to be postponed for ever. 

We were then demanding, as we did later, in the 
course of the Kapp putsch, the socialization of the mines 
and of heavy industry. 

‘This demand,’ Helferding declared, ‘does honour 
to your revolutionary feelings, but political questions 
cannot be settled by feelings.’ 

For four hours the learned orator explained to his 
astonished audience that the present state of science 
made pure socialism absolutely impossible, and he 
concluded by proposing the setting up of a special 
commission to examine the problem. Trustfully the 
workers, soldiers and ex-officers agreed. The commis¬ 
sion sat for months and years, but I never saw the 
slightest sign of a report or of any concrete work done 
by it. The commission died as it was bom, and the 
problem remained unsolved. 

3 1 


Jewish profiteers then made their appearance, in¬ 
tensifying the anti-Semitism always latent in the 
German people. 

Traders, profiting from the famine and the pro¬ 
gressive devaluation of the mark, bought goods abroad 
and sold them in Germany at exorbitant prices. They 
exploited the Reichsbank, skilfully insinuated them¬ 
selves into the Government machine, established 
invaluable contacts with high officials, and even pulled 
strings in Ministers’ private offices, thus compromising 
those who should have represented authority and 
defended the poor against their exploiters. The 
scandals that surrounded the names of Galician Jews 
such as Kutisker, Barmatt and Sklareck caused the 
precarious edifice of German finance to totter and 
roused a storm of indignation. The exploits of the 
Barmatt brothers, who were expelled from Germany, 
were continued in shameless fashion in Holland, where 
another scandal broke out a year ago as a result of 
their criminal operations. The three Sklareck brothers 
continued their unsavoury activities in Czecho¬ 

Big German industry finished the work begun by 
speculators. Stinnes, the industrial magnate, who 
started in the coal transport trade, made a colossal 
fortune and bought out all his competitors, ruining 
smaller concerns. Inflation set in. Every month, every 
week, every day and every hour the value of the mark 

Our salaries were paid daily, and it was difficult to 



adjust them to the inflationary landslide. A thing you 
wanted in the morning you bought at once, because by 
the afternoon the price might have doubled, trebled 
or quintupled. Foreigners arrived in numbers and with 
dollars, pounds or francs bought objects of art or of 
prime necessity that natives could no longer afford. In 
the face of this immoral spectacle xenophobia grew. 
Soon the dollar was worth 4,200,000,000,000 marks. 
An ordinary postage stamp cost twelve thousand 
million marks. 

Anger mounted among the people, and the streets 
echoed with noisy demonstrations. Desperation was 
reflected on every face, desperation of the kind that can 
lead to outbursts of irreparable violence. The impo¬ 
tent Government declared it necessary to avert the 
danger of revolution. But, embedded as it was in the 
old prejudices of the Wilhelm era, it scented danger on 
the Left only, and failed to foresee the possibility of 
insurrection from the Right. 

It should have taken warning, however, from the 
assassination of Erzberger in 1920, carried out by two 
naval officers, Lieutenant Schult and Sub-Lieutenant 
Tillessen, belonging to Erhardt’s Brigade. The dis¬ 
organization of the German Navy was even more 
complete than that of the Army. The latter had been 
demobilized gradually, and numbers of ex-officers 
found posts as agents, in insurance companies, banks, 
or in industry. But the officers of the former Imperial 
Navy were all unemployed, and their outlook was 
hopeless. The German fleet had been destroyed, and 

c 33 


the merchant navy was reduced to ten per cent of its 
pre-War strength. 

Erhardt, who fled to Sweden after the failure of the 
Kapp putsch, was the leader of a secret anti-Govern- 
ment society, the O.G. (the Consul Organization). 
Erzberger was murdered by his instructions. Although 
the blow came from the Right, it did not open the eyes 
of the Weimar Government. 

Henceforward assassinations and acts of violence 
came alternately from Right and Left. 

In 1921 an attempt was made upon Scheidemann, 
the Social-Democratic leader and ex-Chancellor of the 
Reich. This too was organized by Erhardt’s accom¬ 

An infamous campaign of slander was directed 
againstEbert,the man ofthe‘golden mean 5 , who, inspite 
of all his efforts, never succeeded in pleasing anybody. 

In 1922 the reactionaries of the Right murdered 
Walther Rathenau, the big Jewish industrialist who 
as Minister of Foreign Affairs was responsible 
for the Treaty of Rapallo, which was signed with the 

The first popular rising took place in 1919, organized 
by the Communists. During the same year von Epp 
drove the Communists out of Munich. The Kapp 
putsch , organized by the military party of the Right, 
occurred in 1920, and ended with bloody fighting in 
the Ruhr. 

In 1921 there were risings in Central Germany at 
Halle, Merzberg and Magdeburg. 



During the same year the Communists rose at Ham¬ 
burg, and in 1922 Hoelz, a friend of the Soviets, also 
attempted a coup. He was forced to flee to Russia, 
where, like others among the Red Tsar’s servants, he 
was subsequently executed by Stalin. 

From the clash of interests and the subterranean 
convulsions of a Germany ignored by the German 
leaders and the European Powers, two political move¬ 
ments arose, that of the extreme Right and of the ex¬ 
treme Left. At first the more moderate elements pre¬ 
vailed in both. But, while Western Europe rested on 
its laurels, Russia was perpetually alert, and never lost 
sight of the ups and downs of German politics. Zino¬ 
viev, the leader of the Russian Comintern, who has 
also since been executed by Stalin, succeeded in play¬ 
ing a leading r 61 e at the Halle Congress of the Socialist 
Party. I was still a student then, and, being obliged to 
earn a living, attended the Congress in the capacity 
of correspondent of a Dutch newspaper and a Swiss 
periodical. I have rarely heard such a gifted and 
eloquent person as Zinoviev. In a seven-hour speech 
he succeeded in splitting the Socialist Party and con¬ 
verting half its adherents to Communism. The 
majority of the U.S.P.D. subsequently formed the 
K.P.D., the Communist Party of Germany, and the 
latter soon became the spearhead of the extreme Left 

The Right consisted of the Stahlhelm ('steel- 
helmets’), led by Seldte and Diisterberg, and the 
National-Socialist German Workers’ Party (the 



N.S.D.A.P. or Nazi Party), led by Hitler. Right 
radicalism did not make much headway until later, 
under the growing influence of my brother Gregor and 

Never did the proverb about extremes meeting 
prove truer than of post-War Germany. The best 
elements of Right and Left would have made an ex¬ 
cellent combination. Moves towards reconciliation 
were not lacking, but they were vain and illusory. The 
last, under the aegis of Adolf Hitler, failed like the rest. 
I remember this abortive rapprochement between Hitler 
and the Third International very well. It took place 
very shortly after the execution of Schlageter in the 
Ruhr. The Nationalist deputy Count von Reventlow, 
who subsequently became a loyal follower of Hitler’s, 
then edited a Right Wing newspaper, the Reichswacht; 
Radek, of the Third International, edited the Rote 
Fahne ; and the two, brought together by the mediation 
of the Nazi Party, agreed to exchange contributions. 
The result was that the astonished readers of the Reichs¬ 
wacht were presented with a signed article by Radek 
in praise of Schlageter, ‘the pilgrim towards the void’. 

Much ink has been spilled over Schlageter. Nazi 
Germany has made him one of her national heroes. 
For objective people who knew the young man, who 
was consumed with a passion for liberty and a feverish 
desire for action, the case of Schlageter is more com¬ 
plicated. What would have become of the young 
visionary and rebel, the fierce enemy of collectivism 
and discipline, under the Hitler regime? 



Would not he too have risen against tyranny? Would 
not the ‘pilgrim towards the void’, who walked to his 
death as in a dream, have risen again to defend his 
beloved country against the most infamous of viola¬ 
tions? The June 30 purge would scarcely have spared 

German culture, manners, literature, the theatre 
and the cinema necessarily reflected these dangerous 
and troubled times, when morality foundered in the 
need for forgetfulness, intoxication, sensationalism and 
eccentric pleasures. 

Night-clubs sprang up like mushrooms. Naked 
dancers exhibited themselves to the applause of 
audiences drunk with liquor and lubricity. It was the 
era of sadism and masochism, of perversion, eccen¬ 
tricity and crankiness of every kind. Homosexuality 
and astrology flourished. 

Nobody can have forgotten the trials of the monster 
Kiirten and of Haarmann, the Vampire of Diisseldorf. 

One of the most curious phenomena of the post-War 
period was undoubtedly Hanussen, the supreme clair¬ 
voyant, who acted as medium to that other clairvoyant 
named AdoIF Hitler. Hitler is generally believed to 
have got rid of Hanussen, as he got rid of so many of 
his other friends, as soon as they became inconvenient. 
In reality this was not the case. Hanussen was a Jew, 
and believed that Hitler’s racial principles might one 
day be applied to his disadvantage. He therefore tried 
to conciliate Count Helldorf, a pervert who was per¬ 
petually short of money, by lending him large sums, in 



exchange for which he was given receipts which he 
carried in his wallet. But Helldorf had no intention of 
repaying this inconvenient creditor. As soon as he 
became police chief after Hitler’s accession to power, 
he had him murdered. Hanussen had foreseen every¬ 
thing but this. The receipts signed by Helldorf were 
never found. 

These chaotic times led to a morbid, realist school 
of drama. The romanticism of the period was that of 
prostitution. On the screen we saw Greta Garbo’s 
first film, Joyless Street, the scenario of which was based 
on a novel by Bettauer, an Austrian who was murdered 
by his irritated readers one night in the streets of 
Vienna. At the theatre we applauded Bronnen’s 
Parricide, Toiler’s Such is Life, and The Castrate, a play 
which, as the title implies, symbolized the life of the 
whole Reich. We listened to the Dreigroschenoper, 
Makagonni and the music of Kurt Weill. And while 
Left Wing drama established itself on the stage, in the 
literary field there were published the political and 
philosophical works of the men of the Right who were 
Hitler’s unconscious pioneers. No future historian 
will be able to understand and explain the present 
Third Reich without having read Spengler’s Decline of 
the West and Prussianism and Socialism, Grimms’ A 
People rnthout Space, The Heritage of the Disinherited, and 
other works of the same species. Among the most 
interesting I hasten to quote The Right Revolution and 
The Third Reick by my friend Moller van den Bruck, 
who was the purest of the pure among them. 



Spengler, who deified Prussianism, had a memor¬ 
able discussion with Moller van den Bruck on one 
occasion at the June Club, where we arranged a meet¬ 
ing between these two great spirits of the age. Speng- 
ler’s great aim was to put socialism in the service of 
Prussianism. This is what Hitler did. Moller van den 
Bruck summarized his views in the following phrase: 
‘We were Teutons, we are Germans, we shall be Euro¬ 
peans.’ But Hitler never understood him. 

In 1920 Adolf Hitler, referring to my friend’s Third 
Reich , used to say: ‘The First Reich was that of Bis¬ 
marck, the second that of the Versailles Republic, and 
the third is myself.’ 

‘No,’ I replied, whenever I heard him repeat this 
monstrosity, ‘Moller van den Bruck said the First 
Reich was Charlemagne’s Christian and federal Holy 
Roman Empire, the second was that of Wilhelm and 
Bismarck, and the third must again be federal, Chris¬ 
tian and European.’ 




‘Orders have come from Munich. It’s for to-night! 5 

Heinrich Himmler, my brother’s adjutant, stood to 
attention in Gregor’s office, breathless with excitement. 

‘Orders from Hider?’ 


For weeks past, and more particularly during the 
last few days of April, 1923, Hider had been declaring 
at numerous meetings that rather than allow the Red 
demonstrations to take place on May 1 the Reds 
would have to trample over his dead body. The time 
for action seemed to have come. The various forma¬ 
tions of the Right were about to make a forcible reply 
to recent Communist risings. 

Orders came from headquarters to the villages of 
Lower Bavaria, and throughout April 30 rapid and 
mysterious preparations were made in the little town 
of Landshut. Gregor’s patriotic ex-soldiers — for the 
past three years they had been Nazi stormtroopers — 
joyfully equipped themselves for the conquest of a new 
Germany. Scarcely a house but contained hidden 
arms, lovingly caressed by impatient hands, waiting 
for the great day of the Revolution. 

A number of old lorries had been put at the disposal 
of the insurgents. 



At nightfall the men of Landshut marched off, 
wearing the famous field-grey which had been worn 
by millions during the Great War. The lorries, lit only 
by lanterns, set out along the flat road that crosses the 
plain from Dachau to the neighbourhood of Munich. 
My brother Gregor commanded this little army of 
three thousand men. There was something eerie about 
the strange convoy as it made its way through the 
moonless night. 

Suddenly the silence was shattered by the violent 
blowing of motor horns. The landscape was lit up by 
the headlights of a number of fast police-cars, which 
rapidly overtook Gregor’s slow-moving convoy. 

e Schuppos / Police!’ murmured Gregor’s men. 

The police lieutenant ordered Gregor’s lorry to stop. 
The two leaders stood face to face. 

‘Good heavens!’ exclaimed Gregor. ‘Where did you 
spring from?’ 

‘From Landshut, like you,’ replied Lieutenant 
Georg Holler, his brother-in-law. 

On leaving the army Georg Hofler had joined the 
police department, and he was now chief of police at 

‘But where are you going?’ said Gregor. 

‘To Munich, like you.’ 

‘Are you with us or against us?’ 

‘I don’t know. We shall be given our orders at 

For a moment Gregor and Georg Hofler stared at 
each other, undecided. One was a blond giant with 



muscles of steel, the other thinner and more delicate, 
but with a bronzed face stamped with courage and 

‘Well, we shall see to-morrow, 5 Gregor philosophi¬ 
cally remarked. 

‘Good luck! 5 replied Hofler, shaking hands with 

The police cars started off again in a trail of dust, 
and the lorries full of stormtroopers pursued their way 
more sedately behind them. 

This nocturnal encounter was the first comic scene 
in a farce which has often been described to me by 
Gregor and my brother-in-law. 

‘It was a dress rehearsal, 5 Gregor assured me in his 
description of the events of May i, and when I told 
him that in my opinion the principal actor, Hitler, 
ought to have been hissed from the stage, he shrugged 
his shoulders, as though to say ‘You’ll never under¬ 
stand him’. 

Gregor continued his way through the night, tor¬ 
mented by the thought that either Hitler was in league 
with the Government, and the schuppos had been sent to 
Munich to support the putsch, in which case the revolu¬ 
tion would be more stultified than ever, or the secret 
was out, in which case the insurgents, deprived of the 
trump card of surprise, would all be under lock and key 
that same night. 

However, the convoy reached Munich without fur¬ 
ther incident. At the big Munich parade ground of 
Oberwiesenfeld the junction of the three paramilitary 



formations duly took place. The stormtroopers, com¬ 
manded by Goering, were there in force, and they were 
joined by Dr. Weber’s Oberland Freikorps and the 
Reichsbanner led by Captain Heiss. The coup was to 
be attempted under the auspices of General Luden- 
dorff, the political leadership was Adolf Hitler’s and 
the military command was in the hands of Lieutenant- 
Colonel Kriebel. 

The junction was effected at eight o’clock in the 
morning. A hot sun, worthy of July, played upon 
twenty thousand steel helmets and twenty thousand 
threadbare uniforms, dating from the War. The only 
detachment that yet wore brown shirts was that of the 
Munich stormtroopers, led by Lieutenant Rossbach. 
Brown shirts weire much disliked by Adolf Hitler, but 
Lieutenant Rossbach, who was also the Reich youth 
organizer, had caused his recruits to adopt them. 

All Adolf Hitler’s men were there, including Her¬ 
mann Goering in a uniform which had grown much 
too tight for him, Frick, Hess and Streicher, Gregor 
Strasser and his inseparable Himmler — all the big 
and little actors in the Hitlerian drama, those destined 
to play leading roles, those destined to remain in ob¬ 
scurity, those destined to be ruthlessly obliterated. 

Eight o’clock passed, and then nine o’clock and ten 
o’clock. Adolf Hitler stood with puckered brows. From 
time to time he raised his heavy steel helmet to wipe 
the sweat from his forelock. Time passed and the 
agreed signal did not come. 

At eleven o’clock a Reichswehr detachment ap- 



peared on the horizon, flanked right and left by men 
in the green police uniform. The demonstrators of the 
Oberwiesenfeld were rapidly surrounded. The police 
were under the command of Lieutenant Georg Hofler. 
Am ong the military officers was Captain Roehm. 

Like a maniac, Hitler made for Captain Roehm. 
His eyes were flashing, and he was almost foaming at 
the mouth. 

‘Have you betrayed us?’ he angrily demanded. 

But Roehm was not frightened of Hitler, whom he 
still regarded as a corporal belonging to the 7th 
Division, commanded by his friend General von Epp. 
Roehm had known Hitler since 1919, since when he 
had employed him as a political spy. Roehm was on 
Epp’s staff, and was also responsible to the Reichswehr 
for political questions in Bavaria. He used non-com¬ 
missioned officers and men as agents to keep him in¬ 
formed of all sorts of secret political activities. He had 
sent Hitler to find out all about the young Nazi Party, 
which was starting to be talked about in Munich. The 
corporal’s report had been enthusiastic. 

‘They are small people, sir, working men, but they 
are anti-Marxists!’ 

Roehm had a quick mind, he was a first-class organ¬ 
izer, and he knew men. For a long time he had beep, 
impressed by Hitler’s magnetism, and he promptly 
ordered him to join the new party and try to gain 
influence 6ver it. 

Hitler acquitted himself so well in this new r 61 e that 
within a few months he had completely outshadowed 



Drechsler, the founder of the Party, and it did not take 
him long to get rid of another leading member, the 
engineer Harrer. 

With Roehm’s money Hitler had been able to 
organize the Party and found the S.A., the storm- 
troopers, that important paramilitary organization to 
which the regular Army, forced to disarm by the 
Treaty of Versailles, handed over arms which it de¬ 
sired to conceal from Allied supervision. Also with 
Roehm’s money, Hitler had been able to buy the 
Volkischer Beobachter, a local bi-weekly which was to 
become the organ of National-Socialism. 

Roehm still regarded Hitler as his tool. Hitler’s 
giddy career in the Nazi Party had not opened his eyes. 
All he had for the angry, exasperated man with blood¬ 
shot eyes in front of him was a friendly, • protective 
gesture. Roehm was a giant, accustomed to talk as a 
master. Even General von Epp was tied to his apron- 
strings. He was used to treating his colleagues as his 

‘What is happening?’ Hitler repeated. 

‘The time is not yet ripe. The Government and the 
Reichswehr are tolerating the Red First of May 
demonstrations. North Germany is not yet ready,’ 
Captain Roehm coldly replied. 

Hitler looked into his eyes, then lowered his head. 

‘The time is not yet ripe,’ he was explaining to his 
followers a few moments later. 

Gregor and Kriebel, however, still favoured action, 
and would have liked to have fired on the Reichswehr, 



but Hitler, taciturn and glowering, refused all day to 
yield to the most intrepid counsels. 

Surrounded by the forces of the law, the proud 
insurgents of the early morning were unable to go 
home until after dark. The Red demonstrations 
passed off without incident, and the Nazis were 
covered with ridicule. 

The humiliating memory of the Oberwiesenfeld 
defeat was never effaced from Hitler’s mind. The ran¬ 
cour he nourished against Roehm was born that day. 

Sleeplessly, night and day, Hitler prepared the Nazi 
Party’s revenge. 

The setting up of a Red government in Saxo- 
Thuringia helped to throw oil on the flames. This 
time Roehm seemed to have made up his mind, and 
General von Epp rallied to the side of the plotters. 

The Government, suddenly alarmed at the progress 
of Communism in the North, now tried to isolate 
Southern Germany. It wished to avert a civil war, 
which would have been the inevitable consequence of 
a Nazi coup attempted on a nation-wide scale. On 
September 26 von Kahr, a man with an iron hand, 
was appointed State Commissioner for Bavaria, von 
Epp was removed from the active list and replaced by 
General von Lossow, and soldiers were made to take 
the oath, not to the Reich but to Bavaria only. Luden- 
dorff was forbidden to enter or remain in Munich. 

Ludendorff and Epp were furious. Roehm, who saw 



his influence at an end, was livid. Hitler could scarcely 
restrain his rage, and Gregor, who always favoured the 
bolder course, counselled action at the earliest oppor¬ 
tunity. In his opinion it was necessary to coerce the 
new Bavarian authorities into rallying to the insurgents 
of the Right and marching with them and their men 
against Communist Prussia and the North. 

The conspirators met every evening in the private 
rooms of the Biirgerbrau, a Munich brasserie and 
restaurant, which also had a big hall for public meet¬ 
ings. One of the frequenters of the Biirgerbrau was 
Goering, an officer in the Air Force and an accom¬ 
plished soldier, who would not have chosen an 
adventurer’s life if he could have remained in his 
profession. A former pupil of the Cadet School, 
Hermann had the restricted outlook of the professional 
officer class. He was a man of barely average intelli¬ 
gence, and of pronounced physical brutality. He liked 
food, drink, and conviviality. 

Another habitue was Heinrich Himmler, an un¬ 
employed agriculturist, who had once vainly hoped to 
become an officer. ‘You’ll remain infantile all your 
life’, and ‘You’ve got the soul and sensibilities of a 
butcher’, were two of the things that my brother 
Gregor used to say to him. Himmler was not cruel, 
but he was incapable of emotion or suffering. Later 
he arrested his own brother at the Fiihrer’s orders, and 
he would have killed his parents without a moment’s 
hesitation if the Fiihrer had ordered him to do so. 
With regard to women, Himmler always reminded me 



of Gretchen’s phrase in Faust, ‘Heinrich, you inspire 
me with horror’. He had had only one sexual adven¬ 
ture, which he described to me himself. This, he said, 
was at the age of thirty-two. He spent a night at an 
inn, where he was seduced by the landlady, who was 
ten years older than he. He remained attached to the 
woman who performed this miracle. 

Of Rudolf Hess there is little to say. He was a hand¬ 
some young man, an intellectual and an artist, an 
officer and a poet. He was enthusiastic and faithful. 
He never faltered in his passion for Adolf Hitler. So 
great, in fact, was his sentimental admiration for Adolf 
that evil tongues used to call him ‘Fraulein Hess’. I 
myself believe, however, that the relationship was 
absolutely pure. 

Nothing could be more striking than the contrast 
between him and the sexually abnormal Julius 
Streicher. Never have I met a man more haunted by 
erotic fantasies. For Streicher the racial theories of 
National-Socialism were merely an excuse for unload¬ 
ing into the Stunner the dangerous outpourings of his 
diseased imagination. ‘A sexual crime committed by 
a Jew on the front page of my paper is like a delicious 
cocktail, a meal starting with caviare,’ he once said to 
me. He was a man whose ugliness was repulsive to 
women. During the war he was degraded for an 
indecent assault upon a young French governess. 

Lastly Frick must be included in the list of plotters. 
Frick was less interesting in himself than for the man 
on whose behalf he acted. Frick was honest, straight- 



forward and without malice. As a police official, he 
had the ear of Poehner, the Munich chief of police and 
leader of the Bavarian Monarchists. Poehner himself 
was a conspirator on a grand scale, and he shrank from 
nothing. It was thanks to him that Ludendorff was 
allowed to remain in Munich after the Kapp putsch and 
that Erzberger’s murderers were enabled to return to 
Germany, provided with false passports. While dream¬ 
ing of the restoration of the Wittelsbachs, he used 
Frick to keep his eye on the progress of the Nazi 
Party, which he intended to use for his own ends. He 
was killed in a mysterious motor accident in 1925, 
and it has been maintained that he met his death at 
Hitler’s orders. 

Frick thus completed a group of which the other 
members were Goering, Roehm, Gregor Strasser, 
Hess and Streicher. He was a skilful lawyer and 
rendered great services to the Party, and he was the 
oldest of the plotters, practically the only one of them 
who had a home, a job, and a settled life. 

How were they to gain von Kahr, General von 
Lossow and Seisser, the chief of the Bavarian police? 
If this triumvirate, who represented Bavarian 
authority, could be won over, Hitler felt sure of 
victory. The military as well as the political revolution 
could start from Bavaria, for he had Ludendorff with 
him, and Ludendorff’s authority still counted, even 
with the Prussian generals. 

Hitler entered into conversations with von Kahr, 
von Lossow and Seisser. He has a weakness for good 




education and men of old German stock, and titles 
are not without their effect on him. But after hearing 
Hitler’s exposition of his plans, Lossow decided he was 
a megalomaniac and had grave doubts about the 
success of the enterprise. Von Kahr was a Monarchist 
and very ambitious, and he wanted power for himself. 
He tried to temporize, and invented a thousand 
pretexts in the hope of abating Adolf’s enthusiasm. 
But Adolf had decided to act. When von Kahr asked 
to whom he intended entrusting the political control 
of Germany, he answered simply ‘Myself’. 

Von Kahr was naturally hostile to such a proposal. 
Von Lossow asked for guarantees, and Seisser was as 
hesitant as either of them. 

Hitler therefore decided to force their hand. The 
date of the putsch was originally fixed for the ioth 
and nth of November. But at the last moment, 
learning that von Kahr was holding a meeting at the 
Burgerbraukeller at which he was to make a speech on 
the programme of the Bavarian Monarchists, Hitler 
altered the date. November 8 was solemnly fixed as 
the historic date of the German Revolution. 

Hitler’s instinct ought to have told him that it would 
have been better to have left these aged servants of a 
decrepit regime out of it. Both Kahr, Lossow and 
Seisser had served under the Kaiser. In spite of 
incessant discussions, which dragged on for week after 
week, no serious steps had yet been taken by Hermann 
Goering. But Hitler wanted action, and with a hand¬ 
ful of followers proposed taking the risk of 




promising the great German national revolution 
for ever. 

Hitler had six hundred men. Gregor Strasser, 
warned late, assembled three hundred and fifty storm- 
troopers at Landshut and led them to Munich. 
General Ludendorff, who had not been kept informed 
of what was going on, was at Lu&vigshdhe, where a 
motor-car was hurriedly sent to fetch him. 

On the fatal day Adolf wore a frock-coat, on which 
he pinned his Iron Cross. He proposed bursting into 
the hall at the head of his men while paramilitary 
detachments surrounded the building, whereupon von 
Kahr, before even beginning his speech, would be 
forced to surrender to the insistence of the heavily 
armed putschists. 

‘He cannot help joining us, 5 Hitler said to 
Scheubner-Richter, whose mission it was to fetch 
General Ludendorff to Munich. ‘Once Kahr is per¬ 
suaded the others will follow.’ 

Strong in this conviction, Adolf gravely got into the 
car that took him to the Biirgerbrau. 

At the entrance the young fanatic with the Iron 
Cross kept asking to speak to Governor Kahr, but the 
dense crowd refused to let him pass. He was pale and 
trembling, and looked like a madman. Inside the hall 
the meeting had already begun and von Kahr had 
started his speech. 

Hitler hesitated, but it was too late to go back. He 
listened, and could hear the steps of his faithful shock- 

5 1 


‘Clear the vestibule!’ he ordered the policeman on 
duty at the entrance. Impressed by the Iron Cross, 
the policeman obeyed. A few minutes later the storm- 
troopers marched in. Adolf waited for them with his 
eyes closed and his hands in his pockets, where there 
was a revolver. He felt the eyes of his young men upon 
him, but he had not yet decided what to do if his 
coup failed and the triumvirate refused to march 
with him. 

Like a maniac he burst into the hall, where three 
thousand Bavarians, seated before their beer-mugs, 
were listening to the unctuous oratory of von Kahr. 
Adolf jumped on to a chair, fired his revolver at the 
ceiling, and shouted, his hoarse voice half-quenched 
with excitement: 

‘The National Revolution has begun!’ 

Meanwhile the stormtroopers had followed him into 
the hall, where the beer-drinkers, dumb with astonish¬ 
ment, found themselves face to face with Hitler’s 

What were the police doing during all this time? 

Poehner, their chief, was hand-in-glove with Hitler, 
and had promised him his entire support. He was 
busy Cabinet-making for the new regime, while Dr. 
Frick, his right-hand-man, saw to it that the forces of 
law and order put no obstacle in Hitler’s way. 

# The story of the Munich putsch has been told many 
times, and we shall pass rapidly over the events that 

Adolf ordered Kahr, Lossow and Seisser to follow 



him into a neighbouring room, and there began the 
famous conversation in the course of which the revo¬ 
lutionary, over whose corpse the Reds should by 
rights have trampled on the previous May i, now 
swore that if his putsch failed he would blow his brains 

It was a stirring moment. Adolf pressed his revolver 
to his temples. 

‘Gentlemen’, he declared, ‘not one of us sha ll leave 
this hall alive! There are three of you, and I have four 
bullets. That will be enough for all of us in case I fail.’ 

In reality, of course, Adolf had no more thought of 
killing the three representatives of authority than he 
had of killing himself. Did he not admit in the course 
of his trial that ‘Kahr looked so downhearted that he 
was pitiable to behold’, and did he not declare his 
anguish at ‘having to use force on officers’? 

He had them in his power. Why were they in¬ 
dispensable to him? He might have acted without 
them. But their approbation was vital to him, for to 
Hitler public applause is a necessity. In cowardly 
fashion he grasped at the first straw that Kahr skil¬ 
fully held out to him. 

‘All that is very fine,’ Kahr said, ‘but I am a 
Monarchist. I cannot accept the regency that you 
offer me except as a representative of the Monarchy.’ 

Fine words indeed! A real revolutionary would have 
arrested an adversary thus bound to the old regime, 
but Hitler was only too happy to swallow words that 
gave him the illusion of being admitted to court. 



‘Your Excellency,’ tie exclaimed, ‘understand me. 
We owe reparation to the Royal Family, which has 
been shamefully wronged. If Your Excellency will 
permit me, on leaving here I shall immediately go and 
see His Majesty and tell him that the Great German 
movement will repair the wrong done to His Majesty’s 
late father.’ 

Thus the Republican Hitler was willing to go in 
person to see the Grown Prince Rupprecht and tell 
him, standing to attention, that his late father would 
be avenged! 

Meanwhile he believed that he had won. Von 
Lossow and Seisser associated themselves with what 
Kahr said. A glance of mutual understanding passed 
between them. Hitler still had his revolver, so it was 
just as well to humour him, without prejudice to what 
they might do in the future. 

It is worth noting that the only shot that Hitler 
fired that day was at the ceiling. Von Kahr need have 
had no anxiety. 

Everything seemed to have been arranged amicably, 
and the Royalist Republican and the revolutionary 
Monarchists went back to the meeting arm-in-arm. 

But Hitler could not resist one more appeal to the 
public. Without the applause of the Munich beer- 
drinkers he was unable to act. So he started 
haranguing, pleading, arguing his cause. 

‘I propose myself to assume the political leadership 
of the National Government until we have dealt with 
the criminals who are leading our country to ruin, 5 



he declared. ‘Von Kahr is Regent of Bavaria, 
Poehner is Prime Minister, His Excellency General 
Ludendorff will command the national army. General 
von Lossow will be the Minister for the Reichswehr, 
Colonel von Seisser will be Reich Minister of Police. 
... The task of the Provisional Government is to march 
on the New Babylon, Berlin ... I ask you if you are in 
agreement? . . .’ 

Meanwhile Ludendorff had arrived. He was deathly 
pale, and events had taken him by surprise, but he 
did not lose his composure. 

‘Of my own authority I declare that I put myself at 
the disposal of the National Government,’ he declared. 

The general acted ‘of his own authority’, but the 
dictator harangued, pleaded and argued with the mob. 

Nothing could have delighted the beer-drinkers 
more. They were jubilant. Hitler and von Kahr 
fervently shook hands. 

Hitler desired to proceed with the immediate setting 
up of his Cabinet, but von Kahr said he was tired, and 
suggested that it would be better to discuss the matter 
when they were fresh next morning. 

The most pressing preoccupation of these revolu¬ 
tionaries and governors of the New Germany was 
about going to bed. But there was nothing surprising 
about that. Was it not over a beer-mug that Hitler 
applied himself to the task of winning over von Kahr, 
two minutes after threatening him with his revolver? 

‘I implore Your Excellency ... (a good swill at the 
beer mug). . . not to lose from sight.. . (another swill) 



... the common cause ... (another swill) .. . and 
the interests of Germany . . . (another swill) ... to¬ 
morrow the National Government will be in power, 
or we shall be dead.’ 

Idle words! Twice that evening Hitler swore that 
failure would mean his death. But he managed to 

Von Kahr prepared his counter-stroke the same 
night. The Right paramilitary formation, the Kampf- 
bund, made an attempt to seize several public build¬ 
ings, but was repulsed. But not till morning did Hitler 
begin to suspect treachery on the part of his ally. 

‘At dawn we were back at the Biirgerbrau’, he 
said later, ‘and Ludendorff joined us. But no sign of 
life came to us, and at midday we were still without 

Thus the hours passed without Hitler’s trying to see 
clearly for himself. His all-consuming impulse was to 
harangue the crowd, to make speech after speech, to 
assure himself of the approbation of the petty bour¬ 

At midday it was decided that there should be a 
‘propaganda march’ through the city. By this time 
Munich was full of military and police. The procession 
set out with Hitler and Ludendorff at its head, and the 
armed stormtroopers marched in the rear. Hitler, 
optimistically believing that he had the crowd with 
him, did not believe there would be any fighting. 



Actually it was immaterial whether the crowd were 
with him or not. However loudly it cheered the 
propagandists in the Marienplatz, however intensely 
it desired the blood of the ‘criminals of 1918’, what 
counted that day was the attitude of the police. 

When Hitler’s men debouched upon the Feldherrn- 
halle, the police opened fire. 

What followed is among the most disgraceful 
episodes in post-War history. 

While LudendorfF, with head high, marched steadily 
forward towards the police cordon that was firing upon 
his men, Hitler, whom Ulrich Graf protected with his 
body, flung himself flat on the ground. 

All the versions that say anything else are false. 
Hitler flung himself ignominiously to the ground. 

In the melee that followed thirteen Nazis were killed 
and many were wounded, among them Hermann 
Goering. Arrests began immediately, but Hitler, the 
leader of the movement, showed a clean pair of heels. 
He was whisked away in a private car. 

After the affray my brother Gregor, at the head of 
his men, was able to gain the road to Landshut. On 
the march home a Reichswehr detachment challenged 
and stopped them. Colonel Erhardt came forward as 
intermediary, and advised Gregor to surrender. 

‘Make way or I fire,’ Gregor replied. 

The Reichswehr no doubt decided that enough 
blood had been spilled that day. Gregor and his men 



were able to reach their homes without further 

Next day, just when Gregor and Himmler, still 
under the emotional stress of the abortive putsch , were 
about to sit down to table, Georg Hofler appeared in 
full uniform. 

‘You’re just in time for lunch,’ said Gregor. ‘Sit 

‘I’ve come to arrest you,’ said Hofler stiffly. 

The house had been surrounded by green-uniformed 
police. Gregor went to Landshut prison, escorted by 
his brother-in-law. 

Adolf Hitler was arrested a few days later. He had 
fled to Uffing, where he was sheltered by his friend 
Hanfstangel, later chief of his Press bureau. The 
police found him hiding in Mile. Hanfstangel’s ward¬ 




The most popular government, if it notoriously 
breaks its word, risks losing the confidence of the mob. 
Von Kahr’s government had never been popular, and 
the fashion in which von Kahr duped the revolution¬ 
aries of the Biirgerbrau caused it to be hated and 
despised. The people were angry. The blood shed by 
the police on November 9 and the feeling of civil war 
in the air had heated men’s minds. The Munich Trial, 
which was no judicial proceeding but a farce, served, 
in spite of the indulgence of the judges, to gain fresh 
sympathy for the National-Socialist cause. 

On the other hand Hitler’s indefensible attitude 
caused him to lose temporarily some of his original 
friends. In some cases the loss was permanent. 

The trial opened at Munich at the beginning of 
1924. Hitler was at this time one of the few putschists 
confined in the fortress of Landsberg. His original 
depression had by now given place to a revival of 
optimism. The thirteen corpses of the Feldherm- 
halle, the three victims of the fighting between the 
police and Roehm’s detachments no longer weighed 
on his conscience. The sudden death of his friend and 
colleague Dietrich Eckhart, whose heart had not stood 
up to the strain of the previous weeks, only drew 
from him an egoistical sigh. 



‘He was a perfect editor; no-one will ever be able 
to edit the Volkischer Beobachter like him,’ he said to 
Drechsler, the founder of the Party, who was with him 
in prison though he was not implicated in the plot. 

A new dawn seemed to be breaking for the defeated 
revolutionary. The trial would give him marvellous 

Hider’s semi-accomplices, Kahr, Seisser and 
Lossow, were still in power, and it was gready to their 
interest not to attract too much attention to that 
unlucky evening at the Burgerbrau. 

The accused bore names which compelled the 
attention of Germany and the whole world. It was 
indeed an honour to share a dock with Ludendorff, 
Poehner, Roehm, Weber and Kriebel. 

Moreover Hitler had a very useful card up his 
sleeve. The Bavarian Minister of Justice, Dr. Giirtner, 
was his friend. A few months on remand in prison 
had entirely changed the heart of the ex-painter of 
Braunau. He took his stand before the court not as a 
revolutionary but as a public benefactor. He was now 
entirely loyal to the authority of the state. Never again 
would he bid for power by force; he would woo it as a 
demagogue, and gain it at the price of a thousand 

Thus the Munich Trial began. The judges carefully 
avoided asking awkward questions, and the accused 
answered according to their character, their interests 
and their honour. 

Adolfs main object was to demonstrate the utter 



innocence and purity of his intentions. He humoured 
the mighty, and bowed respectfully to the president of 
the court. 

£ I did not plan a revolution,’ he declared; c on the 
contrary, I wished to aid the authority of the state to 
create the unity of our country.’ 

Intoxicated with his own eloquence, he ended his 
speech to the court with the following grandiloquent 

‘In view of the unhappy state of our country, I do 
not wish to draw a final barrier between us and those 
who in the future will form part of the great common 
front that we shall have to set up to face the enemies of 
our people. I know that our enemies of to-day will 
one day think with respect of those who chose the 
bitter way of death for the love of the German people.’ 

Ludendorff’s evidence should have produced some 
interesting revelations, but the prosecution, primed by 
the complaisant Minister Giirtner, successfully applied 
itself to the task of stifling the voice of truth. 
The indomitable general’s confession of faith is, 
however, worth comparing with the empty verbiage 
of the chief of the Nazi party. 

‘The hopes that I had of the deliverance of my 
country on November 8,’ declared LudendorfF, 
‘vanished because Kahr, Lossow and Seisser lost the 
common goal from sight, and when the great hour 
came they turned out to be little men. The dangers 
that I saw are still there. The most painful thing for 
me is that events have convinced me that our rulers 



have shown themselves incapable of inspiring the 
German people with the wish for liberty. 5 

Ludendorff also said something else that should 
have been said by the socialist Adolf Hitler. ‘Marxism 
cannot be killed with rifle-butts, 5 he said, ‘but a new 
idea must be given to the people. 5 

The military prisoners all behaved with more 
dignity than the civilians. 

Poehner, the chief of police, was magnificent. He 
laughed at the attempts of the court and the con¬ 
spirators to minimize his guilt. 

‘Of course I am a traitor, 5 was the phrase he hurled 
in the teeth of his judges. ‘Wouldn’t it be absurd to 
try to prove the opposite in a court of law? 5 

Roehm, who had not organized the putsch, but, like 
Gregor, had only commanded a detachment of the 
Party’s paramilitary forces, was indignant at Adolf’s 
cowardly attitude. He knew that Goering, chief of the 
S.A., had fled and was hiding abroad. Roehm was the 
only man of November 8 who had attempted any 
military action. He had seized the Reichswehr 
building and had been driven out of it by force. Once 
more Hitler, the former corporal in his regiment, 
had let him down. He resolutely sided with General 
Ludendorff. In his reminiscences, which he entitled 
Memoirs of a Man Guilty of High Treason, he severely 
criticized the men and the methods of the November 

So great was his disgust that as soon as he was 
released from the fortress of Landsberg he parted from 


hitler WRITES mein kampf 

Hitler and wrote an open letter to the Volkischer 
Beobachter in which he announced his breach with the 
Party. The following passage in his memoirs was 
suppressed after his reconciliation with Hitler: 

S I know that certain men refuse to listen to those 
who warn them of danger; I do not approve of them. 
A true friendship used to bind me to Hitler. Flatterers 
surrounded him, no one dared to criticize him, but it 
was my duty to speak to him openly.’ 

Soon there was such high feeling among the 
prisoners that they split into two camps and refused 
to sit beside each other. Hitler remained with Weber 
and Frick, while LudendorfF, Poehner, Kriebel and 
Roehm formed a group on their own. 

The trial dragged on for weeks and months without 
the shadows clearing. The various roles were, so to 
speak, written in advance. Thanks to Giirtner, the 
Minister of Justice, Adolf was assured of not incurring 
the penalty he dreaded most, namely expulsion from 
Germany. Not having done his military service in 
Austria, he had forfeited his Austrian nationality, and 
he had not yet acquired German nationality. Had he 
been expelled from Germany, he would have been a 
man without a country, unwanted everywhere. More 
than one mystery surrounds Hitler’s past. He is known 
to have served in the German Army during the war, 
but how and where he won his Iron Gross is unknown, 
and no doubt always will be. 

The court delivered its judgment on April i. 
LudendorfF was the only one to be acquitted. The 

6 3 


principal accused, Hitler, Poehner, Weber and Kriebel 
were sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in a fortress, 
while the secondary figures, Gregor Strasser, Frick and 
several others, were let off with eighteen months, a 
year or six months. All the prisoners, however, could 
count on being released before the end of their term, 
though Hitler’s case was complicated by the fact that 
this was not his first conviction. 

Five years’ imprisonment for Adolf Hitler! The 
news spread like wildfire through Southern Germany, 
and the people, whose heartstrings were easily wrung, 
made him a martyr of the German cause. Ridiculous 
coloured postcards pictured him in a gloomy cell, his 
grief-stricken countenance illuminated by the pale 
rays of sunlight that peeped in through a heavily- 
barred window. But while he was thus an object of 
pity to the public outside, Adolf, installed in the most 
comfortable of fortresses, was contentedly putting on 

Landsberg was more like a military club than a 
prison. Each prisoner had one or two rooms at his 
disposal. They received visitors, passed the time 
together, talked, smoked, played cards and ordered 
any delicacies they required from the gaoler. 

Those on the ground floor would actually have been 
very happy indeed but for the unfortunate tendency of 
the man on the first floor’ to make interminable 



speeches. Needless to say, ‘the man on the first floor’ 
was Adolf Hitler. 

One day the conspirators downstairs held a council 
of war to discuss ways and means of protecting them¬ 
selves from Adolf’s eloquence. Gregor Strasser had the 
brilliant idea of trying to persuade him to write a book. 

The suggestion that he should write his memoirs 
was therefore gently and tactfully put to him. Adolf 
positively leapt at it. Henceforward Strasser and the 
other ‘gentlemen’ on the ground floor were able to 
drink and play cards in peace. Hitler kept to himself, 
pacing up and down his room. Emile Maurice, his 
chauffeur and handyman, provided him with 

Adolf practised his eloquence, the effectiveness of 
which he had already discovered, on this sinister indi¬ 
vidual, who was to play a bloodthirsty r 61 e on the night 
of June 30. 

Meanwhile the National-Socialist Party, deprived of 
its leader, underwent a grave crisis. The anti-Semites 
tried to gain control of it, while the people, impressed 
by the putsch and the Munich Trial, rallied to the 

The Bavarian elections of 1924 resulted in Hitler’s 
party gaining twenty-seven seats, at a time when the 
latter was opposed to his followers’ sitting in Parlia¬ 
ment at all. 

e 65 


Among the successful candidates were Poehner and 
Gregor Strasser. Their election permitted them to 
leave the fortress of Landsberg without serving the 
remainder of their term. 

The tendency at the time was for all the Nationalist 
political groupings to fuse into a single bloc. The Nazi 
Party, which was banned as the result of the putsch , 
sank its identity in the Popular Liberty Movement, 
founded by Albert von Graefe. The leaders of the 
‘National-Socialist Liberty Movement 5 were Luden- 
dorff, Graefe and my brother Gregor, acting as deputy 
for Adolf Hitler. 

But a profound gulf divided LudendorfF and 
Poehner, who became president of the Bavarian 
parliamentary group, from Hitler. Hitler refused to 
receive LudendorfF, and Gregor therefore acted as go- 
between. It was at this stage that Rosenberg, Dietrich 
Eckhart’s successor as editor of the Volkischer Beo- 
hachter , started to play an important role. Rosenberg 
worked hand-in-hand with Gregor. He was a Baltic 
emigri who had fled from the Bolsheviks. His political 
influence on Hitler, whom he visited at Landsberg 
every day, grew stronger and stronger. Munich was 
then the centre of White Russian emigration. Rosen¬ 
berg tried to make the National-Socialist movement 
serve the interests of his Baltic compatriots. 

Men like LudendorfF Gregor, and Rosenberg (who 
is a person of decent and respectable morals) could not 
possibly put up for long with the activities of persons 
such as Julius Streicher and Hermann Esser. These 



two, who were worthy of each other, represented not 
the street but the gutter. 

I myself advised Gregor, when I saw him hesitating, 
to avoid splitting the party and parting from Hitler. 
But two sexual maniacs like Streicher and Esser could 
only throw discredit on those who still honestly desired 
a new Germany. They were demagogues of the worst 
type. With Christian Weber, and Hofmann, the 
‘court photographer’, they must be numbered among 
the obscure acolytes of the Fuhrer of whom Germany 
has every reason to be ashamed. Hermann Esser, in 
particular, had avoided war service by shamming 
madness. This, however, had not prevented him from 
becoming a member of the Soldiers’ Soviet, and to-day 
he is Bavarian Minister and Under-Secretary of State 
for the Reich Ministry of Propaganda. Julius Streicher 
and Hermann Esser share everything. They have the 
same views and the same women. 

LudendorfF, Graefe and Strasser agreed to expel 
them from the Party. They immediately founded the 
‘Anti-Semitic Movement’, in which they found an 
outlet for their diseased sexuality by composing 
pornographic diatribes against the Jews. 

Hitler, however, in his fortress, did not commit 
himself to either side. He received Gregor and Rosen¬ 
berg, listened to Streicher and Esser, and mentally 
noted those on whom he could still rely, thus keeping 
the future open. 

If he offered his resignation as leader of the Party, 
it was because he did not wish to be accused of con- 



spiring against the state while still serving his term. 
He was still haunted by the fear of expulsion. His need 
for ‘legality’ increased. He felt his party disintegrating 
in his absence, and looked forward to picking up the 
reins again as soon as he was free. 

In July he started dictating to Rudolf Hess, who was 
also a prisoner at Landsberg. Hess was completely 
and utterly devoted to him. There was no fear of 
criticism from him, and Adolf could be sure that Rudolf 
would swallow without complaint the historical in¬ 
accuracies and extravagant diatribes of which the 
‘master’ unburdened himself. 

In its original form Mein Kampf was a veritable 
hotch-potch of commonplaces, schoolboy reminis¬ 
cences, personal opinions, expressions of personal 
animosity. Vestiges of Hitler’s ill-digested political 
reading were mingled with fragments from Lueger 
(founder of the Christian-Social Party in Austria) 
and Schonerer (leader of the big German and anti- 
Semitic party founded by the Sudeten Germans under 
the Dual Monarchy). 

Passages reminiscent of Houston Chamberlain and 
Lagarde, two authors whose ideas had been passed on 
to Hitler by the unfortunate Dietrich Eckhart, were 
interspersed with the anti-Semitic ravings of Streicher, 
including the latter’s beliefs about Jewish sexual 
excesses, and Rosenberg’s ingenious ideas on foreign 
politics. The whole was written in the style of a fifth- 
form schoolboy, and a not very intelligent one at that. 
Only a single chapter, if I am to believe Father 



Staempfle, who twice revised the entire manuscript, was 
really original. This was the chapter on propaganda. 

Good Father Staempfle, a priest of great learning, 
editor of a paper at Miessbach, spent months re¬ 
writing and editing Mein Kampf. He eliminated the 
more flagrant inaccuracies and the excessively childish 
platitudes. Hitler never forgave Father Staempfle for 
getting to know his weaknesses so well. He had him 
murdered by a ‘special death squad’ on the night of 
June 30, 1934. 

A propos of Mein Kampf, I remember an amusing 
incident which I shall relate here, though it is antici¬ 
pating my story by several years. 

It took place at the Nazi Party Congress at Num- 
berg in 1927. I had been a member of the Party for 
two-and-a-half years, and presented the annual report. 
In the course of it I quoted a few phrases from Mein 
Kampf, and this caused a certain sensation. 

That evening, at dinner with several colleagues, 
Feder, Kaufmann, Koch and others, they asked me if 
I had really read the book, with which not one of them 
seemed to be familiar. I admitted having quoted some 
significant passages from it without bothering my head 
about the context. This caused general amusement, 
and it was agreed that the first person who joined us 
who had read Mein Kampf should pay the bill for us 
all. Gregor’s answer when he arrived was a resound¬ 
ing ‘No’, Goebbels shook his head guiltily, Goering 
burst into loud laughter and Count Reventlow excused 
himself on the ground that he had no time. 



Nobody had read Mein Kampf, so everybody had to 
pay his own bill. 

Meanwhile Hitler’s ‘conversion’ had become known 
in high places. It was certain that never again would 
he revolt against the Reichswehr or the civil authorities. 
What was not realized, however, was that if Hitler the 
revolutionary was dead, Hitler the opportunist was 
more alive than ever. 

Faced with the combative fury of Ludendorff and 
Gregor Strasser, the Bavarian Government, urged on 
by the Minister Gurtner, decided on Adolf’s premature 

On December 20, 1924, a telegram addressed to the 
fortress of Landsberg ordered the immediate release of 
Hitler and Kriebel. Hitler left the prison the same day. 
Saul the revolutionary, transformed into Paul the good 
apostle, left on his journey towards the conquest of 

His first care was to make peace with Rome. ‘One 
cannot fight two enemies at once,’ he explained to the 
deputy Jurgen von Ramin, who visited him at Lands¬ 
berg. He adhered to this policy in spite of the attacks 
of the Right Wing paper the JReickswart , edited by 
Count von Reventlow, and he solemnly informed Herr 
Heinrich Held, Prime Minister and leader of the 
Popular Catholic Party of Bavaria, that he condemned 
General Ludendorff’s atheism. 



‘The latter alone is the enemy of the Roman 
Church, 5 declared Hitler, who was profoundly imbued 
with German paganism, more so, perhaps, than 
LudendorfF or Rosenberg himself. 

He humiliated himself still further, setting the seal 
on his behaviour a year earlier at the trial. 

‘The Munich putsch was a grave error, 5 he admitted 
to Held, the ‘reactionary 5 and ‘papist 5 . Held had it in 
his power to reconcile him both to Cardinal Faulhaber 
and the President, but for that it was necessary to 
abjure the past. 

There was also something else. Held had only to 
speak the word, and the ban on the Nazi Party would 
be lifted. If this were done the Party would immedi¬ 
ately be able to revert to its old shape, and the storm- 
troopers would be able to resume their activities. 
Hitler would then become the absolute master of his 
movement, and would no longer have LudendorfF and 
Graefe to contend with. 

Hitler implored, Giirtner supported him, and Held, 
who was vain and self-satisfied, agreed with a smile. 

‘The wild beast is checked, 5 Held confided to Giirtner 
the same evening. ‘We can afford to loosen the chain. 5 

All the same Hitler had lost two friends. Roehm 
went into voluntary exile and left for Bolivia as a mili¬ 
tary instructor, and Kriebel went to Shanghai, where 
he was appointed consul on the day that Adolf Hitler, 
who remained attached to him, became Chancellor of 
the Reich. 

LudendorfF, yielding to my brother Gregor’s impor- 



tunity, only once agreed to meet his former friend. 
This was on the occasion of the presidential election 
that followed Ebert’s death. 

General Ludendorff was chosen to stand for the 
Nazis against Field-Marshal Hindenburg, representing 
the bourgeois bloc. Hitler promised Ludendorff his 
full support, but he ordered his men to vote for 
Hindenburg on the second count. It was a flagrant 
and typical breach of faith. 

After m akin g his peace with Rome and the Bavarian 
Government, Hitler started his first approach towards 
the living forces of Prussia, the Reichswehr and the 

Ludendorff scarcely suffered from his political de¬ 
feat. But he never forgave Hitler’s duplicity. 

On his death-bed in 1937 he abruptly refused the 
field-marshal’s baton sent him by the Chancellor of the 




It is difficult to judge a man fairly, even when one 
knows the innermost recesses of his mind. When that 
man is one’s enemy and the object of one’s most bitter 
feelings the task is peculiarly difficult. To analyse ob¬ 
jectively a being destined by circumstances to become 
the instrument of history one must above all be able to 
distinguish between the man and his mission. 

A biographer of a Cromwell or a Robespierre who 
restricted himself to his hero’s personality might very 
easily falsify history without deviating an inch from the 

The drama which we are witnessing in Germany is 
that of a revolution which has so far only reached its 
second stage. The years from 1920 to 1930 was the 
period of preparation. This period had its philosophers, 
its writers and their apostles, its small-scale Encyclo-. 
paedists, among whom Moller van den Bruck, whom I 
have compared to Rousseau, was an eminent figure. 

The next period is the period of destruction, when 
the earth trembles, the foundations of the old order are 
shaken and the world is given over to fire and the 
sword. This is the truly revolutionary period, a period 
which must inevitably give place to a period of recon¬ 
struction and consolidation. 

Here we will consider only Adolf Hitler. We will 



try to discover what were the purely human qualities 
that make him an incarnation of the principle of 

Hitler responds to the vibration of the human heart 
with the delicacy of a seismograph, or perhaps of a 
wireless receiving set, enabling him, with a certainty 
with which no conscious gift could endow him, to act 
as a loud-speaker proclaiming the most secret desires, 
the least admissible instincts, the sufferings and per¬ 
sonal revolts of a whole nation. But his very principle 
is negative. He only knows what he wants to destroy; 
he pulls down the walls without any idea of what he 
will build in their place. He is anti-Semitic, anti- 
Bolshevik, anti-capitalist. He denounces enemies, but 
knows no friends. He is devoid of any constructive 

I remember one of my first conversations with him. 
It-was nearly our first quarrel. 

Power! 5 screamed Adolf. ‘We must have power!’ 

‘Before we gain it, 5 I replied firmly, ‘let us decide 
what we propose to do with it. Our programme is too 
vague; we must construct something solid and endur¬ 

Hitler, who even then could hardly bear contradic¬ 
tion, thumped the table and barked: 

Power first! Afterwards we can act as circumstances 
dictate. 5 

Hate, I sometimes said to him, ‘must be born of 
love. One must be capable of loving to know what is 
hateful, and so have the strength to destroy it. 5 



He hated without knowing love. He was drunk 
with an ambition that was utterly without moral re¬ 
straint, and had the pride of Lucifer, who wished to 
cast down God from His immortal throne. 

Hitler has given two descriptions of himself, the 
accuracy of which has not been impaired by time. In 
the first he described himself as ‘the young drummer of 
the German people 5 . Let us take to heart the words 
he spoke at the Munich trial, when he pleaded his own 

‘When I found myself for the first time before 
Wagner’s grave, 5 he said, ‘my heart overflowed with 
pride to think that there lay a man who had scorned 
to have inscribed on his tombstone, “Here lies Privy 
Councillor Musical Director His Excellency Baron 
Richard von Wagner 55 . I was proud that this man, 
like so many men in the history of Germany, was con¬ 
tent to leave his name to posterity, and not his tides. 
It was not out of modesty that I desired then and 
there to be nothing more than a drummer. That for 
me is the highest achievement; the rest is vanity. 5 

No, it was certainly not out of modesty that Roehm’s 
litde corporal confessed to a contempt for tides. 

His ambition was to rouse the masses, to be the 
centre towards which they gravitated, to go down to 

The other self-revelatory phrase was pronounced 
twelve years later, when the ‘drummer 5 of the revolu¬ 
tion had become Chancellor and President of the 
Reich. It is even more significant than the first. 



‘I shall go on my way,’ he said, ‘with the precision 
of a sleep-walker.’ 

I have been asked many times what is the secret of 
Hitler’s extraordinary power as a speaker. I can only 
attribute it to his uncanny intuition, which infallibly 
diagnoses the ills from which his audience is suffering. 
If he tries to bolster up his argument with theories or 
quotations from books he has only imperfectly under¬ 
stood, he scarcely rises above a very poor mediocrity. 
But let him throw away his crutches and step out 
boldly, speaking as the spirit moves him, and he is 
promptly transformed into one of the greatest speakers 
of the century. 

He makes no attempt to prove his assertions. He is 
strongest when he speaks of abstractions such as 
honour, country, nation, family, loyalty; his effective¬ 
ness on such matters is quite astonishing. 

‘When a nation wants liberty arms spring to its 
hand ...’ ‘When a nation has lost faith in the power 
of its sword it is vowed to the most lamentable destruc¬ 
tion.’ An educated person, writing these phrases, 
blushes at their triteness. But spoken by Hitler they 
inflame the audience, they go straight to every heart. 

It would, as a matter of fact, be wrong to imagine 
that Adolf Hitler was always an utterly unscrupulous 
demagogue. He was at one time genuinely convinced 
of the rightness of his cause. He had the feelings of 
a revolutionary, but not the temper. He had that flair 
which, in a leader of the masses, takes the place of 
psychological insight. 



Adolf Hitler enters a hall. He snufis the air. For a 
minute he gropes, feels his way, senses the atmosphere. 
Suddenly he bursts forth: 

‘The individual has ceased to count ... Germany 
was trampled underfoot. Germans must be united, the 
interests of each must be subordinated to the interests 
of all. I will give you back your honour and make 
Germany invincible ...’ 

His words go like an arrow to their target, he touches 
each private wound on the raw, liberating the mass 
unconscious, expressing its innermost aspirations, tell¬ 
ing it what it most wants to hear. 

Next day, addressing this time an audience not of 
ruined shopkeepers but of important industrialists, 
there is the same initial uncertainty. But a flash comes 
into his eyes, suddenly he has the feel of his audience, 
he has tuned in. 

‘Nations are regenerated by individual effort,’ he 
declares. ‘Only individual effort counts. The masses 
are blind and stupid. Each of us is a leader, and Ger¬ 
many is made up of these leaders . ..’ 

‘Hear! Hear!’ say the industrialists, and swear 
henceforward that Hitler is their man. 

At the Nurnberg Congress of 1937 he addressed 
twenty thousand women. They were old and young, 
ugly and beautiful, married, spinsters and widows, 
embittered and hopeful, worried and lonely, of re¬ 
spectable morals and otherwise. Hitler knows nothing 
of woman or of women; yet to his lips there sprang a 
phrase that provoked delirious enthusiasm: 



‘What have I given you? What has National- 
Socialism given you? We have given you Man! 5 

The response of the audience can only be described 
as orgiastic. 

A clairvoyant, face to face with his public, goes into 
a trance. That is his moment of real greatness, the 
moment when he is most genuinely himself. He be¬ 
lieves what he says; carried away by a mystic force, he 
cannot doubt the genuineness of his mission. 

But when Adolf is in a normal state it is a different 
matter. He cannot be straightforward and natural; 
he never ceases watching himself and playing a 
conscious part. He began by being the Unknown 
Soldier who had survived the War. A moving and 
obscure hero, he shed real tears for his country’s mis¬ 
fortunes. Soon he discovered that his lachrymatory 
glands were obliging and could be turned on at will. 
After that he wept to the point of excess. Next he was 
St. John the Baptist, preparing for the coming of the 
Messiah; then the Messiah himself, pending his appear¬ 
ance in the r 61 e of Caesar. One day he realized the 
shattering effect of his rages; henceforward rage and 
abuse were the favourite weapons in his armoury. 

Some time before our rupture we had an argument 
about Der JVationalsozialist, the paper I edited in Berlin. 
Gregor was present, as well as Hinkel, who was a con¬ 
tributor. For half an horn the Ftihrer advanced an 
untenable argument. 

‘But you are mistaken, Herr Hitler, 5 I said to him. 

He fixed me with a stare and exclaimed in a fury: 



‘I cannbt be mistaken. What I do and say is 

Then he lapsed into a profound silence, his head 
sank and his shoulders slumped. He looked old and 
shrunken, exhausted by the part he had been playing. 

We left without a word being added. 

‘Gregor, the man’s a megalomaniac!’ 

‘You provoke him,’ Gregor replied. ‘Your objectiv¬ 
ity exasperates him. He never forgets himself like that 
with me.’ 

But Gregor was wrong. That day the dogma of 
Hitler’s infallibility was bom. It was to be confirmed 
in many National-Socialist writings, and more par¬ 
ticularly in Hermann Goering’s recent book. 

In the self-dramatization of a hysteric it is not easy 
to distinguish the conscious from the pathological. 
There is no doubt that Hider is unbalanced. When 
the man is still, which happens rarely, he seems petri¬ 
fied; otherwise he seems not to be able to keep still at 
all. A train exasperates him by its slowness. A car 
travelling at less than seventy miles an hour he 
describes as an ox-cart. He takes a ’plane to save 
time, but complains that in the air he has no sense 
of speed. 

This man, who has plunged Europe into war with¬ 
out blinking an eyelid, hesitates in agony over minor 
decisions. Once Gregor had to see him in connection 
with some minor detail concerning the Landshut 
stormtroopers. For weeks Hider excused himself on 
the grounds of urgent pressure of work. Eventually he 



arranged to meet my brother at a restaurant. The 
meal began well enough, but as soon as Gregor brought 
the conversation round to the point at issue, Hitler 
showed signs of discomfort and made an excuse to go 
out. He left by the side door which led from the cloak¬ 
room to the street, and sent his chauffeur back later in 
the evening to fetch his hat and coat. 

He has fits of courage as well as of rage, but ordinarily 
he is weak, impatient, irascible, unstable and terrified 
at the thought of endangering his health or losing con¬ 
trol of his ideas. He is termed an ascetic, but the 
description fits his way of living far better than his 
mentality. Your true ascetic sacrifices the pleasures 
of the flesh for the sake of an ideal, from which he 
derives his strength. Adolf’s renunciations are purely 
materialistic; he believes that meat is unhealthy, that 
smoking is poisonous, and that drink lulls one’s 

This monster, so often uncontrolled, nevertheless 
dreads moments of confidence or involuntary abandon. 
He would consider it a supreme disgrace to drop his 

I am by temperament mistrustful of those who set 
no store upon the legitimate pleasures of life. When I 
think of Adolf Hitler I remember Bismarck’s remark 
that ‘a German is only tolerable if he drinks half a 
bottle of champagne a day’. 

‘A good German dictator,’ I suggested one day, 
‘should teach the German people to appreciate 
subtlety in cooking and in love.’ 



Hitler stared at me wide-eyed, for once at a loss for 
words. I added: 

‘A university ought to be founded for the purpose. 
Germans can’t be past masters of any art without a 

For a moment I thought that Adolf was about to 
break into a torrent of words. But he stopped short. 
Instead, dryly, with the most profound contempt, he 
hissed through clenched teeth: 

‘You cynic! You sybarite!’ 

He liked to think of himself as an incarnation of the 
heroic conception of life, and he called my own atti¬ 
tude Bacchic. It was useless to explain to him that the 
gods of antiquity loved women and wine none the less 
for being heroes. This kind of reflection appalled 
Hitler, who always fought shy of the slightest allusion 
to or hint of suggestiveness. 

His nearest approach to the subject was to say that 
women destroyed a politician’s strength and his 

‘There are only two schools for the politician,’ I 
would retort. ‘History, which teaches him to under¬ 
stand forces, and woman, who teaches him to under¬ 
stand men.’ 

The Fiihrer’s panic fear of giving himself, of losing 
himself in a tender emotion, hid a jealously-guarded 
secret, the whole truth of which was not known even 
to his intimates. 

I have known three women who played a part in the 
life of this ascetic with the perverse imagination. I was 

t 81 


taken into the confidence of one of them, and it was 

The first was the wife of the Berlin piano-maker, the 
famous Bechstein. Frau Bechstein was twenty years 
older than Adolf, and lavished on him an ecstatic and 
faintly maternal devotion. When he went to Berlin he 
generally stayed with her, and it was at her house that 
he met the politicians whose acquaintance he desired 
to make. 

When they were alone, or occasionally in front of 
friends, he would sit at his hostess’s feet, lay his head 
on her opulent bosom and close his eyes, while her 
beautiful white hand caressed her big baby’s hair, 
disturbing the historic forelock on the future dictator’s 
brow. c Wolfchen ,’ she murmured tenderly, ‘mein 
Wolfe hen .’ 1 

This purely platonic affair eventually ceased to 
satisfy Adolf Hitler, who made the acquaintance of a 
younger and unquestionably more attractive female. 
This was the daughter of Hofmann, the photographer, 
an exceedingly attractive young blonde, with frank 
and boyish ways. 

Adolescent girls are rarely discreet. Fraulein Hof¬ 
mann chattered so freely and to such effect that one 
day her father went to demand an explanation from 
the seducer of Munich. * 

Hitler was not yet Chancellor of the Reich, but his 
fame was growing, and Europe was beginning to talk 
about him. The matter was soon settled. Hofmann 

1 ‘My little wolf, my little wolf/ 



left holding the exclusive world rights for Adolf 
Hitler’s photographs. The complaisant father has 
become one of the richest and most respected men in 
Germany. In 1933 his daughter was married to 
Baldur von Schirach, a young effeminate whom the 
Fiihrer loaded with favours and created Reich Youth 

But the adventures of the master of Germany did not 
always end in a happy marriage. 

About 1928 he took into his home his little niece, an 
Austrian, amusing, pretty and gay. Angela, or Gely, 
as we called her, was nineteen, and Uncle Adolf’s 
mfaage bored her. She wanted to go about, meet 
people, dance. I used to pay her attentions. She was 
no prude. 

One day I arranged to take her to one of the famous 
Munich masked balls. While I was dressing Gregor 
burst into my room. 

‘Adolf doesn’t want you to go out with Gely,’ he 

Before I had time to recover from my astonishment 
the telephone rang. It was Hitler. 

‘I leam,’ he roared, ‘that you are going out with 
young Gely this evening. I won’t allow her to go out 
with a married man. I’m not going to have any of 
your filthy Berlin tricks in Munich.’ 

I had no choice but to submit. 

Next day Gely came to see me. She was red-eyed, 
her round little face was wan, and she had the terrified 
look of a hunted beast. 



‘He locked me up, 5 she sobbed. ‘He locks me up 
every time I say no! 5 

She did not need much questioning. With anger, 
horror and disgust she told me of the strange proposi¬ 
tions with which her uncle pestered her. 

I knew all about Hitler’s abnormality. Like all 
others in the know, I had heard all about the eccentric 
practices to which Fraulein Hofmann was alleged to 
have lent herself, but I had genuinely believed that the 
photographer’s daughter was a little hysteric who told 
lies for the sheer fun of it. But Gely, who was com¬ 
pletely ignorant of this other affair of her uncle’s, con¬ 
firmed point by point a story scarcely credible to a 
healthy-minded man. 

What could I say? What advice could I give Gely? 

Her confidences, once set flowing, were inexhaust¬ 
ible. Her uncle kept her literally isolated. She was not 
allowed to see a man. One evening, driven crazy by 
this treatment, she had yielded to the importunities of 
Emile Maurice, Hitler’s chauffeur. Hitler had sur¬ 
prised them. 

Her ear to the door, she had heard the words that 
passed between these two men, both of whom she 
dreaded equally. 

‘You’ll never set foot in this house again!’ 

‘Sack me, and I’ll take the whole story to the Frank¬ 
furter ZeitungV 

The blackmail succeeded. Emile Maurice, richer 
by twenty thousand marks, set himself up in a watch¬ 
maker’s shop in Munich. 



All this was incredibly disgusting, and I could find 
no word of comfort for this girl who, had she not been 
prematurely corrupted, might one day have made a 
good wife and mother. 

Poor Gely! I hardly saw her again. My final break 
with Hitler came not long afterwards. She died 
mysteriously in 1931. I was not to learn the horrible 
circumstances until much later. 

Having thus by chance lifted a comer of the veil that 
hides his private life, and knowing his incapacity for 
normal love, and his perverted methods of procuring 
vicarious satisfaction, I could not feel for Hitler’s 
pseudo-asceticism the respect which, despite my 
‘Bacchic’ ideas, I have always felt for genuine morality. 

Hitler lived on the fringe of life, of women and of 
love. His real friends were recruited from a special and 
unsavoury world, while by his actions and his bad 
faith he systematically alienated the men of integrity 
who would have fought at his side. 

Ludendorff broke with him. Poehner disowned him. 
Hellmuth von Mxicke, commander of the Emden , a 
Party deputy, refused to follow him to the end. Where 
there were decent men among his followers, obstinate 
in their loyalty like my brother Gregor, the time came 
when their presence proved awkward, and he had them 

He is surrounded not by friends but by accomplices, 
depraved and vicious creatures or blind and brutal 
instruments. These include the utterly unscrupulous 
Amann, director of Eher Publications, publishers of the 



Volkischer Beobachter, Hofmann, who owes his fortune 
to the sale of his daughter; Emile Maurice, ex¬ 
chauffeur and now a Groupleader in the Black Guards 
and one of the killers in the monster’s service on the 
night of June 30. Perhaps the most despicable of 
Hitler’s underlings is Christian Weber, a pimp who 
worked as chucker-out at Donisl’s, a disreputable 
Munich dive. This is the man whom Hitler receives 
and consults daily, the one man besides Hofmann who 
can go in to him without being announced. There is a 
photograph of this ape-like creature meeting Hitler at 
the Munich air-field; it is horrifying. He serves the 
master of Germany with the same muscular strength 
and the same unscrupulousness that he devoted to his 
work at Donisl’s. Schaub, Schreck and Bruckner, 
former petty police officials, less vile than the fore¬ 
going, are impersonal extras in this gang of crooks. 

The privilege of addressing Hitler in the second per¬ 
son singular is reserved to this small group of intimates. 
They and a few friends call Hitler ‘Adi’, slap him on 
the back and even dare to tell smutty stories in front 
of him. Hitler enjoys their company, for they confirm 
his profound conviction that man is essentially vile. 

From this conviction he will never depart. It is 
typical of him that, though reading tires and bores him, 
he is thoroughly familiar with Machiavelli and with 
the Anti-MacMaoetti of Frederick the Great. He is a 
fervent admirer of the Florentine, whom he uses to 
defend and justify his own crimes and treachery. 

I discussed Machiavelli with him one day when he 



came to lunch at my parents’ home at Dinkelsbuhl, 
in Franconia, the little town where my mother was 
bom and where the family settled when my father 

Machiavelli, so I was convinced and so I tried to 
explain to him, lived in an age when religion and 
politics were identified. The principles of good and 
evil were mercilessly opposed. It was not the same to¬ 
day. Religion belonged to the divine, politics essen¬ 
tially to the human sphere. Man was both good and 

‘Man is congenitally evil,’ replied Hitler. ‘He can 
only be controlled by force. To govern him everything 
is permissible. You must lie, betray, even kill when 
policy demands it.’ 

‘Murder and treachery may be permissible in poli¬ 
tics, I grant you; but what would happen to you if man 
were, as you say, fundamentally evil? Wouldn’t you 
long ago have been betrayed and murdered?’ 

He cut short the discussion, as he always does when 
he is out of his depth, and said simply: 

‘That morality is only valid for men bom to com¬ 
mand. It gives them the right to act as masters.’ 

What joy can a man like Hitle r find in life? He lo ves 
no one. He does not evenn mev-aaiii re. and his eves 
see no thing of its beaut y. He rarely smiles, and is 
denied - the gift of humour , that divine gift that 
enab les~men to la ugh even at themselve s. Sir Nevile 
Henderson, in the White Paper, confesses that he was 
struck by the Nazi leaders’ lack of humour. They 



treat themselves with appalling seriousness; in fact 
their gravity is animal-like. 

Nor is that all. We have already seen that Hitler is 
afraid of logic. Like a woman, he evades the issue and 
ends by throwing in your face an argument entirely 
remote from what you were talking about. On the 
other hand, give him a vague and nebulous generaliza¬ 
tion and he is in his element. But he is incapable of 
thinking anything to its logical conclusion. 

‘The collective good before the individual good.’ Is 
not that one of his favourite slogans, and does it not 
imply the construction of a new social order? 

Yes, but the sleep-walker has no desire to see clearly. 
Systematic thinking, and above all criticism, are hate¬ 
ful to him. He has no ideas, and no true ideals. He 
advances blindly, guided by that extraordinary flair 
which has made him what he is. He hates intelligence, 
and he is tormented by the sense of his own inferiority. 
Like Himmelstoss, the subaltern in All Quiet on the 
Western Front, he is in rebellion against the thing s of the 

In his speeches words such as hate, destruction, 
fanaticism constantly recur; but one searches vainly 
for words such as love, cultivate, sprout, bud, grow. 
He is the slave of technique and seems to have no 
conception of organic evolution. 

The miracle of creation, the mystery of birth are 
unknown to him. He has never had children, nor the 
hope of them. The privilege of creating the simplest 
and most beautiful thing in the world was denied him. 



What does he know of life? 

Roses covered with dew; a calf frisking on uncertain 
legs; a child’s mischievous laughter; the love of a 
woman; the sight of a field of golden com rippling in 
the sunlight; the sadness of one of Verlaine’s November 
days; the silence of snow-covered forests and frost- 
gripped streams; the sound of bells calling the faithful 
to prayer; to all these gifts of the Creator he is blind 
and deaf. 

Woe to a people without morality, a world without 
love, an age without God. 

But since Hitler had a mission, since he was not just 
a man but an instrument of history, could he have been 
different? Did he not have to have the face of Lucifer, 
the tongue with which Mephistopheles spoke in order 
to seduce Faust? Goethe’s Mephistopheles only said 
what Faust felt, thought, wanted, just as Hitler only 
says what the German people feel, think, want. 

But there were two men in Faust, and Mephisto¬ 
pheles made himself the spokesman only of his base 
instincts and brutal desires, just as Hitler is the mouth¬ 
piece of a violent Germany dominated by negation 
and the destructive principle. 

All men and all nations are composite of vice and 
virtue. Faust freed himself from Mephistopheles. 
Germany will free herself from Hitler. 




After my first meeting with Hitler nothing that 
Gregor could say had persuaded me to join the Party. 

When occasion arose I gave my brother advice. 
I observed at close quarters the progress and the back- 
slidings of the Nazi leaders. I felt that the National- 
Socialist idea was the only thing that could regenerate 
my country, but I refused to collaborate openly with 
men of whom Adolf Hitler was the undisputed leader. 
I had seen him at work, and had formed my judgment. 

But in 1925 the situation took on a new aspect. 
Hitler, released from prison, resumed his leadership 
of the movement in South Germany. The North, 
however, was partly closed to him. He was banned 
from speaking in any of the Prussian provinces. 

Hitler was aware of Gregor’s organizing ability, his 
popularity with the workers and his fundamental 
honesty. He asked him to take charge of the National- 
Socialist movement in North Germany, and offered 
him complete freedom of action. 

Once more my brother asked me to help him. In 
these circumstances I consented, and in the spring of 
1925 I became a member of the Party. 

During Hitler’s imprisonment I had contributed to 



the Volkiscker Beobachter , under the pseudonym of 
Ulrich von Hutten, and had to some extent laid in 
that journal the foundations of our National-Socialist 
theories. For the first time Strasserism ventured to 
oppose Hitlerism. But the liberation of the Nazi 
leader put an end to the opening phase of this conflict, 
and I felt ready to support Gregor and to prepare the 
way for the victory of our ideas. 

Collaboration with Graefe had had to be aban¬ 
doned. Graefe was even more reactionary than 
Hitler, and on regaining his liberty he and his followers 
dissociated themselves from us and pursued their 
activities independently. LudendorfF, however, was 
in perfect agreement with Gregor, and the great work 
could begin. Our immediate task was to find a solid 
political and intellectual foundation on which to build 
the organization of the National-Socialist Party of the 

Hitler, whether because he failed to realize the gulf 
that even then divided me from him or because he 
regarded my collaboration as a necessary evil, heartily 
congratulated Gregor on learning that I had been 
won over. 

‘Whatever he does, he’ll do well,’ he assured my 
brother. ‘Two men like you cannot fail.’ 

Our task in North Germany was hard but full of 
interest. The scattered Party members had to be 
regrouped, and they had to be offered an intelligent 
Press, adapted to their mentality as well as to our own 



We first founded a fortnightly review intended only 
for party officials. We called it the Nationalsozialistische 

Our second step was to work out an economic, 
political and cultural programme. In the economic 
field it was opposed alike to Marxism and capitalism. 
We foresaw a new equilibrium on a basis of state 
feudalism. The State was to be the sole owner of the 
land, which it would lease to private citizens. All were 
to be free to do as they liked with their own land, but 
no one could sell or sub-let state property. In this way 
we hoped to combat proletarianization and to restore 
a sense of liberty to our fellow-citizens. No man is 
free who is not economically independent. 

We proposed nationalization only of such wealth as 
could not be multiplied at will, i.e. the country’s 
landed and industrial inheritance. 

In the political field we rejected the totalitarian idea 
in favour of federalism. Parliament, instead of con¬ 
sisting of party representatives, would consist of 
representatives of corporations. These we divided 
into five groups; workers, peasants, clerks and officials, 
industrialists, and the liberal professions. Politically 
Germany would be decentralized and divided into 
cantons on the Swiss model. Prussia, separated from 
the Rhineland, from Hesse, Hanover, Saxony and 
Schleswig-Holstein, would lose her hegemony and 
cease to exist. The administration of each canton, 
from the governor to the humblest porter, would be 
exclusively in the hands of natives of the canton. 



The prosperity of the country would be assured by 
the nationalization of heavy industry and the distribu¬ 
tion of the great estates as state fiefs. 

Our programme foresaw the destruction of Prussian 
mili tarism. Under a new Constitution there would be 
either a small professional army or a militia on Swiss 

In the field of foreign politics we naturally demanded 
equality between the nations, and the cessation of the 
ostracism of Germany that still prevailed. We had no 
territorial demands, looking forward at most to the 
holding of honest plebiscites in disputed areas. 

A European federation, based on the same principles 
as those of federal Germany, would lead to a disarmed 
Europe, forming a solid bloc in which each country 
retained its own administration, customs and religion. 
The abolition of tariff walls would create a kind of 
European Autarkie, with Free Trade prevailing 
throughout the Continent. This would be as desirable 
in the economic as in the cultural field. 

The war of 1914 was the result of the progressive 
disintegration of the old economic and cultural 
principles. Reconstruction, to our minds, could only 
be brought about on the basis of a new order which 
would re-establish harmony between capital and 
labour and between the individual and the community. 
The word ‘harmony’ excluded any idea of dictator¬ 
ship. There would be no dictatorship, either of class 
or of race. 

Harmony, too, had to be re-established between men 



and God, between the people and religion; the psycho¬ 
logical problems which since the beginning of the 
century had been created by materialism, the deifica¬ 
tion of technique, had resulted in the profoundest 

In short, harmony in every field was our primary 
and fundamental aim, for harmony permitted unity 
in diversity and was the enemy of standardization. 

I had many times tried to convince Hitler of this, 
but the idea was too foreign to his mentality. To him 
harmony meant uniformity, columns of men and 
women marching in goose-step, giving the. same 
salute and shouting the same words. 

Gregor was not able to bring his adjutant, Heinrich 
Himmler, to Berlin. The latter replaced him at 
Landshut, where my brother returned from time to 
time to maintain contact with his men and to keep an 
eye on his pharmacy. 

For some time Gregor and I had been struck by the 
gifts of a young Rhinelander, Josef Goebbels, secretary 
to the deputy Wiegershaus, a leading member of 
Graefe’s party. With his unpleasant features and his 
club foot, Goebbels’ appearance could certainly not 
be called prepossessing. But he was an extremely 
gifted speaker and had a flair for propaganda. We 
saw him at work and heard his passionate denuncia¬ 
tions of the Nazi Party, and we realized that he would 



make an invaluable ally. Gregor, who had transferred 
the scene of his operations to the Ruhr, where our 
fortnightly was published, entered into negotiations 
with him. To bribe Josef Goebbels was an easy task. 
For two hundred marks a month the young man 
agreed to become editor of the Nationalsozialistische 
Briefe and my brother’s private secretary. 

Goebbels’ aspirations appeared to have been real¬ 
ized beyond his wildest dreams. The unsuccessful 
journalist who had vainly peddled his articles round 
the German Press, the author who had been utterly 
unable to find a publisher, was now about to get his 
own back. Karl Kaufmann, Gauleiter of the Ruhr (now 
Governor of Hamburg), and Erich Koch, chief of the 
Ebersfeld district, where our periodical appeared, 
agreed to his appointment. 

We soon realized that our new acquisition was by 
no means without its disadvantages. Goebbels was 
ambitious, an opportunist and a liar. To hear him, 
one would have supposed he had been a heroic figure 
in the Ruhr struggle, where he gave the impression 
that he had been imprisoned by the French and flogged 
daily in his cell. As we already had some doubts about 
his veracity, I caused inquiries to be made, and 
established the fact that he had never spent a day in 
prison in his life and that his story was a fabrication 
from beginning to end. 

Another of his frauds was to ante-date his Party 
membership card. Gauleiter Kaufmann, when he 
discovered this, set afoot a second inquiry which 



resulted in the utter confusion of the imposter. But 
by this time Josef Goebbels had already betrayed and 
left us. 

Meanwhile he carried on his duties in the National- 
Socialist Party with all the zeal of a neophyte. 

When all was in readiness Gregor called a meeting 
of the regional leaders of Hanover under our joint 
presidency. The Gauleiters of the North answered his 
call; Kaufmann, Rust, now Reich Minister of Educa¬ 
tion; Kerri, present Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs; 
Ley, leader of the Labour Front, and Hildebrandt, the 
present Governor of Mecklenburg. There were about 
twenty-four of us, and our number was completed by 
Gottfried Feder, Hitler’s deputy. 

When the northern leaders learned that Hitler pro¬ 
posed to be represented at Hanover there was great 

‘No spies in our midst!’ exclaimed Goebbels, always 
more royalist than the king. 

The motion that Feder should be admitted to the 
meeting was put to the vote and passed by a bare 

A problem of the greatest importance was raised at 
this conference. 

The whole country was divided on the question of 
the expropriation of the German royal houses. 

The inflation period was fortunately over, and the 
mark had been stabilized, but War Loan subscribers 
could not be repaid and the small rentiers were not 
drawing a farthing. In these circumstances was it not 



immoral to restore to the princes, the men responsible 
for the war and its consequences, their castles, their 
lands and something like a hundred million gold 
marks? The working-class parties and the German 
democrats were violently opposed to the measure, and 
the National-Socialist Party of the North seemed 
equally opposed. In anticipation of this first German 
plebiscite our leaders were anxious to pass a resolution 
on the subject, and Feder’s presence was embarrassing. 
Daily reports from Bavaria told us which way Adolf 
was moving, and we were perfectly well aware that a 
National-Socialist vote in favour of expropriation 
would be at complete variance with his new tactics. 

At Hanover everyone except Dr. Ley voted for it. 
When Feder protested in Hitler’s name Goebbels leapt 
to his feet and made a passionate speech in our 

‘In these circumstances I demand that the petty 
bourgeois Adolf Hitler be expelled from the National- 
Socialist Party,’ he thundered. I may add that he 
was loudly applauded. 

Gregor had to intervene firmly and point out that 
such a decision could only be taken by a general Party 
Congress. In any case it was agreed that the National- 
Socialist Party of the North would vote against the 

‘The National-Socialists are free and democratic ' 
men,’ Rust ardently declared. ‘They have no pope 
who can claim infallibility. Hitler can act as he likes, 
but we shall act according to our conscience.’ 




Similar incidents occurred in the Democratic Party. 
Dr. Schacht, Reichstag deputy and member of the 
Party executive, came out in opposition to the 
majority and in favour of the princes and handed in 
his resignation. This was the first occasion on which 
Hider and Schacht found themselves in agreement, 
and a basis was thus laid for future understandings. 

Moreover the Hanover Congress accepted the 
‘Strasser programme 5 , and resolved to substitute it for 
the Twenty-Five Points of Hitler’s National-Socialist 
Party. It was open dissidence. 

In order to extend our activities we decided to found 
in Berlin the Kampfverlag (Combat Publications) and 
to establish several new journals. I assumed control of 
our publications. In the whole of North Germany only 
Dr. Ley’s paper, and hence his district of Cologne, 
remained pro-Hitler. 

To understand Hitier’s fury it was necessary to have 
followed his recent change of front. Hider had become 
conservative. He needed money for his party, and 
this could only come from the capitalists. The 
expropriation of the princes would obviously alarm 
the big industrialists, the financiers and the landowners, 
who would naturally regard the breaking-up of the 
property of the former reigning houses as the first step 
towards similar measures directed against themselves. 

The reply to the Hanover resolution was not long in 
coming. Adolf, faithful to his tactics of fraud and 
violence, also summoned a regional conference, but 
under peculiar conditions. Knowing that most of us 



were tied down by our jobs, he was careful not to 
choose a Sunday. He summoned to Bamberg not only 
the Southern district leaders but also the sub-leaders, 
in order to amass more votes, and to ensure victory he 
mobilized the S.A. But there is no need to-day to 
explain what Adolf Hitler means by liberty of opinion 
and how he behaves when he pretends to consult his 
associates, his rivals or the voice of the people. His 
methods have scarcely changed, as Europe has since 
learned to its cost. 

Hitler had long since decided to make the position 
of Gauleiter a salaried one, and thus turn the Southern 
leaders, who should have been his collaborators and 
advisers, into nothing more or less than his hired 

Among our number there was hardly anyone who 
had the time or the means to travel to Bamberg. Only 
Gregor, as a Reichstag Deputy, had a free pass on the 
German railways. For support he took with him that 
ardent apostle of our cause, Josef Goebbels. 

This was in February, 1926, about three months 
after our Hanover conference. Adolf made a brilliant 
plea for the princes and the claims of their aristo¬ 
cratic families. Goebbels had had time to make 
contact with the officials of the Bavarian Nazi Party. 
The number of cars at the disposal of Hitler’s associates 
did not fail to impress him, and he compared his own 
modest way of living with the luxury already enjoyed 
by the Streichers, the Essers and the Webers. His choice 
was made even before the meeting started. 



As soon as Hitler had finished, Josef Goebbels, 
spokesman of the National-Socialist Party of the North 
and Gregor Strasser’s private secretary, rose to his 

‘Herr Adolf Hitler is right, 5 he declared (the word 
‘Fiihrer 5 had not yet been introduced into the Nazi 
vocabulary). ‘His arguments are so convincing that 
there is no disgrace in admitting our mistakes and 
rejoining him. 5 

No one in the Party has forgotten Goebbels 5 un¬ 
speakable conduct. Veterans talk of ‘the traitor of 
Bamberg 5 to this day. 

Hitler seemed to have anticipated the little cripple’s 
volte-face, and to have decided that Gregor Strasser, 
separated from his associates, isolated in a hostile 
congress and facing a bitter defeat, would be in no 
position to resist him. 

A battle-royal between Adolf and Gregor inevitably 
ensued next day. So terrific was the debate between 
them that at times Gregor felt it was more like hand- 
to-hand fighting. 

‘I defended our position vigorously, 5 he told me, ‘but 
I could feel that Adolf was gaining ground. He was 
rarely violent, but he called on all the generosity and 
all the arts of seduction of which he is master. Once 
or twice he came close to me, and I thought he was 
going to seize me by the throat, but instead he put 
his arm round my shoulders and talked to me like a 
friend. “Listen, Strasser”, he said, “you really mustn’t 
go on living like a wretched official. Sell your 



pharmacy, draw on the Party funds and set yourself 
up properly as a man of your worth should.” 5 

I listened to Gregor’s story with growing mis¬ 
givings, knowing only too well which way Adolf 
Hitler was going. He was trying to turn Gregor into a 
docile instrument like the rest, a slave of the funds that 
he had amassed. 

The compromise that resulted from this oratorical 
clash between Hitler and Gregor was not entirely 
disastrous to us. We retained our independence, the 
right to run our publishing house and to publish the 
Nationals*) zialistische Briefe. On the other hand we had 
to renounce our programme and adhere once more to 
Hitler’s Twenty-Five Points. 

‘Above all, 5 I counselled Gregor, ‘keep your 
pharmacy and don’t take any of his money.’ 

I was then acting as legal adviser to a big industrial 
concern. By resigning my post I was able to draw a 
handsome bonus, and with this money we founded the 
Kampfverlag and acquired first six and then eight 
periodicals, which we later converted into dailies. 

The struggle was resumed with increased vigour. 
Our ideas were forcefully expounded in the papers 
which I edited, and our democratic organization 
opposed the increasingly capitalist tendencies of the 
National-Socialist Party of the South. Eventually we 
even rivalled them commercially, for between 1926 
and 1930 the Kampfverlag went from strength to 
strength and overshadowed the resourceful Amann’s 
Eher Verlag. 



In 1928, while living with my parents at Dinkels- 
biihl, I made a loyal attempt to call a halt by the 
complete airing of our views. Adolf replied by advo¬ 
cating Machiavellism. 

Meanwhile Hermann Goering had returned from 
his long stay in Italy and Sweden. He began to intrigue 
for a seat in Parliament, and did not hesitate to bring 
the most unscrupulous pressure to bear upon his old 
comrade-in-arms Hitler. 

‘Either I become a deputy,’ he said, ‘or I bring an 
action against the Party for damages and interest for 
the wound I received on November 9.’ 

Did Adolf allow himself to be intimidated? 

I think not. Gregor, more credulous than I, said to 
me one day: 

‘You know Koch has been thrown out? Goering is 
to have the seat. The swine has blackmailed Hitler.’ 

I saw further than Gregor, and could imagine the 
use Hitler could make of Goering, an ex-officer with 
excellent connections among the big industrialists. 
Without him Hitler would undoubtedly have had to 
make do with such second-rate capitalists as had 
already gravitated within his orbit. But through 
Hermann Goering he established contact with the 
celebrated industrialist Thyssen, with Kirdorf, who 
managed the secret funds of heavy industry, and 
eventually with the financial wizard Schacht. Life in 



the grand manner was opening out before Hitler. The 
munitions that he expended upon us were made of 
good, hard cash. 

I went several times to Munich and had many 
interviews with Hitler, but these grew more and more 
stormy as time went on. It was in 1928, at his home, 
that I made the acquaintance of Gely Raubal, but 
this young woman played no part in the rooted 
antagonism between us. 

Meanwhile Himmler, seduced by the prospect of 
commanding the S.S. shock troops, or Black Guards, 
whom Hitler had just founded for his own purposes, 
had ceased working for my brother and had gone over 
to Adolf. 

We fought back as best we could. Our propaganda 
was admirably organized. The speeches of Kaufmann. 
Koch, Stohr, Schopke, Franzen and Groh were warmly 
applauded throughout Northern Germany and 
vigorously reported in our Press. We succeeded in 
winning Saxony, but Thuringia fell to Hitler. Thanks 
to his new and powerful friends, the ban on his making 
public speeches, which had seriously handicapped him, 
was lifted in certain places, notably Bremen, Anhalt 
and Oldenburg. The prospect of a reconciliation 
between the parties of North and South grew 
increasingly remote. 

As a result of the situation in the years 1928 and 
1929, relations between Gregor and myself began to be 
a little strained. When Gregor came to Berlin he 
generally stayed with me, and we would spend the 



night in endless and futile argument. Even poor Else, 
my sister-in-law, in spite of her instinctive mistrust of 
Hitler, dreamed of having a car like the wives of other 
high Party officials in Bavaria. Gregor had more solid 
arguments to justify his obstinacy. 

I reminded him of Hitler’s successive acts of 

‘We no longer talk the same language,’ I said. ‘We 
are socialists, and Hitler has already come to terms 
with the capitalists. We are republicans, and Hitler 
allies himself with the Wittelsbachs and even with the 
Hohenzollems. We are European and liberal; we 
demand our liberty but we also respect the liberty of 
others, while Hitler talks to his confidants of the 
domination of Europe. We are Christians; without 
Christianity Europe is lost. Hitler is an atheist.’ 

Gregor listened to me gravely, his brows contracted 
in a frown. 

‘No!’ he exclaimed. ‘I won’t allow myself to be 
unhorsed. I shall tame him.’ 

Did Gregor really believe he would tame Adolf? 
Was he not bound to him by one of those obstinate 
fidelities that nothing could shake? 

‘You won’t tame him, Gregor. The horse won’t 
unseat you; he’ll drag you with him on his ruinous 
career. You have lost the reins. You must take the 
risk while there’s still time, and abandon your mount. 
Gregor, we must part from him.’ 

But Gregor said no. 




Whether his tactics were Machiavellian or merely 
Hitlerian, the fact remains that Adolf appointed 
Goebbels Gauleiter of Berlin. The result of this brilliant 
stroke was that Gregor’s former private secretary 
assumed a degree of authority over us. He was able to 
obstruct our activities, and the S.A., now financed 
throughout Germany by Hitler, were at his disposal. 

In July, 1927, he founded in Berlin a daily, Der 
Angrijf, designed to compete with our Arbeitsblatt, 
which had been appearing since 1926. Naturally our 
new Gauleiter missed no opportunity of manhandling 
our supporters and having our sellers arrested. He 
even arranged that the times of meetings organized 
under his jurisdiction should be withheld from us, 
with the result that would-be well-informed Party 
members gave up the Arbeitsblatt in favour of the 
Angrijf. Several times Gregor and I wrote to Hitler to 
protest against the abominable conduct of his new 
favourite. But Adolf was an expert at hedging. ‘Your 
paper is certainly the official Party organ in Berlin,’ 
he replied, ‘but I can’t stop Goebbels from running a 
private sheet of his own.’ One might ask how the 
organ of the Gauleiter of the capital could be a private 



As the months passed Goebbels organized a minia 
ture terror, a guerrilla warfare against our supporters 
One after another our associates fell under the ban o 
his displeasure, and stormtroopers disguised as hooli 
gans were set to trail our friends in the street and bea 
them up; he even made several attempts to get hold o 
me, though without success. When we demandec 
daylight on these nocturnal attacks we received th( 
invariable reply: ‘The Communists are after you, 
Get the S.A. to protect you.’ In other words, ‘Admit 
spies to your ranks and we shall leave you in peace’. 

Most of my associates settled in suburbs of Berlin 
belonging to the political district of Brandenburg, 
whose Gauleiter was absolutely pro-Strasser. I had 
to hold the fort in Berlin itself. 

One morning in the spring of 1928 I was at work in 
my enormous study, a thirty-foot long apartment 
where Gregor and I used to work at two desks face-to- 
face. I was alone, examining the layout of our 
periodical, when Hitler burst in unannounced. I did 
not even know he was in Berlin. 

Without a word of greeting he made for Gregor’s 
desk, sat down and announced point-blank: 

‘This can’t go on.’ 

‘What can’t go on, Herr Hitler?’ 

‘Your incessant quarrels with my people. Last year 
it was Streicher, then it was Rosenberg, and now it’s 
Goebbels. I’ve had enough of it.’ 

‘There is no connection between them, Herr Hitler. 
Julius Streicher is a dirty swine. At the Nurnberg 



Congress last year he served me up with Jewish sexual 
crimes as a “delicate aperitif”. I told him I considered 
his paper disgusting and that I liked literature, not 
pornography. In fact we had quite a violent quarrel, 
which, in view of its subject, should neither shock nor 
surprise you.’ 

‘And Rosenberg?’ asked Hitler, discountenanced by 
the word ‘pornography’. ‘What have you got against 

‘His paganism, Herr Hitler.’ 

Adolf rose and began to pace the room. 

‘Rosenberg’s ideology is an integral part of National- 
Socialism’, he solemnly declared. 

‘I thought you had made peace with Rome.’ 

Hitler stopped and looked me in the eyes. 

‘Christianity is, for the moment, one of the points in 
the programme I have laid down. But we must look 
ahead. Rosenberg is a forerunner, a prophet. His 
theories are the expression of the German soul. A 
true German cannot condemn them.’ 

I made no answer, but stared at the man. I was 
genuinely taken aback by his duplicity. 

He made a gesture as though to wipe out what he 
had said. 

‘Let’s get down to brass-tacks. It’s the Goebbels 
business that I’ve come about. I tell you again, it 
can’t go on.’ 

‘Quite so. But you should tell that to Goebbels. 
He came here after I did, and he founded his paper 
after mine. I am within my rights.’ 



Hitler gave a dry little laugh. 

‘It’s not a question of right but of might. What wi] 
you do when ten of Herr Goebbels’ stormtrooper 
attack you in your office?’ 

I slowly took my big revolver from my drawer anc 
placed it beside me. 

e I have eight rounds, Herr Hitler. That will b< 
eight stormtroopers less.’ 

Hitler stiffened. 

‘I know you are mad enough to shoot,’ he barked, 
‘I know that you would not hesitate to defend yourself. 
But nevertheless you can’t kill my stormtroopers.’ 

‘Yours, or Herr Goebbels’?’ If they are yours, I 
advise you not to send them. If they are Herr 
Goebbels’, it’s up to you to stop them from coming. 
As for me, I shall shoot anyone who attacks me. I 
don’t give a damn for their uniform. Brown shirts 
can’t frighten me.’ 

‘Otto,’ said Hitler suddenly, for the first and last 
time calling me by my Christian name, ‘Be reason¬ 
able. Think it over, for your brother’s sake.’ He had 
seized my hands. 

I remained unmoved. The tearful eyes, the tremb¬ 
ling voice, the whole studied performance was wasted 
on me. 

‘You thi n k it over, Herr Hitler. I’ll do the same.’ 

By the time he left I had decided to fight his 
hypocrisy openly; in short, either to beat him or to 
break with him. 

The process was a lengthy one. I was so deeply 



attached to Gregor that the prospect of breaking with 
him too held me back more than once. 

At first I followed my brother’s advice, and, like my 
friends, took up my residence at Lenitz, a Berlin 
suburb belonging to the district of Brandenburg, and 
transferred the press there. The Arbeitsblatt remained 
the official journal of the North. My contributors, 
with my approval, discussed, criticized, and con¬ 
demned without reservation the conduct of certain 
regional leaders of the South. Count Reventlow was 
among my most ardent followers. 

Amann, director of our rival publications, 
systematically incited the Fiihrer against us. I did not 
complain. Sooner or later the ulcer would have to 
be opened. 

In 1929, when I was summoned to Munich, Hitler, 
prior to informing me that ‘he could not be wrong, 
for what he did was historical 5 , offered to buy my 
Kampfverlag. I refused point-blank. I was determined 
to remain in the Party only for so long as I could 
honestly fight for what I considered right. Deprived of 
the direction of the Press, I should become, like so 
many others, a hireling of the man whom the syco¬ 
phants of the South had started calling the Fuhrer. 

In 193° the tension had reached breaking-point. 
In April the trade unions of Saxony declared an 
industrial strike. I decided to support it with the full 
weight of the National-Socialist Party of the North, 
and to put my papers at the disposal of the cause. The 
Sachsischer Beobackter, one of my journals, was heart and 



soul behind the strikers. It is easy to imagine the fury 
of the pundits of industry with whom Hitler had 
recently come to terms. For some time the S.A. had 
only been financed thanks to the donations of Thyssen 
and his fellows; the Reichswehr had resolutely turned 
its back upon them, and now reserved its favours for 
the extreme Right formation of the Stahlhelm. 

Without his new friends Hitier could count himself 
lost, and he received from the Federation of 
Industrialists of Saxony an ultimatum couched in 
rather abrupt terms: 

‘Unless the strike order is condemned and opposed 
by the National-Socialist Party and its papers, notably 
the Sachsiscker Beobachter, the entire Reich Federation 
of Industrialists will cease its payments to the Party.’ 

Such an insult to the Party could not remain secret. 
We knew the contents of this shameful ultimatum, 
we knew that Hitler was sold to the capitalists, and we 
realized that there was nothing more to hope from him; 
for he accepted the ultimatum. 

A resolution of the Reich Party Executive forbade 
any member of the National-Socialist Party to take 
part in the strike. It was signed by Adolf Hitler 

The cowardly Mutschmann, Gauleiter of Saxony, 
managed to have the decision carried by a bare 
majority, and Saxony had to be written off as a gain 
to Hitler. I and a few friends, disgusted by the 
cowardice of some and the treachery of others, refused 
to submit. We continued to support the strikers in our 



papers, and we attacked Hitler’s conduct and 
associates with a hitherto undreamed-of violence. 

Among the methods favoured by Hitler the element 
of surprise plays an important part. 

At a quarter to one on May 21, 1930, just as I was 
leaving for my office in Oranienburg, I was called to 
the telephone. 

‘Hullo! Rudolph Hess speaking. Herr Hitler asks 
you to be good enough to come at once to the Hotel 
Sansouci for an urgent discussion.’ 

Adolf’s visit to Berlin had been kept secret. This 
time he did not come and surprise me in my office. 
He summoned me to an interview which I knew to be 

The sooner the better, I thought, and answered the 
summons without delay. 

Adolf received me in the lounge of the hotel. We 
were alone. He offered me a chair and took a seat 
facing me. 

‘Have you thought over my proposition of last 
year?’ he asked. ‘Amann has given me a very en¬ 
thusiastic report on your publishing house. I’m ready 
to buy it from you. You, Gregor and Hinkel will 
receive sixty thousand marks each, and you and 
Hinkel will be made deputies.’ 

‘That is hardly the question, Herr Hitler. My 
refusal at Munich still holds good.’ 

Hitler immediately began to deluge me with abuse. 

‘The tone of your papers is a public disgrace. Your 
articles infringe the elementary laws of discipline. 



They are an insult to the Party programme. My 
patience is exhausted. The Kampfverlag will go into 
voluntary liquidation. If you refuse your consent I 
shall proceed against you with all the means in my 

I stood up. 

T thought, Herr Hitler, that you had sent for me 
for an interview that might clarify the situation. I am 
quite prepared to talk things over, but I refuse to 
accept an ultimatum.’ 

‘Naturally I should like to come to some arrange¬ 
ment,’ said Hitler, a little more mildly. ‘I don’t want 
the Party to lose a man of your worth. That’s why I 
asked you to come here. You are young, you are an 
ex-soldier, you are one of us veteran National- 
Socialists, and it seems to me you should still be capable 
of learning and understanding. I can’t say as much for 
Reventlow. He’s an old man, and a journalist into the 
bargain, incapable of changing his ingrained ideas. 
He’s a hopeless case; but you .. .’ 

Hitler was adopting his classic manoeuvre of 
isolating his opponent. 

‘Your complaints are rather vague, Herr Hitler. 
I can only say that the articles of the last few weeks 
were written by members of the official National- 
Socialist Press, and that every one of them had my 
entire approval. I may say that I am delighted at 
having the opportunity of explaining my position to 
you. 5 

The conversation that ensued lasted exactly seven 



hours; we had to break off and resume next day. 
I dictated a record of this final duel immediately 
afterwards and gave it to my friends. The reproduc¬ 
tion of my notes in their entirety would be outside the 
scope of this book and would lead me down the tedious 
by-ways of German domestic politics. I shall only 
attempt to reproduce here the essential parts of our 
conversation, those which cast some light on the m an 
whom I was challenging and throw into relief the 
fundamental cause of our rupture. 

Hitler, as usual, paced up and down the room. 

‘The article in the Nationalsozialistische Briefe is a 
stab in the back of our National-Socialist Prime 
Minister, Dr. Frick,’ he said. ‘As for Schulze-Naum- 
burg, he is an artist of the first rank. Everyone who 
knows anything about art realizes that he is the man 
above all others to teach true German art. But you 
join with the Jewish Press in sabotaging the decisions 
of the National-Socialist Minister on this question.’ 

‘The Nationalsozialistische Briefe merely stands up for 
the young Party artists of the Wendland group. We 
want to save these young men from being left out in 
the cold for the benefit of hoary prophets.’ 

Schulze-Naumberg was a bearded fanatic, one of 
those massive and prehistoric Teutons in whom Hitler 
doubtless saw the incarnation of the soul of our people. 

‘You haven’t the slightest idea of what art is, Herr 
Strasser. The old art, the new art simply don’t exist. 
There is only one kind of art, and that is Greco- 
Nordic. There can be no such thing as a revolution 
h 113 


in art. There’s no such thing as Italian, Dutch or 
German art, and to talk of Gothic art would be mad¬ 
ness. Anything worthy of the name of art can only be 

I replied that, without professing to be an expert on 
such matters, I considered art to be the expression of the 
soul of a people and believed it underwent diverse 
influences. I drew his attention to the art of the 
Chinese and the Egyptians. 

‘You are talking stale liberalism,’ said Hitler. ‘I 
repeat, there is no such art. Neither the Chinese nor 
the Egyptians were homogeneous peoples. Their 
bodies were those of inferior races; it was the Nordic 
head on them that was responsible for all their master¬ 

I was burning to bring the conversation back to the 
political questions that preoccupied me. When I 
made no reply to his strange art theories, Adolf went 
on, as I hoped he would, to talk of Blank’s article on 
‘Loyalty and Disloyalty’. 

‘How do you justify Blank’s theories?’ he demanded. 
‘His conception of loyalty, the distinction he makes 
between the Leader and the Idea, are incitements to 
Party members to rebel.’ 

‘No,’ I said, ‘it is not a question of diminishing the 
Leader’s prestige. But for the free and protestant 
German the service of the Idea first and foremost is an 
ingrained necessity. The Idea is divine in origin, while 
men are only its vehicles, the body in which the Word 
is made flesh. The Leader is made to serve the Idea, 



and it is to the Idea alone that we owe absolute 
allegiance. The Leader is human, and it is human to 

‘You are talking monumental idiocy. You wish to 
give Party members the right to decide whether or not 
the Fuhrer has remained faithful to the so-called Idea. 
It’s the lowest kind of democracy, and we want 
nothing to do with it! For us the Idea is the Fuhrer, 
and each Party member has only to obey the Fuhrer.’ 

‘No,’ I replied. ‘What you say is all very well for 
the Roman Church, from which, incidentally, Italian 
Fascism took its inspiration. But I maintain that for 
Germany the Idea is the decisive thing, and that the 
individual conscience should be called upon to decide 
if there is any divergence between the Idea and the 

‘On that point we disagree,’ barked Hitler. He sat 
down and began rubbing his knees with a circular 
motion that grew quicker and quicker. ‘What you 
say would lead to the dissolution of our organization, 
which is based on discipline. I have no intention of 
allowing our organization to be disrupted by a crazy 
scribbler. You have been an officer, and you see that 
your brother accepts my discipline, even if he doesn’t 
always see eye-to-eye with me. Take a lesson from 
him; he’s a fine man.’ 

He seized my hands, as he had done two years before. 
His voice was choked with sobs, and tears flowed 
down his cheeks. 

‘Discipline, Herr Hitler, is only an aid to the crea- 



tion of unity in an already existing group. It cannot 
create that group. Don’t allow yourself to be misled 
by the adulation and flattery of the base creatures that 
surround you.’ 

‘I forbid you to insult my associates!’ 

‘After all, Herr Hitler, we are talking as man to 
man. We’re not at a public meeting. How many men 
are there among your immediate associates who are 
capable of independent judgment? They haven’t the 
intelligence, let alone the character. Even my 
brother would be less docile if his office did not make 
him financially dependent upon you.’ 

‘For the sake of your brother,’ said Hitler, his eyes 
still moist, ‘I once more offer you my hand. I have 
several times offered you interesting jobs in the Party. 
You can become my Press Chief for the whole Reich, 
any time you like. Come to Munich and work under 
my direction. I have a very high opinion of your 
talents and intelligence; put them in the service of the 
National-Socialist movement.’ 

‘I could only accept, Herr Hitler, if we could find a 
basis of agreement for our divergent political views. 
If the understanding were only superficial, later on 
you would feel that I had deceived you, and I should 
always have the feeling that you had deceived me. 
If you like, I am willing to spend a month at Munich 
to discuss socialism and foreign policy with you and 
Rosenberg, whose rivalry is very obvious to me.’ 

‘No,’ said Hitler abruptly, ‘it is too late. I must 
have a decision at once. If you don’t accept I shall 



begin to act on Monday. These are the measures I 
have decided on. The Kampfverlag will be declared 
an enterprise harmful to the National-Socialist Party; 
I shall forbid any Party member to have anything 
whatever to do with your papers, and I shall expel you 
from the Party, and your supporters with you.’ 

I made a superhuman effort to control myself. I 
was thinking, as a matter of fact, of Gregor, whom a 
final rupture with Adolf would separate from me. 

‘All that is very simple for you, Herr Hitler, but it 
only serves to emphasize the profound difference in 
our revolutionary and socialist ideas. The reasons you 
give for destroying the Kampfverlag I take to be only 
pretexts. The real reason is that you want to strangle 
the social revolution for the sake of legality and your 
new collaboration with the bourgeois parties of the 

At this Hitler grew violent. 

‘I am a socialist, and a very different kind of 
socialist from your rich friend Reventlow. I was once 
an ordinary working-man. I would not allow my 
chauffeur to eat'worse than I eat myself. But your kind 
of socialism is nothing but Marxism. The mass of the 
working classes want nothing but bread and games. 
They will never understand the meaning of an ideal, 
and we cannot hope to win them over to one. What 
we have to do is to select from a new master-class men 
who will not allow themselves to be guided, like you, 
by the morality of pity. Those who rule must know 
that they have the right to rule because they belong to 



a superior race. They must maintain that right and 
ruthlessly consolidate it.’ 

I was dumbfounded at these words, and told Hitler 
so openly. 

‘Your racial ideas,’ I added, ‘which you owe to Herr 
Rosenberg, are not only a flagrant contradiction of the 
great mission of National-Socialism, which should be 
the creation of a German nation; they are calculated to 
bring about the disintegration of the German people. 5 

Hitler continued as though he were addressing a 
public meeting. 

‘What you preach is liberalism, nothing but 
liberalism. There is only one possible kind of revolu¬ 
tion, and it is not economic, or political, or social, but 
racial, and it will always be the same; the struggle of 
inferior classes and inferior races against the superior 
races who are in the saddle. On the day the superior 
race forgets this law, it is lost. All revolutions — and I 
have studied them carefully — have been racial. When 
you read Rosenberg’s new book 1 you will understand 
these things, for it is the most powerful book of its 
kind, greater even than Houston Chamberlain’s 
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century. Your ideas of 
foreign policy are false because you have no racial 
knowledge. Didn’t you declare openly for the Indian 
independence movement when it was obviously a 
rebellion of the inferior Hindu race against the valorous 
Anglo-Nordic? The Nordic race has the right to 
dominate the world, and that right will be the guiding 

1 The Myth of the Twentieth Century. 



principle of our foreign policy. That is why any 
alliance with Russia, a Slav-Tatar body surmounted 
by a Jewish head, is out of the question. I knew those 
Slavs in my own country! When a German head 
dominated them Germany could make common cause 
with them, as it did in Bismarck’s time. To-day it 
would be a crime.’ 

‘But, Herr Hitler, such ideas can never be the basis 
of a foreign policy. For me the only problem that 
counts is whether the political constellation is favour¬ 
able or unfavourable to Germany. We cannot let 
ourselves be guided by considerations of sympathy or 
antipathy. One of the principal aims of German 
foreign policy will have to be, as I have told you 
before, the abolition of the Treaty of Versailles. 
Stalin, Mussolini, MacDonald, Poincare, what does it 
matter? A good German politician must put the good 
of Germany first.’ 

‘Certainly,’ Hitler agreed, ‘the good of Germany 
must come first. That is why an understanding with 
England is indispensable. We must establish Germano- 
Nordic domination over Europe, and then, with the 
cooperation of America, over the world ... The land 
for us, the seas for England ...’ 

We had not yet reached the crucial point of our 
discussion. I took out my watch; it was ten past four. 
Hitler, suddenly exhausted, had flung himself into a 
chair, panting like a spent runner. 

‘Couldn’t we continue our conversation to-morrow 
morning?’ I asked. ‘Foreign policy is still only a 



theoretical matter for us, there are no decisions to be 
made yet. The formula of the good of Germany, upon 
which we are agreed, is enough for the moment. 
Cultural problems are of only secondary importance 
to me. The burning question is that of the economic 
and social order. I am not satisfied that the policy of 
the Party is sound on this question, and I have some 
grave criticisms to make.’ 

Hitler held out his hand. For the third time his 
eyes filled with tears. 

‘To-morrow, at ten o’clock.’ 

The same evening I described this conversation to 
my friends, Richard Schapke, Gunther Kiibler, 
Herbert Blank and Paul Brinkmann, and they asked 
me to transcribe it for their use. 

I sat up all night, making notes and preparing the 
chief questions which I proposed putting to Hitler 
next day. 

Before leaving the house next morning I had a short 
talk with Gregor which served to establish his attitude. 

Adolf Hitler was just finishing breakfast when I 
entered the dining-room of his hotel. He rose and 
asked me to follow him. 

In the reading-room four men awaited us; Rudolf 
Hess, Amann, director of the Volkischer Beobachter, our 
colleague Hans Hinkel, and my brother Gregor. 

‘Herr Hitler, I expected to continue our conversa¬ 
tion tete-a-tete,’ I objected when I saw them. It seemed 
to me that if I were alone with my adversary I could 
more easily penetrate to his real intentions. 



‘These gentlemen/ he replied, ‘will be very 
interested to hear your arguments, and mine. 9 

After all, it was not a bad idea to speak in front of 
witnesses. But the precariousness of my position was 
clear to me; these men were won to Hitler in advance. 

Adolf invited me to speak. 

‘This is the question that I propose to put to you, 
Herr Hitler. Are you convinced, as I am, that our 
revolution must be a total one in the political, 
economic and social spheres? Do you envisage a 
revolution which opposes Marxism as energetically as 
capitalism? Do you consequently admit that our 
propaganda should attack both equally in order to 
obtain German socialism?’ 

Then I laid before him the points of the Strasser 
programme, as it had been drawn up at Hanover, and 
our ideas on the nationalization of industry. 

‘It’s Marxism! 9 cried Hider. ‘In fact it’s Bolshevism! 
Democracy has laid the world in ruins, and never¬ 
theless you want to extend it to the economic sphere. 
It would be the end of German economy. You would 
wipe out all human progress, which has only been 
achieved by the individual efforts of great scholars and 
great inventors. 9 

‘I don’t believe in the progress of humanity, Herr 
Hider. Men have not changed in the last thousand 
years. Their physique may have altered, and their 
conditions of life, but nothing more. Do you think 
that Goethe would have been happier if he had been 
able to ride in a motor car or Napoleon if he had been 



able to broadcast? The stages of human evolution 
resemble those in the life of a man. A man of thirty 
thinks he has progressed since he was twenty; a man of 
forty may still nourish a similar illusion. But a man of 
fifty rarely talks of progress, and at sixty he has com¬ 
pletely given it up.’ 

‘Theory, pure theory,’ Hitler replied. ‘Humanity 
does progress, and progress is the result of the actions 
of great men.’ 

‘But the r 61 e of these great men, these leaders, Herr 
Hitler, is not what you think. Men do not create or 
invent the great epochs of history; on the contrary they 
are the emissaries, the instruments of destiny.’ 

Adolf Hitler stiffened. 

‘Do you deny that I am the creator of National- 

‘I have no choice but to do so. National-Socialism 
is an idea bom of the times in which we live. It is alive 
in the hearts of millions of men, and it is incarnated in 
you. The simultaneity with which it arose in so many 
minds proves its historical necessity, and proves, too, 
that the age of capitalism is over.’ 

At this Hitler launched into a long tirade in which 
he tried to prove to me that capitalism did not exist, 
that the idea of Autarkic was nothing but madness, that 
the European Nordic race must organize world com¬ 
merce on a barter basis, and finally that nationaliza¬ 
tion, or socialization, as I understood it, was nothing 
but dilettantism, not to say Bolshevism. 

Let us note that the socialization or nationalization 



of property was the thirteenth point of Hitler’s official 

‘Let us assume, Herr Hitler, that you came into 
power to-morrow. What would you do about 
Krupp’s? Would you leave it alone or not?’ 

‘Of course I should leave it alone,’ cried Hitler. ‘Do 
you think me crazy enough to want to ruin Germany’s 
great industry?’ 

‘If you wish to preserve the capitalist regime, Herr 
Hitler, you have no right to talk of socialism. For our 
supporters are socialists, and your programme de¬ 
mands the socialization of private enterprise.’ 

‘That word “socialism” is the trouble,’ said Hitler. 
He shrugged his shoulders, appeared to reflect for a 
moment and then went on: 

‘I have never said that all enterprises should be 
socialized. On the contrary, I have maintained that 
we might socialize enterprises prejudicial to the 
interests of the nation. Unless they were so guilty, I 
should consider it a crime to destroy essential elements 
in our economic life. Take Italian Fascism. Our 
National-Socialist state, like the Fascist state, will safe¬ 
guard both employers’ and workers’ interests while 
reserving the right of arbitration in case of dispute.’ 

‘But under Fascism the problem of labour and capital 
remains unsolved. It has not even been tackled. It 
has merely been temporarily stifled. Capitalism has 
remained intact, just as you yourself propose to leave 
it intact.’ 

‘Herr Strasser,’ said Hitler, exasperated by my 



answers, ‘there is only one economic system, and that 
is responsibility and authority on the part of directors 
and executives. I ask Herr Amann to be responsible 
to me for the work of his subordinates and to exercise 
his authority over them. Herr Amann asks his office 
manager to be responsible for his typists and to exer¬ 
cise his authority over them; and so on to the lowest 
rung of the ladder. That is how it has been for 
thousands of years, and that is how it will always be.’ 

‘Yes, Herr Hider, the administrative structure will 
be the same whether the state is capitalist or socialist. 
But the spirit of labour depends on the regime under 
which it lives. If it was possible a few years ago for a 
handful of men not appreciably different from the 
average to throw a quarter of a million Ruhr workers 
on the streets, if this act was legal and in conformity 
with the morality of our economic system, then the 
system is criminal, not the men.’ 

‘But that,’ Hider replied, looking at his watch and 
showing signs of acute impatience, ‘that is no reason 
for granting the workers a share in the profits of the 
enterprises that employ them, and more particularly 
for giving them the right to be consulted. A strong 
State will see that production is carried on in the 
national interests, and, if these interests are contra¬ 
vened, can proceed to expropriate the enterprise con¬ 
cerned and take over its administration.’ 

_ ‘As I see it, that would change nothing, Herr Hider. 
Since you are prepared, if need be, to expropriate 
private wealth, why make use of local authorities and 



leave the responsibility to their judgment? Why risk 
arbitrary action on the part of men who may be mis¬ 
informed? Why trust dubious informers rather than 
set up the right of intervention as an integral part of 
our economic life?’ 

‘That,’ said Hitler with a hypocritical sigh, ‘is where 
we differ. Profit-sharing and the workers’ right to be 
consulted are Marxist principles. I consider that the 
right to exercise influence on private enterprise should 
be conceded only to the State, directed by the superior 

It was half past one. Two men, Stohr and Buch, 
apparently sent for by Hitler, entered at this moment. 
Adolf excused himself and then, without another word, 
conducted them to his room. Rudolf Hess followed 

There were no raised voices that day, and no violent 
quarrel. But the situation was clear, and I expected 
Hider to carry out his threats the same evening, or at 
latest next morning. However, he did nothing of the 

The task of settling the matter, in a fashion at once 
cowardly and cunning, was once more left to Goebbels. 

From the beginning of June onwards my occasional 
contributors started being expelled from the Party. 
Hitler was not yet powerful enough to ban our papers 
or to persecute me openly, though I had reckoned 



on an open letter breaking with me, or something of 
the sort. 

When it came to Schapke’s turn to be expelled for 
writing a violent article attacking Hitler’s methods, I 
declared my solidarity with him and called upon 
Goebbels to convene a conference of Berlin Party 

To my great surprise, Goebbels did so. But when, 
on the evening of July 2, I presented myself at the 
entrance of the building where the meeting was in pro¬ 
gress, an S.S. officer, with five men at his heels, in¬ 
formed me that, as I did not reside in the Berlin district, 
I could not enter the hall. Strictly he was within his 
rights, for meetings of this kind were limited to men 
of the same political district. I insisted, however, 
since the meeting had been called at my instigation. 
The officer remained adamant. 

Meanwhile the meeting had begun. The building 
was surrounded by Black Guards. 

Goebbels, at the top of his form, attempted to justify 
Schapke’s expulsion. When he had finished Major 
Buchrucker, my best friend, rose and demanded the 
right to speak. 

T regret that I cannot permit it, since a Party 
inquiry has been set on foot against you.’ 

‘Against me?’ cried Buchrucker. ‘I know nothing 
about it!’ 

‘You will receive notification by the evening post.’ 

The comedy was repeated when Herbert Blank rose 
to speak. One hundred and seventy of the thousand 



Party members present immediately rose and left the 
hall in protest. 

Meanwhile I had been waiting in the street, and my 
friends had kept me informed of what had been 
happening inside. We went at once to Blank’s home, 
and to Buchrucker’s. No notification of any kind had 

That night I saw my brother. 

‘Gregor, since Hitler does not dare to break openly 
with me, I shall break with him. To-morrow I leave 
the Party.’ 

‘Very well,’ said Gregor. ‘I must stay.’ 

We said good-bye. 

On July 3 I sent Hitler the following ultimatum: 

‘Herr Goebbels has expelled certain of my colleagues 
from the Party; at yesterday’s meeting, on the flimsiest 
of pretexts, he deprived others of their right to speak. 
If these measures are not revoked within the next 
twenty-four hours I shall consider myself and my 
friends to have broken with the Party.’ 

The telegram remained unanswered. 

On July 4, 1930, I had ceased to belong to the 
National-Socialist Party of Germany. 




On July 4, then, I once more became a free man. I 
brought out my papers as usual, the front page carry¬ 
ing the banner headline: ‘Socialists Leave the Nazi 
Party’. I published my last interview with Hitler 
almost verbatim, under the sensational heading, ‘A 
Ministerial Portfolio or the Revolution?’ 

Naturally all the German newspapers, with the ex¬ 
ception of Herr Hitler’s, took up the theme and em¬ 
broidered it with infinite variations. The rupture was 
complete. It remained for me now to call die roll of 
my supporters and to organize my offensive. 

An appeal was launched, and my papers announced 
the immediate formation of a ‘fighting union of revolu¬ 
tionary National-Socialists’. Hitler and Goebbels 
replied with a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign. 
The S.A. and S.S. district leaders announced that any 
Nazi who associated with me or read any of my papers 
would be immediately expelled from the Party. Hitler’s 
Volkischer Beobachter and Goebbels’ Angriff outbid each 
other in slander and abuse. Hitler himself took up his 
pen to declare me an obscure and rootless scribbler 
and a parlour Bolshevik, and Goebbels asserted that I 
was in the pay of Moscow. 

I remembered that on leaving the army I had asked 



my commanding officer, now Herr Haushofer, the 
famous professor of ‘geopolitics 5 , to give me a military 
testimonial. I was anxious to have this because, as a 
consequence of the 1918 revolution, I had never re¬ 
ceived either the Order of Max-Joseph or the Order 
Pour le Merite, for both of which I had been recom¬ 
mended. The testimonial mentioned all my decora¬ 
tions, including the Bavarian Medal of Merit, the 
Iron Cross of the first and second class, my wound 
stripes, my mentions in despatches. It also mentioned 
all the engagements in which I took part, and con¬ 
cluded with a personal appreciation by my command¬ 
ing officer which stated: ‘Strasser is a man who stands 
up for what he considers right with his whole soul and 
with unshakeable courage. 5 

I replied to my opponents’ campaign of slander by 
publishing this document. 

This first round was fought out without any hint as 
to the future. The situation was clarified on the even¬ 
ing of July 10, when I was returning to the station 
through the streets of Brandenburg, just outside 
Berlin, with my friend Brehm, a disabled ex-soldier. 
This was the night after the first meeting of the Black 

We were suddenly attacked by a number of men 
dressed as hooligans, and I was half-blinded by a 
handful of pepper which was thrown in my face. I 
wasted no time but leapt into the road and gained the 
opposite pavement. My attackers’ aim was poor, for 
I was left with one eye open. I saw my friend stretched 

1 129 


in the middle of the roadway, and our assailants were 
preparing to make a rush at me. I drew my revolver 
and shouted: ‘The first man who moves is dead!’ I 
then advanced towards my injured friend, helped him 
up and backed again towards the pavement, holding 
him up with one hand and keeping our assailants 
covered with my revolver. They were armed only with 
knives and bludgeons. 

Brehm was bleeding copiously and, with his wooden 
leg, it was not easy for us to get along. We resumed 
our way to the station as best we could, and I repeated 
my warning to the hooligans at the top of my voice. 
Passers-by disappeared as if by magic. Political 
brawls were common at that time, and nobody wanted 
to be mixed up in them. 

T know them all. They’re S.A. men,’ Brehm, who 
was a high official in that political district, whispered 
in my ear. 

T thought so,’ I replied. 

Protected by my faithful Browning, we managed to 
reach the station, where my friend’s injuries were 
attended to. Next day we brought a charge against 
our assailants, who were sentenced to two years’ 

As the barrage of abuse hurled at me by the whole 
of his propaganda machine proved insufficient, Hitler 
resolved to ruin me. This was a task that presented no 
difficulties. All he had to do was to confiscate the 
shares which my brother and Hinkel held in the 
Kampfverlag, and inform me through his lawyer that 


THROUGH treason to power 

the firm would be closed down, the presses seized and 
the work discontinued. 

I thus found myself without resources on the thres¬ 
hold of a new life and confronted with a colossal task. 

My departure, and the reasons for it, caused great 
excitement in the Party. The results, however, were 
not very tangible. Gregor’s decision to remain in the 
Party enabled the great majority of Strasserites to 
decide that they could do the same without betraying 
the cause. Hitler was in the ascendant. He had money 
behind him, and the S.A., disciplined like a proper 
army, had no political convictions; a uniform and 
implicit obedience were good enough for them. 

The Party men who followed me into the wilderness 
were idealists, and their number was necessarily very 
limited. But new recruits, members of the non-Nazi 
paramilitary organizations of the Right, poured in 
upon me from the first. Such were the Stahlhelm, the 
Wehrwolf and the Jung Deutsche Orden. 

These no longer consisted only of ex-soldiers. A new 
generation had grown up in search of a political ideal. 
The Weimar Republic was repugnant to these young 
people, and they had not yet been corrupted by 
Hitler. The news of my break with him gave them 
new hope. 

Then there was the Peasants’ Revolutionary Move¬ 
ment, whose leader, Claus Hein, came from Schleswig- 
Holstein. They were formidable country people, 
handy with a bomb and noted for their intrepidity. 
Their leader in Silesia was my friend Schapke. 



I was thus able to count on a nucleus of faithful 
followers. My ambition, however, was not to terrorize 
the country or use the methods for which I condemned 
the Nazis. Obviously I had to be prepared to meet 
their attacks, but my primary object was to re-educate 
the socialists of Germany and make my programme 
and my ideas known. 

At this time one of the most interesting groups, the 
Tatkreis (‘Action Group’), sought contact with me. 
This was an association of intellectuals whose monthly, 
Die Tat, had a big circulation in military circles. Its 
leader, Dr. Zehrer, was assisted by a very eminent 
man, Ferdinand Fried, who is now the valuable and 
only aide of the Minister Herr Darre. Fried had 
just published a sensational book, The Twilight of 

These various elements soon constituted the Black 
Front, an invisible but ever-present force which Hitler 
and his accomplices still had cause to fear even after 
its leader had left Germany to live in exile. 

The organization of such a secret society was 
attended by a host of problems. We were devoid of 
funds, and could not count on subscriptions from any 
of our adherents. Each remained in his own organiza¬ 
tion, and was bound to us by sympathy alone. It was 
a kind of freemasonry, with ramifications in every 
class, caste and party of the German people. The 
central organization, of which I was the head, con¬ 
sisted of trusted friends who had broken with the Nazi 
Party and belonged officially to the Black Front. The 



others were lost in anonymity. Hence the name Black 
Front, for black suggests invisibility and intangibility 
to the German mind. 

The Black Front was to be ‘the school of officers and 
non-commissioned officers of the German Revolution’. 
The emblem of official members was a tiepin embody¬ 
ing a hammer and a sword. For ‘Heil Hitler /’ we sub¬ 
stituted ‘Heil DeutschlandT 

The periodical Die Tat was inadequate for our needs. 
We needed at least a weekly, and we issued the first 
number without knowing if we would have enough 
money to pay for the second. Our boldness, however, 
succeeded beyond expectations. Not only did we 
never run into debt, but our organ, which we first 
called The German Revolution and then simply The 
Black Front, soon had a considerable circulation. We 
used it to expound the principles of the regeneration 
of Germany, and regaled our readers with interesting 
sidelights on Hitler’s party. In 1931 and 1932 we 
founded three weeklies one after another, in Berlin, 
Breslau and Munich itself. 

I came into contact only with the leaders of the 
various organizations in sympathy with us. To them 
I distributed leaflets and pamphlets, in fact all the 
literature from which they could imbibe the first 
principles of the national regeneration at which I 

We held our Black Front meetings secretly on the 
premises of the Tatkreis. The organization of intel¬ 
lectuals developed from month to month. Members 



were carefully handpicked by our local leaders. Most 
officers and non-commissioned officers now read Die 
Tat , the circulation of which increased tenfold. At the 
‘Ring’, as our secret meetings were called, officers 
rubbed shoulders with trade unionists and ardent 
young intellectuals. There were various degrees of 
membership of the Black Front, as there are in masonic 
lodges. There were naturally ‘Rings’ in all big garrison 
towns and all industrial centres. 

Hitler, relieved of the millstone represented by the 
real revolutionaries among his followers, sailed full 
steam ahead towards the reactionary forces of the old 
regime. Nothing was left to stop him from contracting 
a close alliance with capitalism and heavy industry. 
From his partnership with the rich and influential he 
looked forward to securing the right of addressing 
public meetings in Berlin, and eventually, of course, 
to the conquest of North Germany. He also had one 
eye on the possibility of ousting Gregor, and he was 
planning an expansion of the S.A., upon whose brute 
force his authority in part relied. Thyssen was a 
harbinger, the first swallow announcing the spring. 
The prizes that he was really after were Hugenberg 
and Schacht. 

Hugenberg is a curious character, a typical Prussian 
of the old school, heavy, intelligent, brutal, but more 
or less honest. He was the leader of the Pan-Germans, 



the party fancied by the industrialists. Prussia had 
always been its nerve-centre. There is, by the way, a 
sensible difference between the Pan-Germans and the 
Greater Germans which often causes confusion abroad. 
The former aspire to German world domination, while 
the latter aimed at a reunion of the German states, 
possibly under some sort of federal regime, without 
having any imperialist ambitions. 

Hugenberg was the one man in Germany who had 
recognized the vital importance of propaganda. 
During the war of 1914 he had operated the greatest 
propaganda machine in the world. The Scherl concern, 
which printed most of the journals of the Right, the 
official news agency, Telegraphen Union Internation¬ 
ale, and the Ufa company were his private property. 

Winning Hugenberg would mean multiplying a 
thousandfold the range of the Nazi Party’s propa¬ 
ganda, while Hugenberg for his part was seeking a 
contact with the German people in order to extend his 
personal influence. One man had his confidence, 
Councillor Bang of Dresden, one of the industrial 
leaders who had issued the ultimatum to Hitler. T his 
man was also in contact with the Fiihrer. The Coun¬ 
cillor adroitly brought the two together. 

Schacht and Hitler were brought together in similar 
fashion. Dr. Schacht had recently left the Democratic 
Party because of his opposition to the expropriation of 
the princes, and, unknown to the Party, a meeting 
between him and Hitler took place a little later. The 
diary of the first Frau Goering contains the statement: 

r 35 


‘Hermann and I are expecting Hjalmar Schacht and 
Adolf Hitler to visit us to-day.’ We later learned that 
Schacht made his co-operation with Hitler dependent 
upon the latter’s sacrificing the Strasser brothers. 

The road was thus cleared, or very nearly cleared. 
As a result of his refusal to accept the Young Plan, 
Schacht had lost his position as President of the Reichs- 
bank. He was inordinately ambitious, and had visions 
of becoming Chancellor, or at least Minister of 
National Economy, in a government of the Right. 
Hjalmar Schacht vies with Franz von Papen for the 
title of most shameless opportunist in Germany. 

The Hitler-Hugenberg-Schacht alliance was quickly 
cemented, and its results were soon apparent. In a few 
months the National-Socialist Party, which had fared 
disastrously at the last elections, obtained thousands of 
new votes. Its propaganda increased in efficiency as 
its programme increased in prudence. Even the most 
timorous dared support a movement on which Hugen- 
berg and Schacht had set the seal of their approval. 
Roused by a skilfully conducted campaign, even the 
indifferent and apathetic went to the poll. The 
elections of September, 1930, were like a general 
mobilization, and Hitler’s party won one hundred and 
seven seats in place of fourteen. 

The impatient Adolf saw, or thought he saw, power 
almost within his grasp when a serious rebellion broke 
out among his followers. 

The Black Front had made it its business to expose 
fully the underhand manoeuvres of the Nazi leader, 



and had duly denounced his venality. The blow struck 
home. The paramilitary organization of the Berlin 
S.A., enlightened by the pamphlets distributed by 
Black Front agents, were indignant at the revelations of 
Party intrigues, and a revolt against Hitler was planned 
by Captain Stennes. 

On Good Friday, 1931, the Berlin S.A., in full uni¬ 
form, with Stennes at their head, seized the building 
in which Goebbels lived and the Angriff was printed. 
Goebbels, who had fled, had no alternative but to call 
for help upon the deputy police-chief of Berlin, who 
was a Jew named Weiss, against whom he had written 
a notorious pamphlet, the ‘Isidore Book 5 . In these cir¬ 
cumstances Weiss was in no hurry to intervene. So 
Josef Goebbels courageously took the train to Munich, 
where he contented himself with sending bis Berlin 
associates valiant instructions by long-distance tele¬ 

Stennes informed me of what had happened. 
‘Goebbels is in flight, but the police are on the move 
against us,’ he said. 

I immediately joined him at the Angriff building. 

‘What are we to do?’ he asked me. ‘The revolt was 
planned in agreement with Goebbels, but at the last 
moment he betrayed us, warned the police and fled to 
Munich to take refuge in Hitler’s bosom.’ 

‘A revolt which does not develop into a revolution,’ I 
replied, ‘is doomed in advance. We must hold out.’ 

The S.A. occupied the Angriff works for three days, 
publishing the paper on their own. Hitler and 



Goebbels were declared to have been deposed. The 
Gauleiters of North Germany decided to support Stennes 
in the total revolution, and Goebbels’ second betrayal 
was reported in large type in all their papers. Once 
more Ley’s Cologne was the only Gau to remain faith¬ 
ful to the Fiihrer. 

Meanwhile counter-plots were being secretly hatched 
in Munich. This was no political cabal, but a revolt 
of armed men led by a man on whom Hitler had be¬ 
lieved he could implicitly rely. All the high officials of 
the National-Socialist Party of the North were sum¬ 
marily dismissed. But to deliver the counter-stroke 
and crush Stennes’ men a leader with an iron hand 
was required, and Pfeffer von Salomon proved inade¬ 
quate. One man, and one only, could save Hitler, and 
this was his old friend Roehm, who had recently re¬ 
turned from Bolivia. Adolf did not hesitate to appeal 
to him, and Roehm, who remained attached to him in 
spite of many disappointments, consented. 

Violence is always answered with violence. To crush 
the insurrection Roehm chose Lieutenant Schultz, an 
individual with a murky past, one of the Fehme 
murderers at whose name all Germany shuddered. 
Schultz was undoubtedly the man for the job. The 
S.A. revolt, having failed to develop into a revolution, 
was crushed on Easter Monday, thanks to him and to 
the co-operation of the S.S. and the police. 

‘There must be no martyrs or malcontents in our 
ranks,’ Roehm ordered. ‘Do not indulge in reprisals 
and promise an increase in pay to those who give in.’ 



Meanwhile Hitler too had come to Berlin. Would 
he, as in the previous September, go from cafe to cafe 
appealing to the S.A. not to compromise his position? 

No. Times had changed. At the time of the last 
elections the threatening attitude of the S.A. might 
have influenced the result at the poll. Now, with the 
Party holding one hundred and seven seats and the 
revolt stifled, Hitler could content himself with a 
grandiloquent manifesto. 

Nothing came of Stennes’ great putsch. The defeated 
captain and thousands of resolute men passed that 
day into the ranks of the Black Front. 

The zealous Roehm did not rest content with saving 
Hitler. As S.A. Chief of Staff he decreed that in future 
Adolf was always to be referred to as ‘Mein Fukrer‘, and 
that he was to be addressed in the third person. 

Thus died the ‘drummer of the revolution’ and thus 
the ‘Fiihrer’ of the German people was officially born. 

Adolf should have been touched by such devotion, 
but recent experiences had made him suspicious. If 
Pfeffer had proved inadequate, if Stennes had be¬ 
trayed him, Roehm, with whom he had already had 
such violent clashes, might one day turn against him 
too. To guard against this danger he needed a body 
of shock troops devoted to him to the death. The rapid 
increase in numbers and importance of the small para¬ 
military organization of the S.S. dates from this time, 
and Himmler soared to giddy heights. Roehm, chief 
of the S.A., and Himmler, chief of the S.S., were at 
daggers drawn. Hitler viewed their antagonism with 



favour. Machiavelli would have approved of his pupil. 
The precept ‘divide and rule’ was never better applied. 

Naturally the activities of the Black Front were in¬ 
cessantly disturbed by the aggression of Hitler’s 
hirelings. Our secret meetings were often ferreted out, 
and the police declared themselves powerless to pro¬ 
tect our men from Nazi violence. When we were few 
in number Himmler’s thugs would insinuate them¬ 
selves into our midst, storm the platform and put the 
speaker out of action before you could say Jack 
Robinson. At Bremen, Helken came off with a broken 
arm and knife wounds in the chest and stomach. On 
one occasion I was bludgeoned, wounded in the eye 
and only saved by the intervention of some courageous 
Stahlhelm men. When I was confronted with my 
assailants in court, one of them confessed that he had 
had orders to kill me while I was speaking, but, not 
having succeeded in cutting off the electricity and 
plunging the hall into darkness, he had had to abandon 
the idea. 

There was an even bloodier affray at Itzehoe. My 
friend Buchrucker, who had co-operated with me in 
the foundation of the Black Front, had a meeting with 
Dr. Grantz, a young veterinary surgeon whom Hitler’s 
party had christened ‘the hero of Wohrden’. He was a 
fine type, intelligent, courageous and honest, and had 
led the Hitlerites to victory against the Communists 



in 1929 in an affray which cost several of his men then- 
lives. Adolf had attended the victims’ funeral. He had 
embraced the hero of Wohrden before his comrades’ 
open grave and declared between his sobs: 

e Dr. Grantz, I shall never forget this moment!’ 

Less than two years later he learned of Buchrucker’s 
meeting with Grantz. ‘Get rid of them!’ he roared. 
Himmler knew what was expected of him. 

The coup which was intended to cost Buchrucker 
and the hero of Wohrden their lives was only a partial 
success. Warned by past experience, our men were 
always armed and on the alert. Grantz was wounded 
and Buchrucker’s nose was broken, but the assailants 
were put to flight. Poor Grantz! It might have been 
better had he succumbed to his wounds. Since 1933 
he has been in a concentration camp. In six years no 
charge has been made against him, and he has not 
even been interrogated. 

There were similar incidents at Hamburg, Frank¬ 
furt, and Stuttgart. But, though the pack of killers 
were at liberty to murder my friends, they had orders 
to take me alive and to avoid even wounding me. 

This was not so easy. 

I remember an exciting chase through the little 
town of Rostock. I was just coming out of a meeting 
when I found myself surrounded. A taxi was passing. 
I drew my revolver and managed to bundle myself 
into the taxi. The others also took taxis and the chase 

They were twelve to one, and every time I told the 



driver to slow down, thinking of asking him to put 
me down outside a cafe, restaurant or wine shop, I 
could see two or three other taxis on my tail. ‘Go on! 5 
I shouted to the driver, and off we went again. 

Suddenly two revolver shots shattered the taxi 
window. The driver jammed on his brakes, abandoned 
the wheel and ran for his life. I had two minutes’ start 
of my pursuers, and it was necessary to put them to 
good use. I was outside the entrance of a block of 
flats. I rang the bell. Luck was with me, for the porter, 
who had just locked up, promptiy opened the door. 

‘What do you want?’ he asked, but I pushed past 
him, slammed the door behind me and dashed upstairs 
four steps at a time. 

On the second floor I stopped and rang a bell at 
random. A woman opened the door —the age of 
miracles is not past! She let me in, I explained the 
situation and she telephoned for the police. 

After we had been waiting for ten minutes the door 
of the next room opened and a girl of about seventeen 
came in. 

‘Heil Hitler!' were her words of greeting. 

‘The young lady is an admirer of Hitler?’ I asked her 

The answer was yes. 

In spite of my situation I found this piquant. I 
stood to attention and introduced myself in German 
officer fashion: 

‘Otto Strasser, leader of the Black Front.’ 

She gave a cry and turned very pale. 



‘Hitler’s men are waiting for me outside your 
house,’ I added. ‘The police haven’t arrived yet.’ 

Without answering, the girl went to the window 
and opened it. She leaned out, scanned the street, 
came back and said gravely: 

‘Yes, they are there.’ 

Poor little girl! What horrible stories she must have 
heard about me and my collaborators. She was 
trembling. I told her how I had been chased through 
the town. She listened, and her face hardened. 

We heard the noise of a car stopping outside and of 
men running away. Voices cried ‘This way! Stop 

‘It’s the police,’ the girl said. ‘You’re all right now. 
I hope they arrest the lot.’ 

I continued for a long time to receive letters from 
this young ex-admirer of Hitler’s. 

Our meetings were constantly raided, but the 
assailants were always repulsed. This persecution, so 
far from damaging us, actually increased our popu¬ 
larity. By the end of 1932 the Black Front was be¬ 
coming quite a power in the land. 

I introduced an innovation at public meetings, in 
the form of debates between political opponents. 
Each speaker was allowed ten minutes to put his case, 
after which he yielded the floor to his opponent, to 



resume at the end of another ten minutes. This seemed 
to me an eminently fair arrangement, giving each 
side an immediate opportunity to reply. Attacks on 
absent opponents were forbidden and personal slanders 
involved instant expulsion from the meeting. I found 
that this method did a great deal to discount the 
advantages of eloquence. I plastered the walls of 
Berlin with huge placards challenging Hitler and 
Goebbels to take part in one of these debates and 
attempt to vindicate themselves before us, but the 
challenge was never accepted. 

Hitler had bigger fish to fiy. A series of adroit or 
violent manoeuvres had brought the Chancellorship 
within his reach. 

Towards the end of 1931, a common front of Nazis, 
Pan-Germans, Stahlhelm (of which the Youth section 
only had been secretly won over to the Black Front), 
S.A. and Landsbund had been formed at Harzburg 
under the joint leadership of Hugenberg, Hitler and 
Schacht. The members of this front were at logger- 
heads among themselves, and the only point on which 
they agreed was the desirability of overthrowing 
Chancellor Bruning and forcing the President, Field- 
Marshal von Hindenburg, to set up a national 
government of the Right. Their hopes were dis¬ 
appointed. The Reichstag elections of 1932 resulted 
in a small majority for Bruning. 

The Social-Democrats had no affection for Bruning, 
who favoured retrenchment, wage-cutting and a 
reduction in the standard of living. But they lacked a 



candidate to set up against ‘the frenzied orator of 

A dangerous obstacle remained to be surmounted; 
the election of a new President of the Republic. The 
Harzburg Front became so powerful that the re-election 
of Hindenburg, for which Bruning worked, seemed 
impossible without its co-operation. Hitler informed 
Bruning that he would support the old President on 
condition that the latter set up a Right Wing Cabinet 
and made him Chancellor. Hindenburg refused. A 
paradoxical situation then arose, a situation unique in 
history. The Prussian militarist Field-Marshal von 
Hindenburg became the candidate of German demo¬ 
cracy, while the revolutionary Adolf Hitler, sponsored 
by the Harzburg Front, was supported by the reaction¬ 
ary elements of old Prussia. 

But Hugenberg was a prudent man, and he thought 
it rash to support Hitler unconditionally. Hinden- 
burg’s majority was evident at the first poll, but as the 
Communists suddenly entered the lists in support of 
the celebrated Thaelmann, a second poll took place. 
Hitler then came forward, this time with all the votes 
of the Harzburg Front behind him, but it was of no 
avail. Hindenburg was re-elected. For the second 
time Bruning had the better of Adolf Hitler. Without 
the indefatigable campaigning of his Chancellor, 
Hindenburg would not have been returned. 

Hitler, surrounded by all his faithful, learned of his 
defeat at Coburg, in Bavaria. He promptly burst into 
tears. He breaks down whenever he suffers a reverse. 




Events, however, were moving swiftly in Germany, 
where party alliances were made one day and dissolved 
the next. At the municipal elections Hitler’s party 
gained victory after victory, and Briining, the victor 
of yesterday, saw the ground slipping away from 
beneath his feet. The ever-powerful Prussian Junkers 
warned Hindenburg that the Chancellor, by his new 
measures, was heading the country for Bolshevism. 
On the other hand Hugenberg’s and Schacht’s en¬ 
thusiasm for Hitler had noticeably waned. Since his 
recent successes he had perceptibly drawn away from 
them and relapsed into his old revolutionary ideas. 
The game of biters bit began once more. 

Chancellor Briining was disowned by the President 
and resigned, and von Papen, Hugenberg’s new 
candidate, succeeded him. Hitler promised von 
Papen his support. 

On the strength of this promise the exquisite Franz 
von Papen, reserve captain of Hussars, former 
Embassy attach^, proprietor of the Catholic journal 
Germania , man of the subtlest strokes and most cunning 
and ingenious devices, envoy extraordinary on the 
most hopeless missions, incorrigible dilettante doomed 
to perpetual mortifications, felt himself in a position to 
establish a kind of dictatorship. 'Once more Hitler is 
checkmated,’ Hugenberg stated on the night of July 20, 
J 932- . 

But the Reichstag elections on July 31 gave the 
Nazis two hundred and thirty seats. 

On the same night the S.A., believing the time for 



action had come, committed a series of atrocities at 
Konigsberg. A few days later a number of political 
murders were reported from Silesia. At Potemba the 
worker Pietrzuch was trampled to death by S.A. men 
in the presence of his mother. The murderers were 
arrested and condemned to death, but Hitler pro¬ 
claimed his solidarity with them and telegraphed his 
sympathies to them in prison. 

General von Schleicher, Minister of War in the von 
Papen Cabinet, now decided that it was time to make a 
firm stand. Schleicher was an ambitious man. Not 
long ago he had received Roehm and, with the latter’s 
consent, had agreed to overthrow Bruning, on condi¬ 
tion that Hitler did not intrigue for the office of 
Chancellor; and he had put von Papen in power with 
Hitler’s approval. General von Schleicher informed 
the Nazis that if they misbehaved themselves again 
the Reichswehr would fire on them, and von Papen 
proclaimed martial law. 

Was there to be another putsch ? Would the Reichs¬ 
wehr dare to fire on the S.A. and the thirteen million 
Germans behind Hitler? 

No. Hitler decided otherwise. As a reward for con¬ 
tinuing his support of the von Papen Cabinet he 
imperiously demanded ‘three nights of liberty for the 
S.A.’, in other words three nights on which murder 
and violence could flourish unrestrained. Von Papen 
declined to assume responsibility for this, and next day 
Hitler, Roehtn and Frick went to see President 



The old man received them leaning on his stick. 
From under his lowered brows he contemplated the 
three men who stood before him. He detested Roehm 
for his unnatural vice, and in his eyes Hitler was still 
‘the Bohemian corporal’ (Hindenburg would never 
admit that Hitler was an Austrian). Frick meant 
nothing to him whatever. 

‘You demand power,’ the field-marshal growled. 
‘I can only offer you the Post Office.’ 

Hitler was about to launch forth upon an explana¬ 
tion, but the field-marshal cut him short. 

‘You are breaking your word. You promised to 
support von Papen.’ 

The audience lasted less than ten minutes. Crest¬ 
fallen, the three Nazis withdrew. Hindenburg followed 
them to the door, brandishing his stick. 

‘No more of these acts of violence!’ he shouted after 

He might have been Frederick William, the 
seijeant-king, who used personally to administer 
drubbings to his rebellious subjects. 

Once more there was a rapid change of scene. 
Hitler had sustained an unimportant defeat. His 
popularity was growing, and he decided to fight von 
Papen by the old parliamentary methods. As a result 
we were treated to the remarkable spectacle of Nazis 
defending the institutions of the Weimar Republic in 
the Reichstag in Berlin. Goering acted as the spokes¬ 
man of democracy while the Communists allied 
themselves with the Nazis. It was all past compre- 



hension. But von Papen had to resign and was 
replaced by General von Schleicher. 

Schleicher’s plans were very simple. He wanted to 
get rid of Hitler while preserving die good and useful 
elements in National-Socialism. He wanted a govern¬ 
ment resting on a broad basis, on the Reichswehr, the 
trade unions and the intellectuals. Whom could he 
choose to second him better than Gregor Strasser, 
excellent organizer and true socialist? 

Gregor Strasser hesitated. If he agreed to become 
Vice-Chancellor, perhaps one day even Chancellor, 
would he not be betraying Hider? 

He wanted his conscience to be clear. He put the 
question to President Hindenburg. 

‘I give you my word of honour,’ the latter declared, 
‘that the Bohemian corporal will never be Chancellor.’ 

Gregor thereupon departed for Munich to consult 
Adolf and tell him what Hindenburg had said. 

Hitler, after some hesitation, agreed in principle to 
Gregor’s becoming Vice-Chancellor and promised to 
come to Berlin in December to settle the details of the 
new Cabinet. 

I have already mentioned that events moved quickly 
in 1932. Gregor, assured of Adolf’s consent, proposed 
to Schleicher a new ally, Herr Leipart, leader of the 
German free trade unions. 

Once more the Junkers took fright. Why had they 
overthrown Burning if the Government were again 
moving to the Left? 

Hugenberg and Schacht, aware of their mistake, 



Gregor turned on his heel and left the room without 
a word. 

On the same evening he resigned all his offices and 
his seat in the Reichstag and left with his family for 
the South. He spoke to no one, and took no one into 
his confidence, but remained in the Party, resolved, as 
a simple soldier in the ranks, to continue his fight for 
the ideas which were dear to him and for the man who 
had just misjudged and betrayed him. 

Meanwhile a no less dramatic scene took place at 
the Palace of the Chancellery. 

‘Is it true,’ Chancellor von Schleicher asked his old 
friend von Papen, ‘is it true that you are plotting 
against me with Hitler?’ 

‘It is false,’ von Papen replied. 

‘Think, Franz. Can you give me your word of 

‘I give you my word of honour,’ Captain von Papen 
of the Hussars solemnly replied. 

Schleicher, speechless with indignation, took from 
his wallet a photograph showing Hitler, von Papen 
and Schroeder in conversation outside the financier’s 
house. Von Papen attempted an explanation, but 
Schleicher cut him short. 

‘That’s enough, I know what to believe,’ he said. 

That evening Schleicher received Gregor before the 
latter’s departure. He was less hurt by von Papen’s 
actions than by his mendacity. 

‘An officer, remember, a German officer,’ he re¬ 
peated. ‘I blush for our army.’ 



‘What are you going to do?’ 

‘Nothing. Anything I did would look like personal 
revenge. I’m not afraid of their intrigues.’ 

Schleicher, however, was too sure of himself. The 
plot that led to his undoing was of the deadliest kind. 
Oscar von Hindenburg, one of the worst intriguers of 
them all, drew his father’s attention to the laxity of the 
Chancellor’s morals and his scandalous amours. 
The speech the latter had made on December 15, 
his profession of faith as a ‘social general’, had 
frightened old Hindenburg as well as die capitalists. 
Schleicher’s days of power were numbered, but he only 
realized it on January 28, when it was too late. 

On the 26th I dined with Madame Tabouis, the 
French journalist, at a restaurant in the Unter den 

‘There is nothing to be afraid of,’ that charming 
woman assured me. ‘I have just come from 
Schleicher’s, and he tells me he has Hider in the 
hollow of his hand.’ 

‘Well,’ I replied, laughing, ‘if he has him there, he 
had better hold h i m tight; otherwise it will be too 

I wonder if Madame Tabouis ever thinks of that 

Once more Hindenburg declared that things could 
not go on in this fashion. The Red General Schleicher 



must resign and von Papen be recalled. Hitler, if 
necessary, could be Vice-Chancellor. 

That night there was a meeting of von Papen, Hitler, 
Hugenberg, Seldte, leader of the Stahlhelm, and 
Dusterberg. T must be Chancellor, 5 Hitler insisted, 
‘or I refuse to support the new Cabinet. 5 

But Hugenberg appeared inflexible. 

‘Von Papen has Hindenburg’s confidence. Von 
Papen has our confidence. Von Papen it shall be. 5 

Hugenberg and Seldte, supported by Meissner and 
Oscar von Hindenburg, refused to yield. Hitler was 
exasperated. His voice was tremulous and his eyes 
watery. Nobody noticed that Herr von Papen had 
crept out of the room. 

‘I shan’t allow myself to be pushed aside, 5 Hitler 

Von Papen came back, very calmly, and whispered 
something in his ear. 

At dawn Herr von Alversleben burst into the 

‘We must act quickly! Schleicher refuses to leave the 
Chancellery. He has mobilized the Potsdam garrison 
for an emergency. 5 

There was a general panic. Hugenberg and Seldte 
feared nothing so much as a Red military dictatorship. 

The news put the old President in a panic too. His 
entourage became excited, and his Ministers trembled. 
Von Papen alone smiled secretly, while Hitler made a 
bold display of resolution. Was he not the strongest 
man in Germany? Had he not the S.A. to pit against 



the Potsdam garrison? In point of fact there was no 
question of mobilizing the Potsdam garrison. Von 
Papen was too compromised with Schleicher to desire 
immediate power, but his ruse had succeeded. 

As the clocks struck twelve the Bohemian corporal 
presented himself to Field-Marshal von Hindenburg 
as Chancellor of the Reich. 

Adolf was in power. He had stopped at nothing to 
get it. Only one thing was still lacking, and that was 
absolute authority. 

But what were Goering and Goebbels for if a trifle 
like that was to present any difficulties? 

On the night of February 27 the streets of Berlin 
resounded with the clamour of fire engines, tearing 
through the Chancellery district in the direction of the 
Zoo. It was a few minutes past nine. At half past nine 
all Berlin knew what had happened. The Reichstag 
was on fire. 

Thousands of onlookers gathered to watch the blaze. 
The building was surrounded by a cordon of police. 
Flames roared through a yawning hole in the shattered 
glass dome. Goering and Goebbels appeared on the 
scene. They spoke historic words. They already knew 
all about the catastrophe; the full extent of Communist 
guilt was already an open book to them. 

I was at the Anhalt station and saw the glow in the 
sky. I asked my taxi-driver what it was. 

‘The Nazis have set fire to the Reichstag,’ he replied 

Probably two-thirds of the German, people suspected 



the real origin of the outrage. But what difference did 
that make? 

Next day, February 28, the senile President Hinden- 
burg, no longer capable of independent judgment, 
signed a decree ‘for the protection of the people and of 
the State’. 

‘Hitler has saved Germany from Bolshevism,’ was 
the official watchword. 

In reality Hindenburg had laid the legal founda¬ 
tions of the Hitler dictatorship and terror. 




The signal for the outburst of terrorism had been 
given. I knew what this would mean for us. Perse¬ 
cution was about to assume a legal form, backed with 
all the authority of the state. Death, imprisonment or 
torture awaited all those on whom the Gestapo could 
lay its hands. We had foreseen this moment, and 
there were no defections from our ranks. We were 
determined to continue our struggle, come what may. 

As early as February 4 the activities of the Black 
Front were prohibited by decree throughout the Reich, 
and all our newspapers were suppressed. Thus we 
were forced underground, and our ‘illegal’ work began. 
We became public outlaws and enemies of the state. 

We had taken the precaution of removing our arms 
and our documents from the capital, and we had 
spent several weeks reorganizing in the provinces. 

Nothing unusual occurred until February 27. 

But after the Reichstag Fire, anyone who knew 
Hitler as I knew him could have no possible doubt 
about the pitiless persecution that would follow. I 
packed the same night, and at dawn set off in the 
direction of my new headquarters in a little water¬ 
ing place in Thuringia. 

1 The material on which this chapter is based was put at the disposal of 
Douglas Reed by Otto Strasser, and was used by the former in his book, 



My forecast was perfectly correct. That very day the 
Gestapo, reinforced by Goering’s auxiliary police, 
seized the premises we had abandoned. Himmler’s 
and Goering’s men searched high and low, but finding 
nothing, smashed up the whole place. The two unfor¬ 
tunates whom we left behind, one as caretaker and 
the other to cover our retreat, were taken to the con¬ 
centration camp at Oranienburg. 

During the following weeks hundreds of arrests took 
place among members of the Black Front in the Berlin 
area. Similar arrests took place in the provinces, 
Bavaria and South Germany alone excepted, for in the 
birthplace of National-Socialism Hitler only came into 
power six weeks after his conquest of Prussia. 

For two months I worked secretly in Thuringia, 
directing the activities of my followers. Then one 
morning the telephone rang. A member of the Black 
Front who had succeeded in worming his way into the 
Gestapo wanted to talk to me urgently. 

‘Danger?’ I asked him. 

‘Yes. X. was tortured at Oranienburg until he told 
them your hiding-place.’ 

I promptly took my departure and walked to an inn 
a few miles away, where I had friends, with whom I 
spent the night. 

A car was waiting for me in the neighbouring forest 
at five o’clock next morning. The driver was one of my 
men, disguised as a stormtrooper. 

‘To Munich as fast as you can!’ I told him. 

Before we had covered thirty miles we heard the 



unmistakable sound of a Berlin police motor horn, and 
a police car rapidly overtook us. I had time to see 
several Black Guards in uniform inside. 

‘Are they after us? 5 asked my driver. 

‘I don’t know, drive on. 5 

There was only one road into Bavaria, and some 
seventeen or eighteen miles farther on we caught up 
with the S.S. car in our turn. This time it had stopped 
by the roadside. 

‘There’s no doubt about it, then, 5 I murmured. 

‘Shall I run them down? 5 

‘No, they outnumber us, we had better not attack 
them. 5 

To my extreme surprise the S.S. men made no 
attempt to stop us. For several hours we went on in 
the same way. Time after time the police car over¬ 
took us and then allowed us to overtake it, but we 
could discover no clue as to what its occupants were 

We reached the little Bavarian town of Eichstaedt 
in very good time. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

‘Thank heavens, we’re in Bavaria, 5 I said. ‘Stop, 
they can’t touch us here. I’ll go and warn my wife of 
my arrival. 5 

Great was my surprise on emerging from the post 
office to see an excited assembly of Bavarians, armed 
with picks and cudgels, threatening eight Black 
Guards who were surrounding the building. 

‘Dirty Prussians! 5 they shouted. ‘Stay in Be rlin, or 
we’ll send you packing back there! 5 



I did not yet know that that morning Himmler and 
Roehm had overthrown Dr. Held’s Bavarian Govern¬ 
ment in favour of Adolf Hitler. The Bavarians, jealous 
of their independence, looked upon this handful of 
Black Guards as the forerunners of the Prussianization 
of their country. 

This surprising little incident enabled me to regain 
my car and finally elude my pursuers. I could not 
imagine, however, why these armed men, who heavily 
outnumbered us, had not arrested us on the road. 

Not long afterwards my Black Front agent in the 
Gestapo gained access to the special report which the 
Black Guards made to Heinrich Himmler, and he was 
thus able to provide me with the explanation. 

‘Knowing Otto Strasser,’ the report stated, ‘and 
being aware that he is inseparable from his automatic, 
and that by reason of his character he would have 
been capable of using it against us, we decided to wait 
for nightfall before attacking him, when we proposed 
dazzling him with our headlights and thus taking him 

That is what I call personal bravery. 

The situation was none the less critical for that. I 
ordered all my followers whose membership of the 
Black Front was not known to the police to join the 
army, the police, the S.S. or the S.A., and to continue 
their activities within those organizations. Hitler 
feared nothing more than this infiltration into his 
r anks of fundamentally German and decent men, who 
threatened in the long rim to cause the disintegration 



of his best troops. He ordered the most vigorous action 
to be taken against me, and my whereabouts to be dis¬ 
covered at all costs. Poor devils who had served me 
faithfully were continually arrested and tortured by 
the Gestapo. Most of them maintained an indomitable 
silence, but occasionally some poor wretch would 
break down and tell what he knew. In order to 
minimize the risks and difficulties I left Bavaria and 
established myself in the forest of Teutoburg. I was 
always driven by a man in S.A. uniform. I called a 
meeting of Black Front leaders of the North of Ger¬ 
many for Easter Day, and it took place a few miles 
from the place where thirty thousand local storm- 
troopers celebrated the holiday. That implied that 
there were no traitors in our ranks, and that our 
organization was functioning perfectly. 

Towards mid-April I left for Chiemsee in Bavaria, 
and called a meeting of the Southern German leaders 
for May 5. I was particularly anxious to meet our 
Austrian representative, as I wanted to make arrange¬ 
ments to provide for the possibility of Germany be¬ 
coming too hot to hold us. A Munich woman student, 
whose husband kept a chicken farm, gave me hospital¬ 
ity in her house on the Chiemsee, and at her suggestion 
the meeting was arranged, not in her house by the 
lakeside, but in a hut she owned six thousand feet up 
in the mountains. 

Til come with you, 5 she said, ‘and I’ll take my maid, 
and that will make the whole thing look perfectly 



We made the ascent to the hut, and there was a 
romantic quality about that meeting six thousand feet 
above sea-level. 

The Black Front leaders of Bavaria and Wurtem- 
berg, as well as our Austrian representative, all duly 
made their appearance. 

At midday the sun was beating straight down on the 
hut and the little garden, where we spread our papers 
on a big table and started earnestly discussing our 
plans. Local leaders of our organization were con¬ 
tinually being arrested. It was necessary to replace 
them, to complete lists, to exchange pass-words. So 
warm was the May sun that we wore nothing but 
bathing-slips, and so absorbed were we in our work 
that the approach of two Black Guards took us com¬ 
pletely by surprise. 

‘Your identification papers, please.’ 

My three companions leaned over the table and con¬ 
cealed the documents spread on it with their naked 
bodies. The Black Guards had only to lift a hand 
and all our most precious secrets would have been 

I was the only one who could speak the Bavarian 
dialect, and so it was I who answered. 

‘Where do you expect us to keep our papers? Do 
you take them about with you when you’re in bathing 

One of the Black Guards made as if to attack me, 
but the other restrained him. 

‘What are you doing here?’ he asked. 

l 161 


I answered loudly, in order to be overheard by the 
two women, who were sun-bathing not far away. 

‘What does one do in a mountain-hut? You’d better 
ask the two ladies.’ 

They immediately came over, and with much 
pleasantry and adroitness applied themselves to soften¬ 
ing the two young soldiers’ hearts. 

‘All right,’ said the aggressive one who had nearly 
attacked me. ‘Two women and four men. It’s 
peculiar, but we shall see.’ 

They went away in the direction of the Austrian 
frontier, which was only about two hundred yards 

‘Let us escape into Austria,’- our hostess suggested. 
‘I don’t see any other way out.’ 

‘Black Guards will be guarding the frontier,’ our 
Austrian representative pointed out. 

From time to time we heard Hitler’s men blowing 
their whistles. Answering whistles came from all the 
heights surrounding the hut. 

Never have I felt such an acute sense of danger. 
There seemed to be no way of escape. The curtain 
seemed to be about to fall on the third act of a 

But a miracle happened. A tremendous thunder¬ 
storm broke out. The sky was completely blacked out, 
big hailstones covered the half-melted snow, every 
rock became a waterfall and every crevice a torrent. 
A gale of wind arose, the thunder was terrific, and the 
lightning came in blinding flashes. 



‘This is our only hope,’ I whispered to the young 
woman. ‘Let us try to get back.’ 

The others were experienced mountaineers, and I 
had difficulty in keeping pace with them. 

The lightning flashes enabled us to see now a man 
clinging to a rock, now another lying prone on a 
ledge; then the blackness of night descended again, 
and our pursuers stumbled, fell, picked themselves up 
and resumed the chase. 

We had a good quarter of an hour’s start, and our 
party were more experienced in the mountains. After a 
six-hour struggle with the elements we reached the 
little house on the Chiemsee safe and sound. 

It was clear that the Gestapo were hot on our trail, 
and we might be discovered at any moment. It was 
obviously necessary to flee again. 

My first care was to blacken my hair and buy a 
false moustache and a pair of spectacles. 

On May 9 I was just preparing to leave Chiemsee 
when a car stopped outside the door. The driver got 
out, opened the garden gate and handed my hostess a 
letter. It was addressed to me. She pretended she did 
not know me and brought the letter in to me, telling 
the driver she would ask her husband. 

I immediately recognized Gregor’s handwriting. I 
hastily tore open the envelope. I had not heard from 
him for two years. 

‘I dined last night with the Minister Frick,’ he wrote. 
‘He told me that Goering was sending two death 
squads to Chiemsee to kill you. I have come to 



Munich by aeroplane, and I appeal to you to fly to 
Austria in the car that I am sending you. Gregor.’ 

I hurried out to the driver. 

‘Can you take me to Munich to the gentleman who 
gave you this letter?’ 


An hour later I was with my brother. It was a 
moving meeting. I was never to see him again. 

Gregor, to disguise his emotion, laughed and re¬ 
marked how much I had changed. 

Obviously the moustache, the hair and the glasses 
had changed me gready. But Gregor, who was not 
in disguise, had changed much more than I. 

‘Gregor, you’re risking your neck by helping me to 

‘Goering will murder me one day in any case, just 
as he’s trying to murder you now. It doesn’t make any 
difference what I do.’ 

‘I implore you to escape with me.’ 

Gregor shook his head. 

‘My family,’ he said. ‘My business.’ 

‘And Hider, I suppose, still Hider.’ 

‘No,’ he said in a tired voice. ‘Germany. Anywhere 
else life would be useless.’ 

We talked for several hours, and I again appealed to 
him to come with me, but in vain. Time pressed and 
I had to go. A last handshake and Gregor wished me 
good luck. He stayed and I went into exile. 

* # # * 



The car took me to an Alpine pass which, Gregor 
said, was very poorly guarded by the frontier police. 
I had a letter addressed to one of the guides there, and I 
had no difficulty in finding him. Towards midnight 
I set off with him across the mountains. 

At dawn I reached the Austrian frontier, and that 
evening, after a tramp of eighteen hours, I reached the 
charming Tyrolese town of Kufstein. 

No more Gestapo, I said to myself. Austria is free, 
and Hitler is powerless in this little German-speaking 

For a long time we had had a printing-works in 
Vienna, and a clandestine organization for sending 
pamphlets over the frontier. I felt I would be able to 
do something in this country. I hoped to gain the 
confidence of Chancellor Dollfuss, participate in his 
struggle, help him with my long experience. 

As though with a premonition of the future, I called 
my new paper The Black Transmitter. I wrote three 
pamphlets, of which thousands of copies were sent to 
Berlin, How Long Will Hitler Last?, The Second Revolution 
is in Progress , and Marxism is Dead , Socialism Still Lives. 

But I had counted without Steinhausl, the Vienna 
chief of police, who was an agent of the Gestapo’s and 
in Hitler’s pay. 

The Austrian Nazis, in the pay of Berlin, had 
already started a campaign of terrorism. Bombs ex¬ 
ploded, tear gas was let loose in theatres and cinemas, 
Jewish shops were pillaged and trains were wrecked. 

The chief of police worked his men to death, but all 



to no purpose. The press was baffled. The cri mina ls 
always disappeared and left no trace behind. It was 
all very puzzling. 

What made this state of affairs all the more suspicious 
was that the Austrians themselves openly accused the 

In any case I soon discovered that effective work was 
impossible in Vienna. One day I went to Prague, to 
explore the ground there. 

I returned forty-eight hours later. It was late, and 
I went straight home, but my latch-key no longer 
fitted the lock. 

‘The police came and arrested people here to-day,’ 
the porter came and confided in me. ‘They took your 
cousin, and I think they’re after you.’ 

‘If my cousin comes back’ I said, ‘tell her I shall be 
waiting for her at the usual cafe.’ 

I went to the cafiS and sat down at my usual marble- 
topped table. I ordered a coffee with whipped cream 
and asked for an evening paper. After paying the bill, 
I had only fifty groschen left, which was worth about 

The waiter brought me some papers. I read the 
following startling information, printed in large 

‘Yesterday, July 4, the police at last discovered the 
perpetrators of the bombing outrages. They are mem¬ 
bers of the Black Front, Otto Strasser’s General Staff. 
Seventeen men and two women have been arrested. 
Otto Strasser, the leader, has unfortunately escaped.’ 



Nothing in all this was true. My friends were inno¬ 
cent, and there was I, caught in Vienna like a rat in a 

In a flash the true situation of Austria and myself 
dawned on me. 

A year later, when Steinhausl was thrown into 
prison for his part in the murder of Dollfuss, and 
subsequently when he was sentenced to ten years’ im¬ 
prisonment, I thought of the evening of July 5, 1933, 
when I sat in that Vienna cafe and had a premonition 
of the future. 

Steinhausl was, of course, released by the Nazis after 
the Anschluss and reinstated as chief of police. But, 
hated as he was by the Austrians, he was killed in 
November, 1939, in a brawl between some Vienna 
stormtroopers and the police. 

Meanwhile I was in a tight spot. I could not go 
home, nor could I go to an hotel with fifty groschen in 
my pocket. The only thing to do was to return to 
Prague as quickly as possible. 

After a night spent in the pouring rain, I managed 
to secure some money and made my way to the 
station. To enter Austria I had used a false passport, 
made out in a name which had started getting too 
well-known to be comfortable in Germany. A fort¬ 
night later my friends in the Black Front had procured 
me another. With its aid I had no difficulty in crossing 
the Czech frontier, but in Vienna I left nineteen 
friends, who were only released a year later, when the 
proofs of Steinhausl’s guilt confirmed their innocence. 



Once more I had to make a fresh start, with a new 
name, in a new city, and in a new country. 

I was no longer Otto Strasser, which had been my 
name in Berlin, or Engineer X, as I had been known 
in Vienna. I was a being without a past, and when I 
established myself in Prague I had difficulty in 
recognizing myself. But the Gestapo were still on my 

Three months of relative peace gave me a sense of 
growing security. Then one morning I was suddenly 
awakened by my landlady. 

‘It’s the police! It’s the police. They are looking for 

There is something so funny about German spoken 
with a Czech accent that I could not help laughing. 
The woman woke me so suddenly that it took me 
several moments to pull myself together. 

Two policemen entered my room, and a flood of un¬ 
intelligible Czech was let loose upon me. 

‘Excuse me, gentlemen, but in the first place who 
are you, and in the second place would you mind 
speaking German?’ 

They showed me their police badges, which were 
perfectly correct, and asked me if I were Engineer X. 

This was, of course, the name I had used in Austria. 
I smiled. 

‘No, I am afraid I don’t know the gentleman. I 
believe he died some time ago.’ 

‘Your identification papers, please.’ 

I produced my passport, which was perfecdy in 



order. It was even stamped with the special visa with¬ 
out which Germans were no longer allowed to go 

The two policemen kept me covered with their re¬ 
volvers. They examined my passport carefully and 
seemed discountenanced. 

One of them started searching my drawers while the 
other went through my entire wardrobe. He confis¬ 
cated my revolver, shouting in German that such 
weapons were forbidden. 

Swearing and cursing, they handed me back my 
passport and left, slamming the door behind them. 

My landlady immediately entered the room. 

‘There were two other policemen outside,’ she said 
in her precarious German. ‘They were all very angry, 
but they have gone away.’ 

About midday I called on M. Benda, chief of the 
police political department, to complain about my 
discourteous treatment. 

‘Why send four armed policemen in a car?’ I asked 
him. ‘You know me.’ 

M. Benda looked at me in astonishment. 

‘You must have made a mistake,’ he said. ‘We have 
no car.’ 

During the afternoon he telephoned me. 

‘Please come immediately,’ he said, ‘and bring 
your landlady with you. We want a statement from 
her. No police order about you was issued from 

My landlady was exceedingly eloquent. Once 



launched out in her own language there was no stop¬ 
ping her. 

We learned that the number of the car which h ad 
stopped outside the house was IIa, in white letters on 
a black background. Czech number plates were 
always in black on a white background. This indi¬ 
cated that the car came from Germany, and more 
specifically from Munich. 

‘Of course!’ exclaimed the good woman, to whom 
this revelation opened new horizons. ‘The men wait¬ 
ing outside spoke German, and when the other two 
came back they threw down a big piece of cotton-wool 
and trampled angrily on it. It smelled of. .. some¬ 
thing strange, I don’t quite know what.’ 

An examination of the spot revealed the cotton-wool. 
The smell, however, had evaporated. 

The Gestapo had obviously been trying to kidnap 
me. The order still seemed to be ‘bring him back alive’. 

Moreover the Gestapo would have succeeded in 
kidnapping me on this occasion if they had employed 
Black Guards from Munich, who would certainly have 
recognized me. But, for a change, Herr Himmler had 
detailed four Sudeten Germans for the job. The latter 
could, of course, speak Czech. I owed my escape to my 
false passport and the credulity of these bogus police¬ 

The Prague authorities were exceedingly indignant 
at this German coup brazenly attempted in their capital 
city. Henceforward I was given special police protec¬ 
tion, and the investigation department, in which the 



carefree spirit of a happy country had hitherto pre¬ 
vailed, was reorganized. These measures were not, 
unfortunately, extended to the provinces; otherwise 
the shocking murder of my friend Formis would not 
have taken place. 

For the time being I was left in peace, and my dear 
friend Heinrich Himmler realized he could not touch 
me. But the Gestapo net is spread wide, and more was 
in store for me. 

At the beginning of March, 1934 ,1 was invited by 
the Prague Law Society to deliver a lecture on 
National-Socialism which had considerable political 
repercussions. Next day a smartly dressed, tall, fair 
Englishman came to see me. He was called Mr. Frank, 
and he was accompanied by a gentleman named 
Poliak, a Jewish business man of Prague, whom he 
introduced as his future brother-in-law. 

Frank, who spoke German with a perfect English 
accent, informed me that he was acting as representa¬ 
tive of an American anti-Nazi society, the name of 
which he was not entitled to divulge, and he said he 
was very interested in my work. 

‘My instructions,’ he said, ‘are to procure five thou¬ 
sand copies of your new weekly, and help with its 
distribution in Germany. I will pay you cash for so 
many weeks or so many months in advance, whichever 
you prefer.’ 

‘That is very kind of you, Mr. Frank,’ I replied, ‘but 
my organization is already complete, and I am in no 
need of further assistance.’ 



Mr. Frank was not to be lightly put off. 

‘Very well/ he said, ‘if you do not wish for my 
assistance in the distribution of the paper, I will at 
any rate give you the money for three months in 
advance. 5 

This offer I accepted, particularly as Mr. Frank 
showed me a proper British passport, and his ‘Jewish 
brother-in-law’ seemed a good guarantee. 

When the three months were over, Mr. Frank came 
to see me again. He declared himself very satisfied 
with our collaboration, and gave me a pressing invita¬ 
tion to accompany him to Paris. 

‘My American patron would very much like to meet 
you, 5 he said, ‘but he cannot come to Prague for the 
moment. He will be in Paris at the beginning of June. 
Won’t you travel to Paris with me? 5 

I had made inquiries of the police, but nothing in 
any way suspicious was known either about Frank or 
about Poliak. 

I made various excuses to avoid travelling in their 
company, but promised to keep the appointment in 
Paris that Mr. Frank suggested. 

I was, however, compelled to postpone the journey 
for some days, and I reached Paris after the 15th. I 
informed Frank of the delay, though I refrained from 
telling him the exact date of my departure or the train 
by which I proposed travelling. 

‘How unfortunate! 5 Mr. Frank exclaimed when he 
came to see me in Paris. ‘My patron has had to go to 
the Saar. He is conferring with Conrad Heiden, who 



could not come here. He expects you on June 21 at 

All this was none too plausible, but after all it was 
not entirely impossible that the American leader of an 
anti-Nazi league might wish to meet such a distin¬ 
guished anti-Nazi author as Conrad Heiden. 

‘We shall go there together on the 20th/ Frank 
hurriedly added. 

‘Thank you, I have business in the provinces, but 
I shall be there on the 21st.’ 

Frank agreed. His manner was very friendly. We 
arranged a meeting at such-and-such a time at Saar- 
briicken on June 21. 

I had no desire to travel with this suspicious indi¬ 
vidual, and also I wanted to talk to Conrad Heiden 
before seeing him again. I had had the prudence not 
to tell Frank that I knew Heiden, and that I knew he 
was at Saarbriicken. 

On June 21 I went to Saarbriicken, the capital of 
the Saar, which was still independent, and Conrad 
Heiden came to meet me at the station. 

‘Strasser,’ he said, after we had exchanged a cordial 
greeting, ‘your letter was all Greek to me, I couldn’t 
make head or tail of it. I know neither Frank nor his 
patron. Be careful.’ 

‘Of course, but I want to get to the bottom of this 

Men in civilian clothes, but with a military bearing 
and big German boots, were walking up and down out¬ 
side the Hotel Reichsadler. I know you, my dear 


Black Guards, but you won’t catch me, I said to 

Mr. Frank arrived. 

‘Come up to my room, my dear fellow,’ he said. 

With my hand in the pocket in which I kept my 
revolver, I followed him into a luxurious hotel bed¬ 

We started talking about Germany. 

‘The situation is critical,’ I said. ‘A second revolu¬ 
tion is in the offing.’ 

‘We shall have some surprises before the end of the 
month,’ Frank remarked. ‘Germany will have a 
blood-bath the like of which the world has never seen.’ 

‘Really, Mr. Frank,’ I said. ‘Was it your patron who 
told you that?’ 

Mr. Frank looked uncomfortable. 

‘He hasn’t come yet. In the meantime is there any¬ 
thing I can offer you? A bath or a glass of cham¬ 

‘No, thank you, Mr. Frank,’ I said, laughing. ‘If 
only I were sure you were an agent of the Gestapo, and 
if only I were not afraid of complications with the 
British Embassy, I’d shoot you dead on the spot with 
this revolver.’ 

Mr. Frank grew very pale. 

‘Herr Strasser,’ he said, ‘your sense of humour is 
rather difficult for an Englishman to understand.’ 

There was a short silence. 

‘Will you excuse me for a moment while I telephone?’ 
he said. 



He went away for a few minutes, and then returned. 
He seemed agitated. 

‘He hasn’t come yet, but he won’t be long. I’m 
terribly sorry that you are having to wait like this.’ 

By this time I was convinced. If Frank had been a 
genuine Englishman, not implicated in the Gestapo, 
he would have struck me, or at least he would have 
reacted indignantly to the insult I had flung at him. 
He was, however, only an agent, instructed ‘to bring 
me back alive’. He was still waiting for his accomplices. 
The idea was for us all to have a merry party. As soon 
as I was full of drink they would take me for a ride in 
a motor car over the German frontier. 

‘Very well, Mr. Frank, but you must excuse me 
while I go and cancel another appointment. Allow 
me to leave my bag here. I shall be back in half an 

Outside the hotel I called out in an authoritative 
voice to the booted men who were standing there on 
the watch. 

‘A taxi, quickly!’ 

A German never fails to recognize the voice of an 

A taxi appeared in less than a minute, and I went 
straight to see Conrad Heiden. 

‘Leave by the first train,’ he said. ‘I’ll go and see 
Mr. Frank and apologise for you, and I’ll collect your 
bag. It will be very funny.’ 

In the train I thought of Mr. Frank’s words. Ger¬ 
many, he said, would have a blood-bath. 



He must have felt very certain of my capture. Other¬ 
wise he would never have said anything so indiscreet. 

In spite, however, of the events of June 30, when his 
forecast came true, Mr. Frank did not hesitate to call 
on me again in Prague. 

‘My dear fellow, you let me down terribly,’ he said. 
‘My patron will never forgive me. You owe me 
reparation. Gome along, my private aeroplane is 

I burst out laughing. 

‘Frank,’ I said, ‘you take me for a fool.’ 

‘Not at all,’ he replied. ‘If you don’t trust me, take 
your faithful colleague Mahr as pilot.’ 

Mahr, whose real name was Adam, was the son of 
a rich Jewish merchant in Berlin. In spite of this 
guarantee, I made some objections in order to gain 

As soon as Frank left me I telephoned to M. Benda, 
chief of the police political department. 

‘Listen, M. Benda,’ I said. ‘The person I spoke to 
you about is in Prague, at the Hotel Sroubek.’ 

Adam, alias Mahr, was by my side as I telephoned, 
and as soon as I said this I noticed that he left the 

By the time the police reached the Hotel Sroubek 
Frank had disappeared. My faithful Adam and Mr. 
Frank’s secretary were, however, arrested. After a 
few weeks they made complete confessions. 

Frank was a Berlin Gestapo official, in charge of the 
Black Front dossier. After his failure to kidnap me at 



Saarbrucken (the kidnapping had been arranged for 
four o’clock that afternoon), he had suborned my two 
colleagues, Kritsche, whose real name was Hilde¬ 
brand, and Mahr (the faithful Adam). To the first 
he had offered plenty of money, to the second 'aryan- 

After a few years’ imprisonment the traitor Adam 
was released, and I have never seen him again, but I 
know that he and Hildebrand continued their un¬ 
savoury activities. A year ago they were in Copen¬ 

That was the end of my adventure with Mr. Frank, 
whose only success was to have financed the distribu¬ 
tion of fifty thousand anti-Nazi pamphlets in Germany. 

Tragedy, however, was to follow. Adam had had 
time to reveal the name of the man who had set up 
our secret broadcasting station. We had set it up for 
the purpose of fighting Hitler with his own weapons. 
Actually the wireless, that indispensable instrument of 
propaganda, had been scarcely exploited for propa¬ 
ganda purposes outside Germany and Italy. Wireless 
propaganda, that powerful weapon without which a 
modem war is almost unthinkable, was in its infancy. 
There is no more effective device for demoralizing the 
enemy and making the truth heard in his country. 
The Black Front was the first organization in Europe 
m 177 


and the world to make use of a secret wireless trans¬ 
mitter for political purposes, and it was my friend 
Formis who was responsible for the idea. 

Formis was an absolutely first-class man. A brilliant 
officer during the war, an electro-technician and dis¬ 
tinguished inventor in the wireless field, he had 
quickly obtained an important post in Germany. 

He directed the Stuttgart broadcasting station with 
as much love for his job as hatred for Adolf Hitler. 
Soon after the latter’s accession to power, he sabotaged 
his big Stuttgart speech by himself cutting the cable. 
The police failed to discover him, but as this kind of 
thing happened at Stuttgart every time Hitler spoke, 
he ended by becoming suspect. He managed to escape, 
and after innumerable adventures succeeded in joining 
me in Prague. 

The secret transmitter that Formis made was so 
perfect that after his murder it was exhibited at the 
Prague Post Office museum. 

The task we set ourselves was no easy one. It was 
necessary to set up the transmitter in a safe place, un¬ 
known to the Czech authorities. It was also necessary 
to find an announcer, and to have someone in reserve 
to take his place should he fall a victim to the Gestapo. 
We had scarcely any money. Our followers in Ger¬ 
many sent us remittances from time to time, but they 
were small and few because of exchange difficulties. 

At last we found a place called Zahori, about forty 
miles from Prague, on the banks of the Moldau, where 
there was a charming week-end hotel. The proprietor 



did not seem to be inquisitive, and as it was late in the 
season the hotel was nearly empty. Here Formis set 
to work, and a few weeks later his transmitter was 
working beautifully, broadcasting the truth about 
Hitler three times an hour every day. 

Hitler lost sleep over it, and Himmler trembled for 
his life. He summoned his assistant, the sinister 
Heydrich, and ordered him to discover and destroy 
the secret announcer who was attacking the dictatorial 
regime at its weakest point. But four weeks, then four 
months passed, and the ‘Black Transmitter’ was still 
on the air. 

On January 16, 1935, I went to Zahori to make a 
recording of my usual weekly speech. 

‘Nothing suspicious yet, Formis?’ I added. 

‘No, nothing at all. A couple from Germany, young 
and harmless. They left again this morning.’ 

‘Be careful!’ 

‘I’m armed, and that young woman won’t do me 
any harm.’ 

‘Who are they?’ 

‘Hans Muller, a business man from Kiel, and a 
woman gymnastic teacher, named Edith Kersbach. 
She’s very pretty.* 

‘If they come back, warn the Aliens Department.’ 

Formis did not tell me that, under the pretext of 
making her gentleman friend jealous, the woman had 
had herself photographed by one of the waiters arm- 
in-arm with him. 

On January 23 the couple reappeared, and as it 



was late and the hotel was not on the telephone, 
Formis put off warning the police till next day. 

The man, who seemed tired, retired to his room 
before dinner, and the young woman remained alone 
with Formis. 

The hotel people told me later that never had they 
seen a young woman behave as she did. Never had 
they seen a respectable woman fling herself at a com¬ 
plete stranger like that. When they left the lounge 
they wondered whether she wasn’t going to sit on his 

About ten o’clock Formis and Edith went up to the 
first floor. Muller had taken room No. 3 and Formis 
occupied No. 7. 

A few minutes after ten o’clock a waiter who slept 
in the basement was awakened by revolver shots. He 
dashed to the first floor, and saw Muller dragging 
Formis’ body towards No. 7. Edith was bent double, 
groaning like a wounded animal. An unknown man 
was standing there and threatened him with two re¬ 
volvers. The whole hotel staff was roused, but this 
man kept them all at bay. He made them all go down 
to the cellar at the revolver-point, and locked them in. 
The proprietor and his family, who lived in the other 
wing, heard nothing of all this. 

Suddenly the terrified hotel staff noticed huge clouds 
of smoke issuing from one of the windows. Stimulated 
by terror, some of them succeeded in slipping out by 
the ventilator, and went to rouse the proprietor. One 
of them went on foot to warn the police. 



The proprietor, accompanied by a waiter, dashed to 
the victim’s room. Formis was dead, and his body was 
soaked in petrol. On either side of him were two 
incendiary bombs, which had not exploded because 
of the smoke. 

Meanwhile the three malefactors had disappeared 
in their big Mercedes. 

The crime was reconstructed by the police. Muller 
had gone to Berlin armed with Formis’ photograph, 
no doubt for the purpose of confirming his identity, 
and had returned with a second killer, whom he con¬ 
cealed near the hotel. 

‘Bring him up, whatever you do,’ were the words 
that Muller, according to a chambermaid, had 
muttered to the young woman before going up to his 

‘He spoke in a whisper,’ she said, ‘but I was terrified 
by the brutality of his expression.’ 

While Edith was cajoling Formis, Muller had used 
a rope-ladder to introduce his accomplice into the 
hotel. At ten o’clock Edith, talking all the time, had 
led her new friend to the door of room No. 3. She had 
certainly invited him inside, she must even have tried 
to drag him in, because poor Formis’s arm was 
scratched and tom by finger-nails. Formis, seeing the 
two men behind the door, had drawn his revolver, the 
woman had tried to snatch it from him and received 
a shot in the stomach. Thereupon Muller had fired, 
and Formis was shot twice in the stomach and once 
in the head. 



He was killed outright. The two men, no doubt 
after searching vainly for the secret transmitter, which 
was in a loft, had soaked the corpse in petrol, dragged 
it into his room, and placed beside it two incendiary 
bombs which were intended to obliterate the traces of 
the crime and destroy the mysterious transmitter. 

The rope-ladder was still suspended from the win¬ 
dow, and drops of blood showed how the woman had 
been carried out. The murderers’ car was stopped 
several times by the police, but the two men’s papers 
were in order and the dying woman, who no doubt 
lay at the bottom of the car, covered with coats and 
rugs, was not seen. A blood-stained petticoat was 
found some way away on the banks of the Moldau. 
We subsequently learned from Germany that the woman 
died twenty-four hours later, on her way to hospital. 

The crime was completed, and the murderers 
received their reward. The voice of truth that had 
spoken to the German people was silenced, and Hitler 
and Himmler could once more sleep in peace. 

Diplomatic representations were made, and pro¬ 
tests and exchanges of Notes took place between 
Prague and Berlin. Although the Czech police 
established beyond any possibility of doubt the com¬ 
plicity of the German authorities, Berlin obstinately 
repudiated all responsibility. 

The German Minister in Prague even had the 
temerity to inquire whether Otto Strasser, guilty of 
operating a clandestine wireless transmitter, was to go 
unpunished. As a result on January 6, 1936, I was 



sentenced to four months’ imprisonment. But Presi¬ 
dent Benes made the sentence ineffective by con¬ 
tinually postponing my appeal. 

After this appalling story I shall pass over the minor 
attempts that were made to get me. I can only smile 
when I think of my faithful Constantin’s poison-bottle, 
of the anonymous letters that summoned me to gallant 
rendezvous, and the ill-advised attempt made by an 
English pseudo-journalist to persuade me to spend a 
sentimental week-end in the Sudetenland. 

I shall only describe two incidents that have a cer¬ 
tain political bearing. 

In January, 1938, on my way back from Switzer¬ 
land, I spent a few days in Vienna. I was warned by 
Herr Guido Zernatto, leader of the Fatherland Front 
and Minister without Portfolio, that Hitler’s men now 
had orders to shoot me as soon as I set foot on Austrian 
soil. Herr Zernatto said the Austrian police could 
not guarantee my safety, and advised me to avoid 

This was two months before the Anschluss. That will 
be sufficient to indicate the terror already prevalent in 

The second incident occurred in Prague seven 
months later. A member of the Black Front warned 
me of a plan to kidnap me in the car belonging to 
Colonel Toussaint, Military Attache at the German 
Legation. The plan was said to have originated with 
von Bibra, Counsellor of the Legation. 

Colonel Toussaint’s chauffeur, who was naturally a 



Black Guard, was given the task of recruiting the neces¬ 
sary thugs, and he found two Sudeten Germans be¬ 
longing to Henlein’s party who were willing to do the 
job. All he needed to gain my confidence was a 
German refugee who would seem beyond suspicion. 

The refugee was found, but he hastened to inform 
the police. 

This time it was decided to catch the criminals red- 
handed. The refugee claimed an advance on the fee 
that was promised him, and, with the connivance of 
the police, met the chauffeur and his accomplices at 
a cafe. The police surprised them just when the money 
was being passed. 

The fact that German diplomats put themselves at 
the disposal of the Gestapo was not new. Once more 
Prague vigorously protested to Berlin. 

The chauffeur was expelled, the Sudeten Germans 
were imprisoned, and Colonel Toussaint was recalled. 

As for Bibra, he was transferred to Berne, where I 
came across him again, for I left Prague in September, 
1938, when Hitler was threatening to invade Czecho¬ 
slovakia. Herr von Bibra could scarcely do harm in 
Switzerland, where there are no traitors and fortu¬ 
nately no Henleins. 

One thing more to complete my tale and throw 
additional light on German methods. 

On November 23, 1939, the German wireless 
officially admitted that my friend Formis was killed 
by two Black Guards by order of the Reich authorities. 




During the first year of my exile events in Germany 
followed the course I had foreseen. The Hitler regime 
pursued its destructive way, sapping at the founda¬ 
tions of the old order, oscillating violently from reaction 
to revolution, unable to fix upon a stable course. 

To keep himself in power Adolf Hitler used two 
instruments, propaganda and terrorism, the devastat¬ 
ing effectiveness of which it would be idle to deny. 

If we are to understand the tragic events of June 30, 
1934, we must pause in our narrative and once again 
consider the forces that brought Hitler into power. 

Hugenberg, the man of German heavy industry, 
von Papen, the reactionary and candidate of the 
Junkers, put Hitler’s foot in the stirrup, and President 
Hindenburg, that incarnation of Prussianism, re¬ 
luctantly made him Chancellor. 

Industrialists and generals still looked upon the ex- 
Austrian corporal as a servant who, when properly 
trained, would serve their interests well. They utterly 
failed to recognize the dynamic quality of the National- 
Socialist movement and Hitler’s role as an instrument 
of history. A revolution had been born of the German 
cauldron, and had carried Adolf Hitler to the surface, 
where he floated like a skilful swimmer. The fact that 



he could float at all showed the depth of the revolu¬ 
tionary flood. 

A struggle for Hitler’s allegiance ensued between the 
forces of conservativism and the new and virulent 
forces that Hitler had engendered; and between the 
two he vacillated, a prisoner of his own indecision. 
This was both his strength and his weakness. 

Dissatisfaction, however, existed. The ‘Jacobins’ 
accused the ‘Gironde’ of weakness. The S.A., who, 
unlike the S.S., were sworn to the Party, and owed 
allegiance to an ideal and not to the Fuhrer, consisted 
of radicals — three million Germans exasperated by 
the politics of Papen, Hugenberg and Schacht. 

‘When will the second revolution begin?’ was the 
question that started to circulate among them. 

Gregor Strasser, an ordinary Party member, re¬ 
ceived letters by hundreds and thousands. ‘Resume 
your activities,’ his correspondents said. ‘You alone 
can save National-Socialism. Open the Fuhrer’s eyes. 
The Goerings blind him ...’ 

Gregor was perfectly well aware that all his letters 
were opened and read before they reached him. On 
the other hand there was Roehm, leader of the 
Brownshirt army, with hundreds of secondary leaders 
entirely devoted to him. Social questions did not 
worry them, but they were hostile to the generals, and 
resented the fashion in which the army kept aloof from 
the Party. Roehm was himself an officer, and knew the 
German military mind only too well. The army 
despised the Brownshirts; it merely used Hitlerism as 



a mask behind which it pursued its perennial aims. 
Roehm had lived in Bolivia, and had learned by ex¬ 
perience that a political party was helpless without 
army backing. The generals could upset any govern¬ 
ment any day they liked. 

The Gregor Strasser and Roehm front was formed 
in opposition to the Hindenburg, Hugenberg, Papen 
and Goering front, which was in alliance with the 
industrialists. Hitler still hesitated, while dissatis¬ 
faction grew. He knew that he must act, but did not 
yet know how. Behind him was Goebbels, ready for 
every compromise, anxious above all to be on the 
winning side. Adolf regretted Gregor. At a meeting 
in Berlin he met the head of my brother’s firm and 
said at the top of his voice that ‘he simply must recall 
that excellent fellow Gregor.’ These words were 
repeated to Goering, who sharpened his arms. 

Roehm was working from Munich. No contact 
existed between him and Gregor, though the two 
shared the same ideals and the same ultimate aims. 
Roehm’s first success was to obtain the dissolution of 
the Stahlhelm, the paramilitary formation of the 
Reichswehr. He next set about attacking the Reichs- 
wehr itself, without taking into account that during 
Hindenburg’s lifetime the conquest of the army was 
impossible. Instead of striking at Schacht and 
Thyssen, the Nazi regime’s first enemies, he made 
Fritsch and Blomberg his immediate targets. At a 
meeting of the Cabinet, to which he belonged, he de¬ 
manded the incorporation of the Brownshirts into the 



regular army, the Brownshirt officers to retain their 

In other words he demanded supreme command of 
the Reichswehr, the S.S. and the S.A. 

He confidently believed that he had Adolf’s support; 
he also believed that he had the enthusiastic backing 
of Goebbels and Darre; Frick, hesitant at first, rallied 
to his side, but Hitler remained silent. 

The Cabinet meeting took a dramatic turn. Hitler 
persisted in his silence, but Blomberg, the Minister of 
National Defence, suddenly declared that the only 
course open to President Hindenburg would be to 
refuse outright. 

‘The discussion is closed,’ Hitler then said, without 
daring to look his old friend in the face. Roehm, 
speechless with fury, walked quickly from the room. 

After June 30 General von Reichenau declared in 
an interview with the Petit Journal that Roehm’s death 
sentence was virtually signed that day. 

■ Hindenburg sent for Hitler on May 28, and on 
June 7 it was officially announced that Roehm, acting 
on medical advice, was about to take a holiday of 
some weeks. 

Hindenburg proved that his sympathies remained 
unchanged; he pronounced himself in favour of the 
two groups of reactionaries; Papen, Neurath, Meissner, 
i.e., the landowners, who dreaded nothing more than 
the socialization of the army, and Thyssen, Krupp and 
Schacht, i.e., the industrialists, who dreaded the 
socialization of industry. 



Hitler felt uneasy; he knew the revolutionary spirit 
of the S.A. too well to feel anything else. He was only 
too well aware that abandoning his comrades would 
mean seriously impairing his prestige. 

He was at the cross-roads. One way led towards a 
peaceful German revolution and the regeneration of 
the country; this was the way of Roehm, Gregor 
Strasser and General von Schleicher. The other was 
the Imperialist way of old Germany, which led 
inevitably to war. At this time I wrote a pamphlet, 
Social Revolution or Fascist War? of which thousands of 
copies were sold throughout the country. 

On June 13, before leaving for Venice to meet the 
Duce, Adolf sent for Gregor; the two had not met since 
the stormy interview provoked by the intrigues of 
Papen, Goering and Goebbels. 

T offer you the Ministry of National Economy, 
Strasser. Accept, and between us we can still save the 

T accept, Herr Hitler,’ said Gregor, ‘on condition 
that Goering and Goebbels are removed; an honest 
rnan cannot work with these individuals.’ 

Gregor’s reply, the authenticity of which has been 
confirmed by my brother Paul, was that of a gentle¬ 
man but not of a politician. Trying to get rid of 
Goebbels and Goering simultaneously was beating 
one’s head against a brick wall. Goering might have 
been sacrificed to Gregor. He was at odds with 
Himmler, to whom he was unwilling to yield control 
of the Berlin Gestapo. Himmler was chief of police of 



Southern Germany, and insisted on bringing all the 
police organizations of the Reich under his personal 
control. Adolf favoured Himmler in this dispute, for 
he disliked the fashion in which Goering had gone over 
to the reactionaries. Also he wanted Gregor back. 

Goebbels, however, was indispensable to the Fuhrer; 
for, in spite of Adolf’s summary treatment of Roehm 
at the last Cabinet meeting, Goebbels was secretly 
negotiating with the latter on his master’s behalf. 

Roehm was by no means idle, in spite of his enforced 
rest. He had no intention of giving in or laying down 
his arms. Let us raise a corner of the veil that still 
obscures one of the bloody episodes of June 30. Why 
were the landlord, the wine-waiter and the steward of 
the Bratwurst-Glockle hostelry at Munich murdered 
on the night of the German St. Bartholomew? Were 
these men revolutionaries, dangerous agents, traitors 
or S.A. men? No, the reason for their murder was 
much simpler than that. 

The Bratwurst-Glockle has private rooms where two 
men may talk politics without being seen or recog¬ 
nized. The only persons aware of their presence were 
the landlord and the two trusted waiters who attended 
to them. Roehm, disgraced at Hindenburg’s bidding, 
and Goebbels, Hitler’s emissary, met there several 
times in the course of that famous month of June. What 
did they talk about? The answer is that at first their 
conversations were entirely non-committal; they 
awaited the results of Adolf’s journey to Venice. 
Adolf had two meetings with Mussolini, on June 14 



and 15. The Duce, however, failed to succumb to the 
German Chancellor’s charms. Everything that had 
been happening in Germany during the last few weeks 
he found displeasing and alarming, and he said that 
Nazi terrorism in Vienna, and the constant threat to 
Austria and her independence, must cease. Hitler, at 
the Italian dictator’s bidding, solemnly promised to 
put an end to the terror and to respect Austrian 
sovereignty. Mussolini, however, went still further. 
Would it not be prudent, he suggested, purely of course 
as a friend, to restrain somewhat the radical actions 
and speeches of the Left Wing of the National-Socialist 
Party? Would it not be wise to dissolve the S.A., 
which formed a state within the state, and was led by 
that notorious freebooter Roehm, in association with 
notorious characters such as Heines, Ernst, etc.? 
Would it not also, perhaps, be as well to get rid of 
Goering, who was accused abroad, perhaps not un¬ 
justifiably, of having been responsible for the Reichstag 
Fire, and of Goebbels, who dared speak of the possi¬ 
bility of a second revolution? 

Hitler pricked up his ears. Was not this the lan¬ 
guage of von Papen, Meissner and company? Who 
was this Meissner after all? Before serving as Hinden- 
burg’s principal private secretary, had he not served 
President Ebert in the same capacity? Was he not an 
intriguer? It took Hitler several weeks to resolve his 
doubts. When he became President he retained 
Meissner as Hindenburg had done before him. But 
for the time being he was furious. He knew that Herr 



von Hessel, the German Ambassador in Rome, had 
received instructions from President Hindenburg, 
from the Minister von Neurath and from his friend 
von Papen, and he felt certain that Mussolini was 
merely acting as these men’s mouthpiece. 

His anger concentrated on von Papen; on June 16 
he met Goebbels in Munich. 

The Minister of Propaganda gave him a satisfactory 
report on his conversations with Roehm. 

‘Wait a while,’ said Hitler. ‘There are other 
problems to be settled first.’ 

On June 17 von Papen, the Vice-Chancellor, made 
a speech at Marburg which left no further possibility 
of doubt. 

Papen’s r 61 e is very often under-estimated by super¬ 
ficial observers of German politics. One sees him 
described as a brilliant knight-errant of politics, a 
diplomat alternately stupid and acute, as the man 
who put Hitler in power, but one tends to forget his 
overweening ambition and his complete unscrupulous¬ 
ness. It is also easily forgotten that von Papen will 
never forgive Goering fpr having supplanted him as 
Prime Minister of Prussia, leaving him with no more 
than the Vice-Chancellorship. Those who appre¬ 
ciated these points were not at all surprised that four 
of von Papen’s secretaries and colleagues were killed 
in the June 30 purge. This was Goering’s way of 
settling a personal grudge. The diplomat had good 
reason to believe that he had a very narrow escape 



The Marburg speech, which was in effect the 
reactionaries’ declaration of war on the revolution, 
contained several passages of rare interest which are 
worth quoting here. 

‘It is time to rally together, to show fraternal love 
and esteem for our compatriots, to disturb no longer 
the work of earnest men and to impose silence on 
doctrinaire fanatics,’ von Papen said. 

‘The domination of a single party, in place of the 
system of several parties which was rightly abolished, 
seems to me historically a transitory stage, the only 
raison d'etre for which was to assure the period of 

‘For in the long run no people, if it wishes to survive 
before history, can permit itself eternal insurrection 
coming from below. The day must come when that 
movement has to cease, and a solid social structure 
must arise, sustained by equitable jurisdiction and 
undisputed public authority. 

‘Incessant dynamics lead to nothing durable. 

‘Germany must not resemble one of those “blue 
trains” which start off for adventure and then cannot 

The speech did not lack adroitness. It retained its 
validity even after June 30. The one-party system still 
survived, and all the doctrinaire fanatics were not 

Adolf was furious, for this was confirmation of his 
worst suspicions. It seemed impossible to deny that 
von Papen had been behind Mussolini’s advice. 

n 193 


Adolf saw Roehm, without whom he did not seem 
to be able to make any decisions, and saw Goebbels 
and gave him instructions. 

The conversations between Roehm and Goebbels at 
the Bratwurst-Glockle became much more animated. 
When the landlord or the waiters entered their private 
room they only heard fragments. 

‘Mussolini demanded the sacrifice of the radicals ... 
The reactionaries grow more and more insolent ... 
The Marburg speech was a provocation . .. Adolf will 
put these gentlemen of the Herrenklub in their place 
.. . We’ll make a clean sweep.’ 

They didn’t hear much, but it was too much. 

A few days later, when Hitler finally came down on 
the side of the reactionaries, it was important that 
nobody should be left alive who knew that Goebbels 
had just been discussing with Roehm the liquidation 
of the capitalist and bourgeois clique. 

Hitler summoned von Papen to Berlin, but Roehm 
and Goebbels did not lose confidence. After the Vice- 
Chancellor’s insult to the Chancellor, a reconciliation 
between them seemed impossible. The revolutionaries 
and the radicals appeared to have gained the day. 

Franz von Papen was described as ‘the sabotageur 
of national unity’, and Adolf insulted him. He there¬ 
upon submitted his resignation. The Ministers of 
Finance and of Trade, Count Schwerin-Krosigh and 
Herr Eltz von Rubenach, also submitted their resigna¬ 
tions. Blomberg did not flinch, but on the whole the 
pillar of reaction seemed to be tottering. 



Adolf need only have taken one further step to have 
created a fait accompli, but Roehm, the soul of the 
revolutionary movement, was absent, and Blomberg 
and even Goering remained silent. 

Hitler was upset by the resignations on the one hand 
and the silence on the other. Might there not be a plot 
against him? Though the ‘drummer of the revolution’ 
had become Chancellor of the Reich, he had not really 
changed since November 9, 1923. He still needed 
approbation and applause. Where was he to take 
refuge? Only Roehm and Goebbels were faithful to 
him. He made up his mind to deal once and for all 
with the reactionary gentlemen, if not to-morrow, then 
next day or next week. 

His immediate need was the President’s consent to 
the formation of a new Cabinet built on real Nazi 

On June 21 Hitler went to Neudeck, where the 
President lived. Hindenburg was already a very sick 
man. Hitler was accompanied by Goebbels, by Hof¬ 
mann, the photographer, and by Herr Schreck, the 
leader of the S.S. These three represented the radical 
wing of the party in South Germany. 

They were received on the steps by two men in 
general’s uniform; Blomberg, the Minister of War and 
Goering. Adolf was stupefied. 

‘Having been informed of events by Vice-Chancellor 
von Papen,’ General Blomberg said with great dignity, 
‘President Hindenburg summoned General Goering, 
in his capacity of Chief of Police, and myself to Neu- 



deck. Our instructions are to consult with you on the 
measures to be taken to ensure internal peace. If a 
complete relaxation of tension does not immediately 
take place (and to this end we must avoid any 
ministerial crisis) martial law will be proclaimed. The 
President, being ill, deeply regrets being unable to 
receive you.’ 

Hitler and his companions were dumbfounded. 
Adolf was the first to speak. 

‘But it is absolutely essential that I see the President. 
I must see him, do you understand?’ 

Blomberg went away and returned a few minutes 

‘Please follow me,’ he said to Hitler. ‘These gentle- 
ment from Munich can wait.’ 

Marshal Hindenburg, in Blomberg’s presence, 
briefly repeated to Adolf what Blomberg had already 
told him. The audience lasted exactly four minutes. 

Hitler found himself on the steps again, the pitiless 
June sunlight accentuating his livid features. Frigid 
good-byes were exchanged. Blomberg and Goering 
remained at Neudeck. 

Did not Goering belong to the Party? Did he not 
owe everything to Adolf? Yet he dared come out on 
the side of the Reichswehr and the police against the 
Party and the S.A. Blomberg and Goering against 
Hitler and Roehm ... 

Goebbels reflected. From the comer of his eye he 
watched Hitler pass from violent anger to complete 
prostration. The little cripple had betrayed Gregor 



Strasser at Bamberg, he had betrayed Stennes in 
Berlin, and he would betray Adolf too if the latter 
were obstinate, for he knew that power was on the side 
of the Reichswehr .. . But Hitler must realize that too 
. .. Hitler would reflect, he had already reflected, he 
would go back on his original intentions. Goebbels 
was sure of it. Only one petty act of treachery would 
be necessary, and the Minister of Propaganda cheer¬ 
fully reconciled himself to it. What, after all, had he 
promised Roehm? Nothing at all. Roehm must be 

Adolf could not think with the rapidity of his 
favourite of the moment, but he duly weighed up the 
situation. One might again defer a decision, and await 
the old President’s death. An attack at this moment 
might compromise the whole future. But that would 
mean forgiving von Papen and company, tolerating 
their audacity, their arrogance, their insubordination. 
It would be madness for die S.A. to attempt to oppose 
the Reichswehr and the police. Goering had betrayed 
him. And after all, was he sure of the S.A.? Was he 
sure of the brutal and exigent Roehm? 

Roehm waited at Munich for the Fuhrer’s orders, 
which did not come, even after the Chancellor’s visit 
to Neudeck. All the newspapers said was that its 
character was very formal. 

What was happening? Goebbels’ reports continued 
to be optimistic, but Hider’s silence was disturbing all 
the same. Roehm informed Adolf that it was essential 
to hold a meeting of the S.A. leaders, and the Fuhrer’s 



presence was indispensable. Hitler consented; he did 
more, for he sent the following telegram, the original 
of which was shown to me by a deputy S.A. group- 

‘All leaders and sub-leaders of S.A. groups will 
attend a meeting at General Headquarters of the 
Chief of Staff at Wiessee on June 30 at 10 o’clock. 
Adolf Hitler.’ 

Roehm had taken a year’s lease of a room at Wiessee. 
Immediately on receiving Hitler’s reply he went to the 
village inn and booked a number of rooms for June 29. 
He even ordered a vegetarian lunch for Adolf. I 
learned these details from responsible witnesses. 

Hitler had seen Papen and made a provisional 
peace with him, for the idea of unloosing the S.A. on 
a bloc as powerful as that of all the German conserva¬ 
tives combined was obviously far too dangerous. The 
Chancellor wanted to play for time; still tom by cruel 
perplexities, he fulfilled an engagement to visit the 
Krupp factories in the Rhineland. 

But Krupp and Goering were allies. A momentary 
armistice was not enough for them. They insisted on 
finishing with these men of the ‘second revolution’, and 
they wanted immediate action. 

Krupp threatened to withdraw if the ‘National 
Bolsheviks’ were not silenced, and in Berlin Goering 
was active. He knew that the President had decided 
to proclaim martial law if Hitler did not yield. He had 
hated Roehm ever since November 9, 1923, when 



Roehm had accused him of cowardice; he knew of the 
rivalry between Himmler and Roehm, and was certain 
that Himmler would act without hesitation; and he 
was not worried about Goebbels, who could always be 
won over to the stronger side. As chief of the Berlin 
police he had no difficulty in procuring evidence com¬ 
promising Roehm; a dossier was quickly prepared and 
placed before the Fuhrer. 

Hitler was led to suppose that Roehm was planning 
a rising, not against the Reichswehr or the industrial¬ 
ists but against him, the Fuhrer himself. 

New ‘despatches from Ems’ were fabricated; the 
imaginary danger grew. Meanwhile a genuine tele¬ 
gram arrived from Roehm, couched in the terms of an 
ultimatum. The S.A. Chief of Staff demanded a rapid 

Hitler replied in sibylline words: ‘Definite decisions,’ 
he said, ‘will be made at the leaders’ meeting.’ 

Roehm was not surprised at Adolf’s hesitancy, and 
proceeded with the organization of his meeting at 
Wiessee. There were more guests than usual at the 
inn. Strange to say, the whole first floor was taken by 
tourists from Berlin. These were in reality agents of 
Goering’s Gestapo, but Roehm had no reasons for 
suspicion, and was perfectly satisfied with his rooms 
on the ground floor. 

On the evening of June 29 Goebbels sent a report to 
the Fuhrer. 

‘Roehm must be officially dismissed before July 1, 
This is Hindenburg’s wish. If all necessary measures 



are not taken within twenty-four hours the Reichs- 
wehr will disarm the S.A. and will not hesitate to 
overthrow Hitler himself!’ 

What was Adolf to do? Wait for Goering to carry 
out his threat? 

Let us carefully examine the speeches in which 
Hitler tried to justify himself after the event. 

‘At two o’clock in the morning I received from Ber¬ 
lin and Munich two urgent and alarming messages. I 
learned in the first place that the alarm was to be given 
in Berlin at four o’clock, that trucks had been ordered 
for the transport of shock-troops, and that at five 
o’clock the assault and occupation of government 
buildings was to begin. 

‘With this in view S.A. Groupleader Ernst did not 
go to Wiessee, but stayed in Berlin to direct the coup 
in person. 

‘In the second place I learned that the Munich S.A. 
had already been warned at nine o’clock, when they 
were not allowed to return home, but lodged in 
emergency quarters.’ 

All this news unquestionably came from Goering, 
and it was false. A Bremen newspaper, badly primed 
by the Ministry of Propaganda, innocently stated on 
July 3 = 

‘The S.A. leader Ernst, who was arrested on June 30 
at Bremen together with his adjutant Kirschbaum, was 
taken to Berlin by aeroplane. Frau Ernst was arrested 
at Bremen at the same time, but was released on 
July 2.’ 



Ernst, in other words, was taken to Berlin in a 
special aeroplane by order of the Gestapo. Hitler’s lie 
was all the more flagrant to those who knew, as I did, 
that Ernst was on the point of sailing on a honeymoon 
trip to the Azores, and that cabins had been booked 
for him for some time. In fact so ignorant was Ernst 
of what was happening to him that when the firing 
squad formed up in front of him he shouted ‘Heil Hitler /’ 
as a last protest against the conspirators of the Right. 

In short, Goebbels’ last reports and Goering’s cries 
of alarm got the better of Hitler’s hesitations. He tele¬ 
phoned to Wagner, his devoted Bavarian Minister, and 
gave him instructions, and flew to Munich with 

The following details were given to me by eye¬ 
witnesses; men who were at Wiessee and subsequently 
escaped from Germany, S.A. men in flight, a friend of 
the aviator Udet, and a gaoler in my brother’s prison. 

The Minister and Gauleiter Wagner ordered all the 
S.A. leaders present in Munich to meet at the Ministry 
of the Interior to receive Hitler in state. They took 
their places round a table, and a killer sat beside each 
one of them. There was wine, beer and talk. The 
horns passed. Dawn came and the telephone rang. 
The Ftihrer had reached the aerodrome. Wagner 
gave the signal and the S.A. men were instantly over¬ 
powered and disarmed by their neighbours, who pro¬ 
ceeded systematically to strike them down with 
revolver butts and beer bottles. 

Only one managed to survive. This was the aviator 



Udet, of the S.A. air squadron, who escaped into the 
corridors of the Ministry, where he wandered, mad 
with fear, anger and horror. He met Hitler and did 
not mince his words. 

‘Have you gone out of your mind? 5 he yelled. 
‘What have you against us? Roehm has done nothing, 
and he is our leader. 5 

Sweat was pouring from Hitler’s brow. 

‘Nothing, nothing, no one will harm a hair on your 
head, 5 he stammered. 

And Udet was allowed to go unmolested. He was 
even able to go on living in Germany, where he now 
has an important post. 

After this incident Hitler, livid with rage, entered 
the room where the massacre had taken place. The 
chief killers of Munich, Wagner, Esser, Maurice, 
Weber and Buch, were standing on guard at the door, 
proud of having done their duty. Nine corpses were 
stretched on the floor, stabbed, or with broken skulls. 
Among them were Schneidhuber, Schmitt and Du 

But in his broadcast speech of July i Goebbels had 
the insolence to say that ‘the Fuhrer advanced alone 
towards Schmitt, Schneidhuber and the others and 
tore off their epaulets. 5 

The liquidation at the Ministry of the Interior hav¬ 
ing been completed, the next objective was Wiessee. 
Hitler’s bullet-proof car was waiting, and it set off with 
its escort of Black Guards. Maurice, Dietrich, Schaub 
and Bruckner led the way. 



The inn at Wiessee was quickly surrounded. The 
policemen from Berlin were ready and waiting at their 
first-floor windows. On the ground floor the ‘danger¬ 
ous rebels’ were peacefully asleep. Room No. 5 was 
the first to be entered, and Count Spretti, chief of the 
Munich Standarte , was arrested in his bed. Heines, 
who shared room No. 9 and his bed with his chauffeur, 
suddenly found himself gazing down the barrels of 
Bruckner’s and Maurice’s revolvers. He felt for his 
own weapon, but was stunned by a revolver butt and 
dragged out in his pyjamas. Two shots rang out and 
Heines and his chauffeur had been eliminated. 

Hitler then went to room No. 7. The conversation 
that followed was repeated to me verbatim. 

‘Who’s there?’ Roehm asked in a sleepy voice. 

‘It’s I, Hitler, open the door at once!’ 

‘What! Already? I didn’t expect you till midday!’ 

Roehm rose, opened the door and recoiled. Hitler 
overwhelmed him with a volley of abuse. Roehm, 
shocked into silence, ended by replying vigorously. 

The door shut. The two men talked alone, then 
Adolf reappeared. 

‘Bind him,’ he said. 

In the corridor, with arms and legs bound, Roehm 
waited for his friend’s decision. 

The landlord saw him, raised his arm and naively 
exclaimed ‘Heil HitlerP Roehm, with a tired expres¬ 
sion, replied with the traditional greeting of South 
Germany: ‘Griiss GottP 

Hitler then apologized to the landlord for the dis- 



turbance and took the road to Munich with Uhl, who 
was also wakened from sleep and bound, and Roehm, 
that ‘rebel’ who was so ‘dangerous’ that he had not 
even provided himself with a bodyguard. 

‘I surprised the revolutionaries,’ Hitler said in his 
Reichstag speech after that sinister day, referring to 
Roehm and his friends. But had he not himself 
authorized them to meet? Had he not promised to 
attend their meeting? What was the surprise? Their 
private vices? He had known all about them for years. 
Hitler surprised a gang of conspirators who wove their 
plots against him in bed. They were fast alseep. What 

All the cars of the S.A. leaders on their way to 
Roehm’s meeting at Wiessee were stopped by the S.S. 
and their occupants arrested. 

Hess had taken over the Brown House at Munich. 
The S.A. guard was imprisoned and replaced by S.S. 

The day of reckoning had come. Paler than the 
night before, Adolf went to the prison yard at Stadl- 
heim. He looked at the prisoners lined up there. They 
were his old comrades-in-arms, and several were 
heroes of the Great War. ‘Dogs!’ he shouted at them, 
‘Traitors! Let them die, every one of them!’ 

And Buch noted against the name of each, death, 
death, death. 

Here were Peter von Heydebreck, a brave officer, 
the hero of Annaberg; Wilhelm Hayn, also an ex¬ 
officer, a hero of the Baltic; Fritz, Ritter von Krausser, 



who had been decorated with the Order of Max- - 
Joseph; all these and many more faced the S.S. firing 
squad that day. 

Roehm, in a cell facing on the prison-yard, was able 
to watch the massacre of his friends and colleagues. 
An hour before he had been a Minister of the Reich 
and Chief of Staff of the S.A. But now he was a 
prisoner in a cell, and a revolver had been left on his 

‘You are an officer, and you know what there is left 
for you to do,’ they had said when they left him. 

But Roehm had shouted at the top of his voice, so 
that it carried far beyond the prison yard where his 
friends were being massacred: 

‘No, I shall not render Adolf that service! If he 
wants to kill me let him take the responsibility for 

Roehm was murdered in prison by order of the man 
who had written to him six months earlier: 

‘I want to thank you, dear Ernst Roehm, for the 
imperishable services that you have rendered to 
the National-Socialist movement and the German 
people; and to assure you that I am grateful to 
destiny for having men such as you as friends and 

‘Your Adolf Hitler.’ . 

The United Press talked of a hundred and twenty 
deaths at Munich. I myself believe that this figure is 
far short of the truth. Meanwhile Goering in Berlin 



was imitating and surpassing the brilliant example set 
him in Bavaria. The Munich murders were the im¬ 
pulsive actions of a man who had lost his reason. The 
list of victims in Berlin and the provinces had been 
carefully and systematically thought out in advance. 

‘I enlarged the sphere of action of the purge,’ 
Goering ingenuously confessed on July i. 

Enlarged the sphere of action of the purge, Herr 
Goering? You mean you multiplied it by ten, if not 
by a hundred. When the wild beast Goering is let 
loose there is little that can stop him. 

Goering received no orders to kill his hundreds of 
victims in Prussia.' Under the mask of political 
assassination, he committed a hundred acts of private 
vengeance, settling old scores, ridding himself of in¬ 
convenient friends. 

Let us mention only his most flagrant crimes. 

The ‘plot’ organized by Schleicher, Roehm, my 
brother Gregor and General Bredow was a he. The 
story that General Bredow sent secret reports to 
M. Frangois-Poncet, the French Ambassador, was a 

These patriots were later accused by Hitler of having 
committed high treason. But they were never put on 
trial and no evidence against them has ever been pro¬ 
duced. They were seized in their own homes, taken to 
prison and murdered. 

The details of von Schleicher’s murder are well- 
known. He was peacefully reading a newspaper when 
six thugs forced their way into his villa, pushing past 



the maid, and entered the drawing-room. The 
general’s back was turned. 

‘Are you General Schleicher?’ 

He turned and faced them. 

‘Yes,’ he said. 

Six revolvers rang out and the General fell. His 
wife rushed towards him, shrieked and fainted. The 
killers then turned their revolvers on her. 

General Bredow learned of his friend’s death on the 
same evening. He went home, with no thought of con¬ 
cealment. Was that a likely thing for a man com¬ 
promised in a plot with a foreign Power to do? He met 
the Gestapo executioners on his doorstep. Two 
revolver-shots echoed through the night, and the 
general joined the other victims. 

My brother Gregor was having lunch with his 
family when eight Gestapo men came and took him 
away without any explanation. He was taken to the 
Prinz Albrechtstrasse prison and thrown into a cell. 
After twelve hours of solitude, darkness and uncer¬ 
tainty, he suddenly saw a revolver pointed at him 
through the grating. The first shot missed, and Gregor 
took refuge in a comer of the cell; but three gunmen, 
including Heydrich and Eicke, the killer now in 
charge of all the concentration camps in Germany, 
came in, and Gregor, riddled with bullets, fell to the 
ground. He was still breathing when Heydrich ad¬ 
ministered the coup-de-grace with, a shot in the back 
of the head. 

I had these details from the man who wiped the 



blood from the walls and removed the traces of the 
shooting. He was able to escape after the execution, 
and joined me in Prague. 

Schleicher, Gregor, and Bredow were only the first 
of a long list of victims. 

Himmler commanded the firing squad. 

Men were seized and taken to Lichterfeld, the former 
Prussian cadet school in Berlin, and lined up against a 

‘Fire! Fire! Fire!’ 

Ditten and Gehrt, Beluwitz and Marker, Mohren- 
schild and Karl Koch, Heck, Krausse, Schroder, 
Schreiber — I could name hundreds of them, men I 
knew who died that day. 

As long as the massacre continued the newspapers 
were forbidden to publish a single line about it. A 
year later there were still people in Hamburg who did 
not know whether their friends in Munich, Berlin or 
elsewhere were still alive. 

Klausener and several other Catholic leaders were 
executed, as well as von Papen’s secretaries. 

At Hirschberg, in Silesia, all the Jews, all the mem¬ 
bers of the Stahlhelm, and a few Communists were 
arrested, taken to the barrack-square and lined up with 
their faces to the wall. Anyone who moved, or spoke, 
or staggered, was beaten with rifle-butts. At two 
o’clock at night the prisoners were pushed into lorries. 
They were told that their interrogation would take 
place at Gorlitz. 

One of the vehicles stopped in the forest. 



‘There’s a breakdown,’ the driver said. ‘Get out!’ 

The prisoners obeyed. A volley of revolver-shots 
rang out, and a few of the prisoners screamed. In all 
eight people were murdered there. 

‘They tried to escape,’ an S.S. man explained, climb¬ 
ing back into the lorry. 

Among the dead was a man of sixty-six and a 
woman who could scarcely walk. 

Hider had the effrontery to state in the Reichstag 
that there were sixty-three executions of S.A. and S.S. 
men and fourteen executions of civilians. My only 
reply is that my brother’s urn was No. 16, while that of 
Hoflmann-Stettin, sent to his widow on July io, was 
No. 262. 

If the persecutions of Catholics are excepted, as well 
as the sheer errors, such as that concerning Dr. Willy 
Schmidt, who was murdered because he happened to 
have the same name as one of the S.A. leaders (the 
mistake did not enable the latter to escape his fate) the 
murders could be divided into two distinct categories. 
The first consisted of victims of the reaction. The 
second, and this was even more appalling, consisted of 
persons killed solely for motives of personal vengeance. 

Adolf is as guilty as Goering. Hermann, more 
brutal, more direct in his methods, has an infinitely 
larger number of deaths on his conscience. But 
Hitler, vindictive, cunning and sly, used the June 30 
o 209 


blood-bath to wipe out scores that dated back eleven 

It is common knowledge that von Kahr, an old ma n 
of sixty-three, who had retired two years previously, 
was tom from his bed, taken to Dachau and tortured 
to death. His mutilated body was found three days 
later in a swamp near the concentration camp. His 
crime had been his failure to support the Munich 
putsch in 1923. 

Ballerstaedt, who had opposed a violent raid made 
by the Nazis on a Munich meeting, and had been 
instrumental in Hitler’s being sentenced to three 
months’ imprisonment, was murdered by a special 
killer squad. 

We have already mentioned that death was the 
penalty paid by Father Staempfle for having edited 
Mein Kampf, and therefore being familiar with the 
author’s weaknesses. 

I spent days drawing up lists of the dead. Details 
of fresh atrocities were constantly brought to me by 
my agents. 

In the course of my investigations, I came across the 
name of a well-known journalist, Gehrlich, whose 
murder at first seemed quite incomprehensible. Why 
was this poor man, who had been in prison since 
Hitler’s accession to power, shot now? 

The explanation of the mystery was bound up with 
a still more atrocious crime, the details of which I did 
not learn until two years later. 

My brother Gregor’s murder was a terrible blow to 



me. Afterwards my most earnest desire was to see my 
brother Paul, who practically knew Gregor’s last 
thoughts. I wanted to learn and to understand, to 
put myself in a better position to judge Adolf’s guilt. 

Paul, like Gregor and myself, was an officer dur in g 
the Great War. In August, 1918, he was in command 
of a battery which succeeded in recrossing the Marne 
at Dormans and maintained itself there for forty-eight 
hours. He was badly wounded in the course of this 
engagement, and after the War he took orders and 
became a Benedictine. 

After the June 30 massacre Paul went to Rome. I 
kept up a lively correspondence with him and was 
impatient to see him. Two years passed, however, 
before we met in Austria in the spring of 1935, and 
spent a few days together. 

‘And to think,’ Paul murmured one evening, ‘that 
Gregor once stopped Hitler from committing suicide.’ 

‘When was that?’ I asked, not very attentively. 

Paul hesitated, then continued in a low voice: 

‘After Hitler murdered his niece Gely.’ 

At this I started. 

‘Did Gregor tell you that too?’ 

Paul nodded. 

‘I swore to keep it secret. Gregor spent three days 
and three nights with Adolf, who was like a madman. 
He shot her during a quarrel. Perhaps he did not 
realize what he was doing. As soon as he had done 
it he wanted to commit suicide, but Gregor prevented 



I wanted further details. 

£ Do you know who was there at the time of the 
murder, and how it happened?’ 

‘I know nothing more. Gregor did not tell me any 
more. He told me this during a fit of profound de¬ 
pression, and I kept the secret as long as he lived.’ 

‘But Paul, in 1931 Hitler was a nobody. How did he 
escape justice? Didn’t Gregor tell you that?’ 

‘An inquest was opened at Munich. The public 
prosecutor, who has lived abroad since Hitler’s acces¬ 
sion to power, wished to charge him with murder, but 
Giirtner, the Bavarian Minister of Justice, stopped the 
case. It was announced that Gely had committed 

‘Giirtner again!’ I exclaimed. ‘Always Giirtner! 
Did no one else know about it?’ 

Meanwhile Giirtner had become Reich Minister of 

‘Yes, there was someone else,’ Paul replied. ‘He was 
murdered on the same day as Gregor. You remember 
Gehrlich, the editor of the Right Way? He made a 
private investigation at the same time as the police, 
and collected overwhelming evidence against Hitler. 
Voss, Gregor’s lawyer, no doubt knew all about it too. 
He had all our brother’s secret papers at his house, 
but he was killed like Gehrlich.’ 

Nine years have passed since Gely’s death; six years 
have passed since a madman and a brute gave the 
signal for Germany’s St. Bartholomew. 

In November, 1939, I was in Paris, where I wrote 



several articles for Le Journal , mentioning Gely’s 
death and Hitler’s guilt. 

Three days later the editor of the Courrier cTAutriche 
called on me. 

‘Do you know Father Pant?’ he asked. 

‘No, not personally, but I know that he lived in 
Munich, and that he was the brother of the prelate and 
Senator Pant, the former leader of the anti-Nazi 
Germans in Poland.’ 

‘Yes,’ he said. ‘Father Pant is now in exile, but he 
asks me to send you the following message, which I 
repeat verbatim: 

‘ “It was I who buried Angela Raubal, the little 
Gely of whom Otto Strasser wrote. They pretended 
that she committed suicide; I should never have 
allowed a suicide to be buried in consecrated ground. 
From the fact that I gave her Christian burial you can 
draw conclusions which I cannot communicate to 




There can be no doubt that June 30 was the decisive 
date for Hitler’s regime. On that day, Adolf made his 
choice —for war. 

The National-Socialist revolution in Germany might 
have been the path leading to the consolidation of 
European peace. But to the Chancellor National- 
Socialism was a meaningless phrase. He understood 
neither its real potentialities nor its fundamental 
principles; and he feared its results. Like a prudent 
apprentice magician, he was afraid of being unable to 
control the forces he had himself released. In his fear 
of an unknown future he took refuge in the past. He 
rejected his vague revolutionary aims for the concrete 
realities of Pan-Germanism, Prussianism and their 
imperialist aims. 

Perhaps he believed he would be able to turn back 
when circumstances seemed opportune; perhaps he 
still believed he would be able to master events. But 
there is a logic of facts against which the human will 
is powerless. 

Both economically and politically the developments 
that followed the massacre of the men of the Second 
Revolution were bound inevitably to lead to catas¬ 



In mid-July Hitler offered Schacht, the president of 
the Reichsbank, the Ministry of National Economy. 
Finance and industry were brought under unified con¬ 
trol, and rearmament began. 

On March 16, 1935, compulsory military service 
was reintroduced. 

On March 7,1936, the remilitarization of the Rhine¬ 
land took place. 

On August 24, 1936, the period of military service 
was extended to two years. 

The year 1937 was full of important events in 
foreign politics. The Rome-Berlin axis was formed, 
the anti-Comintern pact was signed and Germany 
intervened in the Spanish Civil War. The stage was 
set for the triumphs of 1938. 

In March, 1938, Hitler’s troops occupied Vienna. 
The strategic and political reasons for the seizure of 
Austria are well-known, but Hitler also had a secret 
motive which has never been sufficiently appreciated. 
He had to make Austria German in order to cease to 
be a foreigner in Germany himself. 

After the acquisition of Vienna, Adolf cast a greedy 
eye on Prague. In September, 1938, he occupied the 
Sudetenland, and on March 15, 1939, German troops 
marched into the Czech capital. A few days later they 
occupied Memel, and the propaganda campaign 
against Poland immediately began. 

All this took place according to a well-established 
plan. Although certain incidents retarded it, Adolf 
Hitler never lost this plan from sight. 



In September, 1939, the German army crossed the 
Polish frontier, and this time war broke out on two 

The ultimate consequences of these repeated acts of 
aggression did not come within the dictator’s vision. 
During all these years his unchanging political am¬ 
bition had been an alliance of Germany with Italy and 
Britain against Russia and France. In this he found 
himself in agreement with the Pan-Germans and in 
partial opposition to the real Prussians. The latter, 
represented by the Junker clique from which the officers 
of the army were recruited, were in favour of a Russian 
alliance. They had a centre at Bonn, a students’ 
organization known as the ‘Borussians’, a name that 
stresses the similarity of race between the Slavs of the 
U.S.S.R. and those of the banks of the Spree. 

For centuries all self-respecting Prussians had recog¬ 
nized only three enemies — France, Austria and 
Poland, the three Powers that threatened them. 

But in 1871, when German capitalism was born and 
German foreign trade started its expansion, a new idea 
was bom in the minds of the National-Liberals, who 
were supported by heavy industry and high finance. 
This idea was Pan-Germanism. 

Pan-Germanism aimed at European domination. 
It preached an alliance with England in the interests of 
foreign trade, and was fiercely hostile both to Russia 
and France. 

Hitler had moved a long way from the National- 
Socialist programme, which certainly demanded 



liberty and the reunion of the different branches of 
the German race, but at the same time aimed at 
making Germany a member of the great European 
family, faithful in that respect to the watchword of its 
spiritual leader Moller van den Bruck, who said: ‘We 
were Teutons, we are Germans, we shall be Europeans.’ 

Hitler, having renounced the Nationalist-Social 
ideal, gravitated more and more into the reactionary 
orbit. Not only was he dependent on them financially, 
not only had he jettisoned his domestic political ideas 
for their sake; but he now found them sympathetic 
politicians, unalarmed and undismayed by his crazy 
ideas of world domination. 

He could not, however, cast aside his mask over¬ 
night. His native political sense told him that he must 
still use his revolutionary slogans in order not to lose 
the confidence of his followers. 

He still talked of socialism after appointing Schacht 
Minister of National Economy. 

He still talked of Volksgemeinschaft , the community 
of the German people, while throwing hundreds of 
thousands of them into concentration camps. 

He still talked of peaceful methods while violating 
the Czechs. 

He still talked of peace while he was unleashing war. 

Duplicity? The word is both too weak and too 
strong. Adolf had not ceased to feel what the German 
people wanted. He talked of socialism, of Volksgemein- 
schaft, of peace, because his followers and the whole of 
Ger man y wanted socialism, Volksgemeinschaft, peace. 



But his acts were in flagrant contradiction with his 
words, for his mad idea of European domination was 
exploited now by the clique of Pan-German industrial¬ 
ists, now by that of the Prussian Junkers, who used him , 
just as they had used the Kaiser before him, for the 
prosecution of their perennial aims. 

It seems to me essential at this point to refute the 
doctrine which attributes vast political designs to 
Adolf, long-thought-out plans all leading up to the 
present alliance with Stalin. It is my own conviction 
that the events of the last few months actually repre¬ 
sent the complete collapse of Adolf’s real ideas. I have 
no hesitation in calling Adolf ‘Britain’s unsuccessful 

One thing and one thing only mattered to him in 
the field of foreign politics. He talked about it to me 
the last time I saw him, and in the last ten years he has 
not changed. His dream was an alliance with England 
in order to dominate Europe. ‘The land for us, the 
seas for England,’ he said. 

During the period when I used to see Adolf fre¬ 
quently, I developed the habit of noting down things 
that he said, phrases of his that struck me, as soon as I 
reached home. After breaking with him I conscien¬ 
tiously continued the habit of noting down ‘the sayings 
of Adolf’ which were brought to me by certain persons 
in contact with him. 

I thus know that at the end of 1938 he had not 
abandoned his hope of finding a basis of under¬ 
standing with England, and that, in spite of all that 



he may say to-day, his hatred of France remains 

‘There can be only a single Great Power in Europe,’ 
he said to me one day, ‘and Germany, the most 
Aryan country, must become that Power. The other 
nations are all mongrels, and therefore cannot aspire 
to domination of the various peoples of our Continent. 

‘We do not need a colonial empire, which would be 
useless to us, and would only involve us in an un¬ 
necessary quarrel with Britain. Britain must, by the 
very nature of things, be our ally. Everything points 
to it. The two essential factors are similarity of race, 
and the harmony of interests on both sides. If we 
leave the seas to England, the Continent of Europe 
will be ours. 

‘Don’t talk to me of pre-War politics. With an 
Anglo-German alliance the world could be renewed 
and France reduced to nothing. Our mortal enemy 
would be isolated. France, that country of “negroids”, 
would fall into the decline she has deserved a thousand 
times, were it for her colonial policy alone. 

‘When the time comes for settling accounts with 
France the Treaty of Versailles will be child’s play in 
comparison with the terms that we shall impose on 
her. But for that we must have England with us.’ 

Later, after his accession to power, he said to a 
member of his entourage who had remained faithful 
to me: 

‘The putrefying corpse which is Russia will never be 
an effective ally for France. 



‘If war broke out we should not wait three years 
before signing a Peace of Brest-Litovsk. When Jews 
and Communists are allied, destruction is near at 
hand. 5 

In 1936, after signing the agreement of July 11 with 
Austria, he said: 

‘The march towards the East is happening in spite 
of everything. Vienna is only a stage towards it. The 
colossus with feet of clay must be destroyed, and 
Russia must cease to be a European Power. 5 

In 1937 he had a long talk with a foreign industrial¬ 
ist to whom he gave an audience. 

‘Colonies are of very little interest to me, 5 he said, 
‘I should like England to understand that. If she left 
me a free hand in the East, I should even renounce 
enlarging my merchant fleet. How is it that England 
does not realize that her only enemy is France? 5 

And in 1936, shortly after the Duce’s visit, he 

‘So-called patriots accuse me of treason because I 
have renounced the South Tyrol. Quarrels cannot go 
on for ever. To claim the South Tyrol would be to 
commit a crime equal to interfering with British 
colonial policy. During the last war Germany 
gambled on a revolution in India. No country is 
better suited to govern India than the British. I am 
not interested in the Hindus. Britain will have to be 
on her knees before renouncing them. 

‘If I had found a single man of my own mettle in 
England, an Anglo-German alliance would already 



have been signed, and Germany would be the mistress 
of Europe.’ 

Finally, at the beginning of 1939, Hitler said to 
General von Fritsch, who advocated a Russian 

‘An alliance between Germany and Russia would 
not only be the signal for war; it would be the be¬ 
ginning of the end for Germany.’ 

Thus, in spite of his apparent evolution, Hitler’s 
fundamental ideas had remained unchanged since he 
wrote Mein Kampf with Father Staempfle’s assistance. 
At the time when an unauthorized edition of Mein 
Kampf appeared in France his faith in a British alliance 
was slightly shaken; he forbade the sale of the book and 
issued a special expurgated edition for the benefit of 
the French. 

But if his political ideas had really undergone any 
change he would certainly have revised the German 
version of Mein Kampf which had become the German 
Bible. He did not do so, however, and the last edition, 
printed in 1939, is identical with that of 1926. 

The attraction that England exercised over Hitler 
was based equally on his racial mania and his con¬ 
viction that only British friendship would enable him 
to carry out his Imperialist designs. The former 
occupies the place in his mind that the class struggle 
occupies in the mind of the Marxist. Those who allow 
themselves to be blinded by such obsessions cannot 
possibly see clearly in foreign politics. 

I remember a conversation I had with a British 



diplomat accredited to Berlin. Unfortunately I cannot 
reveal his name. 

‘I have seen Hitler, 5 he said to me on the telephone 
one day. ‘When can we meet? 5 

I asked him if I might bring my friend Buchrucker 
with me, and we met at the club. 

‘In the first place, 5 he began, ‘your Adolf started by 
bowing a little too low. I thought I was visiting a star, 
but I found myself face-to-face with nothing but a 
little soubrette. 

‘Rosenberg was there and we naturally talked 
foreign politics. Curiously enough, this future Euro¬ 
pean Minister of Foreign Affairs does not know a word 
of French or English. 

‘Hitler suggested an Anglo-German alliance, be¬ 
cause, he shouted excitedly, “The Nordic races must 
rule the others and share the world 55 . 5 

‘And what did you reply? 5 I asked. 

‘I told him that vast and extravagant projects of 
this kind conveyed no precise meaning to me. Eng¬ 
land, I said was an old country, with a foreign policy 
several centuries old. In 1801 we smashed the fleet of 
Nordic Denmark and bombarded Copenhagen; in 
1914 we armed the Aryan Sikhs against the Nordic 
Germans. Dogmatic attitudes on this question ap¬ 
peared illusory to us; we defended our national 
interests. 5 

But the powerful national interests of others are 
things that Hitler, obsessed with a passion for the 
domination of Europe, will never understand. 



I met Hitler in 1927, at Dinkelsbiihl, after my 
father’s funeral, and we talked of the great men of 
history. Great men in Hitler’s eyes were nothing but 
great conquerors. 

It was natural in that neighbourhood for the con¬ 
versation to turn to the terrible struggle between 
Wallenstein and Richelieu. 

‘No, Richelieu was not a great man,’ Hitler ex¬ 
citedly exclaimed. ‘France has had only one great 
man, Napoleon, and he was an Italian!’ 

‘But what about Rabelais, Herr Hitler?’ 

He looked at me in stupefaction, and passed his hand 
across his brow. 

I knew perfectly well that Adolf had probably never 
heard of Rabelais, and I did not mean this sally very 

I explained that to me Rabelais represented French 
joie de vivre, the art of enjoying life, the love of good 
cheer, wine and women. Adolf made a gesture of dis¬ 
gust and continued: 

‘Let us talk seriously. Gan you name any great 

‘Let me see,’ I answered, ‘Richelieu, Henry IV, 
Danton, Clemenceau.’ 

‘They were all mediocrities, lacking in ambition and 
big ideas,’ Adolf replied. ‘They were not Titans. 
Their dreams did not go beyond their limited horizon.’ 

‘Self-restraint is one of the main attributes of a great 
man; it is the only thing that differentiates him from 
Utopians and madmen,’ I pointed out. ‘The man who 



is unaware of his own limitations inevitably crashes, 
and drags everything else down with him. Look at 
Charles V, Napoleon or that megalomaniac Wilhelm 

‘Nevertheless the idea of one nation called upon 
to rule the others is rooted in the mind of every great 
man. Germany is called upon to succeed where others 
have failed.’ 

‘No, Herr Hitler, you refuse to recognize that a 
nation’s first instinct is that of liberty. This instinct in 
the long run will always prove stronger than any man’s 
“will to power”. And finally you forget that the desire 
to subdue foreign peoples is contrary to the funda¬ 
mental principle of National-Socialism.’ 

Hitler naively explained that it would be the duty 
of Germany’s leaders in the years to come to organize 
the Reich on Spartan lines to prepare her for the 
hegemony of Europe. 

‘The German people alone will be a people of 
warriors; the other nations will be helots, working for 
the Teuton warrior caste. Our sword will guarantee 
their peace, and will be the recompense for their 
labour. There will no longer be five, six or eight 
Great Powers in Europe; there will only be one all- 
powerful Germany.’ 

I objected that such a project could only be realized 
after a series of wars. 

‘No,’ he replied, ‘Europe is rotten; but what will 
war matter if afterwards eternal peace is guaranteed 
by the German sword?’ 



‘You must surely know that even Sparta did not 
succeed in establishing her dictatorship over Ath ens ’ I 
replied, ‘but that as a result of their quarrels demo¬ 
cratic Athens and grim Sparta alike fell a prey to 
foreign barbarians. Have you read Glemenceau’s 
Demosthenes ? Do you know the Philippics ? Unity was 
the only thing that could have saved Greece, and unity 
is the only thing that can save Europe. A good 
National-Socialist must be a European; he must con¬ 
tribute to European solidarity.’ 

‘There is no solidarity in Europe; there is only sub¬ 
mission. Sparta failed because she lacked a tyrant, and 
because she was governed by a clique of incapable 

The question of interest to-day is why Hitler re¬ 
nounced his dream of friendship with England and 
consented to become an ally of the U.S.S.R.; why he 
yielded to his Minister von Ribbentrop, who belongs 
to the group of Junkers and militarists in whom the 
Prussian political spirit is embodied. A secret report 
on the leading circles in the army, dated December 12, 
1939, throws some light on this point. The following 
is quoted from it: 

‘... Let there be no misunderstanding. What has 
happened and is happening in regard to Poland, as 
well as Russia, is solely the result of military policy. 
Hitler played the rdle of a puppet. The Gestapo is the 




instrument of terror necessary to carry the generals’ 
plans into effect. 

‘When the generals marched into Poland they be¬ 
lieved, in spite of French and British declarations, that 
the campaign would end rapidly in their favour and 
that there would be no war. 

‘Before all this was as clear as it is to-day, I informed 
you that if Hitler or his men had dared to do the least 
thing against Russia they would have been arrested 
and shot for high treason. Hider chose the right road 
before it was too late. 

‘I warn you that other surprises must be expected. 
The whole world has its eyes fixed on Russia, which is 
now at Germany’s gates. Everyone is extremely 
nervous, but the German generals are not. I have no 
need to tell you what they think of the Italian alliance; 
in army circles this is regarded merely as an expedient, 
and a temporary one.’ 

The pressure exercised on Adolf Hitler by the Ger¬ 
man army emerges clearly from this report. Person¬ 
ally I have never doubted it. Hindenburg’s spirit still 
survives in Germany. But this single factor would not 
have been sufficient to deflect Adolf from his great 
idea. He would never have renounced his hatred of 
the Bolsheviks, nor would his immediate entourage 
have consented to it, if the hollowness of his ideas 
had not suddenly been revealed. 

France was not a ‘mongrel’ and spineless country, 
lacking interior unity; she had no desire to repeat her 
tragic error of Sadowa by sacrificing Poland. 



The British were unimpressed by their German 
cousins’ protestations of friendship. The German pro¬ 
mise to leave Britain her mastery of the seas did not 
persuade her to avert her eyes from the Continent; and 
the German danger seemed more formidable to Britain 
than the French. 

Finally Poland proved to Hitler that a nation’s desire 
for liberty can make them go to desperate lengths. 

Blue Books, Yellow Books or White Books will never 
give the measure of Hitler’s disappointment when 
Britain and France entered the war. When he signed 
his pact with Russia he still hoped that he was only 
t akin g a provisional step; he believed that he still 
retained his future freedom of action. He still has 
moments when he believes that, thanks to Goering and 
his friend Stinnes, he will be able to win England over 
to his side. 

Nevertheless his dreams of European domination 
remain unaltered. Since England refuses to under¬ 
stand him, he has decided that she must suffer the 
fate of the other subject populations, reduced to 
helotry in the service of Spartan Germany. 

Animated by a deep love of my country , and a deep attach¬ 
ment to the European idea, convinced that Germany must live 
in order that Europe may live, I hereby denounce Hitlers 
monstrous plans of domination. Whatsoever Hitler promises, 
or his friends promise, he desires one thing and one thing only, 
and that is to force Europe to its knees, to reign over the 
Continent as its absolute master and to tyrannize over other 
nations as he tyrannizes over Germany. 





The terrible threat to the West represented by the 
Russo-Prussian combination can only be compared to 
the menace of the Avars, the Mongols and the Turks 
in the ninth, thirteenth and sixteenth centuries. But 
the past teaches us that the peoples of Europe draw 
from their religion and their desire for liberty the 
regenerative strength that enables them to resist and 
break the barbarian assault. 

‘God tries those He loves.’ The Christian precept 
reminds us that a menace can be a means of salvation, 
that it can awaken, in individuals and in nations alike, 
vital forces that in periods of satiety, materialism and 
nihilism may have seemed to be dead. 

Hitler, the racialist, and Stalin, the Marxist, have 
never felt or understood the moral law of such a revival. 
Strong in their mad materialism, they believe men’s 
souls are dead, that millions are ready to accept slavery 
so long as their bodies are nourished. But there are 
other problems in the lives of nations than those of un¬ 
employment, the class-struggle, race, and Lebensraum. 
Ideals of liberty, honour, and faith are still capable of 
moving people and making them rise against the most 
deadly perils. Hitler and Stalin have failed to recog- 



nize this truth, because faith, honour and liberty are 
meaningless words for them. 

It was with surprise and delight that foreign ob¬ 
servers watched the changes that took place in France 
and England after the famous Munich Agreement. 
But Hitler refused to recognize them, and persisted in 
believing that France was rotten and England 

Towards the end of 1937, Herr von Neurath, the 
German Minister of Foreign Affairs, asked his am¬ 
bassadors in France, Italy and England to send him 
circumstantial and strictly objective reports on the 
situation in those countries. Adolf, however, had lost 
confidence in his Foreign Minister, and von Neurath 
complained bitterly that only Herr von Ribbentrop’s 
advice was followed. The ambassadors’ reports were 
submitted to Hitler, and they provoked a terrific out¬ 
burst of rage. 

‘Your reports,’ he said to von Neurath, ‘are in direct 
contradiction with the confidential reports that I have 
received. Why this morbid pessimism? I know what 
to believe about France and England. 5 

Two months later von Neurath was succeeded by 
Joachim von Ribbentrop. 

Count Welczek, then German Ambassador in Paris, 
had good reason to be alarmed at the way German 
policy was going. 

Towards the middle of 1938 he asked his Military 
Attache to approach the Fiihrer and try to give him a 
truer picture of France and the French army. 



The Military Attache was summoned to Berlin, and 
his report was something like this: 

‘The French General Staff is of an extraordinarily 
high standard; the officers and non-commissioned 
officers are excellent; the materiel , particularly that of 
the motorized divisions, is first-class. 

‘The men have lost nothing of their military quali¬ 
ties. All in all, the French army of 1937 could be con¬ 
sidered to be superior to that of 1917.’ 

After reading this report Hitler sent for the Military 

‘Herr General,’ he said, ‘you are an old officer, you 
were defeated in 1918 and you are still labouring under 
the disagreeable impressions of your defeat. Get it into 
your head that not France but America defeated us. 
My private information confirms me in the conviction 
that there is neither courage nor initiative in the 
French army, which is riddled with Bolshevism. 
Mobilization could not take place without tremendous 
Communist disturbances; and even if mobilization 
were successfully completed, in the first battle the men 
would shoot their officers rather than us.’ 

The Attache became eloquent. 

‘I can only put you on your guard against such 
ideas,’ he replied. ‘The reports you receive are false 
and dangerous. The young men who act as your 
observers lack experience. They speak English and 
French, but they know neither England nor France. 
In Paris they stroll up and down the Boulevards, and 
see a few parliamentarians and a few society people. 



They are utterly ignorant of the real strength of France; 
they know nothing of French history, of the French 
provinces, or of the French corps of officers.’ 

‘I forbid you, Herr General, to insult my best 
collaborators in this fashion. Their young eyes see 
more than the eyes of old officers blinded by pre¬ 

The Military Attache thereupon offered his resigna¬ 
tion, but Hitler refused it. 

The man who described this interview to me was 
himself attached to the German Embassy in Paris, and 
when war broke out, rather than return to Berlin, he 
remained in a neutral country. 

‘There is no way of opening the Fuhrer’s eyes,’ he 
confided to me last year. ‘He refuses to see.’ 

‘Then he hasn’t changed at all,’ I replied. ‘When I 
used to work with him Hess used to stop me at the door 
and say, “For heaven’s sake don’t tell him this,” or 
“for heaven’s sake don’t tell him that.” He can’t bear 
disagreeable news.’ 

Hitler turned a blind eye to what was really happen¬ 
ing in France and England. He cannot, he will not 
see the evolution that is taking place to-day in the 
minds of the Italian and Spanish peoples; and he is 
even more blind to the profound changes at work 
among the German people. 

Yet tins ‘Hitler and Germany’ problem remains of 
the first importance from the political, moral, historical 
and ethical points of view. 

The Nazi dictatorship lies over Germany like a thick 



covering of ice over a river. The ice is an integral part 
of the river, and remains firm as long as the water 
nourishes and supports it. But one fine day the water 
separates itself from its covering of ice, and an empty 
space, invisible from the banks, results. The ice still 
seems as firm as in the past, but it can be smashed with 
a single blow of an axe. 

This is an exact analogy of what has been slowly 
happening to the Nazi dictatorship since 1933. It 
would be foolish to deny that Hitler and his system 
were to a certain extent an expression of the German 
people, an illustration of its nature, a realization of its 
aspirations. But this can only be temporary. Does not 
ice need certain atmospheric conditions before its 

Under the immobile surface the river has remained 
alive. It is impossible to stop completely the evolution, 
the revolution of the German people. The feelings and 
aspirations of the masses, the will of those capable of 
independent judgment, have parted from the German 
dictatorship, or become alien to it. An empty space 
has formed between the water and the layer of ice. 
Fissures have already appeared. 

After seven years of dictatorship the German prisons 
and concentration camps are fuller than during the 
first months. Is this Volksgemeinschaft , the communion 
of the people with its Fuhrer? Is this symptomatic of 
the people’s happiness and unity and unqualified 
admiration of the Fuhrer’s work? 

Two million Germans have been or still are guests 



in the cells of the Gestapo, or are or have been family 
with the delights of Dachau, Buchenwald or Oranien- 
burg. These two millions have parents, wives, chil¬ 
dren. In other words about ten million human beings 
have suffered personally from Hitler’s methods. Is one 
seriously to believe that the martyrs of the Hitler 
regime and their families love and admire Hitler? Is 
there anyone who does not know that the famous 
plebiscites in which Hitler has majorities exceeding 
99 per cent are shams? Does anyone seriously accept 
the votes that are taken even in concentration camps 
under the threatening whips of the guards? Is it not 
astonishing that of 1,572 prisoners at Dachau as many 
as eight had the courage to vote against Hitler in 1934, 
and ten the temerity to submit blank voting papers. 
The two millions who have been in Hitler’s prisons 
were the first combatants and the first casualties in a 
holy war against a scourge the danger of which so 
many other Germans, and so many other European 
peoples, only realized later. 

Everyone is aware of the Nazi peril to-day, but for 
years a relatively small number of clear-sighted Ger¬ 
mans fought against Hitler and Sta l i n alone. It took 
an alliance between these two executioners, and 
another outburst of Prussianism, to make Europe wake 

. The ferocious determination of the Prussian generals 
was illustrated in the report from which we quoted in 
the preceding chapter. Here is another quotation: 

‘The Bolshevik peril has never made any impression 



on the German militarists. On the contrary, from the 
point of view of their caste, some of them find the 
Russian system ideal. They know that the Lenin 
period is past. The militarists know Russia better, and 
have had the opportunity of studying the evolution of 
its regime more closely, than so many of the people 
who have written books on the U.S.S.R. They know 
that the ruling class in Russia constitutes a new 
aristocracy. Private property has been abolished, but 
what of that? The ruling group rules, and lives very 
well. Above all it has power, and a huge apparatus 
which, unlike that of the Nazis, is bolstered up with 
an ideal. The fact that this ideal has become less 
radical does not render it ineffective. 

‘Perhaps we shall see the National-Bolshevism of 
Russia and Germany threatening the West from be¬ 
yond the German frontiers. Then Mr. Chamberlain 
can have the ideological war that he refused to fight 
when there was still time. That is the last trump card 
that the Russo-German Allies have up their sleeve. 

‘During the last war the generals realized that anti¬ 
capitalism might change the face of the world. What 
would the people say if monster trials of the big cap¬ 
tains of industry were suddenly staged, if the factories 
were expropriated, after their owners had been shot, 
as they were in Russia? The opposition could be won 
over by these measures and enslaved to the generals’ 
will. Is there any doubt that such measures would 
cause troubles in other nations if they were skilfully 
exploited by propaganda? 



‘Bolshevism does not constitute a menace to the 
militarists; they prefer it to socialism with its “sickly 
pacifism”. Bolshevism has never been pacifist, but 
militant and militaristic. 

‘The generals would regard a German adaptation 
of Bolshevism as their great opportunity. There are 
many of them to whom the nature of the regime under 
which they live matters not a jot, provided only that 
they can play their role. Let it never be forgotten that 
the Prussian officer is not brought up to be the instru¬ 
ment of a bourgeois government, as his counterpart is 
in France and England; he is accustomed to playing 
the leading r 61 e. The militarists needed Hitler to 
reach their goal, and during the last few years they 
were obliged to put up with many things. But all that 
is over now. Now the generals are in command, and 
they will only permit such changes as suit them. 

‘War must be made on England, who is their enemy 
of the moment. It will be a life-and-death struggle, 
but the generals are convinced that it will go better for 
them than in 1914. 

‘I mentioned just now the possibility of monster 
trials of captains of industry. The generals will go 
■ further than that. They know the power of the socialist 
idea, they are aware of what Gregor Strasser called 
“the masses’ anti-capitalist dream”, and of its attrac¬ 
tion for the middle classes too. If they are to win the 
war, they will have to come forward with a programme 
to TnaVf* the sacrifices involved worth-while. Hitler 
cannot come forward with this programme; they alone 



can do it. This is the field in which we must expect 

‘What would the countries of the West say if monster 
trials of Nazi magnates were staged, accusing them 
of corruption and relations with foreign governments? 
The object of the latter would naturally be the saving 
of capitalism. What would our neighbours say if 
evidence were produced denouncing the r6le played 
by Western capitalists in this game? 

‘Hitler sees the danger. That is why he goes to the 
front so frequently. The other Nazi leaders do not 
visit the front, or rather they are not allowed to do so. 
The leading Nazis will be the first victims.’ 

The horrible visions that these secret plans of the 
Prussian generals call up in the mind of any good 
European should not paralyse us, but on the contrary, 
inspire us to resist and defeat them. 

I call ‘European’ every human being conscious of 
our common heritage of Christianity, our common 
historical background and civilization, and the indi¬ 
visibility of our economic life. Germany has always 
been a part of the European family, and this she will 
have to remain if Europe is not to stop at the Rhine — 
if, that is to say, Europe is to remain Europe. 

The German people is said to be entirely devoted to 
its Fuhrer. 

Who is responsible for this assertion? The Nazi 
Press, the Nazi wireless, and Nazi agents all over the 
world. Let us not be deceived by them, or by the 
enthusiastic words of a few young German prisoners. 



Enthusiasm is natural to youth, and these children have 
known no regime other than Hitler’s. 

No, the German people wants a German revolution, 
that is to say a national and social revolution. 

The German people wants Volksgemeinschafi, the 
community of the people. It wants liberty at home, 
that is to say, democratic self-administration; it wants 
liberty abroad, that is to say the same national rights 
as other peoples. 

The German people wants a new political, legal and 
economic order at home; it wants peace in Germany, 
peace in Europe, and peace in the world. 

Am I not just as much a part of the German people 
as Adolf Hitler? 

Are the millions of workers, peasants, Catholics, 
and socialists not a part of the German people? Are 
the fighters of the Black Front and officers like Pastor 
Niem oiler and Colonel Mahraun 1 not part of the Ger¬ 
man people? 

I have addressed millions of Germans; hundreds of 
thousands of Hitler’s followers have read my articles; 
tens of thousands have read my books and pamphlets. 
I can vouch that the best of my compatriots only 
followed Hitler so long as they saw in him the standard- 
bearer of the German revolution; and I believe that 
all the healthy and honourable elements in my country 
will cease to follow him on the day on which they 
realize how they have been deceived. That day, if it 

1 A German officer who made an attempt at rapprochement between 
Germany and France. He lost an eye as a result of treatment received in a 
concentration camp. 



has not already come, is near. For when it comes to 
choosing between Hitler and Germany, every German 
workman, peasant and soldier, every German intel¬ 
lectual and every German officer will not hesitate to 
choose Germany. 

Our duty in this is quite clear. The question: 
Hitler or Germany? must be put to the German people 
night and day. It should be a permanent obsession to 
them, troubling them in the silence of the night. By 
word and by deed they must be shown that it is the 
duty of every lover of Germany to oppose Hitler. 

Europe and Germany must unite in this struggle, for 
German chaos can only lead to European chaos. 

But the decision, the victory, must come in Germany 
itself. The defeat of Hitler and Hitler’s regime must 
coincide with the defeat of Prussianism. Aided by the 
spiritual forces of Christianity and the Allied coalition 
that has arisen to fight the Prusso-Bolshevik peril, 
Germany must herself crush Prussianism, politically, 
morally and territorially. 

The crushing of Prussianism will mean the substitu¬ 
tion of right for might, of the spirit of co-operation for 
the will to power. The spirit of European unity will 
replace the spirit of European domination. 

What the crushing of Prussia will involve in practice 
will be the cantonization of Germany, the creation of 
a federation of independent provinces, governed by 
local authorities and free to live according to their 
regional traditions. 

The crushing of Prussia will involve laying bare and 



destroying the roots of militarism and the Junker 
clique, as well as the roots of Pan-Ger manism , the 
ideal of the big industrialists. 

For this purpose it will be necessary to break up the 
big estates, nationalize heavy industry and, finall y, 
reform the German system of education. 

Is that a revolution? Certainly. It has been con¬ 
vulsing Germany for twenty years. Its period of pre¬ 
paration lasted from 1920 to 1930, and its period of 
destruction, under Hitler’s regime, fell between 1930 
and 1940. It is now on the brink of the third period, 
that of reconstruction. 

Hitler was the demon of destruction, and hence the 
very essence of the second period. 

Hitler’s second sense explains why, ever since the 
middle of 1939, he has never ceased talking of his 
approaching death. 

It matters little whether he dies of cancer of the 
throat, as Professor Sauerbruch confided to one of my 
friends on December 15, 1939, or whether he is shot 
by one of his own followers, as was predicted by the 
industrialist Hugenberg in June, 1933, when, in spite 
of Hitler’s solemn promise to make no changes for four 
years, he was dropped from Hitler’s Cabinet formed 
in the previous January. 

I shall never forget the last words of my last con¬ 
versation with Gregor before my flight to Austria. 

‘You’ll see,’ my brother said to me, ‘Adolf will end 
by blowing his brains out.’ 

‘Only if there’s a sufficient audience to applaud him,’ 



I replied, knowing his vanity, and his histrionic 

Hitler’s individual fate matters little. 

Hitler and Stalin, Hitlerism, Prussianism and Bol¬ 
shevism will be conquered by the forces of a new 
Germany and a civilized Europe. 

January i, ig^p 

& i 

Ace, N 0. 



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