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Auburn Lumber Co. Loomis Lumber Co. 

Auburn Colfax Loomis 

Woodland Lumber Co. 


Davis Lumber Co. Dixon Lumber Co. 

Davis Dixon 

All Kinds of Building Materisds 

Our Front 
Cover Home 

''The Ridgeland'' 

Above is a glimpse of the Hall in our Front Cover Home. The floor plans below show this to be a 
very wonderful and large hall in this beautiful six-room home. 


''Home Is Pf^here the Heart Is'' 

— An old saying- and a true one ; and in these rest- 
less times when the children, and the g^rown-ups too, 
seem beset with the idea of getting away, it is 
urgently needed that we stop and analyze this heart 
appeal and see what it is 
that a dwelling house 
needs and must have to 
hold the hearts of its oc- 
cupants, and make of it a 
real home. 

Loving care is what a 
genuine home has which 
few rented houses enjoy 
—loving care which plans 
and prunes and paints — 
which keeps things picked 
up and in order so that a 
real restfulness can per- 
vade the entire place. 
You see it in old homes 
and new homes. Loving 
care is watering and tend- 
ing, planning new decora- 
tive schemes for the in- 
terior and arranging new 
comforts in furnishings. 
Home is where you can 
b e thoroughly comfort- 
able and at ease. 

We believe that the home-maker should start with 
a good house plan, an attractive design, for then the 
home-maker's art has its chance to bring forth its 
finest results. 

We are here to serve 
the home-builders and 
home-makers of this com- 
munity and have gotten 
together this very useful 
collection of well designed 
home plans which show 
both ideas for exterior de- 
sign and also modern ten- 
dencies in furnishings and 
interior decorations. 

• Complete working 
drawings are available 
from which any of these 
modern homes as illus- 
trated can be built or if 
changes are desired, con- 
sult with your architect 
or other building advisor 
or come to us for special 
plan service. We want 
to help you make this 
a community of real 

Pat. March 15. 1921 and Sept. 30. 1924. 
Oopyrl«ht 1928. Wm. A. Radford, Chicago. 


Household Hints 

for WOMEN 

Canning in My Oven 

By Doris W. McCray 

IF you need a new canning outfit— 
try your oven. It rivals the wash 
boiler, the steamer and the pressure 
cooker. The only point to oven can- 
ning is that the temperature must be 
controlled. You couIdn[t expect to 
have one ovenful of fruit cooked at 
twice as high temperature as the next 
ovenful, A variation of say, ten 
degrees is allowable, and the fruit will 
still be firm, well shaped and thor- 
oughly cooked, but the oven must be 
watched carefully. 

This summer I am fortunate in hav- 
ing a new stove with heat regulator. 
All I have to do is set the red wheel, 
and the oven is automatically kept at 
an even temperature. When it has 
reached 250 degrees, the regulator 
turns down the gas. It may go en- 
tirely out, but the pilot light still 
burns ready to light up the gas when 
the oven threatens to become too. 
cool. The temperature is kept per- 
fectly even with no thought on my 

Last summer I did oven canning 
with a small portable thermometer 
placed near the front on the bottom 
shelf of the oven. When I opened 
the door to look at the thermometer 
I was careful to have the kitchen door 
closed, so that there would be no 
breeze of cold air to strike the jars 
and crack them. This type of ther- 
mometer is best with a kerosene 

With your coal and wood range 
you probably have an oven door ther 
mometer. From experience in baking : 
you know whether it is in working 
order. Such thermometers are worked 
by springs, and with the jarring of 
the door, become inaccurate or quit 
working entirely, but if yours is new, 
you may watch it, and stoke the fire 
accordingly. A slightly higher teni- 
perature does not really hurt the fruit 
as it is being processed, nor a lower 
temperature for a few minutes, if you 
make due allowance for this fluctua- 
tion. But it is simpler to try to keep 
the oven right at the 250 mark. 

A portable oven for a kerosene 
stove may be fitted with a thermome- 
ter by having a hole bored in the top, 
cork inserted with hole in it, holding 
a long chemical thermometer W,hich 
may be read from the top without 
opening the oven door. This is rather 
easily broken, but for a small oven 
is much easier than constantly open- 
ing the door to see a portable ther- 
mometer on the floor. 

Whatever your method of measur- 
ing temperature, be accurate. My heat 
regulator certainly is a joy, as I go 
ahead with preparing my fruit with 
never a worry about the oven. Then 
when the time is up — I can set the 
alarm if I am absent-minded — the jars 
are lifted, using a duplex fork, or 
holders, the seal completed by screw- 
ing down tops, or lowering wire bale 
on glass tops, the jars are inverted 
upon a tea towel or paper spread on 
the table. They are put into a cool 
place, but protected from draughts. 

Fruits are cleaned, graded for color, 
size and degree of ripeness, and pared 
or seeded and packed immediately in- 
to the clean jar, before having tirne 
to turn dark from exposure to the air, 
and covered with syrup. The jar rub- 
ber is already in place, the lids having 
been fitted and tested. The lid is 
adjusted, half sealed as for ordinary 
cold pack canning. The jar is then 


-«;;;■: ■ - CM LM -l'. Vr 

placed in the oven. It is best not to 
open the oven door too often, so you 
probably will wait till three or four 
jars are ready to put in. 

Fruits are processed at 250 de- 
grees, one hour for quarts, 40 minutes 
for pints. Pineapple may need ten 
minutes longer. Tomatoes are al- 
lowed the same time as fruits. 

Then lower rack is left in the oven, 
to allow about an inch below the jars 
for circulation of the hot air. 

Vegetables are canned in the same 
manner as fruits, testing jars, topst 
and rubbers, cleaning the vegetables, _ 
blanching, cold dipping, packing jars, 
covering with boiling water and one 
level teaspoonful salt to the quart. 
After the full time of processing, the 
jars are removed from the oven, 
sealed, labeled and stored in a cool 
dark place. 

The green vegetables, asparagus, 
brussels sprouts, cabbage, green pep- 
pers, cauliflower, beet tops, spinach 
and greens, are steamed ten minutes 
in a wire basket or cheese cloth bag, 
dipped into cold water and out again, 
to cool so that they may be handled 
to pack. Fill jar, cover with boiling 
water, add salt, half seal and process 
two hours; only one hour for cauli- 
flower. Do not fill jars too full of 
vegetables. Pints are safest for vege- 
tables ordinarily, but quarts may be 
canned successfully when as high a 
temperature as 250 is employed by 
use of the oven. That makes process- 
ing safer than the use of hot water 
bath with its temperature of only 212. 
Peas, lima beans and string beans 
are scalded five to ten minutes, cold 
dipped and packed. Handle only 
enough for about three jars at once, 
as the temperature after the cold dip 
is most favorable to the development 
of the bacteria causing flat sour. 
Process four hours at 250°, except 
string beans only three hours. 

The root vegetables, beets, carrots, 
parsnips and salsify are cleaned well 
and cooked long enough to loosen the 
skin, about five minutes, cold dip and 
slip oflf the skin. Pack loosely as 
these do not shrink much during 
processing. Allow an hour and a 
half. Sweet peppers are scalded five 
minutes, skinned if you like, proc- 
essed two hours. Pumpkin and squash 
are usually cooked down to a thick 
pulp ready for pies, adding sugar and 
salt. Fill jars and process two hours. 


/ REC-HaU| \ 

mmmm "ui — ■ 



First fLooR OecoND Floor 


AN English cottage of six rooms, sun parlor and 
bath, 26 feet wide by 30 feet in depth, not counting 
the sun porch which projects 9 feet. The steep lines 
of the roof, the half timber paneling and stucco in the 
entrance gable and the quaint chimney give this house 
its distinctly English appearance. The interior is ar- 
ranged in a very satisfactory way with no wasted space. 
Color sketch to left shows a rich paneled treatment for 
the dining room with a glimpse through the French 
doors to the living room fireplace. Below is a vine 
arbor for the home grounds. 

', 'vi'^ ■ - ... 



HERE is a beautiful Spanish home with six rooms 
and two baths. The width across the front is only 
28 feet though if the building site permits, the garage 
gateway and the arched passageway to the left can be 
added, greatly increasing the width and impressiveness 
of this design. The floor plan is very clever. Color 
sketch to left shows how the bathrooms are finished in 
opal glass tiling to the top of the doors. 



HERE is a Colonial home that is different — made so 
hy the unusual gabled dormer. This house lias six 
rooms and two baths, besides the big sun porch opening 
from the dining room. An abundance of closet space 
is provided both upstairs and down. Color sketch to 
right shows the sun porch as viewed from the dining 


TWO old-tiniL' Colonial interiors — ■ 
al)ovc. a dining room with a 
quaint stair landing: below, a bed- 
room with canopy bed. 

('ni.oKl'l.AlH R-\ II 

COLONIAL style in ciUrance hall 
and living room. Tlicse photo- 
graphs are rich in suggestions for 
Colonial finish and furnishings. 



A FRENCH cottage in rough troweled stucco 30 by 
32 feet, containing five rooms and batli. The ex- 
terior is delightful in its simplicity and the charm of 
good designing is carried right inside to the straight- 
forward, comfortable interior. Color sketch to left 
shows furnishings for one of the bedrooms. 





A WELL constructed Dutch Colonial home of 
stucco on tile with exposed ornamental hrick work 
for the lirst story, and wide siding and a colorful roof 
above. The floor plan, as illustrated, is very interesting 
with central stair hall, living room, dining room, sun 
porch and kitchen downstairs and three large bedrooms 
and two baths upstairs. The front bedroom with dou- 
ble alcoves and doors opening onto two balconies is 
especially attractive. Color sketch to right shows fire- 
place treatment and furnisliings for the big living room. 



i iii i m i. H I Living Ra\- s i *Zr,\)u 

l2'-l"x lo'-o" I 






BELOW is illustrated a charming little Colo- 
nial cottage of four rooms but with five- 
room efficiency. The space-saving bed swings 
out of its closet and into the living room when 
occasion requires. 



PERSPECTIVE view and floor 
plan directly above show this 
charming little five-room cottage. 
Size 24 by 28 feet. The closet bed 
and bathroom on the first floor, 
opening from the living room, 
give this design six-room effi- 




icf-ox u-o" 

Floor -Plan 



ERE is a substantial brick residence of the square 
hip-roof type, 26 feet wide by 34 feet deep. Within 
these main lines of the liousc arc contained the seven 
rooms and then there arc projections front and rear 
on the first floor to accommodate the sun porcli and 
the rear entry. Color sketch to left gives a glimpse 
of the living room looking through toward the sun 
parlor, and below is an attractive pergola gateway and 
^? screen for the back door. 



AVERY interesting design for a corner lot. The 
living room and the kitchen are in the same end 
of the plan and this rather unusual placing works out 
very satisfactorily. The dining room and the big sun 
porch have the other end of the rectangle, and upstairs 
there are three big bedrooms and a large bathroom be- 
sides plenty of closets. Color sketch to right shows the 
sun porch provided with wicker furniture and summery 
curtains at the casement windows. 


Front Lawns and Shrubbery 

Put the house well back from 
the street and develop the ap- 
proach with green grass and 
growing plants and whether the 
home is large or small the effect 
is delightful and inviting. 




HERE is a typical English design in stucco, contain- 
ing six rooms and bath. Size on the ground 24 by 
32 feet. The tloor plan, as illustrated, shows the very 
ideal arrangement and the color sketch to left gives an 
idea for furnishing the front bedroom in old Colonial 



HERE is a perfect example of the straiglit gable 
Colonial, green slnitters and all. Notice tlie over- 
hang ot" the secnnd story — a favorite device of our 
Colonial forefathers. 1 hi.s is an economical, narrow 
lot design. Size 22 feet wide by 35 feet deep. Six 
well arranged rooms are provided. Color sketch to 
right shows the handy sewing alcove, a part of the 
upper hall. 




ROUGH brick work full of character, combined with 
stone and stucco, set the style for this design. The 
oriel window and the other casement windows add to 
the English effect. The floor plan reveals six very well 
arranged rooms. Color sketch to left shows the paneled 
dining room. 




Boxes for Porch and Window Plants 

SOME garden lovers use boxes for 
porch and window gardens, but 
such containers are seldom if 
ever of correct proportions, and to 
alter them is about as much work as 
to build boxes from the bottom up 
of boards purchased at the local lum- 
ber yard. If you use a grocery box, 
you can hide its identity by stripping 
its sides and ends with lattice strips 
or laths, as shown in Fig. 1 and de- 
scribed below. But it is assumed 
that you will prefer to build your box 
of new lumber, so the width and depth 
dimensions are given in the cross-sec- 
tion of Fig. 2. This detail shows a 
box of stock ^ inch thick, with sides 
and ends of 8-inch boards and bot- 
tom of a 10-inch board. The balus- 
trade or window sill the box is to 
occupy will determine the length; in 
fact, it may govern the width. By 
fitting the bottom board between the 
sides and ends, instead of lapping it as 
shown, you can make the box entire- 

the strips equidistantly. When the 
vertical strips have been nailed in 
place, nail the bottom horizontal strip 
around the sides and ends of the box 
on a line with the box bottom, then 
space the upper three bands at equal 
distances apart. Fasten the block 
marked D in Fig. 2 between the pro- 
jecting ends of the corner strips, to 
reinforce them for legs. 

A box with projecting bands like 
those on the box in Fig. 1 is difficult 

ly of 8-inch boards. This will de- 
crease the depth by the thickness of 
the bottom board, but this is not ob- 
jectionable. Indeed, I have built win- 
dow-sill boxes of 6-inch boards, with 
an inside depth of 5 inches, and found 
them satisfactory. 

After assembling the box, cut top- 
band strips A (Fig. 2) y% inch thick 
by \y% inches wide, cut the corner and 
intermediate vertical strips B y% inch 
thick by Y^ inch wide, and the hori- 
thick by Yi 
inch wide. Make the corner vertical 
strips long enough to project 
lYi inches below the box bot- 
tom for feet, and the inter- 
mediate strips B of the right 
length to project "^ inch be- 
low the box bottom. Space 

to paint after the parts are assembled. 
It is best to give the parts a coat of 
paint before assembling, then a sec- 
ond coat after the strips have been 
put on. 



Men's Pa^e 

Seasonable Suggestions 

THIS is the season of the year 
when the thoughts of owners of 
automobiles turn to garages. For a 
good weather-tight garage is just as 
essential as a state license and insur- 

A well-constructed garage provides 
a place for the automobile to be stored 
and a workroom for the owner. A 
car worth from several hundred to 
several thousands of dollars is too 

valuable to be allowed to stay out in 
rain and snow, and while it is prac- 
tically impossible to make a garage 
thief-proof, an automobile standing 
out is an invitation to prowlers. 

The garage may be as simple or as 
elaborate as the owner desires. In 
either event it should conform to the 
architectural style of the home. A 
simple frame building, constructed of 
good materials and built so that it 
yvill exclude the weather serves a ma- 
jority of owners to house their cars. 

Plans for garages of all kinds are 
available at our office. No matter 
what type of garage is desired, we 
will be glad to supply plans and help 
the builder get the most for the 
money he has available. 

and are used as supports for grape- 

NOTHING so enhances the attrac- 
tiveness of the home as a well- 
kept lawn and flower beds and gar- 
dens. What otherwise would be a 
plain house can be made pleasing by 
proper plantings. Shrubs about the 
porch and in the lawn, and especially 
where some spot should be concealed 
add much more to the value of the 
home than their cost. 

One of the most attractive of the 
perennial.s is a climbing rose. This 
is well suited for porch ends and sides. 
Trained over an attractive and grace- 
ful trellis, the climbing rose is a 
thing of beauty. Trellises are easy 
to build and the materials are not ex- 
pensive. We have some very excel- 
lent trellis designs that we will be 
glad to have our customers use. Some 
arc suited for roses and other climb- 
ers, while others are more elaborate 

SUMMER makes many home own- 
ers long for a sleeping porch, 
where rest may be secured with an 
abundance of fresh air and more com- 
fort than comes to those who sleep 

There are few homes of such archi- 
tectural design that a sleeping porch 
cannot be added and become, appar- 
ently, a part of the home. The com- 
fort that is derived from a sleeping 
porch more than repays for the small 
cost of the addition. This, too, is 
true of a porch added to those homes 
that have not this modern feature. 

Adding either a porch or a sleep- 
ing porch should not be done in a 
haphazard manner. The style of the 
home to which the addition is to be 
made should be given careful consid- 
eration before the style of the porch 
is selected. In this selection we can 
be of service. In our office we have 
designs for all types of porches and 
sleeping porches. We will be glad 
to help in this selection and also fig- 
ure the cost of materials that are re- 
quired. . 

WINDOW and door screens not 
only make the home more com- 
fortable but keep out flies and other 
insects that are disease carriers. 
Every window should be screened, 
and screen doors hung at the door 
openings. When this inexpensive 
work has been done, the home can be 
ventilated without the annoyance that 
insects brings. 

IF you are planning to build a home 
this summer let us help you. We 
have many hundreds of home building 
suggestions that you are welcome to 
inspect and that will aid you in the 
planning of the home, both in the in- 
terior arrangement and the exterior 


A Living Room 
Library with fAWfi^ 
Ine bimplicity 
of an Earlier Age 

PERHAPS as a corrective for the rush 
and tumult, the complexity of our mod- 
ern mechanical age, there is a strong tend- 
ency toward a simplicity in the decoration 
of homes and apartments that is almost 
primitive. The arch openings hung w^ith 
curtains go back to the time before doors 
and hardware were invented. The open 
book shelves are the straight-forward idea 
of the early housewife for taking care of 
her dishes, small household articles and the 
small but rare collection of books. 

There is something friendly and inviting 
in the living room of today handled in this 
old-time, medieval spirit. New homes are 
being planned in this style and many old 
homes are being remodeled to accomplish 
this newer and simpler style of interior 
decoration and furnishings. 

Sometimes we think of this style as ex- 
clusively for the Spanish or Italian type of 
exterior, but many are using it to excellent 
advantage with other styles of homes.