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TXTXT /'^'^V Perhaps you iuive passed the nurseries between June and frost, and, seeing row upon row of Phlox 
K^ ri I iC J /V have wished tlmt you liad more in your garden. Hundreds of people have stopped, liad tlicni dug 
up with a little clump of dirt, and put in the car; we do not recall having received aiiy complaint 
about the success of this unusual out-of-season planting — they keep on blooming. The great value of Phlox is its profuse 
biooni, perfume, long season, hardiness, and delightful colors. We have selected the best colors. You can give them the 
stamp of your approval. Buy them in bloom rather than depend upon tiresome descriptions. The picture shows in the 
background tall white Phlox, Independence; the big sweep of pink across the picture represents Elizabeth Campbell; the 
white with the pink eye, Europa; the deep pink in the center, Jules Sandeau; and the bright red, Baron Van Dedem. 
The Phlox sutfruticosa. Miss Lingard, belongs to a diiferent species; this variety has narrow, upright panicles, and begins 
to bloom in June, perhaps three weeks before the others. Its foliage is narrow and glossy. For description and prices see p. 45. 


Wouldn't you like a full-grown, beautiful specimen tree like this Linden? You can have it, 
because it is perfectly practicable to move trees of this size, provided they have been prepared by 
the Hicks Method. Not only is it practicable but it is econoiiiical for these trees are time-saving 
and give you the results that you want immediately after they are jiut on your grounds. You can come to Hicks Nurseries, 
pick out the trees, and have them taken to your home while they are in full leaf. The achievement is yours — the waiting 
has been ours. You know what you are getting; these time-saving trees speak for themselves. Our maples, lindens, oaks, 
and evergreens have been grown and trained in the best possible way for successful transplanting. You need not worry 
about the soil and the exposure; you need not question whether the trees will live and grow. In fact, you need give yourself 
no concern whatever after we receive your instructions; all these various things are covered in our part of the contract, for 
we guarantee that all plants from our nurseries will grow satisfactorily or will be replaced. F. O. B. nurseries. Packing extra. 




Prices are for stock loaded at the nursery. Estimates furnished on delivery, planting, freight or express. 
5 at the 10 rate; 50 at the 100 rate. Packing free, except for stock of unusual size 

Copyright. Jama Sitydani, l^ev York 




1, Fruit. 2, Rock-Garden. 3, Hardy Flowers. 4, Hornbeam. 5, Lindens (22 yrs.). 6, Rare Plants. 7, Lindens (17 yrs.). 8 Beech 
(17yrs.). 9, Cover Plants. 10, Tulip Tree and Hemlock. 11, Fir. 12, Oriental Spruce. 13, Yew. 14, Fir (22 yrs.). 15, White p'ine (27 
yrs.). 16, Ginkgo. 17, Jumper. IS, Turquoise Berry, Japanese Cherry. 19, Douglas Spruce, Concolor Fir. 20, Flowering Shrubs. 21 
Oak and Pine for Forest Planting. 22, Rhododendron Garden, Pyramidal English Oak. 23, Pin Oak (32 yrs.). 24, Linden (22 yrs.)! 
25, Maple (27 yrs.). Cucumber Magnolia, Liqnidambar. 26, Jack Pine. 27, Hemlock Hedge (52 yrs.). 28, Red Pine (11 yrs ) Holly' 
29, White Pine (27 yrs.). 30, Colorado Blue Spruce (17 yrs.). 31, Cephalonian Fir. 32, Mr. W, W. Cocks. 33, Mr, W. R. Grace. 34' 

Mr. George Rose. 35, Mr. J. S. Phipps. ' 


We guarantee every plant 
from OUT nursery, and give 
new ones for those that do 
not grow satisfactorily. The 
cost of transportation and 
planting of replaced trees 
is borne by the purchaser 



Nassau Co. (Phone 67.68) WESTBURY, L. L, N. Y. 


Copyright, IQ2^, by Henry Hicks, Westbury, L. I., N. Y. 


Acer platanoides • NORWAY MAPLE 

If you wish the darkest green, most tlme-sa^'ing shade, with 
the least doubt or risk, the Noxnvay Maples here offered will 
supply it. 

Norway Maples are favorite shade trees in the entire eastern 
section of the United States. Thej^ make a fairly rapid growth, 
adapt themselves readily to different types of soil and a diver- 
sity of climatic conditions, and are extremely well developed 
at maturity. The sandy loam soil of Long Island seems excel- 
lently suited to their needs. ' 

"How will I fit the foliage or the trees to my needs?" Tell 
us your ideal, and we will help you decide how near you can 
come to it. Is it a street tree or trees in front of your house 
that will really shade the sidewalk and will be higli enough not 
to interfere with the tops of automobiles? Trees 33-2 to 5 inches 
in diameter will do this immediately with the least expense. Is 
it a sluided grove under which the children can play or where 
you can have a garden party? The trees are of the same size, 
but some of them, selected \\ith shorter trunks or lower branches 
will give you the most and quickest shade for the money. 

Will one kind of a tree make the most beautiful grove? Not 
often; j'ou can add variety without discord with oak, linden, 
tulip and sweet gum. 

What \\ill take away the bare look? One tree at the corner 
of the house, or, better, a grove at each end. How locate the 
tree? Sunshine in every room some time of the day is best. 
Shadows passing over the roof, windows, and porch are also 
desirable. That brings back the question of where you 
imagine you should like to have a tree, how big, how high, how 
wide to have the branches. Is it 30 feet high, 25 feet wide,- 
with a view under up to 12 feet? You can pick it out from 
these trees listed or in the nursery. You will have satisfaction 

You can have shade this sum- 
mer. You can have better shade 

by planting a group of two or three of these Maples with 
oak, linden, or Tulip Trees. This tree was planted in 
full leaf, in midsummer, and photographed a few days after. 
The high quality of these trees permits you to use them for 
street planting where you wish to lift the street out of the 
ordinary, or where you wish to show real comfort instead of 
a doubtful proniise of shade five years hence. Some people 
are taking out the little trees planted by the real estate com- 
panies and putting in good trees like these. The oaks on 
way. page 6 and Liquidambar on page 4 are also suitable. 

Look at the house settings you like best and see if the house is not open on the south to the sun and flanked 
with a grove of trees at the east and west. If that is the case, and you have room to do the same, 
stake out your group of trees 20 to 30 or more feet apart. We will help you arrange them or we 
will measure the trees and report to your landscape architect. 
As you will see from the airplane view in the frontispiece, there is an abundance of big, 
broad trees twenty to thirty years old for you to choose front. Perhaps you have not 

Maples that have just been planted in full leaf 
with the roots in a ball of earth. 

Will they grow? Surely. Will the buyer be pleased? 
Yes, indeed. 

thought of using such large trees, but when you figure it all out j-ou will find that in 
many situations it does not paj^ to wait. Maybe, as many people ha^'e expressed it in 
different ways, they did not know such fine trees were available. 

Perhaps the purchase of time-saving trees has not entered your calculations, but 
it will take very little calculation to show that for many situations it is cheaper 
to get a time-saving tree that is dug right, planted right, and guaranteed. To 
return to the trees mentioned for street trees and illustrated on this page, 
if you are designing a formal entrance-court, street, plaza, or square, 
they will cause tlie place to be admired. The trees are not future prom- 
ises, not little saplings, but trees that will make your design attractive. 

Estimates furnished for delivery and planting. Guaranteed to 
grow satisfactorily or a nev,- tree furnished, dug and loaded at the 

Prices of Norway Maples 

Height Diam. Each 

18-22 ft. 4 in S15 00 

18-22 ft. 41^ in 25 00 

18-22 ft. Sin 40 00 

22-24 ft. 6 in., 16 vrs. old 50 00 

24-26 ft. 7 in 80 00 

24-30 ft. 8-10 in 100 00 

26-32 ft. 10-12 in 150 00 

28-35 ft. 12-14 in., 25 yrs. old 175 00 



S125 00 

SHOO 00 

225 00 

350 00 

450 00 

750 00 

900 00 

1250 00 

1500 00 



The hundreds 
of Sugar Maples 
we offer are a year 
or two older than 
this picture. They 
are just right for 
extensive planting 
in a grove or for 
streets. Other 
street trees at low 
rates are Liquid- 
ambar, page 4, 
oak, page 6. lin- 
den, page 9. 

Acer saccharum. SUGAR MAPLE. For tlie region wliere it is native anci lor the nortliern 
slope of Long Island, the Sugar Maple grows well. In explanation it might be said that the 
Norway Maple does better than the Sugar Maple on the sand and gravel subsoil f, 

of most of Long Island, keeping a darker green foliage in the dry, hot ' ■" 

period. We have several hundred Sugar Maples 10 to 12 feet high, just 
right for extensive street planting where trees of the usual size are wanted. 
They arc straight and will be dug with good roots. 

We have a few large-sized trees ten to thirty-five years old that have 
been grown wide apart and are perfect specimens. Many people come 
back from their vacations in September and expect that by using Sugar 
Maples they can get the same color-effect they have seen in a higher 
altitude and more northern latitude, but it cannot be done on Long 
Island. It can be done with oaks and liquidambars. 

They make the same mistake with elms, thinking that by f. 

ordering them they will get the elm curve in asoil and climate where .'i 

the elms are not native and do not reach their highest beauty. f. v^- 

HtiRht Diani. Each 10 100 

10-12 ft.. \li in., 10 vrs. old. . .S2 50 $22 50 S200 00 

12-14 ft. 23^; in 6 00 50 00 

16-20 ft. 3 in 15 00 100 00 

18-20 ft. 4 in ' 25 00 225 00 

22-26 ft. 5 in 50 GO 450 00 

BEECH. See Fagus. 

Carpinus Betulus. EUROPEAN HORNBEAM. Py- 
ramidal Shape. Some European trees seem to grow 
larger and stand more sun and dry wind than their 
American relatives, such as beech, nia])le, linden, and 
hornbeam. The European Hornbeam is related to 
the beech and makes a large, broad tree with a dense 
mass of small leaves, while the American Hornbeam 
is a small, open tree in the undergrowth, like tiie 
dogwood. Trees that siiow the handiwork of man 
are interesting. Our Hornbeams have been clii>ped 
for many years and yott get the same results as if 
you inherited your place. Tall, narrow screens 
are needed in many places, and these clipped 
plants are so dense and t^viggy that they make a 
fair screen in winter. These have been clipped to 
the form of a tall, tapering spire and will make 
charming narrow hedges or pleached alleys around 
formal gardens. 


Height Each 

8 ft S15 00 

10 ft.. .. .. 18 00 

Height Each 

12 ft S25 00 

14 ft 40 00 

16 ft 50 00 

18 ft 60 00 

20 ft 65 00 

22 ft 75 00 

Sheared standard pyramids of Hornbeatn twenty years 
old. This picture was taken tliree or four years ago. Land- 
scape architects returning from Europe enthuse over 
similar hedges, and urge that we prepare them. They add 
a new dimension to landscape as compared with the little 
tree that "you can pat on the head." The landscape that 
you can see by looking over the hedge is not as interesting 
as one that is divided and invites exploration into its mys- 
teries. These Hornbeains have been used from the Berk- 
shire Hills to Pittsburgh in the finest formal gardens. They 
are dug with balls of earth so you can plant them at any 
time of the year. 

Cornus Kousa, Japanese Flowering Dogwood. The plants we offer 
are as high as these. They are well set with bloom-buds, so you 
need not think you have got to wait and that this is another of the 
new plants that need the patience of previous generations. This 
picture is on a drive at Cold Spring Harbor, showing how completely 
it harmonizes with native landscape. 


The strata of white which its blooms produce on the edges 
of the forest and in the forest have made people love it. 
You can safely use Dogwood in your shrubbery to raise 
up the sky outline, but more especially to underplant oak, 
pine, tulip, liquidambar, and other trees, for it delights in 
a partly sliaded position and does not like to stand alone 
in a dry, windy situation. 

Height Each 10 

5 ft S2 50 S20 00 

6 ft 4 00 37 50 

8 ft 7 00 65 00 

10 ft 8 00 75 00 

C. floricJa rubra. RED-FLOWERING DOGWOOD. The 
red variety of common Dogwood. You can add small ones 
to your ]>resent collection or graft on the old trees. No 
im])rovement of a native plant has come more rapidly in 
favor than the Rcd-Ilowering Dogwood. Only a few years 
ago it was found in Virginia and we found it on Long Island. 
Height Each 10 

2-3 ft 53 50 S30 00 

4-5 ft 4 00 35 00 

C. Kousa. JAPANESE DOGWOOD. You will be proud to 
help introduce a new plant that harmonizes with Long 
Island scenery. It is rather difficull to get a garden shrub, 
as althea or weigela, to look harmonious in the woodland. 
This looks almost exactly like the White Dogwood, except 
that it is a month later. The old trees in the Dana Arbore- 
tum, Glen Cove, are white snowbanks 15 feet high and 20 
feet broad the last of May. Plant them in quantit3' along 
the borders of the woods, in the woodland, and shrubbery. 
Present one to a friencl. 

Height Each 10 

2-4 ft SI 00 S9 00 

8 ft 6 00 50 00 

10-12 ft 15 00 125 00 



These Beeches from the Hicks Nurseries bound the lawn and 
screen the road. Does this not look more dignified than the usual 
hedge and shrubbery? Consider low-branched pine, hemlock, oak, 
linden and dogwood, with a cover of azalea and laurel. 

Fagus americana. AMERICAN BEECH. Perhaps yoii 
iiavc always admired the Beecli — tlie one clieerful spot in 
a grove of dark and gloomy tree trunks. Perluips you liave 
never thought to have it on your lawn or in your woods. 
Maybe you have tried and found it diirrcult to get or to 
make Itve. You will find tliese dinicultics overcome, for 
once we Iiave them root-pruned and moved to your place 
with big balls of earth, they are sure to grow. The trees we 
offer are low-branched specimens. Tliey can be used for 
mass planting instead of sSirubbery, or trees with tali stems 
that j'ou can plant in the woods or as a lawn tree to look 
under. Perhaps, like many people, you iiave a strip of 
monotonous woodland and wisii to lighten it up. These 
plants, 5 feet high, are just the thing. They are so rare in 
nurseries tluit our stock is utilized from Massachusetts to 
Hciglit Each 10 Height Eacli 10 

3ft S3 00 S27 50 I 8ft S18 00 $16000 

4 ft 4 00 35 00 1 10 ft 30 00 280 00 

5 ft 5 00 45 00 12 ft 40 00 350 00 

6 ft 6 00 50 00 I 14 ft., 18 yrs. 50 00 450 00 

F. sylvatica. EUROPEAN BEECH. Like the Norway 
maple, the European Beech seems to do even better when 
in the open than its American relatives, because the foliage 
is darker green and not so liable to show burning by hot 
winds. It has taken fifteen to twenty years to grow up 
this stock, but it is ready now and sure to grow. You can 
use them as in the illustration, for a low-branched boundary 
planting, or for a hedge. Beech hedges rank next to walls 
as substantial garden boundaries ia Europe. Here is your 
chance to get one iminediately 10 to 15 feet high. It wilt 
be much cheaper than a masonry wall. It holds its leaves 
in the winter when most deciduous trees are bare. If you 
are thinking of a barrier for the laundry-yard, entrance- 
court, street, or background for the flower-garden, consider 
a hedge of the Beech and also of the hornbeam. A carload 
of these Beeches will lift your landscape out of the ordinary. 
They are certain to grow and their dignity and old age will 
show that they are worth the money. 

Height Each 10 Height Each 10 

3-4 ft. . .S3 00 S27 50 I 10 ft S25 00 S200 00 

4-5 ft. .. 4 00 35 00 12 ft 35 00 300 00 

6 ft 6 00 50 00 14 ft., 18 yrs. 

8 ft 15 00 120 00 I old ". . . 50 00 450 00 

F. sylvatica purpurea. PURPLE BEECH. The Purple or 
Copper Beeches are well known for their deep purple or 
reddish purple foliage in May and June. 6 ft. high, SIO each. 

GINKGO. A tall tree willi long branches standing at an 
upward angle. The foliage is, as described in an old Cliinese 
botany, "shaped like a duck's foot" and, being thick and 
leathery, it stands city smoke. 

Height Each Height Each 

6- 8 ft S3 00 I 12-14 ft S15 00 

10-12 ft 8 00 

Liquidambar Styraciflua. SWEET GUM. If you want 
several hundred street trees, 10 feet high, on loamy soil of 
the type between Flushing and Woodbury or between New 
York and Trenton or New York and Stamford, these are 
the best we can suggest. Liquidambar is native in the 
regions mentioned, and, next to the tulip tree it is the 
tallest and straightest. Its autumn color is the most bril- 
liant of any tree of the region at that time; the Oaks turn 
red later. You can make your street famous with the 
autumn color of j'our Sweet Gum, or Licpiidambar. It has 
not been available in quantity heretofore, and it has been 
considered hard to transplant, but we have overcome these 
difliculties. The Liquidambar needs but to be known to 
become a favorite and the reason so few people do know it 
is because it has been so little planted anti because few of 
us go in the woods to study. Another reason is that it 
reaches its northern limit near Stamford and therefore it is 
not as common as in the South. 

The larger trees offered are beautiful, symmetrical, and 
shaped like the linden or sugar maple. They save you time, 
they are big enough for the children to climb in, and they 
are so beautiful, clean, and vigorous that you cannot pick 
out a handsomer tree or one you will be more proud to show. 
Hcigfit Diam. Each 10 100 

10-12 ft. 11.'.^ in S3 50 S30 00 $275 00 

12-14 ft. 2-3 in 6 00 50 00 400 00 

14-18 ft. 3-4 in 25 00 

16-20 ft. 4-5 in. 17 yrs, old . , .45 00 

16-22 ft. 5-6 in....; 60 00 

Liriodendron Tulipifera. TULIP TREE. A txill, ovate 
tree native on the northern slope of Long Island and at 
Wantagh on the southern slope. Flowers appear in June 
and resemble large yellow tulips, shaded with green. You 
will admire the tree on street, lawn, or in the forest, for its 
straight trunk is as graceful as a Grecian column. Because 
they are diflicult to transplant, we take them up with big 
balls of earth, like an evergreen, any time of the year. 
Height Each 10 Height Each 10 

8 ft.... S3 00 525 00 114 ft S15 00 S120 00 

10 ft .... 4 00 35 00 I 18 ft 25 00 

Magnolia acuminata. CUCUMBER MAGNOLIA. Closely 
resembles its relative the tulip tree in form of tree and color 
of bloom. If the purple grackles leave it alone in July, it 
will have a heavy crop of red cucumbers in September, 
These open and the scarlet seeds hang out on the silken 
threads for the robins. The large trees should be considered 
in making up a collection of shade trees, for while they 
harmonize with other trees. Height Each 

they differ just enough to . .-jlfc 6 ft S3 00 

relieve the monotony of Long 'MSI? 8 ft., 10 yrs, old. 8 00 
Island landscapes. 

Liquidambar. You can have trees like this immediately if root-pruned 
and moved with big ball of earth. You do not have to cut them back and 
wonder if they are going to live and wait five years to get a broad tree 
like this. Many people want something out of the ordinary, that is, of 
high quality and not a freak. Here's a tree that meets all these require- 
ments. We are proud of the achievement in growing them and being 
able to move them successfully, and we are sure you will be proud of 
the fact that you are helping popularize a good tree that is but little 
known. View on St. Johns Lake, Cold Spring Harbor. 




Quercus • OAKS 

If you say Oaks are slow, we are going to prove: 

First, that you are mistaken. 

Second, that we have done the long waiting and 
that they are here ready for you. 

Third, that if you dechne to plant Oaks where 
they siiould be planted, it is a condemnation of 3'ou 
and not of tlic trees. 

Either pay the price of Oaks planted so tliat they 
will live or plant poijlars and see them drop their yellow, purple the richest colors you can 

, . ' i V , I I- 1 I I I I imagine, if not the brightest, are mingled on 

leaves m a summer drought and die back and look this tree in early autumn. The cork ridged^ 

sad and make your landscape look cheap and [jj'f f^^"^ ^p"^ ^^^^ ''^" ■ ^^^"^ y°" *° ''"°^ 

shoddy. If you admire Oaks, you can have them. 

All you have to pay is the difference between the valueof a tree that has had expert nursery care for fifteen 

years or more, and a little ordinary tree tliree or four years old. 

You ha^'e often wished that you could put your own character, that of your business, countrj^ estate, and social 
standing on an Oak plane. Now you have a chance to plant a truck-load, carload, or barge load. You cannot 
get better Oaks, nor can you get good Oaks cheaper. We do not mean to be impertinent, but to be em])iiatic, so 
that you will know that now is tlie time to make your landscape the best one possible in an Oak country. For 
this is an Oak countiy — 80 per cent of the forest is Oak; tiie trees that stand up against ocean blast and prairie 
wind are Oak; the noblest trees left along property line and road are Oak; there is an Oak for every degree of 
soil-fertility and soil-poverty, for every degree of soil-moisture, from desert to swamp, for each degree ol exposure, 
from prairie and seashore to sheltered forest. We have them and you need them. 

Will you get the rigiit Oak in the right place? Tell us where you are and we will look up your conditions and 
tell you what you should plant. We will not tell you what we can make the most profit on. We know some are 
difficult to move, but we have prepared them to be moved. We have developed machinery and trained men to 

move them properlj'. We will remind you to give them 
a drink in June and July when thirst means death. 

If you are too busy to come to the nursery, tell us 
your heart's desire, and we will see that it is realized. 
But if you possibly can, come to the nursery half an 
hour or half a day; you will enjoy picking out the com- 
panions of your lifetime and that of your children's chil- 
dren. You will have the satisfaction of kno\\ing that 
you are in an Oak country, and that in planting an Oak 
you are planting a most enduring monument. People 
will say, "Who was wise enough to jalant the Post 
Oak on that gravelly ridge." "Oh, that was so and so, 
back in 1923. It is the finest old tree in this region." 

Oaks are considered by the United States Depart- 
ment of Agriculture to be the best trees for street 
planting. It is probable that Oaks luwe not been more 
widely planted because of the prevalent belief that they 
are slow growers, and because in the Nortli they are 
rather difficult to transplant. A White Oak, however, 
which is one of the slow-growing varieties, will reach 
the same height as a sugar maple in the same period ot 
time, and maples have been used much more widely 
than Oaks for street ornamentation, despite 
many unsatisfactory characteristics. Jb 

Quercus coccinea — Scarlet Oak. You admire the autumn colors of 
the Long Island forests. We have a quantity of these with clear stems 
of S feet and symmetrical tops 12 feet high. They were transplanted 
three years ago, so they will come up with balls of earth as on page 7 
and be as certain to live as a Poplar. It was twelve years ago that we 
planted the seed; they would have grown faster if we had not root- 
pruned them by L blade, windlass, and gas engine, and transplanted 
them, but those expenses were necessary to make them as easy to 
transplant as the poplar and the type of trees usually grown in nur- 
series but which are more likely to make your place look shoddy. 


Proof that Oaks when established grow just as fast as maples, 
shows two growths in one season as indicated 




Quercus alba. WHITE OAK. "Tlie noblest Roman of 
lliem all." It is slow, but we ivave been looking lliroiigh a 
nursery on the Hempstead Plains planted witli supposedly 
quick-growing trees, and the Wiiite Oak and Scarlet Oak 
have now become the largest of them all. The faster growing 
trees from swamp or sections having a rainy climate slowed 
down and are growing thin and sad. Do you want to add 
one Oak tree to your present collection of trees? Do you 
want a tree with the limbs just right for the children to 
climb? Even if you have to cut out a tree to put in the Oak, 
it is worth doing. Have you a boundary of tall, flat-topped 
shrubs? Shrubs were cheap and available when your place 
was planted maybe, and they have filled up the plan and 
ground. Oaks \yere not available. Will you take out four 
shrubs and put in an Oak? 

Have you an entrance drive where you would like White 
Oaks? You can see one on the estate of Mr. Payne Whitney, 
Manhasset, Long Island, arrairged by Guy Lowell anci 
A. R. Sargent, Landscape Architects. The White Oaks are 
helped by an underplanting of wild roses. 

Height Diam. Eacfi 10 100 

4ft SI 50 SI 2 50 S90 00 

6 ft 2 00 15 00 100 00 

10 ft. U^ in 5 00 45 00 400 00 

12 ft. 23-4 in 10 00 90 00 

14 ft. 3-4 in., 15 yrs. old 15 00 125 00 

White Oak and White Pine on the estate of Mr. E, D. Morgan, 
Wheatley. In 1893 we planted the pines and they are now big enough 
for saw fogs. White Oak and White Pine are happy companions. 
Pines love company, either of their own kind or the Oaks. The picture 
shows the beauty, strength, and dignity of a young White Oak and 
persuades you to come to the nursery and pick out one like it. See 
if you don't admire its sturdy, blacksmith-like arms, its complete 
self-sufficiency. Do you want your street to be like Bowne Avenue 
of Flushing — an avenue of Oaks? At Hicks Nurseries are Oaks that 
have the characters in the picture. They are seventeen years old. 

One great asset of a place in the country is the cool summer 

breeze. To get the full benefit of the breeze you need shade 

trees. They attract the breeze and the moisture transpiring 

from the leaves cools the air. One commuter said when left alone 

to take care of his children "The coolest place and the best place for 

the children is right here." He had a sand box and slide under a big 

Maple like this in the corner of his lawn. He had not planted a little 

sapling which would make shade after the children had grown too big 

for the sand box. He planted a big tree 20 years old. 

The tree in the distance on the right has the elliptical curve of the Linden. 

The tree on the left has the tent- form branches of the Pin Oak. The spray 

of leaves in the corner shows the autumn color of the Oaks. 

In the background the boundary to the street or the next property may be a hedge 

or a border of shrubs and evergreens. All of these things you may find most economical 

to buy ready to do their work without waiting to grow up. 

Quercus bicolor. SWAMP 
WHITE OAK. This has 90 
per cent of the dignity of the 
White Oak. It grows on 
hard-pan and clay soils and 
is, perhaps, 25 per cent faster. 
You will see an avenue of 
them at Halesite, Long Is- 
land; big old specimens at 
Cedar Swamp, Flushing, and 
Summit, N. J., and on river- 
bottonis elsewhere. If you 
are planning a park, play- 
ground, school-ground, sta- 
tion plaza, street, avenue, 
forecourt, or general land- 
scape in such soil, these trees 
we offer will give you the best 
possible service. They are 
big enough. No one will 
laugh at you for planting 
Oaks. We will transplant 
them in a way that removes 
the risk from you. They ■svill 
have such big balls of earth 
that we will be willing to 
transplant them in full leaf. 
There is an avenue of them 
at Swart h more College, 
Swarthmore, Pa. The early 
college papers printed jokes 
about playing leap-frog over 
the Scrub Oaks. No one can 
play leaf-frog over them now 
for they are the biggest and 
noblest trees there. 
Heiglit Diam. Eacli 10 

14-16 ft. 3i4 in.S25 00 S225 00 
18-22 ft. 43^ in. 45 00 400 00 

Q. coccinea. SCARLET 

OAK. The most beautiful 
tree in the Long Island for- 
ests is the Scarlet Oak. 
Much of the Scrub Oak land 
is really coppice or sprouts 
from stumps of Scarlet Oak; 
they have been burned and 
reburned since the advent of 
the railroad. The Scarlet 
Oak is a noble forest tree of 
large dimensions, adapted to 
dry sand and gravel. It has 
taken us many years to accu- 
mulate a stock so that we 
can offer them freely. Now 
you have the advantage of 
getting the most brilliantly 
colored and most drought- 
resistant foliage combined in 

^ajyp^WES TBVyRY. 



Chestnut Oak or 
Rock Oak is a tree that 
grows rapidly on dry 
soils. This is the way 
our men have to deliver 
them in a condition sure 
to grow. You can keep 
the broad top, whereas, 
if they are moved with 
bare roots they would 
have to be cut nearly to 
a pole. These are cheap 
trees when you con- 
sider either their value 
to you or the cost to 
transplant, root-prune, 
and dig with a ball of 

Quercus coccinea, continued 

one tree. The illustration on page 5 
shows a tree that has not been 
trimmed, but is in the form of a 
haystack. The trees we offer liave 
mostly stems from 4 to 6 feet liigh. 
You can use these freely as street 
trees, on the seashore for wind- 
breaks combined with ])ines and 
other Oaks, for boundary planta- 
tion, or grove. They are not slow, 
but, like the Red Oak and many 
other trees, they make a second 
growth in drought-time, in July or 
August. The autumn color begins 
on Long Island later than that of 
the dogwood, Virginia creeper, pep- 
peridge, and liqiiidambar; therefore, 
to make an autumn landscape you 
need all of them. 

The foliage on ,the Scarlet Oak 
and several otiiers is held through- 
out the winter, giving a welcome 
windbreak to your home. 
Height Diain. Each 

4 ft SI 50 

6 ft 2 00 

8 ft 4 00 

10 ft. Ij.; in... 6 00 
10-14 ft.2 in., age 

10 yrs. 8 00 
12-16 h.2^2 in ...12 00 
Q. velutina. BLACK OAK. All 
that has been said ol the Scarlet 
Oak will apply to the Black Oak, 
for they have been considered by 
botanists as of the same species. 
The leaves are a little larger and a 
little thicker in texture, and, per- 
haps, a bit darker in autumn color. 
It has drought-resistant qualities 
which let you plant it in dry, windy 
places. The inner bark is yellow, 
hence the name of the 
settlers, "Quercitron." 
Height Each 

4 ft SI 50 

6 ft 2 00 















8 ft 4 00 

10 ft. high, IH in. diam 6 00 

10-14 ft. high, 2 in. diam., age 10 vrs 8 00 

12-16 ft. high, 21 i, in. diam 12 00 

Q. marilandica. BLACK JACK OAK. The most cactus 
like of all the Oaks. It grows with the cactus in dry 
valleys above Meadow Brook and on the beach at 
Bayville and Asharoken Beach. It is the slowest-grow- 
ing Oak that we know. The leaves are like green 
patent leather and it looks as if a blast from the desert 

Quercus marilandica, continued 

would not wilt it. Do not count on them as a tree for at least 
ten to fifteen years, but plant them for low foliage 6 to 10 feet 
high with pilch pine, black pine, bayberrj', hazelnut, sumac, 
bird's-foot violet, kill-calf. Dwarf Chestnut Oak, Scrub Oak, 
cactus, huckleberry, pine barren heather, and other jjlants 
we will show you. You will find the Black Jack Oak a low, 
mushroom-shaped tree, solid and symmetrical, growing out 
alone on the Hempstead Plains between Woodbury and Farm- 
ingdale. If you will analyze the scenery there, you will see how 
to make a cheerful landscape in dry, acid soils. 
Height Each 10 

6-8 ft S3 50 S30 00 

8 ft 6 00 50 00 

Q. stellata. POST OAK.. This combines the beauty, dig- 
nity, and ^'enerable old age of the White Oak witli the 
drought-resistant qualities of the Black Jack Oak; they 
grow together. If I give a lectiire for tlie Garden City 
Garden Club, I show branches of the Post, Black Jack, 
Black, Scarlet, and Chestnut Oak as trees that will smile 
when the horse-chestnut, silver maple, and elm are dropping 
their leaves and making people feel sad, even when they do 
not know why. Garden Cit\' is on the Hempstead Plains, 
a treeless prairie where the soil was too dry for a forest. 
Height Each 10 

6 ft S3 50 S30 00 

8 ft 6 00 50 00 

Q. imbricaria. SHINGLE or LAUREL OAK. William 
Cullen Bryant, the poet, developed one of the most beau- 
tiiul landscapes on Long Island. He also had a collection 
of rare trees. One of them wiis the parent of these Oaks. 
We picked up the acorns in 1904. As the name indicates, 
the leaf is like the laurel, not lobcd like the other trees. If 
you want a tree, an avenue, or entrance court that is good, 
dillerent, and beautiful, consider these trees. Laurel Oak 
is native in the Alleghany Mountains. It will make a big, 
ovate tree, similar to the Pin Oak but with heavier foliage. 
Height Diam. Each 

12-14 ft, 21.^ in S12 00 

16-18 ft. 31 ., in 20 00 

16-18 ft. 4 in 35 00 

iiii'ii f —Miwim iMiiiii m liiiii wiiniii II 

Shingle or Laurel Oak at the entrance of Maxwelton, Red Spring Point, Glen Cove. If you are interested in good trees, good 
landscapes, and good gardens, we shall be glad to introduce you 



Quercus palustris — -Pin Oak. 
Nineteen years ago we started 
Oak trees and they have been kept in the 
best possible condition for transplanting for 
you. The quality lias been approved by such estates as that of Mrs. 
H. McKay Twombley, Morristown, N. J., where the best is always used. 
Seventeen trucks-loads of seven each were planted in the fall of 1921. 

As a single shade tree, or better, two or five as a group, feathered 
down with Scarlet Oak, Black Oak, and White Oak, it will make the 
best possible landscape cornposition for many situations. For a pleached 
alley, similar to the Hornbeams on page 3, these Pin Oaks would show 
a new and startling achievement, for they have small, close foliage that 
will make an even-textured wall of green. 

Quercus palustris. PIN OAK. When you make up your Oak 
grove, you are not limited in size, for here are trees up to 
50 feet high and fifty years old. Pin Oak is, in shape, like 
tlie Linden, an ellipse. It may lack the gravity-defj'ing 
arms of the other Oaks, but it makes it up in gracefulness. 
The lower branches hang downward, and not until old age 
is this character lost. Then it assumes the shape of 
other Oaks, with wide-spreading, upward-growing branches. 
In other words the slender, straight-hanging branches are 
a juvenile character by which you can 
recognize the Pin Oak. By the way, 
you will enjoy developing the ability 
to recognize trees and read soil and 
geological conditions at a distance. 
The Pin Oaks that we ofler are 15 
'jf'^fS^P*^' ^^ ^^ ^^^^ high, big, broad specimens 

^^iJliWilfc/r" tEiat you can use as single trees by 

the house; as a grove at either end of 
the house, as described under Norway 
maple; as a forecourt, as illustrated 
under linden; as a street tree that 
i will make your place the most notable 
in tiie comnmnity; as a memorial 
tree, or for planting in the city park or 
playgroimd. They will give the most 
beauty and shade for the money. 

Height Dinm. Each 10 

18-20 ft. 4J4 in . . .$35 00 S300 00 

18-20 ft. 5 in 60 00 

20 26 ft. 6 in 75 00 

25-28 ft. 7 in 100 00 

26-28 ft. 8-9 in, ...150 00 

Quercus prinus. CHESTNUT OAK, Here is a tree that will 
gro\y fast on dry ground. It is native on the Rockaway 
Peninsula, a geological formation of flat glass marbles, where 
old gardeners say you need a shower of rain and a shower of 
manure every other night. It is also native on the graved 
slopes about Hempstead Harbor, Oyster Bay, and Cold 
Spring Harbor. On such situations there may be a layer of 4 
inchesof sandy yellow loam and brown peat under the laurel 
bushes, but the Chestnut Oak will grow vigorously and bear 
a heavy crop of big, almost edible acorns. It will make a 
broiid, venerable tree as shown by a pair of them on the 
Piping Rock property, west of the residence of Mr. Charles 
Stone. It is tipped with new growth in a drought when other 
trees are turning yellow and wilted. You will find also that 
it is growing as fast or faster than they are. You should 
take the opportunity to plant them in quantity for street, 
avenue, lawn, seashore, and hilltop. They should be exten- 
sively used on the Hempstead Plains and in establishing 
shady groves on Long Beach, Asharoken Beach, Shinnecock 
Hills, Long Branch, and on thin rocky soils, as in West- 
chester County and on the Palisades. 

Height Diani. Each 10 

10 ft. 11^ in S6 00 S50 00 

12-14 ft. 21^ in., 10 yrs. old 15 00 125 00 

14-16 ft. 3 in 25 00 

16-20 ft. 33^.1-4 in 40 00 

Q. rubra. RED OAK. A big, broad, dignified tree, like a 
clean-limbed athlete. It is native on tlic lower slopes of the 
hills, and the rich, moist soils, but does well on drier soils, 
as exemplified by the magnificent avenue we ])lantod in 
1895 in the Mineola Fair Grounds, where other trees, sup- 
posed to be of quicker growth, as silver maples, have died 
from drought. 

Height Diam. Each 10 100 

8ft. l^in .....S3 00 S25 00 S200 00 

10 ft. 2 in 4 00 35 00 300 00 

12 ft. 2 in 7 00 65 00 

16-20 ft. 4 in 30 00 

18-20 ft. 5 in 65 00 



jt 1 









^K^^H^ ^St7^^^5?W~£> 1 - 



The best way io gei sliade is to look over tiu- thousands of time- 
saving trees as shown in the aeroplane picture page 1 1 and have them 
delivered on a Hicks tree-mover. The trees are grown on soil that pro- 
duces an abundance of small fibrous feeding-roots. They were trans- 
planted and root-pruned to further increase the fibrous feeding-roots. 
For the majority of your tree needs, the most cubic yards of healthy 
foliage can be secured from Hicks Nurseries. Unit price per tree, 
regardless of roots, may be the most e.xpensive way, measured in 
money or time, or both. You owe yourself, and those who will enjoy 
your landscape now and in the future, a checkup on the above statement. 

Red Oak. A rapid- 
growing tree. Foliage 
turns a deep red in 
the autumn. 


J. F. ScHAPERKOTTER, Esq., Pliiladclphia, Pa. 

Dear Sir: Your letter of inquiry, addressed to the Park Commissioner of tills city, has been referred to me for re- 
ply. It gives me great pleasure to answer your letter and recommend Isaac Hicks i.*i Son, Westbury, L. I. Not that 
1 am interested in his nursery any more than any other, but it is my policy to give credit where credit is due. 

We received large trees from Mr. Hicks' nursery this spring, and planted them in Ccntnil Park and on Riverside Drive, 
and did not lose one of these trees so that I feel it is my duty to praise tliis firm for the careful way 'n which they 
delivered the trees to us, which is the great secret of the establishmciit of a successful growth. We have many other 
trees from other nurseries that have done well, but there has been some loss. 

Trusting that the above information will answer your requirements, I am, Weslev B. Leach, Forester, 





..H . ^ 


^"5 ;^ ■' 

r, '^A^ , 

Small-leaved Lindens, Spirea Van Houttei, and Privet hedge around an entrance court at Hewlett Bay, Long Island. With quantities of 
trees like this to select from, is it any wonder that Long Island landscapes are beautiful without waiting .■■ 

Tilia • LINDEN ^^^^ ^° transplant in full^ leaf, so you will only have to 

J want Lindens to have Lindens, even if yon tliink you 

There are two types of beauty, the picturesque and 1^^^,^, forgotten to order tliem in the usual season. 

the beautilul. It may be difricult to define the pictur- Whether you come in winter, spring, or summer, you 

csquc as it shows struggle, dead branches, wind-blown ^^.jjj ^^^j^y looking over the Lindens and picking out the 

tops, Ivungry roots reaching out to chng on rocks or gj^^^ ^^^^ shajies to meet your conditions. You will 

wrest moisture Irom dry soil. The beautilul shows iuil, ^^^ j^^^.^ ^^ ^^-j,j.,.y ^y>^^^ matching tliem up as we ha^'e 

rounded outlines of peace and plenty. The Linden ti.|„^j^-(ca them almost as uniformly as if done by a 

typifies tlie latter. The outline is always symmetrical, turning-lathe. 

The elHpsc is a curve of beauty, and no tree has such a " , cAwc-r* riiDnDc aw t iwnpw 

.1 ' ii- t^- 1 +r , „^%^T,„ T Ir.^^,^ WJ^ Uoxrp Tilia cordata. SMALL-LEAVED EUROPEAN LINDEN. 

smooth, e Ihptica outhne as the Linden. We have ^j^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^,. ^[^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ beautiful, even in 

searched the world over for Lindens which keep dark, winter. Like most small-leaved trees, the twigs are so 
rich green foliage in this region. You will frequently numerous and line as to make a solid screen in the winter- 
see Lindens of sad, yellow color in dry summers, but time; that is you can plant a boundary of these trees to 
oi-v. i^wi^^i J "' > J -Ti ■ shut oil the street and tliej' will have some value as a winter 
they are not from this nursery. Ihe two species we screen. This tree delights the owner because it is more 
are offering you come from eastern Europe where tlie symmetrical, darker green, and more dense than our average 
climate is variable, like ours. Some of those of western native tree. All these seem to be pleasing qualities, especially 
r- j^i r> 1 T I T ■ I I « -,^t- nf to the city man when he iirst comes in the countrv, tor he 
Europe, as the Broad-leaved Lindens, dtop most of ^^j,^ ^^ ,^;^ ^^^.^^ satisfaction with these, the Norway maple 
their foliage in a dry summer. Wc feel certain we have ^nd the English beech. The beauty of it is that he continues 
the best Lindens — the best tops, the best trunks, and to be satisfied. The trees we offer are available in quantity 
the best roots. They are also the most time-saN-ing. ^°^ street planting Others are low-branched, having short 
^ , . ivy>ju^.j. J _ o trunks 4 to 5 teet high, with branches that will soon hang 
Looking through our collection of photographs, we lind ^^ ^^^^ ground, making big bee-hived shade trees as shown 
many of Lindens that we have planted, big and little, on this page. One ofthe largest orders we had was to surround 
decoratino- the finest estates on Long Island and New a large formal garden with 122 trees. They were to arch a 
■. '^ path, the tops merging as one great tree, but there would 
Jeisey. be underneath a cool secluded walk. These trees were 
Lindens can be used as follows: twenty-five years old and every one lived. 

1 c;tr*"pr trf>f> Height Diam. Each 10 100 

2 Avenue 8 ft S2 00 §17 50 SI 50 00 

3 Entrance court. 10 ft. U^ in 2 75 25 00 225 00 

4. Grove of shade trees on the borders of a lawn, witli low 12 ft. 2 in 3 50 30 00 250 00 

branches to shut out the street, instead of hedge or shrubs. 14 ft. 2>2 m 5 00 45 00 400 00 

5. Grove of shade trees flanking the house. 4 ft. 3 in. 12 00 00 00 900 00 

fi c;;ntrlf. ^hade tree 16 ft. 3J4 in 20 00 180 00 1500 00 

7 Memoria? tree 16 ft. 4 in 30 00 275 00 2000 00 

8. Shade trees, as in Central Park, Union Square, and 16-20 ft. 5 in ' • j^ 9S. 

Madison Square. lo^l r^' 7-" vr nn 

9. Formal planting as on the borders of a formal garden. 10--4 It. / in /5 UU 

10. Pleached alley, as shown under the Hornbeams. f. tomentosa. SILVER LINDEN. This is a more up- 

11. Wall of green on either side ofthe path, with foliage standing tree than the Small-leaved Linden, that is, its 
15 to 30 feet high. lower branches do not so readily hang to the ground. It is 

12. Umbrella-trained trees as seen in European cities more like a sugar maple and less like a pin oak. The leaves 
where they wish shade for the sidewalk and yet a view over. ^j.^ jggp green above and silvery white beneath, so that 

„ , . , , , I J i they reflect light. 

Our Lindens have been root-pruned and trans- Height Dlam. Each 10 

planted so that they have a great quantitj^ of small 18-22 ft. 5 in S40 00 S350 00 

fibrous feeding-roots close to the trunks. We take up 20-24 ft. 6 m 50 00 450 00 

many of them with a big ball of earth so ttiat they 24-28 ft. 8 in 100 00 

make a dense, vigorous growth the first year. They are 26-30 ft, 10 in 150 00 


Background of evergreens planted by the Hicks Nurseries to enclose a future flowei-gaiden. These big Pjues shut ofif a drive and 
protect from the north wind. They will hide a street or adjacent property for you. Bring a photo or sketch, pick out the trees and 
locate them. Truck-loads, barge loads, or carloads. 

Long Island is an all-the-year residence region; that means that evergreens are needed to make the landscape 
beautiful and comfortable and are not to be considered non-essential or extravagant. To get tlic most from 
your time, land, and investment requires tlie evergreens that are offered here. There are special ad\antagcs to 
you in these evergreens that are worth taking your time to investigate. 

1. They fit your soil. 

2. They fit your climate. 

3. They fit your degree of exposure to wind 
and drought. 

Abies concolor, or White Fir. Use it for the hardiest 
and best blue evergreen 

4. They are prepared to transplant successfully. 

5. They are moved with big balls of earth. 

6. They are guaranteed to grow satisfactorily. 

7. They do grow satisfactorily, and there is no painful and 
ugly convalescence: they are beautiful from the start. 

8. There are many new and better varieties not heretofore 

9. They save you five to twenty-five years' waiting. 

Men enjoy evergreens; women enjoy flowers. Both can come 
here and pick out what they want or order it from the catalogue 
and arrange a flower-garden with an evergreen background. 

How to decide where to plant evergreens: Think of where 
you wish to shut off the cold wind or a disagreeable view or to 
plant for beauty. 

How high and how wide should the group be? Two or three 
rows, or its equi^'alent in a group, are better than a single row, 
for there are more layers of foliage to stop the wind or line of 
sight. Ask your landscape architect for advice or make your 
o\\n selection and design. When the trees arrive, set them on 
the ground, shift them around until thcj^ accomplish your 
purpose, then plant. The convenience of the abo^•c plan is that 
evergreens show just what they are; by getting the larger sizes 
you get your results immediately. Perhaps when your place \\as 
planted, evergreens were sparingly used because, by the methods 
then in vogue, they were risky to transplant. 

It is now the custom to thin out ]Dlantations of shrubs 
and add evergreens. It takes courage to renew a wardrobe, inte- 
rior, or landscape. Renewing interiors and landscape is not 
quite as necessary as wardrobes, but you can have the most iun 
with a landscape and have the most certainty that what you 
are doing will last. Many landscapes were planted with the 
idea that summer bloom was the main thing. Shrubs were 
abundant and cheap and it was customary to make a wide 




Mu'gho White Bliie Austrian Barberry 

Pine Fir Spruce Pine 

View on the lawn of Mr, J. H. Ottley, Glen Cove. This group of evergreens screens the road, greenhouse, and vegetable-garden. 
Through the group there is a path to the garden. You or your landscape architect can design a group equally time-saving by using large trees 
from the Hicks Nurseries. It makes no difierence where you are or what time of the year you are ready, or if it is for your summer place 
at Southampton or Berkshire Hills, or as far away as Baltunore, Louisville, Chicago, our trees will fit the climate and arrive safely. They are 
guaranteed to grow satisfactorily. To have such trees available is as convenient as modern building materials in steel, granite, reinforced 
concrete, or terra cotta. The waiting and uncertainty are reduced to a minimum. 

border of them. That is the easiest place to put the evergreens and the most fa^^orabIe because tlie shrubs help 
protect them from the wind. Take out shrubs to make an area 8 to 12 feet wide and put in a pine, hemlock, or 
ijr. You may have areas tiiat will be more beautiful and 
more economical with pine, baybcrry, cedar and oak. 

New and rare evergreens are one of the specialties 
of this nursery. The limit of this catalogue forbids pub- 
lishing them, but you are invited to send for samples 
or come here any time to study them, pick branches, 
and enjoy them as you would in a museum. 

Some years we shipped sixty carloads of these large 
evergreens and other trees. People do not realize that 
this is the best waj'' to make landscape. It is more 
beautiful, gives almost immediate effects, and is the 
least wasteful in time and money. You can spare 
the tinie of your garden staff for three or four days ^ 
to unload and plant a carload. Another advantage 
is that the time of the year is of no importance. 
Wc are jalanting with equal success every week 
in the year, because the trees are root-pruned, have an 
abundance of feeding-roots in the big balls of earth 
with wliich they are shipped, clamped tight with canvas 
and platforms of our invention. 

Abies cephalonica. CEPHALONIAN FIR. Dense, bee- 
hive shaped trees covered with dark green foliage. It 
grows slowly, therefore can be used in small areas and to 
feather down groups of tall trees. To prove their slow 
growth, these trees, 6 feet high, are from seeds collected in. 
the Chas. A. Dana Arboretum in 1904. The species comes 
from the island of Ceplialonica, on the west coast of Greece. 

Height Each 10 

2 ft S5 00 S40 00 

5 ft 15 00 

Winter bouquet of Leucothoe, Laurel, and Barberry. You can make 
up many beautiful combinations with Yew, Fir, Holly, Japanese 
Spurge, Cotoneaster, Bearberry- and Christmas Berry and teach your 
friends winter gardening. 




Abies concolor. WHITE FIR. 

From tFie mountains of- Colo- 
nido. This species is perfectly 
hardy because it is accustonied 
to a drier summer, colder wind, 
and brigiiter sun than we iiave 
here. Prof. C. S. Sargent, Direc- 
tor of the Arnold Arboretum, 
recommended this and the Nikko 
as the two best Firs for New 
England, therefore we started 
several pounds of seed. Like the 
Colorado bkie spruce, it is blue 
and, for tiiat reason, well fitted 
as an individual blue specimen or 
to lighten up a background of 
darker evergreens. A carload or 
truck-load of these larger trees 
can be the most substantial, con- 
spicuous, and beautiful part of 
your landscape, and you will feel 
fortunate that you have dis- 
covered them. They have ])een 
considered difficult to trans- 
plant, but you will see why these 
are easy to transplant when you 
read the labels, "Transplanted in 
June, 1920." 

Prices are low, when you con- 
sider the number of cubic feet of 
good foliage that you get and the 
years you save. These larger 
trees are now up above the line of 
sight and they will make an 



S22 50 

35 00 

45 00 



Height Each 

2-3 ft S2 50 

3-4 ft 4 00 

4-3 ft 5 00 

5-6 ft 10 00 

6-8 ft 20 00 

8-10 fi 30 00 

10-12 ft 40 00 

. homolepis (brachyphylla) 

NIKKO FIR. From the Nikko 

Mountains in Japan. This tree 

likes our climate better than its 

own relative, the Balsam Fir. 

The Balsam Fir is the best 

Christmas tree and a favorite for 

balsam pillows, but it does not 

like our summer climate. The Nikko Fir is a tall, rapid- 
growing tree with dark green foliage, silver underneath. The 

branches are wide enough apart to hang Christmas decora- 
tions on. It will stand 
alone in a windy situa- 
tion, therefore we sug- 
gest it as a permanent 
community Christmas 
tree. You can plant it 
with tlie assurance that 
It will keep in good con- 
dition for many years, 
but evergreen trees all 
like to be in the shelter 
of their fellows and like 
to be well fed with a 
mulch of decaying leaves. 
Tlie community Christ- 
mas tree will be thankful 
for a drink twice a month 
during the summer. 
These taller specimens 
will be a delight as part 
of your evergreen grove. 
, They are tall enough to 
screen the first stor^' of 
a building. When mi.ved 
with pine and hemlock 
they inake a beautiful 
combination of varying 
tones of color. Manj' of 
our customers, in mak- 
ing groves as shelter for 
a seat or bird-bath or the 
backing of a flower-gar- 
den, find this species one 
of the most beautiful. 

Meyer's Juniper. It takes years of work and willingness 
to be known as an evergreen "cranli," but we have arrived. 
Here is a new variety that has no equai in character and 
color. You can find room for some in front of shrubs, out 
on a wind-swept lull, or in your "curiosity shop" where 
you keep candidates for a permanent location. See page 14. 

Abies homolepis, continued 

For your family Christmas 
ti;ee, select a specimen 5 to 8 feet 
high, have it delivered in Decem- 
ber, and plant it after Christmas. 
If you are afraid the ground will 
freeze, mulch with 6 inches of 
straw or leaves. Many of our 
customers add a new tree every 
j'ear. We have adopted this plan 
to teach winter planting. Several 
other species are available for 
Christmas trees — Japanese yew, 
hemlock, and Douglas spruce. 
Height Each 10 

3-4 ft S6 00 S50 00 

4-5 ft 8 00 70 00 

5-6 ft 10 00 90 00 

6-8 ft 15 00 125 00 

8-10 ft 40 00 350 00 

10-12 ft 50 00 

12-14 ft 75 00 

14 ft 100 00 

16 ft 150 00 

CEDAR. See JuniperuB. 




There are two Japanese 
species used here but of these 
there are forty varieties de- 
scribed. The Japanese have a 
faculty for making small gar- 
dens, for training plants to 
express their ideas, and for 
discovering and propagating 
varieties that add beauty to 
their gardens. We may not 
understand their ideas, but we 
can use the same material to 
express our ideas, and we can 
have small gardens with small 
plants that staj^ small. The 
Hicks Nurseries are more 
anxious to help on small gardens than in any other 
department of landscape gardening. We are working up 
a long list of dwarf or low-growing evergreens that will 
make gardening a continuous joy on small areas. You 
can come any time of the year and study and take the 
plants with you. Some of our little evergreens maj'- be 
frozen fast in the ^\■inter, and it may not be quite as 
practicable to mo\'e them as the large ones, but you 
the fun of a trip to the nursery and know that your 
little plant will be ready for you in the spring. 

A tubbed Fir makes a fine Christmas 
tree. Hundreds are planted after the 

Berries and foliage of Japanese Yew 




NESE CYPRESS. Tliis is a dark green tree willi graceful, featliery sprays. In its native home 
it is a valuable timber tree, probably closely resembling its relative, the coast white cedar which 
grows in the swamps of Long Island. In ornamental plantings it is usual y a small, bushy 
free 10 to 15 feet high. It is best to keep it pinched back. Neither tins nor the next species like 
to lift up their heads above the shelter of other evergreens. 2 ft. high, i.4 each. b35 for 10. 

C. obtusa gracilis nana. DWARF RETINISPORA. A dwarf form with dark 
green foliage and little, shell-like sprays. For house loundalions, or in an evergreen 
Sarden and to feather down groups of tall evergreens. 1-2 ft. high b5 each 

C. obtusa magnifica. For a hedge to separate one division of the garden Irom another, 
and yet not obstruct the view, this is suitable, although it may seem 
almost too choice to use in quantity. Have you a steep slope that needs 
to be held up with stumps and stones, and which you wish to decorate 
with little plants that will make cushions which will nestle to the stones 
as evergreens at timber-line? You can make such a place of your own 
in design and construction. After it is established you will find it easier 
to maintain than a steep slope of grass. This and the last are two ol 
the many plants you can use for such purposes, and, like the Japa- 
nese you can nip' them back and train them to your own ideas. 

^^^^ slio 

2-2 1-^ ft , ^50 

C. pisifera plumosa. GREEN RETINISPORA, or GREEN JAPA- 
NESE CYPRESS. The above Retinisporas or Japanese Cypresses all 
have dark green foliage, the shade of the firs. Relinispora ptsijem and 
its varieties have light green, blue, or golden yellow foliage, and are 
more ostrich-plume-like, or feathery, and include the varieties most 
commonly seen because they are easy to propagate. In fact, some 
may say they are too commonly seen or too exclusively used. Fre- 
quently we see a foundation planting of the green, blue, and yellow 
varieties of this species. The contrast is too violent and the mixture 
not in good taste — too much like the negro woman who said, '^one 
of your new hifalutin' colors for me, just plain red and yaller." These 
Retinisporas should be used as a foil or contrast to larger masses ol 
dark green. Rctinispora pisijera plumosa. or Pea-lruited Japanese 
Cypress, will make a feathery green pyramid, 3 to 15 feet high. In 
summer it has a pleasing shade of light green; in winter it changes to a 
dull vellow-green similar to the arborvita;. I-U2 ft. high, S2.50 each, 
S20 for 10. 

A Nikko Fir at Hicks Nurseries. Raise a fund for your 
community Christmas tree and select it here. It is 

Chameecyparis pisifera plumosa aurea. GOLDEN RETINISPORA, 
or GOLDEN JAPANESE CYPRESS. Just a dash of cheerfulness in 
tiie bright golden yellow tips of the branches. Use it as mentioned 
above, with a dark green background, but do not make your whole 
plantation of it, as that is like all icing and no cake. To help your 
pSants keep their highest beauty, nip them back and the new growth 
will be brighter. Do not clip them to a hard line. 1 ft. high, 61.25 
each, SIO for 10. 
C. pisifera squarrosa. BLUE RETINISPORA, or BLUE JAPANESE 
CYPRESS. In summer, this is the best blue evergreen. Its fleecy, 
ostrich-plume-like foliage is graceful and when tipped with dew there 
is none prettier. In winter the foliage on the side most exposed to the 
sun becomes a little dull, but the shaded side is as bright as ever 
Therefore, arrange to show olf the shaded side of the plant and 
back it up with darker greens for contrast. We have a large 
quantity of beautiful little plants, as broad 
as they are high,olTered at low rates. They 
are easy to transplant at any season of the 
year, so do not hesitate to load up your car 
and have the fun of making or remaking 
vour landscape. These are suitable for a 
low hedge, separating, perhaps, the rose- 
garden from the perennial border, border- 
ing a walk, filling window boxes, adding 
to your bird sanctuary, or allowed to 
grow naturally in a grove of coast 
white cedar, 
Hciglic Each 

1ft S2 00 

2 ft 3 00 

FIR. See Abies. 
HEMLOCK. SeeTsuga. 

Retinispora squarrosa, or Blue Japanese Cypress, retains 
its juvenile leaves and is a variation from the green to a 
blue color. Evergreens run the scale of beauty from the 
delicacy of the fern to the strength of the oaks. We have 
many kinds here — some as little cuttings and grafts just 
started, and next winter will have a lot of little plants 
stored so you can take them home any time and plant all 
winter where mulch keeps out the frost. 

Planting the community Christmas tree at Jackson 
Heights Apartments, A Salvation Army officer says that 
Jackson Heights have more community spirit than other 



iifW Juniperus litoralis (conferta). SHORE 

A "-.l.yjP'^ JUNIPER. A species creeping alotiL; 

^ 'A'tla.S t he j^roiincl, sending up feathery foliage 

:ihoin 8 inches high. Used in Japan fur 

^^— ^^^^^^^^py^HP- / '^^^M^^^wT^^^ iiolding sand-dunes. 1 ft. iiigh, S1.50 ea. 

■.K/ /^ — ^kc-r<B^^^K>i. 'J j^' J^^^H J. Pfitzeriana. A plumy, spreading 

bush soon becoming 7 feet iiigh and 
equally broad. 1 1^ ft. high, S3.5'0 each. 

J. squamata Meyeri. MEYER'S 

JUNIPER. Here is your opportunity 
to be the first to introduce a new and 

beautiful plant. Frank Meyer, Agri- 

^^-'ijf-. ""' cultural Explorer, United States De- 

partment of Agricultiare, sent us two 
plants which had been grafted in 
^\. China. You can see them in our nur- 

sery, wiiere they have been cut so 
closely for grafting they look like Ben- 
jamin West's cat which supplied the 
young artist with paint-brushes. It 
has been without a name until the fast 
issue of the Bulletin of the Arnold 
Arboretum. See color illustration on 
page 12. The printer said it is 
didicult to illustrate true to color be- 
cause, looking at a branch one way it is 
green, another way it is blue, and 
.{•yi ^^WR -gW^^^^^^B^i^^^^^W^^B^^^M*.'!. • ■• ^"grg anotiier way it shows a tinge of red. 

* ^ ^l ' y^^w can use it as a single specimen 

^^<^ {)lHI^H^^9HI^H^^^HB^^^H^^H^^^^HfeH&ttJ ^*'^ ^'^ ^''^ '^'^> better, against 

Juniper border at Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University; on the right is Common Juniper: background of dark green, as it is as 

on the left. Creeping Juniper; against the sky, White Pine conspicuous as any blue evergreen. It 

is sniall and slow enough to (ill a niche 

TunitierUS * JUNIPER in your garden of dwarf evergreens. Give it tinie and it will 

, , , "^ form a worthy part of your pinetuni together with the other 

The Juniper familj^ is tj'pified by tiie Red Cedar, a Junipers, yews, hemlocks, and hrs. It grows about 8 inches 

tall green column along fence-rows and abandoned ^ yf'Yv r- i. ■ u ■ i. ^ . 

fields, and by the various low Junipers typified by the ^''^f. SS^oO | 2 ft' sl'ob 

common Juniper, saucer-shaped green mounds in tiie j. virginiana. RED CEDAR. The familiar Cedar of Long 

l^astures of New England. The Junipers do not have Island, quickly covering abandoned fields and, with holly, 

cones but green berries from which gin is made. The catbriar, and beach plum, making a tangled thicket between 

■v>U;nc c-'^n-.t n\\ -...l^i-^,. ,..U„,. +1 1 J t lie sand-du ucs. You can use them lor tall screens, but pines 

obH^S Stay all Wtntei \Uiere there are enough cedar ^^^ ,^^^^^^ ^^,^^j „^^^^ economical because they are broader 

berries, and other insectivorous birds feed on them in and denser than Cedars. To keep the cedars in best condi- 

the hungry time ^vhcn they first come north and there tion, some gardeners give them a shower-bath in the late 

are no aneleworms afternoon or evening and during the dry time. Nipping them 

^i "^ \ ^ I ' T II I 1 back will also aid in making a dense growth. 

1 ou na\e not had much chance to use or know the Height Eacli Height Each 

varied beauties of the Juniper familj'-; ^ye in^^ite you to 3 ft S3 00 | 8 ft SI 5 00 

call and get acquainted. You will have to use a little i ^^ %^\ 19 "^n v • ^?- ^^ 

persistence,fortherearenotenoughofthenewonestoput Vi^V ' W: .WV .: .' . 6 00 | ?ion." ^"'' """" '"'''' 
in tiie show-window or the catalogue. 

Juniperus communis. COMMON JUNIPER. Two years p- , SIPTJTTPF 

ago, in June, we transplanted about an acre of these. They IrlCea * pr^rvO V_jij 

will come up with good balls of fibrous roots, like in the Spruces are sisiry-topped evergreens similar to the 

picture, and you can use them for the bulk of your low r -rr W^ ^ *.i i. ■ • ^i ..! 

Juniper planting because they are native. They are unusual, ™^- ^ ^^Y ^"^^ native tO the mountains ill the north 

beautiful, and economical. You can achieve some unique where thcy have short, moist Summers. ^^^hiIe they are 

landscape features by covering a sandy biink with these and young they like it here. One lady, who Is an exiJClt in 

Scotch heather or you can plant them on sand-dunes, mixed „„ ,.,|pp (\e<^vx\ stIH "The. 

with bayberry, beach plum, oak, and pine, for the salt spray S'^"^*^" Oesign, saiO, 1 ne, 

will only clip them olf and make a dense, cushiony carpet. bpruces do not belong or 

You can plant them between vour specimens of pines, harmonize Oil Long Island; v^^ "^ftf^ ^ jiT 

cedars, and otlier evergreens, especially on the sunny side, ^1^^^ belong tO the llioun- 

with yew, leucothoc, and azalea on the shady side. You + " Tl ^ i 

have, perhaps, dreamed and hoped for a landscape that was tauis. 1 his emphasizes ail 

beautiful without expensive, fussy maintenance. We have extreme vicw but it is justi- 

plants and ideas, and we know where to show you good ficd \\hcn we consider the 

examples so that you may be convinced before you start land<;rnnpq miHf nvrr hv 

that our guarantee means what it says— that our plants l^MSCapes lliaae O^^l DJ 

grow satisfactorily. Our greatest fun and greatest value to tOO tree planting ot iMor- 

you is in fitting plants to your environment, so they will "be way Spruce Seventy years 

happ, ever after." ^^^^^ ^^ ^ -^^ Loiig Island farm- 

1 ft SI 00 S8 00 yards which are now hag- 

U- it 2 50 20 00 gard and sad. Groves of 

J. communis suecica. SWEDISH JUNIPER. A little white or pitcii pine would 

exclamation point 4 feet high and I foot in diameter. It is ^^w shfuv fl vpnpnhip n^p- 

almost as dense and cylindrical as a stove-pipe. 1^ ft higb, ? T j ? cneiaDle, USe- 

S2 each, SI 7.50 for 10. it-il. and happy old age. 

J. horizontalis. CREEPING JUNIPER. A creeping Juni- Even if the Spruces are 

per wliich you will see hugging the rocks just above the surf j^q^ 100 per cent happy in 

on the coast of Maine, making a mossy, cushionv growth, i • t i i i t • • ,-1 

suggesting its use. to hang over.the stones .Ojich border the their old age they are beau- „ Jrju'^|^'e^ Zdy ""r carS 

path or hold up a bank. 10-12 inch spread, i.1. 50. tllul and interesting when home in your car. 




young. Their dense foliage checks the wind; they 
make good bird sanctuaries, for the birds prefer 
them for roosts in cold weather and for nesting-places 
in summer. 

Picea Omorika. SERVIAN SPRUCE. Another European 
variety ^vl^icll shows that evergreens from continental cli- 
mates like it here. Ti>e trees are narrow ijvraniicis, like the 
Oriental spruce, with light green foliage touched with silver 
underneath. 6-8 ft. high, S20 each. 
P. orientalis. ORIENTAL SPRUCE. This will make a 
tall, narrow column 15 feet high and 7 feet broad, denser 
and darker than any other tree. It is native to the moun- 
tains of Asia Minor, and, like the Cephalonian fir, seeius to 
like it here. You can use it in narrow evergreen plantations 
where some of the broader trees will too quickly overcrowd 
the situation or need too much pruning. You will be inter- 
ested to know that it keeijs its foliage for seven years, there- 
fore, it is dense in the center, not scraggiy. 
Height Each 10 

4-5 ft rS8 00 S70 00 

5-6 ft.'," iOyrs. old 10 00 90 00 

P. pungens glauca. COLORADO BLUE SPRUCE. We 

iiave some unusually handsome speciiuens of this well- 
known tree and as many people like them as single speci- 
mens, these will qualify for the most exacting, 8-9 ft. high, 
S40 each, S350 for 10. 

Picea pungens Kosteri. KOSTER'S COLORADO BLUE 

SPRUCE. You will think you are fortunate in fintling 
such big, handsome plants and also in learning they have 
been recently transplanted and root-pruned. They will be 
delivered to you with big balls of cartii, to make them sure 
to grow. You can here get a carload or truck-load of pines, 
hemlocks, firs and spruces, and touch them ofl' with a con- 
trast of these tall blue trees in a way to make your garden 
the most beautiful setting for your home and your social 
life. You can do as one Ohio man did when he said, "I had 
a carload from you several years ago. They did so much 
better than other trees that I have brought my landscape 
architect from Chicago to pick out another carload." 

Height E.ich 

8-10 ft S50 00 

10-12 ft 75 00 

Height Each 

12-15 ft SlOO 00 

?sC?' -' ~ For a salt-spray-swept sand-dune, plant Jack 
Pine, Austrian Pine, Japanese Black Pine, Pitch Pine, 
_. Scotch Pine, Oaks, Bayberry, Privet, and several other 

tnick-leaved plants. Plant them close together and low toward the sea. 




The Pine family will supply the best evergreens in your landscape in this region, whether you try to prevent 
it or not. This is a Pine country. For instance, in Garden City, where many species of evergreens were planted 
fifty years ago, the White Pines remain and others have disappeared. As Prof. Sargent, Director of the Arnold 
Arboretum, said, in a description of the Hunnewell Arboretum at Welleslcy, Mass., "It is valuable for what is 
not there." That is, the species that are not adapted have disappeared. The Pines will shelter you in your old 
age, even if you ])lant mostly other species. You Iiad better plant the right thing when you are young and have 
the satisfaction of knowing you are playing the game according to the rules. Pines are not abundant in nurseries 

_^ or in the landscape because they were diflicult to grow. 
~" It was easier to buy Norway spruces from Europe, arbor- 
vita^s pulled in the swamps of the North, or retinisporas 
grown from cuttings, than to watch the Pine-cones and 
pick them before the seeds blew away. We were the first 
nurseries in the East to grow evergreens extensively from 
seed. Now the trees are ready for you, as tall as the roof. 
Anotlier reason that Pines are not abundant is 
because they have long, coarse roots, adapted to dry 
soils, and are not easy to transplant with the bare-root 
sj'Stem used for fruit trees and poplars, or by the system 
of cutting around them and pulling them out and 
hoping a ball would stay on. We de\eloped the system 
of frequently transplanting or root-pruning them to 
make them have fibrous feeding-roots close to the 
center. We in^•entcd can^'as and platforms for clamping 
a big ball of earth and trained men to quickly and 
economically handle them. Here are the best trees of 
the best species for many of your needs. You will enjoy 
using these Pines. There is no risk, for they are guar- 
anteed to grow satisfactorily. We will not let you have 
tliem without protest unless we know they are going to 
scr\'e your purpose. For instaiice, ^^"c refused to sell 
White Pine for standing alone against the ocean. For 
such situations tliere arc several species with thick 
needles that withstand the salt air. A few truck-loads 
or carloads may make more difference than any other 
investment in making your place a complete home, for 
a house is not a home until it is planted right. 

It requires courage to take out trees or shrubs that 
are not the best and put in the best. The best are 
a^'aiIabIe, and there is no better time than now. Every 
month is Pine-planting month at fiicks Nurseries. 

Pinus cembra. SWISS STONE PINE. A miniature Pine 
for the evergreen garden. It looks like a Tom Thumb Pine 
for it grows 6 inches a year while the White Pine grows 2 
feet. 3 ft. high, $8 each, S70 for 10. 


Pinus Strobus, White Pine. You love an old White Pine, but 
think that such love can only be enioyed in memory, or when you see 
remnants on your trip lo the old homestead. Do you want to see a 
grove of Pines from your second-story window? Here's a sample for 
you to select from, and which will make your home seem as if it were 
off in the country. 



Pinus Banksiana (divaricata). JACK PINE. The Pine 
that will stand the most dryness and tlie severest cold north 
winds, for it is native on rock ridges witii an inch or two of 
granite fragments, like rock salt, on Gridstone Mountain, 
Bar Harbor, Maine, and the sand plains of Minnesota. It 
grows very rapidly and is quite similar in form and texture 
to its relative, the Pitch Pine. We are fortunate to iiave a 
quantity of them, 10 to 15 feet high, wiiich have been 
recently transplanted and pruned so that they immediately 
make for you the best windbreak, Iiedge, or screen in the 
severest position on the seashore or hill-top where we could 
not recommend White Pines, hemlocks, arborvitajs, or 
several other evergreens. 

Height Each 10 

6-8 ft SIO 00 S90 00 

8-10 ft 15 00 125 00 

10-12 ft 20 00 175 00 

12-14 ft 25 00 225 00 

P. montana Mughus. MUGHO PINE. A little button- 
shaped tree, 2 to 4 feet high and twice as wide. It likes to 
be out in the open in the sun, therefore use it on the south 
and west sides of your foundation planting and to feather 
down the sunny sides of groups of tall Austrian, Scotch, 
White, and other Pines. You can enhance its true beauty 
by shearing or better by just nipping off, in early summer, 
the tips of the longest growth. 
Height Each 10 

1 ft S3 00 S25 00 

11^ ft 4 00 35 00 

Pinus nigra austriaca. AUSTRIAN PINE. As you will see 
from the picture, you can pick out great, big, broad-shoul- 
dered trees that will immediately shut out the street. A 
leading authority on gardening has said, "The most beau- 
tiful llower-garden can be made just back of the surf pro- 
vided there is a windbreak." For the gardens of Newport, 
East Hampton, Southampton and West Hampton, Long 
Beiich, Long Branch, Asharoken Beach, and similar situa- 
tions on the north shore of Long Island Sound, these are 
just right. You can plant them this spring and have the 
garden all ready for the garden party next summer. Without 
the windbreak the garclen may fail. City conditions of smoke 
and dry air seem to be withstood by the Austrian Pine. 
Height Each 10 

7-10 ft. . . S25 00 S200 00 

10-12 ft 45 00 400 00 

P. parviflora. JAPANESE WHITE PINE. A miniature 
White Pine suited to small gardens because when 8 feet 
high it has the picturesque outlines of the White Pine or 
Cedar of Lebanon fifty years old. 7-8 ft. high, S25 each. 

P. resinosa. RED PINE. This is as valuable as the White 
Pine. It is native from Maine and northern Massachusetts 
to Minnesota. It likes the same dry, gravelly soil as the 
Pitch Pine and tlie thin soil of rocky ridges like the Jack 
Pine. In form it is a dense beehive-shaped tree like the 
Austrian Pine, and does not spread out with horizontal 
branches like the White Pine. The trunk and timber are 
like the Southern Long-leaved or Yellow Pine and was used 
in Maine for ship's masts and spars because of its strength. 
It was so little known that a few years ago none were 
offered in any American or European nursery catalogue. 
We got a quantity of seed and have grown very handsome 
specimens, .so now they are available as big, root-pruned, 
sure-to-grow landscape material that you canordcr by the 
carload. The rich, velvety, dark green foliage and the 
smooth elliptical outline puts it in the class of beautiful 
trees as described under linden on page 9. You can make 
a low, broad wall of green 8 feet higli and 6 feet broad. In 
the lee of such a grove in a north wind at 10 degrees you will 
realize how it is possible for a belt of Pines to save on your 
coal-bill, especially on a flat, windy place on Long Island. 
HclRhi Each 10 

4-5 ft S5 00 $40 on 

5 6 ft 10 00 

6-8 ft 20 00 

An Austrian Pine next the salt meadows at Cedarhurst on the lawn of Mr. John L. Lawrence. It receives the full sweep of the salt winds 
from across Long Beach. Austrian Pines, iike some people, seem to be always the same and never disturbed. Rain, wind, heat, or cold do 
not change the appearance — the trees might be of green bronze. Truckloads or carloads will make the right background and windbreak for your 
seaside or hill-slope garden, and will shelter your favorites that are more changeable, but none the less interesting. You will see a block of these 
Pines in the nursery labeled, "Planted February, 1920" — then you will understand why they are guaranteed. 

The picture on the next page shows a Norway Majjle in bloom in the garden of Mrs. Robert Bacon, Westbury, L. I. 
The gardener says, "The nurse and children find this tree the coolest place in summer." The foliage seems to attract and 
hold the breeze, like a canopy. You can have a cool, shaded playground like this with one, two, or three big maples, lindens 
or oaks from the Hicks Nurseries. This tree and the tall cedar in the foreground were moved by the Hicks Large Tree- 
moving Department a few years before. It is located west of the formal garden, and the steps to the formal garden are at 
the brick pillars back of the seat. Painting by Miss Amy Cross. 

This series of pictures was made to show the garden of an expert. They were used to illustrate an article by Miss 
Isabelle Pendleton, Landscape Architect, in Country Lije, March, 1923. 


jMyWESTBV/ RY, long \SLA NDisJd 


Pinus sylvestris. SCOTCH PINE. Here is where you get the most Pine for the least money, 
because they grow Tast when young. Scotcii Pine makes a big, broad-shouldered tree liighly 
resistant to wind or drought or' cold. Our phints are esjjecially fine because they were nipped 
hack two or tliree years ago to make them broad and dense. TJie roots are even better because ^ 
they were moved with big balls of earth and now tliey are ready to move with still larger ■ 
balis. The trees that will give the most value for the money are those 3 to 5 feet liigh, because 
of their rapid growth. ... . , „„ ■ tt i n i n- i 

Tlie bigger Scotch Pine, 8 to 12 feet high, can be mixed in with White Pine and Hed Fine and 
taken out in ten to fifteen years to allow the native and longer-lived species 
more room. 

Height Each 10 

3- 4 ft S3 00 S25 00 

8-10 ft 20 00 180 00 

10-12 ft 30 00 250 00 

P. Strobus. WHITE PINE. This species must have been 
widely distributed on Long Island for there are remnants 
at Holiis, Roslyn, Mill Neck, East Norwich, Woodbury, 
Smithtown, Commack, Sag Harbor, and Hempstead. 
Probably the early settlers cut it because it was the easiest 
timber to work, thus killing the mother trees and the fires 
killed the baby trees. The White Pine is 'the noblest ever- 
green of the northeastern states and eastern Canada. As a 
landscape feature, few know its full beauty, for it has been 
so sparingly planted that rarely has it had an opportunity 
to develop without crowding. Those who have seen the 
Cedars of Lebanon in Palestine, and those brought by the 
Crusaders and planted around the castles in England, say 
that the White Pine has a similar beauty. To enjoy these 
Pines now, rather than century-old veterans, or as a forest 
tree for the future, you can now buy in the Hicks Nurseries 
trees that will be your friends;. 

They will do for you immediately iust what you want. 
They will give you a quiet place in the country with 
green all around and the blue sky overhead. 

They will shut out the sight and sound of the street. 
They will keejj out the cold north wind and make a 
sheltered playground for your children. 

Tliey will make a dark green background and wind-shelter 
for your flower-garden. 

They will forest the sandy hill. 

They will soothe, by iheir steadfastness, when discouraged. 

They will stretch their wide horizontal arms against the sky and make the 
best picture for sunrise and sunset. 

In planting these and other evergreens from Hicks Nurseries, you need have 
no fear of failure. The progress we have made in transplanting, root-pruning, 
and moving with large balls of earth, using the Hicks invention of canvas and 
platform, overcomes all dilTiculties. You can use these tall pines, 10 to 30 feet 
high, with the assurance that they will hold their beauty and grow as If they 
Iiad never been moved. The time of the year need not ail'ect you, for it is a 
simple matter to scrape away the blanket of pine needles and dig through the 
thin lajer of frost in the middle of winter. Every week in the summer we are 
transplanting such trees. It is the stock work in the nursery. You will see rows 
of tlicm marked "Planted June, 1920," or "Planted February, 1920." 

Pinus sylvestris, Scotch Pine. Cheerful, blue-green, sturdy trees, 
photographed last winter; transplanted August, 1920. Want a carload 
like the first one at $25? Does the street need a sturdy green wall 10 
feet wide and 10 feet high? The Scotch Pines will make the screen, 
or a windbreak to protect the garden and other trees. Have you a 
laundry-yard or service-court to screen? Scotch Pines will give you 
the most cubic yards of evergreen foliage for the investment. 



S17 50 

25 00 

S200 00 

50 00 

450 00 

75 00 

700 00 

125 00 

Height Each 

14 ft S35 00 

16ft 50 00 

18 ft 70 00 

20 ft 100 00 

22 ft 125 00 

24 ft - 150 00 

The up-and-coming men plant evergreens, 
oaks, and beeches this way. It is sure and 
economical. They develop beautiful landscapes 
where they work and live. 

Hciglit Each 

3 ft S2 00 

4 ft 3 00 

5 ft 6 00 

6 ft 10 00 

8 ft 15 00 

10 ft 20 00 

12 ft 25 00 

P. Thunbergii. JAPANESE BLACK PINE. On the Connecticut shore, near 
Stamford, there was a sea-wall where the spray dashed over, washed away the 
soil, and allowed nothing to remain but pebbles. We planted a grove of this 
species, Pitch Pine, Austrian Pine, and other trees, but this is the best, 
lis loliage is rich dark green, like the Red Pine, but the needle is thicker, more 
like the Austrian Pine. The tree is of picturesque, irregular habit, like a Japanese 

A bare sand-dune is glaring and monotonous. One longs for the pleasure of a 
garden, for flowers to pick, for a garden party. A few truck-loads of these Pines 
will make possible the best kind of a garden. You will see that their economical 
and eflicient ball of eartli is a good way to get top soil. After planting, all they 
want is a mulch of leaves, thatch, or drift from tlie shore and water. 

Hcisht Eneh 

6- 8 ft SIO 00 

10-12 ft 25 00 

The picture on the opposite page is Father Hugo's Rose, or Rosa Humnif!, and a Lilac arch between the rose garden and 
picking-garden on the grounds of Mrs. Robert Bacon, Wcsthury, L. I. Thanks to intre])id missionaries and explorers, beauty 
and fruit from the ends of the earth are available. Rosa Hugonis came to America from the Chinese wilds directly through 
Kew Gardens, in London, but it bears the name of the intrepid priest who saw it in the Asian wilds, and who believed its 
beauty should be extended to the western world. It is a superb shrub. 

Father Hugo's Rose blooms earlier than any other. It is a big, vigorous bush, never troubled by winter-killing, insects 
or fungi, therefore, use it in your shrubbery as freely as Spirea or Golden Bcli. Hicks Nurseries are fortunate to have 
available large plants 3 feet high and 3 feet broad. Some will be in boxes, so you can buy them in bloom or later. The Lilacs 
are old bushes which we moved a few years ago. Painting by Miss Amy Cross. 




Pseudotsuga (Picea) Douglasii. DOUGLAS SPRUCE. The Colo- 
rado form we have raised from seeds supplied by the United States 
Forest Service, and tiiey are perfectly hardy, whereas tiie Pacific Coast 
form may grow 25 feet Iiigli and kill to the ground. The foliage is 
light blue-green, like otfier Colorado evergreens. 

We have pushed it as a Christmas tree, not for profit but for two 
other purposes: (1) To teach winter planting and (2) to introduce a 
tree better than the sad Norway Spruce. The plants we offer are 12 
feet and upward and are just right for a carload or truck-load shipment 
to wall a garden, shut olf the street, decorate a hillside, or plant as a 
conimunitj' Christmas tree as described on page 13, 

Height Each 

7 ft S20 00 

8 ft 25 00 

12-14 ft 40 00 


S175 GO 
200 00 


Htight Each 

14-16 ft.. S60 00 

16-18 ft 75 00 


Here is your opportunity to get the best small or dcnse- 
p:ro\ving evergreen. Its introduction is mentioned in "The 
Romance of our Trees" by Ernest M/ Wilson, Assistant Director 
of Arnold Arboretum, as follows: "The Japanese Yew was 
introduced into America in 1862 by Dr. George R. Hall, who 
gave it to Parsons and Company, nurserymen, Flushhtg, N. Y." 
Probably some of the original ]jlants were planted in the Dana 
Arboretum, Glen Cove, From the seed-bearing plant there wc 
collected seed in 1902 from wliich our larger plants are grown, 
Taxus cuspidata. JAPANESE YEW. Soon makes a dense, dark green 
jjyramid about 10 feet higli and 8 feet broad, fitting it for the high 
points in foundation plant- 
ings, for small evergreen 
gardens, boundary planting 
on narrow areas, or feather- 
ing down tall groups of 
trees. They can be |)lanted 
as permanent trees with 
tein]30rary pines and firs 
between. Of course, they 
get larger than the size 
mentioned; in Japan it 
grows 40 to 60 feet tall. 
For formal effects they 
are excellent because wiien 
clipped tiiey become dense 
and solid, and liiere is no 
risk of their becoming win- 
ter-killed, as with box- 
wood, English yew or Irish 
juniper. We have clipiJcd a 
number of them to e.\acti\ 
match. You can use them 
for formal planting, to sub- 
stitute plants tliat ma\ 
have become unsatisfac- 
tory. It has been tiie cus- 
tom to mark the corners 
and paths of formal gardens 

Taxus baccata repandens. The soft, billowy outlines of tlie Spreading 
Yew are not equaled or approached by any other plant. For a founda- 
tion planting it gives an atmospliere of dignity and repose. 

Taxus cuspidata, fiat form, and Pachysaiidra 

Taxus cuspidata, Jiijianese Yew, is a beautiful ever- 
green, thoroughly suited to places of small dimensions. It 
will grow big, but can readily be kept small by clipping. 

Taxus cuspidata, continued 
with tall, narrow ever- 
greens and there is nothing 
now available better than 
the Japanese Yew, 
Height Each 10 

li.,-2ft S3 00 $27 50 

3-4 ft 12 00 100 00 


old 18 00 150 00 

5-6 ft 25 00 225 00 

T. cuspidata. JAPANESE 

This makes a broad, flat 
bush 2 feet high and 6 feet 
wide; some plants %\ill grow 
up 6 feet high. The big 
plants we ofl'er of these are 
5 feet wide and ten years 
old. They should be exten- 
sively used for foundation 
plantings. A customer 

writes, "I want a founda- 
tion planting but no ever- 
greens." He had seen such 
niixtures of yellow, blue, 
and green, and such an un- 
reposeful conglomeration of spikes and exclamation points that he re- 
volted from the average foundation jalanting. If he had seen a good, 
restful composition of this variety, he would have asked for it rather 
than simply vetoing evergreens. Unfortunately, there are but few 
examples of foundation planting of good design. If you vill bring a 
sketch or photograph or a memory picture, you can make good foun- 
dation planting by selecting mostly these Yews. For garden borders, 
this variety can be kept clipped like boxwood 4, 6, and 12 inches 
high, with no worry about winter-killing. For a low hedge on tlie edge 
of a terrace, plants 1 to 2 feet high are just the tiling. The brilliant 
scarlet cups decorate some of the plants from late summer to 
autumn, as illustrated on page 12. As we are growing these by the 
ten thousands you can plan to use them extensively and feel certain 
that .you are making a safe and economical purchase. 

Height Each 10 Height Each 10 

HixUyih S3 50 S30 00 I 1^x3 ft SI 8 00 S175 00 

1 «4 X 2 ft 6 00 50 00 I 1 Ji X 'I ft 25 00 225 00 

T. cuspidata nana (brevifoHa). DWARF JAPANESE YEW. A 
very compact, stubby plant with dense, dark green foliage. From the 
central part there will be long shoots growing at an upward angle. It 
is adapted for collections of dwarf evergreens, to edge down foundation 
planting of the Hat form of Japanese Yew and other evergreens. It 
will make a green carpet for it can be pinched back or clipped to 
within one or two feet of the ground. When fifteen years old, the 
plant may be 4 feet wide and one and one-half feet high, looking like 
an evergreen at timber line. 

Height Each 10 

1 X 11^ ft S5 00 S40 00 

IM X 2 ft 8 00 70 00 


Foundation planting of Juniper— Common Juniper set 2 1/2 feet apart will do this. For the taller points use other Junipers or Japanese cypress 
or Japanese yew. tfnder the Juniper 15; a carpet of myrtle. A rhododendron peeps out, but it would be better to use them mostly on the shady 
side and the Junipers on the sunny side. 

Taxus baccata repandens. SPREADING YEW. This variety of the English Yew is luircly. It will grow about l}i feet 
liigh and 4 feet wide. It lias a restlul, graceful outline, with brandies branching outward and downward. Horizontal lines in 
the landscape are rare. Nurserymen are not prone to grow such plants because they take up ground and apjjear liigh-priced 
when charged by the height, therefore too much nursery stock is trained as sharp spikes. 

Spreading Yew can very properly make up the major portion of the foundation planting on one or ^ 

more sides of your house. Perhaps you would like to continue an evergreen planting across a vista and 
want to be certain that nothing will interfere with the line of view. Perhaps, you have tall hemlocks, 
pines, and spruce bordering a road and wish lo bring out the green to the road without 
a strip of lawn. For all these i>laccs and many more the Spreading Yew will qualify, 
but we would not put it in the midst of an open lawn as we would the Japanese Yesv, 
for it prefers the sliadc and shelter of buildings or trees. 

Each 10 

1 X 11^ ft. .spread S5 00 S45 00 

1 .X 21^ ft. spread 12 00 100 00 

Thuya occidentalis. AMERICAN ARBORVIT^. 
Usually seen as a narrow, pyramidal tree 5 10 10 feet 
high and half as wide, but it will grow to be a large 
tree in Canada. Foliage is a bright green in the 
summer and bronze or brownish green in winter. 

HdKJu Each 10 

2-3 ft SI 00 39 00 

3-4 ft 3 00 25 00 

T. occidentalis Boothii. BOOTH'S ARBORVIT^. 

A little ball of green about 1 to 2 feet high, suitable 
for foundation planting, window-boxes and feath- 
ering down groups of taller evergreens. We have an 
unusually fine .stock of these at low rates, and you 
can use them freely as temporary fillers where ,\'OU 
may later move apart the Hat and dwarf Japanese 
yew, Mugho pine, juniper, leucothoe, and other low 
evergreens. 8-12 in. high., SI. 25 each, SIO for 10. 
T. occidentalis compacta. COMPACT ARBOR- 
VIT.^. Similar to Boothii. 1 ft. high, SI each, 
S9 for 10. 

. occidentalis Douglasii pyramidalis. PYRAM- 
narrow pyramid 1 foot wide and 4 feet high, with 
dark green crested fronds. It is suitable for points 
in a lormal garden or foundation i>lanting. 

Hfigfu Each 10 

IH ft SI 50 S12 50 

2 ft 2 00 17 50 

About twelve years ago we planted seeds of Hemlocks on the north side 
of a hill. Now there is a quantity of trees from 4 to 7 feet high that will make 
hedges like this. They have good roots and are sure to grow. Hemlocks are 
not common, and if you are an admirer of the most graceful native evergreen, 
you ought to take advantage of this opportunity. Have you a favorite woodland 
walk or driye where the Hemlock v.'ill look as if it had always been there? 
You will enjoy selecting the taller and more open specimens for that purpose. 




Tsuga • HEMLOCK 

Tsuga canadensis. AMERICAN HEMLOCK. One of 

the most beloved and admired of the evergreens for its 

graceful beauty. You should use it between and in front 

of pines and oaks where it will get a little shelter from 

the northwest wind and March sun. It is not a 

plant to stand out alone in this region, as a pine 

or oak. There are miles of monotonous shrubbery 

that need the addition of Hemlocks, laurel, holly, 

and Leucotlioe to make it useful and beautiful in 

the winter. Clear an area of 10 feet and put a Hemlock in your 

grove of trees, or, in the woods, under|j|ant with Hendock, for it 

likes and endures the shade. For foundation planting, you can use the 

Hemlock temporarily; you can nip it back to keep it from getting too 

big. Don't put it on the windiest corner. For the vista you would like to 

make through the woods, Hendocks will do. You can keep them clipped 

to a vertical wall, although it is better to have them wider at the bottom. Does 

your woodland look monotonous? Do you want to look way through the 

trunks and see green that is harmonious? Scatter them about as you see 

the north woodland. 

Height Each Kl 1 Height Each 

3 ft Si 50 S30 00 5 ft S6 00 

4 ft 4 00 35 00 I 6 ft 9 00 


S50 00 

80 00 

Leucothoe CatesbEei. This relative of laurel and rhododendron is gathered in quantity in the Appala- 
chians for decorating. From the thousands of plants in the Hicks Nurseries, j'ou can be finding new uses 
all the year — in the woods, under the shrubs and trees, at the foundation. Sec page 25. 

Euonymus radicans vegetus, or 
Round-leaved Evergreen Bitter- 
sweet. See page 24. 

Tsuga diversifolia. JAPA- 
resembles the American Hem- 
lock but appears, like several 
other evergreens from Japan 
and Manchuria, able to 
stand a brighter winter sun- 
shine, colder and drier winter 
wind, and drier summer than 
its American relatives. It 
has shorter, lighter green 
foliage. You can use it for 
a hedge, ]>lanttng it with the 
American varietj', or even 
planting in more open and 
sunny situations as on the 
lawn or corner of the house. 
Height Each 10 

2-21.^ ft... S3 00 S25 00 

3-4 ft 5 00 45 00 

4 ft 6 00 50 00 

5 ft 8 00 70 00 

6 ft 10 00 90 00 


Your garden may need a Hemlock Hedge as a background to give a linished, mellow, quiet air. The soft, velvety texture of 
clipped Hemlock closely reproduces the yew of England, which, unfortunately, is not hardy. 

This Hendock Hedge surrounded the garden of a tree-lover. When the property was olfered for sale, we moved the hedge to 

our nursery in summer. It is 600 feet long, and can be used to make a garden theatre, to shut off the street, to enclose an entrance 

court, screen the service- or laundry-yard, garage, or vegetable-garden. Those who really appreciate the best and iiave the right 

conditions, or will make the right conditions, can count on our cooperation to make their garden one of the best in the country. 

This hedge can be safcl>' shipped a thousand 

miles. Please send photograph of the site you 

propose for it. Have your architect and 

landscape architect consider it in lieu 

of marble, granite, concrete, or 

brick. As the background for 

your outdoor social life it niaj' 

be the best. 

Time-saving is the greatest 
material achievement of the 
age. You have it with re- 
gard to knowlc{lge, travel, 
brick, cement, and steel. 
In this hedge you can 
have it in a wall of 

How decide if it will 

Are you in the 
Hemlock region from 
Nova Scotia to Min- 
nesota and Alabama? 
Is the situation shel- 
tered from ocean 

Do h u n g r y trees 

Daphne Cneorum. Sec p.nge 24 

Hemlock Hedge over fifty years old at Hicks Nurseries 


Pachysandra, Myrtle, and Euonymus radicans. They are worthy of much wider use in shady places. Japanese Barberry in corner 

Broad-Leaved Evergreens, Foundation Plants 
Plants for Woods and Shade, Cover Plants 

This is a general title. You ^^■iII wonder what it means. A Broad-Ieavcd E\Trgrccn is one like hollj^ laurel, 
rhododendron, that does not have a needle-shaped leaf or belong to tlie conifer family, as pine, spruce, hemlock 
and arborvitse. 

Foundation planting is an art of recent development. The ]irofcssors of landscaj^e architecture scold because 
too much is planted. They say a liouse should not sit on bushes but show the foundation, bringing up a group of 
foliage between the windows ■\\ith pcrliaps a high point at the corners. Air. Jens Jensen, the great landscajie 
architect, of Chicago, said, "Do you want a horticultural curiosity shop or a nice, quiet place?" Probaijiy you 
have foundation planting around your liouse and you want to know how to do it better. There are ]}ublications 
that show, by picture and text, how to group the shrubs, but really the best way is to consult a competent de- 
signer and thus avoid many pitfalls. 

Foundation planting can be made of annual and perennial fiowers, flowering shrubs, the needle-shaped e\x'r- 
grecns, as pine, spruce and Japanese cypress, or of broad-lea^•ed e\crgrccns. You can go through all these stages 
successively and then begin all over again if you wish. Perhaps, like a garden expert in East Hampton, you will 
say, "I have been all around the garden question and have come back to green." 

Berberis Gagnepainil. CHINESE EVERGREEN BAR- 
BERRY. See Rare Plants, page 34. 

Berberis verruculosa. CHINESE EVERGREEN BAR- 
BERRY. See Rare Plants, page 34. 

Buxus sempervirens. BOX- 
WOOD. Bo.\ is an old favor- 
ite lor foundation ]>lanting 
and garden borders. This is 
the variety that grows rapid- 
ly, making a round bush 3 
feet higii in about ten years. 
It can be clipi^ed to a little 
hedge 6 inches higli lor gar- 
den borders or edging the 
foundation planting, s|)acing 
6 to 8 inches apart. Bos- 
wood likes the shade where 
not robbed by tree roots. 
Feed with bone-meal. 

Height Each 10 100 

6-12 in. . .SO 50 S3 50 S30 00 

1-1 lo ft.. 2 00 15 00 

2 ft 7 00 60 00 

B, sempervirens. BOX- 

WOOD (Sheared pyra- 
mids). Clipped to points 
about 3 feet high and 2 feet 

Height Each 10 

3 ft 810 00 S90 00 

4 ft 14 00 

White Pine and Laurel as a windbreak and shel- 
tered cove at Hewlett, Long Island 



Pachistima Canbyi, or Mountain Loi'tr, as an evergreen moss-like 
cover 6 inches high. The larger leaves in the background are Rhodo- 
dendron carolinianum. There are many places like this where you can 
have as much fun and exercise improving your home landscape as in 
playing a game of golf. 

Calluna vulgaris. SCOTCH HEATHER. There are many 
plants wliicli have a strong hold on the alfcctions. Scotch 
Heatlier lias not been coinmoiily planted because people 
did not know how easy it was to grow. It has escaped and 
run wild in several places in Nantucket, Rhode Island, and 
Massachusetts. It makes a dense mat, 1 to IJo feet high, 
with grey-green foliage anci myriads of spikes of pink 
flowers. Use it in your flower-garden, as a border to the 
path, edging down a group of dwarf evergreens, such as 
juniper, laurel, rhododendrons, or out on a sandy hillside 
where it is iJie brightest color. Space tlie plants a foot or 
more apart. You can make a beautiful Heather garden on 
level lanci or on a slope. 6 in. high, potted plants, 80 cts. 
each, S7.50 for 10. 

C. vulgaris alba pilosa. WHITE SCOTCH HEATHER. 
Tali-growing form with steel-gray leaves and white flowers. 
3-in. pots, SI eacii, S9 for 10. 

C. vulgaris cuprea. PURPLE SCOTCH HEATHER. 
Yellow foliage turning to a bright red in early fall. 3-in. pots, 
SI each, S9 for 10. 

C. vulgaris rnonstrosa. PINK SCOTCH HEATHER. Pink 
(lowers. 3-in. pots, SI each, S9 for 10. 

Chameecyparis. RETINISPORA. See page 12. 

Cotoneaster horizontalis. ROCK SPRAY. Sometinies 
called "Quince Berry." This belongs to the apple family 
and has tiny red fruits, like the hawthorn, and white or 
pink llowers. It spreads out horizontallj% and keeps less than 
a foot high. Tiie colored picture on page 35 is good but the 
real ]ilant is better. We will have plants in pots so you can 
get them all summer. 3-in. pots, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Daphne Cneorum. GARLAND FLOWER. See page 22 for 
the picture in color. It is a little, trailing plant, about 6 
inches high, with pink (lowers in May and again in late 
summer. The spicy perfume you will enjoy and never for- 
get, 2-yr. plants, SI each, S9 for 10. 

SWEET. Several of these \''arieties are worthy of extensive 
use. The foliage is perlectly harcly, whereas the Englisli ivy 
sunburns and occasionally kills back. You can use Euony- 
mus radicans in quantity to carpet the ground, run up tree 
trunks, cover the wall, or clamber over stumps and rocks. 
It does not like tlie hot sun. The picture on page 22 shows 
what you and the birds would like for winter. Euonymus 
radicans is the form witli ovate leaves raised from seed. 
10-15 in. high, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10. 

E. radicans acutus. SHARP-LEAVED EVERGREEN 
BITTERSWEET. A long-leaved, sharp-pointe<l type, red 
on the under side, giving a new color note in cover plants for 
shaded places. 2-yr. plants, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10. 

E. radicans minimus. SMALL-LEAVED EVERGREEN 
BITTERSWEET. Another Tom Thumb. Will make a 
little mound about 6 inches high and 1 foot broad, with 
leaves the size of a mouse's ear. Use as a carpet or at the 
edge of a foundation planting and other monotonous ever- 
green gardens. Creeps up a wall 2 to 3 feet, or climbs up the 
trunks of trees, thus hiding what is sometimes a bare and ugly 
tree in the plantation. 2-yr. plants, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Euonymus radicans vegetus. ROUND-LEAVED EVER- 
GREEN BITTERSWEET. This form is propagated from 
fruiting branches of the old vine and therefore retains the 
bushy, branching habit, so it can be kept as a little dome, 
2 feet wide. It Irults early and you have the peculiar com- 
bination of an evergreen vine growing as a bush and fruiting 
while young. It will also grow as a vine. If the seeds are 
sown they produce the form first mentioned. 12-15 in, 
high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Galax aphylla. GALAX. Try a few among the rhododen- 
drons or laurel or in a hedge. The leaves are bright green, 
about 2 inches in diameter and the plant grows about a 
foot high. In the winter they turn a rich bronze-red, and 
it is then that they are collected in large quantities in tlie 
southern mountains for the florist trade for making up 
funeral designs, 6-12 in. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Ilex crenata. JAPANESE HOLLY. The leaf is like that of 
the boxwoocl, not the holly, and the berries are black. You 
will find it most happy in among other evergreens in the 
foundation planting or out among the pines ancl oaks or in 
the woods. The outline of the plant is open and picturesque, 
not smooth like the boxwood. The tips of the plants may 
■winter-kill if grown in the open, but that is no objection as it 
merclv trims it back and keeps it down to a most useful size. 
Height Each 10 

1 ft. S2 00 S15 00 

3-4 ft 10 00 

L opaca. AMERICAN HOLLY. The Holly is native as far 
north as Cape Cod. As one landscape architect has said, 
"It does not like to have the sun shine on its head," there- 
fore, nestle it in among pines and oaks as you see it in the 
woods. It will not keep its best color out in the winter sun. 
Holly is slow to start growing, so don't expect to get big 
ones cheap but plant a lot of little ones ancl among them 
some varieties as mentioned under hemlock. Take out of 
your foundation planting some big, ragged Japanese cypress 
or spruce and put in several Holly trees. When the>' grow 
too big, pinch them buck for several years; then we will tell 
you how to safely move them out to where they will have 
more room to develop their full beauty. You can make no 
more welcome present than a collection of Holly, heatlier, 
azaleas, ancl other choice plants. 2 ft. high, S4 ea., S35 for 10. 

Kalmia latifolia. MOUNTAIN LAUREL. Landscape 
groups need tying together and the ground wants covering. 
Something is necessary to hold the mulch, and there is need 
of winter beauty and summer llowers — Laurel abundantly 
supplies all these demands. Use it freely in the foundation 
planting, among and at the edge of the shrubs, unclcr your 
shade trees and evergreens. Plant it about 3 feet apart. It asks 
notliing but a mulch of leaves and perhaps a drink of water 
half a dozen times the first year. In late May, the Laurel 
blooms provide the greatest show in eastern North America, 
fklglil Eaeh 10 100 

1ft S2 00 S17 50 SI 50 00 

2 ft 2 50 20 00 175 00 

House at Great Keck, L. I. Foundation planting and shade tree 


Garden of Prof, C. S. Sargent at Brookline, Mass., considered one of the best in the country. You can follow the same iil;iii— big shrubs, 

small shrubs, as the white Deutzia, Darwin Tulips, and Gennan Iris 

nissioii of The Macmillan Co., from the Cyclopedia of Horticulture, edited by L. H. Bailey. Copyright, 1917, by The Maciiijllaii Co. 

This plate is reproduced, by per 

Leucothoe Catesb^i. DROOPING ANDROMEDA. A 

close relative of tlie laurel and native of tlie southern moun- 
tains. You can use it as suggested for laurel, where it will 
be particularly valuable among the tali evergreens on the 
north side of your house and among your slirubs and trees. 
It is entirely harmonious with Long Island woodland and 
yet different enough to attract appreciative attention. 
Makes a long, arching spray, perhaps 3 feet long, with long 
pointed bronze-red leaves. See illustration on page 22. 

Height Each 10 100 

6-12 in SO 75 S6 00 S50 00 

12-18 in 100 9 00 75 00 

Pachistima Canbyi. MOUNTAIN LOVER. A carpet of 
green and bronze-red about 6 inclies high. It is related to 
the euonymus and is native on rocky ledges in the Appala- 
chian Mountains. You can tuck it in under the foundation 
planting at the edge or you can place it in the border of a 
path, in the rock-garden with ferns, or in the woods. 2-in. 
pots, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10, See page 24. 

Pachysandra terminalis. JAPANESE SPURGE. A green 
carpet-like plant with no difiicult points and no bad habits. 
After it is established it keeps down the weeds. It is eco- 
nomical because the underground roots spread out 6 inches 
and come out with new plants and has been Introduced by 
landscape architects who use tlie best. A valuable and 
useful plant on the smallest grounds, for it will eliminate 
labor. At the edge of a path, or between shrubs and ever- 
greens, it will carpet the ground so completely that It does 
not have to be hoed or the weeds pulled out. The foliage is 
bright green all the year. The flowers are white and not 
conspicuous. 8 in. high, 25 cts, each, $2 for 10, S18 per 100. 

Pinus Mughus. See page 16. 

Potentilla tridentata. We went up to Mt. Washington to 
collect attractive little rock plants and this one seems to 
be happy at this altitude. It has strawberry-like blossoms 
and dark evergreen foliage like pipsissewa. 6 in, high, 
75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Rhododendron catawbiense Hybrids. You will find here a 
magnificent collection of plants full of bloom-buds. Come 
and pick them out as they are coming Into bloom, or order 
from the catalogue. You will get an assortment of colors 
that will be a most pleasant surprise, and with them can 
brighten the background of narrow-leaved evergreens and 

Height Each 10 

1 1^-2 ft $5 00 $45 00 

2-2H ft 7 00 60 00 

R. maximum. A species in the mountains as far north as 
Nova Scotia. It has leaves 8 to 10 inches long, with bright 
pink flowers in late June or early July. Plant it in places 
more sheltered from wind and sun than the Catawbiense 
hybrids. 2 ft. high. S3 each, S25 for 10. 

Viburnum rhytidophyllum. EVERGREEN SNOWBALL. 
A new and rare plant with graceful flowers and berries like 
the high-bush cranberry, leaves like Rhododendron rtiaximum, 
and crinkly like the Japanese snowball. It is not available 
and has not been tested for general use, but you will enjoy 
trying it in a sheltered shaded place. 2 ft. high, S5 each. 

Vinca minor. MYRTLE. This plant is associated in your 
mind with an old farmhouse where you have picked its 
blue flowers with the first violet, and where you remember 
seeing it carpet the ground under the spruce and locust trees. 
As described under pachysandra, use it for carpeting the 
ground and shaded places. Don't ask if it will solve the 
problem of bare ground under maples. 30 cts, each, S2.50 
for 10, S20 per 100. 

Yucca filamentosa. ADAM'S NEEDLE; SPANISH 
BAYONET. See illustration, page 46. This is not exactly 
a foundation plant because the vertical lines are not so 
restful as the horizontal and rounded outlines of the yew, 
juniper, and laurel. It has upright, sword-shaped leaves 
that keep a bright living green all winter, not turning yellow 
or brown in June and the showiest white flowers with 
creain-wliite cups. Plant it extensively on the sand-dunes 
and sandy fields. 30 cts. each, S2.50 for 10. 

You will find many alpine plants on Mounts Katahdin, Moosilauke, and Marcy, that you can introduce 




All winter long the thickets are ahve with the birds 
that get their food from the berry-bearing shrubs. The 
food-plants of the birds, squirrels, the Indians, and 
the early settlers are the best guide to what should be 
grown now. With berry-bearing shrubs around your 
place you can make the birds contented, you can study 
them from your window, and you can enjoy their songs 
in the field, the hedge-row, in the swamp, and on the 
hilltops. The birds will stay as long as the berries are 
there, so have aplenty. 

John Burroughs says that the insect-eating birds 
would starve if they did 
not have berries. You 
maj^ notice that in early 
spring, before the angle- 
worms come up, the rob- 
ins feed on berries. Make 
a border of berried shrubs 
and trees, spacing them 3 
to 6 feet apart, or add 
these shrubs to your pres- 
ent border. Plant shrubs 
freely on the hills, along 
the woodland borders, by the streams and shores, even 
if you do not own the land. You can lead your com- 
munity in this movement and can surprise your friends 
with the show which these shrubs will make- — and it is 
a show that is harmonious and in good taste. 

The fruits from many of these trees and shrubs can 
be used in the home for making jams, preserves, or 
fruit juices. You will enjoj'^ picking and eating them 


as you Stroll about your grounds. Some of them are 
less sour or bitter after they are frozen — for instance, 
the little Siberian Crab tastes as good as apple sauce. 
Are you afraid of poisonous berries? We will refer you 
to literature on that. We are willing to try out the new 

If you have a place where berry-bearing shrubs can 
be used, telephone us (Westbury 68), drop us a line, 
send us a sketch, or a photograpli of the place, and we 
will help you to carry out your ideas. 

For Game-Covers. Plant the berry-bearing shrubs 
by the thousands, follow- 
ing the fashion that has 
prevailed in England for 
many years, where shrubs 
that take care of them- 
selves are used. Study it 
scientifically to provide 
for long blizzards. At the 
Arnold Arboretum there 
are over 100 species with 
berries in March. 

Groves of evergreens, 
and oaks that hold their leaves during the cold season, 
will give winter protection for tlie birds. Thickets of 
shrubs, including the thorns, will give Iiavens of refuge 
where the birds will be safe from the attacks of hawks 
and predatory animals. You can plant many of them 
all summer. Let us help you plan several years' pro- 
gramme in planting your game-preserve and bird- 

Red Chokeberry 

Berry-bearing shrubs, our selection, 1-3 ft., 50 cts. each, $4 for 10, $30 per 100, $250 per 1,000 
You can plant many all summer and half the winter 



Arrow- Wood 33 

Beach Plum 31 

Bittersweet 24 

Black Alder 30 

Burning Bush . 30 

Bush Honeysuckle 31 

Chokeberry 27 

Cotoneaster 35 

Crab-Apple 35 


Dogwood 29 

Euonymus 30 

High-Bush Cranberry 33 

Holly . 24 

Indian Currant 32 

Japanese Barberry 29 

Japanese Bush Cranberry 33 

Japanese Dogwood 3 

Japanese Honeysuckle 31 



Japanese Quince. 30 

Japanese Turquoise Berry 36 

Magnolia ^ 

Privet 30 

Roses 37 

Spice Bush .29 

Snowberry 32 

Sumac 31 

Virginia Creeper 38 


Acer palmatum atropurpureum. BLOOD-LEAVED 
JAPANESE MAPLE. Tlie purple-red foliage satisfies 
the desire for something different, a strong contrast to green. 
It grows about 1 foot a year and makes a tree-shaped shrub 
about 12 feet high. It is usually planted as a specimen, but 
can be used in groups of shrubs. 2— 2J^ ft. high, S5 each. 

A. tatarica. SIBERIAN MAPLE. These plants are just 
right for a new kind of a hedge; they can be planted 2 feet 
apart. Its autumn color is tlie most brilliant in our nursery 
together with that of tlie dogwood, Virginia creeper, and 
pepperidge. It makes a big bush 10 feet high in five years; 
therefore it is one of the best items offered for massing in 
shrubberies and planting in groves of dogwood, silver bell, 
and taller trees. ' 

Height Each 10 100 

2-3 ft SO 40 $3 50 S30 00 

3-4 ft 50 4 50 40 00 

Amelanchier spicata. SHAD-BUSH; JUNEBERRY. 

Almost as good as huckleberries, but several weeks earlier; 
the birds feast on them. The earliest white shrub to bloom, 
coming before its relative, the apple, and therefore makes 
a good foreground for hemlock and pine. It forms a dense 
thicket 2 feet high; therefore plant IJ^ feet apart, in front 
of taller shrubs to hold the blowing leaves and save hoeing. 
1-2 ft. high, 35 cts. each, S3 for 10, $25 per 100. 

Amygdalus communis fl.-pl. DOUBLE-FLOWERING 
ALMOND. Has dainty double blossoms, like little pink 
buttons, in pcach-blossom-time, on stems 2 feet high. One 
of several ornamental flowering fruits you can add without 
taking much space. 1 1^-2 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S7 for 10. 

Aronia arbutifolia. RED CHOKEBERRY. See page 26. 
A native shrub which retains its bright red berries through 
the entire winter. 2 ft. higii, 75 cts. each, S7 for 10. 

A. nigra. BLACK CHOKEBERRY. Chokeberries and 
the juneberries are difficult to tell apart when growing 
wild. Both should be used in masses, as edgings and under- 
growth, to hold tlie blowing leaves and thus feed themselves 
and tlie larger slirubs and trees. You can get big clumps by 
the hundred and plant 2 feet apart. The black, juicy 
fruit is astringent and supplies food for the birds all winter. 
Perhaps you have eaten them bj' mistake when 
picking huckleberries and found tlie little apple-like 
fruits rightly named. 3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 
10, S50 per 100. 


Have you huckleberry, laurel, or arbutus in your 
region? Then add Azalea, rhododendron, Icucotlioe, 
andromcda, and hcatlier. Tliey are all members of the 
heath famity and like to flock together. 

Where to make an Azalea garden? Anywhere on 
Long Island or off Long Island except in heavy lime- 
stone clay. What do Azaleas like? Shade, not the root 
robbery of swamp trees on drj' land, as sugar maple, 
elm, and poplar. What kind of shade do they like? 
Shade of evergreens, shrubs, and oaks, and the north 
side of the house. 

I pass thousands of old places that look as if shrubs 
and trees occupy all the land they should, but I try to 
think what more I can sell that would fit. Frequently 
the first thought is Azaleas under the trees and along 
the edges of shrubbery or foundation planting. 

Azalea arborescens. FRAGRANT AZALEA. A neat, 

round bush witli pure white, fragrant flowers in late May. 
It closelj' resembles A. viscosa except in earliness. 1-2 ft. 
high, SI each, S8.50 for 10. 
A. Kaempferi. Closely allied to the Hinodigiri and Karume 
Azaleas but does not hold its leaves in winter. One of the 
finest estates on Long Island has scattered thousands of 
them through the woods among the laurel and white pine. 
They range in color through deep reds, briglit reds, pale 
reds, and pinks; some have a tinge of purple. It will be 
possible to play a new tune in Long Island landscapes 
with these and other Azaleas, Tiiey will wake up enthusi- 
asm for the beauty of the country several weeks earlier 

Azalea Kaempferi, continued 

than heretofore. They will show that the Long Island 
woods are beautiful and can be made more beautiful; 
and also that the iiighest type of civilization and art is 
not that whicli makes the greatest display but that which 
utilizes and adds to local natural conditions, 8-12 in. high, 
SI each, 57.50 for 10. 

A. Hinodigiri. See page 28. Has the brightest red 
blooms of all the Azaleas. If you see a little ball of fiery 
red in some planting in early May, this is it. You will 
not see many of them, for it has only recentlj' been intro- 
duced. Tuck it in under the edges of evergreens and mulch 
6 inches deep with leaves. This is usually classified under 
Broad-leaved Evergreens because it retains some foliage 
in the winter but you do not want to look in two places to 
carry out your Azalea enthusiasm. 12-15 inches high, S2.50 
each, S22.50 for 10. 

A. nudiflora. PINXTER FLOWER. The Azalea you have 
occasionally seen in the woods, with pale pink, fragrant 
flowers. It is native on the northern slope of Long Island, 
high up on the hills or above the spring outcrops in the 
sandy slopes. Those of you who have such a situation can 
make a garden of delight far better than Italian gardens, 
sunken gardens or terraces. It blooms the second week 
in May. 1-2 ft. high, SI. 25 each. SIO for 10. 

A. Vaseyi. CAROLINA AZALEA. There is no plant you 
can add to your garden or woodland planting which will 
give greater delight at its season of bloom than this. It 
is the first of the Azaleas to bloom in early May and the 
color is the daintiest and clearest pink you can imagine, 
while the texture of the flower is equal to the rarest orchid. 
This is one of the species we have in mind when we ad- 
vise your coming and picking out little plants for this 
year and next year. Our pride in the achievement of 
growing quantities of these, offering them at low rates, is 
only excused by the pleasure of widely distributing tlieni 
where the plants will ^^ be iiappy and give pleasure. 1-1 J^ 
ft. high, $1.25 each, ^^^10 for 10, S90 per 100. 

The hunger for autumn color of Maple is best satisfied by Siberian 
Maple, a new and comparatively little-known tree. A hedge, a group, 
or the addition of a few to the back of the shrubbery will add distinction 
to youi place. It is the first autumn color, turning about September 15. 


J _ 


There could hardly be a representative border without some Spirsa Van Houttei. In May, the spot is magnetic to the eye 

Azalea viscosa. SWAMP AZALEA. Here is where you 
can get bulk, quality, and economy. These plants were 
cut over about six or seven years ago and are now big, 
broad, bushy plants that come up with a clump of dirt as 
heavy as a man wants to lift. They are set witli hundreds 
of buds and bloom the iirst year. They produce very 
fragrant, white blossoms in June and July, after all the 
other Azaleas have passed. 2-3 ft. high, $1-50 each, $12.50 
for 10, SlOO per 100. 

Berberis aristata. Yellow Mowers in June, followed by 
attractive red fruits, make this shrub excellent for mass 
planting. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S7 for 10. 

B. Thunbergii. JAPANESE BARBERRY. A popular 
hedge-plant. On account of its spreading habit it can be 
planted l^ feet apart, or, if you are willing to wait, 2 feet 
apart. The abundant red berries are often the most con- 
spicuous and cheerful sight in the winter landscape. Wlii e 
dictating this, a pigeon hawk flew down on the sunny side 
of a privet hedge and made oH" with a sparrow. If the 
hedge had been of Thunberg's Barberry or otiier thorny 
bushes, probably the hawk would have been fodcd. In 
the state of nature there is a far larger percentage of thorny 
trees and shrubs to protect the birds. 

Heieht Eacli 10 100 

I ft . .SO 35 S3 00 S25 00 

I I .S-^2"ft.V.'.V. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 50 4 50 40 00 

Buddleia Davidii magnifica. SUMMER LILAC, BUTTER- 
FLY BUSH. The popular name is based on the lact that 
tlicre arc frequently a half-dozen butterllies hovering around 
it. It blooms continually from midsummer to frost, bear ng 
long, slender, arching racemes of lilac-like tlowers. This is 
just the right plant to add to your shrubbery, foundation 
or the flower-garden. It dies down nearly every year and 
shoots up in the spring like a vigorous fountain 3 feet high. 
2-yr. plants, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10. 

Calycanthus floridus. SWEET SHRUB, ALLSPICE. 
STRAWBERRY SHRUB. Fragrance has a stronger 
hold on memory than form. Occasionally a man who knows 
but little of the pleasures of the country comes to the nursery 
and tries to describe this plant by his boyhood remembrance 
of its fragrance. 2 21^ ft. high, 60 cts. each, S5 for 10. 

Cornus alba sibirica. RED-TWIGGED DOGWOOD. 

The brightest bark in winter; carmine-red is a rare color 
and a pleasant variation. If your place is small, put in one 
or two; if large, use a sweep 50 to 100 feet long. To get 
the best color, cut out the oldest branches. 1 } 2-^1 2 fl- high, 
60 cts, each, 85 for 10. 

C. mas. CORNELIAN CHERRY. See page 32. A week or 
two before the forsythia, or golden bell, this is a mass ol 
bright veilow, like the spicewood of the swamps; in August it 
looks like the tree cranberry. We have used the fruits for jam 
and to make an acid drink. You can use this plant in your 
shrubbery or among your collection of small trees, for it 
grows ultimately 15 feet high. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each. 
$6 for 10. 

C. paniculata. PANICLED DOGWOOD. The slender 
twigs, coming up about 5 feet high, are topped oil with 
clusters of pearly berries, soon Klri])pcd by the birds in 
September. It grows so 
densely that it is good 
for holding mulch at the 
border of plantations of 
trees and shrubs. In 
winter it has a pleasant 
color efl'ect of silvery 
grey bark, slightly tinged 
with red. 2 ft. high, 
60 cts. each, S5 for 10. 

C. stolonifera lutea. 
DOGWOOD. Just like 
the Red-twigged Dog- 
wood, but the twigs are 
like a yellow pencil. 
Color harmony experts 
can tell you whether to 
plant it with or separate 
from tlie other. Let us 
help you start a winter 
garden with color, berries 
and evergreens. 2 ft. high, 
60 cts. each, S5 for 10. 

Calycanthus. Sweet Shrub. For 
its quiet foliage and old-time's sake, 
plant a sweep of them 3 feet apart. 

AZALEA HINODIGIRL In the garden of Mrs. Robert Bacon, Westbury, L. I. Painting on page 28 by Miss Amy Cross. 

Azalea Hinodigiri is the plant with bright red {lowers introduced a few years ago Iron, Japan. These plants liad been 
growing several years with Laurel, in the shade of Cedars and Pines ,n the b.rd-sanctuary on the nght, and were th ed ou 
and placed in this position. We are mentioning this because we are not certam that ycni could take a ''ll'<= '^ "^"^^'"^f ''"^ ' 
in such an open situation and have it grow to this height. You had better grow it tiicked .n among ?y<^^g^^f"^ ''/^^'^^^^^^^^ 
by your house foundation and nuilched with leaves. The tall flowering trees in the background are Red-Bud, or American 
Judas. The spires are Red Cedar; the border is Phlo.v divaricata Laphami. i^c.K, r,tt,..l 

The economical way in which this estate is developed is worthy of careful study. It is to use little phints so closely fttcd 
to the conditions that they almost take care of themselves; then, in a few years thin them out ancl make 'fw garde so 
delight. The bird-sanctuary on the right was a bare, windswept hill. Now the robins stay all winter for. they liave balanced 
rations all the year with Holly, Beach Plum, Blueberry, Flowering Apple. Winterberry, Cotoneaster, High-bush Cranberry, 
and many other plants. Your artistic imagination can compose similar pictures; your ener gy can make them. 




Corylus americana. HAZELNUT. You like Hazelnuts. 
1 here is no irouble taking out the [neat from the convohi- 
tions of tiie shell as with the mockernut, hickory-nut and 
butternut. You can plant them this spring and pick them 
in August. Don't wait for the frost or the chipmunks and 

mice will get ahead of 
you. Plant them as a 
thicket under your 
oaks and pines, or use as 
a border to your shrubs 
or make a hedge. Per- 
haps you can discover 
a large variety. 13-4-2 
ft. high, 50 cts. each, 
?4.5() for 10, S40 FJer 
ICO. See also page 55, 

Corylus americana. American Hazelnut. We supplied this hedge in 
April, and the nuts were ready to be picked by the middle of August. 
Have you a robber hedge to be replaced by fruit hedges of Blue- 
berries, Beach Plum, and Hazelnut? Perhaps i'ou can invent some more 
new hedges for us to introduce. Dr. Bierwirth, of Long Beach, said, 
'I am going to get 130 pounds of Gooseberries from my hedges this 
year; last year I got nearly as much. There is no use wasting ground 
for such fruit; use them as garden hedges." 

Cotoneaster. A beautiful group of little berry-bearing plants 
sometimes called "Quince Berry." See Rare" Plants, page 34, 
and Foundation Plants, page 24. 

Cydonia japonica. JAPANESE QUINCE. Some call it 
Japonica, remembering its old name, when it was first 
introduced. It is startling because of the brilliance of its 
flowers — just before appie-blossom-time it is a blaze of 
scarlet. There are many other llowering fruits you should 
add, as the double-flowering peach, the variou.s pink and 
red crab-apples, the Japanese cherries, double-llowering 
almonds. Primus triloba, beach plum. You can make a 
miniature garden, adding two to three weeks to the hrst 
bloom of the garden season. We will have some in pots or 
tubs for you to take home in bloom. 1 i 9-2 ft. high 50 cts 
each, S4.50 for 10, S40 per 100. 

Deutzia gracilis venusta. DWARF DEUTZIA. A low, 
broad shrub about 2 feet higii, and a snowbank of white 
in late May. Use it in your foundation planting or in front 
ol tall shrubs. 13^-2 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

D. scabra, Pride of Rochester. You have often wanted 
a tall shrub to shut out a view and at tlie same time have 
a lot ol flowers. Try this and the arrow-wood, or viburnum, 
on page 33. Flowers are white, tinged with pink, and are 
borne in great prolusion about the middle of May. 2-3 ft. 
high, 75 cts. each, Sfi for 10. 

Euonymus alatus. BURNING BUSH. For the most 
brilliant autumn color early in the fall, try this with the 
Tartarian maple and Virginia creeper. At the same time 
J f opens its orange pods to show the scarlet seeds hanging 
all ready for the birds. The twigs are ridged with cork like 
the sweet gum. Makes a bushy, tree-shaped little shrub 
5 feet or more high. It is worthv of being added to old 
collections as one of the newer and better things. There 
are three other species of Euonymus in our nursery of 
larger growth, larger leaves, and berries. 2-3 ft. hi'di 
75 cts. each, S6 for 10, S50 per 100. ' 

Forsythia Fortunei. i^^^^^^^^k^-^^^^^^^^ 


BELL. Another shrub Sk^^V^^^^^I^I^^H 

that is big, healthy, and ^BCv^P^tujOfiu^Q^^^HI 

showy, soon growing 8 ^^^Kb-'^BBlSn^SSI^^^&i 

feet high, and making a ^^^Hk^^^^-^^HPSBBS^I 

dense, solid screen, for ^^^^^^^^•: *iar.^^P»^*^ 

it is well clothed at the 

base. It is a brilliant ^^^^^^^^{^■ias'frr' 

bank of gold wSien ^^^^^H^HS^B^Br.^^ 

bloom and is the first 

showy shrub of spring, 

which iias made its long ■%^^^Hf)C^^^K# ' 

Latin name familiar. 3 ^K^^^^fi^^^^s.V^ 

ft. high, 50 cts. each, ■fp:^J^^Ki$\^ 

S4.50 for 10. ^'» 

Hamamelis japonica. 

HAZEL. Many things 
claim the honor of being 
the earliest, but this 
frequently blooms on 

Long Island in midwinter 

it there are ten warm ^^HM^ - c' 

days. In the winter of 
1913, we were able to 
pick outdoors, every week Hamamelis or Wttch-Hazel flow- 

during January and Feb- ^'^ are yellow and spicy and in 
ruary, this fragrant November and December give zest 
honeysuckle, ' Japanese *° ^" autumn walk or ride. 
IHissy willow, and, part of the time, the jasmine. 2-3 ft. 
high, SI each, S9 for 10. 

H. virginiana. WITCH-HAZEL. A sturdy shrub slowly 
growing to 10 feet in height. Seeds shoot several feet. 3-4 ft. 
high, 75 cts, each, S6 for 10, S50 per 100. 

Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora. COMMON HY- 
DRANGEA. Big heads of llowers in August and September. 
This IS perfectly hardy here. Do not confuse this with 
tiie pink or blue Hydrangea which is sometimes hardy close 
to the seashore but back from the shore has its flower-buds 
kdled by the early frosts. 2-3 ft. high, SI each, S8 for 10. 

Ilex verticillata. BLACK ALDER. See illustration, page 
26. If you plant a group of these, some of tliem will have a 
mass of holly-like berries all winter. You see clusters of 
them in the florists' windows and added to Iiolly wreaths. 
13^-2 ft. high, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10, S40 per 100. 

Kerria japonica fl.-pL An old-fashioned shrub with globular 
yellow flowers and green twigs. It grows about 3 feet high 
2 ft. high, SI each, S9 for 10. 

Ligustrum ovalifolium. CALIFORNIA PRIVET. A 

widely ]3opular plant because it is the cheapest thing to 
mark a boundary, but more especially because it is the 
easiest thing to think of. When men did the buying for 
suburban places they would say, "I have a lot so many 
feet around. How many privet plants will 1 need for it? 
I understand they are planted staggered, 2 to the foot." 
We would answer, "One foot apart." 

H^liei't Each 10 100 

2-3 ft SO 25 S2 00 SI 2 00 

3-4 ft 40 3 00 25 00 

Deutzia scabra. Too large a shrub for the foundation, but just right 
for a tall boundary to the street, vegetable-garden, or the orchard. It 
is a coarse, rough shrub that should be at the background. 




Perhaps you haven't thought of the Bush 
Honeysuckle, but the birds have. They are as 
-^^ heavily laden with berries as the currant bush. 
The first green foliage of the Norway Maple and Bush Honeysuckle 
is almost as welcome to winter- and brick-weary eyes as flowers. The 
pink, white, or yellow flowers come In early May. Bush Honeysuckles 
are big, husky shrubs, soon 6 feet high. 

Lonicera fragrantissima. FRAGRANT BUSH HONEY- 
SUCKLE. This iind L. Stand'ishu li.'ivc pure lemon and 
cream llowers in t-arlv spring, sonu'limes from .hinuary to 
May, other times t'nmi tiu- midcUc ol" Apr!!. Frequently tlie 
ilo\ver.s are open aiui are covered witii ice or snow. 1-2 ft. 
high, 75 cts. each, S7 for 10. 

bright, sprawly hush that wiil save nione>' for you. You 
can put them iO I'ect apart and there will be no vacancies. It_ 
has grav-green foliage, sweet yellow (lowers, and is one ol 
the first to produce its bright berries; it is more profusely 
covered than a cranberry bush. It has a big tangle of twigs 
and is the favorite nesting-place for the catbird. No sooner 
are the young birds able to lly than the berries are ready 
for them. 2-3 ft. higii, 60 cts. each, S5 for 10, S45 per 100. 

the above, except thai it is more upright and has white or pink 
flowers. 2-3 ft. iiigii, 60 cts. each, S5 for 10 S45 per 100. 

Philadelphus coronarius. MOCK ORANGE. Memories 
of old farni-hoiises would not be complete without the syringa 
or the lilac at the corners of the house or by the garden gale. 
It has the perfume that lingers. It makes a big arching 
shrub 8 feet liigii, covered with creamv white llowers in 
late May. 2-3 ft. iiigh, 75 cts. each, Sfi for 10. 

Prunus maritima. BEACH PLUM. Those who havie a 

family to feed are enthusiastic o\er the Beach Plum. There 

seems no limit to the amount of fruit they can pick or make 

into jam and jelly. It forms a big, round bush 8 feet high, 

covered witli healtliy dark green foliage which withstands 

the drought on sand-dunes, pine-barrens, or the caustic salt 

spray of the beach. Use it for any of tliesc places. Try it 

for a hedge for underpianting of pines and oaks or edging 

to or replacing part of your present shrubbery. It 

should be possible to impro\'C the value and size and to 

establish Plum culture where the European Plums have 

not become established. You can help in this work both by 

selecting and grafting. 1-2 ft. high, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10, 

S40 per 100. 

triloba. With the Beach Plums, and before the apple 
blossoms, this conies out with a mass of little pink double 
buds. Makes a tall shrub with good foliage. 1 J^-2 ft. high, 
SI each, S9 for 10. 
Rhodotypos kerrioides. WHITE KERRIA. Good shrub 
for edging down tall plants. It grows about 4 feet high and 
spreads out gracefully. Tiic (lowers are like the philadel|)luis, 
white, about 1 ' •> inches across, fo!lowe<! by clusters of shiny 
black fruit. 2-3" ft. iiigh, 50c. ea., S4.50 for 10, S40 per 100. 

Rhus aromatica. AROMATIC SUMAC. Trailing shrub 
with leaves like poison i\y and clusters of orange-red berries 
in early June. 2 ft. high, 60 cts. each, S5 ("or 10, 

Rosa rugosa. RUGOSA ROSE. It has large, showy, rose- 
colored or white llowers in June, followed by big red berries, 
the pidp of which is edible. Plant it as a hedge, at the 
seashore. If part of tl>e stems are cut in the winter, lhe.\' will 
have one crop of blossoms in the middle of May, before tlie 
rose bugs arrive, and another in 
,~. July after they have gone. 1-2 
^V ft. high, 75 cts. each. S6 for 10. 
S50 per 100. 

Rhodotypos, or White Kerria. These big, sturdy shrubs in our 
nursery are easily dug in full leaf, the ball of earth and roots wrapiied 
in burlap, put oa an auto, and grow with but slight clieck. 

'^^<. i:«^ 

Beach Plum at Cedarhurst, L. I. At the New York Experiment Station they say, "The Beach Plum does not do well on our heavy clay soil." 
The European Plums thrive there. Now that a quantity of plants are available at low prices, you can use them m quantity on the sand-dunes, 
b(uffs, or in the pine-barrens. 




Stephanandra at Woodmere, Long Island. Its fleecy, fluffy foliage 
IS happy where it can feather down tall shrubs and cover the bare 
ugly A-shaped spaces between. 

Rosa rugosa at Plandome, L. I. The glossy, wrinkly foliage is always 
beautiful, even under salt spray. The fruits are large and shoivy, 
especially near the sea. You will enjoy tasting them if you avoid the 
bristles around the seeds. 

Salix multinervis. JAPANESE PUSSY WILLOW. Tliis 
has been blossoming outside in JaruKiry and February 
(1923). Tlie school children know where it is from year to 
year, but sonietinies thej-^ get fooled, because in a nursery 
plants do not stay in the same place. It makes a shrub 44-, 
feet high and twice as wide. ' "^ 

2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, 
S6 for 10. 

Spiraea, Anthony Waterer. 

RED SPIREA. Shrub about 

2_ feet high, witJi magenta- 
pink llowers in iale June, 

continuing throughout the 

summer. The later bloom ■ 

is more abundant if the 

first flowers are cut 

away. 1 ft. high, 75 

cts. each, S6 for 10. 
S. Thunbergii. SNOW 

GARLAND, Rightly ■ 

named for it looks like a 

snowbank in early May. -^ 

The foliage is graceful and i- 

changes to orange and red in ( ^ 

autumn. Grows about 3 feet' 

high. 3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, 

S6 for 10. 

S. Van Houttei. Tall, arching 
shrub, covered with wliite 
flowers in late xMay. It grows 
about 7 feet high. Do not 
trim it to a dome. 2-3 ft. 
high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 
See illustration, page 29. 

Stephanandra flexuosa. LACE-LEAF BUSH. Good shrub 
for a low hedge or bordering tall shrubs. The billowy masses 

r V »"'^'>,f'"*' ^'?r^' graceful. 2 ft. Iiigfi, 50 cts. each, S4.50 
lor 10, S40 per 100. 

Symphoricarpos racemosus. 
about 3 feet high with big, 
showy, pure white berries 
from September to Decem- 
ber. 13.^ ft. high, 75 cts. 
each, S6 for 10. 

vulgaris. INDIAN CUR- 
RANT. Tliis has a mass of 
deep violent red berries in 
early autumn. The manner 
of growth is peculiar as it 
.spreads like a strawberry 
and will thickly clothe a bank 
or edge tall shrubs. The 
making of berry-gardens for 
the birds and for autumn and 
winter decoration is more 
fully described on page 26, 
and a list of plants suitable 
for the purpose is included. 
A- .3-4 ft. high, SI each, $9 for 

Symphoricarpos racemosus, 
or Snowberry. This picture is 
just to remind you of an old 
favorite you have seen about 
old farmhouses. 

Here is how to beat your neighbors with early t 

Plant Cornus mas, or Cornelian CheiTy. East of our offlce* . 
you will see a plant 15 feet high and equally broad, nearly 
as bright as Forsythia or Golden Bell, but ten days earlier- 
it frequently blooms before the middle of April. In midsum- 
mer its carmine fruits are of the shape and color of sour cher- _^ 
ries and have pits like olives. Substitute them for some of your pres'ent commonplace shrubs. 





Styrax, or Japanese Storax. You will enjoy the orange-blossom-like 
flowers. Come when they are in bloom in early May and then take 
home a plant in a pot or tub. 

Styrax japonica, JAPANESE STORAX. One of tlie plants 
you will be proud to know, for it is above tlie commonplace 
and has the charm of a beautiful picture or piece of furniture 
that gives beauty to a room. It branches out like a little 
tree, and hanging over the branches are myriads of fragrant 
white bells in June, followed by fruit like a coffee bean. If 
you have but limited room, plant one as a specimen among 
your small trees or in back of your shrubbery. If you wish 
to decorate the woodland along with azaleas and dogwoods, 
plant a quantity of the small ones for they will soon bloom. 
2-3 ft. high, SI each, S9 for 10. 
Syringa Emodi. EMODI LILAC. After the common Lilac. 
Has big panicles of pink Uowers not fragrant. 3—4 ft, high, 
75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 
S. persica. PERSIAN LILAC. Graceful, arching shrub with 
long sprays of fragrant white llowers. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. 
each, S6 for 10. 
S. vulgaris. COMMON LILAC. Everybody loves the Lilac, 

mostly for its fragrance. 3-4 ft. higii, SI each, S9 for 10. 
Vaccinium corymbosum. HIGH-BUSH CRANBERRY. 
Emphasis can be laid on this from three angles: first, food; 
second, beauty; third, availability in large sizes and large 
quantities. One estate on the north shore of Long Island 
has planted a carload of large bushes and has an abundance 
of fruits all summer. The owner of a bungalow in Westbury 
plants a half-dozen bushes and also has an abundance of 
fruit. He finds it helpful to put a piece of mosquito netting 
or old curtain over the branches, but finds even then the 
catbird will sometimes come up untlerneath and get caught. 
There are no better shrubs for food-supply and landscape 
beauty than the blueberry, beach plum, or hazel. Plant 
them as a commercial crop and learn how to grow the 
improved varieties w'liich we will be glad to tell you about 
or supply you. There should be thousands of acres of 
improved varieties growing on Long Island, especially along 
the edges of salt meadows and borders of cranberry bogs. 
The beauty of the Blueberry is in its sturdy oak-like 
branches, red and yellow twigs in winter, andromeda-lihe 
white bells in Maj', and brilliant autumn foliage. 

Height Each 10 

3 ft S2 50 S20 00 

4 ft 3 50 30 00 

Viburnum dentatum. ARROW-WOOD. The biggest 
siirub value in the catalogue. As you will see by the picture 
it makes a big dome of foliage thickly covered by pure white 
llowers in May, followed by blue-black berries in the fall, 
which the birds feast on. In winter it has another value — 
the twigs are so dense that it makes an effective screen. 

We will show you a number of naturalistic shrub borders 
that are no wider than a privet hedge in some parts but 
in other parts twice as wide, which form a better boundary 
in variety and beauty. They cost more thought and pos- 
sibly more money but less labor. You can plant these 
Viburnums all summer because a big disc of soil comes up 
with them. 

HciRht Each 10 

2-3 ft SO 75 S6 00 

3-4 ft 1 00 9 00 

5-6 ft 2 00 17 50 

Viburnum dilatatum. JAPANESE BUSH CRANBERRY. 

We discovered it crowded in the Dana Arboretum and are 
now trying to popularize it. It makes a big shrub like V. dcn- 
talum but covered as completely' as the elderberry with flat 
discs of small, sour, red berries all winter. Even if your 
place is full, let us add a collection of berry shrubs for you, 
your friends, and the birds. 2-3 ft. iiigli, Si each, S9 for 10. 

V. Opulus. HIGH-BUSH CRANBERRY. The secretary 
of a Long Island Garden Club said, "In our place in Nova 
Scotia, I run the point of my canoe into the bushes and pick 
pails of cranberries. They make delicious jam." Occasion- 
ally you will drive by a place in the sloppy mud-time of late 
winter and notice hanging clusters of cranberries, which 
quite relieve sad, <lrab landscapes. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. 
each, S6 for 10. 

V. Opulus nana. DWARF VIBURNUM. A Tom Thumb, a 
compact little plant about 1 foot high and equally broad, 
and with flowers. There are a lot of other plants that stay 
small but do not have flowers. You will enjoy prowling 
around our nursery, and adding to your home landscapes. 
8 in. high, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10, S40 per 100. 

V. tomentosum plicatum. JAPANESE SNOWBALL. A 

broad shrub witii healthy foliage and white flowers the last 
of May. 2-3 ft. high, si each, S9 for 10. 
Weigela Candida. WHITE WEIGELA. A shrub growing 
8 feet high and equally broad, with white bell-like flowers 
in early June. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

W., Eva Rathke. RED WEIGELA. Small-growing 
shrub, about 4 feet high, with deep crimson-red flowers. 
2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

W. rosea. PINK WEIGELA. This is like the white Weigela 
but has pink and white flowers. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each, 
S6 for 10. 

Zanthorhiza apiifoHa. YELLOW-ROOT. To hold the 
blowing leaves and cover the bare ground is the problem of 
shrub and tree groups. Here is one of the things that will 
stick to the job. Makes a dense mat of underground roots, 
like quack grass, and sends up numerous twigs about 2 feet 
high, covered with feathery foliage like the stephanandra, 
and has inconspicuous flowers. We have a quanlity of it. 
You now have an opportunity to use a plant which has been 
used by tlie landscape architects on a few of the estates 
where the best designs have been carried out, 1-1 J 2 ft- high, 
50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10. 


In the Viburnum dentatum, or Arrow-wood we can give you 
the biggest value in shrub foliage. You want something now that is 
as big, or nearly as big, as it is going to be. These plants were cut 
off six years ago for an aviation field. It will take ten years to grow 
such plants in the nursery and even then they would not have big 
balls of earth to hang on the roots. If you want the best and the most 
immediate boundary of shrubs, let us show you what these can 
do. We can supply them by the thousand all the year. There are good 
natural examples of such hedge rows in Meadowbrook and Garden 
City on the Hempstead Plains. If you and your neighbor will allow 
6 to 8 feet in width, you can have a boundary bigger, better and more 
beautiful than privet. You will be doing what nature would do if the 
land were abandoned, and doing it first. You will be concentrating 
the beauties of nature for yourself and your friends. 


„f !^ w 1, customers says the beauty about our Rock-Garden is that you have everything right under your thumb wherevonwHakecare 
of It We have cerfainly found it so because the Rock-Garden is our show-window and it is most easily kept in good ZiditioranTshows fhe 
greatest beauty with the least care. You will find throughout our catalogue many sniall-trrowinB evergreen nant^ThpWH,r<f^^^ 
allt foKr"'' ^^ ' ^'"'^ '"^ '''' Rock-Garden. We'have not roomfo mentioVthem 111 ^rl/ryfu a°elTer"stS we w^^ 


The fun of trying new things takes hold of all of iis. The possessor of a bit of land is fortunate that his new 
things live and grow and Largely take care of themselves. Their newness continues season after season- the 
possessor ot the oldest example of a new plant can still brag. 

The European species were early brought to tliis country. After Admiral Perry's e.xi^edltion, the Japanese 
plants came, as described under Japanese Yew, page 20. 

Chinese plants have been brought out recently by E. H. Wilson, Assistant Director of the Arnold Arboretum 
and a few otiier explorers. Northern China, central China, western China, and Tibet contain the greatest 
possibilities lor the improvement of our orchards, forests, parks, home Landscapes, and llower-gardens Why? 
hirst, because thej^ have a changeable climate not unlike that of the Northeastern, Middle Atlantic, and North 
L.entral btates. 1 he forest trees, as ginkgo, Korean pine, Nikko fir, and Japanese ye^^• are the best recorders 
ot -climate because they live the longest, and the e\Trgreen forest trees report most accurately because thev are 
on the job all winter. 

From time to time other unusual pLants are brought to America by explorers and travelers. It has been the 
policy ol Hicks Nurseries to test these new things in our nursery and in various pLantings before offering them to 
our customers. At the present time such ]Dlants are under observation, and if vou come to the nursery vou can 
see them, and decide ^^ hether j'ou ^^ould like to try two or three on your own grounds. 
Berberis Gagnepainii. EVERGREEN CHINESE BAR- 
BERRY. A spiny evergreen with large leaves. It looks as 
il It rmglu grow up as common Barberry in a tall, arcliing 
slirub to probably winter-kill later. Keep it down to 2 
feet; plant it in among the evergreens. You will enjoy pick- 
mg It out in your winter walks. 12-18 in. high, Sl each. 

B. heteropoda. TURKESTAN BARBERRY. This belongs 
to the common Barberry group, bin it has much showier 
berries, winch, in early fall, clnsely resemble clusters of 
grapes. 2 ft. high, SI each, S7.50 for 10. 

GREEN BARBERRY. It sparkles like a gem, and makes 
a little dome about ! H feet liigh of bright, varnished 
foliage. In summer it is light green above and silvery white 
below but m winter it is rich red and bronze, beautifully 
contrasting with the silvery undercolor of the leaves. In 
spring It is studded with bright yellow flowers, followed by 

Berberis verruculosa, continued 

vioIet-black fruits in October. Use it in the rock-garden, 
with heather, euonynuis, and ferns; tuck it in at the 
foundation — it may not be hardy enough to stand out in the 
middle of an open lawn all winter. 4-6 in. high, SI each. 

Cornus Dunbari. A new hybrid of a Japanese and American 
Dogwood. A small-growing tree having handsome white 
flowers in July. The branches are red. 5 6 ft. high, S3 each. 

C. paucinervis. Low-growing Cornel from China, with 
white flowers and black berries. 3 ft. high, SI each. 

Corylus Colurna. CONSTANTINOPLE HAZEL. A tree 
occasionally 70 feet tall. In China there is another species 
120 feet high, and in Highland Park, Rochester, there is a 
tree approximately 30 feet high and 14 inches in diameter. 
Plant them among your oaks and pines and group them 
with the American hazel, for nut trees like to have under- 
growth of shrubs to hold the leaves and keep the hot wind 
from the soil. 2 ft. high, S1.50 each. 




The Cotoneasters, or 
Quince Berries, are a new 
group of shrubs related to 
the laurel. Tliey are pros- 
trate or of medium height. 
The birds love their myriads 
of black fruit as we do 
apples. The blooms are like 
miniatiue apple blossoms. A 
collection of them adds new 
interest to your garden. 
Cotoiieaster horizontalis is 
described under slirubs for 
foundation planting. There 
are several other plants of 
the same low, chnging type 
and others worthy of a place 
in the shrubber}-^ with high- 
bush cranberrjr and bridal 
wreath spirca. 

C. Dielsiana. This we have 
called the "Bead berry" 
because of its round, shiny 
red fruits. In the autumn 
it is ahiiost as showy as 
Vifiurnufn dilatalwn. 2 ft. 
high, SI each. 

C. divaricata. One of the 
hardiest Cotoneasters, having 

glossy, dark green leaves. In August the berries begin to 
color and will hold on all through the winter unless the birds 
get them. This Cotoneaster is one of those recommended 
by the Arnold Arboretum. 2-3 ft. high, SI each. 

C. Zabellii. Mr. John Dunbar, Assistant Superintendent of 
Parks, Rochester, N. Y., thinks this is the handsomest of 
all hardy Cotoneasters. It is not a rank-growing plant, but 
its branches have a gracefid, drooping habit. The dark red 
fruit and silky leaves will distinguish it from the others. 
2 ft. high, SI. 50 each. 

Deutzia magnifica. WHITE DEUTZIA. When this 
Deutzia is in llowcr it is completely covered with the greatest 
profusion of pure white flowers. 2—3 ft. high, $1 each. 

Enkianthus carapanulatus, or Japanese Bellflower Tree has dainty 
little flowers like this in iris-time. This may be new to you, but there are 
fifty more equally pretty things that you can discover in the Hicks Nursery, 
of which the stock and the space in this catalogue do not permit a picture. 
You are welcome, as mentioned on the aeroplane picture on page 1, to go 
around the nursery at any time, pick flowers where they are plentiful, 
or foliage to remember them by, and decide what is good enough for 
your garden. If it is after hours when there is no salesman on the grounds, 
jfabel them, write us what block they are in, and they are yours. 

Cotoneaster horizontalis. This cut hardly shows its real beauty but it 
will give you an idea of its value as a ground-cover or as a covering on 
a bank. Its greatest beauty is in its multitude of handsome red berries 
which hang on until late in the winter and are food for the birds. 

Elsholtzia Stauntonii. 

round bush about 2 feet high, with spikes of lavender 
flowers in late summer. Sprays of flowers are more like . 
heather or speedwell than like our mint and peppermint. 
It blooms a long time, making a useful addition to the 
flower-garden or shrubbery. 2 yrs. old, SI each. 

Enkianthus campanulatus. JAPANESE BELLFLOWER 
TREE. The superintendent of our propagating depart- 
ment said that this lifted our collection out of the ordinary 
and won the prize at the show of the International Garden 
Club. It is a beautiful shrub in autumn. Being a close 
relative of the swamp blueberry, it has brilliant orange and 
red foliage. In June it is decked with pink and yellow bells. 
Add it to your collection of azaleas, sorrel tree, or A ?i(/ro/7ieda 
arborea, which it closely resembles. 1-2 ft. high, SI .25 each. 

Euonymus Bungeanus. JAPANESE SPINDLE TREE. 
A little tree about the size of the dogwood, or smaller, 
thickly hung with pink seed-pods which open in autumn 
and hang out scarlet seeds for the birds. See illustration, 
page 22 (colored illustration of £"»onir;u(s radicals vcgctus), 
4-5 ft. high, SI. 50 each. 

Evodia hupehense. Belongs to the Toothache Tree family. 
One of the small-growing flowering trees recently introduced 
from northern China. Yellowish white flowers. 4 ft. high, 
SI. 50 each, SIO for 10. 

Forsythia intermedia spectabilis. Said by experts to be 
superior to the older species. 3 ft. high, SI each, S7.50 for 10. 

Halesia Carolina tnonticola. SILVER BELL. The old 
varieties of this grew like a grei' birch, with several stems, 
but this has a straight trunk, like other trees, and it reaches 
a height of 90 feet in the Appalachian Mountains. 3-4 ft. 

Hamamelis mollis. CHINESE WITCH-HAZEL, This 
Chinese variety and the Japanese and the Missouri Witch- 
Hazels are the only winter-blooming small trees we have. 
The showy yellow flowers and round woolly leaves are very 
different from our native fall-flowering Witch-hazel. 1 J-^ 
ft. high, S2.50 each. 

H. yernalis. MISSOURI WITCH-HAZEL. In 1916 the 
discoverer of this species pulled U]5 two hundred plants for 
us in the Missouri River bottoms. Its flowers have a purple 
center and very distinct fragrance. 2-3 ft. high, SI each. 

Lonicera Standishii. STANDISH'S HONEYSUCKLE. 
This will give you the first fragrant flowers in March and 
April. In a mild winter, it will hold some of its leaves 
through the whole season. 2-3 ft. high, 75 cts. each. 

Malus Arnoldiana. ARNOLD'S CRAB-APPLE. The 
rose-colored flowers of this variety are much larger than 
those of the Japanese Crab-Apple. The yellow fruit is 
also larger. 4-5 ft. high, SI. 50 each, $10 for 10. 



Morus acidosa. CHINESE 
people remember the Mul- 
berry Trees growing around 
old farmhouses, and may 
have heard of Mulberry 
pies, but the average person 
remembers them as too 
sweet to be appetizing. 
3-4 ft. high, SI each, 
S7.50 for 10. 

Philadelphus Magdalense. 
ANGE, One of the new 

white-flowered varieties. 
3-4 ft. high, SI each, 
S7.50 for 10. 

Rosa Hugonis. FATHER HUGO 
Big or little tree with pure yellow, 
over 2 inches in diameter, in May. 
S2.50 each, S22.50 for 10. 

Sorbaria arborea glabrat^. A tall-growing shrub that 
will gi\'e you flowers in July. Plant it as a background for 
the smaller-growing spireas, deutzias, etc. 3-4 ft. high, 
SI. 50 each. 

Stuartia Pseudo-Camellia. FALSE CAMELLIA. This 
is the rarest plant we have, and there are onlj' a few. Its 
camcIlia-like, yellowish white flowers have something the 
fragrance of orange blossoms. Flowers in July. 4 ft. high, 
S5 eacfi. 

Styrax Obassia. This resembles the Slyrax japonica de- 
scribed on page 33. Has round leaves 3 inches across. It 
occasionally winter-kills but springs up again. 2 ft. high, 
SI each. 

Symplocos paniculata. TURQUOISE BERRY. Tliere 
is much to be learned from old places, old nurseries, and 
old cemeteries. Kissena Park, Flushing, contains the 
Turquoise Berry, the Chinese Christmas berry, or photinia, 
turquoise-blue vines, and Japanese bittersweet, remnants 
from the old Parsons' Nursery. In autumn it is gay 
with the fruit of these four. The birds first strip the 
Turquoise Berry. It has unique robin's egg or sky-blue 
berries which last two to three weeks in September It 
makes a shrub about 5 feet high; white flowers in June. 
3 ft. high, S3 each. 

ocos, or Turquoise Berry. 

New music is welcome, if harnionious. 

We re-introduced this after finding it in 

Parson's Nursery, Flushing, which now belongs 

the Park Department of New York City. Add 

one to your collection. 

Syringa reflexa. The Arnold Arboretum calls this one of the 
most promising of all the Lilacs introduced during the last 
twenty years. Pink flowers and carmine buds. 2-3 ft. 
high, SI. 50 each. 

S. pekinensis. CHINESE TREE LILAC. At Kissena 
Park, Flushing, L. I., you will find a tree of this one foot in 
dianieter and 20 feet wide. It has healthy foliage and large 
panicles of white blossoms just after the Common Lilac. 
Unfortunately, the perfume is that of California privet and 
not of the Lilac. 3-4 ft. high, SI. 50 each. 

S, Swegnizowii. CHINESE LILAC. The Arnold Arboretum 
has rated this first of the four best Chinese Lilacs recently 
introduced. Dr. Sargent says that it blooms freely every 
year, and the flowers are produced in great profusion. 
Ihey are flesh-colored, changing nearly to white as they 
open. 3-4 ft. high, SI. 50 each. 

S- Wolfii. CHINESE LILAC. This is described in the 
Arnold Arboretum Bulletin as a native of Alongoiia or 
northern Korea. It was introduced in 1906 and as yet is 
little known. The large clusters of violet-purple flowers 
are gomg to make this one of the handsomest of the late- 
flowering Lilacs. 2-3 ft. high, SI each. 

Teucrium Chamaedrys. GERMANDER. A little rock- or 
cover-plant about 6 inches high, with very dark green 
leaves, making a solid mat which you can use for borders, 
covering banks, or a big area in the garden. Has bright 
rose-colored flowers. 3-in. pots, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Viburnum Wrightii. This was named for the botanist of 
the Perry expedition to Japan. No berry-bearing shrub 
quite equals it for abundance and showiness of its fruit. 
2 ft. high, S2 each. 

Xanthoxylum schinifolium. CHINESE TOOTHACHE 

TREE. A big, round, compact shrub, 4 to 6 feet high, 
thickl\- set with the sharpest prickles. Put it as you would 
the Japanese Barberry, where you want to prevent people 
crowding through your shrubbery and making a path. 
Sometimes you want to make it a little difhcult to trespass 
and gather your beach plums, hazel-nuts, or azaleas. We 
can show you quite a list of plants to act as a protective 
hedge. The principal beauty is the clusters of shiny brown 
seeds in autumn. Someone said they have the perfume of 
paregoric. 2-3 ft. high, S1.50 each, SIO for 10. 

Viburnum dilatatum blossoming in June. Cream-white flowers 
contrasting with the very dark, dense foliage. Still a rare plant in too 
many gardens. 


You don't have to get them all at one time. 
In fact, the most enjoymeyit can be bad by add- 
ing a group irhenever you feel like it. Most 
of these things can be bad in small sizes in 
pots at any time. If you are interested in 
rockeries, you ought to add the Cotoneasters 
and Elsboltzia. It is just as easy to groiv rare 
plarits as it is the common ones, and there is 
a great deal more satisfaction. 


Bank along drive, at Hewlett, L, I., composed largely of the various climbing Roses. People are just beginning to wake up to tlie possibilities 
of the Rose in landscape planting. Even though your place may appear completely planted, and you have settled down to a complacent, let-alone 
policy with shrubbery and trees and grass, you can find a new means of expressing your ideals through these Roses, Let us help you. We have 
several hundred well-established plants in pots which you can plant at any time, even in full bloom. They bear red seed vessels in winter and 
help the valuable insect-eating birds. 


Everybody loves Roses, and the slogan of the American Rose Society, "A rose for eveiy home," is a worthy 
ideal which you can carry out through the Hicks Nurseries. You can come any time and pick out some Roses, 
take them Itome with you in pots, or leave an order for the spring and fall planting season. They are guaranteed 
to grow satisfactorily. 

Witliout going into technical details, Roses may be grouped as follows: 

I. Hybrid Teas, (HT.) Similar to the kind you i>uy from the greenhouse. They bloom all summer. Protect 
during the winter by mounding up tlie plants one foot high; after freezing, mulch witli strawy manure or leaves 
to keep frozen. Enrich the groimd cither with bone-meal or manure and hoe thoroughly. They like clay soil, 
but that is scarce on Long Island, so make up with bone-meal, manure, hoeing, and water. 

IL Hybrid Perpetuals. (HP.) These bear big, double Roses and grow into bushes 3 feet high. They bloom 
freely in June and frequently produce a smaller crop in late summer. They need the same cidture but are hardier 
than the Hybrid Teas. 

in. Shrub or Wild Roses, as Rugosa rose, Sweetbriar, Father Hugo's Rose, and the wild Roses j^ou see on 
dry hills, roadsides, and swamps. These arc suitable for extensive landscape planting for (lowers, berries, decoration, 
thick growth of twigs, and thorns to hold the blowing Iea^'es, thus feeding themseb'cs and the trees and shrubs 
with them. 

IV. Climbing Roses, These are particularly happy on Long Island, as they are as much at home there as 
tiieir relative, the running blackberrj', covering sandy fields, climbing over trees or buildings. 

The New York, New Ha\en & Hartford Railroad Co. (at Mount Vernon), the Pennsylvania (at Merion Sta- 
tion), and the Long Island (at Kew and elsewhere) have decorated and are holding railroad banks with climbing 
Roses. This is one of the few plants which will take care of themselves and sa^'e money. You can apply the 
same idea to fences, bluffs, and ravines, and climbing Roses make a good hedge A\hcn trained on a fence. Their 
use for tennis back-stops and poultry-yard fences is well known. A Rose-garden or ilower-garden is frequently 
surrounded by a pergola decorated with climbing Roses. At Doublcday, Page &. Co.'s plant. Garden City, N. Y., 
a hot, sunny area is translormcd into shaded walks by means of rose-arbors. Climbing Roses do not need to 
climb; if left alone they make the most efl'ective shrubs. They are frequently used on pillars, and can be trans- 
formed into standard Roses by staking up one stem. 

Two-year, fleld-grown plants, pruned and ready for planting, 75 cts. each, $6 for 10 

Delight. Bright crimson flowers which have an aciniirable Excelsa. Almost a glorified Crimson Rambicr. The foliage 

background of glossy green foliage. Blooms quite early is dark, glossy green and entirely free from mildew. Thi 

in the season. 

Dorothy Perkins, Pink. Perhaps the most popular of all 
Climbing Roses, This variety makes a strong growth and 
produces blooms in the greatest profusion. The flowers are 
light pink in color, fragrant, and very double in form. 

Dorothy Perkins, White. With the exception of the white 
flowers, it is the same in all particulars as the preceding 
variety. Makes a lovely ^contrast when planted with the 
pink sort. 

Dr. W. Van Fleet. A splendid pink Rose, with a pointed bud, 
opening into a double flower. It makes a strong growth, 
and has splendid foliage. Dr. Van Fleet developed this 
variety in his jjlant-breeding establishment at Little Silver, 

flow^ers are carried in large trusses and in color are the most 

brilliant sc£irlet-crimson imaginable. 
Hiawatha. In habit of growth similar to Excelsa, with 

light glossy green foliage. The flowers are single, deep 

intense crimson in color, or shading to pure white at the 

La Fiamma. The name describes the color, which is brilliant 

fiame, an unusual shade in Roses. Tiie clusters of bloom 

are extremely large and carried on long stems. Perfectly 

harcly and an extremely rapid grower. 
Lucile. The blooms of this variety are full clouble, carried 

in large clusters on strong branches. In color they are a 

delicate flesh-pink, tinged with rosy salmon at the base of 

the petals. 




Mrs. M. H. Walsh. Pure milky white Roses are borne in 
large clusters. Many experts consider this tlie finest white 
climbing Rose, and certainly it is exceptionally beautiful. 
Awarded a gold medal by the American Rose Society. 

Silver Moon. Another of Dr. Van Fleet's introductions. 
The blooms are extra large, frequently reaching a tliameter 
of 5 inches; single or semi-double, with a mass of bright 
yellow stamens surrounded by pure waxen white petals. 
In addition to their beauty they arc attractive because of a 
faint fragrance. Hardy and vigorous; the glossy foliage 
seems entirely immune from disease. 

Snowdrift. Snowy white flowers of medium size are produced 
in large clusters over a long period. Makes a vigorous 

Troubadour. Introduced by the late M. H. Walsh, of Woods 
Hole, Mass. The flowers are full tlouble, bright red shading 
to maroon and carried in large clusters, each spray niiiking 
a perfect bouquet. Like most of the climbing Roses the 
foliage is dark, glossy green, and not subject to mildew. 

Rosa Wichuraiana. A trailing Rose from China, with 
creamy white flowers and golden stamens. The perfume 
is that of the Tea Rose. The leaves arc' small and glossy 
and make an impenetrable mat about one foot deep. In 
winter it is beautiful bright green, set off with crimson fruit. 
Dry, sandy ground does not prevent its making gooci growth, 
and therefore it can be used on the pine barrens and on the 

Tlie limits of this catalogue do not permit an exten- 
sive showing of Roses, but you can satisfy some of 
your Rose-luinger at the Hicks Nurseries. Tliere are a 
number of bush Roses under Section II that we have 
not put in the catalogue, but they are available for 
general landscape planting. 


American Beauty. Crimson. 
Frau Karl Druschki. Snow- 
Magna Charta. Rosc-jjink. 

Sl.25 each, $10 for 10. 
Paul Neyron. Pink. 
Ulrich Brunner. Cherry- 

HYBRID TEA ROSES. $1.25 each, $10 for 10. 

Betty. Coppery rose. 

Etoile de France. Red. 

Grange Colombe. Ivory- 

white, salmon-yellow center. 

Gruss an Teplitz. Scarlet. 

Jonkheer J. L. Mock. Pink. 

Lady Ashtown. Rose-pink. 

Lady Alice Stanley. Coral- 

Mme. Jules Bouche. 

White, shaded primrose, 
Mme. Ravary. Orange- 

Mrs. A. R. Waddell. Deep 

apricot, orange-salmon. 
Ophelia. Light sabnon- 

Radiance. Carmine-pink. 
Soleil d'Or. Orange-red. 


Years ago vines sold from the nursery were largely confined to provide shade for the porch. Now they are 
used to carpet the ground, to decorate tree trunks, to climb over trees and shrubs, to liold steep banks, for hedges, 
to feed and protect birds, to cover walls, to make narrow screens, and in numerous other ways. WJien you think of 
something vines can do for you, come or send to the nursery. We usually Iia\e some in pots tliat you can jjlant 
any time. In addition to tlie vines listed here, there is euonymus on page 24, and climbing roses on page 37. 
Ampelopsis quinquefolia. VIRGINIA CREEPER. Have Hedera helix. ENGLISH IVY. The brilliant March sun 

you ever noticed, on Long Island, tall tree trunks, looking 
like burning pillars of fire before you thought the summer 
was over? It is the Virginia Creeper. This vine has five 
leaflets and black berries, while the "poison ivy vine," 
gro\ving in similar situations, has Ijut three leaflets and white 
berries. You can add it to shrubbery, to give touch of color, 
without taking up much room, or you can let it climb up 
cedars and pines, forming graceful draperies in both summer 
and autumn. If you have a locust grove, planted for tree- 
nails and fence-posts you can relieve the monotony with 
Virginia Creeper. On the sand-dunes, a carpet of Virginia 
Creeper helps the beach grass and bavberry to check wind- 
erosion. 2-3 ft. high, 50 cts. each, S4 for 10, $25 per 100. 

A. tricuspidata Veitchii. JAPANESE IVY. The vine so 
often seen on brick buildings. It has three-lobed leaves and 
black berries. 1 ft. high, 1 yr. old, 30 cts. each, S2 for 10, 
S15 per 100. 

Clematis paniculata. This vine is literally a snow-bank of 
little white stars in August and September. It is almost too 
rampant for a porch vine unless primed. White is always 
welcome and this will fit in any of the places mentioned in 
the introduction. 2 yrs. old, 50 cts. each, S4.50 for 10. 

Euonymus. See page 24, 

of this latitucie sonietimes burns the leaves and occasionaMy 
kills back the branches, but you can enjoy its beauty in 
shady places on tree trunks, on the north side of buildings, 
and carpeting the ground. Potted plants, 60 cts. each, 
S5 for 10. 

Jasminum nudiflorum. JASMINE. A vine very rarelj' 
seen on Long Island, but should be commonly used, for it 
is early or occasionally winter-blooming. In the latitude of 
Philadelphia, golden domes 5 feet high are frequently seen 
in early March. On Long Island, as mentioned under 
Japanese pussy willow and (Vagrant honeysuckle, pp. 31, 32, 
this Jasmine blooms any time during the winter when there 
are ten days of warm weather. You can bring it in the house 
and it will do the same. 2-3 ft. high, SI each. 

Lonicera japonica Halliana. HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE. 
This is thoroughly at home in the woods, along liedge- 
rows and road-banks where the birds scatter the seed about 
and it comes up in patches. The foliage remains green until 
midwinter, or if grown on the ground, until spring. The 
hummingbirds and ciiildren like the honey, and you will 
like the fragrance in June and autunui. It is often the 
cheapest thing to cover a bank, where they may be Jiiixed 
with climbing roses, Virginia creeper, bittersweet, and low 
shrubs. The ability of Japanese Honeysuckle to take com- 
plete possession of the ground results in economy of main- 
tenance. 2 ft. high, 75 cts. each, S6 for 10. 

Tecoma radicans. TRUMPET CREEPER. A European 
visitor complimented the artistic taste of the farmeis of 
Maryland who decorate their fences and po'-is with this 
vine and its large crimson flowers. The Trumpet Creeper 
is native there and sometimes the flowers are 6 inches in 
length, and the vines reach the tops of tall locusts. 
You can use it on a post in the shrubbery or on a building. 
The flowers are shaped like a fireman's trumpet, about 5 
inches long. 132-2 ft. high, 50 cts. each. 

Wisteria sinensis. CHINESE WISTERIA. Those who 
have a big sweep of Wisteria bloom will point to it with 
pride and perhaps bring out a Lumiere color plate to 
demonstrate its beauty all the .year. It is too vigorous for 
planting on a house unless clo.sely restrained. Wisteria 
can be trained up as a standard, or small tree, and it ijlooms 
more profusely then because it has not been allowed to 
climb. Now the plants are available in quantity at low 
rates. You can plant ten or one hundred on a sanrl bluff 
along the border of the woodland, on a fence, on the sand- 
dunes, or among the shridjs. 

Height Each 

1 ft SO 25 

3-6 ft 75 



S2 00 

S15 00 

6 00 

50 00 



Whjr do yon grow flowers? Because you love color and fragrance. 

There is color in all classes of plants — annuals, perennials, shrubs, and broad-leaved evergreens and trees. In 
the perennials or hardy garden llowers are found the most color. 

To help jrou get the most color, arranged in the most beautiful way, is the object of this Department. 

Ho'w grow flowers? 

Take any bit of ground, dig in decayed leaves or other decaying vegetable matter, as grass, weeds, salt hay, or 
manure; add wood ashes or commercial fertilizers. Select your favorite plants from this catalogue, or, better, call 
at the nursery and get them. When you plant them, space them from 8 inches to 2 feet apart. 


We trjr to name the colors accurately, ajid in a previous edition of this catalogue there is a chart adapted from 
Landscape Arcbilecture, giving color, season, and height. Send for it. The joy of gardening is that it is never 
finished — never perfect. The convenience of the Hicks system of planting gardens all summer is that you can 
come to the nursery, see the colors you hke, pick out the plants you desire, take them home in pots or ^^•ith a ball 
of earth, and make the color harmony in your garden just what you wish. Your own plants you can shift around. 
One ladj^ said, "I water the plant I am going to move and towards evening dig a hole for it, fill the hole with water, 
take up the plant with a s]}adeful of earth, and it does not wilt," This procedure will succeed with the great ma- 
jority of hardy perennials. We will tell you which have long, coarse roots and need to have a trench 18 inches 
deep and a ball of earth in burlap, like an evergreen. 

The standard of jjcrfcction in flo^\'er-gardens may be one by the side of a little cottage or farmhouse where the 
flowers show that they are loved. Or it may be a garden on a big estate under expert personal direction of a land- 
sca]je architect and gardener with a staff of expert under-gardeners who prepare the ground and have a succession 
of plants in greenhouse and frames to replace those that have faded. 

We believe it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the aim of Hicks Nurseries to help you have a 
garden that is 80 to 90 per cent of the utmost perfection possible. It will need knowledge, perseverance, and 
work on your part. It is not all in a show-case, ready to hand over to you complete. We can plan out your border, 

Garden of Mrs. Robert Bacon, Westbury, L. I. Martha Brookes Hutcheson, New York, Landscape Architect. 

Grass paths, box-bordered beds, hemlock hedge for background, cedars for height, arches for roses, shrubs for flowers, and berries for 
birds — all show good design, good care, and enjoyment. The painting on page 17 shows the large maples at the west end of the garderu The 
paintings on pages 8 and 41 depict scones in a valley east of the house, and the Azaleas shown on page 28 are to the southwest. 




but it will not staj' as jjlanncd — you will iiave the most fun if you add, substract, and rearrange all the year. It 
is possible, by mulching in tiie early winter, to keep out the frost and dig over your borders in winter, when your 
neighbors will think there is nothing to be done to improve the place and no exercise to be taken. It is hard work 
to remember, and unless you keep a garden memorandum and a plan, it is impracticable to carry out your improve- 
ments. Therefore, the Hicks system of doing it now, planting in bloom, will enable you to save a year. 

Plants from Hicks Nurseries are guaranteed to grow satisfactorily, or we replace them free. We hope you will 
report to us your success or failure, so we can j^ass on the knowledge. 

In planning out your (lower-borders, make them wide. Mr, Walter Parish, superintendent of the Hardy Garden 
Flower Department, Hicks Nurseries, says, "People make a mistake in i^lanting little narrow borders 3 to 4 feet 
-wide. The}'^ cannot get a sweep of color, and after one thing is out of bloom, there is not enough room for other 
plants. Make the borders 8 feet wide." Plant ten, twenty, or fifty of a kind, if you have room. As one thing 
finishes blooming, come to the nursery and crowd in another. The rampant growing things can be dug up and 
replanted on a smaller area, the surplus planted elsewhere or given away. This dividing and replanting of many 
things can be done just after they bloom without waiting until fall. The spreading perennials extend by stolons or 
underground shoots, and the center of the old plant may die out. These shoots can be replanted in summer and 
he ^^'ell established for the next year. 


Besides the perennial borders there are several other uses for plants in this Department. Naturalizing or planting 
among the grass and shrubs is an art but little developed in this country. Mr. Wm. Robinson, author of "The 
English Flower-Gardcn," and manj^ other garden books and periodicals, has clearly set forth the principles for this 
type of gardening. It is based on matching plants and situations so that nature does most of the work. The plants 
take care of themselves. There should be a sweep of Daffodils in the grass, and the grass should not be cut until the 
foliage of the Daffodil has manufactured bulbs for the next year. Among the shrubs, trees, and perennials, bulbs, 
llowers, and ctjver-plants are plants for sweeps of color. You may not know of many of such gardens, but you 
can start one. We will direct you to literature, examples, and help you. Bring a plan or photograph and tell us 
where you are; we will probably know what the soil is. We can tell you what to plant. You can take home a load 
and come for more next week. 

ACHILLEA Ptarmica fl.-pl., The Pearl. The rather small, 
double white (lowers, resembling tliose of the bridnl wreath, 
are borne all summer, in fine clusters on long stems and are 
excellent for cutting. Grows 1}^ ft. high. 

A. tomentosa. Flat heads of yellow flowers in June. A 
pretty plant for the front of the border or rockery. Grows 
1 foot high. 

AJUGA reptans. Bugle Flower. The ideal ground-cover. 
Use it as an edging in front of the herbaceous borders and 
as a ground-cover in the shade. Bears spikes of blue llowers. 

ALTHEA • Hollyhock 

Its stately s]iires, 6 feet high, include white, clear 
pink, salmon, scarlet, and blackish-maroon and are 
borne in July. 

Double. The flowers of tFie double Hollyhocks are like paper 
rosettes. They are charming in the walled garden. 

Single. Nothing surpasses the old-fashioned single HoIIn- 

ALYSSUM saxatile compactum. Golden Tuft. These 
look like little mounds of gold when in bloom in April and 
Ma>'. Used for bordering with Iris pumila and white or 
lilac moss pink. 

ANCHUSA italica, Dropmore. Alkanet. A flower that 
ranks with the delphinium for producing tall masses of blue. 
It will continue to bloom from June to September il not 
perniiltetl to go to seed and is fine for the back of the border. 
Grows 3 to 5 feet high. See page 42. 

A. italica, Opal. The same as preceding, except in color, 
which is a lighter shade of blue. Use some of each. 

ANEMONE japonica. Japanese Windflower, To those 
who aim to have a beautiful garden for the longest possible 
period, this will always appeal. The single white llowers, 
3 inches across, are borne in succession from October 1 until 
severe frost, 

A. japonica, Queen Charlotte. A silvery pink variety. 
Give all Anemones good drainage. It is recommended that 
a box be placed over them in winter, to shed the melting 

A. japonica, Whirlwind. Some like this because it has 
double flowers. Pure white. 

A. hupehensis. Chinese Windflower. A pink Windflower 
from western China. One of the newer introductions which 
Anemone japonica will prove interesting to the collector. 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page are 30 cts. each, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 

Isabella Pendleton, Landscape Architect, describes the picture on page 41 in March Country Lije. "One enjoys the 
careful detail of the planting in Mrs. Bacon's spring border. The sweep of t!ie yellow Doronicum on one side of ti)e path 
is balanced on the otiier by yellow Columbine and Iris. The deep purple Iris increases the brilliance of the orange Tulip 
Fred Moore, and the salmon-pink A/.alea Kaempjeri. In order to tie the whole bouquet together, the edge is planted with 
mauve Phlox siibuhtta and Iberis sempennrens. It has unusual charm, partly because it is screened in on both sides with 
green; then, too, there is an attractive mystery about a winding path." 



-* . 1 





ANTHEM IS tinctoria. Marguerite. A compact 

bushy plant, covered witli yellow flowers through- 
out the summer. It will do well in poor soils. 

AQUILEGIA chrysantha. Columbine. A yellow 
variety with long spurs. The drop of honey at 
tlie tip feeds the hummingbirds on their way from 
the tropics in May. 

A. cserulea Helenae. Large blue and white flow- 
ers. Aquilegias seem to thrive in either sun or 
shade. If you have a woodland path, give them 
a trial. 

A. vulgaris nivea grandiflora. A tall-growing, 
long-spurred, white variety with stiff stems. 
Fine for massing and for cut-flowers. Grows 
2 feet high. 

ARABIS alpina. Alpine Rock Cress. A low- 
growing, clainty plant, displaying a mass of white 
at the border's edge in April. Excellent for the 

ARMERIA plantaginea. Thrift; Sea Pink. A 

grass-like plant, suitable for bordering paths. 
Thrives at the seaside; also good for the rock- 
garden. Bright red llowers. 

ARTEMISIA lactiflora. White Mugwort. In our nursery this gives the finest sFiow 
of feathery white flowers in August and early September, If your garden lacks color 
in late summer, plant Artemisia. A handsome cut-flower. 

ASTER alpinus. A low-growing Aster; good for the rock- 
garden. Light blue llowers in ALiy and June, 

A., Climax. One of the most desirable on account of the 
large lavender llowers. Grows 3 to 4 feet 
high and blooms in August and September. 

A., Namur. Soft pink, single flowers, quite 
similar to St. Egwin. 

A. Mons. A hybrid of our wild Asters. 
Large, single deep rose fiowers. 

A. novae-angliae. New England Aster. 
The Asters and goldenrods are an impor- 
tant element in the American autumn 
landscape. Here is your 0]3portunity to 
carry out your ideas of natural planting. 
The plants grow tall, witFi flowers borne on 
long stems. Violet-purple and pink. 

A. novae-anglise roseus. A pink New 
England Aster that will brighten your 
whole garden in late September. 

A., St. Egwin. Dwarf pink-flowered variety. 
Plant in front of taller growing kinds. 

A. subcseruleus. This has a dense tuft of 
leaves from which flower-stems are thrown 
up about a foot high in midsummer, bear- 
ing violet-blue flowers 2 inches across. 

A. tataricus. Stems 6 feet high, bearing 
azure-blue flowers in October, 

BAPTISIA australis. False Indigo. Rather a bushy plant 
and very showy, with its long racemes of swect-pea-shaped 
indigo-blue flowers. Blooms in June and July and grows 
3 to 4 feet high. 

Aster, Climax 



CERASTIUM tonnentosum. Snow-in-Sum- 

mer. A low-growing plant, with silvery gray 
foliage. Good for carpeting or bordering. Use 
it freely in the rock-garden. White flowers in 
June and July. See pa;j;e 43, 

CHELONE Lyonii. Turtlehead. A poor name 
for a good plant. A native of the Virginia 
mountains, the Turtlehead thrives in moist, 
shady spots. Deep pink flowers. 

CHRYSANTHEMUM, Pompon. The Chrysan- 
themum is one of the standbjs for a fine show 
of llowers from early October to frost. The 
flowers vary from 1 to 3 inches. To get good 
results, come to the nursery in summer and 
early autumn and pick out plants just coming 
into bloom to replenisfr .\'our garden. The Long 
Island season, without frost, favors them. 

BELLIS perennis. The dainty English Daisy 
niche in every garden. Pink and while flowers. 

BOLTONIA asteroides. False Chamomile. Sniall, daisy- 
like flowers tiiroughout the summer. 
Grows 4 to 5 feet high. Fine for natural 
plantings or wild gardens. 

B. latisquama nana. Dwarf False 
Chamomile. Compact, aster-like blos- 
soms through the summer and autumn. 
Grows 2 feet high. 

CAMPANULA carpatica. Carpathian 
Harebell. Dense tufts of leaves from 
which numerous, broad blue, sa[\'er- 
shaped flowers are thrown uj) singly on 
wiry stems about 8 inches high. A 
sjiiendid plant for bordering beds. 

C. Medium. Canterbury Bells. The 
best-known of all the Campanulas, and 
its magnificent spikes of blue, pink and 
white flowers produce an effect in the 
garden not equaled with any other plant. 
Requires extra winter protection. 

C. persicifolia grandiflora. Peach Bells. 

This one of the best of the Bellflowers. 

It grows 2 to 3 feet high, with large blue 

or white bells, in spikes, in June and July. 

Chimney Bellflower. This is the showiest 

the Campanulas, growing 4 to 6 feet high. 

Needs protection here in winter. 

CENTAUREA montana. Corn Flower. A pretty blue va- 
riety, blooming through summer. Grows 2 to 3 feet high. 

C. pyramidalis 

and tallest of 

Alice Howell. Sing 

Edwina. Bronze. 
Niza. Pink. 
Niza. White. 
Nordmani. White. 

le; Red Riding Hood. 
Single; red. 
Waldo. White. 
Maximum, Shasta 
Daisy. Double white. 

Campanula, Peach Bells 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page 
are 30 cts. each, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 

Diantlius, Clove Pink 




Cerastium tomentosum. Snow-in-Summer 

CONVALLARIA majalis. Lily-of-the-Valley. Tliis, wiih 
the bleeding-heart and liollyhock, is always associated with 
old-fashioned llower-gurdens. Nothing has ever surpassed 
it in delicate fragrance. 

COREOPSIS lanceolata. Brilliant yellow flowers on long, 
slender stems about 2 feet higii. It blooms all summer, and 
is superior in delicacy and grace to many of the yellow 

DELPHINIUM belladonna. Larkspur. With many 
garden ciitlnisiasts, if a (lower is blue, it needs no further 
recommendation. The Larkspur is a universal favorite. 
This variety is that exquisite light blue so much esteemed 
and so seldom encountered. Blooms through the summer. 

D. formosum. Showy Larkspur. The towering, dark blue 
spikes are always welcome. This is one of the most depend- 
able Larkspurs. Grows 3 feet high or more. 

D., Gold Medal Hybrid. Grown from selected seed and 
bound to produce strong, handsome flower-spikes. 

D. grandiflorum. Chinese Larkspur. Slender stems, 2 to 
3 feet high. Flowers vary from blue to white, with long, 
tapering spurs. A favorite. 

DIANTHUS barbatus. Sweet William. Nothing will 
yield a more solid mass of color in June than this. It is old 
and popular. If you want a carpet of pretty salmon-pink 
or scarlet, or a sheet of pure white or crimson, this should 
be your selection. 

D. barbatus. Newport Pink. This continues a great favor- 
ite. A rare salmon-pink in color. We have grown it in 
Large quantity, so you can have a generous sweep of color. 

D. deltoides. Maiden Pink. A dwarf variety with sprays of 
pink flowers. Fine for rockery as it grows but 8 inches high. 

D. plurnarius semperflorens. Single Clove Pink. These 
vary in color from pink to purple, white and variegated, 
and are delightfully fragrant. 

D., White Reserve. Hardy Pink. Nothing can take the 
place of the hardy Garden Pinks. Their spicy fragrance fills 
the air in May and June. They should be used liberally in 
the front of the border. A dry, sunny position is preferable. 
This is a very frcc-blooming wliite variety, 1 foot high. 

DICENTRA spectabilis. Bleedings Heart. In spring this 
is one of the earliest plants to display tup its long, 
drooping racemes of delightful pink, heart-shaped flowers. 
50 cts. each. 

DICTAMNUS fraxinella. Gas Plant. Spikes of pink or 
white flowers, borne in June and July, give off a pungent, 
volatile oil wliich will burn. An upright, sturdy plant that 
stays attractive all the season, like the peony and funkia. 

DIGITALIS. Foxglove. The tall, dignified spikes of the 
Foxglove, with the heavily spotted throat of the individual 
blooms, are always charming. Valuable in the border or can 
be planted freely along the wood-edge. They bloom in June. 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page are 30 cts. 
each, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 

ECHINOPS. Globe Thistle. Globular heads of deep 
metallic blue flowers make this a showy and interesting 
plant. They should be massed against the coarser-growing 
plants, like helianthus. 

EUPATORIUM coelestinum. Hardy Ageratum. Toward 
the middle of September this is an unbroken sheet of light 
blue. The flowers are like tufts of blue moss, and the long 
stems make it excellent for vases. Grows 15 inches Jiigh. 

ERYNGIUM amethystinum. Sea Holly. You have 
probably seen the teasel with its prickly stem and head. 
Here is something similar but witli a blue flower and steel- 
blue stem. 

FUNKIA caerulea. Day Lily. The Day Lilies improve 
with age, producing more of their lovely deep blue bell- 
shaped flowers every year. 

F. Fortunei. Pale lilac flowers. One of the best of tlie Day 

lancifolia. Narrow-leaved Day Lily. A mound of 
healthy foliage, 1 foot high, from wliich emerge graceful 
spikes of nodding lavender bells in September. 

media picta. Similar to above but with lighter lavender 

ovata. Grows 2 feet high and produces its blue flowers in 
June and July. Thrives in the shade. 

variegata. The variegated green and white leaves make 
this the showiest of all the Day Lilies. 

GAILLARDIA grandiflora. Blanket Flower. Probably 
nothing is better for continuous blooming from June 1. It 
grows 2 feet high. The daisy-like flowers are a gorgeous 
combination of orange and crimson and are excellent for 

GYPSOPHILA paniculata. Baby's Breath. Pleasing for 
Its extremely delicate foliage, thickly set with tiny while 
flowers. Can be used advantageously in arranging bouquets. 

G. repens. This is a rock-garden plant and its creeping 
stems soon make a dense carpet. Such a little plant could 
hardly be expected to produce such large white flowers. 

HELENIUM autumnale, Riverton Gem. Orange-bronze, 

daisy-iike flowers resembling the single chrysanthemum! 

Grows 3 to 4 feet high and blooms in August and September. 
H. superbum. The daisy-like flowers of yellow and orange, 

with yellow disc, arc produced all summer. Fine for cutting. 

Grows 1 foot high. 

HELIANTHUS orgyalis. Tall Sunflower. Graceful stalks, 
8 feet or more high, with daisy-like (lowers of deep lemon- 
yellow, with darker centers, in August. 

H. rigidus. Hardy Sunflower. Large, single, golden yellow 
flowers on plants 5 to 6 feet high. Splendid for cutting. 

HELIOPSIS Pitcheriana. Dwarf Perennial Sunflower. A 
small-growing Sunflower that thrives without any care, 
even in dry soil. 

Dianthus barbatus. Sweet William 




Lupines ought to be grown in large groups if they are to appear at 
their best 

HEMEROCALLIS flaya. Lemon Lily. An old standby with 
briglit yellow Lilies in June and healthy foliage the rest of 
the season. 

H. fulva. Kwanso. Double Orange Lily. Large, double, 
orange-colored flowers with deeper shadings are borne on 
flower-stalks 3 feet liigh in June and July. 

H. Thunbergii. Japanese Day Lily. One of the most 
desirable Day Lilies, with very fragrant, lemon-yeliow 
flowers, on 3-foot stems in July and August. 

HEUCHERA sanguinea. Coral Bells. Each flower is the 
size of the Hl.N-of-t he-valley, and is brilliant red. Blooms 
during the dry, midsummer season, 

HIBISCUS Moscheutos. Marsh Mallow. Along the 
edges of the salt marshes, this is the largest wild flower of 
this region — great hollyhock-like blossoms, 6 inches across, 
of cerise-pink. It is one of the handsomest of all perennial 
plants if massive cflects are desired. Although native of 
damp ground, it thri\'es in tlie garden or shrubbery and 
grows 4 feet high. Blooms in August. 

H., Giant Red. Red Mallow. Similar to preceding, except- 
ing the flowers are red. A very showy variety growing 6 
feet high. 

IBERIS sempervirens. Evergreen Candytuft. This may 
not be as showy as the annual kinds, but it has the advan- 
tage of being permanent while they are only temporary. 
It is almost evergreen and a good rock plant. 

KNIPHOFIA Pfitzeri. Red-Hot-Poker Plant. Showy 
spikes of orange-scarlet blooms during the summer. Very 
striking. Grows 2 feet high. 

GERMAN IRIS (ins germanka) 
S. Standards. F. Falls. 

Aurea. Rich chrome-yellow; large and fine. 
Beauty. White, pale blue veins. 
Beethoven. S. lavender; F. purple. 
Black Prince. S. deep velvety blue; F. purple. 
Darius. S. yellow; F. lilac, white margin. 
Dr. Bernice. S. bronze; F. crimson; large; beautiful. 
Florentina alba. Creamy white, faintly flushed lavender. 

Blooms early in the season. Fine for cutting. 
Her Majesty. S. rosy pink; F. veined crimson. Exquisite. 
Honorabilis. S. golden yellow; F. mahogany-brown, 
Jacquesiana. S. bright coppery-crimson; F. nmroon. 

GERMAN IRIS, continued 

Mme. Chereau. White, frilled edges of clear blue. 

Mrs. H. Darwin. S. white; F. violet at base. Free-flowering. 

Pallida Daltnatica. S. lavender; F. deeper lavender. Su- 
perb. 3 feet. 

Purple Queen. Purple. 

Queen of May. Lovely soft rose-Iilac. 23-^ feet, 

Rebecca. S. bulf; F. rich brown. 

Rhein Nixe. S. pure white; F. deep blue, white edge. 

Sappho. S. white, frilled lilac; F. white, lilac at base. A fine 


Flavescens. This is a yellow Iris growing 2}^ feet high. 
Blooms in May and June. 

Pseudacorus. Common Water Flag. Useful in moist 
ground. Yellow, shaded orange. May and June. 3 feet. 


Gold Bound. Double; white. 

Mt. Hood. Light blue, shaded darker. 

Pyramidalis. Double; light blue, veined blue. 

Robert Craig. Grayish white with veins of violet. 

Ternpleton. Double, lavender mottled red and pink. 

Victor. Double; white, veins of purple in center of bloom. 


Orientalis. Blue. 15 cts. each, SI for 10, S8 per 100. 
Snow Queen. White. 15 cts. each, SI for 10, $8 per 100. 


$1 each, $7.50 for 10, $60 per 100 
Lilies prefer shady situations where the ground may be 

kept cool and moist by a mulch of leaves and the protection 

of other plants. Plant the bulbs about 6 to 8 inches deep, 

with a handful of sand under each bulb to provide drainage. 

Lilium auratum. Large, white flowers, spotted with crim- 
son, iiaving a bright yellow band through each petal. 

L. candidum. The well-known Madonna Lily. Pure white 
and extremely beautiful. Plant it early in the fall for best 

L. Henryi. Reddish yellow flowers marked with dark brown 

L. regale. A new variety which seems certain to attain great 
popularity because of its attractive coloring. The white 
flowers are shaded with pink and have canary-yellow centers. 

L. speciosum rubrum. Plant this in a favorable situation 
and it will last for years. The white flowers have a deep 
crimson band on each center; their large size and intense 
fragrartce make them very attractive. 

L. speciosum album. Same as preceding variety, except 
that tlie blooms are pure white, with a greenish band 
running through the center of each petal. 

LIATRIS pycnostachya. Blazing Star. Tall spikes of 
purple flowers in July. This is a native of the southwestern 
prairies and is perhaps the showiest of the genus. 

L. scariosa. All of the Blazing Stars are valuable for summer 
bloom. This one has smaller spikes of purple flowers than 
the others and should be planted in quantity. 

L. spicata. Gay Feather. The Gay Feather is native on 
the plains of Long Island ancl ranks next to the Viola pediila 
in the beauty of its purple flowers. 

LINUM perenne. Flax. Pale blue flowers from May to 
August on plants 1 ^2 feet high. 

LUPINUS polyphyllus. Lupine. Wheel-shaped foliage, 
with spikes of wisteria-like blue and white flowers from 
June until September, characterize this plant sufficiently 
to suggest its use. It gro^vs wild in dry grouncl and reaches 
a height of 2^2 feet. 

LYCHNIS chalcedonica. Campion. The orange-scarlet 
flowers are borne in flat heads on stems 2 to 3 feet high in 
July and August, 

L. Viscaria. German Catchfly. This makes a showy mass 
in June. The rosy red flowers are like miniature clusters of 
roses, borne on 1-foot stems, emerging from thick tufts of 
evergreen foliage. 

LYTHRUM roseum. Loosestrife. Native in moist ground 
but at home in almost any location. Has showy spikes of 
rosy purple flowers from July to September, on 3-ft. plants. 

MONARDA didyma. Bee Balm; Oswego Tea. Very 
brilliant salvia-like flowers from June to September. The 
hummingbirds hover in ecstasies over it. 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page are 30 cts, 
each, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 


:#|^>yES TB\7RY, LONG ISLA NDtsJj 


If it should ever be necessary to discard perennials in landscapes and gardens, the Peonies ought to be the last to go. They are indispensable. Mr. 
Farr, the famous grower, says, "There are no bad Peonies — only degrees of goodness." Our list is not large, but it represents goodness 

NEPETA Mussinii. A good plant for the rock-garden. 
Mauve-colored flowers in April and May. Plants 8 inches 
iiigh. A mat of gray, catnip-like foliage. 

OPUNTIA vulgaris. Prickly Pear. Tliis makes great mats 
of foliage in the sand on the shore, with large, waxy, lemon 
(lowers in midsummer, followed by interesting pear-sliaped 
fruits. It will look at home in the rock-garden. 

PENTSTEMON barbatus. Beard Tongue. Flowers 
resemble in color and sliape small iire-crackers and are 
borne on a stem 2 to 3 feet high in July and August. 


Baron Van Dedem. Very large flowers and trusses. Red. 

Elizabeth Campbell. Pale pink. 

Eugene Danzanvilliers. Lavender. 

Europa. Large while ilowers with crimson eye. 

Ferdinand Cortez. Deep crimson, overlaid co|>pery bronze. 

A tall, strong grower. 
Gen. Van Heutz. Intensely brilliant salmon-red, witii a 

white eye. Sure to please. 
Henri Murger. White, pink eye. 
Independence. Tall-growing white variety. 
Jules Sandeau. Dwarf. Deep solid rose. 
Le Mahdi. violet blooms in fine, large panicles. 
Lumineaux. Extra-large flowers of soft rose, with carmine 

Mrs. Jenkins. Pure white. Very early. 
Queen. White. Grows 2 to 3 feet high. 
Rheinlander. Soft salmon-pink, deep red eye. 
R. P. Struthers. Bright rosy red, crimson eye. One of the 


Thor. Salmon-pink with a deep red eye. Individual (lowers 
are as large as a half-dollar. A rare and handsome variety. 
50 cts. each, S4 for 10, S35 per 100. 

PHLOX SUBULATA. Moss Pink. Here's an opportunity 
to make the showiest carpet on a sunny bank in May. 

Alba. White. Lilacina. Lilac. Rosea. Rose. 


Albert Crousse. Rose-white; fragrant. Late. $1.50 each. 
Armand Rousseau. Dark violet-rose. Midseason. 75 cts. 

Couronne d*Or. Large, pure ^vhite (lowers, \vith a ring of 

yellow stamens around a tuft of center petals. Medium 

iali. Late. SI each. 
Duchesse de Nemours. Medium size; pure white crown, 

sulphur-white collar. Early. Fragrant. 75 cts. each. 
Edutis Superba. Bright mauve-pink; very fragrant. A 

strong upright grower. Blooms freely. Early. 75 cts. each. 
Felix Crousse. A brilliant red, in fact, one of the best red 

varieties. Strong, vigorous grower. S2 each. 
Festiva Maxima. The most popular while variety. A tall, 

strong, vigorous grower witii very large Ilowers. Early. 

SI each. 
La Tulipe. Flesh-pink, center and outer petals freely striped 

with carmine. SI. 50 each. 
Louis Van Houtte, Brilliant rose. S2 each. 
Mme. Calot. Flesh, center darker. 75 els. each, 
Mme. Ducel. Silvery pink. 75 cts. each. 
Mme. Forel. Violet-rose. Late. SI each. 

Mens. Dupont. White, center splashed crimson. 75 cts. ea. 
Mons. Jules Elie, Pale lilac-rose. SI each. 
Officinalis Rubro-plena. Brilliant crimson. This is the 

ear(y-(Iowering \'ariely so common in old gardens. Usually 

in bloom for Alcmorial Day. SI each. 
Rubra Triumphans. Bright crimson. Strong-growing, 

Midseason. 75 cts. each. 
Solfatare. Cream. Fragrant. Midseason. SI each. 
Triomphe de I'Exposition de Lille. Very large, pale pink 

(lowers; guard petals fade to nearly white. Fnigrant. SI each. 

PAPAVER orientalis. Oriental Poppy. This is the show- 
iest individual (lower of our collection. Flowers 6 to 8 
inches across, of (laming orange-scarlet in June. 

P. nudicaule. Iceland Poppy. Low-growing plants, flow- 
ering profusely' in June and in a less degree during the season. 
Pure white, yellow, and orange. 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page are 30 cts. 
eacJi, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 




The stately spikes and dainty bells of the Yucca are conspicuous 
in summer, and tlie foliage remains green all winter 

PHYSALIS Bunyardii, Chinese Lantern Plant. Inter- 
esting for the orange-red fruits wliicli cover the plant late in 
the season. Grows 2 feet higli, 

PHYSOSTEGIA virginiana. False Dragonhead. Spikes 
of flesh-pink flowers, 2^2 feet high, in July. 

PLATYCODON grandiflora. Balloon Flower. These are 
erect-growing plants, 2 feet high. The flowers are blue and 
white, quite similar to Canlerhury bells. Tliey bloom in 
July and August. 

PLUMBAGO Larpentae. Leadwort. Dwarf plants of 
spreading habit, covered in the fall montlis with deep blue 
flowers. Good for the rockery. 

PRIMULA veris. Dwarf Primrose. Come in shades of 
yellow and red. Come in May and take them in bloom in 
pots. Make a children's garden with them. 

p. elatior. Pale yellow. Grows 4 to 8 inches high, 

PYRETHRUM roseum, Mixed. Feverfew. The semi- 
double, daisy-like flowers of pink, white, and red are pro- 
duced in May and June. Grows 1>^ to 2 feet high. 

RANUNCULUS acris fl.-pl. Double-flowered Buttercup. 

Flowers like the common Buttercup, but double, in June. 
Grows 1 },o feet high. 

RUDBECKIA laciniata. Golden Glow. It always thrives 
and is therefore common. The masses of double golden 
flowers in August and September certainly contribute color 
when color is acceptable. Grows 6 to 8 feet high. 

R. Newmanii. Black-eyed Susan. Plant this for memory's 
sake. Everyone lias picked Black-eyed Susans. 

R. nitida. A very free-flowering variety which makes the 
garden radiant in late summer with bright yellow flowers 
on stalks 5 to 6 feet high. 

R. purpurea. Giant Purple Coneflower. A strong, rigid- 
growing variety, 2 to 3 feet high, with reddish purple flowers. 

SAGINA subulata. Pearlwort. A close, green moss 1 inch 
high. Very attractive and happy in the rock-garden. 

SALVIA azurea grandiflora. Meadow Sage. One of the 
rare blues that are always welcome. In early autumn it 
waves its slender wands of sky-blue flowers 4 feet liigh. 

S. pratensis. Another blue flower that is bound to be popular. 
It is very showy in May and June and grows 2 to 3 feet high. 

SAPONARIA ocymoides. Soapwort. A pretty, trailing 
plant, 1 foot higli, covered completely in May and June 
with rosy pink flowers. Another plant for the rock-garden. 

Unless otherwise noted, all varieties on this page are 30 cts. 
each, $2.50 for 10, $20 per 100 

SEDUM acre. Stonecrop. A creeping, moss-like ])lant, 
with bright yellow star-like flowers in June. Delightful 
among rocks and on sand banks like moss pink. 

S. album. Also valuable for the rock-garden. Grows 6 inches 
high, of creeping habit, and has small white flowers in June. 

S. alatum. Another low-growing plant, excellent for rock- 
eries of wall crevices. 

S. sexangulare. Has dwarf, dark green foliage and yellow 

S. stoloniferum. We believe in ground-covers because they 
are econoniical and will take care of tlieniselvcs. This 
Stonecrop is also a good rock-garden plant. 

S. spectabile. This is the Live-forever. Makes a mound of 
healthy foliage with bright pink flowers from August to 

SENECIO clivorum. Large, deep yellow flowers in August. 
Belongs to the sunflower family but grows only 2}.>-3 feet 
high. ■ *' ' ^- 

SILPHIUM perfoliatum. Cup Plant. A most sturdy 
plant, growing 8 feet high. Too coarse for ifie small garden, 
but acceptable where a heavy background is needed. 
Yellow, daisy-like flowers in August and September. 

STATICE latifolium. Giant Sea Lavender. A valuable 
rock-plant with immense heads of \ery showy and lasting 
small blue flowers, in August. Grows 2 feet high. 

STOKESIA cyanea. Cornflower. One of the niost desirable 
of perennials. Clusters of blue aster-like blossoms in 
August and September. The bluest flower in the garden in 
its season. 

SWEET WILLIAM. See Dianthus. 

TRADESCANTIA virginica. Spiderwort. An old-fash- 
ioned |)iant 2 feet high, with bright l>lue flowers from May 
to August. 

THYMUS Serpyllum. Creeping Thyme. Lilac flowers. 

Always found in old gardens and commonly used for an 

evergreen edging and in rockeries. 
T. Serpyllum coccineum. Bright crimson (lowers. 
T. Serpyllum album. White flowers. 
TUNICA Saxifraga. A pretty tufted plant with light pink 

ffowers produced all summer. Usefuf eitlier in the rockery 

or border, 
VERONICA longifolia subsessilis. Bluejay Flower. Spikes 

of most attractive blue flowers from July to September. 
V. repens. Creeping Speedwell. Will cover the ground 

where grass will not grow (excepting under maples). Small, 

pale rose flowers. 
V. rupestris. A dwarf, spreading plant with deep blue flowers 

in May and June. Include it in your collcclionof rock-plants. 
VIOLA cornuta. Tufted Pansy. A low-growing plant 

blooming more or less all summer. The white and blue 

flowers are like small pansies. Fine for the rock-garden. 
YUCCA filamentosa. This is one thing that will grow in 

poor soil. The sword-like leaves remain green all winter and 

in July there is a stately spike 5 to 6 feet high loaded with 

beautiful cream-colored bells. Excellent at the seaside. 

For the blue garden use Stokesia freely 




Potted Plants 

Keep your flower-garden smiling all sum- 
mer. The following and many other per- 
ennials and some annuals are in pots and 
will be ready to fdl any vacancies in your 
garden anj' time in the summer. 

Many plants can be taken up with a 
clump of soil and put in a box. 

40 cts. each. $3.50 for 10 


Achillea Ptarmica, The Pearl 40 

Alyssum saxatile compactum 40 

Anchusa italica, Dropmore 40 

A. italica, Opal 40 

Anthemjs tinctoria , 42 

AquUegia Hybrids 42 

A., Yellow 42 

A., White 42 

Bellis perennis. Pink 42 

Bellis perennis. ^^'hite 42 

Campanula carpatica, 42 

Campanula persicifolia grandiflora 42 Linum perenne. Flax 44 

C. pyramidalis 42 Lychnis chalcedonica 44 

Centaurea montana 42 Monarda didyma 44 

Cerastium tomentosum 42 Myosotis semperflorens. Forget-me- 

Peony. See page 45 

Oriental Poppy. See page 45 

Chelone Lyonii 42 

Chrysanthemum 42 

Coreopsis lanceolata 43 

Delphinium, Gold Medal Hybrids 43 

D. belladonna 43 

Dianthus deltoides. Hardy Pink 43 

D. plumarius. Double . .43 

D. barbatus. Sweet William 43 

Echinops humilis 43 

Eryngium amethystinum 43 

Gaillardia grandiflora 43 

Gypsophila repens 43 

G. paniculata 43 

Hibiscus Moscheutos 44 

Iberis sempervirens 44 

Liatris pycnostachya 44 

L. scariosa 44 

Lilium speciosum album 44 

L. auratum 44 

L. speciosum rubrura 44 

Iris pallida. See page 44 

not 44 

Phlox. Elizabeth Campbell 45 

Eugene Danzanvilliers 45 

Independence 45 

Lumineaux 45 

Jules Sandeau 45 

Rheinlander 45 

Thor 45 

Physostegia virginica 46 

Platycodon grandiflora 46 

Pyrethrum roseum 46 

Ranunculus acris fl.-pl 46 

Sagina subulata 46 

Salvia azurea grandiflora 46 

S. pratensis 46 

Senecio clivorum 46 

Statice latifolia 46 

Stokesia cyanea 46 

Veronica spicata .46 

V. longifolia subsessilis 46 


Occasionally tlirough the catalogue we liave referred to taking the question, "What is the right time to plant this or tliat?" 
out of the development of your country estate. On this page we will try to help you make up a garden program that is not a 
garden program in the sense of burdening your mind or your notebook with, "I must remember 
to order tiiis or move tliat." 

Leonard Barron, editor of Garden Magazine, in an editorial on summer planting lias said 
''Spring is the time when transplanting can be done most carelessly." The most careless way 

may be economically necessary in planting a large forest 

or orchard, or where the distance to haul by horses is long. 

The right way to plant can be used almost all the year with 

almost all kinds of plants. Two achievements of Hicks 

Nurseries are at your service — planting all the time and 

time-saving. The two developments liave grown up to- 
gether, for careless planting will not pay witli time-saving 

trees when the results are guaranteed satisfactory. The 

methods of growing, digging, and preparing for shipment 

must be right, even if it takes more time and skill. 

The American people now do not want to wait, either 

for things to grow or for their order to be gotten ready. 

Hence we have started a "plantateria" where some of the 

things you want are ready. You can pick these up, put 

them in your car, and tell how many you have taken. You 

will find ready for you, in pots, annuals, perennials, rose 

bushes, vines (in tubs, bo.xes, or with bails of earth with 

burlap), llowering shrubs, evergreens, and ilowering trees. 
Miles of roads lead through pleasant groves of shade 

trees, little and big evergreens, small, medium, and large 

fruit trees. You can pick them out and have them delivered 

any time during the summer. You have only to think of a ■ 

thing to have it. Some have said, "I suppose you are so busy 

with the big estates that you don't want to bother \\ ith us." 

I answer by saying, "It is lots more fun and perhaps as 

much profit if only more of you will come," The Jericho 
Platycodon grandiflora. See page 46 Turnpike at Westbury is easy to find. 

Veronica. See page 46 



Making mud pies under trees of their own planting 
is the children's right. An apple tree is the best climb- 
ing tree. Make the real estate developer have the lots ti 
deep enough for orchard and garden. 

A lady phoned from Hempstead, "Do 
you have grape-vines? We've had our 
place six years and I've wanted grapes. 
This year I am going to have them," 


For the suburban region of 
New York City 

There was a time \\hen 
almost all farms had a big 
orchard pastured by sheep 
and ]}igs. Cider and ^■inegar 
were by-products. Apjiles 
were taken to market witli 
potatoes, or jjcddlers came 
after them. The cellar kept 
Long Island Russets until 
rhubarb time, or later. 
E\'ery farmhouse had sev- 
eral clierry trees, or they were 
planted along the farm 
lanes and the roads. Quinces 
grew near the spring; pears, 
plums, and ]5eaches grew 
near tlie vegetable-garden 
or in the orchard. Gra]3es 
ckimbered over a trclhs, 
barn, or shed. Tlie farmers 
of the region now forming 
the suburbs of New York 
liad hard work, jjcace, and 
jjlenty. Tlie a|>ple orchards 
are mostljf gone, for when 
the Pohsli farmer rents 
from the land sijcculator, 
he pulls out the dying fruit 
trees and ]jlants potatoes. 
No new orchards are plant- 
ed. Tlie big country estates 
buy up the best orchards 
and block up the \\^ood- 




But what 

pecker holes with cement. The 
old trees die from thirst, and 
no new ones are planted, or if thej^ 
are planted the gardener is told to 
save monej^ get a motor la-wn-mower, 
and stop cultivating the orchard. He 
^ is told, "We can buy fruit c[iea]3er than 

we can raise it." 
is the poor commuter to do for fruits? 
His wife goes to the chain stores and buys the essentials, 
cereals and meats, and lias not money for suflicient 
apples, pears, raspberries, celerj^, lettuce, and spinach. 
Everyone knows the importance of bulky foods. E"\ery- 
one is hungry for the sweet, sour, and bitter of fruits 
and is anxious to have plenty of vegetables and salads. 
Perhaps you tliink you can buy cheaper tlian you can 
raise, but that is lazy thinking and lazy work, and you 
do not buy plenty. If fruit is raised at home there may 
be plenty in years of a good crop and a balanced ration 
is possible. Hicks Nurseries has not an answer to all 
these problems for every month in the year, but it is 
willing to help and anxious to learii from you what to 
pass on to the next. 

For new food plants, see Beach Plum, page 31; 
Blueberry, page 52; Shad-bush or Juneberry, page 27; 
Hazelnut, page 30. 

Rhubarb. See page 53 





Api^Ies can be gro%vn successfully on all parts of Long Island, even 
on the sand-dunes at Long Beach. The commercial orchards were on 
the hills and tlie north plateau. Shipments of Newto-\vn Pippin Avere 
made to England from Port Washington and Huntington. On the 
southern slope of Long Island, Apples thrive, but the great porosity of 
tlie soil sfiould be overcome by cultivation to kill competition of ■\vccds 
and grass, and check evaporation by a dust midch. \A liere that is 
impracticable, sympathetic watering before tlie tree suffers "wil! do. How 
to tcll wlicn to water requires the same abihty as to tell -when corn is 
going to roll its Iea\^es to check evaporation. The U. S. Department of 
Agriculture Yearbook, 191L Pcige 311, says that crops suffer when 
there is less than an inch of rain in fifteen days. You can measure it in 
a can or ask the Weather Bureau for the Long Island records showing 
how frequently droughts occur during the growing season. There may 
be fiftjf such periods in ten years. A severe drought will make the 
Apples small, wrinkled, "v^ilty, and poor keepers. Therefore, to have 
orchards on the sandy soils of Long Island, don't be like the man in the 
following conversation: *'\\hy don't the Park Department get an 
apjjropriation for irrigation?" "Because some fellow in the Controller's 
Department would say, 'Trees grew good enough in the country when 
I was a boy, without irrigation."* Suburban orchards arc usually 
star\-ed. Fruit trees want decaying vegetable matter as manure, leaves, 
grass, thatch, or salt ha3% The southern slope of Long Island is verj' 
low in lime, as mapped in "Tiie Use of Lime on the Soil," College of 
Agriculture, Ithaca, N. Y. Apples like lime, and you can applj^ it as 
linie, bone-meal, or wood-ashes. Nitrogen stimulates rapid growth. 

Spraying and pruning fruit is a minor consideration. Many people make a mistake and think that calling on 
us to spray or prune assures a crop. Make the trees grow and you will get a crop. The spraying and pruning you 
can do yourself. Get literature from the Farm Bureaus, Mineola or Riverhead. 

For the small home orchard we advise growing the summer and fall Apples and buying winter Apples, Alost 
people ask first for the winter Apples. You will have to decide which plan is right for you. 

Plant standard Apples 20 to 33 feet apart. For commercial orchards, wider distances are best. Dwarf Apples 
are grafted on small-growing species which stunts the trees so thej" can be placed 12 to 15 feet apart. There is, 
however, but little advantage in the use of dwarf Apples. 
Large size, 6 to 8 ft., $7 each, $60 for 10; 2-yr. size, 5 to 7 ft., $1.25 each, $10 for 10; Dwarf size, 3 to 4 ft., $1.25 each, $10 for 10 




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Dwarf Apple in the garden of Dr. Finoni, Long 
Beach. He says, "I read about ray trees in the 
evening; I give them wood ashes from my fireplace 
in the city." 


Early Harvest. Similar to Yellow Transparent. Pleasantly 

acid. Late July and early August. 
Oldenberg (Duchess). Yellow with streaks of crimson; 

juicy, acid. Aliddle of August. Bears early. 
Red Astrachan. I\ed; acid. First lialfol August. 
Sweet Bough. Large; j'cllow; good for baking. 
Yellow Transparent. Tlie earliest variety — ripens July 20. 

Usually bears tlie iirst or second year after planting. 


Fall Pippin, Large; clear yellow; acid. October. 

Gravenstein. If you can liave but one Apple and are not 
anxious for a very early variety, this will cover the entire 
season for dessert and cooking from the middle of August 
to the last of September. 

Mcintosh. The most showy apple in September and Octo- 
ber. Bright red, taking a high polish. Flesli is white like its 
relative the Fanieuse or Snow Apple. 

Transcendent Crab. Yellow with red cheek. September. 

Wealthy. Red; line quality. September to December. 


Baldwin. Large; red; crisp, juicy, and ricli. Tree vigorous 

and productive. November to April. 
Delicious. Large; red. 
Hubbardston (Hubbardston's Nonsuch). Red; bears 

young. October to January. 
King. Large; red. October to January. 
Newtown Pippin. Originated at Newtown, now Elmhurst, 

Long Island. Clear yellow or green; llesh lirm, keeping 

until April. Tree small. 
Northern Spy. Red; juicy. November to March. 
Opalescent. Very attractive; brilliant red; yellow flesh, 

tender, juicy. November to January. 
Rhode Island Greening. Large; green or greenish yellow; 

flesh yellow and of the texture of the Fall Pippin, fine grained 

tender, and rich. No\'ember to February. 

WINTER APPLES, continued 
Rome Beauty. Large; red. 
Roxbury (Russet). A standard winter Apple of medium to 

large size; flesh greenish white, crisp, with iine subacid 

flavor. Iveeps late. 
Spitzenburg. Subacid; aromatic; red. 

Stark. Large; red and yellow; mild flavor. Keeps until spring. 
Stayman Winesap. High quality; red; juicy. 
Twenty-Ounce. Bears rather young; fruit large; yellow and 

red; flesh tender, subacid. September to early winter. 

Dwarf Apples can usually be supplied in the following 

Baldwin Mcintosh 

Delicious Northern Spy 

Fameuse Oldenburg 


Rhode Island Greening 
Stayman's Winesap 
Yellow Transparent 


Four or five 3'ears ago we started plantations of Apple trees 
to save you time. They are about 6 feet apart, in squares, so 
they could be economically cultivated. Now they are ready. 
The fruit bulletins mention dilVerent varieties beginning to 
bear in two to eight years after planting. Tliese trees will save 
you some time and money. They are set with fruit-buds. 
When you pick them out you can count tlie fruit-buds. The 
time-saving depends on our careful digging, transplanting to 
make fibrous roots and upon your cuittv^ating, leeding and water- 
ing the trees. Trees are now 5 to 7 feet ■svide. The approximate 
quantities of these extra-sized trees are as follows: 
130 Baldwin. 50 Oldenburg 

50 Early Harvest 30 Red Astrachan 

60 Fall Pippin 40 Rhode Island Greening 

150 Gravenstein 10 Roxbury Russet 

30 King 40 Stark 

140 Mcintosh Red 20 Twenty-Ounce 

50 Northern Spy 
There are about forty trees, larger than the above, fifteen 
years old, 6 to 8 inches in diameter, 12 to 16 feet spread. 
Transplanted last year. 




Baitlett Pears 


Everybody loves Pears. Tdoy can be grown on a 
small area, for the tree grows up 20 feet liigh and 15 
feet broad, while an apple of the same age hovers hke 
a hen over 30 feet wide. As one man said, "Lots are 
cut up so small now that if you have a house and garage, 
there is room for onlj' one apple tree and one pear tree." 

Dwarf Pears, grafted on quince roots, will bear heav- 
ily, even wlien 6 feet Iiigh and 5 feet wide. 

Pears do well on Long Island. You will find many 
people enthusiastic over the fine quality and large 
supplj^ they get iVom a few trees. 

Large size, 7 to 9 ft., $7 each, $60 for 10; 2-yr. size, 5 to 7 
ft., $2 each, $17.50 for 10; Dwarf size, 3 to 4 ft., $1.50 each, 
$12.50 for 10. 

Anjou. Large; green and russet; rich flavor. October .incl 

Bartlett. Everybody's favorite. Yellow with bright red 

cheek; vigorous and productive. August and September. 
Buerre Rose. Fruit long; russet; very juicy and delicious. 

October to November. 
Buerre Clairgeau. Large; rich yellow with briglit crimson 

cheek; flesh white, granular, buttery, very sweet. Ripens in 

late October. 
Buffutn. Tree very vigorous and healthy; fruit medium size; 

russet, ilesh white, juicy, and sweet. Ripens in late Sep- 
tember and October. 
Clapp Favorite. Fruit like the Bartlett but two weeks earlier. 

Pick it before it ripens, otherwise it softens at the center. 

Ripens in August, 
Duchesse d'Angouleme. Very large. The favorite variety to 

grow in home orchards. Yellow; ilesh melting and sweet. 

October and November. 
Elizabeth. Among the best summer Pears of good flavor, 

ripening in late autumn. 
Howell. A good variety for home orchards; a profuse bearer. 

Flesh firm, \'ery delicious; ripens in September and October. 
Josephine de Molines. An excellent winter Pear; buttery, 

juicy and perfumed. Ripens from December to March. 
Kieffer. Hybrid of Chinese Sand Pear and European Pear. 

Most easily grown l^ear because the Chinese climate is like 

ours. It endures heat and bears heavily, large, coarse, 

yellow fruit, good for cooking and canning in Nov. and Dec. 
Lawrence. Fruit of medium size; yellow; flesh melting. 

Keeps well in winter. 
Louise Bonne de Jersey. Fruit from medium to large in 

size; iiandsome; excellent in quality; very pale yellow, 

ripening in Ociober. 
Osband's Summer. Medium size; yellow; flesh white, sweet. 

Ripens in August. 
Pres. Drouard. Resembles the Anjou. Ripens in October. 
Rossney. Fruit of large size, excellent flesh and flavor, with 

smooth, bright yellow skin. A vigorous grower and great 

bearer. September. 

PEARS, continued 

Seckel. Fruit small, brown. The richest and highest flavored 

Pear known. September. 
Sheldon. Round, russet fruit; flesh melting, juicy, and 

luscious. October. 
Tyson. Excels the Clapp Fa\'orite, except in size. A vigorous, 

healthy tree with fruit of excellent quality. Ripens in late 

Wilder Early. Bright yellow; sweet. Late August. 
Winter Nelis. Very small; russet; juicy and sweet. Keeps 

until mid-^vinter. November and December. 

Dwarf Pears can usually be supplied Iti the following: 
Bartlett Lawrence 

Buerre Bosc Osband's Surnmer 

Clapp Favorite Seckel 

Duchesse d'Angouleme 


As stated under apple 
four to five years longer 
two to three j'ears old, pi 
able is approximately as 

20 Anjou 

50 Beurre Bosc 
225 Beurre Clairgeau 

19 Beurre Superfinan 

50 Suffern 
120 Clapp Favorite 

28 Garber Hybrid 
220 Howell 

60 Josephine 

50 Kiefifer 

;, we have a block of Pears grown 
than the usual sized stock which is 
anted 6 feet apart. The stock avail- 

25 Lincoln Coreless 
210 Louise Bonne de Jersey 

75 Manning's Elizabeth 
100 Osband's Summer 

25 Pres. Drouard 

50 Seckel 

20 Sheldon 
100 Tyson 

90 Winter Nelis 
243 Rossney 


Sweet Cherries, or 0.\-hearts, are loved by the birds, 
which will eat the fruit a week before it is ripe. In the 
old days, A\hen farmers had perhaps half a mile of 
cherry trees, there was a surplus. At Ilodenpyle's 
Arboretum, Locust Valley, Cherries arc gro\\n on a 
trellis, like grapes, and covered with mosquito netting 
to protect from both birds and rose-bugs. The Sour or 
Pie Cherries bear ]^ca^iIy when small, and tlic birds 
will allow you a large percentage of them. 

2-yr., 5 to 7 ft., $2 each, $17.50 for 10 
Black Tartarian. Purplish red; flesh firm, sweet, and juicy. 
Early Richmond. Acid; excellent for pies and canning. 

English Morello. Acid; late. 
Montmorency. Acid; midseason. 
Napoleon. Large, handsome; rich, sweet IIa\'or; juicy, red 

o\er a yellowish background. Commonly called "Ox-heart." 
Schmidt's. The largest black Cherry; meaty; crisp; sweet. 
Yellow Spanish. Very large; yellow with red cheek, sweet. 
Windsor. Dark red; sweet. 


Long Island once grew a large quantity of Peaches 
and can do so again, but the crop is not so quick or 
certain as "\TgetabIes. One sees many starved, yellow 
Peach trees, clioked ^^•it]^ ^\•ccds. Tliere will be a mass 
of jell^' at the ground, showing that they are nearljf 
girdled with borers. The borers can be cut out with a 
knile in S]Dring and fall. The Experiment Stations tell 
of a crystal gas for borers. Peaches bear frequently the 
secoitd year after planting, and reach full production 
soon after. They are not Iong-Ii^•cd and it is a good 
plan to ])Iant one or two rows e\'ery tluee years. Cut 
back the ends of the long limbs and thin out the fruit, 

2-yr., 5 to 6 ft., $1 each, $7.50 for 10 
Belle (Belle of Georgia). Large; white; good quality. 

Ripens in August. 
Carman. Brilliant red skin; good quality, July. 
Champion. White; tender; juicy with honeyed flavor. 

Crawford Early. Yellow; rich fla^■or; juicy. Early September. 




PEACHES, continued 

Crawford Late. Yellow; very large; a favorite for canning. 

Elberta. Yellow; large; excellent for shipping. Not quite so 
good in quality and lacks the richness of the Crawfords and 
the sweetness of the white Peaciies. August. 

Globe. Yeliow-coiored fruit; good. September. 

J. H. Hale. Yellow; larger than the Elberta. August. 

Mountain Rose. White; preeminent for high color; sweet. 

Oldmixon. White; flavor excellent; fine for canning. Sep- 

Stevens' Rareripe. White; llavor a pleasant mingling of 
sweet and sour. September. 


The European Plums wliich come to our market 
from western New York and the Pacific Coast rank 
high in favor btit have not become widclj' culti\'atccl 
on Long Ishind. Thej' are worth tr^'ing. The European 
Plums are mostly large and sweet. Thej^ can be gro\Mt 
on. Long Ishtnd, but it is best to add the Japanese and 
American species for the greater vigor of the tree, 
longer hfe and heavier crops. The culture of Plums is 
similar to that of peaches. 

2-yr., 5 to 7 ft., $2 each, $17.50 for 10 
Abundance. A Japanese Plum bearing very heavy crops 
every year. Needs severe thinning. Ripens early in August. 
It is red, juicy, and sweet. 
Apple. A Burbank hybrid with Japanese ancestry, and there- 
fore very \igorous anci productive. Fruit large and attrac- 
tive; deep reddish purple in color; llesli red and firm. August. 
Bradshaw. European. Reddish purple; tlcsh yellow, juicy, 

and sweet. August. 
Green Gage. European. Small, round, green or golden Plum 

of very iiigh quality. August. 
Lombard, A European Plum of vigorous growth; good 

quality for preserving, August. 
October Purple. Japanese. Very juicy; sweet; good for 

canning. Ripens in October. 
Red June. Japanese. Red and yellow; very early, sweet 

except near the center. 
Wickson. The largest of the Japanese Plums introduced by 
Burbank. Flesh yellow, juicy, sweet. September. 

BEACH PLUM {Prunus marilima) 

One of the largest and best native fruits of Long Island, 
covering large areas of the poorest, sandiest soil on the beach 
and in the pine barrens, as along the road from Riverhead to 
Sniithtown and on the borders of the Hempstead Plains. The 
fruit is about 1 incii in diameter — black, yellow, or red — 
slightly bitter until ripe. It ripens the first of September. 
Plant in the siirubbery, 3 to 8 feet apart, or 2 feet apart as a 
hedge. You may do the most useful thing in selecting or 
hybridizing belter varieties. 1 to 2 ft. high, 50 cts. each, $4.50 / 
for 10, S40 per 100. h 


The Quince makes a broad, bush-hke tree about r- 
10 feet wide. The fruit, \\hen cooked or made into | 
jelly, is so much beloved that the Quince tree should Y - 
be planted in many gardens. (^ ' 

2-yr., $2 each, $17.50 for 10 ■ 

Champion. Fruit long; very large and handsome; tender 

delicate taste and odor. Ripens late and keeps long. 
Orange. Fruit round. Ripens in midseason. 


Nc matter iiow small a garden, tliere should be room 
for Currants. They are sure to bear, and even if the 
Currant \A-orms strija off the leaves, they bear the next 
year. Currant worms are easily controlled by hellebore 
powder. Fi\'e to ten bushes will supply a family' with 
jam and a surplus to give away. 

50 cts. each, $4 for 10 
Cherry. Large; red; acid. 
Fay's Prolific. Red; large; long bunch. 
White Grape. Excellent. Sweeter in flavor than the red 



These grow just as readily as currants, and have the 

same enemy. 

50 cts. each, $4 for 10 
Downing. Sweet; large; quality very good; red. Grown more 

widely in America than any other Gooseberry. _ 
Red Jacket. Fruit of especially high quality, juicy; red. 


The fact that Blackberries arc the most rampant and 
widespread of our native fruits except the blueberries, 
shows that the impro\-cd ^'arieties shoidd be \\idely 
grown. In fact, their free gro\\'th is the one difficulty in a 
garden. They can Idc kept tied up to a trellis or stake. 

$1.50 for 10, $10 per 100 
Early Harvest. Mcdiiim in size; sweet; very early; ripens 

over a long season. 
Erie. Berries very large; quality good. Ripens in midseason. 
Lucretia Dewberry. An improvement of the running Black- 
berry and therefore suitable for planting on sand-banks the 
same as the wild rose. Ripens earlier than tiie iiigh Black- 
berries and sure to have a crop when the others winter-kill — 
perhaps once in fifteen years. 
Snyder. Medium size; good flavor; sweet. Ripens in mid- 


Everybody wants Raspberries, and one reason for 
growing them is that they are not abundant on the 
market. The Red Raspberry is not native on Long 
Island, but is nati\'e in rocky pastures and along stone 
walls in northern New York, where it is helped by 
moisture and favored by lime and potash. In Westbury 
there is a commuter feasting on Raspberries in July and 
September. He says the reason is hen-manure and 
wood-ashes. The Black Raspberry is native on Long 
Island along fences and woodland borders. 

$1.50 for 10, $10 per 100 
Cumberland. Black. Large; juicy; sweet. 
Cuthbert. Red. Midseason; spicy llavor like the wild berries. 
Golden Queen. A yellow Cuthbert. 
Gregg. Black; sweet, rich. 

Marlboro. Red. Large; juicy. 

-r .. N^; 

Miller's Red. Red. Large. 
Plum Farmer. Black, 
Large; early and high 
St. Regis. Everbearing 
Red. Bears a crop of 
fruit in July and 
another in. Sep- 

Raspberries are one thing you cannot buy satisfactorily, therefor© 
grow your own. Plant 3 feet apart 





Nearly eveiy commuter Iiopcs to grow Stra\Yberries. 
It is easy and sure. There are two systems: (1) Let the 
runners grow and form a mat of new plants the first 
year and bear the next. (2) Cut off all the runners and 
grow them in hills. By tlie latter system you can plant 
in midsummer. Plant about 2 feet apart. 

Runners, $4 per 100. Potted plants, $8 per 100 

^Bubach. Very productive; good quality. 

Early Jersey Giant. Good flavor. 

Glen Mary. AHdseasoH. Medium to large size; quality good. 

Marshall. Midseason. Good quality. 

Progressive. Most widely known of the Everbearing Straw- 
berries, producing both in the spring and fall. 
^Sample. large; weil-ffavored; soft. 

Superb. Everbearing. 

William Belt. Quality very good; softf 

*Need other varieties planted with them to make them 
produce well. f 


The Fox Grape is wild on Long Island in swamps and 
along borders of woods and hedge-rows. From it most 
of the cultivated varieties ha^•e been developed. You 
can plant Grapes anywhere — on trellis, garage, house, 
fence, arbor, or on posts with a piece of brush to support 
the vine. Long Island has not developed as a com- 
mercial Grape region, perhaps because tlie cool climate 
of the Lake Region is more favorable for shipping. 
You can learn from your neighbors or the Farm Bureaus 
how to prune and protect from rose-bugs, fungus, birds, 
and drought. 

50 cts. each, $4 for 10 

Concord. Black; very popular; early. 

Delaware. A sweet, little red Grape. 

Moore's Early. Similar to the Concord. 

Niagara. The handsomest white Grape, with large bunches. 

Pocklington. White; sweet; rich. 

Salem. Dark red; juicy; good flavor. 

Worden. Larger, earlier and of better quality than Concord. 

Probably one of the greatest hindrances to successful fruit-raising 
IS lack of cultivation, that is, thorough cultivation, which maintains a 
dust mulch and conserves moisture. This does not consist of scraping 
the surface a half-inch deep in a little circle, 3 feet in diameter, in the 
lawn. It does consist in stirring the surface 3 inches deep once in two 
weeks. You can also mulch with grass or leaves. It seems far easier 
to spray a tree, or put a band of sticlty stuff around the trunk, or have 
an expert prune it, or give it some chemical fertilizers. 

See that the trees are not thirsty before they suffer. Dig down 
and feel the soil. 

Blueberry pies on the table of eveiy Long Island gardener can readily be had from 
the fruit grown in his own yard 



(See also page 33) 

The most important use of the poorest land of Long Lsland 
IS to establish cultivation of the improved Blueberries. Gross 
returns of S1,000 per acre are made by J. J. White, Inc., New 
Lisbon, N. J. They are growing 25 acres in conjunction with 
700 acres of cranberries. Improved varieties liave been devel- 
oped by Miss Elizabeth White of this company and F. J. 
Coville, Botanist, U. S. Department of Agriculture. The 
Swamp Blueberry grows on the upland, on llie hills, on the 
Hempstead Plains, but commercial plantations on Long Island 
should first be developed along the streams and salt meadows, 
in sandy .soil where the surface is from 6 inches to 3 feet above 
the water-table. On higjier soils tlie drought may lessen the 
profits, but they can be perfectly at home in such situations 
for home use. In New England the Swamp 
Blueberry grows on the hills. The shorter 
summer season, and the fact tliat the moisture 
^ is held up by tiie rocks, may permit com- 

mercial culture on the upland. Make tlie soil 
acid with leaves, not alkaline with manure 
or lime. The plants «e ofler are wild and not 
the new improved ^aricties. The latter can 
be purchasetl from J. J.iWhite, Inc., who are 
just commencing to put them on the market. 
1 Each 10 

3 ft S2 50 : /O 00 

-1 ft 3 50 30 00 


AMELANCHIER spicata. Shad-Bush. 

Dwarf ornamental. See page 27. Low 
bush in the pine-barrens about 3 feet high, 
with juicy, sweet berries in June. There 
are other species growing as tall bushes or 
trees. I to 2 ft. high, 35 cts. each, S3 for 10, 
S25 per 100. 

F|^jt^ttWES TBV/RY, LQAJG \SLA ND^iid 


Tlic native nuts on Long Island are the Black Walnut, Butternut, Sliagbark and Mockernut Hickory, and 
Hazelnut. The old farmsteads of Long Island usually liad one or more Black Walnuts. The Hazelnut and Mocker- 
nut grow on the borders of the Hempstead Plains and in the pine-barrens; the others on the heavier and moister 
soil of tlie terminal moraine and nortliern plateau. If you want to supjjly the most in foods \\ith the least cfTort, 
and be like Johnny Appleseed, who carried bags of apple seed to plant around the pioneer homesteads in the Ohio 
Valley, you can make crowbar holes along tlie roads and drop in nuts. Later you can bud or graft them to im- 
proved varieties. You can do the same on your own land and wherever the owner is willing or you dare to trespass. 
Squirrels do not forget enough they biny to keep up the supply of young trees. 

The land and climate are here; the land will be available for twenty or fifty years, but, unless you plant nuts, the 
supply will continue to decrease. The improvement of nuts by selection and hybridizing, and multiplication by 
grafting and budding is many centuries behind that of fruit. You can get into the game by ^\■riting or calling on 
Mr. Willard N. Bixby, Treasurer of the Northern Nut Growers' Association, Baldwin, Long Island. He has the 
most complete collection of bearing trees and he is glad to show anyone what to do. Nut trees produce more food 
per acre than agricultural products, and by planting Nut trees you can help establish a new food-supply. 

ALMOND, Ridenhower. Hardy as the peach. Nut of 

mediuin size; quality very good; desirable for lionie use. 

4-6 ft. SI each. 
BUTTERNUT. White Walnut (Juglans cincrea). Reaches 

its highest development several hundred miles north of 

Long Island, but is native in the valleys at The Alley near 

Douglaston, Roslyn, Brookville, and Oyster Bay. 3-4 ft. 

SI. 50 each, SIO for 10. 
ENGLISH WALNUTS. There are a number of old English 

Walnuts bearing on Long Lsland, as at Huntington, Wood- 
bury, Glen Head, Hempstead, and Roslyn. On the southern 

slope they will probably be thankful for heavy applications 

of manure and bone. 2-3 ft., $L50 each, SIO for 10. 
ENGLISH WALNUT, Franquette. A grafted variety very 

hardy and reliable. Kernel large and of excellent quality. 

3-4 ft. S2.25 each, S20 for 10. 
ENGLISH WALNUT, Meyette. Grafted; kernel large, full 

and of excellent quality. Tree very hardy. 3-4 ft. 82,25 

each, S20 for 10. 
HAZELNUT (Corylus americana). See page 30. We will tell 

you where you can find it in quantity on the borders of the 

Hempstead Plains and eastward. Perhaps you can discover 

and introduce a large variety. 
CONSTANTINOPLE HAZEL (Corylus colurna). See page 34. 

An important export of Asia Minor. Vigorous tree with nuts 

larger than the American. 
HICKORY, Mockernut. The commonest Hickory of Long 

Island. Meat of good flavor, but difTicult to extract. The 

tree is an important element in Long Island landscape, 

forming tali, square-shouldered specimens along the roads 

and fences. A bark beetle killed off a large per cent about 

ten years ago, but there is a vigorous crop of young trees 

coming up in the forest, especially where the chestnut has 

disappeared. Chestnut bark blight is the only serious 

enemy of the trees of Long Island. Other troubles go in 

waves. 5-6 ft. SI each, 37.50 for 10. 
HICKORY, Shagbark, Native on the clay outcrop south 

of the brick-vard at Glen Head, 4-6 ft. 81,50 each, 810 

for 10, 

PECAN. Seedlings from trees native in the northern part of 
tlieir range in Indiana. We have a thousand of these given 
to us by Mr. Bixby. You can make a happy home for them, 
as mentioned under Black Walnut. There are bearing Pecan 
trees fifty years old on the property of Mr. C. C. Pell, 
Westbury, and trees over a hundred years old on the prop- 
erty of Mr, Myron C. Taylor, Locust Valley, Long Island. 
2-yr. transplants, 50 cts. each, S4 for 10. 

PECAN, Busseron. A grafted variety from Indiana. Nut 
large; long. 3-4 ft. S2.25 each. S20 for 10. 

WALNUT, Black (Juglans nigra). In the contest for the 
largest trees on Long Island, conducted b^' the Brooklyn 
Botanic Garden, Buttonball, White Oak, and Black Walnut 
took the lead. We have 50O trees. You can make holes 
with a crowbar or post-hole digger and plant them cheaply. 
Confectioners pay high prices for black walnut meats. 
2-3 ft. SI. 50 each, 810 for 10. 

WALNUT, Japanese (J. Sieboldiana). A vigorous tree 
valuable for shade; long clusters of nuts like the Butternut, 
4-6 ft. 82,25 each, 820 for 10. 

WALNUT, Thomas. Nut very large; very good quality; 
rapid grower. IH-I ft. 81.50 each, 815 for 10. 


Dig a trench 1 J-^ feet deep, put in 8 inches of manure, 4 
inches of soil, and leave the trench open for the first year so 
the little plants can come through. Next year hill up. Plant 
1 foot apart, in rows 3 to 5 feet wide, according to the space 
available. Plant 200 to 300 plants. 81 for 10. S4 per 100. 


See illustration in color on page 48 
Five plants may do if you only use it in the garden, but if 
vou force the roots in the cellar, plant fifteen to thirty. 30 cts. 
each, S2.50.for 10. 

UDO . Aral 


Pecans grow readily on Long Island 

raiia cor 

A Japanese salad plant cultivated like the asparagus. Write 
David Fairchild, U. S. Department of Agriculture, for bulletin. 
There are dozens of little-known and new plants that you can 
grow for bulky food, as chicory to force in the winter. Please 
write us about them so we can pass on your experience. 
30 cts. each, 82.50 for 10. 




Tree-Mover No. 21. Moves everui tens and < 
nursery to the church hali 

iher trees v 
I luilo cast. 

itll V 


balls of earth. This is one of twu Pintr^ 
;1 jjlatfoiin and frame are worth aceiiig 


This department has mo\ecI many thousands of large trees with 
permanent success to the satisfaction of the owners and landscape 
architects. It began fifty years ago mo\ing trees for Charles A. 
Dana and for Garden City. Edward Hicks invented many different 
types of tree-moving macliinery, 

A staff of expert men are trained in the nursery. You will be 
pleased to see how skillfully they dissect out the roots and handle 
heavy weights. 

Do you need large trees for beautj' or shade? Are there some in 
your neighborhood? Do you wish to thin out your trees? We 
advise what is best for you and the trees. 

To arrange for moving large trees it is best tiiat we investigate 
the situation, route, and trees. A charge is made if it takes much 
time. Large trees not from the nursery are not guaranteed unless 

The time to move large trees is any time. Deciduous trees over 
14 inches are best moved from September to May. Evergreens arc moved with a ball of earth and at all 
times of the year are successful. If you entrust the work to our trained men, success is practically 

A group of big trees from the nursery, maples, lindens, oaks, pines, firs, 
20 to 35 feet, may be just what you need. 

Plant all summer. The trees live and grow better 
than in spring or fall. Why? Because it is more sure 
to be done right. The ball supports the tree and the 
outer roots take hold immediately. 

Since the time of the Garden of Eden there has 
been no greater improvement in time-saving than the 
Hicks inventions and methods shown here and on 
pages 2, 8, 15, and 19. Come to the nursery at any 
time, select your trees, and in over 85 per cent of the 
cases you can have them within two weeks. 

are'^'n^SrxS^-ste^el ^Sfc^fbys'lf t^ T^ift^e^S^i^^tka^fJ^'r '' tt'f ^1^ ^^^'^o*^ ^^^ -^ rear wheels 
been 84 feet high and others 75 feet wide. diameter with a large ball of earth in the center. Some trees have 

J. Horace McFarland Company, Horticultural Printers. Harrisburg, Pa. 



Gentlemen: Enclosed find Cash Registered Letter 



" Draft .... 
P. O. or Express Money Order 



Post Office. 


Express Office. 

Railroad Station, 

.Forward About. 

Shall we deliver by truck? 

Will you call for the order}. 

(You may cafl after office hours, getting the plants from the office steps.) 

No. of Plants 









No. of Plants 










We guarantee all plants from our nurseries to grow satisfactorily or replace free. Trans- 
portation and planting of replaced trees borne by purchasers. We will tell you what care to 
give on large trees moved for you. See page 54. 

Prices are for stock loaded at the nursery. Estimates furnished on delivery, planting, 
freight or express. 

5 at 10 rate; 50 at 100 rate. Packing free except for stock of unusual size. 


Abies 11, 12 

Acer 2, 3, 27 

Auliillea 40 

Adimi's Needle 25 

Agcr.itum 43 

Ajuga 40 

Aider, Black 30 

Alkanct 40 

Allspice 29 

Almond 53 

Almond, Double-flower- 
ing 27 

Althca 40 

Alyssum 40 

Amelanchier 27, 52 

Ariipelopsis, .,.,.-, 38 

Amygdalus 27 

Aiicluisa 40 

Aiidroniedii * .,,.-..,... 25 

Anemone 40 

Anlhemis 42 

Apples.. 49 

Ac|iiilegia 42 

Arabis 42 

Aral!:... 53 

Arborvita; 21 

Armeria 42 

Aronia 27 

Arrow-wood 33 

Artemisia 42 

Aster 42 

Asparagus 53 

Azalea 27,28 

Baby's Breath 43 

Balloon Flower 46 

Balm. Bee 44 

Baptisia 42 

Barberry 29, 34 

Beard Tongue 45 

Beech 4 

Bcllllowcr, Chimney 42 

Bclinower Tree 35 

Bellis 42 

Bcrberis. . 29,34 

Berry-bearing Shrubs . . .26 
Bittersweet, Evergreen. .24 

Blackberries 51 

Black-eyed Susan 46 

Blanket Flower 43 

Blazing Star 44 

Bleeding Heart 43 

Blueberries 52 

Bluejay Flower 46 

Bluet, Mountain 42 

Boltonia 42 

Boxwood 23 Evergreens 


Buddlcia 29 

Bugle Flower 40 

Burning Bush 30 

Buttercup 46 

ButterHy Bush 29 

Butternut. . 53 

Buxus 23 

Calluna 24 

Calycanthus 29 

Camellia, False 36 

Campanula 42 

Campion 44 

Canterbury Bells 42 

Candytuft 44 I 


Carpinus 3 

Catchdy 44 

Cedar, Red 14 

Cenlaurca 42 

Cerastium 42 

Chanifccyparis 12 

Chamomile, False J .42 

Cheionc 42 

Cherries 50 

Cherry, CorneSian 29 

Chokcberry 27 

Chrysanthemum 42 

Clematis 38 

Columbine 42 

Conedower 46 

Convallaria 43 

Coral Bells 44 

Coreopsis 43 

Cornflower 46 

Cornus 3,29, 34 

Corylus 30,34,53 

Cotoneastcr. . .24, 30, 34, 35 

Cover Plants 23-25 

Crab-Apple 35 

Cranberry, High-bush. . ,33 

Cress, Rock 42 

Cup Plant 46 

Currant, Indian 32 

Currants 51 

Cyd<mia 30 

Cypress, Japanese ... 12, 13 

Daphne 24 

Deciduous Shrubs 27 

Delphinium 43 

Dcutzia 30. 35 

Dianthus 43 

Dicentra , .43 

Dictaninus 43 

Digitalis 43 

Dogwood 3, 29 

Dragonhead, False. .... .46 

Echinops 43 

Elsholtzia 35 

Enkianthus 35 

Eryngiuni 43 

Eupatorium 43 

Euonymus 24, 30, 35 

Evergreen Trees 10-22 

Evodia 35 

Fagus 4 

Feverfew 46 

Filbert, European 53 

Fir 11, 12 

Flax 44 

Forget-me-not 44 

Forsythia 30, 35 

Foundation Plants. . .23-25 

Foxglove 43 

Fruits 48-52 

Funkia 43 

Gaillardia 43 

Galax 24 

Garland Flower 24 

Gas Plant 43 

Gay Feather 44 

Germander. , . . , 36 

Ginkgo 4 

Golden Bell 30 

Golden Glow 46 

Gooseberries 51 

Grapes 52 

Gypsopiiila 43 



Halesia... 35 

Hamamelis 30, 35 

Hardy Garden Flowers 

Harebell, Carpathian. . . .42 

Hazel 34 

Hazelnut 30, 53 

Heather, Scotch 24 

Hedera 38 

Helcnium 43 

Heliopsis 43 

Ilelianthus 43 

Hemlock 22 

Hemerocallis 44 

Heuchera. 44 

Hibiscus 44 

Hickory 53 

Holly 24 

HuUyliock 40 

Holly, Sea 43 

Honeysuckle 35, 38 

Honeysuckle, Bush 31 

Hornbeam, European ... 3 

Hydrangea 30 

Iberis 44 

Ilex 24,30 

Iris 44 

Ivy, English 38 

Ivy, Japanese 38 

Jasmine 38 

Jasniinum 38 

Juglans 53 

Junebcrry 27, 52 

Juniper 14 

Juniperus 14 

Kalmia 24 

Kerria 30,31 

Lace-leaf Bush 32 

Lantern Plant, Chinese. .46 

Larkspur 43 

Laurel, Mountain 24 

Lavender, Sea 46 

Lead wort 46 

Leucothoe 25 

Liatris 44 

Ligustrum 30 

Lilac 33, 36 

Ldac, Summer. . . , , 29 

Lilies 44 

Lily 44 

Lily, Day 43 

Lily-of-thc- Valley 43 

Linden 9 

Linum 44 

Liquidambar. 4 

Lonicera 31, 35, 38 

Loosestrife 44 

Lupine 44 

Lupinus 44 

Lychnis 44 

Li'thrum 44 

Magnolia. 4 

Maidenhair Tree, J.apa- 

nese 4 

Mallow, Marsh 44 

Malus 35 

Maple... 2, 3, 27 

Marguerite 42 

Mint, Heather 35 

Monarda 44 

Mock Orange 31 

Morus 36 


Mountain Lover . .25 

Mugwort, While 42 

Mulberry 36 

Mvosotis 44 

Myrtle 25 

Nepct.a 45 

Nuts 53 

Oak... 5-8 

Opuntia 45 

Pachistima 25 

Pacliysandra 25 

Pseonia 45 

Pansy, Tufted 46 

Papavcr 45 

Pear. Prickly 45 

Pears .' 50 

Peach Bells 42 

Peaches 50, 51 

l\-arlworl 46 



Pentstenion. . 45 

Philadelphus 31,36 

Phlox 45 

Physalis. 46 

Physostegia 46 

Picea 14, 15, 20 

Pine 15-19 

Pink 43 

Pink, Sea 42 

Pinus 15-19 

Pinxter Flower 27 

Plants for Woods and 

Shade. 23-25 

Platycodon 46 

Plumbago 46 

Plum, Beach 31,51 

Plums 51 

Poppy 45 

Potentiila .25 

Potted Plants 47 

Primrose 46 

Primula 46 

Privet, California 30 

Prunus 31 

Pseudotsuga 20 

Pyrcthruni 46 

Qucrcus 5-8 

Quince 51 

Quince, Japanese. ...... ,30 

Ranunculus 46 

Rare and New Plants 34—36 

Raspberries. 51 

Retinispora 12, 13 

Rhododendron 25 

Rhodotvpos 31 

Rhubarb 53 

Rhus 31 

Rosa 31,36 

Rose 31.36,37,38 

Rudbeckia 46 

Sage, Meadow 46 

Saf;ina 46 

Salix 32 

Salvia.. 46 

Saponaria 46 

Sedum 46 

Senecio 46 

Shad-bush 27, 52 

Shade Trees 2-9 

Silphium 46 

Silver Bell 35 


Snowball 25, 35 

Snowberry 32 

Snow Garland 32 

Snow-in-Summcr 42 

Soapwort 46 

Sorbaria 36 

Spanish Bayonet 25 

SpeedwelL." 46 

Spider wort 46 

Spindle Tree 35 

Spirea 32 

Spruce 14, 15,20 

Spurge, Japanese 25 

Staticc 46 

Stcphanandra 32 

Stokcsia 46 

Stonecrop 46 

Storax 31 

Strawberries 52 

Strawberry Shnd) 29 

Styrax 33,36 

Stuartia 36 

Sumac 31 

Sunliowcr 43 

Sweet Shrub 29 

Sweet William 43 

Symphoricarpos 32 

Symplocus 36 

Syringa 33, 36 

Syringa-Mock Orange ... 36 

Taxus 20, 21 

Tea, Oswego 44 

Tccoma 38 

Tcucrium 36 

Thistle, Globe 43 

Thrift 42 

Thuya 21 

Thyme, Creeping 46 

Thymus 46 

Tilia 9 

ToothachcTree, Chinese.. 36 

Tradescantia 46 

Tree-moving Depart- 
ment 54 

Trumpet Creeper 38 

Tsuga 22 

Tulip Tree 4 

Tunica 46 

Turt|Uoise Berry 36 

Turtlchead 42 

Ud<.... 53 

Vaccinium 33 

Veronica 46 

Viburnum 25, 33, 36 

Vinca 25 

Vines 38 

Viola 46 

Virginia Creeper 38 

Walnut, Black 53 

Walnut, English 53 

Walnut, White 53 

Weigela 33 

Willow, Pussy 32 

Windllower 40 

Wisteria. 38 

Witch-Hazcl 30,35 

Xanthoxylum 36 

Yellow-root 33 

Yew 20,21 

Yucca 25, 46 

Zanthorhiza. . 33 

Books on the Relations of Plants to Their Surroundings, the foundation of agriculture and forestry. 

Vegetation of New York. By Bray, New York State College 

of Forestry, Syracuse. 
Vegetation of Hempstead Plains and Pine Barrens of Long 

Island. By R. M. Harper, College Point, L. I. 
Vegetatioii of Pine Barrens of New Jersey. By Harshberger, 

University of Pennsylvania. 
Vegetation of Maryland. By Forrest Shreeve, Maryland 

Weather Service, Baltimore. 
Vegetation of Connecticut. By Nicolls, Yale University. 

Relations of Plants to Acid and Alkaline Soils. By Edgar 
T. Wherry, Washington Academy of Science. 

Acid Tolerarit Crops for Acid Soils. Blueberry Culture. By 

F. V. Coville, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. 
The Rural Science Series. Edited by L. H. Bailey. The 

Macniillan Co., New York City. 
The Landscape Garden Series. Edited by Ralph Rodney 

Root. The Garden Press, Davenport, Iowa. 


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Rock-Garden at Hicks Narseiies: Carolina Azalea, Golden Tuit, Iris, and Ajuga 
Painting by Walter Huber 
