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Full text of "I And Thou"

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God. He has, to be sure,.abolished moral judgments
for ever ; the " evil" man is simply one who is com-
mended to him for greater responsibility, one more
needy of love ; but he will have to practise, till death
itself, decision in the depths of spontaneity, unruffled
decision, made ever anew, to right action. Then action
is not empty, but purposive, enjoined, needed, part
of creation; but this action is no longer imposed upon
the world, it grows on it as if it were non-action.

What is the eternal, primal phenomenon, present
here and now, of that which we term revelation ? It
is the phenomenon that a man does not pass, from the
moment of the supreme meeting, the same being as he
entered into it. The moment of meeting is not an
" experience " that stirs in the receptive soul and grows
to perfect blessedness; rather, in that moment some-
thing happens to the man. At times it is like a light
breath, at times like a wrestling-bout, but always—it
"happens, the man who emerges from the act of pure
relation that so involves his being has now in his being
something more that has grown in him, of which he did
not know before and whose origin he is not rightly able
to indicate. However the source of this new thing is
classified in scientific orientation of the world, with its
authorised efforts to establish an unbroken causality, we,
whose concern is real consideration of the real, cannot
have our purpose served with subconsciousness or any
other apparatus of the soul. The reality is that we
receive what we did not hitherto have, and receive it in
such a way that we know it has been given to us. In