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of Judges of America’s Courts of 

Joseph R. Churchill, Who Has Occupied the Same Bench Fifty Years 

Born in Dorchester, He Has Always Lived There, and Has Presided Over the Court in That District 
Since It Was Opened 

barton Wer 

ORCHESTER has the -distinction of 

D numbering among its citizens a man 

Who has presided over a court of 

law for a longer period than anyone else 

in America. He ig Judge Joseph R. 

| Churchill, justice of the Dorchester eourt, 
who, on Sunday, wi!l reach the fiftieth an- 

hiversary of his appomtment. Last evening 

the judge was the guest of honor at a ban- | 

quet given at Youngs Hotel by Dorchester 
business men, associates in the court and 
Members of the police department, The 
dinner was in the nature of a surprise to 
Judge Churchill, who, after a number of 
Speeches had been heard, was presented 
a travelling bag, the presentation being 
made by former Building Commissioner 
| Patrick O'Hearn, 

Among the speakers were Sarell J. Wii- 
lis, still active in business at the age of 
ninety-one, who gave an interesting his- 
torical skétch of Dorchester. He told of 
having known Judge Churchill’s father 
Jand grandfathers. Tributes were also paid” 
to Judge Churchill by Associate Justices 
Michael H. Sullivan and William T, Mer- 
ritt. Court Clerk Alpheus Sanford, former 
Clerk N. Thomas Merritt, Captain Charles 
T, Reardon of the Fields Corner police 
station, John FE. Berry, Hon. Thomas 
Leavitt, Representative Frank L. Brier, 

TVrewreryp By 

Join R. McVey, George Wyman, Asaph 
Churchill, a nephew of the judge, and 
Peter J. Donoghue, 3 

Judge Churchill has presided over the 
present Dorchester Court ever since it 
was opened, and before that held sessions 
on the second floor of an old building that 
Still stands at Adams street and Dorches- 
ter\avenue, diagonally opposite. the pres- 
|ent court building, 

As a further indication of his fixed habits 
he points: out’ that he was born in Dor- 
chester and has always lived there; in 
fact,he has occupied the came house, at 
32! Percival street from a time soon after 
his marriage in 1871. : 
| Judge Churchill was born July 29, 1845. 
He attended the public schools of the 
town and prepared for Harvard at the old 
Dorchester High School, under Mr. xim- 
ball and Increase Smith, His father was 
Asaph Churchill; who had law offices in 
Milton Village and afterwards in Boston. 

Joseph R. Churchill was graduated from 
Harvard in the class of 1867 and from 
.dlarvard Law 1869.. He entered 
‘his father’s office and later succeeded him. 
The father died in 1892 and another of 
his sons, who was also a lawyer, died 
; Many years ago. 

On Jan. 9, 1871, Governor: Claflin ap- 
pointed Mr. Churchill justice. of the Dor- 
chester Coury which, at that time, had 
jurisdiction over Ward 16. Although the 


, fennny TATA 

ward lines have several times~ been! 
changed since then the court stil] has_ 
jurisdiction over the territory contained in 
the original ward boundaries and, accord- 
ing to the venerable’ judge,, this is often- 
times. confusing in the discharge of his of- 
ficial duties. : at, 

On Feb. 21, 1871, Judge Churchill married 
Miss Mary Cushing, whose father, Dr. Ben- 
jamin® Cushing, was a noted surgeon and 
particularly well known for his work in 
the schools of that: district. The Cushing 
School, named for him, is not far from 
the courthouse. The couple have had three, 
children. Two boys died years ago and a 
daughter, Anna Quiney Churchill, is an 
instructor at Tufts Medical School, where 
she was formerly a student, pa 

Judge Churchill has never affiliated him- 
self with fraternal organizations. In poli- 
ticS he is an independent. He enjoys) 
excellent, health and has a remarkable 
memory for names and incidents, It is his 
custom to walk from his home to the court- 
house each day and he hopés to occupy the. 
Dorchester bench for many years to comé. 

Asked as to approximately how many | 
cases he has sat on during his half-century 

‘of service, he declared that the number 

could not be computed, but added that last 
year, which was the largest on record, he 
disposed qf more than 4000, of which 8333 
were criminal cases. | 

“A } 


Friends Give Banquet to 
Mark 50 Years’ Service 
in Dorchester Court 


Friends and jiiscune of Judge 
Joseph R. Churchill gave him a com-! 
plimentary dinner at Young’s Hotel 
last night in recognition of his ser- 
vices as judge of the Dorchester mu- 
nicipal court for half.a century. 

After serving for six months as asso- 
tiate justice when the court was first 
created, Judge Churchill was appointed 
on Jan. 9, 1871, by Gov. Claflin and 
will have completed 50 years of con- 
-tinuous service tomorrow night. JUDGE JOSEPH R. CHURCHILL 

. P \ Banqueted in Honor of Fifty Years! 
Historical Address » Service In Dorchester Court 

One of the features at the dinner was : 
an historical address given by Sarrel | chester court; John K. Berry, Peter 
J. Willls, 91, who recalled When Dor-|Donaghue, Alphonse Sanford, clerk of 
chester, then a town, established its a ae. fa ee, Mer- 
3 ritt, a former clerk of e court; George 
first fire sterertm gat and organized the | 47 ‘Wyman, Asaph Churchill, a nephew 

famous artillery company, long the| of the judge; Representative Frank L. 

pride of Dorchester and dating many | Brier, Thomas Leayitt, John R. McVey 

; ; P and P. O’Hearn. 

years before the civil war. Mr. Willis r 

also mentioned how he had known per- 

sonally both Judge Churchill's father 

and grandfather, " 

Although nearing the century eat 
Mr. Willis still goes daily to his office 

at the Blue Hill National Bank, Milton 
“Lower Falls, where for the past 42 years 
“BS he has served as cashier, Before enter- 
“>? ing the banking business he was on the 
9 ftage with Joseph Jefferson. 

Walter Deane of @orefester, an au- 
thority on botany, told of his experi- 
ences collecting flora with Judge 

@}churchill, who is also interested in this 
study, having in his possession nearly 

29,000 warieties of flora which he ac- 

eumulated both here and abroad. “Mr. 

Meane mentioned in particular Judge 

“hurchill’s rugged constitution, which 

enables him even now to take strenuous 

irtps alohge mountain trails in the ean 
for rare forest growths. 

Police Captain Heard from 

Capt. Charles T. Reardon of the 
Wieldy Corner police station, in a ‘brief 
address, thanked Judge Churchill for 
eo-operation and courtesy extended on 
all occasions. 

Other speakers, all of whom hoped 
that Judge Churchill would continue for 
many years more on the bench, in- 
eluded M. H. Sullivan and William 
Merritt, associate justices on the Dor- 

a j 




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Hus Trust 

= Time 







Joseph R. Churchill Given Tes- 
timonial Banquet by Dor- 

chester Citizens 
ri Be 
A half century. of service as ju 
|tice of the Dorchester District Court 
|will be rounded out next Sunday by 

Judge Joseph R. Churchill, presiding 
justice, and the oldest judge, in point 
| of service, of any court in Massachu- 

In honor 
Lorehester citizens tendered 
banquet at Young’s Hotel. 

| was planned as a surprise to Judge 
Churchill. Placed pefore his plate at 
| the head table was a handsome 
| bouquet of 50 American’ Beauty 
| roses, 


Alnley M. Johnson of the Massa-~ 
chusetts Co-operative Bank, of which ; 
Judge Churchill is president, of- 

| ficiated as toastmaster, and during 
Lhe postprandial exercises P. O’Hearn, 
president of the Hub Trust Co., on 
behalf of the assembled company 
presented the distinguished puest 
| with a handsome traveling bag. 
Judge William H. Merritt, associate 
justice of the Dorchester Court, told) 
of the days when the court sat in the 
| Robinson Building at Wield’s Corner 
and of the kindly assistance always 
given by Judge Churchill to youthful! 
| members of the bar who practiced be- 

him a4 

of the occasion leading | 

The affair | 

fore him, 

| Captain Charles T 
| lice Station No, 11, 
paid wuripupe iy Judge 
fairness on the bench, , | 
“He is honest an@ efficient,” said) 
Captain Reardon, “and his \seryive 
has been an asset to the community 
{1c is Judge Churchill that the eltizen 
|of the district have to thank for th 
| safety of their homes.” - 
Judge Churchill, preliminary to 
plying to the tributes paid hin, 
wus given three hearty cheers, He 
-aid in part: hte» - 
“Many flattering things haye been | 
said abont me tonight and I appreciate, 
it, coming’ from my friends. T know 
they Mean every word they say and DT 
appreciate their good will and vaffec- 
tion.’ ¥ 

‘ a | 




Soseph R; Churchill, Guest At Dinner 
| ~ Given by Associates, Fidends and 

Neighbors—Speakers Extol His 
Viriwes—Handsome Leather Bag) 

’ omitty years of faithful and honor- | 

| able. service on the bench”’—that was 

the ‘keynote of addresses by the | 

| speakers at a dinner at Young’s Ho-| 

tel Thursday, night given Judge Jo- 
seph R. ee of the Dorchester 
Municipal Count by about 30 friends 

| ahd acquaintances, with A. M. John- 



son as the master of ceremonies. 

‘Glowing tributes were paid to the 
judge by Associate Justices Michael 
H. Sullivan and William T. Merritt,, 
ex: elérk N. Thomas Merritt, clerk Al 
pheus Sanford, Capt Charles T. Rear 
den of Police Station 11, Hon John 
E=Berry, Hon Thomas Leavitt, Rep- 

| resentative Frank L. Brier, Sarell J. 


\ Willis and many citizens of Dorches- 

ter, The gathering included attaches 
of the local court business men, 
lawyers and citizens. 

| The always fair and impartiar 
treatment that Judge Churchill has’ 
shown, in his dealings with the, pub- 
lie was praised. Members of the le- 
gal profession extolled him as “up- 
right, square, and one who gives a 
square deal to any one who comes 
bef ‘teh him, Sheer he be ig or 

|| poor.” 

‘The entire gathering offered con- 
eratulations to Judge Churchill upon) 
the anniversary, and wished him con- 
tinued health and prosperity. if 

he close of the celebratign was 
marked with a presentation to the 
judge of a handsome leather bag by 
Patrick O’Hearn, former building 
commissioner of Boston, on behalf of 
the gathering. : 

One of the most interesting ‘ad- 
dresses of the evening was that oF 

cones a SS 

Sarell J. Willis, who for the 
years has been cashier of thi 

| Hill National bank and who is 

active service at the bank 
standing that he is 91 ¥ 
Eyery morming as regular | a 
work he walks to ‘the: ee 
remains during the business’ 
Mr Willis gave an insig 
early history of Dorchester t¢ 
his early education in a o1 

school, which was situated i 
vate house on Hancock st 

same room being occupied 

the teacher. Mr Willis was 
Washington street on the — 
Road” between School and 
streets.’ During the early | 
life he was an actor and pl 
several years with Joseph 
in “Rip Van Winkle.” 

Mr Willis said that the { 
Dorchester in the early day 
old Dorchester Artillery. 
scribed the last muster of this 

(Continued on Page 8 8 

, “YEARS 0 on BENCH He said ‘that ths lawfuness of et sensnat him at he wi 

(Continued ran Page One) 
ization which took place in front of 
the Second church in what is now 
Codman square. There were two 
companies one of which was armed 
with hand saws and the other with 
three cornered files. At the given! 
word there was a clash, those with 
the files drawing them across the 
teeth of the saws. 

Mr Willis told of the establishment | 

ef the first fire départment, giving 
the names and locations of the fire 
engines. These were provided earry 
in 1800 owing to a series of incen- 
diary fires which destroyed much 

Judges William Merritt and Mi- 
chael H. Sullivan, made splendid ad- 
dresses setting forth the fine quali- 
ties of Judge Churchill, which they 
had found out by many years of con- 
stant association. 

Walter Deane, a well known botan- 
ist, told of his associations with 

Judge Churchill in botany, which go 

back to 1880. He told of the many 
hours that Judge Churchill had put in 
to collecting one of the most remark- 

able collection of wild plants, in this’ 

country comprising something like 
18,000 sheets. He related many in- 
teresting stories of the tramps that 
he and the judge had taken all over 
New HBngland in search of wild plant 
life. Some of these were perilous 
and filled with adventure. They in- 
cluded being chased by a bull who 
came upon them. unexpectedly and 
was the only time, Mr Deane said, 
| that he ever knew the judge to run 
away from trouble. He said that 
Judge Chrrehill’s collection of flora 
was well known all over this coun- 
try as one of the largest and one of 
the best in existance. 
Captain Charles T, Reardon of the 
Fields Corner police station told of 
the co-operation that had always ge 

eon unity was dus io ihé judge 
quite as much) 2s to the police for 
without the co-operaticn of the judge 
the pslice could’ do nothing. He 
spoke of the men comprising the new 
police force in very favorable terms, 
showing by comparison, the good 
work they were doing. He also told 
‘of the good, wholesome living eondi- 
tions that exist in Dorchester and 
these he said were due very largely 
to the court. 
good livine conditions that had ob- 
tained for the last 50 years, were a 
direct refiectin of Judge Churchill’s 
presiding over the local court. 

WN. Thomas Merritt was in fine 
form. He told many laughable in- 
| cidents that had occurred during the 
22 years that he was clerk of the 
court. He had an unique way of de- 
scribing these which made everyone 
roar. Mr Merritt paid a fine tribute 
to Judge Churchill with whom he 
had been associated for so many 

Alpheus Sanford, the pedent clerk 
of the-court, also paid a 
tribute t 
acterized as being particularly sharp 
and able almost instantly to size up 

Judge Churchill was the final spea- 
ker, He had been taken completely 

dining room where his many friends 
and associates were gathered. He 
was taken there under 4 pretense 
and did not have the slightest idea 
that he was going to a celebration of 
his own anniversary. 

When he arose to speak he was 
visably affected. He said that he 
did not know what offense he was 
charged with, that after hearing the 
many witnesses against him, there 
was only one thing that had been 

charged and that was being a tramp. 
He said it was futile to put up any 


In fact, he said, the. 

the judge, whom he char- 

by surprise when ushered into the | - 

there to appear in his 
therefore would have to | p 
throwing himself on the 
the probatiorf officer a: 
had done in the past. 

“There are many thing: 
been said and, of course, 
plead guilty to all of th 
would forbid it,” he ‘said. 
pleasant thing to be sp ye: 
by neighbors so unani J 
preciate it. I sincerely ‘than 
for the expression of your 
good will and affection, and f 
token, which bas just been pre: 
to me.’ 

Judge Churchill | canteen ch 
ter when-he | said he 

| there was some criticism 

was penpintes because he w 

“Why, they said I was a 
only 25 years of age and not 

| the profession of the law,” but 

how I was appointed. “It has 
me 50 years to overcome | 
now there is a new complait : 
say that I am too old, that I : 
old foggie, that I ought to st 
and let someone else have my 
I have not decided to do thi 
This remark was greeted ‘ 
rounds of applause which must 1 
ins agean Sag to the eck that 

was unable to be present | 

The judge said that th 
quest held by a local court, aft 
old coroner law was supers 
held by him in the Dorches 
cipal court. 

The boiler ‘on a small ple: 
craft on Silver Lake, Plyny 
ploded, the yictim, Mrs 
lips, a native of Dorcheste 
brought Hes sr the 

passed the new law, In, 
Judge thanked all present fe 
attendance and said that b S 

_ SS 


iis ee es IN 1873] 
$2.00 Per Year. 
(Payable in Advance) 



Entered at the Dorchester Station, Boston, 
Mass., Post Office as Second Class matter, 

Business and Editorial Offices 


Pields Corner é Dorchester. 
Telephone, 178 Dorchester. 





Oftentimes a man who follows prin 
ciple receives no recognition while 
he is living, but the splendid tributes 
Paid Judge Joseph R. Churchill of the 

Dorchester Court at the dinner in 
honor of his 50 years on the bench, 
were ‘not only fitting but will linger 
long in the memory of those who had 
the good fortune to be present. The 
tribute paid by associate justice Mi- 
chael H. Sullivan, was, perhaps, the 
most beautiful. ‘To be a member of 
the judiciary for 50 years, with full 
possession of his faculties, as to be 
holden of the oldest judiciary com- 
mission active in the State, is a great, 
great honor, and a man who can live 
a life so worthily to keep his being | 
_ together for such a span of years is 
a remarkable man. You have a man 
who knows not alone human ‘nature 
but all nature. Five splendid de- 
eades of splendid work is looked upon 
by the multitudes and we do not 
fittingly say what ought to be said | 
at this anniversary of a great and 
faithful work of pois Awe justice to 
the people.’ BANS: Sess ; 


The dinner to Judge Churchill | 
brought many surprises. I was not | 
the only one surprised to find that 
Charles T. Reardon, “skipper” at the 
Fields Corner police station, was an’ 
orator. Capt Reardon was surprised | 
to discover an oratorical ability in 
Clerk Alpheus Sanford of the Dor- 
‘chester Court, and the host himself 
was surprised to find out that beth 
men were fine speakers. With a 
Judge, alert, keen and intelligent, and 
well informed on the law; with a 
captain of the police station adjoin-, 

ing establishing a record with the 

aid of the new force and with two 
clerks handling the bulk of work, 

‘the people, I am satisfied, feel a 

sense of security and are apt to over- 
look an occasional flare-up, by law- 


* * = 

. Walter Deane, close friend of 
Judge Churchill in botany, and ex- 
clerk N. Thomas Merritt contributed 
the entertainment and fun to the 
Otherwise interesting program, Mr 
Deane for the educational value of 
his talk and side-lights on potany, 
during which he carried the as- 
sembly into. the woodlands and 
streams, and Mr Merritt who created 
heaps of fun by his comic yarns. I 
think I can safely gay that everybody 
had a most enjoyable time. 
= = * 


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| 1920 

Se GS oe ee Ae ee rat 55 a AS 
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Sb Marne, AN. 

Gat H O48" Ca, eee: SES pe ye S CHEK q Cpe, 

Hye than iA, 
fo. 40,1926, 

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Ini nw triste. 

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SS oo 
clan oxrialA 




otk Phe pefphr eae eric bro Seer ee oe. 

wy Vee eee 


EES SET EM ITT CO ue fp “a @a 
BD CLIK Taek bd ied ER eee 
Vai Ct fil) CPi Cewelr- Fovety 

Poti iu” ELL he OO 



Tiny LT Lar Rep Pre XK be 3S all day 

pap lend tase beg A eee , 
fmt Lorn phos FD beavg 2060 Sout Ptehdy 
pte Cae tell Vie th, 22 a ep eee 

Ban ir fre Lunar 
PAA A Pl ae ce 
ae Eee “; = 
At1.4 4 Seoipeee. 

ioe: cts 
i" e dt stn “for & Ur atug 


‘a cle < y s 1 C1) — 
le Qa Nee. Oo Che 


\ 7 lf 55 S A/ @ 
SOC 41120 aeNe fie 

| / 91.0 
g Py ea eet, an 

Datos PROD ina ao See. ¥ ’ bo 
ey es ‘eee Yn On we Lv Laur 
§$.W) Crr nen Vane Ua CER ve 2 

? on ch te pare ( ello CA 
Sa Ls Via We, 77 ¢ we (oe sey eee 

(ee Lee ne nels and Ee ek ark ore ace 

Khe Pees 7h aapaa est FA eee ” RL, ea 


Shielbire, AM. 

cra) ENS cate) PA eee ee! Serra. ter hay = Ce 
‘ Sf 
The a5 yee mF DB dmys Lad pre riz 
ae OR & eo bees er Teds 


a fact a Te plats SGeeeewy ee 

peers : mame. por 

ke sieaee Wan CM betes Oy, Cine Cotk age, Sache x 
Gare (LR? Giese) (Sa 
ae Eliza @ ’ Chex. Care, Dl, we, 
ea Wp ce iy, ch. a ee 

hed ee hactie amen ee nor Sdenfuk 
ell ET lene oy! 


MW4tiia yo Cla ae feo. ane bas Ce. fz Liew, OLE} 
ies re enh, P) Scaerbrrnphr ; Si brgarenon! 

TS es Lede In kD, Teerr ALFA 
or cove [iL ben Droy, Depp 2ovdeert ef 
pllin Pore Cc tle ue Reger, Lava , er ee | 
tideternedf “uy a ae 
vp le Dileiecte creck . Same bewdr 02 Ine 2b Cab 

a Sa tly Serer f 

Vis Fh Siw. @nwe, bine 
tut lo-daaz - ] 
tape (% Guede Eig t, f LID a Vth 4 

mL DUA, 
vee _ Tens Tae 2 im SL Ue Be fad ed 
Poe. aoe Z : ere a> (oie ee 
Ves Lent ll Appel a pate we 2 7: 
aw eet, Abas So ty creer), haath. Hadi, 
a ferrale (rr4, Ste rae hen An ep es 
[ fh, ord a/ bt. iain Ss 
Sacre ae | av) Lae 
Vee fe Cyr ANY 4 
H1ry » Joespe DIGG - Seape— Maoke 
San, Tee ! nt | 


(iLL, of Cri F-3 Cau 
Pufte~— po KZ 
tlh Ce au at a es i Py waht ? Neat v7 gt wth 6 tigiS oe 

a One 
A Ghaey 31. 
pede & Tufte - Meg. Fras 
Chan (ath f the etl lew chee “1, et ote 
Thepa c@raolenses (ki) Can, 
Sprerucear nth. Cond, YJ, 2> Teel s. 

(pl a pb tian 
Me Bint tae aed 
. oS SS eae es eee. 
Meet” by Hens fe OE ee 
a /t- in nar en ct led 
ee ee Carayp ste. V Cee. 
sake ee Oe Mae Aas pete eee aa, 
Dy rgicenes cia ite es al 

ood of ofp ee beh oad 
7 ana up, cd 

beth, tieibesig. OL 

| oR St blind WAS 
Cited) Olax undh Clef Cha 9, Creege cont 
| Ths eng we etm rer broke Satin, 
Vlg ace wey Sekccimoe 2c) ehear. re wethtpren 
cbr. Tex 

ay EA: 

Diag zeky at a ts, pecan wrt ern ee Ae 

Stthurue VA. 

(422. pera fue mm Ty the vay. Lirity Neary anc Rear 
Ve ee a er derfek caditw Ms wnranip Qactnd 
ahead bys -F1d Ae,. ae eee Ae : : 

; Hes cn) Uafpeprsrutl Lint 
teffire cH Uti bh ted - Oh dean a Lmbiefek pre lr, 
Peteiat’ up Nn eda Btls Ei a ie 9. Vas av BON 
oe be eee se Mee ay ee oe 

Ca. e_ “2 : 
: c 7 an Ct) Cee Sof eC@ourverl a tlicr- 

aves ay an Mar Se a> rs eles Cfo ae ea 
ea oe GNA PEM ee 

a DS aL, 

cLh , 
CS, aii 


cnee Sie) elem Ans A fie Dt prs a meee 
frm ‘ Sivas Dee CNS os ae jacaue poi Cos eee. § . 

colopat O.S. Sng 
Weg See (333 C Sec 6.5 CMa) ya ¢ 


eerie ‘ = 
[hz eee Oa ES, ) a: 

cx Seppe AGS 22 
tae — CMs zy. | 
nD (stn) ty ho, Cf trea, Che Chr 
4 ) Crtusgz T Thrnyhr bath, Gheje fits — 1 
0 Celle OEP ped ly bince” 

Stelle, NP 
Lag 24 lect mit) flee clad Ke rfee fF tay, 

bets tee og Oe EN 

‘Gl Nie Zed tone. ufr, Cg Uk — 
eee Cah A. Cha JK 

Beh ee 
pete = 
Oe Pee. rae ae pre fre Qs 
we YiurAC afe_ 
cer ae ee oF 

ie so co Cebelire Bi My ee 


eet i 

pee Lee 
=f rs a 

: eS 

Sith ie 

< Cah Crops Ge calh.d dud 
Lea. veut Cee ee 

WA as oe 

, Se. “S.A Ante 
Cote aul Fru. rn perky Gf ly 

pte ae 
Gaye Xe 
pts af Cina oy At SOE (oR \nag SG 

prt _ IE fr (ee oIn- Crores 

As At: Coens Papa ov pee 7 img ble, 


og oo Tr a a 
ee eee 

a Cas eit ers Tun, a 
Sees Wat ke ee ber ofp UneaA Frew 
“As a SE PRO ee ee a 2afrer af ey, 
Ba ao ee ote a a — 
Ie PS REE ai 4 ts Goyl tn 
eek pie ee /~ fone NAA Tee Vey bet 
Oe od a ope 

ae ee eee see 

; een 457 
not Cx fn fhik 

i Se oe 

Sen S. eee 

aL eee en eee et Ses the 
. ; a eae ee) ome BAL 

ee oe Pe ete 2 dicks, FEB 

ae islets Blonilaal Cong td, 

Cher, torn , rend, ww berfilh mack, 

SR ree 2am 

by 2H bn, Dell, GP Qian Sma NZ 
a ne eo TF fee. of Le Mh ve 

StL naa tle, 
IV 20 

uy 24 LD ae Wa ee a he, T dau ies 
< ai “os 
roe on Cette. SU Lao Bane So, | Cee Lary, 
* eee a en LE = 

| | 

a Ure unethesa- 
teed on erat ian 

, CHAT Oe. WS, 
AE APES wine 
Tati a ay oy te 


re aut e € 

Ja boa Morr, OF 
Th cel ond ule we teaches 
A ; Cys wre Faw CX ih Uw ied ee 
fh way eg Down, Bie ek 
OA), G7 WR Weg 

Pr eee 
7 : 


ee ae bac ‘ 4S 66° May} ben, 
nt fdr ere & f 
DS Pa d feel ed a 

Fela, Te paper on he wittQe bef nritas ull wake 
Seether 269, - Teer a Ke ervecse- 


a tee te Siete 
upp a CGray huft—& 

(OR gy moO; 

Vat Fal . ColL, Cay. MM, Sat Criehce 

/6 IY, pa 
re ihgedt Lara NOR » EOS Be Bog aie fen 


tt Ure 
r20t2gn 2U< ce e%4 CLecLey : 8, ; Ly, fad OD 
pasture ‘ cae Clay We eee Eee a 
Cr wn, beh hie WM, SEopfedbhefrrccke 

eure be Liteon 

[teeg is ~20t. Teele 
beens : 

5 et ed Pn a i 

tata ,- 


Ont Pree a at Cum ove ela 4, Koon wee 
Glrz at 
Cy & = 

Ler hat WS ps fei 

Lig ee 

ee A ay ee og 

Comes urchin laps 

ee een 
: Mich Qe 

Wr Ze ed oy i Sen eee 

iy 8 
S.fad, 6 yan pr, a Wwe O24 ee ae 

ere Cw UC Oi fact View ee ea 

(2) Neeast 
ae a. a Lare fread wae 
Caf fe, Sas Stee eas impo 
uf ees ees Brn pAAVEY a 
eur uewes 13- Wee as Laws — 

fel Ot 

Ge ee Le Sa Bate Lies 
Peiien 4 ia ae a LoS 


6s - Pa eI ee, “Kd, os (9 Ro. 

Span lil ES 

Op trann, Trmr The whe force a fis tod - (thy og fo ; 

S hcbbuina MP. 

ey Pict 6-7 Pla, 

a neh eet Say ae ON Ot 

RO PR es 2 


a ede. ne. eee 

£4 Wacln yz A ae 
es ee fbaieiie Wine ees Oe aed 
De PS ee Hewes Got ea ‘ Us i 
A RT RON C9 ot > 
Gir DiapforuZd pp phased kpleade, 
9 Seip Te ete er on ee 
wetht men br Evand Farn ar¥ Wit B® 
Joe la of Sept, Clk beV Coon faichie 
Lote Nee Vute Wak — 

Vln afiamem GF Cece hewn buay rl 

abe Ni ie: | | : 
UNG Ate : er, Sere : 

CR TOY (es at I a 

BLEAE Wr Wee oa OD RE Bar 8 ars ANE yee A Ow at 
The rye, toa 74 ney See d224p pe Teno. a, 
fee : fe EDO G2 NS ae 


Se Phere NAN 

men by ha SCE Ne were pectet 
Pees eg (WO Lak eet, 
a as es We ee eee ee 

Dae E ; aod OO i ET Se RG nM. 

Bone phi mnt Cmretler , 0 fovXt 

ota, Cold 
Mio Stu) AG ; 

3 Beta leh - Tha eat as Techn Siete 
Ger ye ee, ese 


(eth—«., Dy Ao ee Ui eae Ee 
De OO eae atk se: 7A Cards led Cave bean oo - 

otto. / 

Diuulaner rechratl uo 3 wos — 

Ties ee 

ban Glin Wee ene 
by Ha C05 rein. [We pate Clee a heart 

JSUrrencenua pcafierien 
sane te at Hee Le q 
Stee eee ate 


WteAU4 yy , cw Celle ia Ene Va shia, (he ~12-00 PAL 
miata Mee es eo Cabbls oD Lee2) 
"G Vinita 7 alles aK 
Sf - Ha a Coy (> 
toy | eta een a peor 


S libero. Viseds t 

Nein. 3 : 
Ci LGd eet ae epi en en Pe ik- 
Fann Pig Cintra yeaa Ue et Ares, era 

ie cose Oe 

Pep leeinieb OE, aft 
ramek Fell bey=Ceue. 7 
See ee a efter wonT — 

Vara ae 


STi lla ete 

SO whew Hany Pee e: 


Soft 1Y i elses A een, Larry 20 vie eo LF 

ecatadl eRe Phan Pla a EG0CF cold 
<1n.e 4B, a AY ae 

UI ae AOS Cel VC. 

- rt Lys22 peers 

“Capo he cane 

We eae saat LA ~ ee err_s) len (4A 
Gbe Sct) —_—_— 

Stbbrue MA 

HOGS Ma a Bat (et bits Throgs The 
Cogs beac Lfn€ Pes ee ORTON were 

oy SF 
ae De a oe ae Onc 2 Mw _ Oo ie ose ae eh | Uy tran, - 

i ele wae eee Apt) mn & ehre bre. 
La46 LH a Aa cc tbc fevte 0 M-e Cag eg 29 Fok 
shetty, wh ot Cn ae 

rn bint Fle [ron Ss Cli cepo . (hey Coed st 
D1893 af me Vil Fal . 

The rec of Zl. Ve tn sp Mf Pee: PU ee ee 
Cf Cx Thar Raff ee Le OF wat Pts 
PS Ha Gober en Cfhaye tii eee Sere ah he Late 

plcatat ata Bet Ca os ee ae Me neler d 4 a 
SG, (on Eon as hie ce op Ire, pata, ho 
of. 0, (A sf BL 

re ae i We oe fief oon CR Ve Ad 

tht Ap tp A. frwts és Ve Cac 
Me etn laden en Pet eee 
Cia Mel, Frbcr ¢ Peon bats Salt. Hrve, heir 

CSA we I” Ste ly thd Cy Aird ee 

| /GLe 
off 16 

ahs ; 
ee / 
DO 44K wr 12a. A) xy, 
J al 

lust ave eye Pee) Rene Creek iE enti (Riera: LA ng 
a ey CUA a tC OLA Ur a af Celtic 

Fi MeGk cos furapicc, elem Cale 
§ ck die C8 mn. She eG wt GA 
Lee ee splbotwres Uproea oy Voedut- 

hd oh a e 

4a hone ate re Cc L AT, pA be. poe Ce) 

gael Dees 

Ae A EE Fae ee er 

SEN A Lateef ik foal Athinwd) Hey PS 
ON Man, Tee Chip wert ofp bo he Sn Oo Argh 
eee eee ae Vi hie Lae NZ, Forbert fF. Chen 
Wet xp cn Thode. car es eS CPN a a eens 
he chub. 

Costilice pablire (6) res. tupleactrionat (fer't,) 
“Puebtern cus ect eteelinyton ae 
aay Rie 1 UNO Brees hone 

Sheet te MUN. 
| G¢Zo 

Sop17 Cb), heavy tuned, Adis om Sle, bear, Sl He 
ee Pee 
Ea bs Media taney a lacy ak? a, tr pie 
bole” nest 8) - Sted Toes ua) ut ad seas 
(lee ele ins > Haas “Pe ay ie 

nlp be Feast Nek of useD, 
ba cf sit vara ee Z Vas EVES hee A> Pa Cee iS Ok CONE. 

aS I ae eo: 
or 1 SUaey & es deatey Wea’ nk 

(CLC LLL Kan ot eee 
Lee cme an 

Sees & eo 
OD an oes ae thyl. oa fp us 
OA Su. Beg reeds Oy 
aie: WUerslerer Lau ts 
BONED sca 7 gee OI oe a ee 
wets be aA 

LEY Bengt sf be del 

LEP Ela) Been 

Fe. pS ae y wal 

TTA 47  ¢ i aes 
AE ae ¥e 

Eee ea ir-CAag_ 
fe parr S 


1) Leith pees | fea : 

ag th hey art La bi 

Sel Cay 
Cloar colt racany , wiedy — 
View... tok BYF, ua a reo bi alles 
Thee Vee tee eg La) 0 frin$ Ly : 
Sh ser ty oa ageing re 



VAD Nenloreh ¥ 

ue hee PA. ethene hues Ore bw Ke 


~ fopre LL hie'§, aed fan J pot 5? tne 
bse d Sec pper. Lor supper ) cmmsced 
fromm Uno IS TS 2 Gog Mae PeeLiale. 
coms une sTens om) ore urlh sebln nC ofres,; 

teen bir Uff ve 


(TB, On 

Tapa comabeurer (ke) Carr, 
(Porenlier with Pd cones, Leghton lovers: 

Stblrcrue, pli 
1920 . 
Spt 20 Pree boy wrth wenn tor chard Ra ree bray 

Torte J cat The cme Grr Toe Cft. Par by he FG, 
ries eee ee 


mw {2 parban utrray Tome bane, slot) Ma. 
frig NY PLE hor und Shy ca. s : ce. Seales ace 

Blheax ‘ De Sa ee pepe 
EME D7 Ra RD ICD POD FANS prefect 
oo] - vole Saeaan Kish, A ee ia ot up que | 
uae [pres x uA on hi fhcavra 

rite Cath. A 6 BR 
(tn LE State SO 

eee. 30 fh Hf wb. 
bf fe ER 
ce WERE Te eee oe 

Wie ten! 

— TES 

Prilo, {Reccwen Pr 

Sil bares tee OTE 

es ae as Stolp rn, £4 Co, 
Sept. 24 MM, ) beleoer Jray (8 -Seht.22., 1G LO vat 
C4) ee ss 

St eee 
Apre\e Cwnrer 


eda pea ae df Ceve 

“s ae Apre Cee) 
Cieen ratte (Dal) Oise 3 SZ); 


ie 3 

ae catawthe (ho) Cain, ghee 
J omy mea 



an (Wse2) = U, 


uw J 

«ce et 

Ec AST : eine 
@ pa ee maps Lina Cacee’ 

Stcbhbh re, UP, 

itt he at er 
aoe 17 Oe sof Ci. Ayronets ies ie 
| Soft, 4 J | ; 
L nerprr La. Gracund, mee. Corba Gracuad 

ey 4 



ta 1 cae 
; e 
i Tricky 

OT ay | Oe ays 
“ i eee Ss a el 
| Cun. S Cefphelouwus cecrdiutales a 

ati AT 



3 barns eee Ve 
ce 2 as age nine 
t // Serncent & x 

| 17lo we nella Shelburne ~ = 

(6) a " 
G O6tla tecCin. “Pitty ra 

OT a i , hata CVoiak. AN Type 
ee - a 

Sept. 6 Cealithys pallida (4) Sprect, ms sep Calon ates (fe tl) veg 


brels palleus (FeMo) radu 

C bo Q_ " ns n as iy 

a Z Pain eee of sa vs he, HiBeang 
| : (A) be ee fa ps ifprd, 

a : . 
bsege ea aereloat (lax 
eee / aan (Lp ) Melek. 
s eaule CAV, (what) eng in 

» 36 
a 10 ae LO ee Ge 
J ee WU Caner ie ane Seve oe. 
« " ee bichy) prntleirck, le Chew, Colt te 
G eae 
(oak, hehsach 

ee igs . 


ne ET 

lets tlle Cine Cahill. Gel ee 
fhe b id Whi jatar te ese en (920, 
i See ae! 33 shy.y Um. = 

x aries 

= scLecageer fi Nase 7 
Catefrted Sy AbmEE 

Apa tiun Ch Camenna 
Zs feed vite —s ee L . 
Wei alla veela xz 



CCM  mputflée SON: var, tepelates 
ie » Rete Mi LO ie ee 
Cranium cha eee 

i eine og fete lhBoel. , 

s TNE 7a, 
si Sion a aor ae S elbranlt 
Soma chk LG As 
pe [SIAN GW? 
ce Corin Wet Avs et ee Bo 
Crus (“arliaea XK 
tale, Visa ce a Oe Ane LO ae 

Te roo Vetere. 

cul aren até (Ah, Ca. De, 
ie wi Gf rg. 

3 Cente in4rrm 


ee be 

(pee rare 


VALLEJO, Calif., Ang. 25.—The new 
stup in the constellation Cygnus Te- 
perted yesterday through Harvard Ob- 
seryatory, Was caused by a collision in 
the heavens between a large comet 
ind & comparativelly dim sun, ac cord- | 
ing to information whieh 
Thomas J. J, See of the naval o 
atory at Mare Island announ 
aay he had vecéived from Prof, Charles | 
@. Conroy of Los Angeles. 

The atar forms a tote of the pav- 
> aly arch of Alpha, Gamma and Delta 

Oyeni, Captain See said he had been 
filvised. At present it is of the sec 
oni magnitude and the magnitude may 
be expected to inarease for several 
days but will die down in the course 
of a few months, he reported