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Full text of "Kings Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Militia"

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19 17 

19 17 

HIS EXCKLLKNCY the Governor-in-Council has been 
pleased to approve the following revised " Kinf,''s 
Kejjulations and Orders for the Canadian Militia," and 
to command that they be circulated and jitrictly observed 
oil all occasions.' 

General and other^ Officers Commanding will be held 
responsible that these Regulations and Orders are strictly 
observed, ar.d that any local instructions or regimental 
orders that may be issued are in accord with and directed 
by their spirit and intention. 

Officers are expected to interpret them reasonably 
and intelligently, with due regard to the interests of 
the service, bearing in mind that no attempt has been 
made to provide for necessary and self-evident exceptions. 

All previous orders on the subjects to which reference 
is made in these Regulations are hereby cancelled. 

By Command, 


Acting Adjutant General. 

Ottawa, 1st December, 1917, 





Gcuoral principles , 11* 


The MilitiH Council 10 

General distribution of duties H 

Inspection by Militia Council IS 


Inspector General 13, M, 24 

Duties of Juspoetor!) 15'2;> 



Higher Ooninmnders, and exercise of Powers 

of Command 20 27 

Districts ' 2K 

Command of Station Sy 



Ofllecr Commanding a Military District ?t7-40 

Officer Commanding a Unit 50-65 





Titspcetions — Cl<*neriil IiistrucHoiis 62-8^ 

Inspection of Unit M-9'^i 

Confidential Reports ..: oa-lW 



Composition and Distribution 106-108 


General Instructions lOOUKt 



General Instmotions IIT'IID 

General Staff 120-122A 

Adjutant-Gonerars and Quartermaster-Gen- 
eral's Staffs 123-126 


General Instructions ' 131 

Adjutant, Musketry Instruetor and Begi mental 
Signalling Officer 132-140 



2. DIBTRIOTS i. . . 148-149 



General Instructions 152-154 

Active Militia .-. . . 155-163 

etaff and t*eriaauent Force 166-185 


General Instructions 186- lOQ 

Active Militia .^ 191-194 

etaff and PorinaHent Force 195-201 

3. BANK— 

Brevet Bank .,. 209-209 

Temporary Rank 210,231(o) 

Honorary Bank Sll-217 


Command 218-230 

Procedenca ^ 231-238 


General InstractionB 239-242 


Colonola and Lieut-Colonels . 243 

Aides-de-camp and Surgeons .^ 244-S47 


, J Tliehange or transfer ^' , 248-250 

Mecondod Officers 251-255 


General luatructions , . , .nv. , 250-257 

Corps reserves - 258-260 

Beserve of Omcere ' 2fil\16ri 


Retirement 267-2T2 

Eeaignation 274-2T0 

Removal i *.. . 277-278 

Beducfion, &c., of Corps 27f»-28<J 

Re-employmout, &e.^ of Retired Officors 281-2«a 



1. ENLISTMENT— • Pam. 

Generiil Instructioim 288-295 

Active MUitia 296-3i)2 

Permationt Force 303-314 


Generd InstruotioEs - • ■ 315 



Ranks and Appointments 310-317 

Warrant Omcers 318-327 

Promotion to and in the Non-CommiBsioucd 

Ranks 328-335 

Resignation and Ramoval of N.C.Oa , . . 336-340 

Armourer Section, Canadian Orilnance Corps.... . 341-344 
Armament Artificer Section, Canadian Ord- 
nance Corps ■ 345-350 



General Instructions , .**'>1 


General InstruotioEs 362-30(5 

Active Militia ...:... 367 

Permanent Force '. 308-372 


General Instructions :.,. . 372 

Active Militia ." 374-375 

Permanent Force v : .376-379 

Disposal of Soldier or Discharge ;. ,i . ' 360-387 

Recording Conduct and Character of Soldier. .' 388.390 

Description and Measurement oa Discharge. ;..■ '■ 39J 




GiMim-al liistmctious '. 40;t-440 

ArroHt uml Militury Custody 441-460 

liivoHtigiitioii of OiiiirgCB * 461-47:^ 

yumiiiHiy and Minor Pmiidiineiite 474-490 

Urimkounesa . , . 491-497 

Di'Hertioii of Offcueea against En list incut 498-517 

iJij^cipliuu at Schools of IiiitriictiDii 518-520 


(Jciipral Jngtmetions 521-560 

SfutOHcys of Courts-Martiil 501-575 


Geiierul Instructions C70-577 

fioUlitT under Sentence 578-583 

If.L'nioval of Si>ldior under Sentence 584-590 

Bt'iniHsion of Iniprisoilinent, or Detention 591 

Oommittal to, nnd ,J>i«fliorgo from, Prison or 

Detontiou Barrack 592-590 

Escorts 597-601 

Oalculatiou of Expiration of Sentouce 602 



Genorul rnstructions 60;^-6lS 

Garrison Provost-sergeants 0190iil 

Itoginiental i'rovost-sergcuiits 6iJ2-G2:i 



■ Coueral [nstmcUons ^. (J24 C39,640(i49 

Oflieers' Meetings and Coinniitteea 040-045 



General Instructions fi53-65C 

Roerutts 7. 657-658 

Uefeneo Electric Liglit IVainiug 0u9-661 

GymnaFitic Training OOS-fiOH 

llacliiiie Guns , 604 

Musketry , 665 

Itauge-findiiig - 000 

Scouting 067 

Bignalling 008-670 

; Sketching aui RecounaiBauco 07i 

Swininiiug * 672-673 

8wordsman8liix> • .' • ^^^ 



The Royal Military College ^75 

The Staff College— England, *Io^'S 

The Ordnance College — England bSC-O J_ 


General liatruetioas **?«"??? 

Permanent Schools IVS 'ii i 

Provisional Schools t- iTrtJoX 

Army Medical Sehool !l?"i;S 

School of Musketry !??*i?? 

School of Signalling 740-74^ 

Artificers* Course ■. • • ™'lt. 

Artillery Staflf Course - ■ ^•'"'I?^ 

Farriers' Course ^^^ Ir? 

Long Course '50-707 

Militia Staff Course - • - 7^8-760 


In at ruction in tlio use of First Field Dressing 76J.-761A^ 

Training <jf Stretcher Bearers 702-708 


Reference and Ofiicers' Mess Libraiica 700-772 





General Instructions * 775-778 

Examinations for Promotion up ti> the Rauk 

of Major • * 779-790 

Boords of Examinatioi '^n VJUS 

Proceedings of Boards 790-797 

Examination of a Major— ^Tactical Fitness 

for Gonimaud 798-800 

Exauiinatiou of a Major— P .A.M.O 807-810 

Examination of a Major— O.P.A. V.C 811-812 



General Iiistructioua 813-815 


General Instructions 810-818 


General lustruetions 819-826 

Drills 827-830 

Musketry ^^^ 

Signalling -^^^"qSS 

Gymnastics and Feaciug 837 

Machine Onn Section 838-839 


General Iiatructions 840-849 

Exammations ' S50-8ai 

Examination for the Bank of Colonel 862 



Responsibility for Public Money and Stores 860-870 

Organization of Conipaniee, etc 871-874 

Kits and Private Property of Soldiers 870-87<i 


Roster of DutioB ; 877-886 

Daily Duties S87-89:j 

Guards and Piquets r-. 894-906 

Duties in Aid of Civil Power 907-924 

Working find Fatigue Parties 925-9.12 



General Iiistructiona 933-940 

Regimental Inspectiontt 941 

Medical Inspections 942-944 

Royal Canadian Engineer Inspectiors 945-946 

Army Service Corps Inapectiqnfi 947 

Marching-in and Marching-out Inspestioiis 948-954 

Appropriation and Equipment 955-958 

Sanitation , 959-965 

Precautions Against Pito /, .. * 966-981 

Drill Halls 98^-987 

Be-appropriations, Sitea for Buildings and New 

Buildingu 988-996 

Miscellaneous Barrack Duties 997-999 

Responsibility for Safety of Militia Department 

Wharves, &e 1000 


Married Quarters, Marriages, &c.. Permanent 

I'orce 1001-1004 

Quarters Ganerally 1005-1006 

Officers 1007-1013 

Warrant OHicera 1014-1016 

N.C.Oh. and Men on the Married Roll 1016-1020 

N.C.Os* and Men not on the Married Roll 1021-1022 


General Instructions 1023-1031 

Disposal of Sick .....;..,- 1032-104] 

Medical OlUcers and Hospitals in the l^'iold 1042-1043 

Medical 09icers Doing Duty with Troops in 

Peace , , 1044-1045 

6. BANDS— 

General Instructions 1046-1060 

Musical Training, Permanent Porce 1061-1062 


Officers * Mosses , 1063-1077 

Officers' Mess Contrilutions and Subscriptions, 

Permajtent Force . , , 1078-1091 

Regimenlal and Officers' Mess Eutertaiumeuta 1092-1097 

Active ^Militia 1098-1100 

Sergeants' Messes, Permanent Forco 1101-1116- 

Soldiers* Mossing ani Cooking. , , 1117-1130' 


Permaneit Force 1121-1131 

Active Hilitin 1132-11.33A 


General Instructions 1134-1135- 

Infantry Pioneers and Pioneer Worksliuiw. . . . 1136-114.*i 

Shoemakers ' Shops . , 1144 

Tailors and Tailors ' Shops 1145-1147 

Farriers and ShoeJng-Smitlts 1148-1150 

Cold-Shoers 1161 

Wheelers and Smiths 1162 


Regimental Transport 1153-1155- 

Remounts ^ 1156-1162 

Officers ' Chargers 1163 

Care of Horses 1164 

Casting Horses 1 105-1167 

Disposal of Dead and Disabled Animals 11681170 

lufoctious and Contagious Diseases 1171-1173 

Forage , 1174-117S 

Saddles and Suddiery 1179-llfi2 


General luetructions— Officers 1183-1196 

Active Militia, Staff end Pormaneiit FortL* 1197-119?; 

Sick Leave 1204-1207 

Furlough and Passes, Permanent Force -. . . * 1208-1224 

Passes, &c.. Active Militia ■, . . , ]225-122J> 

.\ttaehed Officers and N.C.Os. at Schools of 

- Instruction 1230-1231 


Cicneral Instruction 1232-1235- 

Chuplaiufi 1236-ia37 

Civilian Clergyni«u 1238-1239' 


Soldier Servants and Orderlies . .. . \ 1240-1246^ 

Officers' and Solddera' Letters ; . . . 1247-1250 

Encampments , , . 1251 

Patents— Trial of Inventions 1352 


1. BY IiAND— I'ara. 

General Instructions . . - 1257-1264. 

Movemcut of Troops by Bail I2t)3-1281 

Transport Hcquisitious . , 12li2-130J 

Marches, &c '. ia02-ia06 

Movt'tiiont cf Horses by Eail. 1307-Iai8 

Movonio'it cf Baggage, Gtuns, &c K^llMjljCl 

Emergency Transport 1334-1 J138 

Movement of Stores 1330-1353 



General Instructions 1358-137f) 

Omcers 1376 1383 

Soldiers l38i)-13i»4 

Ki|uipniout » 1395-1398 

Small Arm Amnmnitiou 131)0-1408 


General InstruetiouN 1409-1418 

Foreign Ordors and Medals 1419-1420 

Loss and Eeplacemcnt 1421-1423 

Vietorla Cross, Distln^uishod Couduot Medal, 

MeritorioiiB Service Medal, &c. 1424-1436 

D.K.A. Badges 1*437 



Preccdonce of Corps 1^^3 

Cor respond! lig Ranks iu tho Army and Navy.. U44-1445 


General Instructions 1440 1450 


General Instructions » - 1451-14G7 

Ofllcial Visits 14G8 

Presentation at a Foreign Court 1469 

Guards of Honour * 1470-1478 

Guards and Sentries 1479-1486 

Mag Stations and Flags to bo ilowu 1487-1491 

Flags in Vessels and Boats 1492-1498 

Salutes in Boats 1499 

Saluting Stations 1500 

Artillery Salutes . .' 150M517 

Military Funerals ' 1518-1526 

Minute Guns at Civil Fauerals 1527 

Salute to I e mains of yistinguished Foreign- 
era, &c 1528-1529 



General lustructious 1535-1551 

Documents and Maps Marked "Secret," 

' ' Confidential, " or " For Official Us* Only. ' ' 1552-1559 


Pc-riodical K^turus l^CO 

CastialtioH, && 1561-1564 

Inquiries Regarding Soldiers ^^^^ 

i. BOOKS— 

General Instmctioiis ., I'^OU 

Militia Books, &e., to bo Kept up by Record 

Offices and Units ; 1567-1572 

Company, &c,, Books . , . '. J5? 

Books— Active Militia 1574-1578 


Officers' Services '• - • ^^^^ }^79 

Soldiers' Services ^^ Jc«o 

Statement of Services 159^ 

Military History Sheet ^ ^^^^ 

Medical History Sheets -. 1*^^4 

Officers' and Warrant Officers* Court-Murtinl 

Records ^^^^ 

Regimental Conduct Sheets 1596-1599 

Ttuard Reports ^^^^ JoJJ 

Company, &c,, Conduct Sliocts IGOMOOd 

Tho Field Conduct Book J604 

Drigiual Proceedings of Regimental Courts- 
Martial 1*5^^ 

Diswosal of Soldiers^ Pocumcnts — Permanent 

Forco 1«^« 

llibtorieal Records . - 1607-1609 

Report of OMeers' Marriages. .. .^.^ JSJS 

Disposal of Obsolete Documents, &c 1611-161 J 



AppeutUx 1 The MUltla Act 274 

n. . . .Chaunelsof Communications In tlio MUltla 'JOO 

in . .AdmlBslon to Natloual Defences SUl 

IV Extracts from the Orlialnal Code r« Official 

Secrets 304 

V Duties at Militia Headquarters 30d 

VI, . ..Syllabus of Courses, ic. Active Mllltla. . 31i 

VH . . .Subject (f ) E.O.E 33ti 

VIH- .Promotloii of Officers, &c., C.O.O., and 

C.A.P,a 341 

12 Promotion, &c., of Officers of thu Corps 

of Guides :i4d 

X. . . . .Ceremonial lustnictions 34(3 

XI Beports !md Betums to be sent to Militia 

Headquarters 348 

XII... Syllabus of tbe Course of Trailing In 

Transport Duties for Infantry Soldiers 35Q 

XIII. .Caretak«rs' Syllabus 356 

xrv. ..Organizition of the ECBerve Militia gijO 


ill these KeguJutiuuHf uulesi the context otherwise requires: 
1* "Minister^' means the Minister of Militia and Defence. 
2. The terra "0.0.0.," "0.0. Division/* "District Officer 
Oommandiaig/' "Divisional Comniander/V **Brigfidft Ooni- 
mander/* and "Commanding Officer/' insludes the officer in 
<.'omniund during the absence of the officer specified. 
;i. "Unit" means Ju the: — 
Cavalry. — A regiment or independent squadron j & Ho.val 
School of Cavalry. 

ntw ^SS^f' )^ •'"'""•y " »».m"»itton coluum. 

Garrison Artillery* — A company in the Permanent Force; 
a regiment or independent company in the Active Militia. 

Engineers. — ^A section, company, or fiejd troop. 

Infantry. — A Permanent Force Eegimeutal Station; a regi- 
ment, battalion, or independent company. 

Army Service Corps* — A company or, in the Permanent 
Force, a detached section. 

Army Medical Corps. — ^A field ambulince or hospital; or, 
in ttie Pcniianent Force, a detached section. 

Canadian Oidnance Corps. — A section or company, 

Oauadlan Anuy Pay Corps. — A section or compaiy. 

Cadets. — A battalion or independent company. 

5. "Permanent Staff" means officers gazetted to and con- 
tinUBualy employed upon the staff of the Militia, but not borne 
upon the cadres of units. 

6. "Permaneut Force'' means such permanently ecnbodied 
units of the Active Militia as ere enrolled for continuous service. 

7. "Rural Corps" means a Corps of the Active Militia 
whicb perfornjs its annual training in camp. 

8. "City Corps'* means (i Corps of tho A<*tnve MiJitiu not 
a rural corps. 

9. "Company, &e.," means "squadroa,*^ "troop,'* "bat- 
tery'* or "company/* 

10, "General Service *' means any military service that may 
be required. 



K. E, & 0* (Canada), 3910, having boen revieed, its para- 
graphs have been re-numbared as indicated in the following 

. A.S.C-- — Army tSurvlno Curiiu. 
A.JE.C. — Army McUfcnl Corpi. 

AuKt. P.M.G.—ABBlBlUIlt P^yiBUS- 

tcr CJfiitfiral. 

D.A.M.C. — Cutiidiun Army Mudical 

-King's Rcgulatioua auil Or- 
durs (CunttiJa), 1910. 

Army Puy 

L\AJ'.C'. — Cutiudiuu 

O.A-S.C. — Cmiiultuii Army S«rvlc« 

O.P.A.— CanndlBn Fiold Artillery. 

C.U.S.a— CorjjB of MilUary SUff 

CO, — Commanding OfRter. 

C.O.C. — CaundUu Ordnauce Corpfi. 

C.P,A.S,C. — CinadUn Permineiit 
Army Sorvlce Oorpa, 

C.R.C.K. — rCommanding Royal Oa- 
nudlnn Engineer. 

D.C.M. — District Court Martial. 

D.E.S. — Director of Euginoor Ser- 

]>.G.M.8. — Director QeDoral oJ Mg- 
dical Services. 

D.O.C— District Omcor Comniand- 

RiQe AEtocta- 

D.H.A. — Dominion 

D. of S. & T. — Director of Sup- 
plicB mill Transport. 

P. A. — Fiold Artillery. 

i'.O. CM.— Field General Court 

0. CM.— General Court Martial. 

O.O.C. — Genera] Officer Oomniaud- 

11. A.— Ho r«o Artillery, 
1/c. — ^Ii) eliargo. 


'Klnx'B Uvguhtlons and Or- 
ders <Itnperiul>, 1012, 

R & 0. — Kiug'a 
and Orders. 


L.S.H. — Lord Stra.ticona Horse 
(Royal CanadiaoB.) 

M.n.— Militia Book. 

M.F.— Militia Form. 

N.CO. — Non-conimlstloned OlHcer. 

O.C — Ofllcer CuQimaudlng. 

P..\.M.C — Pormnncnt Army Modi- 
eul Corps. 

Pa ra. — Faragrapti. 

P. M.a— Principal lledical Officer. 

P.O.O. — Principal Ordnance Officer. 

P.V.O. — Principal* Veterinary Offi- 

K.g.A.— Royal Canadian Artillery. 

R.CD, — Uoynl Canadian Dragoons. 

R.CE.— Royal Canudlun Etigtueers. 

Il.C.O,A. — Royal Carmdlan Garri- 
son Artillery. 

R.CHA. — Royal Catiadian Hors& 

R.C.M. — Regimentn! Court Martial. 

R.C.R. — Royal Cntiadiati Regiment. 

R.M.C — Royal Military College of 

S.O.O.— Sunior Ordutnce Officer. 

3.0. 8.— Staff Orderly Service* 

T.P. — ^Regulations for tho Terri- 
torinl Force. 




















^o longer 







188 -g 








































































207-70, 281 









U7- 23 













. 140-149 












155, ten 





. 132 





654, 821 












































168. 77« 


. 292 




























17*- 180 






















J 708.734.750 
1^ 750,810 




























, 703 













107- 70 














- 275 




173- 77 



■ 320-360 





391 A 


039 ~ 

















355-6. 30O 


































I .266 

















[Afteraiions to these Regulations atid Orders will appear once 
per mouth iu MUitia Geueril Orders. Hetv Paragraphs are 
indicated by a black line in the margin. Should any errors be 
discovered, it is reotiested that they maj at once he pointed 
out, in zvritinej, to the Secretary of the Militia Council. All 
questions relating to Pay are dealt tvith in the Pay and Allow- 
ance Regulations.] 





19 17. 



General Principles, 

1. Tho Militia Force is composeci of Active and Reserve 
Militia. The Active consists oC fighting troops and non-combat- 
ant eervices and departments. It includes a Permanent Staff 
and ?ermanent Porce maintained for the instruction of the 
Militia and available for genemi service. The Ecscrve Militia 
is organized as shown in App. XIV. 

Supplementary to the Militia as educational and training a.O. lOT 

establishmentti are:^ I9lb. 

(a) The Eoval Military College; 

(b) Oflicially authorized cadet corps: 

(c) Ofii daily authorized riile associations and clubs. 

2. The Reserve Formations of tho Active Militia, as distin- KeBorre For- 
guished from the Reserve Militia mentioned in para. L^ com- matiois. 
prise: — 

(a) Corps Keserves, which consist of reaervo units af City h.q. 7 

and Kural Oorps, and include: — i— L3. 

(i.) Qualififld officers, not above tho rank of major, who 
are permitted to withdraw from the training estab- 
lishment of a City or Rural Corps and be carried on ^^^ ^^^ 
the rcaorve list of that Corps. Such officers ire not 
to exceed in number those authorized for the training 
establishment of thft Corps concerned- 
(ii.) "Warrant Officers, non-commissioned officers and men 
of Cit7 and Rural Corps who liave completed not 
less than three annual trainings^ and who d«sire to 
transfer to, enlist or re-engage in, a Corps Keserve 


Faras. S-B 

Militia Headauarters 

Obu, 3. 

Can. 8. 

Can. 4. 

Oan« 6. 

The Miniater. 
Can. e. 

Can. 5. 

Qnn. e. 

Ohannels of 
Can. 7. 

*t Militia 
Can. 8. 

II.Q. B70— 

«n ^^^ D«^".-"*!?«r? "".^ P^'^c^^e, for composition of which soe 
paraa. 2fii to 265 inclunve. 

T^-v:-P\^ ^L""^ °* ^'''''''*^^ ^°' '^® ^litia are laid down in tha 
Mjlitiii Act, Sec. 17. (Sae Appendix I.) 

4. Establish men ts for peace and training of the Militia aro 
issued annually with General Orders. Those establishments ara 
governed by the amounts voted by Parliament for military 
services. "' 

,*.i?:/^'l'*? distribution of the Militia is shown in the quarterly 
Militia List. ^ "^ 

6. The Command-in-Chiof of the Militia is vested in the Kine 
and IB erorciscd and acliiiiuistered by His Majesty or the Gov' 
eraor-Generfll as his representative. 

7. The Minister is charged with and is responsible for the 
adnumstration of MiUtio affairs, and, under the provisions of 
Sec. 7 of the Militia Act, a Militia Council is appointed to advise 
him upon all matters relating to the Militia which he may refer 
to them. (See para. 10 et seq). Us composition, procedure and 
powers are as prescribed. 

8. For tlie purpose of deeoutraliaatioa and command the 
1 rovinces of the Dominion of Canada are divided into Military 
Districts. The Commanding OHieers of these aro responsible ^ 
to the Minister for the emcieney of the military iorces within 
their commands. 

9. The channels of communication throughout the Militia are 
shown in Appendix II. 


The Militia Coimcll. 

10. The Militia Council is composed of seven monibors. as 
follows: ' 

^. The Minister of Militia and Defence— Chai mm n. 

(By Oider-iu-Couuc;l (P.O. 1720) the office of Parliament- 
ary Secretary his been created for the period of the 
European War. The Parliamentary Secretary is ex- 
officio a member of the Militia Council and, in the 
absence of the iliuiater, acts as Chairman thereof, the 
Deputy Minister continuing to act as Vice-Chairman). 

The Deputy Ministar of the Department of Militia and 
Defonee— Vice-Cbairman. 

The iltst military member— Tho Chiof of the General 

The sceond military member— Tho AdjutantQeneral. 

Tho third militury member— Tha Quarternmster-Geuierul. 

The fourth military member — Tie Master-Geaeral of the 

The finance member— Tho Accountant of tho Department 
of Hilitia and Defence. 

With a Secretary to be nominated by the Minister of 
Militia and Defence from among the clerical staff of 
'the Department of Militia and Defence. 

Militia Hcadciuartet'T 

the Cutios at 
Bead quart era 
of the 

0.0. 01— 
Can. 0. 

Qeneral Distribution of Duties. 

11. The duties connected with tho administration of 
Militia are apportioned as follows: — 

Deputy Minister. 

(a) The Deputy Minister, subject to (he general departmental 
duties prescriled for him by statute^ ia charged with: — 

(1) Interior economy of the Militia Department. 

(2) Administration of votes. 

(3) ParliaiLieutary busiaess, including hU proposals for legis- 
lation on military subjects. 

(4) Forma] commuiueatious to Dopurtmeuts, of State, public 
oHieos, and tho outside public. 

(5) The administration of contracts, in eonaultatiau with the 
branches specially concerned. 

(6) Custody of Militia lauds not in military occupation, and 
pirchase of laads for military purposes. 

(7) AdmiuLstratiou of tho civil part of the Dominion 

{H) Militiu Department library and records. 

(i)) Control and distribution of tho clerical and Bubordinato 
Btait* of temporary omi>loyeos iu inside und outside services, 

(10) In thft absence of the Miuistor, he will act for him in 
all matters of ordinary business. 

Chief of the General Staff. 

(b) The Ctiof of the General Staff, as first military member, 
is charged witli: — 

(1) Advice on questions of general military policy. 

(2) Tho organization of the military forces for active sorvico. 

(3) The- military defence of tho Dominion. 

(4) Mobilisation, except as regards admiuistrativo arrange- 

(5) The collection of iiiteUigeuce. 

(ti) The truiuiug of the Military forces, and their employ- 
ment when on active service. 

(7) Musketry. 

(8) Education of oiliceis. h.Q. 050 — 

(9) The control of telegraph and signalling services. 12 — 3. 

(10) Selection and administration in the field, at manoeu- 
vres and at cunips of instruction of the general, staff. 

(11) Preparation, jointly with tho Accountant and Pay- 
mastot-Gcneral, of estimates for tho above services. 


(c) The Adjutant -Gen oral, as second military member, is 
charged with:— 

(1) Baising and peace organization of the military forces. 

(2) Maintenance of the establishments in officers and men. G.O. 1 — 

(3) Distribution of units to stations, and orders for the 1906. 
mobilization of units. 

G.O. 1— 

Para. 11 

Militia Headqaartors 

Militia HeadcLuarters 

Para. 11 

(4) QueslionB relating to the peraonal services of offlcois 
nad men. 

(6) Appointment, proaiotiou and retireraont of officers* 

(6) Honours and rewards. 

(7) Promulg^ation of crders to the Militia, 

H.Q. 660 — (8) Education of warrant ofEeera, non-commissioned officers 

(9) Discipline and interior econom/. 

(10) Ceremonial. 

(11) Administrative arrangements connected with military 
training and education, and with the Boyal Military College. 

(12) Selection and ndministratioi of Adjutout-Geueral^s 

(13) Pref oration of the militia list. 

(14) Threugh the Director General of Medicil Services, 
medical and sanitary qu&stions; compensation for injuries to 
personnel f custody and issue of medical stores. 

ao. 96— \ (^^) Through the Chief Dental OiScer, questions in connee* 
1015. tion with dental services, custody and issue of dental stores, 

I (16) Preparation, joiatly with tla Accountant and Pay- 
master-Qeneml, of estimates for the above services. 

(17) Training^ administration and organization of cadet 
corps and physical training in Public Schools. 

Quartenn aster-General. 

Q,0. 1^ (<^) T^^ Quartermaster-General, as third military member, 

1905. is charged with: — 

(1) The organization, administration and technical training 
of all transport, remount, railway, supply, barrack, ordnance 
and veterinary services. 

( 2) Bottling the reserves of food, clothing, equipment, gen- 
eral stores and materiel to be held in depots, garrieouy or mobi< 
lization stores, and the scxles of such articles to be in possession 
of the troops. 

(3) The patterns of clothing, equipment and ordnance 

(4) Holding and Issuing all military stores. 

(5) Compensation for injuries to Bnimals and materiel. 

(6) Selection of officers for employment in tlio above 

(7) Arrangements for postal services* 

(8) Advising and assisting the Deputy Minister, Militia and 
Defence, in making arrangements for contracts for the above 

( 9) Preparation, jointly with tiie Accountant and P{iymas- 
ter-Gonoral, of estimates for the above services. 

Master-General of the Ordnance. 

G.O. 1— (e) The Haste r-G en e,ral of the Ordnance, as fourth military 

1905. member, is eiarged with: — 

(1) Armament^ including lights and all accessories. 

(2) Sites, designs and armaments for permanent defences 
in concert with the Chief of the QeiLeral Staff. 

(3) Settling scales of reserves of arms of all kinds, of am- 
munition, of vehicles anil of technical cquipnionl of artillery 
and engineer units. 

(4) Patterns, provision, and dnspettion of guna, small arms, 
ammunition, and artillery and engineer technical stores and of 

(5) Technical committees on war mat^riei- 

(6) The administration, otJier than financial, of government 
military manufacturing establishments. 

(7) Patents and inventions. 

(8) The construction and maintenance of fortifications and 
artillery and rifio ranges. 

(9) The maintenance of barracks, hospital, store and other 
buildings and the custody of Militia Dfipartment lands in 
military charge, and the annual inspection of all other Militia 
Department lands. ^ 

(10) The preparation of general plans for all military build- 

(11) The administration of the engineer staff employed ^Ji 
the above sar vices. 

(12) Appointments to the technical inspection staff for 
eugiuoer services and, ii concert with the QuartormasterGeu' 
eral, for ordnance servitca. 

(13) Technical questions affecting artillery and engineer 
services generally. 

(14) Preparation, jointly with the Accountant and Pay- 
master-General, of cstlnjates for the above services. 

(15) Advising the Deputy Minister in regard to contracts 
for guns, ammunition aid inilitary works. 

Accountant and Paymsster-General. 

(f) The Accountant and Pay master- General, as finance G.O. Sl- 
member, is charged witli:-^ 

(1) Keceipt and disbursement of Militia funis. 

(2) Preparation of accounts anil financial statements for 
the Auditor-General, and financial adjustments with other 

(3) Audit of all Militia expenditure. 

(4) Advice on financial matters to the other branches of 
the Department. 

(5) Preparatioui in concert with the other branches eot- 
cerned, of the annual estimates for Militia services. 

(6) Watching the progress of Militia expenditure unQer the 
various appropriations and reviewing proposals for new ex- 

(7) Administration of the Militia Pay Department. 

(8) Matters relating to pay and allowances (in money) of 
the Militia, and decisions as to the proper rates under the 

(9) rin»ncial review of contracts entered into by the De* 

(10) Computation, in concert with the Pension Board, or 
pensions claimed under Militia Pension Act, ani payment of 


Paras. 12-13 

ot priuciiml 
Onn. 10. 

Can, 11. 

I IriFpectO!* a.^noralJy 

(11) Audit of Stores Account, 

(12) Preparutiou of special iluancial state- ucnts and ro- 
turus of a statistical nature. 

Inspection by Militia CoimclL 

12. Whon auy menibor or members of the Militia Council 
niako au mapoctioo, the visit, in tJio absence^ of dircctious to 
llio contrary, vill be offieiol, and all principal officers will at- 
tead, unless thoir attandaneo lias been disponsed ivlth by the 


13. Tho Oider-in-Council defining the duties of the 
Inspector-General, dated Ncvember 17tli, 1904, lays down that 
??v*4.- ' ",""^' *^^ orders and direction of the Minister of 
Militia and I>pfence in Council, inspect and report to the 
Minister of Militia and Defence in Council upon tha training 
UHfl eDimcney of all troops under tho control of the Govern- 
meut of Canada, on tho suitability and efficiency of thoir 
armament and equipment, on the condition of fortifications 
and defences, and, Konerally, on tho rojidiness and fitness of the 
nuUtary forces of Canada for war. 

(ft) By the due performaneo of those duties it will bo 
necessary that, subject to the instructions of tho Minister ho 
bttall; — ' 

(1) By means of inspections at the Annual Camps, at 

local Headquarters and at all stations of the 
Permanent Corps where Schools of lastructiou 
for the Active Militia are hold, ascertain 
wht^ther the tiaining, instructions- and prepara- 
t]0!i for war of the Canadian Military Forces are 
carried out in tho various Military Districts in 
accordance witli tho instructions of the Minister, 
and whether uaiformity of system obtnins. 

(2) Acquaint himself as far as possible with tho mili- 

tary efficiency and fitness for their duties of tho 
senior oflteers of the Militia Force, including in 
thi« category Officers Commanding Districts and 
their senior staff officers, Commanding Officers of 
Units and their seconds in command. 

(3) By moans of inspection, either personally or 

through the Impectors of Cavalry, Artillery and 
Engineers, his assistants, keep the Minister in- 
formed as to the condition and military efficiency 
of tho various arms of the Militia Force us regards 
persounol, armament and eq^uipmont^ (peace, 
* mobilization and reserve, whether in regimental 
or in ordnance charge), and also as to tlie condi- 
tion of all fortrasses and fixed defences ind their 
armament throug;hout Canada. 

(4) Be at liberty to lequire tho Inspectors of Cavalry, 

Artillery and Kngineers, his assistants, either to 

liMa>«ctoni OeneraUy 

Para. 13 

accompany him upon tie occasions of his carry- 
ing out technical inspections of troops of the arma 
0- the service to which they respectively belong, 
or to carry out such inspections separately under 
his orders. 
(5) Submit to the Minister his views on any points 
which come under his notice duricg inspection, 
and which appear to him to require consideration. 
(C) Submit an annual report to the Minister embody- 
ing tho result of his inspections upon tho lines 
above laid lown. 
(b) Ho will exercise his functions with due regard to th« 
system of inspection laid down foi the Militia Force as a 
whole, beoring in mind that the object of an injpeetion is to 
ascertain tlo results achieved by the officer responsible foj" 
the efficiency of the unit or body of troops concerned. His 
inspection of units and his reports thereon will supplement^ 
not replace, those of the Officer Commanding the District n» 
the officer immediately responsible for the efficiency of tho 
troops within his command. 

(o) Ho TV-ill bear in mind that a multiplication of inspec 
tions is undesirable and tends to shorten the timo availablii 
for training. Ho will, thcrcforo, arrange his owe inspections, 
and those of his assist aits, in such manner as to interfere as 
little as possible with tlio training of the troops inspected 
He will avoid purely formal or ceremonial inspections, and 
will bear in mind the desirability of combining, cs far as pos 
siblo, inspection with instruction. 

(d) He ivill, as far .as possible, inspect the units of the 
Permanent Force as well during the periods allot«d to Courses 
of Instruction for the Active Militia as during the aummei 
training, in order to ascertain both their own knowledge and 
efficiency and the manner in which thoy impart that knowledge, 
(o) To facilitate the general system of inspection, Officers 
Commanding Districts will submit to Militia Headquarters, by 
the 15th of January in each year, a stateihent showing: 

(1) The proposed dates for commencing and concluding 

the annual training of each City Corps under their 

(2) The programme of training proposed for each City 

Corps, showing the stages intended to be reached 
at given dates. ^ 

(3) Tlie programme for the annual training of -the 

Permanent Corps units under their command, in- 
cluding the dates proposed for musketry and gun 

(4) Tie dates and places proposed for annual training 

of Rural Corps. 

(f) The direction of any important manoeuvres, or Staff 
Tours, may, under special circumstances, bo entrusted by the 
Militia Council to the Itspector-General. 

(g) Tho Inspector-General is authorized to make such visits 
Bf inspection, either personally or by deputy, as he may think 
necessary at any timo. He will not, however, undertake 
joarneys of inspection to distant paits of the country (such 
» the Military Districts of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta 

Paras, 14-17 

luapectorB Generally 

Oan. 12. 

Piinoiples of 
Ou, 13. 

Opinion tjo bfl 


Ota. 14. 

[Eflpeotor of 

Ota. IS. 

and British Columbia) without the previous concurrence of 
the Minister. 

(i) In order to meet the difficulties consequent upon the 
large area of the JDoniinlon, the number of units to be inspect- 
ed and the limitations imposed by the seasons, the Inspector- 
Generiil will le assisted, vhere necessary^ by selected senior 
odcerg under the direction of the Militia Couueil. 

14. To assist the Inspector-General in carrying out his 
duties in regard to the technical inspection of tlie various 
blanches of the service, the following inspectors are ap* 
pointed: — 

Inspector of Cavalry^ 
- Inspector of Artillery (Horse, Field and Heavy), 

* Inspector of Artiller/ (Coast Defence), 
Inspector of Engineers. 
Inspectors of Artillery will arrange their itineraries and 
submit tlism for approval to the Inspector-General. 

Duties of Inspectors of OavaLry, Artillery and BagineerB. 

16. Inspector Inspectors of Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers 
will inspect under the orders of the laspector-Geaeral^ trans- 
mitting their reports through the Secretary of tlie Militia 
Council. Sucli inspections will be conducted ou the same 
piineiples as those laid down for the Inspector-Goaeral, with 
tfais difference, that, while the latter examines into the effi- 
ciency of the various units for service from the point of view 
of their value to a General commaudijig an army ia the iield, 
an Inspector iaquires into the technical efficiency ol each unit 
from the point of view of an expert in the technical working 
of that branch of the service. Further, an Inspector will be 
required to ga into greater detail than will the Inspector- 

16. An Inspector will record his opinion upon the technical 
cMciency of the Officers, Warrant and N.C.Oj, and men of a 
unit, the class of recruits, the handling of the troops, the 
standard and system of tmining (satisfying himself that the 
iostructions in the training manuals are adhered to}, upon the 
horses and the quality of the remounts, upon the condition 
of the armament and arms, the suitability, condition and com- 
pleteness of equipment, especially technical equipment, the 
condition and suitability of clothing, the regimental books and 
system of bookkeeping, the mobilization arrangements, and 
generally all that affects the readiness of the forces for war. 
He will repoit upon any matter into which the Inspector- 
General instructs him to Inquire. He will take note of and 
eacourago suggestions for the improvement of training or 
promotion of efficiency, bringing to the notice of the Inspector- 
General any that he may consider worthy of attention. 

17. The Itspector of Cavalry will further report upon 
musketry and signalling, the riding of officers and men, the 
condition and suitability of saddlery and harness, the horse- 
mastership and system of stable management, and such mat- 
tors of interior economy as are peeullar to the mounted 

Inspectozs GeneraUy 

Parls. 18-20 

18. The ofScer who inspects horse and field (including heavy Horjo and 
field) artilbry will also report upon ammunition columns and Jj.^|ig™ 
artillery practice camps, and partiaularly upon the conduct c^n^ {-j^ 
and results of the annuel gun practice. When inspecting horse 
artillery, ho will satisfj himself as to its capacity for acting 

with cavalry* He will report whether the harness, saddlerj, 
equipment and ammunition are complete and in good order, 
whether important alterations to matfiriel have been earrioil 
out, whether artificers are properly trained and efficient, and 
whether the equipment is uniform tliroughout. He will report 
upon the riding of officers :ind men, their horseuiastership anil 
the system of stable maiagement, and those mattars of interior 
■economy in which the artiUery as a mounted corps dilFers from 
the infantry. 

His reports on units will emhrace efficiency in rangS- 
iindiug, ganlaying, fuze-setting^ observation of fire, and 
signalliug, including telephony. ' 

19. The officer who inspects garrison artillerj will inspect GaJ^riaou 
all garrison artillery units in their special duties. He will test '^^'Jl^^'-^-g 
Oieir knowledge of artillery tactics, gunnery, signalling, elec- 
tricity, use of the telephone, mechanism, etc., possessed hf 
odlcers and N.C.Os., thoir acquaintance with the part assigned 

Ko them iu the local defence scheme, and their ability to in- 
struct their subordinates. Ho will iirect special attention tii 
the accurate and rapid liandling of guns and ammunition. The 
results of the annual practice in eack unit will be sent to him. 

He will report on the supply of armamentsj the efficient 
working of guns, mountings and materiel. — ineludiiig movabl[> 
armament and position finding and other instruments — and the 
.proper distribution and delegation of artillery control. 

Ho will also inquire into the procedure for regulating tho 
aiaritime tiaffic at defended ports in time of war, and will 
fee the regulations practised by daj and night at his inspec- 
tions; and, in communication with tiie Inspector of Engineere, 
t>r, in his absence, with the CK.CE. concerned, he will satisfr 
himself as to the efficient working of defence olBctric lights.' 

20. The Inspector of Engineers will inspect all engineer inspector of 
units in regard to their technical efficiency, and to the points En gineert. 
mentioned in M.F. — B. 281, '* Inspection Beports'*; and, Id ^^^' l^* 
communication with the Inspector of Garrison Artillery, will 

satisfy himself as to the efficiency of coast defence works and 
electric lighting. He vill test tho acquaintance of officers, 
warrant officers and N.C.Os. with the part assigned to them 
iu the local defence scheme and their ability to instruct thoir 
subordinate!. Ho will report as to the condition and suit- 
abilitly of «H Engineer warlike matirlol. 

He will report upon the class sf man in tho ranks of 
Engineer units, especially as regards physique, education and 
trade qualifications, and whether tho proper proportion of tho 
various trades is being maintained, and, for permanent unitsj 
■^ethor th9 training of young officers, recruit and special 
classes of IT.C.Os. and men is satisfactory, and tho tests foi 
trade qualiiicQtions uniform and sufScient. 

Paras. 21-23 

Inspectors Generally 

Judge Advocate Generiil, Command 

Puna. 25-28 

Inspectors of Administrativa Services. 

A. S. O. 

CrtD. 20. 

tl.O. 100- 
■ Bcrvires. 
Can. 21, 

0,0. 100— 

Inspector of 

Can, 22. 

21. The Inspector of the Army Service Corps will inspect 
the several units of the corps with a view to informing the 
Quartermastcr-Oeaoral as to their techiical c£Qciencj, and to 
e-v raring unifonnitj- in their training, oigaaization, equipment, 
ani transport arrangements. 

He will inspect the various supply, transport and barrack 
establisbments existing at stations, Including the civil em- 
ployees of the Oanadinn Poijmanont Army Service Corps. 

Where supply depots ara established, he will report upon 
thfl quality of aupplios producod and the efficiency with which 
th* duties connected therewith are performed. 

When inspeefcing transport, he will ascertain whether full 
value is obtained from existing establishments (animal, me- 
clunical and water), and that unnecessary hiring is avoided. 

As regards barrack se/vices, ho will ascertain whether 
these are efficiently and economically conducted. 

Ho will report upon any courses of instruction hold by the 
Permanent Array Service Corps. 

He will report to the Quartermaster-General. 

22. The Inspector of Medical Services will inspect all units 
of the Army Medical Corps, and will report whether all ranks 
aro thoroughly acquainted With their duties. 

He will report on: — 

(a) The physical and sanitary efficiency of the forces, 

ani on any precautionary or remedial measures 
relating to barracks, encampments, garrisons, 
otatione, hospitals, diet, dr«as, drills, duties, &c., 
which may, in his opinion, conduce to the health 
aui comfort of the' troops, and the prcYention or 
mitigation of disease. 

(b) The medical examination of men on enlistment, 

physical trainiag of recruits (Permanent Corps 
only), and whether the gymnastic courses, drills 
or duties subject the mon to undue strain. 

(c) The methods of tneaieal administration in Military 

Districts, with a v pw tt ostablishing % uniform 
system throughout the Fores. 

(d) On the adequacy of the sanitary instruction afford- 
' ' ed to the, Militia Force, aad also on courses of 

infitructioii conducted by the Permanent Army 

Medical Corps. 
. " He will inspeet all military hospitah, whether in barracks 
or In camps. 

He will report to the Adjutant-General. 

23. The Inspector of Ordnance Services will inspect all 
units of the Canadian Ordnance Corps, and will intiuire into 
an! report upon the methocls by which the various duties of 
the Corps are carried out; the knowledge of the oflQcers and 
personnel as regards the detail of their work; the condition of 
all ordnance buildings and of the stores therein. 

. He will insfeet ordnance stores and mobilization aquipment 
iu charge of tlie Ordnance Corps and will report, when neces- 

saiy, upon tie peace equipment of units. He will also inspect 
the civil establishments of the Orduaice Corps. 

Ho will report to the Quartermaster-General, 

24. In addition to the inspection of the Departmental Corp^ inspect ton by 
by the Innpeetors duly appointed for that purpose, tl»elu8i>ecj:or- 
Inspector-General will mike inspections of such Corps when- q q. ioo— 
ever he coueidors it advisable. lOll. 


25. Tiio duties of the Judge*Advocato-Goueral are: — 

(1) To review the proceedings of General and District 
Courts-Martial, and, whore irregularities appear tiiereiu, to re- 
port on tto ."tame for the information of the Minister in Militia 

(2) To keep a record of the proceedings of General and 
District Courts-Martial and of their final aiEpositions. 

(3) To advise convening and confirming ollitcis on all 
questions relating to military law, courtp-martial and the fiile^ 
of procedure, when the advice is sought Ihrougk tho proper 
channel. .... 

(4) To perform such services as may be assigned to him m 
connection with tho rcs'ision of tie Militia Law and the 

(5) To advise tho Department cu questions of a purely 
legal nature when required to do so. 

Higher Commanders' and Exercise of Powers of Command. 

26. Tho Minister, being charged essentially with tho a^LdmlDiBtra- 
iiiiuiRtration of the Militia force, decides what is to be donej tlon. 
in all questions altectinj; the Militia, and issues his instruc- Can. 24. 
tions accordingly, but tl;o actual couimand and the issuing of 
orderfl for carrying out these instntetioa.'j are tho duties of 
the executive commanders in the Military Districts throughout; . 
tho country. 

27. Tlie higher commanders of the Militia ar« the Officers Higber 
Commanding Military Districts, one of whom is appointed to Coraiuanders. 
command and administer such units as are quartered in hii *-""■ ^^• 

28. Tho Military Districts into wMch Canada is divided, aKCommanda. 
per para. 8, are as follows: — GO. la — 

The Contities of Kssqx, Kent, Lcmbton, Elgin, Middloscx, ^tutary 
Oxford, Waterloo, Wellington, Pertl, Huron and Bruce are District 
formed into Military District No. 1, with Headquarters at^*** !■ 
London, Ontario* , 

The Cmmties of Lincoln, WelUnd, Haldimand. Norfolk, ffJlitary 
Brant, Wentworth, Hal ton, Feel, York, Ontario, Grey, Dufferin, JJi"*""' 
Simcoe: the Districts ol Muskoka, Parry Sound, Algoma and 
Kipissing, north of the Mattawa and French Rivers (including' 
tho Townships of Ferris and Bonfield) are formed into Militarj 
District No, 2, with Headquarters at Toronto, Ontario. 




No. 8, 


No, 6. 

No. 6. 

No, 10. 

No. 11. 

No 12. 
No 18. 

Imp* 86. 

Tlio CountiCB of Durham, Nortliuinberland, Victoria, Potor- 
borougti, HastingB, Prince Edward, Lectiox, Addingtou, Fron- 
tenac, Haliburton, Carle twi, Dundas, Glengarry, Renfrew, 
Btssell, Stormont, GrenviUe, Lanark, Leeds, Preaeott, the 
District of Nipiflsing south of Mattaim Eiver (eicluBive of 
Townsliips of Ferris and Bcnfield), in tlie Province of Ontario, 
and the Countias of Wright, Labello and Pontiae, in tbo Prov* 
ince of Quebec, are formed into Military District No. 3, with 
Headquarters at Kingston, Ontario, 

The Counties of Jacques Cartier, Hoeholaga, Laval, Vaudre- 
uiJ, Soulauges, Napicrville, Beauharnoia, Chateauguay, Hunt* 
ingdoo, Laprairie^ Argentoiiil, Terrebonne, Two Mountains, 
Montcalm, L 'Assomptiou, .Tolictte, Berthier, Maskiuongo, St. 
Maurice, Three Bivers, Bt. John's, Iberville, MisBissqiioi, 
Brome, ShcfTord, Rouville, Ohambly, Vercheros, St. Hyaointhe, 
Bagot, Drumm^nd, Richelieu^ Yamaska, Nicolet, Arthabaska, 
Sherbrooke and Stonstead are formed into Military^ District 
Nc. 4, with Headquarters at Montreal, Quebec. 

The Counties of Wolfe, Richmond, Oompton, Boattco, Belle- 
cbaaso, Bonaventure, Dorclester, Gaepe, Kamouraska, Levis, 
L 'Islet, Champlain, Charlevoix, Chicautimi, Montmorency, 
Quebec, Portnouf, Sagucnar, Lotblniorc, Montmagn]^, Megan- 
tiCf Rimouski and Temiseoiiata are formed into Military Dis- 
trict No. 5, with HoadquarterB at Quebec City, Quebec. 

The Provinces of Nova Scotia, Now Brunswick* iind Priiict 
Edward Island are formed into Military District No. 6, with 
IlLadquarters at Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

The Province of Manitoba and the Territory of Kcowatin 
aui the DistriutH of Thunier Bay and Rainy River, in the 
Province of Ontario are formed into Military District No. 
10, with Headquarters at "Winnipejg, Manitoba. 

The Provinct* of British Columbia ie formed into Military 
District No. 11, with Headquarters at Victoria, British 

The Province of Saskatchewan is formed into Military 
District No. 12, with Headquarters at Begina, Saskotehewan, 

The Province of Alberta and the Territory of Mackenzie 
are formed into Military District No. 13, with Headquarters 
at Calgary, Alberta. 

Oommand ,of Station, 

29. The senior combatait officer at a station will, in all 
cas^s, be held responsible for the mamtenance of discipline 
and order at the station, aid to that ettent will be the com- 
mander of all troops stationed there. 

He vfiW, further, command any troops at the station the 
command of which is not specifically otherwise allotted. 

I Ho is not responsible for, and is to avoid interfering with, 
adm'inistrative arrangements which are controlled by the 
of&cer i/c administration. 

In tne event of orders being issued to the troops, or ad- 
ministrative arrangements being made which, in his opinion, 
ara not suitable to the requirements cf the statioa, he will 
represent his ylews to the officers concerned. 

^ While tbe war laKts and until demoblliEatioQ has been completed 
the Province of New Brunswiok has been oonBtltuted a separate and 
inlependent corotnand to be Icoown aa MUtt»ry Distriot No. 7. {H.Q. 



Paras. 30-35 

If in his oDinion» immeaiate action is required, he will deal 
with the matter on his own reaponsibiliiy* reporting to superior 
authority the reasons for his intervention and the nature of 
the orde'rs issued by him. 








Par& 36-37 

Duties of Comiuanders 



^T**'f>Q , 36. The Go;rernor- General, as the King^s roprfiseutative, 

gun. 39. will give the "word*' (paiole) in all places withiu the Gov- 

Cau. SO 
G.O. 18- 




Offlcora Oonjmanilng MiUtary Districts. 

37. Subject to tlio regulations and to tLo iustructious iBsucd 
troui time to time from Militia Headquurt&rs, a District Oilicer 
Cojiimundiiig will oxeietse military command over ill troops 
within his District; within that area he is the repr«3ontative 
of the Minister of Militia and Defence and he is charged with 
and responsible for: — 

(a) The administration of discipline within his command, 
flp ift hereby onipowcred to convene district courts martial 
for the purpose of trying an/ man of the Militia who is within 
his district and who is subject to military law and to the 
Militia Act, tha Army Act and the regulations made under 
the authority of those Act», and who is charged with any 
otreiico under either of said Acts, and he is hereby enipowereJ 
to confirm tiie iindiiigs of «ueh Courts, and to approve, con- 
firm, mitigate cr remit the sentijnces of such courts, an;l to 
cause such sentences to be put into oxectttion according to the 
provisions of the Militia Act, the Army Act, and tie regula- 
tions made under the authority of thoso Acts; andj further, 
he is empowered to appoint Judge-Advotates and such Judge- 
Advocates shall have authority to cxeiciso the powers and 
perform the duties set out in No. 103 of the Rules of Proccduro 
made under the authority of Section 70 [1) of the Army Act, 
and to ox^r cife generally the fuuetJons which by said rules are 
allotted to a Judge-Advocate in relation to a court martial 
convened under the authorit/ of tlio Army Act. 

The ofi^'jf^r duly ax^poi^teil i" Militia Orders to aflministcr 
a District during the absence of tho District Officer Command^ 
iniT, is hereby given the same powers as a District Oflicer 
Commanding hat to convene District Courts Martial, to ap- 
point Judge-Advocates, to confirm the findings of such courts, 
and to approve, confirm, mitigate and remit their sentences, 
and to cause such sentences to bo put into execution, 
(b) The efficiency and interior economy of the troops. 
<c> The military training of the offlcors and soldiers under 
his command. 

(d) The arrincjements for mobilization and the main- 
tenance of mobilization equipment. 

(e) Maintonauce of the firmament, works and buildings. 
<f) Economical control of all expenditure whether money, 

supplies or stores. 

(g) The propsr conduct of all departmental services. 

(h) Compilation of the necessary estimates for all services. 

(i) Kocruiting and discharges. 

(k) Tho inspection of, and report on, all units of tho 
Permanent Force and Active Militia within his command, 

Duties of Commanders 

Paras. 38-41 

(1) Orders regulating admission to the defence works and 
buildings, as laid down in Appendix EL, being strictly en- 
forced, and . , , -iv . -« 
(m) That all ranks in his command are acquainted with imp. 62. 
their duties on mobilization and in connection with the local 
defence scheme^ and that those concerned have such access 
to the scheme as is necessary for the yto^er performance of 
those duties. 

38. lie will further be responsible: — , Can. si. 

(a) That tho money voted by Parliament is not ox- 

pRided without duo authority under the rules laid 
down by Parliomont. 

(b) That the sums allocated to tim under the various 

votes are not knowingly exceeded. 

39. The local heads of services and departments ore entire- Local hoad» 
ly und-jr his orders for all purposes, subjact only to tUe control of SetTicw, 
on purely regimental questicns which may be vested in officers ^^^ 33 
administering the cjorps concerned. , ^ ^i. * , r j 

40. The powers entrusted to this offiaer are limited to the Limit ol 
foliowinc subjects, with wlieh he is cliarged:— ^*'of""88. 

(a) Discipline.— See Part. 37. , . , 

(b) Service.— All matters affecting th© enlistment, enrol- 
ment, rockouiuif of service and discharge of men of the Perma- 
nent Force and Active Militia, except aischarga for unfitness 
foi the duties of an instructional corps. 

(c) Training.— The drill and training of all corps of the 
Permanent Forte, Active Militia and Cadet Corps. 

(d) Instruction.— The control of all schools of mstruction 
within his command, as regards the detail of oiEicers for 
eotrees, tho instruction and accommodation of officers and men 
of the Active Militia attached, and tha interior economy of 
tht schools, including messes and canteeaa. . , „ , 

(e) Inspection.— The inspection of barracks, drill halls and 
otler Government buildings, of arms, ammunition, equipment, 
clcthing and stores of all descriptions in charge of units of 
tht) Permanent Force and Active Militia, except technical 
artillery, ongineor and medical stores. 

(i) Equipmant. — Tho issue and reiura to store of arms, 
ammunition, equipment an! stores required by units within 
his District within the scales laid dowa in tlie King's Eegu- 
lations and Orflers for the Militia and the Equipmeat Regula- 
tions for the Militia. 

(g) Leave.— The grant of leave or furlough within Canada 
to officers and soldiers of the Permanent Force and Active 
Militia, for periods not exceeding one month per annum. 

(h) Eeturm. — The collection of all returns, states, &o*, 
necessary for tho administration of units of the Permanent 
Ferce and Active Militia within his command, and the col- 
laiion of such returnb, &c., as arc required by Militia Hoad- 

41. An Ofliter Commanding a Difltriot will be responsible DtcoAse of 
for notifying to Militia Headquarters tie death of any officer, Oflcara. 
whether on a Reserve or other list within his command. O.O. ^»"* ***• 
urits will similarly report t<^ Officers Commanding Districts. 
Tie death of a Commanding Officer will be reported by the 
next in command. 


9.0. 18— 

Paras. 42-£0 

Duties of Oommaudera 

Short Annual 42, Tiio Officer Commanding a District will furnish an- 
Can 'as aually, in tijue to reach MUitia Headquarters by the 1st 
February, a abort general report upoa the state of his com- 
jtianil and tho troops under his orderg, bringing to notice in 
tin append!^ any shortcomings therein, and making suggestions 
for rectifying the same and for generally increasing the efl^- 
cioucy of the trooiw. (See equiijment Hegulatious, 1908. Part 
L, Para. 76.) 

^^cJu^^flo*^*' *^* Officere Commandiig Districts are responsible for ob- 
taining all possible information concerning the military re- 
sources of their commands «s well as their military features. 
Under eircMiiKstanees whea active service appears immiuent, 
tkey are furtlior rospoiniille for the proper disposition of tho 
troops, whether for offensive or dofcniivo oporatioas. 
Leave of 44. An Officer Commanding a Distfiet will not under any 

000*^^87 circumstaucos quit tho area of his command without permis- 
sion, and, in applying for leave of absence, he will specify tho 
Trespass and o^Gcor on whom his command will devolve. 
JnUi"ciVil* ^^' ^® ^"^^'^ prevent trespass upon private property by 

Aathorltiea. *^^^P^ i^ his oommaud, and will maintain friendly intercourse 

Can. 88." with magistrates and other functionaries. 
Koport of 46, Ho will immediately report all cases in which the 

" Can 39 ~ t'o^pa have been engaged in riots or disturbances, cither 
among thcuisuivos, or when civilians have been concerned, and 
will further report tho result of his inquiries into tiio circum- 
OfSc'al 47. He is tosponsible tlat all persoas employed under him 

Cim**40 *^'^ made acquainted with the provisions of the Criatinal Code 
of Canada regarding oflicial secrets, and a record that this has 
been done will be kept in every staff, regimental, and depart- 
mental office. (See Appendix IV.) 
iiejirislon of 48. He Will revise anunally the schemes for the defence 

Bctcnies **^ f ortre8.«fC8 oi defended ports in his command, and ivill render 

LJan. 41. *^^ Militia Heail quarters on tho Ist of I'obruary copies of such 
rei^iscd schemes. 
Sc»pj of 49. As schemes of dcfeaco should deal only with tho men 

'*l'«ii"4i(«) ^"^^ materiel actually avaiUble, or titat can be made available 
on ouiergency., the annual revision should represent the plan 
on vfhicb the cflieer would defend tho place with tLe existing 

Of&cer Commanding Boyal Canadian Garrison Artillery, 

49A. Tho O.O.E.C.G.A. commands tie E.C.G.A. allotted to 
the co:istt deforces; he is responsible for tho care atid preser- 
vation of the guns, ammunition, and artiilerey matflriel in 
charge of the E.C.G.A, under his orders. 

Dutien of Commanding Officers of Units. 

Responsibility 50. A Commanding Officer is responsible, under his com- 

hf/offi""""**" ""'^'**"' ^^ *fJEfE KING for the maiotenance of discipline. 

QiD. «.* efficiency and proper system -n the unit under his command 

lie should possess a thorough practical knowledge of Military 

Duties of Commanders 

Fsras^ Gl-58 

Law and of all rules and military regulations, and should 
exact from oflicors and men implicit obedience to liegulations. 
He is not oaly to enforce by command, but to encourage by 
CJrample, the energetic discharge of duty. 

51. He will, by advice and by timely intervention, en- Disputea. 
flcavour to promote a good understanding and to prevent dis- *-'*"- **• 
[)ute&. He is to discotintenance any lispositiou in his officers 
to gambling, drinking or extravagance. He is also to check 
any tendency to what are termed practical jokes, and, wheu-Q^,^i,|.jj ^j 
avor any serious case re<iuiring his intorveution arises, ho is practical 
to record the niauner in which it was disposed of, and submit lokea. 
:he same at the next insfiection of his command. 

62. Commanding^ Officers are to give tlieir Bt)ecial conn- Qan. 40. 
tenance and protoc+ion to those officera who may, from motives 
of economy, be unwilling to join in flny proposed expense. 

53. Commanding Officers are to paj partieuJar attention toHeaUh of 
tho preservation of the health of the troops. The responsibility troops, 
for efficient supervision and for the remedy of sanitary defects ^^^- *'^' 
rests upon Commanding Officers and, through thcni, upon 
iobordinato torn m and ors. Medical olDeers are eliarged with 
advising all Officers Commanding on those subjectSt and the 
htter will incur grave responsibility if such advice is neglect- 
ed without adeqtmte reason. 

61. Comnisuding Officers will supervise and control all Duties, 
duties performed by those under their command, nnd will be Can. 48. 
lield aceountablo for public equipment and stores, of whatever 
ilosrription in tlieir charge. ^ 

65* Commanding Officers are responsible for the correct Supplies, 
receipt and issue of all supplies, and for daily issues being Can. 49. 
inspected and weighed in the presence of an officer, to ensure 
nen and horses receiving the qualitj and weight to which 
they are entitled. 

66, Whenever armed parties are <alled out for the per jjutiea u i 
formunce of any unusual duties, Commanding Officars arc per- ^rms. 
sonully to asaertaiu that the officers in charge are fully ac- Can, 50. 
quainted witL all orders and directions that bear on the sor- 
\i(.'e they maj be called upon to perform. 

57. Commnndiag Orlicers are to eatse every order and cir- orders, 
cular issued for general information and guidance either to Can.* si. 
he republished in regimental orders or otherwise circulated 
ttiroughout thriir corps, ami they are to afford all oiBcers under 

ttieir command every facility for becoming acquainted with 
changes in the regulations and orders. Ignorance of published 
orders cannot be admitted as an excuse for their non-observ- 
ance. Orders relating to soldiers' pay and accounts, or to 
any matter r-'quiring special explanation, will bo read and ex- 
plained to thsm immediately after such orders are received; 
nnd those of & more important nature ivlU bo read to them on 
tliree successive parades. Kvery circLuistance which, in any 
way, affects a man's pay or service is to bo publislied in rcgi- 
mental ordersj Part II., immediately after its occurrence. See 
para. 1572. 

58. Commaading Officers are responsible for the proper ap- nejcimental 
plication of all regimental funds, and will supervise and control f»nd«. 

the oommittoes formed for their management. Can. 52. 


Faras. 59-66 

Duties of Eeglmental Offl^cers 

Audit Board. 
Inp. 104. 

69. As soon ns the nccouuts for tbe luoutli aro rcatly, the 
CO. of eacli permanent unit will aBsemble an audit board, 
coiwisting of the three neit senior oiliccis present. 

The accounts of the officers* mesa^ wiae and billiard funds, 
baui, sergeants' mesa, regimental institute, workshops, and 
all charitable anfl other fuads will bo laid before it. The 
board will examine all vouchers, and will satisfy tliemselves 
that liabilities arc not omitted from tho balance sheet, that 
audFls are not overestimated and that tho cash credits are 
actually available. 

The balance of the funds wlU be entered in tho proceed- 
ings, and tho board will reccrd thereon that these instructions 
havB been carried out. Th» proeeodings will be laid before 
tho 0.0. for approval, and placed before tho Officer Command- 
ing the District at bis annual inspection^ 

60. Officers la temporary command of units will lot issue 
any BtanrTing orders, nor alter those which are at tho time in 
foice, nor authorize the application of ' regimental funds to any 
purpose other tliau tho ordiaary current expenditure, without 
reference to the permannt commanding officer. On the other 
hanJ, an officer white absent from, and not in tho exercise of, 
his command cannot issao rogimeutal or other orders relating 
to Buch command. 

61. A Commanding Officer is responsible that his officers 
are thoroughly instructed in all professional duties and pre- 
pared for exdani nation for promotion. 

62. Commanding OlEcers will often direct field oflicerB and 
captains to take command on parade, and to exercise tho unit* 
They will encouiago subaltera officers to qualify for the duties 
of tdjutant, both in the field and in the orderly room, and will 
afiford thera evoiy facility for so doing. 

63. It is the duty of a Commanding Oflieer to bring espe- 
cially to the notice of the iuspeoting officer any^ officers who 
may be distinguished for pfoficioncy in their duties. He will 
also bring to notice thoso who, from incapacity or apathy, are 
deficient iu a knowledge of their duties, or do not aiford him 
that support which he has a right to expect, or who conduct 
themselves in a manner injurious to tha efficieuey or credit 
of the corps. ^ 

64. Commanding Officers are responsible that the service 
and company, &c,, rolls are properly made out and corrected 
from time to time. 

65. Nothing more essentially tends to the maintenauco of 
regularity and good order than a definite system or chain of 
resfonsibility which should extend from the highest to the 
lowest grade. 


Field OfflcGCS and Captains. 

Seubr olBcerB 

to aipervise 66. Field Officers should make themselves thoroughly ac- 

aQd assist quaiated with tho professioaal abilities and acquirements of 

cl"*69. all officers placed under their supervision, and Officers Com- 


OfQcars in 



Csa. 63. 

O.C. to traia 

his officers. 

Otn. 64. 

b:r O.O. in 
the Aeld. 
Omi, 55. 

and conduct 
of olRcQrB to 
be rgported. 
Oin. 56. 

Oompanr, &6., 
Osn. 67. 

Chain of 
Oon. 68. 

Duties of Beglmental Officers 

Paras. 67-76 

manding Companies, &e., should acquire similar knowledge - 
with regard to their subalterns. 

67. It is the duty of regimental fieia officers to assist and t* support 
support their Commanding Officer to the utmost of tloir ability CO. 

in all matters relating to the efficiency and interior economy ^*°- ^o. 
of their corps; and, in the absence of tlie Commanding Officer, 
tbe senior regimental officer will act for him. 

68. It is tho duty of tho Officer Commanding a Company, Company, &c 
&c., in Rural Corps, and in such City Corps as do not keep their rolls, 
service rolls ragimcntally, to make and keep at all times u <^«*»' 01- 
correct service roH thereof, iu such fjrnis as His Majesty 

directs- It is also tho duty of all such officers to keep correct 
ncmiual rolls, posted up to date, of their companies, &c., iu 
which will be recorded all drills performed and all other neces- 
sary information concerning the men utider their command. 

69. It is the duty of evtry Officer Commanding a Company,™-- ,. 
&c., to endeavour to keep it at full strength by tho enrolment, Can. 62.' 
from time to time, of men to fill vacancies therein. ' 

70. Every Officer Commanding a Company, &c-, whether iKsspoosibiiity 
temporarily or otherwise, is charged with the oquipmout, am- of officers 
munition, clothing and public stores appertaining tlicreto, and "oaimauding 
is aocountablo fur them. He is responsible for the men 's ''*'cSn oS " 
nus&es and noteasariea being properly provided. II« will pay " ' • 
attention to the cleanlinesB of the men and to that of their 

clothing, arms, accoutromeats, barracks or quarters. He is 
bound to take charge of, and is responsible for, all money 
received on account of his eompany, &c. 'He will take special 
care tliat such money is eicponded in jitrict conformity with 
regulations, and with a duo regard to the interests o^ his men. Care of public 
A. N.C.O. Is not to bo subjected to the risk of loss by having "'^ey. 
public money placed in his hauds. 

71. Kit inspection will ba held at such times as a company, Kh inspection. 
&a,f commander may considtr necessary. 0«i* <l*- 

72. Tho formal inspection of barracks, stables, &c., will 4c, on ""*'' 
not, as u rule, be performed on Sunday. Sundays. 

- Can. 05, 

73. Before going into camp, O.C, Companies, &c., should iieiUh 
mako sure that each man U in good health, has had his hairof mon. 
cut, has provided himself ivith a change of shirt und soekst ^■"- ^^' 
tt»vel, comb, soap, a boot brush and boot laces, and tliut his 

boots are sound and fit hiui easily* 

74. When Rural Corps are not assembled for training, an Authority to 
offipcr commanding a compauy, &c.j may, of his own authority, assBmblo. 
assemble his men to attend the funeral of any officer or man *'*°' **''• 
belonging to tho unit, or for drill or target practice, provided 

that no expense to tho public is thereby incurred. 

75. Every oflieer who has been two years iu a Fennanent Profleiency 
Corps, or five Tears iu the Active Militia, is expected to bo "''*'**'*''*- 
capable of commanding and exercising a company, &c., in * ^^' 
every situation and to be perfectly acquainted with its in- 
terior management, economj' and discipline, and, if he has 

been tno yoars iu command of a company, to be tonipctcnt iu 
o.very respect to undertake th? duities of a field officer. All 
subaltera officers will be periodically .trained and instructed 
in the routine of the orderly room and quartermaster's office^ 
Subalterns of mounted branches should also undergo a prar 

Faras« 7&-77 

Duties of Begimental Ofilcers 

Can. G&. 

Permanent fcical course of inBtruction Id the farriei's shop. In the For- 
CorpB. maaent Torco a\\ subalterns will undergo a practical course of 

instruction in the armourer^s shop, and those who have not 
passed the examination for the rank of captain are to attend 
the monthly settlement of eoldier's accounts and mtke them- 
selves acquainted with the system of keeping them. Every 
officer, before he is dismissed drill, will, in addition to the 
above, be required to have a thorough knowledge cf and be 
capable of giviag instruetioi in physical training, a^d will be 
required (i) in the cavalry, to go through a regimental course 
of sigualUug, including the (lag and semaphore j to ride in the 
ranks; to strip and put together a aaddlo; to saddle^ bit, and 
turn out correctly in marching order a liorsoj to put together 
the harness of, and to harness a horse in, the squadron cart; 
(ii) in the artillery in addition to (i), to drive in the centre, 
lead and wheel; (iii) in the infantry, to go through a regi- . 
mental course of musketry, signalling and machine gun. 


76. The adjutant is an clEcer appointed to act ae the com- 
manding ofiieor's staff ofiicer in the exflcution of tte l^^ttor's 
duties in training and administering the regiment. Ho should 
be of superior intelligence and strength of character, ener- 
getic, capable of hard work and a good horHOman. 

His duties are: — 

(a) To draft, for the C.O.'s approval and promulgate regi- 
mental orders. 

(b) To take charge of all books and documems m the 
orderly room, to be responsible that they are properlj; kept in 
accordance witk these regulations, and that unauthorized per- 
soas have not accoss to them. .i. n -i 

(e) To supervise every detail in connection with the daily 
regimental T«uune and administrative business. 

(d) To exercise genera] supervision over the manner m 
which all non-commissioned officers perform their duties, and 
special supervision over the orderly room clerks, drummers 
and buglers, who come under his immediate command when 

(e) To inspect all guards, parties ani detachments detailed 
from the regiment before handing tkem over to the officer or 
N.aO. in command, seeing that they are correctly turned out 
and giving in all cases the C.O.'s instructions as > the duty 
to be performed. 

(f) To supervise the regimental duty rosters. 

(g) To examine and check all returns &c., before submit- 
ting them for the infprmation, or signature, of the 0.0. 

(h) To see that all books of reference kept in the orderly 
room are corrected to date in accordance with changes notified 
in General, MiUtta and other Orders. 

(i) To inspect the non-eommissioned officers, band and 
drams (or buglers) at the C.O.'s daily parade. ' 

Subaltern Officers. 

SubdUeroB. 77. The sultaltern officers to whose supervision the troops. 

Can. 70, half-companies, &e., are reipectively entrusted, are responsible 


Inspections and Confidential Heports 

Parai. 78-82 

to the company, &c., commanders. Subaltern officers on join- . 
ing are to provide themselves with nominnl rolls of their 
troops, half- companies, &e., and are, as soon as possible, to 
make themselves acquainted with the disposition, character, 
agft, and service of each of their inon. 

Officers In Medical Charge of Units. 

78. A medical officer in charge of a unit is responsible to 0*n. 71. 
the Commandiug Officer for everything relating to the medical 
soivice of the unit, for the Inspection of recruits, and for sani- 


79. The duties of officers of the Canadian Army Pay Corps Oan. 72. 
are laid down in "Financial Instructions," 

Officers appointed to City and Rural Corps as Paymasters 
will conform to the directions laid down in "Financial In- 

When no regimental Paymaster is appointed the Command- 
ing Officer is responsible for the due performance of the duties 
pr ascribed for the Paymaster. 


80. The appointment of a Quartermaster is one of great Se^<^tlon. 
importance to the comfort and health of the soldier. Cona- '^*°' ^ ' 
manding Officers should, tliereforc, be most careful in their 

81. The Quartermaster is responsible to his Commanding KeBponsiJilitr. 
Officer for the cleanliness of the camp, quarters or barracks- *°* * 
H« attends to the billoting. of the men, to the laying out of * . 
camp, and superintends the loading and conveyance of tho 

baggage of his corps when on the march. It is also the duty 
of tho Quartermaster under orders of the Commanding Officer 
to receive all rations, forage and stores of every description 
belonging to tho corps, and to issue them according to regula- 
tions. He is responsible foi tho proper keeping of the Quarter- 
master's books. 


Inspections— General Instructions. 

82. In addition to the annual inspeetion by tho Inspector- Inapoction ol 
General or the officer actiag for him (paras. 13 to 24), the*™^^; ^^ 
Officer Commanding a District will inspect, annually, every 

unit under his command, in such manner and at such times as 
may be most suitable, to enable himself to answer fully all 
questions contained in the annual inspection report. He will 
bear In mind that a single inspection aforda little opportunity 
of forming a just estimate of the efficiency of a unit and that 
<jorps under hts command should practically at all times be 
under his observation. 


Paras. 83-90 

Impectioiis and Oonfideutial Bejjorts 

Qorrison i 
Artillery aad 
[Jan. 70. 

Eflcioncy of 
cojps to be 

a.O. 51— 


Oflcers to 
be te»ted. 

Can. 78. 

All rniiks to 

be on piii'u da. 

Onn. 70. 




Can. 81. 
ani claims. 

Cun. 82. 
Orlerv iasucd 
by Inapectlni; 

Cuii. 83. 

83. Tho inspection of Garrison Artillery and Engineers wilt 
include that of all ordnance^ aniniuultion and tccliuicul Btorc'B 
in thoir elmrgfi, and is to be conducted in such a niauuer aa 
to test tbe efficiency of all ranks in tbeir technical duties. 
Garrison Artillery and Engineers will lot bo inspected in in- 
fantry drills aid battalion movements «thcr than those ncecs* 
Kary to cuablo them to take part in ceiemouial ptinides. 

Inspection of a TJcit. 

Si. With a view to tostiiiji; not only tho eflleieiicy and capa- 
tity for comiiiund of its CO., but also its readiness for war, 
jiiiihiding mobilisation arrangements, eaeh unit will bo inspect- 
ed annually Ijy the Officer Commanding tho District. 
The inspection will be divided into two parts: — 

(i) Tn the field: to bo held duriig the annual traluing^ 
for the purpose of ascertaining whetber the unit is 
elBcjent in training and discipline, 
(ii) In (|uartera: to be held at any convenient time dur- 
ing tho year, in order to ascertain that tha whole of 
tbo ordnance, anus, ammunition, oxplottives, public 
vebisles, harnitss, pack saddlery, saddlery, ytinipnicnt 
and clothing autliorJzed to be held on peace charge 
of units are in possession and maintained in a ser- 
viceable condition, and that the books and records 
are properly kept. 
That the time devoted to training may not bo unduly inter- 
fered with by inspections, i\re D.O.C. should combine his inspec- 
tion, if possible, with that of tbe Inspector-General. 

85. The inspection of a company, &c., in the above subjects 
will bo directeS towards testing the capacity of the individual 
oflieors, section » leaders, and N.C-.Oa. generally, to net as inRtrue- 
tors and leaders, as well as the efficiency attained bv the rank 

.and flle of tbeir respective commands. 

86. Tbo attendance of every officer uLd soldier at rbe inspec- 
tion by tho Irfspector-Geaaral, or officer acting for him, is 
obligatory. * 

87. Should tbe Officer Commanding a District desiie to bring 
to the notice of the Minister any remarks upon the points re- 
ferred to in inspection reports by the Inspector-General, or 
ofHcor acting for him, on tlie units under bis command, ho wilt 
do so in a sepcrate letter, 

88. Tbe annual inspection report of an Officer Commanding 
a District should be rendered in time to reach Militia Head- 
quarters by the 1st December. 

89. If an ofQcer or soldier desires to bring any grievance to* 
thd notice of an inspecting officer, be is to be ufTorded an oppor- 
tunity of doin^ BO. fSoe also para. 414). 

90. TVhenover an officer inspecting troops under bis own 
command has occasion to nicntlon in bis report any defects or 
iriogularlties, he wilt also state tbo ortlors be has given with 
a view to their rectification; and when tho occasion lo requires 
ho will direct Buch orders to be embodied in the order book of 
tbd unit. He U also to state in his report in what manner and 
with what effect any orders issued at the previous inspection 
have been obeyed. In cases where it may be necessary to repeat 
or call attention to any orders previously giveu, full particulars. 


Inspections end Confidential Beports 

Para3. 91-93 

as to 

a& to local 
matter a. 
Can. 84. 

Staff Officer 
to tccompanr 
0£EcerB, &o. 
Oan. 8S. 

L— 7. 

Oan, 86. ^ 

relating thereto will form part of bis report. Where it is 
necessary to call attention to defects in barracks, or to make 
suggestions for their improvement, it will be stated ivhether it 
is proposed: — (i) to deal with the service in the next year's 
estimates^ or (U) to provide for it locally. 

91. An inspecting officer, not being the D.O.C., ie not to 
interfere either with the orders and regulations laid down in 
the Distniot, or with tbe immediate control and supervision of 
the Officer Couimandiug the District. 

92. General officers aud officers commanding Districts willj 
as a rule; be accompauicd by one stufi officer on their tours of 
inepection. Sb«uld circumstances necessitate thoir taking au 
otlier, authority must first be obtained from Mil!^ia Head 

Cotmdentlal B«ports — Ferminent Staff and Fermamnt Force. 


93. A confidential report will bo furnished annually to tbo Reports. 
Minister ou every officer of the Permanent Stafi and Permanent H.Q^970^ 
Force. These reports will be strictly confidential^ aad will in 
no case be mads public. 

Beports ou officers will bo made as follows: — 

At Militia Headquartera, by the bead of tho branch in 
wlich they are serving. 

In DistrictSj by D.Oa. C. 

In tbe Permanent Force, by the officer commanding tbo unit. 

In the case of Permanent Force officers serving in depots or 
detachments at a distance from unit headquarters, Reports on 
junior officers will be made by the senior officer in charge to 
the officer couiniaading the unit who will add bis remarks and 
forward the report to Militia Headquarters, 

In the easo of Permanent Force officers^ the report will be 
made out in tlie first iustauce by the CO. or other immediate 
superior of tbe oflicer repotted on, aud will be forwarded by 
him for tbo remarks of tbo senior authorities. As soon as all 
tbo opinions of tbe senior ollicers have been entered, the report 
will bo returned to the unit for communication by the 0.0. to 
the officer contcrned, who will initial tbe report at the place 
assigned for th? purpose to show that he has seen it. 

If the officer reported upon is not present with liia unit, a 
copy of the reitiarks will besent to him and a certificJite to that 
effect will be entered ou the report by the 0,0. Tbe copy will 
be returned by the officer after porusal and Avill tleu be* de- 

After communication, tlie reports will bo forwarded, with 
aa little delay as pousiblo. direct to the Secretary, Militia 

* In tho event of a aupoiior officer reporting favourably ou 
an officer who has been adversely repotted on by his CO., or 
other immodiata superior, tlie coutUctiug reports will be enquir- 
ed into by the military authority next in order of superiority, 
wlio will record bis opinion and cause it to bo communicated to 
tho olTieer concerned. 

A note will be madd* in the Report that these instructions 
have been duly attended to, or an explanation furnished when 
they have not been carried out. 

Paras. 94-G5 

Itispoctions and Confidential Beports 

Similar procedure will bo followed ia the eaeo of advorae' 
leijorts other than those made in the annual reports. 

Duo weiglt will be given to reports whether favourable or 
*d verso, or partly favourable and partly adverse, in consider* 
ing the officer's fitness for his present appointment, or for 
other employment, or for further promotion. 

95 (i). KeportB on officers of educational institutions which 
lire not directly under District Officers Coninmndiug will bo- 
made by the Commaiidanls to the CUief of the General Staff. 
Reports on the Comma iidaats will be made by the Chief of the 
ticnernl Staff, 

lieports oil officers of manufacturing, inspection and experi- 
mental cstabtishmeuts will be completed by the officer in charge 
and forwarded to the Master-General of the Ordnance. Keporta 
m officers in charge of tUese eatablisiments will be made by 
llie Master-General of the Ordnance. 

(ii.) In the case of an officer of R.O.E. the opinion of the 
C'.B.C.E. will be recorded after the report of the O.C., and that 
of the DO.U. wiil be given when neeessury. 

(iiiO Permanent Army Medical Corps. — The report on an 
officer of the I'.A.M.C, will be written by the P.A.M.O. offi- 
cer under whom ho is directly serving and opinions wiU be 
given, as far as netyjssary by the assistant director of medical 
services of the District and the D.O.C, 

(iv.) Canadian Army Yeterinary Corps. — The report on an 
officer of the C.A,V.C. will bo written by the administrative 
veterinary officer, and opinions will be given, as fur as neces- 
sary by the D.O.C. 

(v.) Canadian Ordaanca Corps. .^ 

Oflicer RofortBii oa 

1. Report Writton by 

2. Reiuttrkaby 

StDior OrdniiDco Ofliwjr of 
u District. 


Other Offiwre. 

S«Di«r Ordnunuo Qfiio r. 

The officer i/o admin i- 
tmiitin Bliould Aay if 
ho cotictta 


^vi.) Canatlian .Army Pay Corps. 

Onieer Reported on 

Dititriot Payuiotttcr. 

0(]i«r Omcerti in Dijjtrict 

B«eiii)cntul Faynifidtor. 

Other Ofljcore in^Regi- 
mental Pay Office. 

I. Jlepoft Written bj- 

Of]ic«r iyoadmioitttiutbn. 
Diiittict Puymaater. 

Uiatiict Paymaster. 

ItogiDieatal Payinaatcr. 


2. Rutnarltsby 

Omcor i/t udiiiiniatrn- 

Ollicer i/« administra- 

Tlie Diiitrict Paymaster. 
The pfliwr i/o adiuin- 
btnitloD should say if 
tie ooDcura. 

luspectiouB and Oonfidentlat Beports 

Paraa. 96-106 

(vii.) Canadian Permanoat Army Service Corps. — lijr tlie 
Assistant Direetor of Supplies and Transport of the District 
coacerned to the D.O.C. 

96. Staff and seconded officers should 'only be reported «" l^jJ^J"^ 
by their staff superiors, and in such cases the appointment held og^^i. 
should be shown in red inton the repoit; but regimental com- Om.'sT. 
minders are to bring to notice at any time any circumstances 
affecting such staff and seconded officers which, in their opinion, 

should bo laid before the Militia CounciL On the other hand, 
the Militia Council, on the return of a »taff or seconded officer 
to his unit, will inform hie regimental commander of any cir- 
cumstances that have occurred during the period of staff or see* 
ODdod service which it is considered sliould be known to the 
regimental contmander. 

97. Seniors of regimental grades shouia bo specially reported Senior 

OD in advance of the annual report if anything should occur Qy,J°J""' 
likely to prejuiico their promotion. 0»n,'a8. 

98. Oflieers will be recommendett in their annual reports Rieommenda- 

.- . ,, ,. pwmotton. 

(a) For promotion m tie ordinary course; or Oan. 89. 

(b) For their promotion to be delayed for further report. 

99. Should the confldential reports of two BucoeiBive years Procftdurj 
recommend delay in promotion, a special report will be render- JJgJJJjSJjida- 
ed by the three senior officers of the corps, stating whether ^„^ ^f 
they think it desirable that the officer should be retained iudrfayed 

the sejrvice. ^^SmMl 

100. In reporting on Commanding Officers, OMcers Com- Reports on 
manding Districts will state clearly their opinion as to their Cwnmandlng 
fitness for further promotion or employment, and the nature O^orr 

of appointment, if any, for which they appear to be most 

101. Whenever a portion of a fcorps ia detached under a field Rsporta oa 
oJficer either permanently or for any period exoeediDg ^^^SSjJumJnt 
months, the flsld officer commanding tie detachment will fur- g^^^ ^3 * 
nish the 0.0. Corps with the report on each officer in his de- 
tachment. Tiie latter will add his own remarks and forward 

tie report to the D.O.C. 


Paras. 106-111 

The Staff 

tion, Ac. 
Can, 94, 

Staff at 

Can. 95. 

Staff In 

Oan, 96. 

Tmp. 148. 

Can. 97. 

for the 
Can. 98. 


Composition smd Dlstiibutiou. 

106. The ataff of the Militia consists of :— 

(1) The Staff at MiUtia Headquarters. 

(2) Tho Slaflf of Military Districts. 

The distributtou of the Staff is given iu the quarterly 
Militia List. 

107. The Staff at Militia Headquarters is divided iato:— 

(1) The Ganeral Staff. 

(2) The Adjutant-GeueraFs Staff. 

(3) The Qtiartermaster^oneral's Staff. 

(4) The Master- General of the Ordnance's Staff. 
(6) Personal Staff. 

108 Tho Staff of Military Districts is divided into; — 

(1) The General Staff. 

(2) The Aijutant'General's Staff, 

(3) The Quartermaster General's Staff. 

(4) - - - ~ - 

The Personal Staff. 
Attached to Headquartsrs of the Military Districts are the 
olUcers who are heads of Services and Departmenta 


109. The tenure of all appointments on the Militia Head- 
qjartors, General and District Staff of the Militia shall he for 
four years, which term may, under Special circumstances, be 

110. No officer of the Permanent Force or Active Militia is 
qualified to liold an appointment on the Permanent Staff 
unless: — 

Permanent Force. Active Militia. 

(&) He has been five years in 
the Permanent Force. 

(h) He has passed the ex&m- 
inatioD for promotion to 
the next Mgher rank. 


foi staff or 

brigadea. fto. 

Can. 99. 

(c) H« has served as an offi- 
cer in a combatant unit 
for at least Ayo years. 

(d) He is in possession of a 
Long Course Certificate. 

(e) He is qualified by having 
passed the Army examin- 
ation for the rank to 
wJiich he is to be appoint- 
ed to the Staff. 

(N.B.— In aecordouco with 
para. 10, officers of the 
Active Militia appointed 
to the Permanent Staff 
will coase to hold any Mi- 
litia rank previously en- 

111. The qualifications for au oflicer of the Active Militia 
desirous of holding an appointment on the eombataat staff of 
tha Active Militia with a brigade, at camps, manoeuvres, &c., 
are: — 


The Staff 

Paras. 112-118 

(a) Ho must have served for at least five years as au ofliccr 
in a combatant unit of the Active Militia. 

(b) Ho must be in posseESioa of a Field Officer's certificate. 
Kfficient performance of his duties at such Staff Hides or 

Courses of Instruction in Staff Duties a^ ho may attend will 
entitle an ofl'cei to rim?i do ration. 

112. In tho ease of extra-regimental (other than staff) ap- 
pointments, an officer may bo appointed ponding his passing 
for promotion. His appoiutiuont will bo provisional only, and 
he will be required to pass tho necessary examination at tho 
earliest posstbU opportunity. Should his turn for promotion 
come, whilst thus employed iind before he has passed the neces- 
sary^ examination, ho will be superseded. 

113. As a general rule, an officer will not be eligible to 
hold an appointment on the General Staff unless he has passed 
through tho Staff College. 

114. The following qualifications will bo necessary for np- 
poiutuient to the Personal Staff: — 

for Extra- 
Can. 100. 

for General 

Can, 101. 
for Personal 

Can. IDS. 

Permanent Force. 

A.P.C. & A.M.a 

(a) To bo qualified for the 
rank of Captain. 

(b) T<r be a good ridor. 
A.M.S. — In addition to above, 

to bold raak of captain 
and to have qualified for 
the rank of major. 

Active MlUtia. 


(c) To hold a Field Officer's 

(d) To be a good riaer. 
(o) To have five y?ars* ser- 
vice in a combatant unit. 


(f) To hold a Captain's Cer- 

(g) To be a good rider, 
(h) To have three years' ser- 

^vice in a combatant unit. 

115. AVhcn a regimental officer has completed his employ- &"1«» ■■ ^o 
meat on tho staff, ho will, as a rule, bo required to rajoin liis iflji^LS^ka 
regiment and do duty with it for one year before being again on ^latt. 
employed on the staff. Can. 103. 

116. In case of emergency or tlio Militia being molilized for Relinquishing 
active service, no officer holding an appointment on tie Militia Sto3f 
Headquarters. District, Divisional or Personal Staff will be ^p^J^^^^'J*'- 
allowed to resign his staff appointment aad revert to regiment- 
al ai'.ty, unless ^vith tho porjnissiou of tlie Militia Coaneil. 


117. Tho distribution of staff duties, as dcfiued below, hasDi«:ributlon. 
been designed to moot the requirements alike of paaoo and ^^^ ^^^' 
war fonditions. Instructioui for field service will l^e found in 

tho Field Service Eegulatioas (Part II.). At nmnoeuvres and 
in making preparations for mancouvrea, tho distrilution of 
staOT duties should, as far as possible, always bo in accordance 
with the principles laid down for an army in tho field. 

118. Orders, other than tlose issued at manoeuvres or in thelOrdors. 
fielfl, will -be armnged in two classes, viz,: — I">P- ^52. 

General Staff Orders, | 


Para. 119 

The Staff 

SigDing of 

Imp. 153. 

Ordors relating to adminiBtratiou. 
(i,) The orders compriaed under eacli class will be divided 
into iiumbercd paragrapbi, cacti dealing with a separate Bub- 
jeet^ bift jiie numbering for both classas combined will be con- 
secutive throughout the year. Each order will bo prepared 
\y the staff officer or head of service or department coucerned. 
(ii.) Orders should^ as a rulo, bo enibodiod under one head* 
ing containing the name of the ollicor issuing tho ordors, the 
command or .^orce to which tho orders refer, and tbo date and 
place of Jssut', e.g.: — 

"Ordors by Major-Genera! X 

"Commaudinij Cth Division, 

"2oth June, 1917," 

(iii.) General staff orders should be signed hy tho senior 
general staff ofDeer, or, in bis absence, by tho next senior, or, 
if there be no next senior, by a staff officer not telongiug to 
tho general Btaff who foi tho time being may be empowered 
\o sign general staff orders. 

Orders rehting to adiniuistratiou uhould be signed by the 
officer i/c administration, or, in his absence^ or if there be no 
officer i/c adtnittistratiou, by the senior officer pregent .belong- 
ing to either tho adjutant-general's or the quartermaster-gen- 
eral's staff. 

A staff officer signing orders will add to his signature his 
rank and the title of the appointment which he Jiolds ou the 
staff, except that in the ease of a staff officer not belonging to 
tho general ?taff but temporarily authorized to (igu general 
ataff orders, lie will appcid to his signature his rank and the 
words "For general staff ofliccr/* and in tho caee of a staff 
afficor siguiag: orders relative to administration on behalf of 
the officer i/c administration, ho will append to Ms signature 
kis" rank and the words "For officer i/c administration." 

" Lieut.-Colonel, 

"General Staff." 

" Liout.-Colonel. 

"For general staff officer." 

" Lieut.-Colonel, 

"i/c administration." 

" Lieut-Colonel, 

"For officer i/c administration." 

The above instructions do not apply to orders issued under 
sorvieo conditions, i.e., on ma;ioeuvres and at staff rides, when 
the instructions 'contained in Field Service Regulations, Part 
r,, (Operations) and Part 11. (Organization and Administra- 
tion) will bo followed. 

119. The duty of mobilizing the trcopg rests with the ofFcer 
i/c administmtion, the general staff assuming the directiin of 
the movements of units when their mobilization iS reported 

The Staff 

Paris 120-126 

Tho Geaeral Staff. 

120. The General Staff Officer of a Military District will General Staff, 
deal direct with the D.O.O. and will assist him ia promoting ^g' Jg Jg_ 
military, efficiency, especially in regard to the education of iJ_5. 
officers and t!ie training of the troops, and in carrying out the 

policy prescribed by Militia IJoadquartors. 

121. Tho General BtaE Officer is charged with the super- Ipp- 165* 
vision of the following subjects: — 

Schemes of defence in the command; organization for warj 
training and instruction of the troops; education and 
examination of offii:ors; staff tours; preparation and 
execution of schemes for concentrations, maiioouvrcs and 
field operations; intelligence duties; and officers* 

122. Where a General Staff Officer is not appointed, tiic J^^*//^|"gt^5 
luties appertaining to tlie general staff aro carried out in officer U 
Military JDistricts by District Staff Adjutants, and in infantry ippoiuted. 
and cavalry briirades by Brigade-Majors. Can. 113(a). 

122A. Estimatoa of money required in connection with train- i^^tj^j^^gj 
ing Avill bo drawn up by the General Staff in consultation, as can. 114. 
to the financial effect of the propoatls, with the other staff 
officers and keads of services and departments at local head- 

Adjutant-General's and Quartermister-Qeneral's Staffs. 

123. When an officer i/c administration is appointed to thejOfflcer i/c 
staff of a Military District, he co-ordinates the duties of the ^^^J}J^^"- 
adjutant-generars* and quartermastei-general's staff e in the imp.'] 
Military District. This officer is entrusted with the admin- 
istrative services and departments of the District, lud exorcises 
bis authority by order of tho D.O.C. who will delegate to him 
such extended powers as will enable him to deal with all ad- 
ministrative matterp whiah do not involve questions of policy 
or principle. 

In these duties tdo officer i/c administration U assisted by 
a Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Qiartermaster-Geuoral, who 
will not, liOTvever, be an intermediary between the officer i/c 
administration and heads of servics and departments. 

124. The duties of the Adjutant Gene ral's Staff includeA, G.'b Bfafl. 
questions relating to personal services and discipline, organic- Can. lis. 
ution, drafts and establishments, mobilization, recruiting, in- 
terior econojfty, gymnasia, medals, discharges, casualties, mili- 
tary prisoua aud detention barracks, chaplains, cadets, rifle 

clubs and reserve formations, ^ ^ 

125. In a Military District where no officer i/s administra- ll.Q. 0989— 
tion is appointed these duties aro performed by the District 

Staff Adjutant, nnd in an infantry cr cavalry brigade by the 
Brigade Major. 

126. The duties of tho Quartermaster-Generars Staff include Q. M. G- ■ 
questions relating to movements of troops; issue of routes; ^tj,^-^ j^^^g 
appropriation, oecupatioE aud equipment of barracks and hos- 
pitals; hire of buildings to supplement barrack accommodationj 
arrnngements for camp, issues of amauuition, supplies, clothing 

and equipment. 


D. A. A. A 
ii. M. G. 
H.Q. 9939 — 

Paras. 127-130 

Tlie Staff 

H.Q. 0939 — In a Militar/ District whore such oiBcurs aro appointed these 
^ ^' duties are performed by the Assiataut Director of Supplies and 

Transport and the Bonior Ordnance OOitor, and in other MiH- 
taiy Districts by the Seuicr Army Service Corps Officer and 
the Senior Ordnance GiScer, each of whom respectively deals 
with the subjects allotted to the correspondiug Direetorato of 
the Quartermaster-General's branch at Militia Hearquartcrs. 





special Appointments 

Para», 13M37 


OeneTal Instructions. 

131. An officer who is gazetted to a special technical ap-*'"jyj*'jyj'''* 
poiutmant muBt, if he desires to bo seconded and retain his 
rank and precedence in tie Militia, have 8erv4;d at least live 
years aud have passed tha cxaminatioiL for promotion to the 
rank next above that whi&h he holds. 

132.. For tie appointment of regimental, battalion or corps General 
aajutaut, a Conimundiug Officer will put forward for submia "Jt^ucUonB. 
sion to Militia Headquarters the nama of tho officer scrviug 
nuder his command whom he recommends, stating:— 

(a) That he is in possession of a captain's certificate; aud, G.O- 67-^ 
Id tho Permaaent Force, that he has passed for tho rank of 1911- 
captain wnd, except for tho artilleryj is in posstssiou of ii 
Mu«kotry Certificate, 

(b) That lie has attendod two annual trainings. 

(c) That he is recommended by his Gommandinf Officer as 
]mng in every way fit for tho appointment. 

(d) In tho case of a dismounted unit that he is iu posses- 
sion of an Erjuitation Certificate. 

133. Tho nppoiutmcnt of Adjutant in the Active Militia ^^^\l' **- 
stiall be tenable for five roars and will usually be hold by a Jjj|fj^," 
lieutenant or » captain.. lo exceptional cases a major, provided Can. 119. 
lie is not secottd in command of the unit, may be recommended 

for the consideration of the Militia Council, 

134. The appointment of Adjutant in the Permanent Force Parmanont 
may bo held by a lieutenant or a captain and shall bo tenable ^^^ jgo 
for three years. In very exceptional eircumstancoa it may be 
extended for i period not exceeding one year. 

135. A subaltern ofiicor serving as adjutant in a unit of ^^J"*""* ■ 
tite Active Militia will bo granted a step of rank on becoming ^"fJJ 
senior of his rank in the icginient, battalion or corps to whicli iiiiitin. 

he belongs, or on completion of five years* service in the rank Can. 131. 
of lieutenant, whichever sliall happen first. 

Mushfitry Instructor. 

136. An oflicer. not above the rank of substantive captain. j.*\\\^^ 
may be aopoLnted musketry instructor on the staflf of *^^ci» qo'5q_ 
regiment of cavalry and each baittalion of infantry of the jgij. 
Active Militia. To be eligible for sucli appointment an oHicer Can. 133 Si 
innst: — ^^^* 

(i) Have qualified for his rank. EHglbUUy. 

(ii) Have attended a course at tho Canadian School of Mus- 
ketry and qualified as a Musketry Instructor. 

Whi'n no olUc^r qualified as in sub-paragraph (il) is rroTisionnl 
available, an officer may bo appointed provisionally, if approval "P?^**^*^^^* 
is given from Militia Headquarters. He will be required to jQi'a, 
obtain the neaessary musketry qualifications within two years. D. of M. 

137. The appointment of Musketry Instructor shall be forTanure. 
five years, dating from fiist appointment, whether provisional ^-0. 50 — 
or otherwise. ^®^^* 


Parau. 138-146 

Special Appolntmeuts 

promotion of 
ins true tors. 


Itauk aud 
Can. 124. 

Promotion of 
Oiu. 125. 

138. Ill City Corps, tlio promotion oi regimental musketry 
instructors will be by seniority. In Eural Corps, subalterus 
hoMiug the appointment will, if qualifiei, bo given a step in 
rank as laid doi^n for adjut^ints iu paragraph 135. 

Begimeutal SignaUlng Cfflcer. 

139. An oincer, not above the rank of substantive captain, 
ma/ bo appointed regimental signalling oflicor in a unit hav- 
ing such upon its establishment. Tho appointment will bo 
malo by soletition from anioLg tho officera of the unit wbo have 
qualiited for their commissions and will bo tenable for, five 
years. An ofUcer so selected will bo allowed ono year in 
which to qualify in signalling. An oiHcei of the rank of major 
will ni't be permitted to hdld tho appointment of signalling 

140. In City Corps, the promotion of regimental signalling 
oflicers will bo ly seniority. In Rural Corps, subalterns holding 
the appointment will, if qualified, be given a step of rank as 
laid down for adjutants in para. 135. 


Services and Departments 

Faras. 146-151 



146. Officers «£ Services and Departmeits serving at Militia uiiiiia 
H(*a-lniiartera are on, or attaclied to, tbe respective staffs of the HeadquarUra. 
membors of the Militia Council. Their aatioa are dafined in i>'n-i^«' 
Appendix V. , ^n, - 

147. Directors administering Dopartmeutal Corps from DireotoTB 
Militia Headquarters arc authorized to issue Corps BtandLng admlniBtering 
Ordars and Corps Orders. Such orders must not conflict with the gjy*^^"*°*" 
responsibility vested in local Commanding Officers, nor con ^^^ ^^^ 
Directors, so administering Corps ,oxoreise tlio command of 

troops serving under the eaecutive control and command of 
OfScers Commanding Districts. 


148. Officers of Services and Departments in a District are OoneBpoDdcno 
uudor the D.O.C for all purposes of diseipliae and command. Cid. 128. 
They may correspond on subjects connected solely with their 
teclnical duties with the head of their 8orvnce or Department 

at Militia Headquarters, and vice versa. 

They will, however, always keep their D.O.C. acquainted 
with any instructions they may receive and any proposals they 
desire to put forward directly connected with their technical 
duties. Should the D.O.C. dissent from any such proposal, the 
proposal will be forwarded by him with kia comments thereon. 

Duties of Services and Dopattments, 

149. The duties of the Engineer Services, Canadian Army 
Service Corps, Medical Ser/ices, Canadian Ordnance Corps, 
Canadian Army Pay Corps and Veterinary Department are de- 
fined in the Kogulations, Standing Ordori), &e,, for such Corps 
and departments respectively. 



0»ii. 129. 


Paras. 152-159 

OMcers — ^Apfafntnieuts 




of Appoint* 

meots, Ac. 

Can. 180. 

First appoint' 

Can. 133. 

Con. 137. 

General Inatnictloiu. 

152. All TTiilHary appointmonts, promotions, transfers, ox- 
changos and removals ara inserted in "The Canada Gazette," 
pvibUshed by authority, extracts fron which aro promulgated 
in General Orders and transmitted to each O.C. District and 
unit, to enftble hira to natify in orders such portions as aflect 
his command. Notification so publialod is deeme3 official for 
all mlUtaty purposes. Uiilttsa otiierwiae stated, promotions and 
appointments take effect from the date of the "Gazette" iu 
which they appear. 

15S. Except whon now units are being formed, first appoiut- 
meuts of ofliceTB will be made to the junior rank of tlie corps 
or department concornod. 

154. Commissions will be granted to qualified officers only. 
No officer may at any tiino be in poflsession of both a combat- 
ant and non-combatant commisaion. 

for arst 
Can. 181. 

bumflrary ^ 

G.O. 184— 


Can. 185. 

0«n. 186. 

menti, &o. 

Can. 18«A. 
i/e anita> 

Can. ISSA. 

Active Militia, 

155. A candidate for a commission in the Aafcive Militia 
must be a British subject, be rocommcndod by the O.C. the unit 
Goneorncd and, unloas specially exonipted, be rofiidont within 
the rocruitiig area of sich unit. lie must be certified by a 
Medical Officer of the Militia to be physically fit for service 
in accordance with Appendix VS., Regulations for tlie Canadian 
Medical Rorvioe, 101^. 3f a Meilicul Officer is not available, 
the certificate of a civilian practitioner will be accepted. 

156. Suptrnumorary lieutenants may on approval from 
Militia Headquarters be appointed to the Active Militia at the 
rate of two per squadioa, battery or company. This number 
is not to be exceeded except in tha appointment of B.M.O. 
graduates or special csiaes. Officers Comma.nding Districi^ 
will, in submitting recommendations, state the special reasons 
for making such appoiBtments. 

157. Qualifications for appointments in the Canadian Army 
Medical Corps will be suth as may from time to tijne be decided 
by the Minister of Militia and Pefeiice and notified in Militia 

158. All medical oflleers for the Active Militia will be ap- 
pointed to the Canadian Army Medical Corps, from which the> 
will be detailed for duty as laid down in the following para- 

159. Medical Officers of the O.A.M.O., not above the rant oi 
major^ will be detailed, for a periol of five yeira, for dut> 
with Active Militia Corps having such officers ot their estab 
lishments. Upon the expiration of the abov© period suet 


Paras. 152-15e 

■Officers— Appointments 

Officers — Appointments 

Paras. 160-167 


of appoUit- 

meats, &o. 

Can. 180. 

First appoint- 


Cau. 183. 

Can. 187. 

for first 
Can. 181. 

lumflrary ^ 

G.O. 184— 


Can. 135. 



Can. 13 a. 

OQUtv, An. 

Can. 13 6A. 
i/e units. 

Can, 186A. 


Gensral Instnictdons. 

152. All ffiilitary appointments, promotious. tranafers, ox- 
changes and rentovals are inserted iu "The Canada Gazette/' 
published by authority, extracts from which are promulgated 
iu Gciteral Orders and transmitted to each O.C. District and 
unit, to enaWe him to notify in orders such portions as affect 
his commanil. Notification so publialed is deemeil official for 
all military purposes. Unless otlierwise stated, promotions and 
appointments take effect from the date of the "Gazette" iu 
which thoy appear. 

15S. Except when new units are being formed, first appoint- 
ments of officers will bo made to the junior rank of the corps 
or department concerned. 

154. Commissions will be granted to qualified officers only. 
No officer may at any time be in possession of both a combat- 
ant and non-combatant commiBsiou. 

AcUto Militia. 

155. A candidate for a commission in the Active Militia 
Must be a British subject, bo rooommeadod by the O.C. the unit 
Boneerncd and, unless specially exempted, be losidont within 
the recruiting^ area of such unit. Ho must be certified by a 
Medical Officer of the Militia to be physically fit for service 
in accordance with Appendix V^I., Regalations for the Canadian 
ifedieal Sorvieo, 1014. ff a Medical Officer is not available, 
Ihe oertilicate of a civilifin practitioner will be accepted. 

166. Supernumerary lieutenants may on approval from 
Militia Headquarters be sppoioted to the Active Militia at the 
rate of two per squadron, battery or company. This number 
is not to be exceeded except in the appointment of E.M.O. 
ffraduatea or special cases. Oflicerj Commanding Oistnet? 
ivill, in submitting recommendations, state the special reasons 
for making such appointments, 

157, Qualifications for appointments in the Canadian Army 
Medical Corps will be sucl as may from time to time be decided 
by the Minister of Militid and Defence and notified in Militia 

168. All medical officers for tho Active Militia will be ap- 
pointed to tha Canadian Army Medical Corps, from which they 
will bo detailed for duty as laid down in the following para- 

159, Medical Officers of the C.A.M.C., not above the rank of 
major, will le detailed, for a period of five years, for duty 
with Active Militia Corps having such officers on their estab 
lishments. TTpon the expiration of the above period such 

officers will levert, for otlier duties, to the CA.M.G If consid* 
ored desirable, a medical officer may be detailed for a second 
period of fiva years with the same unit. 

Officers of the present regimental medical seryice may ro- 
oiain with tlieir units under the conditions now existing. 

160. A supernumerary medical officer may bo detailed forerary M.O. 
duty with a City or liural Corps. G.O. 64 — 

161. Chaplains may bo appointed to Active Kilitia Corps chaplaioB. 
but not to Permanent Corps. 0"n. 191. 

162. Whei an officer '» first appointment has l>eea notified Oatb, Ac, on 
in the Canada Gazette he will be required to take tho Oath appointment, 
prescribed in See. 23 of the Militia Act, and to sign tho Service *^'***' ^^^• 
Roll of the unit to which he has been appointed. 

, 163. A candidate who has not the required military qualifil- ptoTisLonal 
cations will be appointed provision allj^ oaly, and will be allow- appolntmenta. 
od one year in which to qualify. If at the expiration of that ^"°* ^^^' 
period he has not qualified, his C.O, will call upon him to submit 
reasons -why his name should not be removed from the list of 
officers of the Militia. Mtlitarr 

164. For Military Qualifications se& paras. 693 to 718, 841, ^'»«'*fi^»"**7' 
and Appendices VI. and IX. 2,ent>.*^*^ 

166. When a provisional officer qualifies, his rank will be (igQ^pjimtLon 
confirmed. When a provisional officer qualifies within the year of Rank. 
allowed by pira. 163, his rank will be confirmed from the date 0»n. 184. 
of his provisional appointment. 

165A. For appointments of quartermasters see para. 211(d). 

Permaiieiit Staff and Permanent Force. 

166. Officers appointed either to the Permanent Staff or Per- 
manent Forc» will cease to retain any Militia rank or prece- 
dence previously held by them and urill take only such rank 
and precedence as are given to them at the date of such appoint- 
ment to the Permanent Staff or Permanent Force. 

167, To bu eligible for a commission on first appointment 
1o tlie cavalry, artillery, engineers, infantry or Army Service 
Corps of the Permanent Force a candidate must le: 

(a) Certified by a medical board to be physically fit for 
military service in accordance with App. VI,, Regulations for 
tho Camaddan Medical Service, 1914; 

(b) Between the ages of 18 and 23 on the 1st day of Janu- 
ary in the year in which ie would be first appointed; 

(c) Unmarried, and 

(d) He must either — 
(i) Possess a diploma of graduation or a ccrtifioato of 

militar/ qualification from the Boyal Military College 
of Canida, and be lecommended by the Commandant; or 
(ii) Hold a commission in the Active Militia; possess the 
literary qualifications laid down in para. 1G8; obtain the 
long course certificate prescribed in para. 169; and be 
recommended by the Commandant B.M.O.; or 
(ill) Have served satisiactorily for a period of at least six 
months as a combatant officer ia His Majesty's regular 
forces, and, if a caadidate for tlie artillery or engineers, 
in a corresponding arm; or 


R«Dk, &o., on 
ELret appoint- 
mont to Per- 
[uaa«tit Staff, 
Can. 138. 

Can. 130. 

a.o. 4— 

Paraa. 168-170 

Officers — Appointments 

Officers— Appointments 

Paras. 171.175 

Can. 140. 

far Purmaneiit 
force Com- 

G.O. 186— 


Qaa. 144. 

}.0. 4— 


(iv) White on active service with a British force liave held 
a combatant commisBion (if on artillery or engiueer 
candidate, in a corresponding arm) for a continuous 
period of at least one year, bo recommended by the Com- 
manding OfHeer under whom he served, and possess the 
literary qualifications laid down in para. 16£. 

168. A candidate will be accepted as possOBsing the neces- 
sary literary qualifications, referred td in the preceding para* 
graph, if be; — 

(a) Has passed tho oatranco examination "to the E.M.C. of 
Canada; or 

(b) Has held a combatant commission in His Majesty's re- 
gular forces; or 

(c) Has passed the matriculation examination of a Canadian 
University or of any chartered British Universityj or 

(d) Has obtained a leaving certiUcato from one of the edu- 
cational bodies recagnized by the Army Council, or a 
certificate accepted by the Board of Examiners as the 
equivalent thereof; or 

(e) Has passed the literary examination laid down in 
para. 773. 

169. The particular military qualillcations, in addition to 
literary and other qualifications, necessary before a candidate 
under para. 167 (d) (ii) can bo considered for appointment to 
Ihe Permanent Force are, for the branch indicated, ss follows: — 


Qualifying certificate 
bom a Royal Scbool 
of Cavalry. 

Certificate Qf niiliUry 
qualification R.M C, or 
LoDB Coura» Certificato 


QtmlUyiDK oertiGcato 
ftom a Iloyal Sdirol 
of Artillery (accordiDg 
tu brunttU) . 

Artilbry SufT Counw. 

Cferdficato of luili- 
t a r y qimlificati n 
R,M C, or Loa« 
Courw Certificate 


Qualilyine oerltficate 
tiom a Koyal Soliool 
of Infantry. 

CcrtiQcato of military 

LoDft Course Certificate 

A t tacbment 3 
montlis to R.C.E., 
Halifax; ft weeks 
Geld works' course ; 
6 weeks apooiat in- 


Qualifying certifieatoCortinoato of military 
fiom a Royal Soiiool qualilicutioL R.M C. or 
oF Inlantry. iLonit Course Ojrtificaie 


Army Sorrice 

Qualifying cwrtiRcato 
Ijom a Uoyal Soliool 
of Cavalry. Artillery 
or Infantry (aa candi- 
date may ofoctJ . 

Certificate of military 
qualificati .£ R M.C.. or 
Lena Counw Certificate 

ioBtruction forms part 

cially m 
qf the c 

The Long 

G.O. 18S— 


Can. 142 A 


170, To talce the Long Course, in order to obtain the certi- 
ficate required by para, 1G7 (d) (ii), a candidate must first: — 
(a) Bo in possession of a certificata of qualification obtain- 


od after attending a course at a Uoyal Scliool of Instrtio- 

(b) Be recommendei by liho Commaaidant of the School ait 
which he obtained his certificate (or, in the case of tn 
Engineer candidate, be recommended by the 0,A.^.C>B.) 
and by the O.C. the District in which tho candidate's 
unit is stationed. 

(c) Be in possession of tho literary qualifications laid down 
in para. 16S. 

(d) Pass the Test Examination for admission to the Loag 
Course, as laid down from time to time. 

171. All first appointments to commissions in tho permanent b.U.O. 
artillery aid engineers, and at least every alternate commission Graduatoa. 
in the perinaaeut cavalry and infantry, wiU be offered in tlie ''*"• ^*°- 
first instance to graduates of the Boyal Military College, 

Should vacancies exist in the Permanent Corps, at least five 
commissions will be offered yearly to the graduating class, 
nam«ly, one in the artillery; one in the engineers; alternaitcJy, 
one in the cavalry or one in tho infantry; one ia the Canadian 
Pcrmaiu'iit Army Service Corps, and ono in the Canadian Ord- 
nance Corps, 

172, Becommendations for promotion to lieutenant (other ^romotionB 
than Distiict Officers, E.O.A,) of warrant^ officers or N,C,Oa. to Oommia- 
will, exec lit in the caso of candidatea who have performed ■'<"!» ''""* 
specially Dioritorious service, or distinguished servico in the permanent 
field, be entertained only on the following conditions:— - 

(a) Thit tho candidate for promotion shall, when recom- 

(1) Not be of a lonrer rank than that of corporal, 

(2) Have not less than two years' service. 

(b) That the candiiate shall, when selected: — 


Oan. 152. 

(1) Be under 26 years of age. 

(2) ^ 

Have passed tie literary examination as prescribed. 

(3) Bo uumarriod. 

(4) Have a clear regimental conduct sheet. 

(5) Bo medically fit for general service. 

(c) That the candidate shall complete, within two years of 
the date of his promotion to the rank of lieuteiant, the quali- 
fications raquired for all other olBcerfl on first appointment to 
the arm of the service concernecl. 

173. To be eligible for appointmant to the Permanent Staff, pif^t 

an officer must be in possession of the qualifications required appolntmei^t 
by para. JfiZ (a) and fd) (i) or (ii), and para. 169 for fiist to ^Staff.^ 
appointmoBt to the Permanent Fores, and, in addition, he must 
have passed the army examination for promotion to the raik 
in which ho would bo appointed to the Permanent Staff. 

174. OClcers not on the cadre of a Permanent unit, who are ^^\q^ rank 
appointed to the Permanent Staff in a rank helow that of of Lieut. -a>l. 
lieutenant-colonel, will, on the expiration of their tenure of a G-O- 168— 
staff appointment, be attached for regimental duty to a Per- 
manent unit for at loaat one year. 

175. (a). A candidate for a commission in the Permanent p.a.m.O. 
Army Medical Corps, will otuly be accepted under the folloT>^iiag G.O. 147— 

(1) ire must be certified by a Medical Board to bo phj-wc- 
all/ fit for military service* 


Can. i&3. 

Oaii. 1561. 

Can. If?, 

Paras. 176-180 

Officers — ^Appolntnonts 

Officers— Promotion 


Oas. 148. 
G.O, 146— 

(2) Ho mu8t le under 28 years of age. 
(S) He must ^^e unmarried. 

(4) He must hold a medical diploma of graduation from 
a university or medit^ school recommended "A Plus" 
by the Oouneil of the College of Physlcioois oad Bur- 
geons of the Dominion of Canada 

(b) A candidate for appointment as Nursing Sister in the 
Permanent Army Medical Corps must be: — 

(1) Certified ly a Medical Board to le physically fit for 
military service. 

(5) Under 38 years of age. 

(jt) A graduate of a School for Nuirsing recognized by. the 
Oouneil of the College of PhysicianB and Surgeons of the Do- 
minion of Canada as giving a course of traiini-ng of three years 
iji a hospital oontainlug not less than 100 beds. 

176* A cand'id&te will not be considetred eligible for a com- 
miasian in the Canadian Ordnance Corps, unless he fullila the 
following conditionB; — 

. (1) He must bo certified b)r a Medical Board to be physic- 
ally fit for military service. 

(2) He must be under 25 years of age. 

(3) Before being appointed on probation he must have pass- 
ed either (a) the entrance examination for the Boyal 
Militarpr (Jollege of Canada, or, (b), a special test ex- 
amination to be sot by the Department of Militia and 
Defence; and. in either case» his appointment will not 
be confirmed until he has passed the entrance azamin- 
ation to the Ordnance College. 

177. A candidate for first appointment to the Canadian Army 
Pay Corps must fulfil the conditions required for a candidate 
for a commission in the comb&tant branch«s of the PcTmanent 
Force, except that he must be between the ages of 25 and 50 
years on the first day of January, in the yenr in which ha would 
be fiist appointed; and instead of obtaining a long course cer- 
tificate he must either: — 

(a) Hold a commission in the Active }£ilitia, be a profes' 
sionat accountant, have attended at least three annual train- 
ings in camp and a course of iaetruetion at one of the Royal 
Schools of Instruction, or, 

(I) Have served satisfactorily for not less than six months 
as aL ofiicer of tlie Permanent Force of Canada, the Imperial 
Begular Forces, cr any of the Colonial Permanent Fcrces of 
the Empire. 

The candidate must in addition be recommended by his CO. 
and by the District Officer Commanding as fit in every respect 
for a commission in the Permanent Force. 

178. The appointment of Assistant Paymaster with the hon- 
orary rank of lieutenant in the Canadian Army Paj Corps 
may be conf co-red upon a warrant officer or non-commissioned 
officer of the Can&dian Army Fay Corps, net over fifty jears of 
age> who may be recommcndad by the Officer Administering 

179. A commission as lieutenant on the list of District Offi- 
cers Df the Boyal Canadian Artillery, may be given to a quar- 
termaster, or a riding-master, or to a warraut officer or non- 
comnJasioned officer of the Koyal Canadian Artillery, not over 
50 years of age. . 

Omu. 149. 

G.O, SO— 

AM't. P*T- 

0.0. 24— 


G.O. 80— 


Can. 160. 

F&ras. 181-188 

of Orduanc*, 

Oan. 151. 

0.0. 80— 

Period of 

Can. 168. 

180. Appointments as Assistant Commissaries of Ordnance 
will only be given to qualified w&rrant officera (not over 50 
years of age) of the Canadian Ordaance Corps, For qualifica- 
tions required, see Appendix VHI. 

181. A warrant officer or non-tommissioned officer of the 
Permanent Force, not over 50 yearg of age, may be appointed 
quartermaater with the honorary rank of lieutenant, 

182. All appointments to the Permanent Staff and Permsn- 
ent Force shall be on jjrobatiou for three years. At the expir- 
ation of each year of this j>eriod o? three years (or in ease of 
necessity at any time duricg any one year), a special report 
will be made by the ttro senior ofilcers of the unit or sta^ to 
which the officer belongs, recording their opinion as to whetler 
his retention in the sorvice is in every respect desirable, and 
likely to le advantageous to the Staff or Permaaent Force. In 
the event of an officer being unfavorably reported upon twine, 
the Minister in Militia Council will decide whether the officer 
shall be retained. 

183. In the case of Departmental Corps, the District Officer 
Commanding will record his opinion on the above points on 
the yearly confidential reports of oiQcera still serving their pro- 
bationary period. 

184. All officer on first appointment to the Permanent Stafl? 
or Permanent Force will be required to join the Stall or his 
unit withiu one month from the date of his appointment. This 
period may be curtailed should tha exigencies of the service 
require it. 

185. OiEcers, on joining a unit, are to report themselves pur- 
Bonally through the Adjutant to tie Commanding Officer, and 
officers joining a garrison or station for duty other than regi- 
mental will report thomselves peraonally to tie Officer Com- 
manding the garrison or station. 

Honorary Appointments. 

Bee paras. 243 to 217. 


Qaneral Instructions. 

186. In time of peace an officer of the substantive rank of Major- 
Colonel is eligible for promotion to the rank of Major-General. General. 
Promotion to the rank of Major-General shall be hy selection Q^J^ l^^- 
to fill a vacancy on the establishment. To bo eligible for the 

rank of Major-Genoral. an officer must fulfil the following con- 
ditions: — 

(a) Have had at least 25 years' service on the Active List 
of the Militia or of His Majesty *8 Regular Forces. 

(b) Have held rank not lower than that of Colonel for at 
least ten years, and, in addition thereto, bo in command of a 
District, or a Member of the Militia Council, or hold t ho ap- 
pointment of Inspector-General- The establishment of Majo;"- 
Generals shall be six. 

187. Tc be eligible for promotion to the rank of Surgeon- gurgeon- 
General, an officer must have had at least 25 years* service DnQeoeral. 
the Active List of the Militia, and have held the substantive Oun. 2U. 


Can, 160. 

Officer to 
join his volt. 
Onn. 161. 

Officers to 
Can. 155, 

Paxas. 1B9-1U4 

Officers — ^Promotion 

Officers— Bank 

Paras. 196-202 

Can. 312. 

Can. 212. 

Protuptlou to 
Held lank. 

G.O. 04— 


Can. 218A. 

Qeneral In- 
Obd. 218. 

Army Medical 

H.Q. 803— 

Oar. 216. 


rank of Coloael in tlio Permanent Army Medical Cori)3 for at 
leaBt tem yefls-s. 

138. An officer with the subetantivo rank of Colonel may bo 
granted the temporary rank of Brigadier-General. To be eli- 
gible for the rark of Brigadier-General, an officer must fulfil 
the following conditions: — 

Have hold the rank of Colonel for at least five years and^ in 
addition thereto, be in command of a District, or be a member 
of tie Militia Goitncil. 

139. Promotion to the subatantive ranlc of Colonel shall be 
made by eelcctioa to fill a vacancy on the establishment. To 
be eligible fur promotion to the rank of Colonel^ aa officer 
must bo: — 

(a) One of the senior thirty Lieutenant-Colonels of the 
MilKia^ and 

(b) Have had not less tli:in 20 years' service as an officer 
on the Active List of the Militia, or partly of the Militia and 
partly of the Foicos of the United Kingdom, or one of its de- 
pendencies, and 

(e) Have passed the Tactical Fitness Test preseiibed in 
para. SC2 of these Begulations. 

Tlio CBtablishments of Colonels shall not exceed thirty. 

100. Before promotion to Held rank an officer must possess, 
in aldition to a field officer's certificate, n certificate of equi- 

Active Militia. 

191. Aa far an pacticable, consistent mtb a due regard to 
the se^rviee and military requirements, all promotions in City 
and Rural Corps shall be by eeniority, and shall be made upon 
the advice of the Militia Council, but no officer shall be pro- 
moted to a higher rank unless in possession of the necessary 

192. Before promotion to the rank of. Captain, Lieutenants 
of tie Army Medical Corps are required to complete ona year's 
service in the Corps in addition to qualifying under Appendix 
VT, Syllabus J (3], subject to the proviso that officers who are 
transferred to the Army Medical Corps from any other branch 
of the service, and who before transfer' were duly qualified in 
the crm to which they belonged, will not bs required to qualify 
under tlie Appendix quoted. 

Promotion to Major or Lieutenant -Colonel will be rogiment- 
«1, subject to qualification. 

193. In the regimental medical service, promotion, subject 
to the necessary qualification, will be as follows; — 

Lieutenant — After one year to be Captain. 

Captain — After four years to be Major. 

Mttjar — After ton years, may be transferred to Modi Pi I 

Boservd, with honorary raok of Lieutenant-Colonel. 
Tiiis applies only to officers appointed prior to 1st May, 190i' 

194. For promotion of adjutants, mustECtry instructors an i 
signalling officers of City and Hural Corps see paras. 135, ISS 
and 140. 


Permanent Staff and Fcnnaneut Foxce. 

196. Duly qualified officers of the Pcrmaoieut Staif, who arc 
not on the cadres of units, will be promoted aa iollows: — 

Captain — After 5 years' service in the rank of Captain on 
the Permanent Staff, a' step in rank. 

Major — After 6 years' service in the rank of Major on the 
Permanent Staff, and not less thaii 20 years' substantive ser- 
vice, a step in rank. 

The total previous substantive commissioned service in the 
Active Militia may be reckoned towards promotion under this 

196. In Permanent Corps, promotion up to the rank of major 
will, aa a general rule, be made by seniority, but promotion to 
the rank of regimental lieutenant-colonel will be made by selec- 
tion from regimental irajors who have duly qualified for com- 

197. For qualifications of officers of the Permanent Army 
Medical Corps for promotion, see paras. 779, 780 and 807, 

198. A veterinary ofiicer of the Permanent Force, on appoint- 
ment, will be granted the rank of Veterinary Captain. After 
10 years' service an a Yetcrinary Captain, he may be promoted 
to the rank of Veterinary Major, and after 10 years' further 
service as Veterinary Hajor, he ma^^ be promoted to the rank 
of Voter inury Lieutena:it- Colonel, subject, in each ease, ,to his 
passing the promotion examination for each rank in accordance 
with paras. 780, 790 and 811. 

199. Under very spBcial cireumgtances the Minister may 
exempt from examination an officer promoted for distinguished 
service or an officer who has shown marked ahility and gal- 
lantry in tlie field. 

200. An officer whose turn for promotion occurs whilst he 
is on active service, or whilst be is medically unfit by reason 
of wounds or disease eoutracted ou active service may, pro- 
vided that ho has not neglected aiiy previous opportunity of 
presenting himself for examination, be provisionally promoted, 
subject to his passing the prescribed oxaminaticu on the first 
available opportunity. 

201. The promotion of qualified officers may be delayed for 
misbehaviour, inattention to duty, or unfitness in any special 
respect. B&fore an officer's promotion is delayed, a special re- 
port upon the case will be submitted to the Minister. 


G.O. 30— 
Oan. 2 12 A. 

Corp a. 

Ohd. 217. 

Can. 216. 

Oan. 218. 

from examina- 

CftD. 219. 

Can. 220. 

Can. 221. 

Pronietlou in The Reserves. 

See parA. 257. 

3.— BANK. 
Brevet Bank, 

202. Brevet rank: — 

(a) For distinguishei service in the field; 

(b) For useful service to the country; 

will be specially provided for by tlje Governor-General 


For diatln- 
sonrice. Sic. 
Cau. 162. 

Faras. 203-210 


For length 
of service. 
Cau, 16S, 

Servico in 

Cbn. 163. 
ment irom 
Kotirel List. 

Oaa. 176. 

Can, 188. 

Can. 104. 

203. lu the Permanent Force and Active Militia breveta 
will be awarded in the ordinary course oi an officer's service 
aB p;ovided la tb© succeeding paragraphs. 

204. Service iu the Reserve of Officers or in a Corps Ecserve 
will uot count as qualifying for brevet rank. 

205. Service previous to re- appointment to the Active List 
from the Retired List will no: count as qualifying service for 
brevet rank. 

206. Officers of the Imperial Arm^ serving with tha Caca- 
dian Permanent Force will be permitted to count sotvice as 
2nd Lieutenant in the Begulai Army for the purpose of quali- 
fying for brevet rank in the Canadian Militia. 

2C7. An officer must have passed the examination laid down 
for promotion to the substantive rank corresponding to the rank 
to wkich it is proposed to promote him by brevet. For brevet 
promotion to the rank of Colonel, an officer of the Peimanent 
Staff or Permanent Force must have passed the Army Examin- 
ation f<yr promotion to the roak of Lioutouant-Colonel. 

2C8. Qualified officers duly recommended to Militin Xlead- 
quarters will be granted brevet rank as follows : 

Permanent Stuff aai 
PermansDt Foroo. 

(q) Mter 6 yoara' aervico' 
with HubsUmtive rank of Lieut- 

(b> After5yeaiB'Borvioe*a» 
a autwtaative CaptaiD, aad not 
ia^ tbuj' a total ol y^ yoaro' 


(o) Alter i ycari' wrvioo' 
wUli tiiA>«tuiitivo rank uf Uuioi*. 
and not Jooa tluui 30 yoan 
cotnuiaaioaed eomoe*, or, 
after 'i ycBurs* service* aa a 
etaff ofHcor at Militia Hoad- 
quarters with ran of Major, 
and a total oonunisaloiud Mr- 
vice* of not lees tliaa 20 years. 


(d) After 10 yoara' contin- 
uous service af a eubstuntive 
Captain in a City or Rural 
Corps, with not lesa than 15 
yeors^ subatantivo eervioo. 

<e) After 10 yBam' aerviee 
00 major, or orevet major 
in a City or Uurul Corps, 
and bavins na( leu tlian 25 
yoare' Mibetantive aorvioe an 
a cemmiasiontd officer* 


Lieut. - 

•S«rvioe beie meaiu eorvioe. oiolu«iv9of provisional earvioe. in a permanent unit 
or on tlio Perm anent BuH of the Militia. 

209. These regulations conaerning brevet rank will not be 

Tempoiary KanlL 

210. An officer on the Permanent Staff at Militia Head- 
quarters holding the appointment of Director may, if duly 

iBii) ^^^~ qualidedj bo granted the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel 


while holding sueh appointment. 
S«e also para £31 (c). 



Para, 211 

Honqrary £ank. 
211. Honorary rank will be granted as follows: — 

Ftrmanent Corp& 

Active Uilitla. 


(a) On appointment. — Honorary 

(b) After C yeara^ commiBeloned 
Bervici. — Honorary Oaptftin. 

(o) After 10 yeara' commissioned 
8erTlc».-5-Honorory Hnjor. 

(i) On appointment, not above the. 
age of 45, pending quallfiea' 
tion aa Qutrterameter. — Hon* 
orary Lleutanant. 

(e) If qualifled. — Honorary Oap- 

(f) After 10 years' commiBetined 
service. — Honorary Major. 

G.O. SO— 

Beglmental Medical Officer. 

(() After 10 yearn' service irith 
subBtantive rank of M«jor, 
may bo transferred to the 
Medical Htserve of Officers 
with the lionorary rank of 

Veterinary Ofilcer. 

(k) After 10 years' servtee with 
rank of Major, may be tians- 
f erred to the Veterinary Ke< 
serve of Oftcers with the hon- 
orary rank of Lieut.-OoliBel. 


I (1) Aa for Quartermaster. 

Assistant FaTiuaster. 

(k) On appointment. — Honorary 

(1) After 5 years' conmissioned 

service. — Honorary Oaptatu. 
<m) After 10 years' cgnmiBsioned 

service. — Honorary llajor. 


(q) On appointment. — Honorary 

(o) After 10 years* comatisslgned 

lervioe. — Honorary Major. 

Commissary of Ordnaace. 

(p) On appointment as Assistant 
Oommtssary of Ordnance. — 
Honorary Lieutenant. 

W) ^° promotion to Deputy Com- 
missary of Ordnanct, or when 
6 years in the rank of honor- 
a r y Lieutenant. — Honorary 

(r) On promotion to Oommissary 
of Ordnance, or on completion 
of 10 years' commiBsioned ser- 
vice. — HonorarjrJBafor. 


Paras. 212-217 

Offlcerft— Bank 

Officers — Command, Fxecedeuce, Etc. 

Paras. 218-223 

Permanent Corps. 

\otive Militia. 

Offlcar Clerk. 

(k) Od nppciinttnent as Officer 
Clerk. — Hunorary Lieuteuaut. 

(t) After 6 years In the rank of 
Honorary Lleulenaot.— ^Honor 
try Oaptalo. 

Warrant Officer. 

Oai 283A, f**) ^^ retirement after 34 yoara' 
tenrtce in Poraanent Force,*— 
Honorary Lieatenant. (G. 0> 
124, 1912.) 

to noQ- 
G,0. 100 — 


dai. 1Q2A. 
Can. 197. 

Norvice to 

Cai. 193. 

Oai. 196. 

Can. 196. 

Colonel OS 
Oaa. 198. 

Ooloul and 

G.O. 113— 


212. When an oilicer resigns his commission for the purpose 
of accepting a non-combatant appointment, sucli as Paymaster 
or Quartermaster, he Tvill, vfith such appointment, te given 
honorary ranlc equivalent to the rank (combatant or honorary) 
which he has resigned. An oQSeer thus appointed must qualify 
for bis new app;>intnieut within one year from date of such 

213. Except i& the Canadian Ordnance Corps^ previous con- 
tinuous commissiDnod service in the Aetivo A'.ilitia will count 
towards qualification for honorary rank, 

214. A Pental Surgeon will be given the honorary rank of 
lieutenant on appointment, aad after throe years that of cap- 
tainj but his oiEcial designation will be "Dental Surgeon.*' 

215. A Nursing Sister shall have the lelative rank of lieu- 

Honorary Ranks of Colonel and Ueut.-OoloneL 

516. The honorary rank of Colonel may bo granted to an 
oilleer of the Active Militia^ on rotiremeut, under the following 
conditions: — 

(a) He must have exercised, as lieuter ant-colonel, the com- 
mand of a regiment of cavalry, garrison artillery or infantry, 
or a brigade of (leld artillery, for at least fiv« years; or have 
held the substantive rank of lieuteoiant-colcn^l in the Permajiont 
Force, or on the Permanent Staff, or in commaaid of a Division 
or Military District for an equivalent period; and 

(b) He must have a total continuous service as an oiUcer 
of tlie Militia of thirty years; and 

(o) He must have rendered exceptional services to the 
Militia in the several militaTy appointments held by him; or 
have gained spesial distinction on field eervice or in time of 
emergency; or Lave rendered special services to the Militia, 
outside of the appointment hsld in the Militia, such as having 
been preside nt of the (JamwJinn Artillery Association or Domin- 
ion Bifle Associfltion for long periods. These services will he 
judged on their merits in oacli case. 

517. The homorary rank of Colonel or the honorary rank of 
Lieutenant-Colonel may be granted to a person, whether he has 
or las not previously served in the Militia, if, in the opinion 


of the Minister in Militia Council, tihc granting of such rank is,! 
from an educational or administrative point of view, likely tol 
promote the general efficiency of the Militia. | 

Bank on Bdtlrement. 
See paras. 270-272 and 282. 



2X8. Command is to be exercised b^ the senior combatant Exerclaa of 
officer on the Active List present, provided: — ^*'n"*^^sT 

(aj That an officer appointed to command a District shall "■»• ^*^- 
exercise command over the troops localised within the terri- 
torial limits of such District. 

(b) That where an officer has been appointed to the com 
niand of a sjecial unit, detaclimen't or force, or has been detailed 
to perform a special duty", the Minister may direct that ho 
shall exerciee such command independently of the O.C. District 
within whose area he may from tima to time find himself. 

219. An officer appointed to command a regiment, battalion, itflgimental 
or other unit, shall exercise command over any other officer Offlcera. 
serving therein, irrespective of the date of appointment. All <^"- ^°^' 
other officers doing duty with their regiments shall take rant 
according to their dates of appointment in that rank to such 
regiment or unit; and all officers serving togethei with officers 

of other corps, shall take rank according to the dates of their 
respective appointments to that rank in the Militia. Should 
two officers of the same rank have been gazetted to such ran^ 
with the some date, their precedence shall, except in the casQ 
of an officer appointed to command a unit, be determined b,7 
the date of their next lower rank. 

220. Officers of His Ma.ieety's Tmporial and Indian Forces aiii imperial 
Offlcert of any forces of the British Dominions bejond the Seas, Offlcaraj Ac 
serving in the Canadian Militia, shall, while so serving, exercias 0"°- 1^^* 
command ia the MilitiJi by virtue of their Canadian Militia 
commissions alone, but in the granting of thes* commissions 
endeavour »hall be made to confer as far as possible the same 

rank and command as the officers lave enjoyed in their own 

221i Priority of date of qualification for promotion carries Seniority an4 
with it no correspond ing seniority or precedence. '^"cfan'^lfiS!' 

222. Officers confirmed in their rank take precedence and p„,|j\onal ' 
command over all provisionally appointed officer* of the same offlcorB. 
rank. ^an. 160. 

223, An officer of the C.P.A.S.C. or O.A.S.O. detailed for bar- ^ g g^ 
rack duties, if specially detached frooi regimental duty with bis *d«n. 161. 
Corps, will not hold at^ military command, except over such 

officers and men as may be specially placed under his commanl. 

* Thta shiU be taken to include Petaw&wa Traininf Oamp and ttie 
Royal unitary College. 



Paras. 224-231 

Offlcors — Oommmd, Frecedeace, Etc. 

h''^1?*f ^ ^*' ^^^ patients in military hoapitala sball be deamed to be 

Su 173 ^^^^^ ***** command of the Medical Offieere in charge of such 

Discipline of 
prisonera of 

Ooinmaiid of 


Oan. ITS. 

Corps of 
Guides and 

Can. 176. 

BtotUft of 
Officers on 
Recall, &o. 

Can, 177. 

0.0. 215 — 


to Keserves. 

Can. 170, 

loeal and 

Can. 167- 

225. When officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned offi- 
cers or men, become priaoners of war, tke ordinary military re- 
lations of superior and subordinate, and the military duty of 
obedience remain unaltered. Any stich prisoner, who is guilty 
of insubordination, or other breach of discipline, in respect of 
his superior, will be required to answer for his condu^it when 

22G. When units or detiLcbments of different corps are em- 
ployed together on any duty, each unit and detachment will, 
subject to the orders of the 0,0. the whole body, act under the 
immediate authority of ita own commander In matters of a 
purely regimental character. 

227. The Corps of Guides and the Army Service Corps being 
combatant corps, their officers will hold the usual ranks and 
titles of combatant officers, but in the Army Service Corps their 
command and authority will not extend outside that corps until 
thay have obtained, in either cavalry, artillery or infantry, as 
thay may elect, the certificates required for the ranks they hold. 

For qualification of officars of the Corps of Guides, see Ap- 
pendix IX. 

223. An officer of the Beserve of Ofiicers or of a Corps Be- 
serve on being recalled foi service or training will; — 

(a) If so recalled within five years from date of transfer 
to either of the above Beseive formations, resume th« rank and 
pracedence held by him immediately before such tiansfer. 

(b) If so recalled after a lapse of fi/e years frnm the date 
of such transfer, take, ranl^ and precedence from tie date of 
retail from either Beserve formation. 

229. An oflicer recalled as above will, if re-transferred to 
a Reserve formation, eithei resume, in the Reserve formation 
^'oncerned, the rank and ptecedenee held by him immediately 
before such recall therefrom, or retain any higher lank^ witli 
its consequent precedence in the Boserva form*itiou concerned, 
to which he may have attained since so recalled. 

For command, &c., exercised by retired officers on lo-appoint. 
mcnt, see para. 283. 

230. Bank la the Beserve of OfficerSj in a Beeer\e Unit or 
on the Bctired List, confers no authority to command. 


231. The relative precedDnce of permanent, local and tem* 
poiary rank is as under; — 

'a) Officers having permanent or local rank will take pre- 
cedence of all those serving with them liaving temporary rank 
of the same grade. 

(b) Local mnk granted ly the King, carries with it, within 
the command or country in vhich it has effect, the same advan- 
tages of precedence and eommnnd as permanent rank ;ind will 
hare effect so hng as the officer is holding the appointment for 
which it is given. 


Officers—Tenure of Appointment 

Paras. 232-240 

(c) Oflicete holding the temporary or local rank of briga- 
dier-general will take precedence among themselves, according 
to their permanent rank. 

232. Except as laid down in paragrapli 231 («), officers ap- temporary 
pointed to aat temporarily in a higher rank shall take rank 'Pg°^'™**- 
among themselves, while so acting, according to the dates of 

their temporary appointments, but junior to all officers per- 
manently of the same grade. 

233. Officers employed as brigade majors, if of the rank o/'S'Jf*^* 
captain, take rank and precedence next after field offi- 0an.*i69. 
eers in the brigade, or garrison, in wbich they aro serving. 

234. Officers of the Active Militia while attached to the Attached 
Permanent Force for duty, shall have the same relative status, Offlcera. 
command and authority, 'as officers of the Permanant Force of *^"* ^'"• 
their own rank. 

235. Officers of Active Militia attached for instruction to a Oan. 170. 
Permanent Corps, will rank among themselves according to 

their militia rank, but on all duties coanected with the Perman- 
ent Corps aid their course of instruction they will be consid- 
ered aa junior to the Permanent Officers of the Corps to which 
they are attached. 

236. A departmental officer* serving in his own Department, Aotbority, 
Corps, or Service, or an officer holding honorary rank, will, *>y J":*.^' .^f* 
virtue of bis rank, or of his position, be entitled to precedence gj^^^j,, 
and other advantages attached to the corresponding rank among Can. 112. 
combatant officers. Sucl rank or position will aot, however, 

entitle the holder of it to . the presidency of courts-martial 
(other than regimental) or to military command of any kind, 
except over such officers and men as may be especially placed 
under his command, or attached to hie corps for duty. 

237. The functions of District Officers, Boyal Canadian Ar- gi«trict 
tillery, as combatant offltera, are restricted to the following: — ko-A, 

(a) Supervision over an Armament Office. 

(b) Assisting the Fira Commander of a Coast Defence unit 
in his duties on mobilization. 

* (c) Commanding a eiib-distriot where no company officer! 
are available. 

238. Officers of the Canadian Ordnance Corps holding sub ggj^/pg^* 

stantlve rank will, in all departmental duties, take precedence q q. *161 

of officers holding honorary rank. 1912. 

Can, 194. 


239. An officer who reaches the a^e limit while holding an Age llmtt. 
appoinbmentf the term of which has not yot expired, may bo al- Oan. 180. 
lowed to complete his term before b&ing retired if the Militia 

Council decides that such a course is in the interest of the 

240. The tenure of appointment of the following Command O.Oi. 

iug Officers shall be for Ive years: — *'"■ 181*2. 

The O.C. a Begiment of Cavalry. 
The O.C. a Brigade ol Field Artillery. 

G.O. 106 — 
Oan. 1T2A. 

*8ee Soctioa T. 

SenriccB and Departnienta. 

f aras. 241>245 

Officers — ^Houprary Appoijatinents 

The 0.0. a Regiment of Garrison Artillery. 

The O.C. a Ecgiiuont or Battalion of Infantry, 
Such tenure ^nay be extt^nclM in special cases, but «nly upon 
the rcamitieadatiou of the District Officer Commanding, who 
should submit his recommendation three months before the 
expiration of such tenure. 

241. Officers Commanding Cavalry aid Infantry Brigadra^, 
and brigade majors, will be appointed for periods of three 
years; such appointmouts will be made £S a rule from the Ito- 
sen^o of Officers. That of O^cer Commanding will be conferred 
upon officora who have held the command of their corps for the 
proscribed period. 

242. Officers Commanding Districts ^ill report to Militia 
Headquarters, before the 1st April each ysar, whether or not all 
Cavalry and Infantry brigade commanders and brigade majors 
will bo availably for training during tho current year. Should 
R-wy such officer n.ot be available, fahe recommeudabiou of an 
officer to replace him will accompany the above report, and the 
officer to be replaed ma^ be required permanently to vacate 
the appointment in question. 

and Brigade 
Cm. 183. 

£c.» unabl« 
to attend 
Can. 184-5. 

Ctn. 180. 


Rank of 
r«seTTod for 
Uoy«l Family, 





Oolonels and Lleuteuant-Cblonels. 

243. An honorary colonel or lioutenant-eolonol may bo ap- 
pointed to a regiment of cavalry ^ brigade of field artiilery, 
regiment of garrison artillery, corps of guides, regiment of 
infantry or riSca, or an administrative corps, under tie follow- 
ing conditions: — 

(a) Tho appointment is purely honorary, confers no right 
to command^ and involves no expense to the public. 

(b) The appointment of honorairy colonel will bo reserved 
for members of the Royal Family, for the Governoi-Qeneral, 
and for distinguished officers of either the Imperial or Cauadian 

(c) Applications for these appointments must emanate from 
the corps coneeined, and bo accompanied by a statement that 
the consent of the proposed honorary colonel or lisutenant- 
colonel has been obtained. 

These applieitione should be forwarded to Militia Head- 
quarters througlk the proper channel. 

Honorary Aides-de-Oaaip and Honorary Surgeotis. 

Hontrarr 244. With a View to conferring a distinction upon selected 

Aidflde-Oamp officers of the Canadian Militia, the appointments of Honorary 
lu?B!?on"**'**^^ Aide-de-Oamp amd Honorary Surgeon to Th« Governot-Gouoral, 
shall, as far as possible, resemble that of Aide-de-Camp and 
Honorary Surgeon to The King^ but such appointments shall 
not carry with them any advancement in ranis to the officer 
appointed and slall be vacated on a holder becoming Brigadier- 
General on the iLctivo list. 

246. HonorarT Aides-de-Ciimp and Honorary Surgeons will 
bo appointed by the Governor-General for the perioi during 
which he holds office, after wtiich their appointments will lapse. 


Can. 167. 

Can. ISB. 

Officers — Exchange, Transfer, Etc. 

Paras, 246-254 

246. The names of Honorary Aides-do-Camp and Honorary Can. 1S9. 
BtirgeottB will be printed in the Militia List under the heading 
ol '* Honorary Aides-deCamp and Hojkorary Surgeons to the 
Governor-General," and the appointments will be entirely dis- 
tinct from those of persond Aides-de-Camp or extra Aides-de' 
Camp to the Governor-General, whoso names will be printed iu 
a separate list. 

247* At all ceremonies of state, Honorary Aidos-doCamp State 
will receive tleir instructions from the Military Secretary to °* "^^^^"Jjjo 

tlie Governor-Ctonral. 

Exchange or Transfer. 

248. An officer may be permitted to exchange or transfer T9 sad from 
from one regiment or corps to another, but not from the Per- P«"na>ifli»t 
maneut Force to the Active Militia or vice versa. *can. 333. 

249. Application for exchange or transfer from one corps Application, 
to anothiar will bo submitted in the usual manner for approval Cim. 328. 
at Militia ir^jiwlquartersj but, before tie District Officer Com* 

man ding the applicant forwards it, he must procure through 
tbe proper channel the approval of the Officer Comuiauding the 
Corps to whicli the exchange is to be made, and of tho Officor 
Commanding tbe District ta which that Corps belongs. 

250. Officer* on exchange shall become junior of their rank Can. 324. 
in the Corps to which the\ exchange. 

Seconded Officera 

251. When a regimentat officer on tho Active List is em- Dftflnition. 
ployed away ffojn his own Corps, upon any duty not connected Can. 226, 
with the Corpe (unless of a purely temporary nature), he may 

be "seconded" in his Corps, in that ease his uam& Js shown 
in italics in tlio Rcgitnentnl Lists, and another oflteer is ap- 
pointed to fill [lis place and perform his duties in the Corps, in 
wliich he still retains his rank, precedon<;e, and claims to 

262. No officer may be seconded, at aay one time, for a long- 
er period thai four years, which period may, under epeeial 
circumstances, be oxteided one year. Upon the expiration ot 
any period of seconded service, an officer must reveit for duty 
to the unit to which ho belongs. An officer on reverting from 
the seconded list shall lejoin his unit as "supernumerary/' 
and be absorbed in the first available vacancy. 

263. The extra-regimental employment of officers as special- 
ists^ &c., and the extension of the periods of such omployment, 
will be specially decided in each case by the Minister in Militia 

264. Seconded oflicers must pass all esambiations before pro- 
motion. Before an officer of the seconded list is promoted^ tho 
Militia Council will decido whether he is, on promotion, to con- 
tiaue on that list, or revert to duty witli his Corps. 


Can. 227. 

Can. 228. 

of seconded 
Can. 239. 

Paras. 266-261 

EeBervo of Officers 

Reiall ot 266. Offic^re eeconded for duty of a semi-imlitaTv or civil 

Bfloonded ob&racter will| on field eorviee appearing imminent, bo liable to 

*''^oSi'*230. ^^ rocaUed to tbeir unita. 


Oad. 109. 

in Besflrvest 
Can. 307. 

Offlcera ol 
Coipfl Beserra 
enoonraged to 

Can. 901. 

ability of 
Oorpa Reaerra 

Oan. 202-8. 

Oan. 204. 

Obo. 206. 

Qenoral Instmctiom. 

250. The reaervo formationa of the A.ctive Miliiia furnish 
an additional supply of ofiioers available for Bpecdal appoiut- 
menis ia tuuio oi peace, and to oompleta the establishment of 
th« Militia in time of WJir. They comprise: — 

(a) Corps Beserve. (See para. 2). 

(b) Beserve of Oflicers. 

257. Officers while in th» Reserves are not eligible for pro- 
motion to higher rank but, in the case of graduates of the 
Boyal Military College, the following exceptions will be made: — 

(a) A lieutonant, after attending five annual trainings at* 
t.ithed as a combatant officer to a unit of the Active Militia, 
will be promotsd brevet captain in the Eeserve of Officers. 

(b) A captain, after attanding ten annual trainings attach- 
ed as a combatant officer to a unit of the Active Militia, will 
be promoted brevet major in the Eeserve of Officers. 

Corps B>eserTes, 

258. O.C. units will encourage officers of their Corps Eeserves 
to train annuallv with their Corps. There is no limit to the 
number of officers of the Corps Eeserve who may triin in any 
one year, but training pay cannot be drawn in excess of the 
numbers fixed in the establishment for the year. 

259. An officor borne on the Corps Eeserve of any unit may 
be attached for training to the Corps Eeserve of any other 
unit of the same branch of the service* 

The oflicers of a Corps Eeserve will be both eligible for, and 
subject to^ transfer to the service or training establishment ol 
their Corps. See para. 2ii8. 

260. Corps Heserve Officers on attaining the age limit pre- 
scribed for officers borne en the training establishment, shall 
be retired. 

Beseire of Officers. 

261. This Easerve is made up as follows: — 

(a) GracLuates of the Eoyal Military College of Canada, 
commissioned as \>fficers of the Active Militia, unattached. 

(b) Commanding Officers of the Active Militia on comple- 
tion of their tenure of eommand. 

(c) Officers, other than those holding honoraiy commis- 
sions, retiring from corps of Active Militia who are eligible 
to retire retaining their rank under para. 271. 

(d) Officers whose past service in the field or during an 
emergency may be held to be sufficient qualification. 


Betiremeiit and Eemova] 

Paxas. 262-270 

262. Anyone who served as an officer iu the Canadian Con- Qialifying 
tiigentfi, Imperial Yeomanry^ or any irregular corps iu the '^^^i"" ^i.- 
South African War, 1899-1902, who does not at date of applies- 

tion belong to any unit of the Canadiaa Militia, may, if he iS 
a resident of tJie Dominion of Canada, be granted a commission 
in the Eeserve of Officers under the following conditions: — 
For the raak of Captain — He must have served in South 
Africa \Tith the rank of captain for not less tlian twelve 
For the rank of Lieutenant — He must have serveil in South 
Africa with the rank of captain or lieutenant for not less 
than six months* 

263. Offlcerfl of the Permanent Staff and Permanent Force Ptrmanent 
who retire with pension will be transferred to the Keserve of Offlcera. 
Ofileers with a step of rank in the Eeseri^e and contitue thereiu ^^"' ^**^- 
up to the age-limit of that rank. (See paras. 267 and 268), 

264. Oflleere of the Permanent StaflE and Permanent Force Can. 20». 
wlio retire with or without gratuity may be transferred to the 
Eflserve of Oflicers at their own request. 

266. Officers Commanding Districts will keep a list of alllAjintial 
oflicers of the Eeserve of Officers resiient within their Dis- B«port. 

' *- - Can. 210. 

H.Q. 970— 
1 — T, 

tricts. This list will be specially revised on the Ist April of 
each ^ear and x return of the officers then resident withiu their 
Districts will be sent by Officers Commanding Districts to 
Militia Headquarters on the Ist May. 


267. Except under special circumstances (which will include 
a physical fitness test) officers shall be compulsority retired at 
the following ages, which will be calculated from the Ist of 
September iu each year: — 

Colonels at 63 years. 

Tjieut.-Colonols ^ . . . . " 60 * * 

Majors , . . " 55 " 

Captains , ' * 50 

Lieutenants » " 45 * * 

Lieutenants, Corps of School Cadet Instruc- 

ors " 55 " 

268. The following officers holding honorary rank shall be 
retired upon attaining the age of 55 years: — 

District Officers appointee! under para, 179, 


Paymaster (Active Militia). 

Assistant Paymasters, C.A.P.C, 

Commissaries of Ordnance. 

269. Chaplains and Dental Surgeons aie exempt from the pro- 
vim oms of parw 267 and 2fi8. 

270. In calculating the age for retirement the highest rank 
held by the offiter concerned, whether suhatautiive or breve*, but 
not honorary, sltall govern tlie retirement. 


Age Umit. 
Gbd. 281. 

Age limit, 




Dan. 281— 
9.0s. 30, 
94 A 21S — 

an4 Dental 

Can. 281. 
Rank for 
of age. 

(Jan. 281. 

Porafi. 271-277 

Betiremeut and Removal 

lletflntion of 
Rank on 
Can. 232. 
buhI Field 

Corps Il«>erTe 
dan. 282. 


Dan, 2320. 

a.O. 80— 


nan. 288. 

EI.Q, 970— 


of officers. 
Can. 28 S. 

of rank on 
Can. 241. 

B«moval of 
Can. 285-6, 

271 (i)* To retire regaining the rauk of lieuteuaiDt an officer 
must have had a total service in the Militia of five years (of 
wMch throe must have been passed coneecutively as a commis- 
sioned ofiiicer) and have attended five annual trainings. 

(ii.) To retire retaining the rank of captain, major, liouten- 
aut-coloncl, or colonel, an oQlcer must, in addition to the mini* 
mum service required under (i), have atttnded two annual train- 
ings in the rank held at retirement* Failing this, aa officer will 
be gazetted out with the rank next below that hold at rotiremeut. 

(iii). A Corps Keserve Officer training annually vrith a unit 
may count one year towards reteutioa of rank oa retirement for 
each such training. 

See also para. 211 (u). 

(iv). A wairant officer of the Perifiaient Force holding hon- 
orary rank may, at the discretion of the Militia Council, be 
allowed to retain his honorary rank on retirement irrespective 
of his length of service in such houorai'/ rank. 

272. Officers Commanding Districts will keep a list of officers 
OB the Eotired List resident within their Districts. This list 
will be specially revised on the 1st April of each year and a re- 
turn of the officers then resident within their Districts will be 
sent by Officers Commanding Districts to Militia IIca4quurtors 
01 the* Ist May. 



274. An oilcer who apjlies for permission to retire or to 
resign hia conunission is Jiot to quit his unit or appoinibment 
without leave until be has been duly nabified of the accept- 
aiLce of such application. 

275. In f owarding the application of an officer to retire, the 
CO. is to state whether: — 

(a) All regimental claims have been paid. 

(b) He is aware of any outstanding public claim. 

(c) There is any objection to the rotiiemont being sanctioned. 

276. Officers resigning tlieir commissions will not retain any 
rank in the service, or wear any prescribed uniform, except by 
The King's Special Authoiity. 

Bemoval of Officers. 

277. An officer may at any time be lemovcd by order of the 
Hinister for misconduct. 

Should a Cbmmanding Officer feel it his duty to recommend 
tke removal of an officer, he must notify such officer by regis- 
tered letter of the actiou which he intends to tak«, and give 
tie officer concerned an opportnnity of showing cause wiiy such 
removal should not take place. 

The writtea reply of tie oilicer mmt accompany the C.O.'s 
application for his removal. When no reply has bean received 
•within thirty days, a certificate of postal registration of the 
itotdlicatioai will bo attached to the leconimenidation insteoid, 
!md will be takem as sufficienl: endence of the iw>tifica»tiffn hav- 
ijLg'beeu received. 

Oncers on Beduction, Etc. 

Paras. 278-287 

278. Commanding Officers will report the names ol officers Officeta 
belonging to their Corps who are considered medically unfit for ^^j "' 
service, in order that they uaay be examined by a Medical caV. 28 T. 


279. In the case of the reduction of the establishmant of a Reduction of 
Corps, officers becoming supernumerary will be absorbed iutt) "**JJ^"°™J^'' 
the first vacancies ffhii'h occi'r, but in ordoi not unduly to retard 

the promotion oi lieutenants, supernumerary captains will be 
absorbed only into alternate vacancies, riz.: — the first, third 
and fifth vacancies. 

2S0. When a Corps is disbanded and removed fiom the Oa diBband- 
list of Corps of the Active Kilitia. the officers thereof, except ™ent ^ o^r " 
those whose names are specially mentionel as being parmitted """■ ^^^• 
to retire retaining rank, or to be placed on the Keserve of 
Officers, cease at the same time to be oEficers of tbo Active 


281. Nothing in any of tlie foregoing paragraphs shall be 
construed as forbidding the le-omployment of Betired Of^eers, 
should it be desirable in the public interests. 

282. An officer who has retired retaining rank will be liable 
to ba recalled fo: duty under the terms of the Militia Act and 
such regulations as may from time to time be promulgated, but 
he viU not be called upon tc serve in a rank inferior to that 
with which he retired. 

283. Officers who have retired retaiuinj^ rank will, if subse' 
quostly re-appointed to the Militia, take only such r&nk, pre- 
cedence, and command as are conferred upon them at the time 
of such re-appoi£tment. 



Ow. 281. 

Recall to 
ActiTS liitt. 
Can. 234. 


Con. 178. 


Paras. 288-295 

Soldiers — Enlistment, Service 

of 0.0. 
Can. 248. 

Can. 24&. 
G.O. 186— 


Can. 2Sa. 

Men Ute of 
Armj and 

Can, 247. 


Oan. 249. 

Oan. 261. 

Oan. 250. 

ETid«see of 

Oan. 260. 


General Inatructlons. 

288. GommandiDg OiQcers must bavb complied with the 
Militia Act, by taking tlie Oatb of Mlcgiacce before a justice 
of the peaze, before they can aduiinistor such oath to any 
oiUcer or muu. 

289. Men who have been disehiirged from the following 
forces (1) oa unfit for further service, (2) for raiscoadueti or 
(3) with a bad character, are ineli|^ble ^r enlistment, unless 
authority for such enlifltmeut be obtained from Militia Head- 
quarters: — 

KegTilar Army, 

Eo/al Marines. 

Eo/al Navy. 

Ho/at Naval Baserve. 

Territorial Force, 

Oaimdian Permanent Force. 

Caaadiau Naval Service. 

Hoy^l North-Weet Mounted Police. 

Eoyal Irish Cfoastabulary. 
2j90. Men belonging 1o the Imperial Army Beserve or Navy 
Beserves, or absentees therefrom^ aie not to be enlisted with' 
out special authority fiom Militia Headquarters. 

291. When a man wlo has previously served in the Regular 
Army, Royal Marines, Army Beserve, Royal Navy, Royal Nortl* 
West MouEted Police, Canadian Militia, or anj other forc«, 
enllstB or re-enlists in tlie Militia, ha will be required to state 
the particulars of bis former service and causa of dincharge and 
to produce his certiflcate of diwhargo. 

292. OfiiQers commanding corps ara prohibited Erom enlisting 
men who at the time belong to an otlier 'corps. 

293. Wh&u any man belonging to a corps of the Canadiaa 
Militia is discovered to have enlisted improperly in another 
corps thereof, the case will (after any action required by the 
Militia Act in such case» has been taken) be referred to Militia 
Headquarters for decision as to the corps in which the man 
is to be held to serve, except where both corps aie in the same 
command, v^hen the D.O.C. will decide. 

294. Wh»n any man belonging to any of Hla Majesty 'ft 
Regular, Territorial or Naval Forcefl is diisoovereJ to have en- 
listed in tha Militia, thfl case will be referred to Militia Head- 
quarters for disposal. 

296. An intending recruit must be a British subject. If n«t 
BO by birth, he will he roquired to produce evidence that he has 
become a British subject by naturalization, which evidence, cr 
a certified copy thereof, is to be attached to the attestation 
paper or Service Boll. The fact of taking the Oath of Allegi- 
ance is not a sufficient compliance vitb the law providing for 


Soldiers — Enlistment^ Service 

Fara£, 296-307 

City and Rural Corps. 

296. Enlistment in City and Rural Corfs will be carried out 
by the recruit being required to sigJi the Service Roll and to 
take the Oath of Allegian<ie in the manner prescribed by the 
Militia Act. Enlistment will be conducted by officers command' 
Ing units, including, in the case of Rural Corps, ollicsrs com- 
manding companies, &c. 

297. Recruits for City and Rural Corps must be passed as 
medically fit for service by a medical officer, be betwopn the 
ages of 18 and 4S years, not lass than 5 foQt 4 inches in height, 
and 34 inches in chest measurEinient. 

298. The period of service laid -down hy the Militia Act is 
three years. 

299* Boys of good character between the ages of 14 (or in 
special cases 13) and IS years may be specially enlisted Ib City 
and Rural Corps for employment as bandsmen, diummers, 
buglers, j)r trumpeters, but no boy is to be enlisted without the 
oonssut of his parents or guardians. 

300. Subject to the proviiions of paragraph 297, aon-com- 
missioned officers and men of City and Rural Corps may, if 
medically fit and under 45 years of ag«, be re-ong&ged for 
further periods of three years. Warrant officers, sergeants and 
bandsmen may be re-engaged ap to 55 yeara of age. 

301. The periods of service of warrant officers, N.Gl officers 
and men of City and Rural Corps, are limited as follows: — 

Warrant officers, staff sergeants, sergeants and bandemen, — 
7 periods, 21 years. 

Rank and file (except bandsmen), — 3 periods, 9 years. 

302* Warrant officers, N.C. officers and men of City aad Rural 
Corps who re-engage, will siga the Service Boll of their Corps, 
and take the Oath in the manner provided for first enlistment. 

Permanent Force. 

303. The authorized establishments of the Permanent Force 
are not to be exceeded, by enlistment, without authority from 
Militia Headquaiters. 

304. Enlistments, re-engagaments and re'Cnllstmenta in the 
Permanent Force will bo for general service. 

305. Soldiers anllsted or re-engaged in the Permanent Force 
must be of good character, be between the ages of IS and 45 
years (warrant officers, staff eergeants, caietakers and boys ex- 
cepted); be not less than 5 feet 6 inches In height for the 
Garrison Artillery, and not less than 5 feet 4 inches la height 
for other branches; and must measure not less than 34 inches 
around the chest. They must, further, be certified by a Medical 
Officer as fit for active service anywhere. 

306. Warrant officers, after attaining the age of fifty-five 
years, and staff sergeants that of fifty years, or in either cas« 
on completion of twenty-four years' servii^e, are not to be en- 
listed or re-engaged,^ in the Permanent Force, unless bj special 
authority from Htlitia Headquarters. 

307. Where a man is enlisted or re-ealisted at tie head- 
quarters of, and for service in. any Permanent Unit, he will, 
af tei passing the medical examination, be attested by the Officer 


Can. 242. 

for noruiti. 
Oao. 243, 

Perkd fit 
Can. 244. 

Can. 246. 

ment City 
anci Rural 
Cbq, 262. 

Ported of 
aerrlce, City 
and Rural 
Con. 25S. 


Oim. 255, 

not to 1)« 

Can. 259. 

Con. 26 e. 
Oonditloa of 
Eecnits, fta. 

Oan. 256. 

Limit of 
Can. 26T. 

Oao. 208., 

Para«. 303-316 

Soldlera— EuUstmeiit, Service 

SQldiers — Ranges and AppolatmentSp Etc. 

Para. 316 


Can. 361. 

munt before 
troQsffir to 
B.C., tie. 
H.Q. 207- 

unfit to re- 

Oau. 262. 
of Soya. 

Con. 208. 

Boys BB 
Can. 2G4. 

kc, to be 
itruck off 
roll of boys. 
Can. 26S. 

At 18 years 
cf age. 
Can. 2GG. 

Boy B8 



Can. 267. 

at SerTice. 

Imp. 278. 

Can. 209. 

Comrnauding the unit. Attestatioa will be recorded in duplicate 
on Form B-235| one copy of whicii will be retailed with the 
unit, and tha other sdnt to the Corps Eecord Office. The date 
on which the man signs the declaration and takes the preaeribed 
oath is tbe date of hia attestation. 

S08. A soldier re-engaging in the Permanent I\):ce will serve 
on bis original attestation, to which, and to the duplicate there- 
of, will be attached M.F. B-340, duly completed. 

309. A floldior of tie Permanent Porco with less than 
eighteen months of hia current engagement to serve win, before 
proceeding to the Unite! Kingdom for instructicu, or before 

- transfer from Eaateru Canada to British Columbiu, be re- 
engaged for a further period of threo years from the date of 
the expiraticn of bis thea current engagement. 

310. When a soldier is considered medically unfit to re- 
engage, a Mfidieal Board will be assembled to decide whether 
or not such is the case. 

311. Und«r the conditiona laid down in para. 299, boys may 
bo enlisted for training as trumpeters, drummera, buglers, or 
musicians in Permanent Units having such on their ostabHsJi- 
monts, and in the CanaUian Ordnance Corps for training as 
clerks or aniflcora. Whilst boya so enlisted are in addition 
to, they are not to exceed in number, the trumpeters, drummers 
or buglers authorized for the unit, and are to be taken on the' 
strength of the unit as part of its authorized establishment of 
priviites, which is not to bf* exceeded. 

312. Boys are not to ba trained as musicians unless auch can 
be done without detriment to the elHciency of the drums and 

313* A boy appointed bandsman, trumpeter, drummer, or 
bugler, and included in the estUblisiiment as sueh, is to b? 
struck off thf roll of boys, although under 18 years of age. 

A boy BO appointed should not bo reverted to the ranks 
on attaining the age of 18 years, except for miacouduct. inefE- 
eiency, or at hia own request. 

Any other boy, on attaining the ago of 18, will ceaao to be 
included in the roll of boya, and should ho, on reaching that 
age, be phyeically unfit for the rauka^ he should bo examined 
by a medical board. 

314.. A bor will not be appointed trumpeter, bugler or drum- 
mer, unless, in the opinion of the CO, ho has attained a satis- 
factory standard of education. 


315. A soldier of the Permanent Force serving on hia first 
engugemeut, i.e.. during tlie first thre* years of his service iu 
the Permanent Force, foifeits the whole of his prior service 
in that Force and is liable to servo for the term of his original 
enlistment tharein, reckoned from the date of conviction or of 
the order dispensing with his trial: — 

(a> On conviction, b.v court-martial, of deaertioa or fraudu- 
lent enlistment, or 

(b) If liaMe to trial, upon his trial being dispensed with on 
confession of desertion or fraudulent enljetnent. 


Similarly a soldier of the Permanent Force, serving on a ro- 
engLgement or a re-enlistment, who is convicted by court-mar- 
tial of desertion or fraudulent enlistment, or who, being liable 
to trial, has had hia trial for either of those offences dispensed 
with by the competent military authority, forfeits all prior ser- 
vice rendered by him during the period of sueh re-engagement 
or ro-eulistmont, i.e* from tho day on which he last re-engaged 
or ra-enlisted, and is liable to serve for the term of his last re- 
eng^gement or re-enlifitmeat reckoned from the date of convic- 
tion cr of the order dispensing with his trial. 

Service so forfeited may, subject to the following limitations 
be restored: — 

(e) Upofn promotion to the rank of sergeant. 

(d) Upon completion of three years clear of entry in the re- 
gimental conduct book, to redion from termination of detention 
or imprisonment. 

Upon becoming eligible, n man will be required to elect 
whether he will, cr will not, reckon his former aervite. The 
choice will bo entered in 'his records of aervice, and witl not be 
altered subsoquently. 

The service to be restored will be: — 

(e) If (the soldier was serving on his original engagement 
at the date of desertion; the amounts actually reckoned 
at date of desertion. 

(f) If serving on a re-engagement or re-enlistnient at 
the date of desertion, the amounts actually reckoned to- 
wards completion of such re-ongngemont or re-enlist- 
ment at date of desertion. 
In oases of fraudulent enlistment — the amounts of service, 
betxToen the data of last fraudulent enlistment and the date 
of disposal of olfenee, which were forfeited upon conviction, 
or dispensation with trial. 

^his paragraph is suAiciont authority for the reatotation of 
forfeited service aa provided for above, and will be quoted in 
records of service aecordinglj. 

Cases not covered by the above rules, in which the soldier: — 
(g) Has performed good and faithful service, or is othorwiee 
deemed to merit the restoration of his forfeited service: 
(h) Has been recommended by a court-martial for the reator- 
ation of his forfeited service, 
may be submitted for consideration at Militia Headquarters. 


Hanks and Appoiutmems. 

3L6. The ranhs and appointments held by warrant officers, Baake And 
N.C.Os. and men of the Militia are set forth in the following ftppolntmenle. 
tabU, and the grant, under duo authority, of any appointment *'"°- ^'°- 
(herein detailed, wilt confer upon the holder the rank specified 
opposite that appointment in the table. When the app€intment 
is chasified under more than one rank, the lowest rank will bei 
granted on appointment, unless the soldier already holds a 
higher rank: — 


Para. 316 

Soldiers— Ranks and Appointments, Etc. 
Warraat Officers. 

Soldiers — Bauk£ and Appointments, Etc. 

Para 316 



Warrant Officer { 

Conductor, 0.0. C. ' 

Master-^unnflr, 1st clais. 

Stttflf 8ergt,-major. iBt claflB. 

Mafttorrunnor, 3nd chu. 

GarriBOH • erg t. -major. 

*Ariiiumfii)t aergt.-tuujoi. 
*Arinotirer bo rgt. -major. 
*ArtinceT sertft.-major. 
^Bnrrack cergt. -major, 
* Farrier Bergt.-major. 
*For©maii of works sergt.-major. 
^MechoDJat &ergt.-maior. 
*Sergt.major, artillery clerk. 
*Seret.-tiiajar, foreman examiner of 

laboTitor/ stores. 
♦Sergt.-major Instructor. 
*Sergt.-tra^or instructor in 'musketrr. 
^Sergt.'UJBjor instructor in BignalUng. 

Staff sergt. -major, 
*S«rgt.*n]sjor wardmaettr. (H.Q. 41 — 
M— S) 

Sub-conductor, C.O.C. 
^EiigiuGor storekeeper aergt.-major. 
'^'Engineer store accountant sergt.' 

^Superintending clerk, 
para. Sn 


Non-commissioned Ofia.cerB and Men. 

(i) Master- gunner. 3rd oUm I .....,, 

(11) Sergeant-major (If not a/ 1 
warrant ofQcer},, , .. .'^ | 

(lit) Quartermafiter-Eergeant. . , 

Regtl. or Battalion Sergeant-major. 
*Actlng bandmaster. 

Qarrisos Q.M.S. 
'Armament Q.M,8. 
*Armourer Q.M.S. 
^Barrack Q.M.S. 
^Kngineer clerk Q.M.S. 
*Fnrrier Q.M.S. 

*Farrier Q.M.S. and catriage-smith. 
'Foremar of works, Q.M.S. 
^Laboratvry Q.M.S. 
^Mechanist Q.M.S. 
*Orderly-room sergeant (when ranking 

as Q.H.S.). 
*Q.M.S. Artillery clerk. 

Q.M.S. laetructor. 

Q.M.S. instructor in miisketry. 

Q.M.S. iaatructor in shnalliag. 
*Q.M.8. staff clerk. 
•Fitter QM.S. 
^Saddletree-maker Q.M.B. 
'Smith QM.S. 

StafT Q.U.S. 
*Enginoei Storekeeper Q.H.8, 
^Engineer Stoze Accountant Q.M.S. 
•Wheeler Q.M.S. 

Squadron, battery, troop 
or companr sergeant- 

Squadron, battery, troop 
or company quarter- 
maater*sergaant ..... 

Oolour^iergeant , 

Staff'ttergeant . 

'Company - sergeant * major artillery 

Battery * sergeint ' maj or- instructor in 

Oompany-s«rg«aat*maJQr- instructor in 

Company-sergeant-major- Instructor in 

in gymnastica. 
Oompany-serg«ant-major - instructor in 

in muBketrr. 
Oompany-sergtant-major • Instructor in 

Company -Bcrgtant-maj or - Instructor ^, 

Staff colour-sergeant. 
Squadron- sergeant-major- instructor. 
Company-sergtant-major- instructor in 

fencing and gymnastics. 
Squad ron- ae rgea nt-ma Jor-rou gh rider. 


CoIour-Bergeant-instructor in musket' 

Coloar-sergeait-iastructor ii signal- 
*Orderly-room-tergeant (whet ranking 
as colour-sergeant). 

'Kngineor clerl staff-sergeant 

* Engineer stortkeeper ataff-sergeant. 
'Engineer stoie accountant BtafC'Scr- 


* Farrier staff nrgeant. 

* Farrier staff -sergeant and carriage* 

'Fitter ataff-aergeant. 
'Foreman of wurke staff- sergeant. 
^Mechanist staff- serge ant. 
^Saddler staff- cergeant. 
'Smith stafl-Bergea;it. 

* Wheeler staff-sergeant. 

*See para. 817 

*See para. 817 


Para. 316 

Soldiers — Batiks and Appointments, Etc. 

Promotion to Warrant Bank 

Paraa. 317-324 


(t) Sergeant . 

(Ti) Corporal , 

(vii) Bombardier . . . 
Second corporal 

Imp. 282. 

(Tlii) Trooper, gunner, driTer, 
BBppeij pioneer (Eu- 
glneeri)| or privute.. 

^Engineer clerk-sergeant. 
^Engineer store keeper* sergeant. 
^Engineer accountant-serf eant. 

* Farrier-sergeant and carrlage-eniith. 
Sergeant In St rue tor In musketry. 
Sergeant'lnstructor In filgnalltiig. 

*Orderlf-ioom-BergeaQt (when below 
the rank of colour-sergeant). 

^Sergeant artillery clerk. 

Sergeant of the band. 

Sergeant bugl«r. 

Sergeant drummer. 
"Sergeant fitter. 

Sergeaut-instructor in gymnasia. 

Sergeant shoemaker. 

*Sergeant'Orderly-room clerk. 




* Wh ee le r- JO rgeaut . 

^Corporal orderly-room clerk, 

* Corporal artillery clerk. 
"Farrier-corporal and «arr|age-8mith. 

*Sboeing-»mUb-corporal and carriage- 


* Corporal-cook, 
•Bombardier artillery clerk. 
"Bombardier cook. 

Acting bombardier. 
^Acting b«mbardier artillery clerk. 


ArmonreT-prlTs te. 











Pioneer (Infantry). 



Shoeing lud carriage-aoiitb. 




para. SIT 


317. Warrant oflicera ani N.C.Os. of tke Cauadlan Army Fay Dapartmental 
Corps and Coipa of Military Staff Clerks, and alEo those to ^ 9'°"' "''f * 
whose titles an asterisk is prefixed in para. 316. are not entitled fijns.^ * 
to assume any command on parade or duty, except over their Can. 2T0A. 
juniors in their Corps and such soldiers as may be specially 

placed under their orders. In matters of discipline, however^ 
tLey will at all times exercise the full authority attached to 
tleir rank or appointment, 

Promotion and Precedence of Warrant Officers and Nun-Oommis- 
sloned Officers and Men. 

Warrant Bank. 

318. The position of wairant olllcers ts inferior to that of all 
commissioned officers, but suporior to tiat of all N.C.Os. War- 
runt officers of Permanent, City and Bural Corps are appointed 
bv warrant signed by the Minister, and hold their ranks during 

319. Before promotion to warrant rank, non-commissioned 
officers of the Permanent Cavalry, Infantry and Army Service 
Corps must be in possession of a certificate from thg Canadian 
School of Musketry* 

320. Sergeant-majors, acting bandmasters, &c., of City and 
Bitral Corps, except such as have held warrant rank in the Be- 
gttlar Army, will serve a pjobationary period of three years be- 
fore promotloi to warrant rank; and sergeant-majors in the 
cavalry and infantry of such corps must, in additloa and irre- 
spective of any rank previously held ty them, be certified as 
qualified musketry instructors before such promotion 

321. All promotions to the rank of master-gunaer in the 
Itoyal Canadian Artillery will be made from the list of warrant 
and non-commissioned officers of the regiment, who havo passed 
tlrough the uastcr-guuner's course at the Ordnance College, 
Woolwich, England, and wtio have gained the qualifying certi* 
fifato. ' , 

All promotions to the rank will, in the first instance, be as 
tlird class master-gunners. Subsequent promotions to second 
and first class (warrant ofScers) will depend on vacancies oc- 
curring in those ranks, and the men seleeted being reeommendcd 
for promotion by. the Officer Commanding tho regiment. 

322. Warrant officers of the Permanent Force must servo 
five years in 9ach grade before being promoted to the next 
giade. Promotions to fill vacancies on establishments will be 
considered on their merits. 

323. Acting bandmasters may be appointed, with rank not 
b«low that of sergeant, for a probationary period of three 

324. When a D.O.C. recommends a promotion to warrant 
rank, he will xpply to Militia Headquarters for the issue of a 
warrant, giving the following partieulais: — 

(a) Full Christian Nama and Surname. 


Can. 271. 

^Y.Ofl. Perma- 
ii«nt Oavalry, 
Infantry and 


G.O. dl — 


Can. 212. 
Vi.Oa. City 
aid Rural 

G.O. 41— 


Can. 272. 

ProDJOtton of 
Can. 276. 

"VS'.O. Perma- 
n«nt Force. 
Can. ■ 273. 

Acting Band- 

G.O. 194— 

ItBue of 
"Warrant. , 

Can. 274. 

Paras. S26-3S7 

Soldiers— Precedence 

(b) Date of Lirth^ aecordiDg to attestation, 
(o) Amount of pensionable service in the ranks calculated 
to date of recommendation. 

(d) Date on which promotion to previous rank (which should 
be stated) was made. 

(e) Date from which promotion to vrarrant rank is recom- 

(f) A detailed statement of service fiom date of attestation. 

325. Cases of promotion to warrant rank while on active ser- 
vice^ or for distinguished conduct in the field, will be specially 

0.0. 194— 

Can. 373. 
Statr Sergt.- 
M&jor, iBt 
01aa«, A.8.0. 

Can. 276. 

of v&rrant 
Con. 277. 


«nd Men. 


S26. A staff sergeant-major, 1st cUae, of the C.P.A.9.O., 
O.AJ».C., or a Conductor, Canadian Ordnance Corps, will do duty 
ns a subaltern oiHeer when required, but he will not sit on 
courts of inquiry or on regimental boards. On all jarades he 
will take post as an oflScerj but will not salute. 

827. The following will be the order of precedence of war. 
rant officers, N.C.Gs. and men:— ^ 

Wanaat Officers. 

(i) Conductor, C.0.0. 

Master gunner, Ist class. 
Staff sergeant-majoT, 1st class, 
(ii) Master-gunner, 2nd class, 
(iii) Garrison sergeant-major, 
(iv) All other warrant officers, except City and Bural Corps 

sergeant-majors, bandmasters, &c. 
(v) City or Bural Corps sergeant-major. 
City or Bural Corps bandmaster, 

The warrant officers in groups i and iv, rank with one an- 
other in these groups according to their promotion or appoint- 
moat, oxeopt that a rogimeDtal sergeant-major ranks regimcnt- 
altr senior to the other members of groups iv and v, and the 
bandmaster ranks next after the sergeant-major. 

Non-comiolssloned Officers and Men. 

(i) Master-gunner, 3rd class. 

(ii) Begim«ntal or Battalion sergeant-major, vhen not 
a TV.O. 
GarrisiML, Eegimental or Babbalion Q.M. Soigean-t* 
(iifl.) Squadron or Company, etc.. Sergeant-major, 
Squadron or Company, etc., Q.M, Sergeamt. 
(iv) Sergeaat. 
(v) Corpor«l. 

(vi) Bombardier or 2nd Corporal. 

(vii) Trooper, Gunner, Driver, Sapper, Pioneer (Engineers), 
Private, Trumpeter, Drummer or Bugler. 

Promotion of N.O.Os. 

'N.C.Os. included in aay one of the foregoing groups will take- 
precedence with one another according to the date of their 
promotion, except that: — 

(a) A garrifion Q.M. sergeant will take precedence of all Bxeeptlon« 
other Q.M. sergeants. *'"• ^'^• 

(b) A regimental or battalion Q.M. sergeant will rank regi- 
m entail/- above all other ^.C.Os. holding those permanent 

(c) A noncommissiorei officer holding the appointment of 
farrier staff-sergeant will rank regimentally below the 
squadron, battery or company sergeant*major or quarter* 
master-sergeant respectively.' 

(d) A squadron, batteiy, or company sergeant-major will 
rank regimentally senior to the squadron, battery, or com- 
pany qLartermaster*Ecrgcant, except for promotion, 

(e) A lance-sergeant takes precedence of all cotporals, and 
an acting bombardier or lance-ccrporal takes precedence 
of all privates* &c. 

Promotion To and In the Non-OonmiEsioned Banks. 

328. The promotion of N.O.Oa. and men is to be carried out *°' 
as set forth in the foUowirg table: — 

Permanent Force. 

Service and Unit. 




ll.C.G.A. f ,. 

R.C.H A.I ,. 

H.C.G.A./ ,. 

R.C- EngU]«ers.J 
(GO. 04-1912/. /i 



CP.A.S.C. ... 




Corp a of Militaty 

Pronto tit)a 


Up U> uad including 
rank of eergeunt. 

Above tho runk of 

Up to and including 
rank ql aereeant. 

Above rank tl eer 

Up to and indudiug 

Abovo nmlt ot ler- 

Up to and indudiag 

rank ot «orc«ant. 
Above rank «[ ser 

AH ranks. 

All ranks. 

All ronka. 
AH raaka. 

O.C. Squadron. 

O.C. RoKiinout Qi 

O.C.R.CJJ.A. 1 ut 
O.C.H.C.G A./Htn, 
O.C.R C.A. 

O, C. B.C.E. at 


O. C. Regimental 
O.C. R.C.H. 

OIHeer i^dminiiitor. 

Ollioer Adtuinia tot- 
ing Corps. 

F.O.O. 18 OlTioor 
Administoring the 


Officer Ad tD mister 
Oflicer Administer- 
• ing Corps. 

rrflDiotion nwdo 
fioiu . 

Squadron Rolls. 

olb in encL Roth 

liioit or CurpH. 
Gcurial Ro f la In 

eafih Station. 
General Roll^i 

B.C. A'. 
Comitany RoHa. 

Company Rolls. 
General Rolls. 

Rolls of Regimental 

iJtaLiona, R CR. 
Genorul Holla, 

RC R. 
Gonerul Rolls, 

General Rolls, 

General Rolls, 


General Rolls, 

Genciul Rolls, Corps 

of Military StAfT 



Paras. 329-333 

Promotion of N.O.Os. 

Uesi^natiou and Kemoval 

Paras. 334-342 

City aad Bural Corps. 


arr N.O.Ob. 

Oeh. 279. 

A.O. 16— 

UtjoiB and 
Can. 280. 

ia GuuDery, 
Can. 381. 

Oiderly Room 
Can. 283. 

Promo tlonB 
and appoint- 
m«uts of 
Can. 288. 

SsrvicQ and Unit . 

Covalryund Mount- 
ed Rifles 

CsnadiaQ Pield A^ 

tillery (H«gtl 


Cuoadiun Gurriw)! 


CenadiaD EosutMrt 
Ccrpfl o( Guides. . 

Sitoalllnc Corps. . 

CflnadiaD A r m T 
Servicfl Gorpe.... 

Canadian Army 
lltKlicttI 6«rvlo(w 

All ranks. 

All ranks. 
All ranks. 

All ranks. 
All ranks. 
All ranks. 

All ranks. 
All ranks. 
All mDks. 

OQioer authorutog ProiDotioD mado 
promotioa. from 

O.C. Rest.orlnd^ 
pendent Squadron 

O.C. Brivide. 

0:C. Battory. 

O.C. Hegt. or Inde- 
peo don t Company 

O.C Company. 

Officor Admiolstor- 
ins Corps. 

O.C. Rogv. or Inde- 
pendent Company 

Officer Administer- 
ing Cvrpj, 
O.C. Company. 

O.C. Field Ambu- 

Rollsin each Ilogt. 

O r Indepeadent 

Rolls in each Dri- 

I Rolls in each Bat- 
t Ury. 
Rolls in cacb Roit. 

o r Independent 

Ilolta in each Coin- 
Goneral Rolls, 

Corps of Guides. 
RolUin each Regt. 

o r ladependeat 

Geneial Kolls of 

Rolls in oaoh Cbm-* 

329. Promotions will not be made to any ranlc in any corps 
where there ar© supornumerary N.C*Oa. serviiug in thatt rank. 
Tlie ostablishei number of N.C.Os. of the various grades for 
whom pay can be drawn is laid down in Militia Kataljlislimeuta. 
Upon mobilization, however, Brigade Commanders ar« author- 
izad in cases ol necessity to sanction the temporary appoint- 
ment in oxccsB of the establishment, of a small number of un- 
psid lance-sergeants, lance-corporals and acting bombardiers^ 

A District or Brigade Commander may confer unpaid acting 
non-commissioned or lance rank upon a N'.O.O. or man employed 
on extra-regimental duty if he consitlers it necessary iu the in- 
terests of discipline to do eo. 

330. A squadron-sergeant-major, squad ron-quartetmaBter-Bor< 
gcant, or colour-sergeant, will be selected by a CO. from the 
sergeants of his command. Squadron-sergeant-majors and col- 
our-sergeants liave the honourable distinction of attending the 
Standards and Colours. 

331. Sergeant-instructors in Gunner}? in the B.CA. will be 
piomoted from the list of uou-eommissioued officers in the regi^ 
ment who havft passed throu|rh the Gunnery Staff Course, Eng- 
land, and obtained a qualifying certiftcate. 

332, An ordarly-room-sergoant must not be prom»ted to be 
squadron-sergeant-major, squadronquartermaster-sergoant or 
rxjlouT-soi^eant, except as provided in P. & A. Keguk-luons^ un- 
less it is intended that after such promotion the N.C.O. ia to do 
duty in the vacancy to which he is promoted; nor is any ser- 
geant to be appointed to the above named ranks with a view 
to being appointed orderly-room-sergeant. 

333. Except in the Permanent Force all non-comnjissioned of- 
ficers retain their rank during «the pleasure of the Commanding 


Z'dit, All non-eommiBsioned officers should be urged to qualify N.CO. to 
for promotion by obtaining eertiflcates of qualificatioa from ^"^^011,^*284 
tchool of military instruction. 

335. A non-commissioned officer will not be promoted to thetOeniacate 
rank of sergeant (except ord«rly-room-sergeant, pay-soigeant, or ft^n fo*"*""*** 
sergeant-cook), in the Cavalry, Artillery Engineers, Infantry ^rgeant. 
or Army Service Corps, unless he is in possession of a certilicjwt*? G.O. 54 — 
from a school of military instruction, or lias served for a least rS^^'asB 
one year in His Majesty 'a Regular Forcea or the Canadian Per- "' 
manent Force. ' • 

Resignation and Removal of N.O.Os., Permanent Force, 

336. A N.C.O. may, with liis 0.0. 's coasont, resign his rank, 
and revert to the rank or position previously held, but he is not 
to be allowed to do so in order to escape trial by court-martial, 
unless with the sanction of an officer not below the rank of 
Colonel. An entry of the fact is to be made in the N.C.O's at- 
testation, and signed by him as his CO. 

337. A soldier may bo r&moved from his appointment by 
order of his CO. (if the. soldier^s permanent rank is higher 
than thai of cojporal, the sanction of an oilicer not belo^v tin.' 
rani of Colonel must be obtained). He will, if so removed, re- 
vert to the ordinary duty of his permanent rank, remaining su- 
periiumorary until absorbed into the iirst vacancy. 

338. When a.N.C.0. who las been removed from hifi appoint- 
mett is nof in every respect fully qualified to perform tho ordiu' 
ary duties of hig permanent rank, application, may be made to 
Militia Headquarters for reduction to a lower rank. 

339. A military foreman of works, an engineer stcrekeeper, 
a niilitaify me^banist, or mi ongin'eer clerk, if not conaidere4 to 
be in every respect qualified to perform his duties, cannot be 
removed from hiu appointment by order of his CO., but is liable, 
by orders from Militia Headquarters, oti the recommendation 
of the Officor Cojnmaudiug the District, and similarly in the ca»c 
of a topographic surveyor on the recommendation of the Chief 
of tlie General Staff, to bo returned to military duty iu the rank 
hoU by him immediately prior to appointment. 

340. A warrant officer or N.CO. reduced to a loiver rank 
will take rank and precedence in the lower rank from the date 
of the signing of the original sentence of the court-martial, or, 
in tho ease of reduction by order from Militia Heaflquarters 
(para. 338), from the date approved in such order. If a sentence 
of reduction passed by a court-martial is wholly remitted, the 
warrant officer or N.CO. will, if no service is forfeited, retain 
his seniority. 

Armour&r Section, Canadian Ordnance Corps. 

341. Armourers will be nnder the command of tte Senior Cm. 2B1. 
Ordaance Officer of the District in which they are serving. 

342. Application by O.C. units for the nervices of an armour- Application 
er will be addressed to the Senior Ordnance Officer of the Dis- Jy^^j^gy 
trict. c*n. 292. 


of U.O.O. 
Can. 280. 

fron upi>olQt- 
inent of 
Can. 287. 

Foreman of 
Works, En- 
gineer) StOTQ- 

keei>er, Me* 
chantst, En- 
gineer Olerk. 
Onn. 289. 

G.O, 41 — 

Reduction of 
W.O. or 

C»n. 290. 

Paraa. 3d3-S53 

MiUtary Staff Clerks 

Not rflqulTfld 
to perform 

C&n. 293. 

Can. 294. 

Can. 295. 

tlons of 
Can. 290. 

Can. 297. 

343. Armourers will not be called upon to perform any worh 
requiring special instruction wliieh tley have not rocoived, ex- 
cept such trifling repairs as are plaialy within tlieir capabili- 
ties; and they will not, without authority, be employed upon anj 
description of work other than that provided for bf the Regula- 
tions for Ordnance Services, 

344. When the periodical inspection of the amis of a unit 
by an officer in the Inapoetion Department takes place, that 
ollicor will also inspect the armourer's shop and appliances 
(whore such exist) and vill inquire as to the work done by the 
armourer,, and the manner in which it has boen done. He will 
also submit a report of the result of his inspection and inquiry 
to Militia Headquarters. 

Armament Artificer Section, Canadian Ordnance Corps. 

345. Armament artificers will be under the command of the 
Senior Ordnance Officer ia the District. 

346. All recommendations for soldiers to be trained as arma- 
ment-artificers will be made to Militia Headquarters, and will 
be accompanied by a copy of tlieir records of service and oi 
their couduct shoete, and a report by an Inspector of Owlimiiice 
Machinery that they have been practically tested at their trade, 
and are up to the standard of first-class fitters. 

347. No man is to be enlisted as att armament-artificer until 
he has passed a satisfactory test, and a certificate has been fur- 
nished as to his qualifications and fitness by the Insi>cetor of 
Ordnance Machinery. 

348. An srmamont-artificer will, ou the day of his attestation, 
bo promoted ataflf sergeant. Should ha be subsoqu*<ntly reduetJt] 
for miscondset, he will not, except under very special circum- 
stances, bo eligible for promotion until he has served in an ex- 
emplary manner, for at least one year. 

349. ArtiQcers will net, unless it is absolutely necessary, be 
removed from their employment to'att«ud parades or inspections, 
nor should they be detailed for guard, piquet, or police duty. 
They will be exempted from the gymnastic course. 

350. Casualties occurring at any etatiou will bo reportec! 
forthwith by the Senior Ordnance Oflicer to the Principal Ord- 
nance Officer, who will make the necessary arrangements to fill 
the vacancy. 

Para. 351, K.R. & O. (CM.) 1917, is amended as g O 59 
fDllowB: — ^^ — 

The firat sentence of Para. 351 is cancelled and the '*"** 
fallowing substituted therefor: 

"The Command and Administration of thia 
Corps is vested in such Oificer at Militia Headquar- 
ters SB may be detailed for such duty by the 

(H.Q. 2&-I^2). 
(P.O. 382 of ia-2-18.) 

G,0. 04'-"* CKJULIVU XI., nulUU prUVlUCO — iwi ifci.A*. 

quarter Oilices — trained military clerks who are liable to and 
fit for servics in the field; and 


not to bo 
Can. 299. 

Can. 300. 



Faras, 354-361 

Section B, which provides a Staff Orderly Service for Militia 

354, If, in the opinion oi the Adjutant-General, men enlisting Military 
m Section A of the C.M.S.C, require military training, they will Tmiaing, 
bfl attached to a Permanent Corps for such training for a period Section A. 
of three months. 

365. Men of Section A, C.M.S.C, when considered sufficiently Clerical 
trained as soldiers, will be employed at clerical work for a pro Probation, 
bctiouary period of three oi more months and may be given the Btction A. 
acting rank of sergeant during such probationary period. ^'"'' "°^" 

356. Men of Section A, O.M.8.O., found satisfactory at the Conflrmatlon, 
expiration of the probationary period provided for in para. 355, S'ftion A. 
will be confirmed in the rank of sergeant from the date of the J^g^i ^^^ 
commencement of such probationary period. Can. 'sob. 

357. Officer Clerks, for duty at Militia Headquarters, will be srctf'n^A'"'''' 
appointed to Section A. C.M.S.C, by selection from among the ,G.O. 64^ 
warrant officers of the Permanent Force. 1^12. 

Can. 8OIA. 

358. Men enlisted in or transferred to Section B, C.M.S.C, Probationora, 
will remain upon probation for the first throe montha of their S«ciion B. 
service therein. Men transferred to Section B will, during theii j^^g ^^ — 
probationary period, be shown in their former units as '*<m Cnii.'8D4A. 
command. '' 

359. Any soldier of the C.M.S.C becoming inefflcieiit or other- Tn«ffiei«ncv 
wise unsatisfactory may, at any time, be discharged under para. cVEf.S.O 
377 (32) or be returned to duty with his former coips. Can*. 304. 

360. Provisions for promotion in the C.M.S.C are contained Promotion, 
in the Pay and Allowance Begulations. OK.S.O. 

Can. 308. 


361. The appointment of caretakers will, whenever possible, ^ --- 
be made from non-commissioned officers and men of the Per- 
manent Force who may bo desirous of obtaining such employ- 
ment, under ths folloy^ing conditions; — 

(a) That tlioy are recommended for appointment by their 
COS. ^ 

(b) That they are steady, reliable and deserving, with' up- 
wards of 15 years' service. 

(0) That they fully understand that they will bs held re- h.q. i44- 
sponsible for the prodncticn of all articles of clothing and i- " 
equipment placed in their custody and which are not author- 
ized by the Commanding Officer to be out ou issue; and also 
that all such articles are maintained in good coi^dition. 

(d) That the period of appo-iutmowt is limited to 5 yeair.s 
which may be extended for a similar period or poricds on the 
recommendation* of an inspecting officer, to be concurred in by 
tlio District Officer Commanding, 

(0) That they shall be borne on the strength of the corps to 
which they belong, supernumerary to the establishment. 

(f) That, if at any time during their employment as care- 
talers, the inspecting officer reports adversely on the manner in 
which they are performing therir du^ea, they rfiall, if such re- 
port is concurred in by the District Oficer Commaidingj be 
summarily removed without recourse, and returned to duty with 
their units. 


Para. 361 


Transfer to Other Corps 

paras. 362-370 

G.O. 62— 


are takers. 


Tn fan try 

(g) Tliat in tko event of any person being selwted j?or em- 
ployment as caretaker irho lias not th« necessary (jualificatioiif 
liis appointment as such will be conditional on his at once quali- 
fying at a Boyal Scliool of Instructios in accordance with the 
syllabus for caretakers (Appendix XIII) of that arm of the ser- 
viee to whicl the equipment, stores, &e., of whicli be is in 
chargOi pertain. 

(h) That, in the event of a non-com missioned oHieor or man 
cf the Permanent Force not being available for appointment^ 
£nd in consequence of it becoming necessary to appoint a civil- 
ian caretaker, the civilian so selected must bo regularly enlisted 
in a unit of tho Permanent Force of the same branch of the 
service as the unit to wliich he is to be appoiutoi caretaker. 
Ho must also fulfil the following conditions: — 

(i.) Be of good character and an actbive, industrioua, thor- 
oughly temperate and soher man, with satlsfoctorj' roeomnien- 

(ii.) Be an active member of a local corps. 

(ill.) Understand the care of arms and clothing. 

(iv.) Bp qualified to drill a cadet corps or an infantry 

(i) To be able to read, write and keep simple accounts. 

(k) To know how to make demands for stores, and to return 
nnsorvicoable articles to store. 

(1) To have a thorough knowledge of the regulations for 
small arms uad machine guns, and as to preparaticns for issue 
and storing. 

(m) Thoroughly to understand the precautions necessary in 
storing clothing, and tho methods used for its preservation while 

(n) To understand the different qrders of dresj and equip- 

(o) To have a knowledge of the names of the dififerent parts 
and to underatand the care and preserrdtion of the various sig* 
aalling instruments used by corps, 

(p) To have a general knowledge of £ho care and preserva- 
tion of transport wagons. 

(q) Thoroughly to understand tho working of furnaces, and 
of heating and lighting arrangements, 

Special Qualiflcations, Cavalry, Artillery, Engineer and 
O.AB.O. Caretakers. 

(r) To understand the care of harness and saddlery, clean- 
ing, dubbing, stripping and putting together, marking and pre- 
paring for isiuo and storiag. 

(s) To have a geaioral knowledge of such ordnance and war- 
like stores a£ are placed in their charge including tho care and 
proflervaMon of the same, 

(t) To be able to tako apart and re-assemble tie brooch fit- 
tings of guufi in their charge, and to prepare ihem for issue and 

(u) To have a general knowledge of the differenrt articles of 
equipment of an engineer unit and to imderstand the care SLtxd 
presCTvUition of such arti&lee. , 

(v) Thoroughly to uniersftand the infantry equipment, and 
the methods for preserving, cleaning aaid storing such equip- 



for trauafer. 
Can, 306. 

for trausfor. 
Can. 307. 

of 0.0. for 
Can. 308. 

TraHfifor of 
Can, SIO. 

Date of 
Can. 814. 


General Inatructiom. 

362. The consent of a soldier will invariably be required be- 
fore transferring him to another corps, except as provided by 
Seetion 83 of tie Army Act. Transfers can only be made from 
one Permanent Corps to another or from one unit of the Active 
Militia to another, and not from one unit of the Permanent 
Force to one of Active Militia or vice veisa.- 

.363. Tho transfer of a soldier at his own request and when 
authorized by tho D.0.0. may be made as above ,prcvided the 
expense to the public of such transfer does not eiceed ten 

364. For the purpose of transfer, tho following are to be 
considered the C.Oa. of Corps: — 

Cavalry, Arlillery and Infantry— the CO. of the regiment. 
Other Corps and Sorvicos — The Ofiioer Administering the 
corps or Service 

365. The transfer of a N.C.0 will not be authorised unless a 
vacancy exists in his rank in the unit to which he wishes to be 
trausf erred. 

366. A transfer should be authorized fiom a given date, from 
which the soldier will be struck off tho strength of his old 
corps and taken on that of the new on tie following day. 

City and Bural Corps, 

367. Every man tranafenod from one Oity or Rural Corps Trmafer 
to another will be furnished by the Adjutant ivith a certified papers, 
cop/ of his service up to date of transfer, showing date of ^'^'*- ^^'^' 
last attestation imd any certificate of competency be may have 

Pennsnent Porce. 

368. Application for tranafer will be made througli the ap- Application 
plieant'B CO. indicated in para. 364, wlio will attach to the for tranafer. 
application a copy of tho applicant's attestation paper (M.F.B. ?"?• 3^^- 
235) completed to date, noting thereon any objection or dis- 
qualification, ani pass the papers to the CO. under whom the 
applicant asks to serve. Ths latter CO. will add hia remarks 
and return the papers whiek will then be forwarded for the 
approval of the D.O.C under whom the applicant is serving. 

369. TranefoiB to the' CP.A.S.C., P.AM.C, CanmUan Ord- O.P.A S.o ' 
nance Corps and Canadian Army Pay Corps may be made on and Depart- 
probation for throe months, vhich period may bo reduced if tho '"ental Corpa. 
probationer shows special aptitude. ffj* JJJ- 

If the probation is satisfactory, final transfer will be carried Find tramfur 
out by tho Officer Administering the Corpa in which the proba- 
tioner is on trial, and a copy of the order confirming tlie trans- 
fer will bo sent to the O.C. former unit. 

If the probatiou is not satisfactory, tie Officer AOminister- wh«ii unaat. 
ing tho Corps will authorize the return of the probationer toisfactory. 
his unit. 

S70. The transfer of a younger brother from one corps ofServico 
tho Permanent Force to another to enable him to servo withl^^^f**" **' 
an elder brother may be specially authorized. The application Cfin^'a 15 

G.O. 19— 


Traasfer to 

IParas, 371-375 

Diflcliarg*— City and Rural Corps 


for transfers. 

Can. B17. 

■will state if a bona-iide rolationshib exists between tlie men 
aa shown by the entries of next-of-kin, and also if the conduct 
of both has been good. If the O.C. the uuit in which th« 
younger brother is serving objects to the transfer^ either bro- 
ther may, oa appeal, be transferred 1o serve with the other. 

371. The qualifications for transfer to certaia Permanent 
Corps ar©: — 

Corpe to which tracsfor 

(a) Traiupor^ 

(b) Supply 
' Bninoh, 


Canaditia Ordnaioo Corpo, 

Cortw of MiliUry Staff 
Canadian Army Pay Corps 

CUaa at tata disibla. 

Soldioir who b a wheoler, 
catriufo or abooing-sinithi 
collar-maker, or acciuttoined 
tocartof boraoB. 

Soldier who ia a bakeTi 
but«her or derk. 


Soldier, the most suitable 
boijic a cl«rk, aad filer, 
saddle-tnw-maker, whaetQr, 
carpootor, tinsmilb, klack- 
atnith, cooper, BuiluiiUcor, 

Soldior who ia a clerli and 

Soldier who ia a clof It and 

QualiiicBtioiui roquired. 

Sorvioe— One year and up- 
warda. Cbaraotor— Good. ^ 
Ag?— Undir 30 years. Edu- 
cation—Able to read and 
write. OiDditioD — Uumar* 

8«rvlco-Ooo year and up- 
wards. Character — Very 
Eood . Eklncalioo— Good . 

Character — Very good, 
Education -Good . 

ServioB— Ono year and up- 
wards. Character — Verj 
good. EdiicationMjood. 

Records of 
^Oun. ai7A, 

In case of 
Can, 821, 

Oity and 
Rural Oorps. 
Can. 818. 

After 8 
months em- 
boditnent, &C. 
Can. 810. 

372. Immediately a transfer is authorized the ioeuments of 
the soldier will be disposed of as directed in para. 1606 (iv) 
and (v). Tlo 0.0. of tho unit from vfhich the transfer is madfl 
will notify the transfer to the officer i/e records of that uuit, 


General Instructtons. 
373» Upon the discharge of a soldier at the termination ol 
his engagement, if the Medical Officer in charge of his unit 
reports that he is suflFering from any disability which Avould 
lessen his earning powere in civil life^ a Medical Board will be 
assembled tc determine tbe cause of lis disability, its probable 
duration, anl the amount of the incapacity at the time- His 
discharge documents with the proceedings of tlie Medical Board 
will be submitted to Militia Headquarters to determine whether 
or not he has any claim upon the public. 

City and Bural Corps. 

374. Discharges from City and Rural Corps will simply be 
a record of service (Porm B.350 or B,350a), and will not include 
reference to character, except in oases where men have grossly 
misbohavod or have shown an utter lack of military qualities 
such as subordination, when the discharge will be endorsed in 
red ink "has not proved himself a good soldier." 

376. In cases of the mobilization or embodiment of a City 
or Eural Corps for a period of three months or over, discharges 
will conform to the regulations governing the Permanent Force. 


Discharge— Permanent Force 

Paras. 376-377 

Permanent Force. 

^JI^^ ^v^", * ^"^"^l^-^ **^ *^® Permanent Force is brought for- Preparation 
vard for discharge his 0.0. wUl prepare the "Proceedings on ?f P"«ed- 
Discharge" (M.P.B. 218) for confirmation, in accordancf with ^"^f?' «,„ 
the instructions thereon. ^*°- ^^O, 

th."^!*?- « ^T *"' W^^^S.^J^^'^^^^ °- f ^rIo"gI» iinder para. 1210 A.o. 263- 
the certificates on M.F..B.218 requiring the eoldier'/eignature 1912 
Su h """'P^*'*''^ ^"^ ^'(f"**^ *'«l^'-« the Boldiers^roceeds on 

^uri'^l^f'"^''^ ^^^™ '^® Permanent Force will be dealt Procedure on 
^itii as follows: — dischnrge. 
Can. 322. 

Cause of dt«chajRo. 

(1) Having been irrogul- 
irly enlUlcd 

OfEcers competent to 



Special Instructions. 

When It IS found that a 
recruit haBt}een irrcgutarly 
attCBtod. a n^port of the 
oaso togethor with tlie re- 
cruit's attestation paper, is 
iQ b« fumbbod to D.U.C. 

(2) Not buing likely to 
become un eHijient 
soldier for any odd or 
more of the follotriug 

(a) If reieolod by O.C. 
Medical Officor 
O.C. Unit 

(b) If jpossod by Med- 
italOfQcor but rejoot- 
eil by O.C. Unitsta^ 
tioned away from 
plaoe^ where medical 
emmination took 
pluco ^ 

(t) Becruits within 
tliree montbtt of enlist- 
ment who are oonsid- 
eied unfit for service. 



In discharRos under (a) 
and<b> the form of Pro- 
ooedug»on Dlsoharge will 
bo dispensed with and dis- 
charxo wilt be carried out 
on the manfa attestation 

Under (o), a medical 
omoer u> to report (at the 

Ifflid of each month) to the 
CO.. who will apply for a 
medical baar<I. if the 
man is found uaGt» the 
lO.C. will discharge the 
man without delay, and an 
extract from :be report of 
the medical board wilt be 
attached to the diaohurto) 
documents. A recruit aa- 
tnitted to hospital prior to 
completing ttree months' 
sorvioo and fojad to be of 
defective intclligonoe. but 
not actually insane, will 
also be disotarged under 
(c). Anjcniit considered 
by hh CO. undesirable 
on account of conduct and 
thua unlikely to make an 
efficient soldbr, may bo 
disoharged under to), sub- 
joot to tbe approval of the 
p. O.C. 



Para. 377 

Discharge — Permaaent Force 


Cause ot d'lich&Tge. 

(d) Recruit who hav- 
idg uaduf eone a oouno 
of phystcul tniiniiie, is 
rocommondo^, by a 
Iwurd ot ofTicera to bo 
disctiarKcd, oi. Id tho 
oaae or a iiountud 
cptpDi u unabtt to rido. 

(e) Itocruita uaGUed 
for tb« iluliftt of UD in- 
struotional cuipa. . 

(f) Boy, who od reach- 
ins I^ ycarti of ape. is 
considorod pliysicaJly 
uulit for tho rcnkti 


(3) Having cluinicd his 
dbchafKe on itnynicttt 
or %16M witLin throo 
months of hU 

(4) At bw own roquost 
afler throe luoothH' 
Burvlco, on payment of 
13.00 per luonlh of uu- 
Qitpirod aervica ■ . 

(6) liuving obiinod hiii 
(a) of thu Mililiu PiMi- 
aJon Act... — .. 

(0) ilavinEnutdoamia- 
etutomont as to aga on 
cnlisluiODt and being 

(ol Under 17 years of 
age at duH) ol applica- 
tioa for dlschurite, or. 

Ollcers competent to 

Di aolmrEO 


ih) ttetwocn tTund 18 D.O.C.. 
ycurtt of ago nt diito ol 
Bppli(.-otion lor di^ 


Special instructions 

Under (dl, an oxtraot of 
tho proc«edinx0 and find- 
ing of th* board (thould b« 
attached to the diaclmrg* 

The epQciul tnstructiom 
under (a) and (b> are als« 
B()pJicauie to men to bt 
dischurgnl under (o). 

Under (f) tho CO. will 
report tc tho D.O.C. who 
will arrongo for tho boy's 
examina'JoQ by a Medical 
Board. , 

Ui(ich«rfi« under this 
Bub-parufOiiph cannot bo 
claimed if applicant'a corps 
in on. or waraod for. aotiv« 
aorvioo. Tho < 16-00 niunt 
be paid to tho CO. with- 
in thru* months of the 
dato of attOBtation. Dij* 
ectly tho iiionoy is reiciT- 
cd the discharge must lie 
carried out . 

Disc barge under this 
hcudingapplicH to soldiers 
who stated their ago as 18 
years cr upwurds and for 
whose free discluirgo ajt- 
filicatioi is nuido by ttio 
parents, ^ 

(a) If the man la under 
17 yean of age the CO. 
will, if eatisaed that tke 
birth certiiicuto produotd 
rofcrs^o the soldier in 

auestiui, proceed with the 
ischareo without further 
roforenco . 

(b) li between 17 and 18 
years of ago, tho applica* 
tion will bo submitted far 
the decision of the D.O.C. 
together with the fol lov- 
ing dotuments: — (i) Par- 
ent's applicat ion. ( ii ) Ccr- 
tificato of birtb certified 
by C.O. as referrbe U? 
soldier in question. (Li) 
Soldier^s duplicate attctt* 
atiop .' (i V ) Soldier' s sta t< 
meat as to whbther or not 

Discharge — f ermanent Force 

Para. 377 

Cauiie of discharge. 

ORtoers competent to 

Special kustructions 



he wishes discharge, (v) 
Report obtuined by CO. 

number and cirouiii stances 
ofsoldier'sriuiiily, if such 
hi mode a point in applica- 
tion for discliunw. 

(7) Having boon coo- 
vicLed by thu Civil 

Power of 


m olTeneo committed 
l^cfotv enlistment'.. .. 



Exery coiviotion for an 
offence of a lu Ion ious nature 
will bo rebrrod io thu 
D.O C Tho special in- 
structions vndcr [&) are 
also npnlicable to men lo 
be dischursed oo convic- 
tion by CivllPowor. If it 
is considered advisable to 
discharge u soldier who 
has been bound over to 
come up for conviction or 
udgmeot in a oivil court, 
his case will bo dealt with 
under chiss 18) . 

(8) For misuonduct 



by conduct uheet lor copy) 
and copies cf rivii oonvio- 
tions to be mndo to the 
D.O.C, who will authorise 
thodischurwif he thbks 
it desirable to do so. It 
should be sUted if the man 
IS thoufht to have misoon. 
to discharge. In case of 
conviction by a court-mar- 
tial or by Civil Power, in 

discharge of the maa u» 

should bo made as soon on 
the man is eenl to prison . 
The dischiirgo ccrtiHoato 
ooufJniiud for tho date of 
dusputch will be, Hont to 
tho Governor of the pruon 
in which tho man is con- 

(0) Tho termiaatioD of 
his period of ongoge- 


Tho dischirge should be 
conGrmed (or the day on 
which the soldier com- 
pletes h U ontagement or as 
soon after as possible. 

nO) Having been found 
medically unQt for fur- 
ther service ...^ 



A soldier found medi- 
cally unrtt l«re^uigagewill 
bo dealt with under thia 
heading. B« para. 37a. 

Ill] Having booa sen- 
tenced t<>bo disoliurg' 
0(1 with ignominy . . , . 


Tho dischirge to be car- 
ried out at onoo and tho 
certificate seat to the Gov- 


(12j Havmg become un- 
fit for his special 



as: His services b^mg 
no longer required. . . . 



(a) Soldier who cannot 

be discharged under any 

Other heading, 
fb) lioy. 

'Only applicable to oonvIoUons diring a soldier's strvioo. 

Imp. 892. 

Imp. 393. 

Paras. 378-384 

DiBchaige — ^Permanent rorce 

ApplleatioJi for discbaigo in cases other than t>Iiose epeci' 
ited in the preceding table will be submitted to Militia Head- 

378. When a man is considered by the medical officer in 
charge and the Assistant Director of Medical Services to be 
unfit for service, the Assistant pirecfor of Medical Services 
will arrange tor him to bo examined by a medical board. I( 
tlie man is pronounced uullt for further service tlie O.G. will 
authorize the discbarge. 

379. A parchment certificate ot discharge (M,P.B.-241) will 
be given to each man on completion of bis engagement. The 
certificate will bo signed by the officer carrying cut the dis- 
charge and delivered, free from erasure, if possible, on tho last 
diy of the man's service. When this Ealla on Sunday, Cbrist- 
iias Bay or Good Friday, the dischaige should be confirmed 
for that day, but the man may receive his certificate and be 
allowed to. go away on the previous day. 

When the iischarge of a soldier as medically unfit is attri- 
butable to wounds or injuries (however received) a brief state- 
ment of the nature of the wound or injury, and of the ciroum- 
Btanees under which sustaiaed, should te added to tho causa of 
discharge in tlie certificate of discharge, except in cases where 
it would be clearly to the disadvantage of tho soldier that such 
as addition should be made. 

tiiil). 800. 

Oartificutfi of 
Oun. 8 22 A. 

\Ylieii dis- 
ckarged on 
atcQuut of 
WDunds, &o. 
Can. 82 2 A. 


Can. 823. 
b/ purchase. 

Can. B24. 

Cnii. &2G. 

Sick or dis' 

ablfld at time 

of discharge. 

Can. 827. 

Kscort for 
htlplesa and 
Can. 838. 

Disposal of Soldiers on Discharge from Fermaneat rorce. 

380. Instructions as to transport to his homo fcr a soldier 
oa discharge will be found in tho Pay & Allowance Regula/tions. 

381. Discharge by purchase during the first year of service 
will bo conditional upon the refund by the applicant of any 
amount received by him far transport under the Pay & Allow- 
auoo BogulatiouB. 

382. A separate return (M.F.-B. 20S) is to bo cent by the 
Commanding Officer to Militia Headquarters at the end of each 
month, showiug the regimental number, rank and name of each 
man so discharged during the month, the date of his discharge, 
the unexpired period of his engagement, and the amount paid 

383. A discharged soldier who, on account of illaess or dis- 
ability, is unable to proceed to his home, will be subsisted in 
hospital under the Pay & Allowance Regulations. In such a 
ease it will not be necessary to cancel a man's discharge, but 
ho must not ba retained in hospital aft«r he is fit to travel, un- 
less further remedial treatment is advised by the Assistant 
Director of Medical Servlees, in which case a monthly report 
Bhould bo male for the information of Militia Hoadquarters, 
stating tho reason necoasitating rotontiion. 

384* A helpless discharged soldier, or a lunatic soldier, trans- 
ferred from cne hospital to another, or handed oyer to the 
cbarge of the civU authorities, or to his friends, will be ao- 
campaniod by an unarmed conducting party to ba furnished 
ou the application of the Medical Officer in charge, The CO. 
will apply to the D.O.C. far permission to detail a conducting 
party, and will transmit a medical certificate stating the neces- 
sity for its employment and determine its strength. - 


Discharge— Fenuauent Porce 

Paras. 38&-S91 

385. An oflicer by whom the discharge of a soldier belonging Other Corps, 
to a corps not under his command is carried out will notify at ^Jnn. 329. 
oaee the O.C or Officer Administering the Corps o£ the cause 

aad date of such discbarga 

386. To prevent re-enUstment of a man discharged from the Ituenlistmeot 
Permanent Force for misftonduct, the Confirming Officer will "' discharged 
(as soon as the man is discharged) transmit to all Commanding "^^qIj^ j^^q 
Officers, Permanent Force, the name and description of the 

man so discharged. 

387. Instructions as to disposal of documents after discharge Uocuments 
will bo found on tho "Proceedings on Discharge" (if.F.B, 218). Can, 881. 

Eocordlng Couduct and Character of Soldier of Permanent 

388. The guiding principle in examining a soldier's conduct informotion 
siieets with a view to assessing his character, is to differentiate to bo s'nen in 
between a maa's character as a soldier and his character as a "="'^^"'0- 
man. *^^^- **"^- 

Tho main object of giving a soldier a certificate cf character 
is to assist him in obtaining eniploymoat in civil life, and tho 
certificate should be so worded that employers of labour can 
readily estimate the true worth of tho man. In addition to 
recording his character, the certificate should contain any in- 
formation whi eh would shoiv what qualification a man passessea 
as regards cirilian employment, e.g., 'Hhoroughly sober and 
reliable"; "accustomed to the care of horses and a good 
groom"; "a good clerk, painstaking and industrious"; also, 
if desired by the soldier, *^wife (here Btate Christian name in 
full) is a fair, good, ver^ good (washerwoman, needlewoman, 
&e.)"; or any other special qualifications which a woman may 

™.„Tf.J^.iirhS" ""^ ^^attgements for providing civil employ- „,ii,imy 
mont tor a discharged soldier must, m & great measure, depend oi 0.0. whoa 
upon the manner in which the character of a man Is estimated. ncordinK 
If men recommended as of "good' character are found to be*'*,",*",*"'"*' **' 
untrustworthy or unsteady, the confidence of employers of la- Cau? 888 
hour will not be gained. On ttie other hand, if, on account of 
comparatively trifling irregularities of a purely military nature, 
a man is refused a good character, his stibsequent career in civil 
life may be injuriously affected. The lesponsibilityj therefore, 
of a CO. in this respect is very great, and his special attentioii 
is directed to the subjeet. 

390* To ensure uniformity in estimating and recording a Tarms to be 
man's character while serving, or on discharge, tho following "*ed when 
terms will be etrictly adhered to: — recording 

(i.) Exemplary, 
(ii.) Vo 


Can. 384. 
Mt'tlioJ of 

Vary good, 
(iii.) Good. 
(iv.) Fair, 
(v.) Indifferent, 
(vi.) Bad. 
(vii.) Very bad. 
391. In estimating the character of a soldier, a 0.0. will ji.-or^tn- 
take into consideration any entries in a man's medical history character, 
sheet for admission into hospital on account of aleoiolism. In Can, 336. 


Paxa. 392 

Discharge — ^Pennanant Force 

ciwes whero the character recorded is < * indifforent, " "bad/' 
or '*vory bad," the xcaBon for recording such a character will 
bo briefly stated in the ''Proceedings on DiBchF.rge,"'the man's 
conduct as a soldier being separated as much as pcsaibl© from 
his character as a man, tor example — (i) **condT:et indiffer- 
ent, has been guilty of frequent acts cf absence, bat is smart, 
willing, and hardworking"; (ii) "conduct indifferent, has be'en 
addicted to drink, but is % smart soldier and respectful to his 
oBacers^'j jiii) "conduct bad, has been guilty of desertion, but 
lias proved a gallant soldier in the field.'* In cases whore the 
character is racorded as f«ir, or upwards, the CO. will supple- 
ntent it (when in the soldier's interest) by the words: — 

(a) No offence in whole service of years; 

(b) No offence during tho last years; 
and (where applicable) 

No instance of drunkenness in whole service of 
Any such particulars that can be truthfully recorded in 
favour of the soldier should also be inserted in his eortificate 
cf character, but tho reason for assessing the character as in- 
different, badj &c,, is not to bo inserted in the corti£cate, 

392. An "exemplary'* character is the highest that can bo 
given to any soldier, and is to be given only to a man whoso 
for m exflm- jg^iod of service has enabled his conduct to be thoroughly test- 
Eiary charac- ^^ ^^ .^ ^^ ^^ reserved, therefore, for a man who has served 
for at least six years, who has not incurred more than the fol- 
lowing number of entries in tho regimental conduct sheet, and 
las been clear of an entry in the regimental conduct sheet 
for the periods stated in the subjoined table: — 

Condltioni to 
to fulflUod 

plary charac 

Can. a36. 

Length of Servioo 


Yearn clear 
of entry in* 

Ileeimenta) Conduoi Sheet 

6and under 9 ytan «.... 

Ij " ** 15 •< 





]fi *' " 18 " 

Imp. 419. 

"^Including ihosa entries referred to in tba last sentence of para. 1602. 
**Not more than one to le a case of dninkentiesn. 

In the case of a soldier of 18 years* service or upwards, 
the restriction as to tho number of ontries allowed will only 
ipply to the last 16 years of his service. 

When a soldier has become eligible for the award of an ex- 
emplary ehatacter, he will not forfeit such eligibility unless he 
aubsequently incurs a regimental entry. 

The CO. is the sole judge as to whether or not an exem- ^ 
plary character should b& granted. Though the fioldier fulfils 
the above conditions, the grant of aa exemplary character la 
discretionary and not obligatory, 

Discharge— Permanent Force 

Faras. 303-402 

Can, 837. 

393. In cases whero a more favourable character ^han 
"fair** cannot be given to a N.C.O., the reasons will be briefly 
recorded in tie proceedings on discharge, but not in the parch* 
meat eertiflcate of discharge. 


394. A bai character is not to bo given to a K.C.O- character. 

Oan. 88S. 
396. When a recruit is discharged before he has completed Wording of 
one month *s service, and receives a good character, the words ^aracter of 
''during his days' service** should be added after the '^'q^^*' g^^ 

word "good** in the proceedings on discharge and in the parch- 
ment certificate of discharge. 

396. A duplicate or copy of the discharge, or extract from j>upUcates or 
official records, wil! not be issued to x. discharged soldier. A copiea of 
c&rtified copy of the record of a man's services will bo supplied **oan^*840. 
to the oflScer charged with his payment, if asked for, 

Description and Measurement oa Dischargee. 

397. Xho description and measurement entered in the * * Pro- Descriptlena 
caedtngs on Discharge,** and the discharge certificate, should on discharge 
invariably be taken on tie date upon which those documents JjJ"'"^'**" 
are prepared. - certificates. 

398. Oan. S4t. 



Paras. ^03-4LO 


Can, »42. 


iion of 
L'on. 843. 

Force and 
Can. 344. 


Can. 845. 

with orders. 

Can. 84SA. 

G.O. 80— 


of crime. 
Can. 346. 

of soldiotB. 
Con. 847. 


of the rule 

by N.C-Oe. 

Caa. 348. 



Geuenl Instructions. 

403r A willing, prompt, and implicit obcdienco of alt ranks 
to Buporlor authority charged with rcepoiisibitity i» tbo sub- 
.stanco of true military dlscipHuo, 

Courtesy is indiBpcnsablo to discipllno. Commanding Ofll- 
cers should not ouly boar this in mind, but tiioy should incul- 
cate tho^^ principle in those under theii command. Whenever 
it becomes, necessary, iu orSer to cheek carelesWess or neglect 
of duty, admonition or reproof (unless the occasio!i demands 
public example) should bo conveyed privately where practicable. 

4Q4. An Officer Commanding a District will be rcsponeiblo 
for tlio discipline of all tho troops in his command. 

Every unit or detach moat of the, Permauouv Force, is, for 
the purposes of discipline, ;o bo under tho orders of the officer 
commanding the station in which it may be quartered. 

406. Tho officers, non-commissioned oflicora and men of tho 
Permanent Force, as well us tho ofGccra and uon-conmissiouGd 
oflicers attacht^d thereto for instruction, shall, for purposes of 
discipline, be lield to bo called out for service and shall be sub- 
ject to the laws and regulations which, under the provisions of 
tho Militia Act, apply to officers, non-commissioned officers and 
men so called out. 

406. A General or other OfHcor Ooumauding is responsible 
that all persons employed under him are made aequsintod with 
tho provisions pf tho "Criminal Code,'* Chapter 146, Revised 
Statutes of Canada, 1906, Sections 85, 86, and 592, aiid a record 
tbat this has been done should be kept in every office. Bee 
Appendix IV. 

407. Officers will acquaint themselves with regulations and 
orders. Ignorance of publislied orders will not be admitted as 
an excuse for their non-obsorvanco. Sddiers will ba hold per- 
sonally responsible that they make themselves aequuiated with 
such orders and detail of duties as ar« posted in quarters as 
directed by pora. 893. 

408. A CO, is to use every effort to prevent crime and to 
suppress any tendency to screen its oxistonco. For first offences, 
not of an aggravated character, admoiition is the most suit^ 
ailo treatment.' Punishoioat should onty be resorted to when 
admonition has failed to have effect. 

409. An officer of any rank will adopt towards his subordin- 
ates such metlods of command and treatment as will not only 
ensure respect for authority, but also foster tho feelings of self- 
respect and personal honour essential to military ofiiciency. 

410. "Warraat ofitcers ani N.C.Os. will be guided hy the fore- 
going principles in dealing with each other and with private 
soldiers. They will avoid intemperate knguago or an offensive 



Para*. 411-419 

411. An oficer is not to reprove a IT.O.O. in the presence or 
hearing of privates, unless it ia neceisary for the benefit of 
example that the reproof be public. 

^ 412. A N.C.O. of higher rank than corporal ie not to be 
tried by any court-martial inferior to a D.C.M., except when a 
D.C.M. cannot, having due regard for the public service, be 
assembled. Of these circumstances tho sole Judge will be the 
officer having power to coavene a D.C.M. to try the case. 

413. In a civil court tn officer or soldier will remove his 
hoaddress wliilJe tho judge or nii^iatrate is present, except when 
the officer or soldier is oti duty undor arms with a party or 
escort inside tho court. 

414. The manner in wliich an officer or soldier should pro- 
coed to obtaia redress fox any grievaace under which ho con- 
ceives himself to bo suffering is prescribed in Sections 42 aad 
43 of the Army Act and the notes thereto in the Manual of 
illlitary Law, Such complaimt must bo forwaidcd through the 
complainant's Commanding Officer, who will transmit the same, 
with his remarks, through the District Officer Commanding, for 
oonsldoration at Militia Headquarters if necessary. Au officer I 
(ir soldier may also make any complaint to an inspecting general 
officer as laid down* in para. 89. Those methods of complaint 
tilono will be recognized, and an officer or soldier is forbidden 
to use any other method at obtaining redress for a grievance, 
real or supposed. When claims arc adi^aneed by a soldier thoy 
are to be fully and distinctly stated, and such explanations are 
to be annexed as may bo aecessary, with a view to their being 
duly investigated and adjusted as soon as practicahle. 

415. Everything in the nature of combination to obtain ro- 
dross of grievances ia strictly forbidden among individuals com- 
posing a military force. Each individual must speak for himself 
alone. Appeals for redress by ''round robins" or by means of 
any document bearing the signature of more than one complain- 
ant, are strictly forbidden. 

416. Officers commanding companicB, &c., will ascertain be- 
fore the day of inspection, whether any men wish to see the 
inspecting officer conceruiug any matter. Any complaints will 
fce iuvestigatfld, and settled if possible, by the Commanding 
Officer. If not so settled, a return containing the names of tho 
men, the subjeeta of their complaints and a blank column for 
remarks will bo laid boforo the inspecting officer. 

417. Anonymous complaints, and the publication through 
the medium cf the press »f anything calculated to act injuri* 
ously on the interest of tlie service, or to excite discontent in 
tbe Militia, are strictly prohibited. 

418. An officer is at all times responsible for tlie mainten- 
ance of good order and tho ruloa and discipline of the service; 
he is to afford the utmost aid and support to the CO, It is bis 
duty to notice, repress, and instantly report, any ni^gligeuce or 
impropriety of conduct of N.CX)b. and private soldiere whether 
on or off dutj, and whether the offenders do or do not belong 
to his particular unit. 

419. A CO. should impress upon all under his command the 
propriety of eourtesy in intercourse with all ranks and classes 
of 60cioty> and should particularly caution them to pay defer- 
ence and respect to civil authorities. 


Keproof of 
Can. S49. 

inartial for 
trial of 
Can. 850. 

in ClrU 
Ouii. 851. 

RedrosB of 
Can. 853. 

G.O. 80— 

Can. 868. 

Roport of 
At tnvpuctions. 
Can. 354. 


{hrougb tho 


Can. 3S&. 

tf oflicerB in 
{on oral. 
Can, 8Se. 

Courtdfty to 
ill ranks of 
Can, 867. 

Paras. 420-426 



Faras. 426-432 

Can. 358. 

Crjiiig down 

Can. S69. 

G.O. 161 — 


Priiee or 
ceusuro of 
l'r«»tiiits nnd 
Can. SOO, 

Can. 360A* 
a.o. lis — 



Cbu. 861. 

tio^B and 
with Militia 
Can. 362. 

Oan. 868. 

420. Oflicors aliould maiiitaiu at ali tiinea that courtesy to- 
wards each other which is calculated to perpetuate friendly and 
social relations between thotn and create an ''esprit de corps.*' 
Ail officer not in uniform, should comport himself as regards 
th« affairs of Ijis Corps, and in his intoicourse with oflScers, in 
the same manner as if in uniform. 

421. Officers Commanding Pistriets will, once in e^fery three 
years, forward to Militia lieadquartora for insertion in such 
ueivspapers as tiave a wide circulation vithin their eommands^ 
notification calling attentioi to tlio fact that, under the Army 
Act, a soldier cannot bo placed under etoppagos of pay for a 
private debt, af.d that, if peoi)le suffer soldiers to contract debts, 
they do so at their own risk. 

The number of insertions will be limited, as far as possible, 
coasistent with the matter being generally known, and given 
through the King's Printer office, on departmental requisition 

422. Doliberfttlons or diseussions by officers or soWiers with 
the object of convoying praise, censure, or any mark of appro- 
bation towards their suporiars or any others in His Majesty's 
seivico, are prohibited. Tlio publication of laudatory orders 
regarding an officer quitting a station or relinquishing an ap- 
potutmont is forbidden. A CO. is to refuse to allo\Y subscrip- 
tions'for testimonials in any shape to a Buperior on quitting the 
service, or on being removed from his ccrps. Every officer will 
be held responsible should he allow himself to be coniplimeutod 
by officers or Boldiers, who are serving, or who have served, 
under his command, by means of presents of plate, swords, &iC., 
or by any colleative expression of their opinion. 

422A. Officers, warrant oBficers, non-commissioned officers and 
men are forbidden to accept presents in money from publio 
boiies or private individual! in recognition of services rendered 
in the performance of their duty. 

423. An officer is forbidden to forwaid testimonials relating 
to his services or character, with any application ho may mak& 
to Militia Headquarters. In the event of an officer wishing that 
the opinions of officers under whom ho has served should be 
brought to notice ho will submit their names, so that if necos- 
stary they may be referred to. 

424. An offiser ia forbidien to write private letters to offi- 
cials at Militia Headquarters, on official personal matters, such 
as promotion, appointment, posting, transfer, &c. 

Aittempts to obtain favourable eojiai deration of loiy appli- 
cation by the use of outside influence are forbidden, and, if 
re«ortod to, will be regarded as an aditiission on tie part of 
the applicant that the case is not good oji its merits, and it will 
be dealt with accordingly. 

When an interview is asked for, or a letter written on btdialf 
of an officer by any person other than himself, such applica- 
ticu will be deemed to have been made at his suggestion, unless 
he can show to the satisfaction of the authorities that He has no 
knowledge, directly or indirectly, of sueh application. 

425. Every officer, whose character or conduct as an officer 
anil gentleman has been impugned, must submit the ease within 
a reasonable time to his CO., or other competent military 
authority, for investigation. 


Pending tie investigation an officer may be suspended from 
duty, in which case he will bo placed under the same restric- 
tions as an oilicer, in open arrest, but viiVi be shown as effective 
(jn the first day of each month, while so situated, and may be 
permitted to wear plain clothes. 

426. If oomplaJut is made itihan an officer iiqeileetB to pay his 
just debts, or if an officer by bankruptcy, liquidation, eomposi^ 
tion or other legal proceedings becomes unable to meet his en- 
gagements, tie facts will at onee bo r&ported to Militia Head- 
<juarters; whereupon a Court of Jnquiry will bo assembled to 
(iseertaitt the details. Should it be feuiid 'that th* officer has 
neglected to pay his debts or has become insolvent, he shall, at 
the end of tlireo months from the date of the report of the 
Court of Inquiry, bo removed from the service, unless in the 
meantime he has paid his debts or purged his insolvency, 

427. Officers, soldiers, and others in military employment, 
must at all times guard against being placed in sueh a position 
as may lay tliem open to the suspicioa of being influenced in 
the discharge of their duty by other than purely public eon- 
sidorations. They are to be scrupuloujly careful in their rela- 
tions and are to liave no private dealings with Militia contract- 
or 8, their agents; or employees* 

428. An officer of the Permanent Staff or Permanent Force 
is not permitted, without special sanction from Militia Head- 
quarters, to belong to the directorate of any public, industrial, 
or other company, or to assist or advise any such company or 
irm in questions relating to their plant, processes, or produces. 
Staff ofiicers and officers and soldiers of the Permanent Force 
are forbidden to act either directly or indirectly aa agents for 
any company, iirm, or individual, engaged in trade. 

429. No 010 of the active militia h permitted, without the 
express sanction of the Minister in Militia Council to take offi- 
cial cogniitance of any private association the organization of 
which purports to bo of a military character or to be intended 
to meet niilitiiry requirements, but which is not recognized by 
th'e Minister as forming part of the militia or of the educa 
tional or training cstablirfiments supplementary thoreto. 

430. An oificer or soldier is forbidden to institute or take 
part in, any meetings, demonstrations or proecssiona for party 
cr politicar purposes in barracks, quarters or camps. AH ranks 
may. however attend sueli meetings held at places other than 
those specified, provided they shall be subject to Military I^aw 
^nder the Army Act, should they in any way misconduct them 
Belves or create an unlawful disturbance at sueh meetings, 
vithout prejudice to the ordinary jurisdiction, of the Civil 
Authorities in such cases. 

431. Individual soldiers are not allowed to give displays of 
lorscmhttship, boxing or gvmnastics at local fetes or exhibitions 
cr on the stage, unless with the previous sanction cf their C.C 

Military parties are not to give public di8i>kys at such 
places unless 'tihe saiiotiou ef M-ilitia Headquamters has previously 
liecn obtained, and unless they are under the command of an 
tffieer who must bo present throughout the performauco. 

432. An ol^eor or soldier is forbidden to publish or eom- 
iiiuujcato, either directly or indirectly, to the press, »ny military 
information, or his views on any militiry subject, without spe- 


OfQc«r SUB* 
pended Iron 
Can. 303. 

Can. 304, 

Doulings witb 

Imp. 448. 

Can. 365. 

»nd conimis- 
tioii agencies. 

Imp, 44Q. 

Caa. 366. 



a.o. 107 — 
Can, 366A, 


Can. 367. 

P.C. 3011. 

Displays of 



Can. 863. 

Publish iug 
Oan. 869. 

Paras. 433-434 


Imp. 458. 

cial authority. An^ inform&tiou of a professional nature which 
he may acquire while travelling or employed on duty is to bo 
regarded as the property of the Militia Department, and is not 
to be published in any form without previously obtaining the 
permission of Militia Headquarters. Ofllcial reports or eorre^ 
spondenee, or copies thereof, are not to be furnished, without 
the special sanction of superior military authority^ to any per- 
son not o^cially entitled to receive them. An oQicer or soldier 
will bo hold responsible for all statements contained in com- 
munications to Ills friends which may subsequently be published 
in the press. lie is not to prejudge questions which aro uuder 
tho consideration of superior authority by the publication, 
anonymously or otherwise^ of his opiniouji, and he is not to take 
partj in public^ in a discussion relating to orders, regulations, 
or instructions, issued by his superiors. 

Applications to Militia Headquarter*, made in accordance 
with this paragraph, for peimlasion to publish any article, &c., 
must be accompanied by copies is duplicate of the article, &c., 
in the form in which it is proposed to publish it. One of the 
cojiloB so submitted will be retained at Militia Headquarters 
for reference. Permission to publish will apply only to the 
arti<;lc, etc., as submitted, and no alterations therein, ar addi* 
tioiis thereto, other than those of a mere editorial nature are 
to bo made subsequently without the authority from Militia 

Articles, etc., submitted to Militia Headquarters under this 
regulation should be either typewritten or in proof form. 

433. Any communications affecting the Militia generally, 
or any arm or branch of the service wlich it may be consid- 
ered desirable to make to the press, will be made ly Militia 
Headquarters. In Military Districts, communications to the 
press may only bo made when the^ solely affect the command 
concerned, and in this case [ihey will be made througb District 
Headquarters; dl applicatioas of press lopresoutativos will .be 
refarred to an authorized staff officer. 

434. The definition* of "Commanding OfTicer'' in the Kules 
of Procedure, applies to that expression in Sections 45, 46 and 
47, of the Army Act, in those sections which relate to the exe- 
cution of sentences (as Sections 59, 64^ 65, and 66), and in Sec- 
tion 138, 181 (6), 182, 183, and 184. la the portions of the 
Army Act not abave mentioned the expression ' ' Commanding 
Officer" is not limited to the * * Cojumaading Officer*' as de- 
fined by the Rules of Procedure. 

I3)p. 454. 
Can. 870. 

The Com- 

Can. 871. 

^Extract from R.P. 139: "The oxpr«sBioa 'Oommandlng Officer' as 
uae^ in the necticnB of the Anajr Act relatliiB to 'OQUrts-maTtlaJ,' to 
the 'Execution of sentence' aud to the 'Power of Commanding officer,' 
and in the prorisloiis connoquential thereon, and In these rules, means, 
in relation to ttny per§on, the officer vrbose duty it is, uDd«r the pro- 
Tisitns of His Mijostr's RogulationB» or, in the ahsence ol anjr such 
provisions, under the custom of the seirice, to deal with a charge 
against that persoa of having committed an ofence, that is, to dispose 
of it on hU own suthorit;." 

"It also, so far as relates to tba summsTj award of any punish- 
ments of offences, being punishments which under the provisions of His 
Majesty's Begulalious an officer commandinf a squadron, company, 
troop, or battery, ia authorised to award, anl so far as rtlates to a 
Bununary finding in a ease of absence without leave, includes the officer 
commanding a squadron, company, troop^ or b«ttery." 


Farafi. 436-441 

'fhe CO. of a 

Imp. 457. 

Can. 872, 

435. The CO. of a deta&hment is vested with the full power 
of awarding summary punishment accorded to a CO. of a unit 
as laid dowu in para, 474, but the CO. of the unit, if the de* 
tichmeut is f^erving in the same commiiud, or the 0.C the gar- 
rison or station where the ietachment may be, or otkor superior 
authority, may, having regard to the rank and experience of 
the O.C the detachment, if below the rank of substuutive majors 
restrict him from the exereise of any or all of the powers of a 
CO. Nevertbolcss, au O.C a dotaehtnent may^ if necessity 
arises, act to the full extent of. the powers of a 0.0. for the 
luaintchance of discipline, notwithstanding any restrictive 
order, but in each case he will immediately report his action for 
tlio information of the superior authority by whom such re- 
strictive order was made. 

436. A J>.O.C may, on the embarkation of troops and on 
other special occasions^ associate two or more detachments for 
tiie purposes of discipline, and place them under the command 
of one officer In such cases the powers of the officers com- 
nianding the several detachments to award summary punish- 
iiiouts, and eosveno Regimental Courts Martial will, for the time 
being, remain in abeyance. 

437. All gambling in garrisons, camps, or cantonments i» 
forbidden. Tbis includes book-making, or acting us agent for 
a book-maker. 

438. The iLtroduction of wine and spirits into barrack rooms 
ij forbidden, but a man may be allowed to receive ono pint of 
beer with hie dinner. 

439. No ofEcer of the Militia is at liberty to attend in uni- 
ftmm the maai^>euvro8 or public patiades of a foreign army with- 
out the permission of the Minister, 

440^ SeetiouB 4 to 44 (inclusive) of the Army Act, are to be 
raad once in uvery three months at the head of every unit of 
tlie Permanent Force, aud also the following notice:-^ 

' ' Under tlie existing law, any person who shall maliciously 
and advisedly endeavour to seduce any person or parsons serv- 
iiig in His Majesty's forces by sea oi land from liis or their 
duty and allegiance to Hie Majesty, or to incite or stir up any 
person or persons to jjommit any act of mutiny, or to make or 
endeavour to make any mutinous assembly, or to commit any 
traitorous or mutinous practice whaisoever, may, on being 
legally convicted of such offence, be sentenced to penal servitude 
for the term of the natural life of such person," 

Arrest and Military Custody, 

441. Attention is diroctfld to Section 45 (4) of tho Army Act, Duties of 
If the account in writing therein mentioned^ the clinrge report commander of 
-(M.F,— B. 264), is not delivered at the time, a verbal report to JJf.™^5*^Y 
the same effect is to be made. If the charge repoit is not re- the charge 
ceived withiai tweoiity-fouir hours, jfcl»>o commander Off the guard leport. 
will either take steps for procuring it, or report that he has not *^®"' ^^^* 
received it to the ofOper to whom his guard report is furnished, 
\rho> if the cbarge report, or other evidence sufficient to justify 
the continued arrest, is not forthcoming, wilt, at th« expiration 


Detachment a 
may be 
under one 
Can. 378. 


Can. 374. 

ImiJ, 469. 
Vino and 
spirits for- 
hidden in 

Can. 375, 

Can. 076. 

Army Act, 
portions read 

Caa. S77. 
Treason and 

Paras. 442-418 


Ketention in 
to be 
Oan. 37D. 

«uitcdf of 
officer or 

Dan. 880. 

ArroBt of 
Dan. 881. 

of forty-eight Uours from the time of committal, order the re- 
lease of the parson iu eustory. In order to complj with the 
provisiona of Si?ction 21 of the Army Aefc, the name and offence 
of every person received into custody, aud the rank and 
iianie of the person by whom be is charged, are to be entered 
bj the commauder of the guard in his guard report, and the 
original charge report, or a copy thereof, is to be foi warded to 
the CO. of tha person in austody. 

442. Attention is also diiected to Section 45 (1) of the Army 
Act, and Eule of Procedure, No. 1, The report therein prescrib- 
ed is to be mndo whether ttie person In custody is a patient in 
hospital or for whatever cause the case is not proceeded with. 
On the receipt of every such report the officer to whom appli- 
cation for trifll will be submitted is to satisfy himself as to 
the necessity for the continuance of sich person in military 

443. Military custody in the case of an officer, warrant offi- 
cer or N.C.O. (not under fientenee) usually moans arrest, but 
au officer, warrant officer^ or N.C.O., may, if circumstances re- 
quire it, bo placed for custody under the charge of a guard, 
piquet, patrol, or sentry, or of a provost-marshal. 

444. Arrest is either closu arrest or open arrest. "V^^hen arrest 
is not described as open arrest, it means close arrest. Au officer 
under close arrest is not to leave his quarters or tent except lo 
take such cxoreise under supervision as the Medical Officer con- 
siders necessarT. When under open arrest ho may take exercise 
at stated periods within defined Umits, which will usually be 
the precincts of the barracks or camp of his unit; ttiese limits 
may be enlarged at the discretion of the Offieer Ccmnianding 
on the spot. An officer under open arrest may^ uider strict 
oriers as to his conduct, be directed to proceed from one station 
to another, or bo permitted to leave his station for a particular 

445. An officea* under opeoi arroet ia not to use iiis own or 
any other mess premises. He is not to appear in auy place of 
amuBement or sutortainment, or at public assomblieSj and he is 
never to appear outsitle hie quarters or tent dressed otherwise 
than in uniform. An officer when under arrest will not wear 
sash, swore], belt, or spurs. 

446. It is not desirable, except when it appears that the 
arrest has beeii made throngh error, that an officer should be 
released from arrest by the officer who ordered the airest, with- 
out the sanction of the highest authority to whom the case may 
have been referred. 

447. An officer may be placed under arrest by a competent 
authority, witlout previous investigation, when circumstances 
80 require; but a 0.0. on receiving a complaint, or learning of 
circumstances tending to incriminate an officer, will not ordin- 
arily place him under arrest until he has satisfied himself by 
iuijuiry that it will bo necessary to proceed with the case, and 
report it to superior authority. He will invariably place under 
arrest an officer against whom he prefers charges. When an 
oJBcer is placed under arrest, whether afterwards leleased or 
not, the CO. ytlii report the case without delay to tUe General 
or other senior officer resfonsible for discipline under whoso 
command the unit may be. 

Oeq. sea. 

Oan. 888. 

Wlien to he 
Oan. 884. 



Faros. 440-455 

44B, An officer has nc right to demand a court-martial upon Officer under 
himself, or, after ho has been released by proper authority, '* JJi^and'^'a""* 
persist in considering himself under restraint of arrest, or tv ^ Qur^.Q^urtiai. 
refuse to return to his duty. Can. 385. 

449. ParigraphB 444 and 445 will also apply to a warrant Arrest of 
officer or N.C.O., who will, if charged with a serious offence, JJ'q q"' °^ 
be placed under arrest forthwith, but, if the ofifouBo alleged ap- ^Q^n, see, 
pears not to be serious, it may be investigated and disposed of G.O. 80 — 
without previous arrest. In cases whore doubts exist whether i&iO- 
the oilence alleged has leon committed, arrest may be delayed, 

without prejudice to anjr subsequent proceedings. 

A N.C.O. under open arrest is forbidden to enter a liquor 
bar or corporal's room, 

450. Military custody in the case of a private soldier (not **»^J^^'^ * 
under sentence) means placing him under either open or close p^f^ate ^ 
arrest. A private soldier under open arrest will not quit bai- soldier, 
racks until iis case has been disposed of. He will attend par- Can. 387. 
ades but (except under the circumstance mentioned in para. 

459) will not be detailei for duty. A soldier on being placed 
in close ariest will be put in confiiomout under charge of a 
guard, piquet, patrol, sentry, or provost-marshal, and will be 
searched and deprived of knives ot other weapons. The ac- 
commodation usually available in burracks for the temporary 
confinement of soldiers iu close arn^st is the guard detentioa 
room, attached to a guard-room and similar smaller rooms fcr 
the confinement of those who are to be kept apart. 

451. The keys of tha guard detention rooms are to be ia Can. S86. 
the charge of the commander of th« guard. 

452. A private soldier charged with a serious offence will be Can. 889. - 
placed iu arrest on the commission or discovery of the offence. 

He is not to be placed in close arrest for offences unaccompanied 
by drunkenness, violence, or insuborilinatlon, unless confinement 
is necessarjr to ensure safe custody or for the uiaintenauce. ef 
discipline. « 

463, A soldiotr An close arrest (n«t under seuteujce) muy lo Temporary 
committed, by an ordei signed by his 0.0. on Form Q. (?«« f;°S,°l^ui'* 
Bules of Procedure) for temporary confinement for any period poHee 
not exceeding seven d&ys to any detention barrack, barrack Btatlou» et«. 
detention room, police station, or Icck-up. Can. 890. 

454. A private soldier who disobeys an order distinctly given Soldier Con- 
or resists the authority of o N.G.O., is to be ^aced in close gig3l>y 
arrest without altercation, and the fact immediately reported 'q'^jj* gg^^ 
to his company, &c., commander or to the adjutant. "V^en a 

N.C.O. has to place a soldier in close arrest he vill obtain tlie 
assistance of one or more privates to conduct the offender to 
the guard-room, and will himself avoid coming ia contact with 
him. Except in cases oi personal violence, or wh«n on detached 
duties, or at the discretion of the CO., a lance-corporal or act- 
ing bombardier with less than four years * service will not place 
a private soldier in close arrest, but will report the offence to 
the orderly-sergeant, wlo will act ae the circumstances require. 

455. A private soldier who is drunk is to be placed in close J" drunken- 
arrest alone, if possibU, in a guard detention room. He m&y ^|^n. soa. 
be deprived of his boots except Wkm. the weatter is coM aawl 

ho is likelj to suffer ii consequencfl. He is to be visited and 
his condition ascertained at least every two hours by a N.C.O. 


Paras. 456-4<l2 


Coiireaslon ot 
deaartion, or 
Can. 893. 

Beading and 
exercise of 
fiolilier in 

Cau. 391. 

Soldier iu 
arriat to be 
deprivod of 
hia cap. 

Can. 395. 
OfTtnder not 
to bear arms 
or do duty. 

Gin. 'J90. 

of offender. 
Can. 897. 

Rults for 
Cin. 89 B. 

of cEiargoB. 
Cm. 899. 

of tho guard and au escort. Should any^ Bymptoms of serious 
illnoss be observed, a medicd offieer is forthwith to ba sent for. 
A soldier suspected of being drunk is not to be put through any 
drill or tested ior tb© purpoae of ascortalning his condition. A 
soldier charged with drunkenness is not to be brought before 
an officer for investigation of the charge until he is perfectly 
sober. For thia purpose twenty -four hours should usually bo 
albwert to elapwo before th* iavestigation. 

456. When & soldier mates a confession of dosortion, or of 
having committod an offeuea in relation to enlistment, and the 
investigation cunnot immediately be completed, ho need not be 
placed in arrest pending inquiry. But if at the time of the 
confession, or subsequently, he is chargoil with any offence, he 
may be placed in arrest and the investigation and trial may 
proceed for that offence independently of the confession. 

457. A soldier in close arrest for trial by court-martial will 
bo allowed his bedding up to the time of tho promulgation of 
his sentence. A soldier in close arrest pending inquiry will be 
allowed the use of bedding if his arrest exceeds two days. In 
severe weather a soldier in close arrest may be allowed such 
bedding as is necessary. A soldier in close arrest is to take 
iufieient exercise, under supervision, for tho preservation of his 

458. A soldier is to bo deprived of his eap and of any articles 
he can us9 as missiles, during the investigation of offences and 
duiing hia trial before anv court. 

459. An offeader while m arrest is not to be required to per- 
form any duty, other than such duties as may be necessary to 
relieve him from the eharg* of any cafidi, stores, accounts, or 
office of which lie may have charge, or for which he is respon* 
sible. Tf by error, or in omergcney, he has been ordered to per- 
form any duty» he is not thereby absolved from liability 
to bo proeoeded against for hia offence. An offondor wlion iu 
arrest is not to bear arms, except by order of his 0.0. in an 
emorgoncy, or on the lino of march, or in a detention barrack 
by order of thft commandant for tho purpose of instruction, 
exercise, or practice. 

460. Except as provided in para. 507, when circumstances 
render the identification of an alleged offender necessary, tho 
ideutificatioa should, as a rule, be carried out in the presence 
of an olBcer. 

Investigation of Cfharges. 

161. Tho investigation of charges will be carried into effect 
in the manner prescribed in the *'Hulosof Procedure." Every 
officer who does not summarily dispose of a charge which he 
investigates will carefully avoid any expression of opinion as to 
tho guilt or innocence of the person charged. 

462. Every charge against a soldier will be inTestigated 
without delay in hia presence. Soldiers of the Permanent Force 
in arrest are to be disposed of daily (Sundays, Gooi Friday, 
and Christmas-day excepted), and. whea practicable, in the 
morning before the principal parade. 

Every charge whether against a KGO. or soldier will be 
inv&stigated in the first inetance by the company, &e., com- 



Fajas. 463-465 

roaader, at bis company, &c., orderly room, which is to be held 
at such an liour as will allow pf a soldier reserve! for disposal 
by the CO. being ready to go before him at the appointed tdnie. 
A CO. ia authorijsed to grant a large measure of discretion- 
ary power to company, &&., commanders to dispose of any off ones 
with which ho himself may deal under para, 465, provided that 
the limits laid down iu paras. 482 and 484 for company, &c,, 
commanders are not exceeded. 

463. Charges are to lo entered as follows: — Entry of 
(i) For offences of N.COs. and men- coafinod in th& oimrge«. 

guard-room, cr of N.COs. and men reserved for tha ^8"- *00, 

dispoeal by tlie CO., in tha guard refw>rt, by the com. 

mander of thf guard, or, vhore there is no guard, by 

the N.CQ. rosponsibla for the custody of the soldiers 

in close arrest, 
(ii) For offemces <f N.COs. and men not confined in thu 

guard-room, M.F. B-224, under tho orders of -tha 

company, &3.j commander. 
If a charge against a N.CO. or man, for which he has not 
"been in close arrest, is reserved by the company, &e. commander 
for tho CC's award, the former ofieer will send the charga 
(M.F. B, — £64) for entry in the guard report, before tho hour 
fixed for the disposal of soldiers in arrest by the CO. If, on 
the other hand, a charge for which a N.CO. or man has beea 
lu close arrsar is disposed of by the company, &c, commandei, 
tliat officer will report tho fact to the orderly-toom, aaid the 
■etttry * * dieposed of on M.F. B. 224 ' ' ivill be made in the punisli- 
mont column of the guard report. ' 

A comp&iiy, &c., commander, who has reserved a case for 
the award of the O.O., will always attend with tho company, 
&Q>f conduct book, when the soldier is brought btfore the CO. 
Tf a soldier is remaided for further inquiry, hia ease will 
bo brought under rovio^r daily, and the order for remand will 
bo entered daily iu the guard report, or M.F. B. 224, by the in- 
vestigating officer, 

464. M.l*\ B. 224 for recording tha awards of campany, &c,,|EntTy of 
-commauder'1 will bo retained in the orderly-room, and will b3|iwwd. 
^obtained therefrom by the commaader eonceried whenever 
necessary for the disposal of offences. After completing the last 
three columns in each cbso disposed of, the compiiny, &c., com- 
mander will return the form to the orderly-room in order that 
particulars may be available for inclusion in Part II. Orders for 
the day, if necessary. 

On the last day of tlie week, the company, &c., commander 
-will obtain and sign tie form, whether blank or otherwise, 
and it will be attached to the guard report for that day. 

466, A CO. may, without refereace to superior authority, j^j^p^^^i ^j 
dispose summarily of, or try by B.Cil., a soldier charged with offender by 
an offence under the following scctioita of the Army Act: 6, ex- commaDdiDg 
cept on active service; 8 (2) (threatening or insubordinate Ian- **®can 40a. 
guage only)> except on active service; 9 (2) except on active 
^service; 10 ^except sub-eoction 1), 11, 14, 15, 18 (1), (3), 11), 20 
(except when the act is wilful), 21, 23, 24, 27 (4), 33 (except 
■cases (Jf enlisting from army reserve) , 34, and 40. First and less 
serious offences under the above sections, and minor neglects or 
•omissions, not xesultijig from deliberate disregard of authority 


Imp. 486. 
Oan. 401. 

Ptras. 460-471 


Imp. 487A, 

or Eot assaciated with graver offences, should, as a rule, be 
dealt with summarily. A charge for auy other oflfeuce which 
the CO. desires to dispose of summarily, will be referred to 
superior authority in a letter stating the circumBtances of the 
L-aae, and accompanied by tie soldier's conduct sheets. The 
CO. may refer a charge for any offence to superior authority 
with an application for u D.C.M. 

466, When proposing to deal with a case summarily a CO* 
will satisfy himeelf that the evidence produc**d boforo him i» 
sufficient to disclose the exact nature of the offence. If he is 
not so satiwfied, he should remand tho case for further iuquirica, 
60 tlat tho offence as entered in tho guard report may be sub- 
8tan;ially tho chjirgo upon which the accused would bo arraign- 
ed ia the event of his electing to be triei by a D.CM. under 
*^he provisions of Section 4tf (S) of the Army Act- 

"When once an accused has elected t* be tried upon the 
charge as road out to him Irom the guard report, it should 
under nt> circumstances he added to or increased in gravity, 

DUijiiBHul of 437* Except when it is important that the guilt or imocenco 

C?i* 403 *^ *^^ accused should bo defiritely decided- it is undesirable to 
send a case bofcre a court-martial when it appears doubtful 
whether the evidence will lead to a conviction. In sucii a caso 
the charge should ordinarily be dismissed, under the pio visions 
of tlio Army Act, Section 46, 

Liability of 
Boldicr ia 
rcspett of 

468. Before proceeding witli a ease it is the duty of the CO. 
ascertain that the soldier is liable to te proceeded against, 
lai^Tat time. l»avittg regard to the limitations of time prescribed by the Army 
Cui. 404. Act. For the purposes of exemption from trial under tie Army 
Act, Sec. 161, a soldier is to he considered as having served in 
au ejcemplary manner, if, at any time during hie service since 
his fraudulent enhBtmeut, he has had no entry in his regimental 
conduct slicet foi a contiuuois period of three years. 

LinbiUty 469, If, on the in vesta gat ion of a cluirge, sufficiout evidence 

den*c" may be ^ ^°* forthcoming OS to whother tho UiCciised hws, or lias not, 
forthcoming committed the offence^ and there is no opportunity of parrying 
in the future, the investigation further at the time, the accused, if the offence 
Caa 405. charged is serious, may be. released from arrest, and ordered to 
do duty without prejudice to his re-arrest when further evidence 
is forthcoming and tho matter can be furtler inquired into. If, 
however, the offence charged is not serious, and. there is no prob- 
ability of suflicioiit evidence being obtainable within a reason- 
able time, the case should be dismissed. 

470. A soldier on electing to be tried by a D.CM uador the 
provisions of Section 46 (8) of the Army Actr may be released 
from arrest pending trial, if lis CO. thinks the ciroumstanceti 
warmnt it. 

hJu""? "^d*^"!. 471. Unless there are reasons against the adoption of such 

Bion u he".' ^ course^ a soldi«r shall, on the ^llo^vin^ day, bo given au 

tried l)y oppoitunity of reconsidering his decision to be tried br court* 

D.O.M. martial. 

Cbu. 408. 


Soldier elect- 
iDjf trial by 

Imii> 4 90 A. 


Paras. 472-474 

472.. If, when a soldier is charged with one offence, another. Discloj"" o' 
the investigation of which cannot be immediately completed Jj^^'J^^y^^ing 
or proceeded with, comes to light, the investigatioa and trial in investigntion. 
respect of tho original cffencc may proceed independently, the Can. 406. 
fharge for the other offence being daalt with as prescribed in 
paragraph 409. 

473. When a soldier already under sentence .of court-martial Offence by 
is charged with an offence for which it is necessury to Jirraiga ^^^j^^^^ 
him before a court-martial, the trial should talte place at once. can. 407. 

Summary and Minor Pimlshments, 

474. A CO. may, subject to the soldier's right to elect, P^«' 5,^"'".''^^ ,, 
vious to the award, to be tried by DC.M., inlliet the following JJSJjfn^JiV 
summary punishments on a private soldier: — Can. 408. 

(i) Detention, not exceeding twenty-eight days; but tha 
power of awarding detention exceeding seven days, except ia 
cases of abseuce without leave, will not be exercised by a CC 
under tho rank of field officer. In tie case of absence without 
leave exceeiing seven days, tho detention may be extended to 
tho same number of days as the da/s of absence, not excecti- 
ing 28 days in the who'lo, but if ths absence does not exceol 
seven days, detention can only be avarded up to seven days. 

(ii) In the case of drunkenness, a line not crcooding $6.00 g.O. 202— 
according to scale (see para, 496). 10<*8. 

(iii) Any deduction from ordinary pay allowed to be made 
by a CO. by Section 133, sub-sectioL 4 or 6, of the Army Act. 

(iiia) Field punishment not exceeding 28 days. \ 

(iiib) Forfeiture of all ordinary pay under On a 
section 46 [2) (d) of tie Army Act, for a perioi ^service 
commencing on tlie day of award and not exceed- only, 
ing 28 days. / 

A CO. may also inflict tho following minor piuishmouts on Minor 
a N.CO. or man [(vi) and (vii) only being applicable to N,C. puiii«brucnti, 
ps. and (iv), (v) and (vii) to private soldiers], the soldier har- 
iiig no right to claim trial by court-inartiah — 

(iy) Confinement to barracks for any period not exceeding 
fourteo"|i days, during which dofaultsrs will be required to aa- 
swer to tbeir names at uncertain hours throughout the day, and 
wiJL. be employ Gd on fatigue duties to the fullest practicable 
extant, ytith a view to relieving well-ponductcd soldiers ther9- 
from. JSfe^aultors will attend parades, and take all duties iu 
regular' turn. When tho fatigue duties required are not eufli- 
eiont tokotp the defaulters fully employed, the CO. may order 
them to attend punishment drill, provided that they shall not 
be liable t» punishment drill after the expiration of 10 days 
from tho date of tho award of confinement to barracks. Con- 
finement t€ baaracka in the caso of Medical Seivicos will. ii*t 
carry with it punishment drill if awarded to men iictually at tite 
time doing duty in hoei^ital. • 

(v) lixtra guards or piquets; these are only to be ordered 
as a punishment for minor oflfencea or irregularities when oi, 
or parading for, these duties. 

(vi) Keprimand or severe reprimaud. 

(vii) Admomtion. 

89 * . 

A.O. 309— 
activu 1B13. 

Para. 476 


AO. 309 — 

PronUlons to 
be obfierved. 

Cm. 40e. 

Itap. 494. 

A.O. 209- 

475. The puniBlimente referred to in (iiia) and (iiib) of 
para. 474 may be awarded fieverally or conjoiutly, biit a coa- 
joint award wil] only be necessary when the period of forfeit- 
ure of pay excc«d6 the ijoriod of iield puiishment.* 

Of the other punishments referred to in para. 474, (i), (ii), 
(iii), (iiib) (on active service), (iv), an (v), may bo awarded 
severally or conjointly subject to the foUewing provisions:— 

(i) When detention exceeding seven days is awarded, a 
miller puuishmeLt must not lo given in addition. 

{ii) Any award of detention, up to seven days inclusive, 
will be in hours; if exceeding Seven days, in days. 

(Ill) When ait award includes dotontion and a minor pun- 
ishment, the latter will take effect at the termination of the 

(iv) A soldier undergoing detention or confinement to bar- 
racks mvLy, for a fresh offence, be a^va^ded f uither detention or 
a minor punishment, or both. 

The commencing dates of the fresh awards will le as de- 
tailed below: — 

(n) Dolcntfon 

(o) Dotontiona add 
minor punish- 

(d) A minor punish- 


Awarded to a soldier 

already iinderjiaing l 

»tifiu«moflb to t>ar- Lour 

Awarded to a soldier 
olrcody unjergoinjdo' 

Awarded to a so liter 
already undorgoinB a 
minor puDiAbment. 

Awarded to a sold ier 
already ^ undergo ui£ 
Itsuch a punisbmont. 

K award«l in diiye— from date of 
d. If swarded in houn— from tho 

at wbich the aoldier is rtcoivcd into 

the detent io) bar rack, or brant h detention 
barrack, or, if not sooner received into 
one of thoee EnstUutiotts, Irvtn tho day 
after tbo date of award at tbt hour fixed 
for tho cotimitmeat of soldiers under 

If BwnrdHi in days— from date of 
award. If awarded in hours— from the 
hour at which Boldiers are usually re- 
ceived into the detention barrack or 
branch detention barrack on the day of 
award, provkled ho isre-comiiiitted that 
day, or, if not re-«onimitted m the day 
of awar<), then from the dar after the 
day of award at tho hour (need for the 
ootumtttnont of soldiere undir Bonletice. 

The detention— as m faj above, 
, Tbo minor puniatiment from t^rmiaa- 
tion of tli« pievioua award of conUncinent 
to barracks {sec sub-para. (v)J, or of the 
termination af detention (see [aj above), 
whichever sltall last occur. 

From the ;crmiiiatbn of tie previous 

provided that ao soldier shall be awardel detention by sum- 
mary award for more than twenty-eight canseeutivo days, and 
that tho whole axtenb of consecutive punishment, includiuii 
detention and confinement to barracks, shall not exceed forty- 
two days in the aggregate. 

AO. 209 — ^ *ror(eituro of pay commences as from the day of award When 
1913. *V*r^ « ',i' ^" desiied to order forfeiture of paj for a period in excess 

°iJ'J **'*.'**, P*;"/"!*™**!* awarded, e.g., 10 day a' ield punishment and an 
additional forfeiture of 14 days' ordinary pay, it will be neeewary to 
award the offender 10 days' field puuiehment witli forfeiture of 24 days' 
pay, bh pay is forfeited (or the period of field pinishmeut awarded. 



Parw, 476-481 

(v) A defaulter is not required to undergo anj punishment 
drill or confinement to barrcks which may have lapsed by rea- 
son of hie baing in hospital or under sentence or employed on 

476. In the case of absence without leave tho D.O. will ^otAWuce with- 
make an hward of forfeiture of pay, lut will inform the soldier ^^^ ^{q 
of the number of dnys^ pay he forfeits under the Pay & Allow- 
Anee Bogulations. 

This forfeiture applies also to a warrant officoi or N.C.O of 
any rank, and in all cases involving such forfeiture a soldier 
has the right, under Section 4C (8) of the Army Act, to elect 
to be tried by D.O.M. 

Imp. 496A. 

477. Ee cover ies from soldiers on account of damage, through pamage to 
negligence or carelessnees, to mcehanically propelled vebiolesj 
will usually be limited to the equivalent of a fortnight's pay. 
Any such recovery will form part of the disciplinary action 
taken in such cases. 

478. In dealing summarily with eases of absonee without Can. 4ii. 
leave, a 0.0. will have regard to tho place of tlio soldier *8 sur- 
render or apprehension, the circumstances of his absence, antl 

the period passed in cuatody. Absence without leave will bo 
re(;koned to torminato when the soldier is taken into custody, 
and in awarding punishment the CO. should make allowance 
for any unusual delay in tho disposal of the case. 

479. The name of a man absent without leave will be notified Notifyinif in 
in regimental orders as follows:— "de«*"name 

(i) If absent from 1 to 20 days— the name will appear of man abBont 
on the day following the day of rejoiaing. ^^oT'i??''*" 

(ii) If absent for 21 consecutive days— the name will 

appear on tho 22nd day. 
(iii) If absent on tho last day of the month— the nam* 
will appear cii the first day of the neit month, but 
all such orders will be included in M.R- D. 873 for 
the month in which tho absence commenced. 

480. In dealing with simple drunkenness unconnected with punishment 
another oifence, confinement to barracks should only be added for simple 
to a fine when the circiimstances aie such as to increase its ^^ J°^™JJJ^- 
gravity. Detention should never be awarded for an instance 

of drunkenness not triable by court martial, except when the 
amount of unpaid fines for drunkenness recorded against » 
soldier is $10.00 and upwards, in which case a C-0. should sub- 
stitute detention or some other punishment which it is in hia 
power to award. 

481. Punishment drill is not to exceed one hour at a timo, Punishment 
and is to consist of marching iu quick time only and not o^^'S' 414 
instruction drill. It will not be carried out on Sundays. In 

very cold weather the double time may be used for short 

It will be carried out in marching order, an! will consist 
in the cavalry and mounted corps of two hours' drill per diem. 
In the infantry and dismounted corps it will nev«r exceed four 


Pariis. 482-487 


and reversion 
from aoting- 
Can. 416. 

SyBtflm of 
Can, 416. 

Powor of 
compiuy, etc, 
Oui. 417. 

of V one real 
dlseaee. - 
Can. 418. 

Admieeion to 
cauBel hy 
Can. 419. 

Can. 420. 

houie altogether in one day. It is to bo carried on in the bar- 
rack yard or drill ground. When regiments or detachments 
are iu billets their defaulters are to bo inarched out under a 
N.C.O. ou one of the roads for the preseribed period, and are 
not to be dtiUed in the streets. Punishmaut drill is not to be 
carried on after retreat unless the District OHicer Oommanding 
is oi opinion that it is expedient to do bo, in which case he may 
sanction exceptions. 

482. A N.C.O., including an acting N.C.O., is not to be sub- 
joeted to summary or minor puuialiments, iior punished by being 
placed in any lovrer position on the list of bis rank, but he may 
be cdmonislied, reprimanded or severely reprimanded by the 
CO. A N.C.O. below the rant of sergeant (or the appointment 
of lance-sergeant) may be admonished or reprimanded, but not 
Fcvorely roprimaiirted by the company, &c,, commander. An 
acting or laii^o If .CO. may be ordered by a CO. to revert to 
his permanent grade^ but is sot liable to a summary «r minor 
punishment in addition. A piivate soldier may be admonished, 
but is not to be reprimanded. 

4B3. An ofHcor is not to introduce or adopt any system of 
puniBhmetnt wliicli is in any respect at vamncc with thpso rogu- 

484. A company, &c., comitiundor may award a private sol- 
dier piinishntent not exceeding seven days' coafinemeut to bar- 
rack* for minor offojiees. e-rtra guards and i>iqueits, fines for 
drunkenness, and he may de^l with cases of absence without 
leave, whore pay is automatically forfeited under tha coudi- 
tioufi specified in the flrst part of para. 47C, and mav award 
any punishment within his ordinary powers for such absence. 
In tie case of an officer of less than three years' service, the 
above power may be limited by the CO, io an award of throe 
days' confinement to barracks. Any such awards will bo sub- 
ject to any remission the CO. may order, but cannot bo in- 

4S5. In every unit there is to bo an order directing that 
soldiers who are suffering from venereal disease are to report 
themselves sick without delay. Care is to bo takon that this 
ordei is specially brought to the notice of all recruits on join- 
ing. Concealmeni of venereal disease will be dealt with under 
Section 11 of tha Army Act, and not under Sections 18 (3) 
or 40. 

486. A soldier convicted of an offence jnder the Army Act 
and admitted to hospital on account of any illness certified by 
the medical ofiicer to have been caused by such offeice, for- 
feits the whole of his pay while in hospittil (Pay & Allowajxeo 
Regulations), An oflficer who has dispowil of aiuy offence on 
accoumt of whi^'li the soldic^r may have been ndiiut'ted iinto hos- 
pital will at OJice eommunioato wi/th the mcdioitl ofiicer, who 
will Furnish tJie required certilficato. 

4S7. Where there are grounds for believing that a soldier 
has been admitted into hoapital for disability in consequence 
of an offence under the Army Act, the CO. will make a pre- 
liminary inquiry into the case, and acquaint the medical ofiScer 
of the result in order that tie latter may give or refuse the 
certificate on the soldier's discharge from lospital. The medical 
ofiicer must attend the invcstigatfon of the offence, whether 


Faras. 488-493 

Officer attend- 
ing proceed- 
ings in a 
OiTil Court. 
Can. 42QA, 

before a couit-martial or the CO., and give evidence in sub- 
stantiation of the facts ecntaiued in his certificate. The certi- 
ficate alone u not sufiScieut. 

488. When a soldier Is charged with an offence before a civil 
court near the station wbere his unit is quartered, an ofiicer 
will be detailed from the unit to attend and watch tho proceed- 
iugs. If the prosecution takes place at a distance, the case will 
bo subr^j^itted to the D.O.C, who will decide whether it is advis- 
able for an olficer to be present, and, if so, whether the o flic or 
shall bo detailed from the soldier's unit, or from some other 
imit near the place of trial. In tho latter case, the O.G. the 
soldier's unit will arrange with the O.C. the troopa at the sta- 
tion from which tho ofiicer is to proceed, forwardiig all neces- 
sary information and documents for tho use of tho ofiicer at- 
tending the court. 

The ofiicer attending to watch the proceedings will, if re- 
(^uired by the court, give nil Information in his possession as to 
the soldier's character, and full particulars of any previous con- 
viction by a civil court, or by a court-martial of an offence 
under Sections 17, 18 (4), 18 (5), or 41 of the Army Act, Ho 
will not produce the soldier's conduct shoots to tho court, but 
will furnish All tho information with regard to general char 
flctor which is within his personal knowledge or has been com- 
inuuicatod to him by ofiicors of tho soldier's rcgineut. 

489. Wlicn a N.CO. is convicted by the civil power of any 
offence, the case is to be reported to the District Oflfieor Oom- 
manding. Should he consider it desirable to recommend tho 
reduction of the offender, tho matter will be reported to Milititi 

490. A CO. has no powor to alter tlie record on the conduct 
sheets of a punishment sfter tho punishment has been com- 
pleted. If it appears to an officer not bqlow tho rank of a 
colonel that any punishment awarded by a commanding officer 
tras illegal or excessive, he may, at his discretion, within two 
years of tho date of the award, direct either thai: it bo can- 
celled, and the entry in tho conduct books expunged, or that 
the punishmoQt bo reduced. After a period of two years ban 
elapsed from the date of award, such cases will be referred for 
decision to the Militia Council. 



491. A private soldier will be dealt with for flrunkenness OispoBnl of 
under Sec. 46 of the Armr Act. In disposing of such offoncos, '"JJ^^ ^gg 
the foltowing rules will be observed: — 

492. A private soldier is not to bQ tried by court-martial When trial 
for an act of simple drunkenness — that is to say, an act of JJ.'j-'^j.JJ 
drunkenness committed when not on active eervica, when tho can. 424. 
coldier was not on duty, and had not boon warn«d for duty, 

nor had by reason of fjie drunkenness rendered himself unfit 
for duty — unless four instances of drunkenness have been re- 
corded against him within the twelva months preceding the 
^ate of the cffonco under disposal, or unless he has elected to 
be tried rather than be awarded fine or detention by his CO. 

493. Drunkenness on duty includes drunkeunesi on parado Jf ™J^j^y °*"*" 
und on the line of march, and drunkenness on tho lino of Can. 426. 

Report on 
touviotion of 
N.0.0. by 
(ivU power. 
Can. 431. 

Illegal or 
Can. 422. 

Faras. 491-498 


march iucludcs druukonuess during the whole period botweeu 
the date of departure and the date of arrival at destination. 

494. When a private soldier commits the offence of simple 
drunkenness in connection with a mora serious oSeuce for 
which he is to bo tried hj court-martial, he should not be 
charged with drunkenness before the court-martial unless he 
is liable to trial and the CO. considers it a case which should 
bo tried; but, as a record of the druukennesB the CO. will, 
whan a charge of drunkonness is not preferred in such cases 
before the court-martial, make an entry of the offence, either 
imposing a fizie, if the soldier is liable tliereto, or making tbo fol- 
lowing note in the . punishment colui,nn: — '*No puuiehment; 
awaiting trial on another clarge/' If an entry of the court- 
martial is subsequently made, the abovo entry will bo bracket- 
ed with itj and will not be considered a separate entry. 

Simple drunk* 
ennasB, when 
with more 
Can. 426. 


Oxn. 437. 

Scale at 
finer ■ 
Un. 438. 

H.Q. 749B 
— 1 — 1. 

Recovery of 

Om. 429. 

repcrtB of 
Oui. 480. 

Finos for Drunkenness. 

495. Having reference to Section 19 of the Array Act the fine 
thereby authorized shall be any sum not exceeding ton dollars, 
instead of "not exceeding one pound" as therein mentioned. 

496. AVhen exercising th« powers laid down in Section 4G 
of ;hc Anny Act, a Commanding Oniccr nay, in the case of au 
offence of drunkonness, order the offen<ler to pay a line not 
exceeding six dollars, either in addition to or without other 
punishment, and the amount of the fine in each case shall bp 
according to the following scale:— 

(a) Tor tbo first offence of drunkenness during a soldier's 
service there shall be no fine; 

(b) For the second offence the fine shall be $2.00; - 

(c) For the third and every subsequent offence the fine 
shall be $3.00; but if the third or any subsequent 
offence occurs within six months of the last pre- 
ceding; offence the fine shall bo $5.00, and if within 
three months, $6.00. 

Time during which a soldier is absent from duty by 
ronsoE of imprisonment, detention, or absence with* 
out leavo is not tc be reckoned in the abov9 periods. 

(d) A soldier should not be fiuo*l Cor drunkenness when . 
unpaid fines amoun-t to $10,00. 

The scale of fines (M.P.— B. 297) is to bo placed in every 

497. Fines which cannot be recovered from a soldier's pay 
are not to bo roeovorod from any other source while he re- 
mains in military service. Subject to this regulation, the daily 
deduction on account of a fine, or finea, recorded against a 
soldier will be limited only by the provision that tley shall 
not exceed such sum as shall leave to the soldier after paying 
for personal charges such as messingj washing, haircutting, &c., 
the sum of 10c per day. 

Desertion and Offeaces Against Enlistment. 

498. As soon as it is known that a soldier has absented 
himself without leave, his equipmeJit, elwthing, and regimentaJ 
necessaries will at once be placed in safe custody, and an in- 
ventory of these articles will be taken as soon as practicable. 



Fans. 499-600 

A CO. is to transmit to the O.C evory other permanent unit, 
direct, a descriptive report, on M.F. — B. 153, of orery deserter 
or absentee without leave, giving pflrticulars of the man's 
height, age, &c., at the time of his absenting himself, and the 
fullest information possible. When there is good ground for 
supposing an absentee to have deserted, the report should be 
rendered within 24 hours after his absence has beeji discovered, 
but in no case should it be delayed beyond five days. Up to 
21 days the man should not be returned as a doeerter, unless 
there is ground for supposing that he has desertei. After 2.1 
Jays every absentee without leave sliould, pendiig inveetiga- 
tion, be considered as a deserter. In the case of a recruit who 
absconds on route to join, a note shoild be made of this fact ' 
on the repoit. 

499. A copy of the report is also to be transmitted to thoDuplicnt* 
police of the locality in or near which the man deserted. "P"*"-„, 
Similar reports should be sent to tha police of the place to ^^' 
which it is supposed the deserter or absentee may have proceed- 
Bd, and elsewhere, as the CO. may cc^isidcr dcsirtiblo. 

600. When a person not serving as a soldier is apprehended DUpowil of 
on suspieiou of being a d(Hortor in pursunnt'e either of in forma ■Po'''j'" "<>* 
tion laid against him, or of his own confession, lie is to bt'JJfJiJf ^pp^^^ 
proceeded against in nceordunce with Section 154 of the Army in-ndod or 
Act. If, however, a deseiter surrenders himself to any portion "urronderinsf 
of his own Corps, and evidence as tc identity is immediately ""c^^^Jgg' 
available, he may at onco be ifcakon into military suBtody, OJid 
the CO. is forthwith to proceed against the man, Tf a man, 
in the uniform of a soldi er» surrenders himself at a military 
station as a deserter or absentee without leave, the CO. of 
that portion of His Majesty's Forces to which the man sur- 
renders will obtain from the man a written confession, stating 
his number, name, corps and date and place of absenting him- 
aelf, and will ascertain, by telegram if necessary, whether the 
confession is true. If the confession is true, the CO. will, if 
the man is a de>*ertor, apply to the man's unit for an escort to 
be sent to conduct him back to his corps, and wilt detain him 
in military custody, pendiug the arrival of the escort; or, if an 
absentee without leave, the man may^ on the authority of thp 
CO. of his unit, be provided with a warrant and despatched 
to his corps without escort* In either case, the CO. of the 
troops to which the man surrenders will himscli investigate 
the case, and will furnisL a certificato, signed by himself, set- 
ting forth tho fact, date and place of surrender. This certificate 
will be forwarded to the man's unit without delay, and will be 
Bvidence of the matters stated in it. If the confession is false, 
he may be proceeded against before tlie civil power under Sec- 
tion 152 of tko Army Act. If there is not ground for supposing 
that a person so surrendering himself is a deserter or absentee 
without leave, he will be at once handed over to the civil 
power. In no other cases than those mentioned in this para- 
graph, is a person not sarving as a soldier to bo taken into 
military custody — except for the purpose of being brought forth- 
with before l court of summary jurisdiction — until ho has been 
duly committed by a magistrate and delivered iuto military 

A.O. 180— 


Paras. COl-607 


curued by 

Can. 133. 
on which 
to serve. 

Can. 484. 
la which 
corps to be 

Cun. 435. 

IlolDgation to 

forutur corps. 

Can. 43 G. 

<}1 dtHposnl 
oi (loldler. 
Oait. 437. 

Kicort for 
Can. 488. 

Procedure of 
from civil 

601. When oxomptiou from trial on u charge of fraudulent 
culiatmeut has been earnofl by exompliry service in any corps, 
the Commanding Officer of that corps will bo held responsible 
ior notifying the fact to the soldier's previous corps. 

502. When a soldier is held to serve in his present corps, he 
will serve on his last attestation. U he is relegated to his 
former corps he will serve on his former attestation. 

503. As a general rule, a sgldior who has fraudulently oa- 
listed will bo tried in his present corps, and arraigned as be* 
bnging thereto; and the necessary evidence will bjj obtained 
from his former corps. 

504. Wbeu it is decided that a s.oUlior who has iraudulontly 
enlisted is to J)o relegated to his formci corps after punishment, 
the CO. of the unit in vrhich he is eerviug will forward his 
transfer tlocuments, and conimunicate the result of the trial, 
and particulars as to plate of eonflnement and cjipiration of 
imprisonment or detention to the CO. «f his former corps, who 
vrill arrange f[>r the removal of the man at the expiration of his 
suutonce. The relegation to the former corps will take effect 
from the date of committal. 

505. The CO of the unit to which a soldior may ho relegated, 
or, if the relegation bo not ordered, the CO. of the unit in 
which the soldie^r is serving, will comiiiunicato to any units in 
which sucli soldier may have jjreviously served, tie result of 
the trial, or tie manner in wliich his case has been disposed of. 

506. The regulations laid down in ijaras. 507 to 51 a will be 
observed in respect of an escort despatched for deserters, which 
will invariably take with it the route issued for the journey. 

507. When a notification is received that a person appre- 
hended on suspicion of being a deserter has been committed 
U prison to await an escort, a CO. will, where the man named 
18 traced as being illegally absent, and evidence as to identity 
ie available, despatch an escort (consisting if possible of sol- 
diors eapablo *f idejitlfyin^ tlio deaertor) to bring the dosertw 
back should he be identified. A "deserter route'' will be filled 
it for this service, and mast be taken by the N.C-0. detailed 
for the duty as the authority to receive the deserter flr absentee. 
]f it apjwara to the CO. that the pereon is not an absentee 
without leave or a deserter from the uait under his command, 
h« will so inform the magistrate or the governor of the prison. 
aE the ease may be, the latter being at the same tim« requested 
fo release the man from custody. In cases where the man 
admits the ofleuco and there is documentary evidence as to 
his desertion, lie may be taken over into military custody Jiot- 
withstauding that there arc no witnesses to' identify him, pend- 
ing instructions from the officer not below the rank of colonel 
having power to deal with the case bv D.CM. (which should 
be applied for) as to his being held to servo under Section 7Z 
of the Army Act. If the [lerson is an absconded racruit who 
has not joined his unit* the descriptive letuni will be truusmit- 
tel immediately to Militia Headquarters with an intimation to 
that effect. When the person is identified and received into 
military custody, the descriptive return will be retaiued by the 
unit concerned, the reward for the appreUension and the attend* 
ant expenses, if any, being' dealt with as provided in the Pay 
and Allowance Regulations. 


Paras. 508-515 

Oin. 440. 

608. When a notification is received from the policQ that an 
alleged deserter is to bo brought before a court of summary 
jurisdiction for dispo'sal, a GO. will, if the man can be traced 
as a deserter or absentee {nut an absconded recruit) from the 
unit, despatch flh escort with a view to the alleged deserter 
being, if identifed, taken over at the court, instead of being 
committed to piison; if an escort can be sent so a^ to be at 
the court before the case is disposed of, the police ahotild bs 
notified by telegraph that an escort is being sent. In such 
eases the N.CO. of the escort will bo instructed to obtain M.F. 
— B. 350, before leaving the court. 

B09. An escort proceeding 'to receive over f roan civil custody 
a d<}serter, or absentee without leave, will be provided with 
an order for the removal of the man. The order wiU be given 
up to the governor, magistrate, police officer, or chief officer of 
the prison. When a "deserter route" is issued, this order, 
which forms part of it, will be detached aad similarly given up 
on taking over the deserter or absentee. 

CIO. The commander of an escort is required to compare the 
deserter and his necessaries with the deficription and account 
inserted on the ''route," as ho is responsible for the identity 
of the person committed to his charge, ind liable tc punish- 
ment for suffering the necessuries of the deserter to be misused 
or made away with on the road. 

611. Such nocBssaries as tte deserter may absolutely require, 
and which are not amongst the articles left behind by hiin, 
not exceeding, 1i[>wever, one shirt, one pair of boots or shoes, 
and one pair of fiocks, wiU be provided under the orders of the 
CO, of the corps furnishing the escort, and the charge for the 
same will be defrayed by the O.C the company, &c., to which 
the man belongs, and will be subsoquontlr included in the de- 
eertor's accounts. , 

512. In cases where identification is necessary, and it ap* 
pears to a CO. doubtful if tlie deserter should be conveyed to 
the headquarters of his unit, be wilt make an immediate report 
to the D.O.C with a view to special instructions being given. 
613. An escort wiU not take into custody a person who is 
not identified as a deserter. 

5L4. When a soldier has been committed as a desertor under 
the Army Act, Saction 154, and has signed the confession con- 
tainod in the form of committal to the effect that he is a desert- 
er, or when a soldier while serving has signed a confession that 
be has been guilty of fraudulent enlistment (Sec. 13 of the 
Army Act), and it is not considef^ed desirable that th» soldior 
should be tried for his offence, application will be made to the 
D.O.O. in, or under, whose command the soldier is serving, who 
may dispense with the soldier's trial by Eourt-martial for de- 
sertion or fraudulent enlistment, and mak« an order as to for- 

515. A copy of the committal or the confession should ac- porms of 
company the application, and whenever possible, evidence as to confeiBion, 
the truth of the confession should have bflen previously obtain- desertion and 
fld. Where a soldier has not signed a confession before a magis- JSiitaient. 
trate^ the following forms mtiy be used: — Oai. 447. 


Ordir for 
Oan. 441. 

Identit^r of 
deaertor and 
hia Bocea- 

Oin. ^42. 

Nflceaaariea to 

be aapplied. 

Can. 448. 

in affioial 

Oan. 444. 

Person not 
OaD. 446. 

from trial for 
deaoition or 
Caa. 446. 

Paras. 6X6-620 


Form of Confoaaion of DeaertioD. 
I (Here inaerl name) do hereby 

confess tlat I am No. of the ' coipa, 

and that I deserted from that corps on (any other 

particulars to be addei). Signed this day of 

(Signature of soldier). 
(Signature of Commanding Officer). 

NOTE, — Whero the soldier confesses to more than one of- 
fence of dee&rtion the form may to varied -to auit the case. 
Form of Confession of Fraudulent Enlistment. 

, now being No. . of the 

corps, do hereby conf&as that I was No. - in 

^"^^ corps^ that I absented mjself from tlat 

corps on , and that I fraudidently enlisted 

in the Permanent Force on the day of 

(Signature of Soldier). 
(Signatttre of Commanding Officer). 

NOTE.— Where the soldier coniosses to more than one of- 
fence of fraudulent enlistment the form may be varied to suit 
the case. If the confession includes both desertion and fraudu- 
lent enllsttnent, both tlie above forms may be combined in one 
form of confession. 

516. If the application for dispensing with- trial in case of 
desertion or fraudulent enlistment is approved it is a disposal 
of the ca>e. It will therefore be illegal for a Commandiag 
Officer to award any punishment in addition. 

^ 517. Tie soldier's confession and the order dispensing with 
trial, or copies thereof, will be preierved with the attestation, 
and an entry of the order dispensing with trial will be made 
in the conduct sheets as if the soHier had been convicted by 
court-martial of his oifeuce. This entry will be shown upon 
page 3 of "Statement as to Character, &c./' at any aubaoquent 

Discipline, &c., at Schools of Instruction. 

Can. 460. 518. All schools of instruction, with their duly appointed 

Jl^g^**^"" Commanding Officers, are, for everj purpose of command, ad- 
ministration and instruction, independent of each other aid 
directly uider the District Officers Commanding within whoBS 
commands they are situated. 

Ord«r dUpeos* 
ias with 

Can. 443. 

and order to 
be preserved 
with record 
of service, 
Oan. 449. 

Oan. 461. 

GO. 78— 
Can. 452. 

619, OBlceTS, non'Commiasiou'od officors, &c., oAtached for 
instruction will, for the purposes of discipline, be hold to be 
called out ior service, and be subject to the laws &nd regulations 
which, under the provisions of the Militia Act, apply to ofll* 
QQTBf non-commissioned officers, &c., so called out, 

520. An officer commanding a school of instruction may rs- 
mand to his unit an pficer or soldiar attached for instruction 
who, by his conduct or otherwise, is not likely to benefit the 
service by his retention at the school. Each such ease will be 
reported U Militia Headquarters. 



Paraa. 521-527 


I General Instructloiis. 

521. Under the Army Aet, the jurisdictioii of counts-martial juriBdiction. 
in respect of tike trial of ditfcrent offenses is unrestricted, and Can. 453. 
it will be observed that, except whero a particular course is 
prescribed by the regulations, it is not imperative to try any 
ofience by court-martial. 

622. A superior officer to whom a case is referred may deal P«wer of 
with it as follows:— XVr 

(i.) He may refer the case to a superior officer; or Oan. 454. 

(ii.) He may direct the disposal of the case summarilyi 

or by R.O.M,; or 
(iii.) If he has power to convene a D.C.M., ho may con- 

veae a D.C.H. lo try it; or 
(iv.) If he has the power to conv^ene a G.C.M., he may 
eoAvene either a G.C.M. or i D.C.M, to try it. 

623. The oiUcer referred to in para. 522 as a "superior 
officer,'' is not more clearly defined, as his position and rank 
depend upon the varying conditions of service. It rests with 
tha Militia Council to determine to wliom charges should be 
referred which should not be disposed of without reference to 
higher authority. 

When the superior offieor is the CO. of the accused or an 
officer who has investigated the case, he cannot eaerciso the 
powers detailed in para. 622 (ii) to (iv) inclusive. 

624. When an officer to whom a charge is submitted is of 
opinion that delay is inexpedient, he may dispose of the case 
without any roference to higher authority. , In such case he 
must immediately report his action, and his reasons for it^ to 
tho officer to whom he would otherwise have referred the case. 

626. If a soldier has beea tried by an inferior court without 
the authority herein prescribed, the valijity of the proceedings 
is not affecteil therebyi nnd the coaviction, if otherwise 
sustainable, will hold good (see para. ^12). 

626. In deciding as to the description of court before which 
a charge shall be tried* geaeral and other officers iu superior 
command will bear in mind that there are few offences which 
cannot effectually be dealt with by D.CM. In cases^ however, 
of very aggravated offences, when the etate of discipline in a 
district, garrison, or corps, tenders a serious example expedient, 
or when the olfender bears a bad character, a G.C.K. may be 

527, When a soldier is to be tried for an offence in relation 
to enlistment, the particulars of his character and of former 
convictions when serving under previous attestations will be 
obtained, both for the information of the convening officer 
and for the purpose of being given in evidence before the 
court-martial. Civil convictions for offences while in a state 
of absence or ^«sertio<n should be given in evidence after the 
finding. Trial should not be unduly delayed if difficulty occurs 
in procuring documeiuta, in relation to any previous service, 
wliich can be dispeneed with. 



of superior 

Can, 465. 

Imp. 549. 

Fewer in case 

of emergency. 

Can. 456. 

v«uaity of 



Can. 457. 

ooirse should 
b« bad to 

Can. 468. 

ehiractflr of 
•okllera to be 
praduced at 
trhl for 
Oan. 459. 

Paraa. 628-536 



Paras. 636-541 

Con. 4G0. 

Whito flag. 
A.O. 40— 

Oau. 401. 

Orime of 

Can. 462. 

agslntt pay 
Oau. 4tiS« 

Return of 
Can. 404. 

Can. 406: 

Can. 400. 

Offence a of 
and atable 
Can. 467. 

523. In tho case of offences against a superior, an ofifen«e 
having relation to tlie office teld bj the superior is of greater 
gravity than an offence against the individual apart from the 
duties of his office, and^ especially in the less serious classes 
of this offanee, tho lonrer tho rank of the tuperior officer 
against whom the offence is committed, the lees will usually 
be tho gravity of the offence. 

529. Any oOieor oi soldier who, when in tho prosenee 
.of the enemy, displays a white flag or other symbol in 
anticipatioa, or in tokea, of surrender, will bo tiiod by G.G.M. 
In cases whore the ovidance is not Buffieiont to justify a charge 
under Sections 4 or 5 of tho Army Act, the charge will bo laid 
under Section 40 of that Act. 

630. Theft from a comrade should, unless there are pa- 
culiarly complicated circumstances, be dealt with by court- 
martial in preference to trial by the civil power, and the 
charge is to be framed under Section 18 (4) Array Act. Where 
there is no evidence of theft, and a soldier is charged with 
improper possession of a comrade's property^ tha charge is to 
bo laid under Section 40. 

631. When a pay sergeant is uaable to account satisfaa- 
torily for public monoy entrusted to him, and it is proposed to 
try him by court-martial for an offence involving fraud, under 
Sections 17 or 18 of the Army Act, if there is ony reasonable 
ground for believing: that the deficiency may Lave been the 
result -of n&gligence only, an alternative charge under Section 
40 of tho Army Act should be added to the charge sheet, the 
particulars of which should contain the allegation that he so 
negligently performed his duties as to cause a loss to the 
public of ttie sum unaccounted for. 

632. Applications foi District Courts-Martial are to be ae* 
companied by a return showing the number of qualified 
officers available to be detailed as members of the court. 

If officers attached to the Permanent Porco for instruction 
are detailed aa members of courts-martial, thej are entitlccl 
to seniority according to their militia rank. 

533. When an officer of the rank of captain is not avail- 
ible as president of a b.C.M., the power of eonvening the 
court should not be ejcercised except when sueli a course is 
absolutely accessary, and when the case cannot convenientlj' 
be referred to the Militia OouncU. 

634. The proper autlority to convene a R.O.H. is the C.u. 
of tho pere&n charged, and although an officer atIio is author- 
ized to convene a G.C.M. or a D.O.M., or an officer in com- 
mand of a mixed force, baa this power, ho should, when ha 
orders a case to be disposed of by R.C.M., direct the CO. to 
convene the court instead of couvcEing it himadf, unless tho 
CO. is unable to form a court from the officers under his 

636. Jn framing charges for offences in the cases of sol- 
diers employed in talcing care of hoisea and stables, it will bp 
borne in mind that the sections of the Army Act referring to 
sentries do not apply to "stablemen," which latter expression 
applies only when the orders regarding the posting and relief' 
of sentries are hot strictly carried out; but whea a soldier of 
a stable guard or piquet is posted over horses oi otherwise as 


a sentry, and is regularly relieved as such, he is to be regarded 
in every respect as a sentry, notwithstanding that he may 
have been posted witkout arms. 

636. When a soldier is to be tried by court-martial for an Court-martlil 
offence under Seotioii 13 of the Army Act, and the evidence '^^'^cSn^^MB 
appears to disclose that by committing such offence he has 
obtained a free kit to which he was not entitled, the words 

** thereby obtaining a free kit, value " should be added 

to the particulars of the charge^ the value being assessed 
according to the Clothing Begulations. If the soldier is con* 
victed of the offence^ the court, after satisfying themselves 
that colnpensation for such free kiit is due to the public, 
should invariably award a sentence of stoppages for the value 
thereof as stated in the charge. 

637. In framing charges under Section 24 of the Army Ast, Framing 

the following rule will be observed: — charges under 

In tho absence of evidence of aome positive act of pawn- ^'oan^^BS 
^ing or selling arms, equipment, elothing, &;o.] a charge of 
''making away with" should not be preferred. When, theie- 
fore, articles of this description are found to be deficient 
through the cutpabilit.r of a eoldiar under the above condi- 
tions, it will be sufficient to prefer a charge u'nder Sub-section 

638. Tho value of any article in respect of which it is de- Value to be 
sired that the court shall sentence the offender to stoppages "^^'J?^ P^ 
should be stated in Ihe *' particulars " of tie charge aad * oan*." 470. 
proved in evidence. This applies only to articles the value ' ' . 
of which has to be made good to the public. Except as pio- 

vided in para. 536, it wilt be unnecessary to set forth the 
vahies of necessaries and personal clothing that are the pio- 
perty of the soldier, tha specificatioa of which ii required only 
to acquaint the soldier with the particular articles he is 
charged with making sway with, or losing by legleet, and to 
enable him to answer to tho charge. Any deficiency of neces- 
saries and personal clothing (except as provided in ttie 
Clothing Regulations for returned deserters) > his to be made 
good by the soldier as a matter of account between him aad 
his captain (subject to his right cf complaint under Section 
43 of the Army Act). 

639. A court-martial in passing sentence will not, except Can. 4T1. 
as provided in para. 536, award stoppages in respect of 

articles of necessaries and personal clething. 

640. ThB values of articles of government property stated to be actual 
in the particulars of a charge are to be the actual values, vatnes. 
whenever such actual values can be accurately determined *'"- *^3. 
according to regulation. When this computation cannot ho 
effected, and values in excess of the sum subsequently found 

to be required to make good tho expenses, Ioes, damage, or 
destruction^ are necessiirily stated in the charge, and corres- 
ponding deductions have been included in the sentence of the 
court, regard must be had to proviso (b) of Section 138 of 
the Army Act in making the deductions from the soldier's 
pay. Clothing, 

641. A soldier rejoining from desertion, or discovered to Jtorea, etc., 
have fraudulently enlisted, will not be charged with the value ^^,^^^1^^^ 
of public clothing, stoies, &o., lost on desertion unless he is Can. 47a. 



faras. 612-648 



rnp. 561 A. 

of charges. 

Oct). 474. 

lap. 607. 

In trials by 
minor offenco 
may b« 
Can. 475. 

Chasge of 
vonvo of 
Cta. 476. 

Military wit- 
ness from 


Cm. 477. 

Officer on 
joining to 
attend trialt. 
Otu. 478. 


of prosecutor. 

Cm. 479. 

scatoucod by co.irt-jnarttal^ or b^ the award of the competent 
military authority diupenBing with his trial, to make good 
sucli value. 

642. In all cases of fraud, the charge and summarf of 6vt- 
denue will be submitted to the Judge-Advocate-Genenl before 
trial is ordered. 

This does not lipply to simple cases of theft, 

643. Every cEiarge preferred against an officer oi soldier, 
und the circumstances on wlich it is founded, are to be care- 
fully oxaciiucd by the ofllcei under whose authority the order 
for trial is issuod, and the Qvidcnee shoald be in hii opinion 
BufUcJont to justify the arraignment of the accused before a 
CO iit-mnrtift!. He must satifify himself that the charge is for 
an offence under the Army Act, and properly framed ia accord- 
ance with the Rules of Procedure and these Kegulationa, 

644. When a soldier is to be arraigned on a serious charge, 
and charges for minor offences, are pending against him, or 
the circumstances of the serious offence disclose minor of-' 
fences, tho convening ofBcer may use his discretion in striking 
out any minor cffoucc, and directing that it shall not be pro- 
ceciied with. Special provision is made for the case «f simple 
drunkenness in para. 494< As a rule, a charge should not 
be hrought to trial as an addition to a serious charge if It 
would not otherwise have been tried by court-martial. 

646. If, in the opinion of a convening officer, a court-mar- 
tial could more conveuientl.y bo held at a place other than 
that whore the accused is, he may cause the court te be con- 
vened at any place within bis command. If it is desired to 
hold the trial in any place beyond his command, application 
will be made to the Secretary of the Militia Council with an 
explanation of the reasons for this course, A saving of expense 
owiag to transit of witnessee or members would be a suHicieut 
reason, but no change of place is to be made when it appears 
that the accused is likely to be prejudiced in bis defence by 
the change. When the cose is to be tried in another command, 
the court will be convened under the orders and on the respou' 
sibility of the o^cer to whose command the accused is removed. 

646. When an officer or soldier is required as a witness before 
a court-martial, and is not serving in the District in vrhich the 
court is to be held, application for his attendance is to be made 
to the Secretary of tho Militia Council. The probable day of 
the assembly of the court should be stated in such application. 

647. An officer will be required on first joining to att(*n.i 
all Eegimental Courts-Martial for iustruetion, and such other 
courts-martial as the Officer Commanding the station may direct, 
for at least one year from tho d^te of Lis joining; and be is 
jnot to be nominated a member of a court-martial, even if 
qualified to sit, until his CO. deems him competent to perform 
BO important a d&ty, nor, when it can be avoided, unless he has 
previously attended as supernumerary at least ten times. i 

548. In a difiicult case the convening oflcer will select a 
specially qualified officer to act as prosecutor. If such an 
officer ie not available, he should apply &s soon as possible to 
superior authority for the services of one. 



F&ras. 540-653 

G.O, 126— 

649. An Officer Commanding a Military District is to obtain Engagement 
the sanction of Militia Headquarters before counsel is engaged **' can* «6. 
to appear on behalf of a prosecutor. The assistance of counsel 
at courts-martlaJ should be applied for only in cases of an 
exceptionally difficult or complicated nature, and this course 
should be very rarely necessary when the offences are of a 
purely military character. 

650. Wlion an application is submitted to Militia Head- ^PPll<^*t^o" 
quarters for permission to engage counsel to appear on behalf "a^ol^iaV— 
of a prosecutor, the honr, date and place of assembly fixed for igib. 

the court-martial, with the name of tho officer who will act as 
prosecutor, should be atated, and a copy of the approved 
charges and of the summary of evidence should invariably ac- 
company and application, togetheir with a statemenit setting out 
the reasons for considering the employment of counsel necessaiy. 

If any alteration is subsequently made in the charges, a 
copy of the amended charges will be at once forwarded to 
Militia Headquarters. 

551. It is the duty of a prosecutor to hr'ing all the facts Duties of 
of a case fully before a court in evidence, and to take caie, pro<ecutor. 
especially when the accused is not assisted ii his dofoiwo, ^^°* * . * 
that no material fact in oonnectiott with the offence charged 
is omitted which would, if given ii evidence, tall in favor of 
the accused. Drunkenness is no excuse for the commission of 
an offence, but if the charges against a soldier do not allege 
drunkeanees, and he was drunk at the time he committed an 
offence with which he is charged, the prosecutor should bring 
out this fact in evidence. 

652. For D.C.M. and B.C.M. the legal minimum number af Number of 
members will ordinarily be sufficioot to form- Uie court; but raemberB to 
if necessaiy, a larger number may be detailed, and waiting ''*(jj[5j**'ij52- 
members jirovided. For the trial of doubtful or complicated 
cases a D.C.M. should, when poB8i1)le^ consist of five officers. 
When the minimum number is detailed not more than one 
meuibor sliDuId be a subaltern. 

663. The president of a court-martial must be named in the prescribed 
order for the assembly of the court The members and the '^^"^ o' 
waiting members may be mentioned by name or the number *''jJq^|JJ;_ 
and ranks and the unit to which they belong may alone be iei2. 

When the composition of a court-martial differs from the oan. 483. 
normal, in respect either of the description or of the rank of 
the officers ordered to form the court, or on account of the 
suspension of the operation of a rule, tho prescribed form of 
the order convening tho court must be strictly followed^ as 
the legalitr of the trial may depend on the correct wording of 
the order. 

It is essential that M.F.B. 220 ehould be free from altera- imp^ 577^ 
tions or erasures as repards the portion relating to the officers 
appointed and detailed to compose the court. Wlere alterations 
in the composition of the court are necessary at any time 
after M.F.B. 220 has bean prepared, this document will be with- 
drawn and A new M.F.B. 220 will he substituted. 


Saras. 651-658 


WB»lt o' 554. la addition to tlio icstrictioiis in tfie rank of officers 

'"*Un"84 appointed to servo on courts-murtial which are preecribed by 
' the Army Act, and tho Rules of Procedure, the following 
rnles will be observed ; — 

(i.) Whenever a general officer or a ool'^nel is ivailable 
to sit as president of a G.C.M., an office^ of inferior 
rank is not to be appointed, 
(ii.) When tho CO. of a corps is to be t.npd. as many 
mombers as possible are to bo officers* who have 
hold or aro holding commands equivalent to that 
held by tho accused. 

Ilonn of 
sitting to be 
Oin. 485. 

Oin. 48e. 

oopiaR of 
orlgjaal docu- 
ments to be 
anoexed to 
Cm. 4S7. 

soldier a 
Imp. 681A. 

365, Oourts-nLartial will usually bo liold between 10 a.m. 
and 4 p.m. or 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., at such hours as will interfere 
as little as possible with parades and other regimental instruc- 
tion. A court-martial should not ordinarily be rcquiied to sit 
tor more than sisr^ or at tho most eight, hours during one day, 

566. An accused porson for trial is to be oxamited by a 
medical officer on tho morning of each day the coirt is or- 
dered to sit, and a CO. is losponsible that no accused person 
is brought before a court-martial if, in the opinion of the 
mescal officor, ha is uniit to undergo his traal. An accused 
person brought before a court-martial will, if he is tin ofllcer^ 
warrant officer, or N.CO,, b« attended hy an officer or N*CO. 
having him in custody, or, if of lower rank, by an escort. The 
officer or N.CO. in charge will be responsible for his safe con- 
duct, but will obey the directions of the court while th9 accused 
is la court. An accused person will not be handcuffed, unless 
this is absolutely necessary for tho purpose of preventing his 
escape or rescue, or of restraining his violent conduct 

657. When an original document, other than M,F,— B. 259, 
is furnished to tlio ptosecutor to be produced in evidence be- 
fore a court- martial, it will rarely bo necessary to annex it to 
the proceedings, A certified copy should be produced to the 
court, together irith tho original, tho former being attached to 
tho proceedings, and the latter returned to its proper custodian, 
Documontd, the actual appearance of whach is material to tho 
case (e.g., alleged forg^rdofl), will always be attached in 
original. j 

558. In eases where it is necessary to prove that a soldier 
was a defaulter at the time of the commission of an offence for 
which he is to lie tried by court-martial, a certified true copy 
of Iho record of the punishment awarded, so far as it consists 
of confinement to barracks, taken from the guard report 
(M.P,B. 237), of tho minor offence report (M.P.B. 224), as the 
case may be, will be produeed in evidence before the court- 
martial by a witness on oath, and will be attached to the pro- 
ceedings. The copy of the record will be prepared in the 
following form: — / 

Copy of a record in the Grard Report (M.P.B.-237), o^ Minor 

Offence Report CMJ'.B.-224), of the 

Begtment, dated (date to be stated), 

shoving the punishment of confinement to barracks awarded on 
that date to the undermentioned soldier: — 



Fxras, 669-662 


Squadron, batr 






By whom 

(Signed) A. 


Adjutant Regiment. 

. . (Signature) 

Certified true copy, 

A B... 

Commanding Regiment. 

B59, Whfln aa original documonl has wot boon roturuc>l KocoTerjr of 
within a reasonable time, the proper eustodian of that document ''^'Jt"""*"*** 
will be responsible for its recovery. ^*'*' ***' 

660. The following shall bo the oath to be administered b^ Form of oath,. 
the prescribed person to every member of every court-martial *^*"- *^*^- 
before the commencement of tho trial: — 

"Yon do swear, that you will we]] 

"and truly try the accused (»r accused porsone) before th" 
"court according to the avidence, and that you will duly admin, 
"ister justice according to the laws in force for the goveru- 
"ment of the Militia of Canada, vithout partiality, favoui, 
**or affection, and you do further swear that you will not 
"divulge the sentence cf the court until it is duly confirmed, 
"and you do further swear that you will not oe any account 
"at any time whatsoever disdoso or discover the vote or 
"opinion of any particular member of this court-martial, 
"unless thereunto required in due course of law. So heb 
"you God." 

Sentences of Oovut-Martfal, 
V 661. When passing sentence, a court-martial will have 
regard not only to the nature and degree of the offence and the S*"'!?*"*'**" 
previous character of the accused, a» proved in evidence, butby"ourtB 
also to the nature and amount of any such consequences which, Can- ^90. 
by virtue of any statute, warrant, oidor ox regulation, are in- 
volved in thoir finding, oi entailed by their sentence, in additioE 
to tho punishment awarded by tho court. 

662, (i) All convictions, whether by courts-martial or bj r*« -o, 
civil courts, except as provided in para. 1596 (iii), for offencfls 
committed by a soldier since his first enlistment, including anj^ 
time passed in a state ;of desertion, will be gives in evidence 
against him. The court will' consider if any circumstances have 
been disclosed by the evidence in extenuation or aggravation 
of the offence. In awaiding imprisonment or detention they 
will keep in view tho locality and climate in which the accused 

laras, &S4-558 


Ranlc of 354. In addition to the icetrictious in tfie rank of officers 

"''uiL^SA appointed to BOrve on courts-martial which are prescribed by 

fho Army Act» and the Bales of Procedure, the following 

rules will be observed: — 

(i.) Whenever a general officer or a eol'^nel is wailable 
to sit OS preaident of a O.C.M., an office^ of inferior 
rank is not to be appointed, 
(ii.) When the 0.0. of a corps is to be t.ripd. as many 
luombera as possible are to bo officers wbo have 
hold or are holding commands equivalent to that 
held by the accusod. 

Houn ol 
Bitting to be 
Oin. 465. 

Oin. 486. 

oopttB of 
orlgitial docU' 
menls to be 
annexed to 
Otn. 4S7. 

■oldier a 
Itip. 581A. 

555. CourtS'iaartial will usually be Icld between 10 a.m. 
and 4 p.m. or 11 a.m. a-nd 5 p.m.^ at such liours as wilt interfere 
as little as possible with parades and other regimental instruct 
tioE. A court-martial should not ordinarily be requiied to sit 
for more than six, or at the most eight, hours during one day* 

556. An accused person for trial is to be examined by a 
medical officer on the mornmg of each day the court is or- 
dered to sit, anl a CO. is lesponsible tlat no accused person 
is brought before a court-martial if, in the opinion of the 
mediool officer, he is unfit to undorgo his tmal. An accused 
periou brought boforo a court-martial will^ if he is an officer, 
warrant officer, or N.C.O., b« attended by an officer or N.C.O. 
having him in custody, or, if of lower rank, by an escort. The 
officer or N.C.O. in charge will be responsible for his safe con< 
duct, but will obey the directions of the court while th9 accused 
is in court. An accused person will not be handcuffed, unless 
this is absolutely necessary for the purpose of preveating his 
esc&pe or rescue, or of restraining his violent conduct 

£57. When an original document, other than M.F. — B. 259, 
is furnished to tlio prosecutor to be produced in evidence be* 
fore a court-martial, it will rarely be necessary to annex it to 
the proceedings. A certified copy should be produced to the 
court, together uritb the original, the former being attached to 
the proceedings, and the latter returned to its proper custodian. 
Iiocumentd, the actual appearance of which is material to the 
case (e.g., alleged forgeries), will always be attached in 
originaL / 

658. In cases where it is necessary to prove that a soldier 
was a defaulter at the time of the commission of an oifence for 
which he is to be tried by court*martial, a certified true copy 
of the record of the punishment awarded, so far as it consist^ 
of eonfinemeat fco barracks, taken from the gu-ard report 
(M.P.B. 237), of the minor offence report (MJ'.B. 224), as the 
case may be, will be produced in evidence before tlie court- 
martial by a witness on oath, and will be attached to the pro- 
ceedings. The copy of the record will be prepared In the 
following form: — / 

Copy of a record in the Guard Keport (il.P3.-237), or Minor 

Offence Beport [MJ^.B.-224), of the 

Regiment, dated (date to be stated), 

showing the punishment of confinement to barracks awarded on 
that date to the undermentioned soldier: — 



Fsiras. 559-562 


Squadron , bat* 
t«ry or 





By whom 

(Signed) A. 


Adjutant Hegiment. 

. . (Signature) 

Certified true copy, 

A B... 

Commanding Begiment. 

669. Wh«n au original documeul bos not been returnel necoYorj- of 
within a reasonable time^ the proper custodian of that document ^**5y"*°iS*a 
will be responsible for its recovery. ^^^ *^°- 

560. The following bI&W be the oath to be adtainisterod b/ Form of oath^ 
the prescribed person to every member of every court-martial *'*"• ^^^* 
before the commencement of the trial: — 

"You do swear, that you will well 

"and truly try the accused (or accused peorsona) before tb^ 
"court according to the evidence, and that you will duly admin- 
"Ister justice according to the laws in force for the govern- 
"ment of the Militia of Canada, without partiality, favour, 
"or affection, and you do further swear that you will not 
"divulge the sentence cf the court until it is duly confirmed, 
"and you do further swear that you will not on any account 
"at any time whatsoever discloee or discover the vote or 
"opinion of any particular membar of this court-martial, 
"unless thereunto required in due course of law. So heli> 
"you God." "^ 

Sentences of Oouxt^MartfaL 
V 661. When passing sentence, a court*martial will have- 
regard not only to the nature and degree of the offence and the S^V^i^""" 
previous character of the accused, as proved in avidence, butjy rourti 
also to the nature and amount of any such consequences which, ^^^- 490, 
by virtue of any statute, warrant, oider or regulation, are in- 
volved in tOieir finding, oi entailed by their sentence, in additioc 
to the punishment awarded by the court. 

562. (i) All convictions, whether by courts-majtial or by «.„ ^o. 
civil courts, except as provided in para. 1696 (ui), for offencef 
committed by a soldier since his first enlistment, including any 
time passed in a state ;of desertion, will be given in evidence 
against him. The court will' consider if any circumstances have 
been disclosed by the evidence in extenuation or aggravation 
of the offeuEe. In awarding imprisonment or detention they 
will keep in view the locality and climate in which the accused 

Para. 662 



Imp. 688 


has ta undergo his sonteacft. Sentences must vary aceordiug 
to the requlremantB of disciplme, but in ordinary circumBtanees, 
and for the firet offence, a Bontence should be light. Care must 
be taken to discriminate between offences due to youth, temi>er, 
sudden temptatiojif or unaccustomed surroundings, &nd those 
due to premeditated misconduct 

If the accused has elected to be tried by a D.C.M. instead 
of submitting to the jurisdietion of hi> CO., his punishment 
should not on that ground bo incroasod. In ordinary ciri-um- 
stances the court should not award a heavier sentence thau that 
which the CO. had power to award. 

(ii). A soldier who is convicted by a court-martial of an 
offance under Ssctions 17, 18(4) or (5), cr 41 of the A.rmy Aet, 
ought, unless in the opinion of the court there are special 
reasons to the contrary, to be sentenced to imprisonment, and 
undergo his sentence in a civil prison, hut in cases where the 
confimumg o£Boeir does U'ot consider tJbe soldier shoutil be dis- 
chaJ'ged from tlie force as & consequence of his conviction,^ he 
may commute tlie sentence of imprisonment to one of deteutiou. 
These offences should not ba dealt wtih by a eourt-raartial in- 
ferior to a B.CJJ. 

(iii.) Except as provided in the prec&ding sub-paiagraph, a 
Boldior wntencod by a couit-majtial to imprisonment with or 
without discharge with ignominy, will ha committed to a civil 
prison to undergo his sentence, 

(iv.) Detention has been introduced into the scale of punish- 
ments in order that soldiers who are convicted of offences which 
do not warrant discharge should not, as a rule, be subjected to 
the stigma attached to imprisonmeast. The latter punish tne at 
oughit as a rule, to be reeorved for men convicted of serious 
offences, or of grave military offences, which in the opinion of 
tho court render thoir disebarge with ignominy advisable. 

(v.) Where, therefore, a Boldier hae, for a pure!/ military 
offence, been seateneed by a court-martial to imprisonment with- 
out discharge with ignominy, the confirming officer, or other 
superior authority, should, except under very special eircum- 
stances, commube the sentence to a sentenco of detention. 

(vi.) When a sentence of imprisonment is commuted into 
one of detention, the term of detention must in no case exceed ■ 
the terra of imprisonment originally awarded. 

(vii.) A sentence of detention, being lower in the scale 
of punishmenta than imprisonmenti cannot be commuted into 
ouQ of imprisonment. 

(viii.) Where a soldier laa been sentenced to imprisonment 
and to be discliarged with ignominy, and a confirming officer, 
or other superior authoritr, commutes the imprisonment to 
detention, he will, in such a case, remit the discharge with 
ignominy, as such a discharge cannot accompany a sentence of 
detention. Th* converse will also hold good, that is,/ when a 
confirming officer, or other superior authcrity^ remits a discharge 
with ignominy, he will at the same time commute the sentence 
of imprisonmeit to orie of detention. 

(ix.) A Boiaier who is convicted b.T a court-martial of a 
purely military offence and v^ho, at the expiration of his sen- 


Para. 662 

tence, will rejoin his unit, should not ordinarily bo sentenced 
to imprisonment. 

(x.) The powers of a E.CM., and of a CC^ do not extend 
to the award of impriaonment. A R.CM. or a O.O. may award 
detention and a soldier awarded detention will undergo his 
sentence in a detention barrack, or a branch detention bar- 
rack. He cannot be sent to prison for that purpose, but a soldier 
sentenced to imprisonment may undergo his sentence in a deten- 
tion barrack if no civil prison is available. 

(xi.) The following general instructions are issued for the 
guidance of courts-martial, but notliiog contained in thorn must 
be construed as limiting the discretion of the court to pass &ny 
legal sentence, whethor in accordance with these instructions 
or not, if, in their opinion, there ie good reasom for doing so: — 








(»J^ In thfl absenco of a provioiw 
ooaviotion, or of agaravating oircum- 

i»quire a Bovara JoeaoD or of at unusual 
prevalenoo* h, the tmit or gurriijou of 
tbo apocioa of offenoo forming Lho Bub- 

Leaving guard or pout ' 

OBfonee of lentnett 

Inscbordinite or threotoning lan- 

Diaobedieuce not of a gravu nature. 

Rosisting B8O0rt, not involving an 
attempt at Herious injury. 

BreaJcing oit of barracks. 



Failing to eppear at parade. 

Uoiog out of bounds. 


ReleoKo of iwraon or aJlowlqg person 
to etM^pp (not wUfulIyj. 

Loea of kit, etc. 

Irregularitr or omiasioJl in regard to 
returns {not Iraudutont) 
Minor oont«mpt of court maitial. 





An addition of from 


7 to 28 days' dtten: 
tion may appropri' 
ately bo made in tbo 

oonvictJon, whether 
for a simitar, or any 

tbat aggravate I tbc> 
gravity of fbe offenie « 

(b) StrUdog a superior officar 

Dtsobeyioga tawlul oommaid (grav- 

False evidence 
False aoousnttonB. 

Conduct to prejudice, Ae. (of a mora 
eerious iiatur« than under *' a "J 

aia Days 

If tbe offenoe has 

bean repeated, or at- 
tended with oirtuin- 
stances which add 
to its gravity, a sea* 
t«noe should be pro- 
portionately incKos- 

* Where an offence Is tinusually preralent \a a dlitrict or garrlion, 
attention skoald be drawn to the fact periodically tn local orders, and 
not by special directions to courts-martitl. 

{Cases of absence, or falliag to appear at parade, which IdtoIto the 
BToidaace of embarkation, will be held io aggravate tlie gravity of wxeh 


Fftras, 6fi3-661 









(o) Oniiiiary theft. 



If the offence haa 

^St offences under Seo. 41 ot the 
Army Act. 

its sravJty, a eon- 
tQnce of from 113 
daya to 8 months 

II repeated three 
or mor« times, a aen* 
tenoe ol imprison- 
ment for 1 year and 
upwards should euf- 

(d) Aa offence under Bee. 33 o( the 


Army Aot. 

onoeot iapriaonmeot 
for 1 yeu" and up' 
-wards shffuldsuffioe. 


DuciBoeful conduct under 800. 18 
(6J0I the Army Aot. 

H,Q. 662— (0 DeeertioQ, for firrt offence. It 

DemrUoo. tor Bnt offence, if 'i^to^ 
first ( months* aervica and unaooom- 

80 days 


(lii.) When an offender is convicted on two or more chargea, 
the sentence should be that which is cozsidered adequate for 
the gravest of tlie offences, with some addition for each of the 
other charges* . 

^xiii.) The addition of *f discharge with ignomin/*' to a 
sentence of imprisonment is as a rule adrisable in the case of 
any persistent offender, e.g., who haa been previously con- 
victed of desertion. It should also be a^rarded for an offence 
under Section 32 of the Arm^ Act, or those coming under (c), 
(d) or (e). 
_ . ., .^ 663. When a court-martiil passes sentence on & soldier 

imprlsonmBnt. already under sentence of imprisonment or detention, or on 
Can. 403. a soldier tried at the expiration of a tern of imprisonment or 
detention for aa offence committed or discovered during its 
continuance, regard must be had to the provisions of Sec, 68 
of the Army A«t; the Umit of two consecutive (yeais of im- 
prisonment or detention, including the term already uidergone, 
witl under no circumstances be exceeded. 

664. A court-martial in. framing senteaces will observe the 
following rules;— 

108 * 

Om. 498. 


Paras. 666-567 

Imp. 6S9, 
Can. 400. 

(i.) Terms of imprisonmmt Or detention not amcunting to . 
six months will be awarded in days. 

(ii.) Terms of imprisonment or detention of one year and 
two years wili be awarded is years. 

(iii.) Other terms of imprisonment or detention will be 
awarded in months, or, if required, in moaths SLad da^rs, 

566. When a soldier has been convicted by court-martial of Theft, etc.. 
theft, embezzlement, or receiving with guilty knowledge. Sec- Jtoppagee for. 
tioD 75 of the Army Act provides for the restitution of the (jaa. 494^ 
stolen properrty in certain cases. If the soldier has boon sen- 
tenced to be placed under stoppages in lespect of the property 
stden, or unlawfully obtaiced, and any sum of money which 
may have been found upon him has been appropriated to the 
above use, he should be placed under stoppages for tke baJamce 
only of the stoppage awarded by the court, 

566. It is the province of a confirming officer, by the exercise "j^^"^^* 
of his powers of commutation or mitigation, to reflate the J^g^JJ^^^j** 
amount of puniahment awarded by courts-martial, and to ensure puaishment. 
that the finding vimA sentenses are legaJ, and that nie sentence. Oan, 496. 
is tieavier than the interests of discipline and the merits of the 
particular case require. In exercising the powers of commuta- 
tion OT mitigation the confirmfng oflicer will be guided by the 
iuBtructioDs in para. 562 in order that, having due regard to the 
soldier's character, &c., no great disparity may exist between 
sentences awarded for similur offences. 

667. A confirming authority, when tae proceedins^s require pemarka and 
confirmation, may confirm or refuse condrmation, or may send 
ba<^k the finding and sentence, or either of them, for revision 
unoe, but not more tlhon once, and whore the finding only is sen* 
back for revision, the court have power, without any direction, 
to revise the sentence also. 

When the confirming authority finds it neeessarjr to com- 
ment upon the proceedings of such a court-martial, whether ori- 
ginal or revised, his remarlts will be separate from and form 
no part of the proceedings. They will be communicated in a 
separate minute to the members of the court, or, in exceptional 
cases where in the interests of disciplinea more public instruc- 
tion is required, they will be made known in the orders of the 
command. In no case will tie comment upon a finding of "not 
guilty" or upon the inadecjuaey of a sentence, and great care 
is to be taken not to interfere unduly with the discretion with 
which the court is vested in the exercise of its judicial functions. 

Where statements made by an accused, in mitigation of pun- 
ishment, reveal facts which might infiuonce confirming officers 
in determining the proper sentence, or contain matter which 
m^ht call for disciplinary action, investigation into the truth 
or otherwise of such statements should he made by the confirm- 
injr ofiicer, if practicable, prior to confimiation. 

(f such inquiry is likely to cause substantial delay in confirm- 
ation, confirmirg officers may confirm the proceedings forthwith, 
and make investigation with a view to subsequent reconsider- 
ation. They will use their own discretion whether they will re- 
'tain the proceedings or will forward them at once to the Judge 
Advocate General; in the tatter case the outcome of the inves* 
tigation will b» communicated to the Judge Advocate General 
subsequently. • 


of atatementa 
aid a hj an 

Imp. 689A. 

Oan. 40 e. 

Paras. 669-573 


DlBpoBal ot Peisons Under Sentence 

Paras. 674-578 

Remarks in 


Can. 487, 

To withhold 
from illegal 
proceediuga. '* 
Can. 498. 

Cases of 



DefeetH dis> 
covered after 

Effect of 
remlBsion of 

of proceed* 
iDgs of gen- 
eral courts- 
martial for 

Can, 409 A 

of courts- 

Can. 600. 

Can. 501. 

Disposal of 
after promul- 

Imp. 595. 

Can. 502. 

568. If an oHicer who would liave confirmed tJie findiug auJ 
sentence of a court, had tlie trial resulted in a conTietiou, think* 
it necessary to remark upon the proceedings in a case whera 
the accused has been acquitted, he will not anner his observa- 
tions to the proceedings, but 'n-ill embody them in a letter fqr 
the information of superior authority, who will give such orders 
as may be necessary. 

569. If it appears to a confirmini^ oflScer that the proceed- 
ings of a court-martial are illegal, or involve subitantial iujus- 
tico to the accused, and he has not confirmed the finding and 
sentence, he will withhold his confirniation; if he has confirmed 
the finding and sentence, he will direct the record of the convic- 
tion to be removed, and the soldier to be relieved from all con- 
sequences of his trial. If he is in doutbt, be may refer the cast 
for the opinion of superior authority. When the circumstances 
of the case admit of reference without undue delay the proceed- 
ings of courts-martial that have been confirmed will not bu 
quashed without reference to the Judge Advpcata General. IC 
the proceedings can be legally sustained, and there is no sub- 
stantial injustice, but an irregularity has occurred, the convic- 
tion may take effect, but the confiiming ofiicor will consider 
what reduction of the sentence (if tny) is due lo the eoldiei. 
The same rule will npplj when the proceedings of a court-mar- 
tial, after confirmation, come under the review of any other 
authority competent to ileal with them. Except as above pro- 
vided, when a soldier has been tried and sentenced by court-mai. 
tial, and the proceedings have been confirmed, but the sentenca 
has been wkolly remitted, the remission does not extend to any 
any penalty or forfeiture consequent on the conviction^ 

570. The proceedings of a G.C.M. are to be sent to th& 
Judge Advocate General, for transmission to the Secretary of 
Stato for confirmation ly His Kxcetleny the Oovernor-Generul 
representing His Majesty" the King. 

571. The proceedings of courts-martial, includiag the charge, 
finding, sentence, and confirmation, will bo promulgated when- 
ever practicable by being read out on parade, or in such other 
manner as may be directed for the particular occasion; in all 
cases, however, the promulgation must include the communis 
cation of the foregoing particulars to the accused. The data 
of promulgation will, when practicable, bo recorded upon the 
proceedings, and in cases where the confirmatioi is given hy 
the Governor-General for His Majesty, the date will be report- 
ed to Militia Headquarters. 

672. All proceedings of courts-martial, whether transmitted 
before or after promulgation, are to be accompaniad by a lettef 
specifying the nature ot the contents. 

573» The proceedings of a D.C.M. will, when promulgated, 
bo returned to the D.O.C, who will make necessary communica- 
tion respecting them to the president and judge advocate (if 
any) for their informstion. The D.O.C will then transmit 
them to the Judge Advocate Genera] without delay. 

The proceedings of any G.C.M. or D.C.M. wlieh have not 
resulted in a conviction, or for any reason have not been con- 
firmed, will be sent to the Judge Adrocat^ General, 

110 ^ 

In forwarding proceedings which contain statemants made 
in mitigation of punishment, the covering letter should state 
(where necessary), that such statements either have been or 
are being investigated. 

674. If the proceedings of a G.C.M, or D.O.M. have not been 
forwarded to the Judge Aivocate General within one month 
from the date of confirmatbn, a special report of the cause of 
delay is to be made. 

675. A provost-marshal may be appointed when o&casion ro' 
quires, in accordance with such regulations as may ba issued. 

aener&l Instructions. 

676. The forms for the commitment, removal, and discharge 
of soldiers sentenced by court-martial to penal serritude, im- 
prisonment, or detention, or awarded detention by order of a 
0.0. are annexed to the Bales of Procedure and are issued as 
Army Porms, and will be referred to in these regulations by 
the letters thej bear in those rules. 

677. The powers and functions of the several authorities 
named in respect of the conmitment, removal, and discharge of 
persons under sentence are defined in the Army Act, Sections 
59 to 67, and Bule of Procedure 126. 

578, With reference to Sections 13«, 138 and K3 of the 
Militia Act (Chapter 41 of the Be vised Statutes of Oanada, 
1900), the following regulations are authorized with' a view to 
piitting into effect the provisions of said Sections 136 and 

(i.) 'In addition to Officers Commanding Districts, each of 
the hereinafter mentioned persons is hereby authorized to issue 
warrants under bis hand for the purposes stated in said section 
136, and also for the purpose of committing sgldlers under sen- 
tence of detention to the places hereinafter referred to, viz.: — 
The Adjutant-Gleneral, and, so far as relates to his own com- 
mand, every ofHcer duly appointed* to command two or more 
districts grouped together for the purpose of con^mand 4nd 
administration, as provided for by section 21 (b) of the Militia 
Aat; and the Commanding Officer of any person mentioned in 
n warrant and delivered into custody under the provisions of 
said section 13Q or 138. Provided always that when tho Adjutant- 
General is absent from Militia Headquarters, or is on leave of 
alsenoe, an Assistant Adjutant-General at Militia Headquar- 
ters shall be the proper person to issus such warrants in the 
place and stead of the Adjutant-General; and that when the 
Oificer Commanding a District is absent from his command, or 
is on leave of absence, the officer duly appointed in charge of 
the administration or, in Districts where no such olficer is ap- 
pointed, the Difltriot Staff Adjutant of such Diatritt shall be 
the proper person to sign sich warrants in the place and stead 
of the absenft Officer Commanding. 

(ii.) Premises specially appointed by the Minister as places 
in which soldiers under sentence of detention may le detained 
will be designated from time to time ir Militia Orders. 


Imp. 596A. 

Diiar in 
to be re- 
Can. SOS. 

Can. 504. 

Fcrma of 



Can. 606. 

P«wer» of 

Can. 606. 

Can. App, 



P.O. 604. 

Faras. 67fl-586 

Disposal of Persons Under Sentence 

Oan. 507, 

Form of 
Can. 508. 

The regulations governing detention barracks wiU be pub- 
Hshed from time to time In General Orders. 
DUposal of 579, j^ soldier sentenced to impriionment or detention will 

SnUnJe!^ be classifled and dealt with as follows:— 

(a) A soldier sentencad to imprisonment will le committed 
to the nearest civil prison where accommodation is available. 

(b) A sotdier sentenced to detention will be committed to 
tho nearest detention barrack or branch detention barrack 
where accommodation is available^ but if tho term of detention 
to bo undergone does not exceed 1G8 hours, and tbere is no de- 
tention barrack or branch detention barrack at the station, the 
detention may bo undergone in duly certified detention rooms. 

680. In the case of a soldier seutcaced to impriBonmont, the 
order of commitment to a civil priecn or to a detention bar- 
rack (Form C) will bo signed by the eoldior's CO., unless he 
receives a commitment signed hy some superior authority. In 
the case of a soldier sentenced to detention, the order of com- 
mitment to a detention barrack or defention room (Form D) 
wilt be signed by the soldier ^s O.O., and when a soldier who 
has been sentenced to imprisonment, and who is temporarily 
confined in a branch detention barrack or dotonliou room, is 
tranoferrod to a civil pti«m or detoaition barrack a fresh com- 
mitment (Form G) must be sent with lim for his admission into 
a civil prison or detention barrack. 

581. Every commitment to a civil prison or to a detention 
barrack is to be accompanied by a juedical eertiflcato of the 
state of health of tho soldier. When tho medical officer con- 
aiders the soldier unfit for tho ordinary hard labour, he is to 
state the grounds on which his opinion is based. 

^82. When a soldier is committed to a detention barrack, 
his conduct sheets and medical history sheet wilt be sent with 
bim. On the soldier's release they will bo returned to the CO. 
When the commitment is to a civil person, copies only of the 
above documsnts-.will be sent with him. 

683. A addier may, by an order signed by bis CO., on 
Form Q, be committed for temporary detention not exceeding 
seven days, to any prison, police station, lock-up, or other place 
of confinement in which ho may legally be confined This order 
may be made at any time in case of necessity. 

certificate to 
BVflry com- 
Can, 509. 

to be Bent 
with aoldter 
Can. 610. 

totontloa of 
Can. 611. 


floldler ma; be 
temoved from 
t prison or 

Can, 612. 
Expenses of 
escort at 
dvil court. 

Oan. 618. 

Removal of Soldier Under Sentence. 

681. A soldier undergoing a sonteoco by court-martial may 
be removed from the prison or detention barrack by the mili- 
tary authorities in order to bring him before a military or civil 
court, either for trial, or as a witness or otherwise. 

685. When a soldier undergoing a eentence of inprisonment 
or detention, or who is in military custody, is bound over under 
lecognizances to appear as a witness beforo a civil court, and it 
is necessary to send him there under escort, the N.C.O. in 
charge will be furnished with the necessary funds by his CO., 
and wiU bo instructed to apply to the court for the exi>en8ea 
of the escortj and those of the soldier. Failing tbe grant of 
expenses, the CO. will report the circumstances to Militia Head- 


Ixisposal of Persons Under Senteace 

Fflras. 686-691 

board ship. 
Imp. 625, 
Oan. 515. 

680. An order for tbe removal of a soldier from a public Removal of 
prison or detention barrack for the purpose of being brought Jj'*^"»*° ^* 
before a CDurt-marlial or civil court, will be made on Forai bofo?e a 
K or L. Tho escort wbich removes him will obtain from the court, 
governor of the gaol, oi the commandant of the detention bar- Oaa- 514. 
rack, the original order of commitment, and will return it to 
the governor of the gael, ojr the commaudanit of the detention 
barrack, to which tho soldier is returned. If he is returned 
to a different prison, oi detention barrack, one of tho authori- 
ties in or tinder whose command ths soldier is at tho time «f 
his return, will make an order for his return to that prison, or 
detention barrack (on JTorm K or L), which will be delivered 
to tho governor or commandant witb the original order of com- 

Application will be made to Militia Headquarters for the 
removal of a soldier under sentence of a civil court. 

687. Section 172 (5) of the Armr. Act authorizes (although |D«tention 
it does not oblige) the commander o£ a ship to rgceive and d«- In castodr oib 
tain, as in military custody, any soldier or military convict, or 
person subject to military law, charged with an offence, whoce 
conveyance by sea has l>een sanctioned by a military authority, 
"When, theorefore, a soldier is seat by sea eith*5 without an 
escort, or with am. inBuDtii-ient eecort, under t]m previslou, a 
special order authorizing the soldier to be conveyed by 
sea should be issued, either at tHie place of departure or £i 
the port of embarkation, and produced to the commander of 
the ship. The embarkation of the soldier should be duly noti- 
fied to the O.C at the port of disembarkation, in order thnt 
proper arrangements may be made there to receive him over 
from tho commander of the ship. 

688. When a soldier under sentence is included in an un- Soldier under 
armed draft, a suitable number of men of the draft will be senUnce with 
supplied with side-arms, &c., and employed as an escort T^^dj^f™" 
arms, &0., will on arrival of the draft at the port of embark- oan. Bie.. 
ation, be handed over by the ofilcer in command to the staOf 
officer in clargo, who will arrange with the local ordnance ofil- 
cer for their being returned to tho unit which furuisbes the 

draft, „ , , 

Removal of 

589. When a unit clanges station, a soldier confined in a Jji'fin'ce"^*"^ 

detentiim room is to be taken with tt, and recommitted to the from deten- 

detention lOom at the new station. The removal from the tlon room on. 

detention room will be effected by an order (I'orm N)^ signed hy jJ^JJ-^JJ **' 

the CO. Can.' 617, 

590. Whan a unit moves from one place to another, a soldier On cfaange 
undergoing sentence in a civil prison, or deteation barrack ''J station 
will, as a rule, remain there until tlio termination of his sen- ** dan. 5ia. 
tonce, unless permission is received from Militia Headquarters 
for the soldier to accompany his unit. 

Remission of Imprisomnent or Deteutlan, 

691. "When any portion of the sentence of imprisonment or 
detention which a soldier under sentence is undergoing is re- 
mitted by a competent authority under Section 57 of the Army 
Act, notice of the remission will be sent, when necessary, to 

■ 113 

Remission of 
or detention, 
how carried 

Imp. 692. 

Can. 519. 

Taras, 692-697 

Disposal of Persons Under Sentence 

'Woiding of 
order of 

from priBoa, 

from prUou 
or detention 

Imp. 683. 

Cun. 530. 

Of Boldier 
under deten- 
tion by 
award of 0.0. 

Imp. 684. 

Cm. 621. 


Om. 622. 

Soldier not 
to do dnty 
on iay of 

0«n. 62&. 
Timt of 
arrival of 
BoldlorB under 

Osn. 624. 

Strength of 


Imp, 688. 
Oan. 626. 

the O.C. the DUtrict in which the prison or detentioa barrack 
is, who will mate an order for his discharge on Form H or I, 
and give orders for carrying out the same: In remitting sen- 
tences of imprisonment or detention the order is to be so word- 
ed as to admit of the discharge of the soldier taking place on 
the expiration of the reduced term of imprisonment or deten- 

When a soldier under sentence earns, by good conduct, a re- 
mission UDder the Bules for Military Detention Bariacks and 
Military Prisons, no order for discharge is required. 

Oonmiittal To, and Discbarge rrom, Prison or Detention Barraclc. 

592. An order for tlie discharge of a soldier confined in a 
public prison or detention barrack undar sentence of court' 
martial will not be required unless his release is desirad before 
the termination of the sentence. A soldier discharged from a 
public prison or detention barrack cannot be received over into 
military custody under the sentence which he has been under* 
goings Any of the authorities having power to remit or com- 
mute a sentence, may by an order signed by him (F»rm H or 
I), cause a soldier under sentence to be discharged from a pub- 
lic prison or detention barrack, but the order should not be 
made unless the immediate liberation of the soldier is neces* 
sarj. The order will state the necessity of the case, and must 
be transmitted or delivered In such a manner as to enable the 
governor of the prison or commandant of the detention barrack 
to determine the authenticitT of the order. 

d93. When a soldier is undergoing detention undar award 
of Ills CO., the CO. of that aoldier may, by an order signed by 
him (on Form J), cause the soldier to be discharged from the 
detention barrack or barrack detention room before the expir- 
ation of the award. 

694. A soldier discharged from detention under the preced- 
ing paragraph may be released from further confinement, or 
may be kept in confinement in the guard detention room until 
the expiration cf the term of detention awarded, as may be 
ordered by the CO. If relessed^ the discharge will ba held to 
include remissios of the unexpired portion of the detention. If 
the discharge is madf for the purpose of removal with bis corps, 
or for embarkation, the soldier will be received into custody of 
an escort. 

595, A soldier released from prison, detention barrack, or 
detention room at any hour will be confined to barr&cks, and 
be exempted from duty, on that day. The soldier will be so 

fi96. A soldier committed to a civil prison is to be sent so as 
to arrive at the hour usual at the prison and in any caae before 
10 o'clock p.m. A soldier sent to a detention barrack or de- 
tention room is not to arrive later than 6 o'clock p.m, 


697* The escort of a soldier is, as a rule, to consist of one 
N.G.O. (not below the raak of corporal) and one private; if 
the soldier is to be conducted to his unit after snrienderThg 

114 { 

Disposal of Persons ITuder Sentence 

Paxas. 598-602 

himself a K.C.O. only is sufEcient. In the latter case the con- 
ducting N.C.O, will take with him ati order, signed by the CO, 
of the unit, directing the deserter's temporary release frojii 
arrest, without prejudice to his re- arrest and confinement which 
will be effected on arrival at his unit, when parties of two 
or more soldiers are to be removed from one station to another 
the number of private soldiers to ferm the escort need not in 
ordinary cases exceed kalf the number to be escorted. 

598. CoTOrcd conveyance for a soldier proceeding to prison ponveyance 
should in all cases be provided. A soldier proceeding to a detention " 
detention barrack should «be marched, unless, in the opinion of barrack, 
the CO., exceptional circumstances render the provision of a l^P* 6*0. 
conveyance necessary* An ambulance wagon of the P.A.M.C. ^^^' °^^' 
should, when available, be employed for these services, other- 
wise n conveyance may be hired. 

699. An escort is answerable for the safety of a soldier eii^ Safe ouBtodj- 
trusted to its charge, and will be provided with handcuffs from ^ "^'^'j^J^.j 


Imp. 641. 
C«u. 627. 

the regimeatal stores for use if necessary. If a CO. considers ^^ 
it necessary that a soldier should be handcuffed in any special ' 
case, ho will give orders accordingly. When it is necessary to 
handcuff a soldier, dressed in uniform or plain clothes, a coy> 
ered conve/ance will bo provided as directed in para, 598. i. 
soldier should never bo marched handcuffed in military custody 
through a public thoroughfare, uulesa such a course is absoluta- 
ly unavoidable. 

N.O.O. to 
roceive aol- 
diors on ter- 
mination of 

Oan. 528. 
N.0,0. recoit- 
ioK BOldiera 
from another 

600. A N^.CO., furnished, unless otherwise ordered, by tie 
unit the soldier is to join, will be sent to receive over every 
soldier on the termination of his imprisonment or detention. 

601, A N.C.O, sent to receive a soldier from military custody 
in another corps will ba provided with money t« pay for sul>- 
sistence wlile in barracks or in a guard detention room. 

Calculation of Expiraticn of Sentence, 

602. The rule for calculating thft date on which sentences Oalculatinir 
expire, unless a remission of any portion has baen earned hy ^expiration of 
good conduct under the Eules for Military Detention Barracks "?5qp'^^644. 
and Military Prisons, vill be apparant from the following ex- - ' ---' 
aniples: — 

(i.) A eentcnce of eight months' imprisonment or detention 
awarded on the 30th September expires on the following 29th 
May. If awarded on the 1st October it expires on the 3l9t 

(ii.) A sentence of nine months' imprisonment or detention 
awarded orL the 29th, 30th, or 31st May, expires on the last d£y 
of the following Pebruary, except in Leap Year, when a sea- 
tence awarded on the 29th May would expire on the 28th 


f aras. 603-608 

Detention Barracks, Etc. 


Oao. 531-2. 

Equipment to 
be ttken. 
OoD* 583. 

Soldier m&y 
be cammittfld 
to a detent ion 
bBrraak, • 
Ona. 084. 

for v»fe 

Oaa. fi86» 

from Bucli 

Imp. 649. 

Oaii. 5S6. 

Inapeotlon of 
Oai, 537. 


General Instructions. 

e03. Orders tu to the msp«,tio(n, adntiniatratian and interior 
economy of detention baraoka, aaid the diseiplMie aad militaxy 
training therein, will be issued through the AdjutantGoneral. 

604. A fioldier committed to a doteiitioii barrack will, in 
addition to the articles epecified in the Clothing Begulationa, 
take with him the following articles: — 

Mounted Serrice.— The rile (if armed therewith) and the 
articles of equipment, &c., laid down for "marching order — 
on the man,'* with the exception of revolver and pouch. 

Dismounted service. — The articles -of equipment, fee, laid 
down for I'marcling order" except by bayonet and scabbard. 

A soldier who on completion of his sentence is not to rejoin 
the aervice will not take carbine or rifle. 

606. A Boldiai sentenced to a term of imprisonment or de* 
tention exceeding the period authorized to be carried out in the 
available branch detention barrack may nevertboless be com- 
mitted to such detention barrack or -to a barrack detention 
room pending removal to a prison or to nnoither detention 

G06. A detention barrack^ branch detention barrack or bar- 
rack detention room may be used for the safe custody of a soldier 
who has been remanded for trial by court-martial^ or lias been 
tried and is waiting the promulgation of the finding and sentence 
of Q court-martial whenever there is accomDiodation and ar- 
rangements can be made for hts being supplied with the ordinary 
rations and mossing of a soldier during auch detention. The 
cominitmont will be made od Form B. He should be allowed 
to take exercise during a rensouable portion of each day, and 
be kept apart f ri>m soldiers undergoing sentence. He wiU not 
be obliged to work otherwise than by being employed in drill, 
fatigue, and other duties similar in kind and amount to those 
he might be calbd on to jperform if not under detention. As 
such a man will not receive the ordinaiy detention barrack 
diet, he will be shown separately in the detention bariaek pro- 
vision accounts. 

6D7. Before tie commitment of a soldier to prison or deten- 
tion barrack und&r sentence of court-martial, authority for his 
release from the safe custody described in para. 606 will be 
givea on Form S. For the purpose of promulgation of the find- 
ing and sentence of the court a soldier will be removed to his 
corps, when the latter is not inconvenienti/ distant. 

608. A room in the detention barrack or a barrack detention 
room is not to be occupied until it has 1)3en certified by the 
medical officer to be of such a size^ and to be ventilated^ wann- 
ed, and fitted up in such a manner as may be necessary for the 
health of the occupants. The CO. of a unit Is to be informed, 
on his arrival at a station, as to the detention rooms which are 
fit for occupation. The O.C. a station Till ascertain, before 
permitting soldieis to be committed to a detention barrack, that 
the foregoing regulations havi^ been complied with. 


Detention Barracks, Etc, 

Faras. 609-618 

609. A soldier is to be committed to, or released from a |Bu1«b for corn- 
detention barrack, branch detention barrack or barrack deten- ?°^,V*] J*"^ 

Imp. 652. 
Can, 53d. 

Uonejr, ftc. 
Imp. 652A. 

tJon room after the regular dinner hour^ and before 5 p.m. The 
normal hour for release from a detentioa barrack, branch de- 
tention barrack or barrack detention rocm will be 2 p.m. 

610. Any moaey or superfluous article in possession of a 
soldier who will return to 3uty after the completion of his 
sentence will be taken from him before he is sent to a deten- 
tion barrack, and restored to him upon Lis return to duty. 

611. Before admission to a detention barrack, branch doton- Medical 
tion barrack or barrack detention room, a soldier is to bo exam- examinBtion. 
ined by a medical officer, who will furnish a certificate as to his ^*"' 5^"' 
state of health, and report any disability likely to interfere 

witli the execution of tho punishment awarded. 

612. A CO. is to send to tho detention barrack for a soldier Soldier to be 
of lis unit at the expiration of his detention. Should the CO. JJpiratioS'' 
fail to do BO, a report is to be made of the omission, and the of tentence. 
man should be lent to hia corp^, or to tlie corps to which he CHn. 640. 
has been attached, under tha charge of one of the assistants, 

BO that no one shall by any posBlbllity b€ detained beyond the 
period of his sentence. 

613. Branch detention barracks and barrack detention rooms Visiting, 
aro to be inspected, and each ot'cupomt visted dail/, by an Oan- 64 1, 
orderly officer of the garrison, and by a medical officer who is 

to le named periodically in orders for that duty. These officers 
will send daily reports of such inspections to the O.C the 

614. The warrant officer or N.CO, in charge of a branch Obligatione bb 
detention barrack or barrack detention room will ascertain, *°^*^jf^^j*jjj^« 
before receiving a soldier into custody, that he has been com- eotdier under 
mitted by proper authority, and will receive all sucl soldiers wnlence. 

to the eoctooiit of the accomuiodatiooi available. He will also ^"* 5*3. 
discharge a soldier before tlie expiration of his senteace when 
required to do so by competsnt authority, but he will be care< 
ful that the discharge order bears the signature of the proper 

916. Ho will report daily to the stafi' officer of tho garrioon Available «c- 
the number of vacant detention rooms. He is to be allowed, to"™* eport'ed 
as assistants, snch a numb«r of soldiers as may be deemed and aacer- 
necassary, and a private soldier as cook. A CO. before com- takod. 
mitting a soldier to the branch detention barrack, Trill ascor- ^'^- ^*^- 
tain whether he can be received into that barrack. 

&16. Barrack detention rooms will le placed under tliega'rack 
charge of the regimental provost-sergeant, who will b& allowed JJJJJ"**** 
a private soldier as cook and such other assistance aa may be imp. 668. 
deemed necessary. Can. 544. 

B17. "When tie strength of a detachment is under one squad- ProToat — 
ron or two companies, the barrack doteiution rooms will bo pliOced ^^^{v^Ja^ 
under tho charga of the N.0.0, commanding the barrack-guard, Oan. 546.* 
who will perform the duties in connectioa with the rooms with- 
out romuneratioa. A soldier under sentence must be kept en- 
tirely apart from a soldier ia arrest. 

S18. When ii is necessary to confine in a barrack detention SoHlera of 
room a soldier of another uait, such soldier is to be attached * (jJn'^'sJe" 
to and subsisted by the unit to which tlie rooms are appropri- 



Courts of Inquiry, Conualttooa, Etc 

Courts of Iniuliy, CommlttMs, Etc. 

Farad. 627-633 

Dutiea in 
Can. 647. 

Caa. &48. 

Oan. 649. 

Duties of 
sergeant and 
Cbq. 660. 


Can. 561. 

Power of 
0.0s. to 

Imp. 606. 

Can. 652. 


When tnvolT' 
intr expense 
to public. 
Can. 553. 

Courts of 
Inqttiry bow 
Can. 664. 

Garriwn Provost-Sergeants. 

619. Th« garriBon provoat-aergoaat will perform such gar- 
rison duties as may be directed by the O.C. He will, subject 
to any garjisodi orders, visit eanteflns, repress irregularitiea, 
aud clear the barracks and military promises of loose and dis- 
orderly charaetera. He will at all times avoid coming into per- 
sonal collision with solliers. 

620. He will bo assisted in his duties by the garrison i>olico 
composed of such number of soldiers as may be deemed neces- 
sary by tha O.G. 

621. Thfl garrison piovost-sergeaat and the garrison police 
will, for discipline, be placed under the command of a staff 
officer serving at the station. 

Heglmeatal Provost-Sergeants. 

622. The duties of tie regimental provost-sergeant and regi- 
mental police are similar to those of the garrison provost-ser- 
geant and garrison police, but will be coniined generally to 
maintaining order in their own barrcks and unit. Thoy have 
authority, ]io wo ver, to quell all distnrhances in the garrison, 
and may, if occasion arises, apprehend an oJTender of any uniti 

623. The regimental provost-sergeant will be assisted in 
maifttainiKng ordej* and regularity in barracks or camp, by the 
regimental police, who mil be placed under him. Their num- 
ber will vaiy according to circumstaDCea, but is naver to exceed 

Geaoral Instructions. 

624. A court of inquiry or board of officers may be assem- 
bled by the Minister, oi by an officer in command to assist in 
arriving at a correct conclusion on niiy subject on which it ma/ 
bo expedient for him to be thoroughly informedj it may bo re 
quirenl to give an opinioD on any point. A court of inquiry or 

.board of olficers may consist of anv number of members, it8 
composition being determined by the convening officer accord* 
mg to the circumstancea under which it is assembled. Threa 
members, tbe sonior acting as president, will in ordinary cases 
be sufficient Attention is ]&articularly drawn to tbe regulations 
for courts of inquiry contained in Rule of Procedure 124. 

625. No court of inquiry, or board, the assembly of whiek 
involves expense to tbe public, will be convened without spe- 
cial authority from Militia Headquortersj but, vhen porman- 
ontly employed medical officers are not available, District Offl* 
cers Commanding will detail other medical officers for boards 
assembled under para. ^77 (10). 

626. Courts of inquiry, as a general rule, sit with closed 
doors, but they maybe either open or closed, according to 
the nature of the investigation, or as may be directed by the 
convening officer. Any officer or soldier whose character "or 
military reputation may be affected by the inquiry should be 
present, and may either answer or refuse to ansTrer any ques- 


tion put to him, or may avail himself of the opportunity to 
explain any particular act, or any part of his conduct on which 
an imputation prejudicial to him may have arisen. The rank 
of the officers composing the court should be equal, or superior, 
to that of any officer whose conduct or character may be iinpli- 
^^ated in the investigation. The presflnco of a professional 
iidviser before a court of inquiry will uot be permitted. 

627* Unless the exigencies of the service render it absolutely 5«" for 
necessary, district, garrison, or regimental courts of inquiry *•»;«■ g**- 
and boards should not be hold during those hours which are 
devoted to parades or other instruction of the soldier. 

628. Unless otherwise specified, the president will fix the Time and 
time and plac« for assembly, cause notice of the same to bo *'"qJ^ gjg 
given to all witnesses and persons interested, and preside dur- 

inz the sittings. If the members cannot agree on an opinion 
collectively, any diasentig member should state, in writing, the "'*'>«^""™*- 
nature and extent of the difference, or give his opinion to the 
president for transmission with the proceedings. 

629. The officer assembling a court of inquiry, committee, or pjesiaent. 
board, will appoint a president by name, or failing sutb appoint- Can. 657, 
jnant, the senior member will preside. When the convening 

of3cer has so appointed a president, no officer senior in rank 
to the presidert will be appointed to serve as a member of the 
court of inquiry, committee or board. 

680. When stores, equipment, clothing, or supplies of any Daflolency ol 
kind, belonging to the public, are lost, stolen, destroyed, or Storos, &e. 
damaged, or vhen a deficiancy is discovered on any store ae- ^"' ^^''■ 
count, or in case of losses of animals other than through natural 
causes, or of structural damage, the amount of loss, i.e., the 
value of the stores lost, stolen, destrojed, or deficient, or the 
cost of making good damages, will be ascertained. The value 
of stores deficient on a store account means the sum total of 
the values of the stores deficient on individual headings of 
account, without any abatement in respect of stores, which 
may be surplus on other headings of accounts. 

631. Losses or deficiencies of cash viiU be dealt with under Oan. 669. 
piragraphs 633 and 634. 

632. Should any explosion occur in any magazine, cartridge Report of 
6tore, or other explosive store, or should an accident caused by f pIJ!*."" *<> 
an explosion during the firing of guns, &c., and involving severe amti^ 
injuries to peisonnel or extensive damnge to ma-tfirlel, happen. Eeadquartera. 
tie Officer Commanding tlie Military District in which such Oan. 660, 
eiplosion or accident occurs will, in addition to any other 
procedure otherwise laid down, notify the occurrence by tele- 
graph direct to the Secretary of the Militia Council, informing 

him of the time and placo of the couit of inquiry ordered to 
investigate ths case. 

633. When the amount of the loss, including the cost of Courta of 
structural repairs, exceeds $250.00, the matter will at once be UmScZIV^ 
reported to the D.O.C. and will be investigated by a court of |260,oo. 
iaquiry to be composed, if possible, of officers not belonging Can, 661. 
to the unit or department concerned. "°^' ®^''* 

(i.) If, af tar considering the opinion of tho court, the D.O-C. jrooednxe 
considers that the loss is duo to neglect of duty, or to any wh«n loaa li 
other offence under the Army Act, he will, in the case of aii™Jjj*° " 
officer, apply to Militia Headquarters for instructions, and in Oan.'6a2. 


Paras. 634-636 

Courts of Iniiuiry, OommJttees, Etc. 

vhen loBB U 
aot due to aa 
«ffeiic« but 
ii not 

vhen there it 
s satUfactor/ 

\Tlifln D.0.0^ 
cm dispose 
of case, 
dan. 663. 

£»port to be I 
mtde of 


Other x;aM9 oither conveno a court-mBxtial or apply to MUitia 
Headquarters for authority to allow the individual responaible 
n,.?f^ f' ? ^'^^ "*! f"^* **^ ^^^ ^^'^^ ^"«t^d ^►f being tried by 
frn^ f^f i'^'- " ^A ^'^'"^ r"*^^^*^ *"^ »^i« appoiStmont or 
from the service. (As regards liability id case of fire caused by 
aegligemce, we para* 976.) 

(ii.) If the D.O.C. is of opinion that the loss is not due to 
aji offence uiidear the Axmy Act, bu* that no satisfactory ftx- 
planation has been given, ho will report to Militia Headquarters 
whether ho looonunettids thai the indi/idual .reepoiisiblo shouJd 
bo allowed to pay the whole or part of the loss, or bo super- 
Jeded in promotion, or removed from his appointment 

(iii.) If such Officer Commanding is of opinion that a satis- 
^ctory explanation has been given, he will applr to Militia 
Headquarters for authority to write oif the lossf 

(iv.) Deficiencies in money or supplies, the property of a 
regimental inatitute, will be dealt witli under the provisions of 
this paragraph, except that sub-paragraph (iii.) shall not apply. 

634. Whem tha amount of the Io6S including the cost of struc- 
tural repairs exceeds $250: — 

(i.) The superior officer of the individual responsible wiU 
(except as provided in imragraph 977) make a full inquiry into 
the circumstatices, and if he cannot dispose of the case reiri. 
mentally undflr the Clothing or Equipment Eegulations will 
raport thereon to the D.aC, who mky, if he sees fit and 
sibject to (li,), deal with the case himself, allowing the indi* 
vidual responinble to pay the whole or part of the loss, or 
giving authority to write it off. Should he deal with the case 
himself, a full statement of the cireumetances, with Lis decision, 
mil be attached as a voucher to the account on which the loss 

(ii.) When the loss is presumably xlue to theft oi fraud, the 
matter will bo referred to Militia Headquarters, except (a) in 
tie ease of tlieft, when tlie loss does not exceed *5, and no 
suspicion attaches to any soldier or other person in the service 
of the Militia Department, and (b) in the case of theft or 
fraud, when the loss has been made good and no suspicion 
attaches to th« individual TequJred to make good the loss. 
I 635. An accident or damage to Small Arms or to Small Arm 
Ammunition, caused by firmg or otherwise, will be reported at 
once to the Seaior Ordnance Officer, for the information of the 
D.O.C. The latter, if he considers it necessary, will order a 
court of inquiry to assemble and deal with the matter without 
reference to Militia Headquarters, except that if, in his opinion, 
the damage is t serious one and requires export examination, the 
proceedings will be forwarded direct to Militia Headquarters, 
with as little delay as possible. The arm or ammunition (just 
as found after the accident) will be forwarded by the Senior 
Ordnance Officer of the District, with the necessary vouchers, to 
the Chief Inspector of Arnu and Ammunition, Quebec, and will 
then be examined by the Standing Small Arms Committee. The 
latter will forward the report (together with their opinion and 
Jrecommendatiox) direct to Militia Headquarters. 


Courts of Inquiry, Committees, Etc. 

Paras. 636-637 

B36. A court of inquiry under Section 72 of the Army Act, 
for the purpose of determining the illegal absence of a soldier, 
will be held in aU cases (exeapt in those of absconded recruits) 
at the expiration of twenty-one clear da-ys from the date of 
Absence, or as soon after as practicable, unless the soldier has 
been taken into custody. Before declaiing the deficiency of 
any arms, &e., tie court will satisfy itself by evidence that the 
absantee'' was, within a reasonal^le period of the date of absent- 
ing himself, in fossession of tho articles it finds to be deficient. 
Th« court will record the values of the unexpired wear of all 
articles of government property found to bo deficient. A court 
of inquiry is not to bo held on a man of the Army Roscrvo 
uuless ho was subjoet to military law, as described in Section 
176(5) of the Army Act, at the -tiime of the wmmissiou of his 

537. When a soldier, whather on or off duty, is maimed, 
mutilated, or otlierwise injured (except by wounds received in 
action), a report will be forwarded by the medical officer in 
charge of the case to the man's O.O. as soon as possible after 
the man's admiBsion to hospital. 

(i.) When a soldier is injured in any way when on duty, 
by or through the fault of a civilian or aivilians, and receives 
compensation from such civilian or civilians, in lieu of any 
future claim, tlie fact should be rceordad in the proceodinga 
of the court of inquiry (if held). 

(ii.) If the medical officer certifies tlat the injury is of a 
trivial character, unlikely to cause permanent ill eflfects, no 
court of inquiry need be held^ unless considered necessary under 
sub-paras, (b), (c), and (d). The report of the medital officer 
in charge of the ease will then be attached to the soldier's 
medical history sheet (M.F.— B, 313), on which it should be 
recorded whether the man was on duty and whether to blame. 

[iii.) In the following cases a court of inquiry will be 
assembled to investigate the eircuuistauces: — 

(a) If the injury is fatal (unless an inquest is held) or 
certified by the medical officer to bo of a serious natuie. 

(b) If, in the opinion of tho CO., doubt exists as to the 
cause of the injury. 

(c) If, in the opinion of the CO., it is doubtful whether 
the soldier was en or off duty at the time lie received the injury. 

(d) In cases where for any reason it is desirable tloroughiy 
to investigate tie causes of injury. 

(iy.) When lo evidence as to the ciicumstances attending 
the injury, beyond that of the injured man, is forthcoming, 
it should be so stated in tho proceedings. The court will not 
givo any opinioi, but tho soldier's CO. vrill record hig opinion 
on the evidence, stating wbether the man was on duty and 
whether to blame. The proaeedings will then be sent to the 
D.O.C for confirmation, and the latter mil state on the pro- 
ceedings whether or not he has remitted tho hospital stop- 
pages (see Allowance Begulations). In the Permanent Force 
a record will be made on K.T. — B. 313, by the CO., that a 
court of inquiry has been leld, and also as to whether the 
mat was oai duty and wheftfaer or not to bhimei. This docu- 
ment will then be passed to the medical officer, who will 
record his opinion as to the effect of the injury on the man's 


Court of 
Inquiry to 
illegal absence 
Can. 564. - 

Court of 
Inquiry to 
caatea of 
Can. 665. 

Paras. 63&-643 

Courts of Inquiry, Commlttoes, Etc. 

Injariet, Ae„ 
at Baoual 

Can. see. 

Court of 
Inquiry on 
prison era 
of war. 
Can. 667. 

service- Pinally, tho pro&eedingB will be attached to the maa'e 
original attestation. 

638. Tho nature and caueo of illness or injuries which occui 
to officers, non-commiBsioiied officers, men or horses of the ActiTfl 
Militia, while on duty during the pBxiod of annual trainings 
are to be fully investigated at the time by a court of inquiry 
or a board of officers, in accordance with tho Pay aad Allowance 

639. Whenever officers or soldiere aro taken prisoners by 
an enemy, a court of inquiry, under Rule of Proceduro 124, 
will bo assembled under local arrangements to inquire into the 
conduct of tho BOnior officer or soldier of tho party^ and, if 
the G.O.<7. considers it desirable, into the conduct of any othei 
officers or soldiers of the party. 

Tho court of inquiry will be held as soon as jossible after 
the return of the prisoner. 

When in consequence of the evidence adduced before a 
court of inquiry an opinion adverse to the character or military 
reputation of any officer or soldier is formed by tho officer who 
determines ttie case so inquired into, tho adverse opinion shall 
be communicated to the officer or soldier against whom it has 
been given. 

Tho proc«edings will be forwarded to Militia Headquarters. 

ind rural 
Oan. SOSA. 

Officers* Maetings, Committees, &c. 

Offlcera* ^0. Meetings of officers may be called only by Commanding 

meetings. Officers who are lield responsible that they shall be for a proper 

Can. 568, purpose. 
Annual ^1- ^^^ ^^^ consideration of general regimental business, 

meeting, city for the election of a Tegimentol committee, a/nd for the eleotion 
■"'' ' of a band coimnitteo (if the corps has a baud)", the Officer Com- 
manding eack City and Baral Corps will lurinually call a moating 
of all hia officers. Such meeting, of which fourteen days' 
Diotnce will te givea by bhe CO., will take place in Jauuairy, 
February, or March, or during annual tnLiniing in tamp, which- 
Qvw time may bo moat oonvenionjt. 
Oomposition of Bach committee will he composed of three officers, who will 
OommitteeB, [jqj^ office foi the ensuing year, or until successors are appointed. 
If a member of either committee resigns or becomes ineffi* 
cient, the Commanding Officer will appoint a successor. Each 
(committee will appoint one of its members to be president and 
a>nother to be eeeretory-treaaur^r. The Oomnmndinf Officer will 
bo ejc-officio a member of both committees. 
Statements to ^^^> E&oh commjittbee is to submi-t to tbe amtiua] meeting of 
be submitted, officers the following statements in detail: — 
Can. 6cy, (^j Qf all moneys received and ojcpended during the past 

^ear or sinc« the last annual report. 

(b) The cash balance supported by the bank pass-book. 

(c) Of all liabilities of all kinds for which tho corps may 
bo made responsible. 

A certified copy of these statementa, and the proceedings of 

the annual meeting, are to be forwarded by the Commanding 

Officer within one month after tho annual meeting to the D.O.O. 

ReBponsibility 643. The secretary-treasurer of each committee will be re- 

Can^STO? sponsible to the president for all moneys, and will keep books 


Courts of Inquiry, Committees, Etc. 

Farajs. 614-662 

of account showing receipts and expenditures with vouchers. 
These books and vouchers aro to be laid before the oiUccrs at 
their annual meeting and at euch other times as the Command- 
ing Officer may direct. All propositions for expenditure which 
form a charge upon the officers of the corps must be submitted 
and approved of at a meeting of officers. 

614. When tho government grant to the band (see Pay and Band grant. 

Allowance Eoguktious) is authorized to be paid, the president ^"^* ^'^^' 

of the band committee will reaeive the same and expend it with 

tho joint advice of the other members of the committee. 


645. No remuneration will be given in respect of service as JJi^** *** 

a member of a regimental or band committee. can. 573. 

General Instructions, 

646. Committees and boarls differ onljr from courts of ia- Coyf^tt^^^" 
quir/ in so far that the objeats for whicK they are aisombled Can" id. 
should not involve any point of discipline. They will follow, 

ae far as may be eonv^nionJt, tlio rules for counts of inquiry, 
but are in no way bound by them, ^ 

647. A medical board is composed entirely of medical offi- Medical board, 
cers convened tc give a technical medical opinion upon any *^*°* ^'^*- 
matter referred to it. 

648. All proceedings of ccurts of inquiry, committees, and ^*'™ o' 
boards for whicl special forms are not provided, are to be **'ckb 57^"' 
written on M.F. — B. 303. The president and all the members 

will sign the prcceedings. 

649. The hour for the assembly of boards or courts of in- Boaria and 
quir.7 in hospital wHl be arranged between O.C. units and the J^^J^JJ^** ^^ 
medical officer in charge. 


CftQ. I 



Paras. 653-659 

Military Training 



Farmanent Force. 

General Instmctions, 

mnnSii^ . 5^^* Information regarding the annual course and gonoral 

Imp. 081. ittBtructious as to trainiig will bo found in the tminiuc mauu- 
Ottn, 677. ala of each arm. 

Proflfliency 664. The conditions cf oUgibUity for prolieieuey pay, artil- 

"""imp 082 1^7 ^^>'* engrineer pay and corps pay are laid down in Pay and 
Can, 6S3.' Allowance Regulations. 

Attachment to 655. Au officer or N.C.O. may, with the approval of the Armf 
'^imJ'?Sa"''*^**"'**^'^» ^® permitted to be attached for trainms to a Britiei 
y. (Po. fcgular unit Application will be submitted through the usual 
channel to llilitla Headquarters. 

656. An officer belonging to the Supplementary List of Spe- 
cial Beseirve of Officers, who ifl temp«rarily reaidott iu Canada 
may bo attached for his annual training to a unit (of his own 
branch of the sorvtice) jf the Permanent Force, provided u« 
expense to the Canadian Government is thereby incurred. 


657. The A.D.M.S. will frequently inspect or cause to be 
inspected the recruits oJ all corps stationed in the command. 
He will satisfy himself Ihat special care is bestowed upon the 
health of the recruits under training, and lihat tiio gymnastoc 
courses are carried out without the men. bein^ subje&ted to undue 
physical stroiu. 

AU boys will, on enlistment, undergo a course of physical 
training of two attendances per week, under qualiOed instruct- 
ors, until attaining the age of IS years, 

658. During the cours» of physical training, recruits will bo 
under the sirveillance oi the officer in medical charge of the 
troops and will be specially paraded before him at his inspec- 
tions. He Trill bring to notice any boekward recruits for whom 
a repetition of any portion of the recruit's course appears 
necessary, oi who, at the termination of the courie, are likely 
to profit by further recruit's training, 

Defence Electric Light Training. 

659. At £tations where electric lights form part of the 
authorized scheme of defonco, there will be weekly practices in 
electric light manipulation. 

The training of men ia working these lights will bo carried 
an continuomly until a blgh standard of efllcionsy has been 
acquired. A training of %lx days ' maaning will take place an- 
nually, and, in addition, three separate all night mannings of 
all lights will, if possible, be carried out. 

A return will be kept showing the dates on wlich defence 
«lectric light practice haa been carriad out at each emplace- 
ment, and tha duration of each practice. 


Reserve of 

H.Q. 8582— 


Imp, 6SD^ 
• Can. 585, 


Imp, 690. 

Can. 580, 

Blflotrla light 
Can, 609. 

Military Training 

Faxas. I 

660. A general report accompaniei by copies at the return Beporta. 

of practices for the yeai will be funisbed on the 1st of Janu- . *^"- ^^*'' 
ary, giving a short general narrative of the whole of the oper- 
ations and information mder the following heada: — 

(i.) A statement of officers, N.COs. and men available for 
manning electric light defences on mobilization, showing the 
unit to which they belong. 

(ii.) The general arrangement and distributioa of the per 
Bonnel when engaged in defence practice. 

(iii.) A list of casualties and causes thereof. 

(iv.) A report on any special opoiatioas carried out. 

The report will be forwarded to Militia Headtiuarters witi 
any remarks by the D.O.C. who will specially record his per 
sonal oplnicn as to whether or not the electric light defence 
is in a satisfactory condition and fully efficient. 

Any remarks or reports which it is considered necessary te 
make on stores^ experimental work, or buildings^ will be for 
warded separately. 

661. A diary will be kept at the station, regularly ^led ii Diary, 
and in readiness for inspection at an^ time, recording the nura- ^an. 611. 
ber of men employed daily, and statmg in full detail the wort 

on which tliey are engaged. 

GTinuastic Training. 

662. There should be at least one N.G.O. in each squadroi goldlers. 

of cavalry, battery or company of artillery and company of in- imp. 696. 
fantry qualified and available to act as assistaat instructor; *'"'• ^^^* 
but, when more than three companie<) of the same unit are at 
the same station, a total of three N.COs. need not be exceeded. 
Facilities must be given for all N.O.Os. under the rank of Col- 
our^Sergeant In possession of gymnastic certificates to maintaii 
their effieiciicy as instructors and ia the performance of th* 

663. The senior instructor at each gymnasium will bo re-|oare of 
sponsible for its condition and for t^e apparatus and stores, grmnasia. 

filaclilne Gvm. 

664. Instructions regarding the C€mposition and training of Machine 
machine gua sections wll be found in the Musketry Eegult*- pma. 
tions and in the training manual of the arm concerned. 

Imp. 703. 
Can. 698. 


665. Instructions reg&rding musketry training are contained j^u^i^gtry, 
in the Musketry Beguktions. Special instructions regarding Imp. 704. 
the courses to be fired will be issued from time to time. ^'^^' ^^O, 


666. Instmctions regarding training in range-taking will jRange-flndlng, 
be found in the handbooks of rang6'£nding equipBonts, in Gar- Imp, 706. 
rison Artillery Training, Vols. 1. and II., and in Misketry Kegu- ^*^' 5^^- 
la tions, Part 1. 


Paraa. 667-669 

MUltary Training 


^^'imD^Toe ^®^' ^^8t™*itio*is for the training of cavalry and infantry 

C»n.' 594* Bcoiita, the number to be maintained and the award of badgea, 
are contained in Cavalry Training and Infantry Training. 

Kutnber of 


Imp. 707, 

CtD. 596. 


B68. In eaeh of the UDdermentioned uiita the following pro- 
portion of officeiB and noa-coaimiBBioned officers will be required 
to qualify at a oehool for signal Unjf, and to be appointed as 
instructors and assistant inttruotors: — 

Signalling instructors, in addition to regimental <iuty, will 
be required to assist in signnlling training and inspection duty 
of the Active Militia generally. 
Eoyal Canadian Dragoons. 

1 Officer per regiment. 

1 N on-Commissioned Officer per squadron. 
Lor3 Strathcona's Horse (B.C.). 

1 Officer per regiment, 

1 Non-Commissioned Officer per squadron. 
Eoyal Canadian Horse Artillery. 

1 Officer per brigade. 

1 Non-Commissioned Officer per battery, 
Boyal Canadian Garrison Artillery. 

1 Oi&cer per station. 

J Non-Conimissioiied Officer per compaay. 
Boyal Canadian Engineers. 

3 Non -Commissioned Offlctr per field company. 
Koyal Canadian Regiment. 

C Officers per regiment. 

1 Non-Commissioned Officer per station. 

Number of 669. Commanding Officers of the corps indicated are respon* 

tA^nsd " ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ following numbers of signallers are maintained 

Imp. 708. °^^ trained in ijhe uao of the flag, heliograph, lamp, buzzeo- 
and disc. 

Arm of the Service 




RoyalCanadUn Dmgnond 

Lord StrathooitB's Hone rR.O.) 

Royal Canoduui Horw Artillery. 

toyalCaiudian Qarruoo Arty, (d) 

Koyal CanadiaD Eu^mers 



(bj One officer pw fttatioD. 
tvt) One officer per battalion . 

tructed in atgnallioc. 


Educational Establishments 

Paras. 670-677 


Sketching and Beconcaissance. 

671. Instructions for training officers and N.CLOs. in field Skfltcbing, 
sketching, reaonnaissanco, &c., will be found in the Manual of Q^J'ggJ* 
Map Beading and Field Sketching, and the training manuals 
of the various arms. 


672. Swimming will be taught at all stations 'where facili- Bathing 
ties exist. During the proper season bathing parades will beP"»<*"- 
formed, at tlie discretion of the CO., for the purpose of in- Jan* 590." 
Btruction. Tlie skilled swimmers in each company, &o„ will be 
ascertained and so distributed that there may be a sufficient 
number in each squad to teach the rest. 

673. A copy of the "Instructions for the recovery of tho Accidents, 
apparently drowned, " printed by the Boyal Canadian Humane Imp. 714. 
Association, will bo posted up at the Bovoral bathing places, as Can. 591. 
well as in every hospital and bai-raclc. Small piquets of expert 
iwimmeia will be told off daily duriiLg the bnthiag season to 

attend the bathiug places to prevent accidents. 


674. Instructions regarding the training in swordsmanship Swords- 
will be found in Cavalry Training. ""'imp. 716. 

Can. 6O2! 


The Royal Military College. 

675, For information regarding the Boyal Military College Royal Militarr 
and adoiisOTon thereto, reference ehould be made to the '*K<?-*^**Tl^5*VirT 

;jnlationa for the Eoyal Military College," published separ- 

Imp. 717. 
Can. 641. 

The Staff College, England, 

676, The Staff College at Camberley, England, i> maintained Q^jj^ct. 
for the purpose of affording selected officers instruction in the imp* 718. 
liigher branclies of the art of war and in staff dutiea. An officer Con. 6B0. 
who has graduated will have the letters p.s.c. recorded after 

^is name in the Militia List, and be aligible for staff employ- 

677. The Staff College Begulations which contaia particulars Regtilatione. 
as to the entrance examination and course of study^ at the col- Imp. 719, 
lege, &c , can be obtained on application to Militia Headquar- ^*"* ''^^' 


Paraa, 678-( 

Educational Bstaljllsliments 

Educational Ustablishments 

Imp. 720, 
<]»n. 692. 

Date of 

Imp. 723. 

Can. 698. 
and quail- 

Imp. 728. 

Can. 694. 

678. The college is open to officora of all arms, including a 
Umlted number of soleeted officers of tba Permanent Staflf and ' 
Permanent Force of Canada. The course lasts for two years. 

679. The eiamination for admission in January each year 
will commoncB on the last Tuesday in tlie preceding June. 

680. The following certificates (A.F.C. 2112) will be re- 
quired in regard to an officer before he is permitted to attend 
the examinatioi. They will bo forwarded through the usual 
i-hannel so as to reach Militia Headquajtare. saHsfactorily com- 
pleted, between 1st January and 28th I^bruary, 
Oeztlficate A. 

(i.) Thar his age will n«t exceed S5 years at the date fixed 

for examination. 
<ii.) That he will have a service of not less than 5 years 
previous to examination, exclusive of any leave of 
absenoo other than the usual leave annuallj granted 
to officers or the leave on first appointment, 
Oertificato B, 

That h» is a good horseman. 
Certificate 0. 

From a medical, board, to the effect that he ia in good 
health and physically fit for th* active duties of the 
stafiPj that his eyesight is within the standard laid 
down for candidates for commissionsj and that his 
hearing is good. 
Certificate D. 

Prom his CO.: — 
(i.) That, ii not already a captain, he is qualified for p-o- 

motion to that rani. 
(ii.) That h» is in everj respect a thoroughly intelligent 

and good regimental ofiiccr. 
<iil) That he is an officer whom he (tie CO.) would select 
as an adjutant, or to serve on his own staff. 
Certificate E, 

Satisfactory reports given coufidentially and inde- 
pendently by the 0.0. and the next two senior officers 
of his unit, one of whom, in th« case of th» R.O.A., 
must be the major iii command of the oandidate^s bat- 
tery or company. 

In the case of an officer serving away from his unit, 
one certificate E should be furnished by the candi- 
date's immediate CO., who will obtain a separate certi- 
ficate E from each of the two senior officers under 
whom tlie candidate last served, who are ptrsonally 
acquainted with him. 

The reporting oflicers will record their opinion as 
to the candidate's suitability or otherwise for admis' 
sion to the Staff College. Their answers should be 
based oa the headings given below, all the points ntytfld 
being reported on, as well as otter characteristics or 
qualifications which they consider the candidate pos- 
sesses, 01 is wanting in, which m&ke his selection for 
the Staff College Course desirable or otherwise. 

Tho mere fact tliat an officer wishes to compete for 
the Staff College is not, of itself, a justification for a 
recommendation thU he should be permitted to do so. 
No officer shooild ho Tecommended as a candidate un- 
less he is confildtred to possess the characteristiea 
required in a staff officer, 
(i.) Whether his conduct is marked by steadiness 
and prudenea, and he is temperate in kis habits, 
(ii.) Whether he is active and energetic, and has 

force of character, 
(iii.) Whether he displays zeot, activity, iitolligence 
and discretion in the performance of his duties 
atad takes an imtetnest in his profession, 
(iv.) Whether his disposition snd temper are such as 
to enable him to perform his duties with tact 
and discrimination, and in a manner calculated 
to ensure cheerful obedience of orders conveyed 
by him. 
(v.) Whether he Las any othei characteristics which 
render him suitable or otlierwise. 
Certificate F. 

From a District Officer Commanding that he has 
personilly made himself thoroughly acquainted with 
tlie professional qualifications and character of the 
officer; and that ho considers him in all respects fit for 
employment o<n the staff. If thg District Officer Com- 
manding has not sufficient knowledge of the officeri or 
is in &ny wapr doubtful of his suitability as a staff 
officer, bo<th in the field and in an office, ha will at- 
tach lum to his ataOf for such time 49 he may consider 
necessary to enable him to form an opindon, choosing 
some occaaioa when the attachment will he a real 
test of the officer's capacity and qualifioations in both 

In the caee of aa officer serving in an appointment 
or command where it is impossible to observe his work 
in the field, arrangements should be made for his 
attachment to the staff of a District Officer Command- 
ing at some place where the spirit of these regula- 
tions can be carried out. Except as a special case, 
with TBgard to wlich reference must be made to 
Kilitia Headquarters, this certificate will not be 
accepted if it was signed more tban a year before the 
date of the officer's first application to attend the 
entrance examination. 

In the ease of an officer sorvung away from his 
regime £t, Certificate B should be furnished by a 
senior officer of his corps, in addition to tie copies 
of this certifleate lurnished by officers under whom 
he is serving at the time. 
681. An officer who fumisiies oertfifioate D, E, or 3? muatR^HponaibiiUy 
beai in mind the extreme importance of them. He is not toof oficers 
content himself with merely answering the questions asked in 'ornjshing 
them, but should endeavour to report fully and clearly on the*' jnp 734 
eandidate's suitability in all respects for the responsible duties OtnieQs! 

Faras. 682-688 


Educational EstalUslimeiits 

Educational Establislimeuts 

Faras. 689-601 

ly Candida to. 
Imp. 726, 
Can. 004. 


Imp. 727. 

Otin. 696. 


Imp. 729. 

Oun. 697. 

ii orders. 
Imp. 780. 

Imp. 787. 


Imp. 738. 

Can. 689. 


Imp. 733. 

Con. 689. 

of tlie Btaflf. Both hJB strong and weak pointB sLould bo de- 
scribed, liii selectmg an officer for nomination fo the Staff 
College these certificates are oarefulty considered and they 
carry great weight. If an officer, while at the S!;aff College, 
proves himself clearly unfitted for staff employment, this fact 
will be noted as showing a want of judgment and capacity in 
(he officers wlio recommeni him. 

682. A candidate is himBolf responsible that the above corti- 
ilcates are obtained in time, and should give aDipIo notice 
through his CO. of his wish to compete at an cxamimation. He 
fihould usually^ give this notice before the beginning of the 
training seafion preceding the da4;« on which his application is 
to be submitted to Hilitia Headquarters, in order that ho may 
make sure of the District Officer Commanding being in a position 
to furnish Certificate F when the caaididate's application reaches 
him in due course. 

683. A candidate whose certificates have been accepted wilt 
not be required to furnisli Certifieatea B and F a^ain, should 
lie apply to enter for a sabsoquent examination. The District 
Oillceir Commanding, howtver^ in forwarding such subsequent 
application, sliould make ooiy remarks which he may consider 
useful to higher authority. 

684. The printed questions for the entrance examination will 
le sent from the War OlBee. The examination must be con- 
ducted with strictness and in accordance with the programme 
snd detailed instructions issued. 

686. The names of successful camdidates at the entrance 
examination and of those authorized ti> attend the college will 
lo pubUlished in Militia Orders in the order of seniority of their 

The Ordnance College — England. 

686. The principal objects of the Ordnance College are to 
give technical instructione to officers, CT.C.Os. and men and to 
train artificera. Details as to the courses will be found in the 
Ordnance College Hegulations. 

687. The Ordnance Course is open to a limited number of 
selected officers of the Permanent Force. Application from an 
officer to atfceaid will be nuide through iis CO. Applic<Ltions will 
be received fi,t Militia Headquarters botweem the Ist March 
and 30th April. 

The Coursa at the College will last one year, eommencing 
about 1st January, and will consist of instruction in gunnery, 
material, store accounting, machinery, chemistry, electricity, 
heat, and optics. 

688. Rclecteci candidates will be reciuircd to pass a qualifj- 
iig oxamination in elementary algebra, trigonometry, and ele- 
mentary mechanics. This examination which is held on the first 
Tuesday in Aigust, will be superintended by boards coiisifitinjL;, 
if possible^ of three field offit^ers: in no ease should the president 
be below that rank. 

The priutecl questions will be sent from the Wcr Office. 
The examination must be conducted with strictness, and in 
accordance with the programme and detailed instructions issued.* 


: 689. To onablo an officer to compote for the Ordnance Coure*), Quallflcatlona 
the following certificates (A.F.O. 2113) must be forwarded witk "d'll''*'!* 
the application:— „ I^P- JJO. 

certificate A. sIS^i-i's 

From (th& candidate's CO — 
(i.) That the candidate's age will, not excepa 35 years at 

, the date fixed for the examination. . 
(il.)' That, if not already a captain, he is qualified for pro- 
motion to that rank. 
' (iii.) That he is an officer whom lie (the CO.) would select 
• ^ to serve on his own staff, 
(dv.) That he will, at the date of the exaimnalion, have net 
less than five years' commissioned service, exclusive 
of leave other thaoi the usuall leave granted anniiallj 
and leave on first appointmsjit. 
(V.) That he is in every respect a thoroughly iutelligent and 
good regimental officer and of good business habits. 
Certificate E. 

From a medical board to the effect that he is -ia good healtl 
and physically fit for tie active duties of the staff; that his 
eyesight is within the standard laid down for candidates for 
coirnnissions, and that his hearing is good. 

The board will record the degree of acuteness of the candii 
date's vision in the following manner:-!— 
Bigh^ eye — V= roads. 
Left eye — V— roads. 
Certificate C. 

Satisfactory reports under the following headings given con* 
fidentially and independently by . the CO, and the two next 
senior officers of his unit, one of whom, in the case of the B.CA. 
must be the Major in command of the candidate's battery or 
company: — 

(i.) Whether his conduct is marked by steadiness, an.] 

prudence, and whether he is temperate ia his habits. 

(il.) Whether ho is active and energetic, and ha? force of 

(tij.) Whftthor he displays »eal, activity, luteJligonce, and 
discretion in the performance of his duties, and takes 
. an iriterest in his profession, 
(iv.) Whether his disposition and temper are such as to 
enable him to perform his duties with tact and dis- 
crinination and in a manner calculated ,to ensure 
■ cheerful obedience of orders conveyed by him. 
(v); Whether he hos any other oiaracteristio which speci- 
ally qualifies him. 
In the case of an officer serving^ fiway from his'' own unit, 
Certificate ahoitld bo furnished by a senior officer of that unit 
in addition to the copies of this certificate furnished by the 
officers under whoni he is serving at tlie time. 

690. On the completion of six months with the Ordnance Adynnced 
Oourao a, ceirtaan (number cf cffiieefrs may bo sedeoted to join the *^V'*' 
Advanced class for twelve months instead of completing the ^"P- ''*i- 
remaining six months of the Ordnance Course. They will coni^ 

laeuce their studies in the following September, 

691. An officer who has passed the advanced class at thep'**»«"on In 
Ordnance College will have the letters p.a.e. recorded after hiBFy^"*^^*!*- 



Educational EstaMsbmeutit 

other couraea. 
Imp. 744, 

Ditea of 
Imp. 746. 

CLnnnel of 


Oan. 617. 

Can. 618. 



Can. 62 e. 

H.Q, 313— 

9 — I. 
f»r courses. 

Can. 617 

A 638. 

Selecting of 
Can. 621. 

Can. 623. 
Can. 634. 

Can. 626. 

School of 



H.g. 245 — 


uame in the Hilitia List, An oiUcer who has pasaad the ord- 
nance course omly will Imve tlie letter '^o" placed agaUmt hiy 

692. The nature, duration, «jid date of formation of otJier 
courses at the Ordnance College, whicli are open to the Per- 
manent Force, will be published annually in Mdlitia Orders, 


Oeueml Instructiois. 

693. Particulars regarding courses aod dates on which they 
Tvill be formed will be published in a list of courses^ issued an- 
nually with Militia Ordere. 

694. Beconamendations for officers or men to attend courses 
of instruction should be forwarded through the usial channel 
B<^ as to reach the OfiUcer Commanding the Dl&trict to which the 
candidate belongs at least fourteen days before the commence- 
nient of the course. 

Provided tbat special authority is n^t required from Militia 
Headquarters, tmd subject io the approval of the IWstrJet 
Officer Commanding concerned, the latter will forward applica- 
tions (except in the case oif provieioaiiLl schoola) direct to the 
Officer Commanding the «chool concerned, who will state in 
reply whether or not the candidate caa be acconuoodated and 
vrill give any necessary information as to the tinid he should 
raport, etc. 

695. An application for an officer or man to attend, at the 
expense of the public, any school other than the one nearest to 
his station will be referrel to Militia Headx^uarters, 

696. Commanding officers may recommend private soldiers to 
attend permaaent or provisional schools of instruction with a 
view to qualifying for Non-commissioned rank. 

While undergoing instruction such men may be given the 
acting rank of corporal, 

697. Except in the case of provisional schools applications 
on behalf of W.O.Os. or men of the Active Militia, will be made 
on Militia Form B. 302, duly completed and signed by the 
company eomnander. Applications should state the particulars 
of any previous courses taken by the applicant. 

698. Commanding officers should exercise care and judgment 
m the selectian of N.O.Os. and men of the Active Militia to 
attend schools of instruction. 

Candidates must: — 

<i,) Be able to read, and to writ« a fairly good hand, 
(ii.) Possess aptitude for imparting instruetioi to others, 
(iii.) Have attended the last annual training of the Corps 
except in the case of trumpeters and buglers, (and in 
special cases when the O.C. will give his reasons), 
(iv.) Be provided with proper uniform. 

699. Before being allowed to attend the School of Military 
TCngineering, a non-commissioned officer of the Active Militia 
inust possess the following qualiflcaticns, in addition to those 
laid down in para. 698; — 

(a) He must be able to write freely from dictation in a 
clear and legible Land, must be quick and accurate in 
arithmetdoal computation^ and have sound kaowlodge of 
vulgai and decimal fractions and of the rule of propor- 


Educational Establlshnents 

Paras. 700-704 

(b) He must be proficient in Infantry Training, 1914, Part 
II., aud Section 1 and 2 of Part III. 

(c) He must be below the rank of Corporal and must have 
attended at least two annual trainings with an Engineer 

The Officer CommiLndiiig the TTnit, when forwarding the ap- 
plication, will certify that the N.C.O. is qualified as above. 

A test examinabion in (a) aud (b) will be held at the com- 
mencement of the Course and N.O.Os. found bolov the above 
itandard will be required to withdraw. 

700. Bverj N.C.O. or man of the Active Militia proceeding Medical 
1o join a school must obtain a medical officer's certificate (on offif^i^'s 
u:.P.B^862) as to the required pbyaioal standard, state of *'*'^i,!,''*a*2a 
lealth and fitness for service. The examination l^ the medi- 

cal officer must be made witMn ten days before joining the 

701. In the case of a soldier of the Permanent Force, his iSoldlera' 
Medical History*Sheet ard Company, &o.. Conduct Sheet will pottmentB. 
be sent to the officer to wiorn the application was addressed. | ^^^^ '^*^- 

702. At the beginning of each course, or portion of a course^ JTominal 
whether held at a School of Instructioa or elsewhere a nominaP**^!'* 

roll of all ranks reporting for the eouise will be forwarded as h Q 818^ 
follows: — 9-— io. 

(a) In the case of a course held at a School of Instruction, ^.o. 486— 
by tho Officer Commanding the School, ^^*^* 

(b) In th« case of a provisional school, by the officer eom- 
mandiag the school. 

(c) In the case of any authorized course not included nnder 
preceding paras, (a) and (b), by the officer conducting 
the course. 

This list vill be made out in duplisate on Militia Form B. 
S!32 and will include the names of all v/ho have reported at the 
s&hool since tlie date of the last return. One copy tsrill be sent 
to the District Officer Commanding and one copy direct io 
MdUtda Headquarters without covering letter. 

A list of those candidates who have been authorized to 
attend but who have failed to report will be forwarded on 
Hilitia Form B. 232 to the District Officer Commandiiig in 
Trhose command the candidate's unit is stationed. 

703. Officers commanding all Schools of Instruction will for. 
ward to District Headquaittera dmmedia.teJy on the completaon 
of each week '3 work, a weekly diary showing the nsture of the 
iBBtiroctiwnj giYCOi to the various claaees undergoing instruction. 
Each class or course will be dealt with separately. 

704. An officer of the Permanent Porce or Active MUttia 
may, with the approval of the Army Council, be permitted to 
attend a course at a School of Instruction in England, provided 
lliat he is qualified for the course and that the Minister con- 
siders it desirable that he should attenfl. 

'N'o expense to British Army Funde is to be incurred and 
officers of the Active Militia will drav no pay or allowances 
oi any kind. 

Applications will be forwarded through the usual channel 
tc Militia Headquarters. 



H.Q. 818- 


Cour««o tn 

H.Q. 850- 


Imp. TC8. 

Paras. 705-714 

Educational Establlshineiits 


Imp. 758. 


Onii. B12~ 

Sumbers to 
Can. 616, 





ior certifl- 


Oiin. QUO. 


Oim. 626A. 

^ Appiticutions. 

Who may 

M.O. 270- 

706. A nott-commissionod officer of the Permaueut Force 
may be permitted to attend a School of Inetruction in England 
under the conditions laid down for ollieors of the Permauont 
i'orce in the preceding paragraph. 

Permanent Schools of Instruction. 

.706. Permanent Schools of Instruetion are maintained in 
eounection with units of the Pormauoat Force for the purpose 
of giving courses of instruction to officers, N.C. officers and 
buglers of tha Active Militia (see para. 696). 

707. The number that may be permitted to attend any 
course will bo governed by the barrack accommodation avail- 
able, the number of instructors, and tke grant of money avail- 

708. The duration and datjs of the regular qualifying 
courses vary for the diffDrent arms and will be published in 
Militia Orders as provided for in paia. 693. 

709. Special qualifying courses may bo arranged on any 
eonveaient dates by olTicors commanding permanent schools. 
Tbese special courses will not be held for periods of less than 
fourteen days or for more than six weeks. 

710. At tlie termination of each qualifying course examin- 
ations will be hold for the grant of the certificates of quali- 
ftcaiion referred to in para. 841. 

711. Certificates may bo granted to N.C.Os. of the Permanent 
Force who may be permitted^ under regimental arrangements, 
to attend the qualifying courses with N.C.Os. of the Active 
Militia; sucl certificates, however, wiJl not be regarded a^ 
qualification for rank in a Permanent Force unit. 

Provisional Schools of Instruction. 

712. Provisional schools, for the conduct of special qualify- 
ing courses for officers, aon-commissioned officers and men of 
the Active Militia, may be (luthorized in convenient localities 
where permanent schools aro not maiatained under the follow 
ing conditions. 

713. Applications for authority for provisional schools are 
fco be forwarded through District Headquarters so as to reach 
Militia Headquarters at least one month before the date set 
for the opening of the school. 

Applications will contain the folkwing information: — • 

(a) Place, date of oponing and duration of Sckool, 

(b) Names of Officer and N.C.O. laatruetors to conduct the 

(c) Names of officers and number of N.C.Os. ^\ho desire to 
attend, with the units to whiah they belong. 

(d) The days of the week on which it is intended to hold 
classes and proposed hours cf attendance. 

(e) Reasons why a provisional school should be authorized. 

714. Tho foUowiaig mzy be permitted to attend provisional 
schools; — 

(a) Lieutenants .not qualified for their rank. 

(b) Qualified Captaius and Lieutenants for promotion to 
next higher rank. 


Educational Establishments 

Paras. 715-723 

(c) Non-commiasioned oflicers and men not qualified for the] 
rank of sergeant. [ 

715, An officer (C.A.a.C. and C.AAf.O. exceptad) will not Oertaln oSieora 
bo permitted to qualify for the rank of field officer at a pro-^^y '"o* 
visional school, unless he has attended a qualifying course at '^^Jj' q^' ^^^ 
a permanent school at some time during his service. Artillery -- " 
officers will not be permitted to qualify at a provisional school, 
ftxcept in Western Canada, and then only provided that they 
carry out gun practice satisfactorily at a practice camp, 

716. The examinations for certificates of qualifiBatiou, to be 
iield at the termination of provisional schools will bo tho same 
as those hold at permanent schools. Any written examinations 
shall be set and examinefl by an officer commanding a perman 
ent school. 

717* Unless an officer (except C.A.S.C. and C.A.M.C) at 
a provisional school can be tested in tlie command of a unit on 
parade, in accordance with para. 855, he will be given a certi- 
licato of partial qualification on passing the examination held 
ajt the school, ajid will receive tho full qualification t'(fi*tiiien.te 
only after being -tested pmctically at an annual camp, 

718. A non-commissioned ofllcor attending an artillery pro- 





H.Q. 7&4 — 


1 • 1 -1. , , . . . , -J .. J. - - Artillery 

Visional school will not be entitled to a qualification certificate W.O.On, 

until ho has shown himself at the next annual training canip 
to be fit for field work. 

Army Medical Schools aad Courses, s 

719. Permanent Schoola'of Instruction, as follows, are main- 
tained for the purpose of providing instruction for personnel 
of the Army Medical Cordis and regimental medical services:— 

(i.J Cential Army Medical School. 

H.Q. Tji- 

,1 ^Oommaiid and 


. . District Army Medical Schools. 

720. (i). The command and administration of the Central 

Arinv Medical School are vested in the Director-General of'^dmlnis 
Medical Services. tration, 

(ii.) The command and administration of District Army 
Medical Schools are vested in' the Assistant Director of Medical 
Services of the District concerned. 

(iii.) Comjnanding officers of schools will be responsible for 
the arrangements of all details of an aaministrative nature an<. 
for the instruction given at all courses in accordance with the 
.syllabuses laM down in AppejuUx VT. 

721. (i.) Applications ior courses of Instruction at District _„..._ 

Army Medical Schools arc to be forwarded through tho usual lot courKPu, 
channels and dealt with by the officer commanding the District.' 

(ii.) Applications for a course of instruction at the Central 
Army Medical School, or for a course in Field Sanitation, will 
bo forwarded through the usual channel to Militia ITeadquartern 
f[)r approval. 

722. Particulars regarding courses of instruction and dates 
oil which they will be held will be putlishod in Militia Orders regj™"c 
as provided for in para, 693, For syllabus of subjects and .conrges. 
qualifications required see- Appendix VL 

723. The instructional personnel for provisional schoole, as 
provided under para. 712, will be detailed from the Army Medi- 
cal School of the District conceniod. 


fop proT JH 

Paras. 724-732 

Educational Estalolishinents 

CourseB in 



of N.O.Ob. 

of officers. 

and Majorg. 

for attend- 

fieUctlon of 

Oandidates to 


724. In adlition to the above cour&OB| a course in Field Sani- 
tation will b» held at Petawasva, under the direction of the 
Central Arm; Medical Sctiool, during the training season. 

725. Non-commisaionod officers may qualify for the rank ol 
sergeant by attending a course of inatruction and passing tba 
prescnbed eicamination at: — 

(a) The Army Medical School of their District, or 

(b) At a provisional echool authorized at some eonveniout 
centre in their Pistrict. 

726. Proviaionally appointed lieutenants, Amiy Medical 
Corps, may qualify for their rank and for promotion to the rank 
cC Captuia by attending a course of instruction and passing the 
lequircd ezamination at: — 

fa) The Army Medical School O'f tkeir District, or 

(b) At a provifiional aehool authorized at some convouiont 

centre in their District, or 

(c) At a provisional school held during the annual training 

727. Captains and Majors of the Army Medical Gorps and 
Begimental Medical Service wishing to receive instruction in 
the subjects laid down for examination for promotion to the 
tanks of Major and Lleutenant-Colonel may attend courses of 
iastruction in these subjects at: — 

(a J The Army Medical School of their District, or 
(b) At a provisional echool authorized to be held at some 
conveuent centre in their District. 

728. Senior officers holding administrative appointments and 
requiring instruction in the duties of the Medical Stalf in 
peace and war may attend courses of instruction in these duties 
at itho Central Army Medical School. 

729. Officers of the Army Medical Corps holdmg aj^point- 
ments as Sanitary Officera, or who an recommended for such 
sppodiDtmen.'ts may attand couraes in practacal hygiene at tlie 
Central Army Medical School, and in Field Sanitation during 
tho summer training season at Pctawawa. 

ScboDl of Musketry. 

7S0. Oouroea at the Oanadian S(*hool of Mu3k«try will be 
organised from time to time at conv^Lndcat places aud dates, 
particulars oi which will appear in Militia Orders, Those eli- 
gible to attend are: — 

Officer)!) (other than provisional lieutenants), school teachers 
qualified as cadet instructors, non-commissioned oflcera of the 
Officers* Traming Corps, who are in possession ol Certificate 
•'A*', warraait oflioers and non-comjni3sion.ed olBce're not imdor 
the rank of sergeant. 

731. In selecting candidates for these courses, Ollicors Com- 
mauding Districts will bo careful to recommend ony those wh9 
have sufficient education to profit by the ijistruction and are 
likely to become efficient instructors. In considering applica* 
tjons of school teachers for admission to those courses, prefer- 
ence will be given to thoao engaged in educational institutions 
laving organized Cadet Corps. ^ 

7S2. Officers and Non-commissioned officers of the Perman- 
ent Force, detadled to attend this school, must possess a compe- 


Educational EstabUsliments 

Paras. 733-741 

of courses. 
CflD. GIS. 

tent knowledge of the official instructions for aiming, firine and 
care of arms (see Musketry Begulaticns. Part I.) and must have 
erdse^^^ *^^ sacoud-class shots when last ei. 

n b!??:,^^*"^*" ^ special cases, no parson is allowed to take'a^attend 
iJ T^^ '''''?^ ''i^^'' P^**^^** expense. An officer promote-J iSS!. 
from the ranks, who previously served as a N.O.O., must ov 
^i^K^*^^ f^^ qualification was obtained whilst serving in 
iullSy^'rs" n officel"^ '''^'' '""^' " '"*'^^^"^^* ^"""^ ^^^ 
«i,«!^**i -^PP*'*;ations to »ttend will ho made through the usual Ctiennel of 
channel auJ forwarded by D.O's.C, with their recommenda »pp"""««- 
Ottawa Commandant, Canadian School cf Musketry,^ 

735. The duration of oDurses will be:— Duration 
Kegular Courses— Permanent Force, Active Militia, Cana- 
dian Officers' Training Corps, and Cadet 
Instructors, 6 weeks. 

Special Cburses— Active Militia, Canadian Officers' Train- 
ing Corps, and Cadet Instructors, 21 
- working days, 

736. Canadian School of Musketry certificates will be jrraiit- CeHiflcatos. 
Bd to succBBsful candidates attending the regular courses, and 
musketry ceittficates will be awarded to successful candidates 
attending tha special courses. Either of the aboye-mentioned 
Bertiflcatos viU qualify the holder for appointment as Begi- 
mental Musketry Instructor. (Para. 130 (H.) 

737. Officers of the Cavalry or Infantry of th* Permanenf: omcen to 
Fbrce will qualify at tie Canadian Kl of iSr^S^^""''^' 
loon as possible after they have completed three years* ser- 
vic«. A Commanding Ofioer will Bt*te in the ttanuaj con- 
fidential report on any officer, who has attainea Captain's 
rank and wh[> has not so qualified, the date on which he pro- 
poses to sent! him to undergo a course. ' 
.. Jf*' *^'' ^'l? ^''^^^"oa of officers for qualifying courses, 
preference will be gtven to the seniors. Officers of the Per- 
manent Force will not as a rule be permitted to attend a 
course until they have completed two years' service. This 
service qualitlcation will not apply to officers ol the Beyal 
Canadian Engineers or to those selected for the appointment 
or adjutant or to command machine gun sections 

739. Information regarding the diflfarent course'e as regards 

syllabus text books, accommodation, &c., will be furnished on 

application addressed to: "««cu uu 

t3* <J?™^andant, Canadian School of Musketrj, Ottawa." 

73itA. Iho Canaaian School of Musketry will W ndminis- 

torod froiri ACiktia Head(«uartera, and the CommaTidanA will 

communicate direct with the Secretary, Militia CoMueil. 

School of ^Signalling. 

•i7*i?* ?^f *' ^^^ .*^* Permanent Force and Active Militia 

h. T.«Mi^?.i^ ''??-r5^^'^*^.^ ^""'^^ *"^ duration of which will 
ba published in Militia Orders. 1 

*ttJnl%?fHZnl'J?«-^'*iv^ ^"\*^^ Vill not be permitted to Officer, to be 
attend the Belool of Signalling unless qualified for substantive qwliflod. 
rank in the branch of the service to which they belong. 

Senior o ID cor a 
to ha selected. 




0.0. 190 



Farafl. 712-748 

Educational Establishments 



Imp. 815. 

Oficw pro- 
mnt«}U from 

Imp. 815. 

Fjtilure to 
obtftin cei*- 
Imp. fll7. 

Rfk'cHou tot 


Can. 664. 
070 — 1—2. 

Imp. 744. 
Oim. 664, 


Imp. 744. 

Cnu. 664. 

742. Applientions will be sent to the Commandant, Cana- 
dian School of Signalling. Militia HeadquartetH, with a medi- 
cal certificate showing that the work is not likely to affect the 
eyesight of tlie candidate prejudicially, and a certificate from 
tie CO. showing that the candidate can read a '* paragraph 
racftsa^ye of not lavi thr.n 200 Ibtt^r? sent on the smal! flag an J 
lamp at the rate of ?i-x wonly ^ niin'ite, bujt/eir at the rajfce of 
eight M'ordy a minut<i and disc at the rate of four words a 
minute; and, with an aceumcy of 9C% in each test. The parn- 
graijili la to ho composed of groups of letters which do not reiul 

Certificates for N.C.O'a of the Permanent Force will also 
atate that they show natural aptitude for imparting instruc- 
tion, and that they have beeoi instruetea in map reading up to 
tie standard laid down in InfEtntry Training. 

On joining the school candidates will be tested and those 
who fail to reach the standard will rejoin thoir units. 

Candidates should be intolligeat, quick of apprehension, 
have good eyesight and hearing, have no impediment in their 
speech, be able to write w«ll and spell correctly, and have self- 
reliance when placed in isolated and rflsponsible eituationa. 

All ranks are required to be able to ride a bicycle. 

743. An ofiicer promoted from the ranks who previously 
qualified as a N.0.0. must attend an oflLcer's course in order 
to obtain an officer's certificate. , 

A signalling certificate obtained as an officer in the Active 
Militia will hold good for tho Permanent Force. 

744. An oficer or N.C.O. who, having completei a course, 
has failed to obtain a certificate, will not be allowoi to attend 
aaother course except under special circumstances. 

745. In selecting an officer for a signalling appointment, 
preference will be given to one who is in possession of a 
''special" certificate of signalling. (Tor further iDstmctious, 
see Training Manual SignxUing.) 

Artificers* Course. 

746, Undei arrangements to be made between the Oflicer 
Administering, Canadian Ordnance Coips, and the officer com- 
manding a uait, courses of instructioa will be conducted at 
tlio Ordnance Depot, Halifax, to qualify N.0.0 's. and men 
of the Permanent Force ior appointment as blacksmiths, car- 
penters, carriage-smiths, fitters, harness-makers, painters, 
saddlers, tinsmiths or wheelers. ^ , , ., , 

747, The syllabuses to be followed will bo those laid down 
11 tho Ordnance College Regulations fcr the various Artificers* 
Courses and the standard of qualification will be the same as 
prescribed in those regulations, as far as applicable. 

The duration of the course depends on the ability and pre* 
vious training of the man. 

748, A Non-com missioned oflicer or man recommended must 
te of good character, have at least one year's service, and 
should have irorked at his trade before he enlisted. 

Test. A candidate will be tested before Tecommeidation.^o 
test for a smith, fitter or wheeler is ehown in Appendix XX., 
K.B. (Imp.) 1912. 


Educational Establishments 

Paras. 749-754 

The test job must be dono entirely by the candidate him- 
self, and a certificate to this effect, showing the time taken 
and signed by an officer, must accompany the ajplication. 

Instructions for the disposal of the test job will be given 
by the Officer Administering, Canadian Ordnance Corps. 

749. While attending the course i N.O.O. or man will be Aitacbmeiit 
attached (at Halifax) to that branch of the service to which 
he belongs. 

for attend - 

H.Q. 8878 
—14 — 1, 
Cun. CIS.. 

Artillery Staff Course. 

700. ^he following may bo authorized to take tho Artillery 
Staff Course, which is of 10 months' duration for officers and 
7 months for N.C.O's. 

(a) Officers of the Royal Canadian Artillery not above the 
rank of Captain. 

(b) Officers of the Canadian Artillery not above the rank 
of Captain who are in possession of a certificate of 
qualification from a Iloyal School of Artillery. 

(c) Other officers of the Active Hilitia who are applicautc 
for commissions in the Koyal Canadian Artillery, and 
who are in possession of a certificate of qualification 
from a Eoyal Scliool of Artillery. 

(d) N.C.O's. of tho Uoyal Canadian Artillery with the fol- 
lowing qualifications: — 

(i.) At least three years' service, 
(ii.) Ability to express theraaelves clearly, both ver 

bally and in writing, 
(iii.) Very good claracter and recommendea for promo 

(iv.) Cood powers of vision, good hearing aad medically 

Ht for hard work (to ba certified by a medical 

(v.) Proficiency in drill, good knowledge of equipment 

and ammunition. 

751. Before being allowed to join tho course, officers of the 
Active Militia will be required to pass a qualifying examina 
tion under tie following syllabus:— 

Algebra (up to, but not including quadratic equations). 
Trigonometry, solution of triangles, heights and distances 
Logarithmic Computations. 
Arrangements for tho conduct of this examination will be 
made between District Officers Commanding and the Com- 
mandant, Royal School of Artillery, Quebec. 

762. Tho syllabus may bo obtained upon application to tho 
Commandant, Royal School of Artillery, Quebec. 

753. The dates of courses, numbers permitted to attend and^ „ 
mformation as to applications will be contained in ''Courses Kmltiun 
of Instructioa'' published annually with Militia Orders. 

754. The names of officers who lave successfully nassed w i 
the Artillery Staff Course will be published in Militia Orders !f,'*."^H«.P"^ 
ftml those of the Active Militia will have the letter "a" rc-P 
torded against their names in tho Militia List. 

139 ' 



Faraa. TSS-'Jeo 

Educational Establislunents 

rarriers* Ooutee. 

Imp. 829. 

Syllabus and 
Can. 616. 

EameB to be 
111 Orders. 

for attend- 

Oan. 639. 

H.Q. 813^ 


Syllabus aud 
conduct of 

Names to be 
In Orders, 
Can. B89. 

765. CoursBB lasting sir -weeks for Farrier Q.M. Sergeants, 
Tarrier Sergeants, Shoeing Smiths, man training for Shoeing 
Smiths, and infantry cold shoers of tie Permanent Force will 
bo held when necessary at stations where there are mounted 

These coursea will be under the direct supervision of the 
P.V.O., who will issue certificates to such as qualify at the end 
of the course. 

Authority for the conduct of these courses will be obtained 
from Militia Headquartern and District Officers Comiijauding, 

long Course, 

756. The Long Course is held at the Royal Military Col- 
lege and is of seven moitths duration. The syllabus will be 
published in Militia Orders, 

For conditions to be fulfilled in order to take the Long 
Course see para. 170. 

757. The names of oJficers who Lave successfully passed 
the Long Course will he published in Militia Orders, and will 
lave the IHLera "Lg" recorded against their names in Use 
M.ilitia List. 

MiUtia Staff Course* 

76S. The Militia Staff Course is held with a view to enab- 
iing ofliccrs of the Active Militia to obtain such instruction 
as will better fit them for employment on the staff of uuits and 
formation? iti the field. 

A candi-ito must not be below the rank of Captain, must 
bo in po8seBSJi.n of a certificate quaUf/ing him for the rank of 
Field Ofiicer, and must bo specially recommended by his Com-, 
manding Offieer. 

769. The course will be divided into two porticna, theoreti* 
eal and practical. There will be an examination at the end of 
each portion, and oificers will not be allowed to take the prac- 
tical portion until they have passed the examination at the 
end of the theoretical portion. 

The theoretical portioa consists ol a course ol lectures in 
Tactics, iHell Engineering, Map Beading, Field Sketching, 
Organizntiou and Administration. 

TliosD lectures, about twenty in number, will be given at 
eonveaiont CDutres during the wintei. The syllabus will bo 
published from time to time in Militia Orders. 

The practical portion will be held during the summer at 
some central point, generally Petawawa or Kingston, covering 
a period of two weeks (12 working days). This portion will 
eonsist of tlie practical application on the ground of those 
subjects prenously studied during the theoretical portion. 

760. The names of officers who have successfully passed 
both portiong will be pLblished in Militia Orders, and these 
officers will have the letters "m.s.c** recorded after their 
names in the Militia List. 


Local Courses 

Paras. 761-767 


Instruction In tke TTse of Plrst Pield Diessing, 

* 761*. Officers and soldiers should be acquainted with tlie Field dressing 
component parts of the ''first field dressing" and with tie tnatnictloD. 
manner of applying the dressing to a wound. IDistrict Officers ^*°' ^^^ 
Commanding will therefore arrange for the instruction of all 
officers and soldiers of the Permanent Force ii this subject 
by means of lectures and demonstrations given periodically 
during the winter months by medical officers. 

761A. Lectures on military hygiene in the under-mentioned ISanitatioii, 
subjects will form part of the winter training %t the various 
stations of the Permanent Force for the benefit of Officers and 
N.C.O's. undor arrangements made by District Officers Com- 
mandingt — 

Syllabm — (d.) Geneial outline of military bygiene. (ii.) 
Preventable diseases and the measures to be taken agamat 
them, (iij.) Food, clothing, exercise and personal hygiene, 
(iv.) Water supplies and their purification, (v.) Disposal of 
excreta and refuse. (vL) Bivouacs, mmpsj billete And barrachs, 

Training of Stretcher Bearers. 

762. In the B.O.B., the authorized number of bandsmen, and 
in the B.C.D., L.S.H. (B.C.), E.CA. and detacbed compani«8 
of the B.C.B., two men per squadron, battery or company, will 
be trained as stretcher bearers and in first aid to the woundel. 
The men selected should be of good character. The trainiig 
will be cairied out by medical officers. 

763. Commanding Oft cars of the above and Aotive Militia 
Units will arrange with the Medical Ofiicer for the formatien 
and instruction of cla*«w, oaid will detail a competent N.C.O. 
to assist him in tlio dritl, and to tato charge of the equipment 
and appliajices used In the InatrudtLon. 


Trahilng In 
Imp. 837, 
Can. 604. 

A class should ^consist, if possible, of not less than Formation o; 
OQiGers and men of any branch of the service mny classes and 

number of 

The course of instruction will consist of at least 12 lectures imp. esfi! 
and drills, and 9 attendances must 1>e certified b^ the instrnct- Can. so 6. 
ing officer before application is made for examination as to 

765. Wlen a class has completed a course the instructor BxaminoUon 
will submit the names for transmission through the 0.0. to »' classes, 
the A J).MS. of the District. The latter will forward them to JSJJ* |^^- 
the medical officer he may detail as examiner, who will ec- 
amine the class and make his report, 

766. Any number of officers and men may qualify, and their tttecord of 
names may be recorded in the inspection report, one copy of »•" trained. 

. which whea completed will be retained by the unit, one by tie ^™P- ^*^* 
District Ollicer Commanding^ and on& by the Assistant Director 
of Medical Services. Certificates will not be granted. 

767. All trained stretcher bearers in the Permanent Force [Annual drllli. 
will be required to attend at least four stretcher drills annually. 


of classes. 

Can. 605. 

Imp. 838. 

Imp. 842. 

Paraa. 768-7*J3 

Officers* libraries 




Imp. 843. 

Can. 608. 



Imp, 850. 



T51— 6— S 

768> Ambuhuce stretchers uud kueo caps, in tho proportion 
, laid down in tbe Begulations for tbo Equipment of the Caua< 
dian Militia, Part I., will, on the applisation of th« G.O. and 
with the sanction of the District Officer Commanding, be- issued, 
on loan from the Dearest Ordnance . Depot, to units in ivbicb 
classes for instruction are formed. ■. The unit to which the 
uriieles are issued will be resjiousiblo for their safe custody 
and carriage, md for their being roturnod in good order as 
soon as the class is broken up, 

0.— ornoERS' ubraeies. 

Eeference and Officers* Mesa Libraries. 

769. Oflicers' Iiibraries are divided iato two classes, viz.: — 
(i.) Reference Libraries, and 

(ii.) Offisera' Mess Libraries. 

770. K»?fo^eiiee Libraries are established at certain military 
stations in ord?r to place within the reach of ofiicora books of 
reference to help them in their professional work. Those 
liLrarles are supplied with suitable official publications, other 
than those of a. eocrot nature, and in order that they may be 
provided with standard works^ «n annual grant will ba allowed 
on the scale laid down In Pay and Allokvance lleguUtious. 

An officer of the General Staff of tlia Command will be in 
general charge of each reference library. All confidential pub- 
lications will be kept under lock and key in his personal charge; 
They will not be taken outside the library building except 
by the special sanction of the District Officer Commanding, 
wio, having regard to paraa. 1552 to 1559, will issue such in- 
stiuctions as he considers nijeessary regarding the issue of con- 
fidential publications to iniividual ofli<;ers* A catalogiie and 
issue book will bo kept up in each library. 

771. Officers^ Mesa Libraries are small libraries eonsistiiig 
of instructive and interesting publications, located in oflicers' 
meases in order to encourage the study of military literature. 
Each District Ofiieer Commninding will be informed from time 
to time of the number of olUcers' mesa libraries sanctioned for 
his command, and an annual grant will be allowed for tbe up- 
keap of the same, on the sciile laid down in Pay and Allowance 

Neither secret nor confiileutlal official publicatioas will be 
issued to these libraries. The books, &e., will be treated a? 
station stores and handed over with the mess furniture on a 
unit vacating the barracks. An officor of the general staff will 
supervise the Officers' Mess Libraries in each coniniaud. 

772. District Officers Comnmnding %rill furnish to Kilitia 
neadquarters, early in April of each year, ^i repftrt as to the 
geaeral state o£ the libraries in their respective commaada. 



Suljects, "^^S. A candidate who is not in possession of tW literary 

marks, *b. 'i qualifications under para. 138 (a), (b),.(«) or (d) Vill be re- 

Oan. liOk quired to pass a literary examination in the subjects laid down 




Imp. 861. 
Can. • 

Rejiort on-; 
state of 

Imp, 853. 


eoocd). - 

Examination of Officers for Promotion 

Paras. 774-779 

for the entrance examination to the Royal Military College, 
except that trigonometry and cheaiistry will be voluntary 

Marks obtained in these voluntary subjects will be reckoned 
in the aggregate, and count in the competition for vacaneiefi, 
provided that in each case the marks so gained amount to at 
least 25 per cent, of the total allotted to the subject concerned. 

774. A literary examination -yill be held yearly on or about Date of 

the second Tuesday in May, in conjunction with and under "'™*^***<"** 
the same rules as the eatranee examination to the Royal Mili- ^*^' 

tu,ry CoHcgo, vide Regulations for the Royal Military College. 


General Instructions. 

775. An officer of tha Permanent Staff will te required tolPermanent 
pass the same examinations for promotion as an officer in an Staff. 
infantry unit of the Permanent Force. 

776. In order bo onsitre, as far as poasible, uniformity of Uniformity 
ay atom in examimations, tm officer of the general sbaff at MilitLi of aysUm. 
Jleadquaxters will, frofn time io titoie^ a.! tend boaads of exaimin- ^""P- ^ St- 
ation in subject (c) aa oai ex officio momboi'. Distitiot Officers 
Commanding will report to Militia Headquarters, giving at least 

14 days' notice, the diubes on which boards of examination will 

777. Bre^^et rank will not exempt an officer from passing Brevet rank, 
the usual examinations laid down before promotion to eaeb i™p* 856. 
substantive grade. <^^'^- ^'^^• 

778. Lieutenants of the Permanent Force (other thai Sotrice 
P.A.M.O. an C.P.A,V,0., for wlifich see para. 783 (2) wUl not required. 

be permitted to take tlie promotion oxamiuirtiou foo- the oi^b^ss^* 
rank of Captain until th^ have served two years as Lieutenants -_io— 24 ) 
in the Permanent Force. Officers of higher rank than Lieu- 
temmtt (oth«r than P.A.M.C. and O.P.A.V.O. for which aee para 
783 (3) will not be parmibtod to presftnt ithemeelv^s for exomin- 
aition until they have oorved oaie year in their injik. 

ExaminatiOE of Officers for Promotion up to the Rink of Major. 

779. The professional examinatioia required for promotion Snbjflcta for 
comprise the following Bubjeets: — promotion. 

(a) <i.) Regimental duties <oral and written). c^J' ^l 
(ii.) Drill and field training (practical and oral). 

(b) A.M.C. drill and exercises (practical and oral). 

(For captains P.A.M.O. only.) 
(o) (i.) Practical tactics, embracing a knowledge of 
map reading^ field sketching^ And field en- 
fit.) Praotieal t?eat in onap reading and problems in " 
connection with (c) (i.) (for P.A.M.C. officerj 
(d) (i.) Tactics, embracing x knowledge of map read- 
ing, field sketching and field engineering 
(written) . 


Paras. 780-783 

Examination of OfllcerB for Promotion 

Bxamination of Officers for Promotion 

Paras. 781-786 

Imp. 868. 
Can. 66T. 

cf inftrkB. 

Imp. 859. 

Can. 6eTA. 

rield Servico 
Pocket Book. 

Imp. 8G0. 

Oau. 6C7B. 
tor each rank. 

Itnp. S61. 

Can. 603. 





(ii.) Military law (writtea). 

(ili.) Organization^ administration and equipment 

(iv.) Military history (written). . 

Artillery (lieutenants) (written). 
B.C.E. Bubjeets (lieutanants) (written). 
A.S,C. subjects (written). 
P.A.M.C. subjects (written). 
A.V*C. subjects (written). 
Sanitftticn (lieutenaubs) (written), 
(i.) Ordnaneo duties (written), 
(ii.) Organization, administration and equipment 

(written). (For COO. officers oaly.) 
(iii.) Technical stores (written), 
(i.) Paymasters' duties (written), 
(ii.) Organization, administration and equipment 
(written). (For C.A.P.C. oflieera only.) 

780. For the scope of tho examinations for each rank in the 
Tarious subjeeta (a) to (e) and (g) to (j) and for the standard 
of qualification and the special certificate in the subjects (c) 
to (j), see Appendix XI., K.B. & O (Imp.), 1912. For subject 
(f) see Appeudix VJI., and for subjects (o) and (p) see Ap- 
pendix VIII., of these Regalations. 

781. In tho written examinations, subjects (d) to (p), the 
marks gained by a candidate in any paper are liable to a de- 
duction not exceediag 10 fo for bad spelling, handwriting not 
easily legible, marked irrelevaucy, or want of power of clear 
and concise expression. 

782. The Field Service Pocket Bcok will be allowed for 
vsc at all examinations, written and practical, but not for 
answering oral questions. 

783. The flubjocts of examination for promotion to each sub- 
atantive rank, up to the rank of major, for each arm or branch 
of the service will be as follows: — 

(1) (i.) Warrant officer or N.C.O. for promotion to the 

rank of lieutenant (except C.O.C.)— subject (a), 
(ii.) Quartermaster or riding-master, before being 

granted a commission as lieutenant — subject (a), 
(iii.) Lieutenant P.A.M.O. on appointment— subject (a). 

(2) Lieutenants for promotion to the rank of captain. 
Cavalry— subjects (c), (d) and (j). 

R.C. A— subjects (c), (^). (») (field and garrison) and 

R.G.K—fubjects (e)» (d), (f) and (j). 

Infantry— subjects (c), (d) and (j). 

O.P,A.8.C.— subjects (c), (d), (g) and (j.) 

P.A.M.C.— subjects (c) (ii.)* subheads (d) (ii.) and (d) 
[iii.) and subject (h). These examinations can- 
not be taken before completing 12 months* service. 

C.P.A.V.C.— subhead (d) (ii.) and subject (i.). The 
dxaminaliion in subject (i.) canmot be itaken be- 
fore the ' completion of 12 months' service. 

C.O,Cr— subject (a), subhead (d) (ii.) aid subheads 
(o) (i.) and (o) (ii.). 

C. A. P.O.— subheads (d) (ii.^ at^d (p) (i.) and (p) (ii.)* 


(3) Captains for promotion to the rank of major. 

Cavalry— subjects (c) and (d). 

B.C.A.. — subjects (c) and (d). 

R.C.B.— subjects (c) and (d). 

Infaatry— -subjects (c) and (d), 

C.P.A.S.C.— subjeets (c), (d) and (g). 

P.A.M.O.— subjects (b) and (o) (ii.), subheads (d] 
(ii.) and (d) (iii.) and subject (h). The examina- 
tlon in subject (h) may be taken after the com- 
pletion of three years' service, and will be held 
at the teriuination of a period of special duty, 
under arrangements made by the Director-General 
of Medical Services. 

C.P.A.V.C.— subhead (d) (ii.) and subject (i.). 

C.O.CJ*— subhead (d) (ii.) and subject (o). 

C. A. P.O.— subhead (d) (ii.) and subject (p). 

784. "Whm an officer, previously qualified, is transferred Examination 
from one aim of the service to another, he will be required to on^tranefer. 
pass a further examination in. the subjects or subheads which q„J; ggj^' 
relate exclusively to tho rank in the arm to which he is trans- 
ferred, before being considered qualifled for further promotion. 

785. The following cDrtificates will be acceptod instead of CortlilcutflB 
examination, but a certiSeate obtained as a lieutenant wUl not *" jJJ'p'"8J3 ^* 
exempt the officer from examination for promotiou to the rant cj„, 071. 
of nmjoir A candidate claiming exem[i.tion will formird his J^-^^^- 
certificate irhen he applies to be examined in othar subjects:— ^ ^^' 

(i.) A gunnery staff course eeitificate, in lieu of either 

subject (0) (ield) or subject (e) (garrison), 
(ii.) A certificate oi having pasied the senior class at the 
A. B.C. School of lustruction, Alder sh«t, in lieu of 
subject (g). . 

(iii.) A certificate oE having pawed the examination hell 
at the termination of the course at the School of 
Army Sanitation, Aldershot, or at tho Cavalry 
Schools, Netheravon and Bangor, in lieu of subject 

(iv.) A certificat5 of having passed the Ordnance Course, 
ia lieu of suljeet (o) (ii.). 

786. The obligatory military subjects in the eaaniination for staff College 
admission to the Btafl! College will be accepted in lieu of the '"'gJJ^,^ 
subheads of subject (d), as under:— can.' 672.' 

Field engineering, iacties, and military 

topt^graphy combined in lieu of (d) (i.) 

Military law " (d) Oj-) 

Military administration *' (d) (i"-) 

Military history and strategy " (d) (iv.) 

The standard of qaalification for a **paas'* and for a 

''special certificate," and the rule as to partial failure (para. 

788), will also apply. An officer exempt as above will, hoTir- 

ever, be required to pass in subject (c). 

An officar who has graduated at the Staff College will be 

exempt from all examinations for promotion to the rank of ^ 



Paras. 787-790 

mamluation of Ofldcers for Promotion 

Examluatloa of Ofllcera for Promotloa 

Paraa. 791-795 

Conditions to 
be fumilfld. 

Imp. 8G0. 

Can. 078. 




Imp. 867. 

Can. 674. 



exam [nation. 

Imp. 868. 

Can. G7&. 

Liats to b« 
sant to 

Imp. 869. 

Can. 676. 

H.Q. 686— 


G.O. 4, 


787. Except under tLe eouditioua mentioned in para. 796 
(ji.), tbe two subheads of (a) are cottsidored as one examina- 
tion and cannot bo taken up separately. 

An officer will not be permitted to present himself for ex- 
amination in subjects (c) to (p) until promoted to the neces- 
sary qualifying rank specified in parn. 783. 

As a rule, an oIKccr uiust qualify in the written examina- 
tion^ Bubject (d), before presenting himself for examination 
In the practisal subject (ft). Exceptions to this rule may, how- 
ever, bo.mado upon reference to Militia Headquarters. 

Subjects (d), (e), (g), (h) (lieutenant), (i), (.i), (o) or 
(p) may be taken up separately at any of the half-yearly 

788. An officer who fails in either part of subject (a) will 
be required to take up the whole examination again. 

An officer who twice fails in subject (e) will not, as a rule, 
be permitted to remain in the service. In exceptional cireum- 
atancoa the Militia Council will consider whether the officer 
shall be given a further opportunity of qualifying. 

An officpi who fails in one subhead only of subject (d), 
C^)j (g")» (li] (lieutenant), (i), (o) or (p), respectively, will 
bo required to uudergo le-examination in that subhead only. 
Failure in more than one subhead of a subject will, however, 
entail re-e.xainination In the whole of that subject, 

For the purpose 0^ partial failure in a subject, an officer 
who does not present himself for examination in a subhead to 
ivhich he is hable will, a» a rule, be deemed to have failed in 
that subhead. 

An officer who fails will not be permitted, without authority 
from Militia Headquarters, to present himself for re-examina- 
tion within three months of hia failura. 

789. A candidate for examination will apply to his com- 
manding officer. The O.C will, in the case of subjects (c) to 
(p). forward Bueh applications to the District Officer Command' 
ing, accompanied by a certificate showing: — 

(i.) That the candid&te is qualified under paias. 787 and 
and in the case of subject (e), — 

(ii.) That the 0.0. is personally satisfied that the candi- 
date has a BuiQcient knowledge of the subject to 
warrant bis presenting himself for examination; and 

(iil.) That in the opinion of the CO. the candidate, as re- 
gaids his competency to command, instruct and 
train his men in barracks and in the fidd, is fitted 
for promotion. 

790. A Di€trict Officer Commanding will forward to Militia 
Headquarters a return on M.F.B. 404 of all officers in his com- 
mand who are desirous of being examiaed in subjects (d), (e)^ 
(g), (h) (liouitenauts), (I), (j), (o)(iO njud (p), so as to 
reach Militia Headquarters not later than 10th February and 
10th August in each year. Should the date fixed fer the April 
examination be altered oa account of the fall of Easter, the 
returns should reach Militia Headituarters fourteen days 


Before forwarding this return, District Officers Command- 
Lng will satisfy themselves that the requirements of para. 789 
have been fulfilled. 

Board of Examination. 

791. Examinations in subject (a) will be carried out by a 
CO., who will appoint a rflgimoutal board with himself, or the 
next in command, us president, and two officers, not under the 
rank of captain, as members. Should such officers not be avail- 
able regi mentally, the board will be assembled by the District 
Officer Commanding, on application of the CO. This board will 
oitamine the candidates in accordance with the syllabus given 
in Appendix XI., K.B. & 0. (Imp.), 1912. 

792. The local military authority m\\ determine the con- 
stitution of t^e board to examine captains of the_ P.A.M.C. in 
bitbjoct (b), find will appoint dates for the examiLation. 

793. To examine officers in subject (c), th© board will be 
detailed by tlio Distirict Officers ComuiMjdii'ug, aaid will conaiisl 
oC a president, not below tbo rank of colonel whore possible, 
ai^d members iiot below tlie rank of major. When an oftlcer 
of the rank of colonel is not available, a substantive lieutenant' 
colonel may be appointed president. A presidcoit and threo mom- 
liers should &>siBtitu.ii& the booird for tii& exajniimtijMi of eight 
candidatca, and a prc»idt)ut with two members may uxamino tix 
or any less number of candidates. 

This proportion of members to candidates should, as a rule, 
be observed. When a canJidate of the P.A.M.C. presents him- 
self for exarniriatiou in subject (c) (ii.), an officer of the 
P.A.M.O., not below the rank of major, will bo a. member of 
the Board of Examinatio;i ' "^ 

Militia Form ?. 3S3 wiU be used, on which tho board will 
be required to certify that each officer has been thoroughly 
tsstod by them in subject (c), as set forth in Appendix XI., 
K.K. & O. (Imp.) J 1912, and to record their opinioa as to the 
officer's fitness for promotion in so far as tho examination 

794* Examinatiobs in subjects (d), (e), (g), (i) (lieuten- 
ant), ('i)» (j), (o)(i.) and (p) will be h>ld at Bueh eoiJitres 
as District Oifieers Commanding may appoint, commencing on 
tiie third Monday ii^. April and the third Monday in October in 
each year. Eoards to supervise the OKaminations wiU consist 
of a licutennat-eolouel as president and two field officers as 
members. Vfhea there are less than six candidates, the board 
laay consist of a president and one member only. If no officer 
of the rank of lieutenant-colonel is *vailablo, a field officer 
may be appointed as proiident, and the order convening the 
hoard should state ihat '/No officer of the rank of lieutenant* 
.^Dloiiel is available." Boards of examination for subject (f) 
will be dealt with as laid down in Appendix VII. 

795. Officers supervising an examination are ref^mred not 
only to adhere strictly to every detail of the instructions given 
ia Appendix XI., K.B, & (Imp.]), 1912, but also t» give their 
undivided attantion to th« exercise of supervision throughout 
tlio examination. 

ia (a). 

Imp. 87S. 

Oan. 077, 

in (b). 

Imp. 874. 

Can. 677A. 
U (c). 

Imp, 875. 

Can. 678. 

aO. 108— 





Imp. 876. 

Oaa. 679. 

G.O. 4— 


duties of 

Imp. 877. 

Cau. 080. 

Paras. 796-707 

Examination of Officers for Promotion 

Examlnatitm of Offlcets for Promotion 

Parw. 798-1 

Proceedings of Boards, Besults, &c. 
PlBpoeal of 796. The proceedings of the boards and resulta will bo dealt 

^""imp s?»' ''^^^^^ ^^ follows:— 

Cs-' (i.) In the case of an examination in subject (a) or 

gubject (b), the presidett of the board will for- 
ward the pioceedinga to the D.O.C. The latter 
willj if satiafied that tte examination has been 
conducted in accordance vith the regulations, write 
X certificate to that effect on the proceedings^ which 
tie will retain. If any Irregularity has occurred 
in the conduct of the exatnination, ho will forward 
the proceediags to Militia Hoadquaiters with a 
written statement of the irregularity attached. 
In the case of an examination in subject (c), the 
president of the board will forward the proceed- 
ings and results (on Militia Form B, 383) to the 
D.O.C, who, if satisfied that the examination has 
been couductsd in accordance with the regulations, 
will sign the certificate on M,P.B. 383, 
(U.) The D.O.C. vill report the results of examinations 
in subjects (a), (b) and (e) to Jdilitia Headquar- 
ters without delay. Militia Form B. 3S3 will be 
used to report the result« of exomJn-aUons in sub- 
ject (c). 
The names of cfficers who have qualified will be noti- 
fied in Mdlilia Ordent, and such natificaiion will 
be the authority for recording an oflicer as quali- 
Qed in subjest (a), (b) «r (c). 
The proceedings of the Board of Examination in sub- 
ject (c) will be retained in the District Head- 
quarters Office. 
In the case of only one subhead of an examination 
in subject (a) being annulled,' an officer who is 
successful tn the subhead not annulled will not be 
required to le-qualify in that subhead. 
Tbe annulling af an examination in subject (c) wUl 
Qot count as failure for the purposes of para. 788. 
(iii,) In the case of subjects (d), (e), (g), (h) (lieu- 
t^JJ^ajnt), (i)j (j) (o)(i.) and (p) the District 
Officer Commanding will transmit the proceedings 
to Militia Headquarters. The names of those offi- 
cers who hare passed will be notified in Militia 
Orders, and such notification will be the authority 
for recording an officer as qualified in these sub- 
jects. Kach officer will, in addition, be furnished 
airect from Militia Headquarters with a list of 
the marks he has obtained. 
Riding 797. Before he can be regarded as fully qualified for pro- 

cgrtlficat|^ motion to the rank of major, a captain of the Permanent StaflE 
Oaf.' «>r Permanent Force (eapept Cavalrr and E.C.RA.) will be 

6B1(A). required to produce, on M.F3. 339, % certified copy of a cer- 
tificate of proficieucy in riding. The certificate may be ob- 
tained as laid down in para. 852, 

A candidate not in possession of such a certificate, or who 
fails to produce one, will be examinei in riding hy the board, 
and any extra expense incurred thotreby wUl be borne by him. 

■Examination of a Major— Tactical Fitness for Dommand. 

798. An officer in a branch of the Permanent Force in which Officers liable 
examination for promotion is prescribed (except the 0.0.0.) ""J/J;^^^^^^; 
will not be promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel until He 

has passed the examination laid dowa in para. SCO. A brevet 
major cannot be permitted to present himself for these ex- 
aramations; whilst as regards higher brevet rank, the provi- 
sions of para. 777 will apply to the examination as to tactical 
fitness. ^ . 1. . ,.' 

799. A senior captain or a major may, at his own request, AtlachmDiit 
be attached during the training seaaon, for a pwiod not ex Jj^jt'**"^ 
ceeding six weeks, to an arm of the sarvice other than his own, j^'p gg^ 
and may be exercised in the command of mixed forces. . Oao. 688, 

8(10. lilxam illation for tactical fitness for command will be Bxaminationa 
carried out in accordance with Appendix XT., K.R. & O' "Jn^^^Vc^o"- 
(Imp.), 1912. The board will consist of three or more officer a q^^- gg^; 
The prosideut will be a general officer and the members not 
under the rank i»f lieutenant-colonel, nor of junior rank to th« 
x^andidate. One member will, if possible, be an officer of tho 
arm of the service to which the candidate belongs. 

801. District Officers Commanding will forward to Mihtii ExamiaaUon 
Headquarters, on M,R B. 404, by the date laid aown in Piira. m ^Pjrt i.^ 
790, the iwuiies of majore deairwis of bemg examined in tactical ^^^ qq^j^^ 
fitness for command under Part L, Appendix XH., K.B. & 0. 

(Imp.), 1912. 

802. Tiie examination of majors in Part I., Appendix XII,, Imp. 884. 
K.E. & O. (Imp.), 1912. will be held at the a&me time aui U"^- 084B. 
place and miJer the same arrangements as laid doini for officers 

in subjects (d), etc., for promotion. 

803. Papers in Part I., Appendix XII., KJt. & (Imp.), f-'^P-jas. 
1912, will be set by the War Office and forwarded to the van- ^^^- 1*"*"- 
.ous centres where examinations are held. 

804. An oflloer must have passed in Part I. before he caa Imp. 886. 
present himself for examination in Part II. ^""- **^'*- 

806. An .officer who Jails to pass in either part of Appendix Failure. 
Xn., K.B. & O. (Imp.), 1912, will not be allowed to present {jJJ- ^^^• 
himself for re-examination within three months, except in oes'ta), 
special coses. 

806. An officer who lias graduated at the StaSf College will Excmptiono. 
be exempt from examination in Part L, of Appendix XH., gJJ- 1||* 
K.B. & O. (Imp.), 1912. 

Examination of a Uajor, PA.M.O., for Promotion to 

807. A major of the P.A.M.O. before promotion to liei- BxaminaUon 
-tenant-colonel will be examined in the subjects laid down i»i "'»* "J'i*9* 

Appendix XTV., K.B. & O. (Imp.), 1912. oan.' es?: 

Part I.^Teehnical subjects (written). 

Part H.— A medical staff ride (practical). 
The examination in these subjects may be taken up at any 
time after the completion of three years in the rank of major. 

808. Ths examination in Part I. will be held at the same Examination 
time and place, and under the same arrangements, as directed » j'^^ g ^^ 

-for subjects (d), etc. 


Faras. 809-G14 

Examination of JT.O.Os. for Promotion 

Training Active MUltla 

Faras. 815-823 


ill Part ir, 

I mil. 891. 

Imp. SU2. 

Imp. 893. 


Imp. 894. 
Can. 08H. 

Time aud 

Imp. 895. 


Imp. 897. 

Can. 601. 

Imp. 89S. 
Con. 002. 

All tho teehnical subjects of Part I. will bo taken up at 
the same examination, Failure in on a technical subject will 
necessitate re-examination in tliat subject alone; failure in 
more tban one teclinical BUbjecfc will autail re-examination in 

809, The examination jn Part IT. will bo conducted under 
arrangements made by the B.G.M.S. at times and places most 

An officer, except in special circumstances, ivill not bo 
examined in Tart IL, until lie has qualified in Part L 

810. An officer who fails to pass in Part IL ViiW not, ex- 
cept in special cases, when authority from Militia Headquar- 
ters 'will be necessary, be allowed to present himself for re- 
ejramiuatJou within throe months of his failure. 

Examination of a Major, O.FJi.V.O., for Fromotion to 

BH. A major of the CP.A.V.C, before promotion to lieu- 
tenant-colonel, will be examined in tha subjects laid down in 
Appendix XV., K.B. & O. (Imp), 1912. This examination may 
bo taken up at iiny time after tlie con:pletion of two years in 
tlie rank of major. 

812. The examination ivill be lield at the same time and 
place and under the same arrangemouts as directed for siib' 
jccts (d), etc. (para. 794). 

exabunation or n.c.os, por pnoMOTtowr. 

Fermanent Porc«. 
General Instructions. 

813. A soldier will not be promoted unless he is recom* 
mended by hie company, &:.^ commander, who will certify that 
tie candidate ie:-^ 

(i.)*A capable instructor, according to his rank and 
service, in all technical or other military duties ap- 
pertaining to Ms arm of the service. 
(Ji.)^TJiat lie posseBsea, according to his raik, a com- 
petent knowledge of discipline, duties on guard, 
and duties coinected witli interior economy in 
quarters, in camp, ou tho march and on mobiliza- 
(iii.) Tljat his character and general qualities are such 
as to fit him for promotion, 
811. A CO. may, at his discretion, subject candidates for 
piomotion to an examination to test their qualifications. 

*CertmcatQS (i) and (li) will oot be furnlBhed in the case of 
Bo'.diers who are candidateB far promotion to armourer-sergeant, saddl«r< 
sergeant, aaddletree-makor, rough-rider, farriar- serge an t^ sergeaut-tailor, 
battery-tailor, pioneer-sergeant, Bergeant-shoimaker, and tlie aeveraJ 
grades of artificers; but an equivalent recommendation will be made by 
ttia ofllcer immediately respoDsible, 


815. A company, &e., commander is responsible that all Preparation 
N.C.Os.t receive adequate instruction, and propamtion in all promotion, 
professional matters, whether connected with training, interior i^p, egg. 
aconomy, or technical duties appertaining to their arm of the Can. 068. 
service, to fit them for promotion to a higher rank, 

Gonocal Instructions. 
818. Officers of tho Pormanent Force may be examined inExaminotiona. 
modern languages in accordance with "Eegulationg relating to ^l'^-_^^^± 
tlio study of Foreign Languages." i. 

Applications must reflch Militia Headquarters by let No- 
vember xind 1st April for the examination in tlie following 
January and June respectively. 

817. The names of ofiicers who qualify as interpreters wilJ Interpreter*, 
be published in Militia Orders, and noted in the Militia List.* ^""P- »^3. 

818. A grant of money will be made in accordance with Pay Grants, 
and AUowaDce Regulations to an officer ou qualifying as an 

Oendral Instructions. 

819. — The training of the Active Militia will be carried out Training 
in accordance with the instructions contained ifi the training »n»t™ctloiiB. 
manuals of the various arms. 

Special instructions for trainings will be published as re- 

820. The training year will terminate on Slat December, Annual 
ajid all drills amd muakfttfry for thie year must txe completed *"^°^°»gj^g 
befoj-e that wm , 

821. The conditions of eligibility for efficiency pay are laidjjj,««"y 
down in tho Pay and- Allowance Bcgulations, ^ cin. S8S. 

822. An officer or maa may bo allowed to perform his an- Training 
nual training with another unit of tho same arm of the Active witli other 
Militia, provided the written consent of the two O.Os. and the^^Hs^ ^^^ 
approval of tho District Officers Commanding concerned is ob- ' * 
tainod, and the authorized establishment of the unit with which 

be trains' is not exceeded. 

823. An officer of the Active Militia on leave, and residing rpraining in 
temporarily in the British Isles may, with the approval of the ^e United 
Army Council, be allowed to be attached to, and to perform ^™|g*"j3^ 
training with, a unit of the Territorial Force. Applications 866^2— 
for such at tuch meats will be submitted through th5 usual chan- 16. 
nels to Militia Headquarters. 

At the end of the period of training a certificate will be 
■obtained from the office* commanding the unit to which he ia 
attached, shewing the place of training, the number of days' 
ti-aining performed, and the nature thereof. This certificate 
will be forwarded by tbe attached ofilcer direct to Militia 

t Except a a provided in lot* to pata. 818. ... 

* Names are aUo publiihed tn Army Orders, and noted in tht 
Jlontbly Axmy List, in accordance with King's Begnlations. 1012. 


Paru. 824-830 

Training AcUto HlUtla 

Forcd train' 
ine in. 

T.P. 821A. 

850 — 3 — 


Authority for 

T.P. 322. 

T.F. 810. 

Training at 
local bead* 
Can. 578. 

oi time. 

Oan. 678. 

83 — 1^ 


drLlla, etc. 
Can. 583. 

Rcil boobs. 
Can. 581. 

82i Au oillcbr or man of the Britiah Territorial Force resid- 
ing temporarily in Canada may, with the approval of the Min- 
ister in Militia Council, be allowed to be attached to a unit of 
the Active Militia, for net more than two years ia succession, 
for the purpose of carrying out his aanual trainirg; provided 
no expense to the Canadian Government is incurred. 

825. The period of ti;atning authorized for each unit will be 
published annually in Geaeral Orders. 

i6. Officers or N.C.Os, of the Instructional Cadre may be 
detailed for duty with a unit or a groip of units of tJie Active 

Theii; duties in so far as the training of the unit is concern- 
ed are mainly those of instructing, under the orders of the CO., 
the officers and N.C.Os. of the iinit, and of supervising the in- 
struction given by the officers and N.C.Os. to the men. 

In certain cases it may also bo necessary for tho Instruction- 
al Cadre to undertake the elementary training of recruits be- 
fore they join their company, &c., but tho system to be aimed 
at as far as possible is that the officers should be the instructors 
of their own N.C.Os., and that both officers and N.C.Os. (and 
no* the InsftrttctioaKoJ Caidio) should instruct thedr own men. 
' By this means only can officers and N^.COs. acquire the habit 
of command and powers of jnstruetioa, and become, as they 
should bo, the leaders of tltedr men. 


827. In the ease of Cori^s authorized to perform the whole 
or a portion of their training at local headquarters, this may 
bo carried out on such da^s or evenings as may b« most con- 
venient to units- 

828. In the distribution of time, credit will be given accord- 
ing to the following scale: — 

(a) For a forenoon, afternoon or evening drill of at least 
two hours, count fiom the time of falling in until the 
dismissal of tho parade Half a day 

(b) For a parado for Divine Service, Musketry or Inspec- 
tion, of at least two hours' duration Half a day 

^(c) For a practical tactical exercise or field training of at 

least five hours' duration .....One day 

The equivalent of at hast eight days is to be devoted to 
drill and field training as distinct from Church Paiades, Mus- 
ketry, and Inspections. 

829. No credit will be given for classes of instruction for 
oiQcers, N.C.Os. or men, or for recruits' drills (of vMch there 
should be at least ten). 

830. At the inspection of a unit^ tha inspecting officer will 
personally see the ** Nominal Eoll and Attendance at Drill" 
(Militia Book 28) of each Company, &c., in order to satisfy 
himself that the number cf drills, for which pay is claimed, 
hsve been dul/ performed. 


Training Active Militia 

Paras. 831-837 


T.P. 829. 
Can. 580. 

T.F. 866. 

831. Mustetry training will bo carried out in accordance 
tvith special Instructions published as required. I 



831. Signalling elassea will bo formed locally for traininti 
the number of signallers of the Active Militia uaits required 
under para. S36. 

Instruction will bo carried out bv an assistaat instructor 
of the Signalling Instructional 8taff. 

Every facility will be given to officers and N.C.Os. to at- 
tend the Caiadian ^hool of Signalling in order to qualify as 
instructors o.- assistant instructors. 

835. The annual classification in signalling will be ^^^'^"^^ ^JJifi.atioD 
out, when possible, during the annual training. r^ p ggg^ ' 

83B. Comainnding officers of units (other than the Perman- Numbers to 
ont Force) ore responsible that the lollowing numbers of eig-^^'c'aJ^^jJo 
nJalleoB aff« maiai'tainod and trained in the use of the ilag, buzzoir, 
disc, and lamp: — 

Arm of the Service. 

i. Cavalry Eegiment 1 

ji. Field Battery of Artillery 

iii. Heavy Battery of Artillery 

iv. Garrison Company of Artillery.. 

V. Siege Company of Artillery 

vi. Field Troop, Canadian Engineers. 1 

vii. Field Coy., Canadian Engineers. 1 

viii. Infantry Battalion 1 

ix. Company, Canadian Army Service 

Corps 1 

X. Cavalry Field Ambulance, Cana- 
dian Army Medical Corps 

xi. Field Ambulance, Canadian Army 

Medical Corps 

(a) 2 N.C.Os. or men. 

Gymnastics and Fencing. 

837. Officers and men of the Active Militia will bo permitted Uee of 
to receive instruction in gymnastics and fencing in militarj? Kyjjy" J>^^ 
gymnasia, when the latter are not required for the regular class- 0;^; ggg^ 
es, subject to the approval of the O-C. at the station, and provid- 
ed that they comply witli the following-conditions: — 

(a) Application for perjnission to attend will be made 
through the O-C. the unit to wliich the applicant belongs, 

(b) Those who are desirous of reeoiving instruction in fenc- 
ing T?ill supply tieir own fencing materials, and all will 
provide themselves with gymnastic belts aod shoes. 


Officers. N.C.Os-, Men. 







Paras. 838-846 

Qualifications of Officers and N.O.Os. 
Macbiae Gun Section. 

Machine gun 
T.P. 368. 

Micliiuo guu 
T.V\ BOB. 

T.F. 281. 
Can. 615. 

tit qualiacu- 
ticni obtoiti- 

Conditions to 
be fulfiileU. 
r.p. a 83. 

Trinsfer to 
a'.P. 287. 

Field Offlcers 

<876— 12 

officer* of 
new units. 

ir.Q. 876— 



T.P. 285. 

838. In cai/alry regiments and iDfantry battaliois where a 
inaebiue gun section is authorized tho instruction aid training 
will be carried out as laid down in the Musketry Begulations 
and Training Manuals. 

839. An officer selected to command a laacliiue gun section 
will require to be in possession of a School of Muslietry eortifi- 
ccte and, unJoss he has already done eo, attend a course of in- 
struction in machine gun duties at a school of musktry, 



Gener&l Instructions, 

840. The syllabus for each of the various qualifying courses 
aiid tho scope of the examinittiou for a certificate of qiialificatiou 
is contained in Appendix YI. 

841. The certificates of qualification which may be obtained 
are for tho ranks of: — 

Lieut.'Colon&l (A.M.C. only). 

Field Ofiioerr. 





No individual may be J83ued with more than oop of the 
above certificates at the termination of any one course or ex- 

842. An offieer can only take the examination to qualify for 
th9 rank next above that which he holds, but an officer who has 
been provisionaJUy appodnted, or wlio has been traiusf^rred from 
one bnujich. to aaudthjctr, oaimtot take tho oxniniinjation for his 
next step until he has fully qualified for his present rank, 

843. An officer transferred from one branch of tJio service 
to another will be retjuired, within one year of his transfer, to 
j^iualify for his rank in the branch to which he is transferred, 
in those subjects in which le is not already qualified. 

844. Officers , provisionally appointed to the rank of Picld 
Oficer will not be allowed to qualify for that rank until they 
have obtained a certificate of qualificiition for the rank of 

845. An oilieer provisionally appointed to the rank of captain 
in a newly organized unit may be permitted to take the exam- 
ination at a permanent school of instruction upon tJie comple- 
tion of tho captain *8 qualifying course without previously at- 
tending or passing the examination for the rank of lieutenant, 
provided that such officer aUends the school for a period of at 
least four weeks. 

846. An officer who has passed the examination for Certi- 
ficate "A** or"B'' in the Canadian Officers' Training Corps, 
and who has reeeived a commission in the Aeti^fc Militia before 
completing the service in the C.O.T.O, necessary to entitle him 
to a certificate, will be exempt from furtlier qualificatien for tho 
rank of Uoutenant or captain, as tho case may be, as soon as ho 

Qualifications of Officers and N.C.Os. 

Paras. 847-867 


las performed one years' trainiug as an officer of the Active 

847. An oificor who hae qualified for any rank in tho Special fJwiltflcations 
Reserve or the Territorial Force of tie United Kingdom will |jj.j5|2f j^j^^^ 
he exempt from further qualificaitAan for that rank in tho aame 
branch of the Active Militia, , 

848. A quartermaster vill be permitted to qualify in the ex- - 
amination fot quartermaster laid down in Appendii VI. before ^"*x.f"288. 
promotion. (Bee also para. 211 (d), (e) and (f). 

849. An oiTicer on tho Corps Eoservo of a unit, if within 5 
years of bis transfer to the Corps Deserve, will bo permitted to|KeMrT*. 
qualify for tlio rank of Ccptain, at puMic expense, with a view h.Q. 
to his transfer ttftho "Training" establishment of his unit and 262- 
promotion to the rank of captain on a vacancy occurring. 

Examinations — ^Active IttUitia. 

850. Cavalry, artillery and iufantiy officers aad N.C.Os., pxaminationa 
other tban thase of the Permanent Force, must qualify in all tho|;° ^ whole, 
tubjeets for a certificate at one examination, except as provided 
for in para. £51. 

In the othw btanebes of the service a camliilate may qualify 
in certain sul)joetB or groups of subjects and only be required 
to qualify later in the remaining subjacts. iraniai 

851. A cnEdidate at any examinaticn who fails in one writ- f^uure. 
ten paper onV will bo considered as having partially failed and 'rv 
will only be required at a subsc^^uent examination to undergo 
le-examinaliott- in the paper in which ha failed. 

852. An oficer or N.C.O. may bo oiamined for a certificate 
of equitation by a D.0.0. or a field officer deputed ly him or by 
tho 0.0. any mounted unit of tho permanent force. 

863. Cnurses for the qualification of non-coinmissioned officers 
Tvill be hold concurrently with and unfler the same arrangements 
as those for the qualification of lioutonunts on appointment. 

The syllabus for N.C.O.S qualifying for tho rank of sergeant 
Tvill comprise the subjects prescribed for lieutenfints' certifl- 
eates, but the scope will be limited to tho knowledge essential 
for tho officiant performance of the duties requir«d of a ser- 

If a candidate, upon examination^ fails to obtain a certificate 
for the rank of sergeant, tic may be granted a certificate quali- 
fying him f 01 the rank of corporal should he reach the standard 
of proficiency required of a corporal in his branch of the service, y, , 

854. The Field Service Pocket Bool will bo allcwod for use ^itJ^j 
at all examinations, written and practical, but not for answer- T.P. ' 
ing oral questions. 281 (b). 

856. The examination id subjects of practical instruction will l''"*ctloftl 
be practical or oral. °*Caif*oa*i" 

The knowledge of each candidate it drill^ field training, etc., 
will be tested practically with troops. 

856. To qualify in pra&tical and oral examinations a caudi-l '^-F. 3&i. 
date must be reported bj the Board as "fitted for the rank 
of , ' * or * * fitted for the appaintment of ' ' I 

857. The oxaminatioa in subjects of theorotica] instruction Written 

Tor N.O.O'a. 

• 11 1 * 'it -. " axaminationa. 

will be written. q^^^^ ggj^ 

Paraa, 868-866 

QuaUacations of Officers and. N.O.Os. 

Board for 



T.F, 290. 
cf written 



T.P, 292. 

Pr needing A 
cf BoftTd. 
T.P. 299. 

H.Q- 895— 

To qualif}? in writton cxaminationa a candidate must obtain 
fO per cent, of the total marks allotted to ecch paper. 

858. The Board will comprise at least one perm&uent bfiicer 
of the arm or branch of avery candidsite examined. 

859.. An officer T^ill be present during any written examin- 
ation, it will be his duty to see that eo candidate is permitted 
to leave the room before handing in Vis answers and that no 
opportunity is afforded to any candidate to obtain iuformatiou 
from any porton. 

He will siifn a certificate (Militia Form B. 223) to the effect 
that the examination has beon properly conducted. 

860. The >lficer commflntliTig a school will forward th& pro- 
ceedings of the Board of Examination and the certificates (in 
duplicate) of successful candidates to the D.O.C. 

861 In th« case of N.COs., if tbe proceedings of the Boarci 
of Examinati[jn are approved by the D.0-0, the certificates will 
be registered at Diatrict heodquarterB and the giant thereof 
promulgated in District Orders. 

Certificates of militarj^ qualification for oflicerB will be for* 
warded to MHitia Headqiartera accompanied by liilitia Form 
B. 243. 

In the case of provisional schools, the proceedings of the 
«xaminiaig boaa-ds (M. F, B. 303) will bd forwairdea to MiJUtiu 
Headquarters with tbe oflleor's certificate as above. 

Examination of a Lleut.-Oolonel for the Bank of Oolouel. 

862. Befoie promotion to the rank of Colonel, a Lieut-Colouel 
must pass an sxamination under Appendix XII. K.E. & O. (Imp.) 
1912— as laid down in para. 800 K.R. & O. (Canada) for Majors 
of the Permaaent Force — but modified as below. 

In Part I, the candidate will be required to oltain 40 per 
cent, of the total marks allotted to, the paper. 

In Part 11. the candidate must be reported by tho Board as 
"fitted for promotion to the rank of Colonel in the Active 
Militia,*' ^, . „ ^ 

In the case of an officer having poasod the Hihtia Staff 
Course he will be exempt from taking Part I. of tie above ex- 




Duties — Goneral Instruction 

Paras. 866-871 


Eesponsiblllty for Public Money and Stores. 

866. An oflGcer entrusted with publU money will keep such BeBpomiblUty 
a record of hU caali transaatioue as mav be required by the re- °f jK' 'f J 
gnlations» and the book in which this is kept will be retained Jla aJores, 
under lock and kt^ in the otEcer'a own custody. H* is person- Can. a08. 
ally responsible for any siui of money he may entrust to Ma 
subordinates. Any oflicer or other peraon in chargo of public 

stores of any hind is atrictV forbidden to lend any article under 
his charge for any purposes not sanctioned by regulations. 

867. A company, &c., commander is lespousible tlat all cash Kaeping ani 
payments made to a soldier and all stoppages, &c, due from Wi^K^^ 
time to time are properly recorded as directed in ''Financial imp. 809. 
Instructions." Can. 699. 

A commanding officer will keep tho paymaster supplied with 
all necessary information, and will send him weekly a certified 
copy of Part II. of daily orders. 

868. A quartermaster, except a quartermaster A-S-G. i/o oio- (^uarUr- 
Ctttive supply duties of a station, will Eot in any ciicumetances nuntorB to 
deal with, or be held responsible for, tha quality of tho supplies Jj;*o;^i[*\„i-. 
aimittod to, or held in, store, but wUl deal solely with tho ^ can, 700 
quantities to be received and with their distributioa. 

869. A quartermaster will not perform any cash duties what- Cash duties. 
ever, except ia such eircunistaneea as are recognized by regubi- "*"• '^**^- 

870» Tho duties of quaitermaster aid paymaster should not Duties of 
be combined in one person, whenever it can possibly be avoided. JJJ^JJ;*^,. 
(juartormastets and paymasters will not preside oyer commU uosternot to- 
toes for tie management of mess, band, institute, oi other regi- be combined, 
mental funds, nor should the moneys of any of these funds bn Can. 702. 
Iilaeed in their custody. 

Organization of Companies, &c. 
871. Each company. &c, will be permanently designated as y«j«jjtlj»^^ 


Cavalry and Mounted Rifes. 

Boyal Canadian Horse Artillery 


Held Artillery 

Garrison Artillery 


Army Service Corps 

Canadian Ordnance Corps. 

A-rmy Medicfil Corps 

Field Ambulances 

Army Pay Corps 

By a letter cf the alpha- 
bet commencing with A 
— e.g^i- 
^A'^Batteiy, E.C.H.A 
* ' K " Company, Boyal 
Canadian Begiment. 

By consecutive numbers, 

:l By 

Roman aumerals. 


Paras. 872-877 

Garrison and Kegimeatal Duties 

and chain of 
Can. 704. 


Con. 705. 

meti in 
Can. 706. 

debts of 
Can. 707. 

Prtvatfl prop- 
ttty of 
totdiera sen' 
tenced to 
>enal servi- 
iude orim- 
jrisoDment or 
Can. 708. 

872. Each service squadron will be divided into four troops 
numbered from 1 to 4. Each battery B.C.H.A. and O.F.A, wlQ 
be divided into two sections, each under the command of a 
subaltern olEcor. Each section will be divided into two sub- 
sectiona, eath under a *''l^o. 1.*' Tie sections will be terTied 
first and second, and the Bub-sectious will be lettoiod from A to 
D tbrougliout the batter/. Each company of garrison artillerj 
will be divided into soctions and sub-sections as above. Eacli 
company of infantry will bo divided into two lidf-coinpanies» 
right and left, each undor a subaltora officer. These half com- 
panies win be periilanently divided into two sections, eacL 
under a N.C.O. The eoeiionB will bo numbered one to four, A 
flection consisting of more than fiftooii men will be divided iuttj 
two squads, eacli under a N.C.O. or sslected private. The sub 
111 tern officers in charge of troops, sections, or hiUf-companioB 
are responsible to the company, &;c., commander (para. 77), and 
the W.O.Os. or privates in charge of soctions, sub-seCtions, oi 
squads will be responsiWe to their subaltern officers. This 
chain of responsibility will be strictly enforced. 

873. The men belonging to each troop, company, half-com- 
pany, sectioa, sub-sectior, or squad, will, whether in barracks, 
camp, or billets, as far as practicable, bo quartered and detailed 
for duties together, so as to faciliate the duties *of supply and 
of oJ!icieut «uporvision, ind to foster a spirit of coiuradoship 
and mutual confidence, 

874. pisraounted men who form part of the establishment 
of a rogimont of cavalry will be clotied, armed, and equipped, 
with the exception of horse -appointments, in every respect like 
the rest of the regiment, and will be frequently drilled, in the 
field, and practised in every part of their duty as cavalry 

Kits and Private Propcrt/ of Soldiers, 

876. When a soldier is given up to another uuit as a deserter 
his kit is to be sent with him, and hie account settled betweeu 
the captains as in cases of transfer (see also Clothine Regu* 
lations). ^ ' * ^ 

876. When a soldier is sentenced to penal servitude, im- 
prisonment or detention, on the expiration of which he will not 
rejoin his unit, he will ba informed that the military authori- 
ties are not responsible for the custody of any private property 
be may possess. Facilities will be given to him for making pri- 
vate arrangements for the custody or disposal of lis property, 
including regimental necessaries not «ent with him to prison 
or detention barrack; should he, however, .decline or fail to 
make private arrangemer.ts prior to quitting his corps, any 
articles then remaining in military charge will be Bold by auc- 
tion, in the eame manner as the effects of deserters, 

EoBter of Duties. 

877. For all duties, whether with or without arms, whet^ier 

!Io commence 

from senior, ^ — ^— ,-»_, ,._w.„^»^i i.^ni vi *Tj.iruuuL uiuid, vTiivtHcr 

Can, 700. performed by units or by individualj, the roster will eom- 

Oarrison and Begimental Duties 

Paras. 878-886 


noence from the senior downwards. In the case of private 
3oMiers the roster will b€ alphabetical. 

878. Dutits are classified as: — ClBBsiacatioa 
(i.) Guards — (a) of the Sovereign; (b) of Members of of duties. 

the Royal Family; (c) of Viceroys; (d) of the Can. 710. 

Captain-general or Governor of a colony; (e) of 

Commander-in-chief abroal. 
(ii.) Duties under arms — (a) divisionalj (b) brigade or 

garrison; (c) regimental, 
(iii.) Courts-martial — (a) general; (b) district; (cj regi- 

(iv.) Boards or courts of inquiry — (a) divisional; (b) 

l>rigade; (c) regimental, 
(v.) Working parties, 
(vi.) Fatigues. 

879. WheiL an officer 's tour for more than one duty comes Dulles, how- 
round, he will be detailed for that duty which takes precedence detailed. 

in paragraph 878. An officer detailed for one duty will, in ad- Can. 711. 
aition, be detailed for such other duties as he can perform con- 
sistently with the proper discharge of the first-mentioned duty, 
.md whether it is his turn by roster for tho additional duties 
or not. When an officer is on duty he will receive an *'over- 
Blaugh^' for all other dutias which may eomo to his turn. Being 
detailed as *'in waiting** does not count as a tour of duty. An 
officer on duty will attend parades and perform such other inci- 
dental dutiee as do not interfere with the special duties for 
ivhich he has bean detailed. 

880. Attendance at a court-martial the members of which Courts- 
have assembled and been sworn will leckon as a tour or *^^ty,""^^'^*-^j^g 
though the c»urt may be dissolved without trying any person. 

On any day on which a court-martial is not actually sitting. 
its members will be considered availaWe for other duties; they 
will not, ho^vevor, quit ths station witUout tho authority of the 
convening officer until the court has been dissolved. This rule 
is also applicable to courts of inquiry and boards. 

881. A unit, detacbmeat, guard, piquet, or fatigue party is Marching oJT 
only entitled to count a tour of duty when it has, in purBuancv'P""'J" *^ 

of that dutj'j marched ofi the ground where it was ordered to ^'"Ig^^* 7^3 * 

882. An oQieer detailed in orders will not exchange his duty Exctiange 
with another without the permission of the authority by whom »' Jj^*'5i4 
be was detailed, 

883. An officer of artillery or engineers will share in tho Onrrieon 
pfcneral duties of the garrison or camp (guards and P^*!"^*** *Vm"|.**y and 
excepted, which he will take with his own corps only). A C.O. JJjjiQg^^g " 
of artillery or engineers will be included in the roster, but Cun. 715. 
whenever any garrison duty would iiitorforo with the special 
professional employments and responsibilities of such officer^ ' 

the Officer Commanding xt the statioi may exonipt^him from 
auch duty. 

884. A colonel will not be included in the field officer's ros- Jjjj^jf^","' 
ter> but will have special duties assigaed to him, Cnn.*7i6, 

885. A lieutenant-colonel commanding a regiment of cavalry Ligut^-colonel- 
or battalion of infantry, or exercising a lieutenant-colonel's Can. 717. 
command of artillery or engineers will, as a rule, be exempted 

from serving as field officer of the day, and on other ordinary 

Paraa. 886-894 

Garrison und BegJmental Duties 

Gtarrlsoii and Eeglmontal Duties 

Paras, 3D5-900 

Breret field 
Can. 718. 

Hourn for 

Uetreat Bad 

No Ijuglo 
ftounde^ etc., 
after tattoo. 
Citi. 720. 

DuUeS ot tbfl 
field officei' of 
the dny. 
Can. 721. 

Captaiu to &<t 
SB Held 
Can. 722. 

Captain And 
■uDaltflru of 
tb« day, 

Oait. 72a. 
Adjutant of 
the day, etc. 

Can. 724. 

Warning sol- 
dioTB for 

Can. 72S. 

Can, 726. 

garrison duties, except vhen tlie Oflicer Coinmanding at the 
station considers that, owing to the small number of field officers 
available J it is not advisable so to exempt him* 

886* Eveiy major on the garrison iuty roster vrill do garri- 
son duty as a field officer. A brevet field officer will do duty 
as a field oJSteer in camp and gftiiiBon, but he will also perform 
regimental duties according to his regimental rank, When per- 
forming garison duties ae a field officer he will be mounted. 

Daily Duties. 
887* The hours for "Ileveillo>" ''Estreat" ani "Tattoo" 
will bo: — "Kevoille," varying from 6 a.m. in summer to 6.30 
a.m. in winter; '*Eetreat," at sunset; "Tattoo/* (last post), 
at 10 p.m., unless ofherviae specially ordered. In the Yukon 
and Northern Territories these hours may be varied by a CO. 
to suit local conditions. 

888. Bet\reen tattoo snd reveille no call will be sounded, 
except "liglts out'' (wlich will be sounded a quarter of an 
hour after "last post") and the "Blarm," "fire-alarm" or 
other signal for troops to turn out. On the "alarm" being 
sounded flU troops will turn out under arms. 

889. The field officer of the day will be present at garrison 
guard mounting and wiJl visit all such guards by day and 
night; these duties will be perform el mounted, unless other- 
wise ordered. He will take commanl of the piquets in case 
of fire, riot, or alarm. In the morning, wlien the guards 
dismount, th« reports of their eommaniera will be forwarded by 
the field officer to the OXf. the statioa, together vritb his own 

690. In a small garrisMi, a captaiiv wUl do the dnty of field 
officer of the day in the same mannei and in all lespects as a 
field officer, except that he need not be mounted, When the 
guards are aumerous or widely distribiited, a captain as well 
as a field oflcer of the day may be detailed, and the former 
may bo directed to perform a portion Of the field oflicer 'a duties. 

.801. A csptain of the day or week, and a subaltern of the 
day wilt be detailed in each unit U superintend regimental 

892. An idjutant of the day and any personnel, including 
bands and drununers, required for camp or garrison duties, 
will be f umiahed from the battalions in camp or garrison ac- 
cording to rester. 

893. Soldiers wiU be warned for al] duties, etc., by means of 
daily orders posted in a suitable place in the quaiters of each 
company, &c. 

Guards and Piquets. 

894. An 0.0. a camp or station will be responsible that the 
number of garrison and regimental guards and piquets is the 
lowest posaiUe. They will be replaced, wherever possible, by 
a system of police. Guards and piquets will mount at the 
hours the O.C. the camp or station nay deem best suited to 
the climate and season. All guards and armed parties, before 
going on duty, will be inspected by th> adjutant, or some officer 
of their unit. 


895. The standing orders of the guard will be read and ex- g""«f °L 
plained to the men as soon as the guard has mounted Every ^, 0^^,^^^ 
relief will be inspected before going out, and on its return. can. 727. 

896. An officer or soldier will not take off any article ofCuardBnot 
clcthing or accoutrements irhile on guard, but the wearing of JJ^^J^^g" 
the great-coat or cloak in the guard room will be optional. can. 728. 

897. The commander will visit his sentries at least twice by Vlfitiny 
dav and twice W night to ajcertain that' they are aleit on their gjj'i^^fg 
posts and acquainted with tlieir orders, and, in addition, he will 

scfld a N.C.6. ivith a file oJ men to porJorni the same duty at 
frfquent and uncertain intervals. 

898. A commander will levor quit hi< guard except to visit Offlccra mid 
hit sentries, and ^ill then inform the n«xt in convmond <»^ ^^f quit ^eir 
pjabable time ie will be absent, lie will not allow any N.0.0. guirds. 

or soldier to quit the guard without leave, which will be grant- Can. 780. 
ed only for special purposes 

899. Every ffuard will turn out at the commeucemDnt of the ^^^l^^l^' 
reveille, retreat, and tattoo sounding. Tie couiranndei will then j^^j tattoo, 
carefully inspeat it. Con. 731, 

900. When a fire breaks out or an alarm is railed, every Fire or 
gtiard will imiiiediatelv tnni out under nrnw, and s» tontmuc ""JJ^"'};?' 
until the fire is extinguished, or the cduso of alarm has sub- 
sided, unless otherwise ordered. _ XtAi^t^f 

901. Sentries will be relieved every two hours, but m cold or ^JJj/^* 
inclement weather they may, at the discretion of tie CO., bo Can.733. 
relieved every hour. Reginojital arrangoments shouH be made 

for hot coffee to be provided free of charge at some period of ^« *^*"^^*'- 
tbo night for each man of tlie guard. , fit*ble 

902. A sentry furnished by a stable guard will mount, with giardB. 

01 without arms, at the discretion of the CO. Can. 734. 

903. A commander will render his guard report on M.P.— Giard 

B 237. He Vill also send an immediate report U the field ^^g^J^^-^g^ 

oflicer or captain of the diiy of any unusual occurrence on or 

iitar his guard , ., . ^ , . 

903A. A patrol or piquot detailed to assist the civil authon- PotroU do- 
tiss, or to quell a disturbaice in which soldiers are concerned, J^jf^^'^J^J 
will be armed and provided with ammunition, and* when em* ei^n a^, 
ployed in the actual suppression of disturbances, will be under thwitioa. 
tlie command of an officer. A regimental piquet or patrol em* Can. 786. 
ployed in the apprehension of soldiers may be sent out with 
side arms only. ^ . . , , .. - 

904. Every guard will lie dismissed on its regimental par- luspection of 
ftde, where it will be inspected and its arms examined. In the JJ[*„'J'*,j^J. 
ense of an officer's guard, tic men will bo dismissed by the com- mounted, 
nander after ho has reported to any officer of superior rank Can. 737. 
present on th« parade. If the commandor of the juard is a 

XCC, a report will be mode to the adjutant or orderly officer 

picviona to dismisBal. Yonng ofacera 

906. A young officer will be placed on guard with a senior on giiard. 
oMeer as supernumerary for instruction. ^ /i.™ir*i,dJ 

906. All stores and furniture (including watch coate) "l i'i'JSiSSJ; 
clargc of a guard will be handed over from one eommander f p^ gtores, 
to another. The commander of the relieving guard will be ete. 
rssponsible for their correctness, and vill, in his raport, note ^«"' ^^*- 
tie condition of each article when takea over. 

Faras. 9C7-915 

GarrlBon and Begimental Duties 

Garrison and Begliaental Duties 

Paras. 916-923 

Law regard- Duties In Aid of the Civil Power. 

SSiui"?' ?d * . ^7- T*»« law Id regard to the MiHtia beiue called out ii 
civil power, aid of the civil gower will bo found in the Militia Aet, Sections 

Can. 740. 80-90, inclujive, (Appendix 1.). 
Miliuf to'tJ' , ^**8* ^ ^^^^^ whore aid is applied for in the manner pro- 
reported, vided by law, the senior officer of the Active Militia, to whom 
Can, 741. the requisition is addjressed, will immediately report the cii- 
cumBtance, by telegram, through the usual channel to Militii 
Headquarters. Should sich senior oficer bo unable speedily to 
communicatB with the D.O.O., he will communicate by telegram 
direct with the Adjutant-General. 
?ower iJr"' *'°®- 0®«e'e of the Militia have no discretionary power aa 
officers. *° ^^^ necessity for aid. Upon the other hand, the senior officer 
Can. 743. to whom the requisition is addressed has, under Section 81 oJt 
the Militia Act, compkte discretion as to the number of 
troops he slall employ. 
to'b^"° ^" ?^^* Troops proceeding in aid of the civil power must in- 
AuppHed. variably have the requisite quantity of amraunitian served out 
Can. 743. to them before going oa duty. (See also para. 903A), The 
unused portion of this supply is to be collected immediatelj 
after the duty has been performed, aad returned without delaj 
into store. 

thrtrooji"' ^^^' ^*^« oommander wUl move the troops in regular mili- 

Can. 744. ^^^7 order, with, the usual precautions, to the place to which 
he shall be directed by any one of th« magistrates present. He 
will not permit the troops to be scattered, detached, or posted 
in a situation in which tley may not be able to act in their own 

Jj5^£«iS?^i ^^2. Under Section 80 of the Militia Aet, troops mav be 

by SSJiJtMto. <"^^^^ *>^* *« *^<^' ^"* ^°^ '0 replace, tho civil power. An officer 

Can. 746. , ' Commanding troops thus called out will be careful therefor* 

that his covmanj, and each detached portion thereof, is ac> 

companied, on all occasions when on duty, by a magistrate to 

represent, aid give orders in the name of, the civil power. 

Mdl«ihouVd ^^^' ^^^ 3rtlcrs from magistrates to troops acting in aid oi 

he in writing. *^* ^^"^^^ pcwer should bo obtained in writing. Should thin 

Oau. 740. not be poos£ible, an Officer Oommanding will take care that he 

is accompanied by a reliable witness when taking a verbal 

order, and that there is a clear understanding among all con< 

cerned as tc the meaning of such order. 

Riot Act. etc. 814. When troops are called out in aid of civil power, the 
Can. 747. responsibilit/ for the reading of Proclamation urdor the Biot 
Act, or of making any proclamation required by the Crimina] 
Code, rests entirely with the civil power, and in no way with 
the troops. The latter act solely upon the orders of the accom- 
panying magistrate, in\ariably conv^eyed through the 0.0. 
troops preseat. 

Taking action. 8^^' ^^ t^^ magistrate concludes that the police are unable 
Imp.ges — 5. to cope with the riot, and that the necessity of the ease demands 
the interference of the troops by action, then, whether the Pro- 
clamation has been read or not. it is his duty at once to request 
tho commander of the troops to take action. This request should 
be made distinctly, and il possible, in writing, although if given 
by word of mouth it will be sufficient. 


When so requested to take action it will be the duty of the Duties of 
officer to taka such military steps as in his opinion the situation ^•^- ^J'*? 
demands. la doing so he will have absolute discretion as totJ*tilke^ 
the action to be taken, and as to the arms, including firearms, action, 
which the jtroops shall use^ and as to the orders he shall givoj Rejpon&i- 
including tho order to fira. But the magistrate and the officer *''**Y f' t 
are each responsible respectively for anything done or ordered Jjffo^"gV* 
by them whiah is not justified by the eircumstanceB of the case. 

If the officer thinks it unnecessary to take immadiate action 9^,'^J.f ^^* 
it is not obligatory upon liim to do so, nor will he sontinue any {Jviary*'^* 
action longer than he thinks it absolutely necessary. power. 

916. Troops are not to fire except by command of their offi- Opening fire, 
cer, who will exercise a humane discretion as to tie number of Cbd, 748. 
rounds to be fired and the objects to be aimed at. 

917. In Older to guard against all misunderstanding, officers Warning that 
commanding troops or detachments are on every occasion on *" ^f troopa 
which they are employed in the suppression of riots, or in the Jjjf^.(i^^j 
enforcement of the law, to take tho most oflfeetual means, in can. 749. 
conjunction with the magistrates under whoso orders they may 

be placed, for notifying beforehand anl ezplaioing to the people 
opposed to tkem that in the event of the men being ordered to 
fire, their fire will bo effective. 

018. When the detachment does not exceed 20 files, it will Detachment g, 
bo told off into four sections. If it exceeds 20 file% the detach- *"» J '"^^ ***• 
ment will be told off into more sections than four, ""' 

919. If the commander should be oi the opinion that a sUght^^riagby files 
effort would be sufficient to attain the. object he in to give the "^ "*'**2,^"- 
word of command to one or two specified files to fire. If a great- ""' 

CT effort should be required he is to give the word of command 
to one of the sections, toU off as abovo ordered; the fire of each 
of the other sections, if required, will only bo given on tho 
regular word of command of the cooimander. 

920. If thsre are more officers than one with the detachment, where there 
and it is necrasary for more than one section to fire at a time, >^« more 
the Officer Commanding will clearly inSloate to the troops what ^JJJJ'" ^g 
officer is to order any of the sections to fire. No person, except Oan. 762. 
the officer indicated by the Commanding^ Officer, is to give orders 

to any file or section to ilre. 

921. If the magistrate finds it necessary to fire, officers and Serioas nature 
soldiers havp a serious duty which they must perform with <>* the duty, 
coolness and steadiness, and in such a manner as to be able to *^*^* '^^* 
eease fire ths instant it is no longer necessary, whether the 
magistrate may order the cessation or not. Care is to be taken iii«tructlono 
aot to fire upon persons separated from tho crowd. To fire over *" flf mg. 
the heads of a crowd has the effect of favouring tho mos^ daring 

and guilty, and of saorilcing the less daring, and even the 

922. Upon notification, in wJciting, by the judge or by any one Withdrawal 
of tho magistrates who signed the requisition calling out the "' Jj*'^"- ^ 
troops in aid of the civil power, that the troops are no longer '"' 
leqnired for such purpose, the Officer Commanding the troops so 

called out will withdraw lis force and notify Militia Headquar- 
ters, by telegram, through the proper channel. j^^.. ^^^^^ j^ 

923. During the period that any portion of the Militia is on be for- 
service in aid of tho civil ^owor, the Officer Commanding will warded. 

- Can. 76fi. 



Heport ou 
of duty. 
Can. 766. 


Can. 701. 

Garrison and Regimental Duties 

Can. 767. 

Indent for 



Con. 768. 
Working pay. 

Can. 769. 

9f N.C.Os. 
Can. 7U0. 

forward direct to Militia Hoadquarttrs daily, a state sliowing 
the numbera of the different ranks actually employed on this 

924. On the completion of the duty for which the force was 
called out, an immediate report theieof» in writing, is to be 
made, by the Commanding Officer to the District Omeor Com^ 
manding for tranBrnissiou to Militia Headquarters. The Offlcei 
Commanding the troops will also prepare a pay-sheet specifying 
the several sums authorized by law in respeet to the service^ 
and request the municipality to pay the value thureof, and in 
default of immctliate payment shall forward the wliole through 
the proper channel to Militia Headquarters, with a further 

Working and Fatigue Parties. 

925. Soldlere, other tlian those belonging to iiepartmental 
branches, will be detailed for working parties es seldom as 
possible, and, except in special circumstances, will not be so 
employed on days allotted to their trainiug. 

926. OiHcL'rs commanding units are not to furnish working 
parties except upon an indent approved by the O.O. District or 

927- Working pay will only be allowed for work specified in 
the Pay and Allowance Begulations. 

On active service, soldiers may be employed at all times on 
any kind of labour withcut extra remuneration. 

928. The number of N.C.Os. employed tosuporinteud working 
parties, shall not exceed the proportion of one N.C.O, to 20 men, 
except: — 

(i.) Whea a larger proportion is authorized bv the D.O.C. 

(ii.) Whoa the party is engaged in scraping or painting 
qniclf. firing ammunition; or acraping or painting ord- 
nanco. shot or shell, carriagee, slides, or miscellaneous 
when the proportion may be one N.C.O. to 10 men. 

A working: party of less than 20 men sbould, wJien possible, 
be in charge of a N.C.O. who can be employed in working at 
iis craft. ^ 

929. Soldiflrs will be employed on fatigues, that is, routine 
work connected with the administration of the tioops, when* 
over the public service requires it, at such hours as will not 
interfere with theii* training. 

Coal fatigues -will be performed by defaulters. If none are 

available, th« fatigues will be performed as follows: 

(i.) For non-regi mental qaartere, offices, gymnasia and 
other similar buildings, by the soldiers or tivilian sub- 
ordiuates at sucli quarters, &e., or by arrangements 
with the contractor, provided no expense to the public 
is incurred thereby, 
(ii.) For oiHcers* mess and quarters and sergeants' mess, 

by servants and waiters, 
(iii.) For regimental iiistitutes ^nd offices, by nun emploved 


Duties in Eegard to Barracks 

Paras. 930-936 

(iv.) For married quarters and barmek rooms, ly the occu- 
pants of the quarters or roomi. 
Light carts or trucks sliould be utilized, wherever available. 

930. When electric ligH operations, electric light practice, 
iastruction in military engineering, or other engiueeting instruc- 
tion or work is carried on, an officer of the R.C.E. will have 
charge of the work. Officers of other aorps taking part in the 
above preparations will be informed by this officer (notwith- 
standing that they may be senior to hiin) as to the work to be 
done and will give the necessary ordoTs to their men. 

931. A staff sergeant Tvho is not a regimental arti^cer, em 
ployed on working parties, will be oxoaipt from manual labour, 
except such as is necessary for his duties as a supurintendont. 
All other N.C.Os. and^ men are liable U bo required to work al 
their crafts. A sergeant, corporal, or second-corporal of engin- 
eers for whom there is suitable emj>loTment at his craft or hi 
superintending working parties, will not, except in cases of 
emergency, be required to work as a laborer. A sergeant or 
corporal of infantry required to compute the number of super 
iateuding N.C.Os. will not ordinarily be employed at manual 

932. The meals of working parties vill be so arranged as to 
prevent loss ef time. 


Qeneral Instructions, 

933. The O.C. a unit, uader the direction of superior author- 
ity, will be responsible for the care an! sanitation of barracks, 
larrack onclcsures and Militia Department ground placed in 
Ills charge. 

934. The CO. is responsible that the floors of ridingschools 
and closed manages are kept in repair and properly raked and 
watered. The materials will bo laid doA'u under the supervision 
cf the Royal Canadian Engineers. 

935. A company, Sec, CDmmandcr will, when practicable, at- 
tend the inspection of his own barrack rooms and stables; a 
taedical officer will attend that of the hospital. A riding-master 
vill attend at the riding-school, and a veterinary officer at the 
veterinary hospital. These officers will attest by their signa- 
tures in the notebook of the officer making the inspection, the 
list of damages or losses to be assessei in their respective de- 
partments, or object on the spot to any charge against which 
they wish to appeal. An officer i/c fcarracks will also initial 
tlio notebook of the regimental officer. When bedding and fur- 
liiture, with regard to which questions of damages may arise, 
cro returned to the barrack store, a regimental officer will 

836. The receipts of periodical and marching-out inspection 
reports will be immediately acknowledged by Commanding Offi- 
cers and paymasters by letter to the officer from whom they 
are received. Commanding Officers -hiU then forthwith give 
vrittcu notice to the C.R.O'.E., or officer in charge of barracks, 
of the items against which they intend 1o appeal. If the charges 


Oflicer of 
fi.O.E. to have 
charge of 
i:istructiou iii 
tnilitary engl- 
leering, etc. 
Cun, 702. 

LIubilUy of 
tuoned oAii:erK. 
Cun. 763. 

Cuii. TCI. 

Hlity of O.C. 
Can. 7C5. 

Cuii. 700. 

«f onicera. 
Cau. 707. 

Xotice of 
Can. 7G8. I 

Paraa. 937-044 

Duties la Begard to Barracks 

ItBhed in 
Caa. 760. 

Obargev for 
rooms and 

Oao. 770. 
ffrounda, etc. 

0«D. 771. 

N.O.Os. in 
ctorgfl of 
Can. 772.- 

Can. 778. 

Msdtcal iQ. 

Imp. 998. 

Cui, 774. 




Ditea of 

Imp. 094. 
Catt. 77e. 

t-0. 20P— 

are maintained by tho assoaaiug autliority, the caso will be 
submitted to the D.O.C., nrho will deal with it in tho manner 
hid down in paras. 633 and 634. 

937. The amount of damages or losses assessed against troops 
at any inspection of barracks will be ctarged as far as possible 
against individuals. AH accounts not traceable to individuals 
Trill be a general charge and shared among the troops. The 
amounts assessed against «ach compan/^ &c.f will bo ptiblishod 
ia regimental orders. 

938. A charge will not be made against the troops for wash- 
ing rooms or passages unless neglect is apparent^ or the building 
has been left in a dirty etate. Such eases should bo Immedi- 
ately reported by the CO. to the D.O.O. 

939. Orickot-grounds ard places of outdoor recreation are 
part of the barrack establiahmont, and the expense of repairing 
injury done to them by the troops is chargeable as barrack dam- 

940. A N.C.O. in charge of a room will bring t[> notice at 
oice any losses or damage^^ so that responsibility may be fixed 
upon the individuals liable. 

Eeglmcntal Inspections. 

941. Durin^r the first week of every month the 0-U tho troops 
occupying a barrack— or ai officer depated by him— will make 
an inspection of the buildings, stores, and bedding ir possession 
of the troops. Ho will note repairs to bo made, and stores to bo 
replaced, and see that tha bedding agrees with the number 
shown in the bedding book. The inspection will be unnecessary 
m any month in which the periodical inspection ia made by the 
officer i/c barracks and tho E.O.E. After those monthly inspec- 
tions, the CO. will forward an indent for articles to be replaced 
01 exchanged. 

Medical luspections. * 

942. A medical officer is to inspect the whole of tie barracks 
including the married quarters at least once a month. He will 
note in his saaitary diar^ any defects in cleanliness or sanita- 
tion, and will pass the diary to the CO. concerned, who, after 
recording in it the action taken, will return it to the medical 

Assistant Directors of Medical Services will examine and 
sign the diary at their inspections. 

948. The Assistant Director of Medical Services will submit 
to the D.O.O. tho dates proposed for tio periodical sanitary in- 
spections of barracks, and tbe dates, when approved will be pub- 
lifihed in District Orders. These inspections, and those of the 
inspector of madical servicos, will be attended by (1) a senior 
officer to represent the O.C. tho unit in occupation Qf tho bar- 
racks if tho GO. is unable to be present, (2) a representative 
of the CB.CE.^ (3) the medical officer, (4) the quartermaster. 

044. SeriouB defects ia tke sanitary conditions of a. building, 

brought to notice at these inspections, will be repotted to the 

headquarters of the District through ^he CB.CE., who will 

record his opinion as to possibla remedies and the cost thereof. 


Dutl<)3 in Hegard to Barracks 

Paras. 045-954 

Boyal Oanadixn Sngineer Inspections. 

945. An officer of the 11.0.B. will inspect the barracks quar- Quarterly, 
ierly with reierence to any repairs that may be required. Tho *^*^- '''^^• 
quartermaster of the unit concerned will attend th« inspection, 

946. An officer of the l.CE. will inspect the bairacks annu- Vesriy. 
ally and will furnish a report thereon to the D.O.C. concerned, ^^^' "^"• 
calling attention to sanitary conditions. The 0.0. the troops in 

each barrack will detail aad officer, not below the lank of cap- 
tain, if available, to attend the inspection. The report of this 
inspection will be forwarded through the D.O.O. to Militia 

Army Service Corps Bispections. 

' 947. Tho officer i/o barracks will miko an annual inspection Teorly. 
ef stores in possession of troops in barracks, at each station Can. 778. 
vhere a transfer of the expense store charge has not already 
taken place. The quartfirmaster of the unit eoicerned will 
' iittend the inspection. 

Mafchlug-in and Marcliing-oiit Inspections. 

948. To save time and labour theso inspections will, when- 
ever possible, be combined. 

949, The CO. of a unit, in conjunction with an officer of the 
lt.C.E. and the officer i/e barracks will cause all buildings, 
^ures, and furniture, allotted for tbe use of troops, to be 
inspected (if possible before the arrival of the troops) to ascer- 
tain their condition. ThiB inspection will be earrieil out by an 
officer not below tho rank of captain, or by the quartermaster 
of the unit cencerned. The troops then become responsible for 
the buildings, &C.,. handed over. 

960. A party not exceeding two officers, four N.C.O. 's and 12 
rank and file will take over barracks for a. regiment or battalion. 
This party, unaccompanied by any faniilies, should precede the 
unit, and a party of the same strength should be left behind to 
give over bairackB. 

951. An officer taking over barracks on behalf of a unit will 
initial and date each inyeatory before leaving tlie room, or 
quarter; he vill, at the Banw time, if relieving another unit, 
make out a list of any articles requiring exchange or replace- 
ment, so that he need not refrain from initialling the inventories. 

952. As s*on as possible after marching in, tie CO. will 
sign a certificate in duplicate, that he has taken possession of the 

963. When troops arc ordered to land over a barrack the 
O.C at the station will give the E.C.E. officer and tie officer i/c 
barracks the earliest possible intimation of the hour and date 
at which the buildings will be vacated, in order that arrange- 
ments may be made for the marching-out inspection. 

954. At this inspection an experienced officer will accompany 
these ofiicers in going over the whole of the barracks, and in 
assessing the damages. Before leaving each room, or quarter, 
(ho former officer will attest by his signature in tha note-books 


To bo 

Can. 776. 
Taking orer 

Cud. 780. 

to take and 
{Ive OTor. 



Can. 781. 

Officer taking 

•ver barracks. 

Can. 783. 

kfter march* 

Can. 788, 
Notice of 
to bo givea. 

Can. 184. 



Can. 785. 

Paras. 965.960 

Duties in Regard to Barracks 


Can. 786. 

Can. 7ST, 

uUorutioii« or 
Cnn. 788. 

Protection of 
Can. 780. 

Can. 700. 

Can. 791. 

of the Other oflicors, tlio c»rrectneBa of the damages or dofioioncios 
noted therein, or object^ ou the spct, to any elarge agaiost 
which ho wiahes to appeal. This iuspectioii will include ofiicers' 
and married quarters. 

Appropriation and Equipment. 

955. The appropriatioa of each buading, &c., will bo lettered 
on tho door, as follows: — 

AU rooms in barraclLS used for military quarters will be 
indicated by letters paiated on the woodwork over the doofj 
thus: — ''CO. Qrs.'* moaning Gommnndingf Officer *8 Quarters; 
"r.O. Qrs.'' or *'Oapt. CJrs." meaning Field Offii'or'B or Cap- 
tain's Quarters; *'0. Qrs." meaning Officer's Quarters; "K." 
meaning Kitchen; "H." nioauing Hospital, &e. 

956. Inventories of barrack furniture and utensils will be 
made out and signed by the ollieer i/a barracks and of fixtures 
by- tho E.C.E. Thcfse inventories will be pasted on separate 
millboards. In tho ease of barrack accessoriea, the invoatoriee 
will be retained by tho quartermaster of tlio unit in occupation, 
In the case of barrack rooms and tho quarters of married 
soldiers, they will bo kept hy company, &c., commanders. 

967. Alterationa or additions will not be made to rooms or 
buildiings by any officer or soldier without tho saaction of the 
D.O.C.j who may approve minor alterations not affecting accom- 
modation and not at variance with approved types and provi- 
sions in bariacks. When suck alterations affect record plans, a 
report accompanied by th* necessary drawings, should at once be 
made to Militia Headquarters. Temporary btiildiriga, huts, or 
stands may bo similarly approved by the D.O.C. aa well as the 
erection of a stage withii a building. Such erection will not bo 
taken into use until it has been paseed as fit, especially with 
regard to risks of firo, by the C.R.O.E. Any persoji who makes 
an unauthorized alteration in the gas, electric light or water 
fittings or interior arrangements of any buildings allotted for 
the use of trooi>a, will bo liable to pay for any excess of gas, 
electric current or water consumed aad for the eipense of re* 
^ placing tho fittings as thoy originally stood. Machinery, plant 
or fittings, which have been supplied hr units or individuals, will 
not be taker over for maintenance by the Militia Department 
unless prior authority for their prOTision has been obtained 
from the Militia Headquarters. 

958. Unoccupied buildings within a barrack enclo^sure, as well 
as buildings in tho actual possession of tho troops, are, as re- 
gards their security, undei tho charge of tho CO. 


959. In cases of ei)ideinic diseases, every care vill bo taken 
to secure that articles likely to convey infection arc not returned 
to the barrack expense or ordnance store. Should tliere be any 
reason to believe that iafocted articles of bedding, clothing, 
tontage, &c., have been so returned,, the barrack or ordnance 
ofiicer concerned will at once be warned. 

960. Tho windows of every barrtck^room will be opened 
sufficiently to allow of free ventilation^ and will be kept open as 
lur as the weather and season admit. 


IJuties In EegArd to Barracks 

Paras, 961-967 

961. Tankfi used by troops will be periodically cleaned out 
by the engineers, and cisterns, where accossiblOi b}' tho troops 

962. The cleaning of surface-drains and catch-pits and flush- 
iag of latrines, where skilled labour is not requiied, will be 
j]erformed by fatigue parties. 

963. Attention will be jiaid at all times, and especially during 
the prevalence of epidemu disease, to the state of tho latrines 
and urinals, and to tho disinfecting of ash-bins. A CO. will 
issue special orders that improper artielos are not thrown into 
them or into tho drains. 

964. Cows, pigs, goats, poultry, &c,, will not ba kept, nor 
mil horses be allowed to run loose, within the boundaries of 
barracks or hospitals. 

965. Yards and paradee will be kept in order by the troops. 
Accumulation of snow on the roof of any building, occupied 
or not, will bo removed by the troops. 

Precautions against Fire. 

966. At al] stations a fire committea will bo appointed con- 
sisting of three members — an officer of the It.CE., [usually the 
division officer); an officer of tho A.S.C. (usually the officer i/c 
larracka); aid an officer from the troops quartered at the 
stations, whose seniority will depend upon the riao of the 
garrison, but who should, if possible, be a field officer. 

The duty of the fire committee will be to make such recom- 
mendations as may appear advisable foi the improvement of the 
fire arrangements, and to told inspections of the fire appliances, 
at which tho troops will turn out as at a fire. These inspections 
will bo more valuable if made without warning. At least two 
members of tlo committeo should be present at eacli inspection. 

The committeo will report half-yearly on the results of their 
iaspections, tut anything which may need prompt attention 
should bo brought to notice at the time. 

They will itate whether tho personnal, Appliances, and water 
supply are reasonably sufficient and efficient, and are distributed 
to the best advantage, and they will make recommendations for 
rijmedyiug defects, 

A book will bo kept in an appointed place, in which a record 
of the inspections made and any observations arising therefrom 
vrill be entered and signed by the members. Tho record should 
ia full, and sliould show which hydrants were tested, what unit 
furnished the piquot, its fitrength, &c. 

967. Immeiiately after troops enter upon the occupation of 
any barracks, the CO. will appoint a N.CO. and a party of 
men as a "Pire-piquet," who should preferably b* those who 
have had some previous acquaintance with things mechanical to 
enable them to learn more readily the handling of the appliances 
and the technical terms relating to them. A fire-piquet should 
be considered as pioneers in — 

(i) Eendering first aid in extinguishing or limiting a fire, 
(ii) Saving people from a burning building, 
(iii) Salvage of property. 


OlennlDff of 
tanks and 

Can. 792. 
Fatigue dutie*- 
of troops. 

Can. 798. 

Can. 794. 

Can. 796. 

Tards and 
Earades to W 
lept clean. 
Can. 796. 

Fire com- 
Can. 79Z 
Si 800. 

Firo piquet. 
Imp. 1034. 
Can, 798. 

Pacas. S68-372 

Duties in Regard to Barracks 

Care of fire 

Fire i^iquct 

Imp. 1034A* 
Keys for 
wntor Kupply. 

Imp. 1026. 

Can. 799. 

Storage of 
eaploeive oil. 
Caa. 602. 

Motor Tebtoles 
fitaiBge of. 
Can. 60a. 

Tlio 0.0, will see that the eoglnea are kept clean and the 
Wse properly dubbed, aEd coaibo each engine to be tested 
monthly. The whole of tha hose will ba attached to the engine 
or stand-pipea and tested, and the hydrant boxes examined and 

968. Instructions regarding firo piquets, etc., should be posted 
up in each orderly room and lire engine house or slioltcr. 

969. In addition to those forming part of the equipment of 
fire engine houses, fire engines, hose rods and wall boxes, three 
keys, each of vhich fits every hydrant and stopcock on the water 
mains, are provided for each barrack, and will be distributed as 
follows: — one each in chaige of the B.C.E. and the O.P.A.8.G., 
aad one in tlie regimental guard-room, Notice boards should 
ba put up in all barracks showing wbere these keys and the 
kay of the engine house will always be found. 

970. Potrolaum spirit for private use will not. be stored or sold 
in barracks^ 

971. In all barracks and stations vhere mineral or highly 
inilammable oils are kept, for sale in institutes, or for public 
or private use, the following rules will te strictly adhered to: — 

(i.) A board must bo assembled to decide what quantity 
may safely be kept in store, the place in which it is 
to be kept and the regulations under which it may be 

(ii.) The board will ba guided by local enactments, and 
will conform thereto as far as circumstances allow. 

(iii.) When practicable an officer 't]f artillery snd one of 
engineers will be members of this board. Tbe pro- 
ceedings wilt be submitted for tiie approval and remarks 
of the D.O.G., who will cause periodical inepections to 
be m&de> so as to ensure that the necessary arrange- 
ments are carried out. In frauting these regulations it 
will be necessary to guard against the oil being stored 
in places to which men can have access after dark, and 
to direct that lights be not tak«n into the stores at any 
time. Proximity to magazino) and storehouses must 
^ invariably be avpided, and the hours of issue be such 
OS to ensure that the utmost precautions jiro used to 
avoid danger from fire. In all places where oil is stored 
a box of sand or dry earth ehould be placed, to be 
thrown at once, oa any oil oi spirit that may have 
become ignited; water should not be used. 

972. Suitable sheds for the storage in barracks of motor 
vehicles which are the privote property of officers may be erected 
at the expense of the officeis concerned^ as encroach men ts, under 
eiisting regulations. The following rules will be adhered to, 
and copies will be affixed to the walls of the sheds: — 

(i.) Bepleaishment of fuel tanks of motor cars or bicycles 
may only be made in the open air and at a distance 
of nob loss than 10 yards from any shed, or other 

(ii.) In the case of motor viuhieles fitted with burners, such 
burner shall not be lighted, or allowed to remain alight* 
within 10 yards of any shed or building, or pile of 
inflammable material. 

(iii.) 'Smoking is not allowed within the sheds. 

DuUes In Begard to BarrackB 

Parw. 973-978 

973. Lights wiU not bo aUowed in barrack-rooms or ^^l^i°g'*P"Si if« 
occupied by troops— except in hospitals, latrines, guard-house8.P«5™ joJg 
galleries, or stables— later than a quarter of an hour after the ca». 804. 
last post, when an officer will visit the barracks to see that thia 
order is obeyed. Lights are pexmittei in sergeants* messes np 
to 11 p.m. Soldiers are prohibited from smoking in buildings oi 
tents where there is loose straw. The use of oil eteves or lampsj 
except wherd authorized as public issues, will only be allowed 
with the express sanction of the CO. Oil stoves are not to be 
placed directly on wood and their position must be carefully 
inspected to ensure sufficient protection being afforded to obviate 
the risks of fire. Stoves standing on three feet will not be 
allowed in any circumstances. The occupants of married quar- 
ters should be cautioned to be careful in the use 4f fires and 
lights, especially mineral oil lamps, and against the use «f 
cheap oils with a low flashing point, and lamf s with glass 
receivers. The draping of mantel-pieces in government quarters 
is prohibited, and care should be t&ken that curtains are so 
arranged that contact with fire-places, gas-jets, Jfcc, is inipos- 
sible. Fireworks or bonfires in barracks or camps are prohibited 

974. In mounted uniis, before the "dismiss" is sounded, OloBing build- 
the orderly officer will sea that all stable buckets are filled witli *°«J '•' '**« 
water and left in the most accessible spot; and a note showing ^ ^^^ gQg 
that he Iperiormed this duty will be made in his report. The 
person responsible for the closing of rooms or buildings in whicli 
fires or lights are used during the day^ but which are unoccupie^l 
at night, will personally ascertain, before leaving for the night, 
that the gas is turned oflt, and that there is not anything whicl 
might lead ^o an outbreak of fire. In messes, canteens, &c., all 
rooms in wiioh fires or lights have been used during the daj 
will be swept out before being closed at night. 

976. If an escape of gas occurs in barracks the lights will be Qab eacape. 
turned off immediately, and the upper sashes of the windows Oao- 800- 
opened. The officer i/c barracks, or his representative, will bo 
at once informed. 

A duplicate key or spanner of all gas stop-eocks, or masto^ Gas atop-cocki 
key of locked cupboards in cases where the cocks are boxed in, 
will bo kept in the guard-room to enable the gas to be promptl.v 
turned off from any building in case of fire. 

976. An officer or soldier, as well as any otlier person ia LiabUity for 
military employ, will be liable to make good damage done tadwaago 
government property by fire, the result of his own neglect, but ^^^^^ ^^^ 
in view of the large sum to which liability may extend in sucb 

oases, the- amount to ba recovered wiU usually be limited to 
the equivalent of a week's pay of the Individual who is belfl 

977. Whsnever a fire, explosion or similar occurrence involv- Board to 
ing the destruction of public property takes place in any l>a'- JSJJftrJ or 
rack building, a court of inquiry (to include an eagineer officer accident, 
and the officer i/c barraeks, if available at the station) will bo Can. 808. 
immediately* assembled to investigate the cause of it. 

978. In the case of fire the main points to ba investigatcfl Points to be 

^^' — . . - ^ ^ G.0. 80 — 

(i.) The cause and origin of the fire. igio. 

(il.) By whom it was discovered. Can. 809. 


Paras. 979- 98S 

Duties in Begard to Barracks 

(iih) Tte aetiou taken hy the person or peieous iuakiug 

tliB discovery, 
(iv,) To whom the fire was first reported by the pcraoa 

makiag the discovery, 
(v.) The leagth of time betweer the diaoovery of the fire 

and the souiidiig of alarm, 
(vi.) Wbat officer was in command of the fire arrangements, 
(vii.) Tie length of time after tic alarm before the appli- 
ances were at work and a jet or jets plttj'iug on the 
(viii.) Whether the firo piquot turned out in siifficiont num- 
bers and with promptitude. 
(ijE.) Whether there was any failure as regards water sup' 
plj, hydrants, or the working of the fiie appliances 
(i.) The action taken to warn the corporation or other 

local fire brigade of the outbreak. 
<xiO The length of time between the warning of the corpor- 
ation or other local firo brigade and tlio arrival of 
(xli.) Tlio extent of Uie assistance given by the corporation 

or other local £re brigade, 
(xiii.) Tbe period from the alarm until the outbreak was 

(xiv.) The extent of the damage done to (a) persons, (b) 

buildings, (c) contents of huildiiigs. 
(xv,) ResponaibUity for the outbieak of firo. 
In the case of an explosion or similar occurrence, the above 
procedure will be followed as far as applicable. 

979.. An estimate frono the District Engineer of the epst of 
structural repairs will be attached to the proceedings of the 
court. The proceedings viill be sent to the D.O.C, ivho will deal 
with the casa in the manaer laid down in paras. 633 and C34. 

980. Whei a firo of an extensive nature occurs, causing loss 
of accommodation in a barrack, an immediate report wtU be 
made to Militia Hoadqjartors, stating the number of troops or 
horses displaced and hov they will be temporarily accommo- 

ineuraQceot 981. Insurance of any kind against fire, or any other risk 

propoAy ^^ private property in barracks, or on board a transport, will 

Cun 812, not be effected by an ofittcer or solditr without the knowledge 
of his CO. 

DrlU Halls. 

982. When drill halls are used by more than one corps, the 
D.0.0. will decide as to the appropriation of rooms and armour- 
ies, and the days and hours during which the several corps may 
use them foi military purposes. 

983. The local care of drill halls away from District Head- 
quarters will, under the orders of the D.O.O.. devolve upon the 
senior officer of Active Militia at the station, oi such other 
officer as may be designated by the D.O.C. 


«.0. 80— 
Ctin. 810. 

Can. 811. 

Obd. 8ia. 

Local CBte 
ivray from 
District Head- 

Caa. 614. 

H.Q. 14— 


Duties in Regard to Barracks 

Paras. 983A-992 

983A. The use of drill halls for other than military purposca 
will bo san(^tioned under the following conditions: — 

(a) Applications must bo forwaided to Miliiia Headquai- 
ters througii the D.0.0. concerned. 

(b) No charge will be made for the use of drill halls for 
regimental or band purposes, or when used for the benefit of 
regimental funds. 

(c) When used for other than tlio purposes, referred to iu 
sub-paragraph (b), a charge will be made for the heating and 
lighting of th© building, and an insurance policy, to cover tlie 
value'of the building and contents, must be taken out in favour 
of the Honourable the Minister of Militia and Defence. 

984- Caietakers and other persoas employed in connection 
with drill balls are under the direct control of the D.O.C. 

985. In the event ol misconduct or neglect of duty on the 
part of a caretaker or other such employee, the D.0.0. concern- 
ed will at once suspend him from daty a ad report the cireum- 
stances to Militia Heailquartera. 

986. Tha pay of any caretaker or other employee suspended 
from duty as in para, 985, will cease from the date of such sus- 
pension, pending the decision of Militia Headquarters. 

987. If necessary, the D.O.C. will arrange locally for the 
temporary employment of a competent person to do the worJ£ 
of any employee suspended from duty, and at once report tie 
matter to Militia Headquarters. 

Re-Appropriation, Sites for BuUdings and New Buildings. 

988. Tlie board assembled to report on re-appropriations, on 
sites for Ijuildings, or on new buidings, will consist of— (i.) a 
field ofiicer as presideat; (ii.)) a legimental oCicerj (lU.) one 
or more departmental oQicers, according to the nutter to bo con- 
sidorod; (iv.) a It.C.E. officerj (v.) the ofiicer i/fl barracks, and 
(vi ) in tlie case of qoarters, a medical officer. The ofiicor at 
(ij.) will not be required if a regimental field officer is presidoat. 

989. The proceedings of the board will be referred for the 
remarks of the head of the departaient concerred in the com- 

990. In minor eases not affecting quarters, it will be unnec- 
essary to assemble a board, but the opinion of the O.C. the corps 
and of otlier officers concerned will be obtained. 

991. It is the duty of a CO. or liead of service or department 
to bring to notice any ro-appropriition which, in his opinion, 
would lead to economy and be of advantage to the service. Anj 
proposal lor the re-appropriation oE buildings m use by troops 
will be transmitted to the oflker i/c barracks f»r eubmission to 
the D.O.C, who will report with his recommendations, to MUitia 
Headquarters, stating what funds, if any, he has at his disposal 

992. Except in a case of special urgency, which could not 
have beeii foreseen, a proposal for re-appropriation for whicn 
funds catnot be provided locally, and which cannot be earned 


Ubo for other 
than military 

G.O. 49— 


Can. 8i4A. 

Can. 822. 

Paras. 9031000 

Duties In Ecgard to Barracks 

Allotment of Quarters 

Paraa. 1001-1002 

Sites for . 
Can. 828. 

Hew buUd- 
iags, eom* 
fletioD of. 
Can. 831. 

Details of now 
Oau. 825. 

Beport to 
Militia Head- 
Can. 826. 

Coo sumption 
of gaa and 
Can. 837. 



Water flcale. 

billty In 
rojard to 
Can. 828. 

Admiasion of 
Can. S29. 

Imp. 1046. 

out until funis are available, will only bo put foiwird with tli« 
annual estimates. 

993. Whenever it is proposed to construct huiiainga. either 
IZ rl^l «f t"ops orjipon land appropriated for their use, 
he C.B.C.E. will forward a plan of tlie site he suggests, with 
]iis reasons for the selection, to the II.O.O. 

994* When the eomplotion of new or reconstructed barrack 
buildings IS reported by the B.CE. or Public Works Depart- 
aent, a board wi 1 be assembled (vide Regulations ior Engineer 
Services, Canada), to report on the fitness of its occupation, 

.1 J^?- ?"0«d\^e3 of boards or reports on now or reconstruct- 
ed buildings will be accompanied by a statement of the parti- 
culars of the accommodation reported upon. This' statement will 
lo prepared by the O.B.O.E., or Depaitment of Public Works 
and a copy wiU be retained by the officer i/c barracks. 

« w!nJif !5^ ????/?^ \^^^ barrack or extensive addition to 
a barrack, the D.O.C. will report the banding over as soon as 
. has taken place, quoting the item of estimates or other au- 
tbonty for the work, the report to bo accompauied by the pro- 
ceedings of the board and by a statement of the accommodation. 

MfsceUanfious Barrack Duties. 

997. The 0.0. will exercise a carelul supervision over the 
consumption cf gas, electric current, and water. During frosty 
-jfeather the matructious contained in Eegulationa for Supply. 
Transport, and Barrack Services will bfr observed. When there 
Has been an excessive consumption of gas, electric current or 
water, the D.O.C. will direft the C.E.C.B. to report ivhether the 
ejcess can be traced to any defect in works under the charge 
of the E.G.E. Twenty gallons a day for each officer, man. wo- 
man and horse, and 10 galtona a day for each child, is a liberal 
supply of wator for all purposes in barracks. Por the pereon- 
uftl and patients in railitar.T hospitals, 50 gallons per head daily 
niay be taken as a guide to the <]uantity of water required. Any 
higher rat© will be closelj inquired irto. 

998. A bariack subordinate wiU not have any duties in con- 
nection with supplies of pio visions or Jorage from eontr actors 
a»d wiU not be called upon for an opinion with regard to such 
rT'^'.;rn.^^ T" "?* ^^ employed in xaaking purchases in do- 
fault. Where there is not a supply officer at the station this will 
De done by a regimental officer under the direction af the 0.0. 

999. A CO. will restrict the admission of strangers into 
barracks, and will exclude all persons not of respectable char- 
acter. ^ 

EespondblUty for Safety of Militia Department 
Wliarves, etc. 

II 1000. Offlceia i/c of Militia Department wharves, piers, land- 
ing stages at forts, or foreshores, used by Militia Department 
and hired vessels for berthing or mooring purposes, fire respon- 
sille that such are safe. 


In the event of any pf the etrueturos, berthings, moorings, 
etc., becomittg unsafe at any time, the reaponsiblo officer will 
take steps for its use to te discontinuad until it has been placed 
in a safe condition again. 

A notice board, with a warning as to its unsafe condition, 
will be exhibited in a conspicuous position near the part con- 
cerned and steps wiU be taken, through the proper channel, U 
have any necessary repairs execute! with the least possibls 

Married Quarters, Marriages, &c.,— Pormaneat Force. 
1001. (1) In the Permanent Force regimental field officeiq Married 
only are entitled to married quarters. ^ ,-5uarters 

(2) A sibaltern, with sufficient neans to maintain himself* can. 880. 
and family in a manner befitting hia position as an officer. Marriage of 
may, upon the recommendation of his CO., bo permitted by sttbalterns. 
the Minister to marry. 

(3) No subaltern, married after 1st April, 1908, will be Married 
considered as on the married establishment, nor will the family subalterns, 
of such olficer be permitted to live in barracks. 

(4) Married quarters will bo pioVlded at all stations for 
married field officers, and at stations of single units for tie 
married captains belonging to such units; but, wlere more than 
one unit h quartered at the same station, married officera* 
quarters will only be provided for half of the married eap- 
tains, the others being permitted to draw the allowance in lien. 

(5) Married quartermasters will be provided with quarters, Quarter- 
irrespective of their regimental rank. moutore. 

(6) Medical and veterinary officers who have no private 
practices will be entitled to married quarters, but those who 
have private practices will not be entitled to such quarters 
or to allowance in lieu. 

(7) District ODScerSj OommissariBS of Ordnaace, Inspectors o.0. 113— 
of Ordnance Machinery, Assistant Paymasters, Ridingmaatem, 1813. 
and other officers holding honorary rank will, irrespoetivo of 

rank, be considered as entitled to all the privileges of married 

1002. Ttie married establishment of warrant officers, non- proportion of 
commissioned officers and men of the Permanent Foorce is A^e^^gfofQe^ ^o. 
as follows; — ' Can. 8 si. 

Warrant Officers lOOper cent- H.g. 86— 

N.COs. above the rank of sergeant. , .100 " i^io. 

Sergeants . . . . , 40 * ' 

Bandsmen - 30 " 

Other rank and file 8 " 

of the limited recruiting establishment of each regiment or 
corps, except that in the cases of Departmental Corps for which 
barrack accommodation is not prcvided, and N.C.Os. of the 
instructional cadre, the married establishment of sergeants may 
be increased to 50 per cent, and rank and file to 30 per cent., 
and, in the ease of tha Supernumerary Staff, E.C.B., the mar- 
ried establishment maj be treated as a unit separately from 
the regimental establi^ment. 


Faraa. 1003-1012 

Allotuieut of CJuartfirs 

a,0, 134- 

N.0,Oa., 4c. 
Can, 882. 

Applies tion 
tot quarters. 

Obu. 835. 

Cau. B4d. 

Choke of 
Can. 830. 

Imp, 1054. 

Iiup. 1051, 

Scalo of ac- 

CO. 115— 

IB 11. 

Can. 8ST. 

quart era. 
Onu. 838. 

Suncnder or 
reteitlon of 
•qttaitet dur- 
ing tbsencQ. 
Can, 839. 

I Married chauffeurs of the Canadian Periiiaueut Array Ber- 
vice Corps shail be carried supernumerary to the married estab- 

As far aa practicable, married quarters will be provided for i 
the above proportion. 

1003. Permisaion to marry may be granted by the appli- 
cant's CO. Such permissioti will not be given unless a vacancy 
o3cist8 on the married estflblishmont aad tlie CO. is satisflud 
tliat tbo applicant is financially able to marry unl that the 
woman is a desirable character. 

1004. A solilier^ other than a warrant oilicer, wlio lias married 
without permi£sion will not be placed on tho married roll. 

Quarters Generally. 

. 1005. An application foj quarters will bo sent to the officer 
i/o barracks, vho will assi^ them. 

1006. Vacant married quarters, and those no longer required 
for occupation, will be handed over to the olUcer i/t barracks. 

Officers commanding coips will notify the officer i/c bar- 
raeks of tho departure frora tho station, as they oc«v\r, of offi- 
cers, W.O's, N.C.O'a and men, stating each partieulttt- quarter 


1007. An oflicer'a claim to choice of quarters will be gov- 
erned by his precedence^ 

When an officer has been put in possession of a quarter by 
proper authority, he is not to be dispossessed by an officer of 
corresponding rank. 

1008. Officers will not be placed on the lodging list when, 
although all quarters allotted to their unit are occupied, ae- 
commOdation ia available elsewhere at tho station, pr6vided 
it is within half a mile of their mess. 

1009. Quarters appropriated for, but not occujued by a 
quartermaster or an officer of similar position, will le utilized 
foi some other officer or officers in order to reduce tie lodging 
list, provided that there is no early prospect of the quarters 
boing required for their original purpose. 

1010. A quarter for a fitaif, R.CE., C.P.A.S.C., or depart- 
mental officer Till, as a rule, be speeislly appropriated, but, 
where unoccupied accommotlation exists, and is likely to eon- 
tinae available, such accommodation may, with the approval 
of the Officer Commanding the Pistrict, bo allotted. 

1011. An officer has not a right to a quarter whicU ho does 
not occupy; oxijept (i.) a CO. in lodgings, who may have a 
room in barracks, if he does not theieby exclude another 
offi^sor; (ii.) a married officer, not drawing lodging allowance, 
who is pormittel to reside out of barracks. 

1012. A quarter will be available for re-allotment imme- 
diately tho occupant quits tho station, except during tho 
officer's absence on duty or leave, provided such absence is 
not expected to exceed two months. 

Should the absence be extended beyond two mouths, the 
quarter may, in apecial cases, be retained for the further period^ 
on the ttuthoritj of tho D.OC. 


Allotment »f Quarters 

Paras. 1013-1017 

Nothing ii this paragraph will giv'e an officer a right to 
the retention of his quarter during absence in cases where the 
D.O.C thinks it desirable to make other arrangements. 

A married quartermaster, riding-master, inspector of ord- 
inance machinery, or commissary, deputy commissary, assistant 
commiseary of ordnance or assistant paymaster may, however, 
retain his quarters or other quarters iissigned bim, when (i.) 
detached on temporary duty; (ii.) sent on active service; (iii.) 
proceeding on sick leave; or (iv.), transferred for duty else- 
whore while It is family cannot accompany him owiug to certi- 
fied illness; provided in all cases that the quartern are neces- 
sarily occupied by his family, 

1013. The following may live out «f barracks whether ac- Exemption 
commodation is available or not: — frottoftcn- 

(i.) An ollicer dctnchBd to a station for a period uader ^ ^JJ* g^g 
eight dfiys for temporary duty not reciuiring him to take his g.o!ii5— 
heavy baggage. This period may be exceeded up to a total isn. 
limit of thirty days under the authority of tho U.O.C, when 
he is satisfied that tho circumstances of tho case justify this 
exceptional treatment. 

(ii.) An officer whose daily place of duty is at such a dis- 
tituce from barracks as, iu tlie opinion of tho D.O.O,, to inter- 
fere with the duo porforniance of his work. Tho officer must, 
however, reside nearer his work than be would do if quarter; 
ed in barracis. 

Warrant OfficeM. 

1014. A quarter may be retained (1) during a warrant 
oUicer's absctjce on leave j (2) during the temporary absence 
OQ duty of aji unmarried warrant officer for a period of one 
month or lese; (3) while a married, warrant olSleer le in 
hi^spital, or abseut on leave, or tompoiary duty, if his family 
remain in his quarter; (4) during the absence of a married 
warrant officer proceeding on active service or ordered away 
without his-fsinaly, in wlieh case the family may occupy 
quarters until tho quarters are otherwise required, or until 
tlie family can make other arrangements for residence during 
the absionco of the husband. 

1015. An armament sergeant-major is exempt from the li*e™ptioii 
liability to occupy quarters except when on duty at a camp, or ''°|* '"^^^' 
where special quarters are provided. ^^ctnl 842. 

KC.Os. and Men on the Mstrrled Soil. 

lOlti, N.G.Os. and men are not entitled to special married Cliolce of 
quartei's, thongh, subject to the conditions of para, 1017, the <li'g"*«'^"- 
cloice of vacant quarters will be by seniority. "' 

1017. The following table is a guide to allotment: — 

Number of rooms 
(excluvWe of iQallery) 

For allotment to a N.O.O. or 
man with 

No children . 
1 cbUd. 

S or 8 children. 

4 or more children, with avj above the 
age of IQ of different Bexe«. 


Paras* 1018-1026 

Medlca and Hospital Duties 

The above table will, iowever, only apply when the number 
of TQomB are available. 

Can. 84S. 

Oan. 84T, 

Can. 847. 

Oaq. 648. 

Ilatcntion dur* 
lig abaence. 
Can. 849. 

Imp. 1068. 

oF hoapUata. 
Imp, 1009, 

Guard for 
Can. 852. 

Can. 658. 

1018. "When allotting quarters, tie number <>f ehildren, 
their sexes and ages, wUl be taken into consideration. N.C.Oa. 
and men will, at all times, be required to occupy any unmar- 
ried quarters, that can be suitably allotted to tbem, unless 
authorized to draw lodging allowance or consolidated rates of 


1019. A married or single armatnent-artiflcei is exempt 
from liability to occupy quarters^ except as laid down in para. 

1020. Quaiters may be retained t — 
(i) By a N.C.O. or maa on furlongb. 

(ii.) For necessary occupation by his family during the 
Jime a N.C.O. or man is in hospital, on furlough^ temporarily 
detached on duty without his family, or undergoing imprison- 
ment or detention, provided the sentence does not exceed six 

(iii.) During the abserce of a soldier oa active service, or 
ordered away without liis family, in which ease the. family 
may occupy ^luarters untfl the qjiarters are required, or until 
the family can make other arrangemeuts for residence during 
the absence of the husbaad. 

N.COs. and Men not on the Llarried Boll. 

1021. An unmarried sergeant will be assigned a separate 
loom in the portion of the barracks occupied by the single men, 
vhon this accommodation can be given; otherwise he will be 
in the barrack-rooms with the men. 

1022. A quarter may be retained during the absence of a 
U.C.O. or maa, on duty or furlough. 


General Instructions. 

1023. All medical and hospital duties connected with the 
Militia are governed by the Kegulations for Araay Medical 
Services, and Standing Oidora, Army Medical Corps. 

1024. Hospitals will be classified as follows: — 
1. Military Hospitals. 

I'(a) Field Ambulaneea. 

.. Hospital, in the FU^M^] s'tSoVnt^ts. 
1(d) General Hoapitala. 

1025. Whcu necessary a guard will be furnished to an hos- 
pita], aiid the Principal or Senior Meiieal Officer will submit 
to the General or other Officer Commanding the station, any 
particular orders he recommends should be given to the guard. 

1026. A regimental offieer will be allowed access to his men 
in hospital at suitable hours. 


Medical and Hospital Duties 

Paras. 1027-1034 

1027. A patient will not have moiey or valuables in hiflEuUafor 
possession nor receive pay or presents of food, drink, ori^*^"^*"- 
luxuries without the permifisiou of the Medical Officer in charge, ■°' ^®*- 
v,'ho will brinj the soldier's requiremeats to the notice of his 


1028. At stations where an inspection room is provided in iuBpectlon 
barracks, the Medical OflBcer of the unit will there examine "-oom for 
men reported sick, and soldiers in arrest. The furniture of '^*S ™^"' 
the room will be in chaige of the unit occupying the bar- *^""- ^^6. 
racks. The Officer Commanding the unit will furnish an order- 
ly, to be under the orders of the Medical Officer, whilst on this 


1029. The examination of the sick will be made at such ojYiS «d*"* 
hours as will enable them to reach the hospital before the rsmoTal to 
hour of the morning visit. * boBpUal. 

^ Can. 850. 

1030. The name of eirery soldier reporting himself sick Sick report, 
will be entered in the Sick Report, M.R— B. 292 wLieh will be Con. 857. 
prepared in duplicate. 

1031. When a patient in hospital is convalescent he should Soldlera 
be discharged and should tittond at tha hospital or inspection "t'""^*"!? 
rcom as directed for further treatment as an out-patient. The Jfaa 868 
Bflme rule wiJl apply to % soldier temporarily unfit but for 

whom treatment iu hospital is not essential. He will be marked 
"Attending Hospital." (This will rot apply to City and 
Rural Corps Camps of Instruction). A soldier "Attending 
Hospital" will not be permitted to leave barracks. According 
tc medical recommendations, he will be relieved from all duties 
01 employed on light duties and fatigues. See para. 1128. 

1032. The men of each unit sent to hospital will be accom- Kits, arma, 
panied by a non-commissioaed officer, -who will take with himo<«utra- 
the Sick Reports (M.P.— B. 292) and Medical History Sheets, ^.^J*'/ j^J;- 
which on discharge from the hospital will bo returned when Oun. as?! 
the necessary sntries are made. 

A man admitted to hospital will take with him, in addition 
to the clothes he is woariag, hie devotional books, hair brush, 
comb, razor, sliaving brush, tooth brush, blacking trushes, tin 
of blacking, and great coat. The remainder of lis kit, to- 
gether with his arms and accoutremoits^ will be taken int6 
store by his unit. Medals, trinkets, &c., will be retained by 
the 0.0. of the unit, and moneys belonging to the soldier will 
be credited to his account. S 

Should a patient be admitted to hospital for an infectious 
disease, the medical authorities will communicate with his 
unit as regards the disinfesting of kits. * 

1033. When men are to be disohargod from hospital the Men dia- 
Hodieal Officer in charge will, on the day preceding their charged from 
discharge, if possible* iiotiiy this fact on the back of M.F.— **°?P**"Lft 
B. 292, to the Officer Commanding the unit to which the man 

belongs, who will send a non-commissioned officer for the man 
at the hour locally arranged for. 

1034. Hospital attendants for all duties at the station hos- Hospital 
pital will be furnished by the Permanent Army Medical Corps; attendants. 
Medical Officers may employ on light duties, without extra pay, *^"'** ^^^• 
patients whom they consider able to aid the hospital estab- 


Faras. 1036-1043 

Medical and HospJtal Duties 


Paras, 1043-1051 

jislimejit. Sliould it ever become necessary to employ Boiiliera 
from other units, OfUcera ComiuQuding stations aio auttorized 
to furnish thorn on application of the Medical Officer, and 
while eo employed, these soldiers will not be available for other 
duties, nor, if it can be avoided, will they be reliered by others 
ao long as their services are required. Should it leconie neces- 
sary to ehaage them, due notice will always be given to the 
Medical Officer i/o the lospital, 

1035. When a soldier temporarily employed in ft hospital is 
placed in arrest, the Medical Officer in charge will at once 
re'poit the «ase i^o the man 's CO. for disposal, unless the 
soldier V documents have boon handed over to the Medical 
Officer, when tlie latter will himself dispose of tiie case. 

1036. An offence committed by a patient in hospital will be 
reported at the •time, and dealt with when the man is dis- 
charged from hcspitai. 

1037. On iutimation from the medical authoiities, that a 
soldier is dangerously ill in hospital, tho Officer Commanding 
the unit wilt at once notify tho next of kin. If the next of kiE 
resides in Canada, tho notifleatiou-will be by telegram. Tho 
death of a patient will ba similarly notified with full particu 

1038* WLon a Medical OflScer makes suggestions to th« 
A.D.M.S. on matters affecting tho health, comfort and accom- 
modation of the troops, or tho sanitary condition of the locality, 
tho concurrence or otherwise of the local 0.0. will be obtained 
and communicated to the A.D.M.S. Copies of reports or sug* 
gestione made to an O.C. will also be forwarded to the A.D.M.S. 
1039. Wlen an officei at a statioi employs a civilian medi- 
cal practitioner to attend upon himself or hia family, or when 
ft soldier 01 the mar r lei strength does so for his family, ha 
will at once report tho circumstance (forwarding a certificata 
as to the nature of the illness) for the information of tho 
Officer Commanding and the Medical Officer in charge. Tho 
Medical Officer is authorized to visit any case cf sickness in 
barracks or married quarters to enable him to take necessary 
sanitary pracautions. 
AdmiRsiou to 1040- The family of a N.C.O. or soldier on th« married roll 

ease^hoi- *^^* ^^7 ^^ admitted to an infectious hospital for necessary treat- 
ment at the public eacpense. 

1041. The term *' family'^ will bo understood to include tha 
wife and cttildren of a soldier married on tho strength, and 
rtep-childroa under 14 years of ago. 

Arrcat of ho8- 
jtital attcnd- 


Can, 8aS. 

OlTeiice by 
putieut iu 

Con. 803. 
Soldier dan- 
E«rouBly iU. 

Can. SOi. 

reports and 
suggestion 8. 
Can. 866. 

of civilian 
Can, 860. 


Can. 867. 

Can. 8G8. 

omcere, etc., 
in the field. 
Cap. 8C9. 

Mddical Officers and Hospitals In the Tleld. 

1042. A Medical Officer attached to a unit in the field will 
be under tie orders of the Officer Commanding the unit, but 
will be at tho disposal of the A,P.M.S. of tha division ia 
which he is serving. His baggaga will be citried iu tho 
regimental transport, and he will be supplied inth a batmaa 
from the ranks of the unit, who will, in addition, how- 
ever, perform such regimental duties as the other officers' 


servants may be called upon to do. Before aa action the 
regimental stretcher-bearers and an ambulanco with its equip- 
ment will be placed at tie disposal of the Bcgimcntal Medical 

1043. When sick or wounded are tent to a field ambulance Kita of siutc 
their kits, arms, and accoutrements will accompany them, aud wounded, 

'■ Can. 8l0. 

Sledical Officers Doing Duty with Troops lu Peace, 

1044. A Medical Officer will net be reciuirod to be ou^odical 
parade, except at inspeetions, and on special tircumstancea ^fl^cers on 
when his professional services are required. ^*Can 87i 

1045. If at camps of instruction oi during riflo or gun prac-Hodical 
tieo it appears to the Oilicer Commanding that exceptional cir- officer 
cumsiances render it advisable that a medical officer should ^[^^^"* 
be present oa the range, he raay, after consulting the A.D.M.S., practicti. 
issue the necessary orders. 


1046. iJauds which do not conform to theso regulations jt'orfeituru 
will nut be eutillod to any grant iu nid of bands made by thcoficrunt. 
Department of Militia and Defence. Can. 873. 

1047. Tho strength of bands is given in the establishment EstubliehuienL 
lists. Can, 878. 

1048. The N.C.Os. and men wilt be effective aoldiers, th or Efficiency, 
oughly drilled, and liablo to servo in the ranks, and the nUm Can, 874, 
bars stated will not bo exceeded. Boys enlisted for training gpyg ^p^gi^ny 
as musicians may bo clothed like baadsmen, provided expense enlisted. 

to the public is not caused thereby* 

1049. (a) Subject to 4he approval of its commonding officer, tprocesaiojis, 
any militia band may appear in uniform and plar in any pro 
cession unconnected with the militia, or at any mooting oi 
domnnstration unconnected with the militia, provided there bi 
carried, witii it conspicuously displayed at its head, in sucL 
procession or at sui'h meeting or demonstration a Union Jacli g.O. 34 & 
of not less than three feet by four feot in dimensions. Thi 105 — 1914. 
man who carries the fl&g must be i member of the unit tv 
which the band belongs and must be- in the uniform of hit 

(b) Should a eommonding olBcer at any tlmo refuse to 
permit a bund of his corps to take part in any procession 
meeting or demonstration unconnected with the militia, he 
laust immediately notify Militia Headquarters, through tht 
pr'^per channel, Mb reasons for such refusal. 

1060. Bandmasters are responsible for the discipline, atDatieaof 
well as for the instruction of their bands. They will attend ***can"87?"" 
all parades with their bands, and will accompany and b« ' ' 

responsible for them when they play in public places or attend 
an entertainment. Banimasters are not permitted to wear 
plain clothes on duty, and when in uniform must be dressed in 
conformity with the regulations of the service. 

1051. A bandsman in the Permaoent Force who commiti; Offences, 
an offence eDtailing an entry in the regimental conduct booi Can. 877. 
may, at the discretion of the CO., ba struck off the establish- 


Paras. 1052-1059 


inent of the bana, and will not bs eligible to he again taken 
on the strength until three months after the oxpiiation of the 
punishment awarded. 

1052. In order to secure uniformitjr on occasioas when the 
bands of several corps require to be brigaded, eacb regimental 
band will be supplied for ordinary us© with a tuning fork 
and a set of marches arranged for 24 parts on 30 cards, viz.; 

The National Anthem; quick step, trot past. 


in pU^ing. 

Can. 878. 

tf pitch. 
Can. 879. 

1063. In order to ensure uniformity throughout tho bands 
of the Militia, the instruments will be of the pitch known as 
the ''Kneller Hall" pitch, which is 479.8 vibrations at 60o 
Fahrenheit for B flat, corresponding to 452.4 for A, and 538 
for C at the same temperature, used in the bandi throughout 
Lhe British Army. 

Kational 1054. The authorized arrangement of the National Anthem 

■^*oin°880 *^^* invariably be used. The arrangements for cavalry will be 
Q.O. 66—19 ^^^^ ^*^o by light infantry and rifle corps; that for infantry 
l>y cavalry when dismounts d. Both arrangements may be 
played in conibiuation wlea so required. The correct time of 
tho National Anthem is lil.M. 1 =:84j and this will invariably 
be adhered to. 

Imp. 1119A. 

MaBted bands. 
CftD. 881. 

Books of lo- 

ctrucUoD, &e. 

Oan. 832. 


Can. 883. 
Sand prop- 

Can. 884. 

1055. AH correspond etce in connection with hand engage- 
ments will be conducted by the band president. An engage- 
ment is ocly to be entozed into subject to the exigencies of 
military duti9S, A clause to this effect should be embodied in 
any form of contract or agreement made. Engagements are 
lot to be SGUght throug^L the public press, nor will they be 
arranged for or accepted through musical or other agents. 

An engagement is not to bo accepted on terms which are 
lower than those which vould, in the same circumstances, be 
offered to a civilian band, or in order to replace a civilian 
band which is on strike. 

1056. In camps of instruction bands will, when brigaded or 
massed, practice together under the direction of the Brigade 
Bandmaster, who will be named by tho OlHcer Oommanding 
tho Oamr, Brigade, or Force, and will be drilled in their various 
movements by a competent instruotoi. 

1067. The instructions in the following books, published by 
authority, are to be adhered to without addition or alteration,^ 
either as regards the soundings or thair application: — 

In the mounted service and garrison artillery — ''Tho 
Trumpet and Bugle Sounds/ ' 

In the infantry — "The Trumpet aad Bugle Sounds,'* — and 
'*The Drum and Piute Duty.'* 

1058. All regiments and battalioas should piovido them- 
lelves with copies of "National Antbems of all ITations." 

1059. Bani property belonging to units will remain in regi- 
mental custody, and will be replaced when necessary, as pro- 
vided in the "Pay and Allowance Begulations." All such 
property, except presentation instruments, &c., will, however, 
lie regarded as vested in the Militia Department, and will not 
be alienated without the consent of the Minister. The Oom- 
manding Officer is responsible that band property of every 


Paras. 1060-1065 

doseription h always available and in a serviceable condition, 
Inspecting olUcers will satisfy themsalves that tkeae instruc- - 
+aons are carried out. 

1060. Bugles, trumpets^ drums and fifes, as specified in thogupplyof 
Equipment Begulations, are supplied at the publi« ejtpense to ""*^''™^""* 
the authorized bands maintained in tlie permanent force, and. 
in 'accordance with the Pay and Allowance Bogulations, a 
yearly allowance to each of these bands is granted to cover 
the purchase of additional instruments and music, etc., also 
for maintaining tho instruments in a proper state of repair. 

G.O. E 

Musical Training — ^Permanent Force. 

1061. A regiinental musician should be encouraged to Training of 
qualify for tbe position of eergeant-trumpeter, sergeant-bugler, JJJKJ"*j^^ 
or sergeant-drummer. It is the dut/ of the bandmaster to^^^ ^ ' 
give instruction with this object, so that there may be in every ban. 885. 
corps a soldier who is trained and qualified to AH such 

1062. A bandmaster will also instruct tho N.0.0& of his band Inatructlon ol 
who voluntarily attend, in the followmg subjects, with a view jj^^O^Os^by ^ 
to their being qualified to pass the examination required for Qan, sso.' 
the admission to the Boyal Military School of Music for train- 

ing as bandmasters: — (i.) Elements of music j (il) harmony; 
(iii.) counterpoint (up to 4 parts simple combined); ^iv.) iu- 
Btnuuentatioa; (v.) musical biography. The instrLction should 
consist of at least two lessons a wook of not less than half -an- 
hour's duration esch. 

OMcers' Messes. 

1063. Every officer on the training establishment or OorpSRoBponalbilUy 
Reserve of a unit, and evsry officer attached thereto, is to be a of Command' 
member of tho regimental mess. The Commandittg Officer i^^^cJn^s"?* 
responsible that all regulations relating thereto are observed. 

He will also ensure that the mess is conducted without un- 
necessary expense or eartravagance, aad must by his personal 
example and advice encourage economical habits and careful 

1064. All officers of the Permanent Staff and Permanent Honorary 
Force are ipso facto honorary members of tho various messes member*, 
of units of the Permaoeiit Porce. Oau. 888. 

1065. Every officer is personally to pay to the mess presi-uoBBblll«. 
dent his mess bill and all authorized subscriptions on or before Oao. seb. 
!;he 7th of e&oh month, a^d the pr^ident ol the mess commit- 
tee will report in writing to the 0.0. any omission to do so. 

The officer concerned will then be called upon for an explana- 
tion. If the result be unsatisfactory and the account is not 
iiettled by tlie 15th of the month, tke circumstances will be 
jeported to the D.O.O. 


Paras. X066-107e 


1066. Comiuandiiig OiHeers are heJd responsible tbat tho 
daily expense of roessing is kept within tho means of the 
jitnior ofScers, 

1067. All officers present with their units, except married 
officersi are to be dining members of the mess. When their 
vrivee or families are absent, married oflieers are also to be- 
come dining niombers. OiBcers flttachei for instruction, unless 
specially exempted, will also bo dining members. 

1068. Whofl a civilian mess-man is employed, tho Com- 
manding Oilic&r will take stepfi to cau',iou tradesmen that tho 
oQScers are not responsible for debts incurred by, or on behalf 
of, the mess-man. When a non*eommisaionod oflicer is employ- 
ed as caterer, the mess tommitte© \vill bo . responsible for 
pecuniary trarsactious with tradesmen. The authorized ration 
of eaeb ofiicer living in mess will be issued to the mess-man 
for the benefit of the mesa 

1069. A seigeant is permitted to act as mess-ma^ or caterer 
or superintendent of the mess oatablisliment, but uo uon-com- 
missioncd oilicer is to be ctiiployod in any menial capacity 
al>out the mesa. 

1070. Mess-men should clearly understand that ii they cash 
cheques for oiticors, they do so at their own risk. 

1071. Tho whole of tho moss property, other thai that sup- 
plied by the Militia Department, will be insured against loss 
bT fire, the premiums being a cbarge against the mess fund. 

1072. Presettts of plate from officers on iirst appointment, 
on promotion, or on other occasions, are prohibited. 

liiMB moBtineH ^^^^* "^ ^^^^ meeting tvill be held once a quarter. Tho 
Can. 897. ' '^**'^^ of the officers will bo taken upon any proposition on 
wliich a difference of opinion exists, and the point ivill be de- 
cided by the majority of votes, provided the Commanding 
Oflicer concurs. 

1074. When a unit furnishes a detachment, a proportion of 
the moss funds, plate, serx-ants, equipment, and stores will bo 
aseigned for its use, if dfisired. 

10754 Tho senior combatant officer present takes military 
precedence at mesa, and is responsible for the maintenance ot 

1076. Before giving over the commaad of a unit or portion 
of a unit in vhich an officers' mess is maintained, the Com- 
manding Officer will send to the D.O.C. a certificate that all 
debts owing by the mess lave been paid, or that a sufficient 
amount is in hand to meet all liabilitieH. Should he bo unablo 
to furnish this certificate, he will explain tho reasons which 
have noeessitated tho contracting of debts, so that tho D.O.O. 
may decide whether they ere to bo paid by the Commanding 
OUcer or can be taken over by his successor. A copy of tho 
certificate will be handed to the officer assuming the command. 

Tho latter will report to the D.O.C. whether or not he is 
satisfied with the state of the funds. 

In the case of units changing stations, where station messes 
are maintained, a similar certificate will bo furnished by tho 
1 0.0. of the outgoing unit. 


Can, 891. 

for debts. 
Can. 893. 

Hess sergeant. 
Can. 893. 

Cushiug uf 
cliques, etc. 

Can. 894. 

Can. 895. 

pies eat of 

Can. 896. 


Can. 898. 


at mess. 
Osn. 899. 

CertiAcale on 
change of 
C7an, 900. 

Imp. 1143. 

Paras. 1077-1087 

1077* At the annual inspection tlie maunor in which the Annual 

moss IB being conducted will be closoly investigated. Any" 
infraction of the regulations will bo reported to superioJ 


Offlcors' Mess Contributions and Subscriptions— Permanent 

1078. Officers on the strength of u unit will on appoint- Mous contrt- 
mont pay to the mess fund of the mess of thoir unit, a contri- buttons, 
bution fixed by tho Coaimauding Offioor, but not to execctl *^*"* ^"^• 
thirty days' pay. All contributions ore to be charged in 
monthly instalments of three days' pay on the original not 

pay of each oilicer 's r.iiik, exclusive of all allowances. 

1079. When an officer of the Permanent Force is promoted On promoiioa, 
in his unit, he is to pay in like manner a sum aot exceeding Can. 903, 
thirty days' diflference between the original net rates of paj 

of the rank attained and of tho rank from whiah ho is pro 

1080. If an oflicer oithangBS, ia transferred in tho same On exchange, 
rank, or is firomotod to another regiment; or if ic exchanges; *"(3|„ ^o*^*** 
or is transferred for his own convenience, ho is char^oabU 

with tho whole amount of contribution to the unit in which he 
is promoted, or to whicli he exchanges or is trai&f erred ; bui 
he is not to bo charged tvitb payment to the mcsi fund of hit 
former unit beyond the month during which his icmoval takei 

1081. An officer's contribution is duo according to the dates Contributions, 
' given in tho**Canada Gazette" or, in tho case of postings, t'^* *^**J '^'^%5 

dates given in the posting notices, and will be asaeased bj *"" 
those dates. 

1082. An officer on being seconded, or on retiring, is not to On leaving 
bo charged with regime iital subscriptions beyond tho dato ol ^"q^^. 900. 
bis removal as notified in the "Canada Gazette." 

1083. Married officers are liable to only one -half of the an Married 
nuftl subscription, whon they do not regularly attend the mess °®JS^"'„o- 
418 dining members. 

1084. Seconded officers and majors holding extra regimental Exemptions, 
appointments who are not seconded, are exempt from the pay Can, 908. 
mont of subscriptions to their nnlts. 

1085- Officers, other thou medical and veterinary oflieers, when attacbel 
attached to units for one month and upwards, will pay to th* to otbeo corps, 
uuit or school of instruction to which thoy are at^tached, tho t^aa. eo9. 
moss subscriptions they would otherwise have paid to their 
own units. * 

1086. An oflicer who, for the benefit of tho service, attends hvhon attend- 
a class or course of instruction at an institution or station iaga claas of 
where no mess is available, will not, during the period of tU """mj. jise. 
course^ &c., pay mess subscriptions to his own uiit. 

1087. The Commanding Officer will prevent an undue accu Limits of 
mulation of the mess ftnd, and will fix the rate o£ contribu- contributions 
tions and subscriptions thereto, which must never exceed the f^* """""^"P* 
limits prescribed, without the sanction of the Militia Council. Can. 910. 


Faras. 1083-1097 

Paras. 1098-1104 

Inel dental 
Cftn. 911. 


G.O. 225— 
0«n. 912. 

ofllcors' bilU. 
0«n. 918, 

hi arrear. 
Can. 914. 

C&D. 915. 

loss, lite monthly chnrge for all iaeidental expenses should 
' not exceed three dollars in ordinary, and four dollars in ex- 
traordinary, circumstanceB. When the lesser sum ia exceeded, 
the necessity for the excess should te eatablished to the satis- 
factioa of the 0.0. 

1089. Offiters of the Active Militia, attached to a unit of 
tho Permanent Force for instruction, will be required to pay 
a daily rate of "Table money*' not to exceed $4.C0 per month 
while so attached. 

1090. Bills incurred at officers' in«sBCB form a first charge 
upon the pa}' of the oiHeer incurring them. To this end the 
pay of all officers of the Active Militia attached for instruction 
is transmitted to them through the oHicer commanding the 
unit or school of instruction. 

1091. If an ofiicer, about to be struck off the attached 
. strength of a unit or school of instruction, is in arrears in his 

[uess bill, he is not to be detained pending paymaut. Beturn 
transport to his home, is, however, not to be issued to him. 
The oiGcor commandinff the unit or school of instruction will, 
without delay, report the case to Militia Hcadquaiters, stating 
the amount the officer is in arrear. 

Begimeutal and Officers ' Mess Entertainmanta. 

1092. Commanding OlUcors will be responsible that oxpen- 
live entertainments are only given "vrith the sanction of the 
B.O.O., and that no officer who has not signified his consent 
in writing is called upon to pay any part of the expense, 
Coniuianding Officers are to give their special countenance 
and protection to any officers who decline to share in the 
proposed expense. The cost of such catertainmenta (including 
Ihat of publio guests) ia to be asseised on thoso concerned 
in shuTes of bo many days' pay of his rank to each individual 


from contrlb- 1093. Officers absent from their unit at the Staff College, or 

iiting to enter- holding staff appointment!, arc not chargeable with any share 
nfn^°Qi% «£ entertainments. 

1004. An officer inviting private friends to a mess dinner 
trill bear the whole expeiise of their entertainment. 

1006. Finea, whether iii money or wine, will not bo levied 
on marriage, promotion, &»,, nor for any minor irregularities. 
The keeping of a regimental coach is forbidden. 

1096. The practice of entertaining units upon arrival at, or 
departure from, a station is prohibited;, the hofipitality ap- 
proved will be limited to offering to the officers the accom- 
modation of the mess as honorary members. 

1097. Semi' private account books in which extra charges 
and unauthorized subscriptiona are shown will not be kept in 
a mess. The CO. will bo held responsible that every charge 
13 shown in the official rteas acaounts which are produced at 
the annual inspection. 


Can. 917. 

Can; 918. 

/rrlvnl and 
ot anita. 
Oas. 919. 

Oati. 920. 

Active MlUtla. 

1098. An officer of the Active Militia is liable to contribute Bubscriptiona. 
to regimental funds. The amount will be fixed by the 0.0. 
according to the following scales, which are not to be 

(a) On first appointmont as subaltern, and on each occa- Can. 921. 
sion of subsequent promotion to the Tank of Captain, Major, 

and Lioutonant*Colonel, $10, except in the Corps of Guides^ 
iu which it shall bo |5. 

(b) On diiect appointment: — Corpe of Guides. 
To the ranh of Captain, $20. $10 

To the rank of Major, $30, $15 ^^ „^„™„,i„w. 

■ To the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, $40. $20 ?o another 

1099. A promotion from one militia unit to another shall unit. 

not be considered a direct appointment to a higher rank. ^ Can. 932. 

1100. Thesa contributions may be applied as Commanding BeBtrictiona. 
Officers may direct, but no other contributions to regimental ' 
funds will b* levied upon officers either on joining, during 

sarvice in, or on leaving, a unit. 

Sergeants* Masses — ^Permanent Force. 

1101. A sergeants' mess will invariably bo formed when pormatlon and 
practicable, and all warrant officers and sergeants attached lupervUlon. 
for instruction will bo honorary members thereof. The G.O. ^*g; 5^6:_ 
will be responsible that it is conducted with economy, regular- 1913. 

ity and order. The second in command will, as a rule, be^ 
charged with its immediate supervisioa. ^ 

1102. All warrant officers, staSf and other sergeants, whether jtuiea for 
married or single, are to be members of the mess, and, where Fy Wan ce. 

a dining mess is established, single members must be dining ^jg^^jj^g^^^j 
members. In tho Engineers, corporals are also to be members lergeantB to 
of the sergeants' mes3. Lincesergeanis not in receipt of lance- lomembora. 
pay have the option of joining the mess or not. Kou-commis- *^""* *'*^* 
tiioned officers of other corps not boiow the rank of lance- 
eergeant, maj, with the sanction of the Commanding Officer, 
le admitted as honorary members, but they shoultl be limited 
in number. 

1103. Eveiy memboc will pay an. entrance fee not exceeding F^aa and 
three days' pay on first joining the mess, and oa promotion tu^w^ip^jn^ 
the difference of three days' pay. Aa armourer^sergeant will q.o! 325— 
pay the ontmnee fee of three days' pay to tho sergeants * 1912. 
laess of the first corps to which ho is attached after promotion 

I0 the rank 'of armourerstaff-sergeant, and the difference of 
three days' pay in a similar manner on each occasion of pro- 
motion to a higher grade* A monttly subscription may be 
eharged, not exceeding 50 cents for unmarried, and 25 cents 
ior married or detached, members. Warrant officers and ser- 
geants of th« Active Militia attached for instruction wiU not 
be required to pay an entrance* fee or subscription, but will 
be charged the sum of five cents per' diem, "Table money/' 
during the ptriod of theii attachment. 

1104. Mes>-meeting8 Trill be held monthly, at which all Mo"* 
members are to attend. The senior warrant or non-commis- ^*^; "^gj^. 
fiioned officer present will preside. A statement of accounts 


Paras. 11C5-1113 

Regimental Institutes and Canteens 

Faras. 1114-1121 


Can. 928. 

Cuti. 929. 

Jlnte of iuo«S' 
iag and eale 
of beer, &c. 
Cau. 030. 

and Bccuunts. 
Can. 93 J. 

SUtomciit to 

be submitted. 

Can, 982. 

or funds. 
Cau. 933. 

Cull. 934. 

in mess. 
Cnn. 935. 

Dettiiled rules. 

Cun. aao. 

Signed by the president, will be subuiitted to thia meeting for 
audit and approval. Minutes of the proceedings will be 
recorded and submitted for approval oC the Commanding Officer. 
1106. The management of the mes< is to be conducted by n 
committee, the president of which thould not be below the 
runic of colour-sergeant, with two seigoanta (one married and 
one unmarried) as members. They will be appointed quarter- 
ly at a mess meeting^ subject to the approval of tie Commana* 
ing Officer. Thoy are rcBponsible for the management of the 
mess, and have the powsr to authorize all ordiiary expendi- 
ture^ but no exceptional outlay is to be made without the 
previous sanction of a iness-meetiug, and the approval of the 
Uommanding Oillcer. 

1106. A sergeant, not a member of the mess committee, is 
to be selected by the Commanding Officer to act as caterer. 
ETe is, as fat as possible, to be exempt from other duties, and 
iS to take cliarge of all stores of liquors and eatables, and to 
receive from members the amounts due hy them for liquors. 
These amounts may, at the discretion of tho ""Commanding 
Officer, be ptiid weekly or on the spot; but in eitlier ease the 
iiash is to be handed over to the treasurer on the same day a? 
it is receivfi. The caterer has no authority to make pur- 
thases or select tradesmen without tlie sanctiou of tho com- 

1107. The daily rate of messing is not to exceed 25 cents. 
No beer or spirituous liqnor is to be sold before tho foreuoou 
parade, and under no circumstances ia any to bo sold to any 
private soldier or to a non-commissioaed officer who is not a 
member or honorary member of the mess. 

1108. A etaff-Borgoant or colour-serj^eant is to te appointed 
by roster to act as treasurer for tho quarter. Tho treasurer is 
to give to captains, monthly, u statement showing the amount 
due by members for messing and subscriptioui, and the 
amounts will be recovered in the same manner as other regi- 
mental bills. 

1109. A atatemeut of the accounts signed by the president^ 
together with all vouchers will be ready on or before the 5th 
cf each month, for submission to the monthly mess meetiug 
for audit, and will subsequently be laid before tho Command^ 
iflg Officer bv the second-in-command. 

1110. No accumulation of funds should be allowed to remain 
-a the hands of the treasurer; all sums collected should be 
placed in the bank and tte accounts paid mouthlv bv cheques 
countersigned by the secoad-in-eommand. 

1111. No entertainment is to be given without the concur- 
rance of two-thirds of a general meeting, and with the sanction 
oC the Commanding Officer 

1112. The senior warrant officer or non-commissioned officer 
present in the mess is responsible for the maintenance of good 
order and for the pbservaiice of the rules of the mess. 

1113. Each mess may draw up rules on matters of detail, 
which must bo submitted for the approval of the Commandiut' 
Officer. * 


1114. Garrison messes mil be conducted in accordance with QaniBon 
the foregoing principles so far as tliey are applicable. The "* cun'ss? 
eenior warrant or non-commissioned ofScer present will preside 

at the mess meetings. 

1115. The whole of the property of the mesa win be insured ^"J;"„';;"'9'Jh 
against tiro and shipwreck, the premiums being charged against 

the mess fund. 

1116. The undermentioned warrant officers and non-commis- President or 
sioned officers are not to ECt either as president of a sergeants ' ''"'^^JJ'^y^^ 
mess committee, or treasuier of a sergeants* mess: — Eegimental 
liorgeaut-majors, bandmasters, regimontal quartormaster-ser- 


Soldiers' Messing and Cooking. 

1117. It is the duty of the Oommaading Officer to see that 
the soldier's meals are properly and sufficiently provided. Tho 
system laid down in the ** Manual of Military Cooking*' is to 
be adhered to as far as applicable. An evening meal is 
invariably to be furnished in addition to breakfast and dinner, 

1118. An t»rdorly officer will inspect the kitchens and cook- 
ing apparatus daily, and will visit tho mess rooms during tho 
breakfast, dinner and tea hours, to see that the meals are pro- 
perly prepared, and that there is no cause for complaints. 
Arrangement* ^are to be made by the Commanding Officer for 
Uie disposal of all refuse from the cooking. 

1119. Rations of bread and meat will, as a rule, be inspected 
QD the day previous to that of issue, except on Saturday, when 
the supplies for Sunday and Monday will be inspected. The 
liours of inspection will be fixed by tho Commanding Officer. 
Copies of thu conditions of contract will be procared by the 
d.O. and will bo hung up in the stores for tho guidance of 
inspecting ofiicers. 

1120. The duties of tie sergeant-cook are detuiled in the 
"Manual of Military Cocking.'* Ho will personally superin- 
tend all coohing done in regimental cook-houses, and see that 
:t is performed in aeeordaneo with tie instructions contained 
In the above manual. 

One cook per company, &c., will be placed under his orders, Cooks. 
and will not be chfinged save at long intervals, or for mis- 
conduct. In special circunstauces the Commanding Officer may 
detail an assistant cook per company, &c., who should bo 
changed weekly, 


1121. A regimental institute is established in a unit for the objects with 
fxclusive benefit and convenience of the troops, and with thewM<;h estab- 
f olio wing objects: — To supply them with good articles at reason- 'can, 044, 
able prices without in any way interfering with tlieir right to 

resort to any other available shops or markets, and to organize 
and maintain tho means available fur their recreation and 


tdatiuol of 
Can. 940. 

Ins]>eclioti of 
kitchen und 


Can. 911. 

Inspertiuu ot 
bi'end :it:d 

Cnn. 942. 

Duties of the 


Can. 913. 

Paras, 1 122-1131 A- 

S-eglmental Institutes and Canteens 

Can. 945. 

Rules issued 
Can. 94G. 

Visiting by 
Can. 947. 

Committoe of 


Can. 046. 

Hours for sale 
of liaaor. 
Can. &4B. 

Caa. 950. 

Light duty 

Can. 951. 

Persons en- 
lUled to deal 
At the lasti- 

Can. 962. 


Oan. 953, 
Imp. 1190. 

admitted to 
<offee room. 
Caia. 954. 

]>ry Canteens. 
O,0. 43— 

1123. DetitchmentB wbieli have no separate eanteon, gcocery 
Btop or cofSea room, stould be petmitted to use those belonging 
to another corps. 

1123. Particulars relating to the management of institutes, 
fltc contained in *'Kules for the Management of Garrison and 
Regimental lu&tltutea." , 

1124. All premises of the institute will be visited frequently 
by the Comnmnding OflicBr, occasionally by the niadicat officer 
rloing duty >vith the unit, and daily by the captain or subaltern 
»f the day. 

112G, A committee of management of three ofUcers will be 
appointed by the Commanding OMcer, under whose orders they 
vi^ill act. Tlic president should, if passible^ be a field ofQcer. 
A Commanding Officer may appoint himseljE president. No 
Qdlcor of the regimental staff should be a member, and not 
more than oae member should be changed at a time. 

1126. Officers commanding will decide the Iiours during 
which the bir may be iept open, but in no case is it to be 
open during the hours of divine service on Sundays. Other 
branches of the institute will bo Icopt open at such hours as 
tho Commanding OiBcer may determine. 

11^7. Defaulters will T)e excluded from the ear teen, except 
luring; one lour only 'in eaoh day to bo fixed by the Com- 
manding Officer. 

1128. Men attending hospital and doing light duty will be 
(Excluded from the canteen, unless tie written parmissiou of 
the medical ofiScer has bsen given. 

1129. OSlcerfi and soldiers with their families and servants 
are the only persons poriaitted to purchase articles at any of 
the branches of tho institute. No civilians are to be allowed 
to purchase articles at any of the establishments at any time^ 
or to enter tie bar during tho hours prohibited by the existing 
Licensing Acts. 

1130. All persons entitled to deal at thoso iistltutes are 
prohibited fiom purchasmg, or being concerned in the pur- 
«liase of« articles for the benefit of or on behalf of persons not 
to entitled- This is not, however, to debar a soldier from en- 
tertaining a civilian frioid. 

1131. The Commanding Officer may permit soldiers to intrc 
duce male friends into the eoflfee room, on condition that they 
leave the bairacks on the sounding oi the first post of tattoo. 
The person vho intxoducea a friend will be respongiblo for his 
food bhaviour. The Commanding Officer may exclude any in* 
dividual at any time. 

1131A. The establishment of dry canteens for «ach unit of 
the Canadian Expeditionary ?orce, aiid also for each unit o£ 
the Active Militia during the period of training n authorized. 

2. These canteens to ba organized, administered and carried 
on under the supervision and direction of tho officor command* 
ing the unit, or a commUtee appointed by him. They are to 
be inspected daily by an officor, and once a month by the Com- 
manding Officer or other officer appointed by him, at which 
inspection tho books^ accounts and vouchers^ and also an audit* 
ed cash statement are to be submitted. 


Beglmental Workshops 

Paras. 1132-1136 

3. These canteens are to be maintained solely for the use 
aid benefit of tho unit and are not, on any account, to bo sub- 
let or handed over to any other person or persons. They are 
to be managed by a member of the unit, and no one else is 
to be employed in connection with the canteen unless he is an 
enlisted ^Idler of such unit. Any profits arising from these 
c&nteens ar»^ to bo applied for the use and benefit of the non- 
commiasioued officers and men of such unit. 

4. Garrison, Begimental or Corps Kegulations governing 
such canteons, and also the hours for opening and closing of 
tlie same will be publishecl in regimo^tftl or corps orders for 
tbe information of all concerned. 

e. The proTisiona of paras. 1127-1131» inclusive^ will apply, 
aa far as practicable, to all dry canteens established under this 

Active MiUtla. 

1132. Nothing in these regulations or in the Kings's Bogula- Canteens at 
tfons and Orders for the Army, so far as they relate to the gJJP^^of^^ 
establishment of canteens is to be . understood as permitting q^q gg^'^ 
tlie sale withia the limits of camp grounds during tho annual 
tiaining of tie Militia oi Canada, of spirituous (to iueludo 

wine) or malb liquors of any kind; their sale within such 
limits being strictly prohibited. 

1133. Officers commanding camps of instruction of the Can. 956. 
Active Militia will bo held responsible tJiat the above order is 

carried out, and they, together with the officers commanding 
units of tho Active Militia, will, in those districts where tho 
law so directs, be liable to prosecution, in respect of any liquor 
sold in tents cr other piemiaeB subject to their contiol, in addi- ■ 
fcion to such penalty as. may be inflicted for a breflch of mili- 
tary discipline. 


Oenoial Instnictloas. 

1134. "Wheaever practicable, General and Oommandmg Empioymenv. 
Officers will establish garrison and regimental workshops, iJ' jj fjj J^°'" 
which soldiers who have learned a trade before enlistment 0611.957. 
will be employed, and in vhich other eoldiers, who are willing 

tfl learn, may be instructed in a trade during tTieir leisur^i 

1135. The lecond in command will supervise the workshops, Superviaion. 

" " "■* " " * " ■" ' 1 practicable, Md c' ^ 

ba in charge of an officer (aot tho quartermaster). The tailor '« 
shop will be under the immediate supervision of the quarter- 

each of which, except the tailor 's shop^ will; when practicable, "tid chaxe^. 

Vvn in tt'havrfa nf an nfdnav /nyif flirt /inn rtarmnaf nr \ Thft tflllnr'** Can. 958. 

Infantry Pioneois and Pionaar Workshops. 

1136. The establishment of pioneers is laid down in thoiionsarB. 
establishment lists. The a&rgeant should be, if posflible, a car- ^»"* ^s*- 
panter, and hold a special certificate of qualification. A quali- 
fied man should always be available to fill any vacancy that 


Paras. 1137*1145 

Begimeutal Workshops 

Eegimeutal Workshops 

Paras. 1146 1161 

Fati{;ue men. 
Can. D60. 

[or «mploy- 
Dient as 
Can. 961. 

ttepairs to 

barrack B. 
Can. 903. 


«f pioneers. 

Can. 9(13. 

-of men by 
Can. 964. 

private work 
And others. 
Can. 9Q5. 

kiont of 
jnouey earned- 
Can. 966. 

Can. 967. 

Can. 98a. 

may occur iu thu uppoiLtiucnt. The pioueor-sergoant ^viU bo 
selected maialy for Iiis proficiency in his trade, but lie ought 
also to bo a luan of good character. 

1137. Permanent fatigue men to assist the pioaeer-sergeant 
will be detailed by the 0.0, in aeecrdanee with the require- 
ments of th3 station. They should be competent tradesmen, 
but must also perform such military duties as tlio CO. may 

1138. Except iu the K.O.E, and C.O.G., a soldici will not be 
employed as an artificer^ or as a pail workman, who has not 
been dismissed drills who has not fired u recruit's and trained 
soldier *8 course of muskftry, and who has not at Icaat six 
months' scr\ice. 

1139. A CO. will arraugo with the O.C. H.O.E. and with the 
officer ,i/e barrackB for repairs and alterations to barracks, 
furniture, or utensils beiag performed by the artificers of his 

1140. The pioneers may bo employed on work for the 
R.O.E. or C.O.C, (i.) by sontraet or agroemout made with tlie 
pioneer-sergeant; (ii.) by piece-work; (iii.) by day-work or 
by the hour, WJicu approved by the C.O,, pioneers may be 
employed in the quartermaster's stores, or on other duty; but 
Ejvery facility should be afforded them for working at, or 
instructing others in, trades. 

1141. In addition to the i)ioncei'8, all N.C.O3. and men who 
Uave followed anv trade before onlistuieut are to bo tested and 
classified by the R.C.E,. C.A.S.C. and C.O.C. reBpoctivoIy, 
L'.ccording to the nature at the trade. A list of Bucb men, no 
matter what their trade.% with their respective classifications, 

,will be kept in the orderly room. A CO. will encourage soldiers 
Tvho are artieans by employing them irhen practicable. 

1142. Under the sanetiou of the CO., work may also be done 
For units, and private work (including; the shoeing of Worses) 
for officers ot others, pro\'ided that all private work is executed 
within the cump or barracks. 

1143. The apportionmeut of money earned by contract, and 
the payment of the tradesmen, will be carried out by the 
officer supervising the wcrkshops. 

Shoemakers' Shops. 

1144. Shoemakers* shops will bo established where prac- 
ticable, and, if convenient to local arrangements, four men per 
company, &e., will bo iastructed in the rudiments of shoe- 
mending 60 ns to bo able to carry oub minor repairs when on 

Tailors ajid Tallora* Shops. 

1145. Sergeant -tailors are provided for in the official estab- 
lishments for the Permansnt Force, but acting sergeant-tailors 
may be appointed at regimental depots, under local arrange- 
ments made by the O.O Such acting appointees, however, 
will remain upon the duty establishment of their depots as 
BPrgeants, corporals, or privates, or whatever their rank may be. 


Sergeant-tailors will carry out such alterations to a 80I- 
diei's clothing as may be directed b}' the CO., for which 
purpose an allowance is given, and instractions are lUd down 
in Clothing Regulations. Tley will be responsible that the 
measurements taken by thorn of soldiers for special sized 
clothing, are correct. 

1146. A sergeant- tailor who appropriates to his personal 
use any materials saved in cutting garmonts, or who disposes 
of <ho same otherwise than by delivery to the quartermaster, 
is liable to be tried by court-martial. Ele will not sell to 
warrant officers, N.COs, or men, any articles of military 
clotliing or uocossaries, or substitute articles made from private 
materials for those supplied from the Government stores. The 
onl^- tailor's charges which will pass through the soldier's 
accounts are those for repairs to authorized articles of uniform. 
Articles supplied by the sergeant-tailor for cycling, &e,, under 
tlio sanction of the CO., will be paid for in cash. 

1147, Those iaetructions will be read to a sergeant-tailor on 
appointment, and he will sign a statement that he fully under- 
stands their effect. This document will be filed in the orderly- 
ruom of the unit. 

Lialiltty to 
for appro- 
Cbd. 969. 

Declaration of 
tallor to 
ba fliod. 
C*n, 870. 

Farriers and Shoelng-Smiths. 


3148. Farrier -sergeants will train men as shoeing-smitha. Cm. 971. 

1149. Young men, quick, handy, and cf sufficient education j^^^ ^^ ^^^ 
and good character, should be selected vrith a view to quali- selected, 
fying for the appointments of ehoeing-smith and farrier- Cm. 972. 
sergeant. While under training as shoeing-^miths, soldiers 
will be exempted from all duties, except two mounted and 
one foot parado per month exclusive of church parade. Any 
mau who does not make good progress should bo sent back 
to the ranks. After one yoar's instruction the men should 
be returned to the ranks, until selected -for appointment as 
Hhooing-suiit^hs, and other men placed under instruction. 

also. At convenient timeii whenever there are no men in Exniniiiatlou 
the ranks qualified to fill an existing vacancy, a board will bo of oficers. 
convened by the CO. to examine the men who have been Ctn. 978, 
under instruction as shoeing-smiths. The board will consist 
of one captain and one subaltern, with a field officer or senior 
captain as president. One of the members of the board will 
be A. veterinary officer. The board will ascertain whether 
the men are thoioughly competent to shoe horses and to make 
shoes, and whether they have acquired suah a knoweldge as to 
render it likely that they coald perform the duties of farrier- 
sergeant or shociug-smith with efficiency. The fact of a man 
having qualified will bo noted, and the number of men trained 
in each company, &c., in the course of the year will be shown 
in tfie annual return. A quntified man ehould be encouraged 
to keep up his knowledge. 


1151. In addition to the men trained under para. 1119, there OoldBhoers. 
should always be in each battalion three men who h&ve been Can. 974. 
trained as cold-shoers. One of these men will be instructed. 

Transport, kc. 

Paras. 1168-1163 

Paras. 1152-1167 

Transport. &c. 

Trained nrti- 
floera in 
Oan. 976. 




Can. 976. 

Can. 977. 

Can. 978. 

Purchase of 
horses and 

Can. 979. 

A.O. 376— 


and number- 
intr of horses. 
Can. 980. 

in transport and veterinary duties. The OfHcer Commanding 

or an ofBcer nominated by him, will arrange for their instruc* 

tion with a mounted uait of the Permanent Force in thft 

Whtelers and Snltlis. 

1162. IVJien a wheeler or Bmith of the B.C.G.A. can ba 
spared from the regimental workahopa, or other artillery ser- 
vices in coinection with his trade, lie will bo employed under 
the ordora of the Senior Ordnance Officer, who will make requi- 
sition for hts services to the O.C. E.C,A. 

A man belonging to a cavalry or infantry unit, who has 
been trained as a carriage-smith or wheeler at the Ordnance 
College, will be similarly employed in ordnance workshops^ 
when possible.. The O.C. a unit will inform the Seiior Ordnance 
Officer when such a man is available for employment. 

Further instructions for training, &c., artificers of the 
C.O.C. are detailed in the Standing Orders of that Corps. 


Regimental Transport. 

1153^ Th9 transport cf camp equipment, light baggage and 
ammunition for each corps on the march should be carried 
out regimentally. 

1151. Oojnmanding oficers may piovide transport for camp 
equipment at the rate cf one wagoa, or double sleigh, for 
every twenty^six tents eomptete, also for officers * light bag- 
gage at the rate of one wagon or double sleigh for each regi' 
ment of eight companies; but they vill be held responsible if 
they engage more transport than is alsolutoily necsssary. 

1155. A CO. will maintain the full complemeat of trained 
men for the regimental transport of the battalion, as givei) 
in War Establishments (Canada). The D.O.G. will arrango 
for their instruction wiih a unit of the B.C.A. or C.P.A.S.O. 
in the command (see Appendix XII,), and for th«ir inspection 
by an officer at least once each year. 

On receiving over any vehicle, equipment, or animal, a 
CO. may claim the assifitance of a O.F.A.S.C. officer in ascer- 
taining its condition. 


1156. An officer employed in th« purchase of horses anj 
mules will, &s soon as possible, transmit to Militia Headquar 
ters, in duplicate, a description of each animal passed into 
the service. An animal will not be purchased unless certified 
by a veterinary officer, a> ''sound and fit for service." Docked 
horses will cot be accepted. 

1157. *' Description of Horses" (M.F.— 0. 55) will be kepi 
in all mounted corps and in battalions which have transporl 
animals attached to them. A description is also k«pt at Militia 
Headquarters^ and a number will be assigned to each animal. 


The uumbar thus assigned will be branded on the fore 
feet; the thousands on the ofif fore foot, the hundreds, tens, 
aad units on the near fore foot. Thus, 1,001 will be repre- 
sented by the figure 1 on the off fore foot ahd 001 on the near 
fore foot, whilst 3,666 will be represented by 3 on the off fore 
foot and 666 on the near fore foot. 

BquadroUt battery or troop numbers will be branded on the 
hind feet, thus: — R.C.D. oa the off hind foot and A.l On the 

near hind foot; on the off hind and 1 on the near 

hind foot. 

1158. Men sent to fetch remounts from depots will take Equipment of 
head collars aad bridoonS| stripped sadfllos (if ordered), horse f*" fetchlDg 
blushes and cleaning things only. Can.* 981. 

When remounts are received the CO. will: — Beceipt»of 

(i.) Kinder an arrival report to the D.OC, stating Arrival 
the number, whence received, date of joining, and nport. 
casualties en raute. ^^^- ^^^^* 

(ii.) Place them in a stable apart from other horses Veterlnarj 
until tested by mallein, kspoctioo. 

(iii.) Inform the veterinary officer in charge of their 

(iv.) All remounts, whether officers* horses or troop G.0. 168 — 

horses, on joining any of the mounted corps, will i»ia. 

be inspected bj the Veterinary Officer with a view 

to preventing the introduction of contagious 


1159. A report will be at once forwarded to Militia Head- Imp. i228, 
qiiartora if any remount turns out to be a wind sucker or crib Can. 982. 
biter, or shows uigns of anj particular vice or disability which 

retidera his return to the vendor desirable. 

1160. The CO. will causo a votorinar/ history sheet (M.F. — Vaterinary 
B. 47) to be prepared for each remount received, and will pass hiitory sheet, 
it to the votoriaary officer ia charge, who will bo responsible for '^■" 
its upkeep until the horse l«aves the station or is otherwise dis- 
pa»ed of. This sheet will always accompany the hotso. Under 
no circumstances will these sheets be destroyed. 

1161. The age of a horse will be reckoned from the 1st of Aje. 
May in the year in which the horse was foaled. 

1162. Foals of government mares aie the property of the Dinpooal 
public. A birth will be immediately reported to the District **'f.°'^%«- 
Ofiicer Commanding, when instructions will bo giren as to '^*"- ^^s. 
the disposal of the foal. 

Offlcera* Ohargeis, 

1163. An otScer supplied with chargers at the public ex- oficera' 
pease will ride on parade either on© of those horses or a horse "^Jf^'^Su- 
certified (a) by a veterinary officer or civilian veterinary ^»n* »»0' 
surgeon to be ^erviceably sound and fit for service, (b) by the 
CO. as suitable for militarj duty, and approved by the D.O.C. 


Can, 983, 

Can. 984. 

Paraa. llSil-1169 

Transport. &c. 

AUottnent to An olliccr to whom n horee him Loou allotted at tlio publb 

manlol™. *-'Jcpeuso will be responsiljle that it is properly caicd for, is not 

overworkodj and is at all times ridden in a saddle which hau 

heon carefully fitted to the horse. 

Duties of 0.0. 
• Can. 087, 

Care of Horsas. 

1164. The CO. of a unit is respojieible for tli« condition of 
hia horses, thoir li^altli. shooing, geuoral fitness for work on 
Bcrvieo and for tJie littmg of their jaddlery. Ha will inspect 
all horses onco a week^ with stripped saddles, when their 
regimoiital numbers will bo vorifled. 

Tho veterinary oflicoi doing duty with the unit will attend 
this inspection. 

Further instructions will be found in the Manual of Animal 
Management and in tlo Kegnlatioas for Army Veterinary 

Casting Hors«s. 

^a^iVlns!*^ '"' ^ "^^•. Autl'ority for the casting of horses will bo obtained 
Cau. 988-89. "0"* Militift Headquarters- Proposals will be accompanied bj 
tho Veterinary History Sheets of tho animals concerned, show- 
ing thereon tht- reasons for recommending such action. 

Each case proposed ior casting or dostructioti for votcria 
ary reasons will bo inspected by tho P.V.O. of tho District, who 
will advise as to its disposal. Such cases as ho recommends 
for destruction will bo disposed of immediately, under tho or 
dors of the D.O.C., who will report the particulars to Militiu 
Headquartoig. (See also P. & A. Ecffulations). 

1166. Reports and applications will bo accompauied by th« 
veterinary Listory sheets. 

1167. Authority for tie transfer of horses frojii one unit to 
another ia to be obtained from Militia Headquarters. When 
transferred, a descriptiv* return M.F.— C. 55. and an abstract 
of vctorinarj history sheet, M.F.-^B. 47, aro to accompany them. 

disposal of Dead and Disabled Animals, 
peatruction of 1168. Animals certifioil by a veterinary officer to be incur 
ofTmJSy. ^^^y injured may be destroyed fortlwith. If tlio veterinary 
Cen, 993. officOr considers further inquiry desirable, he will apply for a 
garrison board, one member of which will bo a veterinary 
officer, to investigate the case. Tho proceedings will, bo for- 
warded to tbe D.O.C, wHo will rotuJn them. TLo opinion of 
the board will bo recorded on tho veterinary history sheet. In 
other cases when destruction is considered nocessiiry, the pre- 
vious sanction of tho D.O.C. or O.C. station will b* obtaiaod. 
Report on 1169. If a horso, or mule, dies suddenly, or within 24 hours 

Jf horSea ^^ ^'^ having become ill, the veterinary officer in charge wiU 

Can. 908. ^VP^Y ^or a garrison board to investifato the circumstances, if 
he considers such investigation necessary. A veterinarv officer 
will be a member of the board. : . . * 

history aheet. 

CaD. 990. 
Transfer of 

Can. 991. 


Transport^ &c. 

Paras. 1170-1179 

G.o. iia - 


1170, All casualties amongst public chargers^ whether they 
occur on or off duty, 'vrill bo immediately reported to Militia 
Headquarters. Such report will state the name and corps of 
the officer in whoso chargo the animal was at the time of its 
death, and. if caused by an accide&t, tho nature and circum- 
stances of the same in detail. 

Infectious and Oontagjous Diseases. 

1171, When a horse is suspected of being affected by a con- 
tagious or infectious disease, it will be immediately segregatbil, 
and a full report at onco forwarded to Militia Headquarteritj 
but it will not bo destioyed until sanction has been obtained. 

1172, Airangements wilt be made at each station for tlic 
destruction of the carcases, or for thoir burial outside the Militia 
Department boundary, or hirings. Carcases will be covered 
with quicklime, and will not be buried within 20O yards of 
inhabited luildings, or any source of water supply. 

1173* An O.C. a corps or detachment will seo that the in- 
structions of votorinarj officers with regard t^ disinfection, 
are carried into effect, whenever contagious disease makes its 
appearance. (See Regulations for .Army Veterinary Services). 


1174, A CO. will procure copies [>f tho forage contract. AH 
forago offered by contractors will bo inspected bj a regimental 
officer not under the rank of captain. 

1175.. The CO. will bo responsibla for tho maintenance and 
quality of the reserved stock of forago. 

1176. As a rule, forage will only be received and issued at 
prescribed iiours, between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Tha daily supply 
of forage tendered for issue to units will bo inspected, and- a 
proportion (veighed, by tho captain of the day (or orderly ofli- 
ccr) before its acceptance, and, if objected to, it must be forth- 
with replaced. Objections against forago already taken over 
will not be entertained, except in the case of unbroken bales 
of hay, which may be rotten inside. An inspecting officer will 
assign sufficient reasons on all occaaions of rejection. 

1177. A sentry over forago stores will not admit forage 
unless passed by an officer. The leys of regimental forage 
stores will be deposited at night witli tho nearest guard of the 
regiment, and the keys of garrison forage stores in the nearest 

1178, All persons aro forbidden to enter forago and straw 
stores, or ynrds, with matches in their possession, or, to smoke 
in such places. A notice to this effect will bo posted outside 
each forage store, and t similar order will be included in th-.« 
orders of the sentry. 

Saddles and Saddlery-^ 

1179, In a cavalry ragiment, a squadron commander is re' Fitting of 
sponsible to the CO. for the proper fitting of the saddlery. The wddiery, 
saddle-trees will be fitted without paunels or bUnkcts, chang- C""- 1<J02. 


of dlseaKo. 
Can. 991. 

of carcases 
of liorses. 
Can. Q95. 

of stablesi 

Can. 99U. 

Supply of 
forage by 

Can. 997. 
lleserve stocli. 

Can, 098. 
Inspection bi 
tbe orderly 

Can, 990. 

Orders to 
sentries and 
Iteys of 
forage sturcH. 
Oni). 1000. 

agalnbt fire. 
Can. 1001." 

Paraa. 1180-1193 

Leave of Absence and Furlouglis 

Can! lOOS. 

Bought ag 
Cnn. 1004. 

Spare BaddUn 
Onn. 1005. 

ment of leave. 
Cm. lOOe. 

Cm. 1007., 


during leaTe. 
Cm. 1006. 

of rwTe. 

Cm. 1009. 
Special leave. 

Cm. 1010. 
Leare on 

Cm. 1011. 

Leare can- 
celled br . 
or tTanafer. 
C»n. 1013. 


w Itbout leare. 

C«n. 1018. 
Application to 
Uilltia H.q. 

CUQ. 1014. 

Pay during 

Cm. 1015, 
of duty 
during leare. 

Cm. 1010. 

ing them from horse to horse as may bo found necessary; alter- 
ations required can bo made by the saddlo-trce makors. 

1180. The CO. is responsible that all the saddle- trees of a 
cavalry regimeot are stripped aad fitted by squadron command- 
ers at least on&e every three months, and he will make per- 
sonal inspections whenever he considers it necessary. 

IIBI. Stirrup-irons in the mounted services will 'b» roughed 
as often as required, in the cavalry by the armourer^sergeant 
and in other mcunted units by the regimantal artificers. 

1182. The CO. is responsible that there are, in each cavalry 
regiment, in addition to the establishment, at least two saddlers ; 
and one saddle-tree-maker qualified and available to succeed to 
any vacancies. 


General Instructions — Officers. 

1183. Leave commences from the date on which an oSieor 
leaves his station. 

Abroad: — Prom the date oa which ho embarks. 

1184. An officer will bo present with his unit on the day on 
which his leave terminates. On rejoining, he will make him- 
self auquaiuted with all orders issued during his absence. 

1185. An ofiicor who obtains leave, will give his address, and 
notify any change in it, to the adjutant of his unit, or staff 
officer to whom be should report. If he bo awaiting absorption, 
he will notify similarly in writing to the Secretarj, Militia 

1186. When an extension of leave is applied for, the period 
during whieh the applicant tias been absent will be stated^ 

1187. An application for leave of a special nature will be 
submitted one month before such leave is required. 

1188. An officer on lcav« in a foreign country, requiring 
flick leave or extension thereof, will forward with hi« applica- 
tion, a medical sertiflcate, fcr whieh oxponso to the public will 
not be admitted. 

1189. When in officer of the Permauont Force is promoted 
during leave, either in the same or into auothor unit, or is trans* 
ferred or removfld to, or exchanges into, cnothor unit, hia leave, 
other than sick leave, is thereupon cancelled, without further 
orders Leave on medical certificate, or on the recommendation 
of a medical board, is not affected by such promotion or trans- 

1190. When an officer of the Permanent Force is reported 
abssnt without leave in the ^mi-monthly state, an explanation 
will be transmitted to Militia Headquarters. 

1191. An officer on the strength of a unit will lot apply 
direct to Militia Headquarters for leave or extension of leave. 

1192. The grant of pay and sta£f pay during leave is subject 
to the conditions laid down in tho Pay and Allowance Bcgula- 

1193. Except when prescribed by the Pay and Allowance 
Begulations, provision will be made without extra charge to 
the public, for the temporary performance of the duties of staff 
officers when on leave. 


Leave of Absence and Furloughs 

Para*. 1194-1199 

To quit 
Can. 1017. 

Abroad. Not 
to voluuteei, 
for milltaTV ' 
Can. 1018. 

ItopbrU OB 
Con. 1019. 

1194. An officer on the active list will not quit Canada with- 
out special permission. Leave to visit other couutries will* bo 
obtained from Militia Headquarters, except that the Officers 
Commanding Military Districts, VI., X. and XI. may grant 
such leave for a period not exceeding seven days. Other appli- 
cations must be submitted in time to reach Militia Headquar- 
ters' at least two weeks before the officer wishes his leave to 
commence. Leave will only be granted to visit countries whero 
war is not imminent. 

1195. An officer travelling abroad is forbidden to accompany, 
or take part in, any military expedition, nor will he, without 
the permissiou of the Minister, act as a press correspondent 
with any aimy in the field. If an officer contemplates spend- 
ing more than a fortnight in a country where theie is a British 
attach^, he will inform that officer of his address and move- 

1196. An officer will not send accounts of, or comments ou, 
any manoeuvres he may witness abroad to anyone, exce^)t th« 
Minister, unless he has obtained the permission of tho Minister 
to do so. g 

Every ofJcer of the Canadian Foices who maj be officially 
authorized to attend manoeuvres out of Canada, will render to 
Militia Headquarters a report on the manoeuvres witnessed 
by him. 

Permanent Staff and Permanent Fores, 

1197. A CO. may grant to any officer under his command Iriiree days' 
three days' leave of absence, but may not extend such leave !«»▼«• 
without reference to higlier authority. ' 

1198. Leave of absence up to on? month mar be granted Leave up to 
to officers of the Permanent Staff and Permanent Force by the *"^?L*"*^*JfA. 
D,0.0., but to officers of the Canadian Permanent Array Ser- van. lO-Ji. 
vice Corps, Canadian Permanent Army Vetorinaiy Corps and 
Canadian Ordnance Corps, leave will be granted only after th« 
application has received the approval of the Quartermaster 
Qeneral. L«ave of absence beyond one month can be granted 

only by the Minister on the recommendation of the Adjutant- 

(a) Staff officers employed at Militia Headquarters may bo 
granted leave of absence by the head of the branch to 
whick they are attached. Such leave of absence is not, 
however, to exceed that authorized for officers of the 
Permanent Force. 

(b) Leave of absence, up to one month, may he granted to 

Officers Commanding Military Districts by the Adjutant qq jq^ 

General. Applications for leave beyond one month will igio. 
be submitted for approval of the Minister in Militia 

Leave— Active Militia. 

1199. Leave of absence to officers of the Active Militia may ^J'^'"**" **' 
be granted as follows: — oaii. 1042. 

Up to 3 months— By D.O.C. 

Beyond 3 and up to '6 months — ^By the Adjutant- General. 

Beyond G months — Bj the Minister in Militia Council, 


Paras, 1200-1209 

Leave of Abneuce and t'lirloiusths 

Cao. 1043. 

Leave to 
Can. 1044. 

Can. 1045. 

Leave duriog 
Catf. 104G. 

1200. Leave of absence, except under gpecial curcumstunccB, 
wift uot bo granted to oflScers of the Actile Militia for periods 
louger than one year. 

1201. Before granting leave to Commanding OflSceis, D.Os.C. 
will ascertain tlat the seeoni in command, or next senior officer 
to the Commanding Officer, is available to act during the pro- 
posed absence. 

1202. Leave which involves any absence from anuual train- 
tug and which is applied for before the commencement of such 
training, can only be granted by the D.O.O. or by higher author 
ity, according to the period applied for. 

1205* When uorps are asBambled in camp for annual training, 
a Commanding Officer will not recommend leave of ^.bsence for 
an J officer, except under v^ery urgent cireumstaneea. Such 
leave cnn only be approved by'tbo Camp Commandant. No pay 
win be issued to officers for the period of such leave. 

sick leave. 
Can. 1023. 

Hepui-t beforo 

vxpiratioQ of. 

Cuu. 1024. 

Medical report 
on t&rimuB- 
tlotillou of 
Btnk leave. 
Ct». 1035. 

Sick Leave. 

1204. Sick leave for a poriod uot exceeding six mouths may 
be granted to Any officer on tho recommendation of a modical 

1206. The period necessary for the recovery of hoalth will 
bo stated in tha proceedings of a medical board which recom- 
mends leave. 

1206. An officer on leave granted on Ihe recommetidatiou-of 
u medical board, will report his etatc of health, in ivriting, to 
his CO.. ten dcya before the expiration of his leave, with a 
view to his being again examined as to his fitness to resume 

1207, An officer granted leave on the recommendation of a 
medical board, will be rc-eiarained before starting to rejoin 
his unit, and will, therefore, report himself in writing' to the 
nearest headquarters of a District, ten days before the expir- 
ati«u of the leave granted to him. 

l*'iirlough, au 
Can. 1028. 


Cm. 1037. 

Furkughs.and Passes — ^Fermaueut Force, 

1208. Furlough is an indulgence granted at the diB[^retiott of 
the CO., and a soldier must at all times be prepared to rejoin 
at the shortest uotice. 

1209. Furloughs may bo granted by Officers Commanding 
units of the Permanent Force, under the following coalitions: — 

(a) The number annually will not excised 10 per ceut. of the 
total strength o£ the corps concerned. 

(b) They aro not to be allowed to interfere with annual 
courses of musketry and training, annual camps or iiiBpections. 

(c) Applications for furlough to tra\el abroad will, up to 
fourteen days, be referred to tho D.O.C. for approval. Such 
furloughs extending beyond fourteen dajs will bo referred to 
Militia Headquarters. f 

(d) Furlougls limited to six weeks may be granted to war- 
rant officers, N.C.O.a. and men when the journey involved ejc- 
tends beyond fojr hundred miles. Otherwise furloughs will not 
exceed twenty-one days. 


Leave of Absence and Furloughs 

Paraa 1210-1220 

G.O. 21 — 


(e) Excepting tinder exceptional circuinstauces, furlough be-i 
yond one month will not be approved, unless the applicant husl 
jnore than tlree years' service with tlie Permanent Force. I 

1210, Furlough may be granted to a soldier for the last two special /ur- 
months prioi to discharge, A man granted such furlough will Jj^jJ^^^^^^J' 
be supplied with a temporary certificate of character^ to faeili- Can, 102I", 
tate the obtaining of employment. 

1211. A iurlough will be made out on M.F. — 6. 322, amlFuriougH 
stamped with the regimental office stamp. If the soldier li««'"'5I"„ i(,.,o 
permission to wear plain clothes when on furlough it will bo re ' * ** ' 
vorded on tlie form and initialled b^ the officer grunting the 

1212* A furlough is to be made so as to terminate at tattoo OTorBtiiyitiK 
on tho day oa which it expires. If the soldier faih to rejoin ^* Can 1080 
may be dealt with as an absentee. If, within five days, no sat- 
tiifaetory account of his abseuce is received, he will bo reported 
as a deserter, 

1213. Before any soldier can obtain a furlougl, he will be Oondittous. 
dismissed hie drills, and bo out of deit. ^^ loai. 

1214. A soldier going on furlough will leave hi^ addrosHAddretiiics 
with his company, &c., co:nnmuder, and communicate any subB« *"^J'"PO'^*> oi 
tjuont change to him. " ^^0"^°" 

A soldier arriving in Canada from abroad will be instructor Onn, 1032, 
to report his arrival to tlie senior permanent officei at the port, 
immediately on lauding, uud subsequently any chaige that may 
take place in his address. 

1215. A soldier proceeding on furlough to a foreign countrj^ ^■''- 1083. 
will not take arms, accoutrements, or uniform. 

1216. When a soldier is unable, irom want of money, to ^"l^'^"^" ^^: 
rejoin his uait from furlough, hO should bo furnished by liis from want " 
CO. with subsistence, nil expenses being subsequeatly recover- of money. 

ed from the man, (See para. ISOO), Con. i034. 

1217. On returning from furlough, a soldier will not bo^ot^mfrom 
i-equired to make good missed duties, nor, in the cavalry. *" ouufioss 
pay for tho charge of his horse during his absence. 

1218. When a soldier on furlough is prevented from rejoin ExtouBron of 
ing on the expiration of liia furlough, by sickness, which "lust J" jJj*^Yg5" 
be duly certified (or by any other unavoidable casualty), hi-'Bicimeaaor 
ivjU report himself (i.) to the nearest staff officer, or (ii.) to the othercofiualty 
0.0. of any unit or detachment of tJe Permanent Force; oi" Can it>30, 
[iil,), if either of these officers is not within convenient dis- 
tance, to a justice of the peace. 

1219. These officers arc authorized (if the circumstances arc Cau. 1087. 
urgent) to e:[tend the furlough for a period not exceeding one 

month, Tho period of extension wilLbo inserted in words on 
tho original furlough, and notification made to the Jnan 's CO. 

1220. A sddier of the Permanent Force who roquWes medi-fedUnl nt- 
cal aid when on furlough should apply to the O.C the nearest [5?|o'!J2f **"* 
permanent force stationj who in every case will communicate - '— 
with the Assistant Birector of Medica] Services of the District 
in which the soldier is temporarily residing. The Assistant I>i- 
lector of Medical Services will, if necessary and practicable, 
cause the solcller to be removed to the nearest military hospital. 


Imp. 1SZ3. 

Faras. 1221-1230 

Leavo of Absence and Purloughs 

Passes — Fermaneut Force, 

1221, PaBses may bo granted under the foUawJng regula- 
tiois, duo regard being paid to the ago^ length of seivice, con- 
duct and military e£Scieney of the man. 

(i.) A permanent pass* to enable a man who, in tie opinion 

of the 0.0. is doserving of the privilege, to remain out 

of quarters up to any satisfactory hour between tattoo 

and reveille. 

(iiO A pass giving leave of absence to a man from any 

roll-call or duty, 
(iii.) A pasa to enable a recruit or other individual man 
who is not allowed a pormanont pass under sub-para- 
graph (i.), to have such leave on special ocQasions. 
(iv.) A pass for leave outside the station. 
1222* A permanent pass ^ill be signed by the Commanding 
Officer. Every other pass mil be granted and signed by the 
officer commanding a company, &c. Every pass will be stamp- 
ed with the regimental office stamp befoie being issmd. 

1223. A non-commissioned officer not below the ran-k of ser- 
geantj may remain out of barracks until midnight without spe- 
cial permission. Any further leave, within the station, may be 
granted to such N.0.0- by the CO. without issuing a pass. 

1224. A pass will not be granted for tuoro than ii daysj for 
long^er periods a furlough is necessary. 

Fasses, &c.— Active Militia. 

1226. "Officers Commanding Districts may grant leave of 
absence from training to mea of good. character, on tlie recom- 
mendation of the Commanding Officer when, in their opinion, 
the circumstances warrant the application. Men whoso terms 
of Borvico expite during the annual training may be excused 
from attending the training if they so desire. Disclargo cer* 
tiilcatcs will then be igrrantel to them. 

1226* When «orps are assembled for annual drill, passes in- 
involving any loss of training will not be granted to non-com* 
missioned officets or men except under very urgent eircumstan- 
cesj the nature of which must be satisfactorily accounted for at 
the annual inspection. No pay will be issued to individuals for 
the period of such absence. 

1227. 'Non-commissioned officers and men absent without 
leave, when undergoing training in a camp of instruction, may 
be dealt with under the Army Act, or, if more ccnvenient, 
under the Militia Act. 

1228. Non-commissioned officers and Dion refusing or neg- 
lecting to attend a camp of instruction, when lawfuU/ notified 
to do 80. will be dealt with under the Militia Act. 

1229. No proaocution or a&tion will be instituted against any 
non-commissioned officer or man without the approval of the 
officer commanding the unit being previously obtained. 

Laaw, &C. — Scliools of InstrucUoit. 

Attsolied 1230. Commanding Officers may, in eaies of necessity, grant 

SfSo""* permission to attached officers, non-commissioned officers and 

^^'^g^lQ53^ bug^ers^ whose regimental debts have been paid, to leave the 



Can. 1038. 

Rules M to 



JQ ranting 

Om. 1039. 

Fas 10 a for 
Om. 1040. 

Tlma llmlta. 
Cm. 1041. 

Leare of ab- 
aenoe to men 
of good 
Om. 1047. 

I'aeieB from 
Om. 1048. 

Abaance with- 
out leaTs from 

Oin. 1049. 
Refiaing to 
sttead oamp 
of ioatructioii. 

Oin. 1050. 
ApproTsI of 
0.0. before 
or a^Uon. 

Ow. 1061, 

Divine Service and Chaplains 

Faras. 1231-1239 

school before the termination of thetr course, but in such cases 
no return transport will be issued. 

1231. Temporary leave of absence may be granted by the Temporary 
Commanditg Officer to any attached officer. Permission to le* leave, 
join at a subsequent date will, however, be coaditioaal up»u * 

there being a vacancy. 


Otueral Instructions. 

1232. Wlicn the Miliiia is on ser/ice or at annual training, 
Commandiag Officers will arrange for divine service. Militia 
units attending such services will wear side-arms but will not 
carry rifles. In no case will swords or bayonets be drawn on 
such occasions. Care should be taken that troops are not 
brought together in numbers greater than the voice will reach. 

1233. Every soldier, when not prevented by military duty, 
will attend divine service, but a soldier will not be obliged to 
attend the sorviee of auy religious body other than his own. 

1234. Soldiers will be marched to aJid from their places of 
worship, and the officei, or N.O.O. in charge, will remain with 
tliem throughout the service. 

1236. The duty of playing troops to church will not iuterfero 
with the attendance of a bandsman, drummer, bugler, or piper 
at the regular service of his own denomination. 


1236. Chaplains will be treated i^ith the respect due to th«ir 
rank and profession, and a CO. will render them every assist- 
ance in carrying out tlieir duties. 

1237. The senior chaplain of eaeli denomination will arrange 
the work of the chaplains of his own denomination, and report 
any neglect or disobedience of orders to Militia Headquarters, 
through tie D.O.C. livery chaplain has the light of direct 
communication on ecclesiastical nutters with the recognizDd 
head of his denomination. 

Can. 1054, 

Boldlera to 
attend dirint 
Can. 1055. 

Can. lO&e. 

Oan. 1057. 

Obaplains to 
be treated 
with reapect. 

Oan. lOSa 
Senior and 

Oan. 10 SO. 

Imp. 1821. 

dyiUan Clergymen. 

1238. A 0.0. will furnish to officiating clerg/men, on their Divine eervise. 
appUcation, weekly certificates, showing the number of officers Certificate ot 
and men of the donomiaations referred to borne on the strength pJ|^Q^[" 

of the garrison, and the numbers who actually attended separ- Oau, looo. 
ate services during the period. 

1239. The duties to be performed by an officiating clergyman Duti^g of 
in receipt of capitation pay include the Sunday services, bap- offletatiog 
tisms, churehings, funerals, attendijig the sick in hospital aad *^*8^jyjyj^ 
reading prayers with the convalescents, visiting men in deten- 
tion barraeka at least «nce a week, and giving special religious 
instruction to the children and enlisted boys of his own parti- 
cular denomination during one or tvo hours in every week, lie- 
sides attending generally to the religious instruction and wel- 
fare of the officers and soldiers and of their families. Fees will 

not be demanded for tie performance of any of these duties. 


Paras. 1240-1243 Soldler-Serrauts and Oiderljes 


Soldler-Servanta and Oxderlies, 

itogultttiods 1240. The employment of soldiers (wkon available) as olli- 

aatoem- coia' servants and grooms is sanctioucd, us an indulgence. Tiio 

^'<Sm!^663. »^"™t*er employed is not to exceed the following scale: — 

Diitrict Ofllcora ComuitiDcUns, 
ytafl OQicere and othor oflicen) 
drattinx oon^tidated rates of pay, 
who am roquirod to 1» nioiunou. . . « 

a.O. 80- 

G.O. 105— 

All tlaff offioera whol 
do not draw oonBoli- 
djitvd rates of pay J 

tCvgimctitiil Offieore | 






C.Ai'.C. ...: . 





UiiU« from wbicb dotailed 

iioiD a unit u tin commund 
I or at ^t he stutioQ whoro tho 
oiliDor in Horviog. 

I'roiii tbo unit to which the 
officer bolones. 

From tho corps to whioh tlio 
' ofTiccr bolonca, if a man can be 
■iuared, bat ouoh mei will not be 
, u1 lowed to druw iilnBiiiiwr or 
' Corpfl Pay. 

Selottlon of 
serv&DtB aod 
liability for 

Oan. laes. 

Odn. 1064. 

Whoa attached 
to R-M.O. 

Q.O. 1— 


The conditions under wbich allowances in lieu of soldier 
servants may bo drawn are laid down in tlie Pay and Allowance 

1241, SoldlorServanta will bo Bolected from those who have 
duuo duty in the ranks of dismounted corps for one y^ar, and 
of mounted corps for eightooa months. Ihey will be ftomplote- 
ly clothed, armed, and r.quippod; they will mount and perform 
their share of duty on any guard, or other service, on which tho 
pillcor to whom they are attached is employed; and, when not 
required to tako charge of sparo horses, they will be in the 
ranks at all reviews, inspections, and field days. The/ will go 
through the annual course oi musketry, and are liable to such 
traiaing as the CO. may judge necessary. In tho cavalry, 
when the duty men are getting less than four nights in bed, one 
soldior-aervant only for eacli officer may be exempted from 
guiird duty and mounted par fides. 

, 1242, When an oillcQr is removed from one unit to another, 
his servant will not accompany him^ but an oHicor trtusfcrred 
from one unit of his regiment to another, may be accompanied 
by Ills soldier-Borvant. 

Ofiicers of the Pormauent Force temporarily attached for 
instruction to scliooU of arms othor than their own, wll not be 
permitted to tate their soldier-servants with them. 

1243. An officer whilst attached to tho Boyat Military Col- 
logo of Canada for a course of instruction, may be accompanied 
by his soldier-servant, provided the O.C. his regiment or corps 
concurs and that no expense to- tho public is thereby incurred. 
Transport requisitions arc not to be issued, even on repayment. 


Offlcent' and Soldiers' letters 

Paras. 1244-1251 

1244. A CO. may authorize one soldier-servaut to attend a Oflcers on 
regimental oflleor proceeding on leave af absen<:e not exceed "»JJ^ ^^^^ 
:ng his usual annual leave, but he will not authorize him to leave 

Canada without the sanction required for furlough. A soldior 
so employed will be shown in tho returni, as "servant to officer 
absent," and not as "on farlough." 

1245. Tho payment by officers to soldiers employed as their J*^3^^^°* "J^ 
servants, &c., is: — Oan.iooo'. 

Servants— Married officers $5.00 per month. 

" TJumarricd *' $a.00 " 

Grooms — lu charge of two horaes $5.00 per month. 

" ** *« " one horse $3.00 " 

Warrant officers, stiuadron or batterr-sorgeaut-majors, quar- H.Q. 200 — 
ter-master serpoants, sergeants, and farriers of tho mounted ^—^' 
services will pay soldiers employed in looking after their 
herpes and appointments fifty cents per week. Trurepoters and 
rank and file vho, in particular curcumstances, require to have 
tLeir horses and appointments looked after, will pay thirty- 
fire cents per week. Staff-Borgoants who do not attend mount- 
otL parades will not bo liable to this charge except wlien eir- 
(iLmstancea require them to ride, in wlich case they will pay 
ton cents per day to the loldier who looks after tlieir horses 
aid appointments. »*„i«^mo„* 

1240. Tho number of soldiers emplojcd as orderlies will be J^^/^^JJ* 
tlie lowest possible. Whenever possible, orderly duties will be can. 106T. 
carried out by cyclists; if cyclists are not available, mounted or 
dismounted orierlies may be employed- The precise time at 
which a despatch is sent oflE will be cleaily written on tho cover. 
Tlie receipt will bo acknowledged in writing, the precise hour 
ol delivery being specified, 

Officers' and Soldiers' Letters. 

1247. Letters officially addressed to and received from Mili- 
tia Headquarters, Ottawa, will be free from any charge of 

Letters personally addressed to indiTiduals at Militia Hoad- 
ijiiartera must bo prepared by tho seador. 

1248. The address on a letter to a soldier should specify his 
regimental number, rank aud corps or detachment. 

1249. A post office letter carrier is not to be detained or 
roquired to distribute letters in barrachs, but a N.C.O. is to be 
detailed to receive and distribute tlicm,-and to pay any charges 
for postage* 

1250. At a station where the barracks are beyond the limits 
of tho free delivery, tho letters are to 1)0 called for at tho post 
uMco by an orderly N.CO.j who will be provided with funds to 
pay any charges for postage. 


1251. Instructions as to bivouacs, billets and camps are con- Bncampmonts 
taincd in the Field Service Regulations, Part I., and in " ^em- •» JJ^^^g"; 
orandum for Camps of Instruction," issued from time to time. 


letters to 
Can. 1068. 

soldier b' 

Can. lOeo. 
ol mail in 

Can. 1070. 

P.O. Orderly. 
Can. 1071. 

Paras. 1262-1256 

Trialg of luveations 

Can. 1078. 

Trials of Inventions. 

1252. All inventions suggesting new patterns of military 
stores, or alterations to them^ are ia the first iaetance to hn 
referred to Militia Headquarters. In no case will IHstriefc 
Officers Commanding authorize the trial of any invention with* 
out first obtaining the sanction of Minister in Militia Council. 






Movement of Tioops 

Paras. 1267-1265 

Imp. 1888. 



General Instructloiis. 

1257, In the obsonee of special inBtiuctions, individual offi- Authority 
cerBj warrant officers and civilian subordinates aro not to pro- r«gked.^^^ 
ceod on journeys boforo authority has toon obtainod. In casoa 

of extreme urgency, however, the journey may bo under taken, 
bttt application should bo made for cov^riag uppro\al, stating 
clearly all the eircumatnnces. 

1258. Movements of trcops, individaal soldiora and horses, htoote^ 
file executed under the authority of routes, and, as a rule, no 
soldier or horse is to be moved before thi lequiatte route hab 
been obtained. Kouten ara not requirad for the journeys of 
officers, nurses or warrant officers, or of soldiers' fanailiea trav 
elling without troops. 

1259* Special trains for which the railway company will o»a.l076. 
elarge a higher rate for transport than by ordinary trains, must 
not be applied for without authority from Militia Headquar- 

1260. An armed party (onsistiug of 20 men or more is not command ot 
to proceed on any duty umisnompanied by an oiHcer. An unarm- arenid parUea. 
ed party of 20 men or more, moving by rail, will also be accom- 1913^ 
panied by an officer. A mounted dotacbment of 50 men or can. 1076. 
upwards, proceeding by march route, is to be attended by a 

furrier or qualified shoeing smith. 

1261. Ab a rule, it is oily necessary for a medical officer to Hsdicaloffi- 
aecompany a unit or detachment of 2O0 or upwards when pro- JJ^'bITit! 
ceeding by march route. Oan. 10*77. 

1262. 0.0s. will ensure that soldiers, detached on any service, Betaobed 
are provided with money to pay charges for billets or subsist- partlM to be 
once (including food on rail or sea journeys) for themselves o"" f^**™^ *"*" 
for any soldier in arrest Uttder their escort. N.O.Oa in charge, q^i,; io78. 
as well as soldiers trav elling singly, will bo hold responsible for 
payment of nil debts incurred on the journey. If, tlirough lack 

of money or any other cause, accommodation is not paid for, the 
fact should ba reported immediately on return to the station, 
aad the matter promptly settled. 

1263. "When a party is proceeding on duty, or en furlough, Kotiee to 
the officer in command will send notice beforehand to the rail- '•JJ^'^jy, 
way company if the party exceeds 20. f^""-" 

If the number of men to move exceeds 50 by rail, or when- 
ever horses aro bein^ moved, the notice will be accompaniod 
fay a statement showing the number of officers, m«n, families, 
horses, guns, S^q., to proceed. 

1624. Mardhing out and in states, on M.F.— B. 215, will be 
flirnished by the C.Os. of units and detachments to the O.G. at 
toth the old &nd new stations. 

1265. Whea any rural «orps has received orders to move by 
rail, the officer commanding should be careful to ascertain that 
the station n:aBter conceraed fully understands the day, hour 
End train on which the corps is to entrain. 

Oan. 1079. 

CftD. 107BA. 

Paraa. 126B-3277 

Movement of Txoops 

JSTovomeut of Troops 

Paras. 1278-1287 

white in 

Can. 1088. 

Men to he 
told aft. 

UftUwfty «gu' 1266. Offieors ia commaiiti of troops moving by railway aro i 
latiouBtobj) responsible tbat the regulations of tie railway companies nro 
***Caa.\o*i. * complied witli by tho troops. They are not to interfere with 
the proscribed running of the trains or the general working of 
tho railway eervice. 
Preliminary 1267. When the number of troops to proceed is eonsiderable, 

ftTranKementB. au advance party should be sent to the railway station to allot 
Bu. 10 . jj^^ ^^^jj ^j^j make detailed arrangom&nts. 

The approach of troopa to the Btation should be reported to 
the superintending staflf ofllcer^ or, in his absence^ to the rail 
way authorities^ in order that the route to be used within tho 
stutiou, and tho halting plaeo previvus to eutrainment, may 
be pointed out. Tlie officer in eomniaid will, on arrival at tho 
Btution, arroage the troops for entraiument, aad tell oil 
parties for eitraining hoises, guns^ &c., if not alreaily done. 

1268. The Commanding OjQUcer is to see that ihe cars are 
t*rovided witli an ample supply of drinking water, ciad propci 
light, and that no spirituous liquor is in possession of the men. 
The men 8h«uld also be warned that any damage to a car, 
L'ommitted by them while traveling therein^ will bo assessed and 
charged aguiist their pay. 

1269. PreriouB to eutrainment, men, with their vnliees, kit- 
will be told off according to tho capacity of the cars 
which should be numbered and lottored to facilitate 

tlie entraiument of squadrons^ compaAies or sectidus. 

Each man will stow away his cloak, kit-bag^ &c. Arms will 
uither be retiinod by the men, or placed in tho racks. 

1270. The onttainmont will take place by word of command. 
It should be i!ompleto five minutes before the time of departure. 

1271. No man is to leave a carriage without peimission, ex- 
cept when ordered by his ofllcors, or loq nested by the railway 
uHicials to do so. 

1272. When the train is ready to ptoceed "Fall in" will bo 
liounded' Silsnee must be maintained until the train moves oiT. 

1273. Departure of traius should be telegraphed Ly the ofticet 
utpor intending the outrainment to tlie place whore the troops 
are to halt for refreshment^ and also, to the place o£ final des- 

1274. The ofiicers shoulfl constantly go among the men duriug 
a railway journey, to see to their wants, and to enforce orderly 
behaviour. Turing night journeys, at least one oflicer per com- 
pany, &c., should always ba up in addition to the officer detailed 
ior duty, and should visit the men frequently. 

1275. The men are to he cegularly seated in tho anrs accord- 
ing to the directions of tho Commanding Ofliccr, and a guard 
js to be mounted. The men must rtot be allowed to enter or 
lemuin in the tai« with bayonots iixod. 

1276. On arrival at *.he place appointed for the train to halt, 
the ofticofs w'll get out aid go to the carriages of which they 
nre in charge; The ** Dismiss" will then be sounded, and meii 
nay get out *f the train, leaving their arms in the 'carriages. ' 
• 1277. When It is'net-eBEary that the troops should be fed or 

liorses wdtereJ en route previous preparations should be made. 
An bfficei-, with nue' or wore N.C.Os., being, if necessary; sent 
forward to mike arrangements. ■ 

C«"u7l088A. t*"gSj &*; . 


Storage of 
kits, etc. 

Can. 1084. 
Can. 10S5. 

Cmi. 1086. 

Kupurt of 

Can. 1087. 

Can. 1088. 

SeatiDg, etc. 
Can. 1080. 


Cftn, 1000. 

en tottte- ' 
Cfln. 1001. 

for loni; 

Can. 1002. 

Imp. 1453. 

Can. 10^8. 


Obq. 109'i. 

Can. 100&. 

1278. An officer .i/c a party proceeding long distances by rail 
will ho reBpon.qible for th« provision of refreshments for his men 
on the journey. 

1279. "When it is time to proceed the "Fall in" will sound. 
Men will return to their carriage, and the officers will see tbat 
they are all present, and report to the CO.. Lastlj-, the officer 4 
will get in, and the 0.0. will then give instructions that the 
train may proceed. 

^^ 1280. In case of accident to the train the oflleors will pro 
ceed at once to the carriages of whicli they are in charge, and 
the men will retain their seats until ordered to descend. Birec- 
tlons given by railway ofllelals must be promptly executed. 

1281. In detrainments the 0.0. th& troops must ensure thu 
speedy evacuation of the railway station. 

Transport Beciulsltions, 

1282. Transport requisitions will he issued for all military Trauapiirt 
passengers travelling on duty. Military passengers arriving at*"*^gj J^gy 
a military station in Can&da from abroad without 1he ncces&arj' 

form of transport requisition will obtain one, if possible, from 
the nearest District Headquarters. 

Militia Book 32 will be used by oEficere issuing requisitions 
for passengers and sleeping berths only. 

Militia Book 32 should be kept under lock aud key. Tlio 
issuing o/licer will bo re»ponsiblo for any improper use of the 
forms; on heing relieved he will hand over the book to his 
successor, obtaining a receipt. 

1283; The officer who issues the requisition for transport isLeaBtexponaiir 
to select tho least expensive, if equally expeditious, route when ^°^^^ ^^g^ 
these details are left to kis discretion. 

1284. When a transport requisition — M.r. 32 — is exchanged Can. 1097 A. 
for a ticket or berth, b/ publie conveyance, the cost of tho 
journey is to be obtained from the agent of tb» railway or 
steamship line, at point of departure, end filled in on tho corres- 
pondinig counterfoil, for the information of the issuing officer 

1286. If the journey to bo made is over more tliau one rail- Soptfrate 
way or steamship line, if possible, the requisition should l>o"q^*^'*J?»"- 
issued to cover the journey through to destination, The agent ^'*"' ^^»^^ 
of the railway or steamahip line, at point of departure, will 
issue the ticket over the connecting lines, and tlie claim foi 
transport over these lines will be adjusted by his company, 
without further reference to the Department. 

1286. In all cases, whether for passengers or stores, i.e., Nature of 
when either Book 32 or 4B is used, tho nature of tie »tif\ice toj^'^fjjg^** 
bo performed must be clearly stated on the face oi the requisi- can. 1090. 
tion, giving as many particulars as tho space will permit. 

I2ff7; No requisition ii to be granted to any itidividual forleswdfor 
the conveyance of himself, except when actually and bona *»de ''"J^ J^^^-qq 
proceeding on military duty, and then only upon the order ' ' • 

being produced to show tlat he is entitled to conveyance at tho 
public expense, either fot himself or for what he ma^ require 
to take with him. Officers proceeding on or returning froni 
leave of absence, are not entitled to requisitions for conveyance 
at the public expense. The following words are to be printed 
or written, in red ink, across the fato of all requisitions fot 


Paras. 1288-1296 

Movement of Troops 

Mnnner of 
OlD. 1101. 

Second oUsi, 
Cftn. IIOZ. 

Transport In 
0»s. 1108. 


for Iranapert, 

Otn. 1104. 

Aoo^untt in 
Oin. 1106. 

Can. 1106. 

Return iicketn, 
Oin. 1106. 

to PBrm*' 
sent Force. 
Oin. 1107, 

0*n, 1108. 

railway passenger transport, viz.: "Thia roquisition must bo 
exchanged for a regular ticket at tho railway station prior to 
entering the car^ as it will uot be accepted by conductors for 
passage on train, ' ' The issuing officer is to instruct the person 
to whom any suth requiBition may be given, that it is to be pre- 
sented to the railway statioa agent at the point of departure, 
to be exchanged for a regular passenger ticket. 

1288. For transport of officers, men, liorses, fitorei, &c., b> 
rail, tho requisition is to be made out for the number of officers, 
mei, horsesi weight of stores to be forwarded, &c., and not for 
a special number of cars. The railway company must 3Pd that 
enough suitable cars for the service are provided, having water 
and all necessary conveniences for tho personal baggage, &e., 
which is to bo carried free oE charge. 

1289. When requisitions are is^iued fo; the transport of non- 
conimis.«oned ofttccrs below the rank of sergeant and men — the 
officer issuing the roquiflitioa should state on the face thereof 
that the passages are for "second class,' ' which class only is 
to be charged for. 

1290. lu times of emergency when immediate transport is 
required for tha militia on active service, and the necessary 
requisition cannot be obtained in time from the Heodquartera 
of the District, the officer commanding the corps may malto the 
UHuaJ requisition, specifying date, designation of corps, name of 
plate from and to which traisport is required, and the number 
of officers and men, or description of stores, to be carried. Such 
0.0. must, at tko same time, attach to the requisition a copy" 
of the order upon which his corps is required to moue. 

1291. Except in time of emergency all applications for trans- 
port at tho public expense are to be made to the Headquarters 
of the Bistrict in whicb such transport Is required. 

1292. Every account for transport rendered to tha Depart- 
ment must be in duplicate, and be accompanied by the originial 
reqiisition upon which the trabsport was issued. 

1293. District Officers Commanding, Assistant Diiectors of 
Supplies and Transport, and the Commandants of Koy»l Schools 
of Instruction, are authorized to issue requisitions for transport. 

1294. When officers are proceeding on public service by any 
raihvay which issues ticketfi for a double journey at reduced 
rates, and the purpose is to return by the same railway, the 
requisitions for transport ars in all cases to be given to cover 
the double jouriey. 

1295. Regulations for transport of officers appointed to the 
Permanent Force, and officers and others proceeding to schools 
of instruction, are laid dowL in the Pay and Allowaice Kegu 

1296. Transport for a servant under tlio Pay and Allowancs 
Begulations is not to be granted in tb& case of an offiror who 
is carrying o'lt inspection of stores or equipment, but solely 
when an officer, having necessarily to be in uniform for inspec- 
tion of corps or other similar duties, actually requirei the ser- 
vices of a personal servant to attend to his uniform, etc,, which 
the ordinary service at a hotel does not provide. The officer 
issuing the transport requisition is responsible as to the neces- 
sity for the employment of a servant in eich case. 


Movement of Troops 

Faras. 1279-1306 

Can. 11 11 A. 

1297. Officers authorizod to take a horse when proceeding ouOf&cflra* 
duty, will be allowed transport for a groom, hut tho authority ***•{?"* -__ 
Cor taking a horse must first be obtained from Militia Head- °"' 

1298. A duly authorized cadet inrtructor, when permitted Cadet 

to attend any school of instruction for the purpose of obtaining *"*^^"**i*'' 
El certi£catet will bo entitled to the same transport and allow- 
ances as aro given to militia officers for the like purpose. 

1299. Men discharged on purchase, those attested at the place pisoharged 
where their corps is stationed at the time of their discharge, "yjj"*^ J"®- 
<tnd those discharged for misconduct or as "very bad" charac- 
ters or on release from civil prison, vill not receive transport 

to any other station. 

1300. In exceptional cases transport may be issued on repay- Transport on 
irsent to a man returning from furlougli. "EelurniDg from ^ur-'^*?jYif'iiVi i 
lough in uniform *' will be written on the face of the requisi- 
tion in red ink^ also tho man's number, name, £.nd company, &e. 

In order that the cost may be recovered from the man's pay, 
the officer isiiuiug tho requisition will inform tho accountant in 
whose pay tlie man is, glring the number of the requisition. 

1301. A requisition for women and children not on the mar-Womeaand 
ried establisliniont may also be issued when the mave is conse-^'^'^^JI*'^'^ 
riuent upon a change of station. Such requisition will bo 
charged at military rates and need not be endorsed "on repay- 
ment,'* but will bear the following endorsement in red ink:^- 

*' Families not on the married establishment.'* 

Marclies, ftc, 

1302. Officers and warrant officers proceeding without troop.s officers, &c., 
for temporary duty to a military 9t»tioa will, oa arrival, if to be attached, 
practicable, be attached to troops and provided with quarters. °"°- ^^^^• 
N.O.Os. and tnen on arrival at a military station or temporary 

duty will bo attached to the troops for quarters and rations. 

1303. Wh«u a medical officer is temporarily attached to a Medical 
mounted unit for duty on the line of aaarch, the CO. is to pro- ^''^j^*'^' 
vide him with a horse. ^*°" ^^^^* 

1304. When the distance is too great for a single march and Dismonnted 
a series of marches i"i not desirable, dismounted troops willl be units. _ 
moved by tie cheapest lailway route. Conveyance by water ■"" 
route between one part of Canada and another should, as a 

rule, be adopted only whea obviously nore convenient than rail 
ar march. 

1306* The exemption of troops, uader Section 143 of tho Exemption 
Army Act, from the payment of tolls applies only t[> tolls eatab'"^**'*j'jjg 
lishod by Act of Parlium&nt, and doea not exempt troops from 
fees charged by private owners for permission to pass over their . 
Ltridgea or lands. Tolls authorized by Parliament eau be ascer- 
tained by referring to th» notice at tho gate. 

1306. When troops ar« billeted, tie officer who draws theBilletiup 
billets is to arrange that the men of each section or company, on the marct. 
&c., are kept together, aid that their officers are quartered as ^"' ^ ^ 
aear to thent as possible. A point of assembly for each unit 
will be selected and made known to the troops daily before 


Paras. 1307-1316 

Movemeut of Troops 

Kuril corps. 
0«i. HIT. 

In RfLvance. 
Can. 1118. 

Stock car«. 
C*u. 1119. 



HovQtueut of 

sick hOTSBB. 

Omx. 1120. 

iQttiJectlou of 
cftrs, etc. 
C«ii, 1121. 


of hvrsea, &c. 

Om. 1123. 

thoT break oS. The billeting parties, which proceed in advauco 
of tho unit on the march, should not be Mlleted with the maia 
body on the last night of th« inarch, but should, after drawing 
bill&ts for the unit for that uif^ht, go on to their destination. 

Movement of Horses by Bail, 

1307. Camttiaadinp oflflcera of rural corps will notify the D.O. 
C. AS to the station st which their mounted officers can most 
easily concentrate thoir horses so as to entrain together at that 
station and save delay. 

1308. When 8(iuadrons of cavalry, batteries of field artillery 
and engineer units are ordered to proceed from one etatlon to 
another, the Comnianding OiHcer should make requitiitiou, in 
advance, for the issue of noso-b^gs from store, for use in feed- 
ing tho horses en route. 

1309. When mounted units, or detaohmDnts uf mounted units, 
arc moved in trains, troop horses will be conveyed in stock cars. 

1310. When trained horses are moved, tho following con- 
ducting parties are to bo detailed: — 

(i.) When aay portion of the move is by water — a corporal, 

or private, for ever/ eight horses, with one N.C.O in 

charge of the party* 
(ii.) When hy rail only, if more than one car load is moved 

— a corporal, or private, for every car load, with one 

N.C.O. in charge of the party. 

1311. If it is necessary tc move sick or lame horses by rail, 
when the corps to which ttey belong ie proceeding by road, 
the application is to be accompanied by a certificate from tho 
veterinary officer si>ecifying the reason of such hories being 
unfit to proceed by road. 

1312. The floors of ears for liorses eliould be at least Ihi 
inches thick and should be carefully inspected for soundness. 

Fastenings of cars should be examined by a railway official 
nft«r tho ears are loaded. 

1313« The entrainment of horses, guns, and vehicles wilt, if 
posiible, be conducted simultaneously, and should be completed 
before that of the men has commenced. 

The more tightly horses aie packed the more safety will thoy 

■when remoTad. 
Cm. 1128. 


Om. 1124. 

horsas en 

Om, 1126. 

1314. Horses should usually be entrained with saddlery and 
harness on, except when tho journey will exceed six hours, in 
v.'hieh case harness and saddlery will be removed ,at tie station 
of departure and loaded separately, 

1315. As horses are often friglitencd by passing trains^ the 
onirainuiont should, if possible, be so arranged that tho horses' 
heads face away from the other linos of rail. 

Horses' heads will, as a rule, be left free. 

1316. When it is intended to water and feed horsi-s during 
a halt ^'wator*' followed by "feed" will be sounded, and tho 
men will proceed to water tbeir horses. 

After being watered the horses will le fed from nonebags. 
No hay or straw is to be left among the horses, and any forage 
conveyed should be in closed earn. 


Movemeut of Troops 

Paras. 1317-1320 

1317. Working parties for the laying of temporary ramps Working 
will be ordered to alight, &nd commence work. The <*^cer8'JJ[J*^J^'^J, 
will proceed to the carriages of which tley are in charge, and of men.'"**" 
point out where the men ar^ to form up. The men will then Can. 1126, 
get out, taking their arms, kits, &c., which will be deposited in 

soiLO convenient place, and vill then fall in oi>posito tho trucks 
containing their horses. 

1318. As the/ are detrained, riding horses will bo led to thr Detrain ment 
jilaco of assembly, and draught horses to thoir own wagons. ** Ca"'ii27 


1319. Bagijruge will, as a rule, bo entrained prior to the arriv< 
al «f the troops. 

1320. When troops require bedding in connection with move- 
ments a part-wcrn blanket or rug may be carried for each sol 
dier, and for each member of tho family of a soldiflr on tho 
married roll. The articles will bo draivn from the barrack 
stores at tho stution from which tho troops proceed, and on ar- 
rival at the doEtinntipn will be handed over to the officer l/o 

^barracks or CO.O. officer tbero. Tho oflieer or N.C.O. i/c the 
party will bo responsible for the safe return of tho blanl:ots. 

1321. 0.0. uuits will indent on the A.SC. officer i/c transport 
for conveyance of regimental baggage, including excess baggage. 

1322. Regimental baggage of troops moving by rail will bo 
sent by rail at the statutory rate. -In other cases the route by 
which baggage is to be moved and the terms of conveyance 
are arranged by tho A.S.C. Tho 0.0. the unit having beou 
informed thcreol' will make all other arrangements for the movo 
of baggage. 

1323. When baggage arrives at, or is despatched from, a 
station, fatigue parties from tho unit, or, on the application of 
the CO., from the garrison, will bo provided to assist tiio rail- 
war officials in loading or unloading it. Drivers- are to have 
nothing to do ^vlth loading and unloading wagonsj tbo labour 
required is to be furnished by tho troops. Tho method of 
packing and the size and weight of the atticles to be carried on 
eacb wagon and pack animal will be decided by tho officer i/c 
trniiBport,' and tho loading will be performed under his technical 

132i. Individual ofiicers'Jind warrant officers moving with- 
out troops wilt arrange for conveyance of their own baggage. 

Entrainment of Ouns and Vehicles. 

1325. Tho heaviest weights are to be placed nearest to theUoibodof 
<!nils of the earn. Vehicles with limbers are tt> be ualimboro(^^<'^**"ff""' 
and placed with tho trail, parch, pole or shafts resting on tho *■"'*■ ^^^*' 
floor, and pointing inwards. Wheels slould bo well secured 

with ropes or scotches. 

1326. Cars may be loaded to the weigfit they are tale ula tod Jj^j""**' 
'to bear. < . cin, 1186, 


Can. 1128. 

Issue of 
blankets or 

Can. 1120. 

More of 

Can. 1180. 
Teraas of 

Can, 1131. 


Imp. 1465. 

Can. 1182. 

Loading and 



Can. lisa. 

Paras. 1327-1331 

Movement of Troops 

MoTement of Troops 


Loading of 
giiiiB etc. 
Can. 1180. 

X327. Guns and wagooB, when equipped for the march, aro 
loaded in that state and, when accompanying troops, the unoc- 
cupied space of the floors under and around them may be used 
for their gear^ for emeigeney ramps for deirainment (when 
carried), and for the kits of men in charge of the car.. 

1328. Wagons, or their parts, must be packed compaetly, on 
the car, but not so as to prevent the wagons bein^; quickly un- 
loaded from either sido of the truck. 

In entraining vehicles, eud-loading should be used where 
facilities exist, and the vehicles can bo run on lu afow minutes, 

1329. The detrainmcttt of guns auS vehicles will be carried 
out by parties told off for tho purpose. If it cannot be doue 
simultaneously with that of the horses the latter will, as a rule, 
he first detrained. Each carriage should be dra^n off to the 
place of assembly as soon as horsed, so as to clear the ground. 

Camp Equipmeat. 

1330. The transport of camp equipment, light baggage and 
ammunition fnr each corps on the march should ba carried out 
regimen tally, 

1331. Commanding oOiccrs may provide transport for camp 
equipment (when furnished) at the rate of one wagon, or double 
sleigh, for every twenty*si3c tents complete, also for officers' 
light baggage at the rats of one wagon, or double sleigh, for 
each regiment of eight companies; but they will be held pecu- 
niarily responsible if they. engage mere transport than is abso- 
lutely necesaaiy. 

1332. Por transport of baggage at camp an allowance may 
be drawn as laid down in the P. & A« Begulations, unless wagons 
are supplied by the A.S.C. 

Corps receiving marching allowance will not be entitled to 
the above-mentioned allovanee. 

1333. Offisers travelling on the public service, when not 
required to take heavit^r baggage, will only be alUwed convey- 
ance for 150 pounds, which quantity is carried free of charge 
by railway md other public transport companieB. 

Transport in Emergency. 

EmerKflDcy 1334. In ease of emergency, when it is necossaTy to provide 

cooTeyance of proper and qioedy means for the conveyance by railway or by 
Can? 1148. water, of militia on active service, and also for the ammuni- 
tion, stores, provisions and baggage, the justice of the peace 
of and in th« locality where such militia are either on a march 
or in cantonment, upon receiving a requisition in writing from 
the officer ccmmanding such militia for such railway cars and 
engines, boats or other crtft, us are requisite for the conveyance 
Crf the said troops or militia and thei^ ammunition, stores, pro- 
visions and baggage, shall issue his vrarrant to such person or 
persons as are possessed, of such r&ilway cars and engines, 
boats or other craft witliin his jurisUiction, rcqutring him or 
them to furnish the same for that serrice at and after the rate 
of payment to be allowed by the said justice and not exceed- 
ing the uaual rate of hiie for such lailway cars and engine!] 


Can. 11 ST. 

of ffuna and 

Can. 118S. 

Transport of 

bafcgate, etc. 

Can. 11S&. 

Number of 
Can, 1140. 

Transport of 
baggage at 
camps of 
Can. 1141. 

Weight of 
Can. 1142. 

boLts or other craft, and, if any such person refuses or neglects, 
after receiving such warrant, to furndsh such railway cars or 
engiaiiea, boats or other craft, for that sorvdeo, such railway 
oais or enginea, boats or other craft may be impressed and 
taken for such service; but nothing herein shall impair the 
effect of any act obliging any railway company to convey such 
militia, and other articles aforesaid, iai imy manner or on any 
terms and conditions therein, mentioned or to release any such 
eompany from any obligaiian or penalty thereby imposed. 

1335. When troops on active service are on the march, or 
cantoned in any part of 1;h9 Dominion of Canada, any justice 
ef the peace upon receiving a requisition in writing from the 
officer commanding for so nuiny wagons or sled^hs, {ls may be 
requisite and necessary for the service* of said troops, shall 
sssiie his warrant to such person or penwns as are possessed of 
wagons, sleighs, horsos or oien, within kis jurisdiction^ requir- 
ing hiim or them to furnish the same for such service, and if 
an/ person, after receiving such warramt, refuses to furnish the 
flame, they maybe impressecl and taken for such servi&e; but no 
&mh wagon, sleigh, horse or ox, so impressed or taken shall bo 
compelled to proceed more than thirty miles, unlesj in cases 
where other wagons, sleighs, horses or oxen cannot immediately 
be had to replace them; aad such wagons, sleighs, horses or 
oxon shall bo paid for at the authorized rate of hire, $1 for each 
animal, and 50 cenits for eaoh wagon, cart or sleigh* 

1336. The impressment of wagons, c&rts or sleiglis for the 
eoiveyanco of baggage wall only be resorted to: — 

(a) In case of emergency, when delay would be caut.ed by 

(b) When tr.insport canaot be hired. 

(c) IVhen tie charges made for hired transport are exces- 

1337. To provide for military tranepHOrt in connection with 
. the several units of the mUitia on mobiliKation, for tlie convey- 

an«e of ammunition, baggage, blankets, camp equipment and 
rations, the follow^g regulations will bo carried out by the 
Divtiqet Officers Commanding. 

1338. As the horses, wagons or carte and harness necessary 
foi regimental transport ar? not permanently maintained, the 
number required must be obtained by voluntary enrolment from 
th« resources of the country on the following conditions: — 

(a) The sum of one dollar per diem to be paid for each 
horse for suoh days as the horse may b& required and used. 

(b) The sura of fifty cents per diem to be paid for each 
wa^on or cart, including serviceable harness for the same for 
such day or days as the same may be required an>d used. 

(c) The sum of fifty cents per diem to be pai3 to each 
driver in charge of a wagon or cart. 

(d) Any owner may enrd more than ane horse, wagon, cart, 
or set of harness. 

(b) The Department of MilLtia. and Defence rworves to 
itself, through the Minister, the right to purchase at any time 
at market valu« (to be asseesed by a local valuator and a com- 
mittee appointed by the lilinister) any or all of tlie horses, 
wagons, earts, or harness so enrolled or furnished. 


Oan. 1146. 

Oan. 1147, 

«,0. IB— 

Paras. 1S39-1343 

Movomeut at Troops 

e tores. 

Can. 1148. 

Can. 11 48 A, 

Keaerally by 
Can. 1149.. 

Full use of 



Imp. 1470. 

aau. IISO. 

Dan. 1151. 


(f) If water truusport is reqairod, aleigha will bo aubati- 
tuted for wagons ajid carts. 

(g) In the oveujt of the owner of any enrolled hvrso, wagon, 
cart, sleigh^ or set of harness, failing or ncgleeting or refusing 
to furnish wiien lawfully required, on a national emergency, 
tho same or any of them, he shall incur a paualty of five dol- 
lars far each offence, and tho failuro «r neglect or refusal for 
each day shall be held to be a separate oflfonce. 

(h) Wagons or carts enrolled must be In good condition, 
capablo of carrying 3,000 pounds in the case of wagonfi, and 
1,000 pounds in tho cose of carts; and the liamess must bo 
ill a condition suitaljle for heavy straiia on indifferent roads. 


1339. Trajisport may be obtained by throe meUiods: — l&t, 
by water; 2ua, b;^ rail; 3rd, by wagons or other wheeled .ve- 
hicles, or sleighs in wimter. Transport by water, when avail- 
able for the entire distance and when the time permits, is the 
easiest, cheapest aatd best for heavy w&ights; but, when trams- 
port hy water is not continuous for Uie wholo journey and 
trajishipuionts require to be made en route, tho expense of such 
must be consdiorcd iu" detenu in Lng tho most ecoibonicul means 
of forwarding. 

1340. Militia Book 48 will bo used for all movements of 
horses, orduanoo, mildtairy stores, &c., by freight or exproias, and 

' m shipment by ro.!! or sbwuuBhip is to bo made witliout a cov- 
oiiug requisition being issuod. These requisitions are to be 
treated as "i-ash" when delivered to tho agent of the rail or 
steamship lino at point of shipment, ajid all shipments prepaid 
through to destination accordingly. 

1341. The A.S.C. will arrange for the conveyance ^of all 
stonee, except baggage moving with dndiWduals and such small 
services by road, roil, or parcel posts as are necessarily trans- 
acted direct by units. 

1342. Full use should made of all government tmnsport in 
possession of corps for transport purposes. A.S.C. officers 
should utilisse niiy existing government transport (whether in 
pt)S!*ession of A.S.C. or other corps). Hired transport should 
never be employed when the service can bo carried out by exist- 
ing establish ments. 

1343. Indents, returns, tnd routine eorrespondcnee rclatiaig 
to transport will be sent direct to officers i/c transport, who, 
wlion unable to deal with demands which are not covered by 
regulation, will refer to the D.0.0. foor inatruoUons. At stations 
wkere there is no officer I Jo transport, iniiior and urgent ser- 
vices may be ciirried out by tho Commatiding Offioerj or Senior 
Ordnance Oflicer, or other lesponsiblo oiTicor, but all the docu- 
inents will be forwarded, slowing tho ji umber of packages aawl 
cbas of cent out a uod weijilit of each diss, to the A D S & T 
of the District. 

Application for the transport of stores will bo forwarded to 
the A.S.O. o.fficBr i^^c* .transport of tlie consignor's station pro- 
pared on M.I'',-^-C. 580. 

Inf!an»mable liquids, dangerous explosives, corrosive and 
poisonous chemicals to be sent away from consignoi^s station 
art to be so marked on th« requisiWon. 


Movement t>f Tioops 

Paras. 1344^353 

1344. Whcdi there are no meana of weighing the stores in Entering 
barracks, &c., the approximate w^edght should bo givern in pen- ^^^^^'^ "' 
«il, and, on sreceipt of inatrLctione to despatch, a representative' 0!!'. 1153. 
should be sent to the railway or shipping company 's statdon to 
witnofls the weighing, and insert particulars on 'wa/bill prior 
to despatch — the weight being reported to the transport officer. 
*'Seturnied empties" ahould bo so described. 

1345. Long or very bulk,\ articles should be specially brought Bulky articles, 
to the notice of the transxwrt oQicor when demanding tiaasport. C!an. iisa. 

1346. Five clear days' notice should, when possible, bo givcji ^^plosivesi 
regarding expbsives, by tke transport officer, and the goods ***^^^**'j**|'^ 
must not be delivered at the station iLUitil tho company has 
signified its rojudiness to ro;;eive them. 

1347. The cheapest mode of couveyaneo will bo used. Obeapeftt 
Conveyance by express is only to be respited to ia excep- ^''can'' nw 

tiflual or extremely urgent casws, or when that mode of con- Eip^eM. 
veyance is cheaper than freight or parcel post. [See para. 

1348. The transport officer havang determinod thij mode of Atrangeiuejjtu 
coiiveyaneo will complete or alter M.F. — 0. 580 as may bo iiecos- JjJ^J*"'^*''* 
sary and forward it to tho contraetx)r or corps to perform the o&u. 11S6. 
survioo, or return it to tho consiguor with instructions how to 
act. Collection and delivery should be done by govornmout 
traoisport when a saving caa be effected -theroby. 

1349. If, however, the goods are to bo sliippod via steam- Triplicate 
booit, coach, rail or express, the njumbe: of packages and the ^^^j,^ o' 
weight thoroof) and class oE goods will bo made out in tripli- p^f] 1157 
cace on the steamboat, coach, rail or express company's bills of 
lading. One of these will be kept by the agent of the company, 
and the other two signed by him. One of these will le retained 
by tlie officer in charge of transport as s, receipt, aud ihe other 
wilt be forwarded by him an an advice uote to the consignee. 

1360. All shipments by rail or stdamship are to be prepaid Bille of Udlne 
by tran«i>ort requisition MB. — 48, whicli is to be filled in by *^"^' 1158. 
tho Ordnanco Officer in charge, or officer i/e transport, giving 
particnlara as to the number of packages and separato weights 
of each class of articles, as classdfiod by M.O. 180 of 1908 trnd 
Canadian classification and amendments. Form M.B. — 48, when 
cojnpleted as above, is to be handed to the agent of bho rail or 
steampship line in payraent of tho service. Particulars as to 
the cost of tha service are to bo obtained at the time from 
the agent. 

1351. Goneiguors will always obtoJn receipts for stores hand- Beceipts to be 
ed over to carriers direct; and A.S.C. or other governmctnt trans obtained, 
port must obtain receipts fcr stoTOS handed over to railway or ^*^- ^^^*- 
shipping compa-nies fpr convey an ce. 

1362. In all eases advice notes should be posted to the con- Advice notes, 
slgnee direct bj transport officers, or by consignors where tlioro JjJJJ?^''** 
is no transport officer, immediately stores are despatched. ^ Oanf" 116O. 

1353. If any of the goods are lost or damaged, the value etcrea lost or 
of ihe cost of repairs should be recovered locally at consignee 'sdauaKed in 

The packages, &e,, shouli bo opened at the earlicat possible 
opportunity after receipt, and any defioienciea or breakage*, 
not due to faulty packing, then discovered, should be immedi- 


Para0. 13E4-1367 

Movement of Troops 

ately reported to the railway companj or earrieir, mtli a state 
meat of their valuoj and a claim for the amount duo to the 

Note.- — For regulations governing -the movement of troops 
by water, aee the King 's Begulatlona and Orders for the Army, 
"Movement of Troops To and From Stations Abroad." 






DresSt Clothing, &c. 

Pdras. 1358-1365 



General Instructlom. 

1368. Tho UEiforms of tU Canadiau forces T\ill be of |hoSf™ 
pattema laid down from time fco time dn the Dress and Clothing " ^an. 1288, 
Be^ulations for the Canadian Militia. 

1359. Tho regulationa for the issue and (^re of clothing, Ibbuo of 
arras and equipment are detailed in the Cloihing; Kegulations, clothing. 
I'att 1. amd 11., and in tho Equipnieait Regulations. 

1360. A CO. is forbidden to introduce or sanetioi any ,un- DeTlatlon 
authorized deviation from the sealed patterns of dresa, cloth- 'orMdden.^^ 
mgf equipment imd badges. He will be responsible for the cost * ■ 

of roplaoing or restoring to the approved pattern any articles 
Morn in his unrit which may be found not in conformity there* 

1361. The dresSj appoa ranee and demeanour of soldi era Appoaraoce 
should, on all oc^asionu, ibo such as to cioate a respett for the ^"^ JJjJJ'Jggi^ 
/Military service. 

1362. A soldier will not leavo his bafracks or camp unless Bmokin? in 
properly dressed, and he will not smokfl in the straets when '*'**'^^J^*jg 
on duty. 

It 13 the duty of all officers, warrant officers and N'.C.Os. to 
report irregularities of dreas or nusdemoanours of soldners whe- 
ther on pass ot furlough to the maa'a C.Os., whcthei the meai 
belong to their own corps or not. 

1363. The orders of dross as laid down in paras. 1387 and 
liJfl4 are do be ol>8ervod and read in connection with the dress, 
clothing and eqaipmont regulatiOins, 

1364. The wearing of any unauthorizei ornament or emblem, 
when in uniform, lis forbidden, unless express permiBSJoai Jias 
been granted. The wearing i>f a sprig of shamrock in the head- 
dress by Irishmo-u of all ranks, on St. Patrick's Pay, is author- 

1365. trnif orm will be wcrn by all ranks while on duty. In 
tho Permanent Force it is left to the disoretion of the senior 
PomianeoLt Officer in the gaffrieon to permit pladn clothes to be 
worn by officers, warramt officore, and N.O.Os not below the 
rank of colonr-fiorgeant, when not on duty, and by o^her ranks 
for purposes of rcereLitlon. 

Permission nay also bo given by a CO. to N.COs. below the 
rank of colour-»orgtHtnt and to men of good character to dress 
in plain clothee when on furlough or pass away from their 
statdon, aoid, subject ito the apppovoJ of tie O.C troops and with 
the concurrence of the D.O.C, when on; pass at theitr station. 
Su«h permission will be emtered on the furlough form or pass 
and will be initialed by tho officer granting it. 


Orflera of 

Can. 129B. 

Imp. 1001. 

an i etnbi«ms. 
Can. 1294. 

Wearing of 
p'biii ciothes. 

Imp. 1694. 

Cun 1396. 

Paras. 1366-1378 

DreBS, CJotliiue. 6ec. 

Forage cap. 
Imp. 1695. 
A.O. 376— 


hatr. . 


Full €!.„<,« 
Can. 1297. 

Watch chaioe. 
Can. t29e. 

Can. 1299. 

SliQe cases. 
Can. 1000. 

Con. 1801. 

Can. 1802. 


Can. 1808. 
Itiflo League 

Can, 1803A, 

Olllcers to 
provide their 
Can. 1804. 

OfTlcers at 
reviewat Ac. 
Can. 1806. 

1366. The fomgo cap will not be woni wUL service dress 
except by geaiorals aiid staff officers, unless epeeiiilly ordered aa 
!i distinguishing mark lietueen oppcaing forces. Porag© and 
servieo dress caps will be placed ovemly on tlie head. 

Para. 1367, K.H. & O. (CM.), 14*17, is amended by U.O. 67 
the deletion of the words: "but not the upper lip." iJiB. 

(H.Q. 970-1-7). 

J.OOO. wjicii the full dress lioa'ddros« is worn on duty, the 
chin chain, or strap, will be worn fit the point of chin and 
suniciQutly short "to prevent it from slipping underneath, except 
that m tluj 3.CJLA. dt will bo worn nnder tho chin. With the 
blue or grecti helmet, tho chain nmy be hooked up when worn 
off duty, and on duty when aide arras only are carried. 

1369. In uiKiform, wnfch chains aaid trinkets itro not to bo 
worn in sucl a manner as to be seen. 

1370. Pistols will be ctrried on actn-e service, or when speci- 
ally ordered, by all rants for which they are tie rcgulatioii 
equipment. A. special pattern is not laid down foi ofticora, but 
all pistols must curry government amiiiunition. 

1371. In mounted units m march in^ order, on aetivo service, 
and when oirdered, shoo ciiaes of all raiika will be jwcked. 

1372. Kijiiipment will bo worn over tho great- < oat. Groat- 
eoa^ will b* worn by oQiccrs on duty when the men parade 
in. th-em. Tlioy will bo caaried '*cn bamderole*' over tho left 
shoulder by unmounted oflicors of fo»t units and by mounted 
uiuits on dismounted parades and duties, ou guard, and on ehajigo 
of Btabioai. 

A CO. may allow great-coats to be worn when iiecessary. 

1373. An offii'-er or warrant officer in uniform whan in mourn- 
ing, is to w<.^r a btfud of black crcp» S'/i inches wide, round 
tho left arm wbovo the elbow. It will not bo worn wt levees 
or at Court, i-xoept when tho Court is in mourning. 

1374. a lueses may bo worn by all ranks on or off duty. 

1375. The badgea given by tho Canadian Military Kidc 
League may bo wora by militiamftn in uniform, on tho loft arm, 
under regulations similar to thoso which apply to badges given 
by tho National Rifle Association, DcmJduion* Kiflo Association 
(pf Canada and Canadiaji Artillery AsaooiatSon. 


1376. Officers will not be appomiotl to, or promoted in, tho 
Militia unlesa they undertake to procure for themselves, within 
three months of sueh appointment or promotion, tho uniform 
lequirod by regulation. 

1377. Officers assuming prominent positions at military re- 
views and upon all occasions of state or ceremonj, will wear 
the full dres-s of their rank. They are not to appear mounted 
unless entitled to do so bj reason of tledr rank amd position. 

1378. Ofiicors attending reviews in plain clothes will avoid 
toiug conspicuous and will comport themselves as ordinary 


Dress, Olothlug &c. 

Paras. 1379438(5 

1379. Btaff officers who have retired with permission to re- Uniform of 
tain their raji k in tho milibiii are not to eontinuo to wear staff •'^**"o^ »t">'^ 
luiiform, but may wear tie uttiform of tho corps in which thoy° Can?'i807. 
Jast sorvcd. 

1380. Officers of tho Beser ve of Oflcers are. not required to Reserve 
provide themselves with any uniform until their services are*^^f«'^»' 
actually required. They are, however, authopised to wear the""oan."l808. 
auiform described in tho Dress Regulations. 

1381. An officer while in a foreign country is not to wear Uniform when, 
uniform without having obtained th« pormissLon of His M^-^"n®""i'anQ 
jesty's ropreicntativo, which peirmission is only granted when 'J"^- •i»"*'- 
All officer is employed on duty or attending Court, or at state 
e.eromomos to which lio has been invit<d. 

. 1383. Regulation uniform must not be worn at fancy dress Fnucy drosB 
l>all3, but there is no objection to mitttary uniform of obsolete ^"{Jj^ jg^^o 
l)attem being worn on such occasions, 

1383. Sword belts will bo worn as follows: — 

(i.) Under tho tunic or dress jacket by all mounted offieors 
(exoept those of Highland regimonta) and by all oiScers of rifle 
regimoiits; over the tuuic or doublet by all other officers. 

Over the frock-coat ttikd under tho i>atrol jacket. 

(ii.) Swords will be (arried on pirades and duties unless 
otherwise directed. TJiej will not be worn on beard ship, at 
uiesH, or at tables. 

(iii.) Swords will bo tarried on tha saddle by mounted offi- 
cers in all inouuted '^orders of dress*' other thjin "review 
ordei . ' ' 

(iv.) The scabbards of officers of iismounted units in ' ' re- 
view order** are to be hooked up by thoso who wear the waist 
tfelt over the tunic, and eaiuiied in tlio left hand by other 

Swords and 

Imp. 1708. 

A.O. 875^ 


(v.) Tlie scabbards will be oarrlod in the 
mounted oflioors when on dismounted iutios. 

left himd by 

1384. Spurs will be w«rn in full dposs a^ud service dress bySpur». 

all officers whose duties require them to be mounted. At levees, '">"• i^oy.- 

on ceromou'iGl occasiians ilisniounted, in undress, ind in mess 

dress, spurs ivdll be worn by general officers, staff officers, offi- 

wjrs of mounted aervieee, and by field officers and adjutants of 

inf ajutry and of all otber lorvices, corps, and departments. They 

will not bo worn on board ship, when travelling, or by officers 

inspecting armaments or uLagazines. 

1385. In mounted services whistles, ivu 11 be carried when 0Ji^t'"^'"?*710 
duty with troops, ond in diemoumted services \vhouiu marchiug ™P- ^"i • 
or drill order. 

1386. An Honorary Aifle-de-Camp or Surgeon t* tho Govor- Honorary 
uor-Goneral will wear tho distinguishing badge of such appoijut- Ai^es-de- 
meint on all occasions wh«n tho Govarntor-G'OnerELl ds present in aoT«-nor- 
State, at leviea, ajid when on duty as Govemor-Goaoral 's Hon-aenetal. 
orary Aide-de-Camp or Honoirary Surgeon at field days and Can. 1818 a.. 
other mdUtaiy ceremonies at which the Govemor-Geuieral is 


Para. 1387 

Order of Dress— Officers 

Orders of Dress — Officers, 

W 17U. 1387. The following gives tlic ordera of dress lor otficcrs 

tan. p. 194. ^jjj different occasions:— 

Review Order. 

No. 1. 

TiUl Dress. 


Pun dtess head'dtess and tunic. 

Wbea mount«d. 
Butcher boots. 

Wh«ii dismounted. 


Welllngtoa boots. 

On guard duties Infantry officors will 
carry sreat-coat, haversack and water- 

When the order is '^Staff In blie,'* gen- 
«ral and staff officers will wear tbe 
frock coat. 

White leather eloros (black in Ktfle reirl- 
ments) will be worn In reTlen order. 

On ceremonial octasions, in hot weather* 
and when not en duty with ttoops^ tbe 
khaki hetmet vith white corer or a 
white helmet, plume, chin chain, white 
puggaree and badge may be worn as 
t!ie fall droBS head-dress hj general 
and staff officerc. 

Plutue^ will not be worn with the helmet 
by general and stuff officers when the 
order is "Staff in blue." 

Oi^casiona when to be worn. 

(»> . 

ih) State ceremoniev.* 

(k) Royal escorta. 

(c) tiuarda on royal resi- 
doncee, ■ 

Gttards of lonour. 
As ordered by Os.O. 
Districts and on garri* 
BOB duties. 

(1) General courts-martial. 

<r) Church paredes. 

II) Ceremonies and enter- 
tainments Then it is 
considered le sir able to 
do ape^ial honour to 
the occasian, OOlclal 
or pQblic* balls, din- 
ners, luncheons or 
breakfasts, and even- 
Ing receptkna as may 
be Bpeclally ordered. 

<i) Funerals. 

Tko order of dreas — "Re- 
view order, attff in blue" 
— ia applicable only to 
general officeri, staff offi- 
cers and headi of depart- 
ments at the headquar- 
ters of commands. 

marching Order. 

No, 2. 

Service Dresn. 

tienerala, substaniivo colonels, ind staff 
oDicers, blue or drab service dress as 
nay be ordered, but drab service dress 
must always be worn at minoeavres 
and training. (A.O. 276, 1918.) 

Oth» officers, dra^ service dreaa. 

Tbe following articles will be ctrrled by 
rtgimental o£^cera: 

Haversack, water-bottle, field glasses or 
t«leacope, pock«t book, field message 
book, compass. great'Coat or water- 
proof sheet. 

Brown leather glorea will be worn. (A.O, 
ISl. 1B12.) 


Ae may be specially or- 

*It will bn coiisid(<ired a State occasion wLen the Sovereign, or the 
representative of (he Sovereign, Is present; the parade In celebration of 
the birthday of the Sovereign, or when speclallr ordered on tie occasion 
of any parade, ceremony, or entertainment at which a member of the 
Royal Family Is present. 

^ function or entertainment given or arranged by any government 
•department or government Institution will be regarded as an official 

When invitations are issued Is tbe name of any municipal corporation, 
institution or society, It will be regarded as a public occasion. 


Order of Dress — Soldiers 

Para. 1387 

Drill Order, 

Service Dresq. 

Occasions when to be worn. 

Cenerols, substantive coloneU, and staff 
officers, blue; other officer^, drab ser- 
vice drese. 

The following articles will be carried: 

Field glosses, haversack, \ 
water-bottle, great-cont ]- Wiion ordered, 
or waterprooi sheet } 

Brown leather gloves will be vorn. 
151, 1912.) 


Divisional and brigade par> 
ados as may be ordered. 

Alt ordinary drills, riding 
schools, regimental duties 
and examinations for pro* 

Regimental <onrts-martlal, 
courts of inquiry, and 

lEess Ord^r. 

No. 4. 

Mesfl Dress. 

Dining at nav«l or military 
mosses and with D.0.0. 
or flag officer of the navy 
unless full dress Is or- 
dered, and at naval and' 
military evgning dances 
and entertainments. 

Dining on hoard ship, gov* 

Drnment transfort. 

Will not be vorn at man- 

"Undress Order. 

No. 5. 

Swords will be vorn on duty, and as the 
occasion may require when not on duty. 

Forage cap. 

Frock coat (Biles, patrol jacket; High- 
land regiments, white or scarlet drill 

Tr on sera. 

Svord belt, *giidle, or aasb. 

y/ellington boota. 

^Vhtte gloves (Rifles, black glores). 

When 04 duty. 

At district courts-martiat ; 
district^ garrison and spe- 
cial courts of inquiry, 
and boards. 
When not on duty. 

At afternoon naval and mili- 
tary dances and recep* 
tiona In gaTrison or on 
board naval ahtps. 

*When swords arg not worn tbe slings should be removed. 

Service dress or undress (serge frock) will be wocrn on board 

The articles of tiniform required on active service are de- 
tailed iu the Field Service Manual. 


Fara, 1388 

Horse Funiiture— Oaic6rB 

i, 9 -f 9t a ^ *9 V 

a v^ 9 o « gg «t 



Order of Dress — Soldiers 

Faras. 1389-1394 


Can. 1314^ 

A.O. 276— 


1389. Oa dtitaclied duties aot under arms, and when off duty l>r«flB.oii 
ouft of barracks or whem on f icrlough or pass at statioiu in Can- dwti«» not 
ada^ review ordtjr will be worn, with forage cap of Glengarry JJ^^"*""" 
eap in place if full head-dress, and waistbelts without sidodutr. 
armi. Except when on furlough, aide arms wrill bo worn by I"P* >_'>?• 
sergaants (lin corps that have side arms). In mounted sor vices 
the sword belt will be worn only by those units in which it is 
worn over the tunic. When great-coats are worn walking out 
the waistbolt will be worn inside and tie groat-coat will be 
drawn in at the waist by means of the cUth band at the back. 

Service dross will be worn when cycling for recreation. Oycllog. 

Cap^ lines wall bo worn by men of units for which thoy are 0-^p lines, 
regulation dress. The regulation bugle strings may be worn as 
body lines by buglers, drummers and irunpeters. 1918?^^ 

1390. Shoulder sashes are worn over tlie rdght shoulder by gash 
wariufat officers and aorgeanta of infiajutry (rifle Tegimonts ex- Imp. 1714. 
copted). Sashos are worn in review order and when walking 

out, but not over the great- coat. 

1391. A soldier going on pass or furlough will not tak© any JJf(Ii!Ii° JJ" 
arms or accoutrements except the wadatbolt. Oaa. 1317. 

1392. Arms nad accoutrements as way be ordered will bo ■*'""■ "d 
carried on parad* in all ordars of dress. In mounted servieoB ment?*^"' 
sworibeltfl and swords will be worn in review order oaly. In imiJ, 1716. 
other orders of dross, swords wall be carried in frogs on the Caa. 1818. 
saddles, edge to the rear, except by B.C.H-A., who carry the 

swori in review order only. 

1393. Blue joaas are to be worn ait recririts' drill, and on all Blue jeam. 
fatigues in barwuks or camps, and on all occasions wli&u their Can. 1819. 
^itse vill save the metn's clothing. In cold n'Oother they may bo 

'worn over, and in warm weather without, tho service dress. 

1894. The following gives the orders of drees for soldiers Orders of 
on different occasions: — ^^%" , ^ 

Imp. 1719. 

Bevl»w Order. No. 1. Fun Dress. 

Occasions when to 1 

(a) fitate eeremootei. 

(b) Boyal oBCorts. 

(0) Ouarda on rojral resi- 
due e^. 

(d) Guard ■ of hoaoun 

(fl) Oa garrlBon duties. 

(f) General and district 
courts-martial, garriaooi 
b»ard6, and coirts of 

O^urch paradoB. 

Ai mar be apeciaUr 



HOmrTGD TB00P8. 
Wtiec mounted. 
rantaloouB, knee boots, Jack apursi clasp 
kaife and lanraid. 

When lljnnonnted. 
Troisers.' "WellUjgton boots and ewan- 
tl*ck apurs, 

HorM ItmUtare, be. 
Sad4le and bridle complete, with head- 

rcpe. Shoe caaes (except •rtlllery) 

HaTflrsack and water- ^ 

XoBd hag, J- When ordered. 

Oreit-ooat, rolled, on the | 

saddle, J 


Paraa, 1395-1396 

Order of Dress — Boldien 

Occasions rnrben to be void. 

Greut-coat, -i 

One ainmnnitipn pouch, | ^yij^^ ordor^it. 
Haversack and water- ( 
bottle. J 

MarcMng Order. 

No. 2. 

Service Dress. 

(a) Active service. 

(b) Macoeivres. 

(c) Field dATs. 

(d) Marches. 

(e) Inspections. 

(f) Guards, when fuUdrejs 
is not worn. 

(k) Fort mannlnff for gw 

rlsoa artlllerj. 
(h) ChaoKO of station. 
(1) As mar bo spcclaly 


<h) Full droBH head-dress (unplumed). 

Houuted TiDops, 
MoBB tin. 
On the h«rse. 
Clasp knire and lanyard, 
<b} Knee boots. 

Horse Furniture. 
Saddle aid bridle complete with bciid* 

Shoe cases (except artillery), packed. 
Nose bag. Heel-rope. 

Dlsmouutad Troops, 
Full pTiulptnynt. 

DrlU Order. 

No. 3. 

Service Dress. 

Divisional and brigade par- 
ades as viafi be ordered. 

All ordinarj drllia. 

Biding ecbool and regimen- 
tal duties, 

Hegimental courts-martial, 
courts of inquiry and 

Escorts. (tVltb side arms 

Two cartiidge pockets oa waist belt. 


Ilaversacli, water-bottle > ,„. 

ftnd great cont. i When ordered. 

Preservation Equipment. 

botflei"* ^^^^: ^^'«t*f is 'lot to bo kept iji the water- lot tie when the 

Can.' 1S20. bottle IB <]iot in use. 

Haversacks. 1396. Tho haveraact will be worn over tho right shoiild&r, 

Can. 1830. except by mm of the B.O.H.A. and O.F.A., and raouoted men 
of Wie EugiliLoers and A,S.C., who will wear it over the left 
sboulder. Tho sling vill bo worn under the waiBt bolt, tbo 
haversack hanging ouisldo tho sude arm with tho top below 
tho lower edge of tho belt (in lino with tho top of the bayonet 
'scabbard, if aide arms arc worn). If carried iu review order 
tlwj havej*aack sling will, w^en the bolt is worn nnder tho tunic 
or jacket, be shortoojetl so that the top of the haversack is 4 
inches above the elbow. 

The haversack will be worn by all ranks in umrching order; 
on other oacaeions it will be carried only when ordered for use, 
and is not to bo worn rolled up, 


Order of Dress — SoldiecB 

Paras. 1397-1406 

1397. On tho lino of march the soldier should have in his Bquad-bags, 
poBScssioii the spare field kii — tho surplus kit being caridcd iu ^*'*- ^^^2* 
the squad-l>a£B or kit-bags. 

1398. When soldiers of cavalry and infaniry are transferred Transfer ol 
Irom ana squadron or company to another, in the same regi- •*'p' ®* 1*0 on 
iiient or battalion, their aims and accoutrements ard dealt with *"*' 
Ls directed in tho Clothing and Equipment Regulations. 

Small Arm Ammunition, 

1399. In time of peace, ball ammunition is ntivei' to be in Service ammu- 
[lossosaDon of the- mem, ualess tho D.O.C. should consider it »Jti<"i, time 

ii/eeeasary to authorize an issue of Borvioe ball ammunition for * Slq^ 970 j 

a special purjwse. Can. 1824. 

1400. Guaidfi, escorts (except escotrtt for soldiers in custody) Guards and 
and parties detached iu add of the civil powej: will have ^^^o •^'j^'^'^'inoK 
requisite ammunitdon served out to them before going on duty. '^*"* ^^^^' 
This supply ie to be collected in the presence of aai ofiieor, alitor 
the duty has been performedj and -returned into the niiagazlne. 

1401. Whea ammunitioot is in possession of the men, it is to juspoctloa of 
Lo inspected by an oflioor xt tlio daily moruiug paradOj and any smmunltlon. 
lose or damage is to be reiiorted. ^^^- i^^o. 

1402. Before men are dismissed from any parado for which impection 
ball ammunition has been (issued, an oQdcer will ascertain that ^ben in 
none romaans in tholr riflos, magazinefl^ pouohea, or bandoliers, "^•"'j 
Tho raoin will also be reminded on/ such occnsiotxs tliat they are ***imp.*i727. 
not allowed to have any ball ammunition in their possesadou. A.o. 276 — 

AftOiT firiugr with ball ammunition, a certificate will bo ren- 101 8. 
dered to the effect that all unexpended rounds of bait ammuai- 
tion have boeu collected or otherwise accounted foi. * 

Dummy cartridges may be issued to the man far practice in 
mpid loading iji their spare time. Company, &c., eomumnders 
ffill satisfy themselves by frequent inspections that the dummy 
cartridges are correctly accounted for. 

1403. A unit moving from one statdon to another Avill take Cults 
Mfith lit only the quantity of ammunition required to provide a ™oif*'^lf- 
sufliciient guard "with 20- rounds per man, unless otherwise spo- ^*'** ^^^'* 
cioUy ordei^ by tJie Any additional amaiauition in 
charge of the unit will be handed over to the Senior Ordnance 
Oflieer at the station before tho unit leaves. '' 

1404. Whenever ammujjitlon is issued from store to, or^olHcerto 
returned .to store by, troops at the iflsunng station, an officer of •t'*'^'^ ^'V^a 
tlie unit cooicorned mil attend, ^'^^' ^^^^' 

1406. The dssuo of ammmiition from the xegimental or Regimental 
Aipot magazine is to bo mado' by the quartormastftr or other *"y^'' .-g.. 
ittsponsible ofllcer, and he is not to entrust th<j hey of tho Oan iS2d' 
magazine to aayone. The couiimny, &c., commander ml\ 'inapoet 
all ammunitioiL issued for tho use of hie company, &;£., and will 
be personally responsible tot the correctness of the descniption 
and quantity cf ammunitioaL dimwn, and for the care and expen- 
diture of such ammunition. He will also personally check amy 
unexpended balance of ammunition when collected from the 
men, and will be responsible for its return to the magaziaie. 

1406, All ammunition lis regimental charge is to be inspect- Inspection of 
ed at least once a month by tbo CO., who will ee« that it is ■»™'»*it*i<»n 
deposited in a place of safety. Can.*i380- 


Paras. 1^97-1416 

IffidalB and Decoratlous 

SledalB and Decoratloas 

Paras, 1417-1421 

only to bo 

Can, 1881. 

Can. 1883. 

to wear. 
Can. 1888. 

Issue of 


Can. 1884. 

Letters con- 

Can. 138G. 

Wearing of 
modals and 
Can. 1836. 

Wearitig of 
ribbon pund' 
ing issue 
of medal. 
Can. 1887. 

Bifle match 
Can. 1888, 

Custody of 
medals during 
active service. 

Can. 1889. 

Imp. 1786. 

Care of medals 
Can. 1840. 

1407. To prevent damage to rifles, the use of any ammuni- 
tion (whether ball^ hl&nk, or dummy), except that provided hy 
the goverumeut, is forUdden. 

1408. Ac aeeidenjt or damage to Small Arms or Small Aria 
AmmunitdoiL will bo dealt with as per para. 635. 


Ge&eral Instructiona. 

140&. No modal or dflooratioin ia to be worn fcy any office*, 
non-oommiaiioned ofiicor or man when in uniform without duL' 

1410. Medals will bo issued to those entitled to them a* 
follows: — 

(i.) Medals of iudividuals still l m tt ^ n ^i. 

aer/ing with th«ir unit. } ^° '^'^ ^'^' '^^^ ""^*- 
(in.) Medals of individuals who) To the Secretary, 

ha\e left their unit. j Militia Ootnoil. 

If medcils cannot be delivered (as in the en so of men whoso 
addresses caunot be ascoitained) they will bo rotaijicd at Militin 
Ileadquartois for custody, and for issue if aubi.cqLointly applied 

1411. Letters eoutaJuLUg medals are to be legiatercd and 
receipts should be obtained from the persons to whom thoy an 

Instructims concern ing the w^OTliig of medal£^ decorations; 
and miniature medals bj officers are contained iu the ' ' Dresi 
Eegulationa,' ' 

1412. Medals and doconutlons will be worn bjr other ranlct 
with the full dress coat cnly, in the order ppesoribfld for officer! 
in the Dreet ItegulatiouE. On othoi coats, except greatcoats, 
ribbons oaily will be wora. 

1413. "Wlien the grant of a medal has been aotifiod and 
modal rolls iave been brauamitted to the Secretary of the MUi 
tia Council, the Minister may, pending the issue *t the medal 
authorize tflie wearing of the regulation ribbon by -all ranks 
whose namefi are enteored on the rolla. 

1414. Authorized medals awarded for skill at arms, rifle 
shooting, &c., may be vorn on the right breast Those foi 
liile shooting: may be worn only at riHe matches or meetings ol 
ri/ie associaitiona. 

Officers commanding torps are to ascertain thU men wear- 
ing medals sre entitled ta do bo, aad that the modala are theii - 
own. '' 

Soldiers awarded the Mcjiiitorious Service Medal and the 
Jjong SerWcs and Good Conduct Modal may wear both medab. 

1415. When troops proceed on active service, the medals of 
N.O.Ob, and men will be sent to the officer i/c records. 

The medals will be accompanied b/ nominal and deaordptive 

1416. Medals are never to be placed in store attached to 

228 ^ 

When troops proceed on a long journey all medals and 
deoorations of soldiers are to be landed ovor to the O.C 
troops on beard for safe custody during the journey. 

1417. Melals left behind by a soldier who abaeints himself Medals of 
without lea\e, and is declared by court of inquiry bo be ille- **>"Dt*«- 
gaily absent, will be f orvarded to the Secretary, Militia Coun- *^''°' ^^*^- 
cil. If the man does nflt rejoin within 10 years, the mjedals 

will be disposed of as unclaimed medals, 

1418. An officer in choirge of medals will arrange for thoii Hocord of 
safe custody, aind will keep a book slowing (a) tie J^gJmentaJ Jj^jj^^f "^ 
numbers, wnks, and nam^ of the uiei whose medtilfl are placed medals. " 
in his ehar^rej (b) the service for which the medals were Can. 1842. 
granted; (c) the date and cause of thear being taken in ehargOj 

and (d) the date and naiomer of thoir disposal. 

Foreign Orders and Medals. 

1419. Attentdon is drtiwn to the ragultubions respecting for- Foreign Office 
eign orders and medals issued by the Imperial Ibreigu Ofl^c^j ^*olJn*V'^4B 
and published from tim* to time in the official Army liist; ^ ■ ^ 
especially to the rule prescribing tliat " the intention of a 

'* foreign sovereign to confer upoa a Bntish subject the 
* ' insignia of an order must be notified to Ilia Majeety 'e 
" Principal Secretary cf State foi Foreign Affairs either 
' * through tie British Minister accredited to the <ouTt of such 
** foreign Sovereign or through his Iflniater accredited at the 
" court of HjJB Majesty.' Until sueh notiiieatiOTi has been 
made. His Majesty's penaisaion to accept and wear the decora- 
tion cannot in any case l)e granted. 

1420. A nedal or decoration bestowed by a foreign povfer^ou ot tonlza 
cannot, under any circumstances, be raplaced. oa? 1844 

Lobs and Replaceneut. 

1421. Medals are to be shown at kit inspections. When^ourtsof 

a soldier is unable to produce his uedala, the company, &c., JJg*f^i,7dIls**' 
commander will record all available evidence regarding the Can, i845. 
loss, and will submit the same to tho 0.0. the unit, who will 
record his opinion as to vhether the bss occurred: — 

(i) When the soldier was on duty and from causes entirely 
beyond his control. 

(it) By accident, 
(iii) Wilfully. 

In cases under (i) ani (ii), applications to replace the lost 
medals may be at once submitted to liilitia Headquarters with 
the original Wicord of evidence tak«n by the company, &c.,. 

In cases in which no testimony ai to the loss^ except that 
of the soldier himself, is forthcoming, the CO., e3(cept in very 
special circumstances, which he will record, will take the nmu 'a 
character into account in forming his opinion. 

It is necessary that Uhe replacement of medals should be 
carefully safeguarded ani every effoit made to prevent their 
falling into the possessioi of unauthoiized persons, 


Paras, 1422-1425 

Medals and Decorations 

For this reason it is Beldom that medals can be pormitted 
to be replaced at the public expense. Such replacement ia 
confined to cases in which the loss of the medal was due 
eEtirely to unavoidable circumstanceSi such as shipTrreck, fire, 
&t. In interpreting this rule, care should be takei to differ- 
entiate between such accidental losses as might ordinarily be 
incurred in private life and those which are incurred solely 
^ through the oiigencies of the service. Thus: — ^Loss by theft, 
burglary, loss of baggage while travailing, or loss due to 
defective fastenings, &c., aie such as might be incurred by any 
individual and are not, therefore, to bo considered as fair 
charges against the public. 

In cases under (iii.) tlio soldier will be dealt with under 
Section 24 of the Army Act, and, if ccnvictod, he must serve 
three years cloar of an entry in the regimental conduct book 
before he can be recommeEded for the grant of a new medal, 
on paying the -value thereof. If sentenced to imprisonment 
or detention, the three years will reckon from termination of 
such imprisbnntent or detention. 

' In all cases where the clasps are not lost a new medal 
only is to bo applied for* 

f'O" o' >nedaU 1422. In the event of a flischarged soldier losing his medals, 
sqUUm. '* ^^^^ ^^ uecoBsary for him to make application through the 

Cf«0. i848. O.C. the unit in which he last servod, for th^ issue of new 
m&dals at his own expense, submitting with such application 
a statutory declaration setting forth the eircumstancea A regard 
to the loss, and showing that the Iobb was unavoidable and 
occurred through no fault of his own. )few medals will not bo 
issued until sis months have elapsed frcm the date of the loss. 

1423. When a medal or clasps issued by Canada require to 
be replaced at the expense of the man, the value thereof, $1.83 
for the medal, and 3G cents for eaoh clasp, must be deposited 
in the usual way in some authorized bank in the locality, to 
tha credit of the Eeceiver-General, and the depojit receipt 
tharefore must be seat to Militia Headijuartors with tiio applica- 
tion for issue. The charge for a ribbon will be 5 cents. ' 

Victoria OrosB, Distinguished Ooaduct Medal, Meritorious 
Service Medal* &C. 

1424. Becommendations for the Victoria Cross, Distinguished 
Conduct Medal, and Keritorious Service Medal, accompanied by 
descriptive returns, records of service, and statements of service 
abroad or in tlio Hold, and 'of the wounds and distinctions of 
those reeommouded will be sent to Militia Headquarters. Recom- 
mendations for a medal with annuity ihould, in addition, be 
accompanied bj^ certified copies of the conduct sheets, and 
certified copies of any convictions by the civil power. 

1426, When a soldier in possession of the Vietma Cross 
forfeits his medals, whether by sentence of a court-martial or 
otlerwise, a report will be made to the "War Oflce with a view 
to His Majesty's pleasure being ascertained as r<3gards tha 
retention or forfeiture of the Victoria Cross. 



Can. 1847. 

tlons for Vic- 
toria OroM. 
Conduct snd 
Service Med- 
al«. Medal 
witb fttmuitr. 
Oan, 1S48, 

n« test ion oi 
Victoria Orosa 
wh«n medale 
are f o^eited. 
Can. 1349. 

Medals and Pecoratlous 

Paras. 1420-1429 

1426. A silver medal may be avrarded to a soldier of the Medals for 
Permanent Force, provided he has been duly recommended and ^^^/ aejjlcB 
has served for not lesi than 18 years with an exemplary JJnduct. 
character. Can. iaSQ. 

1427. Tlie good conduct medal is ar reward for "long service Bui es for 
with irrerproachable character and conduct.*' A CO. must, "olgction. 
therefore, leconamend only such soldiers as are in every way ^^' ^^^^* 
worthy of this distinction and who fulfil the conditions pro- 
scribed as requisite for en "exemplary" character. Even when 

a soldier ib eligible both in these respects and by length of 
service (IB years), regard will be had to his conduct and 
character throughout his career, and to the number and natuie 
of offences recorded in liis conduct slieets, irrespectively of the 
punishnjents which may have been avrarded. Set vice of a soldier 
under 18 years of age may be included in the 18 /ears required 
to qualifyj on the other hand, the period of 18 years may ba 
reckoned to commence at any period within two years from tho 
date of enlistment. 

1428. The following are absolutely ineligible for tho good Dlgquallfi- 
couduct medal, and must not be recommended: — cation. 

(i.) A Boldier who las been convicted by tho civil power ^^^' ^^®2, 
for felony or any other offence of a dlsgracof ul charactei. 
* (ii.) A soldier who during the last sixteen years of his 
service — 

(a) Has incurred more than six entries* in tha 
regimeutal conduct sheet; or, 

(b) Has been guilty oi desertion or fraudulent ^ 
enlistment; or, 

(c) Has been convicted by a G.C.M. or D.C.M.; or, 

(d) Has been drunk oa duty; or after having 
been warned for duty; or has been drun£ 
while actually engaged on garrison or regi- 
mental employment; or, 

(e) Has,' as a N.G.O. beea reduced under tho Hoyal 
Prerogative or under Section 183(2) of th« 
Army Act for an offence, but not for 

An entry in his regimantal conduct sheet of gallant or distin- j^ q 333 

guished conduct will be considered as diminishing by one the 191a. 
number of entries referred to in (ii.) (a), but will not affect the 
soldier's eligibility or ineligibility for tho medal in any other 

1429. A company, &c., commander will bring to the notice Men fulflUing 
of the 0.0. any warrant officer, N.C.O., or man, who fulfils the "quired 
conditions laid down in para. 1420, but tho fact that a eoldiei *'*' q^^ Ya^jg 
fulfils the ecnditions gives him no olaLm to the modal. 

Hecommendattons for tho good conduct medal, including 
cases of men who were eligible at discharge and were dis- 
charged within the previous six months, will be forwarded tc 
the D.O.O., accompanied ly the original regimental and (in cases 
where they Bxist) by the company conduct, &c., sheets for the • 
whole of the man's service and certified copies of the record oi 
service and civil convictions, if any. If the original conduct 
sheet has been lost, a new sheet will be substituted for it, and 

^Including those entries referred to in the last two fieutenoe* oi 
pnra. 1002. 


Faras. 14301434 

Medals and I>e::oratIons 

tbe recommeadation will Iq forwarded, supported by this and 
hf certificates from three or more officers, covering the whole 
period recorded in the lost sheet, and stating that during that 
pmod no entries were incurred of such a nature as to disqualify 
tbe man uudei para. 1428. 

1430. The medal, if granted, will be transmitted to the 
C.O.^ who will deliver it to the soldier at a review order regi- 
mental parade. If the uiit is quartered with other troopa, 
tie CO. will raport the rewipt to the 0,0. troopa at the station, 
who will order a general parade for the presentation. Good 
conduct medals awarded to soldiers after their discharge from 
the service will bo forwarded direct. 

Good Gondact 
tn&dat to be 
sent to 0.0. 
Can. iaG4. 

lUBdala al^ 
loved to be 

Imp. 1755. 

Can. 1355. 

1431, The following noa-military medals are allowed to be 
worn, when in uniform: — 

(i.) "The Albert Medal/' "The Edward MedaL'* **The 
Board of Trade Medal," "The Medal of the Order of 
St. John of Jerusalem," and 
(ii.) The medals of the Eoyal Humane Society, the "Stan- 
hope Gold Medal," awarded by that bod/, and the 
medal of the "Ecyal National Lifeboat Institution." 
(iii.) The Royal Canadian Humane Association's medal. 
Of the above not more than two medals may ba worn for 
OJie act of gallantry, viz.:— one official medal and, if awarded, 
either the Boyal Humane Society's medal, the Stanhope Gold 
medal, the Bojal National Lifeboat Institution 's medal, or the 
Rgynl Canadian Humane Association 's medal. 

Under no oircumstancei can medals awarded by private 
Bccieties be permitted to ba worn, and, as far as possible, this 
restriction also applies to medals awarded by foreign govern* 
menta. In a case, howevefj where a foieign government medal 
and a British medal are awarded for thft same act of gallantry, 
the foreign modal may be worn only on occasions of ceremony 
where the representatives of the country concerned are present. 

1432, No restriction is imposed on the acceptance of any 
medal, British or foreign, which it is nat intended to wear. 

The Minister reserves the right of determining which of 
several medals awarded may be worn. 

Whenever any of tho above medals are awarded to officers 
or soldiers, a statement of the fact should be sent to Militia 
Headquarters, in order that the necessary authority may be 
oltained for the distinction to be won. 

A CO., in putting forward a soldier's claim for the Eoyal 
Humane Society's medal, should do so an the form which will 
be furnished on application to the Secretary at tho Society's 
office, 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London. 

1433, Upon the special recommendation of the D.O.C. a silver 
mBdal "Tor Distinguished Conduct in the Meld" may be 
gianted to a soldier who has performed service of n distinctly 
gallant and distinguished nature. Bars may bo added on 
account of further distinguished conduct. 

ll«daUfor 1434. A silver medal for "Meritoaous Service'' may be 

^writloriouB awarded a sollier of tho Permanent Fbrce selected for long, 
OaaTiUi, valuable and meritorious service. . 


H.q. 61— 


Oui. IS 56 A. 

M«dalB for 
Uan, 1856. 

Medals and Decoratlom 

Paras. 1435-1442 

1435. When the servico forfeited by a soldier on conviction tteaiorBtion 
of desertion cr fraudulent enlistment, or upon dispeasation with ^' 'or'eitod 
trial for either of those Jffeaces, is restored to him, the war'^can 1B58 

Imp. 1702. 

medals forfeited by him will a^so be restored, without reference 
to Militia Headquarters. 

War medals will similarly be restorod to a soldier who quali- 
ties for the restoration of forfeited service, but elects not to 
liave such service restored. 

Medals forfeited for other reasons than desertion, or fraudu- 
lent enlistmeDt, may be restored by the 0.0. when the men have 
' fieryed three jears clear of a regimental entry. Wh«n sentenced 
to imprisonment or detention, the three years will reckon from 
termination of such imprisonment or detention. 

1436. Tho medals of a soldier dyin^ in the service will be Siupooal ol 
disposed of by the man's CO., as folloirs: — medaUof 

(a) When bequeathed ly will, the medals will be sent to the JJwi"^ 
legatee, or to the executors. imp. 1 764. 

(b) When tho soldier dies intestatOj tho medals will be sent . Can. 1359. 
to the next of kin, in the following order of relation- 
ship:— (1) widow; (2) eldest sarviving son; (3) eldest 
surviving daughter; (4) father; (5) mother; (6) eldest 
surviving brother; (7) eldest surviving sistoi; (8) eldest 
surviving half-brother; (9) eldest surviving half-sister. 

D.B.A. BadgeB. 

1437. The badges given by the Dominion Bifle Association of ^ ^ a. 
Canada may be worn on the left arm, fcidges. 

1438. Can. 1860. 

ParaB. 14^13-1441 




ivutodeuc© 1443, The fellouiiig is tlie oiilcr of prevoUmicc- in tlie Caii:i- 

°'S"iao.. >«»» Militia:- 


Kegimcnl, unit or corps. 

Order of 


The Gcndvmuii CudeUoUhe Koyal Military CuUege 
The Royal Canadian Hurse AUilkry . 




The Co vLTiior- General's Body Guard 

ReRinienLs and squadroni of Cavalry and Mounted 

As laid down in 
Militia List. 





Canadiaa EiigineorB 

The Cor]){i of Guides 

The Royal Canadian Reginient 

The Governor-Gcneral'B root Guards 



of InfEintrv and Rifles 



The Canadian Fcruianeia Army Service Coriw 

^ :: 


The Canadian Army Mvdical Corps 





Other E>tpartmental Corps 

Corpa of Military Staff derks 

Cadet Corjw 


Different uiiits of tlie same arm take ijreoedettce in accord- 
a»ieo with their numerioal suceeesiom., eacopt that a unit of 
tlie Perraanottt Forco shall alwaye take precedence of a unit 
of the same firm uot formmg a portion of the Permaneut 

On parade, other than ceremonial, and for the piirpoaes of 
ntamoeuvre, units will bo distributed and drawn up in the mode 
wlieh the ofllmr ia conunimd of such parade or m»«<>euvrea 
jn£v deem most convenient. 

"Gentlemen Cadets of thu Royal Military College, when on 
pamdo with other troops, if mountrod, tako the rijht of all 
troops; if dismounted, »tho right of all dismounted troops. 

Heavy battftrios, when on parado with thoir guns,, fcako the 
left of the field artillery 

In brigade, rifle regimemta should be on a flank — usually the 
left — of th« line of infoatr/. 

Corresponding Ban^ In the Aitny and Navf. 

1444* Nothing contained in these regulationa ia to give a 
ciaiiii~to cUim bo aJiy officer of the navy to fissiune command of His 

''Tai'!T863. Majesty's land forces on shore, nor to any offlceir of the militia 


raiik gives no 


Para. 1445 

to assum:© command of ainy of His Majesty's squadrons or 
ships, or anv of th« officers or men tlere'bnto belomging; unless 
under speoial atiAhority from the CTovemment in England for 
any particular service. 

1445. Thfl following table of correspooitting ranks in tb« 
army and navy is published for information: — 


(i) Field Marehal.. 

(U) General 

(ill) Lieulenant-Cencral 

(iv) Major-Ctncral 

(v) Brigadier-General., 

(vi) Cbloncl.. 

(vii) Lieulenaat-Colonel 

(viii) Major. . 


Admiral of the Fleet.. 




Con-modore, 1st and 
2iid class. 

Captain of 3 years' 

Caplain under 3 years' 

Commander, hut junior 
of the Array rank. 

Lieutenant vt 8 years' 

Enainecr-in-eliief, il Engintw 

Engineer- in-chief t if Engineer 

Engineer Rear- Admiral. 

I ns^ tor- General of Hos- 
pitals and Fleets. 

Staff Captain of 4 ycare' 

seniority. k*. 

Engineer Captain of tj'yeanT 

seniority in that rank. 
Deputy Inspector-General of 

Hospitals and Fleets. 
Secretary t« Adrairal of the 

Pa y mastcr-in-Chief . 

Staff Captain under 4 years' 

Engineer Captain under i 
years' seatority in that, 

♦Secretary to Commander-in- 
Chief, of i years' service ai 

Engineer Comnian-^ 

Fleet Surgeon. 

Secretary to Com- 
ma nder- in- C hie f 
under 6 years' 

Fleet Paymaster. 

Naval Instructor of 
15 years* senior- 

Engineer Lieutanant of B 

years' seniority qualiliet] 

and selected. 
Secretary to Junior Flag 

Uiricer, Commodore lit 

Staff Paymaster and Pay- 




Naval Instructors of 8 

years* seniority. 
Carpenter Lieutenant under 

8 years' seniority. 

* Secretaries to Admirals <j( the Fleet, and Sccretarie s to Commanders-ia- 
Chief reckon tlieir seniority by length of service in those ranks instead of from 
the date of thdr commission. 


Faras. 144&U47 

Standards and Colours 

Eawards, Honours and Salutes 

Paraa. 1448-1451 

Call. 1865. 

N«t to b« 

Procedure at 
of colours. 

Can. isee. 



<U) Captain ... •. 

Lieutanant under 8 

Engineer LieuUnant under - 

years' Bcniority. 

years* Beniority* or over 
that aeniorit/ but not duly 



Secretary to Commodore, 

AasisUnt Payowttter of 1 

years' seniority. 
Naval Instnittof under B 

yean' seniority. 
Carpenter Lieutenant under 

8 years' seniority. 

(i) Lieutenant. 


Ensineer Sub-Lieutenant. 
Assistant Paymaster under 4 
years' seniority. 

(xi) 2nd Licutemnt. . 

Chief Gunner. 

Chief BoaUwatn. 

Chief Carpenter. 

Chief ArUficer Engineer. 

(tii) Isl Cloas SufT Ser- 
Ecant - Ma;or 

Gunner. \ - 

•'"S^. ^"^'- 


Conductor, C.O.C. 


Master Gunner. 1st 

Artificers' Engineer. 

l8t aaas Stair Ser- 

Head Schoolnueter. 


jeant - Major, 
Army Pay Corpe, 

Head Wardnnaster. i - 

Army Schoolmaster 

Midshipman " but junior 
Clerk. of these 

when 1st Class 

Warrant Officer. 

) Army ranks. 

Q«nerEtl IiutnictioiLB. 

.1446* Standards and guidona of cavalry will bo carried hy 
squadrou 6ergMUii-QUi.joT8. . Colours of infairtry will be carried 
by two solect«d lioutecaautfl^ but on the line of maicli all sub- 
altern officers will carry thorn in turn. 

Standards are not carried by regiuLeuts of hussars and 
lancers, nor are colours carried by riflo regiments. 

Standards, guidons, and colours arc sot to be altered mtli- 
out tho King's special permission. 

1447. The consecration of colours will be performed by 
clka plains or by offieiating clergymen in accordant^ with on 
anthori/.6d Farm of Prayer, copies of which may tie obtained 
from the Secretary of the MilitoA Council. "Form A'' is for 
general use. When an O.C. is desirous of havimg the comse- 
oiation of now colours performed by a Roman Catlolic priest, 
tiie order of service in "Form B'* yriU be uaed. A D.Q.C. 
may, howeverj authorize ministers of different denomuiationfi 
to officiate at the ceremony, m which oase all or parts of Forms 
A and B may be used, but nothing is to be added to either Form 
oi Prayer. 


1448. The standard of cavalry, or *he King's colour of StwdjMaod 
battalionB of infantry, is not to be carried by any gua^ or i»p. 1773/ 
ttooped, except in the case of a guaTd moun-tcd over the King, oan. 1867. 
the Quoon or Queen Mother, or any member of the Royal 

lYimilyi or over a Viceroj; and is only to be used at guard 
mounting* or other ceremonials, when a member of the Royal 
i^raily or Viceroy present, and on occasions when the Na- 
tional Anthem ie appointed to be played; at all otler -tomea it 
U to remaiat with the regimenrt. The Kiaig»a colour will be 
lowered to tha King, the Queen, the Queen Mother and mem- 
bars of the R»yal Family, the Croft-n, and Viceroys only. 

1449. When colours are being removed from, .<>t^ .''^Iten to, JacoH ' or 
the place where they are uaually kept, an escort will invariably o^n^ iggg, 
accompany them and wil] pay them the ouatomary honours. 

"When it is ncceasary to send colours by train to be deposited 
far safekeeping, the escort will conaist of the usual colour 
party, as laid down in Infantry Trainiaig. 

1460. AppUcoition for aew standards, guidons, md colours New etand- 
\TiU be made in accordamco with the instruotienfl laid down Jg|'' ^^^o^"' 
in the Clothing Regulations. ban. IS6O. 


General Instructions. 

1461. The hoQOurs and aalutee to be glvem by troops on honour* and 
parade are as follows;— ^ -,, ^^ ^n Ulidr'* 

(i.) To the King, thQ Queen, and the Queen Mother.— On B»™;^,^g 
all occasions, royal salute,— Standard and colours o^n. 18 TO. 
lowered, officers saluting, mea presenting arms, bands 
plaTing the National Ao-them through, 
(ii.) To' other Memters of the Soyal Familj.^Same as 
(i.), except that the bands will only plfly the first 
port (sue bars) of the National Anthem. 
<iii.) To the Crown.— Same as (i.), except that bands will 
not play. _ 

' (iv.) To Foreign Bovereigns; Presidents of Hepubbcaai 
States, and Members of Foreign Impei^ial and Royal 

Famines.- Same as (1.) or (ii.) respectively, except _gj^5 

that their own KaiMonal Hymn will, when practicable, 
be played, 
(v.) To a Viceroy; and to a Higk Commissioner, Governor 
or Lieutenant-Governor of a dominion, colony^ protec- . 
torate, or possession; or special Royal Cammisaioner, 
acting on behalf of the Sovereign, at state ceremoni- 
als such as the ttpening or closing the Scwion of Par- 
liament or a Provincial Legislature. — Sime as (i.)i 
ox«ept that the bands will only play tie first part 
(ail bars) of tbe National Anthem, 
(vi.) To Field Martdials.- Geiwsrfll ealuto, some as (vil.), 
and regimental colours of »11 forces to be lowered, 
except when a member of the Royal Family is 
(vii.) To General Officers and Inspecting Officers below the 
Tauk of General Officear.— General salite by the 
troops under their command; by mounted services, 


Paraa. 1452*1461 

Rewajds, Honours and Salutes 

Can. 1871, 

Hoyat Ftmill^r 
or Qov«rDor' 
Uoucrul paa«> 
ins a eainp. 

Can. 1872. 
0OT«nior4 of 
a colony. 

Can. 1373, 


Can. 1S74. 

OfficerB actinr 

in «ivJl oinc«. 

Can. 1875. 


Can. 1B70. 

Can. 1877. 


Can. 1378. 
on tb« march. 

Can, 1879. 

of parties 
pAyint; GOiu> 
Can. IS80. 

with swords tlrawn^ officers saluting, and bajida play- 
tbo first part of a slow marcli; by diamouiit^d s&e- 
\iceB, officers saluting, mea presGnting arms, colouw 
ilyiug, bands playing the iret part of a slow nmrcli, 
and drums bcDiting; by eorps not having bands, the 
trumpets or bugles soujidiiig the aalute, or tlie drums 
beating a rufio. 
(vin.) To Commanding Officers (if undGr the rank of Gen- 
eral Officer) of Garrisoiw, Camps, cr Stations.— 
Honours (not oxtttnding to a sal u to of guns) duo to 
tlie rank one degree higler than tlmt which thej 
aeEusJly hold, 
(ix*) To Standards, Gaidona, «nd Colours.— When uncan- 
ed, at Alt times, to be aaktod with tbo highest bon- 
ouTSj vi?..; — arms preeontad, trumpets or htzglet 
^Dunding the »alute, drums beating a ruffle. 

1462. Tio National Anthem is not to be played in eonneo- 
ticn wHb saltttee ou way tA\u&t occasions thaoi those meset'waei 
an para. 145J, and is wnly doe ;to those peirsouagos who ara 
en.titled^ under these Togulationa, to a royal salute. 

1463. "Whenever any meunbor of the BoyjiJ Puiujly or thtf 
Govern or-Oimeral passes alomg the front of a camp to mnpeet 
it, iiio troops are to turn out and fall in in front of itho tents, 
but not unJer arms. 

1454. Governors of aolouiee wlvo are also ffwveral officors 
are entitled in «very respect to the hoaiors due to their u>ilitarj 
rank as w«ll as to their civil offie«. 

1455. Officers tempoiarily acting in any higlier eomniaaid 
are entitled, during theip tenure, to «11 tlie honours and salutes 
appertaining to «uoh c^mmami, provided, ho far as artillfer;r 
salutes are ooneernod, tho oflieer as not under the rank of 

1466. OiKcers actiug in any civil office are entitled durinjf 
their tenure to all the honours and sulutoa appertniuing to hucIi 

1467. Tlio oomplimouts directed in these regulations are to 
be paid to officers in the aervdce of oay Fow^r in alliance witli 
His Majestj', according to their reeiwctivo raJiks 

1458. OQcers or soldiers passing troops with uncased col- 
ours will salute the colours aoid tlie commanding officer (ii 
senior) . 

1459. OfHeors, soldiers, au<I colours passing a militurj 
funeral wilt salute the body. 

1460. Armed parties iu payimg complimeutg on the mareli 
will be callfld to attentioD, infantry mil slope, aiii rifle battal- 
ions trail, -arms, a.iiil the wnimatid ^'Eyes right (cr left)** will 
be givDKij nouwted nnits wiU carry swords. 

1461. Ax officer couitnaudiing aa armed party passing e 
guard, or paying or returning a <;MnpHmoait, will draw hiti 
sword before giviuif tli* uiuccssary (ommaud. \Thon in com- 
inamd of an unarmed party, he will letum the salute with the 
right hand as he gives the commaaid '*Eyes right (or left).*^ 
Soldiers in common^J of parties will conform to the rules laid 
down for officers. 


Rewards^ Honours and Salutes 

Paras. 1462-1470 

1462. All ofiioera will salut© thcar seoiiors befOTi> ^^.^'^^^^B J^J^* 
them on duty or On paratb; wheai iai iimform th^y will salute ^^^ ^^^^^ 
with the right hand, in the maauicr prescribed foi soldiers. 
Olficere, except when tlteb e words are diawn, are to retum ttwj 

salutes of junior officers oM of soldiiea-s. A salute made to two 
or more officers will be relumed by the aendttr oaly. 

1463. Cadets will aalubo all officers in uniform, aad tii»^»5jy;iaB'2. 
oflicers of their own collega, whether in ujuform or »ot* 

1464. OlHeers will salut# t^oa& officers of the B*yal Navy N»r«J officers. 
Aviotn in unifoim who would be saluitod by individufils of cor- Ca"- lasa. 
lespondiSQ}* ranks m tUeir own. servitie. ■»«-.,... ^ i „,,„, , 

1465. Officers and soldiwa boardiag any of Hw Majesty 's, SUlps. 
slips or a foreign man-of-vair will salute tho quajO^r-deck. O'*'^- 1»84. 

1466. Wiirnnt officers, N.C.Os. aaid men, wUl salute anBAluUng 
comniisflJoned officers whom they koiovr to be suol, y^»'^<w''"cS"'i385. 
di^Qsaed iu uuilotiu or not, including officers of -the Eoyal Wavy, 

Eoyal Marinoe, AuxiUaxy Forces, and also officers of the Boyal 
liidiaji Marin* when in mufonn They wiU similarly aalut« 
such waiTraut officers of the Koyal Navy as have rank correa- 
p&nding to that of eommissionjod officers iu the army. War- 
wmt officora a»d N.C.Os., wbeu wearing aworde, will wlute with 
tlie right hi(inl, imoigpeoHvffly of tht> side on whiah tho oflicor 
saluted may be passing. , ^^ ■ ^.v ,» . 

1467. N.C.Oe. miH. mem wiU address warrant oflitors in tnewiiant 
siime mamiLw as they do officers, but vill not salute them. 

Can. IffSa. 

Offlclal Visits^ 

1468. Military officers employed as govwnors, Jioutoaant- Oileial yJsUj 
governors, admn-istiators or oommiaslonors, of His Majesty »s JJtwMnnaTy 
celonieSi -territories or dependftnciea will be guided xn inter- oan. 1887. 
changing official visits with naval officers by tho iastructwjns 

iii Appendix X. 

Presentatioa at a Toreign Court. 

1469. An ttfficer who wishes to be presented at a Foreign Cm. 18B8. 
Court will make an application to His lltt3esty*B ropvosontative 

nt that Court, 

Guards of Honour. 

1470. A giiard of honour, as a geaieral rule, of 100 roaik and Quarda of 
Be with a captdiin iu command, two subaltera omcers (t>ae5»^JWd*ftiS^ 
tarrying tbe standard of cavaVry or tlie King's colour of m- j^^^ng^', 
fantry), a proportdon of aorgeanitSj and the regimental baond Oan. 1889. 
\ciU attend;— 

(i.) Upon the King niid other Eoyal personages; and upon 
Presidents of l^publican StaAes. 

(di.) At State cereiaoniols. 

Similar guards of hotnour, but with the regimental colour, 
will attend upon governors and lieut^tnant-governors adminis- 
tering tbe g-flvommonta of Hia Majeety^e possessions on such 
occasions are customary within their government». (Guards 
of honour AviU not b« detailed when the governors suid lieuten- 
*ut-governora are returning after leare of absence, the dur- 
ation of whith has not exceeded three monthsj noi when they 
arc merely arriving ait, or depaxtlng to or from, one or other. 

Paras, 1471.1479 

Rewards, Honours ard Salutes 

Sgcort, guard 
of honour, and 
lalute for 
Q en oral. 
Caa. 1B90. 

lor guards of 
Can. 1891. 

eBcortt, &e. 
Oac. 1S92. 

Quard of 
honour, in 
Oan. 1893. 

Guard of 
honour for tba 
Can. 1394. 

0.0. 118— 


Can. 1395. 

Can. isga. 

Quarda of 
hcnour of 60 
rank and file. 
Oan. 1897. 

Can. IB 98. 

ȣ -the ports witlun their govoiuimentj iior on merely chaiiguig 
their reeidccQoe.) 

1471. On receipt of a notification in writing from the Mili- 
tary Seerotaiy, that His Eicellemcy the Governotr-General will 
require an escort, guard of honour or salute, a D.0.0. will im- 
mediately ordier such duitios to be carried out by tha Permanent 
Force, or, if a unit of that force be aot available^ by a corps 
»f Active Mi[itua. In such oases <t>tie notification from the Mili- 
tary Soarotary to His Ex&oUeaicy will bo forwarded to Militia 
Headquarters with tbe pay-lists. 

1472. AppU cation for a guard of lonour for a Lieuteiuint- 
Govctt-nor of a Province, or, in his absmxce, for the Admina at ra- 
ter of the Govornmont, on <the opeuijig or prorogstion of the 
Provincial Legislature, will be made to tho Officer Commanding 
the District, who will order such guard uaider this authority. 

1473. Special escorts or guards of honour of varying 
etrengbhs may be fumiahed at flaiy tima upon the requisition of 
Ihe Military Seeretaflry to -the Govemor-Genjeral. 

1474. When xi guard of honour is required in connection 
vith a State ceremony at Ottawa, it will, when the Permaaeut 
Porce is not available, ba fumisliBd by "Tho Govenior-Qen- 
eral's Foot Giards." 

1475. On fill oecaaiotns a punrd of Eonour will receive His 
Excellency, tlie GoyomorGeneiral, with a "Boyil Salute,'* 
StaoidardB an A Colours lowered, Officers saluting, men prosent- 
jag arms, ,an4 bando playing the first gix bars of the National 
Anthem. Th» King^s Colour will be carried at the opening 
and prorogation of Pajliament au^ other State Cetremoniale; 
OD othor occasions, the Eegimental Colour, 

1476. A general officer appointed to command the Canadian 
forces shall, upon his arrival take up his command, and upon 
his departure, when relinquishing his command, be entitled to 
a guard of honour couaisting of 1 captain, 1 subaltern, 2 sor- 
gsante, 50 rank ojid file, with bond. 

1477. In the absence of the Govomor-Goneral, the Adminis- 
tratoT of the Government is enrtitlod to receive the same hon- 
ours OS those accorded to the Governor-General. 

1478. A guard of honour of 50 rank and file, with two ofll- 
cors, one carrying tho regimental colour, and a band, will 
attend: — 

(i.) Whcm a fotredgai general or flag officer lands at a 
military staition ivithin Hia Majesty's dominions to 
visit the Civil Governor or Officer in Commamd. 
(ii.) When a naval officer of flag raak eommanding in chief 
lands for tlie first time at a port within hia command, 
(iii.) If deemed expedient to receive distinguislied person^ 
ages, other -thaai tliose mcnitioned in para, 1470 or on 
occasions not specified' in para. 1451. ' 

Guard* and Seutri«B. 

1479. Guartla, i-ncludimg guards of hoaour, mouwted over the 
person of the King and members of the Boyal ITamily, will 
pay no compliments except to members of of the Boyol Family 
and guards, iacluditng guards of honour, mounted over viceroyfl 
ana govemore within their respective governments will pav no 
compliments to officers or persons of lesser degree. Wlien'any 

Sewards, Honours and Salutes 

Paras. 3480-1485 

such guards a-re visited by officers oi duty, they will turn out 
to them with sloped arms (rifle legluLents with ordered arms). 

1480. Gu&rds are at all times between reveille and retreat CompUmenta 
to turn out Eund pay the compliments specified in para. 1451 to ^y gnarda. 
general officers in uniform ajid to civil governois withiu the *^^* 1399. 
limits of their jurifldiction. Guards and parties en the mareli 

will also pay the prescribed complimaoits to general officers in -^ 


1481. Am officer under the rank of a general officer is not Bugle and 
entitled to the compliment of tho bugle sounding the salute w drum. 

the drum beating a ruffle, when guards ''present arms'* to ^*«- ***'*'• 
hJm. An odcer who is not in uniform is not entitled to the 
compliment of a guard turning out, except members of the 
Boyal Famil/, and goverJiors or lieu tenant-go vemors within the 
preeinets of their governments. 

1482. To regimental commajiding officerB--dri©epeeUve of {J'JJ^Jl^/^^J * 
their rank — their regimeoital guards are to turn, out, and presemt ing officers, ' 
arms, once a day. Can^idOl. 

1483. When a general officer in uniform, or a person entitled To officers 
to a solute, passes In rear of a guard, the commander is to ^^Jfij^f; j„„ 
cause his guard to fall im and sbuA) with sloped arms (riilo 
regimesnts with ordered arms) facing the front, but no drum 

is to beat or bugle to sound. When such officers pass guards 
while in act of relieving, both guards are to salute as they 
stand, receiving tho word of command from tho seaaior com- 

1484. Guards aire to turn out M all times when armed Gwa^da to turn 
parties* of miy b«unch of the service approach their posts j tojjjj"**^®' 
armed corps* they will present arms, and before other armed Can. 1403. 
parties they will stand with sloped arms (irifle regiments with 

ordered arm*). They will not pay eomplimentts between the 
sounding of "Eeifcreat*' and ''Bev^ille," except to Grand 
Hounds. Thay will not turn out to unarmed partieg. A mount- 
ed party armed, will draw and carry swords to all guards 
turning out to it. ^ 

1485. HopoUTS will be paid by se jifaries as follows: — Hononrapald 


Past of aentry. 

Ro)^al residence or fur- 
nished from a Royal 

Residences of vioeroya and 

Residences of G«nerals. 

Other posta. . 

Members of the Rtyal 

Amed corps. 

Viceroys and goveraors. 
Amed corps. 

Armed parties. 

Getieral and Field Offi- 
Armed partJea. 


Oflkere of all ranks (in 

Unarmed parties. 

OfEcers or aU ranks <in 

Unarmed parties. 
Officers bdow the rank of 

Unarmed parties. 
Officers Ixlow field rank. 

Unarmed parties. 

*fiy the eiproasiQu * 'armed party" is meant a partr armed -with 
iwords or rifles and mounted in the ease of mounted units, 

By tbe expression "armed corps" ts meant an armed party of a 
certain Btrengtli, namely, a reeiment of cavalry, a battery of horse, field, 
keavy or ifloantaln artillery ^ith Ita gtins» garrison artillvy of not less 
than 2 companies, engineers of not leas thas 4 companies, a battalion of 
infantry with or without colours, A.S.O. or C.0.0, of not less than 4 

fTbe salute will be that prescribed for sentries in "Infantry Train- 


Faras. 148&-U93 

Rewards. Hououis aud Salutes 


(j.O. 115— 


Can. 140G. 

^.O. 180— 

U II foil VIvls. 


GO. 115— 

Fine Btationi. 

(J.O. 116 — 


Can. 1407. 

OompUmenta 1486. All guards and eentries are to pay tlie same compli- 

ithfr^/rvfcBB 'iient* to oomiuiflaicmod officers of the Eoyal Navy »nd Boyiil 

Can. 1405. ' l^^t^ ilffrine— wheitt in luiiform — as are dkcotod to bo piud 

to military officers. Guards and Beatrice will pay couiplimeaits 

to commissioned officers of departments aeoordtiug to tlieir 

runks, or correflponding ranks, as the case may be. 

Flags to be Flcwn and Flag Stations. 

1487. When two flags of the same ieseriptiou ore issued, 
tli« smallor is for use Iil bad weatheir. 

1488. The Boyal Stimdard, being: th» persomil Hag of the 
ScveuroigMf is to be hoisted on official buildings, forts or ou- 
elosuroB, only when His Majesty the Kidig is poirsonally preatmt 
in the building, fort or enclosure. 

In the absence of the Bovereiga, vrheu the Qiieeu, the 
Quaen Mother, or the Prince of Wales is present iu such build- 
iug, fort or enclosure, the personal standard of the Eoyal Pcr- 
souugn i>resent is to bo hoisted. 

1489. The Union Flag sh«ll be flown daily by sclcftod Porta 
as designated from time to time in Militia Orders and by all 
Drill Halls. 

1490. The Union Flag, without any Iwdgo, shall be flown at 
Government House, daily, from suariso to suaaet. 

1491. The Union Flag shall be flown daily at the follow- 
ing named, points, being raided at sunrise and lowered at sun- 
set: — 

Esquimalt; B.C Work Point Eaxracks 

Wdnnipeg, Man -* Fort Osbomic Barracks 

London, Out Wolseley Barracks 

Toronto, Out Stanley Barmcka 

Kingston, Oat Tete de Pont Baracks 

KiugstcQi, Out Kojal Military College 

Petawawa, Onfc (Wheal troops are in camp) 

St. Jean, Que The Barracks 

Quebec, P.(i The Citadel 

FrederictoJi, N.B .Tho Baracku 

Halifax, N.S.. The Citadel 

"'Flags In Vessels and Boats. 

1492. Tho Uaion Flag with the approved arms or badge of 
Canuachi, as emhlazoucd in the een.tre thereof, surrounded oy 
a green garland, shall be used by governors, lieutenaat-gover- 
noTB, or officors administerijig the Government of Canada or 
the Provinces, Tvhen embarked in bo«uts or other vessels. 

1492A. The British bluo ousign, with tho arms or badge of 
Canada emblazouod thereon on tlio fly a^ shown in the drawing 
enclosed in the circular despatch of August 28, 1875, and the 
pendant, will be flown by all armed vessels in tho employ of 
the Government of Cana<ia. 

14 9S. The British blue ensign, with -the arms or Jladge of 
Canada emblazenert thereon, && described iu the preceding 
paragraph, but without the pendant, will be flow a by vessels 

'Pattern flags have been prepared and Bealud. 

OoTBruors on 
boaid boats. 
Can. 1409. 

Armod veteela. 
Ctn, 1410. 

TJn armed 
Oin. 1411, 

Rewards, Honours and Salutes 

Faras. 1494-14^ 

which belong to, or are in the service of the Government of 
Canada, but not armed. 

1494. The Union Jack, being tho listiuguishinj; flag of the ucion Jack, 
admiral of the fleet only, is not 6o b9 flown on military boats Can. 1416. 
and vessels. 

1496. Militia Bepartuiemt vessels jind boats are authorized Blue en eign. 
to carry the bluo ensign with the following devices, &c.; — Can. 1417, 

(i.j Gemeral service (A.S.C.): — ^"crossed swourds." A.S.O. 

(ii.) Engineers: —the letters '^R.O.E.'' Englneera. 

(ail.') Artillery and Ordnance aeririoes (i.e., boats ™'ii''i'i®<l Artillery or 
by crews of tho Artillery 0* CaWdiim Ordnance ordnance. 
Corps): ''CauadiajL ordnanoe arms." 

1496. .A 3pec?al trmoa Jack bearing in its eontre, as amnion Jack. 
diBtinguishing mark, the Royal eyphor surrounded by a garland ^^-qj^^* j^,- 
on a blue sbield and surmounted by a crown, ds authorized to 
be flown by gaaerals commanding stJitions when embarked in 
boats or vessels. 

1497« When a general commandimf^ embarks in one of HisG.0.0. 
Majesty's shiira for the purpose of proceeding on any military *"'^"'^''lnp. 
duty, this Hog may, with the approval of the senior naval 
officer, be hoisted at the Pore of such vessel, and be kept flying 
withitn the h 1.1 its of the military command. 

1498. Tho following is reprinted from Article 117 of thoQeDcruI 
''KJtng's Regulations aaiii Admiralty lustructioiLfi, lOOti": — commanding 

■ **ln combined operations of tho Navy and Army, should*'^*'*?? *'\ 
tho gofneral officer commanding the militaa-y forces be embarked operaHoJa. » 
in a ship of war or transport, the distinguishing flag, author- Can. 1431. 
iaed by Article 114, may bo hoisted at the fore of such ship 
or transport to demote th* presemco of the headquarters; should 
the ship beofl" a vloe-admiraPB flagj th© eommamder-in- chief 
will give such directions aa ho may deem necessary for the 
genoral officer's distinguiabing flag being disi>lay9d elsewhere 
than at tho fore.'' 

Can. I4i», 

Salutes In Boats, 
1499. The following are the rules for saluting to he observ- Boats Kalutin^. 
od in military boats: — Can. 1423. 

(i.) Whom an officer is in the boat — 

Rank of officer 
in tx>at. 

When passing. 

Unaer oare. 

Mctting at Undins 

place or alongside 


Field omcere.. 

Admiral or General 

"Lay on Oars", 
Officer salutes. 

Crew "Eyes Front", 
Officer and cox- 
swain salute. 

Field OmceiB,. 

Other naval and mili- 
tary officers, il senior. 

Officer salutes.. 

Officer salutes. 

Officers below 
ratik of i'ield 

Admiral or General 

"To» Oars", 
OfJicer salutes. 

Crew "Eyes Front", 
Oflcer and cox- 
swain salute . 

Officent below 
rank of Field 

Captain.. . . 1 Lieut.-Col. 

"Lay on Oars", 
Officii- salutes^ 

Crcv "Eyes Front". 
Officer and cox- 
swain salute. 

Officers below 
rank of Field 

Other officers of either 
service whom they 
know to be senior. 

Officer salutes. 

Officer salutes. 


Paras. 1500-1501 

Howards, HoQOius and Salutes 

(ii.)* When no officer is in tho boat — 

^Yhen passing. 

Under oai?. 

Meeting at landing place 

Admiral General officer,. . , 

Captain. . . . Lieut. -Colonel. 

"Tosw Oare", cox- 
Bwaiti salutes. 

Crew "Eyes Front", 

A* other officers. 

" Lay on Oars", cox- 
swain «tttte». 

Crow "Byw Froat", 
ooxawain utute.^. 

Note. — In boitH fitted with crutchea oars »re never to bs toaaed, bat 
the salute should be glTen by liying on oars. 

(in.) In ebeamboata engines are to be stopped in those 

< oases in which, in pulling boats, oars are tossed; 

eng^iaea are to he easod in. those cases in which pull* 

ing boats **lay on'* oairs. 

(iv.) Liadeai boats or those towing or in tow, are aot to 

tosi or lay on their oars, 
(v,) Coxewains of boats andcr oars or sails when an officer 

is in charge^ onlji' salute at lan<Ung places, 
(vi.) Salutes iu boats, unde^ oars or sails, are to be mode 

sitting down; in other cases standing up. 
(vii.) Boats laying off on their oars are to salut» as abave, 

but the bowmen will salute as well as the coxswain, 
(viii.) Soat keepers salute sta^ndi-ng up in the ordinary 
(ijc«) For a Boyal aaluto the crew toss oars and stand up 

in double banked b«ats only) 
(x.) When a general officer is sainted with guns ho will, 
on the first gun lieing fired, if in a steam boat, stop 
the engines, or, if in a pulliuj^ boat, "lay on oars," 
and on the last being fired wilt turn towarls the ship 
and salute. 

Saluting atatioru. 
1600. Iloyal salutes are authorized to be fired at the follow- 
ing stations on the occasions and anjuvcTsaries mentioned in 
para, 1501: — 

Victoria. — Work Poiat Barracks. 
I Toronto. 

1 Kingston, Oat. — ^Tort Frederick, 


Quebec— The Citadel Saluting Bitttery. 

St. John, N3.— Fort Dufforin. 
Halifax,— The Citadel. 
Chan-lot t^itown. — Fort Edward Park. 

Artillery Salutes, 
Uoyal salutes. 1501. A Boyal salute, con^sting of 21 guns, will be fired ak 
Im ■ ' ■ " " 

a.o. 7a— 

0.0. 215— 


Imp. 1808. 
Oan. 1424. 

the stations laid down in paxa. 1500 in honour of the following 
pcrsoufigcs ou the oecaedons stated; — 


Rewards, Honours and Salutes 

Faras. 1502-1504 

I. The Sovereign; a Member of tha Boyal Family; a W)r* 
eign Crowned Head, or Sovereign Prince, or his Consort; a 
Prince who is a Member of a Foreign Eoyal Family; the Pre- 
sident of a Bepublioan State. 

A salute vill bo fired both on arrival and dep&rture. 

II. On the passing of a vessel flying flags denoting the pre- 
sence of the Sovereign (cr mombars of the Uoyal Family re- 
presenting him), the Queen, the Queen Mother, or tie Prince of 
Wales. The presence of the Sovereign (or his representative) 
is denoted on board any ship of war by the Boyal Standard 
irt the maan, the flag of the Lord High Admiral it the fore, 
find the Union Jack at the mizzeu, or m board any vessel with 
1e)bs than three mast;* by the same flajs in the mast conspicu- 
ous parts; the presence of the Princa of Wales or other member 
«f the B^yal Family on board any ship is denoted by their 
jcBpective standards. 

No other flag will be rain led in the presence of either tho 
Koyal Standard or the Standard of the Piince of Wales or other 
uember of tlie Royal Family, except the standard of a For- 
■cigu Eoyal Family,' or of (tho President of a Kepublic, 

III. Anniversaries — 

The Birthday, Accetsiou and CorDnation of the Sovereign. 
The Birthday of the Consort of tho Sovereign, 
The Birthday of -tie Queem Mother. 
Loyalist Day (18th May) at St. John, N.B. 

1502. Tho salute will bo fired at noon. In the event of a Hours for 
Birthday or Anniversary upon which a salute is to J)o ***'^***^csn. 1426, 
falling upon a Sunday the salute will be fired on the day f ol- Sunday, 

1503. Upon the occasion of tho celebration of the birthday of Can. 1246. 
the King or tko Queen of a foreign nation, or of other important 
national festivals and ceremonies, by tny ships of war of such 

nation, a salute not exceeding 21 guns may be fired in conjunc- 
tion with anj of His Majesty's ships that may bo present, on 
official intimation of the intended celebration beiag received by 
the officer commanding the troops at the station. 

1504. Salutes, other than royal, will be fired at the stations other ialutes. 
laid down in para. 150D ia honour of the following Personages Osn. 1427. 
iind on the oscasions statad: — 

At the opening and prorogation of the Dominion Parliament 
— 19 guns. 

On the assembling and closing of a Provincial Legislature 
— 15 guns. 

Ambassadors Extraordiimry and Plenipotentiary — 19 guns 
■on arrival and departure. 

The LordH Commissioners for executing the oricc of Lord 
High Admiral, 19 guns on arrival, and on departure such sal rite 
HA may be directed. 

The First Lord CommiMioner of the Admiralty, 17 guns on 

The Militia Council, when travelling in a corporate capacity, 
19 guns on affirval and departure (unless orders arc received to 
the contrary]. Two membeo-fl of the Ooun&il and a secretary 
io form a quorum. 


Paras. 1505-1508 

Howards, Honours and Salutes 

Can. 1428. 


Cnu. 1429. 

Cnit. 143Q. 

When superior 
Can. 1431. 

The Minister of Militia aaid Delujice, 17 guns, on arriva' 
and departure, when visiting a stuitioji officially. 

Admirala of tho Fle«t, 19 guns; Adinirt»l8, IT gunsj Viw- 
Admrals, 15 gums; Bear- Admirals, IS guMj Commodoo-e (no 
seiwor captam being presoat), 11 gujis; on lauding for the first 
time in actual employ moat. These salutes will not bo repeated 
of tener than once iu twelve mou ths, unless the officer shall have 
received aji advance of rank. 

The Goveruor-Gonoral of tho Dominion of Canada, 19 guns 

Licuteuaut'Govornors or CommiBaioners, if admiiistering th« 

government, aaxd if holding a oomntiwion direct fmm the King^ 

or actiing tomporaa-ily for on oflleer so commissioned, 15 guns;— 

(i.) On iirat lauding in the Dominion. 

(iiO On reading of Koyal Comnilsadou aaid taking oath oi 

office. ■ 

(ii-i.) On returning from leave of abBoaioe exteediug throe 

(iv.) On finally quittiag the Domijiion on expiration of term 

of eflice. 
(v.) Whflu officriolly viaiting porta within tlo Dominion^ 
but not of toner at su\y one place thau ojice in twelve 
LLeutonai^-Goveruors not adniJinisferiiag tho gcvorumojit it 
holding a ccnunisaien direct from tha Sovoreigii, 15 guns/ by 
the forts or babteriee at the seat of govermment onJy, on first 
arrival and final dopairtiire. 

1505. Salutes in honour of officers other than tlose mention- 
ed in para. 1504. will nat be fiired by forts except at their funer- 
als, whou th« number of guns will be ag given iu para, 3.521. 

1506. Salutes consistJig of the number of gum stated will 
similarly be fired at tho funowils of the following porsonaeca 
under tho conditions laid down in para. 1627: 

Ambussaxlors, 19 guns; Envoys extraordinary mH Minister s 
plenipotoirtiary and others necredited to Sovereigms (exflopt 
Buch as are accredited in tho specific ehaa-acter of Minister Re- 
sident), 17 giina; Ministers Hesideut and diplomatic authorities 
below the rank of Envoy exbraerdinary and Miiuater plenipo 
tentiary aiul above that of Ghargfi d'Aflfaires, 15 giiaa; ChargCe 
d 'Affaires oi subordinate diiplomajtic agent left ii charge of 
missions, 13 guns; Agents and Oomeuls-OonieafflJ, 13 guns; Com- 
aaisaionors and ConsuIs^Ganeral, 13 gums; British or Foredgu 
ivheai within the dominions of the State bo whidi accredito<l! 

Consuls-Gmeral, 11 gunaj Consuls, 7 guns (Bnitish or For- 
ftign), when within the port to which they belong. 

1607, Naval and military officara temporarily acting in any 
Jugher comnumd are entitled, during their temporary tenure 
to all tho honours or salutes that may appertain to that office! 
provided that no offieor under the rank of bmgaddw-goneral ox 
tommodoro i^ to be saluted iu virtue of his naval oir military 
rank in any part of -the world. 

1508. An inferior naval authority is not to be saluted in the 
presence of a superior naval authority. 

Similarly an inferior military authority will noi be saluted 
in the presence of a superiotr militatry authority. 

Personal as well as other salutes «ire included* in both cases. 

Rewards, Honours and Salutes 

Paras. 1609-1517 

1609. buch of tho authorities mentioned in the foregoing 
initructions as may, from their rank and api>odntments, be 
entitled to, be saluted in more than one capacity, will be saluted 
under that xauk which shall entitle them to the greatest num- 
ber of guns, but on no occasion is the same individual to be 
ta'uted iu more than ouo cipacity, 

1510. A foreigner of high distinetloii, or a foreign general 
or Jlag officer vheu visiting tho govefrnor or the military officer 
iu conimand (see para. 1478) may, on londiug, be saluted with 
tha number of guius which, f-roui his rank, he is entitled to 
reaeiive from a ship of war of his own uatiom, or with sweh 
number, not exceeding 19, as may be dt^ined propor; but such 
salute will not in ^ny case exceed tho number of guns given to 
ofitcers of corresponding rank in His Majesty's Army aaia 

1511. All iialute* from sliips of war of other nations to His 
Majesty *s forts are to be returned gun for gun, 

Victoria, Qiicbee and Halifax are tie only ports at which 
^alutos with ships of war are authorize<l to be oxchungcd, 

1512. The captain of a foreign ship of war or the senior 
ofQcer of more thuai one of such ships of \vaT, on n'uchorlug at 
one of tho ports mentioned iu para. 1511, sal'itee the British 
ilijg with 21 guns, wlidch salute will be returned as iu the foi-e 
^cing paragraph. The saluto is fired upon each occasion that 
a foreign ship of wa»r visits one of the above ports, except in 
the case of such ship of war leaving port temporarily, when, by 
jigroement witk the local authorities, the salute on her return 
luay bo dispensed with. 

1513. Itis Majesty's ships and His Majesty's forts will not 
<.^ehango ealutos in oiiy part of His Majesty's dominioiUB, 

1514. The Oovernor-Genorul is authoriiiod hy tho King's 
Kogulations aoid Ordors for the Army to continue -to sanction 
-such salutee aa may have boon customary, and which ho may 
■deem right wad propor, at religious ceremonies; and further, 
to cause the mual salutes to be fired at the opening and closing 
•of tho House of Parliament or Assembly; but these salutes in 
uo cases exceed nineteen guns. 

1515. The foregoing salutes to foreign royal personages and 
i»ther foreign authorities and flags are only authorized in the 
-case of a goverJiuient formally recognized by His Majesty. 

1516. Salut^js otheir thujn those authorized by regulations aro 
i»»t allowed, e.'ccopt such as may be necessary for thf fulfilment 
oi amy treaty obligation; provided that, upon any important oc 
<;urrence (e.g.. a groht victory gained b/ His Majesty's Arms) 
tie Govoruor-Ueueral may direct such salutua to be fired as 
ILe occasion may seem <to tiim to require. 

1517. As a rule, salutes will not bo firod before eight o'clock 
111 tho moruiiig nor after retreat, nor during the usual hours 
for divine serrice on Sundays. The same principle will apply 
to guards of honour .and official roceptioiifl. In exceptional cases 
iho course to be pursued will be determined locally. 


Ho person to 
be saluted iu 
iti«re than ona 
Dan. 1432. 

Salutes fur 
Can. Has, 

men of w«r. 
Can. t-134. 

Stlutes tu 
foreign sblpt 
of war, 
Il.q. SO— 

ao— 1. 

Salutes be- 
tween forla 
«td shlpB. 
Can. 1435. 

Solute SADO* 
tiiined by got' 
etuors of 
Can. 1430. 

Can. 1437. 

Silutet in 
hinour of 
gteat vlctorlci 
or Bpeclhl 
Can. 143S. 

Can. 1489. 

Paraa. 1618-1623 

Kewarda, Honours and Salutoa 

When to be 

Imp. 1880, 
Can. 1443. 

Hiote sot 
Oan. 1440. 

Firing parties. 
Can. 1443, 

Gun carriages. 
Can. 1441. 

Selutes and 
Can. 1443. 

Military Funerals. 
^Z. ^\^'^ on sorvace and Js buried within roasonable dis^ 

»t Jfi^'i *'""' ""-riages Jmqr be supplied for militaiy funerals 

1521. Military fuiwrala are to be aalutod bv forts or fioM 
gsn8 m»d attended (subject to the provisioS; of pS. llistl 
1620) in aeeorfaneo witU tho f olio wbig table:— 

Ilaak or 
corresponding rank. 

of gutui. 







Lieutenant *' 

Warrant offlcer 


AU other grades 

Rounds of 
aoiail arms. 

i rounds in 
each ca»c. 

Troops to attend with due 
proportion o/ ofiicers. 

2 battalions and 3 squadrons. 
I " "2 

His own regiment or detach- 
menU equivalent thereto. 

300 rank and lUe 

200 '• " *• 

Hia own company or 100 meu. 

40 rank and iUe. under a lieu- 

25 rank and fde, under a ser- 


rank and file, under a ser- 

.3 rank and file, under a ser- 

*Oii]y when commlaeioned ai Brlgadlor-GeEeral. 

ute guufl are to be firod while the ^dy is hSng K toX 

aflLTi^tS £i' If^L ^^^ ^y 'i'^ '''^'^^ -"^^ ^ ^^^ when 
alloat la to be buried on shore, minute guns are fired from the 
ship If a shap of WOT, wKiIo the body is being co^v^ed to ^e 
theahoro, and, where the meana oxiat, miauAe euus ,^11 b« fi^? 
from the shcx« while the procession s moVL|Xm the W? 
lug place to the burial ground. The total mZti^iB <S)l?ed" 

1523. The salute of guns prescribed bj para 1521 or m the 
oaB* of a flag officer or cOTnmodore a aaluSTi^ nl\!^' ^ . 

fired after the body is depomted in the gravo. ^ 


Salutes after 
Cm. 1445. 

BewaidB. Honours and Salutes 

paras. 1&21-1534 

Can. 1446. 

Staff and 
dtpar (mental 

Can. 1447. 
Fkrties to at- 
tend funerals. 

Can. 1448. 

1521. The pall-bearers ure to be of the same itmk as that 
held by tho deceosed, but if a aufficieent number of that rank 
cannot be obtaiuedj ofUcers next in seniority are to supply their 

1526. Honours paid at tlie f uneo-al of a staff or depa^rtmautal 
oificer are to be regulated according to his rank, or sorrespoud- 
ing rank, as i^e case may be. 

1526. In. addition -to the firing partitM, <the f unorai of an olfi- 
cer will be fttbemded by tie ofiioers, tl^t of a warrant officer 
by tho wafrajit oflioere, tbat of a sergeant by the sergeants, 
and thajt of a corporal by the corporalfi, of tlie corps to which 
tie deceased balongod or woe attached. The f uiueral of a* N.G.O. 
oi private will be attended by the company, &c. (offil^ers includ- 
ed ), to which he belonged, or was attached. 

Minute Guns at Civil runerals. 

1527. At the funeral of a civil functionary the same number silutes at 
of guns ivill be fired as minute guns, while the pxocesaion ts'vne^lsof 
going to the burial ground, as ae was entitled to as salutes {}Jn„l{J['" 
wfien living. Solutes of guns aa-e not t« be fired as part of the oan. 1449, 
funeral eeremonv of a civil functionajry not entitl&d to such 

Bslutes whom Ijvmg. 

Salute to Remains of I>istlngul8h«d PoreiguerE, &c. 

1528. Should a vessel carrying the remoina of a foreigner of Silutlng 
high distinction, foreign genowil, or foreign flag ofiicer, ^^^^* Jfi^Sciished 
during salutingf hours at uiy authorized saluting station tlie f g,eig^rs. 
same number of minute guns will be fired on its ariival as the Can, 1450. 
deceased was entitled to, under paras. 1504, 1510 and 1521 when 


1529. The oirder to be observed and furtlier directions in Oan. 1461. 
respeot to funerals will be found in Ceremonial. 



Paraa, 1635-1637 

Ofllce Work aud Oorrespondeuce 




Can. 1452. 

of corr«spoii< 

Can, 14S3. 


dwce. Channel holow— 


Can, 1464. 



Oeneral Xnstructl^ns. 

1636. All olSeoT W-IU oily iiu oxcoptional circumtitanoes rcfor 
to BuporioT iiuthority iiwittora wMoh he has powar to dccido 
limroU. A geoijoral oflioar will impreua upau oflicors the doeir- 
ftbility of dealing promptly with coircapomiioaico, and will sup- 
press any tendency to uuxeocesary correepoaidouee. 

1536. An officer is responsible for tho correetntsa of docu- 
m edits submitted by him« In transmJitting eor>rcsfK>n donee to 
ligber authority, lie ia to record his opinion or recamuiendatioji 
thereon, adding such obsoivations, based ou local kiowledg«, as 
may enable a final decision to bo arrived at. 

1537. Corrcepondejice will usually be dealt witli us iiidicatcd 

H.Q. 301— 

(i.) Important matters, requiirliig tho individual upinioJi 
of ei^ory ofliccr eomprised in the cliain of conimajid^ 
must bo passed through the looids of ull «ucli oiliuer^ 
to IMBtrJct Offioere Commaindiagj aud, if necessary, to 
Mililia HeadquaitGTS. 
(•).) Otlier maitters, vrhioh do uoit require the individual 
opiniotn lof each cfGceo' in tho chain of eonmaitLd, may 
h0 tiansmitted direct to the Authority who has power 
to dispose of the case, copies of prficis of tho cones - 
pondance being fioiuit to any officer in tlio cha;iii of 
command whom it ia coaisider^ desirable to keep in- 
formed on the subject, but through whow oflice tho 
correapondottce h&9 not actually passed, 
(iiif) Boutine matters *n which it is not nccesawy for tho 
inter mediate officers to bo iifonncd, an.<l regarding 
whick direct couruundcataoai it authorized, will bo so 
dealt with, 
(iv.) Vpon purely instructional motters, the Officer Com- 
Dianiling a School of iBstruction may correspond direct 
-n-ith the Director of Military Training at Militia 
Iteadquarters; but Bueh oorrospon-deiice will not in- 
clude any mattei upon whick the D.O.C. cone er nod 
shiould be infortned. , 

Upon similar subjects, Orfamzers and Inspectors 
of Cudetfl may correspond dn like niajuidr airect wtth 
thfl Piroctor of Cadot Sor vices at Militia Head- 
As no rules can bo laid down cla«sifyjng subjects as <j.), 
(ii.), or (iii.>, •the responsibility of dcoidiji^ the cturso to bo 
adopted will rest with tJj& officer originating the eorrespon- 

It may happen that correspondence may pass fiom one of 
the abovo categories to anatheir. In euch eases the officer i/c 
the papers wlen the chaJJge occurs will bo respoiaible that 
they are passel throftgh tha proper channel. 


Office Work and QorrespoDdence Paras. 15S8-1642 

1538. The rules as to the geaieral m«tlod of conduebing cor- Moihod of 
rosTondenoe are laid down in the <<ProceduTe in Regaod to Con- H^^^^^ij* 
ducb of BusLn'Oss" and will be strictly adhered to. deuce, 

All official lobtors received in military offices will he opened |^p^o"tJ^* 
bv an officer. Ian officer. 

Imp. lS4aA. 

1539. Official letters axo to bo wiittfit on foolscap paper Lettem, how 
witli (juarter margin. MemoiaJida may be writtou on Lalf fools- to U wriu«i. 
cap size, aud both are to bo headed thus: — 

aieie Btato From (Officer or head of departmout.) 

fiuWsoU Yo . . (Office* or head of department.) 

Numberj Station Date • * • . * 

Each subject must bo troa-ted in a scpturato letter, ojud is to 
be briefly indicated in the uppor left-4iana coruor of Ihe letter, 
tlmg; — Discipline — Equipment — Transport — Houto, &e. Paras. 
PT* to be iinmbcred and ettlosuros desftribod in thft margin, EndoBurea. 
or in a separate schedule. Unjncccssary enclosures wo to be 
itvoided, and blixnk leaves removed. Th€ rank and unit or ap- 
]joiatinent of officOTS ar© to le added after their 8igna^u^es. Sig- gj j„ 
natures arc to be in mauuicript end not etami>ed. When a 
euramiinicatiou Ims ixjforoaioe to pravlots corrospontienoo, tho 
rogistored numlers, and datos, of the former letters are to be 

1640, T'uleas inart^ructious are gJvon to the cfljitrary^, replies, uimua on 
remarks, or queries arising »ut of an original letter or momor- orUinal 
andum are to b« made in tho form of miimtos. Tho fiist minute * jm."i845. 
is to follow where the original ouds, and the person who affixes oai. 1456. 
it will md,rkc tiie original Tfo. 1, and hii minute No. 2. Each 
Bucceedinj; minute is immediately to follow rtjhat which by date 
precedes it, an-ti will be nuiriboa-cd in secruemco. A froah half- 

sheet is to be fidded, when required. Attached documents aud 
ondoaures will be added at tho end of the tile in th« order in 
which referonco is mado to them, CLi\d each should be distin-i 
guished by tho aumber of tho minute wltli the addiitioji of A, B, 
0, &c., to denote tho first, second, third, &c., onelosira. | 

Correspondeaco addresseit to ijidividials unconno&ted with correapon- 
th€ Militia will be treated ip tho maujor customary^ in civil doti with 
llf<, and replies will not bo sent in muiwta form. civilian b. 

1641. OOTrespondftWco, retams, i-c, for Militia Headquarters CoTiespon- 
will be addressed to the *'S[Jcrctary, Militia Council, Ottawa. '' doioe with 
Local correspowdence will lot ordimarly bo forwairded; if t*'^ J!JE**?®**^* 
matter cannot le clearly eluftidatod in ihe letter, a prAcis of tho ^ q^^ ^-^g^ 
local porrespoudonce, bringing out tho ealiouit points, mil usual- 
ly suffice. Replies to Militia Headquarters' letters will bear 

in additiodi an,v further address indicatefl in those letters, and 
must quote the Militia Heodquarteirs' registered mumber. All 
envelopes contain iiitg periodical returns are to bo inscribed 
' ' Iteturns ' ' in th© lef t-haflid upper cornoi. 

1542. When documemts (other thaai periodical loturns oruemotobB 
statements), plans, or otihei aa-ticles arc forwarded to Militia attiched to 
Headquarters ia a separato parcel, thej wiU be accompanied ^i^^^^l^ 
by a memorandum identifying them with the letter to which om. i468. 
they refer. 


Farao. 1543-1551 

Ofllce Woik and Correspondence 

Office Work and Correspondence 

Paras. 1552-1657 

offlcJSISJ.'*'' ^^^* Omcial communacation« intended for Militia Head- 
rBflpondeoce. quarters are to be transmitted through the D.OX. exeijpt as 
Can, 1450. frovid&d in poxa. 1557. 

Envelopee enelosing letters for the D.O.C, atnd for brigade 

Icommandere, ind thedr staffs, and for oflSoers i/c reeoirda, are 
to be addressed as follows: — 
Keadquartera Military District (SUtion) 

Headquarters 4h Briga4c ....(Station) 

(Arm or bnuich of service) Bocord Office (Staftion) 

0.n. 1480. 1544. A D.O.a Or an O.C. brigade will h,tmaelf sign letters 

intended for auperior authority which' are initiative or import- 
aat in their character. When such O.O, is absent, Uttetra of an 
urgon-t character may bo aigned by an officer of hia efcafif. In 
Jfltters eo gig nod ''for D.0.0. &o.,'' tie cauao of -Ihe officer *b 
absence will le stated* 

denwbSweea i .^^^* ^ ^'^°^ correspondence between geneial officers, 
oficorBin between 0.0s, and between heads of aepartments, lettera are 

flommandaiid to be signed by these superior offieere thomsoJves. When an 
oiS iJSi °^^^ employs his staff to oonduct aay correepaudenoe with 
■ aaother officer of equal rajik or positioiv the staff of that officer 
h to be addressed. The general rule being that oJQoial corre- 
spojidonce will bo conducted between equals in rank, and that 
nay officer of junior rank corresponding with an officar of senior 
TLiik will do so through the staff officer of the latter, . 
d«ne6 «?Btiug ^^^^- Correspondence regarding amerdments recommended to 
todrMfi. b9 made in tie various Ixioks of regulations or alterations in 

Con. 1462. tie patterns oC clothing, nieceesaries ani military stores or am- 
munition will be referred 'to Militia Hejidquarrtere- 
djncr?n°" ■*^^^* ^®""^^3> "idewtiS amd correspoTidonce conLOcted with 

A .8.0, allow- ^^?^f ^o^ttg«» ^^^h light, quarters, furniture, field and separ- 
aice, ation allowamees, travelling expenses and allowances, transport, 

Can. 1408. oi the issue cf allowances in lieu, and the custody, sanitary 
condition, appropriation, aind equipmejii of buildings in which 
troops are quartered, will bo addreaeed t* the officer i^c supplies, 
transport, or Durrafllts at tie station, for settlemeat or for eub- 
Oi ordnanco "^^^^^^'^ ^**' *^* orders of higher authority. 

serviceo. Demands, indents, and correspondeuco relating to equipment, 

clothing, and niilitar}' stoics, tjie correspondence lelating to 
wliifih is not otherwise regulated, will be addressed to the 
Senior Ordnance Officer. 
Otdiaallow- Uepresentauons respecting allowajicefl connected with the 

ancea. foregoing services will be forwaa-dad tc the D.O.C. 

dMcS w^tl," ^'^*^' '^^^ officer i/c barracks will correspond direct with 

COa ^•*^- "**i*^ or aetachments on matters relating to the troops 

Onn. 1464. xiuder their orders, in which the intervention of tLe O.C. station 
* is not required. 
fiSm om-inr' ^^^' ^^ application from a regimental officer is to be sub- 

or soldier mitted to the 0.0. tbxough the adjutam-t. An application from 
Dan. 146S. *i N".C.O. or man is to be ma^e to his company, &c., commander, 
wlo. if necessary, will lay it before the 0.0. of the unit 
<'»""^"_ »«"« 1550. Copies of all MHiiia Headquairters oircular letters in 
■ force will be kept on a file. Their contents will be communicated 
to all units coucemed. 
^mlo^^SriS* }^^^- L«t**^3 i^^t o» P«^lic sorvlce are not to be enclosed 

0am 1407, ""*^®^ official covers. 


Pocuments and Maps Marked Secret, Conffdeutial, or Tor Office 
Use Only. 

1552. A documeni or map marked "Secret" is amitend^ Care of secrst 
only for the personal information of the individual to whom ^^S^™*"*^^- 
is is officially entrusted, aad of those officers under him whose q^I'i^qq* 
duties it affects. He is pffraonally responsible for its safe ous- 
tttdy, and that ite coateata are disclOEOd to those officers aaid 
to them only. The existomfte of such a document or map ia not 
to be disclosed by him or them to any person withoat the sanc- 
tion of Bupenor military authority. A conildcaLtial document 
issued by the Admiralty, marked * * Not to be comniunicated to 
officers below the poeition of 0.0. of Hda Majesty's Ships" is 
to be treated as ' * Secret, * ' if issued to officers of the militia, 
and must be so endorsed on receipt. 

1C53. A document or map markod "Confidential" is of « JJJ^JSSs 
privjleged nature. The contents are only to be discloaed to - --- 
authorized persons, or in the interests of the public service. 

1554. The i^ormation contained in a docnmftmt or map 
marked "For official use only" is not to be communicated to the 
press nor to any person not holding au official position in His 
MajoEty's .Soavice. 

1555. pocuments ajid maps classed as " Secret" or "Confi- Jnauthorlied 
dential," are not to be referred to in any catalogie or publi- JJi^oii,?"°" **' 
cation which is not Itself a document marked * * Secret or Con- locumonta. 
fidential," as the case may b«. The only legitimate use au 
officer or soldier may make of doeumenis or information of 
which te becomes posaesssd in his official capacity is for the 
furtherance of the public service in the perfotrmince of hia 
duty. Publishing official documents or information or using 
them for personal controversy, or for aay private purpose, with, 
out due authority, will be treated as a breach of official trust, 
under the Official Secrets Act, 1911. 

1556. A letter of a secret or confidential nature is to be 
marked **3oe/et" or " CoJifidential " as the case may be. Such 
« letter should be enclosed in two envelopes, of wliieh the damor 
one ooily should be marked " Secret** or "Confidential," and 
the outer oue should bo insoribeid with the address only, A 
confidential plan or otherr cocumoni is to be similarly treated, in 
the casH of a tonfidantial report on on officer, the inoier envelope 
should be so marked as to indicate its contents. Secret corre- 
Bpondence will be marked as follows; — 

If semt to or from Bermuda. ,. *^By Canadian or Halifax 


" " •' *' *' other statione 

by sea '*By British Packet." 

li^',\ Secret documen.ts and maps issued for Tetention in safe custody 
commands will be seat to the D.O.C, who will bo hold by D.0.0. 
responsible lor the safe custody of these documents, and Sfos.^ 88 * 
their distribution to those concerned. The individual receipts ~~ 402^i&is. 
w'll be rctaiaed by him for reference and a list will be fur- 
nished to Militia Headqiiarters showing how the documents, 
ka.f have beea distribuited, When a document becomes obsolete 
and has to be destroyed., he will ob«tain cftrtificatea of destruc- 
tion aind will inform Militia Headquarters of the serial num- 
bers of the eopies destroyed. 


Imp. 1868. 
Can, 1469. 
Imp. 1859. 
Caa. 1470, 

Imp. 1860. 
Can. 14T1. 




Can. 1472. 

Paras. 15680561 

Reports and Beturns 

<3hT!a, &c., of 
issued from 
Militia Head' 

Cau. 1474. 

^.00. 88 Sb 


Sliould any such book, doaunieut, or map bo Iwit by the ollic^r 
responsible for its safe custody to au olTiceir authorized by 
paras. 1502 and 1553 to be made acquainted witli ita contents, 
a receipt. will be obtained from the officer to whom it is lemt 
which will be retained uuti] the book, doeumeut or map is re- 

The D.O.C. will forward to Militia Headquartere annually 
on the lat of JTovember a list of the seor&t books, Jocumemts 
niLd maps for which he is respouiaible, with tho certificate 
thereon duly compIe1)ed. Sliould any subordijiato officer iu his 
comnuund be temporarily in charge of aiy of the secret books, 
(locum eitte or aiaps enumerated in tOio list, such officer will 
also forward a fiupplemeutary list duly completed, so as to 
reach the D.O.C. not later tban 31st October. 

1558* Confidential books, docume«.ts and maps witl be pre- 
served and dealt with as public property. Publieatioaa of this 
nature may be deposited in reference libraries (see para. 770). 
A list will be kapfc by the CO. tho miit or other person respon- 
sible foir them, who, when relieved iu liia uppOLwtinoiit or on 
rhangc of station of the unit of which le is in command, will 
first have the list verified ut District Headquarters, and then 
hand over both tho list and the articles to his successor or to 
tlio O.C. the incoiniflig unit, as tho case may be, taking a 
rocaipt from him. WhcaiOvor any deficiency is discovered, a 
report will ba raaao to the O.C, who will take such disciplinary 
steps OS the aaae may domaad. 

1659. Books, docTtmeoits and maps, including thosa marked 
"For official use only'' issued from Militia Headqimrtors for 
the public servke, will be dealt with, a^ regajrds custody and 
hoDdinfr over, in a Eimilar iiiaJinor to that laid dowu in. para. 
1559 for confidential books. Whenovor any deficiency is dis- 
covered a requisitiooi for aaothor copy, on paymout^ will be 
forwarded thropgh the D.O.C. in the iiuwuLor proscribsd in tho 
Regulations for Supply, Traueport and Barrack Seirvitos. 

Publications marked "For ofiicial use only'' may be de- 
posited in officers' moss libraries (aoo ptra. 771) whan issued 
for that purpose. 


Periodical Ketums. 

Periodical 1560. The reports and returns specified iu Appendix XT. 

■returnB. ave to be furnifhed by tho officers indicated thortfiai. Single 

i;in. 1475, (jopies only are required, unless otherwise directed, and are 

to be sent to Militia Ileadquartors through Uie usual chaunoL 

Can. 14TB. 

CasuEiltles, 6^c. 

1561. Should an unusual number of deaths or deeortions 
occur, the CO. will transmit, with thft monthly return, a 
report stating the causes thereof, the jemediul and precau- 
tionary measures taken to check any particular malady, and 
the measures adopted for the apprehension of deserters and 
for checking dcjiertion. 



Paras. 1562-1566 

1562. Immediately on the death of a soldier, his rank, 
name, regimental number, tho place, date, ajid <;ause of dea-th, 
xnA the jwobible time of burial will be motdfiod by telegram to 
the Ti«xt-of-kin, if residing dm the counAry in which the death 
took j-.lac^. tn all oases whether a telegram is sent or not, a 
letter, written ajid signed by tun ofilcor, will be sonit to the 
uextof-Viii giving the above particulais, as well as all informa- 
tion as to duration of illaeea, and any other mattars likely to 
1>6 of interest, and directing, when necessary, that application 
]?ogiinling hij eilects should be addressed to the Secretary of 
the Militia Council direct 

1663. A dBrtCrtor is not to bo struck off the srtrength until 
tho decln^ration of the court of inquiry has becit mode and 
recorded. Uatil such time he is to bo retumod as ''absent 
without leave," although bo may have beem reported as a 
deserter. ^ 

1564. When an ofiicetr or soldier on acitdvo service is report- 
ed to be miasjng aiud ooo'not be satisfactorily accounted for, 
a court of inquiry will be assembled to collect all evidence 
of tho case, and will record an opinion as to whotler it is rea- 
sonable to suppose that tho officcir or soldietr is dead. 

The court will be coavoned aftoi such tdmo as 'tho CO. 
may constdei necessary to allow of tlie clrcumstiiiiccs of the 
casualty being cleared up, but, it m>t previously held, the 
eourt will be convened in any case at the end of six months. 

The proceedings will be forwarded to Militia Headquarters. 

When th.e officer or soldito- is declar^jd by the court to be 
load, the same procedure will be adopted as if he had been 
killed in action. 

Particulars of 
death of sol- 
dier to b« 
tent to 
Can. 1477. 

0«ti. 147B. 

OourtB of 
Inquiry on 
DiiBsinff offlecrfr 
or soldiers. 
Can. 1470. 

Inquiries Eegardlng Soldiers. 

1566. Wh«n iutquirios lire made for a soldier by. his friends, Roplies to 
tho O.C unit will use despatcli in aiiswcning them and give '"^^j^fjj*" '*"" 
the best available inforimttioin. Should a soWior inquired for Oaii.'l480, 
belong to another unit, the applicaitiun will b6 triinsforrod to 
the officer concofrned, and tho applicant inforuicd accordmgly. 

Should the soldier inquired for ba dead, the date, place, 
ind cause of death may be given, but no information regard- 
ing his birth, desorlptiom, regimental aiumber, military history, 
or next-of-kin, will on nny account le supplied to tho appli- 
cant. In Bueh a cose the application w>ill be forwarded to 
Militia Headquarters with a covering letter, for any further 
ictiou that may bo nceessary. 

3.— BOOKS. 

General Instructions. 

1566. Officers, warrant officers anil uon-commissioned offi- Books to be 
tors, as deeiffuated in Militia Book No. 71 (''List of Militia I'ept by ofli* 
Books issuable, &c.'0; will be provided wiith the latest editions ^^'^^^''^^J''*' 
of the books mentioned -therein, which they wuU oe required jf.O.Oa. 
to produce at loispeictions. Those books will at first bo supplied Oau. 14S1- 
an requisitioa, at the public expense, and new *diftion« will 
bo issued whoii publiaJied, When an officer, warrant officer 


Para. 1667 


L[«t of booka 
to bo kept. 
Oin. 1482. 

^^^^•(^o^mamonQd officer ceosea to belong to a uuit of the 

Si'i'l'^'.J'*^ willlmnd over -the books in Ms poBsessian to his 

?^,?„T^hriS^if^'^'?"/ "" ^^^ '''^^ °^ ^ *>^««' commanding 
a nnit, he wdl hamd them over to hij successor. 


MiUtla Books, Etc., to bo kept by Eccord Offices and Units. 

uniJ^5: SlfJ?°?^l;.**i'?,^®^' ""^^^y ^™y ^««o'<» office and 
unit ore shown aai the following tablea. 

The officer i/c records or tho oommandiag officer of the 

uidt 18 responsible that tie books are propotrly, and he 

,.K*?b'« I^ulalions and Orders for the Canadian G»0, 63 

Militia, 1917^ Para. 1567 (XII), Table II, insofar as it 

rrfers to the issue of Militia Eiook No. 67 "R^imental 
Uar^ of Parades" is cancelled ; Units of the Active 
Wilitia will, therefore, not be required to provide them- 
selves with a copy of this Book, 

(H.Q. 1773-39-241.) 
(P.O. 604 of 28.218.) 



Para, 1587 







Para. 1667 

TABLE I. (b). 
Company, etc., Bocks. 

Th© (oUowins books will b» kept by comiiantes, etc.: 

i. Squadrou, Buttery <ir CtiiupQuy Roll Bcok M.Q, S4 

n. Order Book M>B, 30 

ili. Conduct Book (M.B. 43}, mnUlnliie It.P.— B. 203 

U\ :Ueftsing Book M.B. 29 

V. Cush Book nud Ledger M.B. 4 

^1. Pergonal ClothJnK Ibkuob <FiIo) il.P. — 0. 614 

vli. Quarterly Indetits on Orlnanco for- CletliSnp, etc. 

(Pile) * M.P.— 0. 673 

t1;L Monthly radenta on QuartormsBterB for Clothlnff 

and Necessaries (File) M.P.— 0, 635 

ix. Weekly Indents on Quartermasters for articles 

on roiiayment (^Ue) M.P. — 0. 512 

X. Description of Horses (Nduutod Corps) M.B. 13 



NOTE.— Units of the Active Militia wU be given a free i»sue of q.q. 112 — 
the Militia Books desif^nated below. To ensure uniformity, these 1912. 
books wit! be obtained from Militia Headquarters on requisition, 





Regimental Books. 


Gcncrul Ordtirs (lite) . . . . . . 


List ot ClitinKCB in War 
Material fife) 


Militia Orders (file) 


District or BiiRade Orders 

(a) Circumstanc«s ufTecltng 


the service and pay of 
N.C.O.'s and men will be 


Kcgimentiil Order Book, 

entered in Regimental 

M.B, 60 

OrderBook, Partll., but 

the keeping of a Casualty 
Book showing the above 


Part 11. (file or Casu- 

alty Book; (a) 

M.R-D. H7a. 


Hecord ol Oflicors' Ser- 


These two books may be 

vices (b) 

M.B. 42. 

combined. Part I. being 
Record of OlTicers' Ser- 


Digest Services of Rcgi- 

vices, and Furt 11. Digest 

ment (b) 

M.B. UU. 


Services of Regiment. 


Letter Book <h) 


in Rural Corps the daily 
Regimental Parade State 
wiir take tht: place of this 


Guard Book fur Letters, 

copies of Inntructions. . 

MB. 11. 



To be kept by Veterinary 


Register of Correspondence 

M.B. 36. 

Oniccrs in accordance 
with Pay aid Allowance 


Regimental Diary of 
Parades (cl 


M.S. book 



Paras. 1668-1570 


xiii. Officers* Duty Roster 

xiv. ItcgiBter cf Horses, Mount- 
ed CoipB <d) 


i. Equipment Ledger (c),. . 

U. Equipment Ledger ff) 

111. Equipment Ledger (g) 

iv. Letter Book (h) 

V. Guard Book for copies ot 
Reporti of BoardB ol 
Survey on Clotliing, 
etc. ....... 


M.B. 15. 
M.B. 13. 

M.B. 60. 

M.B. 50. 

M.O. 60. (f] 


Squadron, Battery or 
Company Books, (i) 

i. General Oiders (We) . . . . 

il. List of Ciiangcs in War 
Materiei (file) 

iii. Militia Order* (file) .... 

iv. Order Bool 

V. Conduct Slkeeta (j) 

vi. Service Roll 

vii. Nominal Roll and Attend- 
ance at Drill Book 

viii. Equipment Ledger (kj.. . . 

ix. Equipment Ledger (I) . . . . 

1. Equipment Ledger (m) . . . 

xi. Equipment Ledger (n) 

xii. Duty Rostor. 

tiii. Section Pocket Book (o) . . 

liv. DescripUveRoll of HorBca 
(Mounted Corps) (p).. .. 

M.B. II. 

M.B. 3G. 
M.F.-B, 203. 
M.F.'B. 323. 

MB. 28, 
M.B 50. 
M.B. 60. 

MB. 50 (0 

M.B. 63, 
Hda, 53b, 
fl3c, 63d. 
M.B. 18. 


(e> In account with Militia 
HeadquEirtera (Artillery 
Units use this Book for 
Clothing and Personal 
Equipment only, 

(f) In account with O.C. Coni- 


(g) In account with indivi- 

duals, Kegimental Stafl. 

(h) The keeping of this Book 
18 optioraH 

(i) Thciic Books wiU be kept for 
details of Kegimental Staff 
by the Adjutant. 

(j)A supply will be kept Regi- 
men tally, aid sheets as re- 
auired will be obtained by 
'.C, Companies, etc. 
(10 City Regiments, Rural 
Cbmpanies, ^uadrons. Bat- 
teries and other Units in ac- 
count with Militia Head- 
quarters (Artillery Unita 
use this M.B. for Clothing 
and PersonU Equipment 


(I) Companies of City Regi- 
ments in account with 

(m) All Units in account with 
individual^ oF units. 

(n) Artillery Equipment. 

(o) To contain:— i. Section 
Roll; ii. Addresses (resi- 
dential and business); iii. 
Record of Attendance at 

(p) To show colour, age. 
height, sex and casualties 
(such as sickness, etc.). 

Order books, 1568. All ATiny, Gwioral and Militda Orders (includible lists 

Can. iiS2A, of chajigeo in war mat^iol) receiT/od from MilitioHead- 
quarters, &rnl corps ordeia, E.C.E., A.S.a, A.M.O. and CO.C. 
u'e to be kept in guard books. Each volume iyIU coaitaiii 
orders, &c., for one year, and will be uumberod and indexed. 
1668. A register of all lettera recedved wiU be Iwpt in M.B. 
?fo. 35. 

'o;:;'iYfl"flA ^^'^?' A11 official letters on regimental business are to be 

Oan.i488A. entered m tie letter book. It should be kept in ,two parts. 

one for the entry of letters to departmoata, and oiie for thoee 

to ladividiiah. The book is to eoutain an alphiibwtiftal index. 

end a separate index for the public d«partmentb. Jt need not 


, Can. 14B8 
Letter book 


Para*. 1571-1677 


Can, 1484A. 

G.O, 24" 


bo kept be/ond three years after it is completed, but copies 
of euoh letterg as may be Hkely to bo required far refereueo 
' must be proeerved. 

1571. Copies of all returns are to he kept in a g:uard book in Returns, 
order of date. They m»y be destroyed after tkree years. Can. 14 

1572. The orders of a unit will he divided into two parts, O'^^arg ol 
us follows:— '*"'* 

Part i; will deal with traLnitigj manoeuvresi paradee, and 
matters which do not aileet a soldier's pa^j service, ov 
documenits; Pairt II. (M.F. — B, 873) with matters whicJi 
affoot a soldier's pay, seirvice, or documents. 

Pait It. of ordorfi, prepared on M.P. — D. 873, ^11 be frames! 
in the identical wcrds in which the entry is to bo mad& 
m original and dupliofute attestations. Every circum- 
ataajeo which aflPeots a soldier 'a seirvioo or pay, will bo 
publialied in Paort IL of orders immediately after ita 
occurrMicte. "When a soldier becomes eligible to draw i 
higher rate of pay^ the fact win be published in Paxt II 
oi* orders. 

Copies of Part II. of orders (or a uotiilcatioai that none 
ha^e leen issued) will be sent weekly, and on tho last 
day of each monrtlij to the District Paymostw and to the 
officer i/o records, who will retain them ior reference. 
The wdokly eopdes will be despEttdhod so as to roach tha 
above officers on Mondays. 

Each issue of each Pert of orders will be numbered consecu- 
tively^ commencing otn the 1st January of each year, and 
each it;>m Arill be givecn a sub^umber. 

A box fiJe will be used by officers i/c records and C.Os, for 
fiH'ng these orders. Parts I. and IL will be kept in separ- 
ate files. 0.0s. will review Paxt I. of orders annually, 
and aiiy matter affeotlng the p«rmanent orders of a unit 
will be nnt«d. 

Company, &c., Books. 

1573. For tJie books to be kept by companiee, &c., in thefo'^onout 
•raameot Force, see para, 1507, Table 1. (b), San. 1485 


Bo(d£8— AcUve lUUtia. 

1574. For the boolts to be provided out oP the annual How provided, 
allowance and to be kept in each rogimemt, company, &c., and *^*'^* ^*^^' 
transferred hy oHicejrs letirlng to tiieir successors, sec parn. 
1567, TnWo 11. 

1575* The above books must be produced by offieorB jjupgction. 
commanding units at every inspection in order to entitle them Can. 1487. 
to receive the government grant for books, station ory and 

1576. Th« records of soarvioo of officers will bo carefully Record oloffi-, 
kept at headquarters of each cotrps. Inspecting officers willj cers' Bervlcei. 
at their annual inspeeticns ,to see that this order is promptly Can. 1488. 
carried out. 

1577. "When corps oi the Activa MUifcia are on sear vice, Requlsitlona 
requisitions are to be forwarded from time to time, approved for atationery. 
by the commanding officftr of the station, for such books and Ca*i- 1^^*- 
stationery as may be ab»olu.tcly requkcd for the orderly room 

261 , 


Parafi. 1685-1591 

Paras. 1578-1584 


Free issue of 

Can. 1490. 

iind pay master 'a oflico, aJid tlie ttaiiio will bo provided by the 

1678. The books authoaused to bo supplied to each unit on 
aeivdce^ otn applieatioai of coramajidmg ofEcerB, aro: — 

One regimeabal ord«r book, on« oflScer's duty rt^ster, and, 
for eawh itonipany, &c,, olo company, &c., order book, ono 
wwiduc-t book, \mQ company, &c., leidgor, oiio duty loafcer. 


Officers* Services. 
UctoTdofoffi- 1579. M.B. No, 42 will bo carefully kept up. Each officer 
''*'cao"'a49l*'' ^^'^* ^ *K^^ joining his corps, affix his signuturo to the "Per- 
sonal Particulars, ' ' and will initial al! subsoquout entries undeop 
tha*t lieadmg. All other esnbries in the form will be iuHialled 
by the CO. of the unit in which tlio oHicer ds eorving at the 
time they are ma*le. On an officer eoasiug to belong to the 
corps, tdie CO. and the ^djutani of the corps will xffix tJieir 
siguaturos to tlie form, which will then, as far as the corps 
is eonoDriied, be considered closed. 

Number of 
tun. 1492, 

Always to be 
uKed in 

Cun. 1493. 

U.O. 41— 


Pruceduro on 
I'llUIlKfi of 

nnue by n 
Can. 1491. 

new name, 

O.O. 107— 


Oin. 1495. 

defaced or 

Cm. 1190. 

Soldiers* Services. 

1580. A soJdier whea posted or trauaf erred to a corps will 
receive a regimental number in tliat corps. 

1581. In all documeiits. relating io a &oldior, his regimental 
number wil! precede his oiame. This numbar win not be 
fhcaiged aa long U8 hg remains in tlio corps, and will bo again 
allotted to him should lie roettaist in the corpe. If ho is trane- 
f erred, deserts, is diseliargod, or dies, tie number will not bo 
given to any other soldier. A noldier promoted to warrant 
wtiik will retail^ his rcginioiBital numbar. 

1682. The rmmo in wliicli a soldier is attested (aouiot bo 
erased from hii attestation or documents. If a soldier who 
haa euliBted imier aa aasuined name wishes his ta-u^ name to 
be added (in his roeor>ds, he muat, a-t his owoi cxpeusc, make a 
statutory declaratioaj before a magistrate to that eflfect. 

The man should be warned that, if the declaration; so made 
is untrue in any material particular, ho in liable to b« indicted 
for perjury. 

The true mnne will then be recorded, ag an alias, after 
the assu'Vned name wherever the latter apijoars on the documents 
and in all docLtmenits eubs&quoiirtly prepared the true name 
only will be used. The statutory dot-laratjion will bo preserved 
with the soldier's original attestation. (See i>am. 1587.) 

1683. The service of each soldior will bo recorded on his 
original and duplicate attestaition papers, 

Original and duplicate attestations will be filed in port- 
folios, in numerical order, an alphabetical iudiox being kept 
in each volume. 

1584. Should either the original or duplicate attestation 
be lost or become so injuped as to xondei it useless, a cortdiiod 
copy of the attestation will be substituted for it. An entry aa 

follows will bo uiado in rod ink at the top of the first paga 
of the copy;— 

Copy ArriutTAnoK, 

" Substitttod for {original or duplicate} atxwitation, in accordance with 
King's Regulations, para. 1&S4." 

Signaiuro of C-O. 

Station .„. .... 

Date V 

1585. The officer i/e records is M> bo furoistied with tko 
iuformatioii fotr keeping these TCeorfla completed up to datoj 
this informabiou will btf furajishod in Piurt JI. of orders, ms 
specified in para. 1572. 

1586. Original atteartations will bo sent to tte officer i/c, 
records, and will bo disposed of as laid down in para. lOOG. 

The original attestatiooii of a warranrt; officer or N.C.O. 
serving on the District, garrison, or gymnastic establish- 
monrt, and cf ft soldier vho is bom e as Bupomnmerary on the 
regimental ostablishm^nt, will remai'a in the custody of thfl 
officer i/c records of tha corps to whicli ho belongs. 

1587. Tha following documonttt will be atitoched to Uio 
original attoetation; — 

(i.) 1Vocee<ling8 of court of (inquiry on injuries su* 

taitiod and or men ropont«d missing wliile ou active 

(ii.) Attestatioiu) »f fraudulently enlisted mem, and of 

men impropeo-ly re-enUsted whdle belonging to tho 

uruiy reeervo^ * f Off corps in which tliey have noi 

lM3en held to serve, 
(iii.) Authority for special cailistment. 
(iv.) Compulsory stoppages, 
(v.) CertaficaAe of cJiarneter. 
(vi.) Ee-eugagcmeut paper, 
(vii.) Dectaraitiofli of ohango of namo. 
(viii.) Certified record of any Beo-vieo under a previoua 

«ttestart,ion which the soldier has been allowed to 

TOckoii towaids pemsion. 
(ix.) Certificatss of trade profleiency. 

1588. On the enlistment of tho recruit the duplicajte attesta- 
tion will bo sent to his CO., and will, except on evitive service, 
iuvariably accomriany the unit. 

1589. The following Jocumeatfl will bo preserved with tb* 
dnid'oajte attestation: — 

(i.) *Rogi mental conduct sheet, 
(ii.) Compulsory stoppages. *See para. 159G. 

1590. Any alterations as to the soldder^s neit-of-kin will 
bo entered ou lus duplicate attestation and notified to tho 
officer i/c records. 

1591. A record of itko doclaraiUon of a court of iaquirj 
held to record the illegal absence of a soldior ds to be eatereil 
by the CO. in <& regimjemtal book (Militoa Book Xo, 68), kept 
exclusively for tho purpose of recording such declarations, tho 
entry being vouched by his mgnjaturo, after he has insertet! 
ou the record the ranks, names and corps of the president and 
members of the court of inquury. AV^hen the record has been 


for couiplotioti 
of original 

Con. liyOA. 
Ousaody of 

Can. 1497. 

attached to 
Can. 119t;. 

Custody of 
Can. 1499, 

ottaclied tu 

Can. 1600. 

Imp. 1011. 

Courts of 
imiuiry on 

Can. 1601. 

G.O- 78— 


Paras. 15^2-1593 


duly the C.O* will doatr oy tbo original ijroooodingB of 
the covivt of inquiry, M.F.— B. 303 (aea piufa. ©36). 

T!i«Be tecftvda, or truft copies purpottiug to boar tho Biguttturvj 
of tho officer having the custody of the regimental book in quea- 
tion, will, on the trial of a soldior, be admissiblo in ovidonco of 
the facta tharein stated. All copies of tho deelaratioa wliieh 
tnay be required, whether for production in evideuce before a 
court-martial or as vouchors to militia accounts, aro to bo pre- 
pared from the record in tbe aforesaid reginiontal bcok, and cer- 
tified as tru« copies by tie oiBcer charged vritb Us custody. 

EutrieB io 
Cftn. 1502. 

Statement of BerTices. 

1592. Bvary variatioji aJTooting a aoldaar's ser/ice will be 
entered in lis stabement of services or military history sheet, 
as it occurs, or as soon ts it as reported in Part H, of orders, 
m follows'.— 

(i). Promotion to ot ceducUoa from, 
any rank. 

See pari. 3lG. 

(U). Craut or deprivation of my ap- 

Such ja lance corporal, bandsman on 

buKler. claw ol urdcsly in the 
RAM.C^, or BhoCiiig-smith on the 

(ui). Ku-engafcmcnt, 

Entry to be made iHub:— "R(i^;n- 

iia«td for the Uegiment, 

at on .' 

Uv>. Convictiott by civil t»ww of an 
offenci committed before cn- 
UBtmenl— if absent from duty 
ia coiwcqufirice^of the sen- 

An entry to be tnadc explaining nb- 
sence from duty. 

(v). Every conviction by c«iirt-aiar- 
.tialoi civil power. 

caw of conviction by civil power, 
except as provided ii iMira. tSW (ia). 

(vi). Whence witliout Iciive exceed- 

^ ' inpfived:»y8,ifflerviceiaror- 

leiled, and detention -dwarded 

by CO. exceeding seven days. 

Entry to be niade immediately aftcf 
dis|wsal of case;. 

Wii>. Tranalei to other co(v«- 

(viii). Posting to other porttona of 

i\x). Uale and cause ot becoming 

HQ ai60— U). KnUieaofforfeituteBtffiicfcrrcd 

Entry to be mad* thus:— Forfeited 
.......days' deferred pay 

3— a, p^y- 

at i>:rday. 

MlUtary History SUect. 

0»a. 1602. 1593. Tie whole of a soldier's service from dabc of attesta- 

tion will be recorded in the m-iHt4iiry hiafcorj sheet. 

Paras, 159^1596 

Medical History Sheets. 

159i. Mediaal liistory dieete will bo kept in tie medical Oan. 1603. 
iiLspectian room, or where theare b no wispeeUofn room tiiey 
will be kept in the miiUtary hospital. •,. k* 

Tl»e following entries L medical bist^ry sheets will be 
wade by Os.Ul units:— Ins&Ttion of TcgimenAal niwfl1>ats, ^t©s 
SiT places of enlistnKMit; tnransfors to oth«r ^^* f^J^^^ 
of awivals at, «nd departures from, statiotia; or €i embark- 
Sious in, or disembarkatiwis from, troopships or transpoxtej 
aad records of courts of inquiry on injuries. 

Officers' and Warrant Officers' Court-Martial Kftcords. 

1595 (\^ Bcirimetttal ocmduet sheets, M.:P.— B. 233, ^i" 3** Oficera' ooart- 
lept^ "^MeStial doeu™.««ts, i:. ev^ry unit a.d eorps for m^nul -he j. - 
.fficoTS therein sorviug, who have bem convieted by ««"rt. 
laartifll. Entries will b« made as detailed m para. ^''^^•^ 
,n officer who ha.s been convicted by eoiLPt-martual ^^f ^^^^g*^ 
or is trjuisfetred or posted io auother unit or corps, the sho^ 
ivill be senft to his now CO. ^ ^ «i , 

(ii ) Tbe conviction br court-martial of a waita^ office 
will bo eateired in his regimeatal coodnet sheet. 

Regimental Conduct Sheets* 

Can. 1605. 

- 1596. A regimental coaduet sho^t <M.P.-B. 2U) wiU be 
made owt for every N.C.O. and man. The regtmontal ^ouduet 
Zets of N.aOs. 0$ the rank of colour-^ergeanj a^A ^V^^ 
wm be kept aa confidentiBl dooumentsj tbose of other W.^.ua. 
juid men will be kept witli their other docuinente. ' , ^ ^, > 

The foUo^ing e£.rtes will be mad^ in t^/^i"*"*^ J^"' SiVtVlrtlBl. 
duct sheets in Sceordaace with ^e cubjoLned S^"?t^«»«;„ c.urf martiBi. 

a> ii'vert/ conviction by cowt-maTtial, whether the sea- 
tcnoe is wholly remittod or net; but no entry will be made of 
any charge jpon which a finding of "not guilty- has been 

'''Thf"stattnuent'> of the eia^rge as sot fortb in ^VJ^f^fil^^^lf 
1 Rules of Procedure, IB to be entered, la cas^t where the charges, 
"'statement" does not diaclose the full ^^ure of im offen^. 
euXas charges under Saotionfl 11 aid 40 of the Araiy Act, 
the purport of the -pa^ix:ulars>' will ^^f,t?^^' .f 'Srriver 
"Negleo-ting to obey garrison oa-dcra— bathing in the wver 

^' ^Solld^r'to'^^tblSTeondieo of good o^er end military 

""'IfhXTjS' W 'b ^der Seotio. 19, and th. particulars 
flhnu ih-i* the oflfence wm committed when on duty or aftor 
hxtviiig been warned for duty, the entry in the conduct sheet 
should ^^o:— 

"Drunkenness — oa diity-' 

"BnnikennessH-kaviiig beem ^vara6d for duty." 
The original sentence, togeiMr witii a^y alt^at^n mEut^^^^^^^ 
revision ov%.^riation by the condrimng offi<jer, \l^^^J^;'' 
the colunui "Punishment awarded," Any remission, mitoga 

EecordE . 

Paias, 1C9G-1597 

Para. 1596 




trial dis-^ 
jwiified witb. 

by i-ivil 

Imp. 1019 

tor offcQveB 
lirior to 

Tor offonces 
Mhllo In stutQ 
of desertion. 

O.O. 80- 

Imp. 1919. 

tirn or POJiunut^JticHi Bubeequeait tot coailirmoutioii, with tlu^ 
date of tlie vrdeo* ami the name of tte oflicer uuiluDg it^ will 
be recorded in tli© columu for rcmarts. 

The d-ato of tlie orJg'iiiiil scntcuee in to be recorded iu the 
coUiuiii "Date of award/' with the word '•voiifLrmeKl" and 
the date of comlirniatioai immediately below it. 

A findi'iig of " Guilty '' luocd Jiot b* eiwk^rcd, but \diciro tlio 
ACCUBod is foand gutlty of a cogiuato ciiarge or the litidijig has 
Iweu altt^red on revisioiit such altorutioai will bo recorded in 
tlio columit " PuuiBhitit^ut awarded.*' 

AVheii a record of a uoiirt- martial is ordered to bt> removed^ 
tho eutry of the coiivicitiou i» to bo eraaod, and tlic authority 

(ii.) J^verif case of tieseriion or fmiiiulcnt aiUstntcnt in which 
irial has been dispcn^ted ivUh. 

The authority to be quoted and the date of the order to be 

(iii.) livery convieiion by a court of ordinary criminal juris- 
iUetion, or by a court of sammary jurisdiction^ 

When th*> HiMitcHco of a tourt of aumuiary juiiadictiou is 
II i\ne, luid the olToudcir ha^ ttjot luidergono imprisoJimjooit iu 
(lofuult of iMiyuioiit, the O.O. may, if he tliiuks rlhut a rogi* 
ijcutal entry of a couviotioii ehould not bo nmdft, roj^refiwit 
tlie coso to ttic D.O.C. for dccisioai. If it is ordorcd that no 
entry is to Le inado, the caiso will not bo trea'tod as a pre- 
viouH conviction on a trial by oourt-mairtial. 

Convietioua by tho civil power, vhethor before or after 
enlistment, for offemces eommitted prior to auli&tuienA, are not 
to bo entered or givon in ovideaico against a soldier ou a trial 
by eourt-marti^il. Conviction of offencea comnrittod in civil 
life, wliile in a stato of desertion, are to bo eiitorod and giveai 
ill ovddonco bi^foro eourta-iiiarbial as pteviou.n conviatioua. 

Uertiiled copies of all conviotlona by tlie civil iwwor will 
bo annexed tt) the soldior's regijaoutul conduct nheet. When 
the imprisonment awarded for amy such conviction excoedtj 
BD-ven days, tho cortifiod record will be produced in evi donee 
ill tbe same uianuor as a former convJotion by court-martial. 

(iiia.) Every case in which a soldier has been bouiLd over by a 
court of ordinary criminal jurisdiction or by a court of summary 
jurisdiction in appear for conviction or judgment. 

lu cases whore tUo O.O. in of oimlon that a regimontnl 
eatry should not bo made, he may ropreswit the Ciiao for deci- 
sion of tho D.O.C. 

When a regimental cnti-y has boon made, a cei'tified copy 
of tho ordor of tho count will bo aimoxed to tlio aoldior's 
rcigi mental conduct shoot. 

(iv.) Ever^ severe reprimand of a N.0.0^ 

(v.) Every case of redmtion of a HfJC.O. to a hwer grade ^ 
or to the rani's, or deprivation of lante stripe, for an offence, 
but not for inefficiency. 

(vi.) Ev&rs atif(trd of dtteniion by tie CO. 

(vi.a) Every award of feld punishment hy the .CO. (on active 
service only). 

(vi.b) Every award hy the CO. of forfeit urv of patj {on active 
Si' nice only). 

(vii.) Confmement to barracJcs exceeding seven days. 

(viii,) Every instance of drunJcenness, 

(ix.) Punishments en board shif. Every award of punish- Entries oa 
meat by the CO. of one of His Majesty's ships, in pursuance ^"a*"*! "^^^P 
of t4ie Iniponlal Ordei-in-Cooincil of Gth February, 1882, 

Stoppage of smokittg on board ship for any period oxeood- 
ing aoveu days. 

Every award of pLu-ishment on board His Majesty's ships 
which la Qquivalcnjt to any of the above punislimetuts, or to a 
regimental enjbry. 

(x) Every o fence mtailing forfeiture of pa% under the fay 
and Allowance Regulations, except:— 

(a) Whore the offeuco is abseaico wdWiout leave not exceed- 

tng two days. 

(b) Whem the forfeit uVo ia in comeequonce of a civit con- 

viction for Tvhich a lino has been airarded and the 
D.O.C. has ordered, under subhead (iii.), that a rcgt- 
memtal entry shall not bo maxlej or 

(c) When the offcdico wa3 conimtititod before cailistmont 
(xi.) Any punishment awarded by (a) a board of visitors 

to soldiers under sentence in a military prison or detention barrack 
or in a naval prison; (h) the visiting committee in a civil prison. 
(xii.) Every case 'jf admission to hospital on account of 
alcoholism, duly certified by a medical officer, whether it lias 
been dealt witli as an offenico or not, is to be entered in rod 
ink unless tlie soldier has beeai tried on. a. charge based upooi 
tho same facts and acquitted. ' 

(xiii.) Any especid act of gallantry or distinguished con- 
duct by tie soldier which has -been brought to notice in brigade 
or suporiw orders, or iu despaitehes, either on active service 
or directlj- in tho course of militaiy duties. Thceo eaitries uro 
to bo mado in ed iuk right across the sheet. 

1597. (i.) Each "oiitry will bo imitialled 1»y tho CO. orRuloBaato 
odjutiui-t iu tho column for remarks. '^**® *'"c*'"'i60(j 
signature in full will bo upiwiided to court- *"' 
martial entries, 
(ii.) Vague <atriee, such as ** improper conduct," uiro 

to bo avoided, 
(iii.) The following abbioviations, &c., are to be 
used: — 
ConfineineiLt to barracks — C.B. 
Tmprisoiimont wjtii bard labour — Impt. H.L. 
j:)etentioii — Detm. 

Fine— Fined 

Penal servtude — P.S. 

Deprived of lattice stripe — Dop*d Loo. Stripe. 
Forfeiture of pay, proficiency pay, or sorvico pay 
us to lio noted undor tho head of "Ilemarka," 
aa: — 

Forfeits day 's pay, &e. 

(iv.) A specimen regimenjtaJ eonduot sheet wUl be kept 
in the office of evary officer entitled to award 
a regimental etntry, 


0.0. 107— 

Imp. 1910. 

Paras. 15981601 


^clfdifcft.hflflt 1598. If a coiidiiet ^heet is lost, the CO. wiU asaomble a 
Con. isotI ■ '^'^^^'^ *^ inquiry to invMtigate the eiTCumstamcee and obtain 
eridence as to the eoLtriee (outainod in, the loat sheet. The 0-0. 
will then cause a new sheet to be drawn up tmd substitiited for 
Hie lost 8bee«t. aji entry in ned ink, ** Substituted for original, 
lost/' with date and O.O'e* signature, bcf'mg made iu. front of 
*'iiumbor of sheet." 

Onn. 1608. 1599. When a unit pioceeds on aofcive* service all regi- 
manta! ^e^ts will bo forwarded to the officer i/e records con- 
cerned, by whom they T^ill be kept up from periodical rotuma 
forw<ipded froin the unit ia the field -tlirougb the base record 

Guard Reports. 

ComparinB 1600. Guard reports ' (M.p,— B. 237) and minor offence 

JSKrd "*" S^P*'''*? ^?;f •~^- ^^^)' showing the disposal of accused sol- 
rejofS ^'*" **y ^-^8., and by company, &c., coaimaaidors, reepeotively, 

are to bo preserved m original. Guard reports will be pasted 

doily into a guard book. 

luip. 1038. D.Oa.C, at thedr annual inflpoctious, will compare the 

fftiB^'^'*™ ^""^^^^ ^^ "™"^ offence reports with the ©atries ia the con- 

c?nn.i609. ""<^^ »heets, ajbd may then authorize the destruction of the 

repotnte, which will not, however, bo carried out till one yeoo- 

shall have elapsed from tha date of the last report. 

Company, &c.« Conduct Sheets. 

cSXc^iSk: }^^i-rA <^o^Pa^y» &«•» conduct sheet (M.P.— B. 263) for 
cSSI'iHO "^.'^ N'^'O. under the ranh of eolour-sergeint, and each man, 
will bo kopt id a guard bftok and will be retained in the 
cuBtody of the company, &e., commander, under lock and key. 
I'he guard bock wUl also contain a apeoimou conduct sheet 
for guidance in making onrtries, together with an alphabetical 
list of eoldiora on tho strength of, or attached to, the company, 
&e. Should a sheet be temporarily withdrawn, the date and 
reason for such withdrawal will invariably be noted in pencil 
againat the soldier's name on the list. 

An entry will be mado in the company, &c., conduot sheet 
of Qveiy award of punishmemfc againet the aoldier, by whom- 
soever made, except that offences exempt from inaeriion undar 
para, 159fi (iii.) and (iiia), or under rulo (iv.) below, will not 
bo entered. 

The following rules for keepiug eompany, &c,, conduct 
shceto will be obeerved:— (I) The heading of each shoot will 
be filled in. (it.) The same rules will b9 observed as are laid 
do Tim for regimental oonduet sheets in paraa. 1596 and 1697. 
(iid.) The officer who nxakee an entry will initial it in the last 
column, (iv.) The oompany, &c., commander will record therein 
ev«ry offence ccmmitted by M.C.Os. and men, for which punieh- 
meat has been awarded, exeept offences (other than drunken- 
noes, ot tlioae involving forfeiture of pay under the Pay and 
AUowance Eogolations), for which confinement to barracks 


P«a. 1602 

f»r one day, or its oquivalonit punishitient on board ship, or 
oae extra guard or picket has been awarded. Admonitioai will 
not be emtofrea except in cases of dirnnkenneas and iu those 
involving forleituro of pay unidor the Pay and AUowaaice 
Eegulations. (v.) Every siot of dninkemiess committed by a 
soldier is to be entered in black ink, and number&d consecu- 
tively in rod ink in the column set ipart for thojt purpose. 
(vi.) Punishment ddet awarded to a ftoldier ua<de(r the Bulee 
for Management of Barrack Detention Booma may be entercdl 
when ordered by the officer who awarded the puuishmeait.i 
(vii.) Kvery ease of admlfision to hospital on account of al- 
coholiifm duly certified b.v a medical officer, whether it has 
been dealt with as an offence or not jis to be entered in red 
ink, unless the soldier has been tried on a charge based upon 
the same factd and acquitted. (vHJ.) All entries in the com* 
]>any, &c., conduct sheets will be compared frequeiLtly by the 
O.O., or an oAicer deputed by him, with the awards recorded 
in the guard reports and minor punishment reports. 

In the ca^e of a alieet being lost, the procedure laid down 
in para. 1598 will be followed. 

1602. On promotion to colour-sergeant, &c., or any higher 
rjutk, any entriee in the company concluot sheet sui^ as those 
inentioued in the latter port of this para, will, for purpoaea 
of assessment of choraoter, application for good conduot medal, 
&c.t be transfarrcd to the regimental conduct sheet in red ink, 
^ith a note that these eobtries do not count tus regimenital 
entries. If there arc no such entries tc be transferfod the fact 
\rill be noted on the regimental conduct sheet in red ink. The 
company conduct sheet will be destroyed. 

The company conduct sheet of a soldier will be destroyed 
oa his discha7ge. A record of such eatriee as are referred to 
ill the two la&t aentences of this poora. will, howevor, be made 
on a fresh conduct sheet, and placed with the diseharge 
documenta* and those enitries and enfaries in the r^imentn) 
conduct sheet wUl alone he taken into account In assessing a 
soldier's cliara-cter. 

It will also, if containing any entrios, be destroyed, and a 
hlooik one substituted: — 

(i.) "On complobicoi o/ air moaithB from the date of hie 

(ii.) •After every contiuuoua period of two years, during 
■which he shall not have incurred an ontry in his 
company, &c., sheet, 

(iii.) *0a attain ing the rank of eergeont. 

When a new sheet is takeu imto use an entry, signed by 
the company, &c., commander, will be made at the top of the 
sheet, *' Sheet destroyed (date); last entry (date)tj number 
of cases of drunkenness (date of last instance).'' 

A.O, 403— 

*(i), (ii) and (Ut) will net apply to a cBBfl oeoarrlng lisfore the lit 
of Febniarr, 1907, unUsa then ate qo entries iu the ah«et aubaequent to 
tlia date of the completion of eix montha' eervice, beioff tTO rears deaf 
of an entry, or promotion to lergeant, respettiTely. 

fThe date to be entered will be the date of award, or, in th« caae of 
imprisonment oi detention, the date of return of duty. 

Paras. 1B03-1605 


Btiforo duatroyiunf tumiiaiiy, itc.^ oomluct sliuwU* the houd- 
ings of the now 0heot will l^o eoinpared* The eiitrioa in the 
rcffimoutal ehoeta wUl be checked ajid comploteil. 

^Intfies iu Uio compaaiyj &e., eoiduct sheets of deprivation 
of lance stripe or aever* reprimands of N.C.Os., of admission to 
hospital for aleoholisn], ajjid of cases of druukeiiuoss, which 
imdor ■ previous rogutatioms have not boea reckoned' as 
regimeiitiil oiitries, are uot to be trinsf erred to tlio reg>im©ntiil 
eoiwluct slieots. They are to bo copied insto lucoosaivo no^v 
t'oniiMuiy, &.O., fonduot shcote, and will bo takou iato accou:it 
iu the asaassinent of the soldier's charactcsr as coiiiteniplated 
in paras. 390 to 392, as above. 

Can, 1512. 1603. Vih&a a. unit proee«ds ou active service the couipoiuy, 

&c., conduct sheote will bo lesft at tie base record office. Th«y 
V7ill then ho kept up fj-om periodical returns fumashed by tlo 
unit iu the field. After the compldtion of the company, &t., 
sheets, these retuTiis will be forwarded to tie officer i/c 
records concerned for the complotion of the regimouital sheets. 
The above return is Compiled from c« tries uiaule by the 
- unit In the field in the field couduet book. See para.-lC04. 

The Field Conduct Book. 

Imii. 1927. . 1604. Ou activo service all entries of offoncoe will bo made 
Can. 1518. dn the field C4>nduct book, from which <;opJoa will be soit 
periodieallj to the bas« record office. 

The book will contain, a nomima list of the men of tie 

compaaiy, &<*., with an assossjuouit by the eompa-ny, &c-, com- 

A O 875— "'"^^^**^ ^* *^®^** «*spective ehjiraeters at the w>mme«iceuiciit 

1913. ^^ '^® couipaigTi, number of cases of drunkeun«8S, with date 

of last instaJico, period not reckoniing towards frj^edom from 

extra fine, &c. 

If a man be transferred while in the field to another unit, 
it will bo Buffidcttit if he be aocompaiiLod by a niomarandum 
sJiOwing an assesflinant of his charan^ter up to date of trtfuisfor 
and the total number oi cascis of dTimkeamiCBs reeorded agaimt 
him, with the date of last entry and the period not reckoning 
towards freedom from extra fine. 

If the character is not 8a;tisfactory a short explanatory 
note may te added, 6.g.: — 

No. f Pto. . Previous ea^es of druukemiesB^ 

eight. Last case . Period not reckcHiJig -towards 

freedom frcym extra Jlno . Last offence . 

Chairactor, l>ad. In»ubordliui<to. 

At the conclusion of a campaign, or when a eoldior dies or 
returns home, his field conduct sheet will be forvarded to ths 
officer i/c rpc'ords concerned. 

Orlgiiwl Proceedings of Eeglmental Oourts-MartlaL 

1606- The original proceedings of every R.CAI. after the 
requisite entries have bean niade in tho xegiraejital books, and 
after thoy lavo been laid before the D.O.C. at his next inspeo- 


A.O, 875 — 

Diflposal ot 
of R.C.M. 
Can. 1514. 


Para. 1606 

tioB, are to be forwurded to the officer i/e records. These 
original proccodjLugs are to bo preserved for throe years from 
Am date of IriaU, 

Disposal of Soldiers' Documents— Permanent Force. 
Ifi06. A f^ttldier^ (lijcuiiients will bo disposed of ah follows:— Q^^^ igjg^ 



C. D. 

Conduct Sheets, 


Natukb ok 



vicnoN BY Civil 






U) IK'ath. 

To be deslroyud. 

To be forwarded 
to officer i^c re- 

To be destroyed. 
If. however, the 


cordH. retained 

documents are re- 

for 50 years and 

quired in connec- 

tlicn dt-slroyed. 

tion with a recom- 
mendation for the 
grant of a medal 
loi long service 

ani Kood conduct, 

they will not hv 

destroyed until 

after the recom- 

mendation hat 

beiin dealt with 


(A.O. 209-1912.) 

<ii). IX>sertion 

To be retained 

To be letaiocd by 
the nan's CO, 

As in C. (ii). 

by officer I'c 

rccordti for 15 

for one year** 

yeara and then 

and then treated 


OS in C. (i>. 

(in). DiKhargt. 

A&inB. Ui). 

To accempany dts- 
charut docu- 
ments as iwr iii- 
Btructiontt on 
fourth page of 

As in C (ill). 

M.F.-li. 218, Pro- 
ceedings on DIb- 

(iv). On transfer to 

To be forwarded 

To be forwarded 


aiwther corps. 

to offieer i/c 

to the man's new 

records of new 

CO. - 



(v). On pustinjE to 

To remain in 

To b« forwarded 


another purtiun 

custody of o ni- 

to Iht man's new 


of the »anic coipe. 

cer i/c records. 


(vi). On removal of 

To remain in 

To be forwarded 

AainC (vi). 

an armourer or 

cuslody of olli- 

to the man's new 

armament arti- 

ccr i/c riiCordH 


ficer to another 

corps or station. 

* Medical history sheets, except iu gases specially prorided for hy 
regulutioD, wiU aeocmpany the dupHcute tttestution. 

**If the ttnit loaves Canada within tlie year the document will la 
Biiut to Iho ollcer i/c records before ombutkution. 


Paras. 1607-lGlO 


Entries lu. 
Cnn. 1517. 

AHerattouB ii 

ctothing, etc. 

' Can. 1518. 

Can. 1510, 


Nature op 




C. D. 


• Copies OF CoN- 





(vii). On prom«lion 
to warrant tank. 

To remain in 
custcx]y of ofli- 
cer i/c records. 

If promoted in 
some tnit to re- 
luain iiicustody of 
C.O.> if ill an- 
other unit to be 
sent to luiw C.O, 

To be attached to 
duplicate sttM^ta- 
tion and kept as 
conlidential docu- 
nietita. Conduct 
ttliL-cta will only be 
used under para. 
150!> (ii) or in case 
of reversion ^from 
wanrant rank. 

[viu). Promotioi to 

Tojbe lorwarded 
with documents 
attaclied there- 
to, and his 
medical historji Militia 
(or custody. 

To be destroyed. 

To be destroyed. 

Cigeste of 
sgrTlces of 
Can. 1510. 

*AIodical iiitory ^sheets, txcept in cusei speolallv or (Tided for b* 
regulation, will accompany the duflkate attestation. P'*'^»°«'i ""^ "y 

Historical Records. 

1607. A Liatorical record is to b3 kopt for every corns, 
atatajig i^he ciTcumstanees of the original formaAion of the 
corps, the means by whioh it has been vecruitea and the alter- 
ations in the sstablishment. 

1608. This account is to specify tlift militaa-y operations Ut 
which the corps has boon ongaged, atid to record its achieve- 
ntenjtfl. It is to contain the uanies of all oflieora killed or 
woun^od, and the nmno of any officer or soldior who ha.s 
apocialJy diatimguislied himself in action. The tm^gos and 
doviees which the corps hua boon permitted to bear, and the 
reasons for which such baiiges and de\iices, or other marks of 
d stinction, w*re granted, together with the dato of the au- 
tlority for thu same, are to be stated. 

1609. Any orders directing particular alteoi^tions m the 
clothing, arms, ace oaitrem eats, colours, or horse furniture aro 
to be recorded under tlioir proper dates. ' 

Report of Officers' Marriages— Permanent Torce. 

1610. The following particulars of the marriage of every 
O^Scer of the Pomanmit St,aff and Permajiout Force will be 
reportOfl to Militia Tleadqiiarters wittin oow) month of tho 
marriage taking place: — 

(a) Officer's name, appointment (if tmv), regiment rujik 

nnd present atation. ' ' 

(b) Officer's age at time of maniage. 

(c) Wife's maiden name, in full, 

(d) Date ol marriage. 



Paras. lCll-1612 

Disposal of Obsolete Dccumenta, &c. 

1611. A board will be assembled annually in every olfie* 
for the purpose of roeommonding for deatructioii documents 
over three years old. The board will, if possible^ be composed 
of the head and two subordinate olGcera of the olBce. The 
recommendations of this board will ba submitted to the D.O.C., 
who will issue orders regarding the cisposal of tlie records. 

1612." In the case of those regimental recarde not author 
ized to bo di>*troyed periodically, tho 0.0. will assemble a com 
mittoe of officers to ascertain that suth parts as it is advisable 
to preserve have been correctly copi<fd into other books. The 
committee will make out a "Liat of useless documenti: 
recommended for destruotion" and submit it to the 0.0, foi 
transmission to the D.O.C. 

District and 
station books 
and docu- 

Can. 1S20. 

Board to be 

Cnn. 1521. 

Appendix l. 

M*lttl!l A^<! 


An Act Respecting the Militia and Defence of Canada. 

Bhort Title, 

Sliarl I Ltltf. 1. Tins Ai-t may bu citeii as tho ^iliitiu Aot. 

c. 2;t, s. J. 

4 K Vli., 


DifliihioQi. 2. Iji tils Xet, UJiloya tlio context otlienrLw iwinirys — 

't^orpB.' (u) 'corpe' nieaiwj a military boOy uppeariiig in Ihv list 

of cstabliBlim^jitB as. a sn^pacatc unit; 
'Kiuurcency/ th) 'emjrgeii&y ' iiu»aua war, iji\Tis;it)ii, riot or iiiaiirrt'tt 

tion^ real «' miprebynilcilj 
'(ienenil ('0 'Ktmeral ordtjrs* inewi orjera tmd iietruoliouB 

orlars.' " IBB lied to Abe i:iilitia tUrouph or by tbo- Adjufaiit 

Oiiii^ral with Ibo approval of tlio ilinistcr; 
-imu/ <tl) *iiitin* Intttudw a i>-arrajit Cfflieer aiid iioa-&ori.<mi*- 

aioited offl&or m uxUI an a iirLvatvj 
•iliUtia,* (v) 'Militia' meaiw «]1 tho miUmry fonnoB at Oitiuula; 

'llijjiBicr.' C) 'Miaistfsr' mniim tbo Miaiist^r of Militia aiui Wt*- 

'Oiiaiivce (if) ' au aotivtj service/ as appliosi to a porsoa subjcH^t to 

MTvic^," military' BfM-vico, meau» wleouovor to in eunillni, 

ctalistod, drnftod ot wamfrl for service or dtt^ty 

(\\im\g an emorgcfotiy* or Tilitjn lie in oti duty, o/ 

h(iji bytfii wariioJ for chity m aid of Ihe <ivil power; 

*Ou*iii-tvtce ' '.'^O '^'^^ ^orvico* meaais when called ujwa for tho pw- 

formanfie of any aiilitary dutioa other thau IIiobl* 

8pccilto<) aa active sorvicdj 

'l^c*cribecJ.' C>) 'prosuribcd' luixma prcwcribcd by tliis Attt or by 

rcj^'ulntioiiH ni:i<lu thLxrL«uu(l«i:; 
'KoBuldUowj.' (j) 'regulations' iiio^uis regulaitbtis iiiado by tli<» Oov- 

^riior in Couaeil aiider tlio autb^rity -of tbia Aoit; 
'l^jtuiBnant (k) ^Pi'.'maniont Force* meajis 1Jiat portioii of '' tho 

l*''r™-' Active Militia of Canada I'armaiieatly eaibortiod 

foi the purpose of providiiug for (tho toio and pro- 
ttK'tiou of foj>ts,' jna)*aziue8, araiaiaoiutj, warliko 
Blori^ oiikJ other mUitatry aervicu, and of Becuriu^ 
tho cfftablishiJioat of sebook for liiUitary instruc- 
tion. 4 E, VIT., c 23, a. 2; ItH., ft. 41, «. 28. 
lutaipretation ^* '^^^^^ laUrprotatuoa Act aawl th» liwrt i>rftciid]ng eeiy.tioii 
of reBuTftiioiii. of thttf A lit hIiiU apply to oJl rugiilationBt oiidOTy aatl ajt'icloH 
aiiilorderB. (jf oavg^ugouiftiil lawfully rnuh' or •.'•nttfrfd into inideT this A<'t. 
4 K Yll., <;. 23, a. U. 

CoMmand in Chief, 

Ccmmandia 4. Tbt^ fMiiuiuand in eliitf of tiie Militia h <3t»olnj*ei] to etm- 

«j^e' TOBted in tiuuo UJid l)o vt>atjed Ja tht> King, and aliall be t-xorcisttd luid 
HIeSfajesty. atEmij] ii^ttn Oil l>y lli* llajif+ty or by tltu OoVL^rnor (JiMierul us 
his roprosentativL", 4 1''. VIJ.,, e. 23 j, j»* 4, 

Militia A«t 

Appendix I. 

Department of Militia, 

5. Th&re aUsAl be a Miaiet^>r of Militia ami I>efenoe, whoOflicoof 
Phall be charged witli aad bo reaiKnaiblo tor t])« adrninietra-gljj'jj^^"'^ 
tioa of militia aifaii'a anJ of tho fortiLii^'.atioiis, ordnoneOj 
amniuni^oiij arina, armourioSj, fitoJCT, aiuiaitaons ajn\ habili- 
in-ents of war bL'Ioiifinjf to Canada, iiicludixtg the iivitlative w 
all in art. tors involving Uie expeiwliturt of niojuiy. 

2. The GovOTuor iu Couneil niity, irotn time to tim«^ make Duties 
8U[<^h ordi?™ as uro iiot'^fisary rmpectiimff t'hjo dutita to be p<y- 
farmiHl by tho Mitij«tpr, 4 R Vil., c. 21^, s. &. 

9, Tlio <iiovernor in Council may appoint a ^1-ppiaty of llnj Deputy aud 
Miiiiator aiwl such othor officers as are uvcetjsury for carry iiig^^''^^'"'- 
wx the buai'i>C3s of tho Department, all of whom shall hold 
office during ^>leasurc. 4 H, VII., c. 2^3, s. C. 

t, Thep Go>'onior in Couiieil inay appoiut a Militia CuaueilJfilJtia 
to Kdvise llje Miinstor on all matteiB relating; to tho M.ilitis *^**""^^'' 
Trbieh nro referred to the Goiiacil hy the MLaister. 

2, Tho csrjjpositioiij, proeodurc and powers of tlie Council 
flhaU bfl ns prescribe-i i E. VII.^ c. 23, s. 7. 

Works for Defence, 

tAIiciet«r to 
Y havo cQUtrut 
.«[ mitUary 
11 and fort a. 

Occupe t ion ot 
propartj* on 

8. Tho Alinistw stmll have tho oojitrol and maiiafii;iivi?at 
iuthtdiiig: charge ot thi> tdrinkutimaTLco and ropair, of all xgfilitoJ'j 
buildflnff!*, Uiiul also of the <}Oiij8truetiloJi, niaiutcuaaBo and i-ei|Miif 
of aU forta aand fortifivaiious and other works for d^funce in 
Caaada. 4 K. VII,, c. a*, s. 8. ' 

9. AVbe never aoi -em^igejicy exist*, tho afliccr conmau^linj^ 
tho Militia in the locality, or any *fl:i<;»}r duly Buthoiiy-ed by 
liiin, inay, Bubjeol tc the ic^giilatioas^ eator upoii and oceupy witli 
troopsj or other powona^ any buildings or laii»d for defease pur- 
poses^ mid may dig trenehfis and throw up iioitt ■works on an> 
BiLcli laauls, anid may fortiJfy any buildinjts, and may, foo: tho 
puri>«»«rt afort5suW, d^iwtray or d(.^ and lay waste any sucl 
bnildiiigs or laiida, aiid destroy fotxJ^ <'rop3, foddt^r, etorew oi 
other thiittg^, aiid slaugHcr live ntio^k, or amy take or cauHo 
to be taken, any Huch food, crops, fodder^ stores or other thin^; 
find may <ferivo or dau^te to be drlvon, any Xiva stock to aoait) 
placo of BufE»ty; aad uia/ alao jmpre«3 any horsea, mules, oxoa 
or other auiiaaU} reqaireK] for military purpoaea. 

S, Any person injured by the exorieate of any of the pro;'i Camperutiatiou. 
fiipas of this Bection shall be comiwoisated from tlio Coasjolidatwl 
Jloveuue FuJid of Canada. 4 K, ^T:I., c. 23, s. JO. 

Liability to Military Service. 

10. All tlio male inliabitauia of Canada, of tho aj^e of eight CompotlilcMi 
con years and upwards, aiud un-dor sixty^ not exempt or dia-ofaiiliiio — 
qualified by law, and beinji^ Britieli siibjecta, Khali be liable io"'*^*' 
i*ervjce in tie Militia: I^iovided that tho GovcriLoi-Genefral mar 

require all the male laiEbitanta of Ca-nada, eapaUd of bearing P^^viao. 
arms, to serv^e in tJio ease of a levae on masse. 

2. Kothiuig in this seetiaa shall prevoat ajiy aide inhabitaui. BuglerB — 
t>f Coaiada, under the age of t>ixht*<*>i, eaHstiag as a ***='*'p*'^'*'''- 
bugler, trumpeter, or drummer. 4 15. Vll., c. 23, s- H. 


Appendix 1, 

Militia Act 

ysmtia Act 

Appendix I. 


Uitir-pay and 

J^mUylt of 
par ion claim* 
lag exemp- 

Proof of 

not to pre* 
voat rolua- 

OlaiflOB of 

FIrit clask 

8ec»i3il dU<ii. 

Fourth clsBi. 

Ordsr of 

11, TUe folkwing patrsou* only sliaKl T>o exempt from liabil- 
ity to serve in the Militia: — 

Mambeia of the King ''3 Privy Ooimcil for Canada; 

Judg^as of all Courts uf Jiuatice; 

Members of tlie exacutive councils of prt>viiices; 

Deputy mlniatetrs of tho fadernl tuid proviiicial goveiiiamo^te; 

C]3rgy and mitiistera of all denomiaationsj 

Telcgrapli dark* in actual omploymont; 

OIKireTa and clerka regularly employed in tho coll&ction of' 
the revoMuo; 

Wardens and ofUc&rs of aU public prisons and lunatic 

Membars of tihe Naval Militia; 

Momberg of tlie police forco an>d fire brig'ada pmrnaaeihtly 
employod in incorpoTErted cities, towns and \"iJlages; 

Professors in colleges imd universities and taacheTs in reli- 
gious orders; 

Persona disabled by bodily dj mantal infirmity; 

Tka ojily eon of a widow, balng her oaily support; 

Pilots and appreati ca pilots duTiag tlie aoaeon of aavigiitittn; 

Persona who, from the doetrloea of thair rftlig-iou, tra averae 
to bearing arra( <^^ rend'ering porsoaul military eervica, uitder 
such ««ndition8 as ara pre3<*ribed. 4 K YXI., c. 23, a. 13, 

12, Half -pay aad roUrod oiDcora of tko iflgular forces shall 
not bo ro qui rod to awvb iu the MUltiia ui a loAveor grado thaai 
that of tlieir ra^ik in such fcrcaa. 

2. No peraou shall bo entitled to ejceniptiun unless ho has, at 
leojt one month before to fllaimB suoh er&mption^ filed with tbe 
coinnianding oflicefr within the limits whereof h& resides, bis 
affiiaWt, mado before somo juabice of the peace, of the facta on 
whieh he rests bis claim. 4 E. VII., c. 23, s. l&. 

13. When exemption is claimed (m aiy ground, tie burn^en 
of proof shall always rest on tho peraoa daxming it. 1 13, ■^'ll,, 
c. £3, 8. 13. 

14. Exemption aliull not prevent auy person from serving 
in -Uio Militia if ho deniros to servo and is not disabled by bodily 
or maoital dnliruiLty. 4 S, VJL, (v 23, a. 1.4. 

16« The male population liable to sorvo in tho Militia shall 
be divided int» four classes; — 

Tho first class ehall comprise all those of the age of oighteon 
years and up words, but un>d«r thirty years, who are anmarriod 
or widow era without ehildren; 

rtie SP^cond class shall compHGa all those of the age of thirty 
y<Nars and upwards, but uudor forty-flve jrears, who B.?& unmar* 
ri*d or widowera witliout oJiildrcn; 

The thirji class slLeJl comprise all thoae of the ago of eightecai 
years and upwardsj but inwler forty -five jears, \yho are married 
or widowers with ebtlilrccat 

Tho fourth class sliall compnae all those of the a^e of forty - 
tvt years and upwards, but xindw sixty years ^ 

2. The said aeveral cla9»&s shall be called upon to servo in 
the order in wLich the.y are referred to in this fleotjion. i IC. 
VII., c. 33, 9. 15- 


DivJaton of Milltta. 

16. Th« Militia of Canada shall bo divided into Active and DiTlslon of 
Beiervo m^f ^n ituuia. 

a. The Actire Militia shaU consist of:— AcHyw WiliiU. 

(a J corps raided by Tolmitary onlistmeat; 

eorpft iBis&d by trail ot. 
3. Tho lieseivo MHirtia shall bo raised and mainitamied. under nuorre 
regulatiione prescribed by tfca Oovcinar m Council, i IS, VII., JAiiiti*. 
c. S3, *. 16. 

Period ot 

Pr<^«ent corps 

Notice to b« 


eoiiipJ^etLQiD of 

Period of Service, 

17. The period of service in time of peace shall b&, — 
(ft) for the Active Militia, three Jreara; 

(b) for tlj.a tt^^rva Jiaitht^ auch petriod as ia prescribed. 
4 E, Yir,, c, 23, s, 17. 

18. Every corps, duly au.tili orized previously to, and existing 
on, the first d^y of Novombor, in the year of our Lord one 
thousiubd xJne Inndred an^ four, iucludiiig^ tho oQLceffl com mis- 
si onftl thereto, shallj, for the purpoaes of -this Act, la held to 
be existing, and shall be cooitiaued aa suoh^ subject to tho pro- 
viaions of this Act. 4 E, ^'11., e. 23, a, 18. 

19. No ofBcer or man of an Activo Militia corps^ raised and 
fii^^tamed by voluntary enlistment «hall bo permitted to reitiro 
therefrom in timo of poacs, without giving te hb costLmondi'ug 
ofOeer eix months' notdce of his ixibontioo so to do. 4 Ei. Vll.. 
c, 23, B. 19. 

20+ Any person who has Yolumtarily onlisted, or been called 
upon to BBTva ia the Militl^ shall be entitled to be disehnrged 
at tho expiraijoa of the 'term of service for which h* engaged, 
iiujess such expiration occurs in tame of omergemcy, in wniah 
caw he shall be Hablo to soiva for a further p&rtod of not mote 
Ihui twelve months. 4 E. TO., c. U:+, s. SO. 

MiUtaiy Di'vlfttoiLs. 

21. The Qovemor m Coutseil naayv — 

(a) direct thrtt any portion of CajiAda shall be a uiililaiy MiliUry di*- 

distijct for the purpose of tais Act, and may nlt^v *"<*»' 
th* limits of my stich district; 

(b) cause two or moTe distiicid to be grouped togeither(|„upv,^. 

for tho purposes of command and ad miitist ration; 
(t) divide any military districts into subdistriota^ J>n- i>|riJUg. 
galBt regimontal and compajiy divibions, as appears 
oxpediMit. i E. VTI;, c. 23, s. 21, 

Active MillUa. 

22, Ths Aotive Militia ahall consist of such corps aa arc CoMtitution 
fram tim* to time named by the Governor in Council. of corp*. 

2. Tho Governor in Coumeil may, at aay time, disband any jdj,^.^ j^^^ 
corps or portion of a tOftpBf if ho ooaisidftrs it advisable so to do. corpt. 
4 B. \n,, c. 23, a. 23. 


Appendix I 

Militia. Act 

Oath of 



2Z. Tho folJowiiig oatLi shall bo taken and BubMcribcJ bcforo 
<m« of sucli oomutiasioiwxl ollie<?Tft of tlio Milltiu as are uutlior- 
iaed for tlia.t purposa by ftjay goiieral 4ir<ler or by u reguloition, 
cr bfftfxww a juatica of thu ]>Cflc&t by every ptNTsom upua angaj^Liig 
to ssrve in, U« Activa M.iliti.a.i — 

'J, A.B-, hIo Hiiitferoly promise aud gwt^ar (ar sol»innl.v do- 
dare) thnt 1 will bo faitliful aud bear truo allc^itiuice to Ilia 

2. Sueli ontlt shall liavi} the efTeot i>f a writteoi etiga^enieut 
vitJU tho Kiugf biuduiif tho persota Bubseribiuj^ it to servo hi 
thti Militia until ho ia legally diadjargodi disniiHaotl;, or removed^, 
cr uiitiL his r>>Bigiiat:iou is accepted. 4 K. Vll,^ <j. £3, s. 23. 

Pennanent rorc9- 

Constiiuiion 24. Thoro ahall coJitmiie to be a Ptrmajieitt Fore© which 

o( Perinau«t]t aliall ccntei^ of Biuah poroiaai eutly einljCMlied i;i>rp«^ aot oxeei'd- 
^^^^- lag five thaunamd man, eairolled for aowtmuous aervicej, as are, 

IrftiH Jtinjo to tiuio^ autkoiizod bj" thi^ Governor ia Couaeil, 

2. The Porjimiietit Forte shall bo available at all times for 
gcji*riil service- 

3. Tho Form Ml on t Force ah all furntaU sclioola of iaistruftti-on 
for the Militia, ainl p no vide iiistructDrt* Uierefor. i H. VIl.^ 
c. 2'6, &8. 24 uid 25; 4-5 K VIL, c. 22, s. 1, 


Legulniioii* 26. Tho GivertKjr in GjuucU sluillj from time to Uttie^ uciIhq 

fur onf'<iim;eni. ,j| | i-^^ mlu,!,; (m^g uaiirRKaary for tha fluroljatnvt of pfjrsoms liable t o 
inilitary serviae, and of cadetfl, and- for all procecuno iiL con- 
iwctiott tlitfrcwLthj, and for d<etormiuiag, ji»ubjicet U> tho proH- 
tiiodis of this keif the ordur iji which tlie pisraomi ui tho cLiLsBetJ 
llxcd by this A^it shall serve. 

2. rogful.atJoM« all ell have tli^s mmo f(jit*fe ainl effi'i-t as 
if they formed part of this Act, 4 K Vil., e, iiBj u, 20. 

Bnrolment by Ballot. 

hattol when 26. When Jiion are required tf* orgaiLiac or tiomplete. a corps 

«iougJi do not .i,t any tim^, either' f oi* trainijig of for au emergoncy, and ©Ji-ou^h 
voluuteur. ^^^ j^^ ^^^ \olunteer to compJeio the quota reqirired^ this unCd 

liable to serve shall be drafted by ballot. 
yumTjerrrom 2, If thero aJ-e inaeribed ait the Militia roll more -thaa mw 
me fuinlly. bqu. bclongiug to tho sauia family residiag iu tho eajMo lioueo, 
itn]y one of such 3onis ahall be drawn^ imleas the number of 
loiiiies so iiiecribad ia ineufficiemt to couiploto tho required pro- 
portion of serviee uiau. 4 E. VII., c- 2&, s. 27. 
KegulalionB, 27. The Gsvoriior iu Council may, Irom time to*tim*,> make 

rogulatnons, — 
Riirolmemt. (a) for filing ihe ilay on which tho taking of tlie eii^rol- 

lacnt ahall be common ced in each of the several 
military districts reaped iveEy; 
Koilfrinf m«.ii. (**) ^^^ notifying the men liable to be t^ikeu, or those 

balloted for service in any (luoto; 


smitia Act 

Appendix I. 

rc> for itially deciding tlaima of appUcuJits for exemp- D«cJdliifE 
tioii. ami for the admisiiBl ration of oaMis l«'f»re a "'^"*l''"°"■■ 
L'Outnlissio3lcd otlic*r of a t'Oj|.»a; ' . 

<d) for uswertainiag tie facts 5u. rfftjreiue» to daijiu* Cor Mctrtnimufi 
exL*iii^lioK, far Jufdical cxaxaiiiatioiiB, and for the "'' *• 
dieiichiirge of sueh niou as are unfit to serve; and, 

(e) relatojiff to every »thei ma-ttcr and thing not iiicoai^ QawraX. 
aidtiMrt M'ith thfcH Aft, aud iteieiwtry to be done ia 
the enrolling, baiUotiiigj wajniing iiud bn^u;t>tig into 
service of au^rh niiiiher of mea m are ri-Ljuirud at tiuy 

2. Any maJi balloted aud notified for so« vke^ uiay^ at ftny Stibstitwtti. 
time, beoxeinpt liiitU agaJn roquine^i iu hia tuim to serve, by 
furnishing lui .acceptable aubatilute, on or before the day li\ed 

for hift appearauw^; Trovidtd tliat if Juring any i^hiod of 
.^tTviee, aaiy man "M-lho iui serving in tho Aativo Militia hm a sub- . 
stitute for* auoth(?r, bet.'ome5 liable ta service iu his own p"?r- 
soH, lio shall bt> tuktsii for ^\wh svrvk-Cj, ui*l hisi pJat^i an substi- 
tHto sh'jlL be Bii;^>pli>ed bv thij niuu hi tfUosy stn.'^ad hm was nerv- 
ing. 4 E: VIL, c. 2:J, B.*2S. 

28. Kvory num. of tho A't-Uve Militia of the llrat or wecuud Pull potiod for 
ckss uhall be roqaired to oomplote tlie fuH porioii for ivUieh "J,;p^Jtfl1 ' 
ho volujiteered or wns balloted to servi^ nottf ithst*ii?;Ung that 

duttng any uucl porjod uf fiervioe J:i© attaiuK the limit agd of 
thirty yearijij. or forty -fiv-n ycirs, oa tho cuse may be, according 
to h> <'Xvm. i E. yil., c. S3, s. tiW. 

Officers Comiaanding the blllitia. 

29, Thtro imy be appointed an ollicorj eaJled ths Gt^aej-alApijoiutiiiienf 
Orticcr C^orjimiunfiiig; who ahall not hoW rank below tJiat ''^ offlce" Oam- 
iiobnel ia the Alilitiu or iu His Majotttjs' regular army^ whomaadinif, 
miiyj aubjuct to t/u' reguiatljne and uii/Icr the direction 4if tho 
Minuter, ho t:b; rg*jd wjth tho military cuniinanid of tlio Militiu. 

3. Sueh oflii-'r slmll hnvo tlie xajik of major-gouoral in the Rani: and i*ar. 
Militia, and shull bo paid at such ra-to, -rot cxcowdiiig mx tliou- 

aaibd dollara ptir uniiuiti, as is prescribed. 

3. Iu the evMit of a vaeajney ixi the office of gaiioraJ oPHcorTuiiporary 
eoiiimandiag, or in the absence of that olUcer from Cauuda, ***''birS«e?c? 
GovxsriLor may ietail an oflQcor of tb« hc^adtjuart^^ra stuff, who 
sdtll b« eJiorgcd ^vith tko uulitarj' command of the Militia. 
4 E. VIi.» e. Z\ 8. 30. 

30- There luiiy bo appointed mi ofllw^fj. whf> shall, bold ranklntpieetor 
not below tlmt of eoloiuol ia tho Militia, or in Ills Majesty 'e *'»*«'"^' 
rojrular u*Tiny, ^ho may, Bul)je«t to the regulatiojia and imdor 
the direct JOJi of the IMiiiister, bo rhargtnl wJtli tho milit^iTy iai- 
aiwctioii of ttio Militia. 

S. Sueh olllcer shall be paid at Btiiiii ralo, not exceeding frixHi<P">' 
thcrusaud dolhiiu per aainuii;, us pi^esc-rihed. . 4 K. YIL, c. 2'd, 
3. 91. 

31. The duties and anthority of eueh of the otlici^ra a-espee- DuUps- 
tively rofcTTod to in tbo two hist prcctdiaij^ sections shall be 
-deAnod by the Governor iu OouBi-il. 4 M VII. ^ t. 2% a. ^2. 

32- There stall bo au o^jutajut geiiotal of Militifi at h«id- AdluloM 
■quxrters who slnll have tho rank of colou'el ia the Miliiiia, uiid '^'^^ * 

Appendix: I. 

MtUtia Act 

Militia Act 

Appmdlx L 

shall bo paid at the rata of tJim? thousEiud two liundred aoilara 
per anjiuiiu 4 B. VII., o. S3, e. 33. uui«u:» 

Q«irterm«iflr 33. TJim* slaJl be a quarter tnastor general at teadquarteia 
wko shaJl hav* tJie ^Tami cf eolonel in tii© Militia, and fihall 
bo paid at the mfce of thrBo tbousand two liuiwlT«a li^Jlars per 
amium- 4 K. YII., c. 23^ &, 34. 

34. Tlioro may bo a master general of tlio Oi-anauco at Lead- 
quarturs, who eliall have th* raak of colottel m tha uilitia, and 
stiaJl ha paid at tha rat^ of tlireo tliouaand two huBdrod dollwrs 
per auimin. 4 R Vll., c. 2 J, e. 35. 

3ii. Tho Governor in Council may establish a i^cneral staffs 
hoidnuartors staff, aud diBtrict ataff, and may appobt a ctief 
of tho general staff, and eiich officers to tho ro«poc:ive staiFs 
as are deemed necessary, nnd shaU detne their duties aud 
authority. 4 K VII., c. 2S, s. 36. 

33. Id and lor each of the military iljstrictB thora shall bo 
apjiouited by Ue Governor ia Council, aa officer caUei bhe J^is- 
triet Omcor Commanding, of rank not lower than that nf Ueuteu. 
ant-coloibel, who aiiall, subjoct to blio ro^ulatione, comnuund the 
Milibia in his distiict. 

2. There ah nil also bo appointed eucli oth&r offlc(Jra as are 
from time to time dcemod cjipadient. 4 E, Vll., e. Z'd, b. 37. 

37. The pay aud allownaooe of the offiwrs of the ecneral 
atuff, hoadquurters staff, and district ataf^ not provided for by 
'Jhn Att, shall te fixed by the Gfl\^rnor tn Oouuicil, t E VII 
e. £3j ft. 38. ' "' 


JLtaet«r Gen 
oral of 



Fa^l of MtAtt, 


■ignature by 


CalJIutr into 

and reliromsot 
of oJItcarft. 

Orad« of 

As to exiBtiDg 

38. Commiaaions of ofllt-era in the Militia shall ba granted 
by Hi<> Majesty during: plea«iire, ujid all warmnt and inon-com- 
nii:s5ionod oflieeis shall be appcirjtod in such mnimor and shall 
hoU suph rank ^a are prescribed by -the njffulatioria. Y K yiL, 
c. 23^ ti. 39- ' 

39. Thtt CDvoriior Generd may cause tiU sigiiattre to be 
affijced to any couiiuiaaicii jfranted or issued under tliia Act, by 
stanipiiij^ tho same on euch comniisaJoii viiih a stamp approved 
by him, find used for the piirposo by his. authority. 

2. Tho ssgn-Uurt' so affijied shall be, to all inteiuts aud pur- 
pQsss, as valid oud effei?,tua] aa if in the hanjcTwritine of the 
Govern 01 GeneraL 

S. Neither tiho nutl entiwly of any 8u:h stamped signature, 
ijor th« authorily of tho peraon by whoa it has boon affixed 
to any oommisBion, ahall be called in question except on behalf 
of tfie Crowa. 1 E. VJI., c. 23, s, 4fl. 

10. Officer B of tJie ililitia may under such regulatixwiB, as are 
Iliad from iiaic to time, bs appointed io eorps, and may be 
tracaforrod to an unattached (iat, or may bo retired ivith or 
without honorary rank, and Juay bo reappointea from the retired 

t No officer sliall be bound to serve in tho Milifcia in a 
lowfr gmcte thfin that of tke raaik with which he oas been 
Totired. 4 E. VII., c. 2Hj s. 41, 

41. All comuiaaionfl and appointments in the MiUtia of 
Canada, *3cisting on the -ftret day of November, in tJi€ year of 
our Loi-d one thousand ninio huaaroJ. aud four, shall have the 


sniae force^ effe&t and authority oa if issuod avid mido in the 
Militia under this A&t. 4 E. VII,, c. 23, a. 43. 

42. In timo of peace no offieer of the Militia shall, except Ronlt la time 
for the purpoaft of assuming the command of tii* Militia, be "' P***^^* 
appointed to a higher permanent lunk thita that of colonel: 
Frovidod that bho temporary rank of brigadier geaerol may 

he conferred upon an offiee/ of the rank of UeutonJinit-coloiiel 
or colonclj Tvliilo holding tuny couiniand or appointment for 
which such rank is authoritfd by rogulatiouB. 4 13. VII., c. 23, 
«, 43. 

43. WheTiever the Militia is culled out on active Borvice Raak wlien 
during an ouierj^ency, the Governor in Coimcii may appoint '^""'*'^*'^^' 

* uUlcora to a rank euporior to thirt of eobneL i E, YII., o. 23, 
s. 44. 

44. Tha honorary rank of major gen&ral may, for valuable Honorary rank 
seivices ronderwl lo the country, be c«nferix)d on retirement ^" "**'''^"^®"** 
upsn colonels w^bo have h«ld tho hig'hor staff appoiu.tment8. 

i ±.. VII., c. 23, fl. 45. 

45p The Gavo'faor in Council may make regulations, apply- ^^^ofttlationB 
ing to oilicerfl and others belonging -to His M a jeaty^s regular pJ^^^iJ*^ 
foiftes, ond to olHcftrs of an/ military forea of any part of His 
Majoety's dominionB, wlien serving in Ctmada, ojid to oflloors 
of the militia, as to the persons to be invcated aa officers or 
otherwise with com maud over tho militia or any part fchcjoofj 
or any person Wionging thtrcto, and a« to tho mode in which „ t, 
such commaiLd is to be excTciacd: Provided that command *^ °' 
shall not be g vm. to ainy psratoin over a petrson sLoorior in 
rank to himffel*. 6 13. VII,, e. 29, r. I, 

46. ComnuBstona of ofltoocB of tlie Royal Karthweat Moun-ted CpramlBsioned 
Police Force aerviug with tdio Militia by order of the Governor offl«»«^f 

Ln Coun«cdl ahall for the puipose of seniority and command be pSi Korco 
c«iLSiderod equivalent to commiaaions t^ued to tbo oflSct^TSsarriiig'whb 
of tha Militia oE correepoadtng rank from their reapectivo dates Militia, 
accord ing to tba following fioale, that i» to wiy: — a«iiioTity- 

CommiflBlotuer— aa Ijoutenant-colonel; aSSSISJi*"*"^' 

AsBiBtant commiaaionor — on appointment, as majofj — oflmtai»«ioner. 

aft-er throe years' servico, as heutanant-colonolj 
Senior BUpertnteowient-^as major; ' Superinten- 

0th er Buporinleudonta — aa captains; *"*• 

Inspotttor — a,s lieutenant; 

Seiniior surgeon — ^he rank w"hi&h his seTviee in the Police impecLor. 
Korea would give lad sueh. »arvi(?fl been, in the Aative „ 
Militia; Smfeon. 

Assistant Burgeon^ — tie rank whieh his Borvite in tho AstUtani, 
Police Perce would give had euoli service been in 
tho Atitive Militia: 
Vetarinaiy surgeon — tho tank which his servieo in the '^''^'''^•'y' 
Polico Force would give had such service boen in the 
Attj ve Militia- G7-5S V-, c. 27» s. 10. 

Arms, Clothing and Equipment. 

47. The uniform, arms, clothing and eqmpmeait of the Militia^'"**'*^ , 
shall be of sueli pattern and deapg'u as are from time to timeStSS™*'* ** 
preseribedj, and shall be isauod under regulations. 4 E. VII.„ 


Appeudix I. 

MUtia Act 

Uniform and 
f-ltilpment. of 

for di.mag'ag. 

flacQvery of 
va]u« of luBt 

J] an leaving 
C'unada to 
rdur!) prop- 

UtiUorui nol 

On amy. 

At drill. 

By pfiT- 

l*ny of 


Governor in 
Council to fijt. 


Time fturvQd 
rarecB may bs 
cotint«d In 
certain ciinHss, 

48. With tie exeoptioii -of mountoi o flic era, to wliam sad- 
dlery may bo i«»Uf(l aa iinoftorithcd, ofliftors of tlws Militta sliall 
provide tliyir i>wn uiiifoi'in tuid equipment, i !E. Vil., c. 23, s. 4**. 

49. T!ie vahio of all au*h articlee of publie propecty as Lave 
beeouio dtfici-ont or damaged, whUc in pos&ea«iioii oi any eoTps. 
other\vi4o thfiii. ihroujj;h fair wear ajid tpaf or uimvculalbl© a<"«i' 
lieiLt, may bo r<?eovC'r9d by tho Minister ar by auy otiior peraoii 
aut-}iorJz«il hy liiui^ iTpui the oiBcor in cuiiiiniuid of tmch corps. 

2. Ttko ofllter coiiiiuaudiug: auy eorpi iimy recover tlio valuti! 
of audi aJ•Hcl^B ot! public pr«i>*'«rtyj, or property of Hmj corpa, us 
liave befotiie df^liciout or (lamajfM, or damaged wlilo in pcis 
SL'j?Mioii of hiH eorjxij other wine tiiaii through fair wear ajid t«ar 
or tiibavoidablc aeckLMii,, from tii« ofil<sftr, tuan or nen roapcm- 
»:bT(.^ tborvfor 4 E. VII., c. 23, a. 50. 

50. Ev<.'ry cuan serving in the M-lIitiaj, who in about to leavo 
Canada, »liaU first return 4o th* captain or senior ofli&er of his 
eoujpaiuy all f.rricles of public or corps proparty wiicli ho has 
l]i -his poaaoaaioii^ vb^aiu a writtetti dlsRhiVrgo fr-tim *a«^i 
of^ieor, which shall be record'cd iu- Iho books of iha oorps. 4. K, 
\TL, e. 23, s. 31, 

51. Xa i^f^rp^ aud jio iitU'CoiamieHioiod oOit.-4^r or mau ahull, 
at anv time, appear in uniform or armed or accouirt'd, except,- - 

(a) when aetuaUy nn duty; or, 

(b) at purRdc or drill; oTi 

(c) at target practi(io; or^ 

(dl at reviews or -on tield days or liiiBiJOfltious; or. 
(e) by iwrjui-sjictp of tho coui ma riding o]lit;i.''r uf the corps. 
4 K. VIT., e. 2S, s. 52. 

I>rilli]i£f and Training. 

52. The Qtvcrtior m Oaueil may otdor the Active Militia, 
or any portion thereof, *t« drill or train for a t*^>ricK] of ni>t 
iiioro t-h:iu thirty days in mcih year. 4 E. VI I., e. JiS, s- 53. 

^ Fay and Allowances. 

53. Oflifera^ ivarraait officers aud nira-coiu niis^antjd ufficL-^rw 
of the J'&niiaiit«it Fortie ahaJllw tnititled to dni!/ pay ano! 
ftUowauees at rates to be jrcscrlbod, 

2. The Qovrj-iior in OdiuwmI may, from time ta time, fix 
tlho sums to be pai'd to printtes of tho |iermajient f*rco, regard 
bdiiig had to kMigth of aervieo, good eoniduct EKid uifticieiiey; 
bjt the ord.Kn ary pay shall not <:rt:t'O0<l tlio amounts foUowiiiK^ 
tha;t i& to Buy; — 

For privat o*, per diem 73 cents. 

For buglotd tuider 18 y^ars of age, per diem . i. 40 ft&Ms. 

3, Tiwo »ervcid in Ili» Mnjeaty '« re^ulxtr forces iiiay bo 
counted for tho purposes «f aiiy Tejjilmtloiia. re^^ard to 
pay Oflid allovaiie«s in the eaae of Jion-comniissioaed oflicern 
(tad meji trauiaforjod to the perrtCLdient forte in cumnjetltm with 
tie takiiiff &vi!r by tha tioTerjiiiieut of CaJiada of tho garniBonH 
of Tialifnr fwitl Ksquiuialt. 4 K. VIT., c. 2.*, b. GA; fi E. VIT., 
a. 30, fl. 2. 


MLlltia Act 

Appendix I. 

Paiy of tictlvo 

1 Officers. 
, Pnivitei. 

Q I*ay for 

Provision 8 na 
to eorvico. 

5±. When on active sorviee, during the por»od ol anuaat 
drill and traiuicg, and w^hen oftheiwiso oa du^, tho pay and 
alloi/anoeB of officers and mooi of the Active Militia, other tliaai 
the Permanent Force, shall boj — 

(a) for offiietirg, warr^jit oiil&eTS and non-eomiriissioned 

officers, sueh rates as hiay be presenibed; 
Cb) for privatt^s, tit tlio Talo of fifty coiits ppr di-Mn, 
which rato may be bicroosod, as preecribetl, up to a 
maximum of oma dollar j)Or diom; 
(e) aji alia wane & of a dollar pw dieM^ or eueih tulk&t rflte 
iis is preacribed, to ■eaeii oflii'voi -a-itd iniui. f^c every 
horse iwrtuLilly and nocossarUy used by him. li JJ. 

vrr., c. n, s. 55, 

B5. Payments for tho drill and training of the Mlliila sdiall Pay Tor drill, 
owly bo made upon proof of eompnance with tho regulations 
t'oncerning tho stiine. 4 K. VI L, c, 23, a, iS. 

6tt. W-hen corps of the Alilitia a-re crflered to aasemblo »i 
a eamp of exereiee for rtjill uid training they aball be *:'OMSid- 
orfKl to be on scrvico during the whole of t-h* period far whit^li 
thev were calkid out, and whcji fo assojablod all ranks »1«*H . 
rwoive rations and '*lielter at the public; e'jr]»wuse in addition ^ " ""^*' 
to tleir daily pa;. 4 E. V If.j c 2:h, a, 5J. 

Rifle Rangas and Prill Sheds. 

57. At or aa near as possible to tho head quarters t>f everj-Rlflormnsflw, 
regimental diviaion, there may bo provided a rilJe range with 
suitable bu,ti?, targets and other ueecesaiy appliaueofl, 

2. AH sueJi raueos shall bo subjeiit to i:Ba[>eiitiiwi und appro v-iuapaction. 
al b.'fora beiaig \is*id. 4 K. VII., a. 2^, s. 5S. 

58. Th.^ Govotnior in Council may atop, at such tLne as *» J'^^^Jf^l? J^ 
nooesaury durluii!: tho tadr^fot praotioG of U« Militia, tJie traffio *' 

on taiy ronds, net btjiiig jiiaLl road* that troHB tlio liiw of Jiie, 
and may make such other K!^ulatit>iis fur oonduiitiwg target 
practice and re^isteniufir the Tesults thawxif, "Oud for tie wiffity 
of the public, as ure nwoBsnry, <iiid may impoBO penalbiftB fur 
wilful dajiiii^a to Cray suah bat Us, target* and apidianees. 4 K^ 
VIL, Q. S3, ft, 5fi- . . „ .. 

£9. His Majesty -ahall be liable to make eompensntion f or Compensfltion 
the death of any iMJison, or for any itgnry to iho parson or to^J'p^'J'J^^'^^^*^ 
property, arising from the ubS' of ojiy such rifle ramgo or of pro]»rty. 
any rifle range under tht3 eontrol of the Dapattment oP Militia 
and DefiMiue ior targ^ praetiet-, carried on in aecordaiiCQ with 
the regul4i.tio(na of tho Qovorijor In Council iu that belialf: Pro- Exemption, 
vided tlia/t thoro shall be no daim to eouipensation, — 

(a) whetro d-oath cw Injury to tbo ijorson is duo to u«gli- Kcj^IUonce. 
geuce on the part of tho person killed or injured; or^ 

(b) where auoih pcreoi a-t the tim& of death or JJiJ^'^y fj^Jit*'*'^ ^^"^ 
ivtts stt3tain«d waa |>r(WMit oa «. spectator ot tho shoot - 

iugy or foir the purpose of taking part iJi tii» shoot- 
inf^, or in soano oilicial or other C4ipa.oity m eoanie«- 
tion theirewith; or, - 

(e) in ctt*? ot injury to proper ty^ where Buch injury *s J'^jJJJJ*'* 
duo U«Tioe on tlie part of the ovrnor of tha 
propert V, 4 E. VIT., c. 2:J, s. 09. 

AppeudlK I, 

MUtia Act 

MiUtla Act 

Appendix I. 



llilUU land 
not r«iiuirflil 
mar bo dii- 
l)oi«<ed of. 

ol procQdda. 

Re^ula lions. 


Riflaa audi 
3 iQ munition. 

Oa ^tuorgener, 
mottibera bo- 
coma mill tia- 

School cadotB. 

Sartor ciidetv., 

for drill. 

iJndfrT orders 

60. For the purpoae of erecting workfl of <l<ff once, aridlJt^r^' 
laugea, or rifla rajngoo, shcotiiig pri^-ilejoaj without any fuxthar 
jroperty righfcj may be acquired an land adjouiiiiff such wtjrka 
of dG£anc:e or rangee. 

2. Componaation therefor shall ba aubj&ci to th* prflvUloatj 
of tha Eipropnation Act. 4 E. VII., c. 23, e, Oa. 

61* Any littid now held or heieaftor acquired by His Jlajesly 
for raititiia pufpoffee, in coaunectiwL with drill sheds, riflo TOJigeSj 
armoTiriee (*r eueh lik-e usee* and found vameaeeevuty to bo ru- 
' taiaed thoref ei, may ba sold or difirpoBei of by direetioii of tho 
Governor tn Council. 

2. If miy jorUon of fch* cost of such loaiids, or of any build- 
aii(t thorctoiL, Jias been defrayed by tho municipalHy ia which 
ttie }&nA in aifcuate, b, fahr proportkua. of the proceeds, to be 
determinod by the (joveornor in Council, may ba returned to such 
niunieipality or -expended tberoin for othw jtulitia purposes of 
a perniflttent nature. . 4 E. YII., c- 23, g. 61. 

Biao AsaodailonB and Olubs. 
61i. The Ijiovenior in G*uucil may mako regulation*!, — 

(a) for the niauiij>enieut of riHe oesociatioua aud clubs, 

eiYi*tiug or h«rwifttfr formed; 
(it} fwr preeeribing the constitutiou, objeo-ta and dutioa 
of such asBoiuations aud clube, and the ooadiMtiiig of 
their buwi^eei^ and rllle mo«tiii£8; and 
(c) for furmshing iLflea and ammunitiou for tho train- 
ing and pjractice of persona, TvhetiheT they are, or are 
not, members of the atilitia, i K, Vll., c- 23, a, 63. 
d3< In case of emergejK^y the nidml]«ra of rifle aaeocuEUtione 
aiid club3 eh«ll become mamboTB of tie MiUiia, oad shall be 
under tho cojuman-d of tie diatxiet oIUceT eommaudingj and 
89 long as the emor;g;oacy «xiatB^ and until lawfully diseOarged, 
all motnb&rs of such aaaociations oad dubs, shall romain mem- 
hiitB of the MiUtiia, and slialL be, subject to djill, tiaiuing; and 
discipline to the aamo orbeBt us other members thereof, i E. 
VII., c. 31, 8. 84. 

Oadet Corps. 
S4. The Minister may, — 

(a) aalhoriza boys Dver twelve yeurs of agt, who ax^ 
attending: school to be formed into school eadot 

(b) authoxiKe boys ovcrT fourteen yoars of Jxge, aud under 
eiglteeu years of age, to be formed hita aeuior 
CEidet corpa; 

(<j) autloriae senior cadet corps or any portion thoraofj 
to le attached to any portioa of the A«fcivo Militia 
for the purpose of drill and training. 4 E, VII., c. 

65. AH cadet corpa shall be subject to the aulJhority and mi- 
der the orders of the district officer com man ding. 4 E. \11\, 
c. 23, s. C6. 


QQ, Cadet «orpB ahall be drilled aad trained as preecxibedj, I>ilH and 
and may be furctiflhed wifi arms, ammuaition and equlpmont, "iw^P^flot. 
uu^er the conditions preacribod. 4 E. VIL, c. 23, e, 67. ' Ifatiltt/ to 

67, Cadet corps shall not be liable to Borvieo in the Militia ssrvlce. 
J* any emerg-racyt bhvo only in the ease of a levee en masse, 
4 E. VII., c. 23, s. 6&, 

Calling Out the MiUtia for Duty, 

6&. The MiUhJa or any part thotroof^ or any ofliEOr or mau J''*J'/[5t*°'^* 
tliereof, may bo culled out for nay mihtaTy purposo other than iS JdUitA. "^ 
drill or troinittg:, at such timep and in Butih iiLannor aa is pre- 
Bcribed, 4 E. VIJ., c. 23, s. GO, 

Active Service. 

6fl. The Gcvemar in Council may place the Militia, or any jictivfl wrrica. 
pirt thereof, &n active service auywhttre in Canada, and also 
b3y<MwJ Canada, for tho defence tbojoof, at any tlmo when it 
appears a-dviaable so to do by pcsa^on oi emirrgmcy. 4 E. VII., 
c. 2S, e. 7a. 

70. Every membetr of tlio MiUtia, oalled -out for active ser- AttoodQace nt 
vice, shall attend at such time and place as is roqu-xel by tho„nde„oui.. 
officer comma]; ding bim, with any arms, accoutrements, ammu- 
nition and Ofiiripmeoit he hns received^ and with sucL provisions 

OM su«h oflloer dlrefta. 4 U. VII*, c* £3, s. 76, 

71. Whene-ver the Govfiruor in Oouacil places the MiUtia* Cklliog or 
or any paxt thereof, on nctivo Bervice, if ParllanMHit is theoi ParUampnt, 
fltparatud by Biieh aijoummciit or prorogation as will mot expire 

within ten dajs, a proclamation shall bt issued for the meeting 
of Faj-Hament witiiin fifteen days, and ParliRment shall ac- 
cordingly meet and ait upon the day appointed by sueh pro- 
ctamatioDj, and sttall cr»iitb]ue to sit and act in like nmnner as 
if it had stood adjourn od or prorogued to the aaino iluy* 4 E: 
VII., 0. 23, s. 71. 

72. In fcin;o of war, when the Militia is eaUcd out for active Cainittaiid in 
service to serve conjointly with His Majesty's Jogular f arccs, t™** o' ^ft'- 
His Maje!>ty may plac« in command thereof a senior general 

oficekT of His regular ariny. 4 E. VII,, e. 2a, s, 72, 

73. In time of war no aEtnj shall be required to e^rve in th e War sarvico 
Ii*ld eontinucijaly for a longer period tKan oii& y^mi: Provided P^'^^o'^- 

(a) amy man who volunteers to searve for ttue war, or Volunteer •. 
for any longer petriod than one y«»r, shall bo com- 

pell&d to fulfil liis engagement; and, 

(b) that tho Governor in Council mayj, in cases of un- gji^n^ttjig 
avoidable nee«BBLty, of which the Governpr in Couji- period hy 
oil shall be tho sale judge, call upon any militiaman ga^ernor Id 
to ooattittue to serve boyond lis one year's eervice in ^'^^^^ ' 
tho fleld for any peonod noi txoeediag sia mont^hs. 

2. This section sliall not apply to the PoTinanent Force. 4 E. Permanottt 
Vri., c. 23, B. 73. Forca. 

74. The Army Act for the time bein^: in force in the United Army Act and 
Kingdom, thf King 'a rogukti pjuSj and all other laws appJioablo "^^^'^^^nB. 
tc His Majesty ^s troops in Canada and not inconsistent witii 

tliia Act or tli© regulations made thereunder, shall have force 


ApjieuOix I. 

Militia Act 

MUiUa Act 

Appendix I 

WKdn iu tarcB. 

Acli'e aervico. 
Aiinual drill. 

■\Vh«n oil duty, 

Imrliie drill. 

CtoinR* or 


OSioors nud 
mea of Ituyul 

serviDg with 
tiio Militia. 

Trial by 
whilo 8«rrin£:, 

AXtcr dU- 
chaig^o for 
offeuec wliile 


TriJil for 

Abel^^t over 

i'eo\ie,ian for 
families of 


aiLd ^flCoet us i£ tbey hail beoiu ciuaated. by Llio Parliaiiiont ot 
Caaado for ths g-ovemiiiont of the itiiUtia. 

■ 3. Ev&ry oflicor ujiJ iiuui of ibo Militiii ahall be eubjeet to 
sncli Acta, regulations auU laws, — 

(a) from tlio timo of bcajit; called (mt for aelivj servit-sf 

(b) ^UTiiag tL« pefrlod of tiimual drill or trai-niug ur.der 
thy p:o^-isioua of obis Act; 

(c) at ajiy tim& wbilw upon miHtarj' duty ur iji I be uiii- 
ftxrui of hiH cori>Si or witJiiu any rirtm raiigo or uitv 
UTinotry or otUeo- pktoo wlwiro anna, guns, amiiiuiti- 
iwu oTotlier «ii|]ia*ry stores are kept, or wit^biii uuy 
drill shcid or otiioi building or jjlao:i* used fflr militia 

(d )itiuria^ any drill ur parade of hJs corj>s at whieli ha 
«a pn>:iL'ut JiL -tliB rattku; 

(e) wlion gaing to or from the place of drill or parade j 

(f) at any drill or pjrado of tia corps at which he is 
proflcut as a spectator whothcr m uuif«ria«r not. 

X OflbeerB atnd mean of tbc Pennxiiont frWee and niiJtiibora of 
the poTiJiiiiuni-t stair of tbi? MilLtLa. shall at all ilTii^fi bo Bubj«ict 
to jiiiUtary lnw. K Yll,, c- 2'A, b. 74, 

75. Wbeaevtv any otllceJ*' nwa-c^tniiiiiflSiajiod oflleer ar inoai 
of iho Ifoyttl Northwest Modutod I*olico Fofco ia serving with 
the' MiJilaa by ord«r of tlifl <-toverrkor k Go mi oil, every sucb 
.ofliiJCW, ucdi-conijuissiortitcd officer aaid maa sb-all bo 8Jbj(Scl to 
tbk Aei in tho saiiio iii!iikii«r ajid to the same extent ii8 the 
iliiitJH. 57-58 T., t. 27, s. U. 

76. Kvery ofBcea: or ujaii chitj-ged witJi way offeiii:* cotiuu it- 
ted wUllo s;^ viug lit lli'j AlilltiH^ Jthallr whil-j bo aerviu^t bo liable 
to \m tfried by court nmrtial, and if toilviet^?d to bo puui&hed 

2. Kvery such oflieer or luiui so ebU)rgc4 witb aur ftfToiico 
Aotn'itlmtaudLiig ho han bcoji diaehotrged froiii thu Miliftia, or 
that Uio <.'«rp!f to which hiy buloiigH or bf^loiigvd is relieved 
from active ftarvieo^ Jn:iy bo tried. ftouvLctfid and punishejd by 
(;c>urL iitarliiil £or such ■ofCcaito, withLit aai iiimttlia aftiM- ho dla- 
charged^ or nftor sueh corps is so rollevoa from aetiva Borvici*. 

I. Any oillccj" or man of fho Militja may be tried by court 
maHiai for th© erime of dtisortioji ^t ujnf tituOj, without rofur' 
oucA to tho length of Unio wltich has elapeed stneo h>s iescirtion. 
4 K VII,, fi. 23, s. 75. 

77. iHvory number of the Militia ciiUad out for attive ser- 
■vjiio who u\M<\iiU hbuself mthout Le«avw from hla torps, for a 
lun^'or period tha« eevau dajra^ may be tri^d by eoart twartial 
aa L dosorfcoff. 4 U. VII., c. 33, b. 77. 

78. Wlieji miy cfticor o-r Boldtu'r i« killed on active sorvioo^ 
or liios fj*0]ii wou!U*ds or didcaao &oiirtra<ct«d on active service, 
JtiU or training, or ou diit>, provWiou »haU bo made for hi a 
wife and family -out of the piblic fiiuda at tbo prescrik'a ratw. 
4 K Vll., c. 33, s. 78, 

79. ?jvery cqjo- of piirJtiartiejtt disability, arisinj^ from ijijnricft 
recpived or illaesa; cicuxtTacbeid ojl active aerviae, drill or training, 
or *u dutyi, shall he r<3ported an by a medical board ajid corn- 
j.oiiHfttian awarded, under auch raguluti^ns as tuo nmd©, from 
timo to time, by thg Governor in Couneil. 4K VII., e, 2a, s, 79. 


Aid Of thft Civil Power. 

80. Tho Ad jvo iliUtia/cr aaiy oorija thereof, sbtill be^ liable Willtio moj be 
to be t&il&d oat, wUhiu or witbout tbi3 m'lniclpalit/ lii which c"Ued out to 
Hueh corps is laJsed or organized, for active acrvlec with tli oa r •^^^'*** '" *'' * 
a^md and aumuiutioii, in. aid uf tho ^ivll power, in uuy aam 
iji whi-cfh n riot or dtBturbance of the pftaco rGquVriaif* sxuih ser- 
vice occurs, or is, in tho opinion of the civil aiitiiotity hereiii- 
ait<w donigiiatisd iu that belialf, autieipuitcil as liki>lf^ to o^icur, 
aiid, in -either easOj boyond tho powera of the civil f-uihortlU'^s 
to wipprihss, or -to prevomt ^^r doal with. 1 K VH., t. 2;), a. HO. 

81. Tho diatiiet officer comiuandin^ in any locality, if ho is OlQcer* lo cait 
prret'iit in the locality juid ible to act, or if ho ia nots^o prejw-nt, ^ * 
OT from fcickiiujss or other civiso is unablo to act, the sonior oiJi- 
cor of the Aetive MiHtia in uiiy locality, 'jot froai sidiueKS or- 
oth£>p cauAo miablo to iiet, shall call out the Aeliv& MUitia, or 
siieK portictti tiietreof us bo eoaslders neuftssiary for the purpose 
ni preventing or auppresHiug any sucb :mtiml or anticipated 
ri[>t or di9tur)>aiiup, wli^era thereunto rociiiircd in wrrtiJig by tbc PtotIbo as to 
civil authority hereiuafter desiijuated iV that bcOialf; VrovidoJ Pflrmauojit 
tbat (w far u» the l^ermunwit h'tiroe is uvniliibbi. % su Hie itsnt *'*"*' 
niiiubor of tho FOr<:o ia to be employed upou the duty of prO' 
\'t'utbig or Bitpprttjsiug such actuul or iiiiic^iparted riot ur die- 
turbaiu*^o before rocsoarso ia had to otlior niili-tiii eorps, tLftJ »htiU 
noplace auch other jniiitia :orp« if so cn.!U"d out upiKi duty so 
soon as and to tho extent tbe Permuneiit i'^orce Hball thereafter 
bwoiujo avails tlo. 4 E, VII., c, 2S, s. 3U 

82. If tba iditLiw ivkorm mt^h riot vr dLaturbuiiw? oecui-tf or is Who may 
flEtiicipatcrl. ia munidpally organized, tie mayor or wardeu oi' J^*^U*i'"*'' 
othor hooid or aotiaig head of th<> munacipality, togothier ^vith tivo jenaral. 
justiws of tho pcaeo, or in the cveait of such mayor, waixlen or 
other bead or acting head refusing or being ujmblo to act, tbo 
ticuuty CT district &ourt ju<]ge or one of the coiuiFtiry or difltri^'t 
(.'cnrt judgea ha^viug jurii»d1atiotu in «u(^h platio, neliJijf alone, or, 
If thi*re is ou.o such jujya tlum any judge of a su^^urior extort 
wlio has jurJiBdi-ctiou in m\i'h pliueo, may by arequisitiou iu writ- 
ing requiro tho Act^ver Militia, or such injicossu-ry po»tjoa tliorc- 
o£ to be so callwl out. J3. VIJ. c. 2'S, s. 82, 

83^ [f th& iiiiiyvr or wririlt*iu, or otiiuM:* htftid or aiithig ht^ad of Rfiqul*!Hw». by 
such rutin bipality refuses or la unablo to a«t, ajul tharo i^ na other jjadjj or 
sufh judge or tho judge or all the judgefi, -w'ho aiight have attod' ■°"5»» '^ o. 
aj« absLBit, or unable t'.* act, any judge or ntauistrate who baa 
tbe ]K>^ver unjpr tbe Oriiiiinal Code of two or more justices of 
tbc pea<*c, and has jurisdiction at the place wliere sutih riot oi 
disturbtuice ocfium or is auticipatedj niiiy, acting wl(h two jue- 
tiectf of the pcac<^i niak<! Ih* reqiufiitiou. 

2. If th«ro is no auch judge or mngiistrato reeidiiig or being J«"tkea of 
at sucb plaise iud able to net, any tbrco jueticos of tho iktoco **"'^''' 
having jurisdictioji thero may mahe the roquiaitioin. 4 K. VII., 
c. 23, 8. 82. . 

34. If thfl pihiev whoj-w suoJi riot or dieturbajiw oceur* or n^qoiaition bjr 
i a anticipated is not muuid pally otgaawKftd, tbe i^ouu-ty or ^'s-J™'^*^" 
triet court judge^ or ono of the county ur district court judgea, *' '" **' 
bavioig jurisdittion in such pla,oo, or if thero is no such 4-*iJuty 
or distrif^t eouit juttge, tlieia any judge of a superior court who 


Appendix J, 

MUitia Act 

MiUtia Act 

Appendix I, 

i« aiajjute. 

ias jurisdictiou ia siicb placo may mai« llie roquLBUioa. 4 E- 
yil., c. £3, 8. 32. ^ I 

^7hen statu- B5, If tlio requiaition is made by a juago, any statemsntB of 

J£n be f***^* coDtained therein sLal! be final and bindinff upon all partiea 

binding. ''^ *^7 '^^'^X Conterned. 

\Theii not open 2. If llie re(|uj3itioii ia made by a judge or magiatrato hav- 
4«iii«tint« iag tho poweifl of two juiticea lof th& p^jico, aattBg with tu'o 
jiiflticos of the peaoft^ or tuy three justices of the peace, any 
B:at9meiKt of fact tbDreiacontainod. ahall irnt J.>e opea to dispute 
1^ ilie oiGcoT upon \vhoin tha requifti-tlom la ma do. 4 B. V]l.. 
e. 23, e. S3. 
rBc[u"riiion ,., ®^* '^^^ requisition may be in tha foUowing form^ or to the 
liku -effept, and the form may be varied to suit the facta of tbe 
eaaei — 
' <Jounty of 

To wit: 
^•'"°'- "VVheraaa it has been mad a te appear io our aatiafaction 

tlat a riot or disfcurbaac© of the peace, beyond tke povr-era of 
tlie civil authorities to suppress (or to prevent, or to dftal wUh) 
aJiil, reriuiring the aid ^f ih© Aotivo Militia to that ©nd, has 
oocurrwl and ia in proffrwa (^r i« aatl-eipated as likeiv to 
occur) at . ' 

(Wh&re the head of the municipality, etc, has dcsliu.ed ov is 
unable to joiu tn the requiaiton, say) 

And wheDeoa tlio wao-deiL (oo* as the «t80 may be) of the 
^ , ^ , lias declined (or U unable through ) to 

join, ui iiiiB rcquisitiom: 

^ These ara therefore to inquire you to cail out the Active 
Militia present in or sueh portion, thareof as 

you cftnaider ttocessory fcr ihe purpose ol suppressing (ex 
preveating, or liealimg with) such riot or disturbance. 

Dat'Od at , ftJiia day of , 19 . 

Warden, of a., (or as the <:aao may be) or J,P, 


J T3 

4 B .VH,, c. 21, 8. 83. 
ifcirLiT''*" T. ?/v^^ eyoiy such r^quiaitlou in writing:, ae aforosaid, it 
■*li*w. Shall bo stated that a root, -or diattnbaaco, hus oecmrod, or is 

anticipated, ajii that the sendee of the Aotiv* MilitU ie requir- 
ed in aid of the oivil power. 4 E. Vll., c 98, h. 34. 
-Offlcersand 88. The offlceira and mjen of such Active Miltti* whoa so 

nwa ahali bo called out, flhaTI, without any further or other appoints ont ac-l 
JSIfcSuiw r'*^V* ^*^»"^ °^'^'^ ^^ °^^^^ ^ apecJal oonatablee, aaid 'sball 
be held to a^ as such ao long as they iiemain ao called out* 
but they shall act only as a militairy b>dy, au-d eihall bo indi- 
vijually liable to obey the ordora of their Mitttix &uperior 

, i>uiy. 2* Every oflicer aad majd of auch Active Militia or sixcli por- 

tion thereof > alall, at all tua^js when aad white so «allod out, 
obay tiie orden of hie superior oiaceir.4. E. VII, e £3 a 85 
^^Z"A • f • ^^^^'^ ^"^ o'.*?^ ,^^^ta are so caUed oul in M of tho 
rorBBrSce. «"t1 power, the municipftl*^ an which tbdr services are requir- 
ed BhaU pay tlem, when w employed^ tha rates authoaized to 
be paid for active service to sueh ofBmm oibd one d-ollar per 
diem for each miui, and ome dollar nmld «f ty eenta par diem for 
©a*h horse lie tually and necessarily used by them, t ogath&r wi bh 

an alLowiunee of on* dollar to eacii ofiicer <md fifty cents t^j each 

man per diera in lieu of BubsiBtenco, and fifty ■cents pei diem id 

lieu of forage for each horea, and, in addition, shall pay theTraaBport. 

cost of transport aoHl provide th*m with proper lodging, anO^odBiiig and 

witl stabling for their horses. itauiine. 

2. The 3aid pay ami allowiuneGS for sdbeistence and forage Eeci*«ryo( 
aiid the cost of traneport, anl the «osrt or>alue of lodging and P«y. 
fftabling, unless turniBhod in kind by the miiaiieipalityf may be 
reocvejed from Lt by His Majesty in a:iiy court of ci>nipeteTOt 
juriadictioii. 4 >J. VIX., c, 23^ s. S6. 

*0* Such pay and aJlowaucoft of eueh of the Mllitja as ar«^ Aa u ■.lifaiiCB* 
call&d out, together with the wMtaomable cost: of traju*p»rtj. s^'^^^f JJ^nj*"^"^"' 
peoidLng payment by th.o rautii&ipality, b& advanced in the first 
inBtance out of the Consolidated Bevenue Fund by authority 
of the G^ovemor in Comii<iJ; but such advance shalt not intor- 
f*re with the liability of tho niunicipaUty, for such pay, allow- 
ances and cost of tnuwport which majr he at ojico recfrvered as 
a dtbt due to the Grown by the mtmieipality . 4 E. VJI., c, 23, 

B. sr. 

Billeting of the MiUtla. 
VI. Tho Governor in Council may make ro^ulatious for the li«ffi>l«tioiii, 
quartering, billeting, and cantoning of the MUitia, *ikI may, 
liv juch rogulntionsi, impose ptJimltios, not extocd^nji ffty dol- 
IsM, for any breach thereof, 4 E. "Vll., e. £3. s. 88. 

92. Nothing in this Art or the rcffulntions shall authoriEC Jy^JJ^J^^^^^J'^^ 
the quartering or billotnmg of t)io Militia, or any part thoroof , homea ^ccu* 
in any house occupied solelj by fcmalea, or oblige the occu-pi*dby 
piers of any sncK house tn receive the Militia, or any part '^™"*"* ***'*''■ 
thereof , or to furnish them with lodging or house room. 4 E. 

VII,, c. 23, fl. S13. 


93. Tho Governor in Oeiuiftil may make rogulatioaia requiring EflKiIatlont 
nny person in whom any railway, tmmwLy, boat, batfe, soowj '"^ transport, 
or sU^attiahJj), Of iiUiPi' vc*hs**1, or flJi}' ^vagon, ciuria^e or pack 

auiiuul is vostei^, or any employee (if any such porftou, to convoy 
to Hud from amy point or pluce, any portion of the Milibia, to-, 
gctler with such of tlioir horses, giiae^ anunuuation, forage, 
baggage and sptoresj as may be required to be earrliji or con- 
\ey0d; aind sueti peirttou or efuployea shall thereupon provide the 
nec«ssary enj^jin^s, carrijifires, truelcs and 'rolling filotk, boat* 
barge, scow, stcatriBhip, otr otler veeaol, or pack animals, togetb- JJ^utJJJJ, 
er with tlie p*JTB(ms and materials necessary for their use, with- 
in n roasoinablo time bctfore such oriicr is to be complied with. 
4 E,VH., i^ 23, a. m. 

114- Tho ratee of hire or recompense for tlie •irauapoirt of Reoomponae, 
MiliUa, or aity iH>rtioij thereof, and their horses, guns, amutu- 
uitiftn, ifrorago, taggage and »ture«, shall be fixed by tho Oov- 
onior in Council, 4 K. VII., e. 23, s. 92. 

95. When the Qovornor ia Council declares that an emor-GoTemmAni 
genty has arisen in which it is expedient for the public *^''vice?*^J*)'.* . 
that the Government should have ccwitrol of tbe railways "» raklvays on 
Canada, or any of them, tho Minister may, by warrant under emoieoncy. 
hie Gianni, ompawer VJny person or persons uiim.ed in sueh warrant 


Appendix L 

MlllUa Act 


dlFQCtS UM, 



Spring: M (0 

to take posBesatou, tn thv iiaiiio or on beihalt! oi ILta Maj{>styj 
*f any railway in Canada, and ef tho plaJ3t belonging tberotOj 
OP of amy part thereof, orrf^ twJte poaswsioo of any plaat with 
out takiag pwawssaioji of flio railway iteelf, and io uae it for 
His MaJMtjr '« eervioe at eu-cli times aaid ia swch maiuMir as the 
iliai later directs; and i-bo dLrecbors^ -olIit-efrB and Berviiwta of Bti«h 
sailway sbaU obey iho diie&tions of tbe Mimstor as to tlio u&o 
of tlie railway or plaint aa afofosaid f«r His Mtjeaty's service 

2, Aay suth warrftoit grunted by iine Minifttor »ba)l remain 
in forco 90 hng as, in the uphiioir of Uio Miju&tor, the emoor- 
gyncy ejci^a. 4 E- VII., e. 23^ e- 03- 

66, Tlii*r& shall he [ttdJ to any pertuMi whose Luilvay or plaitl 
ik iaJiMi posjBession of in purstuuioe of thia Act, on; of muoaii&ys 
to be providel by Parltainent^ such f iill c-orapeaiBcution^ for aay 
loss or injury ijo sueiaiafl by the exercise of the powers of the 
3£in later under the luw^t priced mg^ Beetiotn, as is aj^rcod upon be- 
tween tlbo Minister and the said p«ra(>n, xxr, in ease cf difTerancC;, 
as i« fixed upon refereac^; to "the Exoiequer Court of Canada. 
4 U. VII,, 0. 23, s. 94. 

97, W'liere amy railway or j)Ia.nt U taJtan possfesion of in 
the name or «ii bebuJf of His Majoety i-n pnxdtuiite& of thLa Act, 
ell eouitraetfi and engagiemcoite between tbe peo'son whoso rail" 
ynxy is so tukim possobtsioai of ooid Ulo dirioctors, olti^ctrA xund aqT' 
Yants of B-a6k person, or botwo<)ai such person and any other 
poruoit^ in relftttott to tho working or maintenance of tho rail- 
way, or in reiatiow ta the supply or working of the plant of tho 
wiJlway, which wouldj, if sucb poesosaioji Sad not boen takHn, 
tavc boon onforcoabjo by or againet tbc said person, eh all j dur- 
ing the continuance of euch poase^sica, bo enferee-abla by or 
cgoinst tho Government of Canada. 4 E. VII. c. 23, a, 95. 

Courts of Inquiry and Courts Martial. 

98. Tbe Goveraor in Couiual nmy coavaoue cfturte of inquirj-j 
snd appoint oflieers of the Militia to coaistitute such ceoirts^ 
for t5»e purjioeo of investigaitinff aiwl wiJortrng on any matte t 
connacted with the goveorjianeiut or discipline of tk* Militia, or 
■ffiti the conduct of any oflJeer or mjw] of the for&ft; and may, 
€it arUy Ujo&f ooaveiyd eoiFrte maitial tund delegate power to 
conveoie such oourta^ ojid 4o appmnt otlieers to conertitute them, 
for the purpofte of tryiing BCiiy officer op mam of tho Militia for 
my ofitoQce under thia Att, or for the purpose of taking amy 
other person puniatba.ble under this Aftt, aoini may also delegate 
flower to approve, oonflrrn, miti^Qt© or remit nay eftaienoe of 
any such eouit. 4 E. Vn., a. 23, b 90. 

p9. The TOj^uJationfl for tlio com position of courts of inquiry 
anid courts nioj-tial, and tlic modes of proeeilure ajtd powers 
thereof, Bihall be th<i eamo att the reguliutions whicli are at the 
time in for*;e for the eompoalHon^ modefi of procoduro and 
lowers of toiiKa of inqtiirr.v ami courts martial foir lUs Ma- 
JBflty'e regular army, aoid which are not inconeistetut with this 
Act or the K^ulutioaKi made thDreuiwler. 4- K. VII., c. 23, s. 97* 

Eamunorstion. 100, The r*mmiera/tlon of pofsoite att-etiding suftb courts may 
be fixed by tbe Govoniar in Ooimcil- 4 E. VIT,, c- 23, s. 98, 

jAttendMire ot 101. Every person required to ^ive ovidenae beioro a, cour 8 
martial naay ia the prebtribed manner be sunnnoned, or otrdered 
to abboad. 4 B. VII., e. ?3, s. 99. 


Oourti of 


of courtv. 


Militia. Act 

Appendix I. 

102. If any person, being a citiaon or subject of any foreign 
state or eoimtry at peata with His Kajeety, is or continuea iai 
orms agaiunjBt Hia Mnjeatyj within Oa.n^da, or commits a,ny act 
o£ histili/ty therein, or cntord Canada TFith dotiign *r intent to 
Uvy war against Hiis Majesty, the Governor in Council may 
order tho asscanbliag of a militia general tourt uKirtial for the 
trial of sudi person, tbo^deit the MiUtia A&t. 

2. Upon b«ng found gtilty by such court mortiiil of offend- 
ing againat tie provisiojis of -this section^ finch person ehaU be 
ssntomcod by such court, maraai to sttf esr death, or such other 
piiuiRhmcnt at the court awnrdfl. U.S., e, l4^, s. ii. 

103* Every subject of His Majeaty, wttliiin Gaiwida, who 
leviea war againat His Majwty, in compaaiy wLth ojiy of tko 
subjects or eitissens of any foreign etate or country then tX 
peace with Hid Majesty, or Voters Ciuiadia in L-ompauy with any 
such subjects or citizens tviitk iiiient io levjf war on. His M^a- 
jesty, or who^ with the dewafn or intent to aid and lissiat, joins 
jiijTLSoll to aa/ r^'*'"! ^'^ persons whomsoever, whotbtier^ BiibjeetB 
or alimw, who liave entered Camada -with design vr intent to 
l*vy war on Hia Majesty, may be trieid and punished by a 
laiiitin genornl court maj-tial. in Ww> snisio manner as any citi- 
zen or subject of "a foroign state or uouatry at peaio with. His 
llaje^ty may be tried inii puiiiahed under the lant preceding 
section'. U.S., Q. 118, s. 7. 

104. No aentrmce of amy gemcral court martini ah oil bo 
carried in'to effect until approved by -the Governor in Council. 
4 E. Vil., c. 23, 3. lOl. 

Courts mar- 
t:al x«ae<r&l 
fsr tria) of 

Oourte CTftt- 
^b1 geaflrkl 
for trltl of 

tt]bj«ct ta 


105. The prc^duction of a eoMimisaem or appointmeivt, war-Piflof oJ 
rfutt or order in writing, jturportmg to be grooited *r made ae- wm]iii»»ii»tiK, 
cordittg to 1** provisions of thi« Act, *ha3l be prima facie evi- 
dence of suck coranmsiOM or appoint me nt, warraxt or order, 

without proving the signal uro or seal thereto, or the authority 
of tho person granting or inakJng it. 4 K VII., e^ £3^ s. 133. 

106. A copy of tthe Canafda Oaaetta purporting to conrtftio Proof of 
Coaoral Ordeia i«suL-d to the MillUa siaU U^ ovidejco of guoh 'O"^'**^ <*'^^^''* 
ordere. 4 E. VII., c. 23, i. 131. 

107. A record in the books of the c«rps of any man serving Proof of 

VL the Militia, of hi s ha'vTing receivod isnd not having retunwd j«M»jiott of 
any articles of public clotliimg, or other public or corps property, l^'nerty. 
shall be evide:uce that the same are bi his posaevsion. 4 IS. 
VII., c 23, a- 51. 

OfTencM and Fenaltleji, 

lOS. Every medical praotitioner, who eigiM a false wi»rtufl- Maaicfcl 
gate in re&pe&t of any cjise of peTiruunoat Jisability, sj'i^ape J5Jin j't^fj" 
from injuries received or illiK«a ooutriLcted on active aervi&o, «>tiflcalo. 
(Jrill^ or tradmng, or on duty, "coming befowj a mediciLl board 
for report, shaJ] incuir a panjilty of four humdirod ddlara. 4 K 
tlL, c. 23, B. 79. 

109. Tbe foT|p3ig or counterfeiting of any stampad ei^ature ^orgi'DZ 
of the Governor Oencralj in use for stamping commissions Jjjj^jg^jf*' 
granted or issued under ^Ji'ifl Aet, or tk« uttering iJKreof , kjiow- ooTernor 
291 H'^nf^ru.l. 

Appendix- 1 

MUitla Act 

Militia Act 

AppendJs: 3. 



C Bund A with 



ClaimiiiK pay 
Iw drill 

B«ceMn|; p«y 

retain] Off pay 
ot olherfl. 

F&Ue returns. 

ftrmaUoa or 
giTln; fal>B 


BttlutduK' to 
tuka «iiLral' 
most or lialtot'^ 


Jlen drafted: 
bs iwora. 


lug it to be forgecl or oovutcrf €rUod^ stiull b« au iudictabto uf ■ 
leofl^, putaijJjabla in Uko maimer as the foxgory of ILg priv/ 
■eal or aoal^at-aa-ms of the Governor GanwaH i ll VI1„ a. 3S, 

110* Ever> pereotn who leavea Canada witb amir article of 
putlic olothiig: or oth«r publU or oorps proparty ii bU posses- 
sion, is guiUy of thoft, and may be tried tlierofor at any time. 
4 E. VTT., Q. aSj fi. 51. 

111. Any oflieor ^s''to knowingty, — 

(a) claiiaB pay on aeooimt of My drills parfoiinod with 
lifl corps for any man belongiaig to aay jthsr oorp»j 

(b) claims pay for oin&ors or iiten not pres&ut; or, 

(c) includen ia. any parade atate, or other return, tlw? 
Jiaiiia of ajiy jwrsoii not duty cnliatod; 

lA gtiihy of on imllc table ofEauce. 

(J. Every man who ^iJaima, or bas t^esivea pay on necouiit 
of any drill parforniod in the ranks of any otber tlia.n hiB own 
proper corps, or in nifvre than oua cwpa in any one year is 
guibty of aji indictable eflfence. 4 E. VH,^ c, 23, a 102. 

112. Any oflJcer or luaii who obtains by means of aay false 
pretenee^ or who imlawf ully retains or keeps in bis pooseaaioij, 
any of the puy or moneys tielouging to any other oflieer or man, 
h guilty of an indietable GflTeuco. 4 B* VII.^ c. 23, b. 103. 

113. Any officer or mtfo, who knowingly signs a false parade 
state, roll er pay-list^ or any frtlse rctuin whateoevjr. is guilty 
of an indietatle offence. 4 E. VIL, c. 23, a. 104. 

114. Every person of Tfliom inform ation J3 required by any 
officer making any roll, in order to enable such oiUcer to comply 
with the provisions of tbia Act, who vhen applied to by such 

(a) refases to £:ive eueh iDiormatconj or^ ^ 

(b) griwB false iaformatiou; oi, • . :. ■. 

(c) refuses to give hh own nane and prener informfl> 
tioa; or, 

(d) gives a false unmo or falso inforraatioa: 

(a) for each item of information demanded and refused; 

(b) for each item of information falsely stated j 

(e) for refusing to jfive his own name or proper informa- 
tion; or, 

(d) forgiving a false name or false information; 
ID cur a penalty not exceeGing twenty collars. 4 E. VII,, e. 23, 
B. 105. 

115. Every oflleer and every man of the Militia who refuses 
or neglects U make any enrolment ox ballot, or to make or 
transmit, a a herein prescribed, any roll er return or copy thereof, 
r squired by tliia Act or by the regulations, shall mcuv s peaaJty, 
if j*n oflicer not oxceodijii: fifty dollars, ondj if a mau^ not oxeeod- 
iflg twenty-flvB dollars, for each offence. 4 B. V0^ c, 23, s. 106, 

116. Bvery man drafted fer service in the Militia, who 
rftfuses or neglects to take the oatb or to make the declaration 
herein before prescribed, vhen tendered to him by a, jusiiee of 
tbo peace or by any comniasioned officer duly autKoriKed for 
tliat purpose, shall on suniaiary convietioa before two justiees of 
tbe peace bo liable to imjriflonment for a term not exceeding 


six months, and for every subaoquent neglect or refusal to a 
lurther imprison meat not exceeding tivelve montha. 4 E. VII., 
e. US, s. 107. 

117. Every oflicer and man of the Ifilitin, and «very person ?erfiojiatloii 
whatseever, -who at any parede, or oi any other occasion for'^^"" *• 
any of the purposes required by thie Act, fal&elj personates 
another ib guilty of an udictoble offence, and liable to a fineP*""*'?- 
not exceeding one hundred -dollars. 4 1^. VII., e. 23, s. lOS. 

lis. Everr officer and man of the Militia wiio refuses «i Jjjjf {if ''^ 
■eglecta to flasiet bis conmandipg ofScer in making anjr toU luaki&e rolls. 
4r Totura, or refuses or neglects Ut obtain or to aBsist him in 
obtaining any information which ho rfflquirca in orier to mak^ 
or correct ony roll or return, shall incur a penalty, if an oflScer 
not exceeding fifty dollaJH^ and if a man, not exceeding twenty- PenoUy, 
Ave dollars, for each offence. 4 E. VJI., c. 23, s. 109. 

119. Every person required by tbis Act to give to the com-p'toeive 
mail ding oflBcer of any company, or to any officer or ^o^i-cora- ["J"™"]^'* 
missioned officer thereof, any notice or infojrmation neceflsary ibem. 
for making or oorrocting the roll of any company, who refuses 
•r neglects to give such notice or information to any such oiEeer, 
lemanding it at any reasonable hour and place, ehaJl incur a 
penalty of tou. dollars for each offence. 4 B.. \Th, e. 23, s. 110. toDaiiy. 

120. Every ofdcor and aian of the Militia who, without ^"^^"^^^'^j'ym 
*xt;use, negleits or refuses io attend any parade or iiriU or ti :un -""''"* "^^^ 
ing at the place and hour appointed therefor, or who refuses 
or neglects lo obe^ any lawful order at or concaming euch 
parade, drill or training, shall incur a penalty, if m officer, of penalty. 
tCft dollars, aad if a man, of five doUaTS'j for each offence. 

2. Every lay 's absence shall be eeU to be a separate offence.CnmuUtiT^ 
i E. VII., c. S3^ 9. 111. abseEca. 

121. Every person who interrupts or hinders any portion Hind erlBe 
»f the ilUitia at ^rillj or tiespassea on the bounds set out byjt*litt*at 
the propetr BiDcer for such drill, shall incur a penalty of five"""* 
dollars for each offence, and may be taken into custody and 
lotained by any person hy the order of the commanding officer PonBUr. 
mtU such drill is over for the day. 4 E. VII., e. £3, &. lia. 

122. Every officer and man of the Cd^ilitia who disobeys anyDiBob»dtenc« 
lawful order of his superior ofljcer, or who when on service is^"'^""?'*"*^ 
guilty of any insolent or disorderly behaviour towards suth * *'f*<'^' 
Qflieer, shall incur a penalty, if an officer, of twenty-five dollars, pg„jjjty 
ind if a mai, of ton dollars for each offence. 4 K VII., c. 23, 
a. 113. 

123* Every man who fails to keep in projjer or tier any armsifflt keeplnjr 
or accountreJ3ents delivered or entriistfld to him, or who appeaTBarm& in proper 
It drill, para do or on any other occasLon,. with his arms or*"^^*"*- 
accoutrenients out of proper order, or inserviceablo, or deficient 
in any respect, shall incur a penalty of four dollars ior each such Penalty. 
&ffunce. 4 E VII., e. 23, s. 114. 

124. Every poison wh<\ — Unlawfully 

(a) uiilawfully diaposes of or removes any arms, accoutre-****^*'*'"^^' 
ments or othei articles belonging to lie Crown OT^'SfS^crfj- and 
corps; orj, unUvrfut 

(b) refuses to deliver up any arms, accoutrements orP«'»*e"lo». 
othor articles in his posSBssion belonging to the 
Ciown or corps when lawfully required; or, 


Appondlx T* 

MUltla Ac-t 

MiUtla Act 

Arpeudix Z. 


«:»llliig auK 

to resi&t. 

Xot to Hpp^air. 


A els 

wllh 4rilt. 





UflBnl ri6Q 

(c) has ID hi a poaseaBion auy arms, accoutrements or otlier 
articles belonging to tbo Crown or corps except fo>r 
lawful tause, the proof of! wliuh shall lie upon himj 
shall incur a penalty of twgabV' dola ra for each offenaa. 

2. H^■e^y such person may be arretftad by order ol tho justice 
of tho peace before whom a complaint ts made, upon affidavit 
showiDg that there is reason to bolievo that sueh offender is 
about to leave Canada, carrying with him any such arm&| 
act^outrements or articles. 

3. Nothing: in tUis sectimn atiall proveut uuali person frem 
being indicted and pnuislieil for any greater offence, if the facts 
amount to Bath greater offeree. 4 il. VI L^ c. 23, e. 11 J. 

125. Every officer and mam of the MiUtia who, wheu hia 
corps its lawfully called upon to act in aid of tho civil power, 
rofuBea or nefjletts to go out with such corpa, or to obey any 
la^rful order of hie superior officer, ftfaan^ if an officer, laeur a 
poualty not osceeding one hundred dollarj, and if a man, inRur a 
peaalty not eitceediBg twentj'«j for each offence. 4. E. VII.j, 
e. 23,8.110, 

126;. Every person who,— 

(a) resiata any calling out of a«ny man enlisted or drafted 
under Teg-ulatienj, or oaiy proeeaa prescribed for en- 
forcing enrolment bj' ballot; or, 

(b) coviBsels or nids ajiy person to resist any ealUng 
out of any man, enlistefl Y>r drafted audor the rtJgii' 
lationBj, or undar aiiy process presembed for enforc- 
ing anrolmeint by ballot, or the pBrfonnaaee of any 
service in relation, tlicreto; oi^ 

(c) counfiels or aiiis any man ■ealistod or liable to mili- 
tary Bervice, not to appear ct the place of rendez- 
vons; or, 

(d) disattadca any m&n enljated or liable to mllitury Ktjr* 
vicBj from the perf ormanoe of any duty ho is roqulretl 
by kw or regulation to parfotrmj or, 

(e) does any act to th.Q dotrimenit of uny man onJiated 
or liable to military service, in conaequcnce of his 
having perform c4 any sucih duty; or^ 

(f) intcr'foree with the ^Irill or tnaimng of ajiy corps or 
portion thereof; or, 

(g) obetrue^ any corps or portion thereof^ on the nianili 
or ebewliei'e; 

all all incur a panjaLtv not exceeding cme hundred dollars. 4 in!. 
VII., c: 23. s. 117. ■ 

127* Every person laivfully required under this Act, or tho 
reffulDtioDS, -to ftumiah a far, engine', boat, bargOj 8cow ateara- 
Bhip or other >e3&el, wagou, earriugo, or pa*k aninml, for the 
ooaveyajLce' or use of any porUon of the Militwi, who refuses 
or upgl&cts to famJati it, ah&U be liablorb a penalty not cxeoed- 
ing five hundrei delloxa, ain: in default of payment to imprison- 
ment for a term not oicecdim^ one yoar^ wi^i or without hard 
labour, or to both the pejiaJty an-d Jmprisomneait, at *.he disoro- 
tlon of the court. 4 K. VI,, c. S3, s. 91. 

126. Kvery owseoij, not loiaig at tho time an offiwr or man 
of the Militia, or a member of a xiile assoelotioi* or club formed 
or re^OEfniizod nnder regnlntioais, who, -R-itheut thd eonsatnt of 
tb« person in charge of steh rifle rsunge, or of aome person 


authorized in that behalf by rogulaiiois, uaea for tari;et prac- 
tice a rifle raa^ whiefa has bo cm inspested aaud approved, tOtall . 
incur a penalty not cxeeediag twenty-five dollars, 4 E. Vil., '' 

a 23, B. 62. . , „.. 

129. Every person who wilfully violates any kovjsiou ot ^^^^JJj^^^ 
this Act, shall, when ne oikeT ponalty is imposed for such vio 
KtioB, incur a penalty jiat ex^eaJing: twenty dollars, for each 

2. Nothing in-tbi* aectitm ehall prevenit hia being Ludictyd ?fliialty. 
(Um3 piKkiBhed for ao^y greater offence if the facta amoimt to 
aueh greater offence. 4 E. VII., e. 23, & 118. 


130* Kxcept as othanvise herein pr«vided> every penalty *"' J^^JJft^JJ "^ 
fiurred unjder thia Act shall be recovorable, with eostSj on buiu »■ 
mary conviction, befoi^e cme justice of the peaee. 

2. In default of imniefliwte paymen^. oil conviotaon, tlie con- intpnaonmem 
dieting joBlica may commit th.e persoaao convict^ to the «o»*i- JfJjffT * 
jtton gaol of lihe territorial division for which tho eajd justice^ ^ 
is then Bctifli^, or to somft lock-up sitiiate >thprein, for a. term 
not exceeding forty days, if the penaU/ does not eioeed twenty 
dollars, end ior a term not excoedijig eistty days, if it e-xceeds 
that sum. 4 K Vll., c. 33, B. 1]9. 

131. No piesecution against any ofiiterin tJie Miritla fer any P'-7«f"tto^ 
penalty nnder this Act or nnaor any regulation made there- •«*'"" «^"'=«''- 
un^«r shall bo brought, ejceept on the complaimt of the oOiciw 
for the time being eommamdMig the Militia. 

2. No proseeutioiL against any mai m the Militia {^^^/^^ ,p^^\^"^;; 
penalty under this Ajet, or nmler any regulatjen, shall be's*' * « ■ 
hreught except en compliiuiit by or iu the name of the torn- 
Bian&g officer or adjutant of the -terps or eaptttwi of the 
compaay or corps, to which such mum balougs or belonged; 

3. The officer for the ^ime being eommiUttding tho said co-hk* Anthoriiy for 
»r company may authoriw any oilicer of Militia t* make Kuati Bomplatnt. 
flomploin in his miune, and the anrthcrity of any sucli offlcw 
alleging himself to have been so auAh&riaed to make aaiy com 
plaint, fihalt not be contM^^rted or called in qneition ei&opt 
by the officer commanding the said eojpB or company. 

4. Ko Bucli pposeeution ahnli be ceinjaoneea aftar the expir- Within whot 
ation of fix montJhs from the eommissJtra of the offence charged "'^«' 
excepting foi the offence of unlawfully buying, selling or hav- 
ing in posseaflion ormfl, accoutrements, or other articles belong- 
ing to tho Crown or eorpa, or for deeertien. 4 E. Vll,. c. 23 » 
i. IfiO. - ™ r 

13a. Ever)' sum of meriey which any person or '^^^n^*^*'*"" ^^"/"Jable 
i8, uakder this Act, Uabio to pay or repay to tie Orowoi er t,, p,^,''^^, 
which is equivalent to tie damages done to ivny axnut or any 
other properiy of the down us&d for militajy purposeSj whall 
&c a debt due to the Crowa, aaid may b» rewverred as siioh. 4 E. 
VU., c. 23, ». 121. 

133. livery bond to the Crown onsteiod into bj any person Bond* under 
before any j^age or justice of the peace, or officer of the Militia t^'i"^'^* *''"^- 
im conf OTinitj with any general order <(yr regulaitian for the pur- 
pose of Becuriaig tho payment of any aum of monej, or the per- 
foTirmnce of any duty or act hereby required or authorized j, 

*.ppancilx I. 

niilitia Act 

Property of 
cctpa TBBtel 

la conidmiid-* 

iagr oiHcer. 

ConlDiiipL of 
c^nri martUl. 

lUtatiuK oatti. 


in SbdI. 



shall bi] vfllLci and may be eoiforiied aceoniiiiuly- 4 K. V1I-, 
c. 23, s. 1.14. ** -" ' 

134. lif'or tlio purpose- of l«gal proceodhigSj all nioiu;y» gub- 
scrabed b.v or for, or otberivisc appropriated to tho \xs& of, aay 
tsorpS;, and all s^rmi, ammiinltioa, cloUiiag, ^quipiueat, musioaJ 
>iistru meats, oi otk&t Utinga bolongmg to, or used b/j any corpa, 
etlftll be deemed to bo tli* t»ropwtty of Urn Mujesty. 4 E. Vll., 
e. 23, s. 129. 

135. If any porsou ^vlio ia not eoiroUed in tlia Militia is suiii- 
uion(,»d as a witiioas bi*forc a court-martJal, and^ aftw jmymoat 
or ten tier of the rcaaouable oxpoLaes of his attendanoa, irmkea 
default in atitcaidiug, or, boing Jii aittealiuic© as a wjtiioss,- — 

(a) refu&9» to toko on oati or afli ritial i otn liwfuUy re- 
quired by ibo court to bo taken j or 

(b) rof uses to proslufie any d^Hjuniejtt in liis power or 
eoiifcrol lawfuUjV required |>y tbo to be produced 
by liim; or 

(c) Tofusoft to a newer any questiott to wliitth the court 
lawfully requircB an ajiswer; or 

(d) is j^uilty of omy coatompt cf tliG court-martial by 
causing any imte rrupUon or dlst urban oe iu its pro 

the prcaid^iit of tbo court shall corfcify tlio default, rt^f usal or 
contempt of such persoJi under his hand to a judge uf uuy 
court of juBtie^> iu the Jocality having power to puuish parafiHw 
ijuilty of Vt'ke offences in that court. 

2, Such c'oiift may thereupon diniaire thcreioito, henriitg ^ach 
poratm and any witxifloaufi tbai rna-y be ptrodueed for or agruiujt 
liini and, if such poranu is f»und guilty, puiiish him ia like man. 
ncr a3 ii he had committed the olTeuce ji a prooeodiutr in such 
court. 4 E. yiU c. 2a, s. 100. 

Execution of Warrants and Sentences. 

136. The goverjior, kMjpor or wa-rden of every graol, prUou 
or poll i ten Uary in Cauiada, shall recoivc and dotuiii^ aecording 
to tbo oxigoncy of ainy warraafc under i]io hand of any dJatrict 
oJBiiw comnittnliug^ ot other poTfion autiorized under the regu 
laticMts to iasue a v\arraiit^ any person meiitioned im such wax- 
raait and delivered int^ bis auatody, and aliall eonfine such pris- 
oner until discharged or delivered ovor ia due course of law, 

2. Kvery such goveiraor, keejDer, or wiLrJea Bhall tute liog 
ndzancc of any warrant purporting to bo SJgnst]. by a«y eucb 
otBu^r as nforcmid. 4 E. VJI., e. 23, s. 124. 

137. Any prison or sonrfxjijced for ajiy torni hy anr military, 
naval or militia eourt-inartial, or by any military or naval 
authority undor thia or aJiy MLUtary Act, may be se;itouced to 
impriaooinLenfc in a peoJibautaary. . 

2. If sucji prifiOiLor is B&ntnnieed to a, term less than two 
yours, he may be sontajiood to ainprJminijiciLt m the common giioi 
of tha district^ county or place iu which th» soirtoiioe is pro- 
nounced, or if there is no couinion gaal there, then in tltajt 
common ^aol which is nearest to such To«aHty, Or in feomo other 
lawful piisoD 0." place of coJifiawjment; ottor than a penitentiary 
in which imprisonment may be lawfully executed. 55-5G v", 
c. 29j s 055- 


MiUtia Act 

Appendix 1. 

138. Any jSHaet^ or moa of the Militia seuteaecd tu bo .\m luprLBoumoDt 
prijoonocl may, if the Qovemor ia Oouadl by reg:ulart:on or other- '" »?]»«« 
wDse directs, be impmoned in any place specJall^ appointed ^SSiotJd 
theiefor, instead of in a gaol, prison or penitentiary, 4 K.. VIK ' 
c, 23, fi. 125. 

Enforcing Act — protection, 

139- Ever> action against any officer or person, for anythiug PJac* ajid t|m4 
tiurportiug 4o be done m-pursuano© of this Act or of any regu- t'«cti^<n«. 
Utloii, shall h9 laid and tried ia the judicial distrJct wlwro the 
act complftined of waa don**,, aud shttll be commouecd withisii 
atx months frum the time of tha act committed. 

2. Tn any such a^tioa the defodidamt may plead itho gemenil Cenetal i*Bu&. 
issue tind griva this Act and the specifil matter in evidence at ' 

the IriaL 

3. No plaiffltiff shall r«eover in any fluch action if a tejider Tender of 
of Buflioient :imcnd» was jiia<Je before the action -w-i* brought, «me»nla. 
or if a Bufiici<jnt sum of mo^noy has bocti paid into court by the 
defendant aftv the actioai was hrouglit: Provided that where 

money is paid into court aftiar iw-tion brout^ht and without ten- _ ■ 

dar before actiooi the p]ain>tiir may ia tho dincretiou of thcCT*t^B *' 
court recover costs of action down to lulie time of such paymt^iLt ' 

into court. 4 E. VII,, e, 23, b, a22, 

14.0. Ko oetioii. shalt ba brought against any -ollicer or person fiottce of 
for anytliing purpwrting to be done in pursuance of thia Act, *^*^°^* 
or of uny regulation, nntiJ at least on& month after notice iu . 
writing of such action hoe been sorved upon hira, -or left ait iiJs 
mual place of abode. ^ 

2, la sueh notie* the caiiaa of action, and tliu court in Ccmtente of 
which it ia to be broughtj shall be aUtod, aiiJ the imnie a.iid iwtlce. 
place of abod€ of tho clatmoaii^ and his soHcttor shall bo eiudors^ 
ed thereon. 4 K. VII , c. 23, s. 123, 

OrdeiB — Notification. 

141. All general orders Issued to tlig MiLtia shall be ¥j eld Notice of 
STifilcJen-tly notified to all peirBOns whom they conoe:n by their s^narai ord era. 
Ii&ertion n the Canada Gazette. 4 E. A7L, e. 23, a. 131. 

142, Every order uuide by the corainnndtiig ofticer of any othar urdor*, 
eft/pa of tlie ]tfjlitia, other than the Peruianeirt Fore©, shall be 

held to be eufllciently ibotlAed to all persons whom it c^^neorna, 
by inaerttoii m some iiowapape-r published in the regimoutal 
divieicm in whitth &uch ooT]^& is situated, or, if tliere is no aiich 
newspaper, than by posting a <iopy thereof in a po»t office, or 
in aoine other public place^ in. esich eompajuy diiisicin affectei! 
b,7 such order, 4 E. VII.^ e. 33, a, 132. 

113. It shall not be noees.sai'y that any order or notice When ia 
TUidftr this Act be in writmg, unless h»rein required to be ao, writioff. 
if It ia commaaieBted to tha person who iB to obey or bo bound 
by it, either directly by tha officer or person mjahiny or giving 
it, or by some other peraon by his order, 4 E. VI3,, c. 23^ s. 130. 


Appeadix L 



l»f Oorernttr 
ill OouncU - 

Lit J- hip b of or a 

Gift, uj,to ur 

LiuQ of money 
or srinB or 

PAycuOlltB to 

]»t) tua.d« bf 



Account to 

.MoDoy to be 

144. Tho tiovetiuor 5a Council mar inafco regulations for 
carrying tiits Act mto efleot, for tho' organization, diiKipline, 
flfficioncy oad good governmont gonorally of tlio Militia^ and f i>r 
iuiy thing requiring to be d'One- in <ionm*c.tion witb the miUitsury 
iJtfftMKie of Oanadu. i E. VII., o. ^3, «. IStJ. 

11&, Sad! rf)galMit>ja« tihall be publiahed in tho Canada <ja- 
xfL-be; and upom IteLng 90 publt»h«d, Itoy atitll litt\e tlio suiivc 
fartr* in law aa if tltey formed i>a-rt of thia Act, 4 E. VI J., c. 
!!:}, a. 127. 

14(i. 1*10 jeguIatiooLs lAall bo Inid bofjoro both llou&oa of 
I'arliauionA. vri thiai ton dafB aflfu- tho publi«afi(m tb^ruof in 
tlie Cuuada aazotte, if rarliameut ta tken sittme:; an*, Jf ^ar- 
liaaiCLut ia xiot Ihau liiit-Ung, then within tea da>-^ after tb& next 
iiitn>t!iijf Ujert^f. 4 K VlJ., e, 23, a. 12». 


liT. No gift, saU' or ether alieiMuUon, or attcmjitod aliou- 
atiwt, by any pt^rBon, of wjy money Bubtttiribcid by or foT, ot 
oUiorwitfO appropriatf^d to Mvo U90 of tuny corps, or of m.y arma^ 
ammunition, tlothiiifir, eq,u]piii,entj niualeal instruuiQits or othor 
tliiiit^B boloJLging to, or used by any corps, shaH bo offoctual to 
pujsa tho property thoreVii without the eonaont of Hla Majesty. 
4 K VIL, c. 23, «. 129. 

143. AU aain& of moiio)' required to defray any oxpaa&c 
atrthorizod by thio Aot mxy be paid out of tho Oon«olidat«d 
'Bevcuuc Fund, upon warrant durectcd by tho Oovcrnar Gen- 
oral itM tho Minister of Finance* 

2. A (lotail<>d accoiittt of moneys ew^oxpemded sliall bo laid 
befoi^ Pafliameut during the next SDosiooi thc>roof af-tor tho 
HiiTio are orpoaidod. 

3. Kxcept 08 componsatiooi for injury ftrising from aota dcno 
undor tho authori-ty of tbri» Act in sa*o of omargt^uicy, and 
except. a« to pay and aUowunooB for aueh of the MiHtia as aro 
callwl out in aid of tho civil power under the provijsiona Oif thia 
Act, no sum of money bhall b^ so paid, unlaw it ia imeludad iA 
somo appfopriatioja mad* ty Parliamonti. 4 E. VI.j (n. 2^1, 8. 13^5. 


An Act tfl Amend the Militia Act 

a Ofeorge V. 


CHAP. 34 
An Act tc amen4 the Militia Act. 

(Asawaled to Ist jipnl, l&ia)v 
lii* Mfljoftty, by and with Itio aix^ce and consent of th«' 
Senate and Houho of Commona of Cauadft, enacts as folJowtc — 

1. Setlioafl 4^, 43 and 41 of Tho Militia Act, /haptor 41 of 
tbe Keviaed Statutes, 1W6, aro repealed, and tl«8 folltjwing seo- 
tioua art) aubatituted tljerefor: — 

••42. lu time of peace no jfiiaer shall bo appointed to » 
higher permaneni rsnk in the Militia tban that of major^generaS 
or BurgL'ou- general, and the number of such appoiutmonte and 
the quBlifieation for sucl rauk shall be a« prescribed. 

•'43. Whenever tho Militia is called out od active Barvic« 
during an emergoney, tie Governor in Council tna.y appoint 
oflicerij to a rauk superior to that ol major-gcjieial- 

•*44. The honorary rank of major-gonoral. or surgeou-geuoral 
may, for valuable aervicea rciidorod to the country, be conferred 
on rBtiremeut upon colonels who hive held the higher atatf 

2, Paragraph (c) of section ft4 of the said Act ia ropottled 
and tho following is aubatitutcd therefor: — 

" (c) authorize cadot corps, or any portioa thereof ^ or an/ 
jneinbera thereof^ to drill or train for a period of not 
more ihau thirty days in e*ch year/" 

U.S., c. 41, 

ruaw Hit. 4,*i, 
43, 44. 

of pt^Bca. 

Ennfe wlmct 
called out. 

rank on 

8. 64 

Cadet corps. 


Appendix II. 

Channels of Comramilcatlou, &c. 

0\ C. UniiB 

O'bIC. Schools 
of Instruction ^ 


Ig) A.D.S.AT. 



■ p 
I A.D.M.S. 


? D.P.M. 


^ P.V. 



D.G.S. AT. 







Awt, P.M.G. 




AdmtRslou to National Defences 


Appdudlx III. 


General Instructions.* 

1. The following nilee are to be observed in gruiLtiug per- 
iniBaioni to viwit military workB: — 

(i.) Kvery pra&ti coble facility is to be afforded to oflScors 
of tho Local Dofejico Coininittoe, and to those wiio 
retiuire to viaiA military works in the performaiieo 
of tlioir dutdos. 
(ii) All who have buwineas in military wprki are to be 
required to treat the i>nformation they vbtain there 
as couHdoutlal. 
(iU.) Pcraona havLns jo bueineaB in military 'n^orks are to 
bo dollied acc«sa to them. 

2. General and othw officers comniajiding are rosponaiblo 
that no unauthorized person gains admission to any military 
«rorks in thoir commandb. 

Admission Without Pass. 

3. The following may bo admiited without paescs to mili- 
tary works (except to position-finding cells, torpedo buildings, 
wiagaxiuiee and Btorehou3ea*t)t — 

Ofiicere, warrant officers, -nion-com missioned officers and meni 
of tho Armj, fermaneaut Force, Aorive Militia, Navy ajid 
Majriue Forces, when on duty* | 

4. Tho following may bo admitted withoat pusses to the 
losidential p^rtiooB omly of occupied' works: — 

(i.) Officers, warrant ofllcora, non-commissioned officers . and 
Mien of tlio Army, rormancut Force, Active Militia, Nxivy or 
ilnjrine Forows. 

(ii.) Caretakors. 

(iii.) WivL"*, faniilioi, Erionds aud servamte of tlie reddeuta. 

Admission With Pass, 

: 6. The admission of parsons to eitlier defensive or residen- 
tial portions of completed works otherwise than as tpeciCed In 
paras. 3 and 1 will bo by- pass. 

6, Piiaaea for admission iire as follows: — , 

(a.) Special pass (wbito), issued only by tlio a^jutaut- 
^enerah It admits to all works, including posi- 
tion-finding cdts, torpedo buildui|rs, magazines, and 

(ii.) District pass H,B..55. . , (wl^to). 

"District pass M/ .......... .(wJiit* and ,j'od^. 

(iii.) Visitor's pass i ,......'.... (yellow). J ' . 

(iv.) Works pass M. >8. . . . ... . . . . . (red)^ 

(v.) Trading pass M.B.' 59. .*,../.:.. .-. (bluer], 

*For itist ructions M to admission to these bulIdlnKB, »e para, ll of 
this AppeDdix. 

'^ tOrdnanco magaziaes nnd storehoasos Br« not referred to In these 


O.O. 140— 

Appendix HI. 

Admlsalon to National Def enceE 

AdmiBslou to National Defeoces 

Appendix III. 

Passed (U.)» (»"')^ (iv-)^ ^^^ (v.) arc ifieucd at the discry- 
tion of the D.Oa. G. under tho coudltiians hereinafter specified. 
They are bound in books eontajjiing 50 each, with i^auiiterfoils. 
The number of passes issued is to bo kept as low as possible, 
if a pa^s has boeu lost oi cancelied, instructions should inline- 
tliately be scmt to the works ooucemod to prevent rho pass be- 
ing improperly used. . 

7. The white distriot pass will bo issued to such oflji'«rs, 
varrant officers, luou-comiiussioaed oflicers azid mon^ oitd mem- 
bers of the stiifif for eaigfiu«er »or vices as the D.0.0. may author- 
ise and will bo applicable whom admission is not covered by the 
rules iu puras. 3, 4, and 11 

8. The visitor 's pass will not be issued to any peiraon who is 
not a British subject, unlffss the sanction of the Minister has 
beem obtaixued, and «uiy foreign subje[^t authorized to recoivo 
a pass can only be allowed to use it when occompaiii^d by an 
oiBoer. This pass wilt ia no case admit the holder to position^ 
finding cells, torpedo buildings, magadnes, or storehouses.* 

9.. The works pass will be issued to authorized ;vorkmeji. A 
dejjosit of 0310 dollar may be demanded on issue and will be 
returned on surxentder of the pass, but tlie exaction of the de- 
posit is left to tlio discretion of the UO.O. See also para. 11. 

10. Tlie trading pass will be issued to tradesmen authorized 
to esuter the resid^mtial portiion of military works. 

11. No porBon da to be allowed ia enter position-finding eells. 
torpedo buildings, magazines, or storehouses/ without a special 
pass, unless he has Bpecial duties to perform which render his 
admission necessary, in which case tiie white and red diatrLet 
pass will be issued. These passes, whether held by officers or 
others, are only available for admission to tke places auim»l 
thereon. Where officers or soldiers in uniform are ordered to per- 
form military duty, in anj positiou-^uiling cell, totpedo build- 
ing, magazine, or storehouse, passes mny be dispensed with at 
tJie discretion of the D.O.C. 

12. Orders are to be issued directing sentries In tlvo first 
place to refer holders of all passes to the uon-ccmmis^ioiied 
onHcor of the guard, who ^ill carefully examine the passes and 
retain all visitors' passep. Sentries will be ordered not to 
permit the holders of epecUil, district, oi visitor's passes to have 
access to any of tlie defences, or the holders of disttrlet or 
works passes bo have accets to any of the buildings mentioned 
in para. 11 tmtil they have received the orders of the non- 
commissioned ofllcer of the guard. 

13. Inform action is tt&t to be given regarding tbe construc- 
tion of works, or maehiiiery in coninection with tlem, except 
t« British oflicers in uniform, to holdeirs of tlie distriH and 
works paeses when necessatry for the perf ormfln«« of their duty, 
and to holders of the special pass. 

14. Except when necessary in the performance of duty, 
holder 8 of passes of any kind are not to be permitted to make 

^Ordnance naEazines and storeliousea ara not referred to in these 

uuy written note, drawing, photograph, or ineastiromont oi 
any work, whether compUtely con»trufttod or not, nor of any 
aun, uiachiiw>iy, or apparatus. _ . . . 

15. In eucli work or establishmeiit which m the opinion of 
the D.0.0. is of siiffifient importance to require special safe- 
i-uarding from obsorvaLioit, a register (MS. book), will be kept 
lu which visitors holding special, district, or visitor's pasdCfl 
win be required to sign their nainea on enitoring. Tlio custo- 
dian of the register is to note in it against the signature of the 
poison adiiiitted the following particulars:— 

(i.) Date of the visit. ...... -in 

(ii.) Destriptiou of iwiss and date for which it is available. 
(iii.> Nauo of the officer isstiing tlie pass and date of issue- 
As soon as these partuculai-s have Icon recorded in the case 
of a visitor's pasi^, the pass is to be destroyed by the cuatodian 
who will tear it into email i>ieces and note tbo fact in the 
register that he has done so. . . .^ , 

16. The r^giater referred to iai para. 15 will be inspected 
liy the general or other cificer commanding periodically. 


Appendix IV. 

Extract from Ohupter 146 



I'or purpose 
of uolawfoll; 
fgrtress, eto. 

a'ter eotry. 

At tempt! Dg to 
take fikeUh, 
&B., when 

tion without 

(ion in breach 
ol coafidQDCo, 

ti«n to 


for foreign 


CANADA, 190e. • 

Xnformatilon Illegally Obtained or Communicated. 

86. Every ono is guilt j ot au iii<liota.blo offejLCd aad liuble 
to imprisoiiuwjtt for <iud jear, or to a tiiio iioto exceeding ouo 
lundred dollars, or to botU imprisonment and fine, who, — 

(a) for UiB purpose of wrongfully obtniiiing information^ 

(i.) enters or is in any pii>rt of a fortress, arsoual, fwc- 
"lory, dockyajrl, camp, sliip^ oiBee, or otfhor like 
place i'n Canada belougiug to Hia Majesty, in wbieh 
pxrt lie is not entitled to be; or 
(ii.) when J awfully or unlawfully in any such place as 
aforeeaid, edtlier obtains any document, sketch, 
plan, model or knowledge of auj-thiug, wliich he is 
not eEtifaitled 'to obtain, or takes witliout lawful 
uitthority any sketch or plan; or 
(iii.) when outside any fortress, aTswial, fattory, dock- 
yaard, or eamp ia Oanada, bulonging to His Majesty ^ 
takes or attempts to take, without authority given 
b/ or on bclialf of His Majesty, " auj sketi^h or 
plan of that fortress, arsmiaJ, fae/tory, dockyard, 
oi eampi or 

(b) knowingly having possession of, or contro] over, any 
document, sketch, plan, model, or knowledge obtained 
or taken by means of any aot wliioh constitutes an of- 
fence against this and the inext following seetison, at 
any titno wilfully and without lawful autlority L-om- 
municutes or attempts to communicate the same to any 
person to whom the same ought not in ilie intorosts of 
tlie state, to be communieatcd tut that time; or 

(c) nHor Jiaving be^n entrusted in. couQ.d«ncQ by eoiiio 
ofliGcir under ITis Majesty with auy document, sketcli^ 
plan, model or information rolatiing to any such place 
aa afowjsaid, or to the naval or military affairs of His 
Majeatty, wilfully, and in broach of such confidence, 
commuuicates the tame when, in the inter€dtii of , tho 
state, it ought not io be communicated; or 

(d) having possesaioin of any documeoit relatiJig -to any 
forbresa, arsonal, factory, dockyard, camp, ship, office, 
or other like place belonging to Ilia Majestj, or to the 
naval or' military fiflfairs of Ilia Majesty, in whatever 
niamiec the samo las boeji obtaiujod or taken, at any 
time wilfully ceramunicatos tho same to anj persoii to 
whom ]ie knows -the same ought not, in the interests of 
the state, to be then communicated. 

2. Every one who commits any sudi offoneo inteaduig to 
ccmmunicate to a foreign state any information, document, 
sltetcb, plan, model or knowledge obtained or taken by him, 
or enitruated to kirn as af OTesaid, or eoitimunitates tlie samt> to 
any agent of a foreagn stat«, is guilty of an indictable offence 
a^d liable to imprisonment for life. 55-SC V., c. 29, s. 77. 


Extract from Chapter 146 

Appendix IV. 

86. Everj one who, bj nieouB of his holding or having held Oommunicot- 
an office under His Majesty, has lawfully or unlawfully «ithor»y«^*JJ™»-^ 
obtained possession of or control over auy document, sketch, tn osc J 
plan, or model, or acquired any infoimation, and, at any time 
corruptly, or contrary to his officiial dujty, eom'muniicntes or 
attempts to conimunicato such document, sketch, plaji, model 
or inforuiation to auy ]}erdon. to whom the same ought not» in 
the interoeta of tho state, or otherwise in the public interest, 
to be then e«mmuuicated, is guilty of au iadLctablfl offemce aud 
liable, — 

(a) if tho communication was uude, or attemptod to be Penalty, 
made, to a foreigi state, to iiuprisonjiieoit ior life; and, 

(b) in any other casa, to imprisonmen't for ouie year, ot^^^o^- 
to a line not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to both 
imprisonment and fine. 

2. This section shall apply to a person holding a contract ApplicatloD 
with His Majesty, or with anj- department of tho Government **("*ctioa. 
of the UniUid Kingdom, or of the Govflrimieut of Oanada, oi 
of any province, or witi the holder of auy office uuilar His 
Majesty as such holder, where such ton tract involves au obli- 
gation of secrecy, and tc auy person employed by any per sou 
or body of persons holding such a contract who is under a like 
oblijfation of seeriecy, ;i3 H the person holding the contract, aud 
the peirsoa so employed, wero respectively holders of an office 
undor His Majesty. 55-56 V., c. 29, (. 73. 

692. Ko peraon shall Ijo prosecuted for the offence of unlaw- PUolosiDffoffl* 
Cully obtainiiTig oad communicating official iuforraatlon, with-«*»l ■««=«*». 
out tho consent of the Attorney-General -or of tlio Attorney- 
General of Canada. 55-56 V., c. 29, s. 543. 


Appendix V. 

Duties at MiUtla HBadquartprs 




Duties of the Director of Operations and Staff Duties. 

1. Milituiy policy. 

2. Offeusive uud defensive operatious and plans therefor, 

3. Strategieal diatribution of mllitaTy forces. 

4. Field Sorvico Regulations, 

r>, MobilizHtimi of th« military forces for war. 
G. Orgauicatiou, admiuistrutioa aud instructiou of tlie 
general HtufF^ including appointmeiut thereto. 

7. CoUeetiou, compilattiou luid distribution of iutelligonce, 

iuclbding topographical inforuiation aud iniipping. 

8. Militairy abtach^. 

9. Mili<tury librairies. 

Duties of the Director of Military Twining. 

1. War organiziution aad war eBtflblishraontfi. 

2. Local defonco scliene« and pJaaj of coueentratLou. 

3. Training of all airaa. 

4. Mtwioeiivres* 

5. All allocation of funds for training and niaLoeuvres. 

6. SupetrviiiioJi of Inetruation at Sthools of Lustruetion. 

7. Compilation of traiM-ng books and manuals. 

8. Telegnipiis and eigualling in tlte Hold, 

9. OoiurBM of military ii>9t ruction at Umiversitios. 

(H.Q. 650-17-2). 


MILITIA, 1917.*' 

Append!! v., K,R.&0. (CM.). 1917. i^ 
amended by:— 

(a) Deleting the first line under *The Ad- 
jutant-General's Staff" (page 306), and subatitut- 
^ ing therefor: "Regimental Records, Honorary 
Distinctions for Units, Changes of Titles, and 
badges." „«j««,^v-«fliiox(H uj» 

Confidential Reports, Regimental and Personal. Appoint- 
mooits to the PorinanooA Ft>rc«, Caretakers, appointmemt and 
admindfitratioiL of. Editing of General and Militia Orders. Pre- 


Duties at Militia Headquarters 

Appendix V. 

paratioQ of tiazet/bus (A jjpouvtiuuintB, ■Promotions, Retirements, 
^c). Foetang, exchange Euid 'trausfer of officeirs. Preparation 
of MUitia last. Books and Forms. 

Duties of DA,A.a. for Nobillzation. 

War Orgaaiiiatioa*. Wur Establishmonts*. Mobilization Regu- 
lations. Mobilization arrangements. Co-ordinatioE of mobiliz- 
ation arrangements aud brders. Peace organization. Pbace Es- 
tablishments and their preparation. Allotment of uaits*. Mem- 
ber of Mobiliicatiou CouimitteCt 

Duties of Director-tteneral of Medical Services, 

Medical and sanitary questionA. AJministration aUid inspec- 
tion of Armjr Medical Services. 

Duties of Director of Cadet Services. 

Administration and trdning of Cadets. Adminjist ration and 
tjraLning of Corps of School Cadet Jastruotora. Physical train- 
ing in connection witli Gucl^t Borviccs 


Duties of the Director of Supplies and Transport. 


1. Apj) reprint ion and occupation of ba>rracksj hosfibals, offices^ 

drill bills, etc., and hire of buildiings supplementary 
thereto. Damages to barrack equipment. 

2. Military laundries and washing «f bedding And hospital 

clothing in possessicm of the trooi>s. 

3. Lodging, 'furnijture, aad stable allowaiuces, and alio wa aces 

for cleaning buildings. 

4. Conservancy services (i.e. scavenging services, emptying 

ash pits and latrines), sweeping chimneys, removal of 
snov^, etc. 


5. Supplies t)f food, forage, paillasse si)raw, fuel, light, water 

and diciinfec/tants. 

6. I'ransfer allowances. 

7. Revision of regulations for supply, transport, and barrack 


8. Supply arrangements in connieetioa with mobilization and 

defence schemes. 


9. Administration, trainiag, distribution aaid inspection of the 

C.P.A.S.G. aud C.A.S.C., including civilian subordinates. 

10. Transport of troops, animals, and stores by road, rail, and 


11. Provision, repair and administraticn of transport vessels. 

*Iii co-'op«ratioD witb the Gouerat Staff, 

Appendix V. 

Duties at MlUtla HeadcLuartem 


li. Bogtstration of horses for taobiliza-tioii; purcliase and re* 
plaeeuumt of remoiutg aord clauoB for damages. 


13. Supply of votorijiary Htores. 

14. Admraistratioin of votorma.iy services. 

Postal Services. 

15. Arrangeiticutti for postal e&rvices* 


wn in 

the Director i 

(b) Deleting the v.orasu.^2..,,jj^^.;^ ^^ 

H Q. 650-17-2 of 12-9-18. 
P.O. 2698 of 6-11-18. 

4. All qucstUus in connection with cIo tiling and necessaries, 

such as Mobitizatiou Rcsorvcfl, thoft«, losses and scales 
of iasuoa. 

5. Preparatloa of catimatee for clothiiig and necessaries. 
«. Disposal of worn out coloura, clothing, etc. 

Equipment and General Stores. 

7. Tho provision, supply, and propanution of ostimatos for 
equipmon't and geneml stores, e.g., peracnal eqaipmont of 
aoldion;, camp equi^mwit, harness and aaddlory, tooifi, 
sigualliiig equipment (except telescopes and binoculars)^ 
ntarteritUB, barrack iund hospiJtal stores, miscellaneous 
». Patterns, poui plaints and experimejita in conneotion with 

equipments and general stores, as dedned above. 
9. List of changes for sush stores ani equipmenrt;, 

10. Bevision (except as regards price) of sections of Vocabu- 
lary dealing with the above etores and equipment, and 
of the ^egulaitiouB for GanadiU'n Ordnance Sar vices, 
Part I. 

1J. Courts of inquiry on losses, ctc^ of equipment and gen«iat 

IS. Stocks in barrack expense stores, nnd discrepuncios in 
accounte. < - . 

IS. Questions concerning tlio cquipmont of ofincors' messes and 

quarters and other larrack and hospital buildings. 
.14. Proparatdoa aiid amomdmcnt of bairack and hospital sche* 


, Duties at Militia Headtiuarters 

Mobilisation Equipment, 

Appendix V. 

15. Preparation and revision of mobilization stores tables, ex- 

cept for Antillory and Engineer units. 

16. Bevision ot Kquipmont Eegulations, Parte I. wid II., ex- 

cept aeations dealing with Enginoer and Artillery cquip- 

17. Fixing scdes of lleservos of Genena Stores and Equipmout. 
IS. rroparution of eatimaba of co&t of Itoacrvcs of General 

Stores and Equipm^jni and for mobilization equipment , 
for all unita except Artilleiry and Engiujoers. 


1. The ad minis tration, iHsiribution, corps training and in- 

speotioJi of tho Canadian Ordnance Cori^e. 

2. All quwjtious (including confiden'tial reports on officers J 

relating to the peraonnxjl of tho Oanadiaai Ordnance 
Corps Ufiid civil iain subordimates. - 

3. Proparaiicn of cosh estimates for these services. 

4. Tho revifiion of tho StaJiding Orders for the Camadian 

Ordnan&o Corps. 
(N.B.— -In consultation with the M.G.0'8. Dept. us regards 
training and in«trucUo(n of artiHeors and OJmourors.) 

5. Proparatien of the Ann'ual Estimates for ammiuition and 

Ordnauice Stores roquireid for tlio **Up-ke*p" of the 
Militia and for the submission of tiio same U tlie Direc- 
tors concerned. 

6. Preparation of all Vim Office requisitions and Contract 

Demands for all clothing and necessaries^ Ordnonjce 
Stores uid ammuniUon approved on the estimates of the 
Dirooto:^ concerned. 

7. Approval of demanids and indents nnxl foir inetructions as 

to locaJ purchase of stores that may be noro ad van* 
tageousiy obtained on tho spot. 
9. Tranflniissiotn of inatruotionB from tho DireotoiH at Head- 
quarters, who provide, to the Ordnonco Corps which 
handles, the stores. 
9. Supervision of tlie draft paragraiAa for List of Changea 
Bubmiifct&d by the \tirious Directors befort* submiesLon to 
tho Adjutanit-Genersl. 

ID. The maiatenanfifl of Besoffves of Stores and of Mobiliza- , 
tion Stores. 

11. Ho will inquire into and advise the D.G.E.8. as to tho 
provision and maintBnaJioo of all Store Buildings, Maga- 
zines, Ordioajico Work Shops, etc, 

Duties of tba Director of Artillery. 

Armametni and Direeitian of Governmenut Military Manu- 
facturing Establishmeoits. 

Proviaion ajid supply of guns, carriages, vehicles, small 
arms, machine guns, pontion amd. range finders, optical 
jnstrumontfl, ammunition of all kinds, direction of government 


Appendix Y. 

Duties at MlUtia HeadcLuartero 

establish in en ts uianufaoturioig tlivso. UiBts of Ubiii^es rcfer- 
ling to tboso atofes. 

Gommlttecflj portents, and iuveutions relating to the above. 

Techmdcal questions regairdlng Qoait Defonccs and gunnery 



Fortiflcatlons and Works. 

Military policy with rafereuce to lauda, custodj of Militin 
Department hmds iu military occupation and inspoctiou of all 
Militia I>epartmeni lands ; 


Bifle oaud Axtullery Bangcs, 

Military Works and Buildings, 

Defence Eloctric Ligbling, 




Staff for Knglacer Services. 


Active Militia 

Anp«udix VI. 


Qualification of Officen and Non-Oommusion&d Officers. 


SyllabuM "A'^ i Oavalry 

^ * B ' \ . . .-- !''ioiI<l itnd Heavy ArtiUery 

* ' " CoiiRt Defcaico Artilleo' 

* ' D " '- Siflgo Artillery 

" E ' * Engineers 

' ' F " r.ori)K of GuidttJ (Hee App. IX,) 

" G " Inf ajitrj* 

**n*> ,; 0, A. a a 

"J" A. M. 0. 

'*K" .......^ 0. A. V. a 

" Jj ' * , ; . .' Quiurtermastere 


AppenOlx VI, 



Page 312 — Appendix VI, headings 
After "Ofificers" insert a comma and 
Add '^Warrant*' 



Tor Xleutenanta' Certificate. 

(a) Squaa, troop and s<[tMidrou dxiU; rifte exewifies- guards 
cvreitnynnal and awckI exorcises. 

(b) Eleineittary tactics and fioM tramiug, 

(c) Caro of amis aoid «Lomoutary niusketrv. 

(d) Topography. ^ 

(e) l>iseipline nad mifitajy law. 

(f) Dutiea and interior ueonomy. 

(g) Organization. 

(i) Equitation and mouiited drill. 
(k.) Animal management. 

In addition, lectures slioild bo given on the folloving heada 
suBicieint to omure a eamdidate possessing aja intellig&nt knowl- 
edge or each sab.iect. 

Loivis autoiuntic rifle. 


Anti-gas measures. 

Explosivea and grenotlee, 

TeilLng off vorkbig parties and alloUing tasks, 

Moral-e and physical iitnass. 

Hygiene aud saaiitation. 

Pirfit aid. 

For Oapttins" Certificate. 

Officers entering upon tourso B iiiuat have 
kncwlodgo of tlwj \viork eomj^rised iti course A. 

a thorougk 

(a) Squadron and TOginisntal drill in close and extended 

ora«r; corenionial. 
Cb> Taetice amd field training. 

(d) Topography. 

^-, Military law. 

Cg) OrgaJiizatiotn, adminijitration and eouipment. 

(i) Equitation aJid mounted drill. 

(k) Animal moiiagoment. 




Appendix VI. 

For Field Offlcers' 0»rtiflcate. 

eatering upon course C must have a thorough 
Knowledge of the work comprised in toureea A and B. 

(a) The jiraofcical handling of a regiment in close order drill 
and ia the field; eercmoniaJ. 

(b) Taotied and field Imining. 
(d) Topography. 

<e) Mintary Jaiv. 

(g) Orgairization, administra/tion and equipmcni^t. 

(i) Kqtiitttion and mounted drill. 

(k) Animiil maaiagcment. 

Note: Details regiirding each subjeot and information con- 
torning courees are published in pam&hlet form for aeneral 


Note: ''Ilindbook of Oun*» refers To the Handbook of the 
dun (or Quu«) nutnned by Oio Battetj- or Oouipaiiy to which 
the candidate belongs. ' 


(a) Gunnery. 

(b) Ammunition. 

(e) Materiel aj»d Equipment. 

(d) Military Law. 

(e) Regimental duties, 

(f) PractiwU. 

(Practical and written BxamLnations.) 
(a; Gunnery— 

(Pield Artillery Training, 1914, Chap. IV., Sections 96^107.) 

Gunnery torinaj nature of artillery fire; rifling; centring; 

forces acting on tn shell in the bore; force* acting on 

a shell during llight; trajectory; elevation; causes 

affecting the accujtacy of shooting. 

(b) Ammunition^ 

(Field Artaiery Training, 1914, Chap. IV., Sections 105-114, 
^ and Handbook of Gun*) 

A detailed knowledge of the animunition of the candi- 
date's own unit; 
(c)' Materiel and Eaulpmeat — 
(Handbook of Uun.) 

A general knowledge of the guns, earringos, and equip- 
memt of the camdidate's own uait. 
(i) Military law and Discipline — 

(MnnimJ of Military Law, Ohap. 17., pams, 31-38: Army 
Act, Soirtion 46, Chap. I., pare. 7, Ohap. XL, para. 1, 
ajid K.H. & O. (Canada), Seotimi VIII., paras, 342^377, 
378-422, Section X,, paras, 740-750, and MUttia Act.) 
Principles of Disciplino. 

Definitioua of Military Law and Martial Lav. 
Arrest and Military Custody. 


Appendix VI, 


luvestig&tion of cibaTg^e, 

Sunimarj and minor puiubhnLoaitE. 

Aid to tlio Civil Power. 
(«) Regimental Duties — 

(KB, & O. (Canada), 59-74, 703-705, 1370-138C, 1288^1313, 
1486-1490, 887, 889, 800, 892-901, 924-943.) 

Organization and ohfiin of responBibility, 


6aJutos unid coinplimcoxta. 

DuticrB of rogintental ofticerg, 

ReepooBibilifty of BUtolteme. 

Moeseft-rofiicera *, aergaanta* and company. 

Diem of ofiioers and men, 

Booke— lattery, individual, &c. 

Correspondence (i&o iKTito and addrees an ofileial letter). 

Forma — making out l simple parad« state of a babtory, 
(f) Practical— 

(Fi,eld Artillery Training, 1914, Chap. II., Chap. III.> flec- 
tions £5-95, Chap. T., Sectioam 115-124, Chaps. VI. ana 
IX, Handbook of Gun, Mannal of !Map Reading and 
Field Sketching, 04ap. VT.) 

Drills and Kxeroises — Diemounted driU; stable duties ; 
horBomafiterBhip; fitting hameBs and saddler/; various 
iiicthoclfl of laying; eoetion guii; drill; moujuted drill; 
battery tactics; equitation and driving; map reading 
(elementary); ueo of inetruments; knotting and 


(a) Gunnery. 

(b) Ammunition. 

(c) Materiel and Kquipmeat. 

(d) Training. 

(e) Militnry Iraw, 

(f) Regimontal Duti-es. 

(g) PracticEl. ■ 

(Pmctical and written examinations.) 

(a) Gunnery^— 

(Field ArtillOTy Training, 1914, Chap. IV,, Sectioxa 96-107.) 

Gunn«iy terms; naturae of ortdllerj five; rifling; oeJitring; 

forces acting on th& shell in the bore; forces acting on 

a shell during flight; trajectory; olevtation; cau-jes 

affecting the accuracy of shootiijg. 

(b) Anuniinitioa — 

(IfHeM Artillery Trainiiig, 1914, Chap, IV., Soctioia 108-114, 
and Handbook of Gun.) 
Gemeral tnowledge as laid down in Field Artilbry Trail- 
ing — a detailed knowledge of the ammunition of the 
candidate 'b own uni-t, 

(c) Sfaterlel and Equipment — 
(Handbook of Gun.) 

A dcialled knowledge of the gune, carriages, iiiad equip- 
ment of the candidate's own u-nit. 



Appendix VI. 

<d) Training — 

(Field Artillery Training, 1914, Chap, V., Sections 115-124; 
Chaps. VII.,, VITI.. IX. and XI., Appendix L) 
Employment of artillery in war; brigade aaid baittery 
tactics; supply of ammunition; marcJi«s and march 
discipline; billets; bivouacs; transport of airtillery; 
precautions to be "takern when firing blank; laying; all 
methods adopted iot the field for indirect And direct 

<o] Military Law — 

(ManuaJ of Military Law, Chap, IV., paras. 31-38; Army 
Act, Section 46, Oliap. V., R.P, Appx. ii., and K.R. & 
O. (Canada), paras. 342-449, 740-756, 55S-576, and 
Militia Act.) 

Powors -of a Commanding Oflieor. 


<^ourte of inquiry and boards (composition and po\vo<rs). 

Arrest and military custody. 

Tnv(>atig8tion of charges. 

Summary and minor puuishmeoits. 

Aid to tlie civil powtr, 

(f) Regimental Duties — 

iK.% & O. (Canada), paras. 59-74, CS8-702, 703-705, 709^739, 
242-255, 270, 272, 277, 887, 889, 890, 892, 893-901, 1042- 
1044, 1048, 924-943.} 

Bc«ponsibility for public money and stores, 

Du-tiea of regrmontal officers. 

Guards, sentries, piquets, escorts, and police. 


Discharges. • 



Messes — ofiioors*, sergeants* and eompauy. 


Leave and passes. 


Accounting for stores. 



Posting Hid checking ledgers. 

(g) Practical— 

(Field Artillery T mining, 1914, Chai>. II„ Chap. Ill,, See- 
tirvns ^5-i3]. Obap. V., Sections 115-124, Cliaps. VI., 
VTIT. and IX.; Handbook of fiun; Manual of Mop 
Rending and Field Sketching, Cliap. VI.; Animal Man- 
agement, Chaps, IV., v., VI., VII. and XI.) 

Heavy Batteries — 

Drill and Exercises — yoot drill; equitation; stable duties; 
ftttin;;: of harness and saddlery; laying out lines of 
fire; battery drill and manoeuvres; map reading, 


Appendix VI. Cavalry 

Field Arti'lery BatteHiw — 

Drill and Training— JDefinitioiiB; diBmouiiicd drill; fit- 
ting harneas ami saddlory; atabl« duitiosj lorsemastor- 
sliipj mounted drill; brigade aiud battery tactics; lay- 
ing; Fection gun rlrill; guards; eeafomonial; map read- ' 
ing; use of Instruments. 


Books recommended— Hold Artillery I'raining, 1914, Oliaps. 
IlL, VI t., VIIL and IX. Aniiaal Maaacenieiit. Chaps. 
IV., y,, VL, VII. aad XI, 6 » r 

(a) Employment of AHiUory in War. 

(b) Brigade ftud Battery Taoticfl. 
(e) HorHeuiastership* 

(d) Drill and Maiuoeuvro of a Battery. 

(e) Map Beading, 

(f) Accounting for Stores. 

(g) Use oi lastruments, 

(Practical ©Old written oxaniiinutione.) 


(a) Gimnory. 

(b) Aniitiuiutiou. 

(c) Mivtmr?! and Equii}mant. 

(d) Rcffime-jital Duties, Discipline, Military Law. 
(e^l PracticaL 

t Practical and written exam inati one.) 

(a) Gunnery— 

(Field Artillery TraiuiJig, 1914, Gimp. IV., Sectiona 97-107.) 
Gunnery tornis; aitituroe of artillery fire; rifling; force* 
actii^f f>n a slioll m the bore; forooa acting on a shell 
duriiijif fiight. 

(b) AmmunltlDn — 
(Handbook of Gun.) 

A geibeml knowledge of th© ammunition of tlio caudi- 
dato*6 own unit. 

(c) Materiel and Equipmejit-^ 
(Handbook of Gun.) 

An elementftry knowledge of the guns, carriages, equip- 
ment of the eandiJa;te's own unit. 

(d) Eeglmental Duties, Discipline^ and Military Law— 
(Manual of Militajry Law, Chap. 11., para. 1; K.R. & 0. 

(Oauaaa), paras. 342-397, 709, 710, 719-725, 1377-1380, 
13S5, 138(i.) ' ' 

Principles of discipliae. 
Definition of militaxj' law. 
Arrest and military custody. 
. Easter of duties. 

Salutes and compUmenits. 
Daily routine of duties. 
' (e) Practical— 

(Field Artillery Training, 1914, Chapi. IL and 111., Chap. V., 
Seetioas 115-122, Cliap. VI. Haadbook of Gtn.) 


Artillery, Coast Defence 

Appendix VI. 

Drill Dud Traduing — Equitation and driving; Horseiuas- 
terslip; stable duties; fitting of harness aad saddlery; 
gun laying; , disuLOunited drHl; mountted drill; section 
gun drill; use of instruments; range takiag. 
In additian, to the above, candidates for Battery Staff 
Sergeant's Certificate will have a sepa«rQ;te paper in store 
flcooointiiUg ai follows: — 
Battery Staff Sergeant's Store Accounts — 

''Not«8 on Artillery Store Accounts,'* 1917. 

Torms used in connection with H.toro aecoun'ts; general 
arrajigements for keeping accounts; vouchors (receipt, 
issuc^ and conversion); how kept; observations oa ac- 
counts; method of keeping accounts; balancing an 
aocounit; origin of errors in iccoutiits; books and rec- 
ords in connection with accounts; preparation of 

(H.Q. 3378-18—2.) 


Note: The books rcforred to are: — 
* ' Cer. * '—Ceremonial, 1912. 

"G.A.T., I."— Gflrrison Artilleo^ Training, YoJ, I., 1914. 
' * I.T. "— Inf oaitrv Train iug. 1914. 

*'E. & M.E^'— itifle and Musketry Exeroiaes for the 
Hots Eifle, 1914. 
"Haaidbook of Gun" and "Drill Pamphlets" refer to the 
Eandbook and Drill Pamphlets of the Gun (or guns) manined 
by the company to w)iieh th« ciindidate belongs. 


(a) Guns and Mountiii(i:s. 

(b) Ammunition. 

(c) Guimcry. 

(d) Artillery Drills. 

(e) Infantry Drill. 

(f) Eegi mental Duties, 

(Practical and oml ^examinations, except us necessary 
for gunnery calculations.) 

(a) Guns and Mountings— 

G.A.T., I., 1914, Chup. VII., Sectiwis 69. -to 78, aiid Chap. 
VIIL, Ha>Dd book of Gun. . 
Descriptiou of gun iinjd niountinj^; stripping^ assembling 
and testing breech and firing meohauis-Tis; testing 
&ight:t and mountings. 

(b) Ammtmltion — 

G.A.T., L, 1914, Chap. IX., asnd Chap. HI., Section 31. Hand, ' 
book of Gun. 
Description of cartridges, projectiles, tubes and fuzes. 

(c) Gunnery— 

• 6.A.T.. I., 1914, "Definitions," p.D. 13 to 17, Chap. VH., 
ScctiouB 79 to 92, Appendix IL, Sub-heads 3, 2, C to 19. 
lecture notes — Initial corrcctiouB; compiling practice 
reports, Chap. L, Sec. 20. 


Appendix VI, 

Artillery, Co^st Defence 

(d) Artillery Drills— 
G.A.T., T,, J 914, Chap. \I, 

Drill paniphluts — Ouu and group drill; duties of a gun 
group conimaiidar; .setting up, teai'mg and using a 

(e) Infantry Drill — 

I.T., Sections 11 to 54, &7 'to 62, 65 to 74. R, & M, E., Sec- 
tions 1 to 37. Cer^ Sections GO to 66. 
(£) Eeginieutal Duties — 

DiscipUiwj— G'>n<'ral In^tructious. 

Arj>est 'ia(1 lu ilitary custody. 

Invetitigatio^ of cliarges. 

SuinnmrT and minor puiii slim 00113. 


GiUiiTd roports nud cmdact slieotsL 

Dispoinl of prisfinera awarded detention by CO. 

Courts oC jnfiuiry, committees amd boards. 
Duties — Dutip' of a Subaltern. 

licspousibility for public money s.nd stores. 

Urgnaiizatlon of a coinpaii.v. 

lioster of duties. 

Daily duties. 

Guards bud plquots. 

Honours and salutes. 

Duties in aid of civil power, 
Miiscellajiitioas — Enlistment. 

CoudiitiDns of service. 

Officers' and sergeants' meases (tlioir objects). 

Men's messing ajid 'cooking (goiioa-ul system). 

System of keeping company books, accounts aad returns. 

Dress of officers and m<Mi. 

Correspond eoioe (to write luid address official letters). 

Pay and allowaJueo of N.C.Os. aud mcai of a company. 

Method of supplying troops with food, forage, auimu'ui- 
tion ami atores iai peace (general knowledge). 


(a) Organization of said Pighting Fixed Armament, 

(b) Gunneri'. 

(C) Artiller/ Drills, 
(d) Infanbr/ Drill. 
(6) Military' Law. 

(Written examinations, except iji drilln.) 
<a) Organization of, and Fighting Fixed Annameut— 
G.A,T., I, 1914, Chape. II. and III. 

Lecture uotes — Yort record bookj fighting books; forms 
of attack; duties of a B.C. 
(b) Gunnery — 

Lecture aotes — Principles of ranging; initial corrections; 
eompiling and analyzing practice reports; revision of 
guuuiory for Lieutenant's Certificate. 
<c) Artillery Drills— 

G.A.T., I, 1914, Chaps. IV„ V. andf^VL 


ArtlUsryi Coast Defence 

Appendix Vi. 

Drill pamphlet — Duties of a gun group comniandetr aind 
of a battery commander in preparation for aetion and 
in action. 
(<1) Infantry DriU— 

LT., eojupany drill and ability to correotly carry out 
company movements <in battalion drill, 
(c) Military law — 

(The Manual of Military Law and the King's Regula- 
tions are allowed to be used at this exaniinaAixMi.) 

Manual of Military Law^Tho Aimy Act, Scotions 42 to 
48» 60 to 56, 

Militia Act, Sections 4, 10, 16, 17, 19, 23, 47 to 51, 68 to 
70, T3, 74, 70, 77, 80 to 88, 99, 101, 107 to 131. 

King's Hegulationa (Canadian), jaras. 286 to 290, 342 to 
604, 552 to 676, 1501. to 1514. 


(a) Organization of, and Fighting Fixed Armament. 

(Ona writtesn examinajtion.) 

(b) Battery Oommandei's Dtttled. 

(Practical and oral examination to bo frarrled out 
during annual practice.) 

(c) Infantry DriJL 

(Practical tund ooral examinatioin,) 
(a) Organization of, and Fighting Fixed Armament— 
G.A.T., I., 1914, Chaps. II, and III. 

Lecture notes — Fort record bookfl; fighting books; man- 
ning tables; differwit forms of flt;tack on a coast fort- 
ress; duties of Fir* Commander said Batterr Comman- 
der; target indication; duties «f gairisoua of forts. 
(I) Battery Commanders' Duties — 

Ability to command a coast defence b«Ltt4.M-y in actiou. 
(c) Infantry Drill — 

I.T., and Cer,: — ^Battilion drill as required for ceremonial 


(a) Guns and Mountings, 

(c5 Gunnerj^, 

(d) AiPtilleny Drills. 

(e) Infantry Drill. 

(f) Eegimental Duties. 

(Practical and oral examinations.) 
(a) Ouns and Mountings — 

G.A.T., I., 1914, Chap. VIL, Sectiwm G9 to 78, and Chap. 

Handbook of Gun. Description of gun and mounting; 
stripping, assembling and testing breech and firing 
mechanisms; testaiig sights an'd mountings. 
(k) Ammunition. 

G.A.T., I., 1914, Chap. IX., and Chap. III., Seetion 31. 
Handhoek <\f Gun. Description of cartridges, projec- 
tiles, -lubes aud fusee. 


Appendix VI. 

Artillery, Siege 

<o) Gimnety— 

G.A.T., I., 1914, "Defiiiibions," pages 13 to 17, Chap. 
VII., Sections 79 to 92. 

• (d) Artillery DriUs— 

■ G.A.T., L, 1914, Chap. VI. 

Drill pamphlet — Gun and group irillj duties of gun cap 
tain; general Jcnowledgo of G.aCj sotting up, lesting, 
and uaing D.E.F. *" 

(e) Infantry Drill— 

I.T,, 1914, Seetiaiia 11 to 54, 57 to 02, 05 to 74. 
B. & M. E., SoGtionfl 1 to 37. 

(f) Eegiraent»l Duties — 
Discipline — General Inatruetioue. 

Arrest Jtnd mllitaxy custody, 
luv estimation, of oharges. 
Sunimajy and miaoi puniahmeaita. 

Guard leports and conduct shoets. 
Disposal of prisouiors awarded d«toiition by CO. 
Courts of inquiry, comniittecfl anil boards. 
Duities — Duties of a Subaltern. 

Responsibility for public monoy and stores. 

Orgonizartion of a company. 

Boater of dutiee. 

Doily dtttjes. 

Guards and piquots. 

Honours and salates. 

Duties in aid of civil powej. 

Miacollaiieous — Enliatment. 
Oondiftionfl of servic*. 

Officers' aad sorgeajits' mossofi (their objecjts). 
Men's mossing and eookimg (general system)! 
System of keep Lug company bookg, accoujuts and returns. 
Dress ol officers and men. 

Correercndence (to writ© ajid addrefls- official letters). 
Pay and allowances of N.C.Os. and mem^ of a company. 
Method of supplying food, foragej ammunition and stores 
in peace (general knowledge). - 

(H.Q. 3378—27—1.) 


Note: The books ref erred to are: — 
'<Cor."— Coremoniial, 1912. 

**P.S-R.^'— Piold Service Begulatioais, Part I., 1909. 
''G.A.T., T. "-Harrison Artillery Traiaiing, Vd. I., 1914. 
"G.A.T., II.*'— Garrijoji Artillery Training, Vol. II., 1914, 
" I.T. "— Infaaitry Traindng, 1914. 

"E. & U.K." — K'iflo and Musketry Exorcisas for the 
EofiS Rifle, 1914, 


ArtiUeryp 8iese 

Anpendix VI. 


(a) Gun, Carriage and Platform, 

(b) Ammunition. 

(c) Gunnery. 

(d) Gun and Section Drill. 
(«) Observatiom amd Plotting. 

(f) Telephory. 

(g) Infaufcrj Drill. 

(b) Kegimosital Duties. 

(Prattieal and oral examinations, except as neces- 
sary for gunuciy calculaLions.) 

(a) Gun, Carriago and Platform — 

llawdboolL B.Li. 6" Howitsior — Gen.eml description of 
gun, CLrriago and limber, including anchoring buffer, 
springs aiud sighting arrangements. 

Double-decked platform ajnd top carriage. 

(b) Ammimition^ — 

Haaidbook B.L. C" Howitzor — Cartridges, projectiles, 
tubes and fuzes. 

(c) Gunnery — 

G.AT., I, 1914, ' * Dofiuitions, " pages 13 to 17, Chap. 

V IL, Saotians 79 to 92. 
Lectures — Bango tables and S0% zones. 

(d) Gun and Section Drill— 

G.A.T., IL, 1914, Chapa. II., Til. and IV. 

Drill paniphlfJt — Drill of gun dertschments; layer; gun 
capitain and section commander; lines o£ iiro and cal- 
culating displac^mottt. 

(e) Obfier ration and Plotting — 

G.A.T., II., 1914, Chap. V. and Appendix I,, Sections 73 
to 77. Observation of liro instrument; description; sot- 
ting itji, dJiU and use; making out ranging ahoots, 

(f) Telephony— 

G.A.T., II., Appenrlix I., Sec* 79, telephone, portable C 
Mk. II., tests, taults, setting up and operating. 

(g) Infantry Drill- 

I.T., 1914, Sections 11 to 54, 57 to 62, 65 to 74. 

It. & M.E., Sections 1 to 37. 

Ceir., Sections 50 to C3. 
(h) Begimental DuUes — 

Disci pliiie — G«aw>ral Insttraotions. 

Arrest aaid militaj-y custody. 

Investigatiotn of charges. 

Summary and miner punish meut«. 

Drunken neast 

Guard report and conduct sheerta. 

Disposal af prisoners awarded detention by CO. 

Courts of inquiry, commibboes and boards. 
Duties — Duties of a Subaltern. 

BespomsibiUty for public money aid stores. 

Organization of a battery. 

Eoster of dutiefi. 


Appendix VI. 

Artillery, Siege 

Artillery, Siege 

Daily duties. 
Guard* and piquet*. 
Honours &nA salut«s. 
Duties in aid of civil power. 
Miscellaneous — J^nliBtnieait. 
Condition 8 of sea-vieo, 

OflSoera' and Bergetaiits' masses (their objects). 
Men^B meeslng luid cookiaig (general aysbom.) 
SyatoiB of keeping battery books, aeeounta and returns, 
DresB of oiEcore and mctn. 

Correspondence (to write and a-ddrces official lettera). 
Pay tuhd alio wan cea of N.O.Os. and men of a battery. 
Method of aupplyiaig troops with food, forage, ammuni- 
tion and Btores iu peace (genflral kuowledgfe). 


(a) Obs&r'/ation of lUie. 

(b) Panging. 

(c) Section and Battery Drill. 

(d) T-neantry Drill. 

(e) MiliAflry Law. 

(Written examinations, except in dnlls.) 

(a) Observation of Tire— 

G.A.T., JT., 1014, Chap. V. 

(b) Banging— 

G.A.T., n., 1914, Clap. VI. 
fo) Section and Battery Drill — , 

a.A/r., II., 1914. Claps, m. amd IV. 
Drill Pamphlet. 

(d) Infantry Drill — 

I.T., isi4. Company drill. 

(e) MiUtary LaMN- 

(The Manual of Military Law and the King's Itegula- 

tiona are allowed to bo uaed ait this examination.) 
Manual of Militaay Law—The Army Act, Sections 42 to 

4S. 5t> to 5fl. 
IDilitia Act, Seetions 4, 10, 16, 17, 19, 23, 47 to 61, 68 to 

70, 71^, 74, 76, 77, 80 to 88, 99, 101, 107 to 131. 
King's Regulationa (Canadiaa), paras. 286 to 290, 342 to 

504, 5j*J2 to 570, 1601, 1606 to 1514. 


(a) Km ploy meat of Slage Artillery. 

(One written cKamination.) 

(b) Battery Commander's Duties. 

(Practical and oral examinations, to bo carried out 
iluring annual practice.) 
{a) Employment of Siege Artillery^ 

G.A.T , IL. 1914, Chaps. VII. and VIII. 
P.S.R., Chap, VIII. 
(b) Battery Commander's Duties. 

Ability to command a siege btuttery ii^ action. 


Appendix VI. 


(n) Gun, Oarritige :in4 T'l^itform. 

(b) Amnuniiion. 

(c) Guun<?ry. 

fd) Gun aud Section Drill, 
(o) Obsa-vation aud Plottiug. 

(f) Telepbony. 

(g) InfaatiyDrilL 
(h) Regimcntnl Duties 

(Practical awd oral examination.) 

(a) Gun. Carriage and Platform^ 

Handbtjok of B.L. 0" Howitzer — Gonoival doseriptiou of 
guaij oarriago and limber, including aueboring buffer, 
springs .ind sighting aJ*rangeme<ntt8; do ubk- decked plat- 
form and top carriage. 

(b) Ammunition — 

Handbook of B.L. 6" Howitzer — Cartridges^ projectiles, 
tubes and fuzes. 

(c) Gunnery— 

Q.A.T, 1., 1914. *'Definitio(UB," pages 13 io 17, Chap, 

VII., Section*! 79 to 02. 
Locturos — Range tiibles and 50% ?>ones. 

(d) Gun and Section Drill — 

Q.A.T., II., 1914, Chapa. Ill, and IV. 

DriU pamphlet — Drill and gun deitachmeui; ; duties of gun 
captain and general knowledge of those of section com- 
mander; lines of fire; caleulabion of diBpUcement. 

(e) Observation and Plotting^ 

G.A.T., IL, 1914, Otaptor V. and Appendix I, Sections 73 
to 77. Observation of Are instrument; description, set- 
■ting up, drill an<3 use; makin? out rangimf sheets. 
Cf) Telephony— * *^ 

G.A.T., II., 1914, Appendix I., Section 79. Telephone, 
portable C. Mk. Tl., te^te, fatilts, sotting up and oper- 
[g) Infantry Drill — 

I.T., S?eUone 11 to 54, 57 to 62, 65 to 74. 
R. A M. E., Sections 1 to 37. 
(h) Regimental Duties— 

Discipli-ne— General Instructions. 
Arrest and military custody. 
Investigation of charges. 
Summary and minor punishments. 

Guard reports and wwiduot shoots. 
Diaposiil of priaonors awarded datention by CO. 
Courts of inquiry, committees anid boards 
Ditties— Duties of a Qnbaltern. 

Rosponsibilitty for public money and stores. 

Organisation of a Itatbery. 

Roster of duties. 

Daily duties. 

Guards and piaueta 

Ilonoui^ and salutee. 

Duties in aid of civil power. 


Appendix VL £uglueerii 

Miscellaneous — KiiHstiuent. 
Cotudltieufi of serVie^.' 

Offlcers' aiiid sergeaiubs' inesaos (their objects). 
Meui's nossmg and cooking (general system), 
System of keeping ba*tery bookfl, aceoimte and returiw. 
Drosa oi ofQc&rs and men. 

Correspondonce (to write aoid address official lottere). 
Pay and allowauees of N.O.Os. and men of a battery. 
Method of supplying troops witl food, forage, am muni- 
tion and Btoiros in peace (general knowledge). 
(H.Q, 3378—27—3.) 



(a) Infantry. As laid dtiwn in (G) for infantry lieutenautK. 

(b) Equitation. Ae for captains of dtsmoutirte<l brauchcti, 

(c) Engineer Drill. 

(Oiie practical exainina-tion.) 
The candidate will be required to drill a fiotd troop or 

(d) Field Knginooiiing. 

(One written examination.) 

(One practical and oral exatuiuujlion.) 

Books — 

*' Engineer TraLmingj 1912,'* Sections 65 to SI 
Manual of Field Ennrineering. 


Candidates may ho examined in (c) «t a cainp of iustruction. 


(a) Field lliigineeriDg. 

(One written examiuatienO 

(One practical and oral exauiinatiom.) 

(b) Organisation > Adiniaistiation and Equipment. 

(One writteoi examinatiojii.) 

Duties of Engineers in waxj Administratloii of Engineer 
L' nits in War- 

Orgonizatien, administration and equipment «f the can- 
didate's own unit in peace and war. 

lin^"^ 324. under "Captaiu's Certificate." 
Delete "Parts I All" and 

Engineer Training, 1912. 


This cortiilcate may be obtalied at the School cf Military 
Eaguieering, Hailifax» at a Provisiomal School, or at an ex- 
amina/tion held at n camp of instruotion. 



Appendix VI, 


Field En^'ineering. 

(One practical exaiuiaatiom,) 

Note — Candidates may be examineit at the School of Mlli- 
fury Encinedrinu'. TTniifov n* "•T*^'--'-''z2 *^ ' ' „ 
- Page325— under Field Officer's Certificate," 
line 8, 

Delete "Parts I and 11" iind 
Substitute "VdIs. I and H." 

H.Q. 970^1-7 
P.C, 8031 of 22-B-21 
„\ simple scheme will ho set for some emgiaieering work in 
the field, 'iiiler active service conditions, such as a bridge, a 
pier, a roadwi.y. a demolition, or am earthwork. 

The strength of the working party will be given. 

All maitcrial available locally maj be utilized in addition 
to tlie equipmeut carried by the unit farming the working 
party. A inaximuni of 9 hours will be allowed, exclusive of 
the time tak^n in proceeclitig to and from the site. 

The ciindldate will submit: — 

(1) A report giving loaaons for soleetLon of deaign, calcu- 
laiioti^, if a^ny, aiid ^Lny infortitajtion on poiuts affecting 
the work. 

(2) Pemeil sketches ol all dertails, on section paper. 

(3) Worhtng party -table (see "Manual of Field Engraeer- 
ing, 1911,*' Appendix IL). 

Books Allowed at the Examlnatloii — 
"Field Service Pocket Book-" 
' ' War Establish ments, Canadian Militia. ' * 
* ' Equipment Begulatlons, Part II., Section 3. 

Books Becommonded — 

"Ataaiual of Field Engineering,** 
"Military Engineering,'' Parts L, III. and IV, 
"FieW Sfofvioe RtguU^tiojifl, * * Part L (Operations). 
"Engineer Training, 1912.** 

(H Q. 5—1—35.) 


(a) Infantry Certificate. As laid down for infantry N.C.Os. 

(b) Equitation (for ipountod N.C.Os. only). As for Lieu- 

(c) Technical subjects. 

(One written examination.) 
(One practical and oral eaaniisno-tion.) 
Can be taken at the Sehool of Military Engineering, Hali 
fax, at a Provisional School, or at m examination held at a 
camp of instruction. 

(c), Teehaical subjecfte — ^For Sergeaiitt's Certificate, Field 
Troops and Uompanles. 


Appendix VI. 



Appendix VI. 


Text Book. 

Fidd Geometry. 

Tutld and Materiile. 

Wcrkiiig parties. 


Olearanco of foreground and improvement 


uf cover. 




of Fiell Knginoer- 

Kaottiog and lasHng. 



Oauping arranKecmnts. 


IToimulae for ejcploaivee. 

Blcjcks and tackles. 

Us» of spars. 

Barrel piers— Drill for. 

(c) Technical subjects— For Bej-goaiit's Certificate, Tclo- 
g-ra-ph iJetachineiits. 


X general kuowladgo of the elementary 
theory of the following: — 

1. Electricity. 

Sources of fi.M.P 

Simple circuit! 

Ohm's law 

Divided circuits 

Earth returns 

Fall of potentials 

Principles of Batierios — Generally. 


Oalvanometers. -i 

Single ourrent key | 

Sounders {_ 

Simple toleirraph circuits | 

Uilitnry direct working instiuments. . I 
Relays ^ 

Siugle current liystem 

Transmitter^ and receivers. , 

Generators , , 

Bella , 

Telephone sets; office and portable 
Vibrator syttem 

:j. Field telegraph ofQcee .^. 

'1. Testing . . . . , '. 

(k Routine aad Organisation 

0. For Cable Det*chment8 only. 

Laying Field Coble 

Special Field and MistoUanaous 


Storing and testing materjuls. \ 

Testing and storing apparatus I 

Connecting vp tDstrnmenta. | 

Identiflcntlor of wires I 

lEStruction in Army Tele- 
graphy and Telephony. 
Vol. r. Chapter I. 

VbI. r, Chapter 11. 
Vat. I, Chapter [II. 

Vol, I, Chapter IV. 

Vol. I. Chapter XI. 

Vol. I, Chapter Xll. 
VdI. I, Chapter XV. 

Vol. I. Chapter XVIII. 

Vol. T, Chapter XIX. 

Vil. I, Chapter ICXI. 

V»l. ri, Chapter I. 
Vol. 11, Chapter IV. 

V«l. n. Chapter IX. 


Tor Air Line SetachmentB only. 

Erecting Field Air Lite 

^aintenice of Field Air Line 

Special Field ond Uiscellaneous 


Construction of rorir.Bnent Lines 


Lin* Tea Boxes, Terminal Strips.. ^ 
Junction of Maintenance and Pro- 1 

tectivn from Power Circuits. ... J 

Storing tnd testing matortal t 

Testing and storing apparatuit [ 

Connecting up instruments | 

Identlflcitioa of wirei ' 

Vol. II, Chapter IT. 
Vol. II. Chapter III. 

Vol. II, Chapter IV. 

Vol. II Chapter V. 

Vol. II Chapter VI. 

Vol. II. Ohnpler TX. 

(e) Technical subjectsr— For Sergeaiut'a Certificate^ Wirolcs^ 


A general knowledge of the elementary 
theory of (he following: — 

1. Electricity. 

Sources of E.U.F i 

Simple circuits ..,,.«. f 

Ohm' s Law i. 

Divided circuits ; 

Earth terminals l 

Fall of potentlalB . / 

Magnetic effects of current \ 

Capacity of condensers I 

luductiofi and induction coils | 

Hertxtan waves i 

Waves bngth 

Tuning ) 

Batter lei, dry, wet and storage gen- 

2, Instruments. 

Dynamoe, alternating and direct • , ,\ 


Coherers > 

Potentioneters . . ". . I 

Aeriols / 

Transmitters and Receivers 

a. Method ol dealing with messages, 
office routine and organization.... 

4. Internal combustion engines 

5. Pack outfit and pack sadjlery 

Instruction in Army Tele 
grapby anl Telephony. 

Vol. I, Chapter L 

Any text book on this sub 

Vol. I, Cliupler II. 

Any text books on tb€B« 

Vol. T, Chapler XI. 
Vol. I, Chapler XXI. 

Any text book on the sob' 

Details as published from 

time to tinp. 

(H.Q. 5^1— ft) 


Appendix VL 


Oaicers— CauaxUan Englneoi&— ■Witetess Telegraph Detachmervts. 

To qualify for appoiutmomt to Wircleas Telegraj^li DetaeJi- 
uiontst oflicers wlU be required io pass an cxaininfltiou in the 
fflllowing special subjeots: — 


AdmiuUtrutitii, ostabllBlinioiit, equlp- 
tneat aud orgBDliatloii ot a Siffual 
Troop (Wireless Detachueut) with 
a Uouatei Urtguda. 

3 Oenerat kuovledge ot tbe drill for 

erecting and diatnantliaf of Wire* 

less Pack StatiouB. 
Instructtons Cor Wtroless Elgnal Sta- 

Method of dtalinc with witetsBB ineB- 

aageB atid pr<»codurft of operators, 
IiiBtructioTis for tli« care of the en- 

sine, alternator aad laBtruments 

of pack wlreleBft Beta, 

3. lutor-commuiilcatlon and oidera. 

Field Telegraph Officea. 
Te&ting routing and organteatlon. 

5 A ffODeral kaowledee of tlie Tarloua 
methods «f establishing communi- 
cation itt the i\6ld. 

Tact Book.. 

Regulations for the Equip* 
ment of the Army, Vart 
2, Section K.K. Signal 
Troop with llonnted Bri- 
gade, Regular Army. Oen* 
eral Order 90, 1918. Ap- 
pendix A t» G.O. 99, 

Handbook of Procedure for 
Uao with Wireless Signal 
Stations in the Army, 
Chapters II, III, IV and 
V and Appendix II, 

Hold Service Regulationa, 
1009 (RfipiJnt 1912), 
Part I, Chapter II, Sec- 
tiotiB 6. 16, IT, 18 and 

Instruction in Army Tele- 
graphy and Tetepbonr, 
Chapters XVIII and XIX. 

Officers — Canadian Engineers — Telegraph Petacliments. 

To qualify for appoJiitnieiit to Telegraph Detachments, 
oiBeera will be re(\uirod to pass an ejcomittation in tlio foUowittg 
special sub.iecta: — 


Text Book. 

Admin istratioa of Ntr. I Section 
fUuble I>otachment) ol a Signal 

Organization and eQUipmcnt of Ho. 1 
Section iObblo Detachment) of a 
Signal Conpany. 

8. Duties of K*. 1 Section (Cable De- 
tachment) of a Sigual Oompahy. 

InatructloHB iaaaed in 0.0. 
DO of 1918. 

Inatructions issued in O.O, 
9a of 1918. 

CcguIattoDB for the Equip- 
ment of O.M., Part II, 
Section III, No. 1 Sec- 
tion of a Signal Company. 

Instructions issued in G.O. 
96 of 1918. 


Corps of Guides 

Apiieudlx VI, 


Text Book. 

General knowledge of the instrumentB 
used in Ho. 1 Section (Cable Det,} 
of Sisnal Company. 

Field TeUgtaph Officea, TeatinB rou- 
tine and organixation. 

<. Cable Drill. 

A general knowledge of the Tarloua 
metboda of establishiDg communi- 
cation is the 9eld. 

Instmction* io Army Tele- 
graphy ana Telephony, 
Vol, I, Chaps. Ill and IV. 

InBtructlous In Avmy Tele- 
graphy onl Telephony, 
Chaps, XVIEI and XIX. 

Inatructions in Army Telo- 
frraphy a»l Telfiphooy, 
Vol. II, Chip I. 


The syllabus of the work requireid to qualify for the vari- 
Dutf ranks in the Corjps of Guides will be found iu Appendix IX., 
together witli other niformation regarding the CoriJS of Guides. 


For Lieutenants' Certificate. 

(a) Sqnad, &eetion> platoon, extenieii order, and conipajuy 
drill; riilo exercises; guards aid coremonial, 

(b) Elementary tactic j nad fteld training, 
(e) Care pf anna and elemwitary muaketry. 

(d) Topography, 

(e) Discipline and inilLtaty law. 

(f) Duties and interior ecoi;eniy. 
(s) Organization. 

(h) Physical and bayonet training^ equivalent to a six day 
coursa in P. and B.T. or snflQcient to qualify an oflicor 
to supervise tbe Tvork of his platoon in tliesi' subjects. 

In addibLen, leotures aj^ to be given on the foUowiJig heads, 
sufCcieut to ensure a c^mididate poasosaiug on intelligent kuowl- 
adge of each subjecft. 

Dewis automatic rille. 


Anti-gas measures. 

Explosives and grenades. 

Tilling oiC working parties and allotting tasks. 

Physical iitnees* 

Trenjch T^^arfaxe. 

Leadership and morale. 

Hygiene end sonitaticoi. 

First aid. 


Appendix VI. 

Canadian Army Service Corps 

Canadian Army Service Corps 

Appeiidix VI. 

For Captains' Certificate. 
Ofliticrs aiL^j&ring upon couxbo B must have s thorough 
knowledge of the work comprised in course A, 

(a) Company aaid battalion drill in close and extended 
oi^e*r; oeremonial. 

(b) Tactics and field training, 
(d) ToiK>firrftphy. 

(o) MUitar/ law. 
' (s) Or^i:panjziT.tiou^ admiListrti'tijon and equipment. 

For Field Officers' Ceitiflcate. 
Officers edit* ring upon course must have a tliorougb 
knowledge of the work coiiipri^d in ocursoa A and B. 

(^) The practical handling of a haittaliooi in close order drill 

iiflid in tbo field J ceremonial, 
(b) Tactics and field training. 

(d) Topography and field skcftching. 

(e) Military law. 

(g) OrgamiKatiott, administration and equipment* 

(i) Equitation. 

Not«: Details regarding each subject and information con- 
cerning couraes arc publiBtied in pamphlet form for general 

For K.O.Os. Certificate. 
The subjects will be as kid down for the Licutensut's quail- ' 
fyiug course on appointment^ huj, the scope adapted to the know- 
ledge essential for the performance of !iis duties in camp and 
the tactical instruction and handling of his unit in tlie field, 
(H.Q. 5830—1—3). 



(a) MJiLtarjr Law. 

(On* written eraminatiotn.) 

(b) Duties and Interior Economy. 

(On» written exjuninMion.) 

(c) Supply. 

(On* wi'ittcin exammatiom.) 

(d) Transport. 

(Ona writtom exaanination.) 

(e) Drills. 

(Practical eramination.) 

(f) Ceiremotual, 

(Practical examination.) 
Books Eocommended — 

Army Service Corps Training, Part 1. 
" " " " Part II. 

** " " " Part HI. (omitting Brit- 

ish vehicles). 
C.A.S.C. Manual. 
I'^inaneial Hegulations. 
ituide, 'Ihe (Ot-t&r). 


Regulations for Supply, Tromaport and Barrack Sorvicee. 

Teomanry and Mounted Kifle Training, 

K.E. & O. 

Manual ef MilLtaiy Law. 

Field Service Pocket Book. 

Animal Management, 
(a) Military Law— 

Priuciples of disciplin*. 

Definltione of milutairy law and martial la^. 

Arrest and inJlitaTy custody. 

Investigation of charges. 

Sumntory and miaor pundsh meats. 
<b) Duties and Interior Economy — 

Boater of dutiee. 

Daily routdne of duties. 

Salutea anid compliments. 

Ordeiily duties. 

Keap«nsibility of eubaltems. 

Oflicere' and sergaojits' messe* (their objec-ts). 

Men's messing and cooking (geoieral system). 

Ofliicflrs, W.Ob., N.O.Os. and soldiers generally. 

Drees of oflieers and men. 

Booka, company, &o., atnd daidividual. 

Corrc8pondon»o, to writ-o amd address on clBcial letter. 

Making out simple parade etote of a corapattj*. 

Pay and efficiencj pay. 
(c) Supply— 

ftatioiis, contract Kj meat, catitle, sheep, groceries, bread, 
forage, flour, baking, making out supply a* counts. 
<d) Transport — 

Definitions, fitting harness and saddlery, loading wagons, 
encampments, feeding of horses and cattle. 

(e) Drills- 


Foot drill. 

Wogvn drill. 

Fitting of harness and saddlery. 

Bifle drill. 

(f) Geremoaial — 

GnaTis and fientries. 


(a) Military liavr. ' 

(One written exuiiiiuatioa) 

(b) Duties and Interior KMmomy. 

(One written examination.) 

(c) Supply. 

(One written examination) 

(d) Traosport. 

[One written examijiatioi].) 

(e) Drilla. 

(Practical cxaminoiiou.) 

(f) Musketry, 

[Practical examination.) 


Appeudix VI. 

Canadlaa Army Service Cotps 

Sooks BecomMended — 

Arniv .Se^vi<^e Corps Trajinhi^, Pa^ I. 
" *' '' Part IL 

*• " "■ " Part IIL (omitting Brit- 

ish voliicles). 
aA.S.O. Manual. 

Canadian Militia War KalablijihnieiLts. 
Field Sfrvico Pocket Book. 
Guide. Tfao (Otter). 

King's Rogulationp and Orders, OaJiodian Militia. 
Manual of Military Law. 
Musketry Eegulatioss, Part 1, 

Biflo and Mualcetry Exercises for the Ross Rile, 1914, 
JJegulatioms for Supply, Transport and Barraok Services. 
Yoomanry and Mounted Rifle Tmiaiiug. 
(a) Military Law — 

Powers of a Coinmnadin^f Officer, Courts of Inquiry and 

Boards (eompoaition and powers). 
Oflfeiioej! puni all able by civil law. 
The accused and flefaulters. 
Aid to liivil power ' 

(>i) Duties and. Interior Economy — 

Guards, sentrico, piquets and police. 

Drills and paradee, guard, piquet, tattoo, ntiou, sick, 

muster, ardorly-roam and kit iuBpoclinn parades. 
Officers— Special functions of Commaaidiug Officctrs and 

Kegim/jntal Staff. 
Bulistment, discbarge, pay, barracks, ordora, hospitelj 
rations, fuel and ligbt; officers', sffrgeauts' and com* 
pany meases j leave^ passes, servants. 
Bceimental books. 
Correspondemce generally. 
<e) Supply— 

Employment of A.e.C. in tLe field. 

Batious, contracts, aioat, cattle, sheep, groceries, broad, 
forage, flour, baking, and making out supply accounts. 
<<l) Transport — 

The employment of A..S.C. in tlie field: definitions: fitting 
harness and saddbry: loading wagons: eutampmonts: 
feeding of horses and cattle. 
<«) Drills- 

Instruction in foot drill. 
Instruction in wagon drill. 
<f) Musketry- 
Instruction of t-he recruit in drill, firing and practice 


(a) Supply. 

(Due written exo^mmjajtion.) 

(b) Transport. 

(One written examination.) 
^c) Horsemastcrsbip. 

(Practical eiaminatiotn.) 
( d) Drill and Field Training of a Ccmpany. 

(Priictical examinatioin.) 

Army Medical Corps 

Appendix VI. 

Books Eecommeuded — 
Animal llaiuigemont 

Armv Service Coni3 Train ir.^. Part I. 
tr ti a * < i>art II. 

II n *i " Part III. (omitting Brit- 

ish vchacl*s). 

O.A.S.C. Manual. 

Canadian MilLtia War Establishments. 

Field Service Pocket Book. 

Musketry BegtUatiffue, Part L 

Bifle and Musketry Exercises for the Biss Emo, 1914. 

EoguUtiona for Supply, Traaisport and Barmck Services, 

YoomMia^ and Mo anted Eiflo draining. 

(a) Supply^ 

Geoueral principles of the supply of rations, forage, etc., 

in tho fiold. . ^ .., n ♦ 

Linee of communication, bow organized with regard t« 

Supply Depots. 
Supply^ Depots. 
Supp!)' Accounts. 

tbl Transport — . ^ ^ ^ . ti 

eGiLoml principles of the organization of -triLnsport in tho 

Liiuee of communioatiofli. 

(c) Horsemastership — 

(d) Drill and Field Training of a Ootnpany-- 

(SiQi 337o-li-lJ. 


Tho subjects of oxaminaAioai will bo as laid down' for LieLj 

tenant's certificate, except (a) Military Law, but the scope wiU 

bo limited to tho knowledge osseoitiai f or the porf<rmance of his 

duties in Camp and in the Field. ^^^^ 3378-12-1). 



(a) Organization and AdmiuistiJition. 

(b) Sanitation. . ,, , ,, „ „ 

(c) Laws and Customs of Won-, e8i)wially as regards the Con- 
vention of Gene 7a. 

(Writtetn examiiidjtions). 
(a) Organlaation and Administration— 

The Medical organization amd administration of a Divi- 
sion of active aorvice in Canada, uiwl tho problems con- 
nected therewith, 

E.A.M.O. Training. 

Itegulations, Canadian Medical Serviee, 

Manual of Equipment, Canadian Medical Service. 

Field Sorvic* Regulatnona, Parts I, and 11, 

Appendix 71, 

Army Medical Corpi 

Wir Establiftlmonts, Canadian Militia. 
Caaadiom KilirtJa KabLLix:a;ticm E«galatiotiB. 
Sttmdard Works on the Strategical atnd Tactical Em 
ploy meat of tho Modical Service. 

(b) Sauitatioa— 

The sajiitary orgaulBatiiOtu and administration of au arm/ 
oa axitiv© s&Tvice in <3aaiiul«, anti tho probleuis connected 

li.A.M.C. Trainbig. 

Field Sorvioo Eogulatione, Part II, 

Miiuual of Elonientary MJlLtary llygicjio. 

Stwidctrd Works <wi Miliftacy Sanitation, 

{c) Laws and Customa of War, fispeclaUy as regards the Com- 
ventlon of Geneva, 

Mcnual of Military Law, Chapter XIV. 


(a) Organization and Administration. 

(b) Sanitation. 

{Writben examinations.) 

(a) Organisation and AdiolulBtration— 

The medical organizatixyn and a(}miniBtra>tiDn of units on 
activ^o service in Oatiada. vmi pwbleii\3 vomiected thoro- 

K.LM.C TraJmiJig. 

Beg:nlatio!ns, Canadian HedJeal Service. 

Manual of Equtpment, Canadian Medical Service. 

Field Service Iiegulart;ionflt farts I. aaid IL 

Wis EgtftbUfilinLem'ts, Canjadimn MiEtiia. 

Canadian Militia Mobilization Bogulatiotis. 

StiuidaTd wforka on the Btai^teguiai and Tactiea) Em- 
ployment of tlio Medical flervice. 

(b) Sanitatloa— 

Tho aaistary organisation aiid administration of unita on 
service in Canada and problems connected tL ere with. 

R.A.M.C. Training. 

Eield Service Begulations, fart II. 

Manual of Eleinenitary Militairy Hygietne. 

Stindard Worka on Militaxj' Sanitajti»n. 


(a) Admitiist/ration. 

(Written oiatabation.) 

(b) Sauiitatiou. 

(Written exam-iaationO 

(c) Drill uid Exercises, etc 

(Practical examination,) 
(a) Administration — 

B.A.M.C. Training. 

KegulatLons, Canadian Medical Service. 

Manual of Equipment, Can-adiam Medical Ser^-ie6. 

Par an<l Allownnce Hegulations. 


Canadian Army Veterinary Corps 

Appendix VI. 

(b) Sanitation— 

R.A.M.C. Training. , 

Mannaa of Elcmen/tary Military Hygieoie. 
(e\ DriU and Exercises, etc. — , t, j- 

^^ Squad and CM)mpan>- Drill, Corps Exercises, Map Keadmg 
and Care of Horses and Transport. 
I'nfait'tTy Traimng. 

RA.M.C. Training. ^ «, ^ , ■ 

M»nmil of Map Bonding aiid Fiekl Skotchu^g. 
ML-morandum for Camps of lii«tructioi, I art* 
ajid II. 


(a) Admiuifitrataon. 

(Written examination.) 

(b) PraofticaK 

(a) Administration— ,. , « - 

Bagulaitions, Canadian Medical Service. 

Standing Ordors, P<>rniaaiout Army Medix^al Corps, 

RA.M.C. Training. 

Manual of Elcmeutarj' Milttajry Hygien*. ^ 

(b) Practical. 

Duties of a Non-commissioned Officer of the Canadian Medical 

E.A.M.C. Trainmg. „ :.. , c - ^ 

JIanuaJ of Equipment, Canadian Modieil Service. 
Manual ol ELemcntury MiUtary HyS?^*- 393.3.^3^^ 

(6) jyZWIAh STJBGEOilS. 

UoiTulatious, Canadjian Medjioal Service. 

Manual oi Equipment, Oauadian Medical Swvumi. 



(a) Military Law. 

[One written examinntion). 

(b) Duties of Executive Vote>rinjJry Officers. 

COue written examination), 
(a) Mllitaiy Law- 
Principles of Disciplm*. 
Defmition of Military Lavf. 
Arrost and Military Custody. 
Invewtigntion of Chargee. 
Summary oji^l MiJior Puuishmonts, 
Courts of Inquiry and Boards. 

Books — 

K. E. & O, {Canadian). 
The Guide (Otter). 


Appeudix VI. 

Cauadlan Army Veterinary Corpg 

(b) Dutlos of Executive Vaterlnaiy Officers 

Pilting oj! Saddlory ajid Stable Puties. 

Care of Uori-efl on the Marcli. 

Examination of Hoi-ses Prior to Active Sarvice. 

Routine oi Cam? Duties. 

Dtfloriptive Roll of Horses. 

Daiiy Sick Reports and Vutednary Tield Case Books. 

Regulations for the Canadian Army Voteritiary Corps. 

Animal Managoment 


(a) MilUaiy Jjaw. 

(One ivritten examination). 

(b) Duties of Executive Veterinairy Officers, 

(One written examduation) . 

(c) Equitation. 
(t) Military law- 
Powers of a C-0. 

Courts of Inquiry and Borirds. 
Offent-ea Punishable by Civil Law. 
Tlie Accused and Defaulters. 
Btoks — 

King's Regulations and Ordijrs (Canadiau). 
Manual of Military Law* 

(b) Duties of Executive Veterinary Olficera — 

Inspection of Porage aaud Watering Arrangfenients. 

"Auinial Management." 
Boaids on Injured Horses. 
Camp Grounds aatd Piquet Lines. 
TrriEspoTt of Animals by Rail and Sea. 

''Regulations far Army Veterinary Services." 

K. r: & O, (Canadinn). 

(c) Equitation— 

A^ foi C«|)tain3 of Dismounted Braaiches in Para 


(a) Adm"ii)ifltrafion and OrgaJiizatior. 

COnc written examination). 

(b) Duties of Principal Veterinary Ofllcers. 

(One written exuT^iinatiooi)". 

(a) Administration and Orgiinizatfon — 

A detailed knowledge for botli peace and var of the 
admjitiistiati'on, orgaiiizatiion, oquipmout, terms of 
service and pay of tlie C.A.V.C. 

Fidd St^rvice Eegulations, Part Ti. ^ 

(b) Duties of Principal Veterinary Officers — 

Supply of Voteriaary Medici nee 
Conjtiol of Contagions Diseases. 
Remount Depots. 

<H.Q. 621-3-10). 

Quartermasters and Quartermaster-Sergeauta Appendix VI. 



Duties of Quartermasters, 

(On« written oianiination) . 
Duties of Quartormasters in Peace and War — 

CA.S.C. Manual. 
Judging Supplies — 

aA.S.C. ManiiaL 
Method of Supplying Troops with Food, AmmuniUon, ficc, in 
Peace anl War — 

C.AS.C. ManaJd. 

Supply Manual (War)* 

Field Setrvico Regulations, Part I. 
Movement of Troops by Land and Sea^ 

C.A.S.C. MauTiaL 

IMola Service Rcguktious, Part I. 
Water Supply and Sanitation — 

Manual of Klwiientary Military Hygiene. 

Held Service Regulations, Part 1 
WboeJod Transport: How Organized ana Maintained — 

C.A.S.C Manual. 

PieM Herv'ice RegulationB, Part I. 
Camps, Bivoi;ac and BlUoting — 

C.A.S.C Manual. 

lUeld t^er'ice ReguJatioins, Fart I. 

Fiolil Service Pocket Book. 
Method of Ac.iountlng for Equipment and Stores— 

f^lochinr Re^uUtioma, Canadian Militia. 

Militia Book No. 50, 
Cooking and Messing Arrangements — 

InstruoUons to Cooks. 
Saggage: Hovr Carried, Allowance for Damps — 

K. R. & O. (Canadian). 

Pay and Allowance Hegulajtiona. 


Dutiee of Quaa-ttrmaster-Seigennts. 

(Wmtt*n exanuiia>tion). 
The subjecls will be as Iritd down for Quartcj-mastor's Certi- 
cflte, buft modified in scei>e and adapted to the knowledge 
(I'^sontial for the proper peifr>rnLauic>o of the duties of a Quar- 
tiTfli aster-Sergeant. 

(H.Q. 580-1C-4). 


Appendix VH. 

Boyal Cauadlau Engineers 

Royal Oanadlan Engineers 

Appendix ru. 

G,0, 156 — 


(Epfetrred W in pams. 179, 780 iud 783). 


Iiloutenants for Promotion to ^Captain. 

Subject (f)— rechnical Examinations. 

1. Lieuteuwits will be exammed befwre promotion aa to their 
technical qualifications \v field tmg^eering and in construction, 
ia accordance with the following iastrictions, 

2. Applications from oillcors to be oxamined in either sub- 
hp«»Os (i.) or fit.) will bo submitted to the Olficer Commanding 
tho District and, if npprovcd by him, forwarded to the Com- 
waiidant, Sch«ol of Milituiy Engmtieriug, Halifax. At the sama 
time tho Commandant will bo notified as to the name of the 
BuptTviaing odcoi. 

In t!)e caflc of examination in subject (f) (i) Field Engineer- 
mg Test — the supervising officer will send direct to the Oom- 
luandJiut, freh'tol of MLhLary Enganeeri-ag, an outlnne of n suit- 
oble examinaiion, giving Buflicient information regarding local 
conditions, maps available, etc., *o eamble tlie Commai-vdant to 
Slit the exaniiiiatieii. 

3. TJie projects will be set under tie direction «f the Com- 
mandant, S.M.K, and will bo foTwar(]ed by him, under conti 
tlential cover, to the officar detailed to supcfrvise the examin- 
ation. Thie fiupervising oflicer will be the aonior E.C.E. ofilcer 
at the candidate's station, or another R-C.E, officer specially 
detailed under arrangemeita mode by the D.0.0. with Militia 

4. The Bite, or any otU&r particulars necessary to adapt tho 
pro.iect to local conditions, will be inserted by the supervising 

5. The projects, wiU, on eompletioji, be forwarded to the 
Commandant, S.M.E., witl tlhe orLticiBms of *tho super viaing 
ctJicer, who will ospeoially staito hijg opiniion as to tie extent to 
vhich local conditions are Ba4)isiied. In order to secure uni- 
formity of mwking, tho projects will be examined and marked 
by a standing board, consisting of itbo ConimaJidant, S.M.E., as 
preeddent, and two oflicors appointed by him, as nemboTB. 

The Comnianrlnnt will coni-'nunicata the result (on M.F.B. 
303) to Militia Headquarters, eShowiaig the poicentajo of marks 
dlotted by the standing board, A <opy of the proceedings 
of the board -vill be forwarded to the Officea* Administering the 
R.C.E. for bis infocrmatioE. 

An officer must obtain 50 per cent, in each subhead in ordei 
to (lualify fo: promotioJi. 


(f) (1)— Fi€ld Engineering Test. 

6. For exajni nation dn field engineering, each officer will 
wrtrk out a project fo^ the carrying out under seivice oondi- 
tion(? of some ivork iu the field such as a restoi&tion or erection 
of a bridge, tlie erection oi a pier for landing e tores, a railway 
dBvifition ovej a river oi' ravine, the vabar supply of a camp 
fw (say) a 4i vision, a aciienie for emtrainimg oir detriiialng 
tioopfl at some station, tho erection oi field works to supple - 
trent the permanent ivorke of the land front of a fortress, or a 
project for points d'appui in an exteoided position. 

7. The project will bo divided inito two paa-ta, oe follows: — 
1st. Tho firat part id intamded to test an officer'* ability to 

grasp the cssenitial podnjts of the work he has to execute 
and to work out rxpidly a project for it, in BufTicient 
detail only to enable him to got his men to ivork with- 
out loss of time, and to fonm an esrtimnte of the shortest 
time required to complete the work, consistent with abso- 
lute safety- 
This part will include: — 

(a) Sketches of tho woiks he proposes to construet lUnd pry- 
liminary eHiniato of the stores neco*sary, but in suDicient 
detail only to oimble Imu to commeoic* work and employ the 
labour fully until such time a^ he can provide moio work by 
the further elaborartiijon of the pmjccit, 

(b) Calculaitionfl for suah inateriels ofnly ae require it and 
for which he is indenting in the first place. , 

(c) An ee*imate of the greatest number of men (with their 
trades) which he can usefully employ. 

(d) The lowest estimarto of the time in which the work 
can be completed, which ia thaA consistent wiifli absolute safety. 

2nid. The second part is intended to tost the windidate's 
abdliity to organdze the labour and to carry on tho work 
in detail, ajid wvill include: — 

(e) I>etailea drawinga «f the works included iu (a) of tho 
fiiBt part, witk a supplementary list of stores to complete all 
that ojro neeeysary. 

(f) Calculations for eu*h niaiterialB as require it, and aro 
n*t included in (b) of firrt port. 

(^) A detailed scheme for the orgoaization of labour, 
(h) A general account of the erdei and method in whicJi 
the work will be MiTriD-l oat 

(i) A closei- estimart;e of time tlian that given in fd) of first 


8. The first pai^t will be carried out ©ntiTcly in the field; 
the time allowed, oxcliisi\'* of jeurnjoya to tind from the site, 
will vary from one to three hoars at the diecretion ol tlie officer 
scttimg the project. 

The hour of common cenj«nfc will be so arranged that the first 
ptirt will bo handed iu to tie supervising officer about 2 p.m. or 
3 p.m. This oEcoir will th«n initial tho work and r&tnrn it at 
once to the candidate, who will proceed to carry ouit tho second 
part of the project indoors. 

In tho elaboratdon of the scheme in the secooid part a cani 
ditlate may be allowed to make altera tione or addiHions to the 
scheme origimolly worked out in the first part in matters of 


Appendix VII. 

Boyal Oatiadiau Euglueerfl 

detail only, but -the work originaJly liiUidwi in. must jiot be 

The whole of itbe wocrl will be liaiidx>d in by 9 a.iii* on the 
ioUowing moraing. 

Only such books rs officora would bo likely to have avail- 
able in the field may be used. These will be specified by the 
officeir sotting the projeot. 

On fiomplfttion of the project, the officer will write a oerti- 
floatc that the whole of the work has been carrix>d out without 
itny aasiBbante, except from the technical books specified. 

The time n£ issue and return will le record od by the super- 
riaing oflicotr on the original project ciud on both parts of the 
work produced, and the vhole of the papers aff« tt) be treated 
US confideutiJil. 

(f) (il)— Coastniction Test. 

1). The project will consist of the following: — 

Eaeh oflicer will prepuaw a couipbbe deoigii of some con- 
litructiicn work, sueli as ft. Bmoll building, Bomo rtconiJt ruction 
work or Boma extensive repaAr, df pesffible, in eoinaoctiou with 
the requireniMits of his etatioiL 

The design ie to b« a>ecompnji.iod hy a report whieh should 
frive briefly I he n'asona for adopting the design chosen, and 
should also treat very briefly the questioaifl of drmuagc, light- 
ing, heataog, \vator supply, fouhdations, etc., and give any n«ce«- 
?ary calculations for walls, floors, roof a, pipes, vlring, heat- 
ing', etc. The design should also be aecoinpjuiied by a speci- 
fication, n bill of maiterial, and a dose esbimatft of coat in 
which the methods of oMaining prioee quoted elould be set 
out in full. . ^ . t X, 

10, The projeot must bo coniplotod and handed in by the 
itfflcer wiUiin two months of -the date on which it is given him. 
This pwiod niny bo exUudod if the supervising ollieer is of 
the opinion that pressure of oflicial Tvork renders such oxteai- 
sion necessary ajid Bubnilts a cortifi<!*te to this etfoot. 

With the projeot the officer will fuirnish a cortiflcutc that 
the whole of the work has been carried out without any assist- 
ance except from teehnital books auj that m) existing build- 
ing has been copied- 

The date* of isane and rotuMi ivill be diatincitly noted on 
tho project, and the whole of the papers are to he treated as 
conMentiaL (H.Q. 58G-10-30). 


Canadian Oiduauce Corps 

Appendix VIII. 


. (Refenred to in piras. 180, 77fl, 780 OJid 783). 
Subject (o). 

The proportion of marks required for a "pass'^ in subject 
<o) mil be .£0 in each subhead. 

Subjeet (c) (u) — Ordinance Duties. 

A general knowledge of tlio duties ts set out ia the various 
regulations, but, as regards Lieutenants in particulai, the duties 
of those directly in cliargc of stores, 

CaptainB for promotiooL to major will be examined on a 
paper of a higher order, embracing tlie whole of tho dutdea 
(inapeetiodi of explosives excepted) which oHicors of the G.O.C. 
are liable to be requicod to porform. 

1. (i) Canadian Ordnance Corps — Composition and func- 
tions; dUities aiid rosponsLbiliitics of ofllcors, warrant oflicers. 
shareholders and foretmen. 

2. Administration of otIicoB, storeliousos, magazines and 

3. ProviHiou of stores, 

4. Receipt uwd issue of stores, care, custody and repair of 

5. Keepdmg ledger accounts, inspection of stores from con- 
tractor, etc. 

6. Regimeiitiil records, enlistments, discharges, etc. 
Booka, — 

K. R. & O. (danada.) 
Standing Orders for CO.C. 
ReguJartione for C. Os. — ^Ports I, and II. 
Regulations for Magazines. 
Clothing Regulationa — Parts I. and 'II, 
Bquipmont Regulatione, 
Priced VoeabuhLry of Stores — Cam., Part I. 
Br-, Part II. 

Subject (o) (11) — Organization, Administration and liquipment. 

TMs subjeftt will bo dealt with especially from the point of 
view of the requirements of the Canadian Ordnance Corps. 

Subject (0) (iii) — Technical Stores. 

lu addition to tho books recommeoided a sezdos of lectures 
vJU be arranged covering a period of four to six ^v«(eks — at 
which candida/tes will bo allowed to make notes utang these 
notes later nt their written examinaliuxa. 

1. Guns — Ma mif act I ire and exajoiinn/tioa; injuries with oauses 

and method of repair (geaieirally); knowledge »f all parts. 

2. Carriages — General knowledge of att parts of all carriages 

and limbers and other mountinge; the care ax.d preserva- 
tion of carriiiges, limbers naid niountings. 


Apv«ndix VnZ. 

Canadian Army Pay Corps, 

3. Ammunition — Ceueral ktiowledgo of nuuiufuetiL-a ■and corn- 

poiieutu; dossificatiou ajid Btoj>ago of powitor, cordlto^ 
gun cotton, tubes, fuues, detonators and primers, and 
other «xpJoslves. 

4. Projectilas — A_ gene ml huowledge of the niamifacfure and 

components of iJie variouB projectiles in use Avith uieth- 
oda of ]d(;utiflc4itioii. 

5. Technloal Stores — A general knowlwlge of tie tethnic*! 

istoroe in tjse in Artillt^ry nud IJugiaecrH^ and aliility to 
idcTitifv and clusf^ify the same. 
Books. — 

Treatise on Service Ordnance. 
Tr<>atifie on Militaxy Carriages. 
Treatise on Ammumtion. 
Bcgulations for Mogazince*. 


Subhead <p) <1) — Paymaster's Duties. 
Subhead (p> (ii> — Organlzatiou, Administration and Equip- 

The proper tion of mutks requirod for a "pass" in subject 
[p) will be:— 

Subbead (p) (i)— .75, 
Subhead (p) . (ii)— .60. 

Books Kecommeuded. 

Kings Regulations ami Orders for the Canadian Militia. 
l*ay and AlloAvance Regulations. 
Financial Instructions. 
Field Sorrice E emulations, Pitrt It 
HegubLbions for Canadiaoi Onlinaue« Services. 
Kegulntiuia for Caiiadiaji Engineer Services. 
Beg^ulaftione for Caiuadian Supply, Transport and Barrack 

Kqulpnient Sogiilations, Part 1. 
Clothkig !Kogulatioin6, Part I. 
Begula^or-s for Mobilization (ConiJda). 
The Guide (Otter). 


Corps' of Guides 

Appeadix IX. 



Syllabus for omcers on Appointment to Corps of Guides. 

(A) Written Examination 3 Papers 

1.. Duties of Iiitelllgonce Offlcero in Peace and War. 
Books of Heforonee — 

* * Notes with regard to the collection of Intelligence in 
Peace Time," General Staff, 1907. 
' "The Art of Eeconnaiasanee,'* by Liout.-General Sir 
David Henderson, "F'ield Intelligence; Its Principles and 
Practice," by Lieut.-Geneural Sir David FTeudoraon, 
"Practical Spou* Training," by Captain C. P. Vairder- 
Byl. Gunoral Orders for tlic Canadian Militia dealing 
^vith th« Constitution of the Corps of Guides, 

G.O, Al- 

2, (a) Training. 

Books of Reference — 

"Field Service Bcgulations, Port I, ' Operatioiua, ' Chaps. 
I., IT., JII. (Sectitms ;i7-48) V. & IX." "Yeomanry and 
Monnte'1 Rifle Training, Part II., * Field Traamng.' " 

(b) Orfranlzatlon and Administration. 

General knowledge of the organizajtian and administratioai 
of the Canudtan Militia. 
Books of reference — 

"K R. & O., Sections I., II., Ill, aJid V " "Haiwlbook 
of Lanii Foi-ces of P-ratish DomittioniS, Part I., Canada, 
Chaps. II., in and IV." 
Detailed knowlecl^c of orguidzatLon «f an Infantry Division. 
Cavalry Brigade and Moimted Brigad? bad of the Corps of 
Guides, OanadiX. 
3. Field Sketcliing and Beconnaissauce, including — 

(a) Use of plain scales. - 

(b) Conventional sdgns. 

(c) Simple problems in map reading. 

(d) GeBCral use of plane table, cavalry sketching ease 
and iirisuiiaitic compoes. 

(e) Writing a report from a nuip on any given road or 
area i>£ country da accordance with instructions con- 
tained in a eimple scheme. 

Books of reference: — 

"MaaiujLl of Field Sketching." "Field Ser\ico Pocket 

(B) Practiftal Work in the Field 

Sketch and Report. Sketch with plane table, cavalry 
sketching case w prdamatic compass, on scale of three 
inches to one mile to accompany a report in connectdon 
with aome simple scheme. 


Appendix IK. 

Corps of Guides 

Corps of Guides 

Appendix IZ. 

Boad Eeport. Tiiroe miles of road without anstrumouts, 'nrltU 
uote3 r^arding tactical feuturee withia 1,000 yai-da on 
either aUie of the road, distamoea to bo esti muted by eye, 
shape of groiuid to bo indictuted by form liores, Scale 2 
inches to 1 mile. Time, 2 hours to oompleite aid hand in. 

(C) » Eqiiitation 

The examJaLatiott in *^A'* will be h«ld seuvUmitiually in U«- 
eomber and Alay, but the ox^mioiatiodis iii "B" aaid "0^' wiU 
uaimlly be hold u.t tho conclusloii of the ajuiuul cti.nips of iu- 

**C'* equitation coitificatos may be obtained in the usual 
uiouiiOLr us laid dowu for ofEcera o£ tho MiUtLa. 

Oflicfers wlo 00*0 graduates of tho Eoyal Military College 
will bo required to ijass in *'A" 1* 

Qualification of Officers for Appointment to the Corps of Guides. 

An ofljcer jrauted a coitirii-iesion in the Corps of Gruldca who 
has had no previous militjuy BOtr\''ice, ^'iU be requiroii to pusa 
iu iiub-heads A, B and C, ivitlmi one }'v<it after his provisional 
apiKwiutinciiit, and during hie second tfaining season, \\iill gejioir- 
ally bo alftachfld to n mount od unit at ajuiual di-ill, hi addition, 
all officers so provisiontUly appointed, will bo required to obtain 
ft aubaltern's ceLrtificate, cavalry, artillery or iuftiJitry, iu flc- 
cordamce with para. lo;j, JC Jf. & O. (Oamida). 

An officer with previous sea-vioe in the Militia who ai)i>liea 
iw a commission iu tho Corps of Guides, will bo required to 
pass in sub-heads A, B and C within ou9 yoaf of his provisional 
appomtmen^t, And, dn addition, musi be in possessiuu. of a cav- 
alry, ^artillery or infajitry certificate for his rant, obtained 
within a reaafluablo time of the dato of his provisional appoint- 
nieuit to the Corps of Guides. 

An officer who lias receu>tly served for at least tivo years in 
a combatant brunch of the regular axuijr, or pc^ruiandiit foice of 
Uiuiada or other Brijtish DDULinion, will bo considered as quaJi- 
tiwl for appeal tjuoat, but will bo required to qualify in sub- 
hi>ad C unJosH his }>revious service has boem in a uivuinti^l unit, 
or he is otherwise qualiflecl by his rank or staff service. 
Qualification cf Oflicers for Promotion iu the Corps of Guides. 

PromotJion up to am«d ducluding the rank of Major will bo 
n/.ide by seoilority provi^W an ol^cor has tho necessary qualiti- 
cations proseribeu, and is recommended for promotion by the 
Eistrict Officer CommaudiDg. 

Promotion to the rank of Ldeutcnaut-Ooloiiel ivill bo by 
selection, but in order to bo considered quulllied for the rank, 
UmI oftic-cr must have a.b^'ended two anjuual tTOiaiuge m a Major; 
ha must have obtained a 31.8.0. certificate,* unless lie has pre- 
vious service in tho regular army or permanent force, or has 
passrd the exfimiuation for promotion to Major for tJio regular 
army or permanent force. The j^criod of appointment to this 
rank will bo four years, with the possibility of ui extension 
- for one year. Shouid an officer be twice passed over for pro- 
motion to Lieiitenant-Coloiel, he may be retired. 

^Ouly H coumes Br« held la the DiBtHct to which an oAcer lietonss. 

For pronuobion or appomtnieout to tiie rank of Major, an 
officer must have attended two trainings as a captaiUj aad nmst 
be in posaossien of a Field Officer 'a cejitafieate nnkss ho has 
pa«se<d the army examinartion for tho rank of Captain. 

For promotion to the rank of CSaptaiti, aa officer must have 
attended two trainings as a I^ieuteijant, aJid must bo in pos- 
se»3ion of a qiialifying cenrtificat^ f-or the rank of Captain or 
its ofiuivalwit. \ 

The pro viae regarding xttondanco at camp is modified ui _ 
thfl case of speoial service officers, or those who have performed 
special reoonnaiBBanco in lion, as laid down in tho icgulations 
for the Corps of Guirtee, as aniondcd by Goneral Order 55, 1913, 

Divisional Intelligence Officers. 

A Distract Intelligence Officer will be speciall/ selected, 
irrespective of rank, aJid attached for a period of four years 
TO tlie Genoral Staff of a District. 

An officer to be selected must havtf qualified for promotion u 
btlow the rank of Major, und, if not already in possession of 
n M,S.O. certificate* will be provisionally appointedj and must 
attend a courso wthin one yottr of appointment. 

•Only it coursufl ntti bold U tlio Dialrlot to which an ofdoft boUagfi, 

G.O. t8— 


App«udlx X. 

Instructions BegardJng Oeremouial Visits 


(Extract from K, B. & O., Iiflpt-riaJ, 1912}. 


(Kefewed -to in pam. 1408). 

Geneial Instructiotu. 

1. The folb^nng prooetlur© in regard to the uit«r€^ange of 
visits between navaJ oIIicDrs and governotSj lieuteuant-gover- 
nore and fwlmmiatratoirs oi Hie Majeet/'s colonies, possesaiouw, 
&e,, abroad ia to bo obseirTed: — 

2. Official vimtts botwe«n tho above are to be excliojiged ou 
the follo\iTmg ocoasion's: — 

(i.) On *th« arrival of one or niore of His Majesty's shipa 
at a port aA vMcU the governor, liomttnanit-giovetmi^r, admin «!- 
tmtor or eomiiuseioner of the eolany, -teirritoi-y, or dopoiwlency 
is preeemt, botwocji oiuy such officer and -tho' senior oHiocr in 
conunaud of tka ship oit aquadron. 

(ii.) On t^e occasion of tiho first arrival at suck port of 
any flag officer or (soinmiod9r»3 sinoe taking up hie appointment. 

(lid.) On tJie owwision of n gov^rmr, lici»tenajit-govcrnor. 
admnnnatrator, or commissioner newly appoimtod assuniing of- 
fice, between him and all Hag officers and commodores present. 

(iv.) These visits ii«ed not be exchanged more than guc*? 
during the respective tenure of office of the King's representa- 
tive and the naval officers mentioned alove. 

Visits— How to bo Paid, 

3. (i.) A governor is always to recdve the first visit from 
llie senior of1i«er dn oon.mand of tho sliip or squadron. , 

(iL) A lieutenajit' governor is to pay the first visit to a flay 
oJBcer or commodore, 1st class, being a cum luander-ia- chief, but 
ifi to receive the first visit in all other cases. 

(iii.) An aflminiatrator or commissioner is to pay the visit 
to all flag ofi^cors or commodores, but is to receive the first 
visit in all otber coaes- 

Eotura Visits— To be Paid Within 24 Horns. 

4. (i.) A go vomer will return visits in person to all flag 
DiHcers and commodores. 

(uL) A lieutonaat-govoraoT will do so in peirBon to all flag 
ulHcors and r^ommodoros n«t being conunajndor-in -chief. 

(iii.) An odmiinistrator or coiiunissione'r will do so in person 
be all captains. 

(iv.) A flay officer or commodore will do so in person to all 
lieutenamtgovtmors and edminastnLtors or commisrionars. 

(v.) In all othej* cases the return viait will be paid by an 
aide-de-oamp or other officer deputed. 


Instnictlons Eegardlng Caremonlal Visits 

Appendix X. 

5. Should tke governor or any other officer adiuiiustering 
th« government find that from indisposition, or from pressure 
of important biisinesa he is unablo to return or pay a vlstit in 
person he will depute his aide-de-oamp or some otier officer 
to do 80- In like manner should a flag officer or commodore 
from indispoeition or pressing oocupatioai be proelLded from 
pa/ing or returning a visit he will depute hid flag-lieutenant 
or other officer not bolow that rank to dw so. In eneii cage the 
officer faUing to pay the raquired visit in peo-soai will report 
the cdrcumBtauce, amd assign the reasons whic-h led to the omis- 
sion to thf depwtmout under which he U actdng. 

6. An oincet acting temporarily in o higher civil office or 
coirimand is in respect to these visits to l>e upon the same foot- 
ing as if ho were comfb-mei in such olilcc oir command. See 
pairtu 1504, 

7. For the purpose of these instructions — 

(i.) The term "Governor** includes the Governors- Groneral 
of Canada 

(ii.) The term "Lieuteiiant-Gove(moi* means a, heutenant- 
goYemor administering the Govemment as such, .... 

(iii.) The terms *'Adni!ii!iflatrart;OT** and ** Commissioner " 
eigDdfy the adiuinastrator or coinuussioujer of n colony, terri- 
tojy or dependwicy acting m subordination to a governor or 
high commissi OTi'er. 


Appeiirtiv XI. 

Keporta and Beturus 



The reptxpts and retunjE speoifieid betiow are to ba funiished 

in time of peace by the officers indicated Siugle copies ouly are 

required uuless otherwise directed. The roturua are to be traus- 

mitted direct to Militia Hoadquartera, unless otherwisa indicated. 

By Oa* O. Districts, 

Dttsctiption ol Hoturu. 

No. of h 


When to ba aeut. 

TrlAimlaUy. ' 

Crying Down Credit 


Before lat Harch, as per 
para. 421. 


PiopoBod Programme and 

Dates of Traiain^ of all 


15tb Januwy, as per 

^ Corps 

para. l&(e). 

Slort Report as per para. 42 


1st February. 

K«viBioti of D«fenca Schemo 



iBt Fobruar/, 

lletura of l^ecret Documents 

and Mapg , . . 

A. P.— A 


1st November. 

luspQctioQ Keporta {Active 

M.F.— B 


After annukl inspection 


1st December. 
Within 30 days ofter 

Inapectioa or Trauafcr lie- 




equipment inspections 
or transfers. 

Ccnftdentlal Report on OSl* 

cers, Staff and Permanent 

M.F,— B 



U.P.— B.3ie(o} 

81st December. 

Odnfldential Report on Offl* 

M.P.— B 


81 St December. 

eera (Active Militia).... 

Inspection Report, Rifle 

M.F.— B 


After inspection and be- 


fore 8lst December. 

rnspoctloii Report, Oadet 
Oorpa ,,,.,...., 

M.F.— B. 


After inspection and be- 

fore 81st December. 

Report as to avdlabilitjr of 
Cavalry and Infantry Bri- 

for annual training, aa 

per para. 242 , 


Before lat April. 

Return of Officets and Hen 

trained (Activa Militia). 

M.P.— B. 


After inspection and be- 

Return of atrengtb of Corps 

fore ei8t December. 

In Camp 

M.P.— B. 


Within 15 days of close 
of camp. 

Return of Ofllcirs of Re- 

Benre of Officers 


1st. 3[By. Para. 266. 

Return of Offleen Retired.. 


1st May. Para. 272. 

Return of all Officers who 

tvilt have attabed the agg 

limit for thetr rank dur- 

ing the yonr ending Ist 

September, together with 
recommendntiona In each 



Ist August, 

Return of Permanent Force 

M.P.— B. 


aiBt March. 

Return of Courts Martial.. 


aist March. 

R 9 t n r n of Certiflcates 

^rante'l "..... 


81st March. 

*PinancIal reports and returns not specified herein will le forwarded 
OS directed Id "Financial Instructions." 

Reports aud Eeturna 

Appendix XI. 

Description of Return. 

No. of Form. 

When to be sent. 

Report on N.O.Oa. In- 

ttructional Oacres 

M.P.— B. 406 

To reach UUitla H.Q. 

MtBketry Return, Camps of 

8l8t Deo. 


M.P. 877 

Close of camp. 

iUsketry Return of Units 

trained at L«cal Uead- 


M.P. 877 

8 Ist Docoraber. 

Return of Target Practice 

[Rifle Associations) 

M.F,— B. 210 

31st December. 

Requisition foi Militia 
Forma and Books 

M.P.^O. 601 

M.P.— O. 502 

As required. 
l8t Pebruarj. 

M.F.— 0. 614 

Report on Continctora for 

2 months prior to the 


completion of any con- 
tract, also by Camp 

15 days »fter end of 

Equipment Ledgers, Perma- 

iient Force, all unlta (ex- 

cept Artillery} 


IGth April. 

Equipment Ledgers, Perma- 

nent Force Armiery (ex- 

cept Coast Defence) 

M.B. 68(B) 

15th April. 

Equipment Ledgers, Perma- 

tient Force Artillery 

[Coast Defence) 

A.P.— G.908<a) 

16th April. 

R.O.E. Store Ledgers | 

A,B. 47 
M.B. 22 

15th April. 

O.P.A.S.O. Barael and Hos- 

pital Stores Lsdger 

A.B. 29 

15th April. 

O.P.A.S.O. Transport Stores 


A.B. 165 

16th April: 

P.A.M.O. Surgical and 

Medcal Stores Ledger... 

A.B. 167 

16th April. 

0.0.0. Station Ledgera 

A.B. 47 

15th April. 

Equipment Ledg«rs, Active 
unitia— all units (Artil- 

M.B. 60 

lery for clothltg and per- 

s, b, 0, d, or e, 

sonal equipment only) . . . 

Equipment Lodgers, Active 

Militia— ArtUlery Equip- 

as applicable 

15th April. 

M.B. 58 

a, b, c, or a, 


as applicable 

15th April. 


OQcers for Examination for 

Promotion , , , .,..,,,, 

M.F.—.B. 404 

To reach Nllitia Head- 
quarters by let 
March. 15th Septem- 

Requisition for Stationery. , 

M.F.^0. 550 

1st January, 1st July 

Return of Deficiencies in 

Mobilization Equipment . . . 


1st May, 1st November. 


RUuru of Military Books 

Issued on reptyment 

M.F.— 0. 544 

81st March, 80th June, 
BOth September, 31st 

Return showing distribution 

To reach Killtia Head- 

of N.O.Os. Iistructional 

quarters let January, 


M.P.— B. 407 

Ist April, 1st July 

and let October. 


AppevcUx ZI. 

T>«wcrIptlou uf Return. 

Rsturn of 'i'raaiport lafiUed 

Aaturn of ProTloiona) Offl- 
cere who buve failed to 
qualify ill tfue required 
(iacludioB thoae who 
have received extension 
of time), together with 
the recommoidotlon in 
each cade 

Rsturn of Telegtnms sent.. 

No* of Form 

Reports and Returns 

When tt be settt. 

ar.P.— D. 857 

M.F.— B. 800 
M.P. — B. 206 

1st of the month. Ay 
oOicerB authorized to 
issue transport requi- 

To reach Uilltia Head- 
quarters by the 3l8t 
of each month. 

End of tnoath with 
vouchers to District 

By O.C. Units of the Parmaneut Force to MiiitU Head- 
quarters Through Usual Channel. 

Description of Iteturtt. 

0<mBdontial Kepcrts on Offi- 
cers, Permanent Force . . . 

Efliciency Report on Ofiicera 
ou Iiiatructionil Cadre.. 

Return of Permanent Force 

Iteturn of Courla Martial.. 

K 9 t u r n of CertiflcBtes 

Descrlptivo Itoll of Horses. 

Requisitions for t'orms and 

Estimate for Fuel 

Return of Secret Documents 
•nd Maps 


Requisition for iitatlonery. 

Return of Army ReserriBta 
»n strength of Units (In 


Relurn of Militury Books 
Usucd on repayment. . . . 

Return of Signallers 

Return of Transport issued 

No, of Form. 

When tc be sent. 

W.P. — B, 818 
M.P.— B.3ie(a) 


M.F. — B. 325 




-O. 601 
•0. 603 

M.P.— a 614 
A.P.— A. 34 

M.P.— C. 550 

* MS. 


•0. 544 
-B. 837 

M.F.— D. 867 


15th Dccemler. 

Slst December, 
Slfit March. 
Slst March. 

Slst March. 
1st October. 

As required. 
1st February 

Ist Koveoiber. 

let January, 1st July. 

15th January, 15th July. 

Slst March, 80th June, 

80th September, Slst 

81 St March, 80th June, 

80th September, 8 let 


let of the month. By 
officers ai:thorized to ' 
issue Transport Re- 
qui Bit tons. 

Keports and Returns 

Appendix XI. 

No. of Form. 

When to be asnt. 

Certificate of settlement of 

M.F.— D. 818 

End of month. To O.C. 

District only. 

Ceitiflcate of B«(>ttemeut of 

vmcers' mess accounts. . . 


End of mouth. To 0.0. 
DlBtriot oily. 

Return of Deserttrn <, 

M.F.— B. 288 

End of month. Dupli- 
cate to District Pay- 

lietorn of Men discharged 

by purchase 

M.P.— B. 200 

End of month. Dupli- 
cate to District Pay- 

Return of Courts Martial . . 

M.F.— B. 202 

End of month. Dupli- 
cate to District Pay. 

Return of Leave granted to 


M.F.— B, 312 

End of moith. Dupli- 
cate to District Pay- 

Rttui-n of Recruits enlisted 

M.P.— B. 208 

End of moith. DupU- 
cate to District Pay- 

Return of Burratflc Accom- 

M.P,— 0. 689 

uodation and Lodging 

(In duplicate) 

0th of each month. 


Rfium of sick and lame 


M.F.*-B. 247 

0th of each month. To 
O.A.O.A.V.8. for trans* 
mission to Militia 

M.P.— 0. 512 

To Paymaster not later 

Cktbing Returns 

M.P.— 0, 626 

than 7th day of ensu- 

M.F.-^-C. 614 

ing month. 

Return of tel«grains sent. . . 

M.F.— B. 206 

End of montli to District 

Co])tes Part II,— Regimental 


M.P.— D. 878 

Weekly and at end of 
month to District Pay- 
masters and to Offi- 
cers l/o Records. 

Monthly Fuel Relurn 

M.r.— 0. 510 

15th of the month fol- 
lowing to A.D. of S. & 
T. or Stnior A.8.0. 

Monthly Light Return 

M.F.— 0. 504 

15th of the month fol- 
lowing to A.D. of 6. & 
T. or Senior A.8.C. 

Provision and Sipply Led- 
(er (with vouchers) 

M.P.— 0. 604 

15i.^ of the month fol- 

lowing to A.D. of S. Is 

T. or Stnior A.S.O. 



Soml-monthly Parade State 

M.F.^B. 342 

15th and end of each 


Report on newly appointed 



On completion of each 
year of service for 
flrst three years after 



Appendix Kl, 

Beports and Beturns 

Iteports and Betuma 

Appendix XI, 

Special Returns t>y O.C. R.O.A., Coast Defence Stations, and 

Officers In Charge of Armament Offices to Militia 

Headquarters Througli Usual ChanneL 

Description «f Return. 

No. of Form, 

Whou lo be sent. 


Eocord ot rixol Artiiftment 

Guns , 

Boturu of Field and Oarri- 

G. 951 

Ut April. 

son Mouiitfld Ordnance 

(Coast Dofeice Stations 

, only) 

A.F.— G. 844 

Ist April. 

fleturn of Dismounted Ord- 

nance (Coast Defeuco 

Stations only] 

A.F.-^. 844 

1st April. 

Uounds fired from g^uns on 

Garrison Mountings 

(Coast Defence Stations 

A.P.— G. 873 

31st December, 
a let December. 

Rounds fired from Ordoance 


Data 11 of Changes In Arma- 

moitt (Coast Defoncn Sta- 

tions only) 

A.F.— G. 819 

Ut Januaiy, 1st AprlU 

Hepprt on the oxamlnaHon 

1st July, lat (jctober. 

of candtdatei for ap- 

pointment to the In- 

Btructional Oedres . . 
Record of Armtment Gons 

M.F,— B. 400 

Whenever «Bmined. 

(Coast Defence Stationa 

only) , ^ . 

Ordnance which Lave fired 

A.P.— O. 951 

When required. 

prescribed number of 

rouad* t 

A.F.— G. 875 

When required. 

. . 

or MS. 


Special Eeturns by Commanding Boyal Canadian Engineers to 
Militia Headquarters Through Usual Channel. 

Description of l^eturn. 

No. of Fbrm. 

When to bs sent. 

Appendix XI— page 353, 
Under "Yearl/" delete- 

Annual Beport oil Electri- 



3l3t December. 

cal Ommonioations 



H.Q. 64-16-8 



— K. 1203 

15 th October. 

«»-t«ment of Prow»y, "O" 
qdred or r ell n qui shod. . . 

Blat March. ' 

StaUment of Barrack and 

otlier propertlej which 

have been given up or un- 


Slat December. 

Rflglsterof Lettings....... 


Blst December. 

Report OQ Forts snd Out- 



aiflt October, 

Return of Stores for Mili- 

tary Telegraphs and Tele- 
DUttibution Retnra of' CiTil 


Slat December. 

Staff employed on Engin- 
eer Services 

A.P,— 0. 829 

let January. 

List of Record Plane. . ... • 


let June. 

Report and Record of M»- 



lat July. 

Report on Bolters 


let July, 

Statoment of Militiry Prop- 

ettlea, givlag acreage, 

Tilue, number and nature 

ol buildings and approxt- 

mste value thereof 


15th August. 


Profresa Expenditure Re- 
ptrts, Engineer Service. . 

M.F.— D, 862 

End of each month. 

List of R.O.B. Offlcera fthow- 

iEg Btationa and employ' 

ment (!( any changes) . . . 


End of each month (by 
O.A, R.O,E.). 


Appendix XI. 

Reports aul itetums 

Course of Training 

Appendix XII. 

Special Eetums by Seiilcr Ordnance Offlcors to MiUtla Head- 
quarters Through XTsual ChanneL 

iJetcriptlon »f Kutura. 


Annual Cash Kttimatfl O.O.O. 

Small ArmH ou cliargo in 

each District 

Small Arm Ammunitioii ou 
charge jii oafb District, . 

Proposals foi Ordnance 

Buildings and EBtimateB. 

Annual Estimates 

Confidential Keports, W. Of- 
flccre, 0.0.0 

Alteration ' In next-of-kin, 
and certificate that entry 
Jitts been verifleri ,. 

Kecomraondatlona tor En- 
crouBcs of pay to civil 

balance Bheut from Ord' 
uanco Depots . . , 


(Qualification r«ports, N,0. 
Os. and Men, 0.0.0 

ar.l\— D. 869 

M.P.— 0. ea* 

M.F.— 0. 545 
ll.P.— 0.578 <ii) 

ai.P.— J). 34 » 


M.P.— O. 5G7 

M.F.— B. 216 

When tt) be sent. 

1st August. 

As soon at poaslbje after 
ledger lalancu of 01st 
ilnrcb. <To P.O.O.) 

As soon as possible after - 
ledger balance of 31 st 
March. (To P.O.O.) 

Ist August. 

To reach Headquarters 
(P.O.O.) not inter 
than 15tb August. 

1st Janutry. 

(To 1*. 

Ist Januury and on 
cb^oge et Station. (To 

ist August. (To P.O.O.) 

As soon as possible after 
ledger bilance of Qlst 
March. (To P.O.O.) 

J St January, 1st July. 
(To P.OO.) 



(EofeiMcd to in pam. 1155). 






Nature of Iiutruution. 





Hidma ,..,. 









1st rortaight 

Piclcetitig hDrtifW 



Uismouating, mouatioK. and 

Pack sL'SdiTSISuction. WV. 

Wagon drUI 

Jlorup«3 inHtnictioa . . . ^ . . , 





2*1 fortnight 

Wttjtoa drill...., 

f turncss instructLon 

Marching order instruct ion. . 
lx}UK-r«;in drivia< . . . . . ..... 

Long-rciadrivias. ..... .... 






3rd tortatght 

Ou couiplctiou of thU course the men will bo tested by an 
oflicer of tio braiuch of the sot vice to wliich they have beei 
attached, ard he will forward to th«ir CO* a rotum showing 
thoir qualificatJona. 


Ai»p«lidix. TCTTT. 



Appendix XIII, 





Course of Instruction, 

First- wook.— General care of saddlery and harness. 
Cleaning \vhilat in iloily use — 
1. Lti^ither. 2, Bteel uiLd brass, S. Saddle bluukcts. 


Prelitiiiimrv instnicfcion in mechanism and actdou of small 
arms and machine guns. 
Secoaid Ti-eek. — Prescrvatioa of saddleiy, harness, nnmnnhs, 
saddle blankets, Bteel work^ etc., whil&t in storage, and 
not in use. 
Preliminary instruction in action and mechanisTii of small 
arms ajid machine guns. 
Tbird week,— General care of arms, rifles, baj-oncts, machine 
guns (Maiim and Colt, etc.) 
Cleaning rifles, general aleaining of friction al parts, etc. 
Daily elea-iiing iinil cleHiring bofoire and after liriBg, 
G-oneral cari^ of arms, lides, bayonets, etc., wUilo in dttUy 

Iiietruefclon iri itiechaniiin and action ■ of small <irms and 
nuichine yuus. 
Fourtli weelc. — General care of arms (rifles, ba>onets, anO 
Maxim or CoU guns) whilst in storage; including manner 
of storing, oti'., and care of spare parts. 
Instruction m mechnriisirt and uctJon of nmchinc gitus and 
small arms. 
Fifth wet^k. — General ca:e and preservation of clothing, 
accoutrenent**. cuid eqinjpment whilst in uso anil storage. 
Instruction in median ism of small aims and mae]iiti>e guns, 
Si:fth week. — General care of transport wagons, cleaning of 
wagon bosee, running gear, boxings, axles, etc., also of 
moyntings of machine guns, limbers, tripods, «tc., etc. 
Instruction in rocchanifim and action of small arms and 
machine guns. 
Seven/th week, — Practical iund theoretical examinations in sub- 
jects of instruction throughout course. 


Oare and Preservation of Harness and Saddlery. 

(a) Method of cleaning harness and saddlery, and in whal 
c«ndition the leather should bo when hung up after cleaning. 

(b) How t3 take ai>aTt and pui together sets of harness 
aad saddlery, and be able to idecntif y ^1 parts of same. 

(c) How harness should be hung up in harness room, and 
how disposed of in oamp. 

(d) To know how each part of harness and saddlery should 
b« fitted. 

(e) How to tell whether leather is «ak or cheml;^al tainted. 


Oare of Ordnance, Gun Stores, Equlpueut, etc, 

(a;) To have a general knowledge of the Ordnance with 
which the battf-ry is armed. 

(b) How to take apart and re-^aaseimblo the breech iit- 
iiDgs, and be tble to identify each part 

(c) To be able to take proper care of clothing, and what 
steps should be taken to prevent destruction of same by 

(d) How to make out requisitions to return ii)is*>rviceabl6 
articles into Ordnance Stores, also for demand of utorea, etc., 
fiom that department. 

(e) How t* cheek off receipt and issue vouchers, and what 
•leps should be taken after this is dona. 

(f) How to treat fidcbion tubee after firing and how they 
are disposed of. 

(g) How to trea-t the bore and breooh fittings after firing, 
(h) Knowledge of the effect of cordite on ths metal of 

i\9 bore. 

ABTHiLEBY (Garrleon). 

First weeh, — Practical Instruction in dismoatling and re- 
placing the breech uiechanifiuis of tlko 6-pr. Hotchkies and 
12-pr. 12 cwt Q.P. guns in the mornings, Lroctures on;eare 
aoid presorvaiaon of war maieriel, as laid doivn in Kegula- 
tiona for 190S in the aftennoona. 

Second week. — Similar iufltniction on 4.7 Q.F. and 6" Mark 
VII. B.Ii, guM in tbe momingfl. Leciiires on core and pre- 
servation of mountings in the aftornoons. 

Third week^^Similar instruction in C B.L. Howitzer, riiio 
and carbine in mornings, Lectures on care and preservation 
ef same in aftornoons. 

Fourth week. — In Quaniermastex 's stores, learning care of 
clothing and accoutrements. Afternoon loetures on preser- 
vation and oare of elothixg and accoutTemonts. 

Fifth week. — Eecapitulation. 

Sixth weet**— Examinatioji in above and one paper on caro 
and preservation of artillery materiel, ineluding mountings. 

Also one paper on oare of riHee, earbin«5, clothing, 


(a) "Field Engineer's Drill, 1899":— 

"Equipment of men, horses and earrij^es, chapter III., 
wctione 20, 27, 28, 29, 30. Appendices I., if, '111. 

(b) Oare of Arms. — Musketry Regulations 1903, sections 
190 to 249 inclusive. 

Plates 12 and 13. 

(«) They should also be required to have a knowledge of 
the different artides of equipment of the unit for, which they 
are to be appointed caretaker, Ladd down in the Regulations 
for the EnguioOTB of the Regular Army, Pairt II., Bae. X. 


Appendix XIII. 


Same as for Cavalry. 


(a) Care of arms, as laid down fat l/ee-KnlieUl and Bosj 

(b) Pants of the guo. Gouoral inefcruc- ^ ,t ^i . . 
iious. InabrucUons for Armourers, strip- L Ji^^r^'*.^^ A°^ 
ping and a«3(ml>Ung tb© gun, J'^"'* Murun Gun. 

(c) Stonife aaid preservation of cIotLijig anU oquipineiil 
in avoordiLnct' with roguliitioufl. 

P. A. M. a 
Caretaker, — Field Hospital ajid Bearer Oonipaiiies, 

(a) OouiteiLts of, refllUug and packing 

Panniers No* 1* 
Field compamfloue. 
Itavwaack surgical. 
Fracture box. 
Emergency case. 
Autiiteptic caao« 
Dialtifectdon casC| and 
Care of surgical iii«truniejits and appliaiiees. 

(b) Drills. 



Hand soa-t. 


Improvised etrotclicr. 

Pack transport, 

Field kitchen. 


First aid. 

(c) irarne»8. 

Tlie method of preserving leathoJr. Appendix No. IX., 
Equipment EegulaftixmB, Part 1., 1908. 

Clothing, arms and accoutre m«u«ts. 

Public clothing new. 

" *' part worn. 

Ecmoving stains. 

Treatment of clothing infested with vermiu. 

SurpluB olothiug. 

to ba able to impart in- 
struction in the flrills. 


Eeserve Militia — Orgauteatlou 

Appendix XIV. 




(G.O. 78 of 1915 as amended by G.O. 131 of 1915 iuid by 
G.O. 14 of 191G.) 

The organization of tho Eeeerve Militia is authorized, sub- 
jQot 't)0 the following Regulations pixsseribed by tlie Oovornur 
iui Council under Section 10 of the MJlLtia Act: 

_ Hegulations for the Eeserve Militia. 

1. Tho Reserve Militda will consst of such units arc are 
from time to tamo named by the Governor in Council. 

2. District Officers Commanding will bo responsible for the 
Eoaeirve Militia aa they are for oUior troops locat(id in thedr 

3. Units cf the Reeiorvo Militia imiy bo asso&iutud with 
corno8i)oiwliiig units ai the Activo Militia. 

4. The minimum age limit for the R&serve Militia and the 
qualifications ore tho rtamo as for the Active Militia. 

5. All rajiks must bi> physically fit; if mot for service iai 
tlie fields f or garii«oai duly or 'for admitiistrative work. 

6. .A.nyone may bo given a prx>visional «>mmisaion in the 
Kescrve Atilitia, but before liis appoiwtment is confirmed, he 
must qualify. . . 

7. Oflicere of tthe Eosorvo Miliitia wilJ^ as such, he juiiiior 
to officers of the Active \tilitia of tho same rank as them- 

8. Officers of the Etwrv© Aiilltia will not exorcise com- 
ijioiid over officers and men ojheu* than tkose of the Eeserve 

9. Drill aaid trajniiig wll be voluntary, and will entail no 
oxponse on the public. 

10. In timii of emergeiicy the Eeserve Miiitia^ or any part 
tttoreof, is liable to be called out on active service anywhere 
in Canada. 

11. Tho Government will not undertake to provide the 
IteacTva Militia, except whom called out on active servicCi 
oitber with horsea or witli vehicles, harness, saddlery, arms, 
hinmuniitioa, liccoutrcmonrt^fi, clothing, or other articles of cquip- 
incn-t> personal or r<egi mental, 

12. OfficorB and men -will not bo outiUod to tKuisportatiou, 
subaidteineo, pay, or allowances, except while on aetivo service, 
when they will be rated, rank for rauk, as though they bo- 
longed to the Active Militia. 

13. Except while on active service: 

(a) An offioor of the Eeserve Militia maj resign hid 
eommisBton at fluiy tamei and 

(b) A man may claim his discharge after 30 days' 
notice, in writing, to his commanding oflicer, 


IteepousibilLty - 

vrith Activu 
rcmonnol : 
age limit. 

Physicai ' 



7hoir pourors 
of comuinud. 

2>ril] and 

Liability to 

transport ami 

Tay and 

and difichorc- 

Appendix XIV. 

Eeaerve Militia— Organization 


Oatli to be 

14. Tin* Govornor in Council may, U any time, diabajitl aji} 
unit, or portion of a uaiit, if lie consid&rs it advisable to do bo 

15. The following oatk shall bo subscribed and taken bj 
every officer and man of che Reserve Militia. 

"I, A.B., do awear by Almighty God that I will bo faLthful 
and bear true aUegianco to His Majest)^ King George tho Fifth 
JTia n«;irs aud Sncceasors, according to law, and 1 do furthei 
flwear tbat 1 will well and truly serve Hia Majesty in the 
Heserve MUitia of Canada under the terms and condition* laid 
ilown in the law aud the regulations duly made from time to 
time in that behalf. So belp me tJod." 

16. Said odth may bo Gubaeribcd and taken before a Justice 
cf the Peace, or befofe any Officer of the Canadian Militia 
who holds rank not lower than tbat of fiold officer. 





Al)8once -without leave — Paru. 

annual traizimg, from * 1227 

circuniBtanoea conaideped by 0.0. in dealing with ... . 478 

coaif oesioa of, true and falae, procedure 500 

court of inquiiry on, lecord of dedaxation of 1591 

" " " " rules aa to 636 

dosertiouj wh«n returned as. . - * . , - .498, 1563 

detenrtion for 474 

escort for absentee 509 

forfeiture of pay for 476 

inventory of clothing, &e., to b^ made 498 

notificatian in regiraeatal orders 479 

officora . , ** ...- 119ft 

order for removal of absoutoe, escort to bo piovid<>d 

with .- 509 

police, report to, of absentee 499 

ternunation of 478 

Accountant aud Paymaster-General, duties of 11(f) 

Accounts — 

audit bowd .., 59 

keeping and signing of SG7 

officers t* learn aystom of keeping noldiers' 75 

Accoutrements. (See Arma.) 

Active Service— 

missing officers and soldiers, court of inquiry on.... 1564 

Address — 

men on furlough to leave 1214 

officers on leave, to furnish to adjutant oi staff 

officer 1185 

Adjutant — 

appoiutmenit and qualifications 132-134 

dutiee of 76 

gaJFTison, of the day 892 

promotion of 135 

subalterns to be emeouraged to qualify as 62 

Adjutant- General — 

duties of ■. 11(c) 

;' '* staff of 123-123, App. V. 

Militia Council^ me:nbi>r of 10 

Admlnistratloa of Militia 6, 26 

** officer i/c 123*125 

Admirals, artillery salutes to 1504 

Admiralty, salutes to the Lords Commissioners of the... 1504 



Admonltloa — Tara. 

conipanrj% &c., cammandpr may nwnrrl tfl N.C.O. below 

niuk of sergoaat 483 

powor of CO. to award ... * , 474 

Africa, South— 

sorviee iu 263 

Agent for pdvato w>mi»aaitoe, &c., oifinerH and soldiers 

uot to act OS » 428 

Agouts and Oousuls-Oeneral — rara. 

aalatcs at fiiuoral of 1560 

Aide-de-camp — 

appoint III 011-t ajid qualUicatioiiR . . . , 114 

fro the Governor-Gonwal 244-247 

" " " dress of 1380 

Alarm, all troops <tuni out on soumdiug of , 888 

Albert Modal, authority for weairing 1431, 1432 

AUowancea — ' 

eorro^poudcuco ou « . .■ > I£i47 

Ambassadors, artillery salutcH to 1504, 1506 


dofcotivej report aad procodiiro 635, 1408 

guards, escorts, &*?., for 1400 

iuspwiion of, in pouches 1401, 1402 

* ' ** ** regiiionial charge by CO*. 140ii 

iBsao from rogi mental magaziue by quart ormastpr 1405 

" ' ' store, atteiidanee of officer at 1404 

issue of, Touches, &c., to be examined ; ,.1401. 1402- 

loss or damage of, to be reported 1401 

retua-n to store, attendance of officer at 1404 

sorvieo, in time of peace , 13PU 

snwU-arn (*3S, 13*19-1408 

uaautkoriwd, forbidden to be uhoiI 1407 

uaHa moving, qaautHy taken .1403 

Animals — 

dead, dist>03al of 1168, 1169, 1170 

prohibited in barrackp or hospUnls, 964 

AnulversaneB^ salutes fired on 1501-1503 

.Annuity, medals with . , 1424 

Anthem, National 1054, 1451, 1452 


from regimental oflioerB and ni**n, mode of mabiTig. . 1549 

oflieoar, on behalf of , 424 

outside influence * • • 424 

privafco, to MilLtia Hirtidquarters, forbiddcu, . . , 424 

toatimouinls not to accompany. . , , 423 

^Appointment — 

notification of 152 

oflieorB 152-182 ' 

personal 114 

special 131-140 

staflE : : 109-116 

* ' relinquisihing , 116 

temporary, preoeSonoc of ofiBcors. , 232 

tonure of 109, 240 



Armament Artlflceta — Para, 

general instructions od to employ mcoit, enlistment, 

&c 345-350 

promotdon of 348 

quarters, exemption from occupation of 1015, 1019 

reduction • 348 

Armed Ooxps, definition of term 1484 

Armed parties — 

dofinLbion of 1484 

oxcocdijnj; 20 mem to bo accompanied by an oJliccr.. 1260 

0.0. payhig eomplimewt, to draw has Bwoixl 1461 

salutes b.7 guards and sentrioa 1484, 1485 

** oa the mairch ..•••• 1400 

turning out of guards to '. . - . 1484 

Armourer Section, Oanadlm Ordnance Corps — 

armoaror, c-asualtues, to be roportel •■ 350 

' * posting of, applicaMons " 342 

in«*poctioii of armourei'a shop and work of armourer. . - 344 

messes, se-rgeautsV subseriptdon- 1103 

transferred, disposal «f documoaits 1606 

Arms and accoutrements — ^ 

furlough, not taken on •'^- IBQl 

issue nnd caJW of : 1351> 

offender in arrest not to bear 4<5» 

selling, Ac, charge for. .* . . . . 537 

transferred "ivith soldier wiithm same regimouti &c... 1308 
Army Act — 

sections read ou parade to liroopa 440 

Army Service Corps — 

barra-cks, inspection of 947 

books to be kept by, 1566, 1567 

correspondence, &c., on services connected with 1547 

inspector of 21 

officers of, books to bo kept by '....... 156tf 

" ** command, whon not to hold niiHtory 223 

" " proficiency required before dismissal from 

drill 75 

" " ppomotiouj examinations for , , ." 770-785 

precedente of corps 144? 

staff sergixiut-major, 1st class, corresponding rank 

in B.N 1445 

warrant oflScers, Btiitua of - * 326 

Army, training witli 1^55 

Arrest. (See alFO Confinement.) 

arms not borne while in 459 

close, bedding and eaoreiso of aoldaen*s in ^ 457 

'* piivate soldiei, for insubordination, &C....454, 455 

' ' Bcldier in, mav be temporarily confiuod * 45.3 

deflnitior. of '. 444, 450 

duties, pfrfornuuice of *. 459 

offendorSf identiflealioa* of 460 

officers, dress of, und^r ..,=....., 445 

' ' (reneral ipjstriictions a? to .• 443-443 

'* in, cannot doniond oourt-martial . 448 

' ' release from , 446 



Arrest — Coutiuued. Para. 

' ' open arrest ^ * dcilne'l 444, 450 

* ' " roatrictioas on 445 

private soldieir^ greneiiU iuetructu-oas oa to 450-459 

release ffoni when evidence inauffieieut 469 

soldier 450-459 

" iu, deprived of weapons, cap, &c 450, 458 

' * to accoinpiny unit 589 

warrant officer and N.C.O 443, 449 


course »•: Halifux 746-749 

regimental, barracks, repau-s io by. ^ 1139 

^ ' employment, qualifldations for 1138 

Artillery — 

battery, desigaiatioai, orgaaiizationj ard chain of 

respniisibility 871, 872 

books ker-t by 1566, 1567 

Director of, duties o/ App, V. 

<luties, ^avrisou^ of officers 883 

garriaou O-C.'s dntieo 49A 

* inspection of 83 

Inspectors, dutiet* of . . * 14, 18, 19 

oflRcers, oroftcieacy requirod bofot« dismiassl from 

drill 75 

prf*fledence of corps 1443 

range 'tak'ng, instructions as to traiiuing 666 

returns to be furniali«d periodically by. . . .". .1560, App. XI. 

aalutea {q.v.) 1501,1517 

staff course 750-754 

whooler and smith ejnployod in ordnance work* 

ahops 1152 

Afili-blns, diaiufecting, &c '. 963 

Assembly of Bural Oorps^ authority for 74 

Attsiched Offlcers. (See Officers.) 

Attestation, fraudulent enlistment, on. which to BBr^'o. . . 502 

custody of OTigiaal . . . - 1586 

defaced, procedure . , 1584 

disposal of 1606 

doe'iments lo be attoched to 1587, 1589 

duplicat*, custody of 1588 

'* documents attached to 1589 

' ' replacing if lost or damaged 1584 

entries in 1592 

filing in portfolio of «riginal and duplicate, mode of. . 1583 

information for completion of 1585 

lost, substitution of certified copy. 1584 

names of soldiers, change of, insortion in 1582 

next of kin, entry of 1590 

ser^T-CO recorded on original a^id diuplicftte 1583 

TVudlt board 59 




Badges- ^.Yi'; 

wearing of D.B.A \f^[ 

" *' Bifle League ■• ^^'^ 

Baggage— -,„g^ 

convey&nce of, ajrrajigemetnts for • - • ' ^^^j- 

entrainment of ^'^^^' Jal? 

excess, indents for, conveyance Df }«JJ 

fatigue parties for Loadd»g and unloading iJ^J 

indents for convoynnce ; ?^^J 

individual officers •' V/ai i^^4 

Militia Depaiimeot stores, conveyamce of a J4i idM 

jnovom«nt of ^- i?S 

railway transport at statutory rate » ^"^^^ 

BnMBf rancy Dross, regulation uniform not be worn at. . . . 1382 

Bandmasteis — „^^ 

appoiiLlment of acting • «^ 

duties of riri 

iBsfcruction of bandsmen by - • • f-^J" 

musical traiTiing ^;. - * - ; ;"-^^^^']^3 

N.C.Oh. selected foi training, qualification a *f 106^ 

parados, attejidance at {"^; 

School of Music, admission to, &c. ^^^'^ 

Bands — \ , 1QC7 

books of instruction • ^^^g 

^oys Q4^ 

committee ' • * * , qj^ 

engagements ,,,„ 

establiihment -^g*' 

funds, audit of * * *: ' W ' * « 

'* paymaster and qnarterniajiter not to nu\o 

custody of f^l 

garrison, furnished by xoater ■ • • • »^^ 

leneral instructions 1 ^ imS 

loveriiment grant to «»'*' ]046 

instrumeutfl, pitch of J^^ 

•' '""PPl/of ■■■■■\^^ 


procesiions, &c ^^^ 

property, custody of -„^ 

unifonnity in playing ■ - ^^'^'• 

BaBdsmeii^ ^ fiiQ 

bnvs iippointed, to be struck o2 roll of boye Ji-^ 

*'* unlisted for training as '-i i> J^*° 

divine service, atcaudance at Ytal 

efficiency necessary J J* 

instruction by bandmasters :J JJ" 

offences, btruck of! astablishmeat for JJ^J 

'oromotion, inntruction for jJ^J 

School of Music, training, qualificatnons for iwo-J 

B^inkruptfi, officers * 

Barrack sabordlnates— ... hqq 

suiplie?, tio dutiee in conneotion with J^° 




Barracks- * p^,^^ 

)mmi.i?icii of straagors ijyy 

altorations in biiildiugfl prohibited ..//.[[][[,,[.,,. i)57 

animalf ]*roLibited in ,.//...//./.[... ii64 

appropriation aaid equipmoait \. ,...'. \..\.\.955'i)5S 

board on now buildinga, sites, for, kc 988-990, 994-990 

cleaning rooms and passages, charges for 93s 

commanding officer, resp&usdbility of 933-988 

c'mfint-.nKMM to , 474^ ^590, 1601 

damagoe, appeals agaiijist 'Uisossincait 930 

" assessuiont of , . .93j'1>37 

* K.C.O. in cliargo to bring to notice 940 

** rapaii'u lo oi-iekct ground, &c 939 

duties in rtgard to ^ , .. 933-981 

' ' miscellaneous . . , '...'.[. 997-999 

fire, proc:tutions against .[[' 9(?U-981 

fixe works and bonfirea forbidden in V. . . 973 ' 

frosty weathetr, instritetions to be 'observed 997 

infeebod article ,. , /..... 959 

inspections, attcnrfance at oflicej's .933, 943 

I' marebing in 9'18-952 

' ' " " certificate of po«»e«stoa. . , . 952 

^' " out 93«j 953, 954 

** '* notice of vacation 9/53 

' ' medical ^ 942-944 

;; perioUieal ...941-948 

regiinoaufcal by CO f)4 1 

'^ suggest ioiLS by inspwtioig oflicer 90 

iiistrnotions, general 933-940 

inv.>ntories '[ .951 i)5G 

new buildinga, sites for, &c .'...'*.' .* ! .' .* .' .' * .",* . 988-996 

oil cxplo«ix<^s, st.>rage of^ in 970 i>7i 

parades ajid yards, eloaniaig of , ' 0(j5 

quartors, allotniBnt of ,1001-1022 

re-rippropriat?ioHB» sites for buUdi«gs, and new build- 

ings . *.."... 98«-99li 

roturns by 0.0. unjit im \r^^^Q 

sanita-ry nrrajigcmeiuts ././,•... 959-965 

" inspection '!!]! [942-944 

8toro3, i:» vemtorifw of ' ] " j'j^i" qt^q 

Barracks— Cottt ill ued. Para 

uaioc«upied^ protection of 9.5g 

vejutilution !..!!.!!.* 9C0 

water, consumption of !.'.!! ^ !! * ! 997 

' ' keys for li.ydrants >....'.,...,] 909 

Bathing, panid<^s for and prevention of Dccddcnts 072 C73 

Bediing — * . .. -r 

danm^je to, in ba-rracks , : , . . 9;j.-j jj^j^ 

^ inspection of, pmodical ', . ,'/.V.'.V.'„ ,\* ' 341 

soldiar iji jiirost i .. i •! X !!!!.*! '■ 457 

Beer in barrnck rooms, ivlitm allowed 43S 


mojwy for, to be supplied to detached parties 1262 

parties, always to precede main body 130(i 

Birthdays, salutes on 1501-150.3 




Blankets, diiring movemcflits of troops » 1^20 

Board of Trade medal - ^^^^ 

Boards — -„- ,.«q 

ammunition, defective "•^'** ^J"° 

a-ttendance at, reckoiied as duty - »J^ 

Siigi neW; ViUafw/iv;. ■.■.■.;■.■.■.'.■.■ ".'.i'ssiiM; mw 

disciplin* not dealt with by. ., . ■ . . • • ■ - • ' "*" 

documents and books, deetructaon of loH; i»i^ 

examination (q.v.) 077 uto 

flree, explosions, &c., on causL- of *' ''^''■' 

form of proceedings * JJ*° 

general rules for * * ^^' 

hospital*, when held in '***' 

medical fq.v.) ^ . „^_ 

presfdent of, appointed by name by officer convwrnng. . 629 

Boats, raiUtary— ' 

flags to be ilown on J*^^ 

salutes in ^*"^ 

Bombardiers, acting artilloiy, ostabli*hm«n't of ^ . 320 

Bonfires, forbidden in barracks or msir huts D73 

°°A^ve Militm, kept by .:... ^^^"^ISs? 

bamds, tept by - • • ' • * { 

company, &e., list of, kept t^y- • • • ' ' • • • ' * ' V ' * ^fSIl ]i]l 
destruction of ^^imeutal «injd office, boards f or .. 1611-161 j 

field ooaidutt • ]l^\ 

guiwd, for coBipany, &c., eonduat sheets .• louj 

** ** returns • • • • J^IJ 

i^..„„ 1569, 1570 

letter * ' • • ■ ' * ^ t^o 

Militia Headquarters, issued by, ca;re of i&Jj 

j^m .y^M 156*) 

Oineors irpii 

T 15GS 

order • -. 

owlerly room, irare nf 'i; 

quaff ttr mastoid j^Ji 

re'ord oAices, list kept by Y^' 

sergeantH, list kept by {^«; 

units, list kept by • ■ 156^ 

warrant officers, list kept by ISOe 

Boys— ... qii 

artificers, Uauung for - ^f [ 

enlistment of u,?' oil 

general instructions inio 

municiaiis, tra.i'»ing for, clothiJig of * - - iojs 

ti ** *< when aJbwed 311 

BoyB^-Contonucd. l'*"?: 

physical training of o»J 

roll of, when struck oflF f JJ 

trained for drums and bugle primarily 311 

Brevet field officers, duty in ganrison, &c, . . . . • •'• 885 

Brevet major not to attend examination as to tactical 

fitECBS '^^ 




Sketet Bank — - Pum. 

tiot exempt from oxamination for prcuiotion 777 

ciuallficattoiis for 207, 208 

regulafcioius not retroac-tivc 209 

service on Bese-rvo not to count for 204 

*' " Retired List, not to count for 205 

^ * for diflting'iished 202 

'' " length of : \. 203 

' ' in Impeidal eervit© to count 20G 

Brigades, Cavalry and Infantij-^ 

brigade majors, appountnicut of T. . . .241^ 242 

'* " roportB upon ,... 242 

Commanders, appoiutmont of 241, 242 

* ' reports upoa 243 

tenure of command, &c., of 241 

Erlgade-Major. (See Brigades.) 
Brigadier-Generals — 

precedence among themselves , 231 

Tank of „. 188 


mils, hours ior ...*..,.. ftS7, 888 

ealuto by .* 1451, 1481 

sounds, &c., authorized books of 1067 

Buglw, sergeant, training of 1061 

Buildings. (See also Barracks.) 

H'OW, boards on 988-9^0, 094-990 

proteotioii of unoccupied 958 


Cadets, to salute officers in uniform 1403 

Oami — 

itiember of the Royal Ftimily or 0overnor-Geneial 

paasiiig along ... * ^ . . . . 1453 

Canada Gazette ..' 152 

Oant«ena. (See also Institutea) 

at oampe of inatruotion , 1132, 1133 

tietachmenifl, use of those of other coorpe 1123 

dry 1131A 

exclusions from 1127, 1128 

tquor, hours for sale of 112G 

Caps and mdjailos taken freai soldiers in ajre«t 45S 

Captain — 

field oiEceup,^ eoting as , . 890 

inetruetion in command oji parade, &o,, by CO 62 

ragimetttal duties, suporin'tenden«c of ...... , , , 891 

senior, abtaclimeait to otlier arms, djwug trainiig 

seaeon 799 

Caretakers, geueml instruotioais 361, 984-987 

Oars, loading 1325, 1320 

Casualties — 

deaths .' 156I, 1562 

ofHcers, death of, report on ....... * 41 

soldiers 1562 

unusual number of, specml reporty by CO. 1561 




Caterer — Para. 

Officers * mess, N.C.O. actimg as 3068, 1069 

sergeants' mess ..* 1106 

Cavalry, (See also Horses.) 

books kept by 1566, 1567 

dismountod men in regiments of 874 

Inspector of, and duties of 14, 17 

oiEcers, books to be kept by 1566 

" drill, proficiency' required before dismissal 

from 75 

preccdance of cdrps «... 1443 

salutes by gnarda bo flirjned parties of 1484 

squadrons, deaignation, subdivision, and chain of 

TosponsJbility of 871, 873 

gtandanls aid guidons of 1446*1450 

CerBmonial visits^ between governors and naval offi- 
cers 1468, App. X. 

Certificate — 

charaobeir, eoldiers 388-390 

commnoid, oa change of , 1070 

discharge . . . 379 

examination, sent with Bandidatea for 789 

medical. (See Medical Qertlflcata.) 

promotion, exempting from examination for. ....... 785 

qualifying 840-849 

special proficiency 780, 786 

Staff College, admisfidon to 680-683 

Chain of responsibility 65, 872 

Channels of communication 9, 148, ISBTj App. II. 

Chaplains — 

appointment of 161 

assistance of CO 1230 

communication wtLth head of deuomiination ..... 1237 

conaccratiou of colours 1447 

work, arnungpemant of . . .> 1237 


assessmeu't of, on discharge or transfer 388, 392 

officotrs when impugned 425 

soldiers, certificate of 388-396 

• ' mole of recording on diseluurge 388^96 

** rulw for estimating and resording , .388-395 

Charge — 

CO., award by 403 

" delegation of powers to company, &c., com- 

maJider 462 

dismissal ofj in doubtful Giumn 467, 469 

disposal of, by oflt.cer, wthout referwice, in ease of 

emergency 524 

disposal of ty D.O.M. usiially 'Sufllciemt for 520 

entry of 441,462-404 

examination of 543 

framing of, in offence hy stableman, &c 535 

'' '* when articles lost by neglect, &c. 537 

further, disclosed during investigation . 473 

inveatigatior, rules for .461, 402 




Charge — Continued. Paru. 

liability «f soldier to be ascertained, , 4G8 

mtttnoT offonces, dropped in serioxiB oases 544 

opinJom on, not to b< oxpressed, wlietn case not dis- 
posed of -. 461 

particulars of, value tor stoppages to bo enteretl in.. 53S 

remanded, to be brought f orwurd datily. .,. 463 

report of, delivery of • 441 

summarily disposed of, by CO.. 465 

Charge d'AffUrea, salutes at f mistral cf . ^ . .*. 1506 

Chargers, Officers* ll*Ji* 

Chief of the Qeueral Staff — 

duties of -, 11(1*) 

" " staff of - U8-122A, App. V. 

Militia Council, member 10 

Church parade. (See Dlvln© Service,) 

Cisterns and tanks, cleaning of ^*il 

Civil authorities — 

deforen<;(j to be paid to ' ,...-.. 41i> 

Oflicors Oomniandin^ Diatricte, &c,, to kicep up iator- 

courflo witli 45 

Civil court, head-dress, removal of 413 

Civil employraont — 

eertificnt* of qualifications for 388 

Civil Power — 

aid to, aijitiou, talting 915 

" * ' ammunition, issue and rettrn of 910 

' ' * ^ firing by files or Beobiana 919, 920 

>* •• " eoiunuuida, liow given 916,920 

** •* " Instructions as to , 919-921 

<* '* " opening tire, order fnom magistrate. .915, 91(J 

*' *' ** procautioais ajid wornings 917 

*' ** instructions as to dis|>osal of troops, &c. 911 

" " law regarding calling out iroops ...... .| 907 

*^ " magistrabee, duties of, wlicn military culled 

out S12, 913, 917 

** " magistrate, orders of, shooUd be iu writing... 913 

" * * patrol or piquet to bo armed 903A 

*' " pay-sheeta .,.-.* 921 

'* ** *'riot act," reading of proclaniatdod, etc. ... 914 

' ' " state, daily, to bo fioa-warded 923 

** ** troops, disposition and movement of 911, 918 

* * * * * * magistrate to accompany . , 912 

" *' withdrawal of troops 922 

e^ avLctioa by, entry of, in eondiict sheets 159C 

" of N.C.0 4S9 

Civilian Medical Practitioners — 

employ menit of, by offieors and solliors 1039 

CivUlana, riols botweau soldiers and, to bo roportt'd .< . . . 46 
Claims — 

officers retiring, .''-gaiiiflt 275 

soldiers, brought forward at ituspesblon 89 


commanders 27 



Cleanliness — - p^^,^ 

men, clotliing, &c., oompauy, &e., eommoudor to 

attend to yg 

Clergymen (Civilian), offldatlng— 

<;ortificato of numbers preseni* for 1238 

Clerks, Corps of MiUtary Staff— 

admimstratdon 351 

disohiu-go for iiieflicioncy ../..]. a59 

duties ; " 353 

oflicer clorks .,,.,...., ! ! " ! 1 !' 357 

probation and eonflrma4ioJi 355 33(5 353 

promotion in * * -^qq 

Section A , . , ./,],,[,,[. 353 

Section B 3g*{ 

se(rvicc, &e,, in ' 1 ! i ""!!.!!!!!!!■ ! 35a 

Clothing. (See also Dress.) 

auLliorixed patterns not to bo deviated from 1300 

correepondence relaiting to , .... i54ti 

framing cliargea for soiling, &c .V.537^ 538 

issue and fare of , ^355) 

loas or deiicieuey of /630 633 

' ' . " " ** stopl>agea for 538' 53i) 

phun, whoa worn r6iS3 

selling, or appropriating remnants. ........[//.../.. 114G 

Coach, regimental, forbidden .,. ioy5 

Coast Defence— pa^^. 

inspection *f, by Inspector-Gen«Tal li 

soiiemes, revision of \ 48 4U 

works, prevention of trcspassinK on Ann ill 

Coffee Booms— ^ ' 

adniis.sion of friends to ....^ li;u 

detach mcnts may use tlioe© of other corpi. ..!'... " 1122 

Cold-Shoors, instruction and qualificatioiia of ,. . . 1151 v 

College, Jtoj'fll it ildtary, adirieBion to, &c (175 

College. (See under each title, Staff, &«,) 

Colonel, dutifis of, m garris&n (J84 

honorary 2r(i, 24;i 

roaik of. prouiotiou to . , isft 

Colours. CSee also Standards.) 

alteration , ^ . ^ ^ 1446 

carrying of V. V.V.".V.V.'.V.Vl44e, 144S 

consocPJitioiL of, procedure 1447 

escort for !!,.]!/!! 1449 

now, rtMiuisitious for !...!.!!!!!.!!'!! 1450 

8"luti"g" '../,[[ 1458 

trooping i^^fj 

C 3 tour-sergeants, sclflction of 330 

Combination forbidden \[ . ' 415 

Command — 

departmental oflicere • 2iJC 

detach m<?ut» of difforemt corps eiiiployod togcthftr! . . '. 22G 

exorcise of 21) 

' ' by senior combatant otlicer ..... 1 .... !. . . [ 218 

general ru]c« regarding '. .218-230 

in chief of MilJbia . , . . , V,' .'.'.*.,'.'. . " (J 





Oomiuaud — Continued, Para, 

land anil sea forces respectively H44 

medical officexa ;24 

method of, by officer towards subordinates ^0 J 

station, of ^* 

tactical fitness far 1^9, 800-8OC, 8&3 

temporary, powers ^J 

warrant offi .'or and N.C.O., mode of exorciBC 410 

Commanders — ^ 

claMiti'ifitiou of ^iaI 

higher, powers, .^-c, of -^J-JJ 

inappcHt^ns by ' oS 

station, duties of ■ 29 

Oommaudinjif Oiflcer — 

drUUery, allotFted t* coast dafejices ■iJ'A 

certificste of solveai*y of mees on change of 10* J 

confidfTtial T*poi t <m * • • i JO 

correspondence with ajuother * J^*^ 

< < " officer i/c barracks 1^43 

court-maxtial otn, rank of niombore •'*54 

court of inquiry may b© asseunblpd by. ti21 

crimCt prevenitioa of ' "^^^ 

deflnitioin of, for purposoe of troiisfer. . .-. 36i 

** "in Aimy Act and rules of procedure./ 4'^i 

dotachnent, powers of CO — • ■ ^rtS^^^ 433 

duties md reaponfiibility of ^ 50-65 

efficiBOKiy and capacity for command, testing 84 

mess management, responsibility for 1063 

oflftmcee which may be disposed of by 465 

parties, of, paying compUmeata -^ J461 

pumabjnen/ts by, dehgatioji of powers 462 

" dllegal or excesaive 4fl0 

" mittLor >•• 474 

' 'f remilationa as "bo, not to be varied 

by 483 

" summary 465-474 

Oommandins Oflacor — CJoatiaiued. Pani. 

returns, Ust of, rendered by * 1560, App. XI. 

B.C.G.A, responsibility of 49A 

salutes by cruards to - • • * ' J^r; 

* • in garrison, camp or station: 14oi^ 14aj 

temponry . . «0 

trainanff of officeors iti, tw 

Oommnnds. (See Bistrii^ts.) 
CommlBsioneTfl and Consuls-General— 

salutes at funeral of 1*^00 

<3omml8slom — 

Active MiliTia, first appointments to 153, 155, ISO 

<f " provisional appointments to Ifl3 

** j' qualiflcabionfl for 

, .163, 164, 6S3-718, 841, Apps. VI* & IX. 

** '* to qualified officers only 1S4 

' Assistant Commissaries of Ordnance 180 

Distric: Officers, B.C.A -^ 1J9 

geaioral tnefcruotions • 152-1C4 




Commissions — Continued. Para, 

officers joiming units on firet appointment 185 

Permanwit Force, eligibdBty 167 

' ' first appointmeaits to 166-172 

* ' fiom the ranks 172 

'* liteirary examination for 77i 

" " quaUflcatdoms for 167,773 

'' long course certificate 169, 170, 756 

. ' ' pfcriod of probation ISS 

' ' B.M.C. graduttee 171 

promotion to, disposal of documeaits on , 160« 

resignation of .• 274-276 

Servicee aaid Departments, A.M.C 157, 158 

" " " C.A.P.C 17r 

" ." ** C.0.0, 17« 

'* ** " P.A.M.C 175 

warrant officer or NC.O. recommended for 173, 180 


band and regimental B41-645 

disoiplixe not dealt with by 646 

gamsoB or regimental imsUtutca 1125 

genea-al instructions 641B46, 648, 64* 

mess, &c., paymasters or quartermasters may not 

preside over 87* 

president of ....'.... 629 

proceedings, form of 64S 

Communication, Channels of f), 148, 1537, App. U. 

Company-books to be kept 1567, 1573 

Company conduct sheets, mode of keeping, &c. .....'..... 1601 

Company. &i>. — 

books U be kept by 1567, 1573 

organization of •. 871-874 

rolls .- 64, 6» 

Company, &c., commander— 

acf.ount«, responsibility for . * , SOT 

attendaaice of, when reserved case dealt with by CO.. . 463 

awards by, emtry of 463*, 464 

* * subject to remission l>y 0.0 484 

delegation of powerr to, by CO 462 

duties of 66-75 

funds, equipmeait, publio sftoreg, nespoinsibility for. ... 70 

dnspeotiotn of baoraeks, &c., attoiidauce at. . . t 935 

investigatiotn of charges by. 462, 46it 

powers of, S3 to pimdahmenta . * 484 

Companies. — 

designation of, by letters or uumbors 871 

reeponfiibility for , \ . . . 70 

Complaints. (See also Orlevances.) 

anonymous, forbidden 417 

of officers and soldiers, how preferred 89, 414 

press, through the , 417 

Complimenti. (See Guards and SaTates.^ 

Composition of MlUtia lorco 1, £ 



Conduct, distinguished, or gaJlaut, eat&rcd iu couiluet 

steot r 1596 

of oflifjwa to be brought to iiotitje G'S 

Conductors, Canadian Ordnance Corps— 

eorwwpondLiig nuik iu jiavy 1445 

oligiblo l(j take place of suT>al'toni ofiicers '. , 320 

(See aJso Warrant Officers.) 

Conduct Sheets — 

company, &c., dostruotioii of '. . 1G02 

' ' diflcJiurge, recotrd of ciitiie« oii . . , 1(102 

" loat . , ICOl 

" promotion, transfeir of e*iifcrita lo 

regimental ou . . 1602 

*' nUefi for keeping entries in, &e... .1601-1603 

" unit proeeediaig on aetive service I<i03 

recor-.l in, alteration of 490 

" confession of desetntion or fraudulent <sn- 

• Ustuient 517 

r<^gjinniitul, onicerH. record of court- niartaal on 159.'> 

' ' soldier's, otutries iji, liat of 15»tf 

*' " " rulea a^ to 1590,1597 

*^ " guard Tcpo^a conipuroil with.. 1000 

*' " low kept 1590 

" ** l«st 1598 

'* *' unit proceeding on active serWco 1599 

" warrajit -officers, record of oourt-ii.artial 

on 1595 

Confidential. (See Documents, Reports, Bcc), 93-101, 1552-155* 

Confinement. (See also Arresb and MlUtary Custody.) 

uct'oinmodition for 450 

barracks^ to, by CO , 474 

** conduct plicefc, entered iu 1596, IfiOl 

reteniion in, to be Teportod 442 

soldier in close arrest , .\ . . 450 

Confirmation of rank ■ 165 

Confirming Oftcer, powers of as to icgulatiug punish- 
ment 566-56!> 

ConsuISf salutes at funerals of 1500 

Oonsulfl-General, salutca at f uiierals of 15OO 

Contractors, dealings with ...'. 407 

Convict, MlUtary, (See MJUtary Convict.) 
Conviction — 

civil power, by, of N.C.O. to bo reported 48i> 

conduct sheets, regimental, eutriee iu irtQG 

oourt-morbia], quaBbing of, by 509 

dischajrgea on 377 

Cook — 

assistooit , 1120 

private soldier as, foi* detojution rooum. 615, 616 

sergeant • 1120 



Cooking — Para. 

inspecftiftn of, by regimen;t«l ofiioor 1118, lllfl 

'^MaoLud of Miiitarv Cooking/' pooks to be eonvers- 

aut ^\nth ', 1120 

refuse 1118 

soldiers' messing and general iiiMtnictions 1117-1120 

system of 1117 

Corps of Guides i2;, App. JX, 

Corps Eeserre. (Soo also Officers.) 

conipoadtiou of £ 

lintert^haageubility 250 

ramJc in, conf era uo tiutiiorUy to eomtnaoid 230 

' ' ani preccflence on recall for service 228 

recall f*r serWee 228, 259 

trainuaig « 258 

Correspondeace. (Soo al^ Letters). 

addresses ou ofllciii! 1541, 1543 

ohaanedfi of oommnn-iivation 9, 148, 15;t7, App. 11. 

civiliajia> with 1540 

confideut^ial 1550 

general instructions as to *. IR.'t.'i-lSSl 

d-nquiries rogairdiaig soldiers 1505 

Militiu lieadquortojfe, to, how n<ldrossc(l 1541 

mode of 'jouducting cflicial. 15:^7-1542 

non-official «ncloeuT«s forbid*^^i 1551 

officers, between 1545 

openfuig letters 153^^ 

reeponsibiUty of offioeirs for 153G 

secret, how to be transmitted 1550 

tran«miasiou 1536-1549 

" to higlier authority, oiviiLion of officer 

recorded ou . . , .' 1536 

unueceeaaty, geuieral allleer to chwk 1535 

Council, The MiUtla. (S«o MiUtla Council.) 

Counsel for prosecutor, engagcniPdit of 549 

Courses of Instruction. (Bee also Schools,) 

artifioera' 746-749 

arbilleiry ntg^ift , 750-754 

f ariiers ' . . .. 755 

local '. 761-768 

long 169, 756, 757 

militia «tafl 758-760 

musketrj' 730-739 

Courtesy — 

among officers .....", 420 

im intercourse wi*li oivilian« 419 

Courts of Inquiry — 

absence, illegal, on . , , 636 

" ** record of proceedings, &e 1591 

ajseembly, compoaitaoii, &e 624 

* ' pLace and lour , .,. 028 

attendance at, reckoned aa duty. , .' 880 

anthorit.T for, from Miliitiia Hcadqnartejr 625 

conducting, mann-er of , 626 

eiplosion, on, in magazine, &c. 632 




Courta of Iniiulry— Continued. Par a. 

iiospitaJa, iu^ tour for aasejnbly 64& 

hours of sitting '../.',[..'.. ^ 627 

iujurieSj on, at annual tradndng esjj 

misatng officer or soldLor, on actflv« service 1564 

presideQit of g2i) 

proceeduiga^ fonn for ."*!.!."!.!!! 648 

storee, &c., loaa or doficioiicy in \ .ego 633 

witnesses, warning of, * (j28 

Courtjs, Olvil— 

conduct slieet, en trios in, of convietionfl by '. . . . 15D6 

Iiead-dresE in , 413 

Oourts-Martial — 

accused, escort for 55(i 

* * ramoval from prison for trial by .58*4, 586 

"" +0 be deprived of cap, &c 458 

* ' ** modioally examim^d 550 

acquit fcal, roirmrks in cji'^e of 568 

clifldige of venue 5.^5 

charges, investigated bjfore s ibmisnou , .//...,,.[,. 543 

coniniaiidiJig oflietrs, trial by 554 

committal, teinporary, whilo awaiting tihi\ or son- 

t«ne» ■ " 306, 6n7 

compoaitioa of ..55;; 554 

conduct sheet, entry of conviction in ] ,1595, *15;)6 

confirmation, witliboMing of, in certain eases .... 569 

con firming officer, powers of communtation^ &c 566'561» 

convening of, form prwcribed for C'ti 

convections, previous, as evidence 527 

district, cenvening authority for 37^ 533 

" right of soldier to elect trial by aiid to 

reconsi'ler his decision 470, 473 

* ' sufficiejit in ordinary cases 520 

' ' transmissioa of proceedings 572-574 

documeauU, copies used tnsteaxl of originals 557. 558 

' * origiaiaJ, recovery of '. ' 559 

exempition for exemplary servico -. 468 

general, rank of preflidtnt 554 

' ' trtunsmission of proceedings 570-574 

' ' wlcn to be coavemed 526 

hours of sitting 555 

jurisdiction of, uurestrioted 521 

liability for, in respect of time " . . 468 

members ot, duty, atteiidaaiee reckons aa 880 

' ' not no minuted until competent 547 

" numbers 552 

" rank of J...' 554 

N.C.O., trial of, nature of court 412 

oatb, form of 500 

offenc&s by soldiers under senitonc© of^ to*So tried 

at once ^ 473 

officers available, return of ......///,,,.. 532 

' * in arrest cannot lemand t. 443 

•' in n-aiting at .' [[ 552 



Ofourti-MartUl— Continued. Para. 

" on convdctioai by, recorded in eouduct sheet.. 1595 

' * jountf, attendance for instruction 547 

proaident, officeirs ineligible , 236 

procseduigs, disposal after promulgaition 573, 1605 

* ' illegal or unjust, procedure 569 

* * letter tc aecoanpany ,..*... 572 

* * promulgitioii of , 571 

' ' quasbing 569 

" remarks by eonHrnUiLg officer S67, 508 

' ' - transmisHon of . , 570, 572, 574 

" " delay 574 

prosecutor, appointment 648 

* ' counsel for 549 

. * ' duties 051 

regimental, ooaveninj; authority for. 534 

* * disposal of prooeedaings of 1605 

* ' oir^nices dealt with by 465, 522 

semtencefi of, conflrmiug officer to regulate 500 

" ojcpiirajtian of, rules for reckoning 602 

" framing of 564 

* * limitation of .- 563 

' * remissioa of 569, 591 

* * rules for awarding. . , 561-565 

stoppages 536, 539 541, 565 

superior officor, power of 522 

trial by, not imperative , 521 

** not delayed by want of documents 527 

validity of trial by ijifeirior court 525 

mtoesees from distajit stations 546 

Cows not to be kept within boundaries of barracks or 

hoapitalfl 964 

<to>dlt» crying down of ,....,,... 421 

Cricket grouMs, charge of . 939 

Crime, prevention of by OjO 408 

Crown, The — 

go vorniiicut of miUtlu vested in 6 

Toyal salute to 1451 



barrack 935-940 

to vehicles 477 

Irtathfl — 

djocuraenta, disposftl on ^ 1606 

hospitals, at, reported immediately. 1037 

inquiriee respectiaig 1565 

next-of-kin, particular* to be sent to 156i: 

report, offlcors ., 41 

' * soldietrs 1502 

* ' special, when unusual number of. 1561 


mess-man, CO, to caution tradesmea .....:. 1068 

officer uni^ble to moot, procedure 426 

proclamation of non-liibili^ ^ , 421 



Decorations, how wvrn \4i'2 

Eofaulters — 

attendance at paa-afles, duties, Jce ' 474 

• oxeluded irom cautwn ! ! 1! 1 ] ! ! /. 1127 

not to luiieirgo puiiishiiisiit ULi>stKi 475 

Defence. (S^e ^Uao Coast Defence.) 

sclioiiics of ,i^ 

Defences, aduuission to App. Ill, 

Deflclencioa, clotliiag. ncc<.'*:iai-ic3, &v,, Low <U*tilt \rith. . 

r 5.H7-541, (i30-«34 

DelegationB of Powerg — 

CO. to company, &c., eommouder 40? 

Dental SmgeoaB, honorary rank of 214 

Departmental Dorps — 

pre«odojice of .- ....,.» I443 

trajief«r to ,, ,,l. /.. .*/...'. .//..'. 371 

Dapartmental Officers. (Sotf also Services ujid Departments.) 

coinirutiiid, how exi«Tjised , , . ,22 J 2',Hi 

f uncml of, honoiira at '1525 

prscedmic'j of ; oitfc 

Deputy Minister of MlUtia, dutios wf 11(A) 

Deserters — 

accounts cf, wlieu handed over to other corps 875 

apprc'heiujiou or surrojideir of, procedure 50O, G07-51'{ 

clothiiig d«cliienjt 541 

conduct sheet, eutries ia 159G 

coiifossioiu, fnJft© 500, 61S 

' ' form of ".'. /. , / 51-} 

' ' presorvod with a;tfUwt<atiwi 517 

* * ppoc^ydure on , '. . 45(j ' 

dcfini-tiou »f , . . 4t)« 

doeuaients, disjwsal of , i(JOO 

ojjcorts for , 500,013 

idcavitifloatdon of 510^ 512, 5i;i 

kits, daeposal of, when hajided over to other corps. . 875 

military eust-ody, M^hen to be taken into 500 

necesaarLee bo bo suppled for returning 511 

order for removal of, by esooJrt , 509 

poHoo, &e., notifleatiMi from, o-f apprehension of. .507, 508 

' ' report to, o£ deeertion 499 

recruit, absconded 498, 49(», 507 

reports of, deBoriptive, to Os*0. othoi pwrinnuent units 4i)S 

reports, sp«eial, whcji uausual number of 15G1 

retnnus, how aoeoutnted for, in regiimoutal 150;^ 

rewards aiid expenses ..,.,.... 507 

routes, iasue of, for 507 50O 

seirvico forfeited ,.; ^ 3x5 

soldiers not roturniiig from furlough dealt with ae! . . . 1213 

trial, dispojLBation fr«om, conduct sheets, entries in 1596 

" " " on confoBsion of 514,510 

" " " order v,. 514, 517 

Detached parties to bo provided with uioiiey for billets, &c. 1262 


Detachment— Para. 

ref roshmeuft for long journeys. 1278 

eaauteen, grocotry shop, or coffee-room 1122 

commaiut, associatiooi of, under onei 226, 436 

CO., povers of 435, 436 

duty, reckoning for tour of 881 

inspection of , , 76 

medical officor, when* to acoompany . » 1261 

moss, ahjuro of mesa fund, &c ' lf)74 

report, confidential, oil oflicere of . , 101 

Detention — • 

award of, by CO 474, 475 

' ' court-marbial , 562 

barracks, administration 003 

* ' artielos bo bo sent with soldier to 004 

' ' articles to bo taken from soldtcir 010 

*• braneht accommodation in, to be ascertaiii«d 015 

' ' * ^ committed to, temporarily 

453, 605-007, 009 

*' " coiWuot sheets, entry in 159G 

" " duties of warrauit oflicer aud N.CO. 

in charge of .. - 614,015 

" " iji>siM)ctLon mul viKltiiig of 613 

" ** medical examination before admis- 
sion Oil 

*' ** i>rivate property romovod on admas- 

sion " 610 

* ' ' ' release from 610 

' ' committal to 579, 596-599, 607, 609 

*' " form of 580 

** " *' medical ecaifcifieato to ac- 
company 581 

" control, iiisfwctiiou and admin is tratiwi of.. 003 

* ' discharge from 592-595, 600, 601 

" documents io be sent wi-th solddors. 582 

*' puniKhmant award by viaitorB to, ojiAry in 

conduct ahoet 1596 

eonduot sheet, entries in, of awjtrd by CO , 1596 

release from, CO. to send for soldier 012 

** *' soldier not to dx) duty on day of 595 

remiaaiofl] of • 691 

rooms, eiarge of * 016 

committal to, hour of 590,609 

' ' aoldiers of other corps 618 

' ' temporarily . . . 163, 605, 607 

discharge from . . . .' * 592-595 

dntles of wanant officer and N.CO, i/e 

«14, 615, 617 

guard, confiMOincut in ^ 594 

guard; keys, ch^rgo of * 451 

inspection of 608 

removal from one to another. . . . , 589 

rdos for and control of .^ '. 616-618 

substitutad for unpaid iino , , . 480 

temporarv', in prieon, i)0(licei stMion, &c ,'. . . 583 

terms of, how awarded 504 

. 379 




Directors at Militia Headauartors, dutifls of App. V. 

Directors of Futillc Companies, officers a&tuig as 42S 

Disallowances, correspondence relatiug to 1547 

Disbandment of corps » 28« 

Discliarge — 

applkfltiom for, whea to be made to II.Q 377 

autboritioa for carrying out, 377 

Bortificatee, doacriptiom in , 397 

* ^ duplicates not to l>o giv^n . i , . * 390 

' * proparation of , 379 

tharactor, luodo of rocordiug 38S-395 

- eity and rural eorpu : 374, 376 

«ivdl employment after, qualifications recorded in docu- 
ments 388. 38» 

claiming , 377 

conduct fiheotH, compajjy, &c-, destroyed on. 1602 

couvoyanc© home on . 380 

disabiJity in case of , 373 ' 

doeumente, descriptions on, care in tnaking > . . . « 3^ 

' ' diepoaal of , 387 

' " ' preparatiooi of 376 

•nlieted irregularly ..,, 377 

tree , 377 

general iuetruetiotus 373 

EelplcBs or lun-atio soldiers , 384 

hospital, sibeistonco in, after 383 

ignominy 377, 562 

inefficiency , , . 377 

instruct] ^na as to various classes of 377, 3S4 

lunatics 384 

medically unfit for further service 377 

' • " recruits after enlistment, &<• 377 

misconduct , 377 

" descriptivo lotum to all O.Os iiSH 

notificatioD, wliera soldier not in command of cfHeer 

authorizbig 385 

Fermaneoit Force 376-379 

proceedings on 37« 

proceedings on, character, mode of recording 388-395 

' * deacriptions 397 

'* preparation and diiposal of 376, 377 

purchase 37T, 381, 382 

* ' procedure i 377 

returns, infttnietuons as to forwordiimg 38^ 

" dcBoriptivo to oil O.O.a., Perumnent Force 38t5 

table of, and special inetruotions 377 

Discipline — ' 

general instfuctioas .... * 403-440 

maintenance of, by ofiltars V .404, 409, 411 

* ' by warrant officer and N.C.0 41tt 

Permanent Force and tloso attached ..,..:,, 405 

prisoiDOi^ of war 225 

schools of iustruetiou .518-52* 



Disease— -Para. 

infectious, clothing nort to be returned to stors..,. 959 

' ' disinfectioJi of kit and stores 103^ 

venereal, concealment of ► 489 

Dismounted men — 

drill and equipment 8^4 

movement of •••• 1304 

Displays . . . . , 431 

Disputes, prevention of, by 0.0 1 51 

Distinguished Conduct Medal 1424 

Distribution of Militia 5 

District, MiUtiry— 

division of Dominion into &» ^^ 

Ofltcer Commanding, duties of 37-49 

" " amspecUons by i 82 

reports by 13(e), 42, 88, 242, 205 

*272, 1557, 1560, App. XI. 
'* *' reepoiusJbility to Minister S 

Divine Service- 
arrangement for, by GO liJp2 

attendance, regular, at 1233 

bandsmen, attendance of 1235 

ehaplains (q.v.) 1236, 1237 

civilian clergymen * ,1238, 1239 

general instructions - ■ 1232, 1235 

liberty of worship ^ 1^33 

•riflee not to be carried at 1232 

Dtcuments. (See also Officer i/c Records.) 

accuracy of. responsibility for. 153U- 

eonfidentiol : 1553, 155S 

courts-martial, oopiee ii.^od for 557 

destruetioji of obsolete ......... IGll, 1G12 

discharge (q.v.) 

disposal of on transfer, death, &c 1606 

hospital, of men in 103^ 

menioraiidiim sent to Militia H«adquarters 1542^ 

Militia Iltadquarttrs, bsued by, core of 1558 

names of soldiers in, procetdure when changod 1582 

•fficial, actess to and publication of. .1553-1555 

•rdorly room, care of • • 7t> 

production before ^ourt-3nartial 557 

recovery at oritjinal 55i» 

secret and confidential, custody of, and instruotions 

a-i to , , 1552, 1557 

seiut with soldier ujuler sentence '. 58& 

Drains, cleanlttg, &c 962, 96a 

Dress and Equipment — 

abroad 1381 

eido-de-camp to the Governor-General 1386 

arrest, dress while under 445 

CO. responsible for ... 1360 

•orreeponrience relating to - - 1546- 

^eiaohed duties, not tinder arms 1389 

equipjnent (3oo also Equipment) 1395-139S 

fancy dress balls -. 1382" 




Dreas and Equipment— Contiiiued. I'm-,,. 

forago cap, wlion and how worn , 1366 

foraign eounitriea mnA majioeuvrw 1381 

full dreaa head-dross, how w^ru. isgs 

gejL«ral iiiBtruc.tions 1358-1375 

greatcoats, when ajud how to be worn. ...*.... ., 1373 

hair, grov^-th of 1367 

irregular! tios fto bo reported /./...........[.. 1302 

Miouniiing !!!..[! 1373 

off duty, &c ."." .*.'.' .*.*.".".'.'.' .'1389, 1391 

ordereoi ..t. 13m 1357 1394 

patbetrns, d«viojtio« from, forbidden 1300 

plain clothes, wheoi allowed [.*,. ' ' 13^5 

retired staff omcewt' .......,..[[.... 137y 

ahipe, qui board^ ofBcejs 1 !,]!!.!].! ! 1384 

special uistnietioiia^ officers :..,.. .,//./.. 1376-1380 

I ' *; Boldiem ..,.'.././.'. 1389-1393 

«toff 1379, 1386 

surgeon, lionomvy, to Govonior-Gt>iu>ral 13S6 

swopde and scabbards []'..'. 1383 

men not diamisaod, not granted furlough 1213 

officers wl«>u to bo dUiniusod from 75 

DriU Halls. (See a»so Oaretaketa). 

allotment of 9^2 

care of, a.way from distniet hendqiarters. /.....! 983 

^*aK8 •_.. i4g^, 

general 'lasbructious 982-9S7 

use of, for other than military purposes 983 A 

Drummers — 

furiiishod, according to roster, in gurrison 892 

Bc^rgoant, training^ for * 1061 

Drums — 

books of inatruotion , 1057 

njot to be beaten aftei tattoo 8*88 

ruffle of, m salute ; 1451, 1481 

Druukeiiness — 

conduct slioets^ ontry in 159G, IGOl 

court-martial, when to be resorted to 493 

' fines for 474, 480, 495-497 

no oxcuso for offence 551 

on duty, definition of , ..... 493 

pHvojbe soldier^ disposal of charge 491, 493 

" " in vostigatiion, 24 hoars to elapse before 455 

" ' * proeedaro after arreat 455 

simple, how dealt with 4sn, 492, 494 

testing niou forbidden 455 

Puties — 

anrreat, poisons in, not to perform 459 

barrack and drill hall duties .933-999 

classificaition of , 878 

detailing, mx>do of 879 

exehajigo of .' »..»... 882 




Duties — Continued. Para. 

garniaon and regimeiutu], daily 887-893 

*• " guoirdE and pdquets 894-906 

*' " in aid of the civil power. .997-924 

" * " ofliocre of artillery and em- 

gLaeets » 883 

" '' i-oater of 877-88U 

Miilitia Council -. 10, 11 

of Aoeouutant aaid raviiiaste(r Oeuieral 11(f) 

' * Adjutant i 76 

'' Adjutaavt-Genoral 11(c) 

* ' Chief of the Gw^raJ Wtaff, 11(b) 

' ' CommaiLdiLug Oflicers of Unuit«. 50-65 

' ' company, &c., cojumajiders 68-74 

' ' Deputy Minlater of Militia H (*) 

' ' Distiuct Otlieer CouunandLng ^7-49 

** Field OMcers 66, C 7 

' '' Tnspoetor-Gencral 13 

' ' Masbor-GkmeraJ of t\n^ Ordjwiince 11 (0) 

' ' officers ill medical cliarge of luut^i ' 78 

' ' Paymasters 79 

* ' Quanton^naaberM , 80, 81 

' ' Quttrtoimastcr-Gcnom J * , 11(d) 

* * subalterns , 77 

roster of 877-886, 892 

tour of, iiiothod of ruckouiug 879-881 

under arms 5f> 

Educational EiitabUslunent&, (Sc« und«r each eetablish- 

Edward Medal, The 1-131 

Efflclency — 

staiidairds of, £or pay. .r 654, 821 

Electric Lights — 

report -as U eo^nditdon, perwimel, &c., of 659-661 

trainiiiig in working 659-601 

Embarkation. (See K. R. fr 0. Imperial.) 

Bncampmants 125! 

Bngiaaering, Military^ ijistrttcbion, in cJiarge of ,.•• 930 

Engineers — 

barrocksj iuspeicbiou of 945, 946 

books kept by 1&60, 1567 

clerks, rcJuoval from uppointinewt 339 

oompajifloa, troops, &c., dcaignation of 871 

C.K.C.E., duties 993-995, 997 ' 

** returns by 1560, App. Xl. 

dutnes, garrison, of ofiicers * . . . 883 

^ iaapection of 93 

Inspector, duties of 14, 20 

procckJeoieo of corps '. 1443 

rotiirns reUtiug to . » ' ....:... 1560, App. XI. 




Enllfitmettt^— Para. 

City and Kural Corps, boys ... 2l)l> 

** " " iuplicate -eailiatmoiKte . . . . 292-294 

** * ' men late of Army and Navy 291 

" * ' " fwn-eligihles \ . . , . 289 

" " » " quaJifloartJon of enJdsting o'flicer 288 

** '* *' recruiting 290 

'* ** '* ro-oiigageuicut .;i00-3t>ii 

" ' * * ' ataadard for recruits 297 

Pormaiiflnt Force, age limit 30ti 

boys 311-314 

excess of establishment M'J 

fraudulent, abtofitation ou wlicb to 

servo 502 

' • oonduot sheet, en trice in 159(i 

" confijssiou of, form fox 515 

** conj^SfriDn of presorva- 

tioji of 517 

'' dihCl^ve^y of, procedure 450 

" kit, obtaining frco 536 

** iiotifioution of disposal 

of s<»ldior 505 

" ^ rclogatioii to fornuT 

' torpji, after conviction. 504 
*' trial, coriw in wlich to 

take place 503 

" trial, disponfiatiott f rom^ 

application for 51 1 

** imu\\, dispensatioa from, 

conduct sheet, entry in 1596 
'* trial, d<J5pen.satiom from, 

ordftr, for of 51(J, 517 

*' tirdal, daspentjat ion from, 

record of 517 

" trial, exemption from 

4G8, 501 
' ' trial, liabdlity to, .-itroct- 

ed by lapse of time 468 

gonar«l iastrucbioiie ;]03-314 

oaturtlization, evidetaco of 295 

offences, oonfessioji of; treatmeat on. 4^^ 

re-engagement 306, 308-310 

Enrolment Gfl 

XntertaimneiLts — 

oflicera* moss 1092-ia9(J 

eerrgeonts' mees .* 1111 

Envoys, orfcillOTy ealutes io , 1504, 1500 

Epidemics, eanitajy arrangements during 959, 963 

l!<IuipmeQt. {See also Dnsa and Hquipment.) 

CO. respomaible for 54 

deHcieaoiee, court-martdal oa 537-541 

iaauo and eare of 1359 

loss, injuiy, &c., cowt of inquiry on 624-034, 036 

regulataOEfl aa to ^ 1395-1398 

ooldier undergoing detemtaon 604 



Equipment, Stores, Director nf Clothing and, duties, Ac. App. V. 

Equitation . . , 797 

Escorts — 

ammuiiitiou supplied to 1400 

couveyancft covered, for soldier proceeding to 

pidaon, &e 598,599 

court-martial, for accused attending: 556 

custody i>i soldiers, answerable for 599 

desertere, for, rules as to 500-513 

< ' order for removal ' 509 

discharged men, helpless or lunatic • 384 

handcuffs 599 

money supplied to N.O.O. receiving soldier from an- 
other corps 6t>t 

ship, on board, ineuflieieni 5S7 

soldier uuder sentence appearing as witnetjs, exprasee, , . 

&c., ol - 585, 58G 

soldier undtn:' sentoJice ivhen included in unarmed draft 58s 

strength o£ ^ 597 

Bstablishments, issue of 4 

Examination — 

Active MiUtia > 850-862 

boards, farriers and sboeing-emiths Hot! 

" promotion of ofiieorB, composition. .776, 791-794, 858 

" * * , f * duties - • . 795 

** ** '* proceedings, disposal of. 796 

" tactical fitne«s of majors for command SOU, 806 

conditions -to be fulfilled for each subject * 787 

failure to pass 788 

K.C.Os., by O.O., to test quaJdficationB 814 

N.U.Ofl., general inetructiona ..-.-, 813-815 

promotion , - ■ 779-814 

' * syllabus of subjects , . .779, 780 

" to lieutenant-Bolonel 7SS, 807, 811 

oflicefTS, brevet rank not to exempt from passing...,,, 777 

' ' examination of, up to rank of majoi- 779-797 

* ' Tiding eertificat* necessarv 797 

* ' -tactflcal atness 798-806 

' ' transfer, further examinat>ioa on 784 


oJTieers.. general instructions » - 248-250 

' ' leave ojf absence, cancelled by 1189 

Explosion — 

in boirracks, board on 977 

procedure in cose of 032 

Explosive atJOWB, luotice to bo given before conveyance. . . , 1346 


FimiUes of Scldiers — 

definition of 1041 

hospitals for 1040 




Panlers-^ Para. 

examiiiajtiotii of num braia«d as 1150 

seleotiom of moa for tamniing <a& 114U 

sergoaut, iiistruatio'ii, eocaimiiuLtJoai «... Il50 

" ** selection for ; . 1140 

" shoeiug-amitha to be trained by i. . 114S 

Fatigue duties — 

t«ige»^o, loa<Lijig asul uuloMding, partioe for., 132o 

cloaiiaiiug surface dTains and flushing ]nti>jncs ii(i2 

coal| to be perfoirinod by defaulters 92t> 

duties ckssod as 92ii 

reckoiiiing for tour of duty 881 

Bwoepiug yards and poiradoa, iind removing »n»w 9U5 

Jetes, dasplayB of boreem^nship or gyamasjti^'s a-t 431 

Pieid Dressiiiff, first, duatruetioai iu use of 761 

rieldrMarshals, hoiiours to be paid by the troops to ^ 14D1 

rield Officer of the day — 

oaptain^ acting as * 8t>0 

d'uttes oij in garrisoa : 88t» 

Tleld Offlcere— 

brovoti dti*io3 of 880 

dtitico of 66, Cr 

instructiou by CO 6- 

proficiency of oflltiors for TH 

salute by sentries, luodo of 1485 

suporvisittu of jumiors .- 60 

rield Sketching, instruotion in 671 

Tines — 

drunkouaiess^ for , 174, 180, ^93-497 

" " recovery of 4i>7 

" ' * unpaid . . . « .* . 4SU 

levied by offieorfl oiv proinotiors, maTringi's, &*'„ 
prohibite<l lOi^t 


filarm 88S 

coniniitte« i>6(i 

damage by, Uabdlity to make good 976 

guards to turn out on alarm of 900 

in barrackS; boards on , 977-980 

' * Ineurauc^! of pri viito propert v 981 

" piquet \ 967, 9iiS 

' ' precautoKuia against 970, 974 

' ' raking out of, at hight 974 

riPe-englues ^ 967 

fireworks in barracks forlviddou 97;; 

Bring parties J519A 

rixtures — 

alteratioiiB in barracks, iiot nllowi'd 957 

im vcntories of, iu barrack roojns 950 


armed vessels 1492 A 

colonial governors ; 1492 

drill halla, forts, &c 1489 

Government House . , 1490 

instructions as to flj'iMg at stafrions, &v. 14P7, 1491 

processions, &c 1049 




riags — Continued. Para, 

Royal Standard 148* 

ship, on beard, blue ensign for A.S.C., E-CM;;, H.C.A. 

and Ordnance services 1495 

sliipi on board, <3r.0.C. aaid eoluniail governor wn- 

l>arkeid . . ...1496-1498 

*' " So%-ereiign and Royal I'ajnily, pres- 

wiee of 150] 

stations for Hying. 1491 

unarmed vessels 149;j 

Un*ion Jack 1049, 1489-1491, 1494, 1496, 1497 

Forage — 

barrack subordinates luot reapooiaiblo for 998 

eommaading officer- 's duties 1174, 1175 

coniplajiiita regardiing , H7(j 

contract 1174 

demandfi, &<.\, for, to whom made 1547 

fire, preeaiitions against 1178 

inspection of daily issue 1170 

issue and receipt of, hours for, i:«. 1 170 

keys of s?toreg, custo^ly H77 

reRer\o stock of I175 

eentries over 1177, 1178 

Forage-cap isqq 

Foreign Courts, presfciit^tlou of officers at 1469 

Foreign manoeuvres, attendance at 439 

Foreign medals and orders 1419, 1420 

Foreman of works, iniltary^ rt^moval from appointinont- . 339 

Forfeited service, regulations as to. . . , 313 

Forms, periodical roturus 1560, App, XI. 

Fortresses, admissions to, legukitious iVr .App. III. 

Funds — 

audit of , ' 59 

public, rf-sijouaibility for 800 870 

regimental ; 59. 

** paymaster or quarteJ-tnusttsr not to have 

custody of 870 

workshois 1 143 

Funerals — 

Active Militia 1519 

attendance at 1521, 1526 

civil functionaries, salutes at 1506, 1527 

departmental oillcers 1525 

firing parties .,.,,*... 1519A 

f oreignera, salutcb at 1528 

guu-carriugos^ when supplied for 1520 

military, instructions as to 1518-1529 

minute guns 1522 

'* *' at civil funerals 1527 

officers, Ac, not entitled to military 1519 

pall, by whom to be lorne at 1524 

aalutesi, officers, soldiers and colours passing 1459 

' ' rounds fired , . . 1521-1523 

ataflP officers ; 1525 




/nrlongh— Pa^.^, 

abroad 1209, 1214, 1215 

' * N.C-Oa. and men from 1214 

address of men on 1214 

arms and accoutrements not taken on [ 1215 

commencement and termination of ! 1212 

conditionu of 1208, 1209, 1213 

disehargo, prior to 1210 

extension of, through sickness , 1218 1219 

form for 1211 

general instructions rftspectiiig / 1208-1220 

medical aid when on 1220 

overstaying ^ 12i2 

period .,..,.][[, 1209 

rejoining, men unable for want of money 121G 

return, duties, &c,, not to be made up on 1217 

sick while on^ extension of , 1218, 1219 

special, before dischar-jo 1210 

travelling expense of, for rejoining 1216 

waistbeltd taken with soldiers '. 1389 

rumlture, barrack — 

damage to 933 

inventories of 950 

repair by regimental artilicers 1139 

Gambling — 

by officers, O.C. to discountenance 51 

forbidden . 


Garrison, duties in. (See Duties.) 877-932 

Gas in barracks — 

escape of , 975 

fittingfl not to be alterfid * 957 

key, duplicate, of stop-cocks kept in guard-rooln [[ 975 

prcventiOE of waste 997 

turning off 974 , 

Gazette, Oanaia — 

appointments, promotions, &c., notified iu 152 

officersf forwarded to , 152 

" not to quit regiments until names appear in. , 274 

General Staff. (See Staff.) 107, 108, 113. 120, 122 

Glanders — 

disinfection after II73 

_ disposal of carcases af tor ] . . * 1172 

horses suspected of i ..,!!!] i 1171 

Glasses may bo worn [ ^ ^ 1374 

aovemor-Gteneral^ command !!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 

' * " parolo bj ...V.\ 3G 

Governors of Colonies- 
ceremonial visits between naval officers and . . 1468, App, X. 

flags on board ship 1492 

military authority , ]./... 6 

salutes ani honours to , 1451 1454 

' ' artillery, sanctioned by ]. 1514* 1516 

*" 1504 




OoTemois of Colonles-^^ontinued. Para. 

'* ly guards, to '.....1480, 1481 

sentries over, salutes by 1485 

Oreat-coatB, wearing of , 1372 


combinotions to obttin xedross of, forbiden 415 

inspections, at 416 

publio press, in the ^ 417 

redress of 414 

Guard, Commander of — 

charge of keys of guard deteutioa room 45] 

duties in connection with olmrgo report 44 J 

Guard Detention Boonu — 

keys, charge of 451 

used for temporary eonfmement 450 

Guard Beports— 

conduct sheets, compared with periodically IfiOO, 1001 

entry of charge in 441 

form for , ,. 903 

Guards — 

ammunition for 14O0 

clothing not to bo taken off 896 

coffee. Lot', for 901 

colours, when to carry 1448, 1470, 1478 

commanders of, duties 895-906 

dismounting procedure 904 

duty, mode of reekonjug 881 

extra, as punishment 474 

field officer, visit and report 88S 

fire, &e., alarm of, to turn out 906 

hospitah, for , 1025 

inspection of^ at reveille, retreat, and tattoo Sfltl 

' ' before going on duty and on retum, 70, 894, 895 

" on dismounting 904 

instructions as to 894, 906 

mounting, hour for 894 

officersi youug, to be placed as sup(Srnumerarjes on ... . 905 

quitting posts forbidden 89« 

relief 901 

** inspection of 895 

report by commander of 903, 904 

rounds, visiting sonnies 897 

salutes, armed corps and armed parties 1484 

' ' lugle and drum 1481 

** colours 1451 

* ' commanding officers ; . . 1482 

' ^ general officois iu uniform 1480 

' ' govornorB 1479, 1480 

'* ' flfficeffs not eititled to 148J 

*' " of othor branches or serviccH 148C 

* ' roar of, officers passing in 1483 

' ' relief, officers passing during 148:J 

" "retreat," forbidden aft&r 1484 

' * Eoyal Family^ mounted o\er 147fl 

" Tieeroy, mounted over '. 147fl 



au-Ho htdex 

Guards — Corutinucd. , Para. 

Beutriea (qv.) 

standards, ivheu to carry 1448 

stares and furniture, change of 906 

turning out at reveille, retreat, and tiattoo 899 

** on alarm oJ fire, &e 900 

* ' * * approach of arniod parties 1484 

'* to oflicortJ, &e 1481-1484 

Guards of honour, compoeibiou of, and when dotulled.. 1470-1 478 

Guides, Corps of , 227, App, IX. 

Guldona 144G, 1450 

Gun-carriages, when supplici for f an»rals 1520 

Gymnasia, cave of 063 

Gymnastics — 

buildings, use of * 837 

displays of, r^ulatioois as bo 431 

«stablifittimeiijt, inatrucbors, asaiataat, mauintonanco ' of 

efficienay 662 

establislinicnt, justruofcojrs, assistaait, number required. . .662 
recruits, backward 058 

Hatr, rules regarding growtli of 1367 

Handcuffs, for use by escorts 599 

Haversack, when and liow to bo womi 1396 

Headdress — 

civil eoan'ts, removal in ^ 413 

full dress, bow worn 1368 

Ueadauarters, KLilitia — > 

correspondence M*ith 1641, 1543 

ofGcers on staffs of mombors of Militia Council 146 

private couimunicataons with o£Scial3 probibitcd 424 

Health of troojs, proeervation of 53, 73 

Hijfber Commands. (Seo Districts.) 

Hiitorlcal Eocords — 

OTttrios "in 1607-1009 

of corps .\ ; 1607-1609 

Honorary Apiiointments — 

aides-deoftitip 244-247 

colonels and Iteut.-colonwls 243 

surgeons 244-247 

Honorary Bank— 

chaplains 211 

colonel fluid liout.-colouel 216, 217 

commiBsariM of orduamoo 211 

officer clerk 211 

paymasters 211 

quartermasters 211 

jregimen-tal medical oiHcora 211 

veterinary officers ." K 211 

service, computing for .' 213 

warrant officer retiring 211 

HoQours and Salutes. (See Salutes.)^ 

Horse furuiturej table of, foi oHicesrs^. 1388 

Horsemanship, display of 431 



Horses— Continued. ■^^^"• 

age of, how reckoned J JJjJ 

allotment to officers '•';'•* ' V * Vw ' " ' 'I'l «V 1 1 ml 

boaa-d of anquiry on lijury and suiden death llbS, liUij 

branding of .■•••■''■ * ],2!, 

carcases, burial or deatruetixm of tbseasod JiJ- 

care of ■''' ]]„f. 

ooebing .- 1165-116f. 

dead and disabled, di«po*«il o£ • • -■ * ]}}i^ 

detminm&nt ,- ^'*^^' "i!^ 

diflinf oction ia contagious diseases. "**/•• izl'l 

eatrainmcnt ^"^^^'HVn 

feeding and watering on railway journeys idljj 

foals, disposal of * • V^ Jl^ii 

foraie. ' ^^^^']l\^. 

furlough, chaa-ge of, during •- y, {fi.', 

infectious ond contagious disoaaes of r 1171-11 *.» 

inspection of. by veterinary officer* IJt; * 

^' '* weekly by CO. . .- ^^^t 

numbering of ' J}|J^ 

- officers' chargers • J.J";J 

railway transport, ca::*, jnepcctittii of '*;**: 

tt a coiducting parties for trained 

horsee . . . . ; • • • ■ 1?^'_' 

ft if ddiBCtaonj of heads 131i> 

it 'i gojierffll iaustrucriions 1307-131S 

a '* notice to rail companies 1263 

ti * * securing hofsee during 1315 

< < ** stock cars \^\) 

remount. (q.v.) }|?6-1162 

saddlery •. ; "^^mi 

sink, transport by rad ^^^Ji 

Btablemeii, &c., ofifeaoee by ^J-J;* 

trains, movement bj raiil |'*^^ 

IXinlry'hiVtoi^'she^t' V.V. V.V. ■.".■.■*.'. V.V.Vli'o; 'il66, 116S 

Hospitals — ^ 

admd&noa and discharge 1^32, 1033 

animals prohibited '••• '^ 

attendants ^^^^^ ^^f; 

board* or courts of inquiry m <J^^^ 

chMplain, or cleirgymuo, abteaidiince at. j-J** 

classificotLon of :•••'•••' * '•*;„' iSnt 

conduct sheet, ontriee in, of cases ol alcoliobsui. .1596, 1001 

deaih or dangerous illness in J ^3* 

dischargtKl men subenatod in ^-^-^ 

documents of men In ............. . . • • JO- - 

duties ill relation bo the sick and to hospitals lO^.MO'*.. 

familieeof soldiois 1040, 1041 

guards to be f nrmshed over t lO^o 

inspection of, mediical officer abteads ****** 

« ' room and hours for examiauation . of 

sick 1028, 10211 



EospltalB — Continued. Para. 

offences l^ patients in .7 103(i 

' • " aoldiere employed in 1035 

** aeceesitatmg admission to, inquiry and medi- 
cal certificate ...'..486,487 

officers, regimental, ac&ess to man in 1026 

patients, rules for 224 1027 

pay, f orf f Uuro of, by men in, through aji oflfeiWG . . . .' 486 

report to rekutives of patdemts ill or dead r 1037 

sanitary leporta ... 1038 

eick to b€ sent to , 1030-1032 

Humane Society, Eoyal, medals * 1431, 1432 


Identification of offenders 460 

l£:nomiuy» distiliflrge with ...» : . 377 

Impilsomneut — * ^ 

commifcmeiit to 607 

conduct sheets, en-try of award dm 1596 

exemption from duty on day of rolooee from 595 

expiratwa of COO, 612 

li"--it to 563 

remission of 59I 

Bomtencea of C*-M » -. 561 

* * vhore served 57U 

teorma of, liow awarded -. . . . 564 

Ii:dividual — 

journ«ys, authority wh«n required 1257 

offieors and warrant officers, conveyance of baggage of 1324 
Infantry — 

boolcs kepi by , 1500, 1567 

company, designation, chain of responsibility, &c. .... 

■• 871, 873 

precedence of regiinents of 1443 

trainiing recruits 657, 65S 

transport dutios, training iu 1155, App. XII. 

Infectious disease , 485, 959, 1032 

Influent'e, outside, forbiddeji 424 

Injuries, court of inquiry on 637 

IntiuJriea nf tex soldiers 1565 • 

Inaulry, Court of. (See also Court of Iniiuiry) 624-633 

Inspection room, medical 1028, 1029 

Inspections. (See also Inspectors.) 

ammunitioii 1401 1402, 1406 

amnial, of regiinooitB 82 

artillery, Held, Horse and Heavy. 83 

** Garrison Ij)^ 83 

abtendanitse at ;., ... §6 

barracks (q.v.) 

buildings, aew 994 

by Militia Council ./,/. 13 

• ' 0.0. Districts 82 

company, &6. 85 

eomplainta brought forward ait 89 



laspecttons — Continued. Para. 

cooking and rations . , , 1118, 1119 

©ngimeers 33 

forage in garrison storas 1174 1177 

garwfion artilleay 19,83 

gojiemal iaistructioaiB a£ to 82, 83 

guards and armed parties 70, 8114, 895, 904 

Inspecting Officer as to defects, &<j., orders by 90 

dnBtruotaom as to 13-24 

local arrangement not to be interfered with . fll 

medical , . . 942 94 j 

Medical Corps, Army 22 

method of .S2 

officers, testing effieien&y of 84, 85 

ordetre, iseied at 90 

parade at, all officers and, mem to attend 86 

reports, general inatructione as f?o 87, 88, 90 

staff officer' to accompany general olScer 93 

subjects of , ij4 

Sunday, not to be heJd oai .^ 72- 

unit , . . . , a^ 

" eilioicaicy, &c., of !84, 85 

' ' geuoral instructio'ns as to 81 92 

Inspector-Geneial, duties of 13 24 

duties of -. . i4-2;i 

list of , , ". . /,\ .* 14 

salutes to .....".. 1451 

Institutes, regimental, and canteens — 

oajiteen, diy 1131A 

canteen, eidusiome from 1137, 112& 

civiliafiR, admisaioa 1129-1131 A 

couuiiittoG of managemeut Ii25 

fun<le, audit of 59- 

** paymaetor and quartorrmaBter not to have 

, charge of 870 

liquor, houis for sale of 112G 

objects of 1121 

persona entitled to deal at 1129 

purchases ret to bo made for pereoms not entitled to 

doal at 1130 

rules for jmanagement of 1123 

visiting by officers 1124 

Instructional Oadre 326 

Insubordination, privaito sollier, procedure '. 454 

Insurance — 

private property of officers and soldiers ; . 981 

property of officors' messes : 1071 

** " sergeaarts' messes 1115 

Intelligence duties, supervise by general staff 121 

Inventions, trial of, not to be made withont authority from 

Hilitda Headquarters 1252 

Inventories In liarracks , 951^ 950 





Judge Advocate General 

Judge Advocates, uppoiatmoiirt; of 


.25, 542, 569, 570, 573, 574 

Keys of gits and water etppllcs, whore koi>t 9*ii*> 1*75 

King, The— 

Iwi'tliclav of His Majesty, royal salatos on loOl 

JioiiOUTs to be paid by the troops to 1448, 1451, 1452 

Klug*8 Regulationa, officois to be in posiwasiou of latest 

odition l^^C 

Kitchens, inepetrted daily ly ordlorly olQcor ^ HIS 

Kits — 

deeertors, mode of disposing of : 875 

free, obtained fraud ulwitliy - 53.« 

lioapitaU, men in ^ 1^^2 

inspection of t 71 

on line of inareJi * JJ"' 

atopago of, dtiriug trflin transport 1269 

Kueller HaU. (See Music, School of.) 



Lamps. mini&r!il oilj bistrueliona for im? 

Lance Banks— . , , oon 

oBtablishinent and appointment of temporary tf^-J 

reduetaou from ^^-' 

-LastPoBt" * 887, «88. 89y 

latrines, ausljing of 962,963 

Leave of Abfience — " 

abroad, extension of JJJ^J 

" ttt prooeed - ■ * Jij^J 

Active Mil^k ;"?^^?Xr 

jiddress duriui; ■ .1185, J liio 

;mnnal training frt>m ^ -1202, 120^, 1225, 1220 

appoiiitnient, ou first »•*■ Jj* 

eancolied by promotion, exeluingc, &c AJ»^ 

C O V*v ..'....... ' * 11"^ 

uoramencemMit and end of 1183, 1184 

exchange, leave cancelled by j J89 

extensior . . . . • • * » 1180 

foreign manoeuvres, attendance at .439, 1195, 1196 

Mjlifia Headquaptere, applieation to, forbidder. 1191 

0.0. Diatrlct ^^ 

pay during .■ "^^ 

promotiott, leave eancellod by ^J^o" 

xejobiing from * * 1184 

schools ot instruction * 1230^ 1231 

servants, soldier, attendaiwo during 1244 

' * medicai board and medical' cirtikoate . * 11B8, 1204-1207 

* ' report before eipaTatoon of ...» 1206 

special . • 

/ 394 



Leave of Altsence — Continued. Para. 

Staff aui Permanent Porco 1197, llJfi 

Staff offcers, provision for perfoimance of duties lly^i 

traJisfer, canc-elled by 1181' 

Letter-book, instruct! ooia for keeping, . . . .~ 1570 

Letter carriers not to bo detained in barracks J24E 

Letters — 

offctaJ, addresHCS on .' ^247 

" circular -, 1550 

** anclosurcs 1531' 

* * mianrtes on 1541 

' * mode of writiing 153? 

' private, not to be enclosed in oSicinl covers .... 1 55 1 

* * register of, to bo kept ^ 1560 

'* secret aJLd con^dewtial, bow addressed ". 1550 

" " how to be transmitted 155f 

** agnature of •, 15:i9, 1544 

' ' trananussion of 1 530 

soldiers, containdng mCHlals, roguttering of : . 1411 

** dietribntion of •- . . . 124i) 

* * orderly calling for» lit post office 1250 

' ' to, direction wn envelope 124H 

Libraries, supervised by jenoral staff 121 

Licensing Act, applicatioi to canteems '. . 1 12^ 

Lientenant-Colonel^ duties, cxomptionn while In garrisou.. 885 

electric 659-66 J 

extinguishing of, in barracks 973-075 

f ** Lights out, *' bugle for 88H 

Ijosses, stores, bivcstigation by court of inquiry ... .630-634 

Lunatic soldiers, escort lor I 384 


Machine gnn officer 83t^ 

Magazines, explosion, report of 632^ 

Magistrates. (See also Civil Power) — 

duties of, iu eases of militaj-y suppression of ci\'il dis- 
order 911-917, 921, 922: 

head-dress of soldier* before 41S 

O.C* to maintain friemdiy interccurse with 45- 

Majors — ^ 

duties of 6(h 

" in garrisoi , 88(1 

foreign, attendance at . .• 439, 119(^ 

supervised by general staff 121 

Mantel-pieces, draping of, prohibited 97S 

Maps — 

list of, to be kept : 1558 

return, yearly, of , _ 1557 

"secret/' etc., not to be publicly referred to. 1555- 




Marclies— ^\^^^': 

billotiag arrangomoats i^OG 

tolls, exemption from 1305 

Mardiiag order, of dress l^**^ 


chaufEoma ;••; J^^ 

eonseat of comnmniding oflieor ^^»h 1^"^ 

establishment of marriod warraiwt ofllcors, N.O.Ob. aiwL ^ 

men .1 ' * • • YlSi'i 

ftnes on, by meeses, prohibited. . . ., 1^^ 

Minister, pennl'wioii of JJJJ 

qualifications for admission 1x) marriod roll JWOl 

report of 1«10 

aubalterui lO^i 

warrant officera \ri^ 

without l«avo 1004 

Married— * , ^ qao 

man, qiiaitora, modica! iaspoctiou of ' "J^ 

oflicors' UI088, when dining memboiB of JOOT 

'< report of marriages 1610 

roll families on, admiBOTOii to hoepital. i»'*» 

* ' qualif cations for 1^*^1 

Master General of Ordnance — 

duUes of 11 W 

Militia Cooincil, mentber of -^ ;[" 

staff of, duties ; • • • • ^^^1^7; 

Mastor gunners, Isfc class, wmk of, wiiOi Navy 1*4^ 

Matches, foTbidd«n in foirage stores H^S 

Meals— ,-,„ 

inspecUoE of Jff° 

provision of, reepoueililHy for ^j;^' 

working parties • • ."/'**: Hi 

Mechanist, military, removal from app:)mtmont* oav 


abseuteoe, of ^Vlj, 

active s&ivico, custody during :^*^^ 

Albert J^^i 

aumuity imith. application for ^^f* 

Boaxd of Trade IJ^i 

Aare of ;,,,.... 141U 

difltinguii'ed conduct '. .• - -1*24, 1433 

Edward J*^J 

ox-80ldioi8, TCplaoemeEt of lost i4ZJ 

foreign, ii«w>ptanc« ol J^ J^ 

' * authority for wearing 141U. 

iMSof ' 1420 

forfeiture.,.. Vd}^ IJ^R 

general inetnietions -^^^'Jtif 

good conduct, disqualiftcatiomu 14^o 

( t if instructions as to 1426u4iJ0 

t ' *' presented «b parade 1^*30 

grant and issue of 1*10| J^l* 

Humane Society's ,....- ^^^^' It?? 

kit inspection to be shown at 1*^1 

l0tt<5ra ccntaining, to be regiBtered . . * i^H 



Medalft— Continued. l^*'^^"* 

lo^t '••'■■ 1421 

moritorious service ,• 1*^-4* 1^34 

NaiUonal Life Boat • * '■' J^dl 

non-militaJT', acceptance and weariag of .1431, 1433 

Ordetr of St. John of Jerusalem 1431 

replacement . 


restoraSon of forfeited » ' • • ' 11?5 

ribbon, wearing of 1 H^i 1^13 

riilo maUh, &c \"^f 

rolls, transmission of * 1'4 

soldiers tf , deceased - 143C 

Stanhope Gold Medal - 1 }31 

Victoria Cross 1*24, U25 

wearing, instructions as to ; 1-109, 1412, 1413, 1431, 1432 

Medical Aid, men <yii furlough 1220 

Medical Board- 

definitioL of * * \*^" 

on men considered UEfit to re-engage 310 

* * disability at discharge , - • 373 

an olli.ors, for leave 1204-1207 

Medical Certificate— 

hospital, admiosien to, caused by offence. ....... ..•• *»» 

leaio of absence (q. v.) 11»8, 1204-1207 

pnison, &e., commitment to |^ JJ 

Staff College, candidates for. ^^^ 

Medical Corps. Army— 

books kept by 1^*5<*> 1^55 

duties of rtg 

inspection of, anaiual \: ' •; ' ' V " 'i om 

major, examinjation for promotiom to laeut.-colonel Wi 

procedence of * * tJj 

punishnieiit drill ,'^ 

transfer to • • ■. .xia 

Medical duties governed by Medi«al Begulations i»^<i 

Medical examination— ^ 

accused person *•* ;^^^ 

doleEution, before undergoing ^J^^ 

oflicers rejoining af tar sick leave • • i-^J 

recruits ;;of\fin5 

Medical history sheets ., ^^ntb a25 

Medical Inspection, barracks "^'^^^i ^** 

Medical oiflcei^- . .„. .^ no a 

attendauet at boaa-da on new buildingB or Bitas PS8 

" ' * inspection of hMpital ...» J J* 

books to be kept by l^^oe, 1567 

detachments on march routes, attached to l-oi 

ffio tii \v;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;. :.•.■.■.■.■.■.'.■.'.■.■. ■.■.1042. im 

horse to be supplied during marcUes •!•>"* 

i/c units »...,.... 7S 

juedica] officers doing duty with -troops m pea««. .1044, 1045 

parade, attendaTice at 1 J J* 

recruita, reports on, during phymcal training - 6jB . 

regimental institutes, yisitfl ..,...,. 1 1^* 




Medical Officer— Continued. Para. 

riflo rang^', attondwiec it 104ft 

sorvmita, soldier, for 1042, 1240 

tajTget pKietioe, attoadiiiicQ at 1045 

Medical Practitioner, Civlllaii, omployiredit of 1030 

Medical Services — 

eoiuDiaud aud preeedmco , - , . ^ 224, 2.^0 

Director General of, dubics of App. V. 

luspector of, dutu?H 9/2 

oflicera, duties of H9, 1023-1020, 1042, 1044, 1045 

Moetmgs, Ollloers G40-(>4:; 

Memoranda — 

Low to Ik vrittcii ^ . . • . 153& 

muiutee om 1540 


paymaster or qiiaTt^crmoatcr not to preside ovw '. , S70 

sergeants' ll<)j> 

Mesa, Officers — 

accounits^ ill cliargoe to be' showtt to 101)7 

' ' balance and audit of 5U 

** privnto '. 10D7 

bills, attiched officers lOSii, 1089-1091 

* * n'ontlilv, puynieut of lOfio 

eatwer f ^i, isT.C.O acting as. . . » 10(i«, 1 mu 

cheques, caiUing of, by mess-men 1070 

coacli, re^imeutitl, prohibited ; . , 1095 

commanding officer, change of, certifioatte of solvency- • 1070 
comi lajudicg oilietT, regulates oontribntion« aawl sub- ■ 

BcrJptioiis » , . . * » 1087 

commanding otficor, reapoiisibUity 10(i3» 1000 

CPatrilMUiflus, attaehod officers. .'. 1085-lOSl) 

* * appoiiituient on 1078 

' ' dates and cusseasmont of 1081 

' ' married <iffieur« , 10S3 

" promotion, oxt'liange, &e-, on.,., 1079, lOSO 
" rates of 1078,1087 

* * retired or seconded. , 10S2 

dotaohmeiit, di vision of fund, ]>late, &c., for 1074 

dining ineanbea^ 1007 

duBoiplino BiMntaiiaLOd at * 1075 

drosa, mess order of 1303 

economy to be maimtaLied 1003^ 1000 

entflkrfrajnmwits, arrival or departure of units 1090 

' * coditributions 1093 

' * private friends 1094 

' ' proiMWiil for, signnitiirca to. 1093 

" saiiotion for .' 1092 

exeniptiooiB 1084, 1080, 1093 

expenaes, djioideutal, monthty ehairg* for 1088 

fines prohibited 1095 

honorary nooinberabip of . , 1004 

iaisurajice of property agaiinst loss by fire 1071 

maaiagomeoiit of, CO. superinitonds. .* 1003 

meml^rsftiip ^ lOOH 




iless. Officer* — Continued. Para. 

mess-mar;^ cashing ohequea 1070 

' * debts iuoiured by iO^S 

' ' N.C.O acting as 1008, 1009 

plate, prosentfl of, f oibidden ■ 1072 

* private friends 1094 

prohibitions ; J^Sj 

regulaticne, infractioiia of, to be ruported , 1077 

solvency certificate on ohaaigo of command 1070 

BubscripHons, Active Militia ,.10S9, 1098-1100 

't «* " restrictions 1100 

• * attuch^^d to other corps 1085 

. ", excbauge, promotion, &c., on.. ..1079, 1080 

* * exemption^ 1084 

marriei offictirs 1083 

rates of ;.. 10«7, 1088 

* ' aecooided. or rotiiiiuij 108U 

Mess property, insurance 1071 

Mess, Sergeants'— .. 

acoouut« flubimbtod • f^y*^ 

ontertai'jmionts ^^JJ 

formation noccssary • J|yJ 

preaident or fta-easttrer, umii ineligible for mw 

rules for ' ]\i:\ 

Bupetr\^siou of * ' • ^^OJ 

Mess, soldiers'-^ >Trt nii 

responsdbiUty for *^' ^^^' 

Military College, Koyal, iidmiaaiou to, &o ^^TS 

MJlitai7 convict— 

disposal of, powors «f authorities »* ' 

priva/to property of -■' • • • • °l!j 

ship, o«n board, reteoiUoai in custody whil? o**- . 

Military cmtody— ^ 

definition ■ ™ 

officer, wi^nant officua- or N.C.O ^JJ 

private Boldiers ^|J: 

retention in, on board ship oHT 

i I • * report as to uo<:4.'8sity '**- 

lailltary Districts. (See Bistiicts.) 

Military Engineering, instruetion in, charge of . . 930 

MiUtary history sheet, emtriee in. • • 159- 

MiUtary information, publication of f ' ^ 

Military Operations, I>iiector of, dntii's ^^*i ;; 

Military Secretary (ABSJstaut) and Aide-de-Oamp Ill 

MiUtary Staff Clerks, Corps of... (See Clerks.) 

Military Training, Director of, dutiw App. v. 

MiUtary Training. (See Training.) 

MUitia^ . . . ^ « Of. 

command and admijiJetJratioax of »i^^ 

oompoeitioai of J 

Council, oomposltioit of ' • IJ 

*' dntiea of members of H . 

* * dnspection by ^ 

'* pro\TBiOn lor 7 




MiUtiiu— Continued. Pum. 

distribHtiOE of "...,. 5 

Hoa4qus2iars. (See H»adauaxt«r8). 

service in, terms of * 3 

Btaflf eourfio 758-760 

MiuiBter, The— 

admimistratioiL hy * 7, 26 

court of iaquiTy may le aeeombled by . . > 024 

ealutoa, lu^illery, to * 1504 

Ministers, Besldent, &a, salutae at fuuerul^ of 150 1> 

Minute guns at funerals 1522, 1527 

Minutes, mod* of writing , , , IGiO 

Mobilization, srrangomonts for 11, 124, 1337, 1338 

Money. (Se^j also FundR.) 

debaolied parties to be proved withj for billots, &c... 1262 

public, reapottsibility fot ...,..," TO, 866-870 

Motor Vehicles — 

storago in barracks 972 

danwigo to 477 

Mounted detaclunent, moving by march route 12C0 

Mourning, when worn liJ73 

Moustaches, to bo worn .... 1367 

Movemnut of troops. By Ijand. (See also Boutes.) 

armed parties , ... - 12U0 

authority required for individual journeys 1257 

billotiiig, when no barrscks availabU , . * . . l^Ovi 

debachod yartdos to be provided \vutJi money 1202 

dismouaiitod troops .^ * . . . 130,4 

maircliing C>ut and in atate^ 12iji 

medical oJficors when uec*'5ijai-y 1261 

" " on the line of mar«h .... 1303 

luouuted detachment's 1260 

uotico of, to Engineer pllicer and ollicer i/e barracks U5;i 

officer, &c., wibliout brooiMj , 1302 

rail, by, ganeral instmotioiis . j 1257-1281 

railway companies to ha\o not)lee. 12QH 

' * wgulations 1266, 12C8 

refposhmeiits for long jourmoys 1278 

reqursitions, transport, gefneral instrncbious 1282-1301 - 

routes .... 1258 

temporary duty, oifieors, &c., to bo attach©*! during.. 1302 

trains, speeial, not to bu ordered. .... 125& 

' « prolinuruiry arrajigemcoits 1265, 1267 

toll«, exemption from ." 1306 

Mules, purdmso of 1 156 

Music, School of. (See alsc Bandmasters, Bandsmen.) 

admi^asion af bandsmen to, qualiiloations required.... 1062 
Musketry — 

regulations, olBcers to have book oi. . . . .^ 1566 

trailniAg in 831 

Musketry, School of 730-739A 

Mutiny, penaltlefl prescribed by Army Act for 440 




N. Para. 

Karnes of soldiers, change o£ .' 1583 

Katloual Anthem — 

arrangements of . . > * • lOo-* 

f orejgii * - 1058 

when to be played at jalut*>3 • 1451, 145a 

Kavy, Royal-^ 

coiresponding ranks 1444, 1445 

salutes, ajtiilery 1504 

** by guards amd sentries I486 

' * " officers and soldiers '. . 1464-1407 

viaUs of ceremony between military ofliuers and, 

14(18, App. X. 
ITecessarlea — 

made away with 537-541 

responsibility foi- provision of ^^ 

ITon-commissioned Officers— 

acting, appointmeoit 329 

* • reversion to permauemt grcde 483 

appointmonta hold by 316 

arrest b v, rulew aa to 454 

" of ^.....443, 440 

conduct fihee^e, entries iii " . . . 1596, 1603 

conviction by civil court 480 

court-nnurtial en * , - - - 412 

departmental cori>s 317 

discipliiio, rules for maiutenance ol, by 410 

insbructorg, testing capwity aa 85 

lance ranks, appointmen/t '. ; . . . ^ 320 

misconduct of, oQieeirs to report 418 

plain <Jothes, when ^vorn 1365 

prDoedooc& of 327 

promotion, cerbiflcates required 334 

• ' examination ^r 81H-S15 

* ' gomoral inetructioim 328:135 

' * to commisaion 172, 179 

*' to and among 328,332 

' ' to rank of sergeant 335 

public mon«y not giveti in charge of . . • 70 

punislimeits, summary or minor, uot liable to 482 

quartern for .....1016-1022 

-ranks of ''. 316 

ree^viaig aoldieje after release 600, 601 

reduction of 333, 340 

" Active MiUUa , 333 

** on eonvifltioa by civil power 489 

removal from appoir.tnont 337-33l> 

reprimand of .,... 482 

reproof of, in public 411 

roeignatiiott of 336 

salutes, &3., paid by 1466, 1467 

suporvjsaoa of 76 

transfer of 365 

working partiee^ liftbility for 931 

Ifotlfication of appointments, &c 152 




Uuittlieriiig— ^Y"" 

llOTSOS J^-^^^ 

soldicra, rules for ... ■ l5iiU, 1581 

Nursing service * ■ • 1^5, 215 

Wursiug Sisters, rel«-biv« rank of £15 


Oath, Oourt^Martial, farm of * ; 566 

Offencea. (Bm also Ohargps.) 

iirst, treatment of 408, 4U* 

hospital, involving adMiiWi<^a to. 4»o 

iiivwftigation, further offancee ditiwjverea during 47iJ 

** of, soldier deorived of oap, &c., during 458 

lifit of, with pujkishmcnts . .'. ^63 

minor, omitted on trial by coart-niau^tial • C44 

prevalenfie of, niotifiei in local orders * . ■ • 562 

superiors, agfainst ^^^ 

oa'enders, id^ulifieataoa of 't^)^ 

Officer 1/c Kecords returns to bo furaished periodically by 

^ 1580, A pp. xr. 


abroftd, vn leave near military oi>erations . . . 431), 11S*5. llDtJ 

' ' repor't of iiuurringieB ....,*.,.. 1610 

absent, Low accouo-ted for in moathly icttum 1190 

ttppIioati«ns from, how^ eubmitted ,*ro i or 

appaljitmeintfl of J^Jo (5b 

tirrest ofj geaioral aajtruutioms 44d-44H 

'• release from' ^^f*. ^'IJ 

** restriL'tions whou audei 445 

A.S.a, status of .- J-^7 

attached to permuiiuut foroe, pre(s«dwiio« of ^-^i 

bankrupt ^fif, 

books to bo kept by l^gb 

charautei impugneJ 42o 

charge ngfl'inBt * i ««r 

clothes, plain, wheii votra -^ yi 

command of oompamj^ At'- •" *f 

' * temporary dutiee while iu • «^' 

commandiaLg. (See Commanders, Commanding Offlcer.) 

' conunifisio^ 154, 167, 171, 172, 175-181 

compUmenrta by guair^ to those ia uniform oaly 1^81 

COQidaot af, report by CO 63 

eonfirmaUon of rank » . 16j 

Corps of Guides 227 

'* Eeserve, goueml iuatruotiouB. . . .2, 228 230, 25C-2C0 

correepojideaice, responsibility tm to 1^35, 1537 

TOurt-martiai, atteuduiee at, far inabr action . , 047 

*' cannot domoiad when undoir arix'st 44K 

'' member of, uM Jiomimuitcd uuitil eom- 

patout * 547 

* < sheets 15^5 

' * on, record of , 1595 

death of. rep(w>t and i^roceduro on ; 41 

debta of 426 



Officers — Continued- Para. 

directorship or agency, not to hold ,...'. 42.S 

disputos, prevention of , 51 

dress Cq.v.) 

duties, exchange of , 882 

- efficiency bo bo tested at inspoctioiis , 85 

oxaminatiom, preparation for by CO 61 

exchange or tra.ii«f or 248-250 

expouses , 52 

foreign courts, presentatiou at , 1409 

field (q.vO 

giijubliug, O.C. to di«couatcJiauce , 51 

geuoral (q.v.) 

Imperial, status of 220 

iuilueaice from outside, forbiddau 424 

instruction of, responsibility for CI, 62 

joining carps on appointmant, dartw of - 184 

*\ " report on 185 

junior plac-ed as supernumerapioe on guard !>05 

leavo (qv.) 

maeliiae gmi » » ^ 8y<> 

medical, aopoi'Mtmout of 157 

* ' i/c units 78 

medically unfit 27S 

meetings , G40045 

mess (q.v) 1063-1097 

military ijiformatton, pubUeatiou of, forbiddoji 432 

Militia Headquarters, interviews, &c., forbidden with 

oflieiils at • 424 

missing on active t^ervieo, court of inqmTy on 1504 

mnaies ajid stores, public, rospoiisibility for .70, 86(i 

on disbaudnient of Ccrps . ^ 280 

ordnance, precedence of 238 

poliUical meetings, not to attend 430 

practical jokes, O.C to chock 51 

precedence of, general rules 218-238 

pi-oficteacy, standard of 75 

promotion of 18«-201, 257 

'* syllabus of examiiiiation for 779, 783 

provisional , , . , , 103, 105 

quartered near thed-r men in billets 1300 

quarters 1001, 1007-lOlS 

quitting Dominion without permJBsion forbiddeu 1194 

rank, on first appointment to Pormanout Sta£f and 

Permanent iJV>reo lOG^ 

ranks, carrespcnding. xrniy and navy 1445 

recommendatiwae not" to be' for\variiMl wibli appMcation^ 

to Mlitia ]Ie*iid quarters 423 

removal 2T7, 278, 280 

report, commanding olTioor, by Q'.i. 

" "confidential .\..^ £3,-101, 150fr, 

Reserve of, general ijistructiom^ 250, 257, 261-205 

reeigning 274-270 

responsibility of' officers in general 418 

reitir^inent 267-27tt 





Offlcere — Coutinued. Pai-a. 

salutes, crtillory, - to 1505 

" by 1462, 1464,1465 

*' to 1481-1480 

schools (q.v.) 

seconded, confide'iitia] report on 96 

' ' geuoral iusrtructions 251-255 

seorvicos, record of 1579 

aignallmg WD, 140 

Boldiers, treatment ofj by 401) 

Staff. (8ce Staff.) 

BubalterE ■ G2, 75, 872, 891 

superiorj cases referred to, procediiTe 522 

• • dofittitiou of , 523 

' • offences against , 528 

** to become a^quainitod with abilities of 

juniors 66 

superiorfl, praise or ctmsure of _f forbidden 422 

suiJornuDieraTy .- 156 

suspension front duty 425 

Territorial, training in Canada. . , iJ24 

^ tesbimoniaJs, &c., from iuforiors forbidden. 422 

tmining * 61, 62 

" in United Kingdom ..., 823 

Officers Commanding, duties of 50-65 

omcer» Commanding Districts — 

correspoDdemjce, local itdjustmemt of questions 1535 

' ' transmission of aud record of opinion 

OP 1536 

*' unneceesary correspondemee, wU sup- 

mefls 1535 

dutuos of '. 37-49 

inspections by 82, 84-92 

reports by. .13 (e), 42, 88, 242, 265y 272, 1557, 1560, App, XI. 

reports, confidential, by 93-101 

responaib'lities of 8, 43 


docunientfl, ptjblioation of, prohibited 1553 

information not to be given to the press . * 432 

Ofllcial Secwtfl 47, 406, App. IV. 

Official Sorrcti Act, persoas to be acqimiuted with 

47, i06, App. IV. 

cheap, for lamps 973 

explosi\c, storage of 970-972 


ordwa of genoral officers at inspections recorded in. . . . 90 
regimwilol *- 1572 

Orderlies — 

employ jrent of 1246 

post office 1250 

rulee for l^ifl 


Orderly Boom — . Para. 

books and documents, care of 76 

clerks, suiwrvision of ...*......, 7ft 

sergeaat, promotion 333 

Order of St, Jolm of Jerusalem. 1431 

Orders — 

book for r 156« 

CO., responsi bility as to 5T 

* * temporary or flbsont, not to dasuo 6* 

discussLtm of, pwhiUted ^33 

ignorance of, no excnso for non-observanco. 51 

oflicere returning from leave to road up 1184 

preparation and sigaing of, by Staff Officers, US 

promulpatio'i of, regimctiitally 57, 76, 893 

1 egimtntal, book for 1573 

' ' cliargos for barrack iamaiges published in 93 T 

soldiers, rvlaiung to, bo be read aid expUmed , 57 

units, ifisued to, division imto two patita 1572 

Orders and Decorations, foreign 1419> 1420 

Ordnance CoUege, England 686-693 

Ordnance Corps. Canadian — 

armament artificers, oomniand of 345 

* * * ' employment of ' ^^9 

" " onlistuient of 34T 

' * * * promotion of 34* 

" **/ section 345-35fl 

** '* ** casualties in 359 

*' '* training of 34ft 

armourer scctiou, applications for 343 

*' " aimourers to le under S.OO 341 

" *' " inspection of 344 

** " ** mot to perform excep- 
tional work 34S 

confidential reports 4n,d returns .ISOO, App. XJ. 

transf en to 371 

Ordnance Strrlcea — 

books kept by ; 1566, 156^ 

correspondence rolatijig to ordnaice services. 1547 

duties of 149 

inspectiou ■ 2J 

officers, precedence, &c., of 236, 23S 

reports on, confidential 1560, App. XI 

returns furnished by 3560, App. Xl. 

tranofei to 371 

Organization, general principles of 1-9 


Parades — 

inspot'tion, yearly, atteoidance flit SS 

nwdalfl, good eonduot, presented on. 1430 

Parliamentary Secretary 10 

Parole, given by Governor-General. . , , ^ 35 

Passes, regulations for issue of 1221-1224, 1226 

Patrols, detached to suppress disturbances , 903 A 


Pa-Pr ^ INDEX 

Pay— ' Paru. 

deduction f roin^ hy CO 474, 477 

forfeiture, abaonce without Icavo 476 

** eonducA slisets, entry k 15U6, 1597, ItiOl 

' * whilo in hospitoJ 48(i 

working *J27 

Pay Corps, Canadian Army» duties of 149 

Faymaster-Geaeral, duties of 11 (f) 

Fayinasters — 

du)tic3 of , 71) 

f uHids, re^mL»iitaI, &c-j not to havo custody of . . , 870 

quaTtcniiiistor not to perform duties of 870 

Pay-sergeants, cjiargos aguinet 031 

Pigs not to be kept ui boundatU'Cs of barracks, &c.. yU4 

Pioneers — 

cold-shoeis ., 115L 

employment, barroek lepairs IIIID 

" general onstruistdons 1140 

" on pnivat.0 work for offlcors 1142 

* * qualiflcationa for IIHS 

fatiguG man , 11H7 

infantry, establish m4\nt anid trades of. 1 lliQ 

stitrgeuut, appointment, rank, training, &c 118(1 

workshops 113C-114:j 

Piqueta. (See also Guarda) 

disturbanaes, aupprossion of, bow to bo armed 903A 

' duty, roetoning of 881 ^ 

extra, whan awarded as punishment 474, 1001 

jnomiit Jngj hour of 894 

Pistols, regulittJons as to 1370 

Plain Clothes, wearing of 1 SDo 


civil, dosortors and absentees, description of sent to. . 40!) 

garrison, composition ind commaanl of 620, C21 

" to replace guards aoid pi ijn Ota whoro possible 804 

regimental, duties, &c, 622, 023 

Police Station, temporatry dotcmtion iu 58;i 

Political meetings, attendance at or partwipatiau in, for- 
bidden 4;{0 

Pouches — 

examinjed before and after issue of animumtion 1402 

Poultry not t<j bo kept in barracks, &c 904 

Practical jokes, O.C. to chsck 51 

Precedence — 

corps , 1443 

officers, gaueral rules 218-23S 

wavrant cflicors, N.C.Os. and niou 318, 327 

Presentation *"t foiroign courts 1409 

Presents to ofHcors, &c 422, 422A 

Press, commuaieatione to \ 417, 432, 433 

Press correspondent, ofBcor not to act as without porniis- 

sion 1195 

Prince of Wales, salutes to be padd to standard of the. ., 1301 
Prisoners of War — 

court of inquiry on officers and soldiers G39 

disoipHiie of , 225 



Prisons, civil— . Vara. 

arrival at, time- for y 596 

conunitmoiiit to . . - 579, 580 

discharge from 592, 595, 600 

medical certificate eent to - 581 

temporary confinomomt 583 

Private property, -trespasa upon 45 

Private soldlar. (See Soldier.) 

Processions, ]n*litical, troops not to joiii in 4:30 

Proficiency of Officers, standard of . . "^^ 

Promotion. [See Officers uaid Non-Oommissloned Offlcers.) 

certiiicate in lieu of examination for 785 

eonfidantial reports, on fltnesa of «snior ofiic*^n» for. .97^ 100 
** ** jecomniendabions as to ...»93, 98, 100 

examination for, Permaaiont Forco 779-790 

Gazette, notafieation iu 1^2 

leave of absence cancelled by ^^^^. 

PromiUgatioL of Orders , 57, 74i 

Property^ ^ * 

Goveriiiuiont, value to be ntaited uii chargo shoot ^40 

improper posao&aiou of comrade *s 530 

of men under sefuteiice, and deserters 870 

private, to be respecttid ^5 

stolen, restitution of - 503 

Prosecutor, oppoiJitmout, iutios, &c • 548 -ool 


appointments • ^ J** 

oflieera, |>reecdence of • ; 222 

Provost-nwnhal, appointtment of . . . .■ 57o 

Provost-sergeant— „.„^„, 

garrison, duties, &c • 619-621 

?egim6u4al, duties. At «1C, 622, 623 

Public money, caro of JJ 

Publishing military information 432 


cofnfirmitig officer, powers of comiuubaAioUj &c oO(i 

conduct sheets, regimental, entry in ^ .1590, 1597 

illegal or excessive • . ^ ...... 49C 

list of offences and • * • 50^ 

minor by cammandiaig offioors 474 

* ' N.C.O. not liable to 48S 

" not given with detention oxcee'diijig 7 days 475 

" vhen to take ciToct -^75 

provisioa.-) to-be observed 475 

record cf » not to be albcurod by 0.0 490 

flummary-, by CO • - • • 474 

* * < ' t* ofleaiCOB liable to 46& 

system of, uot to bo varied by 0.0 48ii 

Punishment-irill, rules for 474, 481 

QualifiCfitlor,, date of, not to caj-ry procodonc© 221 


duties of Il(tl3 





Quartermaster-general — Contiauod. Para. 

Militaa Council, mcmbw of IQ 

staff, diitiM of » 125, App. V. 


amiaumitioti issued by ^ 1405 

books of 10G7 

cash duties not performo<] by, except as ^ub- 

aceountauta 8G9 

dutioe , 80, 81 

funds, regimental, &c., uot to liavo custotly of 870 

paymaatera not to perform duties of 870 

Btorofi, rebpoustbility foi 808 

Quarters. (Boo al»o Marriages.) 

accommo:la<tion, scale of 10 JO 

allotment of , 1005-1022 

appli^atioiii for, to wlioin made 1005 

diauffeum' 1002 

iiion, arraiigftm^iit hi .- 873 

N.C.Os. and men 1002,1016-1022 

, occupation, Burrendor, escnrption, &c 1012, 1013 

officers 1001, lOOT-lOlli 

" oaptiviud , : lOOi 

'* *' married .,.1001 

" field , 1001 

" *' married 1001 

*• lodging: IiBt J008, 100!) 

" medical, married -. 1001 

' • unoccupied 1011 

* * veterinary, mtirried ] 001 

quart wrmaarters , . . , ; .'i ]001, 1009 

warrant ofilcers , 1002, J014, 10J5 


Bailway transport — 

aticidents dtmng 3 280 . 

carrtagoa, jiennisttioH vequiaito bofoore leaving 1271 

' ' ru-eiitering ^ 1279 

cars, inspection of 1312 

departuxe *f train, procedure, and report by t&le- 

graph 3^72, 1.^7:t 

detrainment, spoedy exaeuutdon enjoined 1281 

' ' working portiee^ men, horses, &c.. . .1317, 1318 
entraiumeu<t, baggage 1319 

" men 1270 

hali duning journoy . . , , 1270 

liorses (q.v.) 1263, 1307-1318 

kits, &c., storage during , , , 1209 

notice to railway compoiiieta of trooixs bo bo convojijd. 1263 

preliminary arrangnmon*^ 1207 

r«fre9liincuits during . . . , , » . , 1277 

regulatioas of railway companies to be observed 1206 

requisitionSj rules for issue of * . . .1282-1301 

' * to soWiers on furlough , . . , 1300 

time required for entrniDmeait , . , . 1270 

water supply 12GS 





Ranges, attOfndan«e of medical oDScor 1045 

Eange-taking, .training in 6C6 

Kank, (Bee also Brevet Baials aitd Honorary BanKO 

confirmntion of 165 

corrosponding, of ofliiers uf army and naivy 1444, 144^5 

brflvet 202-209 

genoitil luloa 218-223 

honorary, general iaslructions. ... * 211-217 

local and tjornporary rank, rclativo proced<snoe of 231 

reslgmitiwi^ officers after . * 270 

retontiou of, on retirement 271, 282 

SankSt warrant and N.O.Oa. 310 

Bations — 

bread aud meat, inspection .jf 1110 

lie-appropria.tionB y88-91>2 

aeconnalssanpea — 

instTUction in 071 

Record Offtces, books to be kept by 1507 

Bocords, Officers, i/c 1500 

Eecord9, regimental, preservation of 1C12 

Becreation rooms. (See Inst5tut.e3,) 

Secruits — 

absoondiiig en route to join , .498, 499, 507, 636 

discharge, certificate of cbaracter oni. 395 

* * und«r 3 mortlis ' service 377 

medical inspect'.on of 657, 058 

physical training 658 

tHUiefer , 370 

Seduction — 

acting N.C.O 482 

aormamcnt artificers 348 

conduct flheetj entry of, in 1596 

N.C.O. on conviction by civil power 48!) 

'* rank in lower grade ,. ... 340 

Re engagement — 

City and Kural Corps -r 300-302 

Permanemt Force 306, 308-310 

* ' '■ at*eiita*io4i 308 

*' *< limite of 306 

' ' " tredlcal board on soldiefl- unfit 310 

' ' ' ' papws to be aigaed 308 

aegimcntal Tuivds, C.U'a. responsibility in reopect ol 08-60 

Regimental Institutes, . (See Institutes.) ^ 

Register — 

letters reociived , 15G9 

marriages 1610 


I'st •' b loks which officers aj-e i,o possess 1566 

public di-icussion of, prohibited 432 


instruotion . , 1239 

service, mlutea not to be fired duriag 1517 




Bemoimts — Para. 

age * lltil 

arrival r'^port — , llGi> 

hrandiiig 1157 

deocriptiois kept at Militia Hoadquarters 1157 

oquipmoiit of men fetcliiiig- 1158 

foale, disposal of HC2 

ill, &G.f oji joining, repait 115i) 

inspection by vertorii-riry oificcr 1150^ 1158 

nmnborin^: . . 1157 

purcbaso , 1150 

t4Ula, lengtli of ,....:.. 1150 

voterijiao* Listory sheet *1160 

Hemoval of Officers 277, 278 

Peports — 

annual, b/ D.OX} 1560, App. XI. 

confldentiai 9iJ 

" detachments, Bub-reports on oilicers of . . . 101 

*' jrcuernl instcructiona as to 93-101 

" list of. an<l forms f«r. .. , ISeO, App. XT. 

" o'Jteers of Imb thaai 3 years' serviee 183 

' ' seniors of regLnioiital gfade« on 97 

dosertcrB, descriptive of 498, 499 

guard, offences emtered in 441, 403, 4(14 

* ' itjiud'CTlng of, by conniuiuidei of giuird 90^ 

iiispo&tiou 87, 88, 90 

offiBors, hy, on joining, in pea^sooi. 185 

*' *' on ICGVO 1206,1207 

peribodioftl; to Militia. Headquarters 15(i0, App. XI. 

riots and disturban^ofi, by O.C, Districts 40 

Beprlmand, power of CO. to 474 

Eeserve, Corps. (Seo Offlc«rfl.) 

Boserves — 

formations 2, 256, App. XIV. 

officers rooallod for service, &c., ppecedenco of. 228 

of Oflicorfi, compofidtioiB of ,. ■ . 261'2tJ5 

* * " eligibility for 262 

* * * ' promotion in 257 

" " rank and procodemee on recall 228 

•' ** rank in, confers no authority to counuoud. 230 

* ' • ' report npoa * 265 

*' " tranafor of pormaneait affleers to 203, 264 

" *f *' to, quajificaitaon for ^. 26 1 

Beserve MiUUa 1, App. XIV. 

Eesignatloa — 

N.C.Os., of rank 336 

officers. {See also Betlrement.) 274-276 

* ^ upplication 274 

' ' claims agaimst, on 275 

' * quitting corps on 274 

' ' lank, when stained on ..... t , . . . . 276 

Besponsibility, chaiu of 6.5 


* Umax 

Eetired Officers — Para. 

annual report upon 272 

before quitting corps .• 274 

recall to Active List of ; 282 

re-employment of ^ 281 

reteoition of l-aiik by , [ 271 

Betirement of Officers — 

ago limit , 270 

compulsory 207, 2^S 

resiguatioii 274-276 

Betreat — 

beat at ennsot 887 

guards to turn out at 891) 

Eetums — 

book for 1571 

casualties, &c 1561-1504 

dostructioa of, after 3 yeare. 1571 

Militia Ucadquarters, to, how atMressed 1541 

* ' " periodical, lirt of 1560, App. XI. 

regimental, absomco without leave 1563 

Kevollle — 

guards to turn out at 899 

hour for §^^7 

Rsvtow order of dress — 

oflicera 1387 

soldiers , 1394 

Ribbons <jf medals, wearing of t 1412, 1413 

Riding, ce<ritilicate of profldency for prDmotiou 797 

Riding-Masters, inspection jf riding school, attendance,.. 935 

floor of, kept in repair 934 

iaispeotion of, riding- ir.aater attOJida 935 

Rifle ranges, attendance of medical officer 1045 

Riots. (See also Civil Power.) 

by troops, report of, by O.C. District , 46 

cniploymert of troops in suppresftioji of 907-924 

Bolls, conipan T, &c 64, 08 

Roster of duties 877-886 

Rosters, regimental ' 7(i 

Rounds, eomn'auders of guards to go day and night 897 

IWiutes 1258 

Royal Family- 
guards mouTutod over, salutes by. . r. 1479 

liouours to be paia by the troo]>a to 14.51 1453 

royal salutss of .irtillor/ to 1501 


Saddlers and Saddletree-makers, sparij^v 11 82 

Saddlery — 

fitting of 1179 

inspection by CO - 1180 

strapped ard fitted every three months 1180 

St Patricks' Day, shamrock in head dress on. , , , . 1364 






Salutes— Para. 

acting appomtnieats 14G5, 145(> 

aimed pairtiea, compliments by guards 148^ 

" " " on the march 1460 

artillOTy, aatiiversarios , . . 1501 

' ' colonial, Bpeclal 1514, 151C 

' * foreigTJ warships . ^ 1512 

' ' LouTfij for firing 1502, 1517 

' ' liat of, other than royal 1504.161C ^ 

'* Minister, to 1504 

" royal * 150J 

' ' stations far ttrlag 1500 

auxiliary f orc«e, to officers of 1466, 148C 

twrthday of Sovereign 1501 

boats, militairy, in 149£> 

bugle and druiu 1451, 1481 

cadets, by 146H 

camp, iiispoction by member of Eoyal Family 145iJ 

eolotnial governors . . 1451, 1454 

colours, troops with uncased . . . .^ 1458 

CO., of gamsons, camps, or stations. . . .'. 1451 

Crown, to the . .'; 1451 

field-marshal 1451 

foreign national feativala 150ii 

" officers 1457, 1510 

" ships 1511, 1512 

' ' Boveroigna, &e 1451, 1503, 1515 

f oreignesrs, distinguishetl 1510, 1515, 152S 

forts and ships not to pxchouge laliJ 

funerals at 1459, 1506, 1518-152S 

general offihora * 1451 

*' when givesi 1451 

guards, by 1479-14S« 

hours for ftring 1502, 151T 

inspectdaig officers 1451 

instructdoM, geneffal, as to H5] -1467 

National Anthem, played nt 1451, 1452 

naval oflacora, to 1464 

N.C.O. and men, by 1460 

officers, by 1462 

* * eommaniling a party 1461 

* ' inferior, to, not in presence of superior 1508 

' * ii: temporajy command 1507 

parade, on, list of,' and instructions as to 1451 

royal 1451, 1499, 1501 

Hoyal ramily, to 1451, 145;i 

same person in one capacity ojily 1509 

somtriesj * 1485, 148C 

ships of warj when boaiding 146.1 

standards, guitioiiB and colours, to. , 1451 

special occasions * 151C 

Simdays - 1502 

viceroys, governors, &c 1451 

vietorie*, op occas'on of. * 1516 

warrant ofii<?er8, bv - 326, 1466 

*< * to 1467 


Sanitary— Para. 

arrangemeats in. barracks :. . 959-965 

inspections by medical officers 942-944 

reports , 1038 

Schools of Instruction^ 

difieipiuc at 518-520 

general instructions •. ....693-705 

medical 710-729 

musketry 730-73J»A 

permanent 706-71 i 

provisional 712-718 

Bignallijig , 740-745 

syllabuses : App. VI. 

Scouting, instructions for training in . . . , 667 

Seconded Officers — 

confidential report on 96 

general instructions 251-255 

Secret documents 1552-1558 

Secrets, Official Secrets Ae.t 47, 400, App. IV. 

Secretary, Parliamentary 10 

Sedition, uotic* to troops against 440 

Semaphore. (See also SlgnnUlng.) : 836 

Sentences. (See also Courti-MarthU.) 569, 591, 602 

Saatrles, (Se^ also Guards.)-- 

coffee for, at nigh t r. 901 

forage ptoies, over, inebr notions for 1177, 1178 

relief of, on guard 901 

ealuting bj- 14S5, 14SC 

stable-guards, mounted* with or without arm^. 902 

' ' offences . , 535 

visiting of 897 

Hergeajit-Oooks, farriers, &c. (See undeit eeich class.) 

Sergeants — 

books roquiroil to bo in possession of 1566 

meifs (q.vO 1101-1110 

officers' mess, employment in 1069 

re-cngagemont of 300, 301 

Servants, noldifT — 

duties, military, to be jjerformed bv 1241 

leave of alwonce, officers on *..... 1244 

numbers allowed . , , 1240 

payment t<i 1245 

regulatdoiis as to employraeat of 1240 

H.M.C. offlMJf at 1243 

select'on of 1241 

transfer of, with mast^'i: 1242 


forfeited 3l{> 

' ' restoration * . 315 

reckoning of towards engagement 315 

record of officoirs 1579 

** *' soldiers. (See also Atteatatlonl 1580-1591 

" * ' * ' mode of entering 1392 

re-engagemenjt (q v.) . , 300-303 

regiments, of, historical record.'* 1607-1609 

statement of, entries in , 1592 



. Para. 

Service dress 1387, 13£>4 

Service, Mllltla, terms of, in 8 

Sorvlces and Departments. (See also Departmental) 

attaclicd to Districts, &€., position and dutlea 148, 140 

• divty of officers, Militia Hca«lqiiart6rs ....... .146, App. V. 

" *' " Districts, &c 148 

ordors to, issue of 147 

returns by h^ads of 15<i0, App. XI. 

Ships, on board — 

saluting quarter-duck %rheTi boarding 14Co 

Sovereign or Rojil Faiiiily on bi>ard, Hags to be 

flown . . . 1501 

spurs, nK>t t^ be woru 1384 

Shoe cases 1373 

Shooing horses, by plonkers and cold aUoors. 1151 


afisistan-t, inatructlon of 1 149 

cold-Bhoeirfl . . . 1151 

e«aminatioa board and suI>jeots , 1130 

infantry men traiiitid os 1151 

selection f<^r and ijualiJications 114!) 

traaning bv sergeant-faTrier- 1148, 1141> 

Shoemakers, worksirops, eniployment of solcliers in * 1144 

Sick — 

attandiiig liospitals, cxdudod from cantocu 1128 

* ' " or inspeotdon room . . . . : 1031 

duties in relation lo 1023-1045 

furlough *-..., 1218 

lioflpi-tal, to be seut to 1032 

leave. (Roe uvdor LeaTO.) 

reports a» to 1501 

"feick Uoport" 1030 

Signalling — 

general instructions . ^. , C«8-liti9, 8:i4-830 

oflieeda 139, 140 

^^somaphore .' 009^ 83C 

signallers, uumbers to be maintained, .i .... .668, 00t>, 830 

Signature — 

omcial bHt*r3 153*) 

Sites for buildings, board on, &c 088-990, 994 

Sketches, miUtfiry— 

liold, instriiDfaions for training in ., 071 

Smiths, employed in ordaiiir^eo workfilioi>B .' 1152 

Smoking — * 

in harraolM, wheal forbiddon » 972, 973 

' * f orsige fltorcs, forbidden 1178 

*' stPerts ../... 1363 

Snow, removal of, from rooms of buildiiiigs , 965 

Soldiers — 

applications from, how submitted 1549 

arrest of * * ' : ;450-459 

death of, report and pro&edure on 1562 

demeanor of, in public .1361, 1362 

dress of 1389-1394 




Soldiers — Continued. Para. 

inquiries for, by f rdends 1565 

name, ohoage of, after attostartiou 1582 

number, rogimeoital . . , 1580, 1581 

private, admonition of 474 

' ' arrest of 450-459 

* ^ tlrMikenness, offonco of 491-494 

" " simple, when tried for 491j 

procecdiiifis ajratnst, limitajtion Of time 4 US 

undor seiUence, conveyamco of 598 

" ' ^ private property of 870 

Soldier-servants. (Sec Servants,) 
Soldiers under sentence — 

commitmejit forms 570, ."SO 

' * rules for 578, 57l> 

' ' temporary^ of OO-'j 

committing, &e., authoMties, power of 577 

couveyancft of , 59S' 

court, removal to bo brought before a 580 

doeumonts to accompany comniitmont , . .581, 582 

draft, acoompanyiuig . , . .- 58S 

' ' oecort for, whei included Inr. ^ . . 588 

escort for 5S5, 5Sfl, 588. 597 

hours for arrival at priaon, &c 59(> 

medical ejKsminatdon before comraitbal 581, 611 

money, &c., to bo taken from before committal 610 

offences by, conduct sheet, entries lib 159(» 

' ' limit of puuishmoat 563 

* ' trial at once of 473 

private property of . . > 876 

release, day of, exempt from duty on 595 

" to be sent for on :600, 012 

romiesion of imprisoiimont or derfcontion 591 

removal of 584-590 

ruloB for committal of 578, 579 

shdp, retention in custody while on, . 587 

unit, remOTal with ". •. 589, 590 

witness, when required as, procedure .584, 585 

Sovereign, Thft— 

birtliday of .... , , 1501 

colours lo^^ered to 1448 

flags on. board ship which doidicaito the presence of.. 1501 

guards mounit«3 over, ailutee by 1479 

honours and salutes to r 1451-1453 

royal salutas of guns to isoi 

Spurs, when ^vorn ■ 1384 

S4ttad-bags 1397 

Squadrons. (S» Company.) 

division of j into troops Emd soctions 872^ 


fire, precautious against .J 973, 974 

stablemen, &o.> offenoea of 535 

Stiff. (Sue also Ofacers.) 

appointmouts to, general instruetione. ,109-110, 173, 174, 184 
' ' rolinqui sling lli> 

415 ' 


Staff — Conttniied. ~ 

... , 1 urn. 

cMnpomtaon and distributiou .... i(>rin« 

course, Militia ;;; l^^']^ 

duties of, at manoeuvres /..'. " f ?: 

; ; ' ; at MlUtia, Headquarte'rs" ,' .* ." .' .* .' .' .' ." [ ." [u^' Apd V 
" " in districts, &e -. 'mm 

gonorai, appcmtment to 113 


ordftra, preparation and bIsdAus of ' i ,« 

organization of ?.._. Vnr im 

probation 100-lOS 

qualitteabloim for . /, . .V. .', * * ■ ' J?; 

reports, confidential on ,„ 

service, eomplofcion of ' VV " Vm itS 

tenure of appointment ", '^' iiJ 

fltaflCoUoge-^ ^"^ 

Camberlay, adimaaioi to, general instructiou« and 

«. '+T ^i'""' «^^«85 

certiiicates necessary before exuminu- 

^ ^ tton for admission (jgo (j82 

cerbiilcatofl, responsibility of officers fur-' 

nishing ^^ Qo^ 

'* -colomial officers, adnu^siotn of .!!!"!!. " gjs 

^ ^ course of instruction, period of . . ! * . ajg 

examiinartion for admission to V. G7<J.(i«4 

regulations of " fi„ 

successful candltlates, names in orders. . .*.' ,:s^ 

P-e.c ^Jg 

". exemption of affieer holding, ivoiii "exiinhm' 

Staff tour^ '««^««« 

supervisea by general stuff |.>l 

fitandard of foredgn Soveieign or Pre8Ldent,'6alutorto!! ! 1501 
Standard of the Prince of Wales, salutes paid to ... . 1501 

Standard, Eoyal 

salutes to .^^ 

Brtatioms for hoisting , .'.'.'.''!.'.'.'.'.*.*.'*.'![ 1488 

Standards and guidons. (Bee also Colours.i 

aJtprations, autliority for 1 jj„ 

carrying of '.' V.V.V.'.V.'.V.iWc 1448 

reqmaitiona for new iTr^ 

aaiufces to ..::..:::;; 1^5? 

StandiBg orders, not to be issued or allied 'by 'offioeirs" in 

fcempoi-ary commfind ^ timwrs in 

atanliopo Gold Medal .",'.'.'"""" 1431 

State ceremonials, honours paid at 1 jk, 

Stations— ^^^^ 

at which flags will he hoiated 1401 

command and disoipline of . . 90 

wiuSi*?!'!.'."'"^!*'^.^^ o.o.".'.v;;;.'.\*;;;i5V(;, App. £■ 



Stirrup-irons, rougbing of IIBI 

Stoppages — 

. court-martial for obtaining a free kit 5;J6 

*' for th«ft 5Go 

** not to award for personal clothing and 

nocoBsarics 539 

deserters, &o., roturaod, iwt ebargod with uuk«s 

seateuced 54 1 

rules as to retovwy of C40 

values of articles to lo stated in (harge «hoc*«. ...538, 540 

Stores — 

barrack -051, t>5(J 

couvoyauce, cJioapeat, to be used 1339, 1347 

'* • ptoceduTC 1343, 1348 

explosive^ long notice to be givem of convoyamw 134<j 

forage, custody of keys of 1177 

government transports to be used whenever possible.. 1342 

guards, cliargo of t>0() 

infcctod articl(>« not to be roturntd to 059 

long and bulky ./ • 1345 

loes of, court of inquiry on C30, 033 

I06E or damagud in trausit 1353 

movcmf^nt of, arrajigMuoats niadje by A.S.C 1341 

quartermaster 's respoiieibiUty 8(j8 

responsibility for 86G-870 

'* of C.O. of corps for public 54^55 

transport for, manne<r of oUtaining 1343 

weight of, entering 1344 


adm'issioii of, into barracks 099 

* ' " " Tiatiouftl defences App. II!. 

Stretcher-bearers, training, organization, &c., of 702-7(i8 

Subaltern Ofl&cers — 

adjuitaut, encourat;ed to qualify as 62 

proficiency of, standard reciuircd 75 

regimental dutiffs, superintendent-e of 891 

resi>onettlility for troops, sectioiie, or half com- 

pam*a .' 77, 872 


attached officers 1085, 1089 

Active Militia \ 1008-1100 

mo3s, officers ', Fermaucut Force 1078-1091 

Sundays, iusiiectivus, &c., not held on 72 

Superior Officer— 

definitiou of * * 523 

oflfences against 528 

" mode of dealing with.... ^./ 522 

Superiors, prdse or eensuio of, forbidden 422 

Supernumerary — 

lieutenants '. • • • 150 

officers, absorption of • 279 

417 - 



Surplies— Parn. 

commanding oJficer rosponsible tot 55 

loss of, court of inqirixy on , . . .630, 633 

qunrtermaster *b responsibility for 868 

receipt and issue of 55 

responsibility for, in barracka 998 

Supplies and Transport, Director of , . , .App. V. 

Surrender, diaplaying token of, in prewjnce of enemy 529 

Suspension, oJlicer^ from duty 4ii5 

Swimming — 

accidents , GTiJ 

bathing parades for iiatruction in C72 

.Syllabuses of courses * App. vr. 

Swords and scabbards, when worn : 1383 

Swordsmanship, inBlrustioii in 674 


Tactical fitness, examination in, for eoinmojid, &e 

. 798, 800-806, 862 

TailoriB — 

Sorgeant, appoiutmetut of, 1145 

" " declaration on 11*7 

** materinla, improper use of, by 1146, 1147 

" selling artltles of drees forbidden 1146 

workshops, supervisioE of 1135 

Tanks and cieterns, cleaniag of 961 

Target-practice, attondaiicfl of medical officers at 1045 

Tattoo — 

bugle sounds not permitted after 888 

guards to turn out at, 8i>i) 

hour for 887 

Temporary duty, officers aaid men to be attached during. . 1302 

Tenure of appointment— 

age limit 239 

brigade majors 241 

0.0 240 

* * to whom regulaticn applies. . . , , 240 

Os.C. brigades 241 

Terms of Service in Miitia , 3 

Territorial Force, officers training in Canada 824 

Testimonials — 

applications, not to be forwarded with 423 

to BUperiorSj &q., forbidden , 422 


from a comrade, how iealt with 530 

stoppages for 565 

Tolls, exemption from , .* 1305 

Trades — 

classification of men by 1141 

employ meat of soldiers in 1134-1152 

Tradesmen, payment of 1143 




Training, Military — Para. 

A{?tive ililitia, authoiity for 825 

* ' " distribution of time 828 

** *' proficiency and eiSciency 654, 821 

* ' " recruits 829 

*' ^' Toll hooks 830 

electric lijjht defence? 659-661 

field dressing, instructioqis in use of 761 

general instrijotions 653, 819 

gymnastic instructors and gymuajitic training 662, 837 

Inspector-General to be itU^ormed of programme of.. 13(e) 

machine ijuns 664, 838, 839- 

militia generally, supervision of 37, 121 

musketry 6«5, 730-739A 

of officers 61, 62 

profos»ional, all ranks, 0.0. Diatricta reeponsibU for.. 37 

range- taking 606 

roeruite, permanent force 657, 658 

sanitation 761A 

scouting , 667 

signalling , C68-669, 740-745, 834-836 

sketching and reconn&issaiice 671 

Bbandardfl of proficiency and offici«acy , .654, 821 

strotchor bearers 762-768 

supervision of 13, 37, 121 

swimming 672, 673 

Bwordmanship 674 

Transfer — 

aTms and accoutremoiits, of mem 1398 

brother, joungor, to strvo with eldor 370 

City and Rural Corps 367 

Oomraandiug Offirer defined for r 364 

consent to r 362 

date for 366 

departmental corps, to 369 

documents accontpanylng men, disposal of .372, 1606 

finnl 369 

fraudulent enlibtTiient, to former corps, on 504 

ir.structions. general , 302-372 

leave of abseuee, cancelled by 1189 

Medical Corps, Permanent Army, to. . . * - 371 

N.C.0 365 

officers, leave, cancellccl by. 1189 

own request 308 

probation, on 369 

procedure in arranging i 368 

qualifications for fiopar.tmcntal corps 371 

special . , 370 


baggage and camp equipment, regimental. , .1321, 1330-1332 
correspouiience reHting to, to whom addroasod. ..... 1343 

duties, training, &c. ,. , ll.iS, App. XII. 

emergency . , \ 1334-1336 

wiobilizatlon . 1337, 1333 

requisitioas for, genieral instructioiis 1282-1301 

Trajisport, Director of Supplies and App. V. 




Transports. (See also Ships.) Fura. 

GoveTiuMCiit, to he utilised for stotys where possible.* VM2 

TraTelling allowance, do^iiKiidij, &e., fot, to whom iiiode.. 1547 

Urcason, &c., notice read to troopa , 44D 

Trespassing, 0*0. District to prevoiirt 45 


diMpcuisaition froui^ CO. not to award puujijjiiiicivt 

Hfter 5U 

" " d«seriioii or fraudulent ualist- 

luenit 514 

* * " Tt;cord of, how kept 517 

exi'mptdooi froiri, on charge of fraudulent enli»t- 

■mont 1...4C8, 501 

Trinkets forbidden outsid* uniforms 130U 

Troops, nioveinout of 1265-1281 

Trucks and wagons, loadling of 1,123, i:i25-132S 

Trumpet sounds — 

ttutltorized 1>ook3 of 1057 

proliiblted between tabtoo inwl rovailk* 88S 

Trumpeter, sergeants, training of .» 10(U 


irniform — 

emblems iiud oruanicutji, poruiisiiioiL to wear 1304 

glo^Bee may be worn 1374 

niouming, when in 137.1 

onlers of dreaa 1363, 1387, 1394 

patterns «f . . , » 1358 

BWilcd paltenu*. not to bo deviated from 1360 

wouTing of^ duty, always when on , 1365 

'* " fancy dresa balls, not allowed at..,-_. .. 1382 

" " foreiign eouivtries, in . , 1381 

' * *' menials anil det-oru/tiom 1412 

*^ *' watch chainB aui<t trinkete, forbiddou in.. 136!> 

* * " when on leave from abroad , 1381 

Union Jack — 

drill hallp, &c.. on 148il 

G.O.C. in H. if. Ships 14!>7 

Qovcmiinont House 1490 

goveniorK embarked 1492 

miJbiary bottbst, &c., on 1494 

0.(>. stations, diutinguishing when embarked.., 1496 

proces::tioii6, &.C ,:.... 104*) 

stations far flying 1491 


baggage of, by ra>il 1322 

books to be kept by '. 1567-1578 

inspectnoii of _84 

orders of, division into two parts .* - • • 1572 

returns furnished by G.C 1560, App. XI. 

XJrlnals, fluHliine; 963 




V. X»at-.i. 

Vehicles — 

detirainauaut of ...*........ * 1329 

ewtraanment of 1325-1328 

loa^ding and unloading ' 1323 ^ 

Venereal dlsiase, coneealmenit of and report of 485 

rooms in Uarmcka * 960 

Vessels, Milliia Department — 

flags, Jlowu ou .■* 1495 

salutes ia .- 1499 

Veterinary history sheet t>f horses ^.1160, 1166. llOrt 

Veterinary Oflflcera — 

books of 1566 

command, exercise of .^ 236 

dTOSS of 1363,1387 

hospital, attend inspection of v 935 

major, ftxaminatdoii for promoltiou to liouton«int- 

eoloiior 811, 813 

rcgulntiotis, officers to possess copy of, 1566 

report on, annual 1C60, App. XI. 

Viceroys — 

colaurs, lowered to 1448 

guards, Mounted ovei 1479 

royal salittee to .' '- - 1451 

sentries, mounted over 1485 

Victoria OrosB 1424, 1425 

Visits, oiDtMal, between naval and military oflicers.1468, Apx). X. 



impressment, &c., of 1335, 1336 

loatViiig and unloading of 1323 

Warrant Officers — 

addreesiiig, mode of, by N.C.O. and men 1467 

appoiutmeiits held by 316 

arrest of 443-445, 449 

books to be in possession, of * 1566 

conductors . . . 3S6 

coailnuajnee in service .301, 306 

corresponding ranks * 1445 

court-martial records 1595 

disci pi In*, rules for niaiutonance of, by 410 

doing duty as subalttm 326 

ex tenaioii of servioo » '. 306 

individual, eonveyanee of baggage * 3324 

issue of warrant 324 

marriod , .' 1002 

mourning may be worn by 1373 

plain clothes ^ 1365 

precedeni^e 318, 327 

proraotioa of ., 322 

promotioa to, appltcatiou for and doenments to 

aeoompany 324 

** ** commi«siott .172, 179-181 



Warrant Officers — Coatinuad. Pura. 

" '• " disposal of documents on*. 3G06 

* ' ' * " esaimnafcion for 783 

" ** qualific*tionB for ^.319,320 

*' " B.C.A 3ai 

* ' " trpeclal 325 

quarters 1002, 1014, 1015 

ro-engngeaien t , 30ff 

aalutes. by 1120, 1406 

trtaflf sergt.-inajor, Ist clasfl, position of 320 

t©mponir> duty, atta^^kod durinfy. 1303 

travellingi authority f«r 1257 

Watcli-cliains forbidden outside uniform '. . . , 1369 

Watch-coats for seaitmes, chaorgo of 906 

fittings not to be altered , , 957 

keys of, -rhere kept 069 

Bcalo per head , 997 

waste of| in barracks prohibited ■ 997 

VTater-hottles, proeervation of 1395 

Wharvesi safety of 1000 

Wheelers, employed in ordnance workslops 1152 

Whlstlea, whea carried 1380 

White flag, display of before enemy 529 

Windows, barrack, opening 960 

Wine and Billiard Funds, audit of 59 

Wines and Spirits, forbidden in barrack rooms. 438 

Witness — 

court-martial, atteiidajic« at, from a distauco 546 

soldier under soatcnce appearing aa 584 

*'Word,** the (parole), to be given by Govenior-GenenU. . 36 
Working parties — 

active service '. , 927 

authority for 926 

detailing, mode of 925 

detraiumeiit of 1317 

engineer offioor, charge of 930 

fatigue duties (q.v.) 

meals 932 

N.aO. ilabality of, for 931 

" superintending, proportion oi 928 

Working pay, issue of 927 

Workshops, regijneutal — 

charge of 1130 

establishment of 1134 

money ooineid, apportionment of 1143 

*' " audit of 59 

pioneer 1136-1143 

shoemakers 1144 

supervioioi of 1135 

tjulors' 1135 

Yeomaniy, Imperial, eligibility for appointment to Besorve 262