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Do Your Owt 

of it a moment ! What® 
ing you need at quarter 
in everything now day. 
else a more wide-awake;, 
advertisements cost high, 
printers charge a round 
press at hand, and a can 
off at any time, at trip 
country are those which, I 
is pleasant and novel re 
body would read the fro* 


Part of this page 
is missing 


3 from out a commodious new block just 
:ng of same, but for a better view come and 
eu to serve our customers. With the best 
<e you faithful service. 



iVorld's Fair, and it Stood first in the list of 
seven experts in knowledge of printing 
the award list. We quote the words of 
made, and works well. The Patent Chase 
l-ing the type." During the Exhibition our 
1 Smithsonian Institution, of Washington, 
use of that Institution. Mr. Joseph Hurst, 
3U^hly examining every press, ordered an 



The engraving represents the Press open as it stands when not in use. The 
frame A is one solid casting with the bed of the press, against which the chase B, 
in which the types are held, is placed. The chase is made on our patented plan, 
having a bottom, which has proved an immense success. The use of this chase 
will render the expense of an imposing stone unnecessary ; makes it possible to 
set forms directly in chase if desired ; renders it easy to move forms about in 
chase, for correcting, etc., without danger of making a* pi, a very annoying 
mishap which often occurs in using other presses. With any other press, 
accidents and delays retard progress, which is impossible with the Excelsior. 
On the swinging platen D rests the sheet to be printed. The impression is given 
by a downward pressure on the lever E. The lever is double, making two 
connections with platen, giving immense power, and rendering a spring or twist 
impossible. This Excelsior lever is a most perfect thing, giving the advantages 
possessed by a side arm press, but without the annoyance the side arms prove to 
be to the printer. Hence, a sheet of any desired margin may be printed. The 
impression is regulated by hand screws pissing through the bed of the press and 
raising or lowering the chase to the finest adjustment, easily, quickly, perfectly. 
The chase is placed in press without any hand-fastening ; it is self-locking. On 
the ink table C, which is removable for cleaning, is placed the ink, which is 
applied to the type by a light, convenient hand roller. To this ink table is 
applied a novel and original contrivance which prevents handle of ink roller 
becoming daubed. The speed of the press depends upon circumstances. From 
300 to 1000 impressions per hour are made, according to size of the sheet. 

No. 1 EXCELSIOR PRESS.— Chase 2V> by 3)4 Indies; prints 

2U by 3i/£; weight, boxed/ about 16 lbs., $3.00. 
No. 2 EXCEL.SIOR PRESS.— Chase 3^ by 53^ inches; prints 

334 »y 53^; weight, boxed, about 30 lbs., $5.00. 
No. 2}4 EXCELSIOR PRESS.— Chase 4^ by 7 J, 4 inches; prints 

434 by 7)4; weight, boxed, about 60 lbs., $9.00. 
No. 3% EXCELSIOR PRESS. — Chase 5)4 by 9>£ inches; prints 

534 hy 934; weight, boxed, about 100 lbs., $15.00. 
No. -1.14 EXCELSIOR PRESS.— Chase 734 by 1 334 inches ; prints 

7 by 13; weight, boxed, about 160 lbs., $30.00. 
No. 5 EXCELSIOR PRESS.— Chase lO 1 ^ by 153^ inches ; prints 

1034 by 1534; weight, boxed, about 275 lbs., $50.00. 

Each Press furnished with one Patent Chase, one improved Ink Table, one Feed Table Bracket. 



The mechanical arrangements are almost precisely the same as in the 
hand-inkers, excepting that inking rollers are added which are operated by 
the action of the press. The arms which carry the inking: rollers are moved 
by a connecting bar from the platen. The circular ink table revolves at each 
impression, giving perfect distribution, and the rollers pass twice over the 
form at each impression. Gripping fingers attached to the platen hold sheets 
in place for printing and remove them from the type. The advantage of the 
self-inker over the nand-inker is mainly in speed, Speed is increased because 
both hands are free, one to feed in paper, the other to work the lever. Any 
printer having a good run of work, or expecting it, needs a self-inker because 
from 600 to 2,000 impressions may be ran, saving 50 per cent, in time. And 
anyone who will frequently have jobs of several thousand copies needs a fast 
press. But those whose work is limited to an occasional job, or small jobs of 
a few hundred, will be entirely satisfied with a hand-inker, and we advise it, 
unless they feel willing to pay slightly higher for the sake of a more complete 
machine and a little easier work. 

No. 1 Excelsior Sell-Inking Press.— Chase 2)4 by inches; weight, boxed, about 20 lbs., 
No. 2 Excelsior Self-Inking Press.— Chase ',V4 by 5}/> inches; weight, boxed, about 35 lbs., 
No. 2}4 Excelsior Self-Inking Press.—Chase 43^ by 73^ inches; weight, boxed, about 65 lbs., 
No. 3}4 Excelsior Self-Inking Press.—Chase 5X» hy <)\4 inches ;V weight, boxed, about 110 lbs., 
No. 43^ Excelsior Self-Inking Press.—Chase 734 by 1334 inches; weight, boxed, about 175 lbs., 
No. 5 Excelsior Self-Inking Press.—Chase 103^ by 153^ inches; weight, boxed, about 290 lbs., 
Each Press furnished with one Patent Chase, one pair Ink Rollers, one Ink Table, one Feed Table Bracket. 


When it can be afforded, order your press 
with a Cabinet, as shown in first engraving. 
It has places for 10 type cases, drawer for 
tools, etc., and brackets for holding a case 
when setting type. Price only $3.50. (With 
10 cases, $9.50.) 

Nos. 1 and 2 Self-Inkers carry one Roller and no Grippers, being used mostly for cards 

Foot Treadles furnished for any press 
above, with spring complete, for $2.00 extra. 
In some cases it is an advantage, though 
it is seldom necessary. 




At side of the self-inker is shown a little 
table on a bracket. It makes easier feeding. 
One bracket given with every press, on 
which any shaped board desired may be 
fastened. Extra brackets 30 cents each. 





jy OTARY power Machine for faster 
work, in private or job offices. 
Carries two rollers, revolving ink- 
plate, and gives very thorough distri- 
bution. It is extremely simple in all 
its arrangements, having precisely the 
same regulation of impression, patent 
Chase, and Grippers, as all other 
Excelsior Presses. Balance-wheel 
about 100 pounds weight. Solid Iron 
Stand. The power is given by a com- 
pound lever, having connection with 
a rocking Platen, giving powerful, 
steady, easy, and rapid action. Good 
dwell on the impression, — which is 
necessary to good work — and rest for 
feeding. No side arms to obstruct 
feeding of large sheets. Built of the 
best materials in the most substantial 

manner, and warranted to do perfect 
work. It is a Press for work, has all 
its gears and levers inside of frame, 
out of dust and danger, and is built to 
do good and long service. Its price 
is below anything of equal merit. 

An Automatic Card Dropper is ar- 
ranged on each press without extra 
charge, for which other press builders 
charge extra. It consists of a Gauge 
for feeding cards, tags, tickets, etc., on 
which is arranged an ingenious device 
which trips it at each impression, drop- 
ping the card into a box beneath the 
Press, and again resuming its position 
to take another card. The printer has 
simply to feed the cards. This proba- 
bly doubles the speed, giving from 
2000 to 3000 impressions per hour. 

Size of Chase 8 1-4 by 1211-4 inches. Weight, boxed, about 415 poimds, Price $115.00. 
Fitted with power fixtures, pulleys, $6.00 extra. Boxing and shipping, $4.00 extra. 

Each Press set up complete when shipped, ready for use the moment it is unpacked. It is accompanied by Rollers, Patent 
Chase, Ink Table, Feed Table Bracket, Wrench, and Cabinet Drawer under the Press. 

l^T If desired, the ordinary open Chase may be used on the jobber, and it will be so titted if ordered. 

Does ANYBODY asJc for a better proof 
of WHICH Press is best to buy for Ama- 
teur use, than the verdict of SE VEN . Cen- 
tennial Judges, who saw the Excelsior work 

day after day beside others, and tested it 

fully ? 



■ save needless correspondence. 

All list prices are net ; no discounts. Terms are cash in every case. Orders should be accompanied by cash in Registered Letters, 
or by P. O. Money Orders on West MeHden, Connecticut, as our Money Order Department is in the West division of the City; or by Bank 
Draft. Either is safe. If desired, we send G. 0. T). when order is over $10, but one-third of bill must accompany order, as a guarantee that 
goods will be taken. Return charges on C. O. D. charged to customer always. Goods ordered by freight cannot be C. O. D., but must be 
fully paid for when ordered. Write address and shipping directions on every order, giving same fully and plainly. 

W. A. KELSEY & CO., Meriden, Conn. 

* # * Postage Stamps accepted to any amount, as we use them largely. Canada Stamps also taken. 

A SPECIMEN OF EX1JEJLSIOR PRESS WORK is the handsome Note Circular sent out with tliis 
Catalogue. It was printed on a No. 2}4 Press, by an Amateur, a boy * l our office. 


©@s&pl©te Stinting Outfit! 

SG^This List of complete Printing Offices is prepared for those who need presses with all the fixtures. Of 
course customers can make up their own Outfits if preferred, or can order these with any additions or deductions 
desired, and add to or subtract from price accordingly. Customers can state what kinds of work they wish 

to do, and we, being experienced, can select such type as we deem best, or they can select type for themselves to 
amount given. 

No. 1 Outfit— $5.00, 

No. 1 Press, complete, 2}£ by 3>£ inches, 
Assortment of Furniture, - 
Ink Roller, 3-inch, with handle, - 
Can of Black Ink, ------ 

Font of Type, ------- 

Leads, - ' 

Box of Cleaning Preparation, 



J£SF Self-Inking Press substituted in this outfit for $2 additional. 
No. 1 outfit is for boys or for any one only needing small work. 

No. 2 Outfit— $10.00. 

No. 2 Press, complete, 33^ by 5^ inches, 

Furniture, - - - 

Ink Poller, 3-inch, with handle, - 
Can of Black Ink, - - 

Two Fonts of Type, 

Extra Feed Table Bracket, 

Leads, - 

Box of Cleaning Preparation, .... 
Set of Gauge Pins, 



k-lf-Inking Press substituted for $4 additional. This outfit 
will do a fair line of jobs, from size of a postal card down. 

No. 3 Outfit.— $20.00. 

No. 2}£ Press, complete, 4^ by 7^ inches, 

Ink Roller, 5-inch, with handle, - 

Can of Black Ink, 

Three Fonts of Type, - 

Leads, Bodkin, and Tweezers, 

Two Type Cases, ----- 

Set. of Gauge Pins, - - 

Eight-Inch Composing Stick, 

Box of Cleaning 1 Preparation, 

Extra Feed Table Bracket, - 






^"Self-Inking Press substituted for $7 additional. This outfit 
is an excellent one, as it will do for bill-heads, note-sheets, etc. 

No. 4 Outfit.— $30.00. 

No. 3% Press, complete, 5^ by 9)4 inches, - 
Furniture, -------- 

Ink Roller, 5-inch, with handle, - 
Can of Black Ink, - - - - - - - 

Five Fonts Type, ------- 

Two Type Cases, - 

Set of Gauge Pins, - 

Leads, Bodkin, and Tweezers, - 
Eight-Inch Composing btick, - 

Mallet and Planer, - 

Box of Cleaning Preparation, - - - - 
Extra Feed Table Bracket, 

- $15.00 

' - .35 


(H^Self-Inking Press substituted for $11 additional. This outfit 
will admit of good-sized circulars and other solid work, and is a 
good and profitable one to buy for business of jobbing. 

No. 5 Outfit.— $50.00. 

No. 4^ Press, complete, V/± by 13*4 inches, 
Furniture, -------- 

Ink Roller, 7-inch, with handle, - 

Can of Black Ink, ------- 

Six Fonts of Type, ----- 

Three Type Cases, ------- 

Leads, Bodkin, and Tweezers, 

Set of Gauge Pins, ------- 

Eight-Inch Composing Stick, - 

Mallet and Planer, ------- 

Extra Feed Table Bracket, ----- 

Box Cleaning Preparation, - 

Rules, Dashes, Borders, 


1 .20 





(^"Self-Inking Press substituted for $20 additional . This outfit 
includes a favorite size Press, as it takes in a cap sheet. Does 
blank work, also a wide range of other profitable jobs. Will do a 
handsome business. 

No. 6 Outfit.— $90.00. 

No. 5 Press, complete, 10J^ by 15^ inches, - 
Furniture, ~ - - - 

Ink Roller, 10-inch, with handle, - 
Can of Black Ink, - 


Nine Fonts of Type, -------- 39.5 

Four Type Cases, ------ 

Leads, Bodkin, and Tweezers, - 
Set of Gauge Pins, ------ - 

Mallet and Planer, ----- - 

Eight-Inch Composing Stick-, - - - 
Rules, Dashes, etc., -------- 

Box of Cleaning Preparation, 

Extra Feed Table Bracket, ------- 




I^Sclt-Inking Press substituted for $35 additional. This outfit 
will do a large printing business, and is suitable for a village job 
office, or a business house' which desires to advertise largely by 
posters, as well as small articles. 

Exchanging Presses. 

Any one ordering a Press of either size, and wishing a larger one 
at any time, can exchange on satisfactory terms by payment of 
difference in price. Presses for exchange are to be delivered to us, 
charges paid, in good order. The best mode of packing for return 
is in box large enough so press will not hit at sides, and pack 
tightly with dry, clean sawdust. 

With every Press we send out Is included frill 
printed Instructions on every point, by which 
any purchaser can manage type-setting, press- 
work, etc., successfully and satisfactorily. The 
Pamphlet also gives hints and suggestions 011 
advertising, starting Papers, prices to charge for 
Job Work, etc., etc. (Price 15 cts. if wanted 
without a Press.) 


It is safe to say that a person can enter 
almost any business, circumstances being 
favorable, and BE SURE OF SUCCESS by 
e use of an EXCELSIOR. The Persistent, 
Judicious, Iiive Advertiser SUCCEEDS. 

A 0*£*11 "fa, * n anv and ever y kind of business. Nothing under the sun can possibly contribute so much to your success as to have a 
%5LL U© Press and keep folks well posted as to what you have for them. 

\ /I ~wT£±Y*'tl QOT 1 ^ ^ re vei T particularly invited to consider the immense benefits and savings they can experience by having a 
V Cy J. LlotyJL ^ Press handy to turn off the little odd jobs, etc., at short notice. 

\ yy\ e\ \^c\w t»c ^ 8 i m P 08S ibl e to name a pastime that can afford one tithe of the amount of delightful, novel, instructive, 

xXIlId^Lvy 111 never ending amusement, which at the same time may be turned to profit when desired. 

T *11 VI 11 tt^V 1VT**T1 In whatever line of business, gain very largely indeed by doing their own printing. They both save 
U.oAIltvo5* JJfJL j money paid to printers, and make more money by increased advertising. 

T^rinlz' Cl Ck\ 1 at»C o T\ f\ Q'tf'Cl nil **T»C • Do you doubt tor an instant that you can make a grand increase in your 
UUlJU^tiJAlt^I & clllH IO Ud>UHJllt3I- trade by announcing your new books, etc., weekly ? We don't ! Try it. 
You are also situated exactly right to do small jobs to order,— cards, envelopes, papers, tags, etc., can be sold printed, and any work taken. 

T>|"w^t-^ Don't be satisfied, and don't rest till you own a printing Press, and see for yourselves the fun there is in it. Our word for it, 
AJ%Jj. ^ j y OU W1 n never want for amusement or pocket money after you get a Press. 

Are many of them without any printing office. Ir 
use one of our Presses. Anybody can make it pay big. 

who can reap rich benefits of this Press. Their immer, 
can even make a still greater variety, and at a comparatively trifling cost. 

lHlrH"»i~nT»C ^ an V r ' m ^ their own prescriptions, labels, etc., to suit themselves, always have nice labels, and can afford more printed 
A-JVJKj LUJL ^ matter if they do their own printing, and can make themselves and their medicines better known. 

IVTci Tl n f'ci oi"ill»DPC 1)0 not neea - an y worcls from us to sn °w them that these Presses in their offices are worth their weight 
iTJ-dll LlldiLlUI %3L ^ in gold. A new label, card, tag, etc., can be turned off at once when wanted, avoiding all printers' 

delays, mistakes, and bills. 

Pntttfll O af APC Possess innumerable advantages for working one of our Presses. They have the best location, the best place to 
XT I/O Lillet)© Lt5 A O exhibit samples of job work, and can make their odd spare time profitable. A chance to increase your income. 

PolltlC^l WOl-^kj Such as election tickets, notices, etc., etc., can be effectively done, and privately when desired. 

/^^-.-| f-| l-f^xr r P^*xl7'¥l sJ Are man y of them without any printing office. In such places there is the richest kind of a field to 
V^U UllLI ^ X.XJ W HO use one of our Presses. Anybody can make it pay big. 

\yY\JL^^\S$XjQ Are tlie men wll ° Can ieap ™ G ^ 1 D . ene ** ts ^f this Press. Their immense variety of labels, etc., costs, but now they 

T^ll 11 ■~OI? , T , £l Till #^1*^ Can readily perceive that no investment of so small an amount can render them so large a return. 
A J - i *-' tJU*^ A dj^JlIvyJ. O Mounts, envelopes, etc., can be printed, and business enlarged by hand bills. 

£4 ^ lyi f%.\\ A re an °ther class of business men to reap rich benefits from possessing a Press of their own. Simply the one saving 

^^^^©III v^ll in printing their seed bags one season will more than pay for a Press. No argument needed. It's a good investment. 

|4* 1 i^'t 1 H Tl fl QaPP^td T»l Of Societies of every kind, will appreciate what a private printing Press is to 

^^^"■■^ <*UU OdvA KD tdil MXj& them after a few months' use. It will prove to be worth jnany times its cost. 

Sunday-School and Church Work %£j£ }™ Ma % SS , CS,tS 

buy tliem for their use. 

Wholesale Merchants S 1™SS grfa{r;'. notices of g00d8 in stock ' priceB current ' etc - and " 


Some business man may say. But your assistant or your boy has, and will do your work and save you money. It will pay to try it. 

T-T A D r I T A /T 117 Are exactl V a most favorable time for using an Excelsior, because a business man can 

1 JL XJL Jlv I J 1 1 V I r increase his advertising but reduces the cost. The live, wide-awake man who reduces 

ofa , . , „ , 7 . *^ prices to suit the times, wad lets people know it, keeps up his trade. And it's the time to 

stait a job office, because everybody is seeking to get their work done cheaply, and you can work cheaply with an Excelsior. 

II£§^A person will get so good an idea and knowledge of printing with the Excelsior, that he can at any time fall back on it as a means of 
livelihood, if necessary. 


We quote Rates closely approximating Freight Charges on 100 lbs. by Railroad to various points, from Meriden : 

San T^Su^lPo' ct ™ ; cl , eveland T 50 cts. ; Milwaukee, 50 cts. ; Indianapolis, 50 cts. ; Detroit, 45 cts. ; St. Louis, 60 cts. ; Omaha, $1.30 ; 
65cfa ' * ?' Mem P has » 55 ct&.; Louisville, 55 cts.; Savannah, 65 cts.; New Orleans, 95 cts. ; Charleston, 70 cts. ; Portland, (Me.,) 

Ne^Ym?i eU i i aDout three hours ride from New York, and we ship goods mostly through the city. By ordering freight via steamer from 
Lp^ thai An n n V°* s }»™> rat; es will be a little less. To ship goods by express costs somewhat higher, but thev go through much quicker, 
-uess man 50 lbs. should be ordered by express, as a rule. 



There is no danger of the Excelsior getting out of order. It is simple, strong, durable, and its working understood instantly. It is positively 
the most economical Press in use, as no imposing stones are necessary, and a great saving is made by our manner of locking up forms, 
ruining no expensive furniture ; the combination metal and wood furniture we sell, lasts, while all other Presses require a constant 
supply. Everything we have figured with the idea of getting up good, practical outfits at moderate cost, so that all desiring 
can afford to buy. It takes very little work to pay for one of our offices. Many an extensive, wealthy publishing 
establishment has started with a small office of the kind we sell. Full and explicit directions for use, and a list of prices 
to charge for work, accompany each Press. The extreme compactness of the press is admirable, and renders it 
convenient and portable to a greater degree than any other. Ordinary printers' types are used in the Excelsior, 
eleven-twelfths of an inch long. The short, hand-stamp type will not work in a Press. The Excelsior prints 
a single line of type or a chase full perfectly. To ascertain expressage or freight charge on goods to any 
point, inquire of your express or freight agent. To ascertain how much type is needed for a certain 
job, count the a in your^copy (manuscript), and order accordingly. 


We want everybody to examine these figures. 
We give prices usually charged by regular printers, 
"on quite a number of articles, and then name price 
it averages to cost to print with an Excelsior:— 

Business Cards, per 100, $1 to $3; cost on an Excelsior, 10 cts. to 50 cts i.; Envelopes, 
per 1000, $1.25 to $3: cost on Excelsior, 15 cts. to 50 cts. ; Letterheads, per 100, $1 to $3; 
cost on Excelsior, 25 cts. to 50 cts. ; Billheads, per 100, $1 to $3; cost on Excelsior, 25 cts. 
to 75 cts. ; Labels, per 100, 75 cts. to $3; cost on Excelsior, 10 cts. to 50 cts ; lags, per 
1000, $2.50 to $6 : cost on Excelsior, $1 to $3; Note size Circulars, per 1000, $3 to $6; 
cost on Excelsior, 75 cts. to $2 ; Milk Tickets, per 500, $2 to $3 ; cost on Excelsior, 30 cts. 
Nearly everything else in proportion. 

With these prices in view all can see that a small job office vtiMpay in any place, and that a business man cannot save money as fast 
in any way, as in doing his own work. 


If any one imagines it is a long job to learn type setting and to do good printing. Any one of ordinary intelligence can, by the aid of the 
very excellent, concise instructions we send, learn the first principles very quickly, and then " practice makes perfect. 1 ' 
^=Many take hold instantly, and have a very presentable job done in a few hours after receiving their Press. 

rriL 5 ~ l x JJ. A fine outfit, Excelsior Press and materials, requires but a comparatively small outlay. Suppose, for instance, 

1 lllllK 01 II- $60 be invested ; the interest on that sum at 10 per cent., is $6 a year. One small job often more than pays that I 

Postal Cards offer an exceedingly neat, novel, cheap, and convenient mode of circulating an advertisement. They may be 
printed on an Excelsior of either size. 

Simply the printing of Visiting:, Address, and Business Cards can be made a good business anywhere. Everybody 
wants them, and they pay a good profit. 

W° Sharp, Ingenious Advertising Dodges are daily invented. If you have a Press at hand you can take advantage of 
them and make them pay you. 


E never make any such claim as that no other good press can be built beside ours, but we do claim that the Excelsior is the best of 
portable presses, and the Centennial test proved it. 

e know of one $6 Excelsior Press on which the owner did over $700 worth of work inside of three months 

r PHE EXCELSIOR is no new untried press, and its proprietors are not green in their business. The press has been before the public 
J- for years, has an honorable record, and its makers have had more than eleven years experience with portable presses, iou can order 
an Excelsior and know it will please you. 



f\UR trade outside of the States is very large, and 
^ we can ship to any part of the globe with prompt- 
ness and full satisfaction. Our presses are made 
strong, simple, and durable, and will give no trouble 
in working, or by getting out of order. Remit 
bankers 1 drafts, on New York or London. 






N A TirF __dver each Specimen line is given, first, the number of the font by which to order; second the number of A, or a and 
a in tWont - third Drice 'of 1 he foJ? With every font is included Quads and Spaces-enough for card work. Figures are included m fonts 
wl of a font; there is not an equal number of 

7v^l!ul7 WSatn A^teZ^Tufed, the number is equal to A, but of others, proportion varies according to use m general printing. 

SPANISH FRENCH, GER-M AN. —Spanish and French printing requires extra characters. We can add those to 12b, 
143, 163, 192, for 75 cents etxra For German printing, use fonts Nos. 161, 370, 455. 

DON'T CUT THIS BOOK.. Order by numbers or names of articles. 


120 10 A 4 a 60 a $2.25 
THE EXCELSIOR port Printing Presses. 12345678 

121 10 A $0.70 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

122 10 A 15 a $1.35 
THE EXCELSIOR Port Printing Preses 23 

123 10 A 15 a $1.35 

THE EXCELSIOR PORT Printing Presses. 12345678 

124 10 A $0.75 

125 9 A $1.40 

2. 3 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

77 10 lbs., about 50 A 300 a 12 a 8 A 20 a $8.00 25 lbs. or more, 76 cts. per lb. 
This type is suitable for solid matter, such as books, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. It is sold in 25, 50, 75, lb. lots, or more . 

Italic type to match. 


126 10 A 4 a 60 a $2.05 
EXCELSIOR port Printing Presses 

127 8 A 20 a $1.10 

THE EXCELSIOR Printing Presses 

128 10 A 15 a $135 
EXCMLSIQM Printing Presses 12 

129 10 A 15 a $1.35 
EXCELSIOR Printing: Presses. 133 

130 8 A 12 a $1.55 

Kr.rr/xioT P&rtmMe Presses t%3>4<5 

131 10 A 17 a $1.05 
EXCELSIOR Portable Printing Presses 234 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

132 10 A 20 a $1.35 
THE EXCELSIOR Printing Presses 128 

133 10 A 20 a $1.25 
EXCELSIOR Portable Printing Presses. 12345 

134 8 A 14 a $1.60 
THE Excelsior Presses 12345678 

135 10 A 15 a $1.35 
EXCELSIOR Printing Presses 12 

136 10 A 20 a $1.10 
The Excelsior Job Printing Presses 1234567890 

137 6 A 12 a $1.25 
THE Excelsior Press 2 

138 10 A $0.75 


139 10 A 15 a $1.50 
Excelsior Printing Presses 1234 

140 15 A $0.95 

141 10 A 10 a $1.95 

142 10 A $1.05 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

88 12 lbs., about 40 A 240 a 10 x S A 20 a $7.50 25 lbs. or more, 58 cts. per lb. 
This type is suitable for solid matter, such as books, newspapers, etc. It is sold in 25, 5 0, 75 lb. lots, or more. Italic to ma tch. 

143 10 A 4 a 60 a $2.10 
EXCELSIOR port Presses 1234 

143>£ 8 A 20 a $1,05 
THE EXCELSIOR Portable Presses 

144 10 A 15 a $1.80 

Excelsior Printing* Press 1 

144^ 7 A 10 a . $1.25 

The Excelsior Printing Presses. 12345 

145 12 A $0.75 


146 9 A 12 a $1.35 

The Edceelsior Presses 1234 

1463/s 8 A $0.85 


147 ,8 A 12 a $1.30 

Excelsior Printing Press 12 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

148 10 A 40 a $3.00 

The Excelsior Printing Prs 3 

149 7 A 10 a $2.00 

Excelsior Printing Press 2 

150 7 A 10 a $1.95 

The Msccelsior Priming JPr§ 2 

151 9 A 9 a $1.10 

The Excelsior Printing Press 23 

152 8 A 12 a $.100 

The Excelsior Printing tresses 123 

153 10 A 15 a $1.60 
EXCELSIOR Printing Press 5 

154 8 A 15 a $1.50 

Excelsior Printing Press 1 

155 6 A 12 a $1.15 

The Excelsior Press 3 

156 8 A 15 a $1.10 

EXCELSIOR Printing Presses 123 

157 9 A 18 a $1.15 
EXCELSIOR Portable Printing Press 2 

157^. 7A7A $1.65 

158 10 A 15 a $1.35 

EXCELSIOR Printing Press 23 

159 10 A 15 a $1.30 

The Excelsior Portable Printing Presses 12345 

160 9 A 12 a $1.30 

The Excelsior Port Presses. 13 

161 7 lbs. $5.50 

££>c (%elftor ^rmthtfl spreffeS- 1234 

162 8 A $1.10 


163 10 A 4 a 60 a $3.00 

THE exclsr Printing Press. 12 

164 8 A 20 a $1.15 

THEEXGL Printing Presses 

165 6 A 12 a $1.30 

Excelsior Printing 234 

165^ 10 A 18 a $1.35 

The Excelsior Printing Presses 8 

166 6 A 12 a $1.30 

The Excelsior Portable 1 

167 6 A 12 a $1.30 

Excelsior Presses 346 

168 8 A 15 a $1.40 

THE Excelsior Printing 430 

169 8 A 15 a $1.65 

The Excelsior Press 6 

170 8 A 15 a $1.50 

Excelsior Printing Press 5 

171 5 A 10 a $2.00 

Tlie E^celszor* JPres 

on& prime: 

Quads and Spaces with every Fonl 

171^ 5 A 8 A $1.10 

The Excelsior Presses. 123 

172 10 A 15 a $1.60 

THE Excelsior Portable Printing Pres 12 

173 6 A 12 a $1.05 

Excelsior Printing Presses 12 

174 6 A 12 a $1.40 

Excelsior Presses 2 

175 5 A 9 a $1.50 

Excelsior Press 1 

176 5 A 8 a $2.05 

1)11 Ita#»toi^» Wm 

177 8 A $0.80 


178 6 A 12 a $1.35 

The Excelsior Press 12 

179 12 A $0.80 


180 9 A 18 a $1.35 

EXCELSIOR Printing Presses 6 


181 6 A 12 a $2.00 

The Excelsior Print 12 

182 9 A $1.30 


183 6 A 8 a $1.90 

The Excelsior Print 6 

184 15 A 30 a $2.60 

The Excelsior Print 12 

185 6 A 12 a $1.35 

The Excelsior (Press (Print. lQSJf. 

186 5 A 20 a $2.05 

%\i |tortaHe printing °$xmzB, 123 

187 5 A 5 a $1.50 

Tra ISxobxiSxob 11 

189 5 A 20 a $2.35 

t&xttUiox §oxtMt §xhxtxn$ 

190 6 A 10 a $1.35 

The Excelsior Presses. 12 

191 5 A 5 a $1.60 

Tub Mxcb&siqb *Pm® i 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 
99 16 lbs., about 40 A 240 a 10 a 8 A 20 a $8.50 25 lbs. or more, 48 cts. per lb. 

This type is suitable for solid matter, such as books, pamphlets, etc. Italic type to match it. 


192 10 A 4 a 60 a $3.60 

The Excelsior Presses 123 

192J^ 8 A 20 a $1.65 

The Excelsior Presses ! I 

193 6 A 12 a $2 00 

Excelsior Press 3 

194 6 A 12 a $2.00 

Excelsior Press 12 

194^ 3 A 8 a $1.40 

195 6 A 12 a $1.80 

Excelsior Presses 1 2 

195^ 5 A 5 a $2.60 

The SSxeelsio X 

196 10 A $0.90 


196^ 5 A 13 a $1.40 

Tli6 QxeczUiav f vzsses 

197 6 A 10 a $1.30 

Excelsior Printing Prs 12 


Quads and Spaces with every Font 

197^ 7 A 12 a $1.20 

The Excelsior Presses 1 234 

198 6 A 12 a $1.95 

Excelsior Press 12 

199 5 A 10 a $2.30 

Excelsior Presses 1 

199^ 5 A 8 a $2.00 

The Excelsior Pr 

200 7 A 10 a $1.60 

THE Excelsior Press 1 2 

201 6 A 12 a $1.25 

Excelsior JOB Press Print 1234 

202 5 A 7 a $2.15 

ill HzMlslw 

203 4 A 12 a $1.95 

204 6 A 8 a $2.40 

TOE Sxeelstoir § 

205 6 A 12 a $2.95 

The Excelsior 1 


206 5 A 12 a $1.80 

The Excelsior Press 5 

206^ 6 A $1.20 

wmm BS0SL8IOB? 

207 8 A 15 a $1.35 

Excelsior Printing Presses 4 

208 8 A $0.95 


209 6 A 12 a $1.80 

The Excelsior 123 

210 8 A 15 a $2.00 

Excelsior Printing Presses 1234 

211 6 A 12 a $1.60 

THE Excelsior Press 3 

212 5 A 10 a $2.70 

T?te JhJjtcelsioir 12 

213 8 A 8 a $1.50 

Excelsior Printing 128 

214 8 A 30 a $3.00 

The Excelsior Pmt 8 


215 8 A 15 a $1.60 

The Excelsior Presses 23 

216 8 A $1.20 


217 5 A 8 a $1.60 

THE Excelsior P 2 

218 6 A 12 a $2.25 

THE Excels? 3 

219 5 A 7 a $1.50 

The Excelsior! 4 

220 4 A 10 a $2.15 

221 5 A 5 a $1.85 

O .A. —( Continued.) 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

222 5 A 5 a $1.90 

223 4 A 10 a $2.20 

224 6 A 8 a $1.85 

The Excelsior Press. 1 f 

225 5 A 8 a $1.65 

226 4 A 10 a $1.60 

Sit* totssior ifittiiua its 

227 5 A 10 a $2.00 

The Press JPr 5 

228 10 A 15 a $1.80 

The Excelsior Portable Printing Press, 123 

229 7 A 12 a $2.60 

230 4 A 10 a $1.60 

(MM f jl * 

231 8 A $1.20 


232 4 A 35 a' $3.95 
233 6 A $1.20 


234 5 A 5 a $2.00 

ffl 'MlCMLSIOM £ 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

235 7 A 10 a $2.60 

©Mi&r IB 


236 5 A $1.35 

337 6 A 9 a $2.60 

338 5 A $1.60 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

339 8 A $1.65 


339^ 3 A 6 a $1.50 

The Excelsior, 34 

340 7 A $1.25 


341 6 A $1.50 


342 5 A $1.25 


343 6 A $2.35 



344 8 A 10 a $2.20 

Excelsior Press. 3 

*» 345 8 A 12 a $2.20 

Excelsior Preses 

345^ 3 A 8 a $1.80 

littliiit fill 

340 4 A 10 a $2.00 
M6% 4 A 17 a $3.90 



347 3 A 5 a $2.15 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

349 6 A 12 a $2.00 

THE Excelsior Pres 3 

349^ 4 A 4 a $3.25 

.sccelsior. 1 

350 4 A 12 a $3.00 

The Excelsior 

351 5 A 7 a $3.30 

The Excelsr 4 

352 8 A $1.05 


353 5 A 10 a $2.15 

The Excelsior P 5 

353^ 4 A 8 a $2.40 

348 4 A 10 a $2.70 

(The J§xcehiar §rint\ Ffye $(x6el$id§( . 66 

354 4 A 6a $2.40 

THE Exlsr 3 

355 3 A 12 a $2.40 
355}^ 3 A 8 a $2.00 

356 4 A 9 a $3.25 

JE^ceLsioT. 7 

%my 2 3 A 7 a $2.50 

_ CSjy . . . . * . 9 . . . cm 

357 4 A 8 a $2.00 

Excelsior Press 1 

367H 6 A $2.00 



GKRE FPLI 1VT ER- (Continued.) 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

358 3 A 5 a $2.60 




3583^ 4 A 6 a $3.10 

fill jfftiiit i 

359 4 A 8 a $2.20 

THE Bxclsir 3 

360 4 A 6 a $3.50 

361 5 A 7 a 


THE Excelsior P 123 

362 4 A 5 a $2.45 
B I'- 

LL XLtLl^y JLL*/ : . 

363 5 A 7 a $1.75 

4 A 12 a $2.75 
364 3 A 8 a $2.30 

364^ 4 A 8 a $1.80 

365 5 A 7 a $2.65 

366 4 A 6 a $2.65 

The Pres 2 

367 4 A $1.90 

368 5 A 8 a $1.50 

369 5 A 9 a $2.20 

Excelsior Pres 3 

369^ 3 A 6 a $1.90 

The Mxeeisior. 2J 

370 6 lbs. $4.00 

SE$e Gsycelftor $reff 3 

371 4 A 10 a $1.55 

fit fftM 

372 5 A 7 a $1.60 

The Excelsior Pr 3 

373 5 A 9 a $2.50 

Excelsior Pr 5 

374 6 A 12 a $2.30 

Excelsior Printing Press 123 

375 4 A $1.35 

376 4 A $3*15 


377 4 A $1.85 


378 4 A 6 a $2.70 

The Excelsior 6 

379 4 A 5a $1.35 

The Excelsior 123 

379^ 5 A $1.90 

VWKtf^ \\\\\\\ 

380 6 A 8 a $1.60 

The Excelsior Portable Press, 12 34 

381 4 A 4 a $2.50 

The JfeoMi* 

382 4 A 5 a $2.45 

Thm Exclsr. 

383 4 A 5 a $2.10 

Excelsior- 12 

384 4 A 4 a $2.60 


385 4 A 9 a $2.15 

386 4 A 4 a $2.65 

387 4 A 9 a $1.75 

foe MtttUUx &Mxk% 

388J4 5 A $2.00 

389 4 A 6 a $2.50 

« t 

390 8 A $1.85 


PARAGrON .—[Two Line Long Primer.] 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

391 6 A $1.85 


391}^ 4 A 9 a $2.50 

^Jtft flxCELSIOR jlKES 

392 4 A 5 a $1.80 

392^ 4 A 6 a $2.75 

The Exlsr 5 

392A 4 A $2.00 

392B 4 A $1.60 



[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

393 9 A 14 a $2.90 

The Exclsior 4 

394 6 A 10 a $2.10 

The Excelsior 

:my 2 3 A 12 a $2.30 


395 3 A 9a $1.75 


uthin ftitttittj %t%m 

395^ ^ 4 A 12 a $4.00 




396 3 A 9 a $1.75 


"" M 'i (I 


398 4 A 8 a $3.00 

Kit mmlm 1 

399 4 A 5 a $2.00 

THE Exclsior 3 

400 4 A 5 a $3.10 

TWO LIKTE SMALL PI O .A. -(Continued.) 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

413 4 A 6 a $2.25 

The Exclsir 5 

405 3 A 6 a $2.25 

The JUjcclsr 

407 3 A $2.30 

397 4 A 8 a $2.60 

ghe (Exclsr § 2 

my 2 3 A 5 a $2.85 

408 4 A $1.60 


401 4 A $1.80 

402 6 A 12 a $2.70 

410 3 A 6 a $2.90 

411 3 A 8 a $2.55 

412 5 A 7 a $3.90 

llllllilt ttiii || 

414 4 A 6 a $2.60 

IxeelsiorPfs 8 

415 4 A 8 a $1.70 


416 4 A 5 a $2.30 

Excelsior Prs 1 

417 7 A $1.55 


418 3 A 3 a $2.85 

The Excelsior Press 12 Excelsior '12 ml 

419 5 A $2.15 


S5J% HE! 

420 4 A $2.10 


421 4 A 6 a $3.00 

The Exci 3 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

425 4 A $1.30 

421^ 3 A $1.75 


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ^S^J5^ V 

422 4 A 12 a $3.60 

423 3 A 4 a $3.85 



424 4 A 8 a $2.45 

The Excelsior 3 

424J£ 3 A 6 a $2.60 


426 3 A 4 a $3.85 

fi mm 

427 4 A 6 a $3.50 

431 4 A 5 a $2.90 


431^ 4 A 7 a $4.50 

432 3 A 4 a $3.00 

Excelsr 8^ 

4273^ 3 A 4 a $4.55 

428 4 A 6 a $3.35 

The Ezcl 3 

429 3 A $1.60 


talsior Pat Frills ^ ^ 

430 6 A 9 a $2.30 


ior 1 

433 4 A 6 a $2.90 

Tke Excelsior 

434 4 A 6a $3.25 

435 3 A 7 a $2.85 

436 3 A $3.25 

EXC 1 


436^ 3 A 6 a 
437 4 A 9 a $3.00 

tfo %uthm |rrin p 


450^ 3 A 5 a $3.60 

tfO 11 11 11 COmeh* 


[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

444 4 A 10 a $2.40 

438 4 A 9 a $3.00 




439 3 A 7 a $3.25 

|Wsior printing [\xm |) 

445 4 A 10 a $2.60 

446 4 A 4 a $3.10 


451 4 A 5 a $3.05 

440 3 A 7 a $3.25 


441 4 A 10 a $3.25 

ssior wit 

446^ 3 A 4 a $2.85 

9 O^^^z 

ill III 


442 4 A 6 a $3.10 



* v i 


447 3 A 7 a 

448 3 A 5 a $4.00 


449 4 A 5 a $3.05 

450 3 A 5 a $4.00 

THE Exlsr 2 

452 3 A 7 a $3.50 

§uthm Wm 

453 3 A 3 a $3.65 


454 4 A 4 a $3.30 

Excelsior 11 

455 6 lbs. $3.75 

Ik freffe 3 

456 4 A $2.15 



[Quads and Spaces with every Font.l 

457 3 A 5 a $3.70 

[)(] te^l 


458 3 A 5 a $4.65 

459 3 A $2.45 

462 4 A 6 a 

465 4 A $3.00 

466 3 A 4 a $3.00 

ml The Excls 5 

463 3 A 6 a $3.50 

460 3 A 4 a $4.25 

Excelsr 2 

464 3 A 7 a $3.00 


467 4 A 6 a $3.00 

dxtUm fits biliior Fat. Press 123 

468 4 A $3.50 



TWO LINE GrFtE^T PRIM E Fl— (Continued.) 

469 3 A 6 a $2.15 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

472 4 A $2.50 


470 4 A 12 a 



471 3 A 4 a $4.65 


473 4 A $3.65 

474 4 A $3.00 

474^ 3 A $2.90 


475 3 A 7 a $3.65 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

476 3 A 7 a $3.10 

f J» 






477 3 A 7 a $4.10 

478 3 A 5 a $4.25 



[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

481 3 A $3.60 








479 2 A 4 a $5.50 

480 3 A 6 a $5.40 

EXCL. 2 tola Press 2 

482 3 A 4 a $4.90 


483 3 A 4 a $5.60 


484 3 A 5 a $4.00 


485 3 A $3.75 


Wood Type. 

[Quads and Spaces with every Font.] 

486 3 A $3.75 3 a $3.25 Figures $1.30 

487 3 A $3.75 3 a $3 25 Figures $1.30 

488 3 A $5.25 3 a $4.55 Figures $1.85 

491 3 A $0.00 3 a $5.20 Figures $2.10 




$ 0.40 


Pearl, - 
Long Primer, 
Small Pica, 

Pica, English, 2 Line Brev- 
ier, G't Primer, Paragon, 

2 Line Small Pica, 2 Line 
Pica, 2 Line English, 2 
Line G't Primer, 2 Line 
Paragon, 4 Line Pica, 

5 Line Pica, 













FS@M€¥ MIMMM GsS$l9$. 

Packs of i oo, no two cards alike, latest 
styles. Very fine, i oo 20c. i ooo $ i .50 
Size 2 1-2 or 3. 

kJ^ — 


Border No. 8. Font, about 30 inches. $2.00. 

Border No. 14. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 
No. 30. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 
No. 335. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25 
No. 34. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 

No. 49. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 


No. 16. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 
No. 44. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 

No. 43. Font, about 44 inches. $1.25. 


No. 1, 
No. 2, 
No. 2K, 
No. 3^, 
No. 4K, 
No. 5, 

Hand-Inking, $ .80 


i c 



1 I 



; .95 


No. 1, 
No. 2, 
No. 2K, 
No. 3^, 
No. 4^, 
No. 5, 

Ink Tables. 

Hand-Inking, $ .20 Self-Inking, 

$ .20 


t L 




\ .75 

Ink Hollers. 

1 1 

< t 

< t 

c t 
: i 

Best Quality Sold in tlie United States. 

3-inch, Hand, - 

5-inch, " .30 

7-inch, .40 

10-inch, " - .60 

13-inch, " .75 
Jobber, each, 

Handles for Rollers, 3-inch, 15c; 5-inch, 20c 
All Handles solid. 

Roller Composition, Duplex, warranted best to be had, used 
by ourselves altogether, per lb., 

"Roller Mold, brass, 3, 5, or 7-inch, complete, 

10, 13, 16-inch, 

$ .20 Self-Inking, No. 1, each, 

No. 2, 
No. 2£, 
No. 4£, 
No. 5, 

other sizes each 

$ .35 

, 35c. 



PAPER KNIVES, specially adapted for cutting paper by 
hand, for printers, - - - - .35 

BODKIN, 'combined with Tweezers, every printer needs it, .30 

LEADS, 6 to pica, per lb., - - - - - - - .20 

METAL FURNITURE. Square metal blocks for block- 
ing around forms, saves time and labor, per lb., - - .25 

CLEANING PREPARATION, for cleaning type, roll- 
ers, ink table, etc. Cheap, safe, clean. A can makes one gallon 
of cleaning liquid, - -- -- -- -- .30 

STEEL GAUGE PINS, for squaring and holding cards, 
etc., on the platen of press. Feed guides. A great conven- 
ience. Set of 3, 20 cents ; 6, 35 cents; 1 dozen, - - .60 



CHERRY REG-LET, best quality Nonpareil, Brevier, 
Long Primer, Pica, per yard, ------- .03 

Great Primer, Double Pica, per yard, ----- .05 

GALLEYS, 6 inches square, ------ 

" 6 by 15 inches, ------ 

MECHANICAL QUOINS, Webb's, each, - 

Wrenches, each, 

MUSIC TYPE. Font large enough to print large sheet 
music,with Case for same, - $40.00 




The neat and cheap Cabinet described on third page of this Cata- 
logue, at $3.50, is excellent for the money. It cannot be finely 
finished at the price, but it may be painted any style desired, and 
will then look nicely. Extra Brackets for it, for holding cases, cost 
75c. each, or $1.50 per pair. 

Printing Inks. 


Specially made for Portable Presses, and 
very Quick Drying. 

Black, good, for general work, - - - - 6 oz. can, $ 

U tt tt _ _ _ tt 

extra, for best " - - - - 6 " 
cheap, for newspapers, &c, - - - 2 lb. can, 

" k< ... io « 
copyable, for blanks, &c, - - 6oz.can, 
Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Yellow, White, good qual. 6 
Red, Lake, Purple, fine, ----- 3 
Tint Ink, Rose, Green, Blue, 6 
Size, for use instead of Ink in bronze printing, 6 
Printer's Reducing Varnish, for thinning Ink when 
too heavy, fine, 6 

1 1 
« t 




Cheap White, for handbills, etc., size 24x36 in. Ream, 480 shts. $3.00 

Quire, 24 " .20 

Fine White, good quality, for book work, etc., 24x36, Ream, 5.00 

Quire, .35 

Extra Fine White, Flat Cap, writing paper finish, 

Size 14x17, ------- Ream, 3.25 

Quire, .22 

Fine Thin White, French Folio, for Labels, etc., 

Size 17x22, - Ream, 1.90 

Quire, .12 

Cheap Colored, Red, Yellow, Blue, size 24x36, - Ream, 3.50 

Quire, .20 

Fine Colored, Red, Green, Yellow, Granite, 20x24, Ream, 3.50 

fc. Quire, .23 

Cream Tinted, for finest work, size 24x38, - - Ream, 7.50 

Quire, .45 

Heavy Cover Paper, glazed, assorted colors, for pam- 
phlet covers, etc., size 21x25, - - - Ream, 14.50 

Quire, .85 

Colored Label, Glazed, Red, Green, Yellow, Black, 

size 20x24, -------- Ream, 6.50 

Quire, .40 

Colored Label, Plated, Red, Dk. Green, Lt. Green, Ream, 7.50 

Quire, .45 

Bill-Heads, Sixes, wide head for printing, 6 lines for 

writing, Ream, .60 

Half-Ream, .35 

Bill-Heads, Fours, 14 lines for writing, - Ream, .90 

Half-Ream, .50 

Bill-Heads, Twos, 78 lines for writing, - - - Ream, 1.75 

Half-Ream, .95 

Colored Bill- Heads, paper assorted colors in each ream, 20 cents 
per ream extra. 

Note-Heads, half sheets, Commercial Note Paper, 

wide head blank for printing, - - - • - Ream, .65 

Half-Ream, .35 

Letter-Heads, same style only Letter size, - - Ream, 1.40 

Half-Ream, .80 

Statements, wide head for printing, - - - Ream,* .65 

Half-Ream, .35 

Blotting Paper, White, fine, 19x24, - - - Ream, 18.00 

Quire, 1.00 

Any color or any quality of paper can be furnished to order. 

pW° A set of sample slips of all our Papers, also our Cards, En- 
velopes, tags, &c. ; price 25 cts. 

PAPER CUTTING. Having Cutting Machines, we can cut Paper to 
order as follows : Any size sheet cut in 2 to 5 parts at 15 cts. for one 
quire, 5 cts. for each additional quire. Cut in (i to 15 parts at 20 cts. 
for one quire, 5 cts. for each additional quire. Cut in 16 to 30 parts at 
25 cts. for one quire, 5 cts. for each additional quire. 

1 7 

Improved Excelsior Type Cases. 

Best and Cheapest Cases Made. Size 16^ by 21% inches, 93 
apartments. Regular printers 1 arrangement of letters as shown 
below. Strong, finely finished, black walnut fronts. Price, 60 cts. 





































































Eu quads 

Em quads 






3 em 





2 and 3 
em quad 

Hold one large font of type, or two or three small ones. 
Small Type Cases, 12^ inches square, 49 compartments ; a good 
cheap case. Price 35 cts. each. 

Printers 1 Regular Cases, News, per pair, - - - $1.75 

Printers 1 Regular Job Cases, each, - - 1.25 

Excelsior Lead Cutter, $2.00. 

A good machine, and very convenient in any office. 

The Excelsior Composing Stick. 

Best English steel, our own make, quickly broken and set, strong 
and durable. Has pica measuring scale, which saves time and 
makes it worth double a common stick, while it costs but little more. 


8-inch, (best size,) 



20-inch, (wood,) 


Card Cutter. 

Any office doing a good business often needs special sizes of 

cards. Buy cardboard in sheets and this Cutter. 
Machine cuts 12 inches, Price, - 




' C/ $CL 



An advantage in any office. Per Font, $2.25. 

New Year Cards. 

It becomes more popular every year to make New Year's Day 
calls on one's friends, always leaving a card with name, and an ap- 
propriate engraved design thereon also. Cards are also mailed to 
out-of-town friends, as a remembrance and New Year's greeting. 
We have a fine series of engraved New Year Cards, made on our 
original plan, with no date, the year being printed in with name, so 
the printer loses no stock by keeping over a year. 30 cards in a pack, 
all different, price, 30 cts. a pack ; 4 packs, $1 ; 10 packs, $2 ; Size 4. 
Gilt Edged New Year Cards— An elegant edition, large size card, 
extra Bristol, gilded edges, 25 cards in a pack, price, 50 cts. a pack ; 
4 packs, $1.60; 10 packs, $3.00. 

Excelsior Cleaning Preparation. 

A clean, safe, cheap, and effective compound. Cleans type, 
rollers, etc., etc. Will not catch fire like benzine, oil, etc. ; 
will not do damage like lye. A grand thing. 1 lb. can will 
make one gallon of Preparation. Price only - 

$ .30 

Extra Letters. ( Sorts.) 

The various styles of type are not kept in cases, but are cast up 
in regular complete fonts, ant^when odd letters are wanted to re- 
place worn or lost ones, or increase supply, they are cast to order, 
and being an irregular job, extra price is asked. 10 letters, for 
most any font on our list, assorted as wanted, 50 cts. ; 15 for TO cts. 
Very largest type will be about 80 cts. for 10 letters. 

Fancy Wood Border. 

For Handbills, Posters, etc. 50 cts. per foot. 



Fancy Comers. 

Prices for sets of four. 

No. 141. $2.00 

No. 110. 30c. 

No. 136. 25c. 

No. 108. 30c. 

No. 117. 35c. 

No. 132. 35c. 

No. 116. 35c. 

Initial Letters. 

Any letter of either style, at the prices named. 

No. 2. 30 cts. No. 3. 15 cts. 

26 for 

26 for $6.00 

26 for $3.00 

No. 63. 8c. 


No. 75. 8c. 

No. 71. 8c 

No. 4. 10c. 
♦ . — 

No. 19. 10c. 
— <*> 

No. 12. 10c. 

No. 23. 10c. 

No. 77. 15c. 

No. 133. 20c. 

No. 54. 20c. 

Brass Mule. 

No. 124. 6 cts. per foot. 

No. 140. 12 cts. per foot. 

No. 177. 12 cts. per foot. 

No. 180. 18 cts. per foot. 

No. 188. 20 cts. per foot. 

'l.'l.lliMillH'll'll'll'l,'!, II,!!!!-!! 'I,'I,H,II,M,|I|I'|( 

No. 208. 35 cts. per foot. 

No. 146. 28 cts. per foot- 

No. 157. 28 cts. per foot, 

No. 221. 28 cts. per foot, 

No. 169. 35 cts. per foot. 

No. 173. 50 cts. per foot. 

Column Rule, 124 face, Nonpareil body, per foot, 25 cts. 

Labor- Saving Brass Rule. 

Fonts of evenly-cut pieces of Brass Rule, measuring from one to 
forty ems, together with beveled or mitered corner pieces, for 
forming a neat junction. Save time in making up forms, labor, and 
waste. Prices as follows : 

No. 124. U lb. font, . . $2.60 
No. 140. li lb. font, . . 2.60 

No. 173. 3 lb. font, 

No. 146. 3 lb. font, . 
No. 157. 3 lb. font, . 

4 50 


Wood Mule. 

For border or rules in hand-bills, etc. 
inch pieces unless otherwise ordered.) 

No. 28. 

No. 1, 

15 cts. per yard. (In 12 

No. 8. 

No. 7. 

No. 18. 



White, good business quality. Size 5, ordinary commercial 
size, '6% by 5% inches, - - per 1000, $1.70 per 500, $ .90 
Size 6, m by 5%, - - - " 2.00 " 1.10 

Amber, good quality, size 5, - 1.60 " .85 

Size 6, ------ " 1.80 " .95 

Dark Buff, good quality, size 5, - . " 1.35 " .75 

Size 6, - - - - - - 1-60 " .90 

Manila, good quality, size 5, - " 1-00 .60 

Size 6, - - - - - " 145 " .70 

Card Envelopes, size 2J^ by 4 inches, assorted colors, fine quality, 
per 1000, $1.40 ; per 500, 80c. ; per 100, 20c. 

Drug Envelopes, size 2 by 3% inches, 
white or buff, - - - - per 1000, $1.00 per 500, $.55 

Seed Envelopes, size 2J4 by Z% inches, 

open at end, assorted colors, - 1.20 .65 

Wedding Envelopes, superfine imported plate paper, elegant style, 

per dozen, 25c. Wedding Note Paper to match, per doz. sheets , 15c. 

^"Envelopes in 10,000 lots, 10 per cent, discount. 

Size 1, 

" 4, 
" 5, 


Strong Manila, Metallic Eyelets, Denison form. 

1% by 3 inches, 
1% by 3fc 
2 by 4 

m by m 

by m 

Tags in 10,000 lots, 10 per cent, discount. 



per 1000, $ .90 per 100, $ 
1.05 " 
" 1.15 " 

" 1.25 
" 1.35 


Tint Blocks. 

For tinting checks, blanks, cards, etc, ; any size desired can be 
made by buying necessary number of blocks and setting them close 
together. Price, 8 cts. per block. 


inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 


Ovals, plain rule, like Circle, 
20 cts. less. 

Measure outside, narrow way. 




inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 
inch diameter, 


Circles of fancy rule, like Oval, 
20 cts. more. 


Newspaper and Book Type. 

We direct special attention to the elegant, clean cut faces of the 
Agate, Minion, and Small Pica type, shown in the specimen pages. 
The neatest small paper possible is made by using the Minion for 
reading matter, and Agate for advertisements. The Small Pica is 
very suitable type for books and pamphlets. Notice the low prices. 

We sell Nonpareil, No. 126, 25 lbs. or more, at 64c. per lb. ; Bre- 
vier, No. 143, at 55c. per lb. ; Long Primer, No. 163, at 50c. per lb. ; 
Pica, No. 192, at 46c. per lb. 

Headings for Papers, etc. 

Heading of 15 letters, or less, from type 463, 468, 480, 483, or most 
any other font desired, $1.00. Additional letters 5 cents each. 

Chromos for Premiums. 

We have a rich oil chromo suitable for a newspaper premium, 
and will send sample and special prices on receipt of 20 cts. 

Chess Men. — Checkers. 

For problems, etc. Size for common newspaper column. Com- 
plete set of chess men, 96 pieces, $5.00. Checkers, 68 pieces, $3.50. 

Engraving Done to Order. 

We have special facilities for making wood cuts cheaply and well. 
Portraits, autographs, machinery, etc., etc. Send a good sketch or 
a photograph of article, stating size cut wanted, and we will name 

We offer our services for the purchase of any machine or article 
wanted in our line, and give these advantages to buy through us :— 
Doing a large business, "we get the best discounts from all manufac- 
turers, and will personally select articles for customers. Let it be 
a Hoe, Gordon, Globe, or any Press, a Cutting Machine, anything 

If any article in our line is offered below our prices, let us know, 
and we will remedy it. 

Bronze Powders. 

For Printing in Gilt. 

Gold Bronze, medium, for cheap work, - 
Fine, for Cards, etc., - 
Extra fine, very rich color, 
Silver Bronze, fine, ------- 

Fire " " (copper,) - 

per oz. 



Figures, Fractions, Commercial 


Figures 1 to 0; Fractions J4, %, %, Y%, % %,%,%; Signs 
ft>, @, For type, Nonpareil, Brevier, Long Primer, per 100, 35 
cents ; per 50, 20 cents. 


Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. 1,840 pages, 3,000 engravings. 
Price $11.00. (Too heavy for mailing.) 

Webster's Abridged Dictionary. Pocket size. A careful selection 

of 20,000 words most used. 
mail, 85c. 

A handy book. Price 75c. by 

The Right Word in the Right Place. A fine little book for printers. 
A dictionary of synonymous words, abbreviations, and foreign 
phrases. Guide to punctuation, proof-reading, spelling, &c. 
Price 80c. ; by mail, 85c. 

The American Printer. A book by a professional, treating of all 
branches of printing. Price $1.50'; by mail, $1.65. 

Hints for Amateur Printers. A pamphlet given with every Excel- 
sior Press, but for sale at 15c. a copy. Has valuable instructions 
on all points, printing, advertising dodges, starting small papers, 
etc., etc. 

Our Monthly Paper. 

We wish every printer would send 25 cts. for our large 24-column 
paper, one year. It has much good reading, and in every issue we 
advertise something new for printers, such as novelties in cards, 
type, etc. Send now, so your subscription may commence at once. 

Small parcels, four pounds or under, may be sent by mail at one cent for each ounce, adding a little for weight of packing material. 
We do not advise it, except where a few cards, a roller, or the like, is needed, it being safer and better to make order a little larger and 
have it sent by Express. We append list of articles, with average cost for mailing: — 

TYPE.— Fonts under $1.00 cost about 
15 cents extra; $2.00 fonts cost about 40 
cents extra ; $3.00 fonts cost about 60 cents 
extra. Fonts higher than $3.50 are most 
too heavy to mail. 

INK.— 3 ozs., 4 cents; 6 ozs., 7 cents; 
10 ozs., 11 cents. 

ROliLERS.— Have to be packed with 
extra care. 3 inch, 5 cents ; 5 inch or 7 inch, 
10 cents ; 10 inch or 13 inch, 15 cents. Self- 
inking rollers cost from 8 cents to 25 cents 

CARDS.- Size 1 or 2, cost about 4 
cents per 100 ; size or 3, 5 cents ; 3>£, 4, 
or 5, 7 cents ; other sizes 9 to 18 cents. 

PAPER.— Costs from 12 cents to 40 
cents per quire, according to size and 

RULE.- Brass, 1 cent to 5 cents per 
foot. Wood, 3 cents per yard. 

ENVELOPES.— Large sizes, 10 cents 
per 100 ; small sizes, 6 cents per 100. 

TAOS.— 5 cents to 10 cents per 100. 

CORNERS.— 4 cents per set. 

BORDERS.— 75 cent or $1.30 fonts, 
about 17 cents. 3 pound fonts, 50 cents. 



PAPER-KNIFE. -5 cents. 

All articles sold by weight, such as leads, 
quads, and spaces* leaders, etc., cost about 
17 cents per pound. 

At iM £ 

mMlm Presses 
the Bmmik B 

GMU&m EmpMsiMm mi Wmlpmmim, l&fB* ike Mm* 
w@m EmMfaM@i,j mm£ mwmMM FIMMW PMEMIWM, 
e M@&&l,j mm$ ike Miplems* Mmeeessiml ike 

Price List of Blank Cards, next to last page. 



j^T" These are type high and work in with type forms. Those marked " Mortise " have space cut out to insert words in type. 

Any cut will he sent hy mail if five cents is sent for postage and packing. 

Order by number only; do not cut the Book. 

No. 6 12c. 

5 10c. 3 10c. 

166 169 167 

10c. 10c. 10c. 168 10c. 16S 10c. 

ii. .......... -.i.-. 





— ■ — JaaSaL v .' * — LL 

170 10c. 

7 12c. 

2 10c. 

11 30c. 

9 10c. 

163 20c. 

165 10c. 

18 25c 

161 10c 

12 15c. 

10 12c. 

44 30c. 

8 15c' 

15 25c 

141 25c. 

45 30c 

37 30c. 

147 20c. 162 20c 


>8 20c. 

14 20c. 

38 30c. 

118 25c. 

48 50c 

203 30c. 

118K 25c 

173 30c. 

139 50c 

122 20c. 

208 40c 

204 50c. 

89 30c. 

125 35c. 

29 30c. 

30 30c 


97 10c. 92 15c. 

106 20c. 

Ill 30c. 

105 10c. 

110 10c. 108 10c. 107 10c. 

So- OS / 

81 30c. 

100 30c. 

112 30c. 

104 30c. 

99 30c. 

101 30c. 

76 30c. 

188 (Any name desired.) 40c. 


142 35c. 


12S 35c. 

50 80c. 

70 50c. 

27 50c. 

243 60c. 

196 50c. 

113 25c. 

120 50c. 

152 50c. 

103 30c. 


102 30c. 

25 30c. 

238 30c. 

26 30c. 


159 50c. 

79 70c. 

157 50c. 



198 30c. 

216 40c. 

195 60c. 

218 30c. 

205 25c. 

197 30c. 

202 60c. 

156 30c. 

175 40c. 

172 50c. 

121 50c. 

28 40c. 

151 30c. 

225 40c. 

192 40c. 

237 40c. 

171 50c. 

217 30c. 

233 40c. 

177 70c. 

136 30c. 

230 60c. 


Drawing across the lips — Desirous of an ac- 

Drawing across the eyes — I am sorry. 

Taking it by the centre — You are too willing. 

Dropping — We will be friends. 

Twirling in both hands — Indifference. 

Drawing across the cheelt — I love you. 

Drawing through the hands — I hate you. 

Letting it rest on the right cheek — Yes. 

Letting it rest on the left cheek — No. 

Twisting in the left hand — I wish to be rid of 

Twisting in the right hand — I love another. 
Folding it — I wish to speak with you. 
Over the shoulder — Follow me. 
Opposite corners in both hands — Wait for me. 
Drawingacross the forehead — We are watched. 
Placing on the right ear — You have changed. 
Letting it remain on the eyes — You are cruel. 
Winding around the fore-finger — I am en- 

Winding around the third finger — I am mar- 

Putting it in the pocket — No more at pres- 

228 60c. 

Language of Flowers. 

Arbor Vitse — Unchanging Friendship. 

Apple Blossom — My preference. 

Alyssum — Worth above beauty. 

Aspen Tree — Sorrow. 

Blue Canterbury Bell—Fidelity. 

China Pink — Hate. 

Coreopsis — Love at first sight. 

Dead Leaves— Heavy heart. 

Forget-me-not — True love. 

Geranium — Lost hope. 

Hazel — Let us bury the hatchet. 

Hawthorn — Hope. 

Heliotrope — You are loved. 

Ivy — Friendship. 

Lily of the Valley — Happy again. 
Linden Tree — Marriage. 
Marigold — I am jealous. 
Myrtle — Unalloyed affection. 
Pansy — Think of me. 
Pea — Meet me by moonlight. 
Peach- Blossom — My heart is thine. 
Phlox — Our souls are united. 
Pink, red — Woman's love. 
Rose — Perfect beauty. 
Rose-Bud — My heart knows no love. 
Rose Geranium — You are preferred. 
Sweet William— Let this be our last. 
Tulip — Declare your love. 
Wall-Flower — You will find me true. 
Yellow Lily — You a coquette. 



346 45c. 

131 50c. 

240 50c. 

34 40c. 

214 90c. 

247 70c. 

190 $1.00. 

64 50c. 

253 90c. 

211 $1.50. 

58 50c. 

245 rOc. 

146 30c. 

227 60c. (Cut for any Trade, same price.) 


59 40c. 



229 60c. 


Hbh Pacts* 

A prisoner, condemned to solitary con- 
finement, obtained a copy of the Bible, and, 
by three years careful study, obtained the 
following facts : — 

The Bible contains 3,586,489 letters, 
773,692 words, 31,173 verses, 1, 189 chapters, 
and 66 books. The word and occurs 46,277 
times. The word Lord occurs 1,855 times. 
The word Reverend occurs but once, which is 
in the 9th verse of the 111th Psalm. The 
middle verse is the 8th verso of the 118th 
Psalm. The 21st verse of the 7th chapter of 
Ezra contains all the letters in the alphabet 
except the letter J. The finest ahnpter to 
read is the 26th chapter of the Acts of the 
Apoa'.les. The 19th chapter of II. Kings and 
the 37*.h chapter of Isaiah are alike, The 
longest verse is the 9th verse of the 8th chapter 
of Esther. The shortest verse is the 35th 
verse of the 11th chapter of St. John. The 
8th, 15th, 21st and 31st verses of the 107th 
Psalm are alike. Each verse of the 136th 
Psalm end alike. There are no words or 
names of more than six syllable' 

66 50c. 

257 80c. 


251 80c. 

252 80c. 

Ball Cards— We furnish cards size 434 by 5 Hj at 45 cents P er 100 ^ of fine white Bristol, 
or mixed tints. Fancy style, embossed bordered, extra nice Bristol, $1.25 per 100. 
Silk Tassels for Ball cards, $1.00 per 100; 50 for 60 cents. 




u 2 


iEC5» off partis ♦ 

Also, Quality and Price. 


New Cards! 

$y All size 2>£ unless otherwise stated. 

BLUE BIRD. Very handsome. 100, 15c. 1000, $1.00 

CHBOMO CARDS. The new Golden Series. Most 
beautiful ever made. Elegant assortment, 24 
styles. Order a trial lot. 100, 40c. 1000, 3.25 

MOSS AGATE. Elegant. 100, 20c. 1000, 1.60 

DOUBLE TINT SNOWFLAKE. 100, 25c. 1000, 2.25 

LACE CARDS. Lady's favorite. 100, 16c 1000, 1.20 

PEBBLE BRISTOL. 100, 12c. 1000, 90c. 

JAPANESE. Sell well. 100, 25c. 1000, 2.25 

TORTOISE SHELL. 100, 50c. 1000, 4.50 

ROUND CORNER GILT EDGE. 100, 30c. 1000, 2.50 

COMIC HASH. 100, 15c. 1000, 1.10 

DOUBLE TINT GRANITE. 100, 8c. 1000, 70c. 

MOTTLED STONE. Rich. 100, 20c. 1000, 1.60 

GILT EDGE. Sxtra. Size 100, 25c. 1000, 2.25 

IMPERIAL. Assorted. 100, 15c. 1000, 1.20 

FLORAL ENAMELED. 100, 20c. 1000, 1.60 

GILT BEVELED EDGE. 100, 75c. 1000, 7.00 

FANCY MIXED. 100 styles in a pack, 15c. 1000, 1.25 

CUPID CHROMO. Pretty. 100, 30c. 1000, 2.50 

NEW TRANSPARENT. 100, 20c. 1000, 1.40 

CARDINAL RED. 100, 12c. 1000, 1.00 

ROSEATE. 100, 12c. 1000, 90c. 

PARISIAN. 100, 15c. 1000, 1.20 

XSg" Cards mailed 4c. per 100 extra. 


Blank Cards. 

SIZE, i 2 214 3 

nhpan Whitp Cards « Medium thick v ^? r iJ2S^°-2g °-2S °*92 °-E 

Vjll vy<*|l f f Illliv/ V^Cl/I for common work, f " 1,000— .30 .40 .45 .50 

01/ a a 1 s 100 Sheets. 
3^ 4 * 6 7 8 11 by 28 in. 

0.08 0.08 09 0.10 0.11 0.13 *- 75 
.55 .60 .75 .85 1.00 * L ' (b 

r^Vn^oTk 4 j > l'.i/l Assorted colors in ) Per 100— .06* .07 .08 .08 
IrllUdp I^UIUICU. each pack. f " 1,000— .35 .45 .50 .60 

.09 .09 
.70 .70 

.) .11 .12 .14 9nn 
.) .90 1.00 1.15 

Heayy China. F ° t '^^^^. f ^J8fc :» i.oo iio iio 

.17 .19 .2 .25 .28 .35 fi 0Q 
1.80 1.40 1.) 2.05 2.35 3.25 °' uu 

IVpiwtAl Pine, Thick, /Per 100- .06 .07 .08 .08 
JjUMIlU&fe JjIlalAJJL* White Card. f "1,000— .40 .50 .55 .65 

.09 .10 

.75 .85 

.1 .12 .14 .15 o ka 
5 1.10 1.20 1.70 ^ ou 

Medium Bristol. Kffi*5f; tejgt il £ -g -g 

or 10 tints m a pack. ) ,v u ' " ' ov - 00 ' vo 

.10 .10 
.75 .85 

1 .13 .15 .18 q Kf) 

m 1.10 1.20 1.60 ^ ou 

Ul nrk Tlv.iof^l £ orfi ^ r P a ??^ r . k V^ hite '!Per 100- .08 .10 .10 .11 

h me Bristol. Ros T ^ t or B ^ggf^ ee ^ \ - 1,000- :» : 8 o .88 .90 

.12 .12 
1.00 1.10 1 

.4 .16 .18 .23 o-cyk 
| 1.35 1.70 2.10 0,40 

Extra Fine Bristol. ca^rwrngCIt^ ^z i; « j*.;,* 

.19 .2? 35 .30 .35 .50 fi <J 
1.70 l.f 20 2.60 2.95 4.50 °" 40 

Ctiaw l?ldtfl A handsome style, White, 1 Per 100— .25 .30 .32 .35 
nllUn r ldJVt5. or Assorted Tints. f " 1,000— 2.05 2.40 2.70 3.05 

.38 .4 50 .55 .65 .90 19 9 k 
3.35 3.5 25 5.00 6.00 8.50 

UoHti L^fiQ tn £k§ Double, Extra High Jb m- 1 Per 100 — .15 .15 .18 .20 
kSctLlII JCjIldXIlt51t5U. ish, White, or Rose Tint. J " 1,000— 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.55 

.20 25 .30 .35 .45 
1.65 1.85 ,10 2.50 2.85 4.00 7.00 

W/«iit/«li r'Tionifn wte- Fine and handsome. ) Per 100— .08 .08 .08 .09 
OfjUljiyll Jjldlllit}. *m*m Assorted^ Tints, f " 1,000— .70 .80 .85 .90 

.11 .13 15 .18 .20 .33 oka 
1.10 1.90 135 1.55 1.70 2.60 a ' w 

Tl^r* TlwrSaf/il Neat and Fine. White > Per 100— .10 .11 .12 .14 
XI;t5jJ JJIl&lUX. or Assorted Tints. J " 1,000— .80 1.00 1.10 1.20 


1.30 . 

m .22 .28 .38 49n 
85 1.90 2.25 3.20 4 "* u 

T^-f Unfcfnl For Gold Bronze \ Per 100— .11 .13 .14 .16 
Okjl JJIIMUI. Printing. Rich, j" " 1,000— .95 1.15 1.23 1.40 

.18 . 
1.50 lijO 1 

>5 .30 .36 .45 « on 
10 2.35 2.90 3.90 

Glass Cards. ^SfSS?" ^-1,000= 3.00 nit do *i 

.55 Sheets 11 by 13 inches, 
4.65 l2for$1.25. 100 for 9.25 

Cards in 10,000 lots, 5 per cent, discount; 50,000 lots, 10 per cent, disco utt> 
#W* Set of samples of Cards, all styles; also Paper, Tags, Envelopes, etc., complete 9 25 cents. 
Cards sent by mail cost, average, 5c. a hundred extra, size 4 or under ; larf r, 7c. to 18c. 

GILT EDGED CARDS. Fine White gnstol. Size Z%. Per 
100, 35c. ; per 1,000, $2.75. A very ricii card. 

CHROMO CARDS. Elegant new edition, just ready. Rich 
flowers, leaves, etc., in fine chromo work. Fifteen styles in 
each pack. Per 100, 45c. ; per 1,000, $345. Size 3. Sell 
very fast. Try them. LARGE CHROXo CARDS. For Re- 
ward Cards, Christmas Cards, Presentation, etc. Per 100, 
70c. ; per 1,000, $6.00. 

SCROLL CARDS. Handsome pen flourished Cards, equal to 
written, but much cheaper. Assorted designs in each pack. 
Space for printing name. Per 100, ,30c. ; per 1,000, $2.25. 
Size 4. 

TRANSPARENT CARDS. Very laughable and rich scenes 
when held up to the light. Large assortment in each pack. 
Per 100, 25c. ; per 1,000, $2.00. Size, 2J^. 

MOURNING CARDS. Fine white Bristol, with black border. 
Size 4. Every printer should keep them on hand. Per 50, 
35c. ; per 100, 60c. ; per 1,000, $5.00. 

GOLD EDGED GRANITE. A fine, handsome card, and sells 
well when an elegant card is wanted. Assorted shades in a 
pack. Size 3. Per 100, 30c; per 1,000, $2.50. 

COMIC PICTURE CARDS. An excellent thing for advertising. 
A laughable picture in colors, with blank space in center 
for printing. Per 100, 60c. ; per 1,000, $5.00. 

GOLD DUST BRISTOL. Assorted tints in each pack. Size 
2}4 28c. per 100, $2.20 per 1,000. Size 3, 30c. per 100, $2.50 
per 1,000. Other sizes to order. 

MARBLE CARDS. Very p 7 thing indeed. Imitation 
Egyptian marble. Assort* ' lors. Same prices as Gold 

DAMASK BRISTOL. (Double ep.) Assorted in each pack. 
Finest quality. Size 2^, 13c. per 100 ; $1.10 per 1,000. Size 
3, 14c. per 100; $1.20 per 1,0M Other sizes to order. 


Same prices as Gold Dm 


as Gold Dust, 


prices as Damask. 


ite new shade. Very popular. 

new shade. Same prices 
id very saleable style. Same 
%nd nobby style. Assorted. 

Size 3^. Per 100, 30c. ; per $2.50. Try them. 

FANCY FIGURED BRISTOL Arabesque, embossed, etc. 
Assorted in each pack. Size i, 18c. per 100, $1.55 per 1,000. 
Size 3, 20c. per 100, $1.70 per ,000. Other sizes to order 

NEW YEAR CARDS. A fine t '.egant series, on an original 
plan, 30 in a pack, all different ' ^0c- ; 4 packs, $1.00 ; 10 packs, 
$2.00. GILT EDGED NEW TEAR CARDS. Larger size, 
extra Bristol, gilded edges, 25pards in a pack, 50c. ; 4 packs, 
$1.60; 10 packs, $3.00. 

CARD CASES. Neat Pt ket Card - 
mented with handsome little ci 
2^, 3, or 33^. 3 for 25c, ^ 

Jgp CARDS for special purposes furnished. Wedding, Wooden Wed 
etc., etc. "If you don't see what you want, ask for it," is an old requesi 
want, we furnish everything. 

U^gr^ We publish a paper for Printers in which we advertise new novelties, 
specimen copy. 

, S — 


§1 fill] 


We spare room for just one sol page of proof s of what we claim for the Excelsior Presse-, from those who know just what they say 

to be true, from actual experience. 


The Scientific American, the. -h^w md best scientific journal 
of the world says:— " Is an e* •ejWtaachine. Convenient and 
uselul in almost any business hum Will save printer's bills. Is 
a capital present for boys, as it i m *> I hem a trade which may be 
turned to practical account in a^>- life. 11 

And the Iron Age, the leadif trade journal, says:— " Moderate 
m price: do good work; adjto-ents easily made, and quickly 

And The Independent, the b\ ^ well-known religious paper, 
says:— "The Excelsior Prefss* ■..■< a success. In these days of 
economy, business men are b< |ng to do their own printing, 
and close competition compels;* 
ink liberally. 11 

And from The Youth's Cotnpw 
folks 1 paper in the land, we gel hi 
durability, simplicity, and ehetjB 
press. Amateur printers whoa; 
praise. 11 

.;siness house to use printers 1 

% the widest circulated young 
fine endorsement : — Possesses 
>, and is a superior printing 
used it speak highly in its 

And The Chicago Journal M 
men are adopting a private prog 
it certainly must pay, besides 
examined and can confidently 
our readers. 1 ' 

nerce says:— "Many business their own printing, and 
a great convenience. Have 
lend the Excelsior Press to 

H. Lutts, Proprietor Niagara 
rites:— "I have not written 


thing carefully. I am sure the 
three agents I can start out 
amount invested in any othei v\ v 
Toy, Bickford & Co., Simsl/u / 
Manufacturers, write:— "The IS .V 
in almost constant use two year , %> 
o mmending it as an efficient ait du 

G. G. Piatt, Druggist and Boo '%jtfet 
"I do printing for all the bus! ess 
are always satisfied with m, w 
printing till I got the Excelsio.^tAl 
Note Heads the first day." 

The Meriden, {Conn. .) Fin: 
Excelsior has been in daily use 
mend it most fully. It has sc, 
enabling us to have the work , '* 
printers or subject to their dela; 

L. II. Snoiv, Stationer, Daykm o 
constant use three years, have >, Ve 
apparently as good to-day as ; 
itself twenty times over." 

L. A. Martin, Watch Maker. " 
purchasing I have seen, I think 
me as well as the Excelsior, ' 

E. J. Worst, Proprietor of « 
Yards, writes :— u W&nld have 
how well they worked. It is m 
not do without it. It works bt 
good work as any printer in th' 


V series, Youngstown, N. Y. , 
, <,s I have been testing the 
Joes me more good than any 
i: pay me more than the same 
' advertising." 

nn., the extensive Safety Fuse 
xcelsior Press has been kept 

we have no hesitation in rec- 
ible machine." 

Ludlowville, N. Y, writes ;— 
aen h< e in town, and they 
*k, I knew nothing about 

did a ery respaptablcjob of 

4 lee Company, write : — " The 
3 ?ars, and we can recom- 
idreds of dollars, besides 
e were not dependent on 

nc i 

les: — "Have had press in 
,ome severe tests, and it is 
bought it. It has paid for 

«' a St., N. Y. , writes .-—Before 
rress made, but none pleased 
eat benefit to me." 
'nsive Ashland, (0.,) Poultry 
fc one long ago, had I known 
jctlj indispensable — I could 
every trial, and I can do as 


Gordon Wilcox, Norwich, C 
New England, writes:— "I do i 
the market that will do its woi 
many, and I have had many apt! 

Sheiry <& Nolte, Cumberland, 
Hence, write : — " We are greatly 
We want no better. It is wort 


'/?., probably the finest printer in 
•i believe there is another press in 
; &h well. It has been a wonder to 
Nations to sell it." 
\Ml., Printers of many years expe- 
leased with press in every respect, 
more money than you charge for 

boys' m\ 


~'a.L, writes ; — " I am only 13, but I 
Excelsior easily. I go to school 
"^"iready, in three months, have 

Alley, Pa., writes :— " I am a boy of 
a year. Press came safely, and I 
I me so much." 

at/;, Mich., writes: — "In less than 
ard type, I have done 1800 cards, 

writes : — "I think there is no press 
hat I know have other presses can 
aek I made $9.60 clear on one job. 
o to school too." 

The New York Weehy Witness says :— " Exceedingly simple and 
durable; very cheap; should and will command a large patron- 
age." Moor'se's Rural. New Yorker says:— "We do not know of 
a more convenient pre -, and business men will find it a lasting 
benefit." The Merchant's and Manufacturer's Review says :— 
" For beautiful simplicity, great strength, durability, and cheapness, 
this press is without a rival." The Phrenological Journal, says :— 
" We are acquainted with no small press superior to it, and certainly 
not one can rival it in cheapness. It is at once a source of amuse- 
ment, instruction, and profit." The Spirit of the Times, says :— 
"Furnishes a world of amusement in the home circle, instructing 
as well as entertaining? ' The South says:— "Said by parties 
familiar, with all the known portable presses to be the very best. 
It economizes time, it fives money, and it insures promptitude," 
The Iowa State says:— "Many a man has commenced 

with one of these o&' and made it the beginning of a fortune." 
The Meriden Daily Recorder says :—" Messrs. Kelsey & Co. are 
selling presses at prices below all others, they do the finest work, 
hence give unbounded ; ;,; !sfaction." The Meriden Daily Republi- 
can says : — " The best presses we have seen in all our experience, 
and they show as fine work as ever came from a printing press. 
The firm is thorough an i reliable." • 

• ♦ * 


" I am confident that, everything duly considered, the Excelsior 
leads." Rev. J. TgL M^ton, Clarendon, N. Y. — —"Below, I order 
No. 4 Press, &c. I used one when I lived in Ohio, and cannot do 

without it here." W . o. Peters, Merchant, Indian Bay, Ark. 

"Works as neat as any I have seen. I make $3.00 to $4.00 a week." 

Master II. B. Sinningto,., Flint, Mich. " We started with a $60 

outfit, and it has grown to $250.00. Have had offers to trade for a 
— Press, anr' ^r- - ~ Press, but would not part with the Ex- 
celsior." Daniels laylor & Co., Utah. "Hike press more than 

ever. It is paying well. " T. T.Mann, Druggist, Aylmer, Canada. 

."Have examined urmy kinds, but think Excelsior the pr«es. 

Theron Hayward, GJlsum, N. H. "I have been guided entire y by 

your printed instructions, and I get all the work I can do in my 

leisure hours." E. Z. Ivrd, County Sheriff, Blackshear, Ga. 

"T like the Excelsior t p iop. Have made over $115 * in last few 

months." C. S. Smith. Kent, Conn. " I am a Photographer, and 

can save $25 a year withl ress," A. Bisbee, Saint Louis, Mich. 

"Our press is a success, ant we like it very much." Fairfield Fire 

Insurance Co., S. Norw Ik^onn. "I feel perfectly sure that no 

press for amateurs < an e unpate with the Excelsior." E. L. Clapp, 

100 W. 54th St., Ne > ^ li V I bought a Press and I am 

very sorry, as it koko' n..r l had it a few days.- I now order an 
Excelsior." Geo. Mefor , Fremont, O.-r— "Press paid for itself long 
a»o, and is doing first- lass work." D. G. Temple, Maxahachic, 

Press, and Press in use , but don't 

Frank T. Hogg, Bowinsville, 
ner have an Excelsior than the Press. 

Tex. "Have seen th< 

like them as well as the Excelsior 
Pa.- — "Would much so 

I am the only boy in to w 
money than any other." 

wh© has an Excelsior, and Ihave made more 
Ed. Stair, York, Pa. "The Excelsior is 

perfection itself." Geo. A . Green, Andover, N. Y. " Have given 

it a fair trial, and prono< nee it the best press made." J. H. Blanch- 
ard, Newark, N. J.— " I recommend it to all. A boy in this place 
offered me his — - Frees, and — Press for my Excelsior, but I 

prefer mine." E. J. Dow, Thompson, Pa. " The press pleases 

me in every respect." fir. S. W. Skinner, LeRoy, N. Y. "I can 

do as good work as any thousand dollar press." Dr. L. Alexander, 
Yorkville, S. C- — " Wc cks like a charm. I printed 700 paperlaags 
in one hour, the second :lay after receiving press. Sorry I did not 

get a larger size." G< o. S. Haynes, Jonesboro, Ga. "Has 

given me perfect satisfaction. Have repeatedly printed chase full. 
I have made over $50 6w it during - the summer." Fred. E. Case, 
Hartford, Conn. — -""% orks like a jewel, and we have proud of it." 

P. G. Elsom, Montreal, Va. "The success of our printing office 

has been very satisfactor y\ Used the Excelsior six month, and now 
have $1500 worth type, presses, &c." Wartburg Orphans' School, 
Mount Vernon. N.*Y ,-— fk Received my press in orood order, and 
very promptly. Much {leased with it." D. F. McMonnies, 311 
Yates Ave., Brooklyn, N, X . 

i ^W^We have enough wMmonials to fill a dozen such ' pages as this, 
■were they needed. 

mgkg\ We refrain from printing names of 
.„ /JtL ,-t • any press condemned by our corres- 
pondents iii above test ruomals, because we Owe nobody ill-will, 
and the Excelsior can Fraud on its own merits* 

S : I 
