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To the ideals of progressive education, 

and to the Service League and General Spooner, without whose aid this 

book would not have been published. 

Editor: John Gwynn 

Assistant Editor: Michael Mareneck 

Special Assistants to the Editor: Mindy Balma, Mindy Beck, Jean Price 

Advisor: Mr. Donald Spooner 

Written by: 

Debbie Anaclerio 
Mindy Balma 
Mindy Beck 
Brad Brinegar 
Peggy Brown 
Robin Casselberry 
Brad Daniels 
Sharon De Long 
Pam Dorge 
Kathy DuVall 
John Evers 
Patty Grotts 
John Gwynn 
Tom Havey 
Janis Jordan 
Carl Kitzerow 

Valerie Manenti 
Michael Mareneck 

David Mattoon 
Kim Neill 
Paul Nielsen 
Ann O'Connor 
Megan Overby 
Phil Peterson 
Jean Price 
Amy Schuetz 
Marianne Seiler 
Nancy Silliman 
Robin Simmen 
Steve Stevens 
Sharon Wagner 

Table of Contents 

A Fireside Chat with the Editors 1 

Part 1: The First Years (1935-1941) . . 3 

Keeping Lake Forest Beautiful (Community) 3 

The Plant is Seeded (Plant) 4 

Chuckers of Well-Aimed Erasers (Faculty) 11 

The Chuckees (Students) 15 

Lots of Latin and a Little Dancin' (Curriculum and Co-Curricular 

Activities) 20 

Part 2: The War Years (1941-1948) 23 

The Home Front (Community) 23 

Building Strong Bodies Twelve Ways (Faculty) 26 

Kilroy Was Here (Students) 29 

Snake Dance Through the War (Curriculum and Co-Curricular 

Activities) 32 

The Ultra-Violet Light Debacle 38 

The Great Divorce (The Township Split) 40 

Part 3: The Fun Years (1948-1958) 45 

The Chaperones (Faculty) 45 

Inside Joe Student and His White Sweatsocks (Students) 46 

Bus tin' Bob and His Cowboys (Curriculum and Co-Curricular 

Activities) 51 

Something To Be Proud of (Community) 58 

Part 4: The Awakening Years (1958-1965) 63 

The Economics of Education (Community) 63 

Campus Changes (Plant) 68 

The Regis Toomey Fan Club (Faculty) 71 

Have Pass, Can Travel (Students) 74 

Readin', 'Ruin', 'n' 'Rithmitic (Curriculum and Co-Curricular 

Activities) 78 

Part 5: Monographs 85 

The Third Floor 85 

Cellar 88 

The Student Council 90 

Dr. Raymond Moore 93 

Epilogue 99 

Part 6: Appendix 103 

Athletic Scores, 1935-1965 103 

Graph of Student Population, 1935-1965 . 104 

Evolution of Curriculum, 1935-1965 105 

List of Teachers and When They Taught 108 

Faculty Salaries, 1935-6 and 1964-5 113 

Graph of Approximate Average Faculty Salaries, 1935-1965 115 

Original Floor Plans 116 

Part 7: List of Sources Consulted 119 


A Fireside Chat With the Editors 

When I first got the great bundle of manuscripts that went into this book from 
our editor, John, last summer, I was hit with a certain surge of pride. Finally, for 
the first time since we had begun this project, it was all there, all together, all typed; 
I felt newly encouraged, like I and the other authors had felt that first day when we 
had just voted to go ahead and research and write the history of 30 years of Lake 
Forest High School. The vote had been nearly unanimous, with only two people not 
going along with the idea, and one because he never went along with anything. The 
other person who voted against it, a girl, passionately implored the rest of us to 
realize the only realistic outcome of the project: not a successful history, but an 
incomplete mess of boring research papers. She refused to believe that the 30 of us 
could break tradition and effectively work together, either in or out of committees, 
and come up with something good and into which we all had put equal effort. She 
doubted that any of us in there had the enthusiasm and the endurance to do the 
deep digging and endless questioning we had to do in gathering all the research. 
And I think she was skeptical whether even one of our 30 beanbrains had the 
capacity to sift out all the misinformation in that research and collate what we did 
want, and then put it together. But, she was voted down, the project was on, and I 
must say thereafter she worked just as hard as anybody else. 

Eight months later, here it was nearly completed in front of me. As I read it 
through, my stirred-up pride slowly dissolved. My encouragement had faded to dis- 
couragement as I reached the middle sections and by the eid, I was disheartened. 
The whole packet was far from where I had thought it would be. It lacked continu- 
ity. Only a complete rewrite could fix it up I felt, and sru ved it awav into a drawer. 
Then, all those things that one dissenting girl had said flooded back to me, and I 
could only wonder if she hadn't been right. 

Ten days later I pulled it out and, resolved *o the fact that a rewrite was im- 
possible, I looked at it as it was to be: a collection of articles, some more detailed 
than others, some beautifully written and some barely readable, some long, some 
short, some boring, some quite good. T accepted it — it was our project — and went 
to work, and now, after patching up by still others after me, it is finished and ready 
to go to press. 

I feel much differently after working on it through the summer and watching it 
up to this final stage than I felt after that great initial letdown. It was just a matter 
of reaching that hard realization there of what this book is and isn't. It's not a 
masterpiece of historical writing by any means; it bogs down with facts in places 
and gets thin in others; it's not all neatly tied together with profound conclusions nor 
edited so finely as to delete all repetition and redundance. And it won't hold your 
interest through its entire length — I won't deny it, I've gotten drowsy several times 
going over certain sections. 

But what this book is is the product of some very hard-working students and 
one helpful teacher. Certainly there were some who did end up doing more than 
others — but nobody backed out when they were called on. The research that went 
into these 100 and some pages still amazes me. We have massive files stuffed with 
facts and interpretation we didn't print, as well as a sizable section of things we 
couldn't print for various reasons. (Just ask one of the authors to tell you a few good 
stories or pass on a strange rumor about some of the characters that have been a 
part of this school, whether as teachers, students, or administrators.) All the re- 
search was collected by the authors, in dozens of personal interviews with former 

school personnel and pupils, from countless old newspapers, journals, and year- 
books, and from volumes of crusty files and records. It has never all been assembled 
into one printed source before. 

This book has been a group effort. It is a collection of articles concerned with 
all aspects of Lake Forest High School and the life within it during the 30 years 
from its opening in 1935 until the initial plan — laying for a second campus, in 1965. 
It includes the details of the plant (the physical building), its construction and an- 
nexations, the changes in the nature of the community surrounding the school and 
its relationship with the school, and descriptions of the faculty, students, and cur- 
ricular and co-curricular programs offered and the changes in each of these in those 
30 years. 

The book is organized into parts, the dividing lines being significant dates in 
the school's history: 1935, construction of the school; 1941, the beginning of the 
second World War; 1948, the break with the Highland Park High School district 
and the formation of a new district; 1958, the construction of the large annex and 
auditorium; and 1965, the year that saw the first stages of planning another campus. 

Hopefully, in time, someone will update this history and take it past 1965 
through to the present; but for now it stands. It is the first comprehenhive history of 
Lake Forest High School, the first book published by a class at the High School, 
and the first time I've written a preface. 

M, Mareneck 
December, 1972 

P.S. B.S. From the Editor 

There is little that I can add to what Mike has said, my sentiments have pretty 
much paralleled his. I am not asking for a parental pat on the back, nor am I apolo- 
gizing for the book's apparent shortcomings, but I am requesting that the reader 
judge this book in its proper perspective. Our goal was to write an informative, 
accurate and meaningful account of something which intimately touched us all, our 
school. Whether we succeeded in this or not is really secondary in importance. We 
are neophyte historians, but full time students; the essence of the project was as an 
educational experience. And as such it might be the harbinger of a new type of 
learning. For me, this book resurrects and redefines the ubiquitous and overworked 
term, "relevancy." We looked into our own historical backyard, retraced the vicis- 
situdes of those not too different from ourselves, and emerged with armfuls of 
memories and a little clearer idea of where we have been and how we got where we 
are now. Perhaps the most significant aspect of this project is that it was conceived 
in a highly competitive educational atmosphere, a class of individuals who molded 
together into a competent and cooperative research team. The enthusiasm, the 
interest, the response in terms of labor, was incredible. It was the shared sympathies 
of a group united in a common cause, reminiscent of the school spirit at the "Snake 
Dances" of Homecomings almost forgotten, and the sentiments of the school and 
the whole country during the war. Perhaps it is by the perception of these analogies 
and the participation in this out of style feeling of shared purpose, that this book 
has enriched us and proved itself eminently worthwhile. 

John Gwynn, Editor 
December, 1972 


Keeping Lake Forest Beautiful 


As Lake Forest approached the building of its own high school, it began to 
consider the new issues connected with it. An increase in the community's popula- 
tion was expected. One suggestion for providing new land for homes was the an- 
nexation of Lake Bluff. New homeowners might then more readily join the com- 
munity, providing a good market for those who wanted to sell. Property values 
would be supported in the event of a slump during the Depression. It would not 
have been a very large annexation, about 1000 acres, and it might have served to 
protect Lake Forest from encroachment by northern industrial centers. Other ad- 
vantages included an additional mile and a half of lake frontage, a more efficient 
handling of expenditures by Lake Forest's compartively modem equipment and 
procedures, and, for the new high school and other public schools, a lower cost per 
student. However, when the issue was presented as a referendum in May, 1930, it 
was defeated in Lake Forest, 1,130 to 648. Lake Bluff, wishing to remain autono- 
mous, voted it down as well. 

In 1934, Lake Bluff turned to the question of whether or not it should become 
part of the Deerfield-Shields High School District. There were several reasons for 
considering this union. The Deerfield-Shields District had the lowest tax rate of the 
large Lake County high schools; Lake Bluff students would be assured admission 
to the new Lake Forest High School; and it would improve the saleability of Lake 
Bluff property. Many opposed the proposed annexation. Should Lake Forest decide 
to withdraw from the district because of rising costs and unfair tax distribution, 
Lake Bluff would have to continue paying its share of the bonded indebtedness, 
which they would be obligated to assume upon joining. However, plans for the new 
Lake Forest High School were being worked out at this time and it would be very 
convenient for all of the Lake Bluff students to attend school there. The issue was 
put to a referendum in 1934, and the citizens of Lake Bluff voted to ally themselves 
with the Deerfield-Shields High School District. 

Eventually, plans for the new Lake Forest High School were finalized and it 
was built just south of the Lake Bluff city limits. It was constructed as a project of 
the W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration), against the better judgement of the 
somewhat indignant residents of Lake Forest. 

The community was, for the most part, extremely wealthy. Many of its chil- 
dren went away to school. The new high school was intended more for the children 
of the domestics and the local middle class. It purposely took the appearance of 
another estate, so as not to disturb its surroundings. Despite the initial doubts 
though, when the school was completed and put into operation, the community was 
rather proud of it. 

Community interest and participation in the activities of the high school were 
always high. The parents were drawn into immediate involvement in their children's 
education with the opening of a new school. 

From the beginning, there was an adult education program, sponsored by the 
Community Center. It consisted of 10 week terms and received $1,000 from the 

Board of Education and $1.00 per student for pecuniary support. An annual Par- 
ents' Visiting Night was initiated, with exhibits and demonstrations. The parents 
could generally be counted on to help out in any way they could. 

The Lake Forest community was very interested in the activities of the stu- 
dents many of which were related in the local newspaper, the Lake Forester. Each 
year an entire issue was turned over to the journalism class which, under the direc- 
tion of Mr. Theodore Gavins, edited the paper, choosing its own managing editor 
and various department heads. 

Another similar annual event was Student City Government Day. All the 
major city posts such as mayor, fire and police chief were assumed by students. An- 
other community organization which relied on the high school and students was 
"Keep Lake Forest Beautiful." The students were grouped by wards and were as- 
signed to keep their areas clean. Occasionally, organizations and businesses in the 
community sponsored essay contests and citizenship awards. They provided speak- 
ers and other help at events such as the annual Father-Son and Mother-Daughter 
Banquets. For the most part, community participation and interest were high, 
fostered by the novelty of the opening of a new school. 

The Plant is Seeded 

In 1934, the atmosphere in America was chronic discouragement. Millions 
were jobless, penniless and hopeless. National morale was at a perilous depth and 
no one knew how much longer the situation would continue. 

The Depression hit Lake Forest relatively lightly. Economically, most resi- 
dents were above the crisis level — although no family or business in the 1930's was 
really secure. Lake Foresters were, on the whole, in better shape than most. The 
First National Bank of Lake Forest was one of the few banks on the North Shore 
to remain open throughout the Depression. 

However, it wasn't until President Roosevelt brought jobless Americans and 
government money together in the W.P.A. that Lake Forest had a public high 
school. The Depression left this one positive mark on the community. 

Many Lake Forest residents sent their children to Eastern prep schools, but the 
children of many attended Deerfield-Shields Township High School in Highland 
Park. As Lake Forest grew, this became increasingly inconvenient, and many 
thought that a community of several thousand should have a high school of its own. 
Although it is widely believed that the school was intended to provide an education 
for the children of the maids and gardeners who worked on estates in Lake Forest, 
the new high school was aimed at families in between the two extremes. 

According to the wishes of the community, local architects Ticknor and An- 
derson designed the building to look as much like a mansion as possible, perhaps 
to disguise the fact that it was a school. The three-story white stone building, set 
back from McKinley Rd. by an expanse of lawn, did look very much like a large 
home. The high school was one of best examples of Georgian architecture at the 


time, and according to The Shoreline newspaper, was "one of the finest schools in 
the country — beautiful in architecture and complete in all the requisites of the 
modem school." "Lake Forest High School," the paper continued "represents a 
step forward in the community." 

All materials and labor used in construction were paid for by federal funds. 
This may have been considered a blow to Lake Forest pride, implying that the city 
could not afford to build its own school. 

The site for the building, over 20 acres on McKinley Rd., north of Noble Ave., 
was owned by the city and previously known as North Park. Before 1934, it was 
little more than an open field where cricket games were played. The ground sloped 
to a tree-lined creek which ran across the north-western portion of the park. 

Originally, the school driveway entered from McKinley Rd. and went past the 
north end of the building, exiting on Spruce Ave. Years later, it was extended to 
circle the front lawn and exit again on McKinley. To complete the driveway exten- 
sion, the sloping ground was leveled and the creek was re-routed underground. 

-■ ■ -■■^^^^^^m Entering the school 

^ JL1«---«JIl: ■ from the front entrance was 

jgflN technically permissible only 

for teachers and administra- 
tors. Students could come 
through the south end door, 
the doors at the gym foyer 
or the doors off the stair- 
cases from the back of the 

Directly through the 
front entrance was the 
school rotunda — nearly the 
center of the school when it 
was constructed. A wall and 
display case blocked the 
iHt ^k i corridor that now leads to 

the library and the annex. 

Two monitors sat there to 

greet visitors and check hall 

idSbm passes every period of the 

day. Light was provided by 
a four-foot octagonal fixture 
overhead. On the floor was 
the Senior Star, once the 
scourge of all freshmen; tra- 
dition had it that if any one 
was caught stepping on it, 
WKBK^m^^^^^^^B^ SKU^ mSBKf^Kl^^mm he was forced to scrub it 

The original Senior Star, monitor desk Wlth * toothbrush. 

and overhead light BOxmd the school was 

a small parking lot (about 
one-fourth the size of the present parking area), separated by a row of bushes from 
the gardens of houses on Edgewood Rd. The block across Spruce St. from the 
present tennis courts was also school property at one time. This lot was allowed to 
grow wild and used by biology classes to study nature. Occasionally, near-by resi- 
dents complained that the ragweed aggravated their hayfever, and the custodians 
would cut it down. 

Down the hall to the south, the first classroom on the right was the civics room 
(today 103-105). Because it was larger than most and had a small stage, this room 
was used for Student Council meetings, small drama productions and chorus. A 
side door to the left led to a small kitchen, used to prepare food for teachers' 
meetings when they were held in that room. Like all other classrooms, the civics 
room had an oak floor and fine woodwork around the floor-boards and ceiling. 
"This is undoubtedly the work of a master carpenter," commented Mr. Donald 

Next to the civics room, on the right side of the hall was a faculty women's 
lounge: a washroom and a small sitting room, which have not been changed greatly 
through the years. 

The room beyond this lounge, the last classroom in the hall, was used for 
language instruction. A special feature of Lake Forest High School architecture, 
classroom alcoves, is demonstrated in this room. Like the women's lounge, the 
room has been left almost as it was in 1935. The door from the corridor opens into 
a smaller entrance room. A bookshelf and drawers are built into the east wall. 
Double glass and wooden doors separated this alcove from the actual classroom. 

A double door at the end of the hall led outside to the grass and the driveway 
near the Noble Ave. exit. After 1935, a student mural covered the width of the 
hall over the door. (Later this mural and this entire wall were changed to add 
another corridor of classrooms and the Raymond Moore Auditorium.) Early stu- 
dents at LFHS thought that the gray walls needed brightening, so they painted 
dozens of murals that remained in the school for years. 

The southern-most room on the other side of the hall was also used for lan- 
guage classes. Just north of that, stairs lead to the second and third floors and down 
a few steps to the outside. Originally, these stairs did not go to the basement, and 
there were no glass fire-doors separating the stairs and the hall. A gift from the 
students of 1941, murals were placed over the entrances to the halls. They were 
visible from the first and second floor landings on the stairs. The life of Abraham 
Lincoln was depicted on the first floor entrance on the south stairs, and "They That 

Lake Forest High School was constructed to look as much like a 
Georgian mansion as possible. 

Go Down to the Sea in Ships" on the second floor entrance. These murals still 
decorate the staircases today. 

The north end of this hall led into the gym foyer, as it does today. Then, too, a 
display case and telephone booth were built into the wall at the left. At the far end 
of the foyer was another display case, surrounded by plaster and woodwork. Out the 
three double doors to the left was a porch and steps, which originally led only to a 
sidewalk before the driveway was continued. Three matching double doors lead into 
the gym from the foyer. These, too, were overlooked by student-painted murals, 
later taken down in the 1940's. 

1956 Southern Main Hall: Murals originally hung over side doors. 

The area north of the stairs on the first floor was occupied by the bookkeeping 
room. Across the rotunda from this was the typing room — the only room in the 
school with acoustical plaster. "The acoustics in the other rooms were awful," said 
English teacher Dr. Frank Townsend. 

Next to this was a student bookstore, with a window opening out into the 
corridor. Both were removed in later years and replaced by additional office space. 

Adjacent to the bookstore was the north staircase, identical to the one on the 
south side of the building. Here too were murals, one depicting the history of reli- 
gion, and a collage of fictional characters on the second. North of the stairs was 
the nurse's office, which featured a whirlpool bath for treating injuries. 

Across the hall was a large, open art room. Today, this space has been divided 
into separate guidance offices, though originally it was one extensive unit. A con- 
ference room separated the art room from the principal's office and the main office 

to the south on this hall. The main office and student bulletin board still occupy 
the space they did when the school was first constructed. 

From the beginning, Lake Forest High School had a two-way public address 
system controlled from the main office. The high school was one of the first in the 
country to have this facility, which allowed communication between classrooms and 
the office, and made it possible for administrators to listen in on classes without the 
knowledge of the teacher or the students. 

In 1935, the gym (now used only for some girls' P.E. classes) was considered 
modern and well-equipped. The stage at the east end made it possible to use the 
gym for all games, concerts, shows, programs, and gym activities (Lake Forest 
College also used the gym for their basketball games for several years). A balcony 
accessible from the second floor supplied seating, and additional bleachers could be 
folded down from the wall. Folding chairs were also used when programs were 
given in the gym-auditorium. The stage was complete with overhead lights, a back- 
stage switchboard, curtains, side entrances, and spotlights operated from a booth at 
the other end of the gym. The lighting facilities were considered excellent for a 
school the size of LFHS. 

When the gym was used for gym classes, a wooden curtain could be lowered 
from the ceiling to separate the space into two areas. The curtain rode up and down 
on four removable wooden pillars, attached to the floor and ceiling by pulleys. 

Bordering the gym on the south was another hallway, the boys' washroom, and 
the swimming pool (which is the same as it was in 1935). In the early 1940's, this 
was one of the best high school pools in the state. Even then, it had an advanced 
filtering system which was used extensively. There was great concern for the pool's 
sanitation, and the water was tested daily for chlorine and bromine levels. Dr. 
Moore tested it personally every Monday to make sure that it stayed within the 
standards set by the state of Illinois. The water and the pool were given an "A" 
rating by the Illinois Board of Health. Doors at either side of the pool still lead to 
the boys' and girls' locker rooms and showers. A balcony provides seating for 
water shows and swim meets. 

East of the pool were the mechanical drawing room, the industrial art room, 
textile shop and print shop. One of the original murals, of students working togeth- 
er, still stands in the mechanical drawing room. 

Between the pool and these work rooms was another staircase, also accessible 
from the side door of the stage. During plays and other performances, students 
would run up the stairs to the second floor, change clothes, and hurry back down 
to the stage again. 

The space down these stairs and underneath the stage was originally intended 
to be a rehearsal room, but in 1935 it was given to the Girls' Club as a meeting 
room. This small room had a two-level floor which sometimes served as a stage. 
It was cramped and stuffy, with only three windows for ventilation. Because it was 
just, above the furnace, it was usually extremely hot. In 1958, an additional hall 
leading to the new gym was built adjacent to the Girls' Clubroom, blocking the 
windows and ventilation. From then on, this area was used only for storage. 

Further down the stairs was an entrance to the girls' locker room, which was 
once used as the main entrance. Now this door is locked and never used. Originally, 
the girls' locker room had both individual dressing rooms and shower booths. Per- 
haps girls were more modest then. 

Adjacent to the girls' locker room was a small gym, used by the corrective gym 
classes (special classes set up for students with physical coordination difficulties and 

other problems). Since the 1950's, it has been used only for sorting towels. Nearby 
was the janitor's lunchroom and lounge, now used to store Civil Defense supplies 
and old furniture. 

A few steps down from the girls' locker room was the filter and fan room, 
where the pool water was circulated and filtered once a week. Down a long flight 
of stairs was the boiler room. The school was heated by coal burners. Part of the 
ceiling and wall in the boiler room opened to the outside, thus enabling the coal to 
be taken from the coal trucks and loaded directly into the furnace. Now, though the 
school is heated by oil, the same boiler room is still used. 

For a few years after the high school was built, there was no weathers tripping 
on the windows. This meant that school could not be held when the weather got 
very cold. Yet even then, when a day of school was missed, an extra one was added 
on at the end of the year. 

On the second floor, above the locker room and the stage, was the Home 
Economics department, where students ate lunch during the first few years for 
want of a cafeteria. In the years since, the facilities have been greatly updated. A 
hand-crafted wooden closet was built into the wall next to the Home Ec. room, and 
still remains today. It was here that costumes were stored for plays and quick 
between-scene changes were made. 

Across the hall from the Home Ec. room was a large Biology and General 
Science room. A door to the south side of this room opened onto a conservatory 
balcony for plant study. Now the door and the balcony remain, but they are never 
used. In 1958, a wall divider was erected, and this large room was divided into two 
separate classrooms, as it stands today. 

West of this area was another large room used for chemistry and physics. 
This area too was later divided into two rooms, and the lab and faucet facilities 
taken out when history replaced science in this corridor. 

The room next to the chemistry and physics area, (now room 224), was used 
for math classes. This was another room with an alcove/workroom to one side, 
which was left intact as the building additions and changes were made. Across the 
hall from all these classrooms were lockers and the doors leading to the balcony 
and gym seating area. A sinde flight of stairs led down to the gym foyer from the 
second floor hall, just west of the balcony. 

West of these stairs was another faculty women's lounge and the Student Ac- 
tivity room, given to the Boys' Club for a meeting place. In 1936, the Club raised 
money and bought furniture for the room. This large, airy, and well-furnished space 
sharply contrasted the little hovel in which the Girls' Club met. The operators' booth 
was located in a small room to the east of the Boys' Club room, over the flight of 
stairs. From here the spotlights were worked for stage productions in the gym. 

At the intersection of the north hall and the main hall on the second floor in 
the early years of the school, was a telephone booth, set into the wall with 
woodworking now used only as a janitor's closet. Today, as it orginally did, this 
cabinet houses a folding gate which is rolled out across the corridor on weekends to 
help guard the school. 

The main second floor corridor was also lined with lockers and classrooms. 
The room at the north-west end of the hall was originally another math classroom. 
It was large and had a skylight in the ceiling. The carpentry and woodwork still 

remain in this room, which is now used for business education. An office and a 
conference room separated this from another math room to the south. 

Adjacent to these math rooms was the school library, which is now the 
faculty study. Left nearly as it was in the 1930's, this room still contains the school's 
most exquisite cabinet work, with built-in book shelves and small cubbyholes for 
statues and paintings. At the time the school was built, this was one of the few 
libraries which stored all of its books along the walls. Windows on the west side of 
the library overlooked the front entrance, the front lawn and McKinley Rd. A fire- 
place, which was frequently used, occupied the south end of the room, and a crystal 
chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center. The library's tables and chairs were 
made from white oak, an extremely heavy blonde wood. 

The students were proud of their unique and beautiful second-floor 

Books were checked out of the library at a white oak counter on the west 
side, across from the double doors that opened into the room from the main corri- 
dor. Another set of double doors connected the library with the math classroom 
to the north, but this entrance was never used. 

The students were very proud of their unique library. They took extra care 
not to throw papers or mark on the beautiful wood. Its condition today remains as 
a testimony to the care with which the library was treated. 

The room south of the library was a study hall in the early years, placed con- 
veniently close to the library. All students spent their study halls in these two 
rooms, and could not leave without permission and a good reason. 

Adjacent to the study was a faculty men's lounge and washroom. South of this 
were two social studies rooms that fit together vertically, rather than horizontally. 
The doors of these rooms entered from the main corridor, but another corridor 
extended from the northern most door, and the classroom fit in behind the second 
one. Both of these, like the math room at the opposite end of the hall, had skylight 
ceilings, and window seats that fit under the small windows on the south side. 

The room across the hall was also used for social studies classes when the 
school was first built. Immediately north of this was the south staircase, leading up 
to the third floor. In 1935, this entire floor was unfinished brick and dripping 
mortar. (See Monograph) 


English classes occupied the two rooms north of the stairs on the second floor, 
as they do today. Originally, another room stood where the corridor now leads into 
the second floor annex. This was used as the Forest Scout office in the early years. 
Down the hall were two more English classrooms. 

The north staircase provided the only access to the basement when the school 
was first built. The area south of the stairs in the basement was unfinished during 
the first few years. The dirt floor served as the indoor track. A rifle range was set 
up, and even shot-putting was practiced in the basement until someone hit and broke 
a water pipe with the shot. The outdoor track, installed around the football field, was 
completed in the fall of 1941, 

The inscription over the front entrance reads: 

"This building is Erected and Dedicated by the Deerfields-Shields Township 
High School District to the Advancement of Knowledge and Good Citizenship. 
AD 1935." Over this stands the school symbol and motto, "Abeunt Studia in 
Mores" (Learning becomes a way of life.) 

Chuckers of Well- Aimed Erasers 


The members of the faculty of Lake Forest High School from 1935-1941 were 
interesting in many aspects. They were very diversified, many being employed from 
Deerfield-Shields Township High School in Highland Park. This created some dis- 
sidence between the Lake Forest administration and the faculty because some of 
the teachers simply did not want to come to Lake Forest. Many had taught at Deer- 
field- Shields for a great length of time and were reluctant to move to a new situation 
and administration. Another contentious point was the fact that although Mr. 
Moore, the principal, had not hired them, he was still their administrator. Needless 
to say, faculty relationships in these beginning years did not go too smoothly. 

Despite this friction between the administration and faculty members, the 
teachers' attitude toward education was a very commendable one. As professionals, 
they felt a responsibility to devote themselves to the students. This attitude is dem- 
onstrated by the fact that all teachers came a half hour early and left a half hour 
after school, devoting this time to helping students with problems. The rigidity of 
this schedule characterized all faculty responsibilities. One such responsibility was a 
plan sheet required every Friday afternoon. The teachers followed the plan schedule 
faithfully. Perhaps this contributed to the text-book philosophy of education preva- 
lent in 1935-1941. Much of the education consisted of memorization, research, and 
numerous lectures. The type of homework required of these students was quite dif- 
ferent than that of today. According to Mary Jane Myers, an early student of LFHS, 
there was much more research needed to get an A or B than is needed today. Extra 
credit was more prevalent than in recent years, but final exams were optional for 
students with a B grade or better. Essays were routine, as was just plain "busy 


work." But, despite these philosophies of education that may seem detrimental or 
pointless in today's educational system, the teachers cared a great deal for their 
students' education. As a demonstration of this concern, progress reports, then 
known as "Blue Cards," were sent out every Monday. 

Further faculty interest in the students' education was portrayed in the home- 
rooms (or sessions, as they were called). Close relationships with the pupils devel- 
oped in these sessions as the groups discussed not only everyday problems, but per- 
sonal ones as well. For example, when Mr. Swan married, his session presented him 
with an award to show their appreciation for his guidance. Essentially, these 
teachers acted as counselors, for no guidance department existed. 

The promotion of education was very important to the Lake Forest faculty, so 
in 1935, the school rented "talkies and talking machines." These are recognized 
today as movies and projectors. It is interesting to note that these movies were 
originally presented to improve education in the science areas; today, they are an 
integral portion of nearly every subject. 

The philosophy of education included not only interest for the students, but 
for the parents as well. According to Mrs. Myers, teachers then understood both the 
parents and the students much more than now. Though they taught with an iron 
hand, it was tempered with understanding and personal involvement. 

One of the most interesting characters in the school at that time was Dr. 
Raymond Moore. As principal, he was in charge of the 20 teachers that had trans- 
ferred from the Highland Park High School. Because they were young and spirited, 
Dr. Moore ran the school very strictly. 

The faculty members were required to be well qualified. Theodore Cavins was 
the head of the English department. Mr. Cavins, who came to Lake Forest High 
School in 1939, was the founder of the Forest Scout, the student newspaper. He 
felt that during this time period there was much unity among the faculty and a con- 
siderable amount of friendship between the students and the teachers. 

Kevin M. Keenan taught math and assisted with football coaching. He had 
previously taught math and coached at Mabel, Minn., before coming to Lake Forest 
High School. Mr. Keenan was an outstanding person and math teacher, who was 
tragically killed in the sixties. A scholarship is given in his honor by his numerous 
friends. Stanley F. Nelson also taught math. Mr. Nelson was well-liked by the 
majority of his students. He was a peppy and energetic teacher, as illustrated by his 
method of keeping students in order with well-aimed erasers. In the late sixties, this 
spirited classroom atmosphere was revived by the peripatetic Joseph Occhipinti. 

Thomas R. Short taught biology and was also a basketball coach. He came to 
the high school in January of 1936 and retired in 1972. He coached winning teams 
in many years, though he believes none was better than his first team, the all-confer- 
ence and all-district "light-weights" of 1937. But he had many conference and dis- 
trict champions after that. 

In 1941, Mr. Short left for a five year stint as ground officer in the Navy during 
the war. His first year teaching after his service was very academic: he taught sci- 
ence (in which he has a Master's Degree) and math. But following that year, he was 
back to his old activities — teaching the boys to be as good an athlete as he had been 
in college. 

In 1952 he was promoted to the post of Athletic Director, and so became an 
administrator instead of a teacher. He was very happy with his job, and with his 
memories. Among other things, he expanded the inter-scholastic program from three 
to eleven sports. 


In 1962, Mr. Short was given charge of "Extended Services" which meant the 
direction and operation of the adult evening school in addition to the athletic de- 
partment. He held that post until his retirement. 

Clare Shaver taught French and was responsible for putting on the "Matinee 
Francaise" with her French students, for the enjoyment of their parents and the 
grammar schools. Also, three plays were given in French for Highland Park High 
School French classes, 

Mr. Charles D. Fiester was the bashful teacher, (as the Forest Scout notes), of 
industrial arts. He served the school for thirty-plus years. 

Curtis Eiker taught European history, U. S. history, and English history. Mr. 
Eiker was head of the History department and advisor to the History Club. His 
classes had a "friendly atmosphere," and he was easy to talk to. His courses were 
mainly lecture courses, built on a textbook and workbook. In later years, a heart 
attack and other complications unfortunately forced his retirement. 

Conrad Swan, "the tested veteran" who has tamed over 35 years of mischievous 
LFHS students, taught commerce and typewriting. In addition, he introduced Span- 
ish into the curriculum in 1940-41, and he taught the course for one year. 

John C. Maloney, who is also still in the service of the high school, taught 
band, chorus and orchestra. He organized the first marching band for football 
games, and the original chorus and orchestra, which attracted one fourth of the stu- 
dent body. He had many contests with Mr. Edgar Lindenmeyer, the football coach, 
over the multi- talented students who could serve their school on football days in 
either the capacity of musician or athlete but not both simultaneously. Due to the 
limited supply of manpower in the school, they soon learned to share. He also direct- 
ed the early school musicals. 

In the middle of the 1946-47 school year, Mr. Maloney became the first guid- 
ance counselor, appointed to the post to solve the many problems of the students. 
He learned this field in additional college courses. 

He earned the nickname, "J. C. Pussyfoots," in his later years at the high 
school, for his notorious ability to suddenly appear when students were in the act 
of committing some infraction of the rules. He wore crepe-soled shoes and proved 
an excellent vigilante. 

Mr. Maloney later started the Student Personnel Center and coached a team 
for "It's Academic." In the sixties he took the post of Assistant to the Superin- 
tendent, and continues to hold that post. He has been a member of the Lake Forest 
High School staff longer than anyone else. 

Edgar Lindenmeyer, or "Lindy" as he was called by his friends, was the Direc- 
tor of Athletics, head of the Boys P.E. department, and a P.E. teacher as well as a 
football and basketball coach. Lindy' s football team was the undefeated, all-con- 
ference team of the high school, a record which bred the interest of the more than 
60 students who went out for the varsity team when there were only 400 students in 
the school. He went on to coach the all-conference and district championship teams 
of 1942, 1944, 1946, 1947, and 1951. But in the fall of 1951, he became sick, and 
was never well enough to coach again. "They never quite knew what was wrong with 
him," remembers Mr. Thomas Short. He finished the year as a study hall teacher, 
and then was gone an entire school year for operations. The next year, he returned 
as a study hall teacher and at the end of the year, retired. Mr. Lindenmeyer was 
such a popular man and so very successful in athletics that the school football field 
was later named after him. He instilled a great amount of pride and dedication to 
their sport and coach in his players. 


The teachers had other responsibilities besides classroom education. Nearly all 
the faculty had some type of involvement in Student Council. For example, the 
Council celebrated its first meeting in 1935 with a buffet supper at Mr. Nelson's 
house on October 24. The teachers' sessions were represented at the council. 
Other responsibilities were the teachers' meetings which were held at night. A 
teacher was always present in the locker room to supervise and hand out towels and 
suits. If a teacher wanted to start a creative writing class, this was done in the hours 
after school and there was never a thought of requesting additional pay. 

The faculty seemed to spur competition in the school because they organized 
ticket selling races and other contests among the sessions. They also enjoyed playing 
against the students in sports such as basketball and baseball. In 1972, we still have 
this type of activity — the student-faculty athletic contests which engender a friendly 
rivalry. Mrs. La Verne Cooke was in charge of the two dramatic presentations dur- 
ing this early period. Mrs. Clara Shaver's session presented style shows in which 
popular contemporary fashions were exhibited for the entertainment of their fellow 
students. It is evident that the faculty was very involved with the students, devoting 
much of their own time to extra-curricular activities. There were also work make- 
up days that each teacher had to maintain. On Monday, English was to be made up; 
Tuesday, languages; Wednesday, math and commerce; Thursday, social sciences. 
Because the students were often given adequate study time in class, these make-up 
hours were rarely needed. 

Each year, there was a faculty reception held by the Board of Education. Ac- 
cording to Mr. Swan, this was an extremely formal affair, with black ties and evening 
dresses. Perhaps a string trio would be playing softly in the background as the facul- 
ty socialized. But the teachers regarded this affair as an unpleasant aspect of teach- 
ing at Lake Forest High School. The faculty dinners given by the Student Council, 
however, were considerably more enjoyable. 

There is an interesting story concerning one of the teachers in this period. 
Ray Phippes of the industrial arts department was replaced in 1936 by Al Field. 
Apparently, Mr. Field profited from his innate perspicacity. He bought all of the 
property now standing behind the football field for the sum of $1,600. Everyone 
doubted the prudence of the purchase of such seemingly worthless land. However, 
Mr. Field was no fool; he later sold that land for an enormous profit. 

There were some interesting administrative offices in the years 1935-40. In 
1973, there was a Director of Research. This director was Dr. Richardson, whose 
duties were to figure out the best learning program for each student. He also ad- 
ministered the aptitude tests. For uncertain reasons, probably economic in nature, 
this particular office existed for only one year. Also in 1937, a physician and dentist, 
as well as a nurse, were on the staff. After a year, the dentist and physician were 

Some teachers left the high school to go on to other jobs. For example, Mrs. 
Harriet West quit the teaching profession to work for the Oklahoma Power and 
Light Company. Miss Violet Jones, a secretary from 1938-41, left her job to take a 
new post in Chicago. Mr. Tinkham resigned in 1939 to become the Superintendent 
of Schools in Malta, 111. 

In those beginning years, there was a visiting teacher, who served as an 
important link between home and school. She visited the homes of students in 
cases of prolonged absence or in the case of special request. She also acted as an 
intermediary between the teacher and parent. This was especially useful in situations 
where the parent or mother was unable to leave home. 


The Board of Education remained generally unchanged in those years. Such 
positions were usually held for a great length of time or for life. It consisted of ^.we 
members — George Rogers, Frank W. Read, Edward R. Seese, Laura Smith and 
E. J. Fucik; Mr. Sanwick was the Educational Advisor to the Board and Superin- 
tendent of Deerfield-Shields Township High School. The board determined the 
policy of the school and considered questions pertaining to its welfare. The mem- 
bers received no compensation for their work. 

The salaries of the faculty were not set according to any precise pay scale; 
raises were based on merit. When it came time to consider pay increases, the 
teacher's total performance was evaluated. The teachers volunteered for many activi- 
ties which they had no obligation to undertake. Undoubtedly, many of their efforts 
went unnoticed by the administrators; monetary remuneration was always uncertain. 
It is obvious that the teachers were not strictly mercenary. But whatever their indi- 
vidual motives, their infusion of interest greatly benefitted the students. 

The Chuckees 

In the first years of Lake Forest High School, the student body was an inter- 
esting one. The city of Lake Forest was composed of primarily two sociological 
groups: the upper class and the domestic servants of the upper class. Basically, 
children of the wealthier residents were sent to private eastern schools, while the 
children of the domestics attended Lake Forest High School. There were also Army 
and Navy children sent from Fort Sheridan and Great Lakes Naval Base, but these 
were the children of officers only. Few minority groups were represented in the 
student body, and thus there was little occasion for discrimination. 

The majority of students the first year were underclassmen. Originally, most 
Lake Forest students had attended Deerfield-Shields Township High School, now 
known as Highland Park High. There were approximately 1,500 students from 
Highland Park, Deerfield, Northbrook, Glen view, Lake Forest, and the northern 
New Trier area. Students in Lake Forest had the option of attending Deerfield- 
Shields, Libertyville, or Waukegan schools. Most opted for Deerfield-Shields, and 
so from World War I to 1935, much of the educational activity was centered in 
Highland Park. 

To get there, it was necessary for Lake Forest students to ride the train, the 
now defunct North Shore Line. There were four and sometimes six cars specially 
reserved for high schoolers, who were given a special rate. 

According to Peter Toomey, a former student, the new school was clean and 
bright compared to the school in Highland Park. The first students enjoyed laying 
the groundwork for all routines and traditions in those first years. Mary Jane 
Meyers, also a former student, felt that the new school (still officially called Deer- 
field-Shields Township High School, Lake Forest branch) gave students a new and 
refreshing outlook on education. 

Because classes were smaller, teachers became much more intimate with their 
students than they had been at Deerfield-Shields. The attitude of early students in- 


dicates that there was a great difference in the atmospheres of the two schools. It 
was often stated that students at LFHS had fun. 

Mrs. Meyers recalled that dirty saddle shoes and baggy corduroy pants were 
popular during that first year. Girls wore midi-length dresses and short, wavy hair. 
They wore the same baggy, blue gym suits that were required for girls in 1972 and 
hated them just as much. Dress was important to students then and most boys wore 
vests and jackets for pictures. Often, girls called their friends up at night to see what 
they were planning to wear the next day so that they could dress alike. Because this 
era in the school's history immediately followed the Depression, expensive clothes 
were more the exception than the rule. 

Entertainment and recreation in 1935 were generally created by the students 
themselves. For example, the front area of the school was a good playground, so 
boys played bicycle polo there. Boys' and Girls' Clubs chose people to speak at 
meetings once a month and bridge groups met in the clubrooms after school. Hearts 
and Blackjack were popular, but never played for money, as in 1972. With a dozen 
ping-pong tables on the school's third floor, ping-pong was popular and tournaments 
were held often. 

In 1935, the school board had a policy against school annuals. This was pri- 
marily a safeguard for local merchants rather than a restriction on students. Since 
the merchants already supported print-ups of school activities, this policy was estab- 
lished to protect them from over-solicitation. The school paper was only a mimeo- 
graphed single page, but there were write-ups about the school in the Lake Forester 
every week. 

Dances were very popular in the 1930's. LFGA, Lettermen's Club, Student 
Council and other groups sponsored dances throughout the year. Students were 
urged to try out for the floor shows held during the dances while the big bands 
rested. Stunts varied from football players playing ballerina to singing or dancing. 

Informal dances were held after most sports events, particularly basketball 
games and even away games. Afterwards, students would gather at a cafe or tavern 
nearby. Although students under twenty-one were not served drinks, all were ad- 
mitted regardless of age. There was no city-wide curfew imposed; most thought this 
was the responsibility of individual parents. 

For important dances, couples often doubled or tripled for lack of automobiles, 
or lack of permission to use them. Students were not expected to stay with one boy 
or girl throughout the evening. Girls were given small cards with spaces to reserve 
dances with particular boys. Etiquette dictated, however, that the girls dance the 
first, middle, and last dances with their dates. 

Outside of school, recreation was limited. There was a bowling alley in Lake 
Forest, but it was not used much on Saturday nights. Beer parties at the beach were 
more popular. No girls were allowed at these, and boys did not try to drive home. 
If they did not drive, the police left the boys alone; it was a mutual agreement. 

In the 1930's, movie theaters tried very hard to attract students. Decor inside 
the theaters was lush, and complete with doormen, ushers and ticket takers. A sec- 
ond movie theater stood where O'Neil's hardward store now stands, and the Deer- 
path theater often showed as many as three different movies a week. 

Dating was limited to Friday and Saturday nights mostly, though "going 
steady" was very popular among students in the 1930's. This could last any period 
of time, from one week to four years. 

Jobs for students were scarce and demanding. Mr. Toomey recalled earn- 
ing 350 an hour for cutting grass and pulling weeds. Caddying 18 holes of golf 


brought only one dollar. But as spending money, this was sufficient. Hamburgers, 
hot dogs, root beer and other teenage staples cost only a nickle then. 

LFHS's Student Council was powerful and prestigious at this time. Elections 
were preceded by at least a week of campaigning and voter turnout was always 
large. Council met once every two weeks before school started in the morning, so 
that members could attend all their assigned classes. One project of the 1936-1937 
Student Council was the production of the Student Handbook, which, after annual 
revisions, is still in use. 

Council members were in charge of keeping order in the halls, especially dur- 
ing fire drills and assemblies. The 1935-1936 Council established a student court to 
deal with minor offenses such as cutting class or being tardy repeatedly. According 
to John Maloney, then a teacher and later Assistant to the Superintendent, the court 
usually passed harsh sentences and did not stand the test of time. 

Lake Forest High School offered a broader education than Deerfield-Shields in 
Highland Park. Between 50% and 75% of its graduating class went on to college, 
despite the lack of funds in many families. 

The High School teams did very well in these early years. Many boys hoped 
to go into professional sports, and two actually left before graduation to play pro- 
fessional football. 

Athletics was a powerful force in igniting school spirit. Homeroom sessions 
wrote school songs and cheers, and students could buy season football or basketball 
tickets for only 750. The games were played on Lake Forest College facilities, or 
at West Park. Practicing was done at the now-abandoned Thorp Academy, east of 
Sheridan Road. 

Originally, LFHS teams were called the "Goldcoasters." This was generally 
despised, and, in 1938, a contest was held for a new name in which "Forest Scouts" 
won. Essentially, the name was derived from the Senior Star on the floor of the 
main hall: the star is a compass which points the way out of the forest (Lake Forest) 
for all the "scouts" who enter the school. It was during this year, 1938, that the 
tradition of the star was established. "Every school needs a few traditions," said Mr. 
Maloney. "We were a new school — we didn't have any, so we thought this up." 

Lake Forest High School's second year of existence was much like the first, 
though things had begun to settle down. School started every day at 8:45 and 
lasted until 3:45. There were six periods, plus an advisory period and lunch break. 
Four minutes maximum were allowed between classes. 

Homeroom sessions grew increasingly important in the 1930's. These served 
as organization periods and allowed students close contact with their teacher- 
advisors. Sessions were segregated between boys and girls, generally with an advisor 
of the same sex. These periods were reserved for discussions on colleges, dating, life 
in general, and homeroom advisors served the same functions as counselors did in 
later years. 

Every Monday, teachers sent blue progress cards to these homeroom advisors, 
who would then discuss them with the students. This provided closer observation of 
students' progress than the system of sending notes to parents once a quarter, as was 
done in 1972. 

During the 1937-1938 school year, Lake Forest High School had only 389 
students. The school was still very much the focal point in the students' lives and 
the center of teenage social activity. The Girls' and Boys' Clubs had large followings 
and the upperclassmen took great joy in "breaking in" the freshmen, to the latters' 
dismay. The student hang-out was Cohn's, on McKinley Road, at the corner of 
Woodland. New dating ideas included going roller skating at Great Lakes Naval 


Freshmen scrub the Senior Star. 


Base and to plays in Chicago. Saddle shoes and white cordoroy pants still prevailed 
as the students danced to the sounds of the big bands. 

There was a respectable membership in the National Honor Society. School 
spirit was strong and further encouraged as the Student Council continued to pro- 
mote a better role for the students within the school. 

In the year 1939, the first class that had completed all four years in the 
new school graduated. The school was still as small as it had been in 1935, and the 
relationships between students and teachers were just as personal. 

Classroom behavior in 1939 was still very formal, though. No student was 
allowed to move in the hall during a period without a pass, which was checked at 
every corner of the school by hall monitors. According to Mrs. Veronica McCaffrey, 
there was no "bad crowd" in Lake Forest High at the time. There was little "ditch- 
ing," and if boys wanted to smoke, they went across the railroad tracks. 

Very few students drove to school during the 1930's. Most walked or rode 
bicycles, which could be stored in a bicycle room in the basement. Students could 
go home for lunch, or bring food to school. In 1939, they first began to eat in the 
cafeteria on the third floor, rather than the Home Economics room, as in the first 
few years. For several years, mothers of students came to school and prepared 
lunches each day at noon. 

Clothes styles had changed slightly by 1939. The various costumes of the stu- 
dents consisted of short sweaters and baggy pants for the boys; pleated skirts, dou- 
ble sweaters (a short sleeved sweater topped by a cartigan), bobby socks, "pearls" 
and saddle shoes for the girls. Both boys and girls wore their hair relatively short 
and curls were definitely "copisetic" for girls. 

"Copisetic" and "smooth" were terms which were used when a student found 
something to be exciting, interesting or just all right with him. "Dope" was the slang 
term for information, while "jeez" was generally used in place of "really?". Profanity 
was limited and was not a part of the student's everyday language. 

For fun on weekends, these kids would often have house parties and dance the 
fox trot to the smooth music of the radio. In 1938-1939, big bands were popular 
and students danced to recordings of Tommy Dorsey, Les Brown, Glen Miller, 
Horace Heidt, Freddy Martin and Guy Lombardo. 

Movies continued to be popular and a movie survey printed in the Lake 
Forester proudly pointed out that students preferred wholesome pictures to the 
more "adult" films. Favorites at the Deerpath included "Young Dr. Kildare" and 
"Mr. Moto on Danger Island." Movie magazines were also popular and avidly read. 

In the following year, 1939-1940, more assemblies were scheduled than in the 
previous years. Every week, usually on Friday, an assembly was held in the audi- 
torium-gymnasium. Topics would vary; a speaker from a certain profession would 
speak about his trade, or a former student would return to speak about what he had 
done since graduation. If no speaker was scheduled, students took over and provid- 
ed some form of entertainment, such as plays or skits. 

News that George Silich, an LFHS graduate of 1938, had received high honors 
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology pleased the student body in 1939- 
1940. The Dean of M.I.T. wrote Dr. Moore that George was one of the five best 
chemistry students in the freshmen class of 680. He presented the school with the 
Technology Award, which was quite an honor for a school only five years old. 

Lake Forest High School became a member of the Encyclopedia Britannica 

Fellowship in December of 1939. At the request of the juniors and seniors, the 
Britannica Fellowship sent material concerning world affairs and problems to the 
school. With the help of this material, the students were supposedly able to discuss 


current affairs more intelligently and with less prejudice. More forums and discus- 
sion groups were organized as a result. 

In Lake Forest High's sixth year, enrollment leveled at about 400 students. 
Eighty-nine students graduated in 1941; only about 46 of these planned on going to 
college, and of these at least one-third went to Lake Forest College. The majority of 
the college-bound entered engineering or other liberal arts; few planned on major- 
ing in business or the arts. 

Awards received by graduating students during the 1930's included the D.A.R. 
award, American Legion Citizenship awards and recognition for earning the most 
points in athletics. 

By 1941, matinee dances had become very popular and were usually well- 
attended. These lasted from 3:30 to 5:00 on school days, and were apparently for 
the sole purpose of listening to music. According to the Forest Scout, "It seems 
everybody who attends the matinee dances comes solely for the purpose of listening 
to records. Last time, the floor looked as empty as a freshman's head. Those who did 
venture out into this no man's land are in line for the Carnegie medal." Somehow, 
this description is strangely reminiscent of dances of 1972. 

Jitter-bugging was just becoming popular in 1940-1941. The boogie-woogie 
records of Pete Johnson, Albert Ammons, Meade Lux Lewis and Honey Hill were 
favorites during this time. Other popular groups were those of Louis Armstrong, 
Benny Goodman, Jimmy Dorsey, Count Basie and Glenn Miller. 

In 1941, a poll of the most popular books among students at LFHS was taken. 
Gone With The Wind and Rebecca were the favorites of every class, except with 
the freshmen who preferred The Citadel. 

The school spirit of LFHS was still going strong in 1940-1941. A special com- 
mittee for school spirit promotion was formed by Student Council, and a meeting 
was held for seniors to encourage them to set good examples for the underclassmen 
in school spirit. It was also a frequent topic of discussion at meetings of the 
faculty and student clubs. 

Briefly, it can be surmised that there are surprisingly few differences between 
the students of this era and those of 1972. Given time, it seems as though attitudes 
revolve in circles, or as Mr. Maloney stated, "You kids haven't changed' — not a bit." 

Lots of Latin and a Little Dancin' 

(Curriculum and 

Co-Curricular Activities) 

Co-curricular activities in the early years of Lake Forest High School were 
based around social events such as dances, parties, and assemblies. Sponsoring such 
events was the main purpose of most of the early clubs of the high school, but as 
the years progressed, many special interest clubs were formed to add to the student's 
choice of activities. 

In the early years of the high school, the Girls Club and the Boys Club were 


the two most prominent organizations in the school. Each sponsored many of the 
school's social events, and as part of their charter, each club had its own clubroom 
already started where the students could congregate to relax and socialize during 
their before and after-school time. 

Beginning in 1935 the Boys Club held a Father-Son banquet to honor the 
members of the school basketball team. Also at this time the Girls Club began the 
tradition of a Mother-Daughter banquet, and a Big Sister-Little Sister party, both of 
which were aimed at acquainting new students and parents with the school. 

Another event sponsored by the Boys and Girls Clubs was the school's an- 
nual homecoming. The early homecomings of Lake Forest High School usually 
began on Thursday night, when an informal pep rally was held in Market Square. 
On the following Friday, classes were shortened and another pep meeting was held. 
At noon the graduates were served a Homecoming lunch, followed by a parade of 
floats (made by each of the Sessions) through the business section of Lake Forest to 
Lake Forest College's Farwell Field, where the football team played the homecom- 
ing game. To complete the festivities an informal dance was held at about 9:00 in 
the auditorium. 

Other social events begun in the first years of the school's operation were 
Senior Hop, a semi-formal dance, and the G.A.A.-Lettermen Club dance (this was 
the forerunner of Turnabout Dance of today in which the girls ask the boys for 
dates). The biggest dance of the year was the Junior Prom, for which tickets cost 
about one dollar. Before any plans were made regarding themes and decorations, 
the Junior class had to acquire 60 dollars. 

A Student Council, organized in 1935, was of a very different nature than 
today's. Some of their duties were enumerated in the minutes as such: stopping all 
the running in the halls, checking all student passes, picking up waste paper and 
other trash throughout the school, sitting at designated "monitor" posts, being 
courteous to strangers and visitors, keeping order in the halls, reporting any student 
who wrote on walls or otherwise disobeyed the rules, collecting absentee slips at 
assemblies, and turning of! lights in classrooms and other school areas that were 
not in use. Some of the Council's more amusing duties were to help eliminate gum 
chewing and to aid the principal in breaking the "puppy-love" affairs that had 
seized the school. 

Much of the time in Student Council meetings was spent determining the de- 
tails of the next Student Council party. They celebrated their first meeting with a 
buffet supper. Another party was held the first year in honor of the faculty. And the 
lasting tradition of council-sponsored festivities for the whole school was established 
in these first years with the institution of the matinee dances — dances that were held 
after school. These matinee dances gradually gave way to "sock hops," "fun fests," 
carnivals, "gym jams" and activity days, but never has a year passed when Student 
Council didn't sponsor some of these merrier moments. 

The Swim Club, Latin Club, French Club, Science Club, Math Club, and Auto 
Club were all founded in the early years of Lake Forest High School. A Dramatics 
Club was also begun and it put on such productions as "Wappin' Wharf," "The 
Enchanted Isle," "Clarence," "The Saturday Evening Ghost," and "June Mad" in 
the years from 1935-1941. In addition, the "Session Stunts," a series of skits put on 
by the various sessions, was introduced in these years. 

In 1935, Mr. Swan, who taught business, attempted to begin a Business Club 
(as was stipulated in his contract); but there was no student interest, nor has there 
been to this day. Also at this time, a debate club was formed; and in 1940 a history 
club was established, the ancestor of today's Forum. 


In 1938, Lake Forest High School formed its first newspaper, The Forest Scout 
Its staff consisted of about 40 members who, in its early years, put it out on a 
monthly basis. Also about this time the school's literary magazine, Young Idea, 
came into being. This was (and still is) a magazine where-in the students could pub- 
lish their original literary compositions. 

In 1936, the first National Honor Society was initiated at Lake Forest High 
School. Every year since that time, 15 per cent of the Junior class and 10 per cent 
of the Senior class have been elected to the society. 

In the first few years, there were only three sports for the boys to participate 
in — football, basketball and baseball — but in 1937-38, a track team was also added 
at the varsity level. Varsity sports were divided into lightweight and heavyweight 
classifications. Each was determined by the age and weight of the individual, and 
not by his high school class. 

In its early existence, Lake Forest High School was a member of the Northwest 
Athletic Conference. In 1939, however, the school was placed in a new Northeast 
Conference along with Arlington Heights, Crystal Lake, Leyden, Liberytville, Niles 
Center, Warren, and Woodstock. The reason for the change was to bring together 
local schools of comparable enrollment (400-600) and mutual interests. 

One popular side effect of sports at the young Lake Forest High School was 
that they often caused early Friday dismissals, because the sports events were held 
right after school. Strangely enough, there was no set time for these early dismissals; 
they would vary at the discretion of principal Raymond Moore. 

The basic curriculum for each of the years from 1935-1941 remained mucn 
the same, except for the addition of new courses as the school progressed. 

Every student in each particular class of the high school had certain required 
and selective courses. Freshmen were required to take English I, Math I, and P.E.; 
Sophomores were obligated to take English II, Math II, or Commercial Math, and 
a P.E. course. Requirements for Juniors were English III and P.E.; Seniors had to 
take U.S. History, Economics, and P.E. 

Each student needed sixteen units to graduate, and one's respective class was 
determined by the number of credits one had acquired. There was no standard 
method for giving out credits; some courses gave no college credits, while others, 
such as certain Spanish courses, were worth two full credits. 

Gym and several other classes were taken on a part-time basis. Freshmen and 
sophmore girls' P.E. classes met three times a week, and juniors and seniors met 
twice weekly. Freshman, sophomore, and junior boys also met three times and two 
times a week respectively. The senior boys were only required to attend gym classes 
once a week. 

Each regular class period was approximately 56 minutes in length; classes 
varied in size from 3 to 30 students. When a student was not in a class, he was 
assigned to a study hall in what is presently Room 1 1 7. In addition to their academic 
subjects, students were required to attend a session (homeroom) on Mondays and 
Wednesdays. Under this system students were divided into groups of about thirty- 
five students of the same sex and class. The individual sessions could challenge each 
other by forming their own teams for such sports as baseball, basketball, and field 
hockey. These sessions also displayed creative ability by making up acts for the 
early talent shows of the high school, the "Session Stunts." 


Part II 

The Home Front 


"Christmas, 1941 . . . Parents are concerned for their sons . . . Everyone 
knows the need for many sacrifices . . . We will probably know gasless days, butter- 
less days and meatless days . . . We must be prepared to do without many of the 
near luxuries which we deem necessities . . . We will have blackouts . . ." (Lake 
Forester, 1941.) 

The shadow of World War II was felt in every aspect of Lake Forest life. The 
prefix "Victory" was attached to gardens, buildings, efforts of all kinds. Physically, 
Lake Foresters gave their scrap metal, waste paper, rubber and old clothes: emo- 
tionally, their commitment, loyalty and people they loved. 

1941-1945 were years of saving, contributing, making do and going without. 
Lake Forest joined the rest of the country in bond drives, setting voluntary goals 
way out of proportion to the community's size. In the eighth and last of its Victory 
Loan campaigns, philanthropic residents overshot the $2,000,000 goal by almost 
$10,000. Bonds were sold in the First National Bank, regular ads in the Lake For- 
ester urged their sale, and a red thermometer in Market Square measured progress. 

In many ways, World War II divided Lake Forest families — 1,200 men and 
women went off to serve. Yet residents seemed to become closer during those years. 
The affluent citizens and their not-so-affluent servants and the majority in-between, 
each learned to cope with the same hardships, to live within the same rationing- 
board limitations. 

The Lake Forester printed recipes using "low-points" of butter, sugar, and 
meat, trying to help consumers live comfortably within restrictions. Citizens were 
urged to report violations of ceiling prices to the local rationing board. "It is the 
responsibility of you, the consumer, to see that war-time laws are obeyed by all con- 
cerned, bearing in mind that these laws were put in effect for your protection," the 
Lake Forester stated. 

The invasion of Pearl Harbor instilled the fear of attack in many Americans. 
Lake Forest, being close to two military bases, was perhaps in more danger than 
the ordinary town. As in communities all across the country, an Office for Civilian 
Defense was formed in Lake Forest, to prepare residents in the proper defense 
procedures in case of an attack. "Air-raid signals are to be given by the air-raid 
siren. The red or general alarm signal will be operated to give a fluctuating or 
warbling signal of varying pitch — for approximately two minutes duration. Two 
minutes of silence will follow. Then the red or general alarm will be sounded again." 

Captains were chosen on every block to supervise the drills and insure that they 
were carried out properly. These drills often lasted several hours, causing problems 
in neighborhoods lit by gas-lights, which took time to light and extinguish. Third 
Ward Alderman William E. David served as chairman for the Community Defense 
Plan; all city council members became members of the Lake Forest Defense Coun- 
cil which helped organize the drills. The Council passed a resolution in 1942 im- 
posing a fine and/or imprisonment on citizens failing to comply with blackout 


"They were like your fire-drills," remembers Jerrold Hansen, LFHS '47. "You 
laugh and shoot the breeze with whoever is near you. We didn't pay much attention 
to them." 

The office for Civilian Defense, at 226 E. Deerpath, also handled ration- 
registering, canvassed neighborhoods for collected items, offered courses in first aid, 
fire-fighting and maintenance of public service utilities in case of an emergency. 
Courses for adults were offered at Ft. Sheridan and Great Lakes, and teachers in- 
structed children in basic survival and calmness at school. 

The O.C.D. also started a "Weapons from Waste" campaign, gathering scrap 
metal, rubber and grease from Lake Foresters. Two helmets could be made from one 
laundry iron; from one refrigerator, three machine guns; from 50' of hose, four rain- 
coats; from 32 toothpaste tubes, tin for one fighter plane. From butter, fat, and 
cooking grease could be extracted the glycerine used in making munitions. 

Lake Forest joined the national drive for aluminum scrap even before the U.S. 
entered the war. From a 1941 Lake Forester, "Now that we have a fountain in 
Market Square practically filled with slightly used pots, pans, eyedroppers, egg-cups 
and children's playthings . . . residents are wondering just what will happen next." 

The emphasis was on save, use and reuse. Newspaper, clothing, furniture and 
rubber were re-cycled (called "returning" then.) Bins in Market Square averaged 
two car-loads of newspaper each week. The Lake Forest Furniture Depot collected 
old, broken furniture, repaired it, and sent it off where it could be reused. (Mrs. 
James Ward Thome, whose miniature furniture collections are exhibited in the Art 
Institute, helped in this endeavor.) 

Automobiles were scarce then too — few new ones were made, as all available 
material was needed in the construction of jeeps, trucks, and tanks for the war. 
Gasoline was rationed and very precious in these years; those who could formed car- 
pools or rode the electric North Shore line. 

Many Lake Forest women planted Victory gardens, canned fruit and made 
preserves to be sent overseas. (The 1942 "Session Stunts" at Lake Forest High 
School was titled "Vegetables for Victory.") Sewing and knitting circles were formed 
to make clothing for military personnel and war victims in Europe. Women were 
active in the local Red Cross, learning nursing skills and having benefit programs 
for the war. 

Lake Forest High School felt the war's effects too. From decorated veteran 
speakers and lessons in German war tactics to Pre-Flight and home-nursing courses, 
LFHS prepared its students to graduate into a world at war. Seniors left the four 
years of relative peace to enter a dangerous, uncertain future. They were united in 
their support for the war and in admiration for those who fought. 

"It was easy to have a sense of direction then — there was only one direction 
to go — straight into the service," said Brooks Smith, LFHS '45. "My class spent 
four years preparing to go into the war, and then when we graduated, and suddenly 
the war was over, it was kind of a shock." 

Academic life had to go on as normally as possible, despite all the absent stu- 
dents, or those boys who came of draft age before graduation. Those who stayed 
home waited and worried and bought war bonds. Many students joined the Victory 
Corps, contributed to the Junior Red Cross and donated blood. 

In 1943-44 alone, students and teachers raised over $7,000 for the war effort 
— donating a jeep, a "quack" (an amphibious jeep), a torpedo and a Piper Cub 
airplane to the war effort. Several years in a row, the traditional Homecoming bon- 
fire was replaced by an all-out scrap drive, and floats for the Homecoming parade 
were ruled out as an extravagant waste of paper, wood and nails. Drives for cloth- 


ing, canned food and letters to send overseas received much support from the stu- 
dent body. Everyone cared; everyone contributed. 

Because the war drained Lake Forest of many of its working age men, the job 
market for teenagers was fairly good during the years 1941-45. A Victory Place- 
ment Program was formed to find students to fill needed jobs, such as baby-sitting, 
furnace tending, and outdoor work. Many of the students equated their jobs with 
patriotic duty, and the quality of work was usually good. 

Women also did work that had been previously done by men. In Lake Forest, 
more wives and mothers worked in shops and markets than ever before, as well as in 
a variety of volunteer jobs. 

Effects of World War II were present at Lake Forest Academy also. It adopted 
a War Program, stressing three points: (1) informing the boys of the facts, the rea- 
sons, and the steps to be taken, (2) keeping them physically fit, and (3) keeping 
morale and hope high. 

Lake Forest College changed in view of special war needs also, accommodat- 
ing 250 men in an officers' training program. "You have to understand what the 
presence of 250 able-bodied men preparing to go to war overseas did to the com- 
munity," Mr. Hansen commented. "I know some parents were concerned about 
their daughters, if you know what I mean. But then these same parents had sons in 
training programs in oth^r places — they understood. For the most part, everything 
was fine. We did a lot for them, and I'm sure they appreciated it." 

Lake Forest women, members of the Red Cross Volunteers, saw to it that every 
man at Ft. Sheridan received a Christmas present, year after year during the war. 
A local U.S.O. was formed, and set up a "Defense Recreation Cottage" at the cor- 
ner of Deerpath and McKinley, across from the public library. Here, sailors and 
army personnel came for coffee, sandwiches, music and conversation, supplied by 
members of the community. 

Each week, the Lake Forester published news of local service men, reporting 
on those who had been in battle, those who received medals, and all too often, those 
who had been killed. 

Edward Arpee in his History and Reminiscences, remembers many Lake For- 
esters held prominate positions in the U.S. military during the war. Frank Knox, 
publisher of the Chicago Daily News, served as Secretary of the Navy during those 
years. Ralph Bard of Lake Rd. was his Under Secretary. Lt. General William H. 
Arnold, chief of staff of the 14th Corps and later Commander of the U.S. Infantry 
at Bougainville, built his home in the Walden area where the Cyrus McCormick 
home once stood. Perhaps the most noted of Lake Forest's "heroes" was Major 
Richard Knobloch, LFHS '36, who received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his 
flight over Tokyo with Major General Doolittle. He returned to Lake Forest High 
School in May of 1 944 to speak at a Victory assembly, telling of his historic mission 
and of the need for support on the home-front. 

Lake Forest, in the early 1940's was still very much a small, aristocratic town, 
filled with summer residences and farms. Then, as now, the Lake Forester published 
personal property listings and many names synonymous with wealth reoccurred. 
Six Armour families were listed, twelve Cudahys (who collectively listed about 
$52,835, while the average Lake Forest family reported about $175), four Donnel- 
leys, four Dicks and nine McLaughlins. Mrs. Stanley Keith of Lake Road had the 
highest single listing — $40,695. 

A "Society News" column in the Lake Forester, reporting on prominent fami- 
lies in the community, described opulent parties and imported gowns. Debutante 
parties, posh affairs at Onwentsia and elaborate garden weddings continued despite 
war-time restrictions. 


But, contrary to the image many outside of Lake Forest had of this com- 
munity, its residents were not coldly affluent and indifferent to the problems beyond 
the city limits. To the thousands of extra service men at Great Lakes and Ft. Sheri- 
dan, Lake Foresters opened their hands and their homes. 

'This year we will share our cars when we see bundle-laden shoppers, Waves, 
Navy and Army men walking home from the station on cold winter nights. . . . 
We are going to share our Christmas dinner with some lonesome man, woman or 
family living here because the war has made them Army or Navy personnel. . . ." 
(Lake Forester, 1943.) 

The Office for Civilian Defense operated as a clearing house, finding extra 
quarters for men stationed at Ft. Sheridan, which was not equipped to handle so 
many men at one time. Lake Forest had few apartments or rooming houses at the 
time, but zoning was forgotten — people gave up rooms, wings of their homes, con- 
verted servant's quarters, gardener's cottages and garage apartments into living space 
for service men. 

Other large homes held parties and weekly outings for sailors at Great Lakes, 
who came in bus loads to enjoy a day exploring an estate, swimming in a luxurious 
pool and eating "home-cooked meals." 

Lake Forest can never be called typical, and yet during 1941-45 it typified the 
feelings all across America — a forgetting of differences, a pulling together for 
something important, trying and trying and winning in the end. 

In thousands of American towns, people bundled newspaper and gave away 
old clothes and gathered, as Lake Foresters did in Market Square many times dur- 
ing those years, to sing "American Patrol," "We Did It Before," and "Remember 
Pearl Harbor." 

Building Strong Bodies 

Twelve Ways 


The typical Lake Forest teacher of the forties was young and enthusiastic 
about the formative "Wonder Bread" years of the school. That generation's educator 
was often accused of teaching and reciting facts rather than eliciting concepts about 
his subject. Perhaps not an ivory-tower intellectual, the teacher of the forties was 
instead respected for his school spirit and interest. 

The Lake Forest High School teacher was forced to be an independent worker 
because discussion of school policy was not permitted within the educational hier- 
archy. If the teacher had any problems, he had to handle them himself, using his 
own resources and experiences. This was one of the strict policies imposed by the 
principal, Dr. Raymond Moore, which led to the discontent of some teachers. 

Dr. Moore recommended teachers to the school board, which in turn usually 
hired them. He set the standards for the teacher and his criteria for selecting them 


included the following: four years of previous high school teaching experience, a 
serious dedication to teaching, and a college degree with a major in the field they 
intended to teach. In addition, many of the older teachers had masters degrees. 
These requirements led to the development of an excellent staff. 

Dr. Moore was the task-master. He was always consulted in matters concerning 
the school, and he had the final word regarding the appointment of class advisors, 
guidance, and any other positions the school board created. However, he respected 
older staff members, considered their opinions, and many times utilized their sug- 
gestions. The school board has since assumed a majority of the responsibilities 
which the principal once held and has created policies which are open to petition. 

But Dr. Moore also precipitated much discontent and resentment. He was 
especially disliked when he reprimanded both teachers and students before assem- 
blies of the entire school body. This caused embarrassment and many bitter feelings. 

Salaries for the subsequent school year were decided by Dr. Moore during the 
summer. The Board of Education would set a base salary according to the school 
budget and the pecuniary situation of the time. (This was usually $2,500 and in- 
cluded such additions as five percent for living in the expensive township and pen- 
sion allotments.) Dr. Moore then added amounts according to the merit system. He 
took into consideration the teacher's experience, his personal opinion of the teacher, 
others' opinions of the teacher, and his teaching and learning ability. In other words, 
he considered how much a teacher had to give and how well he gave it. Mr. Linden- 
meyer, in these respects, was considered the best and was consequently paid one of 
the highest salaries. 

Many teachers, of which more than two-thirds were women, left the school 
during the forties. Of the women who left, some married and others accompanied 
their husbands when they were relocated by their businesses. But there were teach- 
ers, like Theodore Cavins, who left the school for different reasons. Mr. Gavins 
left the teaching profession in 1 945 to run a summer camp — Camp Mishawauka. 
Few men left the school though. This could be attributed to Dr. Moore's rumored 
favoring of the male members of the faculty. 

Dr. Moore did not allow new teachers to have any assistance and held to this 
policy right through into the sixties. Many teachers found it difficult to maintain 
their classes, work in the framework of Dr. Moore's policies, and handle disciplinary 
problems simultaneously. 

The high school in the forties still retained the intimacy of a family, tied closely 
by the troubles of the war. There were nineteen teachers in 1942 and twenty-five in 
1947, as well as a librarian, a secretary, and a nurse. The overall teacher-student 
ratio was one to seventeen, since there were about four hundred students. This situa- 
tion made it possible for the teachers to know all of the students and in many cases, 
their families, too. 

The teachers respected and trusted the students. They put emphasis on the 
individual. An example of this was the report card system. At the end of grading 
periods it was the student's responsibility to collect his own grades. In this way, each 
student faced the teacher and the evaluation of his work. 

The teachers also had good rapport among themselves, even when school was 
not in session. Most of them lived close to the school until later years when the cost 
of living in the community rose. Since the area was very small, they had teachers 
from the other schools in town, such as Halsey, Gorton, and St. Mary's, as neigh- 
bors. And a substantial number of wives of younger teachers taught in primary 
schools to supplement the meager war-year salaries. The faculty of all the schools 
in town met annually to discuss their schools, classes, and teaching methods. 


Until 1948, the working year for the teacher began on the same day as the 
students' school year. Early in 1947, the Board of Education decided that teachers 
should report to school one week earlier in September, for a full week of discussions 
and presentations of the various subjects taught and the methods used. The first of 
these workshops was in the following year and began with a declaration of aims 
and objectives. 

On a normal school day, teachers arrived at eight o'clock a.m. and were not 
permitted to leave until four o'clock. Most taught six classes a day, which included 
a session. When a teacher was absent, his colleagues had to substitute in his classes 
during their free time. This plan helped the school budget, but was not workable 
when more than a few teachers were absent at once. 

The teachers also assumed the responsibility of disciplining the students both 
before and after the school day. One teacher would be "in charge" for a block of 
weeks and would stay at school each day until five o'clock. 

After the regular academic school day, most teachers sponsored clubs and 
other curricular activities. A faculty advisor was necessary for each school organ- 
ization. Some teachers helped with more than one. These activities brought the 
teachers still closer to the students. 

Some teachers taught night school. On Friday afternoons and various week 
nights they served as chaperones for dances. They also attended the annual meeting 
for the faculty and administrators of the Highland Park and Lake Forest High 
Schools. These meetings continued to be formal and unproductive affairs. 

At the close of the academic year, summer saw a lot of tired but happy and 
proud teachers. Some of them stayed at the school to do odd up-keep jobs — such 
as hedge trimming and painting — in cooperation with the custodians. But every 
third summer of a teacher's tenure brought the requirement of at least six weeks of 
summer school in something of value. This was often satisfied by studying for a 
university credit, or even travelling (with a hundred dollars from the school to help 
cover costs) to Canada, Europe, Mexico, South America or some place in the U.S. 
Subsequently, the majority of the faculty traveled every summer. Others, like 
Bernice Palmquist, spent their free time pursuing a hobby, such as politics. And 
then there was the group of teachers that ventured West one year to "manhandle" 
the Colorado River by raft. 

The forties also witnessed the High School's acquisition of the world's youngest 
teacher, for as Mr. Lester St. John himself says, "Working with kids keeps you 
young, and I have the best kids any place in the world." Mr. St. John never became 
that "cantakerous old grandfather" he claims to be, because he did teach and loved 
it. He came to LFHS in 1 942 to teach physics and chemistry and a pre-flight aero- 
nautics course for students who planned to fly planes in World War II. But even 
then he was bald and appeared frequently in the Forest Scout gossip columns as 
"LST." In 1960 he was named chairman of the science department and was no 
longer involved in sports or clubs. He spent his time at LFHS being interested in 
and amazed at the good he recognized in the people around him. He remembers all 
his fellow workers as "outstanding" people. He recalls his former students, his 
"noodles," with deep affection and pride, especially the "madame secretaries" of his 
later years. But Mr. St. John has failed to see the ultimate accumulation of good — 
the good in himself. He and his Hercules bike, his pride, his honesty and integrity 
will long be remembered as he leaves the school in 1972 — a school he has greatly 
improved through his efforts. 


Kilroy Was Here 

World War IFs effect on Lake Forest High School can be viewed with critical 
retrospection or nostalgic sentimentality. From a "treacherous historical perspec- 
tive" of 30 years, judgement can be passed on the dedication and involvement of 
LFHS students as reflex action, following the national trend, or as true young 
patriotism. Students of 1972 can rationalize the fierce commitment that was dis- 
played as complacency to the establishment, or mirroring of parents' philosophies, 
but perhaps not justly. High school students during that time felt the threat, and 
come December, 1941, the reality of war such as this generation will probably never 
know. For the students of the 1940's, the war provided editorial material for the 
Forest Scout, themes for Session Stunts and a focus for all causes. It limited civilian 
life-styles and took away uncles, brothers and friends, sometimes forever. 

The 1940's was a special and sentimental time in LFHS history. It was the 
epoch of bobby socks, zoot suits and military crew cuts; it was the era of "Stormy 
Weather," "Pistol Packin' Mama" and "American Patrol"; it was the autumn of 
scrap drives, the winter of stamp collecting and the spring of saying goodbyes. 

Then, Lake Forest High School served the middle-class of the well-to-do sub- 
urbian community. The economic character of the families involved with the school 
had changed from servant occupations to private businesses. The parents of students 
were primarily local merchants or workers in Chicago. 

After the four years of relative peace at LFHS, orders and officers and direc- 
tion overseas awaited most boys. For all but a few, plans for college and a career 
would have to wait until the war had been won. As graduate Brooks Smith, LFHS 
'45 remembered, "Attitudes were completely different — nobody cared very much 
about their grades or their social lives. It didn't matter. All the guys knew they were 
going into the service." 

"I remember the main thing our senior year was to decide which branch of the 
service you were going into," said Gordon Lackie, LFHS '44, who decided on the 
Navy V-12. "It was a necessary war — nobody thought of getting out of it. We 
weren't thinking immediately of college. The draft age was eighteen, and some of 
the guys who were older left school . . . ." 

Even Principal Raymond Moore was called to war, and spent the 1943-1944 
school year as a lieutenant at Columbia University. Math teacher Stanley Nelson 
served as principal in the interim. 

In 1943, LFHS had a service flag with three gold stars, honoring the three 
alumni killed to date in World War II. In the remaining two years of the war, this 
number increased. 

World War II brought with it a culture all its own. Crew cut hair (a la boot 
camp) became fashionable, as did military-cut jackets and coats. Nothing did more 
for a girl's social status than to be seen with a military man looking "smooth in his 
dress blues." 

Because of gas rationing and the shortage of automobiles, any student with a 
car was almost assured of popularity. "S" cards, given to students who could prove 
they needed gasoline to get to and from school, were also a great social asset. "To 
have one of these was really something," mused Mr. Smith. 


"We formed car pools a lot then, too. I remember squeezing twelve kids into 
a car sometimes. And the big teen crime wave was to steal a gallon of gas from a 
parked car and ride around for awhile/' remembers Mr. Smith. 

The shortage of gas limited everyone's travel. Students' opinions of this incon- 
venience, polled in the Forest Scout, ranged from "I do miss having the boys pick 
me up/' to "I no longer have the excuse that the car froze up on me when I'm late 
for school." 

Lake Forest High students donated metal, rubber, clothing, energy, time and 
blood to the war effort. In 1943-1944, homerooms competed with each other for 
the honor of buying the most war bonds. 

Other national service organizations such as the Junior Red Cross were started 
at the high school. Students collected books to be sent overseas and sold Christmas 
cards to make money. Several girls toured with the North Shore U.S.O. group and 
danced for wounded sailors at Great Lakes Naval Base. 

The school's social system seems to have been quite structured in 1942-1943. 
Cliques and clans always present in a school atmosphere were given names then. 
"The Joads" and the "Pink Rabbits" were the most influential during this time. 
The loads, a boys clique, was recognized by its use of military terminology, bull 
sessions and unique sweatshirts. The Pink Rabbits were girls who planned social 
activities, sleigh rides, barn dances and "ho-ho hops" during the Christmas season. 
Other groups, the "Weegies" and "Mrrrr . . ." lacked the secrecy and high amount 
of comradeship which the Joads and the Pink Ribbits possessed. 

Lake Forest High School was the center of its student's lives in the 1940's. 

With the inavailability of 
transportation and the sac- 
rifices brought on by the 
war, students depended on 
the school for entertain- 
ment, amusement and social 
life as well as an education. 
"There was a lot of 
school spirit then," remem- 
bered Mr. Smith. "Because 
there was a war on, there 
was nothing else to do. You 
know, you can only sit and 
watch radio so long .... 
Can you imagine every boy 
and girl wearing a tee shirt 
with 'Lake Forest High 
School Boys' (or Girls') 
Club on it? My father's 
store sold belt buckles that said 'Lake Forest High School' on them, and he could 
never keep them in stock. Everybody wanted one, they were so proud to belong to 
that school." 

Outside of school, jobs were easier to find during the war years, even for stu- 
dents, because of the shortage of men. In the 1940's, after school jobs usually paid 
about 600 an hour. Students were employed as bus-boys at the Deerpath Inn, pin- 
setters at the Bowling Lanes and "disc-slingers" at Helanders, which sold record al- 
bums then, for about 850 each. 

LFHS suffered from its own shortage of man-power because of the war. In 


World War II: Cafeteria on the third floor. 

1942, girls felt the lack of date-material so acutely that they formed a Date Bureau 
for Senior Hop. 

Football and basketball games were usually held on Fridays during this era, 
after school or in the evenings. School was often dismissed early on Fridays, so stu- 
dents could get ready for the "big game." Because war limited other entertainment, 
turnout for these games was usually very good. "There were about 400 kids in the 
school then," said Mr. Smith. "And for games, 350 would turnout in the stands. The 
other 50 would be down there playing." 

A favorite hang-out for "slick chicks" and "smooth joes" after games and 
dances at school was the College Inn of the Sherman House in Chicago, provided 
someone had a car and enough gas to get there. A real treat was to have the an- 
nouncer mention that a group from LFHS was in the "studio audience." 

"The music we had was the best in the world," says Joe Emma. "Harry James, 
Cab Calloway, Frank Sinatra and all the big band sounds." "Long Ago and Far 
Away," "Jersey Bounce" and "Someone Has Taken My Place" were favorite songs 
during this era. 

When the war ended, in the spring of 1945, LFHS was swept up in the national 
upsurge of new hope and vitality. The worries, efforts and future plans of students 
shifted direction. There was time to be happy, without the impending shadow of 
World War II, time for more fun now that the impression of national danger, how- 
ever exaggerated it may have been, was gone. 

Students in the late 1940's continued to work in after school jobs, but found 
more time for entertainment. The Peacock Supper Club was a favorite gathering 
place for students after class dances and other special occasions. It was a cocktail 
lounge and restaurant on Highway 41, not far from the school actually, but it 
seemed a long distance then, when the speed limit in Lake Forest was only 15 m.p.h. 

Students often gathered at Sally's for an early breakfast after a late dance. The 
Parkside and the Tick-Tock were also popular among students in the 1940's, but 
have since been closed and forgotten. 

Lake Forest residents were still very conscious of those young people in the 
community who had served and died in World War II, and wished to build a me- 
morial to them. Edward Welles, who later became mayor of Lake Forest, headed a 
committee to plan such a memorial and decided that a community youth center was 
the most needed project. "There could be no more fitting tribute to the sacrifices 
made during the war than this memorial dedicated to the welfare of the youth of 
Lake Forest . . ." (Lake Forester, 1947). 

LFHS students were highly pleased with this proposal, which would give them 
a place to go and talk or dance after basketball games and movies. The Cola Cabana 
Committee, a group of students from the high school, Lake Forest Academy and 
Ferry Hall which planned recreational activities, backed this wholeheartedly. For- 
merly, the center of teenage activity had been an old "Y" on Western Avenue. 

In January of 1947, architect John L. King submitted his blueprint for the 
student memorial center to the mayor's committee. It was planned to fill the needs 
of the Cola Cabana Committee specifically, which was now called the Lake Forest 
Youth Council. The proposed building, which was to be on the Summit Place side 
of West Park, included a gymnasium and a dance floor, connected by a corridor so 
that the two could run independently. The dance section was to have been specially 
portioned off into smaller rooms for the Youth Council. 

Money was a problem however, and the mayor's committee decided to buy an 
old estate rather than having a new building constructed. The Bevan estate, 740 
Green Bay Road was considered, but a city-wide referendum defeated this pro- 


posal. Later, purchase of the Koch estate, on the corner of Deerpath and Green Bay 
was approved, and it was named "Teenage Canteen." Several dances were held there 
in the fall of 1947 and students were pleased to have a place to go for a soda and to 
be with friends. 

However, several citizens raised objections to the Teen Center. They felt it was 
not a fitting memorial to those young people who had been killed in the war. A city 
vote was called to decide the future of the center, and students began to fight for 
their new privilege. Many teenagers wrote letters to the Lake Forester stating their 
feelings. One wrote that after school dances and activities, the kids liked to go 
somewhere, but the nearest grill and soda fountain open past nine o'clock was in 
Highland Park. Other students questioned the community's views on kids gathering 
on street corners when they had nothing to do. The few recreation places in Lake 
Forest were ugly and unpleasant, and students wanted a place to go and dance, with 
a juke box and snack bar. 

Students were willing to fight for the center. They held dances to raise money 
for a center of their own and sponsored essay contests for students to express their 

Despite the efforts of many people, the community center was voted down in 
the city election and the Koch estate was put up for sale. This was a disappointment 
for the students, but, said one resident, they had learned to fight for what they be- 
lieved in. 

The 1940's produced a tough, compassionate and hard-working student. Born 
in the Depression and raised in the war, he knew much about life and trying — 
accepting a small defeat, such as the Teen Center, and sharing in a much larger 

Snake Dance Through the War 

(Curriculum and 

Co-Curricular Activities) 

The curriculum at Lake Forest High School, as it entered its seventh year in 
1941, was constructed around a framework of basic courses necessary to prepara- 
tion for college. 

Many departments offered general survey courses along with their more spe- 
cific topics of study. In the social studies, there was a course known simply as 
'Social Studies' as well as a civics course and the American, European and English 
histories. This was also true in the science department. There was physics, chemistry, 
biology, and a general science course which served as an introduction to all of the 
others. Math, English and most of the other courses were not designated by the 
specific topic of study but by the semester; consequently, all students followed the 
same math and English sequence. The other courses offered remained the same as 
in the 30's with the exception of one new class, Spanish, which was added to the 
foreign language program. 


As World War II became incipient, one more change was made in December 
of 1941. Physical education classes for junior and senior boys were modified and 
lengthened by one hour a week, the purpose being to better prepare the boys for 
service in the Armed Forces. 

Interscholastic sports at the high school still consisted of football, basketball, 
baseball and track. The teams received encouragement from the all-male cheer- 
leading squad and the newly formed "school spirit" committee. 

Those who did not participate in interscholastic sports had numerous intra- 
mural sports to compete in. For the boys, there were baseball, basketball, volley- 
ball, and waterpolo teams; for the girls, the LFGAA was active and very popular. 

Other extra-curricular activities included all the various clubs, with the addi- 
tion during 1941 of a Rifle Club, Diving Club and Victory Committee. The Boys' 
and Girls' Clubs remained the largest and most popular student organizations, 
though both the Dramatics Club and the History Club had growing memberships. 
The Dramatics Club continued to present at least one production every year, and 
during the years between 1941 and 1948 put on such shows as "Seven Keys to 
Baldpate," "Brother Goose," "The Three Musketeers," "Best Foot Forward," 
"Don't Take My Penny," "Jane Eyre," "The Mockingbird," "Kind Lady," and 
"H.M.S. Pinafore" in collaboration with the music department. The music depart- 
ment got into the act each year itself with an opera or other musical production, 
and featured performances of "Trial Bv Jury," "I Hear America Singing," "The 
Chimes of Normandy" and "Pirates of Penzance" through these years. Admission 
to the shows was usually about 350. 

The History Club, originally called the Britannica Fellowship because it was 
sponsored by the Encyclopedia Britannica Co., kept its monthly meetings in the 
form of debates over current issues. The Victory Committee, formed in February 
1942, was affiliated with the National Victory Corps and sponsored activities related 
to the war effort. 

The Forest Scout continued to appear regularly as did the annual Young Idea 
and the Senior Supplement. 

Of course the school dances thrived, the most important remaining the Senior 
Hop and the Junior Prom. The matinee dances held after school by the Student 
Council were also well-attended, and in 1941 the Council began sponsoring dances 
after the basketball games (later called sock hops) to which students and players 
from both schools were invited to encourage good inter-scholastic relationships. 

During the following year, 1942-1943, many transformations in the curriculum 
and co-curricular programs occurred, changes resulting from the war-conscious so- 
ciety of which the Lake Forest Students were now a part. This year, a great effort 
was made by all the students to acquaint themselves with their peers, and on the 
day preceeding the opening of school, a "party" was given for the freshmen, called 
Freshman Day. The purpose of Freshman Day was to give the incoming freshmen 
a few pointers about survival in high school and so to prevent the "victimizing" of 
these innocent souls by the upperclassmen. Since then, Freshman Day (Freshman 
Orientation) has become an annual event. Another change during this year was the 
adoption of mixed sessions. Since the sessions had always previously been sexually 
segregated, this was quite a radical change. 

Also changed were the meeting times of the Boys' and Girls' Clubs. They began 
to meet during the sessions period and no faculty advisor was required to hold a 
meeting. The club rooms were still forbidden to students for use after school, and 
violation of this rule led to the closing of the Girls' Club room toward the end of the 
1 942 school year. 


The Homecoming Dance of 1942, like everything else, was affected by the 
war. In place of the traditional bonfire at West Park, the students collected a scrap 
metal pile. They also walked to the dance, spent no money on decorations (corn- 
stalks and pumpkins were used), and gave the proceeds to the Army and the Navy. 

The traditional Junior Prom was an informal affair that year. Again, the war 
was taken into consideration as nearly everyone walked to the dance and the dec- 
orations were minimal. One thing of particular interest, however, was that a king 
and queen of the Prom were elected for the first time in the school's history. 

Student Council held the first Fun Fest at Lake Forest High School in 1942. 
This party took place in the gym, and included dancing, card playing and ping-pong. 
The response by students to this new innovation was highly favorable and it prom- 
ised to be a yearly event in the future. The Young Idea was published in two 
separate segments in 1942-43, one for each semester, unlike what had been done in 
the past. The art work in it was done by the various art classes. 

The Victory Committee, previously formed by students after the attack on 
Pearl Harbor, expanded greatly during the school year 1942-1943. It performed a 
variety of services: 1) selling defense stamps at the main council post, 2) collecting 
old books from students for the soldiers, 3) promoting school spirit, and 4) sponsor- 
ing current events quizzes on important war figures and localities. 

The athletic department during this year was a very strong one, due to the 
emphasis on physical fitness in preparation for the war. The same line-up of intra- 
mural and interscholastic sports of the previous years continued, with the excep- 
tion that there was no interscholastic basketball team due to the gas shortages and 
subsequent rationing. The girls had much to do in the wav of swimming, basketball, 
tumbling and even football. The newly formed Guppie Club, a water ballet group, 
put on a show in the winter and the Equestrian dub, a water club that year, 
attracted 18 members. Two other new clubs that appeared that year were the Quill 
and Scroll (a writers' club) and the Latin Club. 

The rationing of food was often on the minds of the students and classes in 
nutrition were begun to instruct the students in the correct and economical prepara- 
tion of foods. Nineteen iunior and senior girls took a 30 hour course in home nurs- 
ing in anticipation of future service in that field. This course was different from the 
nine week First Aid course which met one day a week for the entire student body. 

Other courses pertaining to the war were a new typing course (utilizing more 
typewriters and an advanced teaching procedure), a new phvsical fitness course for 
the boys planning on entering the Army or Navv, a physics class taught in a manner 
paralleling the Army's course, and a new pre-flight course that instructed boys and 
girls alike in the basics of aerial navigation. 

There were basic, regular and honors divisions for most of the various subjects, 
which were denoted by a number after the course listing. The grades were the same 
as now (alphabetical) excent that pluses and minuses were used. However, "E's" 
denoted a flunking grade; "F's" were non-existent. Exams were given at the end of 
each semester, on three separate days. Each subiect and each period had a different 
room — there were no mass exams with several classes together. Students who did 
not have an exam were expected to report to the library and stay there until the end 
of the day. Students were not allowed to use their lockers during this time. 

The school year 1943-1944 was singular in respect to previous years in that 
the boys no longer went to school primarily to learn and prepare for college; rather, 
high school was rust a wav to pass the time before they could enlist in the Armed 
Forces and go off to war. The curriculum changed very little from the year before. 
The whole school was caught up with the fever of patriotism, and all social activi- 


ties revolved around this spirit. The students, unsure of their futures, wanted to have 
a good time in high school. Consequently, school spirit and participation in the 
various high school activities ran extremely strong through this year. Coach Lin- 
denmeyer reportedly "forced" each student to go out for at least one extra-curricu- 
lar activity. 

In 1942, the LFHS Victory Corps was born out of the Victory (or War Stamp) 
Committee. It joined the nation-wide effort to contribute money for 20,000 jeeps 
and in just five weeks had raised $1,300, enough for the first of its "fleet." By the 
end of the year, LFHS students had contributed $7,000 through the sale of war 
bonds, which went to financing one jeep, one 'quack' (amphibious jeep), one 'Grass- 
hopper' (an aerial jeep), and a Piper Cub, with $700 left to begin paying for a tor- 
pedo. Each piece of equipment had a plaque saying, "Contributed by the faculty 
and students of Lake Forest High School." 

The '313' Club, an auxiliary to the Victory Crops, was introduced along with 
the first jeep drive, by Stanley Nelson who was the acting principal for Raymond 
Moore. (Dr. Moore had been called to serve in the Armed Forces.) Membership 
was granted to anyone buying at least $3.13 worth of stamps — as a reminder of 
the 313 former students and faculty to date who were members of the armed 
services. "When you have joined the '313' Club, don't stop buying war stamps; but 
keep on buying as many as you can. Do without that extra candy bar or movie and 
buy a stamp instead," Nelson told an assembly. 

The Victory Corps sponsored speakers and demonstrations during the year on 
the war. A chapter of the Junior Red Cross was formed at LFHS to help contribute 
to the war effort. Membership entailed making a contribution — of any amount. 
During the year, the group sold Christmas cards, and collected 750 books to send 
to servicemen all over the world. 

LFHS students seemed very much together in all these projects. They were 
working for a common cause, and one they all believed in. It was driven home, in 
the sacrifices civilians had to make and in the support everyone had for those who 
were directly involved. Three Lake Forest girls danced for wounded sailors at Great 
Lakes, and toured with North Shore U.S.O. groups. Newspaper gossip columns told 
of all the parties people had for the servicemen home on leave. There seemed to be a 
general pride and feeling of accomplishment and purpose for everyone. 

The war was a constant issue at Lake Forest High School during the year 
1943-44; even the boy's intramural teams were named Army, Navy, Marines, 
Artillery, Coast Guard and Tanks. Therefore, it came as quite a surprise to the 
graduating seniors of 1944 when the whole thing ended before they really had a 
chance to become involved as adults. 

1944-1945 saw no radical changes in curriculum, except that the emphasis on 
military matter, added to several courses as a result of the war, was reduced. Gen- 
erally though, the curriculum stayed much the same as it had been: to prepare the 
students for acceptance into college — preferably in the East. The courses were still 
denoted by the numbers one through eight, designating each semester of the four 
years. The school day began at 8:40 a.m. and remained divided into 56 minute 
periods, with 30 minutes for lunch and a 30 minute session period twice a week. 

Physical education classes were held three times weekly and the boys' activi- 
ties now included instruction in indoor baseball, calesthenics, and anatomy. Girls' 
physical education substituted archery, tennis, and folkdancing for the more mascu- 
line sports. 

Added to the list of clubs that year were the new Stamp Collecting Club and 
the Camera Club, which aided student photographers with instruction in picture- 


taking and film developing. Besides this, however, little changed in the traditional 
line of co-curricular activities and options. 

In the following year, 1945-1946, the Student Council revise its set of school 
rules that all students were expected to follow: "1) running in the halls, lunchroom, 
or on the stairs is prohibited at all times, 2) eating shall be confined to the cafe- 
teria, 3) throwing candy, paper, etc. in the halls is prohibited, 4) smoking on the 
school grounds is prohibited by State Law and must be refrained from, 5) cutting 
into the lunch line is unfair to others (except when the faculty does it), 6) for the 
sake of the preservation of the beauty of the school, cutting across the front lawn 
is prohibited." (Student Handbook, 1945-46). 

This year, and in each year since, the National Arion Foundation granted an 
award to the boy and girl in the chorus or orchestra who ranked the highest schol- 

The curriculum didn't change much that year with one exception: the Pre- 
flight Aeronautics Course, which was set up in response to the war, was dropped. 
However, as Lake Forest High School entered its 12th year, substantial progress 
and improvement could be noted in the various areas of math and English instruc- 
tion; these two remained the strongest departments though the foreign languages 
were also beginning to catch fire and draw students. 

The biggest co-curricular event of 1946-47 school year was the marriage of 
the principal Dr. Raymond Moore to Miss Mary Kennedy. Though the marriage 
ended unhappily some years later, it was the number one topic of conversation with 
all students at the time. 

The sports teams of 1946-47 ranged from the undefeated conference football 
team of Coach Lindenmeyer and the district tournament basketball champs of 
Coach Serfling, to the rather unsuccessful track team and the various intramural 
volleyball, tennis, baseball, hockey and swimming teams. 

During this same year, a new club was started: the Music Club. This club, with 
107 members, was created by Mr. Maloney to further student appreciation of music, 
both classical and popular. 

As usual, the school days were enlivened by many activities throughout the 
year. The school had an all-school spelling bee, a treasure hunt, a Christmas pro- 
gram, and the infamous Senior Day, in addition to the annual big school dances. At 
the end of the year, the Honors Assembly was held, during which students were 
elected to the National Honor Society and the Quill and Scroll. Here, the Howard 
Book Award, the D.A.R. Award, the Jack Swensingson Trophy for the most deserv- 
ing boy, the citizenship awards and the honorary Phi Beta Kappa Memberships were 
presented as was traditional. 

Dr. Raymond Moore was the principal of the high school throughout the years 
of the war and after. He had the job, among many others, of ringing the bells that 
started and ended the school day. Sometimes he would ring them before 3:30, for- 
mer students remember, but whenever they were rung several times in succession, 
the students knew that school was over. Many of the students would place bets on 
when they thought Dr. Moore would dismiss school on Fridays. In the year 1946- 
48, the school day was modified to consist of six periods of 45 minutes in length. 
Gym and study hall were an hour long, though the lunch period lasted 30 minutes. 

There were no Honors or Advanced Placement courses during the forties. In 
the area of English, a course called "English — Special Help" was offered for stu- 
dents who needed more intensive training in the fundamental skills of English. The 
regular English program included grammar studies, informal speaking and writing, 
famous stories in prose and verse and mythology and religion surveys. 


A change took place in the physical education classes — they now were 
held four times a week instead of just three. There was no boys' baseball team that 
year because Coach Lindenmeyer thought that track would keep his football players 
in better shape. All football players were required to go out for track. Consequently 
both teams were very good. New activities in girls' physical education included field 
hockey, tumbling, pyramid building, tap dancing, tennis, badminton and deck 
tennis. At the beginning of the year just as in the past, the girls were given physi- 
cal examinations. Those not fit for strenuous sports were given corrective gym to 
help improve their physical condition. 

The curriculum for the year 1947-48 was different from previous years in sev- 
eral respects. Oriental history was added to the courses offered in the social studies 
department and more courses in business administration were offered, such as an 
advanced office practice course and stenography. 

In November of 1947, Caspersen and Swarthout Motor Sales (C&S Motors) 
presented a new 1948 four door Ford sedan to the high school. The car made a 
new course in driver's education possible. The course was open to all students of 15 
years or older. The car was equipped with dual controls, and therefore permitted the 
first behind- the- wheel training at the high school. After successfully completing the 
course, students could receive their licenses without taking any state examination. 

One of the new clubs in 1947 was the girls' cheerleading group. Six lucky girls 
were selected by a group of faculty members to compose the cheerleading squad; 
they were picked on the basis of their rhythm, voice action and appeal. 

The first Turnabout Dance was sponsored by the L.F.G.A.A. in 1948 on Val- 
entine's Day. The theme was Sadie Hawkins Day in Dawg Patch. 

Something different was also started in the Boys' Club that year: at lunch time, 
movies were shown for everyone's enjoyment. 

The Student Council sponsored the faculty-council party, the dances fol- 
lowing the games, and College Day and Vocational Day. The latter was a day when 
businessmen from the local community were invited to come to the school to discuss 
their varied occupations with the students and their parents. 

1947-48 was the last year that the high school was in the Northeast Confer- 
ence. In 1949, it entered the North Suburban League with Woodstock, Libertyville, 
Warren, Crystal Lake, Zion-Benton and Grayslake because the schools in this 
league were closer together (thus cheaper transportation was available) and were all 
of the same relative size. 

Homecoming was celebrated in 1947 with a parade on Friday and a Pep Rally 
in Market Square the night before. There, the Snake Dance began. The kids got in a 
long line and held hands, then ran through the town making lots of noise and play- 
ing crack the whip. The snake wound its way over to West Park for the traditional 
bonfire built there by the freshman boys, after which it was customary for the upper 
classmen to blindfold the freshmen and take them for a ride in a car. The freshmen 
were driven around and around and then released to find their way home. This 
practice did not continue in future years however because of community complaints. 
Students usually ended up hitch-hiking home, which was considered very dangerous. 

Friday was an exciting day and began with the big parade, which started in 
town and made its way back to the high school in time for the game. The Scouts 
were victorious in 1947, defeating Crystal Lake 21-0. 

The Homecoming Dance was held Friday Night at 9:00 p.m. The only money 
that was allowed to be spent on a dance back then (for decorations, food and the 
band) was that which was earned by selling tickets for the dance. The tickets for 
this Homecoming Dance sold for $1.20 per couple. 


The football season was a stupendous one that year. Of the eight teams that 
Lake Forest played, only one was able to score against them (but lost anyway). 
After winning all eight games, the Scouts became the Northeast Conference Cham- 
pions, and went on to play in the finals of the district in Waukegan; unfortunately 
they finally met their match there and were defeated. 

The Lake Forest High 
School golf team made its 
debut in April of 1948. The 
squad consisted of one play- 
er: Chuck Van Etten. When 
it was discovered that a high 
school coach must accom- 
pany a school entry, Mr. 
Conrad Swan was chosen to 
be coach; but, Mr. Swan 
admits, that after compar- 
ing pupil Van Etten's best 
scorecard and master 
Swan's best card, it was dif- 
ficult to distinguish who 
was the coach and who was 
the student! 

The seniors of 1947 
wrote this to the school in 
their Senior Supplement: 
"You have offered us a bal- 
anced curriculum, well-suited to the needs of all students. . . . But more than this, 
we have known your plays, your athletics, your musical productions, your clubs, 
your publications. . . . We share a well-rounded education — an education that has 
made us aware of our abilities and has shown us how to use them." They speak for 
all graduating classes of LFHS in the forties and ever since. By looking at the years 
of 1941-48, one can understand a little more clearly just how Lake Forest High 
School has evolved into the school that we know today. It underwent many changes, 
both large and small, but throughout the years of the war and uncertainty, the school 
still remained the focal point of the students' lives, as well as that of the community. 
School spirit was an unchallenged emotion and remained with its graduates long 
after they were gone from its halls. 

The 1949 Forest Scouts show their skills. 

The Ultraviolet Light Debacle 

The lighting within a school building may seem to be an unimportant, dull 
subject. However during a period between the forties and the sixties, an additional 
system of lights was employed in the classrooms of Lake Forest High School which 
was very interesting. These were ultra-violet lights, installed in the late 1940's 


They were first put up in the shower areas of the locker rooms to prevent the 
growth of mold and odor causing bacteria; they did this job well. Not long afterward 
they were installed in all of the classrooms of the building supposedly to kill various 
types of germs, particularly cold and flu germs. There had been many recurring 
absences in previous years due to colds and flus (sometimes up to 30% of the small 
student body at one time) and these germ killing lights were supposed to take care 
of this problem. 

Although this is a factual account of the purpose of the ultraviolet lights, there 
is a humorous anecdote surrounding their installation. This story concerns two good 
friends, Mr. Gladding, who was a speech, drama, and chorus teacher in the high 
school at the time, and Dr. Raymond Moore, the principal and the man responsible 
for the purchasing of the lights. Mr. Gladding seemed to have a "chronic cold." He 
was frequently absent on Mondays and Fridays for personal reasons. Thus, Dr. 
Moore purchased the lights as a favor — or perhaps not — to assure Mr. Gladding's 
good health and presence in school (from an interview with Mr. Short, May, 1972.) 

The ultraviolet lighting system was very extensive. There were either one, two, 
three or four lights for each classroom, depending upon its size. These lights, which 
required complex rewiring, were shaped like troughs, approximately one yard long, 
containing two long thin light bulbs apiece. They were located on the walls, approxi- 
mately 10 feet off floor level, near corners, or doors. They were used everywhere: 
classrooms, offices, and washrooms. 

These lights became a very regular part of the building. Everytime a teacher 
entered a room and turned on the white lights, he would also turn on the ultraviolet 
lights; thus they were always on when class was in session. Teachers, including the 
chemistry and other science teachers, accepted the lights readily. They knew, of 
course, that the heat and radiation of the lights could be harmful if one got too close 
to them; however, they felt no apprehensions about this because of the distance be- 
tween the lights and the students. Thus the ultraviolet lights became very routine. 

The school continued to use these lights, in good faith that they were helping 
to fight the common cold (and even installed more lights in 1958-59, after the addi- 
tion to the building was constructed) until a member of the community, a Mr. John 
Ott, intervened. This Mr. Ott, a resident of Lake Bluff, had a son who normally went 
to a private school, but who attended the summer session of the high school. Some- 
how these lights were brought to this man's attention and he investigated them. Mr. 
Ott was an intelligent man and was held in high esteem throughout the community 
for his work in time lapse photography. When he began investigating ultraviolet 
lighting systems similar to the high school's, he found that they were more harmful 
than helpful. They were dangerous for their radioactive, high powered emissions 
which were not only directly harmful to the students themselves but also killed many 
of the necessary and beneficial bacterias the air contained. 

Mr. Ott brought all this to the attention of the Board of Education in numerous 
letters and discussions at their meetings. Mr. Ott's arguments were valid and had to 
be listened to. Thus during the 1962-63 school year, the use of the ultraviolet lights 
was discontinued. 

The corresponding light switches were covered with tape and orders were given 
that they were not to be used. The countless ultraviolet lights around the school 
were left idle. The lights remained in this condition through 1963-64, and were 
finally taken down during the summer of 1964. Today one can still see evidence of 
the ultraviolet lights: the plate marks on the walls of classrooms, and the useless, dis- 
connected light switches next to the regular light switches. 


One forgotten light was just taken down a year ago when it was found by 
painters repainting an office in the girls' locker room. With the removal of that last 
ultraviolet light, this curious story ends. These lights had cost the school a great 
deal of money and required a good deal of work and time in installation. Their 
purpose, whether for health or other reasons is rather questionable, as it is uncertain 
that ultraviolet lights kill cold and flu germs, although they may control mold 
growth. But in any case, the company which made the sale and supplied them to the 
high school must have laughed all the way to the bank. 

The Great Divorce 
(The Township Split) 

The birth of district 115 occurred in 1949 when the citizens of Lake Forest 
and Lake Bluff successfully petitioned to separate from Deerfield-Shields Township 
District 113. This was their third attempt. The separation was brought about by a 
desire of Lake Forest and Lake Bluff citizens to have control over their own school. 

Lake Forest High School students first attended Highland Park High School 
after its construction in 1900. In 1906 Highland Park advised Lake Forest of a 
tuition increase and the city fathers quickly considered consolidation. By 1907, 
Deerfield, West Deerfield and the southern part of Shields Township united to form 
Deerfield-Shields Township District 113. Lake Forest students continued on at 
Highland Park until 1930. In that year a statute providing for separation of school 
districts gave Lake Forest a chance to detach from District 113. A petition of 2,000 
signatures was filed on April 1, 1930 with T. A. Simpson, Lake County Superin- 
tendent of Schools. On April 19, 1930, Simpson ordered the detachment of the Lake 
Forest area from District 113. Shortly before this injunction went into effect, nine 
sections in the northern part of Shields township joined Lake Forest in a referendum 
to consider whether these areas should be included in the new district. The refer- 
endum was defeated through subsequent court decisions; the short-lived independ- 
ence of the Lake Forest district came to an end. On October 6, 1930, Circuit Judge 
E. D. Shurtleff found the statute providing for separation unconstitutional. There- 
fore District 127 (the proposed Lake Forest district) had no legal basis for exist- 
ence. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court, but to no avail. Lake Forest again 
became part of district 113. 

In 1933 another bid was made to detach from District 113. At this time High- 
land Park High School was very congested. It became necessary to enlarge the 
school buildings. However, Lake Forest wanted its own school, In an attempt to 
keep the district united, a meeting was held before the Educational Committee of 
the state legislature at which the Lake Foresters present promised to forsake any 
further notions to create a new district providing a four year high school was built 
in their community. Lake Forest financed its high school on a WPA grant of 


Work began on Lake Forest High School and it was first occupied in 1935. 
Earlier, on November 15, 1934, another referendum was held in which the nine 
sections of Shields Township, previously denied union with district 127, were ac- 
cepted into district 113. That brought district 1 13 to the area and it held until 1949. 
Lake Forest High School served the northern part of the district and Highland Park 
High School served the southern portion. However, in 1949, Lake Forest made yet 
another effort at detachment, an attempt which would not be appeased until district 
113 was split in half. 

It was on January 24, 1949, that Mayor John Giles of Lake Forest issued a 
public statement that steps had been taken towards separating Lake Forest High 
School from the Deerfield-Shields Township District. This marked the beginning of 
a series of steps toward the dissolution which finally ended a long drawn-out 
court case. Of the several reasons contributing to the decision to split, the major 
factor was the concern of Lake Foresters about their taxes. The facts indicate that 
they had a legitimate gripe. Of the total number of pupils attending the two high 
schools in Deerfield-Shields Township, only 25% actually attended the Lake Forest 
Branch. However, the Lake Forest area contributed about 45% of the taxes used 
to maintain both hieh schools! In the ten years preceding the split, Lake Forest tax- 
payers had paid $1,000,000 more in taxes then had been used to maintain Lake 
Forest High School. Also, at this time Highland Park was planning to make an 
addition to its school. The end of the war marked the beginning of a period of rapid 
growth in the district, and new facilities were needed to compensate for this in- 
crease. These additions, to be made at the Highland Park branch, would have cost 
the taxoayers some $1 ,400.000 — 45% of which would be paid by Lake Foresters; 
but giving Lake Forest students no chance to benefit from the new facilities. Many 
Lake Foresters anxiously prophesized that if Lake Forest grew very much, the high 
school here would become crowded, and the situation would become similar to what 
it had been before 1935. They feared that some students might be forced into the 
bothersome and expensive inconvenience of busing to the available facilities at 
Highland Park. 

The first steo in seeking separation was the signing of petitions. Two separate 
but identical petitions were circulated — one to be sent to the Shields Board of 
Trustees, and one to be sent to the Deerfield Board of Trustees. Both had to be 
signed by two-thirds of the eligible voters in the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff area. The 
consent of both boards was needed for the split, and if one board denied the peti- 
tions, the county superintendent would decide the case. 

The circulation of petitions was part of an effort by the entire community. 
Knight Cowles headed the movement, and he had one hundred volunteers to help 
him with this imme-se task- Petitions were carried to individual houses, but voters 
could also sign them at City Hall and several local stores. Adds were run in the 
Lake Forester urging voters to sign petitions. This operation took about one month, 
and after that time over 90% of the voters in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff had 
signed the petitions. The petitions were then turned over to City Hall for inspection 
of the legality of the signatures. Roy Whiteside acted as attorney for Lake Forest in 
this, as well as many other school matters. Miss Cory and Miss Knox were sent by 
Dr. Moore to write down all the questionable signatures on the petition. They 
typed all day on these. After running a check, none of the questioned names were 
found illegal. After thorough inspection, the petitions were turned over to the two 
boards. Without hesitation, the Shields board approved the split on March 25. This 
was to be expected because Shields Township consisted almost totally of Lake 
Forest residents. The Deerfield Board (Highland Park) took much longer to an- 
nounce its decision. On June 6, it announced that it denied the prayer of petition. 


Several reasons were given for this decision. The first reason was simply a question 
of legality. Highland Park claimed that many who had signed the petition were in- 
eligible, such as maids and domestics whose permanent addresses were not in Lake 
Forest. The Board also said that it was American tradition that education in public 
schools should be free and equal and paid by taxes based on property value, regard- 
less of whether or not the taxpayer himself benefits from the school. Other reasons 
given included the idea that it was the policy of the State Legislature to decrease 
the number of school districts, and the opinion that a split would cause educational 
standards to deteriorate in the lesser-privileged portions of the district. 

The decision was then thrown into the hands of the county superintendent, 
W. C. Petty. He held a hearing on June 27, 1949, after which he decided in favor 
of Lake Forest. The following reasons were given for his decision. 

1. The law provided for creation of school districts by petition and the 
petition filed was proper and legal. 

2. The division of the district would not jeopardize the welfare of the 
old district or the new district. (Here Mr. Petty sighted the per student 
valuation of all neighboring schools which showed that although the 
new district would have a higher per student valuation than would 
Highland Park, Highland Park's valuation would still be considerably 
higher than the average, and far above the line of educational sub- 

3. The schools were already existing as two different schools, with dif- 
ferent administrations. 

4. Both schools had sufficient enrollment and wealth to maintain a good 
educational system. They also covered sufficient territory. 

5. A community having its own school has more pride in itself, and 
American tradition is based on pride in one's community. 

The boundaries of the new district 115 were set up by Petty as shown on a 
map. The new district was instructed to hold elections for a board of education 
within 15 days of Petty's decision. As of June 29, 1949, the Shields Township ter- 
ritory was detached from district 113. But it was not until 1952 that the Supreme 
Court decision was rendered upholding the decision. 

On August 3, Highland Park filed suit against the new district 115 (Lake 
Forest) through State's Attorney Harry Hall. The suit, which eventually went to the 
Illinois Supreme Court, was field to interpret the law to determine the correct dis- 
tribution of funds. They also filed a list of signatures from the petition, and they 
contested the legality of these signatures. April 21, 1950, was set by Judge Ralph 
Dady of the Lake County Circuit Court as the date for the trial of the split. It later 
went to the Supreme Court because, after Judge Dady ruled in favor of Lake Forest 
on the split, Highland Park again appealed. 

In the Circuit Court, three main issues were involved. The first, which was the 
legality of the signatures on the petitions, was brought before the court on April 21 
and 28, 1950. It was decided that the petitions did have the necessary number of 
legal signatures. The second issue was one of financial distribution between the 
remaining District 113 and the new district 115. The school code provided that, 
after a district split, an appraisal first must be made by each district after which the 
trustees charge and credit the respective districts with their proportionate share of 
the valuations. After that, settlement must be made so that the new district receives 
a correct portion of the taxes it has paid to the old district. As a result of this, High- 
land Park paid Lake Forest $236,000, a payment which they vigorously contested. 


This was paid to Lake Forest by March 31, 1950, because Lake Forest had brought 
a court mandamus against Highland Park requesting immediate payment. Lake 
Forest was found to owe Highland Park $274,000, which represented the amount 
Highland Park had paid to build Lake Forest High School. This was to come from 
the building fund. At that time the building fund and the educational fund were 
separate budgets. This made it necessary for debts in each budget to be settled in- 
dividually, and both schools owed to the other. The debts were settled in court and 
paid by 1955. It is easy to see why Highland Park fought so hard against the split 
when one takes into consideration the fact that Lake Forest did represent close to 
one half of the taxes used by the district. The year after the split, Highland Park tax- 
payers paid almost $120,000 more in taxes for high school purposes than they 
would have if there had been no split, and Highland Park was still operating on a 
deficit budget. 

The third, and most obvious factor in the circuit court case was the legality of 
the split itself. The court enforced Mr. Petty' s decision and allowed the split. High- 
land Park appealed and the case was ended in the Illinois Supreme Court on March 
20, 1952. The split itself was not the specific issue in this case. The issue decided in 
this case, People vs. Wood et al. (Wood being the president of the new Lake Forest 
Board of Education), was the right of Highland Park to appeal the decision of the 
Circuit Court. The decision of the court was that Highland Park did not have 
grounds for an appeal, and that the decision of the Circuit Court upholding the split 
stood. This marked the end of the actual separation of the district, and the first 
point at which the new district 115 was recognized by all concerned parties. 

The split between the districts had many effects on both communities. The 
relationship between the two communities was not really drastically changed. Al- 
though some Highland Parkers may still harbor "bittter feelings," on the whole the 
split was a surprisingly amicable situation. This was because the main reason for 
the split was a concern over taxes, and there was no personal or social quarrel in- 
volved. The effects on the individual schools and students were minimal because 
the schools were already being run separately and the split provided no obstacles to 
their continued efficient operation. 

The only problems created for students were for Lake Forest vocational stu- 
dents. Lake Forest High School had no vocational program, and vocational students 
had always gone to Highland Park where the vocational program was extensive. 
After the split, students who wished to continue that program could only do so if 
they were accepted as tuition students at Highland Park. The main effect of the 
split was the independence of Lake Forest High School. A new board was elected 
which consisted of seven members, five from Lake Forest, one from Lake Bluff, and 
one from Knollwood. The new district consisted of Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, Knoll- 
wood, and Great Lakes. 

1949 marked the beginning of not only a new district but also a new era for 
Lake Forest High School. The main fear of most Lake Foresters, that of over popu- 
lation in the high school, became a reality. In 1972 Lake Forest High School stands 
as a two campus school united under one district — the district that Lake Foresters 
had envisioned since before the birth of their high school. 


Part III 

The Chaperones 


Of all that has been said of the teachers and staff of 1949-58, one thing can 
be certain; they were at least as interesting as the students. Although the turnover 
of teachers was and still is large, the size of the staff remained fairly stable, averag- 
ing about 28 persons each year. This created a close-knit faculty over which Dr. 
Moore ruled with an iron hand. Dr. Moore set high standards for the faculty result- 
ing in a staff that held at least one doctorate and approximately 19 master's degrees. 
Once a teacher had successfully completed two years at LFHS and was to be rehired 
for a third, he was eligible for the tenure plan. However if a new teacher did not 
establish himself favorably in the superintendent's opinion, he was simply not re- 
hired for the next year. Due to the absence of departments, there were no depart- 
ment heads to check up on fledgling teachers, so they had no way of knowing how 
they were doing. 

Departments for each subject were not needed in the early fifties because often 
one teacher was the sole instructor of his subject (i.e. Madame Doerfler taught all 
French classes and another teacher taught all Spanish classes). The English depart- 
ment had four teachers and occasionally held informal evening gatherings to discuss 
and coordinate their programs. Eventually the English department expanded so that 
it became increasingly more difficult to gather all the teachers involved on one eve- 
ning — thus, more formal departmental meetings began after school. 

Before these departments evolved, teachers had no one to coordinate and lay 
out courses, or to set specific policies to be followed. This allowed the teachers 
much freedom as far as their teaching methods were concerned. One student par- 
ticularly enjoyed Mr. Francis Muffin's relaxed, informal format, and felt that this 
course had the most to offer. Another felt she had learned the most from Dr. Frank 
Townsend, who always came to class well prepared and taught an almost college 
level course. Mr. M. Callen apparently used brute force to earn respect, while Mr. 
Edgar Lindenmeyer always was revered by the students as a deeply dedicated 
teacher. It is obvious that the methods used by teachers at Lake Forest High School 
were varied and usually successful. 

Because of the absence of a guidance department and a need for a daily meet- 
ing place, sessions were imposed. In addition to the session duty, each teacher was 
expected to sponsor an extra curricular activity. Dr. Moore was very adamant on 
this point and expected each teacher to participate in an activity. It has been said 
that those teachers who chose to be coaches found their paychecks to be larger than 
those who weren't coaches. 

Salaries ran from a low of $2,800 (starting salary) to a high of $7,400. Salaries 
varied, depending on individual things such as experience, the number of classes 
one taught, and the salary which Dr. Moore and the school board decided to allot. 
In contrast, the system used today to determine salaries is based largely on the 
number of college degrees held by the teacher. Also a teacher's salary was penalized 
if he didn't live in this district. 


Some teachers felt this method of deciding salaries was unfair, and held this 
among other grievances against Dr. Moore. Perhaps the issue that irritated them 
the most was Dr. Moore's policy to always back the students in student-teacher 

The effects of the Korean War were felt at LFHS in 1951 when Mr. Leo Gil- 
christ, a math and general science teacher, was called into duty by the marines. He 
left February 15, 1951. The following month Mr. Robert Haebich, an English 
teacher, and Miss Grosshans, the librarian, were married. Their engagement sparked 
student interest and prompted the writing of the following poem, which appeared in 
the Oct. 25, 1950, Forest Scout: 

"Young Mr. Haebich came in from the West, 

With Shakespeare and Caesar and the rest, 

Intent on his teaching of English and "Scout" 

With many a thought of young ladies about. 

Then one fateful day at the end of class, 

Our young Mr. Haebich chanced on a pert lass. 

Her name was Miss Grosshans, her face it was fair, 

But her overdue books were too heavy to bear. 

The students of Lake Forest began to get wary 

Of the long tetes-a-tetes in the library. 

This started the whispers, the rumors and tension, 

But our two young teachers paid no attention. 

Then came the day — the glorious day 

To the altar they're headed — they're on their way! 

'So daring in love, so dauntless in war, 

Have ye e'er heard of a gallant like young Lochinvar?' 

This marriage led to their resignation. 

Some feel that student- teacher relationships were better in the fifties than 
today. However, Dr. Townsend feels that now there are closer and more casual 
relationships then ever before. 

Teacher-teacher relationships have also showed signs of change. The old in- 
formal, evening meetings, the 30 member faculty days, no longer exist. As one 
present teacher said "Its not so embarrassing anymore not to recognize a student's 
name or face but to meet a teacher in the hall and not even know him or her, . . ." 

Inside Joe Student and 

His White Sweatsocks 


The student who attended Lake Forest High School in the era 1949-1958 had 
changed and evolved in subtle ways. This is not to say that the basic mind and soul 
were different, but that certain conditions in society had changed the school and 
thus, to a certain extent created a different type of student. 


The great national psychological feeling of relief and jubilance following the 
end of World War II brought a new view of life for everyone and a chance for 
"smoother sailing;" there was time for a student to be a little younger and have a 
little more fun. The word gay is a good description of a typical student then. 

The enrollment at the high school, which had been gradually expanding, under- 
went a boom in the later fifties. Partly as a result of the war, and partly as a result 
of the exodus to the suburbs, the socio-economic status of the students in Lake 
Forest changed. Most students were no longer children of servants or merchants, 
but of upper middle class families. Also, because of the great rush for the suburbs 
and the masses of servicemen returning home after the war, a good deal of the 
students were transfers. Lake Forest High accepted students from Lake Forest, 
Lake Bluff, Knollwood and Great Lakes Naval Base. 

To say that Lake Forest High School was a very important part of the stu- 
dents' lives is not quite sufficient. It was his life. Both work and play were centered 
around the school. Clubs were the heartbeats of the institution, as most students 
were involved in some way. The most popular clubs at this time were Intramural 
Sports, GAA, Drama Club and Forest Scout, which estimated student participation 
in the various clubs to be at least 40%. 

At school, students listened to teachers respectfully and took their word to be 
the last word. However, this did not discourage close relationships between the two 
groups; for the most part teachers were able to communicate with students and 
were an excellent scource for advice. Being counselors also, teacher offered personal 
guidance as well as academic help. 

Students of the 1950's were kept under close watch. They were always to be 
exactly where they were assigned to be, and no one was allowed to roam the halls 
without a pass. For those who wished to violate these rules, detentions were given 
quite liberally. 

Detention halls were very strict: students were required to study in absolute 
silence. However, once in a while a penny would roll up the aisle and hit the 
baseboard next to the teacher's desk. The guilty student, if caught, would be severe- 
ly reprimanded. All would be quiet for a week or so until another penny would be 
heard rolling up the aisle. 

In some ways, LFHS students were considered dependable and trustworthy. 
One Halloween in the early 1950's, the Lake Forest Police Department deputized 
184 LFHS boys and stationed them at various points to patrol for holiday 

There were exceptions, though. One day in 1949, two students strung a l A tf 
cable across the street at the northeast corner of the school parking lot, and tied it 
to two fence posts cemented into the ground. Two other boys on a motorbike were 
returning to school from lunch. As they were late, they were going at top speed 
and didn't see the thin cable in time to turn. The student driving the bike was hit 
by the cable, which slit his mouth back to his ears and tore off some gum tissue. 
The student riding behind him was thrown forward, flipped over the motorbike and 
landed on the gravel road. Both were taken to the hospital, and fortunately the 
cable wasn't securely fastened to the posts — it snapped on both ends upon impact. 

Later, Dr. Moore lined up all of the boys in the school and "was able to pick 
out" the two boys responsible for the prank. They were expelled. 

In general, LFHS students during this period were not pressured by an out- 
side world of conflict and were able to enjoy themselves consciously and uncon- 


Their social world consisted of dances and many, many parties. The school 
provided and sponsored an abundance of dances throughout the year that were very 
popular. Cellar, a school-connected organization, met every Friday night and stu- 
dents jived to the tunes from the jukebox, one of the treasures of the school. In- 
dividual parties were given at the rate of two or three "all-come" parties a weekend 
and numerous other private ones, "Slumber parties" swept the school in epidemic 
proportions in the middle fifties, monopolizing the girls at least one night a week- 
end. As the months of school dragged on the students used more and more original 
ideas for parties, such as the "come-as-you-are" party where everyone came just as 
they were dressed when they received the invitation to the party. 

Junior Prom was the 
most exciting dance of the 
year. As at all other impor- 
tant dances, the decorations 
committee racked their 
brains for months before- 
hand to come up with origi- 
nal ideas. The 1957 Prom 
Decorations Committee 
seemed to have a group of 
extremely ambitious and 
perhaps unscrupulous mem- 
bers. The theme being 
"Southern Plantation," they 
could consider of nothing 
less that having a real mag- 
nolia tree in full bloom. It 
just so happened that in the 
middle of the desserted Mc- 
Cormick Estate stood a 
beautiful blossoming mag- 
nolia tree that belonged to a Lake Forest society matron, whose dream for the past 
few years had been to build a house around this lovely tree. By the light of the 
moon, three brave boys somehow found their way to the tree and in turn the tree 
found its way to the gym for the dance. 

There was never such a beautiful prom as this one, with an 18 foot high, 18 
inch diameter magnolia tree in the center of the dance floor. Unfortunately, the 
indigant lady who owned the tree complained loudly to Conrad Swan, the junior 
class advisor, and demanded her estimated value of the tree, $1,000. Mr. Swan 
then tried to collect this amount by demanding $3.00 of each junior, but some re- 
fused to contribute and others somehow always seemed to forget to bring the money. 
With humble apologies, Mr. Swan approach the woman with only $300, which 
she accepted graciously. Imagine the astonishment of the junior class when they 
received a notice at graduation from Lake Forest Hospital thanking them sincerely 
for their $300 donation. 

The party spirit was not only reserved for after school hours. Jokes, pranks 
and gags were a great part of the school life. The students' natural liveliness and 
gaiety, which was more prevalent than before, provided great opportunity for fun 
and comedy. 

Styles in fashion in the fifties still included bobby socks and strings of pearls 
for girls. Everyone wore the same thing — there was really no question of dressing 
differently. Boys donned white or plaid shirts, bulky sweaters, bulky cordoroy pants, 


"Students jived to the tunes of the juke 

chinos and loafers. Their hair, being close-cropped, was combed back from the front 
into a sort of pomp. Girls flaunted their white socks, skirts to the knees and bobbed 
hair. For special occasions, they wore cashmere sweaters, the color gray being 
especially "keen" (nice looking). Stockings were worn only for the best nights. 

In this era, hangin' around the malt shop or smoking out at the "weed patch" 
(an area behind the school that was technically off school grounds) occupied spare 
time. Wearing your "steady's" sweater with blue and gold letters was a dream real- 
ized by few girls, but envied by all. Students gave chocolates on Valentine's Day and 
smooched on Parent's Night. 

Many problems arose 
for students during this era 
that were typical of prob- 
lems of students in all eras. 
One was boredom. A favo- 
rite past-time in Miss Doer- 
fler's class was to catch 
bees that flew in the win- 
dow. Miss Doerfler was not 
a boring teacher — this was 
common in all classes, but 
hers had the record for 
catching unusually large 

One problem these stu- 
dents did not seem to have 
was apathy. Lake Forest 
High School was their 
school and they kept it clean 
in reputation and condition. 
Competition between class- 
es existed, however. 

Joe and Mary Student having The Forest Scout ex- 

"Fun in the Fifties/' plained it like this in 1953: 

Freshmen — 

"We are excited, happy and gay; 

We romp and frolic every day. 

We love high school — 

We're faithful and true 

We are sophisticates — freshmen too " 

Sophomores — 

"What wonderful students are we all 

We now have grown big and tall. 

The frosh should get on their knees and bow, 

After all ,we're sophomores now." 

Juniors — 

"Big wheels are we in our junior year. 
We have that confident, grown up sneer. 
We humor teachers day after day. 
About school we're completely blase'." 


Seniors — 

"The lordly seniors come through the door, 

'Oh my,' they yawn, 'school is such a bore!' 

We simply must attend the next class 

Without us, the school' d collapse." 
^ But senior girls were still "big sisters" to the freshman, giving them advice and 
aid in getting along in high school. The four levels did mix and actually got along 
quite well. 

Because the student population was small, there were also certain students who 
seemed to stand out in everything. For instance, the same girl was usually Prom 
Queen, Homecoming Queen, a G.A.A. board member, a cheerleader and worked on 
a number of club staffs. Nor was it unusual for a boy to be Student Council presi- 
dent, active in sports and a class officer. Outstanding students were awarded at the 
end of the year at the annual Honors Assembly. 

The students in this era liked to have get-togethers and assemblies for any 
occasion. Senior Day, at the end of the year, was celebrated with a Queen and King 
reigning and a program at which the Seniors "willed" off items to the underclassmen. 
Mrs. Elsie Volpe (LFHS '54) remembered her class being willed a pair of red sweat 
pants and then having difficulty deciding to whom she would will them. 

"Teen Talk" was a column in the Lake Forester that listed the grossip about 
all parties and socialites. Every year, there were several students from the high 
school who made the column frequently. 

Dating was as popular as ever in the 1950's. "Going steady" did not mean a 
life-long relationship, but merely a temporary bond. Many students went through 
countless temporary bonds throughout their four years at LFHS. 

Music always highlighted student social events. Glen Miller, Patty Page, Pat 
Boone and Johnnie Day were the tops in popularity, as students swooned or jitter- 
bugged to their melodies. 

Transportation was somewhat of a problem, even with war limitations lifted. 
Because of the lack of parking; spaces, few students drove to school. Many students 
relied on the North Shore Line, which ran near where the Northwestern tracks are 
now. This train served LFHS students as well as students from seven other north 
suburban schools. It made three stops in Lake Forest and one in Lake Bluff, pick- 
m<* uo students and depositing them near Noble Ave. When the question was 
raised of possibly dropping those stops and perhaps discontinuing the line alto- 
gether, the LFHS student body reacted strongly, pointing out that 81 students used 
the line for transportation to school in good weather, more used it in bad weather, 
and 164 students used it following after-school activities. The train schedule stayed 
as it was, for at least a few more years. 

After studying the students and their activities in the 1950's, one can try to 
decide if the students who sat in the desks of the high school then were any different 
than those who had sat there before, or would in years to come. By studying mere 
facts, this is difficult to determine, so one must turn to former students and teachers. 
Most alumni agree that in the era 1949-1958. students had less responsibility and 
less desire to accept it. For the most part, students were not well-informed about 
politics or the world outside. Perhaps the students matured more slowly. The school 
was their world, and they used it to live fully before having to take on the responsi- 
bilities of the adult world. It was an insulated universe where students could be 
carefree and liberated, dance to their music and follow their fads. Their high school 
years, the 1950's, were happy go-lucky — more so than any other era in Lake 
Forest High School history. 


Bustin' Bob and His Cowboys 

(Curriculum and 

Co-curricular Activities) 

Over the ten year period from the school term of 1948-49 to 1957-58, the 
curriculum offered at Lake Forest High School remained fairly constant. A few 
new courses sprang up over the years, and others were dropped; but such change 
was infrequent. 

Each of the school year's two semesters was divided into shorter grading 
periods. At first, there were six of these shorter periods a year, three each semester, 
and they were six weeks long. By 1957, however, this system was changed to the 
one presently in use at the high school, a system in which each semester consists of 
two nine week quarters. The method used to denote grades has also been changed. 
Letter grades, such as A, B and C, were used from the school's beginning until 
1953-54, when a system utilizing number grades was adopted. The numbers ranged 
from a 6, comparable to an A-f- by present grading standards, down to a 1, equal 
to an F. This system remained in use until 1967, when the school reverted to its 
former system. 

The average work load carried by the students was four or five solids. Five 
was the maximum number anyone was allowed to take. Among the offered cours- 
es were two which the students were required to take during all four years of high 
school: English and physical education. In English, two main courses were open 
to the students. The first was the normal course offered, according to the class 
that a student was in. During certain years of this period, an accelerated, or honors 
type course was developed and offered to the more advanced students. The other 
choice was Remedial Reading, designed for the student who needed extra help with 
basic reading skills. Speech was the only other English course offered over this 
period, and it was open just to seniors, who could take it in addition to their regular 
English class. In Speech, they learned how to write and present speeches and debate. 
In 1952, the name of this course was changed to Public Speaking. 

Physical education, the other required course, was changed to a five-day 
course during the fifties, and has remained so to the present. Boys who went out 
for a competitive sport were exempt from gym during that time. The girls though 
had no such option. Square dancing was one of the programs featured in gym classes 
during this time. 

History was always an extensive department at Lake Forest High School. In- 
cluded in the curriculum were a variety of courses such as Community Life, English 
History, Modern European History. Latin American History, United States History 
and Far East History. Far East History, a half year course started in 1947-48, 
changed its name to Oriental History in 1950. Community Life was a course offered 
to the freshmen. It was dropped as a course in 1954-55. and reinstated the follow- 
ing year, only to be dropped once again two years later. English, Modem European, 
Latin American, and U.S. History all remained on the curriculum over this ten 
year period. Latin American History was only a half-year course. United States 
History was required of all students by state law and was offered to juniors and 
seniors. In 1949-50, a new course, Ancient History, was offered. Unfortunately, 


this course lasted no longer than the year of its initiation. Economics was added to 
the curriculum in 1951-52, but lasted only two years. Two other courses offered 
in history during these ten years were Citizenship and Civics. The first was offered 
in 1956-57, and the second in 1957-58. 

The field of mathematics remained the same throughout all the years, except 
with respect to algebra. General Math, a freshmen course, Plane Geometry, Solid 
Geometry, and Trigonometry were all part of the curriculum. In algebra, three 
courses were offered over this time period; Alegbra, College Algebra, and Advanced 
Algebra. Occasionally only two of these three courses were offered, but the two 
varied with the years. A fixed pattern of math courses was set up for the college- 
bound student consisting of Algebra in freshman year, Plane Geometry sophomore 
year. Advanced Algebra in the junior year, and Trigonometry and Solid Geometry 
in the first and second semester of the senior year. 

Four science courses were still offered: General Science, Biology, Chemistry 
and Physics. In 1952-53, Health Science was added, but it lasted only two years. 

Latin, French and Spanish were the three options open to students of foreign 
language, the most popular of these still being Latin, which was offered to the 
students at four levels. Spanish and French, which did not have such large folio w- 
ings, were frequently not offered for a fourth year because of a lack of students. 

The scheduled courses in music, art and business education never changed. 
Band, Chorus, and Orchestra made up the music classes. The chorus was always 
quite large, meeting two or more times a day, and the band was of an average size. 
The orchestra, however, was very small. The director, Mr. Joseph Wagner, was 
known to lament this fact, to the extent of putting out an ad in the school paper 
pleading for live string players! The art department consisted of Art, Crafts, Home 
Economics (both cooking and sewing) and the Industrial Arts courses of Shop and 
Industrial Arts Drawing. Business education was programmed around the same 
courses as those offered in previous years. 

Two other classes rounded out the students' days: the sessions and lunch. Be- 
tween 1948 and 1957, all students spent their lunch hours together in the old cafe- 
teria. However, in 1957-58, due to the completion of the new cafeteria in the 
school's basement, the lunch hour was split into two sections. During the first sec- 
tion, the freshmen and sophomores ate, and during the second half hour, the juniors 
and seniors. The creation of one eighty minute class came as a result of this new 
lunch system, and it displeased the students because it was such a great deal longer 
than their regular fifty-five minute classes. 

Upon graduation during these 10 years, usually about 80% of the seniors 
went on to institutions of higher learning, compared with less than 20% in 1935 
and over 90% in 1970. 

Each school year starts off much like the one before it. Social events are 
planned routinely and are fitted into a schedule that allows them to occur at a 
fairly consistent pace, without interfering with each other. This was very much the 
case in the school years between 1948 and 1958. 

One of the first events held each year was the Big-Little Sister Party, put on 
by the senior members of the Girls' Club for the new freshman girls. Each of the 
younger girls was matched up with a 'big sister.' The purpose of this party was to 
acquaint the young girls with their new school. The Sophomore Party was another 
party held in the fall. This was a stag party for sophomores only, at which they 
played games like table tennis and mingled in a casual atmosphere. 

Homecoming remained the first big dance of the year. It was sponsored jointly 


by the Boys' and Girls' Clubs, with the boys in charge of selling tickets and the 
girls making the decorations and the refreshments. The traditional festivities includ- 
ed the parade, the football game and finally the dance. The dance's themes for the 
three years 1949, 1950 and 1951 were all very similar. All were based on football, 
as is expected, and their decorations included goalposts and pictures of football 
players. The next six years, the sponsors came up with more original themes. In 
1953, the theme was "The Snake Dance," named for that infamous ritual begun in 
the forties and still held the night before Homecoming in West Park. "The Cat," 
because Lake Forest was playing the Liberty ville Wildcats, was the theme in 1954, 
and "Indians," "The Big Day" and "The New Conference" were themes for 1955, 
1956 and 1957, respectively. This last theme choice came as a result of the school's 
change in conferences for boy's sports. As was the policy at all the high school 
dances until the sixties, students were forbidden to leave the dance before its end 
without written permission from their parents. The doors were heavily guarded to 
prevent any deviation from this standard procedure. 

The Girls' Club sponsored its first fashion shows during the fifties. At first the 
fashion shows were held only once a year, and about ten students were chosen to 
model several outfits from Hein's in Waukegan. When the school increased in size, 
several shows were held each year and clothes for both school and informal wear 
were modeled from a variety of stores. The Girls' Club also held an annual banquet. 
The banquets were, at first, mother-daughter banquets. At these banquets the girls 
and their mothers were waited on by senior boys from the Boys' Club; attractive 
decorations were made for these dinners, fitting in with such varied themes as 
Travel' and 'Circus,' and music was usually provided by various girls' singing 
groups. In 1951-52, the tradition of holding a mother-daughter banquet was broken, 
and a father-daughter banquet was held instead. The theme for the first banquet of 
this type was 'Rocket to the Moon,' and each father was his daughter's 'man in the 
moon.' Plans made this year to alternate between mother-daughter and father- 
daughter banquets were carried out in succeeding years. 

The Boys' Club also held an annual banquet. Until 1951-52, theirs had always 
been a father-son affair. At this time the senior girls from the Girls' Club repaid the 
favors they had received at their banquet by serving the food and cleaning up after- 
wards. In 1951-52, the boys, following the girls' example, broke tradition and held 
a mother-son banquet. After this, they switched annually between mother-son and 
father-son banquets. 

One of the most interesting of all assemblies ever to take place at the high 
school was held in 1951 when Edward Baron, the 'world's fastest hynotist' hyno- 
tized 13 volunteers and made them hot, cold, cry and laugh at his command, and 
then made them stick to their chairs so that they couldn't leave the stage. 

People traveled less in the fifties than today, especially students, and therefore 
field trips were a bit more special. Every year a student could usually catch one, 
whether down to Chicago with an English class for a play, with a science class to 
visit a museum or with a foreign language club to dine in either native French or 
Spanish style at a Chicago restaurant. In the spring of 1955 there was the big trip 
for 35 students of Mr. Leo Gilchrist, a science teacher: they went to Washington, 
D.C. for a week (a trip that was taken several years) to sightsee and meet such 
notables as Illinois Senator Paul Douglas. One student who went, Marguerite Otto, 
later recalled though that the greatest part of the trip was not the imposing history 
and awe of the capitol city but the climbing of so many steps. She recounted with 
excitement in a newspaper article how they all climbed 1121 steps in one day — 
862 at the Washington Monument, 52 at the Jefferson Memorial, etc. — and the 
thrilling moment was when a boy named Scott Hannah broke all previous class 


records as he reached the last of the 862 steps of the Washington Monument in six 
and a half minutes! 

The annual play, put on by the Dramatics Club, was held in the fall, and in the 
spring, the music department performed its annual operetta. l 'Years Ago," "Dear 
Ruth," "Ladies in Retirement," "My Sister Eileen," "Our Town," "Arsenic and Old 
Lace/' "The Mad Woman of Chaillot" and "Angel Street" were some of the plays 
produced between the years 1948 and 1958. In 1954, "The Barretts of Wimpole 
Street," the play which was presented, stands as unique in that one of the charac 
ters, Flush, was a dog. The part of Flush was played by Silver, a neighborhood 
cocker spaniel. Operettas put on in these ten years included "lolanthe" and "A 
Waltz Dream." 

Each year, juniors, seniors and their parents were invited to attend two educa- 
tional seminars: College Night, and the Vocational Conference. Both meetings dealt 
with making plans for the future. At College Night, representatives from colleges all 
over the country came to speak in a small group to interested students. The voca- 
tional conference introduced the students to the different fields of study and work 
open to them. This conference was put on with the cooperation of business and pro- 
fessional men in the area. 

Student Council continued to sponsor many dances and activities, and of par- 
ticular interest, organized a faculty-council treasure hunt in which participants 
raced through the building to find clues leading to a hidden treasure. The Council 
also started a new tradition in 1951 of sponsoring a square dance in January to 
celebrate the end of semester exams. 

Each winter, usually in December, the traditional Senior Hop was held. For 
three years in a row, 1949, 1950 and 1951, the themes, "Silver Sleigh," "Snow 
Flurry" and "The Snow Swirl," centered around the idea of winter and snow. The 
themes gradually became more varied, including "An Enchanted Forest," "Man- 
hatten Mood," "Tabu" and "Club '58" in later years. The Senior Hop was, at this 
time, more formal than the Junior Prom. 

Capers was the next big dance of the year, sponsored by Cellar, which came 
into being in 1953 (see monograph on Cellar). This newly-founded club, organized 
by Miss Helen Cory, met in the basement of Gorton School, where it held dances to 
records, a juke box or live' music. Dances were held every Friday night and they 
attracted large, sometimes overcapacity crowds. In 1956, the group was forced to 
move from Gorton to larger quarters at the Recreation Center. 

Session Stunts followed on the agenda. Held every year until 1957-58, the 
'Stunts' still consisted of acts made up by each session that tied in with one prevail- 
ing theme. It was put on for the community as a sort of talent show — often minus 
the talent. It was discontinued finally as it became increasingly disorderly and diffi- 
cult to organize and produce. In the place of stunts, a "May Festival" was held in 
the spring of 1958. This festival consisted of several musical and dramatic presenta- 
tions and was the beginning of today's annual talent show. 

In contrast to the formality required at the other annual dances, for the tradi- 
tional Turnabout, the students had to dress in tune with the theme. For example, in 
1951-52, "Leap Year Roundup" inspired a western atmosphere and the girls came 
in jeans, whereas, in 1955, when the theme was "Comics," the students dressed up 
in comic strip characters. A favorite tradition for Turnabout was the presentation 
of corsages made by the girls to the boys. These corsages, a joke, were fashioned out 
of vegetables such as carrots and radishes Entertainment always ran high at Turn- 
about. A variety of contests were planned: prizes were given to the couples dancing 


the best waltz and the best Charleston, to the most cleverly costumed couple, to 
the person guessing the number of buttons in a Turnabout jar, to the winner of the 
girls' pie-eating contest and to the boy who could drink a coke bottle full of milk 
the fastest while sitting on his date's lap. 

Turnabout was sponsored by the Girls' Athletic Association, which also spon- 
sored an annual "Playday," held in the school years 1949-50, 1950-51 and 1953- 
54. On this day, the members of LFGAA invited girls from neighboring schools to 
participate in a morning of tournament games in such sports as basketball and 
volleyball, after which the girls were then served refreshments before they departed. 
In 1953-54, this club also sponsored a weekend cabin trip for the girls. 

An intra-school gym exhibit was held in several years during the fifties, with 
probably the greatest of all being the show in 1955 when Bustin' Bob Behrens 
hurled over nine "salaaming" students crouched on their hands and knees. 

Guppies, the synchronized swimming club, put on a show in the spring of each 
year after an embarrassing initiation of their new members in the fall. The girls 
were forced to wear plaid skirts, unmatching plaid blouses, no make-up, hair bows 
and spots of lipstick on their noses to school and then go through a more rigorous 
initiation in the pool after school. At first, the shows consisted of separate water 
ballet acts with no continuity between acts. 1952 was the first year the girls put on 
a show in which the acts, centering around the general theme, "Down Under the 
Sea," flowed smoothly together. This trend was followed in the succeeding years 
when such themes as "Aquannas," "Heaven Scent" (all the numbers for this show 
were based on perfume names), and "A Sea of Dreams" were used. 

Two English contests were held each spring, in which representatives chosen 
from each session competed for the titles of "Best Speller" and "Best English Usage 
Contestant." Both the Spelling Bee and English Usage Contest were run and judged 
by teachers. The students were given words to spell or sentences which they were 
asked to determine as being correct or incorrect. Elimination was the process used 
to determine the winner; contestants were excluded when they answered incorrectly. 

The Band, Orchestra, and Chorus traditionally performed in two concerts year- 
ly. For several years, the Christmas concert consisted of various choruses of Han- 
del's "Messiah," performed by the Orchestra and Chorus. In the spring they were 
joined by the Band in playing songs appropriate to the season. 

Junior Prom remained the last big dance of the year. It was a formal affair, 
traditionally put on by the juniors as a tribute to the graduating seniors. Themes 
generally had a romantic, spring tone, and were often set in a southern or exotic 
climate. "Blossom Time," "Moonlight and Magnolias," "Coral Cotillion," "Stair- 
way to the Stars," "Oriental Gardens," "Southern Plantation" and "C'est Si Bon" 
were some of the themes down through these years. 

Each school year ended with an Honors Assembly at which awards, scholar- 
ships and other honors were bestowed up deserving students. Soon after this, grad- 
uation was held and the seniors, receiving their diplomas, left the school as students 
for good. 

In addition to the yearly events, there were many clubs which met throughout 
the school years, providing activities for the students and, often, services to the 

During the years 1948-51, many students participated in putting on a monthly 
radio program over station WKRS-FM in Waukegan. The show was 15 minutes 
long and presented various musical groups from the high school. In 1950-51, this 
program, called "After School Stuff," also sponsored a disc-jockey contest. 

The Junior Red Cross had modified its services with the times following the 


war, aiding veterans and for poverty-stricken children around the world. Selling 
food at the Homecoming game had been the primary method employed in raising 

The three student publications (The Forest Scout, Young Idea and the Year- 
book which had a different name each year) were continued through the fifties: the 
Forest Scout was published on a monthly basis, Young Idea once a year. 

The Rifle Club and the Music Club were both dropped in 1955-56. However, 
before this happened, they had been fairly active clubs. The members of the Rifle 
Club strove to improve their marksmanship as they shot for different National Rifle 
Club ranks. The Music Club, formed in 1946, had met monthly, and at these meet 
ings the members were entertained either by guest speakers and performers, or by 
some of their fellow members. In the last year of its existence, the club held a 
Christmas Carol Program in Market Square and a Spanish Music Festival. 

The language club consisted of three separate units, one for the students of each 
language. The French club was called "Le Cercle Francais," the Spanish club, "Los 
Picaros" and the Latin club, "SPQR." These clubs functioned independently, hold- 
ings meetings at which they put on skits and puppet shows and planned parties. 

The Jerry Werhane Club was formed in 1954-55 in memory of Jerry Werhane, 
who would have been a sophomore at LFHS had he not lost his life in August while 
attending Camp Makajawan in Wisconsin. This club's main objective was to raise 
funds to send deserving boys to the camp. The club's annual spring project begin- 
ning in 1958 was cleaning up Camp Rineburg, which had formerly been the duty 
of the senior class on the traditional Senior Day each year. But Senior Day had 
been discontinued in 1956 when some members of that year's class had supplied all 
the workers with a great amount of beer, and not too much work was done ex- 
plained a member of the class of 1948. (Since that time Senior Day has continued 
in an unsanctioned form however, usually noted on a beautiful spring day by the 
wearing of an official senior T-shirt by most members of the class, a great picnic 
some place, and a huge number of senior absences from classes.) 

The Letterman's Club was first formed by a group of seven boys in 1957-58. 
The requirement for membership in this club was the possession of a major letter 
in sports. It functioned as a service club, selling tickets and candy at games and 
ushering at the various school productions. Unfortunately, the club did not live up 
to its expectations in its first few years; but it remained, and became more success- 
ful in later years, greatly expanding and fulfilling the services initially planned. 

The Science Club was organized in 1957-58 by a new biology teacher, Mr. 
James Benton. Its membership was closely supervised and restricted to those stu- 
dents who showed intense interest. There was a board which reviewed the recom- 
mendations of students for new members, and three absences from meetings meant 
a student's removal from the club. At the meetings, the students worked on their 
own experiments, utilizing the school's equipment. In its first year the club made 
school history with the purchase of Lake Forest's first armadillo, which one of the 
members had ordered from Texas as a joke. (The creature died shortly after its 
arrival, unfortunately.) Two new clubs appeared at the high school in 1956. These 
were the Library Club and the Pep Club. The purpose of this first club was to en- 
courage reading and to improve the library service. Pep Club's purpose was to pro- 
mote school spirit. Pep rallies were held frequently and were very well-attended. 
Gerry Mahler (LFHS '58) commented, "When we had a pep rally, we really had a 
pep rally!" In 1957 this club, still fairly unorganized because of its youth, devised 
a system of giving points and awards to enthusiastic and involved members. 


At the pep rallies, the Pep Club members were led in cheers by the Cheer- 
leaders. There were two cheerleading squads: the varsity and the junior varsity. 
Throughout the years, the number of cheerleaders varied between five and six. A 
group of majorettes, girls who twirled batons, was also picked to lead the band at 
Homecoming and other football games. 

In 1957-58, LFHS switched conferences for boys' sports again, this time 
becoming part of the Northwest Suburban Conference with the other schools of Ela- 
Vernon (today Lake Zurich), Round Lake, Warren, Grayslake, Grant, Antioch 
and Wauconda. The reason was that LFHS wanted to compete with smaller schools, 
and some of the schools in the old Northeast Conference had become very large. 

Both the football and 
basketball teams had medi- 
ocre records for the majori- 
ty of these ten years. 1957- 
58 was the only year in 
which the football team 
scored some measure of 
success, when it lost only 
one of its conference games. 
In 1950-51, the basketball 
team placed second in its 
conference, with a total of 
eight wins, two losses. The 
following year the Scouts 
basketball team took the 
title of co-champion with 
Crystal Lake, in their con- 
ference. This team also went into the regionals competition, where they succeeded 
in winning their first two games. 

Track, wrestling, golf 
and tennis were the other 
sports in which the boys 
played competitively dur- 
ing these years. Wrestling 
was initiated as a sport in 
1954, with the purchase of 
$1,230 worth of necessary 
equipment. Four years later 
the boys took a first in the 
conference. The completion 
of five new tennis courts in 
1953-54 made the forma- 
tion of a boy's tennis team 
possible. The coach of this 
team was Dr. Frank Town- 
send, and in its second year 
the team tied for second 
place in the conference. 

Boy's sports, girl's sports, plays, clubs and dances — all helped to round out 
a student's life by involving him in activities with other students, and in turn helped 
him to grow towards fulfilling his future. 


After-school dedication 

Bustin' Bob warms up. 

Something to Be Proud of 

During the 1950's new ideas were being produced that would set the pace for 
the revolutionary sixties. Clothes and music were changing. Parents were turning 
to the progressive Dr. Spock for advice on rearing their children. But most of all, 
the economy was changing. The formerly small upper-middle class was growing 
and pushing itself into exclusive areas, including Lake Forest. This was especially 
true when the large estates began to break into subdivisions. As a result of the 
search for the best community to live in, a school system was constantly under 
inspection. Lake Forest High School drew many to this area, and often played a 
substantial part in decisions to move here. In July, 1956, a mother who had decided 
to remain in Lake Forest because of the school, praised it highly saying, "the 
strength of the school lies in its recognition of the student as an individual entitled 
to the respect of all school members." She hoped that it's aspirations and ideals 
would be guarded well. Parents were generally satisfied with the job the school was 
doing. The community was pleased with its conservative youth as well. Lake Forest 
High School students were commended for their practical and neat appearances. 
Although the school did boast a few bona fide "greasers," one employee at Smith's 
Men Store was quoted as saying, "You saw very few blue jeans and 'Elvis Presleys' 
in Lake Forest." Obviously this pleased the community. 

Two organizations which brought together the school and the community 
were the School Board and the Service League. The Service League was open to 
all parents of high school children. Prior to 1951, the Service League's president 
had always been a lady. However, in 1951, Mr. Stevas was elected, breaking the 
tradition. The major role of the League was to provide scholarships for "worthy" 
LFHS seniors. These scholarships were given on the basis of financial need and the 
individual's character and high school record. Applicants had to write letters to the 
scholarship committee of the League explaining their reasons for applying, and 
have two faculty recommendations. Parents also had to fill out a form. In the seven- 
teen years before 1954, the League had donated more than $7,000 in scholarships, 
helping 75 seniors begin their careers. 

The funds were raised almost entirely by the Service League's Annual Benefit 
Program, for which a relevant and interesting speaker came to the school to speak. 
Examples of some of the more successful programs were those featuring an ex- 
prisoner of war from behind the iron curtain, in 1953-4, the poet Ogden Nash, in 
1956-7, and an adventure-movie producer in 1957-8. 

The Service League became increasingly popular, as can be seen in the mem- 
bership statistics. In 1951, parent members numbered 248. The very next year, 
they had increased to 342. Many other activities were sponsored by the League, 
which probably drew new members. Discussions between faculty and parents were 
held at meetings and lectures were given. One such lecture was "Know Your Child," 
given by a child psychologist. Students and parents were annually invited to attend 
the Vocational Conference and College Night. And sometimes the League provided 
just plain entertainment. One favorite fun group was the Medicine Men from 
Abbott Laboratories. 

The Service League also funded Cellar, very popular with the students in these 
years. In fact, all were so enthusiastic about Cellar, that one whole issue of the 


Lake Forester (Thursday, December 1, 1955) was dedicated to it. Parents, teachers 
and students wrote articles commending its organization. The main thrust of the 
articles was their belief that Cellar gave the kids something to do, got them off the 
streets, and kept them out of trouble. 

The School Board, whose purpose as recorded in the 1957 Forest Trails was to 
"establish all school policies which reflected the desires of the community," was 
composed of four representatives from Lake Forest, two representatives from Lake 
Bluff, and one from the unincorporated area (Knoll wood). It met once a month, 
and had four main committees: Finance, Education, Publicity and Public Rela- 
tions, and the Grounds Committee. During this ten year span, however, several 
special committees were set up. The Board was concentrating on finalizing the split 
from the Deerfield-Shields Township High School District 113, and facing the 
problems of the quickly increasing student population. In 1952, after several years 
of battling to get a practical-sized district for Lake Forest, the Illinois Supreme 
Court finally decided that Lake Forest High School District 115 could separate 
from Highland Park High School District 113. 

In the meantime, the newly formed District 115 proposed an even further 
reduction. Lake Forest and Lake Bluff wanted to become a single district, exclud- 
ing the then present North Chicago. Farnsworth, and Great Lakes areas. Highland 
Park contested this separation and took it to court. On March 29, 1951, Judge 
Ralph Dady handed down the decision in favor of Lake Forest. Lake Forest could 
now concern itself with educating the students of it's own community. Concerning 
the final split, LFHS Superintendent Dr. Raymond Moore said, "the decision of the 
Illinois Supreme Court was logical as well as justified in the light of the wishes of 
the citizens of this high school community. The decision permits our school district 
to determine it's own educational policies and future plans." (Lake Forester, March 
27, 1952). 

Around 1954, the School Board turned its attention to the "growing pains" 
that the school was beginning to experience. After two years investigation, the Board 
had decided on the urgency of remedial action and called for a referendum on 
March 30, 1957. To support the decision of the Board. Dr. Moore told Lake Forest- 
ers it would be impossible to conduct school in 1958. His hypothesis was well- 
founded: enrollment in 1950 had been 425; by 1956 it had climbed to 518; and in 
1958, as Dr. Moore had anticipated, it grew to 676! 

The firm of Stanley D. Anderson and Associates, which had originallv built 
the high school in 1935, was hired to build the additions. Bv January of 1957, the 
school board had prepared two propositions for the community to vote on. Proposi- 
tion A was a $2,850,000 plan which included a 750 seat auditorium, teaching areas, 
a 1,300 seat bov's gym, and 20 new classrooms. Proposition B required an addi- 
tional $400,000 for a new pool also. 

The board tried to get everyone as well informed as possible. Students helped 
to pass out pamphlets, board members appeared at various organizations to talk 
about their proposal, and a public meeting was held. But they did a bad selling iob, 
as Mr. Al Glover put it. Mr. Glover, a civic-minded citizen, took an active part in 
questioning the referendum. He pointed out that since the public meeting was held 
on March 25, that left the voters only four days to make a decision on such an 
important issue. More than 300 people showed up at the public meetings — which 
left a considerable majority of voters still uninformed. Everyone there, Mr. Glover 
suggested, felt that additional facilities were definitely needed to meet the needs of 
the increasing population, but thev were appalled at the lack of information available 
from the School Board. Some of the questions he and others had about the pro- 
posed additions and the answers given are shown below: 


1. (Question) Most agreed that new classrooms were needed, but they 
questioned the need for an entire new boy's gym. Its upkeep cost 
would be somewhere around $700,000, and it would only be used 
once a week or so for assemblies. They argued that extra room for 
drama and music rehearsals was needed, but they wondered about a 
whole new auditorium, with seating for 756 people. An all-purpose 
room without elaborate seating arrangements was suggested. 
(Answer) The new auditorium and gym would be used not only for 
rehearsals, gym classes, and teaching areas, but they would also serve 
the community in a way which was not possible at the time. The 
number of seats had been arrived at scientifically to meet the needs 
of the school. Mr. P. Speidel, the president of the Board, also said 
that it would be more expensive in the long run to "tear out a wall and 
build piecemeal than to do the job right and with accurate planning." 
He pointed out that foresight always pays. (From a letter to the editor 
of the Lake Forester March 1957) 

2. (Question) Someone suggested building a whole new school. 
(Answer) The school had no property on which to build another 
school, and they had just acquired a substantial amount of property 
on which to build the additions, as well as a parking lot. There was 
also the question as to what to do with the old school, because there 
would be no immediate use for it. 

3. (Question) Mr. Glover asked for costs as compared to other building 
costs, specifically in square inches, square feet and square yards. 
(Answer) The answers were provided mostly by members of the audi- 
ence, showing the proposed Lake Forest costs to be much higher than 
those sighted from Chicago firms, an architectural magazine, and the 
Deerpath School costs. 

4. (Question) Why were the proposed costs so exorbitant? 

(Answer) It was said that in order to utilize and compliment the pres- 
ent building, prices had to be high, and also that the labor costs in 
Lake Forest were higher than anywhere else in the United States. 
They were reminded of the promise of the board that Lake Forest's 
tax rates would remain among the lowest in the country despite the 
burdensome construction costs. 

A March Lake Forester, 1957, pointed out that the several women who spoke 
up at the public meeting on March 25 were in favor of the proposed additions, say- 
ing, "You get what you pay for and if we want a good, durable school structure 
we'll have to pay for it." 

Mr. Glover summed up the situation though, when he wrote in the Waukegan 
News Sun on March 29, 1957, that at such a late date, the voters had no choice 
other than to vote 'no' on the referendum and ask the board to reconsider the pro- 
gram to see if costs could be reduced, and to re-submit a new program in 60 days. 
Apparently, this was the general opinion of all the voters. 

723 for bond issue ,, ,x 1,774 for the expansion 

1,687 against it U ^ 737 against it 

This must have been a critical issue to the community, for there was a record 
number of votes cast — 2,500. The deadline for votes was 7:00 p.m., but so many 
people remained outside the doors at that time, that the polls had to be kept open 
until 8:00 p.m.! The Board went to work to revise their plans. In late October, 
1957, they announced a plan to reduce the costs by $750,000; from $2,850,000 to 


$2,100,000. This new cost was $15.15 per square foot. 

When the second election was finally held in December of the same year, the 
proposal passed by almost the same percentage that voted it down the year before, 
70%. Groundbreaking for the new addition was set for June, 1958. 

Meanwhile, space for approximately one hundred new students enrolled for 
the 1958-1959 school year had to be found. In January, 1958, plans concerning 
the accommodation of the additional students were revealed. Those were: (1) the 
division of three large classrooms into six smaller ones, (2) the use of the cafeteria 
as a study hall, and (3) the installation of new lockers in the basement storeroom. 

In September 1959, LFHS opened with the following additions: (1) the north 
wing, consisting of a new boy's gym, industrial arts room, correctional gym (now the 
girl's locker room), snack bar and laundry rooms, and (2) the south wing, including 
the auditorium, dressing room, scenery room, bandroom, chorus room, and various 
science rooms. The additions, of course, were still under construction but by Novem- 
ber 1958, the annexations were moving rapidly along. This same year, the driveway 
in front of the school was extended to its present semi-circle. 

In addition to the new building, the main office had been remodeled and was 
connected to the guidance department by a hall. The sciences had moved from the 
north wing to the south wing, which kept Mr. St. John's "little noodles" busy carry- 
ing equipment to the new location. 

The new auditorium was dedicated to Dr. Raymond Moore on December 6, 
1959. This event marked the formal acceptance of the 1958 additions as a part of 
Lake Forest High School. 

LFHS: Something to be proud of, 

The community began to get slightly anxious when the hot rod culture began 
to spring up in the mid-fifties. Several boys, concerned about the bad reputation the 
word hot-rod was acquiring, formed the Lakesters Rods and Customs Club, hoping 
to erase the bad name. The Club was developed to be a service to the other drivers 
of the community. Said the president of the club, "We are pledged to promote auto- 
mobile safety in our community." Because of their knowledge of cars, claimed the 
Lakesters, the hot rod driver is an above-average driver. The Lakesters planned a 
city wide auto safety check with the police department, and they were also con- 
nected with the National Hot Rod Association. 

Community members were encouraged to take part in high school activities. 
The churches provided a variety of activities for students. Many awards, donations, 
and special services also showed a willingness to aid the high school. The Wauke- 
gan News-Sun gave Geoffrey Fox a scholarship for his journalistic abilities in 1958- 
1959. The Jr. Red Cross was a school sponsored club, but was affiliated with the 
area Red Cross. It sponsored a summer training course at the Lake Forest Academy. 
Also, at Christmas the club supported a needy family in North Chicago. One Lake 
Forest family donated money to the Forest Scout in memory of their son, a former 
editor who was killed in the war. A clothing store lent clothes to some Lake Forest 
High School girls for a style show; a driving school gave a lecture to the students, 
and free tuberculosis tests were given to all students by the Lake County Tuber- 
culosis Association. 

The Kiwanis Club gave an Annual Football Banquet at Lake Forest College to 
honor all LFHS football lettermen. Usually a local sportscaster or sportswriter 
would give a speech at the banquet. The Police Association gave a dinner for 184 
boys from Lake Forest High School, St. Mary's and Gorton. Members of the City 
Council, Police Force and school leaders attended the dinner. 

The American Legion held frequent citizenship assemblies, and would an- 
nually honor students who were chosen by faculty and student election, as the out- 
standing school citizens of the community. These students would give speeches at 
the Annual Citizenship Day Program. 

Of special interest during this period was a radio program which was broad- 
cast once a month by Lake Forest High School students over WKRS-FM. It was 
titled "After School Stuff" and it lasted 15 minutes (7:00 to 7:15). Another inter- 
esting program was a work credit program instituted in 1953. Under this system a 
student could work half a day for Abbott Laboratories, the Telephone Company 
or other businesses for credit, and attend school the rest of the day. Usually these 
companies were very cooperative with this school program. 

By far one of the biggest highlights of this period was when the Lake Forest 
High School student body was let out for an hour to watch the parade and meet 
General MacArthur as he passed through Lake Forest on his way to Milwaukee 
from Ft. Sherdan. John C. Maloney represented Lake Forest High School in a 
special welcoming committee. 

For long periods of time during the 10-year span of 1948-1958, no kind of 
community reaction can be found in newspapers, scrapbooks, even interviews. Dur- 
ing these times, the community members seemed to remain somewhat indifferent 
to their high school. Through their silence, though, they expressed approval of the 
one growing public high school in the midst of many more established private 


Part IV 

The Economics of Education 


The community is very important to a school. The citizens of Lake Forest 
believed in the high school and supported it. As a dividend on their invested inter- 
est, the school's excellence contributed to the community's growth. As one parent 
stated, "We moved out here because of the fine schools ... a school system which 
prepares students for college is one of the best advantages offered in Lake Forest." 
Lake Forest High School was the most important part of this system. 

The community offered much to the student. In addition to the high school's 
own summer school program, Lake Forest College provided summer school courses 
for high school students for the price of twenty dollars per credit hour. The Lake 
Forester sponsored a junior "adcraft" contest for the students. This contest gave 
the students a chance to express their advertising ability by making up ads to pro- 
mote the local community stores. A good deal of work was required of these stu- 
dents, including several meetings with the store managers. 

The community also offered scholarship aid and honors to exceptional students. 
The state of Illinois awarded scholarships to seven Lake Forest High School stu- 
dents in 1959. In addition, the DAR recognized outstanding students with the 
presentation of their annual citizenship award. A "Helen Cory" Scholarship was 
presented by Cellar and the Service League. This was a monetary award of $250 a 
year for four years, given to one girl and one boy. The American Legion held essay 
contests every year, and presented citizenship awards to two students from each 
high school class. 

The Service League, serving as a link between the school and the community, 
was very active. It featured public meetings with guest speakers talking about differ- 
ent points of education. It sponsored the May talent show, proceeds from which 
went toward student scholarships. Money from concessions was used to buy the 
school a new organ. 

In May of 1962 the Service League became involved in the referendum for 
tax increases. The school board president called for a 21% increase ($.86 per $100 
assessed income). With a rapid enrollment growth, Dr. Clyde Carter, Assistant 
Superintendent of the high school, and Dr. Albert Poole of the elementary system 
both felt that this was a necessary increase and urged people to support it. The 
League of Women Voters and the Service League actively backed it, and the referen- 
dum passed. 

The Board of Education of the district was very active and important in the 
sixties. Three new members were elected in the 1959-60 school year: Wayland B. 
Cedarquist, Ralph Rawson, and George Watson. One of the jobs of the board was 
to get bids on the summer remodeling of the high school in 1960. This included the 
rearrangement and rehabilitation of several classroom areas to create four new 
classrooms. The work also entailed the installation of new lighting systems, acousti- 
cal ceilings, and several new unit ventilators. 

The parents of the students toured the high school and met teachers at the 
annual open house. On the night of the open house, they followed a shortened ver- 


sion of their child's schedule. In 1959, this was followed by a dedication of the new 
auditorium to Dr. Raymond Moore. The parents also chaperoned all of the Cellar 
parties and activities. 

The new school auditorium was the scene of many shows and exhibits. It was 
open to community use, so that the people could further benefit from and become 
acquainted with the high school. The A.P.T. of the Lake Forest elementary schools 
staged a variety show in the auditorium which ran from March 31 to April 8, 1960. 
The Northwest Conference Music Festival was held in the gymnasium of the high 
school in May of that year. In October, 1962, the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff Commit- 
tee for Family Guidance sponsored a talk by Ann Landers, which was presented in 
the auditorium. 

In the beginning of the sixties LFHS was rated by one hundred and twenty 
different universities as one of the fifty best secondary schools in the nation. Their 
ratings were based on previous students' performances in college and/or the busi- 
ness world. 

In 1959-60, a vocational conference was held at the high school. This confer- 
ence brought students together with eighty local businessmen in order to aid the 
students in determining what kind of occupations they would like to enter. The 
chairman of this conference was Mr. John Maloney. 

Lake Forest High School's ''pioneer efforts to move forward" were cited in 
the fall of 1962 by the educational chief of the House of Representatives Commis- 
sion on Education and Labor in Washington, D.C. (Lake Forester, 1962). Lake 
Forest High School also had the distinction of being nominated to the first Honor 
Roll of the National Council of Teachers of English, for schools which reduced the 
English teacher's load. 

The Women's Club of Lake Forest showed much interest in the high school's 
American Field Service (AFS) Program, and helped the Lake Forest-Lake Bluff 
chapter raise funds. In the 1961-62 school year, the AFS student at the high school 
was Mats Janelid, a Swedish citizen. Before Mats was accepted for his year in 
America, he was in the Naval Training of the Sea Cadets Corps. At LFHS he 
played basketball and football, excelled in yachting, and tried to learn tennis. He 
lived with the Barth family of Lake Forest. 

The high school extended its contribution to the community in the fall of 1962 
by establishing the Adult Evening School. The program was created to offer semi- 
nars on world affairs, courses in the arts and home arts, business seminars, and 
language classes. The courses were conducted by professional leaders, university 
professors, and some members of the Lake Forest High School faculty. The World 
Affairs Seminar was one of the most interesting programs. It consisted of four six- 
week sessions, highlighted by participation of consul generals, a foreign trade com- 
missioner, and other authorities from foreign consulates. 

In 1963, Ralph Rawson and Wayland Cedarquht (both endorsed by the Lake 
Forest Caucus) sought re-election to the Lake Forest Board of Education. A new 
precinct was designated for the high school board — precinct III. The high school 
was designated its polling place. This precinct included all of Lake Forest north of 
Deerpath Road. Rawson and Cedarquist were re-elected unopposed from this area. 

In May of '63, new staff appointments made by the board were announced to 
the public. Dr. Andrew Tobasco became the Director of Guidance; Richard O'Dair 
became the Dean of Students; and Thomas Short became Director of Extended 
Services, the man in charge of the evening school, among other things. 

During the school year, 1962-63, LFHS became a fallout shelter. With the 
license the building owners assumed no liability. The supplies took up only one and 


one half cubic feet per person. In the case of the need to use the school as shelter, 
the gymnasium mats could be used as bedding, drapes could be pulled to restrict 
flying glass, and the pool could be used as a source of emergency water. This was 
another way in which the community benefitted from its high school. In November, 
the Civil Defense Organization of Lake County offered a free course in medical 
self-help. The course was designed to give information about two-week emergency 
care in the event of nuclear warfare, during which time no professional medical help 
would be available. 

In February, 1963, the U.S. Army placed the Civil Defense signs on the build- 
ing. On Saturday, March 9, the Civil Defense sirens were sounded at 10 and 10:15 
a.m., to begin a six month re-familiarization of Civil Defense alerts. When tested, 
not everyone could hear the sirens. Fortunately, there was time to remedy the 

In 1964, following a suit won by State Attorney General William G. Clark in 
behalf of Lake Forest High School, the school district received $5,394.25. The 
total recovery was $244,894.21, but the balance was tied up in litigation. The 
damage suit was fought at no cost to the school by the Attorney General in co- 
operation with the Attorney Generals of California, Minnesota, Michigan and Wis- 
consin. The charge was that six leading manufacturers of folding gymnasium 
bleachers set a price ceiling by a formula trust. Restrictions were not put on the 
money. The high school was allowed to use it for anything. 

In January 1964, a public meeting was called to discuss plans of a new school. 
The president of the school board, Paul Bartolain, stated that the new tax levy for 
the school would only add $1.10 per $1,000 house market value of assessed evalua- 
tion to the taxes (this estimate was later increased to $2.70 per $1,000. assessed 
valuation). The community was divided into those who were in favor of building a 
new school, those in favor of adding to the school building as it was, and those few 
unconcerned or against any kind of addition. 

The Lake Forest League of Women Voters voted unanimously to support the 
second high school. They formed a special committee, led by Mrs. Jean Ely, to 
help investigate the situation, costs and needs. The executive committee of the Lake 
County Civic League, though, did not endorse the move to build a second school. 
Their argument was that a single high school of sixteen hundred students was sat- 
isfactory. The League suggested instead that an addition to the old high school, li- 
brary facilities in particular, be considered. The new school proposal was officially 
defeated on February 15, 1964, by a ratio of 5 to 2 (i.e., 2,500 to 1,000). In late 
April, the A. C. Nielsen Company was employed to survey for the reasons behind 
the defeat of the referendum. It was found that 36% of the people felt they knew 
too little to vote in favor of the resolution. Later referendums were preceded by 
neighborhood coffees to inform the people. The failure is also attributed to the 
opposition expressed by the Lake County Civic League. 

In late May, the Board of Education developed the "Citizens' Consulting 
Committee." The seven original members were Mr. G. Dangremond, Mrs. Joyce 
Ekdahl, Mr. A. Glover, Mr. Gilbert Hamblet, Robert Sanders, Dr. E. Reichert, 
vice-president, and Robert Schoulberg, president. This committee studied and re- 
viewed arguments for and against the new high school. These arguments are listed 
at the end of this chapter. 

On January 2, 1965, the Board of Education held another building program 
meeting. They called for a special district election to authorize additions and im- 
provements to the current school building. They hoped to issue $1,150,000 in bonds 
for payment. As before, overcrowding of the school was the main issue. 


Intensive campaigning for the building referendum was started by the Citizen's 
Consulting Committee. Neighborhood coffees proved very successful as a means of 
informing the people. The Civic League encouraged voting the program into opera- 
tion. The tax increase would be only $.75 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. A new 
library was to be included in this expansion. 

The referendum vote took place on February 13, 1965. Two major additions 
to increase the capacity of the school to 1,600 were considered. The first was an 
expansion program to build on the current site a library, classrooms, a study hall- 
cafeteria, resource rooms and a gymnastics gym. Three considerations were integrity 
of design, flexible room size, and a minimum of interference during the school day 
when the construction was carried out. It was this first resolution that passed, in a 
vote of 3 to 1. The voters rejected a proposal to build a new school for $12,955,000 
at the Waukegan-Westleigh site. Construction of the addition began in the summer 
of 1965, to be finished by the fall term of 1966. 

On April 29, 1965, the Board of Education re-established the Citizen's Con- 
sulting Committee to aid the Board in studying the problems caused by a boom in 
student enrollment. The renewed committee was made up of twenty citizens with 
different backgrounds from different parts of Lake Forest. Committee members were 
required to have an interest in the building proposals, and to acknowledge the im- 
portance of education. The committee met fifteen times between May, 1965, and 
November, 1966, for two hour sessions. 

The Board chose Orput and Associates, Inc., an architectural firm in Rockford, 
as the professional consultant to prepare preliminary estimates of the cost of ex- 
panding the facilities. This architectural firm had originally been named to design 
the proposed Waukegan-Westleigh Rd. School. 

One proposal, made to the Board of Education, was for a four story block 
addition to the building in the east courtyard, which was designed to leave thirty to 
thirty-five feet of open space on three sides. This proposal, which did not violate 
any building codes, was turned down. It was thought too extravagant, and the board 
said the seven thousand square feet would not be adequate in future times. 

Finally, Halsey Stuart & Co., Inc., Goldman, Sachs & Co., A. G. Becker & 
Co., Inc., and William Blair & Co. were named by the Board of Education as suc- 
cessful bidders for the $1,150,000, bond issue at an interest rate of 3.0025% over 
twenty years. The money for the building additions was to be prorated as follows: 
$50,000 per year from 1966 to 1982 and $100,000 from 1983 to 1985. An average 
of $.07 per $100 assessed valuation came into effect. The charge was approximately 
$17.50 per square foot — with no landscaping, no black- topping, and incomplete 
heating for the additions. (In comparison, Deerpath School cost $14.50 per square 
foot.) And the additions were built. 

Through all of this — the expansion of the school by people interacting as well 
as its expansion by bricks and cement — the community stood behind the school. 
This was an important part of its success. As stated in the Lake Forester of July 
28, 1960, "To survive, man must be better educated. The community believes that 
Lake Forest High School does a terrific job." 


Arguments for the addition to the present site 

(1) More centrally located for the present population. 

(2) Many people like the idea of one school — one campus. 

(3) The idea of a larger school appeals to some. 

(4) More economic use of the present site (although the committee realizes 
much of the "unused" land is used by the P.E. department). 


(5) More economic because the present core facilities would be used and per- 
sonnel would not be duplicated. 

(6) Improvement of present facilities — for example, the library. 

Arguments for the new site 

(1) Site would be centrally located for the future population growth. 

(2) Design could be unique and not as limited as the present site is. 

(3) More flexibility would result from a larger site. 

(4) The noise and confusion — resulting from the construction — would not 
affect those in school. 

(5) Construction would reduce the possibility of over-building on the present 

(6) The "new" school could first be used for the ninth graders and then later 
expanded to a separate four year school. 

Main cause for discussion 

The present enrollment of the school in 1964 was 1,154. The present building 
was designed for 1,200. In 1967, there was an estimated increase to 1,500 and 
in 1973—2,000 students. 

What the Citizen's Consulting Committee Decided 

The cost of the building was not to exceed $1,150,000 — which would be 
financed by bonds. When further facilities were needed, building would be 
done at the second site. That another referendum would be necessary in four 
or five years was realized. This proposal was unanimously recommended by 
the full committee. The advantages of the proposal were: 

(1) The present site would be developed to the full recommendation of the 
professional architectural opinion. 

(2) A contraction of largely unused space would result — while at the same 
time preserving the other needed areas (i.e., room for outdoor gym class- 

(3) The aesthetic quality of the school would be preserved. 

(4) The proposal would reduce the number of "unplanned small classes to a 

(5) The number of temporary empty classrooms would be increased when the 
move to the second school would take place. 

(6) Expansion to the second site would be delayed for a period of time to 
provide for a growth of population to the area where the second site 
would be central. 

(7) The proposal foresees a maximum enrollment of 1,600 students at the 
present site, and the Board recommends the second site as the next step 
to provide for future enrollment. 

Also part of Committee Recommendations: 

(1) Classrooms for 400 students. 

(2) Enlarged gym and cafeteria. 

(3) A new library addition. 

(4) Conversion of the old library into classrooms. 

(5) Cost not a major factor — any savings at present site would only be a 
postponement of eventual costs. 


Campus Changes 


During the school years beginning with 1960-61 and extending through 1964- 
65, the overall plant of Lake Forest High School was not changed radically. Certain 
completions, alterations, and improvements were made, but for the most part, the 
high school had entered into a five year "resting period." Prior to this hiatus, in 
1958, additions began for the north wing which consisted of the boys' gym and 
industrial education classrooms, and the south wing which included the auditorium, 
science labs, art, craft, music, and general classrooms. Also the girls' locker room 
and the home economics room underwent remodeling. The end of this five year 
period was marked by the beginning of construction of the annex section in 1965- 
1966. Until recently, the students used the front door in the 1960's — and the 
front door was not used by anyone other than the administration, faculty, and 

The outside of the 
Jot school (building and 

grounds), was much the 
same in the early sixties as 
it is today, with of course, 
the exception of the addi- 
tion of the annex in 1966 
and the gymnastics gym. 
There was faculty and visi- 
tor parking in front of the 
building and student park- 
ing in the area behind and 
to the east of the building. 
The entrance and exit of 
the parking lot were by 
roadways east of the build- 
ing — the roadway south of 
the auditorium was not to 
be used. The architecture of 
the building included seven 
chimneys visible from the 
outside, one of which was, 
and is still usable (room 
219). In 1962 it was neces- 
sary to reinforce the large 
chimney with steel bands. Concerning the athletic fields, several improvements were 
made within the five years under consideration. In 1961-62, a service building with 
washrooms was built on the outskirts of the playing field by the entrance, and the 
rifle range was completed. In 1962-63 the bog around the athletic field entrance 
gate was paved and paved runways, new sand pits, cement slab dicus and shot-put 
throwing areas were added. Until 1963-64 the bleachers were much smaller than 
they are at the present and there were no sheds, concession stands, etc. beneath the 
bleachers. Property north of the high school, which was originally set aside for 
parking and athletic facilities and had previously been used as a nature study area 


Laying the foundation for the 1966 annex. 



1966: Revamping the Second Floor hallway. 

for biology students, was sold by the board in 1961. Mr. Joseph Sasso, the super- 
visor of the building and grounds, along with several other members of the mainte- 
nance staff, kept the high school in a highly functional condition by allowing for 
working towards alterations and improvements. 

At almost the same 

time in 1962 that the school 

I board decided to sell the 

property north of the high 

school, it was announced 

that the Board was seeking 

a site for a new high school. 

The Board of Education 

obtained an option on a 

piece of property in west 

Lake Forest on Waukegan 

Road. And in May of 1962 

the site of over 50 acres 

was purchased for $150,- 

000. A rise in enrollment 

(an increase of more than 

100 students per year), was 

the instigating factor in this. 

In 1963 the high school 

Board announced Orput 

and Associates of Rockford 

as the architects to design 

the proposed second high school. If the bond passed (the first referendum being 

February 15, 1964), the school would be built on a fifty-three acre site on the west 

side of Waukegan Road, a quarter mile south of Route 59 A (what is now Route 

60). At its opening, the $2,955,000 high school would house 100 freshman and 

sophomore students and eventually 1,200 students. It would have a total square 

footage of 174,127 sq. ft. Opinions on whether a new high school was necessary 

were varied. Other alternatives offered included adding to the present high school, 

selling the old high school and building an entirely new one off Waukegan Road. 

The February referendum was defeated so John Maloney (administrative assistant), 

made plans to form a citizens' committee which would work towards getting people 

to vote for the new school in another referendum. 

Upon entering the front door anytime during the five years under consideration, 
there was a table for student monitors behind the senior star. Lighting was supplied 
by a gold metal octagonal light fixture, which had the appearance of a wheel with 
white glass between the "spokes" and which hung very close to the ceiling. In the 
later sixties, a senior class presented the school with a cubic clock which replaced 
the octagonal fixture. Tn this area, as in all of the old sections of the building, the 
brown "battleship" linoleum laid in 1935 was replaced in 1962 with new tile. North 
of the senior star, the girls' gym and administrative, guidance, and the dean's offices 
were located. Until 1964 there were half-moon shaped murals over the inside doors 
of the girl's gym foyer. Also, as is true now, there were pay phones in the lobbies 
of the boys' gym, girls' gym and in the auditorium foyer. In regard to office space, 
what is now Mr. Maloney's office was the Health and Attendance Office until 1962- 
63. At the beginning of this school year Mrs. Bill's Health Center and Attendance 
Office moved to basement of the south wing to provide space for boys' and girls' 
recovery rooms. In 1962-63 the old Health Center was transformed into an office 
for Mr, Maloney and the guidance counselors, although the whirl pool bath used in 


the Health Center was not removed until the middle of the 1963-64 school year. 
Across the hall from the dean's office in those years, was one of the school's two 
elevators (the other being used to transport towels from the boys' locker room). In 
the hallway next to the girls' gym, lockers and doorways leading to the balcony of 
the girl's gym are located. On the South side of the hallway, there are doors leading 
to the swimming pool, which despite the reports throughout the years has not yield- 
ed documented evidence for stories of icebergs and dead horses. As a matter of 
fact, the pool received the highest rating given by the state testing station in Spring- 
field in 1960-61. The pool was and still is checked three times a day, vacuumed 
and filtered each week, and a temperature of 76-78 degrees was maintained. At the 
end of this same hallway, doors led into the industrial arts area (wood shop and 
drafting room, etc.). The area was divided into two sections, a classroom and the 
actual shop with equipment, divided by large glass picture window. On the front 
wall of the classroom there was, and still exists, a mural done with pastels on can- 
vas or burlap which depicted shop activities. The shop itself is composed of the 
main floor and its machinery, where the Forest Scout was printed on an offset press 
in 1962-63, and a balcony reached via a metal stairway. 

South of the senior star, the Civics room (113-115) with kitchen and stage, 
English classrooms, and the auditorium were located. In the hall running east and 
west next to the auditorium there were English and art classrooms. Unique to all of 
the classrooms and certainly uncommon in many high schools were a two way pub- 
lic address system and ultra violet lights (see monograph). 

Important to the efficient control of the mechanical systems of the high school 
is the boiler room, composed of an upper and lower room. The upper boiler room 
backs to the swimming pool and until 1968 or so it housed three filters for the pool. 
Presently the lower boiler room contains three six-foot metal tank filters for the 
pool. These filters are filled with sand and stones and a one hour reverse flush filter 
process is used. Also now located in this area is a bromine pot, checked four times 
daily, which puts bromine into the pool. Presently there are three oil boilers and 
one gas boiler. The gas boiler and the back part of the lower boiler room were not 
added until 1966-67. 

Proceeding to the basement, the majority of the space was filled by the rela- 
tively new cafeteria which was completed in about 1960. The annex section was not 
present during the years 1960-61 to 1964-65 so there was only one cafeteria, how- 
ever by 1960-61 new cafeteria lines were finished and put into use. To the north 
of the main entrance of the cafeteria were cubby holes along the halls in which stu- 
dents put their books while they ate. To the south of the main entrance of the cafe- 
teria, the east west hall contained the Health Center and Attendance Office, a 
mirrored study hall, (room 15), and the band room at the end of a small north- 
south hall branching off the main hall. In areas which were below ground level, but 
which were not a part of the main basement area there were several small rooms 
used for various purposes. 

Until the completion of the annex section, the second floor housed the academic 
departments as well as the business education department. The east-west hallway 
at the north end of the second floor contained the home economics room, with a 
display case and several other history rooms. Prior to the addition of the science 
wing in 1958, these rooms, with the exception of the home economics room, had 
been large science rooms with cubby holes in the walls for biological models. In 
1958, partitions were put in, forming rooms 230 and 232 from one room, and 
rooms 226 and 228 from one room. Room 227 which is located at the very end of 
the north-south hall on the second floor, used to be the boys' club room. However, 
in the early sixties until 1966 it was the business room, and now it is the typing 


room. Also in the early sixties math rooms and additional English rooms were lo- 
cated in the second floor main corridor. Rooms 213 and 215, complete with sky- 
lights, were combined as a large history room when the school first opened but by 
the sixties partitions had been put in and the room which retained the skylights was 
used during this time period as a faculty workroom and cubby holes in the walls 
contained busts of Shakespeare and Longfellow. Of course the recently constructed 
science wing served the same purpose in those years as it does today. On the walls 
of the hallways, in between classrooms, there were lockers and due to the increas- 
ing number of students, 178 new lockers were installed on the second floor alone in 
1962. Also the north end of the second floor there was a junior-senior bulletin 
board which was a useful means of disseminating pertinent vocational and educa- 
tional material. Other bulletin boards were located strategically throughout the 

With the exception of the annex section, the high school plant in the early 
sixties was very similar to the plant in 1972. The annex, eventually came to be the 
home of the math department on the third floor, a collection of English and perhaps 
a few History classrooms on the second floor, a much enlarged library on the first 
floor, and a new cafeteria and tape lab in the basement. Up until 1966 the facilities 
were remarkably up-dated and efficient, however in 1966 the badly needed annex 
was inevitably constructed. In all, the organization of the LFHS plant (though 
wobbly at times between major additions), made possible the comfortable, well- 
lighted classrooms, for good learning facilities and a conducive atmosphere. 

The Regis Toomey Fan Club 

In 1962-1963 Lake Forest High School was extremely college-oriented. The 
United States apparently needed more trained people after the Sputnik provocation, 
so college preparation was highly emphasized. Students were expected to take five 
solids and any variations to the school day were unheard of. Due to its "specializa- 
tion" in college planning, as seen through the "academic push," and extensive pro- 
grams comparable to our College Night, Lake Forest High School was described as 
a prestige school. Several articles, extremely favorable to the system of LFHS and 
also enticing to would-be teachers, found their way into the Lake Forester. Many 
of these were written by Mr. John Maloney, and there is a possibility of some cen- 
sorship of articles written by other faculty members which revealed unfavorable 
aspects concerning the high school. 

The total number of students and faculty members at the high school was 
about the same as the number of students and faculty who opened the East Campus 
in 1971. The student- teacher ratio, somewhere near 1 to 20, is close to today's 


Nowadays, new teachers are hired primarily for replacements. However, in 
the sixties, they were often hired as needed additions to the staff. A bachelor's de- 
gree was required for acceptance as a faculty member at the high school. Most 
women teachers taught English; men generally taught math, science, and history. 

It was during the sixties that the guidance department became important. In 
the early part of this period, each teacher — in addition to regular classes — was re- 
quired to be the head of a session. These sessions were like small guidance groups, 
but were disliked by both the teachers and the students. The sessions (later called 
homerooms) became less important and were finally abandoned in 1971. 

The teachers also were not in favor of the six week grading period. They felt 
that it was too much of a burden to complete grades and send them home every six 
weeks throughout the school year. 

Although Dr. Moore was on the payroll until spring, Dr. Clyde N. Carter be- 
came the acting superintendent of Lake Forest High School in 1959-1960. Carter, 
thirty-one years old and formerly the assistant superintendent, seemed to be liked, 
but not well known. He was described as "very proper, very smart — the college 
president type." However, he was quite removed from the students. 

Dr. Carter was more concerned with the faculty, administration, and board, 
reserving the actual running of the school to the principal. Once a month, Dr. Carter 
held meetings with the department chairmen which served to provide a link of com- 
munication between the faculty and the administration and to help coordinate the 
various facets of the academic program. 

Mr. Simon became the new assistant superintendent. Because there was no 
dean as yet, Mr. Simon was the disciplinarian and thus naturally was not liked by 
most of the students. Mr. Simon was responsible for the organization and adminis- 
tration of summer school. During the main school year, he was the supervisor of 
the general office and the Student Personnel Center (S.P.C.). 

The guidance department was called the S.P.C. and was much smaller than it 
is today. In 1962-63 John C. Maloney, a former music teacher, was the director of 
guidance. The counselors at this time were Virginia Beamer, Helen Cory, and a 
former math teacher, Richard O'Dair. 

The sixties saw a change in the degree of specialization of teachers. Several 
teachers had previously taught more than one subject. For example, some English 
teachers also taught a foreign language. During the sixties, this practice largely dis- 
appeared, as the teachers become more specialized. 

In the summer of 1963 Dr. Carter resigned as superintendent of LFHS and 
was succeeded by Dr. Robert H. Metcalf. Dr. Metcalf came to Lake Forest from 
Rich High School and became superintendent in October of 1963. 

Several people on the faculty have had different jobs within the school. Rich- 
ard O'Dair was a math teacher, later became a counselor, and afterwards became 
dean. Helen Cory, a former Latin teacher, also became an excellent counselor. 
Albert Buckowich became a math teacher after deciding to give up physical educa- 
tion. (Although he is still involved in after-school athletics). Beau Grubb was a 
business education teacher, before becoming the Audio-Visual Director and At- 
tendance Officer. Edgar Lindenmeyer was very much involved in coaching athletics, 
before failing health required that he be put in charge of study halls. John Maloney 
has held three jobs at Lake Forest High School. He has been a music teacher and 
the director of guidance, before recently becoming an administrative assistant. 

Except for the hair styles, the male teachers' clothing has changed very little 


since i960. The coats all had narrow lapels and the shirts were almost always white 
with narrow ties and in some cases, bow ties. In 1960 the women all wore their hair 
short with long skirts and dresses. 

As in every type of job, the first-year neophyte teachers were given the less 
desirable jobs. The more experienced faculty stayed out of the new teachers' busi- 
ness unless they were asked to help. The faculty was knowledgeable, but never 
boastful — an attitude which seemed to be preferable to that of other schools. 

The school board was made up of Ralph Rawson, President, and his assistants 
Paul Bartolain, James Cadlia, Jacqueline Smith, Doris Douglass, Kenneth Ward, 
and Wayland Cedarquist. These 1961-62 school board members were involved in 
the determination of the teachers' salaries. 

The Board of Education was jointly feared and respected by the members of 
the faculty. It was considered improper for the teachers to question a board decision 
or negotiation, or to go to a board meeting. In the fall, it was obligatory for teachers 
to attend a Board dinner so they could be introduced to the members of the Board. 
Financed by the taxpayers, this activity consisted of a receiving line, a bar open for 
exactly one hour before the meal, dinner, entertainment, and dancing. The Board 
obviously had the greatest control and influence on our school policy at the time. 
The Board discouraged the use of extra texts and emphasized more formalized in- 
struction. Teachers were expected to only get through the necessary curriculum, so 
they were not to include extras such as current-affairs discussions in social studies 
classes. Mr. James Gram was one of the few teachers in the high school who ven- 
tured to discuss current events, such as the Cuban missile crises, in his classroom. 
Also as part of the dress code, men teachers were instructed to wear coat and ties, 
and women to dress modestly and in good taste. 

Formation of new clubs was being pushed in 1962-63 because membership 
in certain clubs appeared very favorable on college applications. Usually the new 
teachers were assigned the most club duties and none of the teachers — in contrast 
to the coaches — were paid for their services. Each teacher was assigned a home- 
room of approximately twenty-five students and was somewhat of a guidance coun- 
selor for these students. Each homeroom had to enter a float in the Homecoming 
parade, so the teachers were responsible for seeing that their homeroom constructed 
a float. Teachers were also required to be at a student dance at least once a year. 

There was no defined scale for pay. There was, however, a confusing merit 
system. Teachers were told whether they were receiving "merit pay." Because they 
did not know what other teachers with like experience were getting, they could not 
be sure they actually received the bonus. Teachers did not discuss their salaries, 
even among themselves, so they never knew what the bonus was based upon, why 
they got the bonus, or even if the bonus would be figured into the next paycheck. 

In reality LFHS teachers were being paid less than teachers of surrounding 
schools, but due to the lack of exchange information, they were unaware of this. 
Salaries then were $4800-$5000 per year for a starting teacher. 

Salaries for the faculty had been problematical for a long time; from the be- 
ginning of the school to 1962. Up until this time, teachers' salaries were arbitrary, 
according to the superintendent's discretion. As a result, many inequities developed. 
In 1962, though, all of this ended when a base salary schedule was drawn up. In- 
cluded in this schedule was salary by the merit system whereby a teacher could re- 
ceive a bonus of 1,2, or 3 percent of their base salary. This system was cumulative, 
each year, and, according to Mr. Don Spooner, if a teacher worked at the high 
school long enough, it was possible for him to attain a 60% raise. 


Members of the faculty were more or less in charge of the school plays and 
attended the cast parties as participants rather than as chaperones. In 1960-61 the 
students at one of the cast parties were celebrating with cokes and punch in one 
room, while the faculty was in another room — where liquor was allowed. It is 
rumored that this party got a little out of hand. 

The school prom in 1962-63 was very formal, and was the secene of a sur- 
prising incident. The higher members of the administration presided over a recep- 
tion line and the boys were expected to introduce themselves and their dates. This 
particular Prom featured Prom King Tim Wiegel arriving at the formal affair in 
formal shorts and long black socks. 

The guidance staff in 1963-64 consisted of the Director of Guidance, Dr. An- 
drew Tabasco, and guidance counselors, Virginia Jensen, Helen M. Cory, Ronald 
J. Steinke (Junior Counselor), and Gordon White (Senior Counselor). Andrew To- 
basco was new this year, replacing Mr. Maloney who became administrative as- 
sistant. Both Gordon White and Ronald Steinke were also new, Mr. Steinke replaced 
Richard O'Dair who became Dean of Students. Mr. Steinke also became head of a 
new job replacement service within the school . 

Several individual faculty members contributed greatly to the LFHS program. 
Beside the athletic coaches, and club advisors, were many teachers who helped to 
change the school policy toward curriculum. 

Mr. Stanley Harrison (in the Art Department) and Mr. Herrmann in Industrial 
Arts were very much involved in the morale of their students when the students 
were disdained for their "trivial" studies during the "academic push" period. Mr. 
Harrison entered several of his students' works in the National Art Award Contest. 

Mr. Bogart had hopes of creating a music room where students could listen to 
recordings after school and take them out overnight. Mr. Lawlor — who introduced 
the orally-taught foreign language concept to LFHS, when he brought a tape re- 
corder into the classroom in 1952 — started a Portuguese class in 1962-63. 

One of the most popular teachers was Mrs. Thorne-Thomsen, who taught 
freshman and sophomore English. Her classes were equivalent to the present crea- 
tive writing classes. She left the faculty after her son's death in Vietnam. Perhaps 
the pupil-overload in her classes was another contributing factor in her resignation. 

Have Pass, Can Travel 

Lake Forest High School began to change more noticeably in the 1960's. Stu- 
dents turned out-ward for information and amusement. Mass-media made them 
more aware of politics and the world outside the Chicago suburbs. The age of rebel- 
lion was coming, and while LFHS teenagers cannot be called revolutionaries, the 
studies of the sixties began breaking out of the traditions and attitudes common 
among their predecessors. 


As student-horizons broadened, so did the student population at Lake Forest 
High. Between 1959 and 1960, enrollment jumped from 736 students to 1,027. 
With this increase, came the necessity to enforce rules more strictly. LFHS lost the 
big family atmosphere of its early years to a larger community of students, held in 
check by regulations and the overriding principle (no pun intended) of trying to 
teach responsibility. 

Detentions were still given liberally, and students were not allowed into the 
building if not wearing what the dress code defined as "suitable school clothing." 
This entailed neat shirts tucked into pants, shoes, socks and hair cut to a specific 
length for boys. Girls were to wear dresses or blouses and skirts that did not reveal 
too much and reached within a certain range of the knees. There was to be no 
smoking or drinking on campus, no walking on the grass or running in the halls. 
Students were not allowed to share their lockers, which were to be kept neat and 
clean, as they were inspected periodically. 

The pass system was in full operation at this time in the school's history. It 
had almost developed into a science. Pink passes, indicating the student's name, 
the time, room numbers and teachers involved, were used by teachers to admit a 
student to class or send him to another room. Blue passes, with basically the same 
information, were used by the administration to call a student out of class, or as 
written permission to leave the school grounds for a doctor's appointment, etc. 
Students who lived within a certain distance of the school were given permanent 
passes allowing them to walk home for lunch. If a student wanted to bring a guest 
to the school, he was required to furnish a visitors pass, obtainable at the office. 
Large, usually wooden objects were used as permanent passes out of study halls. 
One of these was given to a student who wished to go to the bathroom, and returned 
to the teacher when he came back. Needless to say, these were not very subtle. 

Another restriction which was strictly enforced was the proper use of the 
school staircases. The south staircase was to be used by up traffic only, and the 
north staircase for traffic going down. Monitors were stationed on the stairs during 
school hours to see that this was followed. 

In the early 1960's, the city curfew law was imposed on students also. This 
stated that all students under 18 were to stay out only until 10:30 on week nights, 
and until 12:00 on weekends. 

Homerooms had now officially replaced the "sessions" of earlier years. Stu- 
dents in each class were divided alphabetically into groups of 20 to 25, regardless 
of sex. Once a week, these homerooms met for administrative purposes, class ac- 
tivities, student council reports and group counseling. The other four days per week, 
this homeroom period was used as a supervised study hall, or for those students 
with high grades and a "sense of responsibility," an honor study hall by themselves. 

In 1960, three professional guidance counselors took over what had once 
been the homeroom teacher's responsibility — advising students in their problems 
and future plans. Helen Cory, Richard O'Dair and John Maloney conducted the 
weekly group counseling sessions and offered individual advice as well. In the 
freshman year, guidance was formally directed toward helping students adjust to 
high school life. For sophomores, the emphasis was placed on students' social de- 
velopment, and in the junior and senior years, on vocational and college planning. 
Student Council was still prestigous in the early 1960's. Candidates were chosen in 
primaries, and then in final elections. Extensive campaigning, complete with slo- 
gans, posters, buttons and speeches preceded elections for Council officers. Alter- 
nates were chosen also, but were only allowed to speak in meetings after asking 


Council members were required to maintain a 3.0 grade average, and were 
sometimes asked to discuss discipline problems with the homerooms they repre- 
sented. Mr. O'Dair explained that if Joel Eiserman and Sue Harrington, Council 
President and Vice President in 1960-1961, asked students to quit smoking in the 
washroom or to pick up their garbage, it was done — no problem. Council members 
were respected and often envied, then. 

In 1961-1962, junior Jeff Shields, LFHS Council Treasurer, ran for president 
of the Student Council district. With the help of Caroline Smiley and Wayne Wheel- 
er, who led his campaign, Jeff won the election and presided over all meetings of 
the Northeast-Northwest District, which included more than 200 high schools. He 
also represented the district at state and national Student Council conventions. 

Instituted during these years was an annual parking safety check conducted by 
Student Council members. They inspected all cars in the school lot to see that they 
were safe and that all mechanical parts were in working order. If their cars passed 
the inspection, students were issued LFHS stickers to be pasted onto the front 
windshield. Cars were required to have stickers to park in the school lot, and this 
was checked by an attendant daily. 

Despite these many restrictions, Lake Forest students were active and basically 
happy during this period of time. School activities were more popular and more 
numerous than ever before. Forest Scout, the literary magazine Young Idea, and 
the yearbook, Forest Trails were still influential and provided a place for student 
self-expression and a record for years to come. G.A.A., Guppies, Orchesis, History 
Club, Pep Club, Drama Club and other organizations carried over into the sixties 
from earlier years at LFHS. Then, a new club for film study, ComCinArt offered 
students a film festival each week, bringing such favorites as "Pillow Talk," "This 
Is Russia," "Tammy and the Bachelor" and "Oliver Twist" to the Lake Forest 
High School screen. 

Dances were held regularly in this era. Sock hops after football and basketball 
games were "big," and admission was usually a quarter. These were held in the girls' 
gym, and though live music was featured, records were played too. 

Larger, more important dances included Christmas Capers, sponsored by 
Cellar (see monograph), Turnabout, Senior Hop and Junior Prom. Proms were 
generally larger and more spectacular year after year, with themes ranging from 
"Idylls of the Sea" to "Bali Hai." To these dances, girls wore sleeveless, strapless 
gowns with flowers in their hair, or carried nosegays. Boys wore traditional tuxedos, 
adorned with carnations and buttonneers. 

For regular school days, students wore short hair and madras shirts and skirts. 
Boys wore extra tight levis, after the fashion of Elvis Presley, and white socks. Girls 
seldom wore nylon stockings to school, but usually knee socks with penny loafers. 
Kilts were the most popular skirts, and usually ended about mid-knee. 

Because of the dress code, girls were not allowed to wear pants or culottes, 
however for after school wear, stretch pants were quite popular. Boys donned 
surfer tee-shirts when they got home from school. All types of sweaters were "in": 
V-necks, crewneck and cardigans, with just three or four buttons at the bottom but- 
toned. Mohair sweaters were long-time favorites with girls of the early 1960's. For 
jewelry, they wore simple circle pins at the collars of their white blouses. 

Blonde hair was also popular during this time, and it was surprising how large 
a proportion of the LFHS girls were "blondes." 

It was very "in," in the early 1960's, to walk up-town after school. Students 
often bought snacks on the way at Cohn's market, at the corner of McKinley Road 
and Woodland, before going on to Grant and Grant's music store to listen to records 


in the back room. Krafft's drug store and soda fountain was also a popular "spot" for 
cokes and french fries after school. Baskin and Robbins ice cream store was fre- 
quented, too. 

The rock and roll era was in full swing at this time. Students twisted and 
jerked to Elvis Presley and the Beach Boys, bought record albums like never before 
and made the decibels dance on their elders eardrums. And suddenly, the Beatles 
appeared and changed everything students thought they knew about music. America 
witnessed a fan craze of unprecedented proportions. Lake Forest High School stu- 
dents, while not as carried away perhaps as the average high school student body, 
was caught up in the new wave of music. 

With so much happen- 
ing in the outside world, 
getting homework done was 
a serious dilemma for stu- 
dents in the 1960's. The 
television was perhaps the 
biggest deterrent, and with 
Fabian on the air in the 
early part of this era, "it 
was almost impossible to 

Later, hospital shows 
and soap operas took the 
place of "American Band- 
stand" and other music- 
oriented television shows in 
popularity among students. 
Ben Casey and Dr. Kildare 
were current "heartthrobs" 
of LFHS girls, while their younger brothers and sisters preferred "Leave it to 
Beaver" and "Lassie." 

Lake Forest High School had already established its name as a fine high 
school by the 1960's. Excellence was evident not only in the course offerings and 
academics, but also extra-curricular activities. The LFHS music department had 
won numerous "superior" ratings in local and state contests. Students received 
"outstanding" awards in the district Science Fair in 1965, and LFHS dramatists 
earned the right to compete in several state contests. 

For several years in a row, students from LFHS participated in "It's Academ- 
ic" and in 1965, filmed a spot on CBS's "Rebuttal" television program by suc- 
cessfully debating "Resolved: that social security should be extended to include 
medical care." 

Lake Forest High School's horizons were further broadened by the arrival of 
foreign exchange students in 1962-1963. Mats Janelid came from Saffe, Sweden 
this first year to stay with the Barth family. He was welcomed by LFHS students 
and made an ex-officio member of Student Council, a tradition that was to be fol- 
lowed for all other exchange students to come. Mats was extremely popular and 
students were still refering to him a year after he went back to Sweden. 

Two more exchange students came to Lake Forest High the next year. Terumi 
Kodama, a 17-year old girl from Kyato, Japan was sponsored by the Methodist 
Youth Fellowship and stayed with the Sinclairs of Lake Bluff. Fausto Enrique 
Noboa I, called "Rick" by his friends at LFHS came from Quito, Equador and 
lived with the Pickards of Lake Bluff. 

The "Cool Cats": Prom 1959. 


Vijaya Gorde from India and Mandel Castenada from Mexico joined the Lake 
Forest High School student body in 1964-1965, while senior John Love went to 
live with a family in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

North Shore schools had a reputation for excellence, and Lake Forest High 
contributed in large part to this. By the 1960's, between 80% and 90% of its 
graduates went on to college — quite a record for a school which had started out 
providing an education for the children of local servants. 

The students who graduated in this era had been born in the late 1940's and 
early 1950's, into the jubilance and economic upswing that followed the war. Un- 
like their predecessors, these students had not watched their parents suffer through 
the Depression and had not felt the threat of World War II themselves. Until 1963, 
there was a Kennedy in the White House and America seemed to be going up con- 
stantly. But this was to change. 

Perhaps the only objection that could have been raised to a Lake Forest edu- 
cation was that it painted too good a picture of the world. Looking out across its 
wide front lawn from a tree-lined, white stone facade, perhaps LFHS saw things 
too calmly. ... But then, a high school is not a separate entity. It depends on news 
and the changing political scene to keep its education fresh. The later 1960's were 
tumultuous and loud enough to waken anyone who might have been put to sleep by 
Lake Forest High School's "peace." 

Actually, the high schools' effect on its graduates of the 1960's is yet to be, 
and perhaps never will be, fully understood. 

Readin', 'Ritin', 'n 'Rithmitik 
(Curriculum and 

Co-curricular Activities) 

In the 1960's, Lake Forest High School experienced extensive growth and 
change. Its curriculum, as well as the co-curricular activities, became more relevant 
and reflected the times. The world had achieved vast technological advances in the 
fifties, learning many new ideas. In the sixties it was necessary to incorporate this 
fresh knowledge and teach the young to use it. That was the challenge, and Lake 
Forest High School accepted it. 

Competition became an important factor of life in the sixties. The high school 
student was trained with this in mind, particular emphasis being placed on the com- 
petition of college. The purpose of education was to expand the student's view of 
life. The goal was to help him contemplate and envision the entire world, past, 
present, and future, and to see his place in it. 

Schools had a new and important role, but change was required before they 


could accept it. There was a needed break from traditional teaching. Ideas, instead 
of fact, were soon the subject matter. Courses, once specialized, were expanded to 
relate to many subjects, ultimately to current events. The emphasis changed from 
teacher taught concepts to individual inquiry and judgement. Above all, the student 
was encouraged to explore and learn through his own efforts. 

Besides updating the courses and fields of study, new audio-visual aides were 
acquired to further classroom experience. These included phonographs and records, 
tapes and recorders, movies and projectors, filmstrips and viewers, and the use of 
the opaque projector (this machine projects the image from an ordinary paper onto 
an entire wall). Ability grouping was incorporated to make teaching even more 
effective. The three levels were regular college-prep, honors (for gifted students), and 
basic (for those who would benefit from slower courses). In the English department 
these became: remedial reading, regular, honors, and advanced placement. From 
the latter, a college level course, students could earn college credit if they passed 
the Advanced Placement Exam. 

The areas that became most important in the sixties were science and mathe- 
matics. The respective departments at the high school effectively altered their pro- 
grams to cover more extensively the advanced material. 

In the Science Department, biology, geology, chemistry and physics were the 
principle fields. In all of these, there was great emphasis placed on keeping the text 
current with new discoveries. Biology was the typical freshman course, followed by 
Botany-Zoology or Geology. Physical Science, Biological Research (a course allow- 
ing the student to pursue his own topic or to work to enter the state science fair), 
and Chemistry (with a background in math required), were offered to the juniors 
and seniors. Physics, the most advanced of the science courses, was open only to 
seniors who had an extensive background in math and a knowledge of chemistry. 
This program of courses evolved from the first attempt at revising; the sciences in 
September, 1965. All science at the high school level had begun with Practical and 
General Science. But this course was considered a mere review of elementary sci- 
ence and was dropped. After the school day, there was more science available when 
the Science Club met and raised their monkeys, turtles, fish and spiders. For those 
interested in aeronautics, there was also the Flight Club, featuring lectures and fly- 
ing experiences. 

The Math Department also rose to the demands of the time. The sudden im- 
portance of mathematics in new fields, such as psychology, computer science, weath- 
er control, nuclear energy, space travel, etc., produced a need for new and revital- 
ized courses. At the dawn of the sixties, math became a necessary tool for the future. 
At Lake Forest High School it was still a relic of the past. The program of courses 
was extremely outdated. High school algebra, for example, which was also taught 
at the eighth grade level, was the only course open to freshmen. 

In the summer of 1964, the Math Department spent two weeks revising the 
curriculum. The teachers first escalated the mathematics, allowing the eighth grade 
alegbra student to advance to a higher level of math. For the accelerated student 
new courses were created. The result was a new four year honors curriculum: 
Honors Geometry, Alegbra 2, Selected Topics, Math Analysis. All other courses 
were renewed with revisions. 

Following the 1964 death of Mr. Kevin Keenan, head of the Math Depart- 
ment, a math scholarship was created. Students, faculty, community, and friends 
donated money to award to a student who showed Mr. Keenan's high ideals of 
scholarship, character, and leadership. The Math Department declared that the 
student recipient of the scholarship must also have a major in math. This scholar- 
ship was given for the first time in the spring of 1965. 


The social studies curriculum, though not as important as math and science in 
the sixties, was a well rounded one at Lake Forest High School. The courses were 
concerned with many parts of the world. Two recent courses were World Geogra- 
phy and Humanities. Humanities, another new course, covered many aspects of 
Western life, including art and music. Other courses ranged from Ancient Studies 
to Asian Studies. 

Before the sixties, English was the study of grammar and other linguistic rules. 
In this time the essence of the English programs became the idea. The student was 
taught to learn through his own efforts and from his own questions. Individual writ- 
ing skills were stressed, and there was a considerable amount of preparation for 
college. Analytical interpretation was required of upperclassmen. Creative writing 
was more frequently found on the freshman and sophomore level. Language Arts, 
Speech, and English Composition and Literature are typical of the courses offered. 
Seniors were offered Major American and European Writers, and American Studies 
(American Studies was a course that incorporated history into the English pro- 
gram). Time was also spent on the annual American Legion Essay Contest. 

The Debate Club, with Ms. Enid Alleman advisor, was organized early in the 
sixties and became one of the most active clubs of the school. Members participated 
in tournaments almost every weekend of the fall and winter semester. During the 
school year 1965-66, Debate Club was extremely large, and became a part of the 
National Forensics Society. The Gilbert Rayner Speech Award was presented to the 
student judged superior in diction, speech composition, and sophistry. 

One of the many clubs throughout the years, the Rifle Club taught the 
proper and safe use of firearms. 

The Drama Club offered another form of English expression. Among other 
activities, its members still helped in the production of school plays. The National 
Thespian Society of the high school, also advised by Ms. Alleman, helped in play 
production to a greater extent. It also participated in national meetings. 

Foreign languages became more important as good background material for 
college. Four years of language study was now encouraged, instead of a mere in- 
troduction in one or two years. Since World War II languages were becoming a 


vital part of education. Students started to acquire a mastery of the spoken word, 
along with the knowledge of the written word stressed in the past. In the sixties 
visual aides were coming into use in the teaching of languages. This improved the 
courses immensely. In addition to this, Latin was revitalized and Brazilian Portu- 
guese was added to the curriculum for the advanced Spanish student. 

For the student of French there was Le Cercle Francais (the French Club 
under a new name). This club, advised by Mr. Paul Whiting, met monthly to see 
movies and slides. The goal of the year was the production of a French play. For 
the student of German there was the German Club, advised by Mr. Edward Krueger 
and Mr. Arthur Kleck. At the monthly meetings, the members studied German 
customs and planned field trips. During the Christmas holidays they held German 
style feasts. For the Spanish student there was the Spanish Club, or Los Picaros. 
But there was also the Spanish National Honor Society, formed to honor the excel- 
lent Spanish students who had studied at least two years of Spanish. 

The Art Department suffered as technology advanced. At the high school, an 
attempt was made to relate artistic expression to other fields of education and 
knowledge. Original art work was placed in a special school gallery, where it could 
be purchased by fellow students and teachers; competition and performance were 
very important. Music Theory and The History of Art were advanced courses. 

Industrial Arts and Business Education were very timely. The goal of both 
was to develop marketable skills. Two special courses were added in 1965: Internal 
Revenue, a course in which each student was provided with a special kit and in- 
structions from the state government; and Freshman ''Core," a mandatory course 
for all freshmen. As part of Core, freshmen were taught typing skills with the help 
of numerous modern "speed machines" in one nine week quarter. 

The home arts were very important to the girls because of the trend toward 
early marriage. Courses were designed to handle home financing and family living 
problems. There was also the Home Arts Club, where the girls sewed, cooked, and 
practiced other "practical" skills. At the end of the year, as their community service 
project, they sent books and home made toys to Downey Hospital. 

Music at the high school remained very popular. In 1964, the Lake Forest 
High School Band, directed by Mr. George Borich, participated in its first state 
contest and received a rating of superior. In 1965, with new uniforms, it did the 
same. At the end of the year, the John Phillip Sousa Band award was given to one 
of its members, the National School Orchestra Association Award was given to 
one of the orchestra members, and the Arion Chorus Award was given to a student 
from the Choir (In 1965, the "A Capella Choir" became "The Forester Singers"). 
1964 featured the first annual Pops Concert, with the band, orchestra and all choral 
groups performing. And in 1965, the Forester Singers were featured on a local radio 

Physical Education, too, gained importance with the introduction of President 
Kennedy's Physical Fitness Program. As stated in the Lake Forester of November 
10, 1965, the aim of the high school physical education department was to "forward 
emotional well-being and constructive use of leisure time in areas of stress and auto- 
mation." Aside from extra-curricular sports for the boys, developing the talent of 
the individual was stressed. At the end of the year, the Jack Swensingen Memorial 
award was given to a senior boy, who, in the eyes of his classmates, was the most 
congenial and the most talented athlete. 

In the girls' physical education program physical and emotional fitness was 
also stressed. A special two year Leaders Program was developed. Girls enrolled 
in this course learned, as juniors, to teach Physical Education. As seniors they put 
their skills into practice. 


In the sixties, there was a tremendous extra-curricular physical education pro- 
gram. For the participants in boys' sports, there was the Letterman's Club, under 
the supervision of Mr. Herman Schillereff. The intent of this club was to promote 
good sportsmanship. Membership was open only to those who had achieved a var- 
sity letter. 

For the girls, Guppies, a synchronized swim club advised by Miss Gill Ceasar, 
offered fun and lessons to those who were admitted through try-outs; its event of 
the year was the water ballet show. G.A.A. (the Girls' Athletic Association) was 
still open to all girls. This club now sponsored another annual event, the Faculty 
Student Volleyball game. The newest club in this department was Orchesis, the 
ballet dance club. 

New Hobby clubs included: F.O.T.O. Club (Fellowship of Optic Talent Or- 
ganization), advised by Mr. James Benton, for camera buffs; Chess Club, advised 
by Mr. Charles McDermand, for intramural chess matches; Ski Club, under the 
supervision of Mr. Lloyd Atwell, for special ski trips during vacations; Rifle Club, 
advised by Mr. Russel Ruswiek, for teaching students shooting skills and the proper 
care of firearms (some members were elected to the National Rifle Association); 
and the Cinematography club, Com-Cin-Art, for movie making and viewing. Future 
Teachers of America was a special career club advised by Mr. Donald Spooner. 
Spectators, a general club for every one, was formed to stimulate interest in the 
cultural experiences available in the vicinity. 

Student productions of plays and musical concerts highlighted the years. All 
involved, especially the Stage and the Lighting Crews, worked hard to make these 
a success. 

Cellar, the student social organization, came to control most of the social life 
of the school. It sponsored numerous popular dances with live bands, most notably 
the Christmas dinner dance called Capers. The Service League was an organization 
of parents and interested members of the community; it served the school and 
granted scholarships to worthy students. In 1966, Cellar aided the Service League 
in raising funds for the new school organ. 

Student Council, advised by Mr. Richard O'Dair, remained the governing 
organization of the student body. Its duties had changed drastically since its early 
years. Among many other prescribed activities, it now organized assemblies, auth- 
orized club charters, and sponsored the television Brain Brawl, an academic quiz 
game. Starting in 1961, Student Council helped the Service League coordinate the 
Student Variety Show, a talent show presented in the spring taking the place of the 
Session Stunts. This was a major source of money for the Service League. Despite 
these achievements and many more, Student Council was generally thought to be 
disorganized, because of the time lapse between a problem and a resolution. 

Students also worked together grouped into classes. For Homecoming, the 
biggest sports event, sponsored by Pep Club, each class built a float to ride in the 
parade, and competed with class cheers and slogans. Senior Hop, a November 
dance, was sponsored by and exclusively for seniors. At this dance, the seniors 
voted on the teachers to receive special awards at the end of the year (such as the 
Grooviest Teacher Award). The main dance of the year was Junior Prom, with 
attendance open to all, but profits flowing to the junior class treasury. 

Special students from each class were given awards at the end of the year. The 
freshman boy, voted an invaluable asset by his classmates, was awarded the Robert 
Ellis William Memorial Award. The Harvard Book Award was given to the favorite 
junior. The seniors elected one senior girl and one senior boy to receive the D.A.R. 
and the S.A.R. awards (the Daughters and the Sons of the American Revolution). 
And there were many more. 


The Jerry Werhane Scholarship was given each year by Mr. Arnold Werhane, 
to the senior student who best portrayed the admirable qualities of his deceased son. 
The Jerry Werhane Club now served as a reserve of students ready to aid teachers 
who asked for help. 

Membership in the Cum Laude Society was awarded to students of high 
academic standing. Membership in the National Honor Society was given to those 
juniors and seniors who best portrayed traits of strong character, leadership, schol- 
arship, and service. 

Student publications were another facet of student life. The Forest Scout, was 

very successful in these years. The topics it covered ranged from faculty interviews 
to accounts of baseball games and student editorials. In September, 1965, and in 
April, 1966, it was awarded a "First-Class Honor" rating, the second highest pos- 
sible award given by the National Scholastic Press Association. The editor of that 
year also received national recognition for an editorial entitled "Remedy for Ano- 
nymity." At the end of each year, an award was given to the outstanding journalist, 
and the editor's name was added to the Northrop Memorial Plaque, which hangs in 
the trophy case of the school. 

Young Idea, the magazine containing student cerative writing, was published 
now three times a year. The student year book, the Forest Trails, was the publica- 
tion that summed up the entire year. Work on this began during the summers with 
Mrs. Barbara Silber and Mr. Conrad Swan as advisors. The editor was a student 
chosen in the spring of the previous year by a publications committee, composed of 
faculty and administration. Membership in the Quill and Scroll Society was award- 
ed to all hard working contributors on the staffs of the three publications. 

The sixties marked a very successful period in the history of Lake Forest High 
School. The success is accredited to the efforts by the administrators and the faculty, 
and to the willingness, responsibility, and spirit of the students, themselves. There 
was also a strong support from the parents of students and the community. High 
school became an important step in education, and an efficient aid in understanding 
the times. 


The Third Floor 

Within the thirty year period from 1935 to 1965, the plan of Lake Forest High 
School changed radically. Floor space was greatly increased and the function of 
each floor was altered, providing greater facilities for the growing number of stu- 
dents. Of the school's three floors and basement, it is perhaps the third floor which 
has undergone the greatest number of major changes. However, despite its trans- 
formation from an unfinishd "attic," to a cafeteria, to a library, and finally to class- 
room space, the third floor has undergone little additional construction in com- 
parison to other areas of the high school. 

When the high school first opened in 1935, the third floor was an unfinished 
area composed of rough brick walls. The floor was of uncovered concrete and there 
were open beams on the ceiling. According to the blueprints drawn up by Anderson 
and Ticknor, the third floor was to have included a kitchen, serving room, dining 
room, cafeteria, band room with an adjoining practice room and office, several 
storage rooms, supply and maintenance rooms, and an elevator. The proposed third 
floor never became a reality. Instead the north end of the floor was filled with up to 
twelve ping-pong tables for student use during lunch, the south end housed the band 
room, and after 1937 the middle area was used as a kitchen and cafeteria. In the 
high school's first few years of operation, students either went home for lunch or 
they were able to get a soup and sandwich type lunch in the home economics room. 


Follow the little white ball . . . Ping Pong on the third floor. 

When the cafeteria was finally put into use, food was placed on cafeteria tables for 
sale and students took the food to scattered eating tables. The faculty also dined in 
the cafeteria at a separate table. At first there was only one lunch period, but 
eventually two lunch periods were established. It is estimated that eighty dollars 
worth of food was sold daily by 1950. 


The third floor remained unfinished during all of the years it housed the stu- 
dent and faculty cafeteria. The floor remained in its cement state and steel reinforc- 
ing rods were visible throughout the forties. Also because the high school had been 
built to resemble a house, the acoustics were very poor. A fork dropped in the 
cafeteria caused a thunder-like noise heard on the floor below. 

Despite its relatively unfinished state, improvements and minor changes were 
made during the years the lunchroom remained on the third floor. Four by eight- 
foot plywood panels not connected to the ceiling were installed by 1950 to separate 
the kitchen and the bandroom. Due to the fact that the panels were not connected, 
the dimensions of rooms could be easily altered to cater to particular needs. From 
the beginning, there was an elevator shaft at the north end of the third floor, but not 
until 1941 was the elevator installed. The major purpose of the elevator was to 
supply the cafeteria with food and other necessary supplies. 

Although the third floor was functional as a cafeteria during the high school's 
early years, the growing student population soon made a larger cafeteria necessary. 
By the early spring of 1955, plans were formulated for changing the basement from 
an indoor track and rifle range to cafeteria, and using the third floor for more class- 
room space and a library. The blueprints were finished in early May and construc- 
tion began later in that same month. During construction, floors were tiled, brick 
walls were smoothed or plastered, and new walls were erected. Bids for the con- 
struction were taken from various contractors. The final cost of the construction, 
done by Stanley D. Anderson and Association (the original builders of the high 
school), was eighty thousand dollars. As a result of the construction, by the summer 
of 1956, the library, storage areas, classrooms, and the music department were lo- 
cated on the third floor and the cafeteria had been shifted to the basement. 

With the addition of the south wing, the construction of which began in 1958, 
the music department of the high school was re-located in the basement. From 1958 
until 1965 the library and a few language classrooms were all that composed the 
third floor. High ceilings prevailed and no lockers were present until the annex 
section was added in the school year of 1965-66. The library extended from room 
306 to room 302 (what is now the office of the language department complete with 
the original 1958-1966 bookshelves). The library was entered through double doors 
at both ends of the floor. Room 307 was used as the library office and from 1958 
until 1966 there was a library storage room (mostly for periodicals) under the 

Students check out the third floor library. 


eaves behind room 304. The third floor library, which held over five thousand books, 
was also the home of a small language laboratory which could be used by students 
with lab passes. In 1958 partitions were added outside of the library to create three 
language classrooms; those being rooms 300, 301, and 308. Mr. Joseph Lawlor 
used room 308, located at the north end of the third floor by the elevator, for his 
classes of Spanish and Portuguese. An adjoining storage area was transformed into 
his office. A fish net hung from the ceiling of room 308 and girders still jutting from 
the ceiling were painted bright yellow and decorated, with symbolic characters, 
postcards, newspapers, and cartoons. The other two language classrooms were lo- 
cated across from each other at the south end of the third floor. 

In the summer of 1944, the large chimney in the back of the school 
was struck by lightning. It was severely cracked and several bricks 
flew through the windows of the Home Economics room and were em- 
bedded in the wall above one of the stoves. 

With the exception of the presence of the annex section, the third floor in the 
early sixties was very similar in appearance and purpose to the third floor in 1972. 
As was true in earlier years, this area continued to undergo change. With the addi- 
tion of the annex in 1965-1966, the library was situated in the first floor annex 
section, the old library was divided up into more language classrooms, and the third 


floor annex section served mainly as a mathematics area. The rough brick walls and 
cement floor which composed the third floor during the school's earlier years have 
long since disappeared, as have the popular ping-pong tables. They have been re- 
placed by up-dated and more efficient facilities which make learning possible in a 
more adequate and comfortable setting. 


Cellar was the descendant of the O'Falfhs group and the "Cola Cabana," and 
Forest High School, although throughout its existence it has had a profound influ- 
ence on the students and the entire community of Lake Forest. Cellar is still recog- 
nized by many to be an outstanding facet of student life outside the school. 

Cellar was the descendant of the O'Falfhs group and the "Cola Cabana," and 
its creation occurred after much confusion and controversy. In 1953, it was gen- 
erally agreed that there was a definite need for some form of organized week-end 
recreation for the students of the high school, and questionnaires were therefore 
issued to the students to determine their ideas on the subject. As a result of the 
questionnaire response, a committee of adults and teenagers was formed in order 
to communicate to the Service League possible guidelines and suggestions for the 
proposed formation of the recreational group. The "Corral" of La Grange High 
School was also used to illustrate the benefits of a club like Cellar, and the dwindling 
popularity of the Cola Cabana emphasized further the necessity for a new organiza- 
tion better suited to the tastes of the students. 

The Service League President, Mr. Stanes, was apparently interested and ap- 
pointed a youth committee to determine the willingness of local merchants to host 
a teen center. After numerous negative responses the Superintendent of Schools, Mr. 
Quinlan, made successful arrangements for the usaie of the Gorton School base- 
ment as the site for the proposed teen center. Gorton School was chosen in prefer- 
ence to the high school, and due to its location in the basement of the school, the 
group received the name "Cellar." 

Cellar held its grand opening after the first home basketball game in 1954, and 
as the students arrived thev honked their horns to salute the new night spot. En- 
thusiasm for Cellar ran high, and in its first year there was a record attendance one 
evening of 282 people in an area which had the capacity to hold only 100 people. 
The stores in town donated door prizes for the grand opening, and a record player 
provided the music. The record player was later replaced with a juke box, and this 
possession assumed a special place in the hearts of Cellar devotees. 

The constitution of Cellar was strictly enforced; guests must always obtain 
passes, membership drives must be held in the autumn, and privileges could be 
revoked for the slightest infringement of rules. Alumni were occasionally a prob- 
lem, although the overall behavior of the teenagers was commendable. Great con- 
sideration was exercised by everybody, and even smokers were careful to confine 
themselves to the designated smoking area. 


Refreshments were served at the Friday night get-togethers; and such delicacies 
as hot dogs, egg salad sandwiches, soft drinks, candy bars, and ice cream were 
available. The treasurer of Cellar was in charge of refreshments and this enterprise 
was an important source of revenue. 

Cellar not only hosted dances and recreational activities, but in addition, the 
group sponsored a huge Christmas dance each year in which all members of the 
community were encouraged to participate. Parents, teachers, and students all cele- 
brated Christmas together with much joviality and the profits from this one dance 
ranged from $700.00 to $750.00. 

As for Cellar's affiliation with the school itself, it was about as close as it 
could have been while still remaining an independent organization. Membership 
drives, ticket sales, and Cellar board elections were always held at the high school, 
although after Student Council Officer elections because of the extent of the re- 
sponsibility both jobs required. In other words, it would be almost impossible for 
one individual to hold an office on both boards due to the amount of work each 
organization entailed. 

Chaperones were a necessity for Cellar, because they were responsible for 
checking in the members. Parents often chaperoned, although for a number of years 
Mr. and Mrs. Burkhalter and Mr. and Mrs. Verbeke were permanent chaperones, 
alternating each week and co-chaperoning with two additional sets of parents. Mr. 
Burkhalter and Mrs. Verbeke were both affiliated with the high school, and as paid 
chaperones they came to associate very freely with the students. Later on, an ex- 
policeman and his wife became permanent chaperones. 

Overcrowding was a recurring problem for Cellar. The problem was tem- 
porarily resolved, however, when Gorton School closed its doors for remodeling 
in 1955, and Cellar's location was switched to the basement of Sheridan School. 
The principal of Sheridan was apprehensive about Cellar, but after one year Cellar 
appealed to the Recreational Center with the slogan "Get Cellar Out of the Base- 
ment " The move was approved and Cellar was happily relocated in the second floor 
of the Recreational Center. 

By 1957, Cellar had a new look due to its brightly painted barrels and crates 
which served as furniture for those attending Cellar functions. Another significant 
addition was a ten-foot by six-foot portable wall made by Mr. Schilleref, an Indus- 
trial Arts teacher at the high school. This division could be positioned to suit the 
activity which the Cellar members desired, and it was removed for the dances to 
provide a larger dance floor. Cellar was a key word among the students in 1957; 
only fifteen out of 585 students didn't buy a Cellar ticket. Acting upon Dr. Moore's 
recommendation, Parent's Magazine honored Cellar for its outstanding service to 
the community at that time. 

As for its source of entertainment, Cellar's jukebox had slowly but surely de- 
teriorated and was in dire need of repair as it was held together with "bubble gum 
wads and bobby-pins." The problem was, however, that the juke box repair com- 
pany apparently was "syndicate" owned and no repairman would venture beyond 
the city limits of Highwood. Much disturbed by this the students wrote letter after 
letter to the company, emphasizing that the jukebox was part of a youth organiza- 
tion which was not associated with the school. After much evasiveness, an agree- 
ment was made by the company to repair the jukebox only if it were delivered by 
truck to the warehouse in Chicago. The resourceful Cellar Board managed to ship 
the instrument to Chicago, and within forty-eight hours the beloved juke box was 
returned completely repaired. The juke box remained in avid use until 1 966 when 
live music gradually captured the hearts of the students. 


Today the role of Cellar is drastically different from that of the past. Student 
apathy has tended to seep into this organization as it has others, and no longer are 
its membership lists pages long or its Board members acknowledged as leaders of 
the school. Cellar now knows debt while it never failed to make money in previous 
years. With its future still uncertain, Cellar's past remains as a monument to those 
individuals who desired to create a pleasant form of social recreation for the stu- 
dents of Lake Forest High School. 

The Student Council 

The Student Council has always been a very important organization in Lake 
Forest High School, but the nature of its role in the activities of the high school has 
changed dramatically throughout the years. During the thirties, forties and fifties, it 
was a service organization whose main objective was to promote school spirit and 
encourage and coordinate all student activities. It sponsored many activities and took 
charge of many events. For example the Student Council planned the entire home- 
coming weekend in earlier years. Because of these many activities, the Student 
Council played a much bigger part in the students' lives. In the sixties, the Council 
started leaning more toward an administrative organization and gave up many of its 
responsibilities to individual clubs. Its role completely changed, over the years, 
from the service organization that coordinated all student activities and sponsored 
many events, to more of an administrative organization, concentrating on communi- 
cation with the administration. 

The role of the Student Council representative has also changed. In the earlier 
years he was more respected and had greater influence with the students. His job 
was to enforce the rules of the school and students really looked up to him and 
obeyed him. In later years the function of the representative became more of a 
channel for ideas between students and administration. He no longer had the job of 
enforcing the rules; the students opinion of him had changed. He was no longer so 
much of a ''big thing" and did not command the respect from the student body that 
earlier representatives had. 

The year 1935-36 was the first year for the Student Council. During that year 
it met once every two weeks. Representatives were elected in the second week of 
each semester and to qualify a student had to have a scholastic average of "C" or 
better with no failures for the six weeks preceding the election. In order to stay a 
member of council, he had to maintain that average. At least three members were 
elected from all the other sessions. There was always an equal number of boys and 
girls in council at that time, so the number of students elected from each session 
varied to make the numbers equal. 

The purpose of the Student Council was laid down in the first constitution as 

I. To promote school spirit and cooperation among faculty and stu- 
II. To make house rules governing the conduct of students, to show stu- 
dents the need for these rules, and to see that they are carried out. 


III. To promote, encourage and coordinate student activities. 

Each representative was expected to present the suggestions of his session to 
the Council and to carry back instructions and legislation. Legislation required 
two-thirds vote to pass. The councilors were required to wear the insignia of office 
at all times. 

As mentioned before, representatives were expected to clarify and enforce the 
rules of the school. They were posted in the halls and had the job of stopping any 
running, keeping the halls free of litter, and maintaining order. They reported stu- 
dents that marked up lockers, checked passes, and enforced the rule that students 
should not spoil the beauty of the grounds by walking across the lawn. During the 
first year of Student Council, they especially worked on eliminating gum chewing 
and, at the request of Mr. Moore tried to break up the puppy love affairs that had 
seized the school. 

During the early years the Council sponsored quite a few events. There were a 
lot of Student Council or Council-faculty parties. One of the big things in the thirties 
and early forties was the matinee dance which took place after school. In the min- 
utes of one of the Student Council meetings in 1936 it was reported that the Council 
had made a grand total of $495 on one of these matinee dances. 

In 1942, came the ratification of a firm constitution. Students were elected for 
the entire school year. There was one representative from each homeroom and to 
give added weight to the Senior vote, the President and Vice-President were allowed 
to vote. Meetings were held one-half hour before school once a week. The work 
was mainly done through committees, which played an important part in Council 
through all the years. The types of committees changed from year to year. Some of 
the more important ones were the student activity committee, publicity, lunchroom, 
disciplinary, and consultation committees. 

The Council began to sponsor more and more events through the forties: 
dances after basketball games, bus trips, pep meetings, faculty-council parties, and 
visiting night for the parents. They also presented an award to the session with the 
highest scholastic standing each year. During these years the Council started to 
sponsor the square dance, held after exam week. This event became very popular. 

The faculty-council parties were also a big success. Miss Helen Cory, a Latin 
teacher at the time, can remember one in particular in 1954. It was a treasure 
hunt: teachers and Student Council representatives were divided into teams and 
sent out with clues to find the hidden treasure which was a large basket of fruit, 
nuts, and candy. In that particular year it had been buried in the front lawn and the 
lawn was filled with teachers and students on their hands and knees trying to find 
the treasure. 

In 1957, Mr. Richard O'Dair became one of the advisors of Council. Previous 
advisors had consisted of a group of teachers appointed by the principal, but Mr. 
O'Dair had been a student council advisor and coordinator at his former school, 
and he had throughly studied the way in which a Council worked. It was in that 
year that the new method for electing the President and Vice-President was put 
into the constitution. Previously, the whole school had voted for three boys and 
three girls that were nominated at random from the top third of the Junior class. 
This didn't always work because many times people were elected that had no desire 
to hold office. The new method was based upon the idea that students who wanted 
to serve would nominate themselves for election to office, thus eliminating this 
problem. Also the elections were changed from the fall to the spring so that the 
officers would have a chance to plan and work over the summer. 


In 1957, the Student Council helped out with College Night, Open House, 
Vocational Conference and Freshman Day, as well as sponsoring the square dance, 
Red Cross drive, clothing drive, and the March of Dimes Drive. It also sponsored a 
Freshman test which was given to each Freshman and an award given to the home- 
room with the highest score. The test included questions about the various clubs, 
rules, courses and credits, sports and awards of the school. On the reverse side of 
the test, the freshman had to write out the words to the school song. 

In 1958, the Council started studying the honors system and decided to try it 
out in specially selected freshman classes. It also took a step toward inter-school 
government when it joined the Conference Student Council in that year. At this 
time, the Student Council representatives still had real prestige and authority in 
enforcing the rules prohibiting throwing of snowballs, rowdy assemblies, paper air 
planes and crowding in lunch lines. 

In the 1958-59 school year, Student Council changed its meeting time from 
before school, and it became an actual fifty-minute class put into the schedule. It 
was in this year that the Council assumed the responsibility of the main bulletin 
board so that students would become more aware of what Council was doing. At 
this time, Council started collecting information concerning a Student Activity Card 
to lower the expenses of games, plays, and other events. 

1960 was the first year that the representatives were really seriously going to 
the district and state conventions. In that year, it was governed by a new constitu- 
tion which gave the right to Student Council to sponsor any new clubs. The possi- 
bility of a Student Lounge was looked into. 

In the next couple of years, the Student Council investigated the possibility of 
an exchange student program. It sponsored many events to raise money. It sold 
programs at all the athletic events, ran the snack bar and placed a penny jar in 
the cafeteria. The first foreign exchange student came to this high school in the 
1962-63 school year and the program grew larger in the following years. The Stu- 
dent Council also became a member of the Northwest Suburban Conference and 
took an active part in the conference's radio program on WKRS. 

Council tried to generate more student interest, in 1965, when it had open 
Council meetings during the home room period. In that year it also originated the 
Activity ticket which helped to cut expenses for the student. More and more repre- 
sentatives were sent to workshops and the Council even became involved in the 
national conference in the sixties. 

Even though the council has changed quite a bit through the years, it has al- 
ways been the object of the same complaint: that it isn't as active or powerful as it 
should be. However, when one looks back through the years, he can see that Coun- 
cil has really done a lot to ameliorate the students' lives: from making the showers in 
the girl's gym warmer to setting up the honors system and Forum which gives the 
students a chance to participate and share their views. Through the years Council 
has developed much closer communication with the administration and has been 
entrusted with more power because of this. The Student Council that used to be a 
service organization is now developing into a participating government. The role of 
the Student Council representative is very different today than what it was in 1935, 
but it is certainly equally important. Perhaps the Council is in a transitional stage; 
evolving and defining its important place in the future of LFHS . 


Dr. Raymond Moore (1895-1970) 

There shall always remain the question of whether history makes the man or 
man makes history. However, in the case of Raymond Moore, former superinten- 
dent and principal of Lake Forest High School, the answer is obvious. Raymond 
Moore definitely made his history; he was a self-made man. It was he who literally 
established this high school and its traditions. Dr. Moore is not only interesting for 
the contributions he made to this institution, but also as an individual. In examining 
his personal history, as well as his association with the school, perhaps we can 
better understand this man. 

Raymond Moore was 
born July 31, 1895 in Chi- 
cago. Family problems de- 
veloped between his mother 
and father not long after his 
birth; at an early age he 
saw a film on the Lake Bluff 
Orphanage Home and decid- 
ed he wanted to go there to 
live. Not only did he wish 
to escape family problems, 
but he had always dreamed 
of living where there was 
grass. So, at the age of five, 
he talked his way onto a 
train, rode to Lake Bluff, 
presented himself to the 
Orphanage, and said he 
wished to stay. Shortly 
thereafter, the family prob- 
lems were toned down and 
the Court ordered him back. 
However, he so loved the 
Home that after one night 
with his family, he walked 
from Chicago back to Lake 

This love for the Or- 
phanage may have been in- 
stigated by the kindness and 
warmth shown to him by 
two women who worked 
there. His childhood was 
. , - . essentially an empty one, 

devoid ot attention, except that shown by these women. Many years later he tried 
to repay their kindness by "adopting" one in her old age. He lived with this woman 
until her death, providing her with all the necessities and comforts. 

As a young boy, he attended public schools and demonstrated his brilliance 
and leadership at an early age. When graduating from 8 th grade, he gave the class 
prophecy. At approximately this time, Raymond became independent— he had a 


Dr. Raymond Moore 

newspaper route. He delivered his papers to some of the hotels in Lake Bluff which 
soon came to be his favorite stops. At the corner of Moffet and Sheridan there used 
to be the Sheridan Inn, run by Mrs. Fawlor. Raymond would stop there on cold 
winter mornings and Mrs. Fawlor would sit and talk with him over a cup of hot 

High school is where his leadership actually developed. He attended Waukegan 
High School and was chosen as president of the senior class, receiving various other 
honors as well. But Dr. Moore's talents were not only scholastic; he was an excellent 
Irish tenor and a good piano player. There was a Boys' Glee Club Minstrel Show 
at a nearby country club when he was a junior in high school. The Lake Bluff Chat 
(June 7, 1919) reported that Raymond Moore was astonishingly good in all his 
parts. He also mastered some 6 to 8 ethnic accents, and was particularly good with 
Irish. When he told an ethnic joke, he used these accents, which made him an ex- 
tremely entertaining young man. He was known for his wildly hilarious stories as 
well as his ability to speak seriously. It was later said that when Dr. Moore spoke 
to the students of his high school, he could literally have them in tears (from shame 
over a conflict between the students and administration). Not all great orators are 
gourmet cooks, but Raymond Moore was one. So he impressed a great many peo- 
ple with his talents as well as his scholarly achievements. 

Raymond made good use of his talents. He went on the vaudeville stage and 
did much touring of the east before he returned to his schooling. He also partici- 
pated a great deal in the activities of Lake Bluff. For example, on January 1, 1915, 
he participated in a New Year's celebration to be held at the Lake Bluff Village 
Hall. During the festivities, he joined the town chorus in an Indian song. 

At this point in his life, Raymond began college. He worked his way through 
Lake Forest College where he received his Bachelors Decree. He then went on to 
Harvard to receive his Masters. His interest was education; he earned tuition by 
supervising activities for groups of children. He is quoted as saying, "I found I was 
able to handle young people and decided that was the kind of life I wanted." 

It is believed that his first position was in Mexico, Missouri where he taught at 
the Missouri Military Academy. Because he had his Masters in English, he taught 
some of the English courses offered. Desoite the fact he was a young man fresh out 
of college, he was soon appointed principal . Shortly after this, he went to Kansas 
City (Missouri") Day School where he was Dean and chairman of the English de- 
partment. So from 1922-1927, Raymond Moore had become the principal of two 
schools. In 1927, he transferred to the Milwaukee University School, a private 
school. Mr. Ted Cavins, a former teacher and friend of Dr. Moore's, states that Dr. 
Moore was very successful at Milwaukee. Apparently, he was very good as an ad- 
ministrator of small, private schools; it was when they got bigger that he encountered 
problems. From Milwaukee he then went to Grosse Point Country Day School near 
Detroit, Michigan where he was accorded the position of a headmaster, a consider- 
able promotion over his previous position. But he onlv stayed one year, (1934), in 
this school for the children of auto executives. In 1935, he came to Lake Forest 
High School. 

Many wonder why he chose to stay so long at this school. Perhaps the answer 
is found in the following quote in the high school scrapbook of November 1 1 , 1957. 
"I considered it a challenge and an opportunity to repay an obligation to the resi- 
dents of the area. I've never been sorrv about making the move and am grateful 
that I dedicated my life to education." He felt that he could attempt to repay the 
community that had shown him so much kindness as a child. 


Once established in Lake Forest High School, Raymond Moore developed a 
method of teaching that reflected his philosophies. By studying these philosophies, 
we can also see him as a man. The duty of an administrator was outlined as follows: 
"A high school administrator should not limit his vision and activities to that which 
lies only on this side of commencement day. It is his responsibility to see that provi- 
sions are made for those of his students who intend to go on to higher education and 
at the same time not being unmindful of those whose formal education will end with 
graduation from high school." Thus, we can see that Raymond Moore believed that 
the principal was the guiding light of the school. He felt it was his job to not only 
attend to the school's administrative problems, but also to see that each student 
was receiving a good education. It is clear that this certainly is an admirable goal; 
whether or not he achieved it will be discussed later. 

His policy toward education can be seen in the Lake Forest High School scrap- 
book of November 11, 1957. "Since our people are democratic and in the prepara- 
tion of young people for successful living is the accepted policy of American Educa- 
tion, the secondary school should set its goal to teach the necessary information and 
to instill habits of intelligent living that will make them useful citizens in the school 
and in the community in which they live." One can conclude that Dr. Moore con- 
sidered more than just the 3 R's in getting a good education. He evidently felt that 
the school was a means whereby a student was taught the values of our society. It 
was a beginning lesson in government and community living. This made an educa- 
tion useful; for without maturity and the ability to use the knowledge you have 
gained, it is useless. 

He also felt that the faculty was one of the key factors in establishing a good 
educational system. It was they who were going to urge the students on to higher 
education. When asked what promoted an increase in the number of students at 
LFHS going to college, Moore responded, * 'Although a certain amount of credit 
must be given to the general trend toward higher education, I feel that faculty 
guidance in the school, showing the students that the gates are open, is responsible 
for the increased figure." 

To succeed was Dr. Moore's desire. He felt that every student had potential 
to succeed. Turning to the scrapbook of October 29, 1952, we see this is true. "I 
believe that a student with average ability and a strong determination to succeed is 
more likely to make a better record than one who fails to take his or her work 

Because Dr. Moore felt that every student could become successful, he did his 
best to see that they were put in the best of schools after graduation. He especially 
favored the eastern schools, such as Harvard, where he got his Masters. By 1957, 
this college effort involved approximately 80% of the students. But he did not neg- 
lect the other 20% . He said that not all emphasis in vocational guidance was placed 
on those students going to college. He created more technical and home economics 
courses. As subsequent events demonstrated, however, Dr. Moore was not quite 
farsighted enough. He felt that this was all that was necessary. Today's work-study 
programs were out of the question at the time. According to Miss Cory, he simply 
would have been shocked at the school's policy towards these students today. 

He would often travel to various colleges and universities visiting old students 
and freshmen. The purpose was twofold. First, Moore wanted to see how the student 
was adjusting himself in and outside of classes so that help and advice could be 
given if it was needed. Second, he wished to see if LFHS had failed or succeeded in 
helping the student prepare for college. Likewise, many students returned to visit 
Raymond Moore. For many of these students, Raymond had been the sole means 


by which they were financially able to get to college. It is well known that he had 
numerous influential people as friends. If he ever called upon them to aid some 
student with a scholarship, they were always glad to help. In fact, some of the chil- 
dren of teachers attended college only by his generosity and concern. It is suspected 
that he may have also used his personal funds several times to help students. Some 
students felt a great deal of resentment over his favoritism. Dr. Moore would choose 
only certain students, it was said; and those students were also invariably wealthy. 
Perhaps once in a while he would favor a student who wasn't well-to-do. For those 
he patronized, he did his utmost to find precisely the right college besides making 
things easier at LFHS. Another interesting note is that many of his "pets" were 
boys. It is generally agreed that he did favor boys over girls when giving attention. 

His attitude toward teachers is another story entirely. It can best be seen in a 
paper he presented to the National Association of Secondary School Principals' 
37th Annual Convention. The paper was titled, How Can Faculty Meetings Be 
Used to Improve Professional Growth? Not only did he look for teachers with sev- 
eral (four) years experience in teaching, but he felt that faculty meetings were an 
integral factor in teaching. Teachers now should have greater knowledge of subject 
matters, increased information and concern about teaching materials, should have 
active participation in community life, and be willing to share and accept outside 
ideas. Young teachers were apt to be lacking in experience, but had enthusiasm 
and ideals not known to the older ones. The older ones, on the other hand, were 
more experienced but tended to resist new ideas once they were established in a 
pattern that was suitable. Therefore, Dr. Moore looked for a faculty that was rela- 
tively young (and they were) and that was willing to be flexible in creating a new 
secondary school system. 

Opinions of a man often reflect some of his character. But opinions about 
Raymond Moore are opposites. He was two people. He had a violent temper, 
seemingly from insecurity; things simply had to go his way. And yet, despite his 
staunchness, he was an excellent administrator. Some felt that he lacked sympathy 
or true emotion, or at least, never showed any warmth. He always seemed to find 
fault in his staff and students. But those who were his close friends realized that this 
was a man who had dedicated his life to giving opportunities to other students, op- 
portunities he never had. He let no one stop him, and there were many, many who 
got hurt by his "callousness." Naturally he had those around him who disliked him 
intensely, as with any man; there were those who were the scapegoats of all the 
school's problems, and it was they who cried in the faculty washroom after some of 
Dr. Moore's biting comments. In retrospect, though, most realize that he had given 
up the identity he had as a man to take up the identity of the school and all it stood 
for. He was the school. Let us turn to some of the opinions of the students about 
Raymond Moore. 

"He believed in the aristocracy of a person, the quality of his mind and not his 
background or how rich he was. He thought everyone should live but to his own 
standards, his own potential." 

"He was very capable and I'm sure he got a lot of kids into college who 
wouldn't have gotten in otherwise." 

"Dr. Moore was very strict." 

The teachers' opinions of him are somewhat more penetrating. 

"He was a very generous, large-hearted Irishman. He'd give you anything. He 
had a quick temper though and got very angry easily, but he had a big sense of 
humor and a beautiful Irish tenor voice. He was always very interested in the stu- 
dents and in all of Lake Forest High School." 


"He's dead now and I don't want to spread any stones about him or go on 
record as saying anything bad about him, only that he was totally lacking in any 
kindness or understanding." 

"He was a gentleman." 

"I hated him. He showed no kindness whatsoever and was cruel." 

One of his eccentricities was that he was very insistent that no one, absolutely 
no one, use his parking place. He was also just as strict about the front door; under 
no circumstances were the students allowed to use it. The school was run strictly. 

By no means did he neglect other interests. He was an honorary member of 
the Kiwanis Club, a member of the Harvard Club, the University and Lake Zurich 
Golf Clubs. He once said, "I like golf but my greatest hobby is working with peo- 
ple's children." He was actually the one who began the Winter Club in Lake Forest. 
The idea behind its creation was to provide for the children of the wealthy of Lake 

Raymond Moore also served during World War II. He left the school for the 
Navy V-12 program in the spring of 1943 as a Lieutenant, Senior Grade. Mr. Stan- 
ley Nelson, a math teacher, took over as the Acting Principal. He had previously 
been the Acting Assistant Principal, but when he changed positions that year, Miss 
Cory was the Acting Assistant Principal. She said that there were absolutely no 
problems while he was gone. From time to time, Dr. Moore would leave Columbia 
University where he was staying to visit the school. 

Then, in May of 1945, Raymond Moore became, officially, Dr. Moore. He 
received a degree as a Doctor of Pedagogy (or the art of teaching). From that point 
on, he insisted that everyone call him Dr. Moore. 

Raymond Moore made many wise decisions during his administration. Of 
course, there were those that were impulsive and may not have been wise in the 
least. Sometimes, he was simply blind to the situation. For example, at a faculty 
meeting one afternoon, there was a discussion over problems brought about by 
students with hearing problems. One teacher spoke up and asked if the high school 
had an audiometer. Moore was slightly surprised and snapped, "We don't need 
one " Yet, it had been discovered that there were several students in the school who 
were hard of hearing and failing in some courses. There may have been more who 
could be greatly helped if someone had recognized the problem. But for Dr. Moore, 
the issue was settled. 

Another decision that could have been questioned concerned Student Council. 
A faculty member, involved with the Council was ill and in the hospital. The faculty 
advisor, as well as the Council, thought it would be a nice gesture if they sent him 
an appropriate gift — a book. The issue was taken to Dr. Moore for clearance and 
he refused permission. Such action was not to be taken with Student Council funds. 
In fact, he got so upset over the matter that he proceeded to show the teacher his 
anger. When he demanded if she agreed with him she quietly said no. This angered 
him even further for he simply could not see using activity funds for a gift. Instead, 
the students donated their own money and purchased the book. 

Dr. Moore was concerned with creating a good public impression. For exam- 
ple, he was disturbed by the paint in the art room being left out. He thought it 
looked messy. When he asked, "Well, what will people think when they see this?" 
Someone answered that they would probably think it was an art room. 

One interesting aspect of his personality is that he could not stand regularity. 
He always complained that he was tired and he had to get away, but what he really 
meant was that he was restless. He traveled extensively, visiting colleges and stu- 


dents and looking for new teachers. Because of this, he maintained a $9,000 ex- 
pense account at school; quite an extraordinary sum just for travels in a year. 

Raymond Moore was not a religious man in the true sense of the word. But 
he often quoted the Bible when asked for advice. Again, this shows the contradic- 
tions and dual character of this man. He was said to have shunned the Church as 
an institution. Some may surmise that he had a personal religion, one that would 
explain his very good knowledge of the Bible. 

Another interest of his was grammar. He was very good at this aspect of the 
English language. One amusing example of his interest is that one day he took a 
poll, asking everyone whether red in the phrase "the red plaid skirt" was an adverb 
or not! 

He often displayed considerations for others. Sometimes he would send a gift 
to one of the teachers or save something that he thought one of them might be in- 
terested in. At one point in his career, he helped a student other than in a monetary 
manner. The student was somehow involved in an accident that led to the death of 
the student's father. Raymond Moore sent several teachers to the court to speak in 
his behalf to the judge and it was probably because of this, and this alone, that the 
boy was saved from prosecution. 

Dr. Moore was married for a short while between the years 1947 and 1949 to 
a woman named Mary Kennedy. They were both about 50 years old at the time. 
There was a small, quiet ceremony at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Lake Forest. 
There were some school officials there along with his friends. The two made their 
home on Rose Terrace. Little is known about the marriage as such, but some be- 
lieve that it was not a good one. 

Dr. Moore had several very close friends. One of them was Howard Wood of 
the Chicago Tribune. Also, Philip Spiedel was a good friend, as was Ted Cavins. As 
Moore neared death, Howard Wood and his son, Bob, took care of him, besides 
keeping Lake Forest informed of his health (for he was in Florida at the time). The 
many plane trips and concern show their devotion to this man. 

In 1958, when he broke up his home, Dr. Moore gave most of his effects to 
the old staff. But this was not unique for him. When entertaining in his home with 
the faculty or friends, if someone admired an artifact or antique, he would say, 
"Here, take it. It's yours." 

When the original Board went out of office, he used his knowledge of gourmet 
cooking and made them an exquisite dinner. 

About this time, a phase-out policy was beginning concerning Dr. Moore's 
retirement. The school simply could not dismiss him entirely one year. He was the 
founder of the school and had made it what it was — one of the best college pre- 
paratory high schools in the country. So, an "understudy" was employed in the late 
1950's. Slowly, year by year, he took on more and more duties as administrator of 
the school. Therefore, Dr. Moore never really retired, he was gently and kindly 
eased out of office. In the Board of Education minutes of September 14, 1960 and 
September 30, 1960, he officially accepted a position as principal of a school in 
Roselle, Illinois. He also retired from his position on the school board. His letter of 
resignation was effective September 30, 1960. However, he did not stay very long 
at his new school. Perhaps he discovered that Lake Forest was where he always 
belonged. He died in December of 1970. 

Raymond Moore was a man of the times. His methods of accomplishing what 
he did may not have agreed with many, and he may have altered the lives of others 
both for the good and the bad, but none can deny his great achievements. 


The Forest Scout Supplement of 1939 offers some insight into the contrasting 
impressions left by this man. "He set up a code that has helped every student to a 
cleaner outlook on life and would materially aid the graduates when their philosophy 
was put to the test. He has been an understanding leader and an encouraging com- 
panion to every student." 


In the years since 1966, Lake Forest High School has undergone a series of 

transformations: changes in size and structure, academics and attitudes, courses and 
concerns. It has grown, modernized, liberalized and relaxed the tightly-knit big- 
family atmosphere of its earlier days. It has listened, adapted, and expanded in 
preparation for the years to come. 

Most obvious are the physical changes at Lake Forest High School. Noting 
the tremendous increase in student enrollment (455 students attended in 1955, 
1,480 in 1968) plans were considered in the mid 1960's for expanding the original 
facilities. Community-wide debates ensued — would a large addition to the present 
school solve the problem? Could Lake Bluff possibly build a school of its own? 
Would a second LFHS be worth the problems, the confusion and the cost? 

In 1964, Lake Forest and Lake Bluff residents were asked this last question 
in a bond referendum. The proposal was defeated nearly 5 to 2. For the time being, 
additions were made to the old building — the "annex" providing more classroom 
space, a lighter, larger library and a gymnastics gym. 

But Lake Forest and its student population kept growing, and projections in- 
dicated that LFHS would reach its capacity in 1969. Concerned and running out 
of time, the Board of Education formed a Citizens Consultation Committee, with 
J. R. Schoulberg as President, to investigate future alternatives. The old arguments 
came up, and although many thought a two-school system would split the communi- 
ty, architects estimated that buying the residential area surrounding the present 
campus and building another addition would cost nearly one million dollars more 
than constructing a new school on the West Lake Forest property the school al- 
ready owned. 

In 1967, another referendum was held, this time issuing $4,350,000 for the 
building of a new high school. However, all construction bids were more than 
$300,000 above this figure, "Which leaves no money for pencil sharpeners," said 
one Forest Scout article in February, 1970. 

Construction began in 1970, in what had been a corn field near Waukegan and 
Westleigh roads. The geometrical superstructure, designed by Metz, Train, Olson 
and Youngren and built by Jenkins and Boiler Co. was ready for students, but by 
no means completed, in the fall of 1971. 874 freshman and sophomores entered the 
muddy, board and nail-ridden construction confusion that was taking the shape of 
a modern high school. Designed "from the inside out," West Campus is a cluster 
of classrooms — each a different shape connected by maze-type corridors. Special 
features are lecture rooms seating several classes at a time, and a conversation 
lounge, referred to as the Commons. All but finished, the brown brick building with 
the bright orange and yellow interior was dedicated in May, 1972. 


Alone at the old school, newly dubbed East Campus, juniors and seniors 
found classes and corridors less crowded, less noisy than in previous years. 

Because many courses are offered at one campus only, the split brought about 
the Shuttle Bus era. Hundreds of students ,laden with books, coats, sports equip- 
ment and musical instruments take the 10 minute ride between schools for classes 
during the day and activities after school. 

For the first few years at least, LFHS West Campus is to be for freshman and 
sophomores only. Built with "a capacity to expand" the new school has 13 acres 
in which to add an auditorium, specialized gyms, more classrooms and a football 
field. Perhaps then, if population growth rates follow predictions, West and East 
campuses may both become four-year high schools. 

Less apparent, but perhaps more important are the changes in attitude at 
LFHS. Gone are the hall-monitors who used to stop students for a blue or pink 
pass, the assigned no-talking study halls, and the half-hour homeroom periods of 
earlier days. 

Due largely to the efforts of Student Council and Forum, a group of students 
and teachers formed in 1968 to discuss current problems, a series of resolutions 
eased regulations at LFHS. In the spring of 1969, seniors were granted a long- 
requested Senior Lounge in a converted basement storage room. (However, the 
privilege was later revoked because of the actions of an inconsiderate minority.) 
Later, in 1970-71, a section of the parking lot was designated a "smoking area" for 
students with parental permission to smoke. 

After an extensive campaign, including petitions and "peaceful disobedience," 
the pants-prohibiting dress code was abolished in January of 1970. Thenceforth, 
anything that "covered the body" was acceptable for both sexes, any hair length, 
any style — provided that the soles of the feet were covered. 

Soon after, in "the spring of 1970, study hall regulations were relaxed. No 
longer were students required to report for attendance in assigned classrooms, and 
request passes to the library, the corridors, the washrooms. Cafeterias were con- 
verted into mass talk-halls, with sections for "quiet study," as well. 

Homeroom periods, which had once served as small counseling groups, had 
no real purpose in later years, except to provide time for occasional Student Council 
reports. The student body had long been criticizing the use of this time, and in 
January of 1971, these too were abolished, giving students the extra half -hour for 
lunch or study. 

Student Council also campaigned for an "open campus" policy: the freedom 
to leave school during all free periods. Many school officials, Board members and 
community residents were opposed to this because of the confusion and the respon- 
sibility it would place on the students. However, during 1971, a compromise was 
approved by the Board of Education, allowing students without first or last period 
classes to come late or leave school early. 

The latest accomplishment in the evolution of LFHS was approved in May 
of 1972. Responding to criticism of the age-old "final evaluation bit," Student 
Council, with Administrative Council approval, recommended that projects, papers 
and various other assignments be substituted for final exams. Although the decision 
was left up to each individual teacher, most agreed with the recommendation. 

Another Forum topic and cause for many debates was scheduling changes at 
LFHS. Beginning in the fall of 1971, the traditional school day of eight periods, 
50 minutes long, was abandoned in favor of a semi-flexible system. Most classes 
now run 41 minutes, with gym periods of 1 hour, and science labs 75 minutes long 


twice a week. The system was designed to give more time to the classes that needed 
it, and more study hall time to students all around. 

All of these changes, all of these easing of tensions and rules puts more re- 
sponsibility onto LFHS students. They also imply that the administration is con- 
fident in students' capability to handle more freedom. The direction now is toward 
even less constricting regulations and more student self-control. 

Evidence of changing attitudes is also apparent in the course offerings at LFHS 
now. Trends in American education have become increasingly small-group oriented, 
more interpretive in approach. Lake Forest High School has remained progressive, 
becoming aware that education is more than regurgitating facts, that there are sev- 
eral sides to any issue, that perhaps no one is really RIGHT. 

Additional courses have been added recently in the Social Studies department, 
in the areas of humanities, sociology, Asian studies and Russian history. In co- 
operation with Northwestern University and a grant from the Ford Foundation, a 
Music Theory course was offered for the first time in 1969. A connection with the 
Illinois Institute of Technology make a computer science course available. 

Other advancements in equipment brought a new dimension to learning at 
LFHS. Thru the "Telecom," formerly referred to as A-20 and the Tape Center, 
teachers may retrieve television shows, videotaped for use in classes, and students 
may watch individual film "loops" and listen to language and music tapes. 

There have always been students interested in areas outside course ranges or 
working beyond organized class levels. In 1971 for the first time, students were 
allowed to take courses on an "independent study" basis, working individually on 
projects, readings, and papers rather than comins to class. Students taking IS can, 
in a sense, make up their own course, provided it is approved and supervised to 
some extent by a teacher. 

Although 90% of LFHS students continue their education in college after 
graduation, the school does not neglect job training areas. Another advancement in 
1971 was the beginning of the C.O.E. program. Thru "Co-operative Occupational 
Education" students may take a minimum of two regular classes, and work the rest 
of the day for school credit. In this wav. C.O.E. students can receive on-the-job 
training, pay and a high school diploma all at the same time. 

Even extra-curricular activities reflect the changing attitudes at LFHS. Stu- 
dents' interests are turning outward, into the communitv. into the world. Since 1966, 
Future Teachers of America (FT A) has heloed build schools in Iran and Peru, 
launching profitable "Buy a Brick" campaigns. Human Relations Club was founded 
in 1968 to "further interest and understanding in human relations — to promote 
good will." In the first few years of its existence, the club has sent volunteers to 
Downy Veterans' Hospital, sent "mice to college" for cancer research (at 270 a 
piece), and sent paperback books to prisoners in jail. 

When concern for the environment spread over America in 1969, Project Sur- 
vival was formed at LFHS. Later to be called C.L.A.W. — for its goal of Clean 
Land, Air and Water, the organization was tremendously popular during its first 
year. Recycling newspaper and glass bottles in Lake Forest and Lake Bluff, the 
group was able to earn several thousand dollars during two consecutive years and 
spend it on huge spring "Teach-Outs" bringing speakers, movies and displays to 
community and school audiences. 

In the past few years, LFHS students have watched much of the "social life" 
that used to revolve around the school dwindle. Occasional sock hops during 1969 
and 1970 drew meager crowds, and were all but discontinued during the next two 
years. Prom, the formal spring dance sponsored by the Junior class has recently 


been on the up-swing however. Beginning in 1970 when a "quirk of fate" engaged a 
popular rock group SHA-NA-NA for a class concert and drew in $4,000 profit, 
Prom began to take on extravagant dimensions. The class of '72 rented a huge 
party tent, held the dance on the school's front lawn and later transported students 
to the Ivanhoe in Chicago for a late dinner. Not to be outdone, the class of '73 had 
to campaign all year for sufficent funds to match the festivities the next year. A 
precedent had been set, and Proms from then on would be spectacular. 

In the 37 years of its existence, Lake Forest High School has developed from 
basic courses in English and math to pre-flight to computer science; from mohair 
sweaters to black leather jackets to blue denim jeans. The pass-checking, sock- 
hopping, bell-regulated days have given way to a new building, a new system, a 
new kind of student. 

Researching and reflecting on the history of Lake Forest High School, students 
were surprised at many things ("You mean they actually scrubbed the Senior Star?") 
But Student Council still strives for more independence, editorials still appear in the 
Forest Scout about lack of school spirit and students still run down the halls. 

Once students' lives, academic and social, revolved around the high school 
and depended on it for classes during the week and entertainment after school. Now 
LFHS students are turned outward, looking beyond the school to what's going on all 

The family school of the earlier days has grown up and grown apart some- 
what, as families do. The younger students have moved to a different campus, and 
yet are still tied to the old one. And in their junior year they enter from the west 
through the once forbidden front door. Already they are more skeptical, more ma- 
ture and more perceptive of what education should do for them. The role of the 
teacher has been redefined; coercion, censorship, and intimidation have been largely 
discarded. The students, faculty and administration see a more beneficial ideal for 
the pedagogical institution — that the high school should serve as a catalyst, exciting 
inherent curiosities and introducing a panorama of ideas and the frontiers of 
knowledge. The high school is the first line of defense in the fight to preserve the 
precious individual. It must encourage creative independence and the development 
of a viable identity for every adolescent on the threshold of adulthood. In the future, 
the efficacy of the high school in fulfilling these responsibilities may determine the 
psychological survival of those it serves. 


Varsity Football and Basketball 




Place in 

Place in 
























poor record 




















































































■ — 














































*Because of the gasoline rationing due to the War. 













-Lake Forest High School Student Population 


Evolution of Curriculum, 



English I-IV 


English I-IV 
Remedial English I, II 
English IV H 
English IV Speech 


Remedial Reading I-IV 
Linguistic Skills I-IV 
Developmental Reading, I-IV 
Literature Composition, reg. and 

Remedial English I, II 
Literary Seminar III 
Logical Thinking III 
Advanced Writing III 
Practical Thinking, III, IV 
Rhetoric-Literature, III, IV 
American Studies, Non-fiction 
American Studies, Prose-fiction 

Discussion and Debate 
Public Speaking 


Latin I-III 
French I, II 


World History 
U. S. History 
Community Life 

Latin I-IV 
French I-III 
Spanish I, II 

Latin I-IV, reg./H 
French I-IV, reg./H 
Spanish I-IV, reg./H 
Portuguese III, IV 
German, I-IV 

World History 
U. S. History 
English History 
Ancient History 
Latin American History 
Far East History 
Modern European 
Community Life 

World History I, II 

Ancient History 


Latin American 


Modern European 

Problems of Democracy 


English History 

Practical U. S. History 

U. S. History, reg./H 







Math I-IV 
Commercial Math 

General Math 


Plane Geometry 

Advanced Algebra 

Solid Geometry 






General Science 


Typewriting I, II 



Typing I, II 
Business Arithmetic 


Industries, I, II 
General Mechanical 


I. A. Shop I-IV 
T. A. Drawing I-IV 

Pre-Algebra I 

General Math I 

Industrial Math I 

Algebra I, reg./H 

Intermediate Algebra I 

Practical Geometry II 

Geometry II 

Plane and Solid Geometry, H II 

Advanced Algebra III 

Advanced Algebra and 

Trigonometry, H III 
College Algebra and 

Trigonometry III 
Consumer Math IV 
Trigonometry and Solid 

Geometry IV 
College Algebra IV 
Math Analysis IV 

Practical Science 
General Science 
Biology, reg./H 
Practical Biology 
Chemistry, reg./H 
Physics, reg./H 
Biological Research 

Personal Typewriting 
College Typewriting 
Advanced Typewriting 

Advanced Stenography 
Consumer Economics 
Office Practice 
Materials of Industry 

General Shop 
Mechanical Drawing I-IV 
Machine Shop II, III 
Welding II, III 
Auto Shop III, IV 







Art I-IV 

Art I-IV 
Crafts I-IV 



Home Ec I-III 


Meal and Home Management 
Style and Fashion 

Advanced Foods and Home 









A Cappella Choir 



Driver Education 

Driver Education 


List of Teachers and 
When They Taught 

Dates such as 1953 stand for the 1953-54 school year. 

Enid Alleiiian, English, Drama 1962- 

Elizabeth Read Allen, English 1935 

Olive Allen, History 1959 

Sara Allison, English 1958 

Margaret Anderson (Swanson), Home Economics 1941-44 

Raymond Anderson, Math, Science 1935-39 

Virginia Anderson, Girls' Physical Education 1962-64 

Charlene Ash, Business 1965-66 

Barbara Atkinson, English 1959-61 

Jo Anne Ator, English 1948 

J. Bailey, Girls' Physical Education 1952-53 

Ralph Bailey, Science 1935 

Leonard Baird, Math 1962 

Karen Balestrery, English 1964-66 

George Barry, Science 1960- 

Marian Bartholomew, Girls' Physical Education 1939-41 

Sandra Barfells (Ullmann), French 1963-65&68 

Norma Barts, English 1941 

Virginia Beamer, History, Math 1961-62 

Beth Bell, Music 1963 

James Benton, Biology 1957- 

Letty Bergstrom, English 1946-49 

Joel Berlatsky, History 1964-65 

Lewis Bertsos, Boys' Physical Education 1962- 

Shirley Biel, Math 1953-54 

Ann Blackwell, Business 1963-64 

Harold Blount, Commerce 1939-40 

Daniel Bogart, Music 1958-62 

David Boger, English 1963 

George Borich, Music 1963- 

Ruth Boston, Typing 1942 

D. Boylan, Math 1 956 

William Braman, History 1958- 

Herbert Brigham, Science 1962-63 

Velma Bro, Girls' Physical Education 1954 

J. K. Brock, Industrial Arts 1940 

Albert Buckowich, Math 1958- 

Carol-Iou Burnham, Art 1963-64 

Cheryl Byers, English, Speech 1960-61 

R. D. Byrne, History, Band 1953-54 

M. Callan, Math 1951-52 

Carolyn Caulk, Girls' Physical Education 1954-55 

Nina Cavins, Social Studies 1956 


Theodore Cavins, English 1937-44 

Gilberta Ceisar, Girls' Physical Education 1963- 

Dorothea Chandler, Business 1943-44 

Carol Clark, Girls' Physical Education 1948 

Maureen Clark, French 1965 

Gayla Clemons, Girls' Physical Education 1961- 

C. A. Coady, Girls' Physical Education 1952 

Norma Coe, Girls' Physical Education 1936-38 

Dorothea Cole, Home Economics, Drama 1938-40 

N. Conant, English 1954-55 

Labelva Connelly, English . 1935-36 

Virginia Conrad, Art, English . 1947-54, 56 

William Conway, Physics 1960- 

La Verne Cooke, English 1935-36 

Helen Cory, Latin, Guidance 1944- 

Norman Crampton, English 1963-65 

Jay Criche, English, Drama 1965- 

Shauneen Cruise, English 1965-66 

Janet Dancey, German, Librarian 1935-39 

Deborah Day, English 1959-62 

Thomas Day, English 1957-58 

Madeleine Doerfler, History, French 1944- 

Wallace Dohman, English 1953 

Mary Donahue, Home Economics 1958-60 

V. Dubois, Spanish 1949 

Gail Earles, Math 1963-64 

G. Edmondson, Science 1 959 

L. Edwards, Girls' Physical Education 1955-56 

Curtis Eiker, Social Studies 1935-65 

La Verne Erikson, Home Economics 1953 

Roy E. Etnyre, Math 1946-55 

Nancy Evans, English 1 965-66 

Victoria Evans, English 1 940 

Adrienne Fasberg (Woods), French 1961-64 

Elbert Field, Industrial Arts 1935-40 

C. Donnan Fiester, Industrial Arts 1942-70 

Fredric Fortney, Latin 1964-68 

Roland Fossell, Math 1962- 

Dorothy Franks, English 1 945-47 

Ardith Frost, Girls' Physical Education 1942-44 

Jean Gallery, English 1963-64 

N. Germaine, English, Art 1945-46 

Leonard Gilchrist, Math, Science 1947-56 

Herbert Gladding, English, Public Speaking 1946-62 

Nancy Godwin, Latin 1961-64 

Martha Goette, Art, English 1943 

James Gram, History 1957- 

L. Gray, Home Economics 1955 

Gertrude Greely, English, Art 1936-42 

Sonja Greenberg, History 1 964 

Karen Grimsley, English 1963 


Beau Grubb, Math, Business, Administration 1956- 

R. Haebich, Math 1949-50 

Stanley Harrington, Art 1961-62 

Wilhehnine Heard, Spanish 1962 

Lois Hellmund, English 1965 

Dennis Herrmann, Industrial Arts 1962- 

Helen Hewett, Biology 1942-44 

Pam Hiiler, Girls' Physical Education 1965-66 

Russell Hogan, English 1959-68 

S. Holcombe, Girls' Physical Education 1947 

Dorothy Holland, Home Economics 1945-46 

Lorene HoIIister, English 1943-45 

E. Hoopes, English 1956 

William Ingersoll, History, French 1959-60 

Lola Jacobsen, English 1951-52 

Norman James, Boys' Physical Education 1958-60 

H. Jensen, Science 1940-41 

Virginia Jensen, History 1963 

William Jensen, Boys' Physical Education 1960 

Fern C. Johnson, Girls' Physical Education 1945 

Richard Johnson, Boys' Physical Education, History 1961-63 

Alvin Kaltofen, Boys' Physical Education 1963-67 

Kevin M. Keenan, Math 1938-63 

Donn Kerschbaumer, Art 1963- 

Kathryn King, Business, Social Studies 1943-44 

Arthur Kleck, German, Science, Administration 1961- 

Helen Knierim, Girls' Physical Education 1953-57 

Joan Kohaut, Girls' Physical Education 1959-61 

Amy Kolflat (Peterson), French 1960-61 

Raymond Kracik, Drivers' Education, Boy's Physical Education . . 1964- 

Edward Krueger, German 1963- 

Lester D. Lange, Business 1941 

Howard Lare, Science 1944 

J. La Rocque, English 1950 

Joseph Lawlor, Spanish, Portuguese 1952- 

D. Lawrence, English 1952 

M. Lawson, Spanish, English 1950 

Roy A. Latimer, Typing . 1945 

Edgar Lindenmeyer, Boys' Physical Education 1935-64 

Myra Long, Girls' Physical Education 1947-49 

Robert Lovell, Math 1965-68 

L. R. Lundeen, Industrial Arts 1941 

Edward Lundin, English 1965-67 

L. H. MacConkey, Math 1945 

E. Majosit, Girls' Physical Education 1946-46 

John C. Maloney, Music, Administration 1936- 

Gayla Manuel, Girls' Physical Education 1959-60 

Elizabeth Marcotte, Home Economics 1961-63 

Charles McDermand, Math 1957- 

Hazel McFarland, Math 1943 

Eleanor McMurrin (Bennett), French 1961- 


Lenard Meyer, Science 1963-64 

M. Miles, English 1953 

Deborah Miller, English 1958 

Margaret Moberly, Business, Social Studies 1942 

Kay Monier, English, Drama 1961 

Ray Moore, English, Administration 1935-61 

Enrico Mordini, Spanish 1963-65 

Ronald Moreland, Drivers Ed., Boys' Physical Education 1961- 

James Morgan, Latin 1961 

M. Moses, Home Economics 1954 

Francis Mullin, Social Studies, English 1950- 

Elmer Mumm, Industrial Arts Assistant 1938 

J. W. Munro, Art 1962 

Glen Naselius, Math 1946 

S. Neal, Math 1955 

R. Nelson, History 1953 

Lillian Nelson, English 1959-60 

Stanley Nelson, Math 1935-42 

Richard O'Dair, Math, Administration 1956- 

Eva Ohlmeyer, Girls' Physical Education 1953 

Richard Olufs, Math 1962- 

Bernice Palmquist, Spanish, English 1942-48 

M. Palmquist, English 1 959 

Gertrude Parcells, Art 1 944 

J. Parliament, Girls' Physical Education 1949-51 

Thomas Parenteau, Math 1 956 

Lee Pavla, English 1 964-66 

Karen Pender, English 1961-63 

D. Jackie Persinger, Spanish . 1961-67 

F. J. Peterson, Social Studies . . 1 946 

J. Phypiak, History 1952 

L. E. Radke, Spanish, English 1951 

M. F. Ragsdale, Girls' Physical Education 1957-58 

Helen Rahe, Art 1962 

David Ransom, Math 1957-66 

Gale Rattner (Golovan), English 1962-65 

Willetta Reber, French 1941 

J. Riewer, Music 1 946 

Gerhard Robien, Science, Math 1956- 

W. A. Rupp, Home Economics 1956-57 

J. Rust, English 1954-56 

Russell Ruswick, Science 1964- 

Joseph Salisbury, Science 1961-66 

M. Samelson, Home Economics 1950-52 

B. L. Sandberg, History 1955 

J. Sayro, Girls' Physical Education 1950-51 

Herman Schillereff, Industrial Arts 1956-65 

Robert Schmalfuss, English, Guidance 1961-70 

A. C. Serfling, Business 1 945-54 

Charlene Sexton, History 1963 

R. Shaller, English, History 1951 


Robert Shamo, Music 1962-65 

David Shaub, Science 1965- 

Clara Sharer, French 1935-40,42-43 

Thomas Short, Biology, Commerce, Boys' Physical Education . . . 1936-41,46-72 

Bruce Siewerth, English 1964 

Barbara Silber, English . 1964- 

Ruth Slayton, Home Economics 1947-49 

Catherine Smith, Art 1965 

Gary Smith, History 1965-68 

Joan Smith, English, Speech 1941-42 

Donald Spooner, History 1963- 

Clement Steele, Math 1963-66 

John Stella, Art 1960 

D. P. Sregall, Business 1955 

Lester St. John, Science 1942-72 

Helen Sutherin, Latin 1958-59 

Conrad Swan, Business 1935- 

Margaret Swanson, Home Economics 1945 

Cora L. Tebbetts, Social Studies 1935-41 

J. Thompson, Art 1955 

Mary Thome-Thomsen, English 1957-64,66-67 

L. Vern Tinkham, Commerce 1935-37 

Frank Townsend, English 1951- 

Virginia Travis, Business 1961 

Virginia Truslow, Art 1957-60 

Sandra Ullmann, French 1964, 68 

Elsa Utsch, English 1960-63 

C. K. Vickers, Science 1957-59 

Ethelyn Voigt, English 1957 

Alfred Voss, Math 1960-61 

Isabel Voss, English 1960-61 

M. Wagner, Music 1949-52 

W. Walton, Science 1952 

N. Ward, English 1957 

June Waser, Social Studies, English 1937-39 

Kathreen Weisel, English 1964-65, 67 

Elizabeth Wentworth, Latin 1935-43 

Harriet West, Home Economics, Biology 1935-38 

Paul Whiting, French 1965- 

J. Wilner, Music 1955-57 

M. L. Zearing, English 1949 


Faculty Salaries 

Armbruster $ 750 

Bailey 2,500 

Ballard 3,000 

Connelly 2,870 

Eiker 2,600 

Kerfoot 2,445 

Lindenmeyer 2,750 

Moore 4,000 

Nelson 2,750 

Phipps 2,500 


Read 1,900 

Richardson & asst. 1 2,200 

Rodenbeck 3,028 

Shaver 3,210 

Short 2 1,200 

Swan 500 

Tebbetts 1,500 

Tinkham ........ 1,350 

Wentworth 2,000 

Approx. avrg. sal. . 2,270 

Richardson was the psychologist for both the Lake Forest and Highland Park 
high schools. 
2 Short was paid for 6 months work at $200/month. 


Alleman $ 8,750 

Anderson 6,200 

Atwell 7,100 

Balestrery 6,000 

Barry 7,696 

Beihold 10,100 

Benton 7,996 

Berlatsky 5,800 

Bertsos 6,200 

Bills 6,000 

Blackwell 7,000 

Borich 8,200 

Braman 7,400 

Buckowich 8,900 

Burnham 2,500 (1/3 time) 

Ciesar 6,100 

Clemons 7,696 

Conway 8,152 

Cory 10,400 

Crampton 6,350 

Doerfler 10,640 

Earles 6,400 

Eiker 10,200 

Fiester 8,750 

Fortney 6,700 

Fosberg 6,300 

Fossell 6,500 

Gallery 6,000 

Golovan 6,000 

Gram 7,650 

Greenberg 1,000(2 hr./day) 

Grubb 8,000 

Hermann 6,400 

Hogan 7,488 

Huebner 5,500 

Jensen 6,980 

Kaltofen 6,500 

Kerschbaumer .... 7,800 

Kleck 7,400 

Knox 8,300 

Kracik 5,800 

Krueger 6,283 

Lawlor 8,936 

Maloney 12,400 

McDermand 8,000 

McMurrin 6,800 

Metcalf . 18,500 

Meyer 5,800 

Mordini . 5,800 

Moreland 6,968 

Moore 3,000 (2/5 time) 

Morgan 9,840 

Mullin 9,640 

O'Dair 10,800 

Olufs 9,070 

Paulak 5,500 

Perrizo 5,800 

Persinger 6,700 

Ransom 7,600 

Robien 9,000 

Ruswick 5,500 

St. John 10,540 


Salisbury 8,350 

Schillereff 9,740 

Schmalfuss 7,400 

Shamo 6,400 

Short 11,500 

Siewertn 6,100 

Silber 6,100 

Simon 14,700 

Spooner 8,500 

Steele 6,500 

Steinke 9,200 

Swan 10,455 

Thorne-Thomsen . . 8.300 

Tobasco 11,500 

Townsend 10,400 

Uliman 5,900 

White 10,100 

Wiesel 3,000 (1/2 time) 

Apprx. avrg. sal. . 7,950 

Approximate Average Faculty Salary, 1935-65 

1935-36 $ 2,270 

1936-37 2,320 

1937-38 2,410 

1938-39 2,310 

1939-40 2,340 

1940-41 2,470 

1941-42 2,470 

1942-43 2,540 

1943-44 2,550 

1944-45 2,920 

1945-46 2,900 

1946-47 3,240 

1947-48 3,760 

1948-49 4,100 

1949-50 4,140 

1950-51 4,320 

1951-52 4,630 

1952-53 4,960 

1953-54 5,240 

1954-55 5,450 

1955-56 5,560 

1956-57 5,760 

1957-58 5,660 

1958-59 6,460 

1959-60 6,770 

1960-61 6,760 

1961-62 7,040 

1962-63 7,370 

1963-64 7,510 

1964-65 7,950 

(see graph) 






1935- 36- 
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List of Sources Consulted 

The Forest Scout: Written and printed by the students of Lake Forest High School. 
The following issues were used: 

1937_October 13 

November 10 

1938— January 19 
February 16 
March 16 
April 6 
May 11 
June 8 

1939— January 18 
March 1 
April 5 
June 7 

1940— October 2 
October 30 
November 20 

1941— October 8 
October 30 
November 19 
December 17 

1942— April 1 
May 6 
June 3 

September 10 
October 28 
December 16 

1943— February 10 
March 10 
April 7 
May 5 
May 10 
June 2 
October 13 
November 3 
December 15 

1944 — January 12 
April 5 
May 10 
May 31 
October 4 
October 25 
December 20 

1945— May 23 

1946— January 30 
April 3 

1947— October 22 
November 19 
December 17 

1948— April 28 
May 19 
September 29 

1949— January 26 
February 23 
March 30 
May 18 
September 28 
October 26 
November 23 
December 14 

1950— January 31 
February 28 
May 24 
September 27 
October 25 
November 22 
December 19 

1951— January 31 
February 28 
March 28 
April 25 
September 26 
October 31 

1952— January 30 
February 27 
April 30 
May 27 

1953— September 24 
September 30 
November 25 

1954— February 24 
April 28 
May 28 

October, 1954 - June, 
issues were used. 

1955— October 6 

November 9 
December 14 

1956— January 18 
February 15 
March 21 
April 25 
May 16 
June 6 

1957__October 2 
October 16 

1955 _ All 


December 18 

1964— May 15 


—January 29 

1968— March 15 

February 26 

November 1 

September 24 

1969— September 24 

November 26 

1970— February 20 

December 17 

April 21 


-April 29 

December 6 

October 14 

1972— May 19 

November 25 

Forest Trails, Lake Forest High School's 

December 16 

yearbook, was used for every year from 


—January 27 

1935-1965 with the exception of those 

February 24 

from the following years — 

March 30 


May 4 


June 1 


October 27 


November 17 


December 15 



—January 24 


February 16 

Freshman Test — put out by the student 

March 16 


April 21 


May 25 


September 14 

Lake Forest Student Council Constitution 

December 14 

1935, 1942 


-May 17 

Lake Forest High School Scrapbooks ■ — 

September 7 

October 29, 1952 

September 27 

February 14, 19, 1953 

October 12 

November 11, 1957 

November 9 

Minutes of the Board of Educattion Meet- 

November 30 

ings during the years: 

December 21 



—September 6 


October 24 



-the following issues were used: 


September 19 

1940: August 29 

October 22 

September 5 


January 28 

October 3 

February 18, 25 

November 7, 28 

March 11 

1941: January 3 

May 6 

February 13, 27 

September 23 

August 28 

October 7 

September 25 

November 4, 11, 18 

December 4, 11, 28 


February 17, 24 

1942: All issues February - April 

March 17 

June 4 

September 1 

September 10, 7 

November 17 

All issues December 

All issues September, 

1938 - 1943: September 3 

June, 1939 

All issues October and 


October 20 



1944: January 2 

June 5 

May 30 


September 3, 17 

October 27 

October 15 

December 1 

November 19 

1945: February 2, 23 


January 28 

May 4 

April 28 

July 27 

May 28 

All issues November 


December 8 

1946: May 7 


March 15 

August 2 

July 26 

September 20, 27 

October 4 

1947: January 3, 10, 27 

November 15 

February 7 

December 6 

April 4 


March 7, 26 

September 12, 19, 26 

August 19 

October 10 

October 31 

November 21 

December 19 

December 12 


January 23 

1948: January 9 

September 11, 18 

February 13, 20 

October 2 

March 19 

November 13 

April 2 

December 11 

May 3, 21 


January 1, 8 

August 20 

February 5, 12 

September 10, 17, 24 

March 19 

October 8, 22, 29 

May 28 

November 12, 19, 26 

September 10, 28 

December 10, 17 

October 22 

1949: January 7, 14, 21, 28 

November 5, 12 

February 4, 11, 18, 25 

December 9, 17 

March 4, 18, 25 


January 21, 28 

April 1, 8, 15 

March 3, 17, 31 

May 6, 20 

April 14, 22 

June 3, 10, 29 

May 5 

July 1, 15, 29 

1960-1961: Centennial issues 

August 3, 12, 19, 26 


January 11, 18 

September 9 

March 1, 22 

October 14 

September 27 

December 2, 9 

October 11, 25 

1950: January 5, 12, 26, 28 

November 22 

April 21 


: January 17 

October 12, 19 

February 14 

November 23 

March 21 

December 28 

April 18 

1951: March 22 

May 23 

April 5 

October 10 

May 10, 31 


: January 7, 14, 21 

June 21 

February 18 

September 13, 27 

April 22 

October 4, 18 

May 27 

1952: January 24 

June 10, 17 

February 9, 17, 28 


: June 8 

April 24 


May 22, 29 


: June 4 


1913: June 7 1956-57 

1914: June 18 1957-58 

August 20 1960-61 

December 24 1961-62 

Teacher's Class Reports were used for The Student Handbook, or The Freshman 

the school years of: Guide, compiled by the Student Council, 

1935-36 was used for the following years: 

1936-37 1936-37 

1938-39 1937-38 

1941-42 1940-41 

1942-43 1942-43 

1945-46 1943-44 

1946-47 1945-46 

1948-49 1948-49 

1949-50 1949-50 

1953-54 1959-60 

1954-55 1961-62 

1955-56 1963-64 

Minutes of the Lake Forest Student Council meetings during the years: 

1935-40, 1960-61. 
Lake Forest High School News Report. December, 1970, May, 1972. 
By-Laws of "The Cellar," 1965. 
Cellar Constitution and Cellar Guidelines. 
Literature put out by the Lake Bluff Committee on Annexation in 1930, 

1. Why Lake Bluff Should Have Its Own High School. 

2. Why Lake Forest Should Annex Lake Bluff. 
Highlights of the Class of '48. 

This Fabulous Century, New York: Time-Life Books, 1969. 

The Shoreline, (survey ed.) XVI (June, 1936), pg. 1-4. 

Waukegan News Sun (January 22, February 22, April 4, 1957). 

"Lake Forest High School: Selective, Small." The Chicago Sun Times (January 

14, 1960), 36-37. 
Arpee, Edward. Lake Forest: History and Reminisences. Lake Forest: Rotary Club 

of Lake Forest, 1963. 
Hibbard, Sally. Wagon Wheels: The Story of the Forty-niners. 1949. 
Lake County Superintendent's Salary Records, 1935-1966. 
Lake Forest High School Superintendent's Records on Enrollment, 1949-1968. 
Norman, Harold (ed.), Detachment of Lake Forest. 
Petty, W. C. Order Creating Community High School District Number 115, Lake 

County, 111. June 29, 1949. 
Wolters and Pertz. History of District Number 113. June 28, 1965. 
"Changes in Name of School District Number 113, Lake County, 111." School 

District Number 113, April, 1967. 
"Detachment of Lake Forest," School District Number 113, April, 1967. 


Muccitelli, Albert March 18, 1972 

Thorup, Kai March 18, 1972 


Maloney, John March 14, 1972 

Swan, Conrad February 21, 1972 

Townsend, Frank March 24, 1972 


Vliet, Elmer April 27, 1972 

(All interviews took place in 1972) 

Anaclerio, Janice March 15, April 13 

Andersen, John March 14 

Benton, James March 29 

Buckowich, Albert March 20 

Cadarian, Paul April 3 

Cankar, Mrs. Elizabeth Thorup March 14, 16 

Cappozi, Mike March 16 

Gavins, Theodore . . .March 15, 25, 26 

Christensen, Mrs. Susan Kuhlmann March 15 

demons, Mrs. Robert March 2, 27, May 17 

Cory, Miss Helen March 16, 29, May 12, 17 

Cushman, Mrs. Betty Schroeder March 13, 14 

Davidson, Mrs. Joy Gross March 16 

Doerfler, Mme. Madeleine February 24, March 2, 15, 16, 

20, 23, 30 

Dunn, Sargent "Spot" March 27 

Grant, Thomas March 12 

Eiker, Mrs. Curtis March 29 

Emma, Joseph Jr March 16, 26 

Evers, John W March 12 

Faulks, Peggy 

Fiester, Charles March 27, 28 

Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold March 15, May 14, 18 

Hintz, Mrs. Donald S March 14 

Jackson, Mrs. Alberta March 14 

Jenkins, Mrs. Ethyl May 10 

Jenkins, Charles April 5 

Johnson, Mrs. L. (Pat Olson) March 14, 15 

Just, Mrs. William (Bernice Palmquist) March 27 

Knox, Ellen March 2, 3 

Kuhlmann, Allen April 10 

Labellart, Anthony March 26 

Lackie, Gordon March 15, 16 

Lawler, Joseph February 25, March 21 

Levinson, Richard March 16 

Lofgrem, William . March 26 

McCaffrey, Mrs. Donald March 15, April 26 

Mahler, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry April 15, 16 

Maloney, John March 28, May 8, June 12 

Matton, Henry March 1 6 

Merry, Mrs. Judy Klisch April 3 

Miller, David March 23, 29 

Myers, Mrs. Mary Jane March 3, 8, 13, 16 

Nelson, Richard April 10 

Nielson, Charles March 15 

O'Dair, Richard March 17, 27, April 13, 

May 10 
Peters, Mrs. Judy Glader April 5 


Peterson, Hester March 6 

Petty, W. C May 9 

Revenaugh, Robert .March 13 

Revenaugh, William February 2, 21 

Robein, Gerhard March 29, May 19 

Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph February 23, March 10 

Short, Thomas May 18, June 12 

Simmens, Mr. and Mrs. James April 30 

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Brook March 15, 16, May 16, 17 

Sorensen, Mrs. John (Marjorie Purcell) March 8, 13, 14, 15, 27 

Spiedel, Phillip March 28 

Spooner, Donald March 28, April 14, May 17 

Stiles, Lynn March 6, 25 

Swan, Conrad February 2, 7, 9, 18, 21, 22, 

29, March 16, April 14, 

May 8 
St. John, Lester March 17, 27, 29, February 

28,29, May 12, 16, June 12 

Tabern, Mrs. Kay Kuhlmann March 13, 16, April 25 

Toomey, Peter March 10 

Turpel, Dennis May 12 

Van Eeckhuot, Marcel April 5 

Van Vlissingen, Mrs. Doris Smithson March 27 

Vliet, Elmer May 1 1 

Volpe, Mrs. Elise Vienna March 16, 28 

Volpe, Richard March 28 

Volpe, Samuel March 26 

Ward, Mrs. John April 7