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Full text of "Laughing Torso"

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refused to introduce him to her as she had been very
kind to me and I knew how fond Growley was of
pulling the legs of people whom he suspected of
being rich and influential  It was a curious kink that
he had which had lost him many opportunities and
people that would have been useful and friendly
to him.   It was a kind of schoolboy perversity.   A
friend of mine introduced him to her and she asked
him to her house to lunch to meet some distin-
guished and rich women who were longing to have
their horoscopes read.   I was not at the luncheon
party, but Crowley, I heard, had a great success and
told them all kinds of things about themselves that
they were dying to hear.  He looked at the Countess
and said, " I have met you in another life,"   She
was naturally very intrigued and asked him when
and where, and he said that, in fact, he had written a
story about her that hacWaeen published and that he
would send her a copy.  This he eventually did and
to her horror when she read it, it was a perfectly
monstrous story, about a perfectly monstrous and
disreputable old woman bearing, of course, no re-
semblance to her.   She was naturally furious and
refused to see him again.   One evening, before the
unfortunate incident took place, a man whom we all
knew, asked us to come to his flat and try a little
hashish.  I had never tried any, but only a few days
before, the Irish journalist whom I knew, had told
me about his experiences when he had tried some.
It is not a habit-forming drug and does not do any-
one much harm.   The Irishman went to see some
friends one day and they gave him some.   I believe
' '               '