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Full text of "Laughing Torso"

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most deadly cocktails.   The French still think that
it is very " chic " to spend the whole night drinking
cocktails.   I knew only too well what that might
lead to and stuck to wine.   I wore my workman's
blue trousers that Basil and I had bought for six
francs in the Avenue du Maine in 1914, a sailor's
jersey, and espadrilles.   We danced and danced,
every kind of dance, jigs, polkas,  old-fashioned
waltzes and jazz.   I met a most charming woman
whom I had met once before.   She was Polish and
a very talented sculptress.   She was very ugly, but
with that kind of ugliness which is attractive.   I sat
on her lap and told her how much I liked her works.
She was delighted, and we became great friends
afterwards.   She had, a few years later, a success in
the Salon d'Automne.    Naudin did some stunts
with one of the Fratellinis, whom he had brought
with him.    We  successfully chased  any boring
English or Americans away,   I was permitted to
join in the fun, as I was of the pre-War brand, and
my Montparnasse and Apache French amused them.
As the night wore on, I remembered more and more
French and finally went home about five-thirty a.m.
feeling very tired.
One day Rupert Doone, the ballet dancer, came
to Paris, He was then just beginning to dance. He
was very poor and had posed for Gedric Morris and
Dobson. He had a very fine head. He sat for the
Academies to make a little money. I wanted to
paint him. I did some drawings of him in my
studio for which I paid him a little, but I could not
:to give him longer sittings. I introduced him
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