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Full text of "Laughing Torso"

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but unfortunately lost our nerve when we arrived.
The Boeuf was very lively indeed and I danced and
Tommy talked for some hours. We then went to
Les Halles and had supper or breakfast or both,
and some white wine, and returned to Mont-
parnasse about eight a.m. At the Dome, having
breakfast, was Sisley Huddleston, who Tommy in-
troduced me to. He was perfectly charming, I
think I fell asleep shortly after, but no one seemed
to mind. I eventually woke up feeling rather ill and
went home to bed.
I had done a good many water-colours and
thought that it was time that I had an exhibition
in London. I wrote to Mr. Turner of the Independ-
ent Galleries, and he said that I might have one
in the autumn. As it was the middle of summer I
decided to go to London almost at once. Tommy
had already gone back and was living in his flat in
Regent Square. My friend, who wanted to get into
the Diplomatic Service and who sat for me, was
going back to England and said that if I cared to go
back the same day on which he did, he would pay
the extra fare for me to go first-class Calais-Dover,
rather than third-class Dieppe-Newhaven, the way
that I always went. I was delighted. The train
was packed. On the boat was a French Diplomatic
Mission, I think, with Monsieur Briand; any way,
there were glorious creatures in uniforms and
covered in medals. The boat was packed and we
had to sit on the deck on some life-buoy boxes and
dangle our legs. Suddenly the most handsome and
officer came up and shook my friend