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Full text of "Laughing Torso"

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me ten one-pound notes and we just got back in

Gwen Farrar was acting on the same bill as
Yvonne. I went round to the theatre one day and
arrived during the first house. Yvonne had dressed
herself up as Gwen and was engaged upon imitating
her in her dressing-room. She was a marvellous
mimic. I left the Hotel Metropole, sold some
drawings, and returned to Paris, leaving Yvonne
and the Countess in London.

One evening I was sitting in the Dome with some
Americans, Harold E. Stearns was there, and they
were speaking of Hendrik van Loon, the writer. I
had not read any of his works, but as it had been
suggested to me on one occasion to do a book of
drawings of famous people, I listened for all the
information that I could get. I gathered that he
was expected to come that evening to the Dome and
asked them if I might sit with them and meet him.
It was rather like waiting for the arrival of the
Almighty. About eight-thirty he arrived with his
wife. I was introduced to them. I said, " Mr. Van
Loon, may I do a drawing of you? " and he said,
.:" Yes, certainly, will you have lunch with me at
Foyot's to-morrow? " I was delighted. He was a
very tall man and most awfully nice and amusing.
Foyot's had probably the best food in Paris and is
a nice, warm and comfortable restaurant near the
Luxembourg Gardens. It is much patronized by
the French Senators as it is directly opposite the