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go to bed ourselves without a drink of any kind.
The next day we had lunch at the hotel as both
my friend and F. and R. knew the proprietor. He
gave us a magnificent lunch and insisted upon us
tasting all kinds of wine from his cellar. After
lunch F. wanted to show me the Roman pond and
fountain in the public gardens. Afterwards F. and
R. had to go and we continued our pilgrimage.
We stopped at Tarascon where the Countess sent
a postcard to Leon Daudet and went and looked
at the fortress. We arrived at Avignon and took
two rooms at a hotel where we found Tommy Earp
and his wife. The next day we all motored to
Villneuf and saw the frescoes in the monastery. We
also went to see the Palais des Papes in Avignon itself.
I have a horror of looking down from high places.
F. has it too, and it makes him really ill if he is
any higher up in a hotel than the first floor. The
tower of the Palace is very high and has more than
four hundred steps. I, feeling brave, walked up it
alone as no one else had the energy. When I got
out on to the roof I could see the country for miles
around. There is a very fine early Gorot of this
tower in the National Gallery. There is no railing
round the edge and I thought that I would like to
see if I could really look down. I did for a second
but ran very rapidly away from the edge and down
the four hundred steps. The frescoes in the palace
are most beautiful and perfectly preserved, having
only been discovered tinder some whitewash, fairly
recently. We went on to St. Remy-en-Provence.
The Countess and I photographed each other