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Full text of "Laughing Torso"

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Saint Lubin, who deals with every kind of affliction;
Saint Mamert, who takes upon himself all troubles
of the stomach, and is seen holding his entrails in
both hands; Saint Meen, who looks a little " gaga/'
and represents La Folie; Saint Hubert, who gives
his protection to those who are bitten by dogs;
Saint Livertin, for the maladies of the head, is re-
presented holding his head with a pained expression
on his face; lastly. Saint Houarniaule, who pro-
tects people suffering from fright. We visited
Douarnenez and I took Tuohy and Kinko to see the
old ladies in the cafe on the Quays. (I wished that
Frank had been with us.) They remembered us
both and were most pleased to see us. We went
to Pont Croix, where all the houses are white with
grey stones down each side. There is a marvellous
church porch here. We got to the Point de Raz,
which is the most western point of France. In
the distance is the island of Ouessant, in English,
Ushant. This gave me an unpleasant feeling as I
remembered the name in connection with history at
school. This island has two or three hundred in-
habitants, who are very poor indeed, and, until two
hundred years ago, were pagans. The sea is so
rough between the island and the Point du Raz that,
sometimes, it is impossible for them to come ashore
for months. Even the men in the lighthouse quite
close to the Point are cut off for weeks at a time.
We had some wine at the hotel near by and then
became very courageous and said that we would
like to walk round the Point. One has to take a
guide. I was extremely surprised on returning to