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I 1 Chronicles 

from the American Standard Version 

The Books of Chronicles (Hebrew Divrei Hayyamim, Greek 
*|j Paralipomenon) are part of the Hebrew Bible (Jewish Tanakh and Christian 
^ Old Testament). In the Masoretic Text, it appears as the first or last book of 
§ the Ketuvim (the latter arrangement also making it the final book of the 
Jewish bible). Chronicles largely parallels the Davidic narratives in the 
| Books of Samuel and the Books of Kings. It appears in two parts (I & II 
Chronicles), immediately following 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings as a 
summary of them with minor details sometimes added. The division of 
Chronicles and its place in the Christian canon of the Old Testament are 
based upon the Septuagint. The author of Chronicles, termed "the 
Chronicler," may also have written Ezra and Nehemiah. His work is an 
important source of information about Israel after the Babylonian exile. 
(Summary by Wikipedia) 

Read by Sam Stinson. Total Running Time: 02:13:57. Dedicated Proof- § 
Listener: Mark Penfold. Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: TriciaG. & 


This recording is in the public domain and may be reproduced, distributed, or modified without permission. For 

5 more information or to volunteer, visit ^ 

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Cover image by Master Jean de Mauleon (c. 1524). Copyright expired in US, Canada, EU, and all countries with ^ 
author's life +70 yrs laws. Cover design by Janette Brown. This design is in the public domain.