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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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[No. 6,]                                                                                                       59

INDO-ARYAN FAMILY.                       (EASTERN


[ In this pnonetio transcription pronounce « as the a in hat ,• f as the e iu me£ •
o in Xo* ,- and oi as in oil . The letter o (without diacritical mark) represents tie shorf'sT d ** t *** •l>Wncl' **'* • °" * the
o in promote, and is o in the French word vatre as compared with vStn. It should be t • * *n *"""'• I4 '• *to firet
4<*                                                                                                                        wwfofly distingnished from Ut« o of

Other consonants and vowels are pronu weed as in the authorized Government svsta

Ak joner duii ehhele chhelo.   Tader modde chhoto-ti tar ban ke h 11
bhage bishSeer ja pare ta ama-ke dao.   Tate she tar bishdg tadik  bl '   t         §' a
kfltok p&re chhoto chhele ja pele sb6b akottore jarokore ne <T   ^
shekhane  b6d-kheali  kore shdbbosbsho   urye die.                **

phurye galo takhon she deshe b6ddo akal hob.   Tate tar pet
Takbon she shei desher ak jou noker kache giye jutlo    She ta t  -               ?°rlo<

ohCrate patale.   Takhon she shorer khabar khosha diye-6 pgt n- ^ !    .pn5r "*** shor
kinta ta-6 ta-ke keu dile nei.   P6re jakhon tar hgsh holo tikhonh-6            ^^ J'eto>

'Imar baper kdto maine-k6ra cbakor phala-ohh6ra kore khachch • — 6 m0ne b°II0»
peter, jalae1 mochehi ! Imi uti, babar kache jai, 5 take boli « Bab' " ^ ^ D§ eth§ne
Bhftgomainer kache 6dh6mmo korichi; amiar tomar ehhele bfilbtr^H^- 8h.Umuke
tornar ak jon maine-kfira chakorer moto kore rako." ' Tar p6r h" f °- n<"' ^ni^"^e
chole elo. Dur theke tar bap ta-ke dekte pele, deke tar dSea hoi *- T, b*Per k5ohe

1        ****

ohheler g61a jorye dhore chutn khele.   Takhon ehhele bap-ke boll' RM **
dmner koh 66                                                   frm-    ami

Ua'd IV

shtmndce Bhdgomaner kaohe 6dh6mmo koricbi; ami ar tomar chhel         -    ami toiuir

Kintu tar bap ehakor-dike bolle, ' Sh6b cheye bhalo kapop-chopor
hate ek'ti anti ar paejuto porye de, ar a6 amra khawa-dawi

amar e cbhele more geohhlo, akhon abar bicheche; e-ke harv    Titi'i     OM} ^ao-na
phire peyiohi.'   Tar p6r tara amod-allad kotte naglo.'                    chuilum, akhon e-ke

Takhon tar b6ro chhele mate chhelo.   Mat theke jakho     h" ^~
barite naeb o gan-bajna hoehche shunte pele.   Takhon sfie ak ion oh* vl t^ ^^ el°

kolle,«B shdb hoehhe kana ?' Ohakor bolle, «Tomar bbai phire e ech •
bhaloS phire peyeehen bole tomar bap khawan-dawan kochchen.» TaTn- '-
galo, arbarirbbetordhuktechaile nei.  Tate tar bap berye elo  ar f-V*
kolle.   Takbon she ottor koUe, «Dako baba, ami Sto bfichohor dhnm T  -
kochcbi,ar kftkhono-i tomar kfitarfibsiddi hoi nei; tobu tumi k6kh      *.**.]
chhagol-chhana-d d&o nei, je amar bhabidike ne amodkori- f t°^ ^°^-^ ws-p
rlrbaji kore tomar bishfig urye deche, ste phire ashte motto^^r ^! ^^ ?hhele
kochoho.   Takhon tar bap bolle,' Bacha, tumi bfirabor amar ka
ache ta dh6b-i tomar; kintu tomar ei bhai more geohhlo

i_ *•____      _i_v«v            ui^n               *        i •             «•••       __                 .*

It is usually stated that Standard Bengali is not spoken
po^This, ho^er, is not tie fact.  It is true that <£