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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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KHAJBLIA-THAR DIALECT OP MANBHUM.                                          93
(d)  Corresponding to Biharl forms in W,—gena, h    ent; nfyana, they
carried off.
(e)  Corresponding to Biharl forms in l,—bach*an> he survived (-Bihari
baohdel, for bachal).
(f)  dm, hegave;M<wa, he ate.  Possibly, there are Historical Presents,
of. parum% they can, above.
(g)  dit-na, he did not give; n&gat, he began; ndgay, they began.
Possibly, these also are Historical Presents,
(6)  Perfect and Pluperfect,—&w hem (3rd person for first), I have done;
mdoi Unak (3rd person for first), I asked; dekhi hena (3rd person for
first), I saw ; kuri hind, he has done; bach bum hen*akt he spoke; m&ri
ginu hena, he had died; bach hend, he has survived.
(7)  Present Participle,—«#, coming; Afotf,selling; dekhit> seeing; surtt,
(8)  Infinitive}—(0) ehahardte, to feed; pindh'atet to put on; man dite, to
kill; anhdte, to stop.
(J) nibr&t, to finish; sudhdt, to ask; ;<&£, to go; dekhtt, to see;
chaldt, to ply; chihirit, to make a noise*
(9)  Verbal Noun,—p«r^> fleeing; handy (loc.)» on their being; gendt (loa),
on going; bimiydt (loc.), on saying.
(10) Conditional Partitiple,~#^H going.
(11)  Conjunctive Participle,~The Bihari form in £, is the most usual,  Thus,—
bati, having divided; kuri> having done; and many others. So rahi Icuri,
having remained; thdki Jwri, living; uthi kuri, having arisen; dni kuri,
having brought, which are also Bihari.
Other forms are—
(&) d$&, coming; hend9 being; nfynd, taking; and, taking.
(c) khaye kwri, having eaten; khayam, having eaten; chihirik, calling.
An instance of the Passive is pdnu gend, he was found.
An instance of an Inceptive Compound is kuri ndgnek, they began to make.
An instance of an Acquisitive Compound is dekhit pai ndi> I could not see.
Of the following specimens one is a translation of the Parable of the Prodigal Son,
and the other is a statement of an accused person.